Rimworld Survival Island SOLO Colonist vs Randy Random ALL Passions NO Skills #1

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for a new challenge I'm surviving in rim rolled on an island in the middle of the ocean we'll start off with a naked brutality scenario and Randy random as our storyteller that means all the events will be totally at random obviously and we'll be crash landing from outer space onto a beach with absolutely nothing to start obviously an island of sand and coconut trees lacks many of the required resources for life and sustainment so I'll be adding banana trees and also the sea levels mod which will allow me to dig beneath the surface of the island to discover oceanic caverns filled with coral and other rich mineral deposits since this is not an ordinary start our single colonists on dugu will be extremely overpowered and since everyone loves a good skill grind I'll be starting it off with all passions and no skills so that he can learn at an unprecedented rate and upgrade his primitive lodgings can we survive this it was supposed to be a minor surgery just an hour under anaesthetic you felt totally safe now you've awoken inside a drop pod punching through the atmosphere of a distant rim world aside from a slick mysterious goo all over your body you're totally naked with no preparation no supplies and no tools can you survive and there we go on dugu is landing in the middle of nowhere this is look at some of the local wildlife oh that's nice a giant akanda gigantic honda male aged 13 just walking around we have some fertile soil on the eastern side of the antal and all about the rest of it there's a tribe of flamingos over here in some other local marine wildlife I think that we should avoid the gigantic Honda and build our home on the northern side of this [ __ ] let's just leave our crashed ship or what remains of it aside looks safe all we have are these Omega Dodos and Kiwis roaming around the beaches there you going dugu just have a good walk along the shore he's walking along the shoreline look he's actually creating ripples in the water now right off the bat we need to chop down some trees and we'll set on dugu off to that right away he has no skills but he really wants to learn there you go just get your first level of plants already on that first tree he's a fast learner psychopath iron will gameis andres jogger bloodlust can industrious so he's pretty Opie except he just stinks right now and good he's got down that first tree he's got 11 wood he'll need to plant some rice in the ground and we need to find him a meal for day one figure out how to capture that meal it looks like these Omega Dodos and the Kiwis are completely nonviolent so now using all this newfound wood we'll just create a crafting spot right here and unfortunately we need crafting skill too if we want to create a bow so Zevon do you make clubs until he's better at crafting and it started raining now he has an iron will but this is gonna bring down his mood he doesn't like being naked soaking wet and hungry come on on dugu just build that Club right away you need a meal desperately there we go now undo who has a club we just have him attack this Kiwi I need you for food good it looks like he's stunned it on the first blow he's gonna get into good you took no damage from that is very weak animal but he has one kill now now all he needs is a butcher table you can chop up the Kiwi and make a meal of it and we probably won't have a real room for him so he's just gonna have to sleep on the ground tonight fortunately though these sleeping spots do give a marginal degree of comfort good job on dugu he's getting better with plants Wow and he already made melee level 2 from that one fight and he's at plants level 2 as well making some progress here we'll try to utilize all this soil and let's just tell him the plant rice for now it's a pretty reliable staple crop and he can use the rest of the wood from these trees as he goes along harvest botched on that one there we go he's getting a little bit of rice in the ground this will help him out in a couple days oh and it actually turns out you can just harvest the trees I didn't even need to kill the Kiwi oh well more melee experience and he gets to eat plants there we go just grab those coconuts out of the tree on dugu there he goes eating and now his appetite is slightly more sated but he's fine to work for the rest of the day he's just gonna get some of this rice in the ground before he gets off to work and let's have him cut down these trees heaps botching harvests but he just needs a little bit more wood and we'll set up a small stockpile zone right down here I think we'll set up the stockpiles in the sand because he can't really use that for planting and we'll probably build our home on the beach great he's got to work on his butcher table and now he should be able to eat the local wildlife and nice he finished it without botching the construction he's just gonna eat some coconuts and then get off to bed in the rain he wants to work deep into the night he's extremely low expectations burning passion for his work and initial optimism are pretty much carrying him here otherwise he would have broken several times but those are really overpowered he keeps botching harvests but it's probably enough off to bed with you now off to bed and dugu I'm just keeping an eye on this it looks like the gigantic ANA conjugant and gigantic Conda the gigantic Conda is in good health I don't like that that's on the island but I put as much distance as possible between me and it ah what a great first day you've had on dugu you made a club you chopped down a bunch of trees you planted rice and you're now sleeping in the dirt under the rain what an adventure you've already had next we want to take care of his nudity so I might try to use these Kiwis I'm just gonna have him butcher every animal that he meets and hopefully he could make some clothes to take out this nudity debuff good job he's tearing it up and hopefully he'll get more than just meat all right he got two bird skins I'm not sure if we'll be able to use bird skins though maybe this Omega dodo would be safer to hunt I guess we'll wait till he can craft a bow and then work on I then right undo goo just chopped down more to these trees and he's already at plants level three his skill acquisition is accelerating is a burning passion for his work and he's learning at a hundred and fifty percent of their normal speed and devil's claw believes he can eat those as well so that should keep him