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Lol @ Trisha pulling a Jeff and not watching the Hank Green video before going off

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 216 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CocaineAndMojitos πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 02 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

That segment about Eugenia I just want to say that I think she's too far gone. I'm by no means an expert on this but I had a friend in highschool who was going down the path of anorexia. Eugenia is in a peculiar situation because she constantly has people talking about her body. People leaving comments about how sick she looks and how thin she is is most likely reinforcing in her mind that what she's doing is okay and that she needs to keep doing it. Never mind the videos that she makes are a way for her to body check herself and look at how she's "progressed". Just the way she poses and positions herself in the video is evident of this.

She was friends with another YouTuber names Jaclyn Glenn who made videos talking about how her and some other friends tried to get her help but was unsuccessful in the end. She also talks about how damaging that "documentary" Shane made about her ruined any progress Eugenia made and put her right back in her old ways. As long as Eugenia is on YouTube and social media and continues to post herself she will not get better. She's not in an environment where she can even begin to see that what she's doing is destructive. She's at the point where any attempts people in her real life make to help her, she sees that as a threat and think those people are trying to harm her.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 147 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/sadastro555 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 01 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

thank god for dan knowing about stonewall because i was about to throw my computer at the wall

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 386 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/zoooooms πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 01 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Hila having twins would be so precious.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 91 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/-Strawberries- πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 01 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Trisha : Did he?

Ethan : He didn't?

Trisha : I don't know

Both immediately look at Dan

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 132 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MafuSorau πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 01 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Please, we need Dan just teaching Trisha and Ethan things.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 138 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Rave-light πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 01 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Trisha mixing up John and Hank Green πŸ˜‚

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 80 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/windshifter πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 01 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Losing my shit at the rhett and link talk

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 28 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/kristal010 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 02 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Trisha’s list of topics is UNHINGED

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 107 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/confusionwithak πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 01 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] trish is out here looking like a troll doll happy game pride month i'm so excited i legitimately queer all of the above everything all the all the letters all the letters the alphabet army i love it i actually don't know the army alphabet army is that what they call themselves i hope it's not derogatory i think it's okay to say i hear my i hear all my friends say it so i think it's like okay i don't know but i actually don't really know why like the revolutionaries behind gay pride i just like that we get to wear rainbows and celebrate like liking everything and everyone my gay pride nails taste the rainbow i've got the bisexual flag over here the non-binary both genders the cross genders oh very exciting you're saying the cause whatever the dress up great i don't really get it right the cause is like yay we're gay or like it's okay to be i'm not really sure but i like i like celebrating being gay well hold on hold on a gay birthday you know gabe well okay yeah keep going keep going you're throwing off your birthday i feel like it's more important talk about your news i mean you don't literally have a baby well you don't understand the gay pride well because gay being gay has been like a major social issue right i get that but who's the revolutionary behind starting gay pride month like who are we celebrating who are the people the gay people especially the peop freddie mercury yeah he's included i believe gay pride month is in june because of the stonewall riots in new york oh what is that dan educate us uh i mean i'm far from an expert but in the i want to say 70s maybe 60s on this show you're the expert wow uh yeah there was um a breakout of violence uh because there were uh a lot of discrimination in uh police brutality towards gay people and um i think stonewall was a i want to say it was a gay club or bar or something and there was a raid on it by the police and it turned into a riot and like people fought back and stuff and yeah i mean there was well we selling we've come a long way by 2021. we support so i think gay pride is very important because you know there's still a lot of like people in this country that just hate gay people for religious reasons or i think it's mostly religious reasons yes and it's like dude you gotta you gotta get with the times bro i think jesus would be down with the gays he created them you know like he's down he's down with us you know he's like i created them or god that's what i just don't get it's like why would god create it's like you have this idea of original sin but is gay being gay in original sin because that's why no no there's a difference but it's like why would you create this person just to condemn them yeah that's not a real thing oh you know what they think the religious people they think being gay is a choice they're like oh you just like bo you're choosing just the like dude oh yeah we got a boycott chick-fil-a this month because they're that people they they support anti-gay that's true i think they stopped it after they got something they did you know what i could be wrong though after this we're going to west hollywood to my favorite restaurant pomp i'm going to start west hollywood because i just feel ready to come out uncle bro you are a troll doll i don't know if troll is the right one you are the hair i was like holy [ __ ] bro you need like a huge gem in your belly button i do i have one but you can't see it i always have a belly button ring i love being we should be troll dolls you want to dress up that'd be awesome okay i would like to be dressed as a troll doll you just wear we just have to get the jewels on our belly and the hair sticking up that'd be cute i think that'd be super fun and you need you probably need some kind of prosthetic if you want to look really good because they have like huge big ears yeah big ears i mean i kind of look like a troll doll anyways but anyways happy gay pride month we support everyone at stonewall we support the gays west hollywood there's way there's still way too much uh homophobia in the world i do honestly it's like so pathetic at this point to to be still clinging to homophobia like bro how is it your business if dudes want to touch tips like that's just not your concern oh my god yeah i get where you're going i get the sentiment i mean what what is it it's like if dudes if their dicks touched then all of a sudden like the world ends i mean i just don't get it i think it's like honestly homophobic people are usually like gay themselves they're just like not comfortable because everyone's like on the spectrum a little bit right like they always like no matter what even if it's not the gay thing whatever there's always like a little and i think they're like so i think they're like closeted homosexuals i think there's some of that i think um well when you listen to what they say they go oh you are [ __ ] that is that designer they're really cute right they're new for pride month i like it thanks okay but like think about what they're saying they're saying being gay is a choice and you're just choosing because to them they're like ooh sleeping with the same sex is so appetizing but you have to resist that it's like that's the gayest thing when they go no like this is what the conversion and stuff it's a choice and you have to choose to be straight it's like dude you're so gay if you believe that because they're saying i want to sleep with the same sex i just can't because it's against god that's so crazy i vibe with gays more than straight people i don't know if i can say that but i don't i vibe with the gays more than like i prefer gay people over straight people is that like hateful i don't know i feel like a little offended do you think so i don't know i don't feel fenna but i like gays better than straight people i just i do find it kind of an odd statement though just like i i prefer gay oh yeah you don't like when i say i like somebody i like a group of people yeah because it's like fetishizing them no if i say i love the gays watch the gays in the comments they all know they'll be like yes they left when i said that on the bus tour they're like trisha performing for the gays i would love it i'm not gonna i i don't what do i know i can't speak i would love if people would say like i'm for the tricia's pedestal in the world and i'm like yes thank you oh so you're what does that mean like like calling out a group of people gays jewish trisha's i would be so excited what is a trisha well i'm just saying i'm that group so if someone's like i'm doing this for the trisha's i'd be like thank you i wouldn't be like oh my god what is it here's an example of fat chicks like people who are like i love fat girls i'm not like oh my god don't fetishize me i'm like thank you like fat bottom girls or micah has one call like that okay let me ask you this girl if you go you go listen my preference is fat chicks then people go okay god bless that checks but then what if you go my preference is asian women that seems weird so why can you like fat chicks but not asian women i guess it depends who you're talking to like i don't know i mean someone's like hey i love asian chicks i mean maybe people find that offensive but i'm sure there's some people be like thank you like yeah i don't know i think it depends on who you're talking to i think you not that it's a bad thing maybe most of the world would get like offended by me like i love like jews or whatever but moses thinks it's cool like i'm ready to convert he's like that's cool like if i say i love jewish men like they're like oh okay then i'm your type they know for sure that you know what i mean so someone's like i love a fat girl i'm like oh well then i'm definitely your type i don't think of it jewish man i've always had yeah what's your what's your take on that dan me or like i like fat chicks versus i like asians or jews or black dudes like is that is there is that all okay or what do we think about about like like you said it is like fetishizing a group a little bit but i mean that is not no i'd strong i don't know okay how about that i don't know how about this okay hold on when girls go i only date jews i didn't say that though all my jewish all my boyfriends have been jewish and they love when i'm like oh my god like i love that like i used to always call myself like a shiksa like i love like they also they got into it you know what i mean like have you ever been with a guy who wasn't circumcised who what's that mean they have the skin yeah yeah over in europe and stuff they're all they all have this what's your take on that um i don't want to shame anybody's body but like for me i just didn't know you were supposed to pull it down so i was like sucking it with the skin up but i guess you're supposed to pull it out it was so confusing so i was a little traumatized by my experience with it but i guess if you remember to pull that [ __ ] down i mean i guess it's fine it's just like a regular penis yeah yeah it's so it's i don't know right yeah but you can't say like you know what i mean that's like that's a little body shaming because you can't help i didn't say anything you said it nobody like you're asking me i'm like i can't say oh i don't know you can have exactly so you can have a preference on circumcision but you can have a preference on an entire [ __ ] ethnicity of people don't have a preference i don't know maybe i know what you're saying because race is different than wait i just had a whole thing on tech talk about this about like obviously if you like jewish dudes you better like their [ __ ] circumstance dicks yeah of course i love that's like one of my favorite things about jewish people but every guy that's like hardcore jewish does not have a problem with moving like i love jew men like they're like thank you like they human jewish jewish men just said i love jew men that's anyways it's how you take it and i know you can't say jumin right jew men yeah jewish men yes yes thank you i corrected myself anyway it's a happy pride month was there a jewish month is there like jewish remembrance month i think there is there's a holocaust remembrance from us when is that the rest of the year is just [ __ ] jews though no oh literally me though right that's you that's your that's your mantra happy um congratulations i felt like i should've broken okay so we have some stuff to talk about i have a okay sorry it's not all about me you're having a baby like literally a baby that's so exciting yeah you should have brought me i know you should have brought me something let's be honest we had you know there were so many guests we have a lot of gifts coming for theater they might have been here yeah no oh but you could have do you want my diet coke i don't want no i don't want your diet coke we have mcdonald's before this so i'm energetic i'm ready to go okay so you want to know what first of all i want i guess i want to say oh we didn't speak our sponsors quip stamps credit karma nah nah nah love you love you wow love it um i exercised this morning i'm starting to do once every every morning at 10 a.m for an hour every weekday wow it started today today was my first day or for the every day every [ __ ] week because i'm just like i'm like you know what i've done this i've been doing this for like a month and a half two months twice a week i can do this i'm just gonna i'm just gonna i'm looking at the man in the mirror you know michael jackson was talking about stopping touching kids in that song think about it think bib think about it didn't even write that song did he he didn't i don't know i don't think he did but think about it he go he's going i'm looking at the man in the mirror oh i'm asking him to change his ways he's talking about him touching his kids he's like i got to stop touching kids because this is oh well maybe he did i don't know did he write it i don't know he is not credited as a songwriter because that was like the only song he did it right i remember that's why i was like i have got to stop touching kids oh i've got people we're going to take that out of context michael jackson but anyway yeah so this is me feel better already well so i was just gonna say about the exercises i'm not sure if it's gonna make me feel tired because i feel like kind of tired right really you always say you get energy when i don't know i don't work out that's what people say but i don't [ __ ] feel that way like i ask eli she exercises in the morning and i go do you feel tired and she goes no i feel great and i'm like sitting here like droopy eyed i think cause you're like starting out you're just starting the journey i don't know i don't work now i have no idea but i'm doing it i don't give a [ __ ] wow you look good no when you guys went in for the hug on friday's episode i was like oh my god skinny like your arms were so skinny from the side my arms when i hugged someone looks like a ham hock so i was like a what a ham hock i don't know what that is oh a ham hock a ham hock is that something a ham chunk i don't know a ham chunk i don't know something with him like a tomahawk steak are that sponsored i'm gonna throw your arm on the grill girl looking succulent it would be good i have no muscle look at that i have zero muscle i never had a muscle it's just fat i can't make a muscle it's so sad anyways you could probably punch pretty good hit