Jake Paul, Wendy Williams, Bhad Bhabie & Dr. Phil - H3 After Dark # 31

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when hila referred to her and ethan as one person i cried

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 134 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/sidnutz ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 10 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

i want a highlight of ethan saying he only enjoys smoking and french fries

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 34 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/KellyE99 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 10 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I canโ€™t believe Zach hit us with โ€˜shout out to his familyโ€™ when Ethan mentioned DMX ๐Ÿ˜ญ

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 136 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 10 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

That vin sound bite that Zach hit when talking about JP fucked me up, Iโ€™m not proud of how hard I laughed at that ๐Ÿ˜”

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 82 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Notsosadhours ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 09 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

This episode was a banger

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 114 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/DrSillyBitchez ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 09 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I feel like Ethan needs a physical activity that he ENJOYS. I always hated going to the gym slash doing exercise just to get the workout in. It's so much better to play a sport because if you have fun it doesn't even feel like exercise and you look forward to it. Ethan, there MUST be a sport or something out there you can do...Sumo?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 21 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/christdaburg ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 10 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

So angry they didnโ€™t watch Wendy Williams on the masked singer. That was an extremely important meme in certain circles.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 106 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/tikipare ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 09 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies


๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 112 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Mr_Impulse ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 09 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Iโ€™ve been rooting for Danielle for years now. Girl had a rough life and came into the spot light in a fucked up way. Itโ€™s very evident she has grown so much as a person and has really tried to make something of herself. Her music isnโ€™t bad either. Itโ€™s not everyoneโ€™s taste but itโ€™s not bad. I honestly think she has a good head on her shoulders. And the thing is she for sure has a better head on her shoulders than fucking Dr. Phil. Itโ€™s seriously such an issue that all the wrong people have mainstream respect.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 51 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/shicole3 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 10 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
you're listening to the hp podcast oh my god we're here i'm late you guys i'm telling you man whenever i'm a little bit late we got everybody in the chat threatening to take my wiki feed score that's right you support that well i want you to be on time well i'm doing important things i'm trying to i'm like on social media i'm trying to promote the show and meanwhile i got everyone on my back trying to threaten me to take my waking feet i mean if i'm not number one then who am i i just think it's good that people have a power to do something and if it's through a wicked fit um that's you sh i can't believe you're siding with them you know if i ever got into it in a scandal do you think our fans would tank my wikipedia that would be like the whole thing that'd be the first thing that they do what could i do to make our fans turn on me on wiki feet late to a live show apparently not much what you're saying apparently nothing at all so i don't know how many people watched our last podcast but we discovered actually can someone drop the the night paralysis in the chat because i want to just make sure we're all on the same page because we're going to be doing this all all episode long there's this clip of james charles going uh [Music] so we were having an internal debate oh did i say our sponsors today we're sponsored by keeps and mint mobile lots to talk about today jake paul oh brother brother brother if you thought the fbi raid in your house was bad wait just do that you guys remember that oh man you remember the fbi raiders house nothing came with that wasn't with that i don't know it was all very mysterious yeah you're tripping raise this house and seize like an armory i guess he legally owned his weapons though fair enough he's like yeah no no i this bazookas has a registration in america you never know it's for killing deer you know like a whole [ __ ] uh stampede of them in 10 seconds okay so here's uh what i said oh someone why did it say that someone able someone added that to the closed caption i thought they disabled the closed caption where people could automatically submit god you know people used to be able to add their own closed caption yeah it was a utopia so that's not a thing anymore i think because people were writing like horrible things in there okay well yeah as you could expect people to do but like for the most part it worked really well you know and people were so kind they just went out i know our friends were being pretty funny with it i remember