satisfied for the first few days next we want to give him some recreations so I think we'll build him a horseshoes pin there we go right on the seashore and he'll get working on that right away good have some fun on dugu you may not have a house but at least you have horseshoes to play alone where did he get where did he get the horseshoes anyway although I may not understand him if it makes him happy I support it and another day of grinding away at these plants you should probably make him a house soon though the outdoor temperature hasn't really been so bad I was expecting it to be hotter so maybe one more night out under the stars there we go on dugu just bring away all the rest of this wood and let's just set up a lean-to to store our supplies in there we go he might botch these constructions but oh great he got one up so now he can get the roof over this wood and hopefully prevent it from deteriorating before tomorrow there we go that's all we really needed and in fact let's let him sleep under there for tonight - you don't need to sleep out in the rain anymore on dugu oh and it looks like the omega dodo is gonna keep him company tonight like some sort of pet maybe we won't have to use you for clothes oh he actually gets a mood buff from eating a big coconut he's stuffed and the rain is led up finally island life awaits now if nothing else rimworld colonists can't stand eating without a table so let's just get him a little stool and table going for day one or what are we on that day three day three he hasn't snapped yet and that's all that matters to me I need you to build a table before you eat breakfast because you'll be angry if you don't there we go he built one table poor condition but it is a table and build that chair before you eat breakfast good now he can eat breakfast at the table he's gonna be so glad about this we've gotten rid of a lot of these moody buffs and we've got wood now he's not soaking wet and I think it's time to give him an actual house we'll go 5x5 for our first room and we'll just put a door right there to seal out the temperature we'll also tell him to build a bed here where it's light because we haven't roofed this area yet and he could still use the light to hopefully get a better construction on it there you go just grind away your construction skill on dude you're doing a great job man everybody's rooting for you everyone loves you oh the omega dodo has self tamed on my dream of friendship realized in a bird come Oh mega dodo just don't eat my food and it looks like he's gonna need a few more trees to chop I like you but I also don't want you in here so I'm gonna set up an area for the bird outside of my property invert the area let's name it bird land after my favorite jazz album stay away from me he's in Birdland why are you coming now don't come into my house stay out stay out what the [ __ ] no he's why did it you're supposed to be in Birdland right whatever I guess he just wants to keep me company as long as he doesn't eat any of my food on dugu's getting ravenously hungry so I'll have to eat these leaves raw again he'll chop down another tree finish off his house in his bed and I think we'll call it a day there I hope he doesn't botch this he's got one good chance and how did he do poor condition but we did our best and he can always reconstruct it let's just expand out our stockpile zone and he's finished off his house he now has a roof good job he just built a house and here I'm also gonna add something from our Z levels mod will give him a ladder up onto his roof so that way he could hopefully I'll have some line of defense in case if any invaders come alright undo goo go up to the roof and see the view and he could just head on up here and now we have a whole other Z level at our hands you can hang out up on the roof and there it is on the ground again going about his day but he could hang out up here if he wanted to so I think we'll have him keep on eating coconuts for the first few days because we have copious amounts of them and it's easy to see the brown ones are ripe and we can harvest them and the green ones are still growing but we still want him to get some cooking skills so let's have him try cooking this meat and they're just not eating the meal he's gonna mess up every single meal that he makes for the first few days and he failed it making a camp how do you fail at making a campfire alright whatever at least you'll get experience and would Stefan cook a simple meal we need or one or two of them now we can actually make it out of coconuts as well let's have him make a meal of this Kiwi though he's already grinding out cooking skill and this is the opportunities are few and far between to get cooking skill now he's got a bedroom he's got a fire going and we want to prevent him from overheating so let's build him a passive cooler in here you might have noticed that the temperatures gotten awfully hot outside it's 90 degrees and he doesn't have any clothes and we've got a mad kiwi somewhere it will attack everyone at cease all right then do goo just get some rest before your fight get some rest before you need to fight the mad Kiwi it's pacing out in the water and anger at you it went onto the roof it's just chillin on the roof waiting there it goes I hope it fights the omega dodo no it's just gonna pace about an anger unfortunately it hasn't attacked my door and it looks like another rainstorm has begun just get some rest you're gonna need it for the fight in the morning he's like a Rocky Balboa eating raw eggs before his fight all right grab your club you're gonna need to fight this animal what ok there it goes here it goes here he comes he's gonna fight me no maybe not ok maybe what alright he is going to fight time to fight it ah great we stunned it again no infections we've eliminated the Kiwi I do feel a little bit bad but island life does that and he'll just butcher it for a new meal and more bird skin he's actually getting quite a chopping down these trees now and he's got plants kill for that's enough to get a passive cooler going and now he should stay quite cool and relaxed but what if he gets raided I'll build him a set of spike trap defenses in case if somebody decides to come over here and we'll just build another wooden wall around this way he can get in and out and still be protected great he's just chopped down all the wood and now he's finishing off his defenses he's gonna clean up the area a little bit to make it look nicer and we should also probably move some of this coral away from him although it