Responding To Jeff Wittek & New David Dobrik Footage - Frenemies # 26

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I'm telling you, when Ethan pulled out that picture. Oh my God.

That was some 60 minutes shit right there. Ethan killed it, my total respects.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1064 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/VivaLaEmpire πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 22 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Seeing Ethan ask Trisha β€˜do you want Mexican?’ at the end of the episode, the same way he always asks Hila made me die 😭😭😭πŸ₯Ί

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 723 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mediciii πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 22 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ethan really DID THAT. Wow, I'm impressed. Trisha kept her cool too. All in all, they did really well. When they brought out that photo... That was some George RR Martin "holy shit" moment right there.

No clue why Jeff would agree to come on live because it makes him look like a straight up dumbass, but hey. I hope he deletes that video and figures some shit out. He definitely lied about some stuff because he's protecting either Todd or David or most likely both.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 543 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/__moonflower πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 22 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ethan- β€œSo should i believe that nothing the New York Times reports is true because they charge for their newspaper?”

Jeff- πŸ‘πŸ‘„πŸ‘

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 477 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Melkezidech πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 22 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

This was uncomfortable to watch.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 288 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TheInsaneDane πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 22 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

The fact that he couldnt even get himself to say β€œyes david set this up and it was wrong, he was wrong for this” shows how far up davids ass he is. What is he so scared of??

I feel bad kinda cause hes obviously very stupid. He literally self cancelled himself omg

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 282 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mini_eggs12 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 22 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

1:40:20 - The most damning β€œThis You?” In human history. Holy shit I wish I could replay that with the chat window.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 255 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Alain-Christian πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 22 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Can’t talk about his accident but will undercut Trisha’s validity as a witness with her past. Dude is garbage lmao

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 211 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/InstrumentalSox πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 22 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

At 2:08:42 in the VOD Jeff gives another apology, is he reading off a script on his phone or something? Swear a manager texted him an apology to say or some shit. Watch his eyes while he gives his whole apology, he looks at his phone before abruptly beginning and just reads off it the entire time out of screen.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 203 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/WillfulMurder πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 22 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
five four three two hello and welcome to the first ever frenemies live i am your host eden klein with me of course is trisha payton the other host a friend of mine the other with the most yeah you yeah um what are we doing here today why are we here we did an emergency frenemies live episode because i just punched the mic hopefully people's ears didn't just explode um jeff whittick who is another vlog squad member made a response video it's kind of how would you how would you rate this next to scotty's response video they're pretty they're pretty equal i would say i would say this might be scotty might be like a three in korean just might be like a one on a scale of one to ten one being like so you think jeff's is worse than scotty i think it's a lot worse yeah so at least scotty like and scotty's he's like hey guys you know i'm a i'm a dumbass but jeff's is a little worse in my opinion because what he does that really fired me up and made me want to go live is because he first of all blames you and the author for putting him in this situation and i feel the people he should really be mad with are his friends like david who put him and then and and like todd who it seems todd is the one that bought the alcohol who's letting jeff take the fall yeah he was mad at me because he says trish is the one that brings us up i'm like i've always shared my story i've shared this story before and it's like other people have come forward like i'm not i'm not the one bringing this up i'm not the one trying to like come for him which he thinks and i don't know i just was like yeah i was i was really upset that it like because it's easy to put it on me but it's not about me which is like really annoying and he texted me like we had a phone call last week he texted me this morning and he like i just felt like he didn't get it so when he was like i'll call in i thought you know i don't know i don't i don't think he gets it so that's why i was like well maybe it makes sense to do this with you i feel like you're a little more maybe un attached to this than i am i don't know a little more removed from it but i just like i don't think he gets it or maybe well to be frank with you i don't think he read the article based on his response video i really genuinely don't there's really no other way to explain some of the things he says right because he said i'm the only one saying that they left to go get the alcohol when in fact that's not true he's clearly been accused by the sober friends several of the witnesses there that night who spoke to insiders saying him and todd returned with alcohol that whatever whatever we're going to watch his response video okay and then he's going to call in to give his side of the story does also kind of skip around the part of like what happened after he's so focused on like well maybe trisha brought that you know that kind of stuff where it's like it's kind of also more of like the fact that he stuck around oh yeah that participated yeah like you're i don't know who bought the alcohol have that tweet should i pull it out i was like he goes i don't know who bought the alcohol maybe it was trisha that bought the alcohol that's literally nobody said that except for you and also like yeah i just i don't know i just here here's the tweet we're referring to so i'm sure this is going to come up can they see this dan okay oh yeah he says he says maybe dom bought it maybe you bought it maybe one of the underage girls bought it i'm just saying it definitely wasn't me or todd nobody told me [ __ ] i thought it was a consensual bit sorry i didn't say hi at starbucks that one time of course insinuating that you're trying to ruin his life because he didn't say how to use starbucks which isn't even the case with starbucks incident not that it matters don't you he literally said i'll tell you what if i see you in starbucks i'm definitely saying hi i don't want you to [ __ ] my life up over something like that jaffa is like if you see christian starbucks you best say [ __ ] hi he ran out without his coffee they called jeff and i saw him run out in the mirror and he just like ran out on the back he didn't get his coffee so he's just a coward because like basically they are all scared to say his name i mean it is funny that he saw you and just it's funny that's why i said it what did he leave behind how much food did he do it was a coffee and a sandwich and he just left it he just left it because they called his name later and he wasn't there to get it no i'm behind him he sees me he's already ordered he's in the back i can see in the reflection of the window him like moving back out and then they call jeff so i look back because he's not getting it and i was just like oh he's not even here so i saw him leave and i was like oh he literally just left his coffee we got to talk about that because that seems i want to get to the actual truth of what happened with the starbucks incident because then he tried to go on on his podcast saying like i don't respect her i'm like no you were scared like if you didn't respect it it was not like i said hi to him i wasn't going to sign him either i was like oh yeah you can just you don't have to go out you know like it's not you could you know what i mean anyways but anyway so he's going to call in after we look over this sheriff like i know people will say it's not a big deal but it is like he is also he's older than me so at the time he was like 30 and these girls are you know 20 year old fan girls of david like he should know better in the situation i knew better i was like this is not a situation to be in like we should probably like leave and right and i will i'll he says he'll stand on like you know take it to the grave whatever mine too i stand by it that david did ask jeff after and todd and jeff said i'll get it whether he got or not i wasn't there and i said that to him i wasn't there for that that girl who was there claims it and we don't i don't know that girl we've never talked i didn't know it before the article i actually just found it this morning to see if she said i'm like no i swear someone else had it and i saw it so that was mine i don't know well there's a there's a um i want to watch this video but kat had a lot of interesting receipts the author who he called out a lot but regarding who got the alcohol if i play listen to this i don't see how that is all like you know yeah exactly so he tried to he tried to slam dunk on cap by being like i've got all these receipts so cat's like okay well i recorded the conversation too dude so here he is saying listen closely sure [ __ ] sounds like it to me oh like you know right and he also keeps saying if people don't speak then they're guilty and that's why he's speaking it's like todd hasn't spoken jason's like you know you should be mad at your todd and [ __ ] david for letting you take the brunt of [ __ ] like the fact that you're you're you're anyway we should watch it because maybe a lot of sponsors and todd doesn't do anything so he's not losing [ __ ] but at the same time can i say i've never had a vendetta like i don't not even offended against anyone but i've never had even a beef with jeff like the fact that he thinks i've never had an issue of all the people in the group i've called them out todd brandon calvillo david and jason those are the four people i didn't know dom like this at all obviously at the time but like obviously i will group him on that too but the four people i've continuously called out are those people and never once was it jeff because i don't think jeff is as creepy as those other guys i think it was a poor choice for him to partake in this bit and he should you know get the repercussions of it because it's gross and that's why we left i was like this is not going to be good like you're 30 you should know this but i also think at the same time like he's not as creepy as todd brandon david and jason so i'm gonna say that for the record like i don't think james is definitely worse and my initial reaction to his involvement was like i get that he's in this unfortunate situation and if he just lays his [ __ ] head low and just minds his own like he's not the main perpetrator here you know what i told him because we had a co we had about an hour phone call on last tuesday and i said to him i said you know and he apologized but you didn't apologize for me i kept telling him like why are you apologizing to me i said it's more just like own up rather than like deflecting on me saying trish is crazy all stuff or just [ __ ] on top whatever just own up to like i was that was a shitty situation like i'm so [ __ ] embarrassed to be a part of it but like nobody can like just own up to even david himself right they can't just say like [ __ ] that was so cool you know would have been the best if he just said i regret being involved i should have known better i should have never been there that i i was totally unacceptable i'm just you know what i'm ashamed i shouldn't have been yeah that's it but like so now so anyway the reason that i felt compelled to do this on short notes of juice live is because i saw him he literally puts the reporters twitter and his video and says she should be fired and is indirectly encouraging his audience to go like harass her because he said she printed lies which that witness gave her that big i don't think he even read the article so now i'm saying we need we actually need to correct the record here because this is not right what he's done in his video so that's why we're here i'm going to watch we're going to watch videos in that response video is like so different than the jeff i talked to on tuesday like again i don't know jeff i do not know him like this at all but like he was so different in that video where he seemed actually remorseful and like scared and like like oh my god like i can't believe i did this [ __ ] as opposed to the video or he's trying to like go on me go on her and i'm just like like he's so worried about losing his sponsors and the whole thing and it's like this girl got like you know there's like a serious thing terrible yeah i think losing a sponsor is like okay in this situation like that's the least you could you know he feels like i didn't do anything why is this happening but you did you participate in that you just you got yeah i mean look nobody's nobody was really literally directly blaming you you could you listen dude you [ __ ] up with this video bro it's like you were there it's like just take accountability of it like because i think what he's doing he's trying to still protect his friends and that's what's getting him in trouble everyone's just doing this old boys club where nobody wants to say anything i said you need to stop protecting protecting todd and david because they are problematic and they're there was one did you get the tweet about todd saying like you know he encouraged someone to gang bang his ex-girlfriend corinna he's like yeah as many people it was on i think it's on cat's twitter today and someone's like oh how like how many guys would you like to have sex with kroonen's like they can all gangbang your volunteer like it's like a repeated todd so he has like a repeated way he was dating karen and he wanted dudes after he was dating her like someone's like well anyways there's a repeated behavior jeff included there's jeff went on to tell say that people with mental illness should have a social media platform like there's like repeated behavior of these people that are really like nasty and gross and it's like hey like maybe you've grown from it but like take some when he talked to me he said he was going through some serious [ __ ] and he can obviously he'll be on later maybe he'll say it and i was like okay so in this case it's time for you to reflect he's like i can understand why you would have a breakdown because he was there at the hospital and he's like oh at first i just thought like you were on drugs and [ __ ] and crazy and he's like now i understand where you're coming from and i was like okay well then if you have some sort of compassion like at least have compassion for this girl and and just know that you were there like oh you know that reminds me of the other clip that there's so many new clips that came out about david the david situation honestly of girls who saying they were in a similar situation where they were being given alcohol and they were underage and the other there's like dude going to go there's like 20 viral videos but there was there was one really interesting one let me see if i've got it here where it's a lot of everything you've said is being like continually corroborated for example you told a story about how um david kept trying to push you guys to be in a threesome you and jason and you started taking off your clothes because you didn't want him to use the footing yeah and he continued and well the video surfaced do you it's oh you've you're highlighting it thank you so much i got it right here this is is this it just called actually if you wanted to did you ever and so he keeps going on and on about how consent is so important to him here you are you're you're so far from consenting yeah you're taking off a close in an effort to make the footage unusable yeah i said this so many times and i think that he blurs it and then posts it to make you look like you're crazy of course yeah tana just called actually she wanted it yeah i take my clothes off i take my clothes off in this bit like i [ __ ] go i lose my shirt put your because i didn't want him to use it in the in the vlog i'm like if i get completely naked he can't use it you'll see he like leaves it in and like blurs it out her dress is literally off she's laughing literally like he has no he doesn't he has no boundary no and he stopped using it for sick like for about three months after that he never just said the tina thing and i got brought up that week that final week before i like did my video on him or whatever but yeah he stopped after that because i kept saying don't use it it's not funny um but there's so much here though it's like just girl after girl after girl at this point but literally everything you've ever said has been totally corroborated everything and they have worked overtime to just characterize you as some crazy girl who just has who's just out for revenge but every single footage and everything that's come out has vin has 100 supported everything you say that these guys are dangerous that they're flirting with disaster they're putting people in dangerous situations and more and more it shows that your concerns are genuine but and well-founded when i made that video like everyone has this like preconceived thing that like i was already dumped and jason already broke up with me so i was like this ex-girlfriend that was bitter it's like no like me and jason shot a music video the day before i made that video like we were but then when they put that bit in again with tana and i think madison beer when they were like 18 years old and jason's back they're being creepy then i was like you know what and i and i reached out to david and jason and jason said um i remember him telling me like i'm going to sleep and block it like i'm blocking like oh he didn't say i'm blocking you like i'm going to talk to you later about this and this is 7am i text david he's on a plane to chicago he's like oh now he said it was okay so like [ __ ] off basically is how he said it so that's why i made the videos like fine nobody wants to talk to me about this like i'll make a video and i had all my but i had brought up brandon before i had brought up todd's behavior before and all of them were totally fine with like other things in the group and yeah it is it's so easily proven just like the brandon thing being dating a 17 year old like that was proven like i'm not saying [ __ ] that's like untrue why would i leave i loved being in that relationship with jason like i knew making that video i would be out of it but like i did it because it was so there was just like it was too much it was getting to be too much