yeah they put in little little goofs but cough trademark right tiana right after the cough anyway here's the sleep paralysis james charles you're gonna be hearing a lot of this this is basically the best new hot thing on the street you wake up it's from two years ago well on this show on the street you wake up and this is looming over you what do you do you're stuck do you know what's have you ever had sleep paralysis i haven't but i heard about it from you you're stuck in a room when i have uh sleep paralysis it's different for everyone i'm stuck in a infinite white void and i'm paralyzed i can hear things but there's nothing just empty whiteness sounds awful like in the matrix yes [Music] in stranger things when she gets into the black thing with like water on the bottom kind of feels like it's like it's i think the best it's literally like dan said in the matrix when you zip in but so i'm just laying this infinite white void paralyzed and then and it's scary oh so it's terrifying it's terrifying and apparently some people have demons in there i've had that only a few times but oh my god that it i i don't usually get demons jesus or there's some you get the sensation that there's some kind of um threatening entity there with you it's always been wally and he's just like wake up i'll wake up i wish an encouraging voice from wally wake up i didn't anyway this is the most terrifying sleep paralysis demon of all [Music] i love the face expressions it takes it so seriously only your eyes can move because maybe that's how youtube interpreted it how you doing ayla we haven't seen you all week here on the show um this clip made my whole week way better you heard me just doing yeah yeah yeah yeah i love it i've been good just working a lot on teddy's fresh yeah this shirt's nice nice um everyone's getting vaccinated at the office so we're starting to feel a little relieved that maybe someday things will be normal i don't know but at least it's starting to feel like not as scary to to have to go to work in the office because we really have to it's like i feel like we pushed working at home as far as we could it's done we just we can't continue to work at home right we're we're we're all almost vaccinated too now my dog bite is killing me i don't know if that's bad it's like i guess i think it's healing because it's itching a lot mm-hmm so maybe it's good but it's really annoying it's just in the worst place because it's right on my joint also i wash my hands all the time so it's like it's really annoying um do you is your favorite part of this the yeah yeah yeah or the won't want the yeah yeah yeah me too because it's like so deep yeah yeah yeah some of you guys were saying was your favorite and that kind of it's definitely a package you know can i get it can everybody come on speak up okay no i'm with you guys i'm filling with you guys i mean the womps are fine [Music] i should have [ __ ] known zach i mean the whomp is good i'm not going to judge you what does the aunt think uh yeah yeah you guys are good yeah love go ahead what do you think i think i like the bumps more what oh my god we're perfectly [Laughter] um i mean yeah it's four to three should we take a straw poll on this the the yeah we should okay let's see here just to remind you guys are you okay let me defend let me make an argument for yeah yeah yes he's trying so hard and it's so deep and it's like so much deeper than um what is this photograph tag what the what oh see that's why they erase the entire i don't know i guess maybe you guys were noticing but the whole yeah it's probably custody i haven't noticed it until now jesus christ there was a lot of stuff flashing on screen and then it's just the whomp bump is just it's over so i love the womps though is that a lyric that's in the original womp i don't think no it's like he's just sounding out the the it's the sound yeah the music is freestyling right yeah okay it's pretty funny to bust out a wonk what is that he thinks he's doing something he really like i can't put it into words what it is also like he why does he look like it looks like um we were saying he looks like the panzer labyrinth like he's so the band's labyrinth yeah yeah i don't remember that we have a photo of it yeah because you have the the cam grants one yeah yeah can grants came out with the oh my god oh my god here this is the striker belly [Laughter] he's so pale and doing his face in proportions so how are the results looking let's see we have an upset here an upset yeah we have a whomp bombs taking the lead well i'm yeah yeah yeah you know me that's what i'm saying go to brazil wow okay the womps i mean look they're funny the whomp womp womp definitely you know what i mean that's not my dictionary it's not my vocabulary interesting i think you never assume that you know everything about the world the thing i think the yes is a little more subtle appreciation oh you need a more refined uh you need a little higher iq i think the gas is a little bit more refined of appreciation the it's like he's on a roller coaster when he starts yeah but you got to decide you like the fall we like to build up right well yeah what is this like a fish gasping for air like a proud mom [Laughter] that that image i grabbed the other day and it just accidentally like i got a frame that was like all blurry and scary looking with his eyes like beady why doesn't he send a picture like this to his snapchat victims with little hearts under them [Music] [Laughter] i didn't think about that um next up dan really wants me to watch this one you got i think you guys overestimate the importance of wall-e oh well i just want it as a cold open yeah and you were denied my request because well here i just wanted the show to open with this with no contact yeah but nobody's gonna walk oh god it's wrong like what is that he is talking he's like somehow makes that sound with his voice oh my god it's so loud he's literally talking [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] okay