pretty hard so anyway that's something that's going on in my life of course and then the other thing is that elas is so exciting uh that was a good title too we're pregnant we changed it because why we didn't know for sure and then live on the show ela finally got the call from the doctor well i just i assumed he was pregnant because for so many reasons right right we're doing the fertility thing she was late on her period and then she was getting like faint second pink lines on the pregnancy and and then like we looked i was like that's pregnant dude and she did it like four times and it was faint every time and so on but on the box it said it was inconclusive oh it said just take it again but it kept being faint second line i was like dude you're [ __ ] pregnant bro why don't you get the pregnant not pregnant that seems easy the doctor said to use the strips she said they're more accurate really yeah oh [ __ ] but um so you found out on the show so on the show cause so that morning either went for a blood test and then they're like we'll call you in the afternoon so we're on the show and around you know towards the end of the show we got a text and the doctor said to eli you're super pregnant twist well i think she was just referring to like the hormones in her blood but because of the treatment we've been doing because there's a chance that there's gonna be more than one and then they can split off so there can be twins in there and then they can split off it before don't say that why you don't want four kids i don't know why not that'd be everything can i have one oh like a birkin yeah i'll take one and then you guys can it's a nice accessory i just that's so exciting that's oh my god so yeah i'm i'm honestly very happy ah maybe that's why you're in a good mood you were in such a day i was like oh he's like beaming you have the pregnancy glow oh i think it's because i exercise because i like i was sweating and i just took a shower usually i'm all grimy i come here come here yeah yeah you did look fresh you look teddy fresh thank you um are you gonna name the baby something with teddy feet are your names no no no no no no no no fresh is a good name oh if we have twin girls i'm gonna need them peace and love oh that's cute no i'm not like love like the guy that works for you can name it after him that's cute no i'm not gonna name it what would you name name your babies i can't tell you can i tell oh no oh i can't say it's not just me it's everyone here oh can i say the names we're thinking about yeah no i see that's why i don't want to say mine said what if people copy us that's true well it's not like a secret name people can name it no jeremiah jeremiah would be good it would or how about like uh edo edo what country is this israel oh yeah you know it's israeli name no i've had people copy my baby name the one i put out just bears yeah they know where you're coming from no they people don't care it's a name everybody can name their baby whatever they want but you think it's a boy everyone thinks it's a girl i personally don't think the boy i think it's a boy i i listen i'm happy with whatever i get but you want a girl i'll just even it out ela wants a girl yeah yeah i'd love i would love to have a girl but i'm not like i don't want to put that i just i'm happy for anything right right twins maybe boy and girl ethan junior yeah and the girl ethan and gila ela what ethan and eli junior yeah that's cute i love that that's so cute i don't like the junior names because it's like let this kid have his own life why does he gotta live in your shadow i love the junior names moses won't let me name our son moses he's like no i'm moses yeah he's moses you want your kid to have their own identity why is he gonna be moses junior i like moses i like calling my son junior though i think it's cute do you do a theater junior no but i like i and the idea of it is cute we got lots of presents coming for theater they're really cool i think they won't be here until tomorrow though when's his actual birthday his actual birthday is on saturday i think on the on the 4th of june all right well we got some presents but you guys are coming over right on the weekend well i thought it was this past weekend is this upcoming weekend yeah this upcoming weekend is his actual birthday party that was just because my brother was involved well we didn't know that either we would have come and i was like oh well it's just my brother it was just my brother and his girlfriend oh but i love i love when there's like more like plus ones to the family when they bring like a girlfriend because when i was just by myself it was like weird but i was like more plus ones i don't feel like i'm part of like your family you know what i mean right but anyways we would have come we didn't also the guy took so long doing my nails it was like nine hours that day so it was my fault honestly yeah it was like a lot so it was there was someone working on our walls too were you thinking like um [ __ ] these gays you're like these nails are taking too long oh no no i'm out on this private so there's an actual sorry that was a joke you know wait there's a birthday party this weekend yeah we're coming yeah we have lots of girls i got don't worry i got the guests taking care of this yeah i'm gonna pick it out i got them i'm like we made him a tractor cake we got a custom made so it's like a big wait you had it saturday oh we had two cakes one was ice cream because he wanted ice cream oh my god and they had little tractor toys which he loves on top and the top of the of the cake was like ground-up oreos so it looks like gravel like dirt yeah and he was playing on the cake with his tractors that sounds so good this weekend we're making a tractor cake like a 3d tractor wow is he gonna take a picture do you let him dig his hand in there like little kids do i love that i don't you should let him grab it i don't think he does that oh he's super light yeah he's too polite oh my gosh that's so exciting wait are you gonna eat like now that he looks pregnant are you gonna like eat with her that's one of the reasons why i wanted to start exercising first you're like i gotta eat i am not gonna get even fatter now that he was pregnant it just happened she's been already like super like way hungrier than usual yeah which is great baby growing in there you gotta eat i'm afraid she might i think the the way she's eating though she's probably got a double twin i don't know ooh then you should celebrate with a double double from in and out every day every day do you think you have twins she says she's worried that she might have oh god i'm worried for her that seems like a lot i'd be so scared how do you do that because i've seen how one baby came out of her two was just unbelievably i was like either you're gonna have quadruplets i was just talking most about this i think i'd have a c-section i think i want to do a c-section did you have a c-section or whatever i don't know it's people really oh i don't know if i could do that oh well it yeah i mean listen it's hard work i keep making myself think i'm pregnant i keep thinking thinking i'm sick i'm like i'm sick and then i was like maybe you're pregnant i'm like no i'm never going nah it's just the mcdonald's that you eat every day hey i'm gonna have a counsel anyways that's really exciting if you keep saying i'm making about myself i'm sorry i keep relating these stories if you guys are serious about getting pregnant why don't you go do the fertility well we have a wedding and i have a dress that's really tight so i need to like you already bought the dress yeah the dress is being made in israel but nah i'm probably when is your wedding day i can't say it oh [ __ ] right yeah yeah okay so once the wedding's coming up you guys will do the fertility stuff maybe after i don't want to be like sick and like injecting stuff on there you might get nauseous yeah so we're just going to wait till actually okay so after the wedding you should see our doctor's shoes yeah for sure like right away as soon as the one is over she'll yeah she'll hook you guys up yeah we definitely needed to because you know we'd be trying but whatever it's fine but this is so exciting i always i really do love when like people get very nice we always stab and i'm like maybe it's more fertility because colleen she also texted me when she was pregnant before she announced it and i was like oh she's having twins i'm like oh my god give me some of that fertility like everyone's getting pregnant now and i was like oh [ __ ] the doctor gives it out and the doctor gives out the fertility that's true well that's very exciting so yeah i'm gonna you know it's f it's amazing we're gonna have a family you have a family i know but it's like you're gonna have like a fan right right [ __ ] so i mean it's fun i just i love theodore and i love and i love being a dad and ever since we had theodore just i love life i love kit i just love my son so much and like i want him to have siblings and yeah i just feel like i love kids i love being a dad oh yeah you seem so much happier i'm so excited for you i'm so excited we were what we were doing friday we didn't get to see it in time and i really wanted to watch it everyone was spoiling it for me on twitter and they're like ella's pregnant i'm like no i wanted to watch it oh you want to watch to hear they linked it i don't know if you guys watched on friday we'll watch it again but here it is you look you look as good as look at that oh my god no i don't know but if i was hugging moses that way i would like five times your size like that looks amazing you guys look great um here it is you do have a very skinny upper half of your body thank you shoulders are deceptive fouchy eats babies from dr falcon it's babies yeah so ella gets the test we got what we got what we got what we got i texted the doctor do we have confirmation read it rita verbatim i texted her i said i did the blood test today and waiting to hear the results do you know if it's ready and she said 3.92 i have no idea what that number means but she was like 392 exclamation mark you are super pregnant yeah i don't know what she meant by that twin yeah because it was like you know the last time we did the fertility treatment yeah she got her period like early and we're like oh this is so disappointing yeah you couldn't have that one hope yeah like at least once because she's like we'll know if you're pregnant in two weeks yeah and then a week later she got her period we're like oh this is so sad especially when you try when you're like trying so hard yeah and i i don't know if i said this but like the the process is brutal like i was sticking her with a syringe in the stomach every night you have to hit a certain spot or just anywhere no just anywhere in the stomach around the belly button but like the solution is like for some whatever reason it's really painful yeah like you can cramp or what i think it just stings a lot inside the belly i don't think i would trust you to poke anything in my belly i was like no it's actually a syringe you're so reckless you're just so like wild anyways just with your like just you and yeah that was me i was like okay just close your eyes here we go do you get scared i would pass out doing it i got better at the first time was stressful but i got better at it i mean i've done it like billion times now oh my god i don't think i literally don't know if i could do it i was like ela get re study this because when i get diabetes you're gonna be doing this to me oh my god no i did a diabetes joke on tech talking it did not fly what'd you say oh oh oh joke about diabetes yeah it was the almost there tic tac where it's like almost there i'm almost there so i was like when i get diabetes and i took it down they're like you can't joke about diabetes i'm like oh wow you can't even joke about diabetes but we're fat we're like basically pre-dying you're not bad anymore you can't be weak you now you're working out every i mean good for you don't make me lose no it's very small it's getting smaller why don't you show it from the side see it up and show it because it actually does look smaller oh there are people who want to see it let's see wow don't stick it out and be stupid just be normal be normal wow okay but you're being stupid boy there oh boy it looks okay all right it's good you know the fanny pack that you wear that looks like a dude's gut you're making it unattractive passed away just be normal with it oh boy oh my god but you're put your hoodie down now put your hoodie down and show it look at that what do i need there it is yeah you are you really are although now you're not supposed to tell people if they're losing weight either because that can also be triggering for people because they think they have to keep going and we gotta draw the lines i'm not i'm gonna make fun of diabetes i'm not making fun of diabetic person i'm not like ah [ __ ] you got diabetes you just might get it so you're making yeah i'm gonna get diabetes at this rate my uncle had diabetes he just died last year actually arrested peace i love uncle joe yeah he was like i was close to him once for uncle joe oh he would love that he would love it yeah he had diabetes his foot seriously he was having surgery to get his like foot off and he died during the surgeries right before coming started yeah it was like two days into covet it was really he was like losing his foot to die yeah he had he already did he couldn't walk on it it was like um was he a big guy mm-hmm didn't take care of himself no he never did and yeah but he we were the closest he like always support everything i did my family doesn't know anything about like what i do my dad or anything but he's always like supportive um but yeah it was sad he did lose weight towards the end of his life but you know dude a little too late yeah that's such a funny tic-tac you made honestly that's not right the people bullied you to murder to bully me to love myself like it's okay no yeah um anyways anyway about uh this is very exciting look at you how happy you are yeah i it because so we were on edge all week and yeah so so one week passed and we're like okay and then every day past the week was like okay no period yeah that's so funny and then we're like on thursday and then we hit thursday we're like okay usually eli knows when she's about to get her pregnant she gets sore and stuff and she's like no pr period pains or anything right and i was like oh [ __ ] and then so she pees on the stick and we keep getting these inconclusives but i was like you're definitely pregnant dude and she was like super tired which happens when you get pregnant yeah so she like knew but this was her first time finding out here yeah yeah for sure for our first time finding for sure i would do one of those like pregnancy surprises you know when people like are like make baby carrots baby back ribs and you have like guests and the person's like are you pregnant oh did you do it the first time did she try and surprise you no we were both just in it together yeah i mean i think i'd do like a q a video i'd be doing a mukbang with moses and i would just be like hold a baby or something i don't know what i would do oh that'd be that would be fun but i don't think either one oh yeah like edible babies eat this baby i ground up this placenta for you babe do you think they make like replicas of placentas to eat like they did with horse hearts from like game of thrones you can you can find anything online really you could find a real placenta online i know a guy i'll surprise you too when i get pregnant i'll be on the podcast i'll find a way to surprise oh that'd be fun yeah i don't know what i do like i don't know i don't know did i just touch your foot no that was my i'm sorry i'm over on your side but i like i just yeah just knowing together i like being upfront about the fertility thing because it is like something that's not talked about a lot and it's very stressful you know when i go to these fertility clinics to like you know nut in a cup for for oh wait what what do you mean wait which part are you confused about you not in a cup yeah that was what we were doing we were doing an insemination so they were they took my what's the polite way what's my plight way to put this my massive [ __ ] load ew okay and um they they basically turkey based her with it how do you i think you were talking about this how do you not know like they don't switch it i know it's scary you said that right like if the doctor puts his in or something i know it's scary but they said they only do one at a time and you watch it are you watching them transfer it i would probably like can i watch that yeah well ela asked them and they're like we've never been asked to do that before so i was like i guess i'm just being super paranoid i don't know they weigh that like i watch lifetime movies i'd be like but it's like i do that i and then and then she comes an hour later and then they inseminate her like hums no she i don't think the doctor's making her orgasm that'd be weird so she just goes in you think the doctor's getting her off they say when you orgasm you're more fertile like if if you orgasm at the same time like you're more fertile that explains why she's never