100 Hive Drones w/ 0 Stats | A Kenshi SimCity #1

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for a new challenge in kenchi I'm going to recreate Sim City with an army of 100 of the weakest hive worker drones all at zero stats not dissimilar to the notoriously weak hiver character beep found in mongrel the ultimate goal of this playthrough will be threefold 1 is it possible to manage a massive city of hive workers and automate their workflow in coding patterns 2 would it be possible to train them in combat to stand up against enemies in an actual fight and could they effectively specialize in areas of combat and labor and research and would swarm tactics work with any reliability whatsoever while playtesting this scenario the frequent run-in with beak things led to a humiliating standoff of a hundred hive worker drones all poised in fisticuffs preparing to have their heads bitten off by one of several threats including but not limited to cannibals wild garu beak things and my favorite leviathans who roam the coast oh [ __ ] here comes a Leviathan please don't hurt us like that oh yes how many people can it hit it Oh God that's gonna probably wipe us all out don't be long won't be long for us that's pretty sure that's the end of this colony the third reason is that I just enjoy watching swarms of programmed AI behavior to see what sorts of absurd unpredictable and spammy things happen so those are the three reasons I'm doing this I strongly suspect that I'm gonna need to open up a few new cans of spam for this playthrough many many thanks to Matt and crazy Kaiser for helping me get this scenario ready if it weren't for their kind volunteer ship I wouldn't be playing it right now and hopefully there will be more scenarios in the future based on this or several one of several other things anyway on to the playthrough okay this may seem like an unconventional building strategy but my plan is to deflect all of the nature that comes here because wild animals will pass by and they usually go in like weird vector sorts of routes but before we have any kind of wall technology we're gonna need some way of keeping the bad out and the good in so we're going to put up just a row of homes all facing each other and somehow I expect this to defend me for a few minutes Oh fully let's get red squadron on this there we're gonna need a lot of oh yeah you have building materials right back there buddy right back there good and everybody else can just do this okay oh no wild animal fights great we need this is what we need to avoid could we get some other people fighting them with nothing on us okay and so the beginning of the city is up fan great else do we need I don't want everyone to die immediately just bring back all of the remaining supplies and what if a wonderful okay let's go into the building and we will create a recent we're gonna make for research benches back benches for science three and four there we go okay confirm those I'll make it one of the edge houses just so I can identify which home it is and we may put beds here soon enough but we where is the where's the farm that I just built we get seventeen of the forty green ok we're building the farm we are midway through building the farm we should be able to get up at least a couple more farms underneath the tree which is just not a ideal spot for a farm I don't think it affects the game at all that so we're fine oh look at that satisfying supply chain Wow nicely done great now only a few more floating items since Gardner is the only easy one to identify I'm going to have him get the bring back the books will ya great great I know all of them all of them what is in your inves that's all buddy you can carry very well and put them in here alright we're just finishing off most of the main housing the farm should yes the farm is done okay let's get working on the farm and then in the wells as soon as possible and we'll put all of these books in here nice let's have the farm squad do some farming and we'll also have harp and stone work on the water situation they should start to get some good they're getting water of the ground we will get a second well out of there - can we have - no we can have only one gentleman working on the water so we'll have another one down right there great great okay so we have two water wells going here now we have two water boys and we should be able to get the farming up and running as soon as we have water don't no one fight ever no one ever fight anything that would not be a good idea all right let's get the science to work let's put the science in here go oh [ __ ] the garu are coming okay everyone out of here everyone run the hell away get the hell out let them fight the Raptors instead of just anyone other than us anyone other than that's no good good gig get out of the houses just evacuate for a moment oh no they were just merely passing by okay this is why I'm glad that I made my village semicircular shape okay everyone back inside we need to finish this faster oh no these guys got stuck in here okay Jafar fish Soto and dirt are gonna begin the research and we'll just research everything and no I'm actually gear Sarge we don't really need that uh you know what first off I want or storage good then we can do storage boxes for farming stowed mining we may do cooking there's a lot of [ __ ] we're gonna want to build makeshift walls I'm just gonna research everything there we go everything is what we need good good yes do that with your hands do that research sort of thing with your hands actually you know what I think we're gonna put Gardner on the research team since he has a major advantage in research from his race okay Gardner is officially our head researcher how fitting and Jafar has been demoted you can