and too out of control and um like like yeah if there's one thing about me becoming like dramatic i'm not gonna like lie on someone that's very easily proven they could obviously sue me i'm not scared to be stupid because everything i've said is true like and it's clearly this incident clearly if you're paying attention to what's going on tick tock and twitter and all the viral videos going around is that this wasn't a one-time incident this is a pattern of behavior over many years yeah and i think that everyone keeps missing this issue because of these distractions like scott and jeff like david is like perpetuating these for the vlog like he's making this happen he says in the vlog that's not a joke to say these girls weren't into it and then after a while they're into it now like that's not that's not funny that's not a joke that's like and to even like if you're joking and pretending to look in like why would you even want to be a part of that like look i don't know exactly it's david and david's done this multiple times like he's giving people alcohol he says that there's another twitter i think deaf noodles just tweeted it today about david saying this is all my alcohol that's how i get all my good footage and my friends are drunk like he admits to it time and time again and the weirdest the weird dude i'll tell you right now red flag a dude who doesn't drink who's getting everyone around him drunk why is he getting everyone why is he wanting to hang out with everyone who's drunk and he's sober right that is someone who is taking advantage of it david is david's 100 i hated that his lawyers were like david's not at fault like david posted that if this was all a joke and they didn't know what was that like why would he even post the footage if it was even questionable because it's dom it's like why they continue to shoot with dom including jeff in 2019 after this incident like so if it's even questionable if it's even brought up like he bragged about it a few days later how they all looked in on him having sex like it was well also one of the big uh holes in in all their stories which i'll pull up is that david knew about this because i'm trying can you highlight maybe the text message that that dom got david got this text message through dom the victim sent dom a text message about a year and a half ago when david deleted this film this this vlog why did david delete this vlog because he knew that the girl one of the girls that dom had slept with had sent him a text messaging accusing him of the artwork of a horrible thing yeah right so this whole like notion that david didn't even know is is factually uh factually incorrect right based on that text yeah of course no okay so anyway but let's watch jeff's video here's one more thing to say is like i i don't know jeff kept saying when he had the phone calls me on tuesday which i'm now thinking he probably recorded because he said you could record this and i was like i don't record phone calls but he probably did whatever it doesn't matter but he had said something like i know like cat's your friend like i don't know cat she's not my friend yeah i did one interview with the insider about me like maybe a year ago they've reached me sometimes i've never reached back out to them this particular instance i've talked about multiple times and i was i was so in support of this girl coming out her story and i was there so it was something i could comment usually i don't comment like on jeffree star like all that stuff i don't comment because like i don't really give a [ __ ] but like this was something like so serious and something that i was there you're in the video yeah i've talked about it around you jeff she reached out to everybody in the video like yeah you're in the video you were there that's a reasonable thing friends with this person like i mean i liked your article and i support the article but it's not like i'm friends like i was like yeah go get them like you know what i mean it's like well also if you read the article which i don't think you did trisha is cited very little yeah like there's like one paragraph where they quote you right it's such a long article i was like okay so before we watch just video he makes accusations in cat the author cat released he keeps taking snippets of their private conversation that he recorded and so she posted the whole thing here i'll just play for you before we watch this video it's from trisha it's also from the other girls like they remembered that david had asked jason to go buy the alcohol and then trisha told jason like so remember this because he keeps saying in his video only i'm only in this because of trisha and this is proof that he knew before he made this video that the accuser specifically named him don't buy the alcohol and then they said that you and todd left and came back with like a bottle of i think jack and i do know like i i have like the video like i've watched the video so like it was like it was like you and todd and like that whole group was there i don't know like if you remember anything specific around take the secret to the game did you are you not hearing where she said the other people named you it's crazy why is he so obsessed with you like this is not having to do with you because i look crazy people get like obsessed with your vlogs exactly but i feel like now it's like i'm not happy about it but it is like a relief that people just don't think that i'm like this bitter like i'm totally fine in life now and i told him on the phone too he was just like okay well and i don't really care about anything other than like well these guys have been on a brutal um character assassination against you for these past years to discredit because you've been one of the vocal people speaking out against them so trisha is crazy she's obsessed she's just angry because of jason the relationship with jason but um everything you've said is proven so you have a right to feel relieved because so people be like oh my god she was telling the truth this whole time yeah yeah jeff was just like i was so pissed because you lost jason brand deals and i was like jason told me to apologize to brandon for dating a minor i was not okay he's like if you apologize to brown like jason's like awful in this situation the tan is everything i was just like he's awful he's done gross [ __ ] and i was like i don't care like i don't care because like you're shitty people like i'm i've never sure underage girl's alcohol i figured that was the case so he i don't think he's lying i think what he's saying is todd bought it but he's still participating with todd last tuesday so he's just covering well you well he thinks well todd bought the alcohol for himself it doesn't mean that he got it for this girl well did he buy the alcohol for himself or did he not have alcohol but like yeah you just got to own it at this point because it's just you're making this alcohol there you guys brought it back maybe it wasn't directly for the girls but but i'm sorry i like to think that if i was 30 years old in that situation and there was miners there drinking that weren't that i wouldn't be that i wouldn't be comfortable with that that's like how old are you guys okay why why and then you're filming them and all that it's like guys this is this is we gotta put the pedal here we gotta hit bump the brake on this exactly i was like we gotta stop somebody has got to be the [ __ ] adult yeah i mean the only thing you can do because they were also i mean i was just like i remember because somebody like just know why and say anything it's like they were like adults and they were like fan girls but as soon as there was like drinking involved under repeal i was like okay you gotta leave don't go buy the alcohol that's proof that that that like there was you sense there was something wrong of course i mentioned this before even before this article came i've mentioned this for years this specific incident and had was there was a clip from uh i don't know what video it was it might have been on like the barbershop series there was a clip of you and todd talking about how like you had gone to get it but you didn't want to so then todd ended up getting it like the it was like you guys had gone together like david had asked you to get it you were there you were like i feel really uncomfortable doing this and then todd was ultimately the one who ended up buying the alcohol he was there he's in the video he's literally in the video picking into the room saying i'm feeling horny right now and then he also says why are you saying that he wasn't there what are you talking about yeah i totally get that i i know todd was there because like he's in the video and everything yeah do you think it's possible that like todd was the one who bought the alcohol i don't think so i know oh he said it was 20 minutes apart and his dude your [ __ ] bonehead bro it's just it's anyway so that's that's because like you said like todd i think is a creep brandon and david jason but like i really don't think jeff i've never seen anything inappropriate with him with girls or anything i think he's really like that so it's like weird that he's once again just like scott these like clean people are inserting themselves like you're pretty exactly scott and and scott and and jeff could have just [ __ ] rode this out and been fine but somehow part of this cold they feel that they need to throw themselves in in front of the butt well what jeff told me and he i mean i didn't record him but he said i could record him so i guess it's not off the record but he did tell me like he's trying to distance himself from like filming with the group so i don't know i don't know what this is like i guess maybe he's still friends with todd he didn't i don't know what it is because he said he's not like because i'm like why are you defending them so hard like he said if jason asked me to do it reluctantly like he's very like trying to distance himself which is good but also why did he do this whole video like i don't know it was so weird and that's getting paid is there a technical issue i saw someone say they can't hear me but that doesn't seem to be right okay okay people are trolling all right so let's watch jeff's video it's a slog but i think it's important because it's a slog it's like a we're gonna have to group we're gonna have to uh put on our swamp boots and uh tread through this um but we're gonna watch you because i think it's important to make sure that this conversation doesn't get derailed which is what's happening here because if you go like all the david stands are saying i knew it this this it's making me doubt the whole story they start to say [ __ ] like that it's making me doubt the whole story so because because kat and the story she never lied and the story has never changed okay let's watch this this is not how i planned this this is uh this is a big announcement well part of it i was waiting for this he's noticed this is kind of funny why does he have two cameras so dramatic oh oh why would the camera change bro i love it oh you think he's hiding cuts you're so right yeah yeah right oh you're right he's hiding the cuts people know how to do apology videos you need to just be like on the floor looking ugly on the bathroom floor bro take a note from the girl who's trying to ruin your life apparently allegedly yeah part of it i was waiting for this to be that wasn't cut though and i had a couple of eye surgeries okay from the side that part of my life cut to the side and that's why i wasn't on camera i was trying to hide my i looked pretty gnarly after the surgeries and it's still getting better so i was planning on coming back when the time was right and the set was right and i could um get back to my old self unfortunately a couple days ago an article came out unfortunately this is funny unfortunately the article came out how awful that a girl spoke up about something traumatic but unfortunately something happened that was written and i want to believe like these you know i'm these people you know they come out when they feel like that it's like okay too because now that seth being like so many people are coming out like more even ticked out more and more people are coming out stories it's a waterfall because now it's not david's in power because he was like look at what happened to me as soon as i went against david everyone's just like trisha sucks i got like canceled by everybody that year but it's like i think now it's it's cool that these people also did he put that watch the whole 20 minute or is that he put that no he put the watermark oh we're not going to take anything out of context today jeff we're going to watch the whole mother loving video where some pretty horrible things were said and i felt the need to address them because my name was in the article and i'm associated with these horrible horrible acts and i am completely 100 percent innocent i spoke to a reporter before that article was published just to clear my name just because so he's saying i'm 100 innocent that's he's already gone afoul right you were there there was underage drinking like why are you trying just like you have to own so you have to take some accountability to say you're 100 in this clip where you're like yeah 100 innocent would be you weren't even there that night you didn't even know anything happened okay that's 100 innocent so that's what i'm saying like dude you have to take some accountability even a little bit i've i feel guilty by association just being around david and like supporting him for so long because even the stuff with brandon i'm like i kind of went along with it because you just want to be cool in the group for a while and you're like i'm guilty to some degree not in this case but i feel like in a lot of situations like yeah i'm like guilty by association just being with david and like hyping him up and covering covering for him really like and that's what these people are doing and it's i mean it's just it's a ludicrous statement you're not 100 you're in the video like there's proof like you're there yeah nobody's blaming you for what happened yeah you're not going to jail you know what i mean i had no guilt and not you know everyone advised me not to talk to reporters because they'll twist your words and even in my past experience with getting arrested they'll always tell you do not say anything because you'll incriminate yourself and you only make things worse and you proof proof of that being true you clearly understand the concept but uh yeah well here's me telling you that again jeff don't say anything innocent until proven guilty but in the internet world i feel like you're guilty until proven innocent so if i sit here and stay quiet and try to solve this over tweets i'm just going to screw up more and well that was awesome look like more of an idiot because you guys can't see my face one and two i am pretty bad at explaining myself so i'll probably [ __ ] up a lot here and i'll probably be picked apart but i don't care i'm just gonna do it because i have nothing to hide backwards i'm completely innocent oh is he sitting backwards in the chair that's pretty bad that's pretty cool is this like that's a cool new look for an apology video i mean he looks cool jeff is definitely looks cool and also what is jeff fm is that his new podcast was he promoting the new i don't know if he was saying it wasn't out yet he wasn't ready to announce it it looks good but that backwards shares [ __ ] cool as hell maybe i'm changing my opinion about him maybe he is 100 innocent you can't do it no you need an office chair no does anyone got a shirt i could sit back on your knees [Music] it just usually just takes a second [Music] it just sometimes drops out for a second [ __ ] shitty internet so this might get picked up by the way yeah i know that's just weird you can hear me it's working does any do you not have the stream open down so is it working oh that's the worst this is the worst part about going live okay are we back guys sorry my internet took a dump this is the worst thing about going live i thought l's were the thing you give people who are losers well we definitely take the l and the f on this one i love that i never knew that so are we officially back then oh yeah it's still smiling well but do you see it yeah but i mean he was seeing it where you're here what is everyone typing in the chat it's going so fast i can read him faster we are waiting for the stream to reestablish that's what they're saying i can hear myself asking you it's lagging i can hear us discussing it on the stream this is the worst we're back we're back okay so what i was doing before the stream rudely cut is i was saying i should do we should do the no you should do it you look cool we're doing it we should do this an analysis with a backwards chair a chair i think you need like an office chair because like yeah first of all i'm not even i'm not as close to as cool as jeff first of all definitely not and then second off he's going to come at me with a backwards chair how the [ __ ] am i ever going to reply cooler than jeff you just don't look as cool as jeff but you're cooler than him yeah you're like nice and respectful and you don't i have a really good light he doesn't lose it just kidding no no jeff i mean mom no he refuses to take down the sponsorships he's not losing that coin yeah i don't i don't i can't pull off the backwards chair okay so we are officially back dan is saying we're not back they're watching us so let's just take a moment here say what up we're lagging a little bit can we snip this part out after the fact yeah can you spam tricia heads in there spam everyone spam trisha heads if you hear me let's get those tricia heads in the chat i love them too yeah i saw them on your last line i was like that's cool we can add can we add more trisha flares just ultra show emojis well we have like a hundred emojis now really available slots i mean we don't have them all filled so i'm saying we can definitely work on some nutrition flares we look like twins and our beanies our little round faces with a little bit friend means beanies by the way first time being aired oh yeah we were supposed to do it tomorrow i had a whole look plant i hate not being glam i look like a little also you're wearing the balenciaga meme shirt you showed up i was like no you're wearing the shirt i've been wanting to wear this for you but we've always had themes so i've been like oh man so so so let's just we'll just we'll just we'll [ __ ] around until it's better so annoying dude should we sing well tell me dude would you really cruise around in that balenciaga shirt or not i did i wore this speaking of david i went to his 23rd birthday party in his vlog look it up find that find the vlog where i wore that how does it feel to be wearing it do you feel like like boujee yeah do you feel like a meme no you feel like high fashion really yeah i do it's a one designer item that fits me usually people like versace only goes up to size too so this is like something i can rock i'm like okay i feel skinny do you ever i wonder if you could wear this you can and then have that in the back as like a cape as a cake you can yeah you totally can come here we are in buffering city here folks hi puffery we're going to cut this out it'd be saying the audio is fine but it's very low fps why what's an fps frame for frames it's just like stuttery you're such a good boy uh i mean we've had this happen before never this long before though yeah like this is it comes right back and the computer is operating completely fine so it just it seems to be pure like the internet's not totally out but it's like can they hear you talking yes sometimes you don't and it's just and then we're just sitting here i think there's a lot to say about that area we're gonna do an episode where we're just gonna watch paint dry yeah that's fine is this an episode well it's not supposed to be okay it might end up being we just stare at jeff does