getting stupid um wait so oh my god that's so fast so anyway my point is when i go there you didn't do the embryo thing you did no ivf is like the next level wow okay it's more even more invasive you know so like this is a so i'm happy that this worked but when you go to this off these fertility office uh it's full of young women donating eggs no who are trying to get pregnant oh oh oh yeah cause i guess if you're young and you're not getting pregnant there's probably an issue like you spent time looking but i'm just saying like a lot of people are getting pregnant now like like 25 plus and your fertility goes down so it's hard it's much it's hard it's much harder to get pregnant between like 25 and 35 then it is like 18. yeah so it just people are like think there's something wrong with them but it's not it's just people are having babies later in life yeah it is crazy though i do know so many people that struggle with like fertility it's like such a cra i didn't even know that was like a thing to me i was always praying i want to get pregnant not knowing it was like so hard to get pregnant it is crazy but it is true i'm not saying like safe success is really important because when you're young when you're 18 you get pregnant like [ __ ] nothing well then there's some people who like can have like they have like eight babies it's like crazy it's like they just be getting pregnant every like year literally yeah that's uncommon i feel like but my brother his kids were like that they were four three two one they just got kind of getting pregnant birth rates are going down across the world and i wonder if it's just because people are having babies later in life or just because we're like drinking plastic and [ __ ] i think the plastic and [ __ ] because honestly i'm sure that's why i can't get pregnant i bet if i like lost weight and i get healthy and you think it's the plastic and not the double gonorrhea i mean it's both it's the combination for sure it is oh it's so sad well no you do but my point is you're just like every other girl your age it's not easy yeah but like i've always had problems like always getting i always thought i should get pregnant you gotta go to the doctor yeah they're gonna help you she's gonna tell you this doctor's like amazing we gotta do it quick cause i'll be 34 next year and i'm like i want like three babies so maybe we'll do all three at once we do the ivf we'll just do three embryos get it out of the way can you do that three babies inside you at once yeah you put three embryos in it or like four if you want like boy how many you want really a lot of my friends do that like especially like my gay friends so they'll put one one they put one embryo with one person's genetics and the other embryo with the other person's genetics oh i see because you're using but you're using your own eggs not someone else's right but they're using their own sperm so one guy will use this from the other guy and then they'll do it and they'll get twins yeah but they're not birthing it you were birthing the kids yeah i ain't black and bird twins i look at my i just didn't know they did that that's interesting yeah you're sure about that i'm positive a thousand percent positive because i had a couple that did that i wonder what's the limit how many how many babies can you do well octo mom had like six or something at one do eight babies yeah maybe we'll see maybe not eight maybe like three i don't know moses what are you thinking two oh two three kids he won't know everything you put another one in but a third one come on oops yeah oh my god what um i thought i wanted two at first two but now i want more oh really yeah i mean maybe one than twins three is good i grew up with three and i i think that's really good i had an older brother and younger sister and i thought that was like the best yeah i want three to five now oh my god five lap maybe three five is a lot four they team up against each other three they also have to be a cohesive unit bro i'm so tired now too because theodore started he got his big boy bed now and so he's been wandering into our bedroom at 3am every night is it a racecar bed no it's just it's his crib converted into a a uh a bed you just remove a piece oh and then he can come and go because like a few nights ago he jumped over and scratched into the ground he actually like escaped did he wait what but i thought it was like a big boy bed so how did he what is there a gate on it still no he was in a crib like three days ago oh so you're like okay we just had he like bailed on it and he like walked in he was like all ptsd'd he had like this big crane like a big toy crane and he just walked in and his eyes were like a thousand mile stare and he just sat in our bed well like this with this crane and he just goes teddy got crane teddy got the crane wait what because the crane was on the floor i think he was trying to get his toy crane and he bailed out of his crib and he walks in just with the crane teddy got the crane maybe there was like a ghost talking to him though like teddy goes there's no ghost trish but why would he repeat it like that typically he's crazy to get crazy no because we would say what happened you know are you okay but he referred to him he wasn't tired he fell out of the out of the he always refers to himself as teddy really yes maybe he has an imaginary friend that's talking to him no said he get crane wow i've never heard that we gotta go to break so i'm like devastated on sleep lately i can carry the rest of the show don't worry i got us yo yeah okay yeah okay all right word from our sponsors we'll be back all right thank you to our sponsors we'll be right back thank you to quit for sponsoring us the electric toothbrush that cleaned your mouth like nothing else yes show your black one over here on the on the pink side yeah woo so let me tell you about first of all we do have a big update from who is winning the competition to raise the most money for lgbtq plus charities with the quip smart electric toothbrush but first we want to tell you about how you can earn rewards just by brushing your teeth with these frenemies colored all pink all black electric toothbrushes okay first of all let me tell you about quip because oh yeah you can't see it on mine yeah um here let me put in from my face i love quip it's the only toothbrush i'll use and i'll tell you why first of all the bristles are so soft they just they don't damage or irritate my gums that's huge but the big pull with the quip it's electric obviously better dentist recommended toothbrush with the electric but when you turn it on you click this button you hear that it's so silent it tells you how to get that perfect brush 30 seconds and then it vibrates 36 30 seconds 30 seconds so it makes sure you get that perfect denim dental recommended brush every [ __ ] time right right the quip yes all you do is pair it with equip app and you earn points for brushing well so this rewards you for good brushing habits by pairing it with the app points can be redeemed for rewards you want like a target e gift card or discounts on things like quipped new refillable floss pack the quip smart brush comes in all pink they're like your nana they're like your nana that really wants to make sure you take care of yourself exactly like that nana okay you went over how it's done and it automatically delivers brush heads every three months for just five dollars with free shipping worldwide okay now here's where equip steps up to be the greatest they've been donating ten dollars to each of our charities that we picked mine is the trevor project what was yours mine i i don't know i don't see it in there but i believe it's trans equality yeah and so every time someone buys a black one they donate ten dollars to my charity to the trevor project and every time someone buys a pink one they donate ten dollars and i am up by eight points all pink teamwork well hold on we've raised okay i got ahead of ourselves twenty three thousand dollars i mean that's amazing that's actually that's so cool yeah cause these two bars are cool i mean i see these like and now they're saying if you guys are gonna buy the black one more because trish is ahead by eight points i was like i mean i get it the pink one's cool and you know stanfish or whatever trisha stands but if you can if you can buy the black one and pass her she's up by eight points they're gonna throw in an additional five thousand dollars to both chairs wow so you might as well get the set because who just likes trisha by herself or ethan by himself nobody they want us together we're better together better together so here's the deal i mean it's true my channel gets like a hundred thousand views but when i'm with you i got like four million you know oh i agree does kill it on your own but i mean you know they get way more yeah yeah so we're back better together so you might want to get two get the set get trisha and ethan on your bathroom counter today sell 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insta karma is sponsored by credit card don't purchase necessary exclusions in terms of ply c rules banking services provided by mvp bank incorporated at member fdic maximum balance and transfer limits apply and we're back hello welcome to freddie thanks for watching this sponsors um yeah just really happy and excited so thank you for the well wishes i was very excited for you guys but it was like awkward thing like do i text it like that's just like annoying i feel like we'll see them cause you wanna see it in person i don't care okay congratulations thank you so much you're welcome thank you can we watch my music video um okay chill daddy on to the next most important thing so trisha put out a new uh music video i'm really proud of this okay do you know the reference of this music video just by looking at the thumbnail why is it so dark when i put that it's weird do you know it can you just write the thumbnails you know the reference no you don't know the band no can you guess no i don't know it one guess wait really you can't do one guess your boy george my chemical romance thank you well i just that's obvious but i don't i don't know anything about them well you know through me okay it's my chemical romance okay can we watch it short but i'm really proud of this might be my favorite one ever okay i'm gonna give it an honest review it's not a cover it's an original song we just did we did an homage to my chemical romance and a movie called secret window by stephen kingston okay do you want an honest review let's pull even if it's brutal sure yeah you don't i didn't believe you when you but i'm not someone who takes it seriously i don't know those people like my music's so good like i love hearing people's opinions because i know what my music is but i would love to hear your opinion dead and gone dude you gotta give it up to my eyesight okay yay for ethan's eyesight okay here we go okay can you crank it down [Music] the production value is insane thank you how much do you spend on this one 100k remember i told you you were sitting next to my music video director at my birthday party he's like don't say how much it is like come on we talk shop all the time yeah yeah that guy's like don't see how much it is i'm i get paid based on how much you spend i was like it's pretty good deal for these kind of videos i think a hundred thousand is is pretty good no i am i think it looks really good so you know it's worth it yeah that's facts set and there is effects in this you'll see at the end there's some special i mean you've got fire ship effects right here yeah you get to get a fire truck yeah it's a lot this is a real [ __ ] and you got like a wood cabin up in the top yeah wood cabin was i gotta say i love that you're willing to like invest in this because it's dope that's what makes it cool well that you remember what i was asking like thinking is awful [Laughter] no you know what i was asking like what your hobby is like what you like put money you're like i'm like why do you work so hard you're like i don't know i just do but it's like i work so hard so i can make more music videos you know that's fun that it motivates you even my apparel like my sad boy like i i really will just break even if i sell out but like it's so much fun just to make this stuff like i don't even really care about being like you know what i mean it's just fun anyways i think that this is i think that's a special quality i was being in my gerard way dreams right here this is from famous last words if you didn't know so is this a cover original song this is an original song but the setup is exactly the famous last word shot got it all right here we go oh she knew the video would be more exciting but okay yeah i apologize and that's secret window so we're intercutting with your [Music] windows [Music] oh you're getting murdered let's let's be honest you're getting murdered in the slasher film [Music] [Applause] he's really good the director like cinematography is really good [Music] oh [ __ ] what did he just gank you oh he's jumping you out little choke out playing [ __ ] back oh okay because i was like wow somebody's really got to choke you for that that's my sister okay yeah you'll see why they had to be like my similar body type at the end there's a twist it's you oh no you guessed it yeah well when you said it gotta look like me yeah i spoiled [Music] give me a it release [Music] do you know the movie secret window with johnny depp no okay well i'm missing all the practices john tutoro he also was in that movie with him [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's is i mean that's the secret window plot too but and you spill it here comes the special effects shot at the end this is the money and now you're eating corn i am so what with the corn shot let's see in a secret window he eats the corn that he buries his wife in the corn garden and she made it all right okay okay but it's just you eating corn but that's that's the ending shadow secret window it's kind of an iconic shot it's like you got to show like a girl you got to show like a graveyard in the cornfield or something no you don't know the corn eating is secret window that's like iconic okay it makes sense as a reference but in the scope of the music video it doesn't make any sense if i don't get i know but like you're just eating corn bro that's it's homage i didn't know i just like why are you eating corn look at you she's just eating a big ass bite of corn i don't know all these pop culture references like i feel like you grew up in the same era i did yeah i'll be honest with you i don't know what happened but like my growing up i missed everything it was all this stuff i just can't get over this scene of you eating corn you're like let's go that's like that's an iconic shot i don't know what to tell you but in the movie you know he buried his wife no but if you see that here's johnny shot people know it's the shining like people just know signature shots like that's what but it still has to make sense in the scope of the story my chemical romance i think you do a secret window they don't make sense like both of those things so i put them yeah am i what do you what am i right or am i wrong about the corner agree with you because he always says i'm right on this one go ahead if you don't know the reference it does seem random i i i don't know did you know the reference i i'm not familiar enough with secrets well either way it's funny i love the corn eating oh it's like a big ass bite of corn to end your music video oh man i wish you knew the references i love the comments though people are always like yes i love when she mentions gerard like people hype me up in the comments i knew the reference to the music video you did yeah okay halfway there yeah sorry secret window missed that one that was my that was an iconic movie it was his first movie after pirates of the caribbean was secret window with john tutor it's really good i i love it um anyways that's my favorite video i've ever done that was really good i had so much fun the production value was crazy yeah thanks and if you knew the references like the famous last words video like he did he did a great job like because we replicate everything like we own up to that so let me ask did you film this all in one session or how many so we did the merch shoot and the performance the same day and then we did the cabin the next day so we usually do back to back shoots so i will say it's a hundred thousand for everything so for that merch video i did with the trans am and then this so there you go you know it's yeah that's more reason right okay yeah that's very that's very reasonable i shot one music video at universal studios for two hundred thousand dollars and that was like my most they had like water at universal we had to get like the universal employees in like it was oh it was really fun yeah anyways um also there's still some stuff left at so if you could put the link to my music video and sideways on just for this anything else well you have ten links in the description i could have two whatever you want you have like 20 pounds at the bottom i'll put mine at the bottom no i'll put it at the top i'm just kidding we still have a few things left we did still have a lot of