be part of bring now all right let's divide up our people into groups so we have the rock we have irony irony can begin ironing now I don't see why they weren't earlier okay they will begin picking at that let's also just rebuild some of these homes because we actually trapped people in them oh [ __ ] and more love to oh my god it's like a it's like a human centipede Leviathan that ain't good and we've saved everyone from a life of being trapped and said I don't know why these guys running around a tree that's there's some like weird like crowd behavior going on and you know it's like runescape sex or something okay yeah all right so assuming that no wildlife destroys us the next thing we're gonna need to do is just get storage ready so that we can start gathering resources to keep this organized I think I'm gonna put these things inside but one there it is more various or an iron plate storage and so on not really too much for I'm more reason to this yet also just get a couple stone mine's going preferably inside the base area and there we go three ought to do it alright so irony is hard at work we want to get more of irony at work over here but let's get the rock to work well we have these rocks now right so we have just about all of rock squadron working irony is they're working to except they just they got to an or fill up okay what about bring we can set them to Otto Hall everywhere so they're gonna Otto Hall all the ores and stone plates and everything that we find from everywhere over to the storage no [ __ ] no get away from that be king everyone get away just run away let your friend die it's okay we don't want it we don't want to [ __ ] with that just let him have a meal harp I'm so sorry that's that's it that's just it for you we'll pick him up later we'll pick him up later okay we are not ready to deal with one of those things yet I had to reload a save and all the trees are gone okay okay forget away from that thing no no no please don't kill us all please don't kill us okay we need to run around the compound under there it's so fast it's so fast no no run away scatter scatter run run run okay good it got hooked onto one of the buildings we're safe we're safe oh my god I hate that oh my god oh no a wild garlic now okay it's a bunch of them it's a bunch of them it's okay let's just go leave Leave leave now unfortunately the game D spawned all the trees that I had in here let's just close off all nature to us now it is not okay good there animal violence okay garu buddy will stand guard at the gate and we'll just put this weird Shack back right here okay the next things we'll need will be a series of stone processors so that we can actually make some building materials out of this we'll use those here and then after this we're gonna want to get started on a massive wall building construction project just to keep out any of the bad people now horse cots why the [ __ ] did you get stuck in there stop doing that you bad man bad man and I got to say that's really satisfying to watch that happen well just take some people out of red squadron and make them into stone processors all right now we have a venerable team of stone processors we'll just have them all well good we'll assign them all to use these things I don't really care who uses which one but just as long as it happens good so we now have six stone processing units they should haul stuff they're all hull all the tire bring to hall to the processors oh I totally forgot that they can have three people working on these things at once I mean eventually there's gonna be more efficient ways of doing this but it's a start right sorry we've now hired out the rest of our people to work on various [ __ ] tasks to keep them busy and yet we still have some people idle which bothers me and the Leviathans foot is in a house further complicating matters all right we're also gonna need a central food store or a set of them at the middle so I'm gonna have the builders do that okay builders have a little bit more work now and while we don't have a lot more green fruit I'm gonna set up a couple more farms I think we have enough for maybe one or two more alright and we're in business all right there we go two working farms and a lot just a lot of idle people and more resources getting ready to go this place doesn't quite feel homey yet and we're gonna need more light so let's put up a few torches to help them in their night work and that ought to do it it'll be a little bit homey or too good hopefully they will work faster now that everything is lit up we have our own little thriving civilization now alright we've unlocked enough [ __ ] for a small house so let's get a storm house whatever I will put that out here and we want to also just make sure that it faces away from nature because we want to let know nature in here ever as much as possible undertake you know a shape that will deflect wild animals okay we're undergoing some sort of bottle necking effect we have enough for a little bit of the house but we need to wait on more of that stone processing to happen before we can really start building stuff up because we've now exhausted the original materials that we went through so we need to avoid nature for a little while okay this is honestly quite fascinating because you're seeing a lot of like the job coating at work because you'll notice whenever they finish off at one my workers go back to the ones on this side first that's because I assigned everybody to go in this order so they check each machine to see if it's full and then they go back to their own machine so we're gonna have to be really careful as we set up some of these work priorities but it's it's really trained you've never played can't she quite like this before all right so I'm