MAX Starting COLONISTS vs. Going Medieval

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hello welcome once again to going medieval today we're going to be creating a colony that utilizes the maximum legal amount of human labor in the game that's right having any more labor than this would be not legal but our labor will be legal i recently tried a challenge where i started out with one colonist who had nothing he died with nothing because the ceiling unfortunately landed on him ending his life this also happened to everyone instead i've been looking through the game's trailers it seems like colonists have a lot more fun in groups and what's more fun than eating so for a new scenario i'm settling the most people i'm allowed to and i'm feeding them here they live without judgment i chose the maximum number of colonists for this playthrough to see how large and splendid a medieval kingdom can be built in one in-game year and it'll keep growing throughout the year as people flee from two our borders so without any further ado let's meet the colonists the default generated name was did burst all right game you made it up not me so many varieties of people these are our columnists don't get too attached there's too many of them and we can't give them all attention they're all literally faceless laborers they have voldemort disease and their faces disappeared here begin our people let's just start by allowing these completely normal meals to be picked up and let's have a look around the area i'm looking forward to telling all of these people what to do let's have them begin by dividing up the labor we need to take everything away we have a lot of people but with more hands comes more than that amount in productivity the first lesson of soviet russia and then he just picks up all their job assignments do only the things that you're passionate about follow your dreams don't let your dreams be dreams oh shia if only you could know how much you influenced my life excellent we have skillfully divided the labor most people start their forts by building something to be mysterious and edgy i'm going to go underground good work people they look so repressed in the grass working all right i'm liking this already they're far they're off to far more than my solo colonists could ever do now we have 10 people and they're more and more will join i don't know if there is a max limit we'll find out before this thing is over yes work ladies work i like how in this game the women are you know when you think about medieval europe you don't think about women digging the minds a lot but it's it's good to see is all i'm saying it's good to see why is this so entertaining i'm imagining them having conversations in my mind they are enjoying the gaiety and merriment of being together now that we've dug this oppressing looking hole in the ground let's just add a stairway more mines and then go even deeper down we've got tons of wood more than i even know what to do with and i don't think i'm going to build anything around this i think i'm just going to build a pick because why not start there my god these people have already taken down all of the woods and they've just left their meals on the ground we've trapped this woman under we're gonna have to get her out of there uh what is she going to do her friends just left her yeah i've i've been there before all right coda that's a pretty ballsy move you're digging the soil right underneath your feet don't get too ahead of yourself we'll be doing a lot more of that where we're going oh oh god what happened to her well now she's just stranded in there let's just uh i don't really want to leave her there but it looks like that she's just saluting like to no one she's just she's just saluting that pile of dirt over there okay we know who not to trust with any job other than digging okay goda that's great that's what we have you here for just keep digging out that thank you in the meantime we'll build down to her so that we can seal her in there and just keep her digging forever uh it's getting late in the day well since your short-term happiness doesn't matter let's just uh put these ten beds next to each other i know that one's out of the way but i'm just gonna leave it there waiting for your ocd to kick in and hunting you in your dreams great job people it's kind of like they're at a yoga class where someone is forcing them to do a bunch of things except there's no yoga class and lined up so well now we're still going deeper or yes we'll go all the way to hell if we can but i'm going to start hollowing out the inside here we will use this i am a good person i'll show you by the end of this video let's do something like this let's have gotta go to great she's so eager to get in there she might not even sleep tonight who knows as for the other people you can also dig uh even deeper down yep i don't really know how cave-ins work yet but we're gonna learn look they're glad totally glad about this it's more like 10 people just digging a tomb okay i'll give them some real doors now they're probably going to need a lot of therapy after this all right i've accomplished my goal we are now ready to store this completely nutritious meal underground where it's colder it is it's cold everywhere but it's particularly cool downstairs everyone get in bed sarah got the bad bed the bad bed the bad bad oh god oh god that was a great joke oh i'm so good at this oh jesus all right hey douglas you're the early bird gets the worm except but there's all of this great human flesh over there don't you you love you love eating human these people don't know a good thing when it happens to them i literally left you all