it still seem uh stuttery choppy yeah what the [ __ ] i'm gonna punch my router in the face i don't know man god violent well it's an inanimate object my internet works fine moses is saying either are you saying choppy or smooth yeah all right here's the deal i'm going to go to the bathroom you're right i'm going to go to the bathroom you want to do a plug a plug for what my music video tomorrow oh sure yeah that'd be great and then well we're going to cut this out oh no but you can plug it in okay but that's not going to make sense we're talking about all this serious [ __ ] and then treasure being like watch my music video it doesn't make any sense okay so what did i do just talk there's a hundred thousand people watching oh okay okay i'll plug it i'll plug something yeah or something all right guys we have a new front what do it to your uh camera this one oh hey guys we interrupt frenemies for a word from our sponsors frenemies merch coming soon to this cool beanie is only the first of wonderful items to come we have zip ups tube sacks from the makers of teddy fresher you know it's good quality and not some shitty fan joy stuff so look for that we also have a passover music video coming tomorrow to my channel so what's up and um yeah and um i'm sure there's a new classic teddy fresh collection i got a black zipper putty that's supposed to wear tomorrow but we're not having tomorrow uh check out uh check out um what else do we have to plug uh check out jeff whitak's response video actually check out the insider article by cat read it for yourself okay um [Music] you know this is 20 21 we stand by standby victims we see them by people saying the truth not just his is titled my truth and not the truth honestly jeff whitake like i honestly don't didn't really have any issues with you before this i don't know why you're trying to like assassinate my character i don't think [ __ ] how did you just were there i wasn't even saying anything i got all my plugs in um oh don't stream don't stream or maybe turn maybe turn it down to 240 if you're streaming you sorry guys we are working hard to fix maybe something's downloading you know nobody's here i know let's just do the show yeah just lower your i mean you guys both streaming could affect it no i wasn't streaming okay okay okay okay all right all right so um okay we're gonna come back in right around here thank you everybody for sticking around sorry about the uh technical issues what were we talking about we were just about to watch this video i think or we were watching his video all right i'll just play it yeah whatever we were talking about and what the what was said about me was false before anything my heart goes out to the victim that was a cut yes camera shot i don't like putts in it and these kind of videos just ain't no cuts here actually i just said we're gonna cut right that's technically difficult but you can see it all yeah that's you can't see it all yeah and at least this is more than two minutes long like you know he did oh yeah that is something i want to say at least if i can say anything nice about jeff is that he at least came out here and talked about something yeah yeah although it's hard to give him so much credit when he's kind of putting cats twitter encouraging his fans when he called me i was like i was so shocked he like dm me call me he's like saying all this stuff to call him and i was like oh like i kind of like respected that because honestly like that does a lot like just hearing from someone rather than being like ignored or called crazy or all the stuff they say behind your back is like oh okay he's like because he talked to me he's like oh you seem like really normal and like not crazy and i was like okay like you know what it means thank you i don't expect that more than david and all these other people just trying to i can only imagine what david says about you it's so funny he never missed my video but i you know it's cool did we drop out again okay just not to discredit her what dom did was horrible and disgusting and makes me sick and i had no idea about this until this article was published well technically i got reached out to to comment on it and nobody really knew what happened that night until that article was sent out to us and i chose to comment on it i chose to comment on it because some things that were said about me were completely false i'm sitting here watching these videos where they're dissecting the article and the video itself and the actions that happened that night and i am mad at myself because the way i look i i genuinely am upset with myself and i know that i didn't do what they're saying that i did but the way it looks i can understand why people are pissed off and i just want so what is it that he's so people are saying he may have bought alcohol so that might not be true okay but he but he keeps evading the the main premise of course is that he was there right he was peeking there's that shot of him and the vlog peeking in and saying he's getting a body count so it's again it's like okay let's want to explain that and by doing that i have to explain how david's vlogs work it's kind of like a chaotic shittier version of snl david will come up with ideas himself but since he would have to put out so much content other people will pitch ideas and sometimes he'll like him and sometimes we'll shoot him sometimes he'll scrap him we won't use them um sometimes you get to do your funny joke that you did in his video which is the biggest platform and that's great because then you get more attention to your channel and and whatever and you can maybe get more possibilities from that bit that you executed in his video so on this day three years ago um dom had posted an instagram story where he was asking to have uh for some he was asking who would who would be interested in having a a foursome with him oh we got wind of this and it seemed like an interesting bit that possibly you know potentially something funny could come out of back when i was rolling with david and we would film these vlogs it was very you're shaking your head dan just this whole explanation on snl they don't invite random strangers to come on and have a for like what is this comparison this isn't a sketch this is like this is more like a reality show it's nothing like snow yeah what the [ __ ] is he talking about yeah minus like the releases and stuff it's like it's not it's not even like it's so it's so odd and so weird and who says like oh yeah that's like a good idea let's go and film that like i don't know yeah and there's also a lot of confusions about like okay dom asked for the five sum and we thought it would be a good idea once again he's dodging the responsibility where if you watch david in other clips he's taking credit for setting up dom explicitly stanks david in the video so again i feel like jeff is once again trying to like um obfuscate the truth by saying oh was again trying to blame it all on dom even though this was a collaboration for david's [ __ ] video yeah this is also repeated i mean like even as like last year he was asking like natalie and corona like how much he could pay them to have sex with jason and like he goes how much can i pay you a thousand dollars david yeah like he's on the record and like what is wrong with him when he thinks that sex like that is just like some like he thinks all women are [ __ ] or something that's literally like and i saw someone else say this like every girl and everyone i never noticed like every female in the vlog is like literally the joke and when he's talking about like we all came to ideas with david i'm never why jason why does he want them to sleep with jason i guess because he's like the grossest person so he's like oh how much to have like sex with like they did it with jonah too he's like how much has sex with like jonah how much would it like he asked kern of that multiple times like because they're just gross people why do you think that women are prostitutes and just like sex is just a pawn for for entertainment yeah he's he's got some deep rooted [ __ ] going on but again this is jeff just once again playing the boys club and and and he's trying to say it was all dom's idea and david didn't have anything to do with it which is something he'll continue to say throughout this video be like chaotic we'd bounce around we'd be in one spot for 15 minutes oh jesus christ that's crackling the audio's [ __ ] up [ __ ] in and out parking lot and see if we can find something there we go to hollywood boulevard we would go to david's house or wherever and we just keep trying to find jokes and this situation this night is not how it played out in the video because you guys only see a small small part of it sometimes jokes don't land sometimes shots don't work sometimes audio isn't clean sometimes somebody says a joke it doesn't happen on camera we have to but it wasn't clean yeah too well redo it sometimes the live breaks sometimes things are scripted entirely i and david and we all were under the impression that this was a consensual bit these girls had answered dom's message to have a threesome dude again he's he's you're what are you talking about of course like you are all under the of course they weren't coming over to be assaulted right right and they were clearly like fans also david has always been hiding himself and saying that nothing is scripted and honestly like from all my time there nothing is scripted like maybe they come up with ideas but everyone that's like the victim or get the the brunt of it like they don't know i feel like he's bringing that up that sometimes it's scripted again to throw down on this whole thing because later in the video he says he tries to doubt the authenticity of of of the video and they came over to do that or maybe pretend to do that or joke around or just maybe nothing was going to happen who knows according to the article and in the video maybe five or six girls showed up they weren't interested in having threesome i think they just wanted to hang out and film maybe some of them were or i don't know exactly i i remember some of them saying that they were some were 20 some were 21 but in the article it says that trisha who was jason's girlfriend at the time and the one bringing all this to light wrong it's so [ __ ] up that he says that literally i talked about this for years and no one cared like these girls came forward after a lot of other people came for i lit and then they just asked me for a comment because i talked about it before i was there just like they asked you and again this is again the same boys club that just uses trisha's crazy and has a vendetta against us once again the same [ __ ] dumbass talking point to sell to your to your fans who ate it up initially right it's [ __ ] up dude you if you read the article you would know that this has very little trisha's was mentioned almost none yeah because i was only there for half of it you were there for all of it it's like dude what are you why are you doing this they're an hour and a half year they're at least longer than that that's longer than 15 minutes like well we'll get into that she is saying that i supplied alcohol to loosen up the girls which it just didn't say that i did say that david asked jason when jason said no he asked jeff and jeff said i'll do it that's what i heard i i never said i saw him come back but again if it was you were the only person saying that that might be of interesting defense right but the part that you don't mention once in this whole pathetic video is that two of the other witnesses that were there said that you and todd came back with alcohol why do you not mention that dude how are you going to come out here and and not he's not the victim blame by just tricia blaming which okay i'll take it but also like there's actual people that we're involved he's trying not to pull scott he's trying to like do his best to not do that but he's just he's covering for todd who by but who saves that based on what he told cat in the recording we watched in the beginning is that he bought alcohol for himself right so okay now stories have changed it just makes me angry because it's so not true i willingly called insider to clear my name and say this is complete [ __ ] trisha and i have had bro you don't clear you this i'm sorry jeff but i just think you must not be that smart you don't call a reporter and clear your name by just saying oh that's not what happened if you have some kind of evidence that you can show them that might help but if you're just going to call and [ __ ] about say how trish is crazy just have to get you i don't think that's going to help influence the article much dude right i have a ton of things i could say about you and todd it's like i'm not trying to like go about that route like it's just like that's irrelevant also just not even has anything to do with it because it's not about me but it's i know it's frustrating you know we haven't been so friendly with each other in the past because of starbucks the breakup with jason my loyalty remained with jason after the breakup i saw trisha make videos on jason and she was angry at him for whatever reasons that's between them i reached out to trisha personally after all this and i mean i i only knew one side of the story at the time i only knew what she was saying online and he was losing jobs losing money he was getting hate to me in my eyes at the time it was taking food out of it maybe because his best friend was featured was dating a minor maybe that's why he was losing brand deals because he kept putting brandon in the videos instead of me and he was lit and it was proven that he was dating and sometimes it's like maybe it wasn't about me like what did i say that i was embarrassed by jason i wasn't angry as embarrassed he hadn't even broke up with me i was like you're embarrassing this is embarrassing you're the madison beer and tana trying to hook up with them you're gross and disgusting he says you were taking food out of jason's children's mouth which is basically saying if anyone does anything wrong and they have kids you can never hold them accountable because the kids are going to starve apparently oh my god shame on you are his kids still they're fed right i think they're okay okay good detached my name is to this it's just because i was the only one to speak i talked to the reporter and i told her that i had nothing to do with buying the alcohol that absolutely was not me i will go down to that okay well the witnesses and trisha who was there disagree right i mean dude they literally said you and talking from three years ago to see who walked in the liquor store i checked my credit card statement i don't know how you should get those tapes he's got the tapes nobody's the only one and he also said for himself you already admitted that you guys went in there so yeah and my theory is we talked about this he's probably right like maybe jeff physically didn't do it like i saw that david was like hey jeff just like i'll do it and then i didn't know yeah i don't think you did it i don't think but to cover and say we didn't but then i'll say oh todd bought whiskey for himself it's like which one is it i love this listen this is the most half-assed [ __ ] way to defend yourself like you have to have no brain to actually be convicted because he's also trying to defend todd and david which is i checked my credit card scene i don't you didn't check your [ __ ] credit card statement from three years ago stop check the credit card statements stop you didn't go to the [ __ ] am pm and look do you have camera footage from three years ago he did show the footage oh right right right here's that here's my credit card statement from that well whatever because he didn't do it no craic but again it's a ridiculous claim he's missing again missing like more of the point he's saying he's a hundred percent innocent maybe hundred percent i went into hypnotherapy and i went back in time and i remember everything vividly it's like okay bro yeah how do you remember that they all said they were 20 or 21 but you don't remember that it's like so right you remember their exact age how did you know their age how did you know their age how did you know their age jeff it sounds like a tic-tac how did you know you're there you know how you how you've proved that you didn't buy alcohol the only one that was allegedly saying that i bought the alcohol was tricia wrong [ __ ] that's a lie and he recorded the conversation did he think cat wasn't recording the conversation it's like you're a [ __ ] liar bro finding consistencies in my story he has so many in this like mine are always the same even from years ago these same same consistencies i've always said the same truth listen because lies are so easily if she would wait hold on even if let's say you didn't read the article which i don't think you did yeah but even if you didn't here's cat recording your conversation one more time for the record smith bought alcohol it's from trisha it's also from the other girls like they remembered sorry what's he saying in response to that he ignores asked jason to go buy the alcohol and then trisha told jason like don't buy the alcohol and then they said that you and todd left and came back with like a bottle of i think jack and i do know like i i have like the video like i've watched the video so like it was like the it was like you and todd and like that whole group was there i don't know like if you remember anything specific around that i did not he just says i did not nor ignoring that it's not just trisha which is just again like that's just not fair characterization free different like maybe that argument has worked these past few years with perhaps which is crazy everything's from tricia yeah everything bad happening the vlog squad is trisha's fault yeah that doesn't [ __ ] work anymore like his lawyer's saying that too trying to discredit yes which by the way i loved on your last h3 live when you said the lawyers when they said in their legal letter that well anyone who knows david david wouldn't do this and you're like what kind of lawyer is that yeah your honor because that's what scotty said right maybe it's scott that didn't wrote the message scotty your lawyer your honor if only you would get to know the defendants you could would clearly tell that's not a legal defense you can't go to court and be like no of course not and also if i was his bitter ex-girlfriend against jason i would throw jason under the bus if i'm a liar i'd lie about something that he did there too i'd be like you know what yeah save jason's life nobody's talking about jason and he was up david's ass for all these bits so you're welcome jason for not being involved in this scammy one trisha wasn't even there when the alcohol supposedly so the arrived arrived yeah wait back that up trisha wasn't there when the alcohol so you tristan wasn't there when the alcohol arrived yeah only one was allegedly saying that i bought the alcohol was trisha no trisha wasn't even there alcohol supposedly arrived i told trisha who i had jesus yeah so many churches yeah come on you got the second camera for well because it'd be like this wouldn't work you know it's so [ __ ] up that he characterizes you this way because anybody that's not familiar with the actual story is just going to be like trisha's this crazy bee who's just after us and told and it's just it's it's you're a [ __ ] liar bro and you owe trisha apology which is so weird because he did apologize to me last tuesday and then he made this video and then even when he texted me i thought we were all cool i was like we were until you like because he apologized tuesday to me and then now he's just like he was you i just thought you were a crazy person you're right you weren't and i'm like what like well remember he's calling in after this and listen i'm not holding back i'm just being genuine but i'm going to hear him out but i'm going to need an apology i think for lying about