just gonna de prioritize cuz you gotta be really careful when you have this many of them and then we'll redo it so that they're each assigned to only one stone processor alright stone processing at pip sterling has been simplified but still some things look really strange whenever they do them I'd say now it's pretty much safe to start setting up beds so we want everybody to be in some really safe spot and this is ultimately gonna be the center of our village if they do get wounded so we'll just start setting up as many beds as possible in as few of these rooms because we want to make the best possible use of each of these room spaces you know cuz if we can fit 18 beds in each of these maybe more I've never seen quite how many you could let's see if we do it this way no I did manage to fit 20 beds into one spot that's uh I mean they're sardines in there but you know I bet we could fit a hundred guys into five houses and whatever space isn't really a major concern here I just want it to look funny there we go building for the masses alright that's probably enough I don't really want to take you much further than that well that's quite a lot of sleeping bags alright I just want to share this because it very satisfying to see it happen anything in mass is just so good to watch don't think I went in they have won more rooms worthless sleeping bags in here now maybe maybe that's it well that's fine all right we want somewhere to store the water so we may as well put a tank right there okay plenty of space for water now now eventually we'll be getting hungry so we'll need a stove as well I'm just gonna do one Shack for all the cooking do like three or four stoves I can't imagine we'll need too much more than that and we're in business now we're gonna want generators soon so we'll need to find copper somewhere and hopefully a safe route to getting it but we'll probably be running off of solar power for a little while sorry net solar wind power that seems logical and safe put this one down here as a placeholder let's just go send out a scout to find some copper for us there is no there's no copper anywhere near this maybe bad how about up here because we could have an expedition for copper copper or something okay and there is in fact a tiny bit of copper over here this is gonna be dangerous we have to figure out some way to set a part of our camp over there or just check out if it's on the other side but there is in fact copper here I don't see any more copper anywhere nearby crap I guess we have one small copper resource maybe not the best spot for copper but we have plenty of other resources we'll find some way of getting by let's get some green fruits storage going now let's also get an iron refinery I guess we'll just build this on this this is really starting to look more like an RTS now than Kanchi as I'm used to it it looks like we need to undo some of this if we want to get dough or iron refineries up and running and there we go better better better better good all right now we are manufacturing building materials and iron plates we can start to get more of that up and running as we go really I'm just concerned about getting materials out of the ground like copper what we might want to do is to just get farms and then slowly build our city over there in a way that we're safe and we can't be killed by wild animals since we have so many building materials and that's really our main strong suit we could probably build walls from the sea to our base and then wall ourselves in on this entire side of the territory and then build our way over to the copper over slowly keeping the Leviathans out as as we each way ever closer to the copper resource great I didn't know that you could build in the sea you can build in the sea I won't need to build in the sea but what I'm thinking is that we'll do something oh no I'm thinking we'll do something like this mmm you know what people will probably just come through the sea if they want to fight us it will just wall off this entire section of territory really all the way over to here get this is gonna be half that you have to be how it's done no one ever come near me ever you know yeah we'll start like this just wall in everything everyone no one is ever allowed to enter or leave there we go just like that good we're an isolationist village no one gets in and no one gets out somehow we're all happy with this arrangement and that wall makes sense yeah let's do that Oh actually that's better I'm much better okay great now no one is allowed almost almost there we go okay there we go good as new okay and suddenly it's looking like Warcraft okay the walls they're gonna face the wrong direction whatever it's fine there's gonna be a lot of walls so nothing will make sense anyway all right so let's just see on our checklist what do we need the basic needs for all living things are food water and shelter we have shelter now we have food and well that we don't need water in Kanchi it's part of the food so I guess we're done with our basic needs and now it's really just a matter of making our quality of life get better and preventing Lavie well leviathans really Raiders at this point from walking in I'm no longer afraid of the local wildlife which is kind of a big step forward obviously we need a lot more stupid shacks and ultimately the goal is gonna be to give a each of these hundred people his or her own home although I think that they're all he are they women I gotta be man I think women would women who wouldn't want to live like this men would some men would be okay with it for a while until they eventually tried to overpower each other in various ways okay great so our gate is done just yeah that gate is the facing the wrong direction whatever it's fine oh right our