stuff like we have probably like one size of like five styles left so we did sell out a lot like thank you so much like i did thank you guys thank you for that i was really shocked because you know that was just like you know my first four-way into like streetwear looking hey teddy i said let's go i'm just really trying to live out my emo dreams you know what i mean oh one other thing we skim by memorial day is there anything you want to say for our for our uh fallen troops um i i resp i respect all of our troops i love people who are in the military no seriously can you imagine like the people who just like volunteered like everyone in our country right now just volunteers to go that's crazy that's amazing i mean i love it i mean that's amazing but i would be so freaking scared to join the army unfort i think that the army you don't like it i don't like the army i but i i like the soldiers that's the thing you have to make a distinction between the soldiers and the war itself because they don't choose where to go fight and stuff they're just trying to defend a lot of people who enroll in the army are doing it for the opportunities the army you know gives but like my thing about mor the soldiers i was thinking about it today it's like when you fight a war abroad there's always going to be a war at home with mental health like you know today more soldiers die from suicide than in battle yeah i didn't know that that's crazy yeah it's crazy so it's like you got if you're going to spend a trillion dollars on missiles and bombs and [ __ ] you got to spend the money on back home to take care of the people i think they do that i know no i know he's not very popular but piers morgan one celebrity apprentice and donated his to uh that the charity that helps soldiers deal with that kind of stuff i forget what it's called but yeah i know that is like a thing but they shouldn't even they shouldn't rely on charity the government if you're going to [ __ ] send them there you better take care of them when they get back yeah so i i like yeah i feel like memorial day also includes people who are like drafted that didn't even have a choice like vietnam you know yeah and and those guys you know it's amazing they are i know that's it blows my mind my grandpa uh who's who's recently passed but he was a world war ii uh gunner he controlled the gun on the on the airplanes in world war ii wait really and yeah he was he was shot down a bunch of times and had to parachute out my grandpa was too wow he doesn't he didn't talk about the war ever he didn't like talking about it oh yeah because probably [ __ ] that i mean that's the worst ptsd the thing is back then too they didn't this whole issue of uh mental health awareness and stuff this was like not a tapu yeah and these are all like macho guys who are very like uh classical male you know they're like rugged do it yourself so these guys come back with like absolute ptsd and trauma and depression and anxiety and it's like it's like yeah the the battle continues on when you get home did you see the deer hunter movie yeah i've seen that that one i watched for the first time like maybe like a few days you watched that whole thing yeah well that wasn't because i saw someone on twitter say that they're like oh my god and i've always i love like i love you through deer hunter or not schindler's list i preferred deer hunter had some like funny moments you know christopher walker and like singing in the bar like you know they had some like cute moments in it that movie is horrific but that that's what i was like whoa you know what i was like watching it was like that's crazy because like i'm sure that [ __ ] happened right like that [ __ ] like that's gnarly extreme extreme situation but yeah uh i had like nightmares just that guy screaming just like mama you know um sad this is a sad episode did we just bring it all down no hey we're giving it up to our to our best oh yeah yeah shout out too and you know i think it's important too because like i generally these days i'm very anti-war but it's important to remember that the war is not the soldiers soldiers always deserve respect and to be taken care of especially when they get home yeah i think our government has done a dismal job taking care of the troops you know [ __ ] up did you see biden collabing with youtubers how come he didn't collab with you i never get reached out for anything cool well he was like clapping with no shay because manny mua like like is we're cool now but like he was clapping like manny mua and i was like oh it's so random biden got the manny clap yeah that's so it's so weird right but like you know biden was collabing with all these people and i guess i'm controversial i don't know but you're so hardcore biden you're like you're like oh yeah biden is like yeah i wouldn't go that far i think so yeah i mean i call him sloppy joe biden what's that mean he's sloppy yeah did you hear anything about the bar rights and how she looks like a cute little 12 year old yeah that's like a lot but joe biden he listen i like i like him i like sloppy jokes now he's our president now right oh no stop he is not right no not yet still president stop which one is but joe biden's president oh he's vice president kamala's president i had a kamala harris jacket today but it didn't fit did you want to see it sure um i sent it to the person who blinked it up for me and it was it was modeled after combo hairs but it wouldn't fit me see she had a little pride jacket do you remember her wearing that jacket no but it looks nice okay well anyways so anyway shout out to the troops wait you guys are wearing it see that was the replica i was gonna wear a combo here i know but it didn't fit me some didn't work out oh i wanted to also say you guys frenemies vlog number two is up you guys should go watch that if you haven't it's freaking awesome i thought it came out great i'm very proud of it we hijacked a hollywood tour bus iconic hollywood bus and we gave a bunch of people a tour and we obviously what the [ __ ] do we know trish actually knows a lot i didn't know anything i'm just really bad at speaking in front of people like you know you know support like if i'm in front of like people who like me and like know me not that they didn't like me but you know what i mean like if people know me and they're trish fans like i love it but if people don't i get so nervous i'm like i'm so cringy well you did great and the video's really fun i'm proud of how it came out so if you haven't seen that friendly's vlog number two let's [ __ ] go also moses wasn't trying to like blend in to be a tourist i thought comments was like oh look i was trying to blend in to be a tourist i'm like no we knew he was there what do you think people thought he like snuck in oh no he's filming no but people were like oh he's trying to blend it yo i don't understand this comment the only person laughing at ethan on the bus was trish was laughing at me the microphone you couldn't pick it up oh yeah so it did sound like i was the only one i was like i was crushing that bus why is everyone scooping a mic in the back with like people everyone was like oh ethan's bombing but trish is being so supportive i was like that's not how i remember it no no no they were laughing you just couldn't pick it up because that's why i'm wearing them all right thank you i was like what i was like should i bomb it's not a santa it's not a comedy show i know but like if you're not funny and you're bombing everyone's just sitting there all straight faced and you're the only one laughing also i was supposed to show up as spider-man hollywood they dressed up as spiderman and i [ __ ] forgot it you're the one who told me and then i had to change my whole office i had a sad boy like overall outfit i was wearing all right we're going costume i had it right by the door i had this great spiderman outfit with the muscles and [ __ ] and i just i was like okay do i have everything and i was like i got everything and i [ __ ] forgot it i mean that's like the biggest thing you could remember you're going to film what are you going to wear like that's the biggest thing to remember that's crazy you look good as marilyn though thank you i tried i was like okay we're going to be hollywood boulevard people like that's my thing it didn't even look like weird you just looked like you were you were killing it that day oh thank you yeah um thank you it was a good time oh there's one other thing you want to talk about something about [ __ ] yeah what do you want to talk about but there's so many i don't even know like i was i was i was racking up a list you know what it is i think i've been doing better at like managing my insanity because i don't do videos for everything i want to snap back on because i'm like all to talk about on the podcast because in the past i would do like 20 videos on one day i'm like well i'm not really organized like you but i have a ton tell me all right go ahead i'll i'll go down the list and you can tell me so um sophia franklin who's from caller daddy or whatever she like anyways okay just i'll go down the list what did she do give me yeah so sophia franklin who's not on card yet she's the one that like left or whatever because she wasn't getting enough money she has her own podcast this was like a big thing and she basically like that's not that interesting now it was like last week's news whatever so like there was this tick tocker she like sent her a message and the tick tocker left her on red so then she went off and called her like a disgusting [ __ ] and all this crazy [ __ ] and reader yeah and the girl was like super sweet like she's like this like i don't check my dm yeah and then the girl was just like and i guess she got like a ton of hate or whatever but anyways that was like one thing happened okay all right um loser and green green tried to cancel me oh he didn't did you see that i saw he said one about how you were you're faking being dumb and then halfway through he's like but first of all can i say hey first off flattery because there's a hankering the one that did the cancer movie the girl with the cancer i don't know i think he wrote that right dan did he did he's a smart man he did yeah he wrote this big movie i think he also did vidcon which is also trash so he did like a really great movie about the girl with cancer but then he did a trash of vidcon i don't know i guess take your poison but like he's good on one hand but i was like damn why are you trying to cancel me because i wait i thought he would made a nice video about you no definitely like um what's the name hank green cancels trisha paytas oh and then he deleted it because he got so much hate he deleted it he did and he got so much hate wait wait wait wait i watched it and i thought it was flattering to you she's not it's all an act because he was like oh she knows what carbon monoxide monoxide can i tell you hand to god square on my mother's life who i love more than anything i do not know the difference between monoxide and dioxide i've heard people say carbon dioxide carbon monoxide i don't know what the hell each one is but i don't know where in my life i couldn't tell you what global warming is something about florida you said it was melting off the earth but i've never gone about canceling you i got to speak up for he did everyone was giving him [ __ ] like why are you trying to cancel trisha he wasn't oh my god i saw everyone say it hold on we gotta find the tick i thought it was why did he delete it probably because he was like what is wrong with these psychotic tricia first of all thank you to my psychos out there i love you that's what i'm like no when i watch that i thought it was flattering because first of all he knows who you are epic epic epic and then second of all he's like being like oh she's so she's smart look she knows stuff like she's just goofing around that's not how i took from it but also like i don't know those things don't tell me what i know i don't know oh and by the way i agree i whenever i see people like oh she's pretending to be dumb i'm like but not that i don't think you're dumb she pretending not to know things like with gravity and stuff no can i tell i shouldn't say who i heard it from that is moses knows he knows i heard that from another podcast where someone said gravity was what it was that someone invented like you know what podcast i'm talking about i'm not going to say it said it i can't say it because where it's not josh she'll be named no it's someone i can't talk about but you know if you know the person that's blocked and banned from our show being talked about you know anyways that i did hear this from someone else and i never even thought about it i never thought i just i was like oh that makes sense because this person made a valid argument of why like we don't need gravity and i was like oh [ __ ] and i swear i heard it and i and i thought oh i i thought the person was going to call me out for copying her because it was real i was like but i but i was trying to think of the person because at the time i really didn't know the person now i remember oh [ __ ] that person but i was it was a person's podcast and i was like oh that makes sense and then i said it and i was like no i i agree dude i'm with you i think everything i think you are 100 authentic i'm 100 smart i'm dear evan hansen ben platt no thank you to me listen we're just talking about knowledge i think you're your brain you are obviously very intelligent and funny you have intelligence doesn't mean i know but do you know what gravity is no do i know what global warming is no no do i care no hell no it's just like one of those things where it's like damn i i mean it's fine but also i was just like but let's watch this because i personally think he was doing you an honor but if you read all the comments everyone's like [ __ ] him you know what i mean well i'm not surprised why because because i don't know actually yeah why does got to say call out he's not calling you out so nervous i was like exposed by angry because i don't think he does drama he doesn't want to be involved drama but like his video okay watch carbon in the air carbon monoxide or dioxide both you know that the earth this is an illustrative moment so trisha paytas but do you see how he's honoring you he goes this moment and the podcast is illustrious what's a luster what that is no it's creative illustrative yes yeah illustrative what does that mean though that's not a nice thing it's not a bad picture i'm drawing a picture oh my god dude no wonder he took it down who's this illustrious look at him with the book behind it he has a big platform and he's talking about it so why has everyone got a [ __ ] on him to make him erase it like hello he's being a sweetheart i don't know being a sweetheart because he's exposing me but he's not okay okay let's play it oh man so trisha paytas is saying that she hasn't heard of car of global warming and then ethan says you don't know about carbon in the air and then she says carbon monoxide or carbon dioxide if you if your response to carbon in the air is which carbon oxide you know stuff you know stuff okay and one of the things you know is global warming not called pretending to not know that's the game she's playing i guess we all know that she's playing a character i think i'm the only one that doesn't know that because i see people saying that all the time i'm like what character there's no [ __ ] character i i don't know but i'll thank you but i think why people think that's because you're inconsistent like you'll make a video from three years ago being like this is everything i know about the holocaust in detail right then when you come on the podcast and i go and i you go what's the holocaust right how do you explain that well that holocaust video in particular there's a lot of cuts i would stop and look at my phone all the time yeah hey guys like you know what i mean i used to do that all the time with political stuff like before i went on like i remember i went on larry king how many people died in the holocaust literally no idea take a guess thousands really thousands hundreds of thousands a million a million how many jews died in the holocaust you need to know this but to get you jews are people okay let's start with jews oh my god how many jews died in the holocaust two million i'm starting conversion classes tonight you better [ __ ] know that that's what they ask you when you step inside there's that much he's kind of like whatever six million six million pretty much all of them that is how many people mcdonald's serves when you go to mcdonald's that's serving six million people or is it billion [Laughter] just kidding for every jew that dies in the holocaust we will serve one hamburger that is our pledge to the world oh [ __ ] oh man we should go to the hog people who died in the holocaust was like uh 8 or 10 million or something or 12 i don't know had a million oh they were just [ __ ] where did they all come from i didn't know there was countries with that well they were killing communism gays and dis political dissidents so it wasn't just how did they tell the gays because jews were wearing star david gays were wearing pink triangle right really a triangle they had different