Can I Survive in Project Zomboid with ALL the NEGATIVE Traits? | Ep 1

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I thought it would be fun for a challenge to try playing Project Zomboid as a character has all the negative traits in the game if you're not familiar with Project Zomboid trait system basically every character gets a few character creation points to spend on positive or negative traits at the beginning of each playthrough it's a trade-off for my character I won't be taking any of the positive traits but only the negative ones those of you familiar with the trait system will know that it's not actually possible to take all of the negative traits yes I lied to you but for example you can't be both emaciated and obese that wouldn't make any sense or a literate and a slow reader so I'll pick the ones that I think are more debilitating to my character I'm gonna take a few minutes to show you what I think were the greatest potential threats to this character as I tried this challenge for about an hour to see what the greatest penalties were and here's my rundown of the characters traits okay so to be completely clear we're playing as a character who is both agoraphobic and claustrophobic all thumbs asthmatic clumsy cowardly conspicuous disorganized feeble hard-of-hearing as a hearty appetite hemophobia KY thirst I pecans react illiterate unfit obese pacifist prone to illness restless sleeper sleepyhead short sighted smoker slow killer slow learner Sunday driver thin-skinned unlucky weak and has a weak stomach I tried to choose traits that would increase the difficulty though as much as possible so for example I personally find being overweight in project zomboid more detrimental to speed than under weights negative effect on strength so I chose obese the only negative trait I won't be taking for this playthrough is deaf and that's only because it would make the game completely silent which just isn't as fun to watch in my opinion okay strategy for this character as we're playing it's basically going to be the sims at first my character is really needy he's gonna be thirsty hungry panicked out of breath tired anxious and depressed basically all of the time I'm gonna be extremely panicked 100% of the time except for when I'm about to go to bed I'm going to be forced to play very very slowly as you should play the game and I likely won't be able to fight even two or three zombies at a time yes I'm writing this after I made the first video but there's still a lot to go probably of all the negative traits the most crippling are agoraphobe and claustrophobic agoraphobic if you're unfamiliar be causes you to become panicked while outdoors while claustrophobic causes you to become panicked indoors so my character is basically gonna be living in a constant at perpetual panic attack or he's always afraid of everything he sees in the world around him kind of like that guy from the Benchwarmers I'm going to need to rely on finding items like beta blockers red wine chardonnay whiskey any kind of alcohol that I can find and anything else that lowers my panic just so that I can fall asleep each night because you can't fall asleep if you're completely panicked or even panicked at all you need to be at least in this at most in a state of slight panic to fall asleep so I'm gonna need to chug a bottle of wine every day before I go to sleep and if I can't find one then that just means that I'm not allowed to sleep that night and I need to stay up all night and that makes me in worse condition for the next day items like cigarettes coffee and vitamins will also be super useful because they're gonna get rid of any anxiety and tiredness which largely just causes me to do everything more slowly and eventually I just turn into a snail and die other than that I should be able to lose some weight and gain some strength just by running house-to-house and carrying around heavy objects at first because for all the stat changes that I've done my character is gonna have an easier time with those earlier levels since I'll be giving myself a significant handicap already I'm going to play on apocalypse mode which is a fairly challenging version of the game but not too too bad for an experienced player and doesn't feature anything like sprinting zombies though that could potentially leave room for an even greater challenge in the future if you guys wanted to see it to make matters more difficult I decided to spawn without any clothes on I'll need to find those two by looting someplace nearby now on to the playset but my main things in my checklist are that I need to find either beta blockers or alcohol just to reduce the panic the biggest problem with this character is that besides the fact that he sucks at everything and he will suck for a while that was a really lucky early find cigarettes is that he's constantly panicked he's panicked both indoors and outdoors and I don't think that it's even gonna go away over my character is gonna get panicked over pretty much everything and I don't think that's ever gonna away so my best options are find alcohol and food I think food might actually calm you down before you go to sleep I've just notice it comes my character down