civilization has begun they finish off that wall far more quickly than I ever expected they would or I mean it's not finished but it's quite nearly there gotta look at them go this is so nice to watch we've officially made kenchi into an RTS that seems like a lot it seems like a lot for one day Christ let's just see them finish off this wall and then I want to see what other buildings we have access to because there is some stuff here I'm gonna get bottlenecked by it I'm gonna have to wait for most of that most of which I'll just skip through but damn it's nice to see that they got this much up already okay so I have an incredibly dumb idea it's gonna be effective but dumb it'll work though too now unless if I get blue wall here okay I might get blue wall maybe I'll get stuck by blue all but my plan is this to have a giant wall running across the world so if my copper miners can safely get to and from the copper and if not then we'll just end up setting up a new settlement somewhere I'm sure but this idea is just [ __ ] brained enough that it might work okay let's try that and yeah confirm all right and we finally have our first harvest of green fruits oh it is so good to have this are we Otto hauling let's set brink there's only one guy left in but you know we don't really need anybody else didn't bring any that's fine Bradley our farmers will be most of the bringing anyway too so let's see okay so we got the we got the or I feel like we're in business man this is great um for some reason you're working there alone everyone else is gonna go yeah they're all gonna go crazy when you finish that all right let's get more farms will get more farmers so that we can eat more food and I don't know the other dumb stuff I mean it's fantastic that we have such a massive harvest to begin with and they use the exact same animation for harvesting as they do no don't fail at the harvest oh it might be a little bit longer than I expected to harvest this well well we'll have farms up regardless right the outer wall is just about complete and there we go okay we're walled in we're safe in quotes you know I don't want to say it yet because somebody's gonna come in and Braavos for everything that we have I'm sure cannibals or you know skin bandits or whoever it is okay so we've got like a nice causeway here to this Leviathan I wonder if I could retake this civilization so no output I don't think we're even allowed to build near this which is the problem we may have to run the gamut just for that copper so that we can get power yeah you know what that's what it's uh that's what it's looking like so I have a new dumb idea okay let's dismantle this wall and then we'll build wall going up and over and around the outpost until we get to the copper okay go up the cliff and around but what matters is the safety of our workers and nothing else I don't think anyone's gonna get through that cliff that's fine we'll confirm it there this wall is really odd-looking right now it'll make sense later on the copper is all the way over there though okay I'm finding myself doubting that anyone's gonna come down the mountain to attack us it could happen but let's just build the wall like this good somehow this makes sense as the copper is the copper and good alright this is this is Great Wall of China strategy right here I really hope they don't get mauled when they get to that Leviathan eventually it's hard to believe that such a simple task is causing all of this [ __ ] alright garu buddy and river raptor are fighting I saved it before the entire colony got wrecked so it's just these two fighting right now maybe they can help maybe they can help him okay no but I don't want you all to lose your lives only only garu buddy should be taking the hits he's the tank he's playing as Garen no everybody else runoff runoff everybody get away the difficulty of so many people fighting together you know we should really just Massacre other people but unfortunately that is now what occurs okay and the river raptor is down and garu buddy is safe and so is everybody else alright I'd say that's about enough work on SimCity for one day we're slowly edging our way closer to that copper resource that lies over the mountaintops and I don't know I mean a lot of this is just a quest to keep out the local wildlife but hopefully before too long we'll evolve into building some more advanced structures and I mean the rate of their production of a lot of these you know building materials iron plates and whatnot is going to accelerate to as they all start to gain skill in these skill areas so for right now I mean it's a crude defense but it is a defense and as long as we can use spam spam is going to be our best defense against the hordes of evil that lie in these outlying territories my name is ambiguous amphibian I hope you enjoyed this video let me know what else do you want to see for SimCity because it's only gonna get bigger and weirder from here alright as always I'll see you guys in the next video bye bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: ambiguousamphibian
Views: 252,544
Rating: 4.9564786 out of 5
Keywords: kenshi, kenshi gameplay, kenshi game, kenshi let's play, kenshi lets play, kenshi ep 1, kenshi part 1, kenshi base building, kenshi funny, kenshi funny moments, kenshi 100 workers, kenshi simcity, kenshi city, kenshi 100 man colony, 100 hive drones, 100 hive kenshi, kenshi 100 hivers, kenshi 100 beeps, kenshi 100 drones, kenshi 100 players, simcity kenshi, kenshi base building 100, kenshi rts, kenshi sim, kenshi colony management, kenshi leviathan coast, kenshi 1
Id: GaFruEgHF00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 59sec (1439 seconds)
Published: Tue May 12 2020
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