trisha on this one that's he don't think he got that because i said i was like well dude you literally lied to him i had problems with at the time i apologize for discrediting everything you say because of my loyalty to a friend what would you do if your friend broke up with her boyfriend and there was some problems going on before jump off that bridge you would stick with your home girl that's it that's just that's my mom that was your mom always say that would you jump if kyle jumped off a bridge with you you know that's why my name is in this article i believe for the first time i talked to the reporter from insider i told her that i 100 didn't buy the alcohol i swear to god i swear on everything dude a reporter doesn't care you swearing to god that's not evidence jeff [Laughter] i told her i swear to god i can't believe she included me i swear to god and she still included me how unprofessional when i when a victim actually said your name not even me take me out because she was gonna take me out of the question when david lawyer tried to like throw me and she was you know she limited a lot of what she said about me because of david's lawyer um but take me out the girl still said your name jeff like i'm not like you're in the video and the girl named you bruh stop just stop stop it i definitely did not i'm sober i would not i haven't i i know i haven't bought alcohol because i quit drinking so i just who bought there was no way i could have bought the alcohol then she asked me about a joke that i made with todd in a video where i made fun of his drinking problem and like how he loves whiskey or something like that i do make those jokes about todd so i said yeah you know that that could have been in a video later years later in a completely different situation but i wasn't saying todd bought the alcohol that was like 20 minutes apart in our phone call once again he's lying we have cat recorded the conversation and i'll pull it up again because like i don't want to leave any room for doubt he literally mentions it at the end of this listen i'm just going to skip to then i don't have alcohol in my house i don't you know do you think it's possible yeah i totally totally get that yeah i totally get that i i know todd was there because like he's in the video and everything do you think it's possible that like todd was the one who bought the alcohol i don't think so i know todd drinks himself so wow in the same clip so he once again is lying about the reporter taking it out of context it would feel like so good for like jeff because jeff i do like we were saying i think he's a good guy as opposed to like david i really think he doesn't think he's anymore if you just like own up to [ __ ] like it feels so good to finally like because people like are more forgiving than you think so if you're like hey i [ __ ] up especially if you show if you portray maturity yeah which he has he has distanced himself from the group he's deleted videos like you know all stuff it's like okay like it feels so good like just like i don't think jeff's a bad guy i just what he's doing intentionally or not is really [ __ ] up and needs to be called out oh yeah yeah for sure but like why are you lying the you literally in that clip it sounds like you are insinuating to talk about the alcohol just do you think it's possible talk about the alcohol you said i don't think so but he does drink whiskey you said it like that but he does drink with me so because she said someone said it was jack and he goes oh well he does drink whiskey so that might make so you knew stop it so for you to put those two together it pissed me off because uh now you you're making me look like i'm throwing my friend under the bus i just listened to saying that todd was the one who supplied this yeah i've never given a girl a drink to loosen girls up yeah exactly nobody's accusing you of that dude it just sucks because all you need to do is say something on the inter internet and then it's a story and then it's it's this is a little literal published article with a paywall in front of it you have to pay to read it and the girl said to me i don't know what video you said that in but i didn't have much to work with and that's what i think trisha said to me or something stop so that's what i had to go with you're the only one that spoke to me what vlog or barbershop episode did i reference that todd likes whiskey i just played it i just played the clip in the same conversation for christ's sake uh such a headache it's like a touch of a run around i don't know because i know trisha has like brought that up but i was just like told that there was a clip of you and todd talking about the alcohol so for me okay now just to give context because he's making it look like she's making this all up based on here's here satriciousness is yeah that's not true what she's talking about is this clip she referred to earlier she says there's a clip of you guys talking about it and you said you were nervous so todd decided to buy it she did not include that clip in the article because she could not find evidence of it so you specifically asked her about that and she said i couldn't find that clip trying to characterize it like she was lying about you saying todd like whiskey even though that's on [ __ ] record which i just played for you douche yeah that's so dumb that's so stupid i didn't even see those things about cat but yeah now that's like oh my god just straight up lies do you think he just doesn't remember or he's like he's doing it on purpose like he's trying to manipulate i don't know i feel like he doesn't know he's lying oof so what's the what does that mean about him does it mean he's just so caught up in trying to defend when people lie you trip over your story so much which is why i don't like it i used to be such a liar when i was a kid and you trip over your story so much and it's so easily found out so like now i'm really careful on to like what i say about like i always was when i made any exposed video about anybody anything like call roger bar david like anybody i that's true there's truth in it there's always truth i'm not going to make applies i mean is he explicitly lying because everything he's saying is so is so probably false like damn what's your take on this that's why i i mean i honestly was just baffled by all of this uh because it's so again he either didn't read the article and so or he's or he's like those are the only two options he either didn't read the article or he's lying like but funnily enough even if he didn't read the article we have them on tape the reporters saying it wasn't just trish it was two other people right well and it just it seems like he can't get it didn't he i i was just asking a b about this in our chat because i wanted to make sure i understood it but when this first broke and you were arguing with him on twitter the other day trisha yeah he tweeted that he was only there for 15 minutes yes but everything he's stating in this video also contradicts that so it's just like his story has changed like 10 times in the last three days the 15 minutes thing is something i really gotta ask him about because that does not make sense it's just not being able to keep up with the lies which again yeah i just i can't even keep track of what his narrative is here i mean if he's just outright lying then then you know bro i don't know i don't know how i can help you with that one reaching out that's why my name is in this article i'd like to think that he's not being that malicious as to outright knowingly lie but i think he's just trying to like defend himself and his friends any way he can and so i think he's just i don't know trying to throw her under the bus me under the bus and he's trying everything to do not to victim one because that didn't go too well for scotty so i think he's just trying any other route [Music] i don't know that's why i'm associated with this back to explaining how david films we do stuff that sometimes doesn't work and that bit in our eyes all of our eyes it was a failure it didn't work out and we all left thinking it didn't work out so why was it posted why would he have posted it and i also brag about it on a podcast and two days later if you didn't think that worked out that doesn't make sense that claim doesn't make sense they filmed the whole thing they got dom having the threesome they were peeking inside the door i mean i just i don't know what is his point of trying to bring this up it was a failure guys that he just left and that was it right i guess the room we were like oh they went in the room with him but nobody's clothes were taken off no nobody was kissing did you know that nothing's going on we were just joking around and then we left straight up we left we went somewhere else to film something else in the video so that that claim is hard to know what's the truth or not but but the guy has not been truthful about everything else so i'm inclined not to believe him in this case well he also says that he didn't he looked in and like nobody was in there but now he looked in and they were fully closed no one was kissing they were fully clothed nothing was happening so why in the vlog does dom come out naked and why is david also in the article cat says that she has a a recording that one of the witnesses took of them saying did you see anything to david and david saying no he locked the door right which is what he did because the guys kept peeking in when they were trying to hook up so again this doesn't hold water compared to the accounts of what happened that night and even what's in the vlog which has dom coming out naked saying stop bothering me and once again you're not innocent because you're partaking in this even if you're peeking in on them clothes you're partaking in something like you're still you're still not innocent these are like young fan girls obviously drinking whether you brought the alcohol or they just had alcohol or they were drinking like you're a part of this like no did you know they weren't naked when you peeked in right i know what i mean yeah and they said and i i was there when they said they didn't want to do it they just wanted me david not the main girl because she said she didn't know who we were whatever but the other girls were just so excited to meet david and me and everyone they said it so they were fan girls they said they had no intention of hooking up with them they just want to like hang out and chill so you know that part but now then they're in the room yeah that's and also jeff looked in and came out and said oh they look pretty good so uh he did say that you're a [ __ ] third it looks like we were peeking in and in the article it says that the friends had to lift her limp body out of the room because she drank so much alcohol that was supplied allegedly by me or todd and that sounds absolutely horrible and i won't stay silent on this i don't give a [ __ ] how this gets picked apart go ahead i would never look into a room and see again you are bro i don't i'm sorry to say this with peace and love i think you're just dumb i think your all your problems in life probably just stem from you being kind of an idiot yeah the article does the article says that they had to go in there after you guys had already dipped out because her lifeless body was dumped and kept on the bed when you it's clear from the timeline of the article that they were not she wasn't blacked out and dumped on the bed naked when you peeked in there right like what yeah what are you talking about according to you you said there was there were clothes or whatever so they were but they were still in the bedroom with this guy like in new breeded is that the word yes again it's like bro you're it's like he's trying to make this big stand on this point that literally doesn't even matter and already you guys are all you know they're fans of all of you guys there's these girls so once again there's like this power dynamic of david you todd all of us being there and it's just like you're still like there's still like a problem here you're like drinking with these fan girls so there's this really and you know they're fans of you guys and it's just it's just i believe you that you didn't see it that the article clearly states that you weren't there when it happened come on dude girl being and allow that to happen i believe david and dom where he said you guys all but now he's kind of throwing and trying to throw and to doubt the authenticity of the entire story of course yeah even though he goes i'm not here to look them she anymore but doing that by missing the whole [ __ ] point both end up in jail together and i said no they separate the the race and the pedophiles and stuff like that they they separate those guys and they put them in different color outfits and they give them special security because they get beat down and they get killed because of what they do when you're in jail and you're a racist that's what happens to you they give you like the light blue jumpsuit and the rest of us would be in dark blue look i i've [ __ ] up before in the past i've made mistakes i've addressed them they're on the internet you could read through every one of them and i'll admit to them if i did something wrong i'll admit to it this was all nearly a decade ago and i have nothing to hide now look i referenced jail a lot and it's become a part what he's saying he went to jail a decade ago making it sound like the video was a decade ago kind of my character i guess and i haven't been there in 10 years but what i can say is it's it's a horrible place it's where nobody would ever want to be what's that got to do with anything the second you get there especially in california you have to fight and okay bro jail's tough what what am i supposed to do with this even the most hardened criminals even the worst people on the planet that i have to be locked in a cage because they can't be out in society still do not condone rape and sexual assault and pedestal so so his argument here is that because he's gone to prison he's against essay which clearly he's not because he knew about the text with dom and these girls in 2019 he still filmed with dom after this the ones from vidcon he knew all this but he may not have known about the text we don't evidence of that i'll tell you i know for sure the whole group knows about dom and his that's for sure the vidcon thing but the facts and he still did videos with him had a whole barbershop episode like you did you still probably heard them after the whole vidcon controversy why did you continue to associate with dom i mean i have that same question for everybody this poor girl was was straight up assaulted by dom and everyone was allowed in him as a hero for admitting to his mistakes legend defiles i don't stand for any well he's been to jail so so he's fine he's been to jail and as you know in prison we don't stand for that [ __ ] oh is that what he's trying to say yeah i got it he's like trust me i don't think anybody does i don't have to go to jail tonight i agree that's like saying anyone who's been to jail would never come out and commit an assault or something we're all rehabilitated dom is gonna get what's coming to him i've been reaching out to him because he needs to address this because since i'm the only one who will talk i'm the one that's getting the most [ __ ] that's not why and i called dom several times a day uh i've been texting him and he said stop calling me and i said it doesn't work like that i'll just [ __ ] read it because i i mean who gives a [ __ ] i'm an open book i got nothing to hide he said on a call bro is that true is he open book except well no you're you've deleted all your videos you're not an open book you literally will not admit that you went to the store yeah with todd and you keep saying you were there for 15 minutes you can't have anything wrong like if someone's just innocent everything like admits i'm wrong doing 100 uh not yeah stop calling me i said i said stop calling you it doesn't work like that i i ended off with saying you better hope the cops find you before i do i mean i don't even know what i would do this video i don't know why he got to include like threats of physical violence well this is coming from the guy that left his coffee when he saw me in a starbucks guy i think that's nothing that triggered him because when i saw that i was like this is the guy that's returning he's like i've been in prison i'm [ __ ] tough and then like when he saw me like did not get his coffee so that's why i said it because i just felt so funny everyone's always so scared of jeff and i was like you're not gonna do anything like it it's fine and you went to jail for selling marijuana like i mean you know it's legal now so it's like you don't act like you're like oh they find your party you know where he is like this whole situation makes well i don't think he should go beat up dom no no no i'm not either i'm saying i i would encourage you not to do that definitely don't be sick or don't be yeah mean just want you guys to know that i would never just sit back and watch a girl get [ __ ] i agree nobody's saying you did that i would never sit there and let that happen yes we know nobody's saying that you know the video is being picked apart lined up with the article and it looks bad i i'm mad at myself when i watch it you know i have nobody's thing i don't think anybody's saying that when they peeked in they saw the that they knew that a girl was being like that's not i don't think that's the timeline that right am i wrong or is people do people think that i think just the overall watching girls yeah i think they're not consenting to it they're drunk they're not going to be watching them they're not consenting to you guys peeking in it's the same thing as like the shower situation me and jason like i mean it's not like there was anything inappropriate other than like i didn't like know something today having sex you know yeah that kind of thing yeah i have respect for all women but back to perspective david vlogs i don't respect it it's all women like i don't respect all people maybe like yeah i respect i respect all you know i respect all women no i don't no exception i don't respect jodi arias the girl who stabbed her husband 41 times i don't respect casey anthony exactly you know what i mean so not all women oh dan's coming out with margaret against margaret thatcher ladies and gentlemen we have the next episode we need to cancel charles dickens he was anti-semitic troll we're going way back huh i just saw that recently yeah right after i can't tell you i have it in my notes for real yeah you might as well put yourself on that list no i'm not oh my god you might be anyway also can we go back to this the also a big issue is david david also again once again being like go buy alcohol for these girls but it's a theme that he's admitted to saying he has his best bits when his friends are drunk so he has alcohol in hand like he admits this this is something that's enough always bring in the alcohol yeah so of course maybe you didn't do it and like again no one's really coming for you this is david's vlog david produced it david orchestrated david asked people to go get alcohol like i was there for that like it's not he wasn't he's not really under fire you know what i mean he put himself in the [ __ ] crosshairs and now he's gonna get mowed down it's obvious that you know things are scripted and set up and reshot i've said that already but there is a clip at the end of the video and it's with dom with a shirt off and he's [ __ ] sweating that shot was not even shot that day again proof that he didn't read the article because they say that in the article yeah they literally said it in the article this isn't a revelation bro right and i know people will probably take this clip right now of me saying this and everything said is a statement and everybody's story needs to match up and you can take this and you can use this in court this is