or at least distracts him we are playing out apocalypse difficulty because I wanted some challenge but it seems like that I actually get pretty decent early pickups in this one house normally I would just say stay in the first house all week I'm also gonna turn on TV because a lot of standard playthrough rules apply it's pretty much just as much as you can never encounter any zombies at all because when you do you die you can hardly walk across the street without getting tired let's just turn this on and we gonna put on life and living that should be on right away okay so we are gonna get a little bit of cooking experience but are decreased XP gains are gonna make it worse for us let's just see I'm really curious as to how much it's gonna take for our character level up in strength and fitness okay so even though that he's morbidly obese he he should have a pretty easy time at least getting some of that but except I'm also gonna need to get into a better way train so that I can actually do that alright so he's just gonna sit here and watch the cooking show I'm not gonna feed him any more food cuz he's got to lose weight what do I weigh right now anyway I weigh a hundred and five just going back over the traits again I think I really think these two claustrophobic and agoraphobic are the two that make it the hardest the asthmatic you can do with thin-skinned you can kind of plant around the slow learners you know I damper on everything but it's not a game breaker I thirst high hunger you could just eat more I mean like a lot of its okay its I really I don't like the decrease to XP games I think that's I think that's one of the most difficult ones to play with in a long term but still I think that it's these two that just make every single day just in a complete struggle just lead me to constantly having this Moodle get used to the sound of my heart in your ears because it's gonna be like that a lot all right okay so we get the first level in cooking just from watching TV that much at least hasn't gone away even with slow learner we could still do that I'm kinda mmm I'm kind of questioning using any weapon right now I don't even think I want that I just want to see if I can find some clothes upstairs maybe we got we got lucky with our early weapons that we found though I think that this would be more even more important right now the status is that if I even step on broken glass I'm dead I am dead if I do that okay some pants great some reason you always have Underpants and we're gonna have to do a lot more exploration with tailoring from now on there's some really really good things about tailoring in it I think it increases the sealing cap of the game or the skill cap of the game the sealing cap alright let's put on some purple socks sure it's good I've already got pants on I mean any clothing will do right now damn look at me I look like Tommy pickles or something all right let's uh could use hairspray and a bomb or something like that I mean I'm wondering like I'm gonna have to do everything I can pick like do the best I can with every single item but on the other end - I'm starting this up in muldraugh because I knew the area maybe if I ever do this again I'll pick a more difficult area or I'll pick sprinters or something like that but I figure and we're already giving ourselves enough of a handicap as it is why do you anymore okay um can't do this car see if the trunk is open nothing there - I mean like thing for me is that they say that this is one of the more difficult modes to play this game but I guess you go you go full-on hardcore six months later with this alright let's just try to loot a few more houses basically my goal for the first day is not to fight any zombies if I can it's good it could be a pretty boring play through like it could just be me like oh I I made it through another day without having a pan attack and that's a lot of what my character is gonna end up just doing all right short blunt class would not be bad we'll take the chips but that we don't really want to we don't want to overdo it on the food because he's already a fat man we're also going to need to be very tactical about how we use the alcohol or beta blockers if we find them fortunately we're right by cortman medical so I can find some beta blockers pretty early on look at a magazine another thing that tends to happen with this character is that if you don't if you don't get to smoke cigarettes he'll start to get bored and frustrated and anxious and you want to combat that as much as you can and you want to just have like mood boosting items because your character is gonna be in pretty foul mood which is gonna slow down practically everything that he does might have gotten an early car fine though let's see I think if nothing else like I did do a little bit of practice on this game-mode before I started this isn't my first run I wanted to see what would be the main challenges and they just kind of hit home to me the fact that decision-making is really the main decider in how long you're gonna survive in this one thing that's gonna be takes some getting used to and more forward planning is just the fact that well you have to you I'm not dexterous I need to I'm