platters of food your favorite it's like lunchables if lunchables were a war crime let's all just obey the sideways gravity on the stairs yes that makes perfect sense now we'll go create something that's actually useful we'll store the meat downstairs totally normal meat okay we might repurpose these rooms later but i feel happy yes happy now downstairs is where we will um befriend people we'll have company there at gatherings i'm not lying but for now i will be in my castle everyone else gets to have impressive things why shouldn't i my god that actually looks half decent all of my constructions up till this point have just been total garbage i've created a decision that will keep them complacent and unquestioning as they should be excellent don't question why there are blue holograms outlining your constructions just do what i tell you to just do it if you do what the holograms say i promise everything will be okay everyone will live but that's all i can promise okay as in most playthroughs it's now time for um science this belongs um underground yep underground surprisingly i'm not going to do anything else uh that will require explaining to a legal authority out of these people i'm mostly done um appropriating them okay that doesn't look half bad i swear to god that one bed was the only mistake i'm going to make everything else will be really nice you'll be really satisfied by the end of this video i promise i won't hurt you except we're going even deeper underground yes god knows why how deep though deep enough to avoid trebuchet fire that was uh the end of the last colony i'd like to avoid that this time if possible i will make of this place a vast labyrinthine complex baffling and hypnotic alright as it stands right now we don't have any weapons if anyone attacks us we just hide and wave the white flag but technology will lead the way we have uh guns in but i think let's make a colony of mole people you know like we'll leave the upstairs for fighting and all of that garbage that's what this game is about it's about fighting people why not live like mole people it's an idea worth some thought with x y and z levels the options stack out geometrically it is beautiful and yet you're all still sleeping on hay that gives us beds and an opportunity at a competitive back gammon room which after all is the height of human culture i'm tired of there being crap everywhere no more crap anywhere get this clay off the floor get these berries off the floor get this delicious human meal off the floor i mean wait that's perfectly fine on the floor well it's just like i predicted to make anything impressive you need to put a lot of people in jobs below their skill level but combine them all everyone's underemployed but ah there's no positive to it it's just it's just kind of exploitative now we'll do this and this and see where that gets us perfect oh my god i'm beginning to remember how much fun i'm going to have when dwarf fortress's ui is improved i enjoy all colony sim building games and i don't judge i don't even have any opinions i just enjoy and i increase i'm having such a good time oh yeah oh i love it i love it strangely enough i will say this having learned the workflow in rim world kind of translates to all other colony builder games or any whatever have you they're all good but you gotta go garden kitchen storage room dining room that doesn't just work in one game that's like a universal thing it's just a lot of it's it's like euclidean almost it's perfect and i take great comfort in this put some back into it i like this one's name it's not really maggie or mag this is kind of like hey maggie how you doing maggie oh sitha elwesia go to we already know gota very well galen sybil sarah are they all women oh no there's just douglas over there he's like a rooster in a chicken's nest oh and we also have ceo over there oh he's eaten with mag hey maggie great now we have backgammon just step over all of the piles of clay to enjoy a rousing game of backgammon i will die alone in this world hmm he thinks we need a library i shall put it in here you know what farmers say is the secret to growing a big tree is big roots that's why i'm biting my time i'm very i'm very wise i know what i'm doing i have a degree in medievalogy except that this ceiling might collapse let's just yeah this is getting a little bit uh i don't want to say that the ceiling won't collapse oh person hendricks okay of course we will always little we will always lend a hand now i find this flavor text ironic um won't the raiders just join our faction as well well the writing of for this game is wonderful we shall see if we can keep him make yourself useful hendrick we have uh literally no defenses can we just fight them with our hands well we have anyway can you mag hey maggie we need guns yeah we're going to need a lot of cudgels and spears on the devil and guns offend fantastic el wysia no get back to work please stop eating we need weapons slobs oh i thought all food meant also cannibal but apparently cannibal doesn't mean i mean come on all it is all food okay you know what game you do you let's just see the feast will begin now oh excellent good oh this is really going to be a massive mood buff i can't believe it took me that long to figure that out that's like saying that human meat isn't something that's just that doesn't make any sense oh great thank you oh sith work harder everyone's depending upon you uh oh hey maggie good to see you in such a good mood maggie like wow jesus one day might actually be enough time to arm all of these people up um you know i think i'm just going to put a whole other layer of underneath this but i don't want