my statement i'll [ __ ] stand on the stand say this again i was not there david went back the next day to shoot that sweaty scene they literally sprayed him to make him look sweaty we know that again we talked about it what's sick about that is that david must have known this girl was blackout and puking and all this and then they went back to complete the bit yeah which is even crazier right it's even crazier holding exactly maybe and make it look like he just finished having sex to my understanding that was shot the next day in the article dude and to my understanding david had no idea that dom had just a girl that night before when he told him that he successfully had the threesome so they can sure i believe david didn't know that that's what happened but what david did know is that the girl was puking black out drunk and apparently you knew that too jeff because you were there all night yeah and had to re-shoot it and furthermore the dave was like last apology like he knew this from dom's text that he sent in february of 20 when i made my video so like david still knows this and still hasn't taken accountability so why you're defending this person david removed this video a year and a half ago for a reason yeah he knew all of this i don't know you know all of this like this is in the present and you're still like no you know now finish the bit they have the ending to their story what happened i had no idea about i could speak for myself in my opinion david went into that thinking that this was a consensual bit and it was funny to him at the time when he was 21 again nobody went there expecting to be assaulted and literally he says in the vlog these girls weren't having it and then a couple hours later read between the lines david larry goes it was clear that he did fivesome wasn't happening but dom got to got persuasive there's a vlog that was circling around at me and jason later that i in bed being like yeah we tried to set up a dog of five some for dom he said we tried to set up a fight some for dominant didn't happen yeah and i said this is something you can't really set up is it like it's out there like this is not they set it up and it didn't work and everyone knew that and going to buy the alcohol for them was like the solution you know i guess his friends out here that you know why he's called my truth because it's not the truth i hate that i know i just hate that [ __ ] you're from vernon hills together is it the truth no it's not it's not true people use that way through easily now this is my channel and he's able to have a threesome from putting out an instagram story it was cool to him i don't control the what goes in thanks david that's what it was cool to him at the time the joke that was made at the end of the video saying that we should we'll probably all go to jail for this was a complete joke and a terrible what's the joke that is so [ __ ] what's the joke though right okay obviously it's a joke what's the joke jeff explain to me the premise after all of that that whole night of like the girls the sex like you're like and then what's the joke what's the premise of your joke jeff why are you going to jail in your joke and it's so funny it's david brandon and like literally the people i've called out the slimy ones because it turned out something horrible actually happened that night but do you think it in anyone's right mind if we just posted a video to 10 million people that a serious disgusting crime happened in we would make a joke saying we're going to go to jail for this no but it's telling yeah yeah right exactly good point dan i definitely wouldn't expect you guys to go back and complete the pick and then no i think what it means is that there was some underlying unease about it that made you guys created make that joke because clearly that's the joke yeah otherwise what's the job what is the joke what are you going you know joke i didn't know what happened i just think people if they're innocent they should talk i woke up today to a call from my manager where i was asked to delete all the posts that i've done with a brand that i've been partnered with for a while and i felt like angry at first and you know disappointed i didn't feel guilty i felt like this is now costing me everything i've worked for i refuse to delete it and this i love that's crazy that's so crazy that that's what you're like upset about it's like [ __ ] i'm losing brand deals well oh here let me play i shouldn't pause it and he said they could sue you and i said you know what then [ __ ] it let him sue me i'm innocent and i know how this looks your innocence has nothing to do with the brand which is in a contract like jeff is on a mission to ruin his life literally yeah jeff please for the love of god when i saw this i was like dude just take it down bro please and if you ever want to work with a sponsor again this is not the way to do it because i think your association and david's blog alone regardless of the article just like what you did in that vlog is reason enough for a brand not to want to partner with you like now until until it cools off right because again you're not the main perpetrator yeah like let it cool off give them what they want just remove it because now you're known as the guy who if [ __ ] goes down he's going to make you sue him to remove the boats like i'm sorry that's not someone any brand is ever going to want to work with bro just say i'm sorry i understand the situation i'm going to take it down even though of course it happens you know it happens you don't fight you don't say i'm not taking [ __ ] you i'm not taking it down i've never had that happen i don't have brand deals so i don't know what that's like apparently adam eve doesn't care adam you just yeah right or die when the podcast was going to end they when we thought we didn't we're going to continue like oh are you continuing the podcast are we should we keep sponsoring like they they oh when they thought you were gonna oh that's they're like should we just like pull out oh that's nice yeah loyalty i like that maybe i own adam and eve i don't know how you should at this point i think you're the only reason they're floating they're like we will never pull ads on trisha i love they're like just tell me what to do you're quitting the pockets just tell me i'll [ __ ] cancel all of them they've used to buy me through every single thing i've been through i love that i love that they're loyal to you yeah i'm not mad about that at all adam and eve get adam and eve as a sponsor jeff who's the one that sponsors oh chipotle apparently they they just love supporting yeah yeah chipotle's like just for just sponsor absolutely anything james david and the spring chicken burrito is james's burrito he likes them yellow yeah i like that yeah he loves the unit people like the big [ __ ] burrito too my breeze the big [ __ ] yeah well what can i say they serve spring chicken there and that's how joe and that's how james charles likes his meat young and he's just living his life oh yeah he's living his best life for sure james charles ladies and gentlemen yikes anyway what a mess and you know i do feel bad because it's like jeff is getting all this heat but like james charles is a billion times worse and he's out there living his best life with the young chicken spring chicken burrito wait stop calling why that's what he loves i just hate it i hate it so much well you know what spring chickens are right yes yes i understand okay but i will speak up and i will show that i'm not who these people are saying i am removing those those problems from those partnerships it looks like i'm admitting guilt and i i know he's saying that it's the thing like if it's names and titles and you're speaking yeah it's just being respect yeah exactly it's not to be associated with you at the moment no i don't know if his problem is that like i don't know if it's like he said post that makes me think like twitter or instagram or something but if there's like a whole episode you can jeff i'm talking directly to you if you're watching you can just clip out that part right you can keep the video up yeah i don't know you had no problem taking down like dom and all these other videos like just take that one down like it's not just clip out the part though because maybe he's got like a whatever i don't care jeffy's [ __ ] like that now jeffy deal with your [ __ ] bro you were there just i don't know it's tell you about jeff you're linked to this but i'm [ __ ] innocent i didn't assault a girl i didn't know i wasn't an accomplice to an assault i know tagged along to make a a skit to make a consensual bit i'm not trying right it wasn't again that's another way of trying to flex everyone's and everyone's involved in the skit snl i'm pretty sure they're all aware they're filming 100 yeah yeah defend anybody here i'm just trying to tell the truth and i'm not media trained i i probably [ __ ] up a blessing i mean i talked to trisha and can you tell me i mean that was a lot to call her after she said some who even said that i'm not crazy stuff about me but i always feel like communication should be done offline and i'm always quick to call and talk things out without them blowing up online so everybody else has their two cents in without knowing the whole story and i called trisha and i immediately apologized for the starbucks situation she's allowed to have an opinion the legendary star if only would have said hi to you at starbucks none of this would have happened it's like just so not what it's about because i didn't say yeah kicking himself i was ignoring him the same way he was ignoring me we were both avoiding each other i was just saying how funny he talked about jeff is thinking about that starbucks encounter over and over again is he trying to be like condescending or is he being serious i don't know is he being genuine like i'm sorry i don't know well i think he's being serious but it does come off condescending because he isn't flying like that this whole starbucks thing is the reason why you know everything's crushing down on his life right now and me the loyalty to my friend is what got me into a beef i mean this allegation in here there's no beef could potentially ruin my life and career and everything i worked for this article currently cost me every partnership i've worked my entire life to build and it's all just because i was trying to help by telling the reporter the truth no no now you were named you're calling me come on dude you know what i also like you're again a guilty by association like i was dropped for my podcast last year with uh what was coming podcast one because of shane's scandal so it was ryan for real rylan was dropped from spotify and i was dropped from podcast one they they said it was because they couldn't afford me but i've seen shows like like 100 views and they still sponsor and it's because it's because my association with shane so even i had nothing to do with shane's allegations because i was associated with him like you know you get dropped that's what it is it's better to you know i wish i would have separated back then but i was so like true i was like so hardcore and stuff like that it's better when you just separate yourself especially if you if you are not guilty and you're seeing all the things that your friend is guilty of david is clearly guilty of this stuff and you're still trying to associate with him it sounds like todd too yeah that's true if you really wanted to save your career and do the right thing you would say you know what i bro what can i do i can't rewrite history for you you [ __ ] up i'm not going to say here say it because you know that i'm telling you it goes a long way i [ __ ] up so many times and if you're just like [ __ ] i [ __ ] up especially when it's not true say it don't come out here and say you're 100 innocent brah yes reporter if she was sorry do you still want to call in is he ready can we get him on standby because we're almost done he may have bailed i've been like [ __ ] these guys oh yeah i have this can you send me the zoom like sen send it to eli she's my phone she's going to send him to zoom link on my twitter dms all right let's get him ready for twisting my words and causing all this now because um i'm sure she had a an idea about you know what what the aftermath this would be but um i just wanted to know if she had any any sort of sympathy for you know knowing that i was innocent and still doing this yeah and i even have she keeps saying that she knows you're innocent what do you mean because you're not i don't think he understands what like you're not innocent like you didn't do yeah no one's accusing you of like doing anything but like you're not the witnesses said you came back with alcohol yeah you were a part of this group you were part of this but i swore to god but i when i was on the phone with her i said i swear to god and she's still included literally scott's defensive like everyone knows david's a nice guy he would not daniel you hacked into my mainframe can you play the video oh yeah thank you into me on the phone that she believes me that i'm innocent but she still went ahead and twisted my words wrong so [ __ ] it i'll put the video in jeff i am i am very very sorry to hear that like i feel like you were more of an innocent well i feel like you were more of a bystander though right and i'm very sorry that that is headed your way i don't think that anything else is going to come out that will like involve you specifically because are you sorry to hear it or are you sorry that like you wrote you worded it that way though like it sounds like like i mean i'm sorry to hear it because ultimately like i had to do that for my job like that's just like what i had to do with the information that i was presented with but i am sorry to hear that yeah don't told her you were there so she had to report it so once again he's insinuating that she's knowingly lying and that she ruined his life and all this [ __ ] dude again he if the most the most ironic thing is he's doing to her what he claims she did to him right here she says um she says the thing i'm saying i'm sorry about is that jeff before asking if i was sorry he told me people were calling him an r word and a p word a p a p word and his life was being ruined and stuff and she was like yeah i'm sorry that's like on a human level i'm sorry that's happening to you it doesn't mean that she lied so you were taking her words out of context yeah she reported what the girl told her that you brought back alcohol [ __ ] because all i got to do is release the rest of this phone call and you know i'm not trying to get people fired that's not my goal i understand you're trying to get a story out about a serious crime that was done to a girl and i support that but what you did was not do good research wrong and you brought down a lot of innocent people along the way and you put a paywall on it you claim you're helping the girl you know you claim you're helping the girl by getting her story out there but why put a pay wall on it why make people come to [ __ ] it sign up to insider welcome to actually running a business like that doesn't discredit the article it just means also she's the author she doesn't she's i'm sure that she had nothing to do with the article there are times does it too there's even the thing my vulture was behind a paint while i paid for that everything's finally well yeah they're running a business it's not easy to make money in that world they had lawyers talking with david's lawyers yeah that doesn't delinea legitimize that he really delved into it the story was come out like a week prior and they had to like delay it because their lawyers were involved and she did plenty of her oh he's taking over my [ __ ] here like it's for your own personal profit you said it i had nothing to work with and you're the only one that spoke to me that's the only reason i'm in this message no and that's the only reason stop lying i am dealing with what i'm dealing with now now you're named losing partnerships that me and my team work to build you know i'm not the only one that works on my videos i have i think about 10 employees now on payroll that rely on me to eat and oh no not the food argument again they're going to starve it sucks i agree it [ __ ] it's horrible it sucks i feel for you bro these people are going to starve to death now along with jason's kids they'll never eat again because you [Laughter] rely on brand partnerships to be able to put videos out for free and it's all ruined now because of this [ __ ] article because of you why were you there i have no guilt in it whatsoever [ __ ] reporter put her put her [ __ ] twitter up acting like you're doing the lord's work don't act like you're doing the lord's work you're doing this for profit again i've said this a hundred times this video okay now you've gone too far yeah you said too much just like a straight-up attack so which part is it if she's doing is she doing the lord's work no is she bringing light to this horrible crime which you apparently want to assault dom for no she's doing it to make a profit as the owner of insider and the fact that he says he has your girl and also for the record all my videos like the one i made about david's apology they all get to monetize like anything about david gets to monetize on my end too so it's not like everything's for profit it's just also and two the fact he has no guilt like i have guilt about it i'm like maybe i should have done more you know what i mean like you have to have some sort of guilt like i feel guilty let's say we're grown adults and like yes we left or whatever like that but i feel guilt about it how do you not like when these girls i don't know if these girls are different girls that are telling me about the situation if it was in the group i remember saying like [ __ ] i feel really bad because they said they were fans awesome i wish i would i wish i would have said more and stuff like that so to feel no guilt is actually like psychotic like you're actually kind of like evil you have no sympathy you lack empathy and then also to say put this bitch's twitter up like here you know like that was so a lot and then be like oh she's acting like a good guy but she's just here to make money and lie about all of us like bro come on stop like you you admitted yourself that this is a good article this whole thing about dom is good so why are you trying to discredit the whole [ __ ] thing i don't think major brands would be dropping you and david and all these people just because if there was just some silly allegations like these are some serious [ __ ] that's been backed up that's been corroborated that's like verified multiple people it's not one incident not to instance multiple different people that don't know each other this has been happening too so maybe it's you guys who did these vlogs and you're you're getting the repercussions from it yeah and rightfully so when there is no sympathy like there's i mean sympathy well was jeff popularized through the vlogs or yeah oh my god no one knew who jeff was before how did he get involved with david i don't know he oh todd so todd's friends with todd yeah so todd brought him into the group because it's like dude these are kind of like ill-gotten gains in a way like your whole empire is built off the back of these vlogs that were shot with like kind of you know built on a shaky foundation which is like a house of cards it's all tumbling now so i mean you kind of just got to accept it and keep like your life is not over bro you can still bro i've lost sponsors so many times you just got to keep sl slogging forward bro okay especially when you're not the one having these like yeah you didn't you jeff just don't lie because now you're now your character looks bad anytime you say anything now people aren't like oh the victim but if it's such a serious story get the facts straight this is a criminal case now get the facts straight what facts are wrong