Can I Survive a DEATH WORLD in Factorio?

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this is a normal factorial world this is a death world factorio is a terror amazing game is what i meant to say prepare yourself for a social experience with none of your friends none of your friends there's nothing like feeling your days are numbered and i crave a gaming experience that's difficult i think that the most engaging and worthwhile things in life after all are difficult activities so i'm trying out a death world comfort isn't worthwhile but there's joy in overcoming difficult situations and single player games are fun too gaming is about anti-social guys sitting in front of her computer in a room being alone so for a difficult single player experience the wave survival will be difficult and the days will be numbered will we survive world setting i raised the world resource count so that would be possible to play and there's the seed if you want to follow along i figure that might be something i would want to try okay so day one i'm gonna be keeping the day count on the side whatever you think of that i'm actually a big fan of all of these wave survival types of challenges although most of them are done with minecraft i really think that factorio deserve was one unto itself the first couple days are mostly about economy of movement and actions i don't want to give you the the wrong impression i did play this scenario several times and i failed many when i was trying to get this to work uh like i said economy of movement and selectiveness about actions you really need to be careful about what you do and don't do with your time in the first couple of days that's all to say that certain tasks you complete are essential absolutely essential to complete and if you don't do some of these basic actions in the first day it's all over there's not really any catching up so i set out one of each of the basic resource collectors smelters really not a good way to start a factory you know i i want to add on um by the honor system in this challenge if my character dies it's all over that's why i filmed several takes of this failing the first few times i was tired of playing games that felt like they lacked a sense of tension because i knew them too well and i really wanted a change of pace for this challenge i know only the very basic systems and ideas of factorio so you're bound to spot a lot of flaws in my setup here on the first couple of days i guarantee if you're good at the game you won't learn much from this play through but i'm not really designing this factory for efficiency but with urgency of defense in mind it's subtle and it can definitely creep up on you but i have to say that the alien evolution the enemies you're fighting scales very slowly and gradually in factorio and it speaks to what a well-balanced game it is that it doesn't really feel static at any time the enemy presence feels dynamic and changing it adapts to you and feels you out despite the fact that you sometimes feel like you've perfected your defenses and you're ready for a life of comfort you haven't really ever fully automated all of your defenses they always keep creeping back up as i mentioned the goal of factorio at times appears to be living a life of comfort one of total automation like i said before but anybody who's seen the aliens evolve in this difficulty knows that you need to keep adapting and evolving your own defense to match theirs right when you think you've figured it all out yet another attack larger and more fearsome than the first one unexpected comes out and is unleashed upon your walls [Music] thus i spent the first four or so days in the death world frantically preparing my defenses and some basic production it was all winding but i was near the end there the goal was to create a small defensive grid around me and power everything by hand with the use of belts but it would be a while until i got up to that i tried not to watch too many other youtubers complete this challenge as i find that the most enjoyment lay in discovery the original idea came from something i'd seen in an old markiplier video on a death world a sensible structure would be to fortify the outer perimeter not by building a complete wall at first that would be too time and resource consuming and it wouldn't scale well no eventually we'd work our way up to that but i had to start with a robust four cornered defense one turret at the center and four walled groups of three or four turrets along the outside cliffs would substitute in well too symmetry and balance this structure would provide all the support needed to construct all the basics of my factory's production once i had those resources in hand then we could start to build outward and expand thus i survived my first week of attacks yes it was repetitive at first but the attacks themselves were relentless eventually my turrets triumphed over the first ones some of the most enjoyable games are the most difficult and intractable and it led to a whole different set of satisfactions than most new factorio players experience like rediscovering the entire game all over again having completed all of these actions freed me up for my larger plan for the base i could create a more conservative structure but ultimately i decided to complete research on logistics and belts these freed me up from many of my menial tasks at the beginning you play as the soul builder then suddenly you're a warrior you go back to being a builder and then you're a repair and maintenance man usually carrying and crafting resources by hand is just a chore and there's not such a massive threat present but this time it was more of a balancing act if you let one ball fall then the entire act was over automating was no longer a matter of convenience but one of life or death and i needed to figure out not only the most efficient way to complete my tasks but perhaps more urgently and importantly the fastest way to accomplish them as the days went by the hordes were growing larger and larger and more and more frequent and i needed to find more ways of leveraging my powers to fight more and more biters as they rushed upon the wall and seemingly unfathomable numbers ultimately my eyes were set on creating a completely automated defensive structure after all factorio is about automation automate everything although the beginning of this challenge forsakes that notion even automate the automation itself if you can so my defenses would have to be foolproof even if i weren't around to refuel the turrets thus i started constructing an outer perimeter wall i couldn't be present for all of the attacks certainly so i'd need to put a turret on the wall anywhere there might be an attack and line up several of them side by side to support one another in addition i'd need a set of conveyor belts circling the perimeter to deliver the bullets and ammo to my turrets [Music] but this was all still a ways away at the moment i had enough defense to think about and more and more i realized i was wrapped up in my own head and thoughts when i play video games with clearly defined goals like factorio here it was wave survival it feels to me like a microcosm of real life planning i definitely have a tendency i realized throughout this to get lost in goal setting and thinking about the top of the mountain before the actual obstacles that lay in my path so too when you play a death world in factorio you too will encounter the merits and flaws of your own planning and your hunter gatherer brain but i tried to make everything as well planned as possible and space everything out accordingly although it is an opportunity for every new place tile it's also sealing your coffin if it doesn't go well and it takes twice as