you want uh caitlyn jenner on this math singer i saw this and i thought it wasn't real at first i thought it was you know caitlyn jenner was on the math singer and when i first saw this i was like this is not edit this is edited right like somebody edited pieces together to make it look more awkward than it is have you seen this i have oh my god but apparently this is real [Applause] but what's the premise of it what is the premise of the singer yeah it's like a contest show and the format is there's a bunch of people in like really elaborate costumes they're all like animals or like something like that and you know it's like an elimination show like any of those stuff whatever yeah singing but do they try to actually sing yeah yeah they do and so nobody knows who they are was but they're like kind of good which will be well some of them are but then some of them are what we're about to see so did she get eliminated the first round so i'm i'm assuming so uh if this is what it sounded like because they don't they don't unmask them until they're either eliminated or they win or whatever so uh i'm assuming she got got the boot pretty quick bro bro you think they didn't oh my god how do you submit yourself to that i will not do this please god help me if i i guess you're pretty brave to even go on the show brave or death i mean yeah receiving attention logan paul was recently on the show oh on the mass singer yes yeah what yeah how did we miss that i mean i didn't see the footage i just saw like on twitter do you watch it ab i i seen the clip but i don't watch the show if you can find that yeah let's watch this first and then we'll watch logan but okay i'll grab that i'll just come out there and be like yeah where i stand if my career ever comes to the point of being on dancing with stars or the mass singer i would rather die i'd rather die kill me now strike me down heavenly father where i stand if i ever go on like okay we got it funny though people in the chat are saying wendy williams was on the math center pull it away oh we just hit the [ __ ] jackpot yeah well i was just gonna say maybe i'm not flattering myself maybe we're kind of missing out on the greatest show actually oh yeah maybe we should try watching it but i think i'm flattering myself like the math singer wants my dumb ass right they'll be like excuse me we're weird no one is even gonna get no there's a lot of people on there that are like they pull off the mask and you're like bro they sent me an email dude this is hilarious wait wait wait wait wait wait wait the mass singer sent you in yeah didn't i show you which wait it was exactly on the same day that you guys sent us this clip and we were all laughing at it so i saw so one of the producers sent me an email and i was like oh my god they're gonna invite me on the math singer but i was like how did they know we were just talking if you guys want to know how b-list i am b might even be generous c yeah okay so so i don't know if there's i guess if you're like b-list gets you on the math singer then whatever you guess what list i am they go hey they go the conf oh it's confidential [ __ ] you you sent me unsolicited email it's not confidential i guess they don't want to know how like cringe their marketing is can you send someone an unsolicited email to your work email that's that's confidential no of course not although i mean if you want to get on the show maybe i don't play and i'm begging you please all right well then let's let's hear what they had to say so it says mass singer confidential i was like holy [ __ ] whoa dear ethan my name is yada yada yada from smart dog media we are the creators of the mass singer she says we think your podcasts are awesome and we love your array of topics you cover thank you that's very nice of them she says this is a last-minute ask but i was wondering if you might be interested in live tweeting the east coast airing of the mass singer tonight hold on what their we would love to engage with you with your live tweets if you could make commentary on twitter as the show airs so sometimes i see celebrities or people in general not even a bad gig not a paid gig so why because the opportunity to be for them to interact with my tweets it's so like the masked singer twitter account yes oh my god you're gonna retweet me that's so sick i don't know what list that makes me should i just let them retweet you and then it's the one-point list oh the [ __ ] does outreach thank you like okay you like my twitter put a mask on me [ __ ] right so you would you would never do that if they ask you not a chance never zero not a chance in the world matt singer has 300 000 followers on twitter sounding to me like you're saying mass singer masked right mask but i guess it's like silence say masked try saying that word rest mask masked i mean really what do you want everyone's always [ __ ] on me all the time about it do you know what i'm on the edge of the observation i haven't eaten a day on you i have not eaten a decent meal in two weeks i am suffering xxx taction kobe bryant i was not [ __ ] on you it was just an observation masked i'm suffering i am suffering do you know i did these exercises yesterday i know i'm supposed to watch caitlyn jenner baby he stopped saying money and he started calling me a beast i think he watches the show well because he's yeah the first time he came it was all money money money money i don't think he knew who i was though for sure so maybe someone sent him the clip probably the second time he came he stopped saying money he slipped it in a few times but i felt like he was trying not out of reflex yeah but he started calling me a beast is there any way you can record these so i can sound better no they're right [Laughter] do you mind if i uh record you encouraging me and blast it out no i can come with a boom and just record it all that is funny observation that is kind of a funny that is kind of a funny idea this is our sound guy we're just capturing that's pretty funny