don't just throw around oh this person might have done this because trisha said yes the witnesses said it best organizations that help survivors of salt now then he's trying to like discredit all of insider i don't know what he's on yeah well it's like he's promoting like i don't know yeah anyway is he right is he ready to come on uh did you send him the link no you have my phone we'll just send okay okay you got the link uh dan did you send me somewhere here i'll just keep playing it so you guys can well from insider five of the best organizations that help survivors of salt now april is health awareness month and prevention month so there you go go hunt down the bad guys next month goddamn insider always want you to sign up or pay for something they're gonna slander me again man here we go april is salt awareness month also referred to as salt awareness and prevention month across the nation if you or someone you know has experience i don't know maybe he's trying to give awareness to people okay nice we like that once it's about jeff then you can't say anything so i sent jeff's a link he just sent me a message a few minutes ago saying he's ready so i think he is going to okay oh i thought he was gonna flip the switch he seems eager to talk so first of all i mean props to him for coming out i think that too you know oh hey we're here hey trisha was oh oh hold on one sec i hear you but i need to move your your uh dana you're gonna have to okay wait i see it okay one second jeff dan my man my favorite i i love all the nice things you said about me so far i'm really enjoying this i haven't been listening damn which one of course i'm listening okay especially the one with scott i i mean this one was interesting to be like to hear you guys tear me apart which i get you know i'm here to learn today too i'm not just here to uh voice might you know to be fair i feel like we were being pretty i i'm i've always been pro jeff i never thought you were creepy or slimy in the group of all the people i'm like jeff seems to be the least problematic of the group so i was just a little shocked to see your video i guess because even when we talked you seem very normal and like i don't know just not i don't know great then i guess i could you know i could start this off with an apology can you guys hear me good yeah is it the mic yeah i can hear you you're fine up here this is yeah so i could start this off with an apology i apologize for calling you crazy and not uh validating your opinion you know um i know the starbucks thing has become a meme now and you know i i i got myself a keurig so i won't be happy to go down there anymore and you know i i i talked about in the video but i did a shitty job i said i'm bad at this stuff you know well okay let's let's talk about something specifically you said a bunch of times in your video that trisha is the reason you're in this article did you did you read the article i didn't want to pay for the paywall on it yeah no i listen i i don't want to make any jokes i just have it sarcastic tone like i i want to be clear that i'm here too do you acknowledge that it wasn't trisha just saying that now after listening to you guys uh addressing the article a bunch of times yeah i understand so you really didn't read the article or were you joking no listen so i'll start from the top and like i said you know i'm not here to discredit the victim at all and i want to make that clear i'm not i'm just here to explain my side of the story and the reason i'm even coming on here is because i genuinely feel like you know this there are some misunderstandings here and we could just clear it up if we talk it out and you know it's tough because you guys just picked me apart called me dumb yes and you know the chair is i mean you can't see it but i'm sitting i'm sitting in the cool way you know yeah yeah um these actually i could send you the link after that's fine but but jeff let's let's try to remain somewhat serious here because i feel like you're trying to charm me with your uh humor yeah and that's but but like so okay i feel like first of all let's just acknowledge you kept saying in that video that trish is the reason that the article said that you got alcohol the witnesses okay two witnesses there said that you came back with todd with alcohol yeah so let me start from the beginning when i first got reached out to by um insider the the reporter um i like immediately i was like oh what is this my name in an article with dom and sexual assault like i'm gonna call right away before i had the facts straight this was three years ago so you know stupid move you're right i'll give it to you that was dumb to call a reporter when i i don't even know i don't think she mischaracterized you either so i got to stop you there a little bit too okay so when i called her um she referenced that she heard from well at first i said i 100 didn't buy the alcohol you heard that in the clip and then later on in the clip she said oh yeah but i have a video that i heard from trisha that you said in a barber shop that you admitted to buying alcohol with todd for these girls and i was like i do make fun of todd for his drinking problem all the time so that is possible that i said that todd does drink whiskey but if this is in a barber shop video that was years later how is it tied to this story here and this is on paper like i i mean i did record it i have her saying that trisha told her that there was this barber shop you made this video after the article came out so i don't understand no no no this this barbershop episode no no the video your response video came out aft well after the article after everyone had dissected it so i don't understand that anecdote who bought the alcohol did you and todd go to the store to buy the alcohol no 100 percent know we said todd had bought whiskey for himself yeah well look i could speak i could speak for myself and you know i was i didn't okay i don't know i know i go ahead i can't speak for anybody else did todd not himself did todd by himself whiskey no i to my understanding todd didn't leave the apartment and i know the girls say this and it's so tricky because why wasn't there alcohol at the apartment there was alcohol at the apartment okay there was alcohol department we don't know where it came from i mean did you know that girls were underage no you said they were either 20 or 21 years old yeah to my understanding yeah so you did know that some of them were underage well it's it it's 20 underage for drinking yes that's what i mean by underage yeah so you were aware that they were underage drinking alcohol there i didn't know which ones were drinking okay right that's fair but i didn't i i got to be honest like i i tag along for these videos and i know how it looks i saw your guys's videos where you broke down that vlog and i'm i would love to go through it because you know this situation was three years ago so i don't want to come on here and stutter and sound like i'm going to lie because i don't know i remember the story exactly this was over well i'm assuming you had time to refresh your memory by now if you're going to go out and make that whole apology video let me ask you this you say you were there for 15 minutes do you stand by that still no i was there for probably 30 45 but i did go home i didn't stay were you there the whole night no so you say we were there for 30 minutes so he let me can he see this photo i pull up down here well you can look at the stream i guess if that's possible what i have here is a photo at the end of the night taken at 1 18 a.m from one of the witnesses one of the girls there it has in it all of you guys outside todd you jonah david i don't see the photo anymore it'll pop up on the stream and then what and then what what you see here is one of the girlfriends holding up hannah who was the victim because she's blackout drunk you can see her here being held up right here and all of you guys there now still don't see it so it'll be there in a moment so what this proves and then i'm assuming you were there when the girls arrived they arrived around 11 so that means you were there for two hours okay yeah to my recollection i wasn't there for two hours doesn't mean this photo's timestamp that 1 18 a.m this was given to me directly from um from one of the people and you're sitting next to me at the vlog when me and jason are still there we vlogged later that night at about 11 30 a.m saying we left yeah and it's the end of the night and that girl's clearly so this being held up so this is after the the you know attack happened right and so so according to the the account of the events she was puking and clearly very very very intoxicated and you guys are all there so i have a hard time believing that the guy all the guys there including you and dave and all you guys didn't know that this girl was like borderline black i i certainly wasn't there when they were having sex well sure they were in a private room you weren't in the room no i wasn't even in the apartment so you weren't sick at all so you left and then you came back at the end of the night i guess i did come back yeah you know as ridiculous as it sounds but i live down the street my apartment is literally a block away from that apartment complex so you know trisha you you know how things go with david he's constantly calling you to film stuff and redo stuff redo takes and at the time like yeah i regret being a part of that video of course but if you saw her blacked out why wouldn't you say don't post this like i mean you say david gives consent to everybody everyone's like oh david says whatever everyone gets consent to why would you not post that you're 30 and these girls are blacked out you're standing right there with a girl being like held up i mean at the time i was 27 which is not an excuse but it's i mean i don't remember that i genuinely don't remember that it's like a group of fan girls are given alcohol i was like we need to leave i'm not the brightest school in the shed but i just thought okay i did leave you around the time after you left i did head out i went home and i possibly came back and then when you were like looking in the room you said nobody was in there no i didn't say that i said i i watched him go in the room but at the time nobody was drinking nobody was kissing people were fully clothed and we were pretending to see stuff so later on the author of the article was given a video by one of the witnesses of someone asking david did you see them and he said no dom locked the door are you aware that dom locked the door were you there when dom locked the door i didn't get that far into it i was already gone i was gone by that point i didn't stick around so you know people are in and out of that place it's it's i know how it sounds like it's somebody's house but that place is more looked at to david as like uh i mean dom lived there but at the time david looked at it as more of like a set where he would just pop in and film and we would all be in and out of there and you know i never really knew too much i didn't i wasn't a part of the planning of any any of these bits you know like i said sometimes i'll suggest ideas but david rarely you use my ideas um are you guys like all on a group chat about this because it's so weird you're so blindly defending them when they're like david's at fault for the most of it and todd has his own issues when you're you're not really at fault for any of this but you're going so hard to just prove i'm crazy cat's the worst and instead of like blaming david who filmed this who corroborated all this who was there for the entire thing well i can only speak for myself really you know i talked to todd and genuinely he told me that he didn't buy the alcohol and i you know alcohol was there their girls drank i didn't see them drinking i wasn't there for that but again this is so long ago it's tough for me to really bring this all together and you know play it out like if things were moving fast at the time we would bounce around and film everything just constantly trying to get stuff so even with david i don't know his story i haven't been really talking to anybody really lately except for todd i asked him like what's the deal with the situation because i don't remember and you know i know that i would never buy alcohol well i believe you yeah but truly i believe that you are you are innocent and that you didn't you didn't create any of this situation i believe that you wouldn't i wouldn't come on here and talk to you too because i know you guys are masters at you know picking things apart which is it and you're trying to explain i don't i don't think your presence is evidence that you're innocent i mean that's that's kind of a uh if i had anything to hide i would not come on i agree because i do think like david doing a two-minute apology like i even when you called me i was like wow that's like because you're saying i was trying to manipulate you i don't think so because like you really didn't have anything to apologize for me for but i do think like todd you say yourself if people are silent they're guilty todd and david just being silent for so long until something so serious comes along where you're all losing brand deals todd doesn't do [ __ ] so he's not losing branches i'm not here to stick up for anyone they can speak up for themselves i don't i don't think you're directly guilty of anything but what i do suspect is going on is that you're withholding information that would incriminate some of your friends i'm definitely not withholding information i genuinely do not know i don't know how the alcohol got there but even seeing that passed out girl like you don't like what's like you just hung out there and you guys were like oh this is cool like what i don't i mean i i left and to my understanding some of the girls were 21 and you know like people can get a hold of alcohol it's not that hard to get it's not that strong but a girl being blacked out especially a fan girl like you wouldn't it's just like it seems weird yeah but i had no part of it i have no part of that like so just to be clear your story is changing now you left after you were saying 15 30 minutes and now you're saying well i did come back at the end of the night clearly based on the photo yeah yes the story's changed a little bit so at what point in the party did you peek into the bedroom like i said i live i live we live in apartment buildings i live in an apartment in hollywood and dom's apartment or x apartment where i used to live i understand yeah you guys are neighbors so what point during the party did you peek into the bedroom and pretend early on i mean so things happen fast yeah because it sounds like in the video he says we it wasn't happening but after some time and convincing we got him going so it seems unlikely that in the first 30 minutes people would be in that bedroom already you know yeah when i peeked in the room it was all just pretending to try to act like we were getting something so the girls the girls pretended to go in there for the vlog the girls were in there but nobody was kissing nobody was drinking and nobody was was it a setup though you see you're implying that it was a setup yeah i'm implying it's a setup i mean i don't give a [ __ ] i've talked about this before i've said how david sets up a lot of his bitsy i think he says it himself it's like so the girls went on there and pretended to hook up with dom you're saying because that's yeah because that's a different account than what i've heard from everybody else yeah to my understanding yeah that's that's how it happened and they these girls they responded to you know instagram story that you know he was asking who wanted who's going to come have a five sum or something with him something you know crazy and then they came over there and then i i don't know if they wanted to film i know their plan was to to be in the vlog or film that and again i don't want to take away from the victim because as i'm like explaining this story and trying to like voice my innocence i feel like i'm i'm genuinely taken away from the scumbag [ __ ] that dom did and i mean that's why i'm here okay i'm here i feel like so if i'm if i'm believing your story that you left and came back i feel like you're trying to excuse david a lot in your video as well but the fact that there's almost no way to excuse david if you believe the girls right you believe the girls you're explicitly saying that so how is it that you can say that david didn't do anything wrong either because he was there the whole time if i'm to believe that you left and came back he knew that the girl pubed he knew that the girl was black no i i i mean i can't speak for anyone else but i i to my understanding i think david left too i think everybody left and then and then they all came back and saw the girl black it doesn't make any sense just decided to post the vlog the next day everybody left and look look i did i'm i'm telling you everybody left and came back for a photo at the end of the night i'm sure dom and a few people stayed but i think i have that this photos of you guys at the end of the night how is it i probably should have touched up on on this with other people to get the exact story straight but i you know i just everybody what story straight the truth or not and that's dom's apartment yeah no like actually what happened because because here's everybody at the end of the night 100 do not remember i mean i know if i saw what they're saying the elevators at dom's apartment do you feel bad about the joke you made about like hey they look good of course but why would you i just understand why you would even do that like it's so incriminating like if you knew that this would look bad why would you even be a part of it or i mean look we've all done we're all humans you know we all make mistakes you know i'm not sitting here like bringing up your guys's stuff that you've done yeah but i own up to it like what i've said like you're 100 innocent i'm owning up to it yeah you're not you started your video by saying i'm 100 innocent i'm innocent to the allegations of i supplied them alcohol that got them loosened up to be raped uh i'm sorry you know whatever answer that dan i know it's live that's fine we're not here to uh mince mince words um but you like continue to support dom after this and you knew his vidcon stuff you knew this stuff like you knew that there was bad [ __ ] going on when you saw that blacked out girl and you still put them in your videos like i just understand how it like all the time bad stuff was going on and i distanced myself from dom i recently deleted the video and i'm getting heat for that i mean i don't understand that because that's like what anybody would do that's what netflix would do like you know like i have no problem with you erasing the dom videos that's what i'm trying to avoid you know any like online so do you understand how it looks a little and sincere like okay i understand you're defending yourself saying you didn't supply the alcohol and you didn't know this was happening i believe that but to come out and say you're 100 innocent that feels to me insincere to those allegations i'm i i'm guilty by association because i was there and being a part of that and and i'm fine with that like you can you know i'm i'm here to tell the truth but i think that's a big thing i am too i've told her i said that too i'm guilty by association for being even the little bit i was there like it's it's not it's not a good look and like you should at least take i think that's the thing all of you and you guys all group each other and you say we we no one takes accountability and you guys think you do nothing wrong i've said it i've i've said that like i talked to you personally yeah offline and you know i told you that i stepped away from dom a long time i haven't seen dom in over a year um even when i was texting why did you step away from dom just because i heard story i heard stuff i don't know the exact