the opposite of dexterous I have like two left feet as they say it's gonna take me longer to do everything comb to brush my hair with nothing in here it sounds like we might have a zombie in here though alright you know unequipped this or equip it there we go now he doesn't do horribly in combat against one it just it takes him like ten minutes to kill a single zombie so you really can't fight more than one he also has a lot of troubles opening windows I've noticed that like I encountered a couple locked windows and my character couldn't do anything with them I was just get this one Susan even even for this character this seems like a lot all right well we did manage to get these pants I think alright my pants are already fine okay we're gonna just take his t-shirt sigh pretty much take everything of him now we have a full set of clothing and we can wash all this too another thing that he gets is because he's panicking so much I felt like I started to notice this with my other character I think from the new thermos he starts to perspire and then that makes your character wet which he's brown to illness so I might even get a cold in the later months though it kind of brings in temperature again because my character kept on getting hot gloves take those and let's say we found a better pair of pants right here so grab that place pants with Oh a note these pants are not as good as my pants are they either way we're gonna have to figure out the new tailoring - I think it'll hug that'll help me out a little bit but let's just try it oh I don't even have the red actually nevermind I wish I could let's still rip up these sheets though these will need as much stuff as we can we'll leave this behind for now alright hang on one really when you're playing this character it gets a lot more like The Sims because like in the Sims you have all of these needs constantly and you have to satisfy them but my characters got about ten moodle's now and yeah my carrying weight is six all right we really do we really are gonna want to carry around anything it might just be better to pick a house and go for like kind of a non-traditional play style I'm gonna throw down these magazines I'm just gonna put all my stuff in this bathroom here that's probably gonna be the best way to organize everything I'll probably even take off the jacket let me just wash myself so I'm not dirty okay what do we have to take care of excessive exertion so we're gonna have to sit down for a while because our characters morbidly obese peckish we can't really do anything about the panic I really hope that that goes away over time but it might not it very well might not it might just be with me forever slightly thirsty and very heavy load so let's just take care of those things and I really I can't even I can't even really pick up anything I think I'm gonna leave the wine in the bedroom only because I'm gonna need to drink wine or take beta blockers every single day before I go to bed in order to get to sleep we may need ooh I'm gonna need to be careful that's a like overdose on any kind of substances all right we don't need food right now either so we could just leave those there and at this point I think I'm just gonna have a drink of water and I'm probably gonna rest in bed just so that I have enough energy to cross the street because next we're gonna go to court Minh medical and we're gonna grab some beta blockers to hopefully have enough to get to bed for a few days really the main the main problem with this character is if you don't find those items if you don't find alcohol or beta blockers you can just like you can never sleep which is what makes it most difficult probably all right again we're over carrying weight put down these soaps is that it no we've still got more the candle burn is actually surprisingly heavy and we'll put down the sheets put these pants you know I'll put those in here too and it's we finally are we finally below ER yeah I was carrying around too much anyway it's okay he'll put that on there and I don't need to be carrying tweeze it around with me ever I'll just leave all this stuff in the house eventually we will start to get stronger all right so now I'm resting Oh actually good to see that my panic turns from extreme panic to panic didn't notice that though I don't think that you can get to sleep at all if you're if you're panicked at all like that a high exertion can barely run we really want to get down to at least moderate exertion if we're gonna cross the street moderate exertion if not better I don't think we're gonna do well it although if we don't know you know what I've given up on going to court in medical for the first day we made it to one other house and we looted the first house so that's pretty much good for negative trait man I'm gonna have a drink of water I'm just gonna reassess the situation for a second I'm anxious extreme panic hungry I'm wondering if it's gonna go down enough when I take the wine I'm actually I'm gonna let my character be hungry for a little while I'm gonna try to eat only when I'm very very hungry because I don't want to gain any more weight because I think it can keep going up alright let's see if this works I don't think the