zach yeah okay so you exercised twice this week and i'm eating these [ __ ] meals and your mom is cooking all this delicious food and i'm sitting there eating like cauliflower let's see hmm but everything like i ask you about the food you say it's not that bad it's not i mean i want snacks i want you you don't understand my whole reward system for example look at ian taking that deep chug oh where were you eating that down real quick he was taking like a really deep chug like smoothie or something thank you i've been chugging the water there it is i was waiting for it um i wanna chug my whole i'm like such an addict i'm realizing it's been almost exactly what well what do you say like that no because i think it's revealing the real problem i've known i'm an addict but you can't just like what do you want to go cold turkey you know you go cold turkey you kill people that's how you kill people people just like [ __ ] chicken i don't think you're dying anytime who deserves fried chicken me i just start fried chicken's fine wednesday i deserve fried [ __ ] chicken because every time i ask you you're like no the food is actually not that bad but i am so sad no i i genuinely think it's affecting my mental state because you look really sad my whole reward system is around food and i know that because every time that's why i hate saying no because you're like you want to order and you're like you get so happy about it so it's like oh for example after friday's show you guys all know i'm notorious like oh let's get mexican food because it's like i finished the week but let's find you something else then that's a party that's my idea let's find a different reward cigarettes no no and that's not good so would you rather me smoke or be fat both are not good for you which one by the way i don't want to give you guys the impression on this i'm not a serious smoker it's like either's mom smoke so since she's been here there's been cigarettes around and i generally don't smoke but when they're around i i usually but she smokes like one a day no she doesn't well exactly so she used to so and then she stopped because my dad died of lung cancer yeah so obviously no one should smoke of course nobody should smoke but that's obvious so he she stopped and then i guess she started to smoke again and i didn't say anything because i was like okay well if that if she smokes one a day but now i see that it's not really one a day i think she's on vacation she's just enjoying herself but i'm gonna have to say something oh god here comes the smoking big joints and then ethan started to join her and i was like okay whatever i'm going to let you guys have fun i'm not going to say anything but now it's like you wake up you go over cigarettes and another cigarette it's around i can't control myself i have i have bad impulse control when stuff's around get a vape get hard live up to the [ __ ] stop everything well or just stop everything that's what do you want i just i i have no joy a recreational joy in my life obviously i'm not going to say my life is joyless because it's not thank you zach i have no joy in my recreational joy in my life do you understand welcome to being an adult that's not what being adult is yes it is having nothing to look having nothing to do no pleasure no let's find your pleasures there should be a place i need a pleasure ela find me one thing that i like besides french fries and cigarettes does anyone have a suggestion um you know those um those like wooden ships that you build inside of a big glass bottle stop that's not my new hobby what do you even call that i don't know how do they do that for real maybe you should get get into it that's a rabbit hole i think i always wondered how they get those [ __ ] chips in the bottle piece by piece and you build a [ __ ] boat that's amazing i mean with peace and love i would rather [ __ ] kill the mass singer yeah me too do they really i thought are you [ __ ] with me you find me a video of someone putting the boat all i've seen is videos of it in movies which is why i'm not totally sure because somebody's seen me i want to know i've never seen somebody do it in real life everyone in the chat is saying smoke weed we both don't like it it makes us paranoid well that yeah we just sucks for you guys i would rather right weed is like the worst thing so we can't do drugs no also i can't do anything i can't really do any recreational drugs including drinking because of the alexa pro i'm on i don't even like drinking though drinking [Music] [Laughter] what about an instrument what about the picking up the guitar what about what picking up the guitar right yeah play some music i love it i'll come over and give you a lesson i love it when you play it again zach will give you less lessons i love your music zach do you know who i am i'm not that good at guitar yes okay but like guitar i just need a new video game yeah a new video game babies i downloaded monster hunter the new one on switch it's okay and those games that's getting sucked what about shopping i don't like shopping because i'm fat and nothing fits me so buy bigger clothes because but no because then that's an admission that i'm never going to lose weight so maybe just a minute i'm not gonna oh if i admit it can i eat and that's different see paradox no you still need to wear something in the meantime look what i'm wearing right now beautiful who deserves fried chicken yeah no but i'm saying like trying to find you something you enjoy like um someone sent me uh how does those boats get okay i wonder how the [ __ ] boat gets in the damn bottle there we go i think you're interested i think we might have just hit on something here all right nice okay let's mute this dumbass all right let's get to the part he builds the boat that boat sucks yeah i've seen him cra i just want to know the magic i want to know really impressive i mean dan who the [ __ ] are you on this boat uh wait hang on another one yo this is okay okay okay here's the thing yeah