them to work on a construction project we'll just not look at that until like tomorrow hendrick you are garbage man you are really bad just an awful person you are a sad strange little man oh the assailants will never defeat us um unless if it's a lot of them how many of them is it oh it's only five see tit burst will never fall we will never surrender our allied hendrick to you nefarious fiends yeah you will be foiled smackledore before you enter our fort okay now you're all drafted douglas you're tall stand there and intimidate them with all of those small women near you great okay yeah they'll think that you've used mind control and run away in intimidation and fear you stand there because we don't like you you stand there god these guys are just lost they are just lost that one guy's like come on guys let's go afraid the fort and the other guys are just kind of hesitant douglas is literally just standing there okay everyone else uh no you're standing there too libbit you who are you do you live here god these guys just just run diagonally instead of constantly going back and forth like you need to run left or right it's a little obsessive compulsive i'm gonna let you know a little bit i question the ai sometimes in the game though maybe it's just the animations that door is open yep that door is definitely open no matter um okay they've smackled or smacked adored it get it oh there was another stairway there too oh god not funny when they get up the stairs my melee people just did not jesus christ don't don't just let her get killed save libit somebody save her jesus okay he's not dead i thought that was gonna be easy all right this is a testament to my hubris what happened to you did you lose anything you better not have lost anything i'm gonna need a refund mild concussion serious what does that mean douglas you get better at fists actually don't do that at all yeah this was not one of my greatest victories i admit but look at all of the new human you have you love human okay everybody uh try to recover from that that was awful all right but you know it's done and we can't undo it and that's why no one gets a refund it's like what if you went into the emergency room and you were like i have a mild serious concussion is that like it's a serious concussion but it's mild or like it's a pretty serious mild concussion i don't semantics all right uh let's just get on with it but look at those bodies time for bit i mean beds that sounded a little too parental now you go to bed whenever you want you're you're living your own life oh no it turns out maggie isn't uh 68. i thought she was younger all right well can they die of old age let's see if they could live to like a thousand yes play the game for a thousand years and just see what the colony looks like then um now we just take out space for uh i think this is a fridge yeah we'll call this a fridge i don't know what else you would call it like a i go like uh oh god i don't know um i'm alone all right i stand justified in that i think that looks great great and then this also happens to make sense wow we're doing things right oh god i'm a genius yes that makes perfect sense this is probably one of the nicest things that i have ever made whose wounds need tending libid so help me god libit if you complain about one more wound nobody likes a whiner wine will be what we research next but this place needs a lot of work trees underground smokehouses don't ask anything farms farms farms more farms sleeping considering the geneva convention and finally getting to make wine unfortunately we can go down only one more level but that's enough oh what was that even oh this is granite who says i can't get through granite that's kind of questioning this wood floor now uh i guess we need more supports because currently our upper floor is just sort of fading away but that's why we're mold people hmm welcome in marcus cardone another settler how did he get here if he's just lying on the border all right you know the drill get him i will admit though there's some structural integrity problems i did not yet account for there's a hole in the front yard outside of our ground it goes through the bedrooms and underground i think we've created some sort of sinkhole um slightly nervous about this but um we'll just cover that up we'll just buff out those scratches yeah can we replace this with clay i'm hoping i'm guessing that in a few years from now uh when people understand this game i will be looked down upon know that i did my best we'll just literally cover that up awesome no one will know just to add in some smelting furnaces in there all right all right looking pretty good now 12 people we've raised 12 whole alive people well i've improved the force we've added this outer wall an outer layer of trees for beauty and an inner layer of trees has grown stone paths leading inside and better doors i made everybody work in the quarry to get all this limestone but i i think it was worth it this is uh it's telling me that there is structural integrity there's stability everything gets a number value depending upon how high and far up it is you see i didn't plan out my original structure so now i have all these holes which is quite depressing yep there goes another but i might just rebuild that entire thing it seems that almost anything that doesn't have a support beam directly under it is just going to fall up here this happened downstairs too we have several sinkholes developing and it's just caused these piles of uh ash downstairs well that finishes off the wall now we just add some of these hmm a raid and another of our kind entering the answer is yes welcome in rob he has my name he