symbols for you don't know even i don't remember the gay uh symbol but damn oh triangles yeah that makes sense tinky winky had the triangle on his head and everyone said he was gay oh that was illuminati this triangle sorry nothing but like no they were they were yeah in nazi concentration camp yeah trying homosexual upside down they were killing gypsies too right then they were they're tipsy slavs communists yeah pretty much anybody why don't we play gypsies because borah hated gypsies too in the movie why do people play gypsies like why seriously aren't they just trying to make a living i think it's actually politically incorrect to call them gypsies oh really well they're romanian right they're like romanian ones hungarian too roma it's different than romanian oh oh cause they're like you can't still call them gypsies no i oh that's new again i'm not a neck i'm just trying to learn i'm just trying to learn peace and love i wish we could go to the hot cosplay probably would be that exciting can't make jokes or anything i would love to go just to go you want to make a comedy video want to make like a comedy vlog at the holocaust i said it wouldn't be exciting because you couldn't but i still would love to go just like look at it go who's stopping no together all of us bro how is that going to be fun take theodore it's educational i'm not i'm not going on a special family day to the holocaust with you you have to watch schindler's list first well i can't it's black and white maybe if it was color like and gloria's bastards there's some color is there oh i didn't get that far it was all black and white that we watched so anyway here let's let's finish okay well to not know that's the game she's playing i guess we all know that she's playing a character and everybody's playing a character but like kevin carpenter i'm so confused the point of it though i guess just like give me a shout out she's smart it was nice he's saying she's smart and she's playing this character but she's pretending to not know stuff but she knows stuff i know that you started vidcon and the cancer movie i knew that i think green i could have been i don't know him it's hank green's brother made the cancer movie whoa what's his name uh john green i looked it up because i had no idea what you were talking about oh so what did hank green do no offense but what did he do isn't he an author he's like a famous author no john green's the author he wrote the documentary they made the movies gotta get the [ __ ] straight oh poor hank green isn't that awful like your brother wait what's the one we just watched hank that's hank i like hank i like john i like john too okay but i i follow hank i like his tick tock what did hank do though hank's known for something right he's oh i don't think he's an author no one of them is an author john is the author he's like he's gotta get there it's too many hanks and they look the same they do look the same there's not there's just one hank there's there's not too many hanks okay but what is hank green what about tom hanks dan no that's not even in this realm he's dancing there's only one hank when the topic of the green brothers there's only one hank okay they're right but what did hank green do what it is he's a youtuber he's he's an educational he does education he reminds me of rhett and link like those people all are the same but do you see what i'm saying like the fact that people are giving him [ __ ] for that is just so messed up well blame death noodles i love duff noodles but he's a call out trisha paytas exposed and i was like i started like panicking right away it was not a call out it was so not a call out you know i one time stood upright and link i blanked on them like you're supposed to go on the show and you bailed no no it was like when i was like 18 like when youtube first started maybe 19 because they were an og and i got an l.a casting and i didn't know who they were they're like right link is paying 50 for like to be in a car washing i swear and i was supposed to go to the car wash and they kept they wouldn't call me but like their assistant or someone kept calling me all day like where are you i was just like on drugs i was just like chilling big mistake hiring you and i never i i know back in the day i think i was blacklisted from alley casting but i was supposed to be in a written link video a long time ago but are they still crushing it i feel like they're still like low-key here in the world yeah oh yeah bretton lake those guys are the best how old are they though they're probably older than me huh old as [ __ ] stop don't be ageist but they're super like healthy what like looking or physically no like they are like they like really take care of themselves they're like slender and like healthy looking that doesn't mean they're healthy just because they're skinny no i can tell they're healthy you can't tell that by looking at somebody look at me you could tell i'm unhealthy they're 43 and 42. oh they're like the fine bros before the fine bros got cancelled these guys will never get cancelled really hopefully what did they do though what if they do something like that like bill gates look at him getting cancelled now no no no no i'm keep them pure no okay what else you got on your list okay okay okay um my list actually like i make it during the weeks i'm so angry and then like look at this i'm like i have like my it says pringles can because my hand won't fit a pringles can not that exciting i don't know why they do make them so small not a big topic but well hold on pringle cans are kind of fat shaming yes i try to get my hand in there like no joke i always heard it as a joke but i literally i was so triggered i was like wow they really are like don't eat this and then i saw someone do a life hack where they put a piece of paper in and they like they pour it out so you can get the paper on like this on the back people pringle hacks why are they so little that is kind of that is well they make it to fit the chip but i see what you mean i've had another idea for a vlog and equally i'm kind of embarrassed that my hand does fit in it because you have baby hands yeah uh mine are mammoth hands look how big my hands are you're fat [ __ ] monsters no they are i blame the liposuction because honestly i feel all the fat is going to my hands my hands have looked chubbier and chubbier i'm not that is an interesting theory there's no veins no bones it's just fat you guys can't fit in the pringle can be honest yeah yeah okay good he's got little hands up too dan be honest dan i think so yeah okay so i don't know i don't eat pringles regularly let's do a pringle hand check that's the thing can you just pour them out of the tube who does that who would pour it out of the tube only cat people do that then i had i had a rylan oh matthew perry and ben affleck i want there's so many there's rylan matthew perry ben affleck bryce hall eugenia cooney chad michael murray okay one at a time here jesus christ i know i have so many i'm going to explode i want to say my name do you want to egg me for a video sure i would love to get egg i was like why do you want me to egg you i watched him i was watching never been kissed which used to be one of my favorite movies with drew barrymore and she gets egged before going to prom i'm like that's iconic i want to recreate it for like a music video or something no just for rhyme is this like a only fans thing i just want to get egged i'll like you sure so should we talk about which one is i think like ryland ben affleck or um what's what did rylan do did you see his so not see it's so funny because i have i talked to most about this stuff i get so riled up and i'm talking about i'm like it's not that i'm like nobody cares i just see like you know i watch the drama channel talk about it um he basically was uh like telling his viewers to stop complaining that like oh he was pissed at his viewers because his viewers were like oh thank you finally an hour long video but the way he said it was like uh everyone's saying thank you finding an hour-long podcast like he was like mocking them and everyone's like they're like why don't you just be grateful people are watching which is kind of true she's like uh isn't it nice that people want more content yeah but he's like no it's it's the way they said it she goes no you're putting aggression in the tone i don't know what it is and i'm biased i'm biased 100 rylan is a snake snake steak when he said that [ __ ] that he didn't know about me and jeffree star i was like you are such a [ __ ] liar against me so i'm i'm a bias but i was so pissed and i you know what i'm gonna i'm gonna just say i'm a little petty i like to you know as i do with some podcasts i like to hate watch or whatever because i'm like oh my god but watching that made my blood boil because the way he was like mocking that mocking town where he's like dan yeah oh god that's noodles has got it for sure our ian back he do it like that though oh i just can't stand him his little smugness like everything about and he's just a liar he's the snake in the grass the one that i've always said that solar soldier's devil rylan adams for sure but wait is shane the devil i i would say no they both sold their soul to the devil is shane coming back what's the deal with that you have insider info no i don't i because i feel like i can't look at them i can't look at them like it makes me literally hold on i remember once on this podcast when you're still friends with shane you were like he's about to make a comeback and then you stopped yourself i think he was yeah i think he i mean he might i don't know i just i can't yeah i mean i don't know he was close to a month you know a while ago i don't know so here's rylan uh that apparently ruined your weekend ruined my week it just made me so angry i'm like this guy you know not as popular as you were you're only known for being engaged to shane and you're gonna complain that people leave comments saying thank you for a longer video like they're thanking you and you took it as a mocking tone all right i would live it oh my god i don't know it's i have so much like i see red i don't know how you can get through the day when [ __ ] like this makes you so angry let's watch them you know what i do i watch girls next to horny it decompresses me it does big cd and girls next door here we go wow i was pretty upset over this past week about the podcast oh you were yeah what happened all of the comments were like finally a podcast not cut down to nothing no why would you be upset about that people love us they want more i tell you this every week it's the aggression in which they approach oh my god bro there's no tone hey dude you should see what we say about you if that makes you angry don't watch this oh my god oh it made me so angry and the way he did that tone like um finally a pocket it's like that's not what they're saying like thank you for being here they always ask us to make us longer oh i wish frenemies are throughout they're giving you i mean no they're giving you feedback bro they want they want you to not edit it that was what made him angry all week was people being like oh we want a longer podcast from you like oh so just self-absorbed i just i hate devil i look at it and i see devil and i'm not i don't say that lightly i don't say that lightly you think he's a devil he made a deal with the devil it's in him oh my god when i watch that clip of him being like trisha never told us oh my i've never seen someone just lie just cold face lie when they know the trauma that i've been through with that person and i was like i'm still so heated by it so when i see these i don't try and watch it because it does make me heated but i saw this on the deaf noodle so i watched the whole thing for context and he was just so smug and arrogant though i'm like be lucky you barely break a hundred thousand views and so do my main channel videos and i'm lucky that if they break a hundred thousand views be lucky you break a hundred thousand views like it's insane to me that he thinks that like he's putting tone to comments that are being nice holy [ __ ] he had a disabled just like you know oh all right let me what let me watch let me watch lizzy should get her own podcast i like her i stand her 100 the fact that she even had to explain it like what are you talking about they like us like so self-absorbed he's so self-absorbed and narcissistic don't watch this rylan i get so angry you're sensitive don't watch this approach it's appreciated you're creating the aggression in your articulation they're creating the aggression in the way that they're saying they appreciate a longer podcast they could just say oh my gosh i'm so excited for the hour-long podcast oh what the [ __ ] are these conditions you're requiring they should say it like this if someone says hey we want five-hour frenemies i'm gonna like let's try and make it happen we talked about going along you know what i mean people do say that and it's a compliment they like our show they want more good enough they wanted to go longer it's like my whole week is ruined because people want longer they want to watch more of our show oh i'm sorry that made me angry that triggered me in such a way i was like how unappreciative are you that like people don't care about you anymore like they just don't they never did anyways you were always like a sidekick but now they really don't care about you and you still can't be appreciative like that's how you're gonna get canceled you're gonna get canceled by doing that by yourself you're gonna cancel yourself because you're so unappreciative it's so well i mean yeah is it it's a good general rule to not [ __ ] [ __ ] on your own audience especially when they're actually being nice dude like the ones that actually like you and and they filter the comments everyone's nice so i don't know what he's reading they're always nice comments i went through and i went through recently and they were all super nice yeah they're all they're all like we love you even he's like oh you know who you know who i hate the most people that like this show they're the [ __ ] worst anyways it made me like so so angry okay wait let me watch this i have some idea you've been ranting about it for like 10 minutes that isn't cut all the way down to nothing this is essentially a vlog show and yeah they're watching and subscribing and living and loving and grateful for more time this girl's like please don't [ __ ] yourself she's like this is my only gig please don't [ __ ] and in all fairness those commenters it is a vlog podcast they go through the drive-through like they're like you know they're doing mukbangs they did the you know the james corden gig like they do do vlogs for their podcast it's a it is a vlog podcast i don't know why he's like complaining about that you shoot your own thing but i'm like so i think you should wait should see the silver lining in this so that we can talk and talk and talk and that these people love it i am very appreciative that they like the longer episodes i can't believe that's what you were upset about well it just like some of the aggression and there were some that were just if their podcast gets cancelled should we hire her for something a thousand percent that'd be awesome i'll do that vlog yeah getting my coffee we need a female we need a female touchscreen it's like i think it's like how people think that you and i are constantly on the brink of like fencing to the death i think that you're hearing the aggression where people are hearing that you and i are okay ryan you're canceled it's just also like you can't spend the whole podcast talking about the podcast comments like oh my god i don't know whatever i was over that's how they got the no he was literally like you know who i hate who ruined my whole [ __ ] week people that liked this show yeah can i tell you another person that like ruined my week yeah if you have one more do you guys like that i have nothing to tell you it's trisha howard sorry give me your hand no i'm kidding i don't touch you no we accidentally touched hands which is very intimate kind of like to hand touch and i didn't like it on purpose i know i'm just saying i'm just breaking down the moment the other one the other one right oh my god the other one that maybe somebody matthew perry okay so friends reunion no no what is that even happening i don't even know i never thought i didn't watch it though but oh no no he okay so there's this like there's this pattern now of these like so it was ben affleck for us getting exposed you see that one right his riot someone yeah yeah yeah we talked about that oh matthew perry got caught so matthew i've heard matthew perry's a total d-bag oh he's he's been on raya for a minute i know tons of people have talked about their experience with him on on on raya is the app which i think ryan never accept accepted me because i've always talked [ __ ] about like the people that are on ryan you got rejected for mariah yeah all the time oh yeah now celebrity i didn't well right because i'm engaged but you think it's because you're not famous enough i think i talked homie i don't know maybe i was thinking because i talk [ __ ] about people like famous people and stuff like that like