Kenshi - The TORSO SOLO Experience #1

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for a new challenge I'm playing can she has a torso alone stranded in the middle of the desert I tried this challenge previously but I had a hive henchman to carry me along this time I'm going at it on my own I can imagine that many nameless perils lie in wait of a defenseless torso crossing the desert for himself and the road won't be easy but rome wasn't built in a day and I won't get my limbs back for a while either if you want to follow along with this challenge you can use the torso start mod but just make the hayver servant run away at the beginning of the playthrough that's how I'm doing it strategically I'm stumped on a good method of survival as I've never tried it before and I'm writing the script before I've started the challenge but I think will be very interesting and involve a lot of stealing as for growth I'll never be recruiting any other characters this is a true solo mission now can we survive let's go on to the playthrough okay so we've spawned here in the middle of the desert and the first thing we need to do is to become a truly solo tour so goodbye Logan and I decided to name him tour solo a portmanteau of torso and solo get it and so we're stuck here between show bataille in haft since show Bataille is vaguely closer i'm going to head in that direction really for one of two things either to be enslaved by someone along the way or just well steal things I'm probably going to be needing to spend a lot of time stealing currently our characters level one at everything and we'll send him to sneak so that he does start to gain sneaking experience as other characters come along because right now he's just slowly gaining athletic skill as he shambled it and not really even shambles just squirms through the desert now the main thing to look out for during this desert crossing is ah there we go it's the the dreaded skimmers ok the skimmers could be the death of us avoiding them at all costs as slow as we are would be very good we will try to avoid them and pick up other people along the way there go a few right now Logan appears to be getting killed by something okay Logan is dead forever okay we are going to leave him behind because this playthrough isn't fair with him in there this is his solo playthrough here we're halfway there almost and it looks like there's a few more skimmers out there and sometimes they fly up in the air or get trapped in wacky interpretive dance positions like this one this one looks like it's doing some sort of Sun Salutation but it's not dead it's only unconscious right here so this is a threat to us we are over we are over here but it looks like that those outlaws just did a sort of a favor here all right well thank you gentlemen that'll be all okay it says that this one is going to become unconscious or conscious again in five seconds so let's just wait and find out yes that's weenus okay that oh that is interesting keep your eyes peeled and keep your wits about you okay here comes up what appears to be a bone dog so we'll just want to stop for a moment and allow the bone dog to pass there it goes and it's at a breakneck speed now I'll add this to if it does not appear as if we're moving we're actually going at a 1 mile an hour but our hunger is at 160 and dropping so that's definitely something that we want to take care of here what is that on the ground it doesn't appear as if it can be picked up it's just a piece of green okay carry on man carry on now to put this into perspective we aren't passing by any other nearby NPCs so we don't have any stealth we're just gaining athletic skill it's not really making us faster though I think he might max out at 2 miles an hour ok and here we go with some sand ninja they look friendly though we'll just leave them to carry on but we do gain some stealth skill from being near them we'll have more people when we get to town and night approaches now and we're actually training more stealth as we go we're halfway there and you can do it you can do it alone alone alone alone alone dawn approaches today we will become the city gates and with a loss of only 20 hunger I know Logan has actually been enslaved well let him continue his life and just not look at him he's lost a lot but the story is about torso low and the city appears in the distance show bowtie not exactly a good city but a city nonetheless hey don't let that attack you and only about 500 more yards excellent work torso low let's just have a little POV moment this is what it's like to be the man ok and there it comes in the distance any minute now I can't wait to get in there hopefully they'll let me in I'll probably have the looks like a slave attribute and I have one pair of sandals to buy a meal with that might keep me going for a few days though well it looks like some slave hunters have been ambushed outside of here by a skeleton army so maybe there'll be another opportunity to be enslaved not sure why I'm so happy about I mean it might be good if they feed me it would be preferable to stealing everything for now they would at least heal me to Ken she's an odd world there we go to squirm your way up I kind of like it in fast motion he looks like a caterpillar and now we're training stealth again okay let me and hopefully they won't find this suspicious anyone going to ask me nope I wouldn't ask anything either okay now I'm a man about the town first priority is going to be from if I turn n eat any I'll die I've got 124 remaining so I have time to train my stealth and get better at stealing might even be able to steal a meal here and there or if I get myself arrested I could train la picking I think I'll go to the general Goods Emporium right this way my good man right inside and here we go welcome thank you we got to take off sneak mode and I'll just talk to him get good at haggling okay show me your goods now a ration pack is 1152 cats my sandals are worth fifty I'm selling sandals but it's gonna be a while before I can eat the good food now I'm going back to sneaking and I'm going to get better at stealing because I'm gonna need to steal some of this man's food if I want to eat he has everything out so I'll hang out by the main gate where there's a lot of NPCs to train my skill and we're already level six in stealth and rapidly rising we just need to wait till nightfall when we're less visible we've also got the bar on the police station bada-bing we're level seven bada bing and now it's rising it appears to be more rapidly in here and we have more stuff we could steal we just need to get somewhere we can't be seen