stories um i did not know about the text i genuinely did not know about that text david knew about it yeah i didn't know i mean i'm not up david's ass like every you know like i'm just i i don't i have my own [ __ ] going on like that's something that i i doubt he wants to tell everyone yeah that is going on you know i i know that he took the videos down and distanced himself from dom too and you know keep in mind we all play exaggerated versions of ourselves it's like i wouldn't say characters but like everybody has their thing you know david when he met me he was uh he had found out i had been arrested and that was like what he um made my character kind of you know and whatever it is what it is like uh i was okay with that um but dom's character was this dirtbag dirty dom and you know i don't know how much is is real and and what's not you know i talked to dom off camera and he didn't seem like as intense as he was on camera like when he gets into those like real scumbag bits that he would do and look to david who's a 21 year old kid he you know that was his friend that he went to high school with i believe and i guess he thought that was cool at the time you know i was never a fan of the sexual bits i i don't like them too much i don't think they're funny i don't do them i make videos too i don't make jokes like that but um it is what it is you know like we all benefited from david and his videos so it was uh yeah it was like it was our i mean do you have anything to say to um you characterize the author as uh as uh you say she acts like she's doing the lord's work but she's really just trying to make money do you feel like that's a fair characterization i'll be completely honest with you there the focus here it to me is on dom did a serious crime he needs to go to jail that is the focus of the article that yeah the victim it i i feel terrible for and i in any way that i could help i would love to but i like in this situation i don't know what to do um do you feel unfair characterization to characterize the author as a as a liar who's just trying to make money i i think so i think what she did was wrong by putting my name in there with have you read the article i have read the article afterwards yeah bits and pieces yeah i i mean i read the parts with my own name in it you have not read i can't speak for i can't speak for other people so you know like they they need to handle that on their own so you haven't read the whole article is what you're saying no okay because i feel that her characterization of you is very factual and straightforward and mild so when you say to her you're a liar who's just after the money you're questioning in the entire authentic you're questioning and the validity of the entire article and i've seen a lot of people taking your video that way i look at it like this we're all you know this is all of our jobs right what you're doing now is your job what i'm doing now is technically you know i'm i'm here explaining myself is this is this a criminal case or is this a i don't think no one's pressed charges or anything yet okay i don't know so everybody is now i mean you have ads on these videos they have ads on their videos and their insider has a paywall and there's a lot of money being made off of this story where something horrible happened and the guy who did it is not in jail and we're all just making content out of it for entertainment now it seems like and i'm the only one who did not monetize my video and and so mine's not monetized either my david ones are never monetized the stuff about you has never been monetized i didn't know i didn't know that i respect the fact that people are making money has nothing to do with the validity of the article we're all working like you said so i think she didn't put the entire story together based on what based on what you didn't even read the interviews but mine and i didn't even remember the situation because i i called immediately off impulse when i saw my name attached to something disgusting so i i called up immediately and i she said you denied being involved what more do you want her to say when two witnesses who were there say that they saw you come in with alcohol she said then she referred to a video of trisha that was not in the article for sure referenced that was not in the article it wasn't an article it was not in the article it was in your conversation it wasn't in the article because she couldn't find the proof of it the reference to the bar the the barbershop conversation where where that was oh no she did she that was in our conversation but she didn't put that and that's what my problem was because i said to her yeah that conversation she cut her clip right off when i was about to say you remember that recording you played earlier yeah at the end of it i said yeah todd likes whiskey so i made fun of them in a barber shop this is where she cut no you're wrong dude you said in the clip that i was playing you said that he does drink whiskey i said he does drink whiskey and that's where she cut and right after that i said but that was in a barbershop episode that was filmed two years after this situation but the way you say i don't think that that delegitimizes everything she said you said she said is it possible todd brought alcohol you said i don't think so but he does like whiskey yeah because there was whiskey there so how is she mischaracterizing you because the way she worded it it implied that i was covering my own ass but saying that todd did kind of buy it but i want to protect myself which is not true so why did but okay we're arguing semantics dude that's not enough to do because overall people even the stuff in your video people weren't accusing you of doing anything other than like i heard that you went to go get i'll call the girl said you guys brought back a whole that was it that was the extent of your accusations no one said that you did anything wrong with the girls or anything which is why i was like surprised people told me that trisha told me that you and todd in a barber shop episode that was internet yeah that's the only reason i even referenced it in the article well does todd like whiskey via toddler okay so there you go and you said it to her and she put in the [ __ ] article but the way she was so how are you gonna justify putting her name out there and it's calling her like some liar who's just money hungry that's just that's just a dishonest that's just not a fair characterization well well the story here is to me the problem is dom he's the one who did the essay here and and david i think david yes very much also david alcohol i understand david had no recollection of this except the tag come on he filmed it he was there with the limped out girl he went back to get the closure of the thing he got the text message a year and a half ago i thought he faked the shot the next day of that yes and so when did this happen when did the assault happen the girl you're in a photo of the girl after she was assaulted being held up by her friend drunk dude all you guys are there and you also posted it i mean if you really didn't know and you see a girl like that maybe don't include her in the vlog her face wasn't blurred in the original vlog i don't control that stuff okay but david does yeah david literally controls that look i'm not trying to make you incriminate your friend or anything i'm just saying i think the way you're not the guy that's gonna speak up for david okay fine but don't defend him you just credit me you you know you say oh it wasn't david it's just from you i apologize i apologize for discrediting you but look in all fairness in all fairness trisha like we've we've met a few times in real life and i mean the first time we met you flashed me you know like at this like one of the time maybe the third or fourth time i went to go see you i didn't go see you i was in the car with david and jason when they drove to visit you in the hospital i don't know if you're comfortable talking about this but which i just don't know why you were there for that i don't know why david was there for that i wanted to rush to see you and i was with him we were out vlogging and trying to get content and they rushed there to get their flashing was consensual don't make it seem like i just exposed myself to you guys i'm like he's like do you guys want to see church's boobs don't act like i was just like ugh you know here's like my boobs that wasn't they asked you we asked permission it wasn't like i just did that huh and maybe david asked you guys they asked you guys i wasn't gonna just anyways i would never ask to see jason's girlfriend's boobs no you didn't ask to see them he said can trisha flash you and you guys were like yeah no trisha i would not i would never i i i remember in the video i was like please you're not just like you're not it's about that you're my friend's girlfriend right right um and then like yeah the time at the hospital is it's it's a serious thing you you're at a low place and you look much better now but i didn't go in there and see you even but i'm just saying from those times i stayed out in the lobby and i i you know i just tagged along because they wanted to rush there but why discredit me in these what because i flashed you because i was in a hospital now i'm not a credible source but i didn't because the um i mean you were declared 51.50 that night correct because i overdosed you get 51.50 if you're attempted suicide yeah it's not because i'm crazy as i try to kill myself so then when you started making videos and stuff about jason i only heard jason's side of the story where he tried to avoid any uh contact with you at all because you were s suicidal and he we [ __ ] for four months after i was at coachella you were no i was at the house in coachella how do you think i got down there i don't i i didn't know this showed up i heard you showed up at the house and you just popped up i can't control what everybody like this is just what i hear you're discrediting me by witnessing this because i try to kill myself you're like well christian i killed so don't listen to what she has to say no i'm i'm apologizing for that i'm apologizing for discrediting you i'm just explaining why at first i did discredit you because after that then the starbucks situation happened and at that time i didn't know i i know you guys had a nasty breakup you drove your car into his house and stuff like that so i just didn't want to be involved and i saw you and i i i left because i didn't want to have an interaction with you at all because of all the stuff that had happened afterwards and you know i i that's just me being but do you think that's why i i corroborated the story when i got reached out to for comment you think i'm doing this as like a vendetta at the time i i did yeah i thought that but take me out of the article this these two girls still said you were the one who played the alcohol so if i never gave a comment it would still have the same story that you supply the alcohol without me involved but your only line of defense is to attack me well it was because the article had a story from you saying that it was a barbershop episode that not in the article it wasn't in the article well that's what cat said and it's not an article dude you think you'd think you would read the article you also before making a whole video anyway listen we're talking in circles a little bit i just want to get finally on the record you have you don't apologize to cat for what you said about her in your video i want to know what what cat's objective is is it to get the girl's story out yes because you were such a small part of it you were literally two lines of the whole article so the fact that you made this video blew my mind you know you when you apologize like oh that makes sense you know you were involved in some capacity as was i so you're scared as you know as anybody would be and then you made this video attacking me and cat and i was like but that's not the issue of of i'm always skeptical of these articles that come out with clickbait titles they charge money for and again i don't want to discredit the victim here but but it's like there is money coming from this where is this money going everything what are we good what are we doing to help i know so am i like to believe that nothing in the new york times is credible because they charge money for the newspaper i'm sorry say that again am i should i believe that nothing in the new york times is credible because they charge money for the newspaper well i look at it like this if you are speaking on a case of a sexual assault and your goal is to get the story out there for the victim to get her story out and you link it to a celebrity and it makes a lot of money i think you should use that money and give it back to sexual assault that's up to the insider they can't but you do that's a ridiculous case you can't as a functioning journalistic newspaper they can't set up it's not an escrow account and start donating to the victims of every article they cover it's just it's a i thought i felt guilty for being a part of this and i went and donated to a sexual assault champion i'm happy i did that and i'm just trying to why can't you just say that and let it be why do you have to like attack me and cat because that goes a long way if you're like this is something disgusting i was a part of more than todd has said more than david has said david didn't even acknowledge her in the apology you know you've done more by donating by talking about it by you know making a video about it and if you don't that's what i wanted to come on here to do and i thought that we could talk this out and and we could find a way to use our platforms to help um and in any way if it's just like when i tried you caught right before i shared the article about insider and how i actually feel about this i've talked with actual sexual uh sa victims and you know i i didn't spend time reading this specific article but i did my research and i feel like i'm trying to learn here in this situation my guilt is only by association in that in that bit just by going listen again i think i think you're from what i can tell a good dude i don't think you ness you you're i understand that you feel bad and i believe that like you didn't have anything to do with the events that as they unfolded i think the intent of the author was to first of all talk about dom first of all talk about david how he enabled it and the culture of the entire vlog squad which unfortunately you are a member of how it all acts to enable this kind of thing which i don't know if you've been following but there's more and more videos of girls saying similar stuff happened to them like this through the ball squad now nobody's directly saying you did everybody understand what i'm just saying that like this is now going down but like i i'm you know for me morally i feel like i'm i'm completely innocent and now this whole thing is crashing down and i understand it's because my name was put in this by this reporter so that's why maybe but the vlog itself your association even if it was a joke and you guys were faking it like you should have sponsorships taken away for you like peeking in on someone having sex that's not consenting even if it was a joke it doesn't look like a joke i didn't i did not peek in on them having sex or faking it you faked it i faked peeking in what's the difference to the viewer i mean why did why have you guys done the things that you have done we make mistakes you know i'm not going to get into that detail i'm happy with you owning the mistakes i just don't understand why listen i i hear you i feel i'm sorry for all the things you're going through and everything i hope that that you know you can just push forward and everything's gonna be okay with you i think that you don't deserve to be canceled and i hope that you can just keep doing your show and i know your fans are gonna keep supporting you and i hope that you know in time you can get through this and stay strong and this doesn't destroy your career i don't think that it will that being said right before and before i end i just took a minute to think about the situation with this reporter yeah i understand she doesn't run inside her um i apologize for putting her like i threw that video together quick and i just felt like i needed like i was being accused of these things i had my mom texted me she was worried that my name was linked in this stuff and um i was just like you know it was impulsive to put out a video like that so quick so there were things that weren't perfect in it and you just chewed it apart but i don't even think we got to the part where oh yeah you did i i i apologize for putting her name her twitter up because i wanted to send people to attack her that was wrong and that came off wrong and i apologize for that but as far as the wording of the story i would have appreciated it if it was a little bit better but you know it is what it is i guess that's why you just don't talk to reporters and that's why nobody's speaking but me but i felt that if i came on here and just genuinely talked from the heart that i would be able to show that i am a good person i had nothing to do with a sexual assault i had nothing to do with with anything that happened inside of that bedroom when i peeked in it was a faked bit and the sweaty part after was a fake a setup shot after the next day and i mean that's my story that's from three years ago that's what i remember and i i can i can well you know i think from what i can tell i agree i think you're a good dude and like i said i hope you get through this and you're okay but uh what is the goal here because for me it's to try to help sexual assault victims genuinely i that's genuinely what i'm i'm here for and you know well what you're doing when you question the motives of the authors you're basically saying that there's no article that could be about this that would be acceptable to me because they're making money and if there was a paywall on it and you wanted to get those clicks through doing it this way they had lawyers david's lawyers were threatening them non-stop they have i don't know i i don't know this stuff well you act like i'm with david every day well it's in the article if you would have [ __ ] read the article okay ethan um i just think i was just like more of like i just felt like really bad that you were discrediting me because it wasn't even about me i just think i can't like i don't know why so many times for discrediting you i'm sorry for saying that you're crazy i know i know and i appreciate that i think i think honestly just taking it because like you said you said i i'm guilty by association and that is a huge thing i've been guilty by association many times i think that's just a big thing i think closure i think just like people just admitting they did something wrong is a big thing and then yeah of course you saying that the end of the video is way more than anybody else has done david taught anybody so i i'm i'm all for you i told i told ethan when he checked you know uh sent me the thing so it just caught me off guard this morning i also told trish video that's would you guys mind pulling up the video and we could go through that which video the actual vlog the deleted vlog sure [ __ ] it would you mind because i don't mind we're here i feel like we've given we might so i might as well just let you [ __ ] i appreciate you saying something i appreciate you calling me someone just like me that video or highlighter this would be a cringe fest because i'm embarrassed of of how i look in this i i saw it you know cut together in many videos i've been watching especially your guys's jeff if i could just talk to you before you made that video i would have told you just say i'm sorry i regret being there what happened was horrible the fact that my name's even associated with something so terrible it's just it's humiliating and awful i'm donating to this i'm removing all the videos