it's they don't wait he's got to put it in the back and then like seal the glass back wait what the whole video it's collapsible oh oh that's interesting that's good when you pull like a string and the sails come up and everything wait why did you know it's like a little baby one though wow well he probably skipped ahead in the video oh yeah because some of them are so intricate yeah wow see that's like kind of small the ones i've seen i don't think okay just saying oh that's really cool wow i think you're into it dude i think you should give it a shot in a bottle sorry this is the most [ __ ] boring hobby i can ever imagine doing in my life i hate that like collecting stamp little things like i don't like having i'd rather watch the beverly hills housewives exactly what i've been doing it's so sad it's pretty entertaining it is pretty entertaining but it's like my situation is messed up because i started with the latest season so now i go back a season every time yeah it's like like the drama like it's continuous but every time i learn about it backwards abc's h3h3 video no that's a word than i am now all right i'm just making it that's where you get it wrong that's good work we were talk we were gonna talk about caitlyn jenner okay so back to the mass singer apparently wendy williams and logan paul have been on we're going to watch all this this is the mass singer but uh this is the worst show ever and here is caitlyn jenner being the worst first the worst singer [Applause] like he ever he grabbed my glasses out the door gonna see the city before i leave i brush my teeth with a bottle of jack because when i leave i'm coming back i'm talking pedicures [Applause] awkwardly dancing so i thought oh this must be edited [Music] [Applause] [Music] where they make you feel awkward exactly that's what i i thought someone was [ __ ] kidding [Applause] can you make it louder for me but not the audience yeah yeah thank you stop making and these judges that are apparently comedians are going live i'd be like what the [ __ ] was that that was a nightmare [Music] like i'm sorry wow that was that was just that was that's awful that's uh what the [ __ ] this is why these shows are the worst thing ever yeah that's the worst thing i've ever seen in my life oh she's a bad [ __ ] we love her who's that guy that age that guy's a comedian right the asian guy yeah you lose all credentials as a comedian when you dance to that what's his name forgot and zhang yeah you lose all credentials when you sit there as a comedian you're like this is a pop i mean it's an awkward position because you want to like go along with it this is what you do you're on camera exactly they're phonies they're fakes this is what you do as a com as a comedian with integrity if you had any integrity i wonder if they still want you to live react to the show i'll live tweet i'll be like this shows sucking sucks turn this [ __ ] off [Laughter] you like that though they're emailing us they must be like spam mass emailing people to react right oh so they didn't mean the compliment like they're not actually saying they're not actually a fan what kind of compliment is that i love the array of topics like what she literally said that my array of topics it's like the most generic statement possible that's true i love the er she goes to like uh yeah i love the array of topics i should have said like what like tell me which one which episode which is your favorite topic um let's see the other ones i'm really curious now because we should actually do our ad reads right here now we're 32 minutes into the show oh i'm fun here sorry all right let's do keeps last time we did this they made us do a make good no they didn't and stop saying that wait i thought you said that they did they didn't no are you saying that because i'm not supposed to say that no but we should also just stop discussing this and just do the [ __ ] wait what is it so we keep stop bad so i'm gonna just i'm just gonna do this dry as possible because they don't like when i deviate too much right don't say anything about what they like or don't like i like the metaness okay here we go guys i'm just going to tell you to you straight okay two out of three men will experience some form of hair loss by the time they're 35 that's just the fact damn why you laughing i didn't say i literally just read the fact why are you giggling why why i think it's because you went like to zero personality i'm just doing what they want here we go is that why you're laughing i am that's what i'm doing listen two out of three of you men out there are going to lose your [ __ ] hair by the time you're 35 period or ruling some of it not all of it but enough all right here we go keeps offers a simple stress-free way to keep your hair convenient virtual doctor consultations and medication delivered straight to your door every three months you don't even have to leave your house you sad [ __ ] loser that's me not them that's what i i mean i know it's kovid so it's like it makes sense but usually that's like you pathetically no you don't ever leave your house low cost the treatments start at just ten dollars per month and keeps offers a generic version fascinating discreet thing well it's just the way they put generic in there it just doesn't it's not it doesn't sound flattering it's like treatment starts at ten dollars per month and keep offers a generic version like just don't say generic but it's the same they mean it's the same active ingredient it's just a better price that's what should you guys know what generic is discreet packaging and proven results so your neighbors don't know you're going bald that's why they said it in discrete packaging or not that but just so they obviously they could tell you're losing air just visually but they don't want you to they don't want to you may not want to know that you're insecure about it that's why discrete packaging but the results are proven so that's good news dude they got five stars more than any of their