long to set it back up i completed a smelting setup which gave me great pride at one point but i couldn't afford to not be busy in factorio especially idleness is the devil's workshop and there's nothing more ominous than the silence of a death world almost like staring at a chessboard thinking only one turn ahead knowing that your opponent is many many steps ahead of you ultimately my aim was to keep moving in a westerly direction with ovens and so on as you can see there's something marvelous about the moment when your resources finally start to accomplish your goals of automation when you stop having to complete so many tasks by hand and i was finally ready to automate all of the ammo production and sooner than i thought i would for me this was a moment of great pride in my creation to have fashioned my own mechanical hive in response to the organic alien one i was up against for the mind when paired with metal tools in the fire of industry is a hive unto itself with only one limitation although i could set many pieces into motion i could do only one thing at a time you can think about only one thing at a time just try it again this shares its parallels with the limits of real life thinking and planning how to best spend the unforgiving minute with productive activity if you plan your time wisely when you're young you can set into motion an array of passive tools at your disposal when you're old but if you don't you can't in this case it was turrets if i made enough of them i wouldn't have to worry about defenses later on this wasn't a complete factory by any means but i had at long last upgraded my present station and lodging in life such that i needed now function only as a repair and maintenance man like i said before my main objective was somewhat accomplished and i took pride in the fact that it finally gotten past the stage of the death world where my life lay in peril and it was uncertain if the biters would rip away everything from my cold dead hands that's all to say i could finally play factorio the way you're supposed to play it or at least as i had envisioned after all my three main objectives in starting the challenge were one survive to the point where i could establish electric power two automated turret ammo delivery and 3 which i was beginning now beginning on the construction of a main bus on which to spearhead my push into the biter base and begin my expansion eastward i had accomplished goals 1 and two and now only that third one lay ahead and it was time to expand eastward despite the fact that the west was really where more of the threats were coming from but i still found myself laden with copious amounts of resources i just didn't need like walls and more turrets and ammo were highly in demand like i said laying down new factory presents both an opportunity and a risk and the biggest risk to take is wasting your own time and having to backtrack and babysit all of your old constructions you had originally hoped to automate from the beginning in this way assets can very quickly turn into liabilities because of small mistakes and it becomes more and more costly if you fail to correct those minor mistakes later on think of it like mistakes you might worry about when raising your child for example or choosing the right career or where to live or who to marry make small mistakes early on and later on they'll add up and minutes of failed forward planning can lead to hours upon hours or in-game days of corrective action when you're caught up in the thick of it you don't even know what's right around the corner waiting for you to make one mistake the enemy is an entropic force that envelops your defenses and washes upon them like the tide of time itself but all that's to say i was in a fairly comfortable position to make these observations i had automated practically everything established my main bus and i was finally automating research in bulk this wasn't a major accomplishment by any stretch of the normal player's imagination but a massive one for a death world and in particular for me i had made it almost an entire in-game month and of all the branching windows of opportunity that had led me to this this one was a full-blown military state i was in a bubble and i felt safe finally everything seemed eerily persistent and i even began automating the creation of the belts themselves soon i would be on to automation of the assemblers too a massive opportunity to exponentially increase my factory's output yes industry was on the rise my position would change from that of a builder to that of an architect and now i was preparing to lay out a sprawling infrastructure and new designs rather than simple buildings the attacks seemed predictable but then they began to evolve the threat of which i had availed myself with this five-layer thick wall was finally knocking on the weakest points in my defenses but in some ways 30 days of constant short-term survival availed me of my longer-term judgment i had developed nearsightedness and i couldn't see the ever-looming ever-evolving threat so i had to act fast and become a warrior again while we pushed eastward unfortunately the geometries of how i had established ammo delivery weren't scalable and anytime i wanted to build a broad new wall against the hives it necessitated a complete rebuilding and a new branching of the ammunition built making supplies grow ever more sparse as i went i was finally researching more efficient assemblers and even landfills to get away from the land bridge that had limited me from the start but i had my hands tied and i was playing the waiting game now it came down to a matchup of attrition could the eastern defenses i had established early on last long enough for me to expand the main bust directly into the western hive this would mean a major confrontation occasionally raids might make it through but i thought that was the exception rather than the rule in the back of my mind ultimately i think it came down to the spitters your enemy evolves invisibly and quietly and it's one of the most special things about factorio that makes it one of my favorite games and one of the most well balanced exciting and challenging in the automation genre factorio is hard and it's a lot of fun losing is even more fun when your enemy makes you think and change something about yourself to improve for the next time i spent the last day in my sad life on earth dumbfounded at what i had done wrong but feeling simply outmatched not cheated not a victim of some spammy game mechanic but clearly outnumbered outdone and thoroughly defeated still as my base was being destroyed and everything i had worked for taken from me i was having fun i found myself having even more fun imagining all the things i could do differently next time and genuinely excited to start laying down belts and new plans it made me think more about life and planning it gave me a break from real life and this is why we have games in the first place will i try it again yep will i do it differently next time find out and see you
Channel: ambiguousamphibian
Views: 850,606
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: factorio, factorio deathworld, death world, factorio death world, factorio gameplay, factorio death world tips, factorio world, factorio game, factorio 2021, factorio story, ambiguousamphibian, ambiguous amphibian, ambiguous amphibian factorio, ambiguousamphibian factorio, factorio challenge, factorio challenge map, factorio challenge run, factorio death world run, factorio deathworld extreme, factorio tutorial, factorio review
Id: uRVIU2w5pAQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 2sec (962 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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