now I'm gonna take this stuff I just committed a crime and no one cared another one and let's get a third crime I'm doing these crimes in the dark where the shopkeeper isn't watching me he's busy looking at the barrel meanwhile I'm over here taking all of the [ __ ] off the tables let's see if we could grab that meat wrap as well Steele and I ate it victory for torresola other expensive items we could take here a wooden that's not very expensive cactus rum he's still looking at the barrel let's get that armor plating and we'll just grab everything else I'm not even good at this yet but it's pretty Opie I've never actually tried the stealing in Kanchi but I love it already mmm what's a grind machine of food cube I'll take that to go in for the win and this stuff is fairly fairly pricey you know we'll put away a cup you can have your cup back I'll take that food cube all right goodbye goodbye barkeep you'll be seeing me again torso load strikes again oh really I mean if you saw this guy come into your bar you probably wouldn't stop him if he just started stealing a bunch of electronics you might even help him alright since the shop is closed we'll just spend the whole night crawling around over here and training our still when the guards pass and don't see me I'll gain more quickly and we'll do this till morning in this way I'm going to become a master thief I'm just trying to picture what the townspeople would think of a man such as this one just a torso who wandered in from the desert with no one starving it alone went to a shop then a shopkeeper wouldn't let him have anything unless he had money so he stole everything and then crawled around in circles at the city gate for a few hours and no one said anything now it's dawn it's time for the shop to open and to be honest I can steal all of the food hello my good man I will be back several times now we have a 59 percent chance of getting caught for selling a stolen item you might need to get better at this before we go either that or I'll have to go to jail many times what's in here hmm what's in here another bar what's in here lots more people we can train in here let's just go to a secluded corner oh and it looks like I'm stuck I'm actually stuck between the wall and the pole I think that the only option is to just get caught stealing okay I'm just gonna steal all of the good okay they're going to arrest me I'm just going to steal all the rest of the bread okay they're good they're just taking me away they weren't even beating me up oh I see you creep it around there what the [ __ ] well unfortunately he didn't harm me at all he's a benevolent are you one of the police so are you just okay good years Apgar you're just he's going to report me to the police well done well done good thank you Oh wonderful in private security can just put you in jail okay well here I am now I deserve this I shouldn't have done that now I can train Locke but my arms are missed you know I forgot about this that you can uh yeah I can't even pick locks not even with my stumps fortunately they did leave me my few my food cube so that was positive all right so I might be here a while thinking about what I've done the meantime I'm going to hatch a plan now it's going to involve a lot of stealing a lot of stealing and that eventually getting arrested now show but I was a bit of a bust I must say so let's go to heft there's a skeleton shop there and I should be able to buy some limbs once I've stolen enough things afterward I'll get arrested and then get the limbs put back on me and in this way I will achieve arm just a few more days in here only forty-one more hours to be exact and then they let me off well at least I'm safe inside my mind okay well I spent up 20 I spent 30 hours so far in jail did not know that your hunger just stops around 200 so you can't starve in jail I mean my life's not getting any better here but it's not getting any worse either you know while we're waiting out our jail sentence although I'm not playing as this character I'm just gonna try to get him killed because you know it's a it's a distraction okay let's just try to escape and great I'm out of here okay and they are going it dude let's get good oh man they really don't want me to lose my limbs that's why they use blunt objects what about this guy I'm sure he'll want to kill me here we go please kill me good good some stabbing weapons would be great great and good that's the end of that no please don't please don't help me damn it I really wanted to get out of here he really likes me oh yes he does he is touching my what is he doing to my wenis damn it damn it I yes I have paid for my crimes against the state reformed am i okay unfortunately there's nothing I can steal from the jail there's only one very powerful looking hive regard a new life a new life of Justice and uprightness but the hunger has begun again time to go get back into jail okay what should I steal today no wonder the recrimination rate is so high they don't feed you for doing nothing but they do give you attention and feed you if you do something bad especially something really bad I wasn't even anything good up here either all right I guess it's back to the other bar I'm just trying to imagine the anger and the injustice this man must feel on top of everything he had to be angry at about to begin with now he's been in prison for two days because he clipped through the floor okay time to steal a sandwich committed a crime but I am fed and I've eaten the evidence we can just grab some other parts this bartender is still staring at a barrel he's working we have enough food for the journey now it's time to say goodbye although I love show but I they didn't have any arms or legs for me and I know a place that does good bye town hello wilderness I'm back inside of you so good to be inside of you again and we're gonna avoid that that is powerful another Odyssey across the desert and I live for this here we go into the desert alone alone alone alone alone oh no okay yeah oh thank god they didn't do it I thought they were going to enslave me Manhunters thank you it was actually quite a good nature to them no I'm not hungry not hungry at all I couldn't eat another bite it's been one weekend game so I guess I should do a scale update athletics 37 still 31 and those are really the two things that matter the rest is sort of irrelevant we could pick up objects and run around with them and I would train our strengths but I guess I'll just be weak okay goodbye caravan at least it gave me an opportunity to train my stealth nobody knows about me and we're almost there almost where we want to go it's