looks nice to me it does look ugly to him and it kind of muddies up the entire area just grind out your construction skill on these traps and you don't actually need to keep refuelling that fire he has renamed the dodo farter after nuzzling it I'm okay with that but if you have a better name write it down below in the comments I like it though because it's inappropriate off to bed Fred let's just have them finish off the defenses completely and now our base is secure but there's still one last thing I want to do now island life may be paradise but there is one thing missing there's no rock anywhere on the surface at all so if we want to get any metals we're gonna need to go underground so we're gonna build some ladders down we don't want to use those natural holes because that's actually the programming for infestations and you might not be able to get out if you can't find any steel underground so don't use those there we go is gonna open up a whole new world go down on dugu go down and down here he can mine everything around him and start looking for metals now the walls down here are all made of coral so I guess the entire island is a reef but we can just start spreading around in all directions we want to avoid cave-ins though so we'll try to make our hallways narrow and we'll just tell him to start working on his mining skill next though he hasn't had any opportunity to do that yet so he's gonna be pitifully slow and although it's the middle of the day he's hardly made any progress at all this is the speed he works at I'm at three times speed right now and it's just taking him forever to get out one block we haven't eclipsed but we wouldn't even know cuz we're underground so I guess we're better off underground for now and it's just like Dwarf Fortress we can go back and forth between all of our layers and watch what's happening on each of them let's turn that back off and watch him mine now I've noticed that he does get outdoor temperatures down here so we might want to bring him up stares from time to time so that he doesn't get heatstroke and die it's actually hot or underground than it is outside almost like it's insulated or something we'll just send him back up the stairs and continue with our plant journey I'd say the last thing that we want out of today is maybe just to make him a bow it would be nice if he could hunt some of these animals to make some clothes for himself let's make a few more clubs to up his crafting skill and we're getting raided by The Devil's right in the middle of the night let's see what these people have it's one guy with [ __ ] he has a revolver though he might kill my Omega dodo let's send farter back inside so that he can defend me in case if this raider gets near our house now yes you can get raided at an ant hole my my guess is that it's Atlantis and they come out of the ocean but let's send farther back inside along with on Dooku and we can prepare a valiant defense we'll need a new area we'll call it the safe space and the safe space we'll be inside my house come on in my bird join me in the safe space I made it special for you here comes Rick if we manage to kill him at the spike traps we won't even need to craft a bow and we just use a revolver as our first weapon he's beginning his assault if worse comes to worse I could always run underground and then melee him and he'd be forced to fight me with his revolver hand-to-hand this guy's not very good at shooting or melee though so I don't think I'll get through our defenses but he is a jogger so he can run as fast as me a misogynist jogger damn those misogynist joggers will tell him dugu to stay in here now is he gonna hit the trap he should oh he's gonna destroy my fire one and it looks like he got really badly injured from that first one he's gonna try to walk it off he's gonna try to destroy my now this guy's really hell-bent on ruining my home he's not even setting it on fire what the hell you can set fired him yeah he's I shouldn't have said that I still don't want to fight him though because it's just not worth it for the rice and I want to keep my animals safe so we'll just let him bleed out while the rice burns for a bit he's gonna die in seven hours let's see if we can get him to come over the Senden dugu to the door come out and fight me like a man no he [ __ ] alright he's just going to set fire to everything now okay here he comes back he's coming back now please okay good here he comes now why would LK come in come back come back there he goes No dude well at least he hit one of the traps the rest will burn for a while though alright then do goo you just go back to sleep go back to sleep he may have set fire to our home but at least you didn't get shot and that's what matters to me stay safe on dugu maybe we could get Rick to come and no oh rain at the perfect time his attack has been ruined we got blood all over the floor look at this guy he is really persistent Jesus and there he goes okay we got Rick unfortunately we couldn't get that sweet-ass bowler hat but the rain will put out my fire well send will send farter back to Birdland and i'm dugu can go back to his life we'll just equip this revolver and then go put out the fires now on to who actually has a revolver he'll get most of his rice harvest and he has a lot of other good [ __ ] now I like his life and the fields will still be fertile despite the fact that he set them on fire well he put out the fire and our home is safe from invaders and that's only the beginning what lies next is underground let's just bury this dead body and we'll be off there you go on dugu let's bury Rick and I think we'll call it there for a day anyway thanks for watching I hope you enjoyed this island survival and as always I'll see you guys in the next video bye bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: ambiguousamphibian
Views: 252,086
Rating: 4.9491391 out of 5
Keywords: rimworld, rimworld gameplay, rimworld 1.1, rimworld game, rimworld survival guidesland, rimworld naked, rimworld difficult, rimworld solo, rimworld 2020, rimworld z levels, rimworld mods, rimworld gameplay trailer ep 1, rimworld ep 1, rimworld solo colonist, rimworld all passions no skills, rimworld all passions, rimworld single colonist, rimworld solo survival, rimworld lets play, rimworld let's play, rimworld modded, rimworld modded ep 1, rimworld mods 1.1
Id: ROhAeSfBa-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 11sec (1031 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 29 2020
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