back in the day i was always like exposing people but these girls are doing it so this girl recorded her facetime call with matthew perry and the audacity of these guys on tic tac i went off this the one guy on tick tock was like oh these clown chasers like here i have it i can probably pull it up death noodles got it you got everything that's awesome good i didn't see jeff noodles cover it i covered it like when i saw the ben affleck one i felt bad i was like oh it's funny by the way he's like why did you unmatch me it's me oh right and people were thinking like oh that's like a clown clown chaser well you know i'm the guy well you know they should just assume like celebrities should just assume here i'll get it for you i'm so funny the ben affleck one it's me why did you unmatch me it's me yeah that was like weird here pull that one up too i want to watch for people haven't seen it i don't know okay so here's the ben affleck one just so you guys know who because i think it's hilarious although i feel bad for him just because there was no reason for this girl to post this publicly kind of if she unmatched him she'd match him for a reason why is he like it's me hold on hold on hold on in her tick tock she said she unmatched him because she thought it was a fake account but he didn't know that she said that in the tick tock after he sent her this she didn't tell her maybe they did have a conversation like you're fake and then you don't know that you're assuming the way i would assume that she doesn't match him because she wasn't didn't want to match him no she said i thought it was fake okay anyway here's ben why did you unmatch me it's me he sent her a dm on instagram i don't think that's unworthy why did you unmatch me that's so weird look dudes can do much weirder [ __ ] let's be honest he was just like it's me they're celebrities going after young girls they should know they're gonna post these to social media i know that all the time i would date celebrities and be like oh i'm gonna expose you now like that's just what you do at that age like you just think like oh this is funny yeah it's me i love that that's the best pickup line ever why did you unmatch me it's me like also he doesn't say his name it's like [ __ ] you know who i am why did you unmatch me it's me so she said caption it said thinking of the time i matched with ben affleck on rhea and thought it was fake so i unmatched him and he sent me a video on instagram but clearly she wasn't interested because she posted this right that's what i'm saying i mean i think they're just like i don't know why she said she unmatched them because she thought it was fake it makes me think they had a conversation where she's like you're a fake bye but she didn't ask for some videos like oh send me a video oh i mean we don't know why did you want to match what you get this dm from ben affleck what do you do it creeps me out now like even back then i don't know i think as a young girl wow but it's me it's scary ah just go away that's scary it's scary it's funny it's kind of raya it's so weird to me like i know that's why she was like what the [ __ ] okay well now that matthew perry won okay so now let's watch my face i've been seeing so many people go against this poor girl for recording it honestly like i get i get like okay why are you recording but also these people are 50 going for a 19 year old like what do you expect like yeah that girl is really young i agree ben affleck's like what 50 now he's 50 matthew perry's over 50. and that girl looks like 20s early 20s yeah and this girl that matthew perry is facetiming 19. oh matthew you dog like you sick they shouldn't let people over 40 go with teenagers even if they're legal like 19 that's literally a teenager like what i mean they're adults and i talked to the girls i talked to the girl matthew perry because i was like she was getting ripped on the internet i said hey she's already following me so i was like okay let me watch it because i don't know what happened matthew perry is being wrongfully me chewed by desperate tick tockers and the story comes oh this guy's got the slant i know right away write out the game poor matthew perry is being killed also looks 50 and she wasn't saying she was a me too don't use that and then also what do you say desperate take talkers like already just the misogyny okay let me see what happened let me see what happened before i give my value judgment here i went crazy on this guy i was joining the popular which has 8.5 million users there we match with 19 year old tick tock model kate harrelson and i understand a 19 year old matching with a 50 year old is very strange but ray does allow age filters for all users they match and matthew perry asked if she'd like to facetime and she did say yes and from that she recorded the entire conversation which was meant to be private and released it on her tik tok getting millions of views harrelson got some fame for it initially but decided to delete the video and also disable any comments on our tick tock or instagram post matthew perry on the other hand said he's at risk of losing several movie gigs that are coming up for him and this is not the first time it happened where model nadine j did the same thing to ben affleck wait it's the same oh okay yeah yeah okay i'm sorry dude but it's hilarious it's yeah okay but what did he say and that video is the only thing to ever go viral on our tick tock with eight point six million people shut up whatever legend's wife chrissy teigen called both men okay dude you're not you're not telling me what the conversation was i swear there was a lot i thought that was hold on sorry this guy's like this [ __ ] desperate tick tucker wait let me trade my main man matthew perry my favorite character from friends hold on i have the video hold on i have the video maybe while you find it i'll tell this anecdote okay louis ck even trashed on matthew perry and one of us stands up he goes he was at uh or maybe there's a podcast i listened to but he's like we were at this like uh movie preview or something and all the drinks were free and then louis c.k left like a 20 tip for the waitress and matthew perry's like what are you doing you know you don't have to tip right he said he told the story yeah he told the story publicly he's like what do you mean he's like they just because the drinks are free doesn't mean that they they should work for free a homework and he's like you don't have to tip dude it's all free yeah louise is so weird like oh my god that's a lot to somebody the fact that he slammed him publicly made me be like wow he must really hate yeah i just like it i've always heard like creepy stories about him so what did he say there it is i brought it in the group chat oh here's send it in discord dan how do i get in the discord do i kind of be on the discord i downloaded it for one day and then deleted it i was like okay i know and i was trying to see what you were seeing because i know you were like i saw you like would say stuff and i went to read it but then they were like being mean and i was like i got it off right now yeah i read it yeah i thought they were nice you told me reddit liked me and then i went on there and they're like [ __ ] trisha it always happens every few years i always get a [ __ ] tricia yeah really because they hate me too don't worry nobody hates me quite like hp podcast fans okay here we go i'm just pulling your eyeliner no it's true okay okay here we go okay all right here is the infamous my boy my boy matthew perry the one and only true big dog nobody how many [ __ ] intro slates do we need okay here it is all right um i guess do you always play with your hair [Music] um that's it no there was more there was more it was basically i can't find the video it was basically like a video of him being like am i as old am i older than your dad like it's just like those kind of questions like i don't know where the full video is i think it really was taken down no it wasn't that it's like tell me am i older than your dad like when people say that i used to i hooked up with an actor when i was 21 and he'd always be like remind me of your age how old are you like it was so weird he was like 53. yeah and he's like he goes hold your dad it was the same thing so i reached out to that girl because i was like girl i know you're getting [ __ ] on the internet about daughters because i feel like they go like i don't think he has kids i don't think matthew perry has kids but it's but a lot of the guy i was with did he was like i feel like it's always like oh you're the [ __ ] like he gets off on the knowing it's the same age no that's what it is so i was telling her i was like um and ever but everyone was dogging on the girl being like oh well she's at the age that's like she wanted that age it's like ryerson even a lot i was so i was so pissed about it and you know what no nor like i don't say normal but no a teenager never with a 50 year old i was a teenager a 50 year old i was like 16 with a 50 year old i was 18 with a 50 year old i was like with the 50 year old yeah oh my god my whole life i was people with people over 50. like literally 40 started getting a little oh that's just like straight that's like but to that point is like i thought i wanted that too a lot of people like some people just prefer older men when i was 19 i thought i wanted to date this 50 year old and it's like it's so they [ __ ] you up so much in your head it's not just me it's any guy any 50 year old who wants to be a 19 year old you're [ __ ] in the head you are [ __ ] in that i don't care if they say if they say you're a mature for your age red flag that's a huge red flag they're just trying to do something weird they're they're sick they're sick in the head and that's why i have so much issue with like i'm not well i won't say it but there's other people that are over 40 trying to get with like teenagers 18 year olds 19 year old 20 year old 21 year old it's sick and i see i saw this 21 year old i was hooking up with a 48 year old youtuber and she was like he said he was going to marry me and all this [ __ ] and it's like who why are you telling this to [ __ ] 20 year old girls like you're [ __ ] with their heads like it's so not cool that of course that person would go like i would expose them too when i was 21 i was exposing every celebrity i did it with because they would [ __ ] me up because i mean the truth is matthew pair it's on matthew perry to defend himself not this girl like bro like you said if you're if you're skyping in doing a face chat a face time with like an 18 year old like bro you you already lost exactly it's like you're the celebrity you're the older one you don't you know what tick tock is you know what social media is grandpa like the truth is up until like 10 years ago it was just commonplace that these old rich celebrity dudes were just [ __ ] and dating young girls and they're like this is all good this is why i made it but only like in the past 10 years these guys need to like reign it in because people are being like that's not cool it's so gross i called them out even when i was that age i remember when i aged out at like 21 i was calling people out that were [ __ ] me when i was like 19 and they were [ __ ] 50 year old actors and i was like you're disgusting you want to name one now i've already named some of them they're not anyone like whatever but anthony michael hall roger bart chrisman glover oh my god wait let me google these anthony anthony what yeah we've talked about this before we talked about this from breakfast club 16 candles roger bart was an actor he strung me along for three years he was like he was the one that'd be like how old are you i was like girl anthony mccall gross oh glover oh yeah i know about anthony chris glover crispin what's this lover chris mclover crispin glover crispin glover how the [ __ ] crispin you would know look i mean what like what kind of name future i didn't know about chris oh he always [ __ ] young girls like he's so he and the ones that are sick like one's a like almost you know he's he's just like really well i don't know he's another grosso so this guy was just in back to future that's all charlie's angels the movie with the rats holy [ __ ] yeah he was he and he's like i only like girls like over 20 like under 21 like he would like i aged out for him at 21 you know what i mean like that just goes to show how a tiny bit of fame like these guys there was a guy roger bar who [ __ ] with me for like four years and said the same [ __ ] like we're gonna get married yeah bart bart he has me blocky hates me i'm trying to restrain like he bought not a lawsuit after oh who's this [ __ ] he was in like revenge like i don't know he's been in a lot of [ __ ] and he he was one that i literally lost my [ __ ] he was the first person i made like an exposed video he didn't movie with shane at the time and one of these other people named he did a movie with shane i mean that's rock bottom shane and totally that's like your career is dead i mean honestly and he he was so manipulative with me one minute and then he would just like cut me off he's like i'm never talking to you again so i made the exposed video on him i'm like and he had like a whole like wife and children and all this [ __ ] like that but he was telling me like oh he would fly me to sets in toronto new york he's like we're going to get married let me move in with you i got a house so we can move in with and it's like what do you expect when you tell 22 years you're going to marry like now i look stupid of course i'm looking back i'm like oh of course i was so dumb and stupid why shouldn't you believe the person you're with that they're lying to i mean that's insane i'll just say it there's another there's a girl that made a whole video but she was hooking up with jason nash for the past like three years she's like 22 and she was he said he was going to marry me it was the same situation i was like these [ __ ] like stop it these girls are going to believe you and you think do you think these guys are intentionally lying just to manipulate these girls because that to me seems so evil and important we can't take pictures together don't tell friends about me like the roger would say the same thing and this is what jason was telling this girl and she has like a whole video about it and stuff like that it's like it's like do these guys get together and like strategize because what's with them they're all telling girls like i'm going to marry you seems like um that just seems like so evil it's so it's so awful because they would say stuff like or you know oh just a ton of [ __ ] like pisses me off to no end because then the girls get [ __ ] like even that girl that made the video about jason they're like oh my god she sounds so stupid like so dumb it's like blame the man he's [ __ ] 48 telling this like 21 year old that they're going to get married when she's 26. it was so specific to me like when you're 26 we're gonna get married and i'm like this girl is gonna waste your whole life like i did with these guys i wasted years with roger bart for like four years she couldn't anyone contestant will shake cancer anymore because i don't like him but anyone could have tested that like i was like i'm gonna marry this guy i didn't date anybody else i was so loyal to this person and i wasted like 20 to like 24 just obsessed with this guy same thing with anthony mccall from like a young age to 20. it's just like you think what was the guy's name that you that you said shane knew roger bart do you think roger bert looks back on the time he collab with shane as the moment his career took a nosedive he might cause he won a tony award before that so maybe oh yeah from tony to shane no good oh man he's gonna kill me i'm gonna get a lawsuit after this i'm sure [ __ ] i mean it's truth it's all truth so whatever he's blocked me so many times but whatever i don't care how many times can you block you like everywhere just everywhere um eugene and cooney have you seen her latest video people are i don't know i'm on the fence about this okay let me pull it up it's hard to i have a hard time watching hers because i just feel bad for her that's the whole point is people are like why is youtube like allowing this why are people supporting this she's clearly some people are saying she's clearly supporting she's trying to enable the lifestyle she has of being like actually very skinny like to the point which is the one adjusting the hate summer outfits no it's the summer outfits when everyone's mad at so today her and youtube they're like why is she promoting this to her fans is she promoting it is she's promoting her body or she just showing up well go to the end because i feel like as like does um want to look like this or is it just like you the perception of yourself is like do they think this because i think so i think some people want to look like this i think when i was young i thought that was the beauty i still this is how warped i am like i'm like oh you can never be too skinny so i have to really read into this because i'm like oh why are people like shaming her like that's what people want to look like like in my head i don't think it looks terrible but i've been reading comments and i guess