anxiety is helping anybody but let's drink some of the red wine let's drink maybe not start with the whole bottle I'm just gonna drink a quarter of the bottle and see if my panic goes down enough for me to sleep but it'll be a waste of a bottle if I don't get this panic down so I'm gonna make sure I do it he's like that guy from the Benchwarmers who stays in the house all the time you know and he's afraid of the Sun okay it's going down a bit strong panic panic but I really need no panic if I want to get to sleep alright now I am a bit tipsy what if I have to get completely inebriated okay let's get to sleep right now now I have noticed it go down to like less panic if you just eat food or something like that or maybe it involves distracting yourself in some way all right we've got anxiety and I think that's being caused by not smoking so we need a lighter we've got our panic right back for today we have been half a bottle or red wine left for tonight when we want to get to sleep even if we don't find beta blockers we still are hungry though skills Oh actually sit oh yeah you're so your strength can increase you know Fitness can - interesting maybe that applies only if you're underweight not 100% sure about that I'll have to double check that but alright weight is still not dropping this so I'm gonna stay hungry for a little while you'll eat a cracker or something like that but as long as it doesn't decrease my strength all right is the coast clear decorum in medical so we got four zombies there I don't want to fight any of those I ideally I don't want to fight any zombies until my strength and fitness are up and my weight is down just by a little bit I'm gonna check this car first I think it's I think it's a safer pick and I've got enough red wine for one day antidepressants will be a really good find okay let's try the trunk car battery and I don't really need it I mean as in any playthrough you know electricity and other things like that will still be useful you know for hot-wiring cars but I'm gonna make more noise so I'm probably gonna attract more as I move if I go into court when we look at medical even if the doors are open I'm definitely gonna wake up that one in front I can't go around oh [ __ ] there's one right in front of me what I might want to do is just to clear out a little bit of this area just a little bit of it I'm not gonna have very good accuracy at all though so yeah you know what [ __ ] it I'm not even gonna do that I don't think the court moon medical is a good idea I want to avoid combat at all if possible for these first couple days did I attract one already no it's gonna say that would be terrible oh right in front of me I didn't even realize that all right let's just fight this one I might make a little bit of noise attract one or two around here I want to thin them out just a little bit in this area and then I'll try one of the other houses once we gain a little bit more experience on these houses then we'll try to venture over to Courtland medical but I think there's just there's too much over there right now all right are we exhausted yet I'm surprised that we're not exhausted from that one fight let's see if we can fight these two if we can fight them one by one that would be ideal but I'm not against I'm not against a little bit of combat for this character he needs some experience with weapons because he's actually not totally [ __ ] in combat like you saw that he could kind of hold his own a little bit for a second unless if I totally get swarmed right now no I don't know about this actually problem is that so much of combat relies on you being able to push down one right after another and this characters is not strong enough so he he suffers like a steep difficulty rise when he goes from fighting one to fighting two even most characters can take on to perfectly fine but he has difficulty with even that many one is still fine so I think we'll try for the rest of this playthrough to just fight them in groups of one I'm just gonna see if I can actually can I actually kill one of you two there we go okay got one really got to make sure that you don't get surrounded here otherwise you're in trouble alright so three is totally not an option so for him to is a lot and one is bad enough already let's see if we can actually manage to fight some other stuff in this house because it seems like there is a decent amount of stuff that houses and you might get to see what I was encountering here so it it took him like more often than I could see for other characters to open windows and I think it might be related partly to the strength stat just because it takes him so long for so many these windows either that or I'm just getting unlucky with locked windows nah nothing on this one I mean part of it could just be that I'm not being patient enough foot ideally I don't want to make any noise so I'm not gonna break any of these windows okay let's close this all right we got pasta can opener I'll take these no what else more positive yet more pasta then we still like I said we aren't gonna want to eat like if you're new to the game we're not gonna want to eat until we get a little bit more weight dropping so I'm just gonna let that