with dom i made a horrible mistake being involved in this even a little bit i didn't get the alcohol but you know what there's confusion the witnesses something that you continue to ignore say that you return with the alcohol maybe they're wrong maybe they're not remembering it right jeff and that's fine but they say it so you keep passing the buck oh is the reporter oh it's tricia that was the witnesses that were there said you came with it now let's say maybe they're wrong maybe todd got it maybe you came in and todd got it whatever but there's just that's it that's all there is to it i hate to discredit anyone here in this situation even the friends but knowing that i didn't get that alcohol it's like how can i even you can't listen to that you can't i can't discredit anyone because it's literally just you can go through your bank statements from three years ago or go to the amp i said i said i i said what do you want me to do i go through my bank statements there's no way that i can prove that i didn't get the alcohol exactly tell you that i didn't buy alcohol and three i got sober a friend that passed away and around the time i was drinking heavily and i quit drinking completely and i i used to have a podcast with scott and i would talk about how i don't support you know like i i try to help people out with alcohol problems and stuff like that you know but i mean that's that's regardless from this point because there are people drinking in the place and yeah you also told me you distanced yourself from like david and them you're not really like in the vlog squad anymore well i've been i i wasn't in a bad accident so i've been recovering was that in utah and stuff like that your eye was in utah yeah i don't i don't really want to get into it but it was a david bit right it was for a vlog i don't know i don't want to get into that okay okay i've got the video how do i share this with jeff so he can watch in real time what is it it's the video that you wanted to watch okay it's of the part the footage of the bottom of the party yeah can you see it i can't see it's this one yeah okay and then it's this one okay can you see out of your eye jeff oh he's gone yeah no he's here so you're fine you're not you're not blind i'm not trying to be insensitive but you're not you can see i don't want to talk about health stuff really this is about the victim and not about me and my own personal life jeff can you see the video yeah okay i'm gonna go ahead and play it these girls over to have a five some so hopefully i have a fivesome [Laughter] [Music] this is tonight the girls walked in and they were like is this the guy we're having the seventh one i have to let you guys i don't really know any of you i mean immediately i was i mean i know i'm not being the one accused here but immediately even there you see it i'm not really this is not a bit i want nobody's well sure nobody's saying that right if you just you know get the [ __ ] out of here you guys are the only ones for me i don't talk to any other girl after a couple minutes of talking we've blurred the girls by the way if anyone's wondering yeah the girls are i thought my eye actually was really bad no they're blurred out it was clear there was no fivesome happening tonight he called it yeah i mean look for here even here like trisha i'm sure you you you understand this we drive around desperately looking for bits and like here the emotion in our faces is like okay let's get the [ __ ] out of here this is dumb you know yeah but um again this is this is all refreshing my memory because um i came on here to just talk to you guys about it all and just be honest so i mean yeah i guess you keep rolling so you left that but by some stroke of luck and master negotiating dom made progress what do you think david meant by master negotiating what do i think he meant by that i mean it's pretty it's pretty clear i guess he's trying to sum up a story in his vlog with voice over short and everything how do you convince someone to have sex with you in the matter of uh the course of the evening the girls i mean i i don't want to discredit anyone but they answered a dm that was uh uh you know basically an ad for yeah but that doesn't do that doesn't mean that they consent to uh yeah i agree i i i even i take that back yeah i mean the fact that they answered that doesn't mean anything more than they just wanted to hang out with some celebrities so what do you think it means that he negotiated his way to sleep with them oh this part was this part right here was staged that we were walking into the room um and then i was over there looking into the room this was stage same day or different day this was the day we were there you and i okay i'll keep playing it but there is alcohol sometime has passed you guys david and the girls were there for two hours old or something like that i mean he could have alcohol in his house you know it's it dom lived there so i you know it's not like but drinking was happening i don't know why we're watching this i feel like it's kind of pointless to be honest okay we don't have to it's fine i don't i mean at this part it's great well unless you have something new that do you have something new to add is there some specific i just wanted to get i wanted to get through this and get through the whole story and just you know maybe i could i can refresh my memory and stuff i'll go ahead it's not that much longer yeah [Music] you know that's you want to finish the video you want to wrap it up i'd say we [ __ ] wrap it up okay because it's you know disturbing and i'm sure it's triggering so i listen once again i want to reiterate i don't wish ill for you i really don't i think i think you're going to get through this fine i know it feels bad and it's traumatic i feel like you did trisha and cat dirty and that's that's basically it and i feel like you're covering for your boys that's about it i mean i can i can only speak for myself you know they have to cover for themselves yeah i think trisha made the best point too it's like you're misplacing your anger i feel like you know what i mean the person who put you in this kind of situation was not trisha or the victims or the reporter i cho i mean i chose to roll roll along and you know and be in the vlog i wanted to get more jokes done more videos done it's our jobs um but yeah that that wasn't the plan at all for how that went down of course i understand that and i think that's like somewhat of a success people think i'm just trying to bring you all down it's like i just would like i know as someone who's gone through some [ __ ] myself as anybody has like closure's a big thing taking accountability and saying like hey i [ __ ] up i'm sorry including david jason whatever and this is such a minor thing like you just saying it like i [ __ ] up like that's a to me that's a big thing because nobody in your group that's why i'm surprised you're even doing this what like when you were supposed to be on paul said i know everyone's like you can't go on a pulse like everyone in that group i know how it is because when josh went on and he got ripped apart so the fact that you're on here is like somewhat impulsive recently you did go on impulsive recently what i mean i'm gonna open up and i'm gonna i'm gonna like be clear on what's going on in my life i've i've been in a dark spot for a while now and you know i didn't plan on coming out and doing any of this i i this set's halfway done i you know i i wanted to wait for the right moment but um these allegations and once i saw that email i just impulsively just called that reporter right away and i should have done research i should have you know read more i should have read more of the article i only cared about myself to clear my own name so i i apologize for that but you know i like it's it's like an umbrella of the vlog squad that if david does something wrong then everybody goes down you know and this is one person who's in the in the squad now that's done something horribly disgusting and he dragged all of us down too because yeah of course it's shocking when you get a phone call with somebody partnered with for years and you had a great relationship and now they're they're asking you that they want to end their partnership because of something so disgusting that somebody else did that i had no idea about i genuinely had no idea about until i got the email and then i started asking around and then you know i i found out what really happened and it's it's just been a rough couple days still getting my thoughts together i understand yeah i listen i totally get it i i i'm i wish you well i really genuinely do i mean jeff is the most successful without david so that's why i was again was kind of surprised because you've kind of always been your own entity so i was kind of like oh to me again i still feel like you're covered like you're hiding some things but not just to cover your guys not anything else that'd be you now trisha huh and you'd be the most successful without david now oh well thank you i'll take it i mean i definitely crashed after but i think by like again i i just appreciate you you know we all make mistakes yeah and look you've done some you've made some mistakes but look you're doing good now i mean a lot of those things i've made tons of mistakes and i always own up to it obviously going to jason's house high on meth i've owned up to i don't try and sugarcoat it in any way it's my bad and it just is a thing yeah but you can made a bunch of mistakes hey hey hey daniel hey dance we're not here to talk about that talking [ __ ] before dan dan there's some places in that tick tock boxing match i heard you're tick tock all right oh my god wait what's that saying about dan you're going to box down i'll make sure i'm issuing uh a boxing challenge uh no i am not a dick talker you uh you seem to be confused i didn't do my research maybe dan you have a tick tock no no comments his hair is his blonde hair i thought he was a dick cocker because he has a hair i wish you well i appreciate that you are willing to come call in and subject yourself to this abuse i feel like at this point this should have been a criminal case and it should be investigated by well it might be it's a fresh story i think a lot of times girls are scared most people are scared so i don't come out with it up until recently when like big nick seth i think other people are coming out now because they're not as scared as david's power which he had a lot of power people saw what happened to me when i left you know everyone thought i was crazy and i was you know tossed aside or whatever so people were scared but i think more people come out now because you know yeah but that's not always the case and i can speak for that like the group sometimes people choose to leave and sometimes people are they they genuinely do something wrong and i've seen some people that have you know done something wrong and taken advantage of david's name and want to accuse him of stuff out you think that's me i'm not saying david's perfect no i'm not saying that to you you're fine on your own you and ethan got a great thrill here i was like i didn't do that yeah um but like for instance i mean i don't want to spill the beans on too many people but uh also i can't just make an accusation and not back it up um [ __ ] it should i say it here do you guys want dirt or do you want it yeah yes us please it was something [ __ ] i mean it's such a such a uh i mean it's a guy i don't want to have beef with who is that i shouldn't say it go ahead go ahead no it's not brandon go ahead i can't think of any others zayn no go ahead jeff um i'll wrestle zane jeff what is it uh no like i've seen you have people on the show here and not to discredit the other situation with the essay but um i know big nick came on here and i mean like again i don't i don't want to have [ __ ] problems with big nick but um yeah he was uh he was caught doing some sketchy stuff and i'll just tell you the story we had like an easter egg hunt vlog on uh you see now i feel like a rat and i came on here to to do something different but uh yeah [ __ ] it i don't even want to tell a story because it's like yeah it's not even you want to complete the thought because it might be misconstrued i don't want to throw people under the bus i i came on here to just voice my concerns for the victim and and say my innocence so i think i think i think we've said all that that we need to here today so yeah i don't know i wish you well i think you're gonna be fine you're gonna make you're gonna get through this just you know do your thing and uh i think you'll be all right and your eye story tell it because i think there's a lot of speculation on it i read the blog so i know everybody has something to say they think i'm blind and they get a glass eye and you know um it's just it's stuff that like i'm wearing glasses because you know like i i haven't been filming videos because i'm a little insecure about it so i just been laying low and um i had some surgery done on it so that's why i like when i was dealing with this reporter and stuff um on pain meds and like my eyes stitch shut and i'm emotional and you know that's why i just call when everybody's like don't call just you know well i understand the listen you have nothing to hide cl or i mean supposedly i would consider apologizing to kat i think you did her dirty but that's but that i think that's about the only thing i want to say about it i apologize for putting her name in and saying like look this is her twitter i apologize to you for that cat that that you didn't deserve you don't deserve to get a bunch of hate but um there were some things in the article that i just can't you know i i can't apologize to her because she still put in knowing that they were not all right well i do suggest reading it and then maybe you'll change your mind i read the part apology all right thank you for calling in jeff take care all right thanks guys nice all right meeting you bye so he didn't read the article our hunch was right right probably a lot could have been avoided if you read the article but i feel bad i do feel bad for him because i feel like he will you know i do i feel bad on him i feel bad on a human level for him right now because i know what he's going through but before he makes this epic my truth statement he gotta [ __ ] get his [ __ ] straight i think he he's obviously the emotional one of the group because even on the scott cast like he's always like come for me like he's the one that's like a little fiery in the group so i think he just got like a little bit heated in the moment but um his dude and dude i didn't say but you've got to take those videos down to the sponsor asked or cut it out you got to figure that out bro trust me you just just you can't you don't want that so he did he does he does apologize for discrediting me he doesn't yeah he apologized to you he gave cat a half apology i'll take it yeah you got a full-on yeah that was good i guess i was like what what is me having going on but at the same time what does that mean for his video that's still up for his channel where he's basically saying trisha caught you know what i mean like i think i hope so because it's not accurate it's not accurate um if i was jeff i would reshoot a better apology and put it out there right i do think he's going through some [ __ ] hey you know it's i think i'll say this allegedly allegedly allegedly um is it from a david bit that's why i wanted him to talk about it because some [ __ ] went down in utah that's why he didn't talk about it but i read these blogs these like vlog squad blogs to keep up with it this was yeah or 2020 or something and they all went on this trip and nothing was ever posted from it and then all of a sudden jeff has like this like eye out and it was bad and he's like i don't want to talk about him with david i want to talk about which is again he ever right now to talk about it but i think if he spilled the beans on that that's his story he goes on impulsively those beans you should spill them here in front of me what was he going on about big nick i don't know i was like dude whoa wrong one i mean big nick just said that he felt bullied i mean what do you got what did what are we going after big nick for now yeah just cause he i mean not saying he we don't vouch for him you want mexican food [Music] yeah that's sad he said it was the most successful thank you also was successful before david i had shane before david also i i get the feeling that jeff is kind of charming and funny so i was like stop the [ __ ] i know i like it though i was kind of like oh yeah this is why people like you yeah but like let's see for flashing him excuse me that was a bit that david asked to do show your boobs i don't want him trying to win over the audience for being charming when like you know what i don't think he went over the audience with that well in the beginning but again i do think that this picture tells a lot and i believe that he doesn't remember i don't believe he went away and came back i mean that seems kind of funny and david too they all went away and came back all left at this perfect definitely covering some stuff but um all right i mean that's it that's all i have to say about that in the words of forrest gump well his sponsors will come back he has enough creativity on his own it'll take time thank you for giving me a third wave i feel like i've gone through shane gave me the first wave then david then oh we're not falling out well we almost did but we pulled through you're married you mean you're marrying my brother-in-law so it's like we're stuck kind of removing the options you have an after cat i'm not the kind of dude who like holds grudges i like to settle squash beef especially with people like in my family which you are you're also like the most like human person why'd you do it like that what do you mean human um you aren't really like just like you know what it is is you always like defend me like when i was in hot [ __ ] like hot water from this immigration david i don't know i guess it's not as shitty as the other people who are just like bye shane's like never defended me he never came to my live shows david threw me into the bus like so you're like the least awful thank you but i've done awful stuff to you that's fine i don't care i've done awful stuff to you and you've like given me a second third chance i know i know what it is what what is it look i understand you as a person and the ebbs and flows of the personality of trish and i take it all for what it is well i'm not in therapy now maybe it makes a difference or not something like old hmm let's order some mexican food are you serious yeah is it good though i don't know i'll just pick some place on postman once i know he says no to your mexican food oh you don't want no he thinks that you're oh okay i'm not cooking it well clearly we're the better cook in this situation is me so we will not be eating your cookies don't you dare say it bring that [ __ ] up now got him all right let's wrap this up how long okay listen we've said it all going i just i don't know what to say about jeff like i feel bad for him but it's also like dude so many inconsistencies also by me and the bees lemonade it supports the bees everything goes to the bees 100 yeah i'm working hard to help bees we love the bees shout out to the bees folks it's not sponsored but all of this 100 profit goes to bees we love that frenemies merch coming soon all right guys stop the asian hate report as a hate crime bye is that it [Music] [Music] you
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 5,721,840
Rating: 4.8190541 out of 5
Keywords: h3h3, h3, h3 after dark, h3h3productions, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila, after dark
Id: 0XCZ-t5e-fI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 153min 23sec (9203 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 21 2021
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