rendering in the distance good morning gentlemen I'll just be passing by good morning now have a swell day have a swell day we'll get in after nightfall now if we can't steal Goods here there's always a lot of raids on the outside and it would be possible to just take things off of bodies that come near and then sell them and earn enough to buy an arm and if I could get an arm I could go a long way with that arm beyond wherever torso has gone before Wow full desert crossing Wow we make it at dawn it'll be midday by the time we get to the gate but hey I'm not complaining I'm a happy man and they're gonna stop me what's my business I'm here to stock up on supplies okay they think I look clean I can't imagine why I just stole a bunch of goods I guess it's because it's not from this city that was one reason why I stole them from the other city all right I guess that doesn't bother them weird but okay yeah I'm an upstanding guy excuse me gentlemen I'll just be selling these Masaki and the skeleton muscle that's actually quite valuable and some steel bars and a hinge wish I had better stuff hello hello I'm finally here I've been waiting to meet you and they are accepting my stolen goods from the other city that is really nice of them okay I guess I'm saving up my money and I could just go to jail whenever I need food it's not that complicated now after only a few hours of crawling I've managed to gain athletics level fifty almost and stealth level 35 which is going up now that we're in town here we go my favorite skeleton repair shop in the game this man 11 arm in a lake for me okay don't cut me in line please I guess he wasn't satisfied now this gentleman sells the finest arms why hello my good man now we want to buy shoddy grade arms everything else is far too expensive and maybe some economy legs I'll at least buy the shoddy leg okay now we're just waiting for him to restock Wow turns out I was wrong I thought I needed somebody with arms to put these on so then I can just put that how did I put it on though right whatever um okay I have a leg now I'm gonna need one more leg I still don't have enough money for another leg uh there we go starving vagrant we can loot him go go go there we go the American Dream personified literally up by the bootstraps and two vagrants here with my name on them thank you very much I'll take those things hi roll door coming through now now I have a stealth garment no one can see me I've come back for your other leg my good man oh he sold it oh wait no he got another one in stock well praise Thor praise Thor to sell these old rag the weapons there we go buy myself a new wiener sale my armor and suddenly I have to late walking around like a new man hot woman coming through step aside boys there's a new guy in town hey gentlemen I can sneak around like never before and fortunately I can remove my legs to get more stealthy okay we're in a perfect position to steal I can get away with many crimes from under the table I wonder if I can go over here Oh maximum stealth mode I'll just take this cup and these chewed sticks and this hacksaw whoo I'm out of space put on one leg and just stack up the items I don't want any more on the floor and leave them in a suspiciously well-balanced pile really a hoe demian feet okay it's two leg time nobody expects me I'm like a spider hello again my good man I know I can't actually sell the goods because I have a 50 / 7 percent chance of getting you know what I mean so we're gonna need to drop these stolen goods again in a suspiciously well-balanced pile go back out to where skimmers are spawning we should be able to sell the meat from them and buy an arm here we go just a few tusks and some meat a few more and wowzers a full inventory of animal claws which are quite valuable considering that they're just you know beasts of the wild we'll sell them all to him apply an arm what a successful trip to the shop I finally have an arm you know let's get him a full set of limbs he's so close and he just looks so smashing right now I have another idea time for some strength training oh he cannot carry anybody with just one arm all right time to save up for another arm now that I can move about with decent proficiency I think it's time to sneak around the bar my plan for this character is that he become basically like a stealth ninja Stealth and just stealing things haven't played a character like that so it should be a new kind of run if possible he could also assassinate people for this man I don't know why no one suspects him no one will expect me from behind the bread oven okay what about over here perfect perfect to me that bread goodbye goodbye and I think we'll buy back our stealth robes I don't see why not they were making life better as well as a rag shirt Rob oh we know those aren't good everybody liked how he pads part of his claw with the robe like it's a mitten for his hand we have improved we have improved so much well I think it's safe to say that this man truly represents the American dream he's literally taking himself off of the ground stolen goods and fed himself been arrested for unjust reasons went to jail for two days and crossed a desert twice and now spider Lee though he is he's using his sky land stealth and his bootay to steal his vengeance it's like The Count of Monte Cristo oh we've got more training to do with him I think we really need to just take him to it a ninja town where he can steal Goods but then at that point we can actually grind him into a decent character I want to go solo with him since since the last time we did torso started to sort of turn into a whole team effort and I could see him growing as one but only one no more all right thanks for watching and join us next time for more torso man anyway as always my name is ambiguous m15 thanks very much for watching and I'll see you guys in the next video bye bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: ambiguousamphibian
Views: 587,965
Rating: 4.9550333 out of 5
Keywords: kenshi, kenshi gameplay, kenshi mods, kenshi torso, kenshi torso start, kenshi torso man, kenshi torso mod, kenshi solo, kenshi ep 1, kenshi solo ep 1, kenshi game, kenshi no limbs, kenshi torso experience, kenshi the torso experience, kenshi the torso experience 1, kenshi 1, kenshi gameplay ep 1, kenshi torso mod ep 1, kenshi modded, kenshi modded ep 1, kenshi game ep 1, kenshi lets play, kenshi letsplay, kenshi 2020, kenshi 2020 gameplay, kenshi pc
Id: -0QR0SvJ564
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 23sec (1163 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 08 2020
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