keep going down a bit I don't necessarily want to eat right away I gotta lose weight if I were under way they'd be trying to gain weight right here and it looks like there's one in there now I don't even think I'm gonna be ready to fight this one so I'm just gonna check and see if the rest of the house is clear it doesn't sound like there's any in here antidepressants rubber duck and a toothbrush and I am getting hotter as we go so let's haha man okay Moodle accounting I gotta keep doing Moodle accounting otherwise I'm gonna get killed actually screwdriver I could attach to my belt that would be fine now I know we're already had a heavy look I think it's just from the clothing that I have on that my character can't even like like he's stumbling underneath the clothing that I'm wearing that's how weak he is I will put that I guess we'll put down the can opener too but I want to bring all this stuff back to my first house well for a while we're clearing out this house we'll just do this just do an excessive load gotta get rid of that okay I think that that might be the only zombie in this house though just looking around here yeah we're safe otherwise we're safe all right I'm gonna fight this one and then it looks like that's pretty much it for this first house we found a plank - that's good we might be able to craft something with that let's just take out this one actually you know I should've been more careful there I kind of assumed that that was only one but if that had been to behind the door I could be dead right now I'm gonna get it all over my shirt that sucks oh [ __ ] my pan I don't know if that affects weapon durability let's just see how is he doing with how is he doing with learning all these skills alright very little on him maybe I'll take his key though sneakers we got shoes right now but I honestly think running away is probably well our character is pretty much like really fat already so let's let's see if we can get him a little bit faster rather than the scratch defense generally I'm I'm tending to think that that's better for these types of characters alright uh strength is actually considerably gone up I think our character could catch up pretty quickly with some of that read the metalworking magazine oh yeah I forgot that I'm illiterate again I can't even do anything with that alright so no books whatsoever Wow never even graduated pre-k I tell you what I think we are gonna eat or we'll grab this from here but we are gonna need to get back to our original house only because we didn't find any yeah we didn't find anything all right I'm gonna just do a little test right here I want to see if eating works to reduce your panic I don't think this will pay off but for some reason it was happening in my like test series so let's go see if this works I'm gonna go upstairs hungry I really I just got to get rid of the extreme panic in order to be able to sleep better carrying around the heavy load might not be so bad right now only because gonna get my strength up a little bit and a lot less in combat did I even check for beta blockers let's just check the bathroom one more time for beta blockers see we can find those cotton balls soup bath towel no beta-blockers no dice all right let's see here - that was a plank nope all right let's see if eating some canned soup is gonna save my life or actually just save me some sleep I have little to no doubt that we'll find some beta blockers in cortman medical so that's why I'm being a little bit less careful otherwise you could feasibly just spend days being awake before you found those items with this character it looks like zombies are not guarding our old house all right let's just put down the griddle plan all right I'm gonna eat some cheese sit on the ground looking out the window yeah I don't think it actually does anything it might have been something when I sped up time I was just in a quiet room and that happened no nothing wow it's too bad all right so we aren't losing our panic all right we're gonna have to go back to the original house then grab that bottle of wine and go to sleep but I think before I do that I'm just gonna since I'm at excessive easy yeah since I'm at excessive exertion right now I'm gonna rest just till we have enough strength to get back into the old house high exertion I'd rather be at moderate if we could get down to moderate and I'm ridiculously tired okay so it's gonna be hard to get that stat down we're fluctuating between like really cold and really warm - I didn't I didn't fully experience that part of it but should be interesting to see how temperature comes into play here all right um here's what we'll do we'll go back to the old house we'll drink the bottle of wine and then we'll somehow get to sleep because I got it I got to get this stuff back Oh sweater is actually good find we could put on the sweater and the jacket and even though that it's gonna give us a slightly heavier load we'll build up our strength faster and we'll also have pretty good defense from scratches and bites all right so let's look at our character - how does he whoops there we go he is unemployed blah blah blah actually has pretty decent scratch defense and bites hurt a little