people are like it's the point because she's she used to be purple purple she's about to die okay so she denied for a long time eating disorder then she said she did have a disorder and got like treatment now she's back and she's clearly still kind of fast like okay no she's about to die she has no so people are like why i guess there's a couple stance like shane did a documentary on her and youtube promoted it and they're like why is youtube promoting this and then now she's making videos like why are you promoting this to your young fans you're clearly sick like i never saw the shane documentary but like what was the conclusion it seems like he was probably trying to help right i actually have never seen so i don't know but i was saying i saw someone make that point that youtube was promoting his series and so therefore promoting her and then people are like why is she promoting this to young her to her fans which on one hand i don't is she promoting her that her or she just showing bikini i think it could be the same argue of a meat eating right like me eating is like oh you're promoting obesity like maybe it's the same argument i don't know i'm kind of on the fence with it it's not trending oh yeah i probably can't see this number 26 on trending oh wow it was definitely a big thing i saw it all so you said go to the end here let's watch a bit so wait the trending page is curated oh yeah that's trending well there so they straight up they've given the green they someone has manually reviewed this so they're like how is youtube promoting this to like okay well let's see let's see can you turn it up um but i thought it still works as a summer dress or just really whatever you want to wear this or something like this i guess after showing you guys that first i got music i mean you can literally see her no she she's she's like about to die i feel like i guess that's why people are like why is no one giving her like getting her off the internet and like helping her but people have been saying that about her for years well i guess she did go get help and she kind of took a break and now i do i am surprised youtube's trending this though like why are they going out of their way it could just be because people are talking about it you know but then on one hand is like is she just living her life like she has a disease and she's just trying to like live her life i guess i don't know or i don't know well would you say that about someone who's no no no you can't i don't think you can say that she she's killing her i mean what would you say about like a vicious i don't know i don't i don't either she's just living her life would you say that about someone who's like strung out on heroin about to die of like an overdose any day it's kind of like i don't know i don't know but it's kind of like me eating fast food like am i slowly killing myself probably you know what i mean like or any fat person those people who are 600 pounds you know what i mean and they're just eating well there's a difference between you and a 600 pound person okay so like a 600 pound person eating would you say he's just living his life um not real i mean no i'm not saying i'm thinking it's kind of the equivalent like yes they're killing themselves yeah i'm trying i'm trying i'm i'm exploring the moral dilemma here in my head i don't know either because some people online just have to make really big can she really not help it maybe she just can't help well she definitely has a disease i'm sure she would prefer to be healthy and normal if she could [ __ ] flip a switch in her brain but people have been talking about her for years like she needs help this is a new thing though like this is that now because she's showing her body again like clearly showing i don't know i'm so confused with it i'm so torn on it too people are saying she's doing it on purpose because she knows people are so angry and she continues to i don't know you know what i'll just say like people are saying she's catering to fetishism people who like that because someone said the thumbnail apparently is really racy compared to what she wears right she shows her swimsuit and her legs and i don't know but she doesn't show her whole body in the video why did they trend this it only has 120 000 views youtube is really [ __ ] weird i swear to god i yeah they're so [ __ ] weird i think frenemies are never training they don't turn into anything i do ever my whole career um i will say like me from two years ago would look at this and be like i need to not eat you know what i mean like i i get it it's still now i'm still like damn i should just stop eating and i know that's like so like i'm sorry i don't trigger anyone but like that's literally my thoughts like i need to not eat like and i was like that i would feel like if not eating is my my choice of being skinny i see a girl with a mental illness that's what i see but i don't know why youtube's promoting it dude well i see people are saying oh she's doing it so people are like blaming her for turning this into some kind of like like fetish it's her body that's like a fat person being in a bikini you know what i mean like their body like what do you know i don't know do you just not show your body because you have something i don't know people are saying there's no way she's gonna survive that there's gonna be documentary about her one day oh well i thought shane already did that what the hell obviously it wasn't i don't think it was like deep i don't think there was like a deep dive into her i think it was just like are you okay she said for some reason some people online just make a big deal out of things she said that in the video yes eugene it's because we care because clearly no one in your life takes your health seriously ugh i think it's good comments and people are holding her accountable because clearly people in her life aren't they're not trying to like help her in any way you know what i mean but there's only so much you can do as someone who's also been like on drugs not that she's on drugs but i don't like you know people can tell you get help but you can't but when comments tell you i'll tell you what comments convince me more than anybody in my real life to go get therapy so it's like sometimes when comments like you're crazy go get there if you're eating like this i don't know what her life situation is like and so i don't either i don't know much about her didn't she like get help and gained weight for a minute i think that is her with a little weight because she's had purple legs like her legs used to be purple which is anorexic i don't think you can lose more weight than this i think she i think she did get a little gain a little weight i don't know how that's possible this is like what people look like out of the concentration camp yeah i don't know what they look like but they look like this really yeah just starving and you would have been like wow skinny icons yeah no for right well maybe not with the holocaust but like with her i i i look at skinny people never being skinny enough like mary kay and ashley i remember thinking like that's like i think skinny is vic you cannot like i used to think you could never be skinny enough you know what i mean and i still do i have that warp sense it's like aha like you can never be too skinny like i never understood the concept and be like you're skinny shaving man like you can't be too skinny like i would love to be eighty pounds and be too skinny well in my head i'm saying how i think i'm like in my head i don't think that i'm like oh you can never be too skinny yeah but you're not like skinny right but what i'm saying is i look at like obviously her she's too skinny but like i'll look at people who they say that about like oh there's no such thing as being too skinny like oh she's getting too skinny i'm like is that a thing well sometimes well i there's a thing like ela experience where people there's like thin shaming too where ela's like she's just naturally very thin yeah and so people always like she feels sometimes like she's being thin shamed by people they like it in a mean way yeah people is always telling her to eat more and like oh you're so skinny and always just making comments about it um even though it's like you know i saw someone on tick-tock it was like a heavier set person that said like the best thing to do when people were like i'm like i hate being so skinny is to tell them that they're not and i'll like trigger them i don't know i hate being so scared you're not you're huge yeah you're definitely not too skinny i think that's a horrible idea i don't know i'm on a weird part of tick-tock right now um and i feel bad for her i don't know what to do i mean it's clearly she's she's been through a lot of people trying to help her and i don't know what's like her immediate uh friends and family situation like but yeah do you have anything about awesome groom about his little get-together in beverly hills did you see that um are no thoughts i think he's a douche the whole thing's such a [ __ ] special well and also bryce hall made a video that the dad is not in his life so i was like we should take it easier on not that like oh i knew that i said yeah so he made a video being like oh wow what someone made a video not us but someone else maybe like making fun of like him not having a dad he's like okay that's like the job you're going to take when i don't have a dad in my life so like i knew that bryce hall was fatherless because that's what that was the vibe i got like i think he's just a wounded dude where like he's a douche but like compared to austin austin is far worse i almost dm bryce like are you okay because he made that video and like that's the first time i've seen bryce be like not so like tough badass whatever he's a he's a child you know what i mean i was gonna be like are you okay because so many people were like and then i saw that video where he was like kind of bum it looked like there was pain in his eyes about i don't know maybe i'll just ring into it but yeah awesome and groom douche yeah i'm team bryce all the way on god on god bro i'm sick of promoting these [ __ ] boxing matches meanwhile while trailer's suing me it's like i'm [ __ ] sorry about talking your dumbass fight and getting people interested in that at all so i'm just [ __ ] all these boxing matches is that oh they're the ones who sponsor this boxing match no this isn't trailer trailers trailer's gonna go bankrupt soon i guess that's good and i wonder why probably because i stopped talking about them when they go bankrupt i'm gonna tap dance on their [ __ ] grave you watch you'll be the one bankrupt i'm gonna go back and forth all day with this lawsuit you'll be like 10 years into it well i guaran i'll tell you one thing if we do go through with this thing it's gonna be they're gonna be paying my lawyer fees it's expensive oh yeah it's very expensive um so chad michael murray has had bundy do you want to keep putting chat yeah yeah yeah how much time we got dan i don't i can't see the clock i usually always see the clock sorry uh about 20 minutes oh you want to do a sample superhero game who cares everyone's just pissed chad michael murray's playing ted bundy because he they say ted bunny was ugly and they're all these good looking people zac efron ted ted bunny was famously like uh he's really not if you look him up he has those eyebrows that are close he's not good yeah yeah no but like he was getting girls he was like his whole thing was that he wasn't like he was somewhat attractive yeah he had game zac efron was i auditioned for the ted buddy movie was that girlfriend i didn't get it wait zach played ted yeah the upcoming you never know in the netflix movie you never saw it it's on netflix now it's pretty good he's not sick but are you are you stuck like glorifying serial killers by making them hot dude everybody's going playing serial killers every day bro it's like i don't glorify serial killers i do not support that at all you don't support serial murder no i don't think they can get away with it these days you know like in the 70s like like the sharon tate ones they just like cut her cords and that was it she was done it's like now what are you gonna like no no dude now the the detect the tools available to detectives and saying like if they get your dna this is the new crazy thing they're doing they can run a dna like analysis and then identify your cousins because even if you're not in the system and then they'll like work backwards and find your cousins and they'll figure like that's how they caught some of these really cold case serial killers recently by just the genealogy well even like there was one guy who killed his girlfriend and they identified her he like cut her up all the stuff took her teeth out everything breast implants have serial numbers and they identified her through the breast implants oh the kitties got you boys yeah try cutting these things up okay do you wanna play superhero let's do a little um did you know i was on a superhero oh no i told that to before yes how come you've never seen it i've seen it yeah do you like it ian can you explain how this works okay so you're gonna guess the names and the powers of each i literally got eliminated for not knowing my super powers well that's why it's gonna be funny my own superpowers i didn't know how many what was your super what would your house have no idea it was like miss lime like they made up powers i didn't know stanley asked me and i was like i have no idea he's like you're a lemonade because you don't know your super hours i was like all right cool you're like bye i was gonna learn a whole back story for my character that's like so much work okay wait wait okay oh okay wait who who is this michael keane no no no what's the name of the superhero batman and what's his superpowers uh isn't his whole thing he doesn't have superpowers oh i'm impressed i thought you wouldn't know that yeah i think i know that i know batman because i know mike okay i'm starting easy thanks this is okay spiderman what's the superpower the web thing coming out of his hand uh that's not all he's flying okay is that this is that it he just fighting for strength and stuff i watched the first movie mcguire and i'm like i can't get past oh he got bit by spider there's your superpower yeah it's an atomic spider i think it's the stupidest comic book ever i hate that one i hate that movie the spider was like radioactive and gave him super oh my god i hate these things these are so dumb okay who's this literally no idea i've seen this person you don't know who that is no ant-man with a i don't know and then what what do you think his superpowers are is this paul red it's not oh who is this it's one of the chris's chris evans chris it's a captain america okay oh my god sounds lame i mean just the captain america alone sounds so stupid and what's up saving america george washington are you did that [ __ ] like what it's so weird to me he has superhuman strength as the result of a uh experiment oh the ptsd of the military who's this hulk oh i was just looking at you that's super good oh baby groot i know him what's his superpower oh he's a superhero i don't know enough superhero powers yeah arguably and he's uh uh immortal he regenerates and he can like grow he's like a tree i'm giving it away we have we have the plant at our house so he brought me home a baby groot and it grows plants out of its head that's the superpower in the movie that's dope we have a little chia pet version of baby crew that's cute i was gonna guess that if you would have given him because i knew it grew plants out of his head oh that is um i do know this one this is x-men right yes never saw it i don't like that guy he was on greatest gentleman i do not think he's a good singer at all really i like you you can't be broadway and superhero like okay calm down just name the hero um i think he's overrated but i think it's wolverine hugh jackman huge ass man oh yeah yeah we did talk about this but not the name of the actor wolverine is the name of the hero oh and the super powers oh my god he grows claws out of his hand his bones are made of some special alloy do you know this or you just have notes or do you know no i know all these so i just okay who's this oh my god i know all of these yeah you do is it that i see by the x in the back is she good or bad good because she's one of the x-men right and then and then we cosplay x-men can i be what's her name um do you want to be wolverine i'll be this lady what's her name i don't know i'm just myself oh avatar avatar i don't know what's her superpower she is like sexual i don't know i have no idea what does she do her name is mystique she's a super villain and she can shapeshift i don't know that is she can change she can look like anyone or anything hate that i hate that because that's so that's so not reality jennifer lawrence oh she's like naked the whole movie oh i thought it was oh it sounds like pamela anderson did that i think for one movie she was there really mm-hmm okay who's this you know this one yeah this is uh thor and what's his superpower he has a big hammer daddy right isn't his thing oh third's got a big hammer i think he's overrated too i don't like this one either i don't