has my soul and with the imminent arrival of enemies we prepare the fort patching up the last wall sections and sealing ourselves in and not a moment too soon the last wall is finished now we have seven hours but it's time for bed and we need to rest before this fight and we have some birthdays before the battle some battle birthdays oh amazing hope you don't die in the fight but wouldn't that be great if your birthday were also your death day that way it would be just so it would be easier to remember later on for everyone how many are they they are eight guys and nobody has a bow awesome i'm pretty sure just the overwhelming number of us despite the fact that we don't really have anything we'll be fine our sizes are just bafflingly different there goes one the archers are just doing a great job look this guy is just so confused at why they left the door open that he's it's reverse psychology he's given up already we are alive and they more importantly don't have siege machines um that seems to be more important here how much they've got about halfway through the door well that uh that is quite sad oh god it's just an execution jesus yeah you know get him he's more meals for us i mean we don't have any animals there's no wildlife we'll use him that's a lot of stuff more importantly we're just farming stuff off of these people that's not to say that this game is easy though when they bring trebuchets it my life immediately ends now we can make it just like i dreamed uh except don't get uh trapped in there interesting now we've created like a guard post house ah now this is looking much more castle and that's a goodly number of people 13 colonists now now we can um recycle people i mean people's things now i think we can start constructing some actual medieval defenses we've finished the major indoor areas i've planted several lifetimes worth of cabbages to eat it looks great in the fall look we now we have defensive towers i suppose that most of this game just ends up being forcing people to mine but they love my they're actually quite passionate about it aren't you i mean why would you spring so readily oh another attack this one looks like a good effort that man is like eight feet tall can we talk about this he's holding an entire battering ram he just scratched his back with the battering ram well at least we're sealed in oh these guys weren't kidding okay out of bed let's just stand everyone up here i feel as though there's literally no danger they've really gone out of order in this battle the battering ram is at the at the very end of their attack in fact this is just a great time for us battering ram guy is it's jesus that guy doesn't even have a shirt he's it's raining i wonder what he'll do with the battering let's just hold her fire before he even gets here just to see what he decides to do with the battering ram and he's pacing about in front of the gate while other guys are hitting the entrance all right but by our mass numbers we are clearly winning we're mostly armed with bows okay there he goes nice job with that battering ram all right hey look wow he might just take down one door i am scared of this man when he gets in here but what is he gonna do scratch his back when he gets in look he's going for the next door this guy is just a machine because he sees a door he just goes for it no don't kill him bring him in we need this man he could be so useful to our war effort unfortunately there isn't any uh prisoner recruitment yet as far as any will he get away oh god no make it out of here roderick oh god he's gonna make for a lot of probably an entire season's worth of food now i've totally scrapped my original large room it just was a terrible idea many regrets instead we'll have three normal buildings now we just plant the last of these gardens and now we're just kind of on to rich guy tasks i'm going to make everything blocked stone i'm going to hunt dangerous animals the winter is cruel very randy random of them just a bunch of yeah they're just okay great this is we needed food that's amazing what wolves would do this just offer themselves up as carcasses it's just kind of a nuisance but we need all hands on deck oh that's so sad and also helpful at the same time again both doors are open as i try to sustain my immersion they have been defeated no one liked that well one year believe it or not it's been that amount of time and the snow falls on our fortress maybe more will come but i feel like i've seen enough of this game to get it for early access i'll be excited to see what's coming in the future but uh let me know if you want to see more till then and we'll do more going medieval a lot of people seem to like this game a major thanks to the devs for the key it's been a fun one to try out a major thanks to my patrons you are the snow falling faintly and faintly falling and i am as the ground to you i'm ambiguous amphibian until next time
Channel: ambiguousamphibian
Views: 510,870
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: going medieval, going medieval gameplay, medieval, going medieval game, foxyvoxel, foxy voxel, ambiguous amphibian, ambiguousamphibian, rimworld medieval, rimworld, games like rimworld, going medieval ep 1, going medieval let's play, going medieval challenge, going medieval 2021, going medieval gameplay pc, going medieval pc, 3d rimworld, rimworld z levels, pc games like rimworld, going medieval review, going medieval trailer, let's play going medieval, max colonists
Id: pFnRA905XzY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 31sec (1351 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 08 2021
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