bit I think they're a bit less likely here so it'll be good for that all right I'm gonna have one last drink of water and then try it across the street again yeah what can I drink there we go extreme panic Hungary that's fine let's just get rid of that Moodle for this moment though and we'll eat this okay I'm going to attempt to cross the street to get back to my original or do my secondary house well leave it on peckish cuz it's not gonna give us any negative status effects and I think this is pretty much just being caused by me wearing a lot of clothing it was perfectly fine to get to this house but now I've got a heavy load so I don't want to undo that to get another meal and unfortunately we didn't find anything of too much worth here oh [ __ ] I didn't even notice them should be slower coming out of that house I think they got Agron to me over there this I should be fine [ __ ] I don't have a weapon I mean nothing that really makes a big difference I'm pretty much just as well off with my hands and feet at this point we can do this come on man die no no if I get literally one more over okay you're a crawler now all right interesting you did say you decided to do that with your life okay let's take this one out man the rotting flesh looks great now I got to say okay we're gonna want to get away from him only because I don't have much scratch defense on my feet I've just got this pair of sneakers on all right you know what I'm gonna lure them over to the rest to this house maybe even inside of the house cuz I'm not really at much risk of you know getting sick from them being in here and then we'll go from there come on Lady I gotta get to bed man excessive exertion ridiculously tired and extreme panic ain't anxious if I could find the lighter that would be great that would get rid of the anxious one my characters just constantly having a panic attack yeah this is what I mean by the weakness I am on the hitbox rate I'm on the head hitbox that's gotta be the head that's gotta be dead the other zombie the crawlers about to get to us I can't believe this I might actually get bit on the foot or something look at the blood everywhere right I'm gonna have to walk away now I can't even fight them I can't even fight them it's actually more perilous to fight a crawler than it would be to fight someone standing upright because they can just turn around and get an immediate bite of my like there's no like there's no warning when a crawler bites you so I'm totally I can't even fight them I don't know if they can bang on doors though they definitely can't bang on windows I know that much we have look at all that blood there all right you know what we're just gonna go back upstairs we're gonna forget that this ever happened we're gonna drink some red wine and go back to sleep maybe tomorrow we'll get a chance to go into court and medical and figure all that out all right can I can I at least get together at least have my glass of wine and watch my stories so I can get to bed fortunately it takes only half a bottle of wine I was worried it would take a full bottle of wine or more to decrease the panic never really noticed that but you got to be you got to be fast when you click into bed you know because otherwise the panic might come back and if you have even a little bit it's mostly just managing panic at this point put this down on the ground slight panic okay we could probably go to bed now all right we made it to bed for two days so by my count I've now survived 48 hours fortunately character does sleep a little bit longer I actually like that because I think the things that they don't sleep too long but okay I think at this point I'm gonna leave it there this has been the worst first two days it's not really worst first fruit two days I think that this type of character if you manage them well it's you're gonna be completely fine at least for a while until we get our stats up I think that the two the two lingering traits in the long run though are gonna be the agoraphobic and the claustrophobic I'm gonna have to figure out some way to manage those fears maybe I'll have to go to therapy or something like that but yeah not the easiest playthrough anyway let me know what you wanna see next possibly this was sprinters this would be even crazier if not completely impossible but anyway as always I will see you guys in the next video leave a comment leave a like I'll put some links down for stuff I want you to click on all right thanks
Channel: ambiguousamphibian
Views: 744,405
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: project zomboid, zomboid, project zomboid gameplay, project zomboid build 41, project zomboid all negative traits, project zomboid challenge, project zomboid build 41 iwbums, project zomboid build 41 experimental, project zomboid 41, project zomboid ep 1, project zomobid part 1, project zomboid #1, project zomboid traits, project zomobid weak character, project zomboid challenge playthrough, project zomboid playthrough, project zomboid episode 1
Id: aLwsHBIU0Z8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 4sec (1984 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 20 2019
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