like him he's the son of mueller he's a god he's the son of mjolnir is his hammer's name okay dork yeah no wait what's his dad's name odin oh yeah odin odin he's a god and he commands lightning i hate it this is where's aquaman i know him okay who's this this is like a parody right yeah it is okay it's a comedy it's a comedy is this the deadpool one what's the his name of the superhero guy okay and what's his powers i don't know i have no idea i'm so bad with these well let's see he's got an antenna okay he eats he's ant-man he eats ants he eats people yes [Laughter] he eats and i hate this one this one is called the tick hankering is gonna cancel me i mean like she knew it was an ant by the anteaters i don't know what's tick it's this one it's a parody well it's based on an old cartoon called the tick i hate i just don't like superheroes no offense who's this oh my god he's in a wheelchair this is gandhi did he play gandhi i think that this city is way off i think he played gandhi i'm sure you're there ben kingsley is that his name you're confusing him with ben kingsley that is not banking that would be um this is patrick's story sir patrick stewart yeah he's a he's a knight okay and what is his superpower he's in a wheelchair he's dressed nicely um does he have like a third eye or something what does that mean like game of thrones kid in the wheelchair had the third eye actually pretty accurate no it's not yeah it is well i mean he's a psychic he has psychic powers right that's the analogy of the future he just like he can vibe with everyone these are the kids in high school i was like with you actually no one wants to sit with me but like the nerds would and they were talking about yeah you'd be like hey do you want to be friends not not you okay who's this iron man obviously what's the superpower oh god i couldn't tell you the light things like like i don't know what they do what are the light up things do something he has no super power actually he's just rich i just know that vibes david thought he was iron man okay who's this oh oh is it boba fett this is boba fett oh yeah i knew him daniel logan is his name right i met him at a convention once is that him that is boba fett okay what's his superpower i've never seen star wars i have no idea this is bubba fat for sure what's a superpower i'm asking you let's see he's got a shark it looks like he's got shark fins oh i don't know a shark mouth on his front i told you i didn't see her when we went on star wars you have to guess what his superpower is that's the game oh my god he's a shark he has sharks vibes no this is no that's not that's shark boy is it shark boy it kind of yeah it is shark bite it's not bubble it looks like boba fett not at all i don't know shark boy he's a shark yep wow real creative rob rodriguez we got a skull on fire huh oh hellraiser [Music] is this nicholas cage probably i think here it is it is okay i love a nick cage who cares about him who's this not my superman i like christopher reeves thank you or george i like the original choice watching yeah it's not like the most this biggest irony in the world that christopher reeves went paralyzed so sad that's my baseball i won't get on horses for that well for medieval times i will but other than that i will knock on a horse i will not do horses you know medieval times ghosted us they they like delete it they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they're they they're deleted and unfollowed i was like oh really yeah that's weird they must have gotten some hate you know when people are like get hate and they're like sorry for trying to promote your business [ __ ] you reached out to me yeah by the way someone watched our podcast reached out to me and then i was like yo they're like i'll [ __ ] you bye no can i tell you so okay just a quick start around like wrap it up but you know i was obsessed with beetlejuice on broadway like that was my [ __ ] like that changed my life i was in such a dark place when i went to see it and like changing my life so alex brightman the guy who plays beetlejuice like followed me and he's like next time you're at the show like come backstage and then all of a sudden he unfollowed me deleted the tweets because he got an onslaught of hate like trish is the worst oh and then then i still got backstage because another actor in the show reached out to me like you want to come back so i did you're like what's up [ __ ] well i told him to see if he was gonna like you know be able to like meet me back there i'm like hey come to the show i'm gonna be backstage like hope you enjoyed the show like that was the end of the dm and i was like oh no he like goes to me like broke my heart so then when andrew bart not garfield what's his name damn i don't know his real name i just know what you call what is it damn it okay so when the evan hansen tweeted me i was like redemption broadway doesn't hate me because like they all ghosted me like roger bart i think is becoming roger cause roger bart was on broadway that's why he won tony for young frankenstein the producers so i think like everyone kind of had a bad taste in their mouth because they're like oh trish was like this person or whatever and then alex brightman got all the haters or something alex breitman the guy who would disinvite you from beetlejuice i didn't no no no no he seems so nice like i would i think he just got so much hate and he didn't know how to deal with it because he was so like loved and liked no i didn't expose him i still love him but it like kind of broke my heart cause i saw him backstage and i was taking pictures with the whole cast except for him like he was like avoiding me like the flag oh my god uh because i have pictures with the cast backstage and they're so nice shout out to adam dan heiser like all the like everyone uh presley ryan like they were all so like all of them were so sweet but it's something what are we talking about superman sorry yeah oh christopher reeves what the [ __ ] jordan is this that's catwoman her superpower who cares oh misogynistic you're just gonna go past the female one it's obvious she's like cow she's a cat i love michelle pfeiffer as catwoman i used to like is this michelle pfeiffer no that's halle berry i believe okay you're on your [ __ ] okay that's deadpool yes is it actually i see why you said that but yeah it is okay what's his superpower i don't know i never could people like it's so funny you like it it's not like a superhero movie then i watch and i was like i don't get it i don't know his superpower i have no idea i don't know why ryan reynolds got to be green lantern and deadpool that's dumb oh like why do you get the double dip yeah it's [ __ ] wow he's not okay i mean he's not like that great to be two characters like you could just pick one i personally think that ryan reynolds needs to take a [ __ ] vacation and stop being and everything i like anymore he's in every [ __ ] movie i don't like him can i tell you why i'd cancel ryan reynolds because he wore the fat suit and just friends and i was like why don't you just have a fact for that have a fat actor play the role of the director i like i like shallow howl no it's not shallow huh i like shallow houses can we recreate some scenes from shallow hair i love challenges i don't need a fast dude i could just be her seriously like when she jumps into the pool i have the same splash as her i'm not kidding i did a tick tock side by side of us and i had the exact same splash as her and it's kind of everything i used to like ryan reynolds but until the point that he's in every movie doing the same [ __ ] character and i'm just sick of his like wise guy irreverent handsome dude i was just like [ __ ] take a break bro yeah there's you hulk smash you should be talk you told me actually oh let me tell this story on hollywood boulevard you're like i'm going to go swoop whatever the [ __ ] spider-man and you're like you should go as the hulk could you imagine if i showed up at the hulk and you weren't spider-man i would have been so well i was afraid i'm not going to be the hulk i was afraid that you were gonna show up as like she-hulk and something really crazy then i would have felt really bad but you just showed up like no i'm non-binary hulk i am not either okay fine not she-hulk what the [ __ ] is this this is just will smith yeah what is this just it's the pursuit of happiness will smith paparazzi pick outside his house he was what are you doing on his means i didn't mean to see if he's like doing anything um i don't know this movie what is the answer to this one hand on [ __ ] oh my god you are 12 you're literally 12. that's a [ __ ] hero hancock hancock wasn't he in the one is this the one with margot robbie no that's suicide squad that's the other time that he was a superhero well this outfit looks horrible who is that i mean i know who it is but this show looks super low budget is this like those like cw ones i believe yeah they always are like dude that looks like a whole that was like a party city outfit who's this guy i know this character but i don't know what's got a lightning bolt do the math he's like speedrunner he's a speedy guy because the other guy that plays speedrunner in a different movie i heard got canceled because he's like an [ __ ] to fans his name ezra right ezra no what's the name of the superhero uh i don't know i take a guess you got the lightning bolt flash yes you got it is it flash gordon is it the same person flash and flash gordon two separate people yes i always got them confused you know this one obviously wonder woman is that gal gadot okay superpower um healing the word world by singing imagine do you remember can i ask a serious question about wonder woman she's an amazonian an island of women they're all lesbians is that real or is that snl i feel like i saw an snl no they're all lesbians they're amazonians what do they not have sex maybe they're trans or something i'm just saying it's they're they're live there for thousands of years it's just are you sure yes that's the back story so i'm saying why all of a sudden i am getting it wrong do they have do they i don't think that that's explicit in the comics that it's an island well it was in the movie and also why are you questioning that when there's like flash you know what i mean when there's like people who can shoot spider webs because well she has like a male love interest and so i was just like i she's like you know they has ela ever cosplayed as her she'd be good at wonder woman no because she's very tall oh this one's obvious oh i've never seen this one but i've seen it like on i love the 80s i just can't remember it what is that one duck boy who is this it's howard the duck howard and he has super powers what is i think it's kind of a stretch to call him a superhero i don't know is he a superhero ian says he has howard the duck does he fall in love with a human in the movie yeah howard [ __ ] a human yeah i hate these wait did someone [ __ ] howard the duck in the movie yeah the girl from back to the future right or is that a different movie i think so yeah whoa it's considered one of the worst movies of all time should we watch it how are the duck do howard the duck review on frenemies frenemies vlog how are the duck reviews i can't believe the duck [ __ ] a woman i hate when they did that i hate it when they like would cross because they did they have like a intimate sex scene with her the duck and the woman who are you asking not me i don't know well these guys i'm pulling it up right now but you remember that one where brad pitt had sex with a cartoon it was like play it cool or cool dude or something and i was like why or the rabbit what's the rabbit one roger rabbit that guy no but that guy said he went crazy after that movie because he hallucinated the the people were there that even after he couldn't get the hallucinations out of his head so he still thought he was talking to like cartoons in real life that can't be real it's real it just came out actually like i just saw that on like i don't know something but i i don't like when they mix people with animals like i think there's some weird like bestiality there i don't like oh we got the sex scene dan holy [ __ ] i don't even watch it well let's watch it i'll [ __ ] it i wanna i gotta see this for myself yo howard the duck intense animal magnetism hold up why i say hold up because i uh okay ew i don't like it oh it's so crazy here we go how howard the duck is this is the comedy what's happening here [Music] whoa [Music] dude the duck is getting oh my god is that roger burt in the middle i swear that was him that was so weird i would oh crazy maybe that looked like him right that was so weird all right um are we done dan yeah we're pretty much out of time anything else trisha oh i'm we're going to disney this week for theodore's birthday yeah first time he's never been i am so pumped do you think he's gonna get scared sometimes sierra gets a little scared he gets a little spooked i don't know like i think the haunted mansion will for sure spook oh you cannot take him on that that's so scary yeah he'll drop it like i want to take i think pirates i don't know i don't know you might be do little for that you have to do like dumbo we're gonna do yeah the fantasyland ones he'll love that like peter pan small world that you said you've never been on the world he's going to love i've been a small world oh you have been on small world okay disney fanatic that's so exciting i'm so excited for you can we go to universal together for a vlog yeah we should okay i like universal okay the vip tour gives you like a private trolley like it's can i say it's better than the disneyland vip because that vip at universal they let you do whatever like you want to get off at jaws go run around jobs we got to growing around the city i saw you were back yeah yeah they never let us do that before though so i don't know that you're like running the ride for other people doing no they loved it most contestants everyone's like treasure everyone's like i was like i feel like i was part of the attraction i was like here i am the guy was really impressed he's like we have the kardashians here and nobody had that reaction to them so i felt very he's blowing you up no he wasn't like that well maybe you really think you really think you get recognized more than the kardashians i want to say people are more excited to see me than the kardashians oh stop it i got mobbed maybe she walked around like this i mean people spot her like people do not miss her head mask on they know it's her i had an anxiety attack so if you're somebody trying to come up to me and i was like and the bodyguard was like no i had a little bit of anxiety attack because i was the most mob that i've ever been which i i like love in theory i love but i got really scared and i had a panic attack so i kind of like after we got out of harry potter i literally started like spitting and i had to like lay down and then they were like spitting yeah they had to take me to the vip area like spitting but i do love it i do love meeting people i was like it was overwhelming but thank you honestly because i'd like who the [ __ ] cares you are a huge deal i felt like huge deal i like feeling it they even let us have our own room in the restaurant they're like we're gonna give you guys a private room for 40 people i'm like we don't need a private room we don't want to have a room before literally so we had a tip big mom's just paid for i'm like let me tip it was like 100 so i'm like i'd put another 100 on there i'm like we need to give them like 500 because we rented this whole room we didn't ask for it but i mean they really thought we were a big deal they're like well when we ate actually disney they that was such [ __ ] it was [ __ ] no via i'm telling universal button tomorrow okay but you'll have on disneyland with theodore i'm very excited for you i'm excited for theater's birthday i picked out the presents this year well we picked them out but i picked them out they're really really like okay on the weekend yeah i'll see you on the weekend i'm so excited giving presents i love presents i think he's gonna love it i got him something close i got something to match me oh really but it's like it's like a boy thing it's like a little boy thing okay he loves prank he'll love anything i'll wear mine and then we'll be like matching but trucks for sure it's around it's like yeah yeah if we got them cool things like okay all right we gotta go um i'm just dying anyway i did this exercising this morning we're gonna go walk around west hollywood and thank you peace and love we love you all so much because what love is love love is love is love is love who said that minimal miranda and and and watch our vlog okay cause it's awesome bye you
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 3,732,715
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, the h3 podcast, the h3h3 podcast, h3h3productions, h3h3, h3, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila, frenemies, trisha paytas, trisha, paytas
Id: _d5QneG6oF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 13sec (7333 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 01 2021
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