competitors prevention is key that's what it's all about treatment can take four to six months so don't wait act fast and let it kick in and save that beautiful hair guys we need to get pulling some good results here so we don't get so help me out if you're ready to take action prevent hair loss go to keeps k-e-e-p-s dot com slash after dark to receive your first month of treatment for free that's k-e-e-p-s dot com slash after dark to get your first month free keeps k-e-e-p-s come on we know how many times everybody knows how to spell keeps k-e-e-p-s dot com slash after dark nice all right please support our sponsor thank you we love cubes i mean it's a great product we have one more and mobile love mint mobile min mobile after years of fine print contracts and getting ripped off by big wireless providers if we've learned anything is that there's always a catch but when i first heard about mint mobile when i fir when uh when i first heard that mint mobile offers premium wireless service starting at just 15 bucks a month i thought hmm what is the catch but after speaking with them and using their service it all made sense there isn't one no catch mint mobile secret sauce why do they write a first person that always throws me off when they do that they go they make me say all this [ __ ] they're like read this verbatim i thought what is this i love mint mobile it's a great service but here let me get my little stink on it but after speaking with them and using their service it all made sense there isn't one mint mobile secret sauce is that they're the first company to sell wireless services online only they cut out the retail stores there's no crazy overhead costs and the savings all get passed down to you in the form of fat beautiful savings and a lower bill you know what it is come on mint mobile just passes the sweet savings on directly to you so for people looking for extra savings mint mobile offers premium wireless for just fifteen dollars a month that is a good [ __ ] deal all plans come with unlimited talk text and high-speed data delivered on the nation's largest 5g network use your own phone with any mint mobile plan and keep your same phone number along with your existing contacts if you're not 100 billion trillion percent satisfied mobile has you covered 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get i guess we don't know probably not that dude i've never actually watched a show so i don't know the format i i think some of these are just like one-off surprise guests kind of thing like i don't think he was on a full season of it [Music] but i could be wrong i'm not a i'm not a masked singer stan [Music] i'm a [ __ ] blueberry wait i can't listen i'm saying we'll get claimed out the [ __ ] hey let's listen to the last one i did we just watched the caleb general oh yeah but she's so she like literally like there's nothing there's nothing i know about it yeah oh but their sinking is like so done in the studio and perfected and everything in this case how's he singing through that suit and dancing and [ __ ] this [ __ ] is so funny bro have you ever been in the audience that maybe outside the super bowl and been like this [Laughter] the audience is probably paid paid that's they do that all the time are they really they have to come for free probably those kind of songs or do you think they have a paid section like competition shows like this pay at least a portion of their audience to be there wow i don't know [Music] i can't i can't hear anything dan it's so quiet their very first crush [Applause] whose grandpa monster had a crush on when he was a kid men in black bring out the wall what am i watching what the [ __ ] is this what is this took the whole brick wall and turn it around all right can we get on with it please these people don't know who logan paul is do they like yeah unlikely like i said i've seen a lot of these clips where they reveal people and it's like who they they always go oh yeah look who they're guessing jack black are you [ __ ] serious i actually have a career conor mcgregor another very close friend of the rocks and dances just like that is jack black he's like nope way less famous pretty good okay i want to hear from you nicole so we saw the dog which was a boxer wait he saying he's friends with the rock because he did a video with him once like [ __ ] like five years ago oh that's what it was wait he didn't unmask himself what kind of [ __ ] video is this yo you have to watch the show to see the big reveal wait there's no unmasking no it's a separate video oh my god let me tell you about banana this is a lot for me alright well send me that one i gotta see the big reveal where everyone pretends to know who he is i'm so excited all right probably the only thing that the people that watch the show would know him from is the suicide forest all right like that's the only thing that was like mainstream enough we don't say the s word though dan oh i'm sorry i think it's funny he was singing bad reputation bro what is with the audio levels i'm dying here it's like zach is so loud [Applause] is it conor mcgregor is it jack black is it uh bruce willis [Laughter] all right [ __ ] today with the rock poster dude they don't know who he is there's no way yeah i think you're right apparently one of them guessed jake paul see what we're saying internet personality girl this is the worst thing ever all of a sudden oh internet pusher boxer not jake paul i love that they can't escape yeah well your brother is apparently a r is a uh wait to hear the story about his brother that then oh that's a good sound bite not jake paul yeah they're gonna be saying that constantly talk about the next story wouldn't it be more realistic if they just were like i i honestly don't know who you are wouldn't that be fun but thanks for letting me know there's no way if they're all like we all literally have no idea where we are collectively i love that i want to do that show and you said wendy was on her i don't really give a [ __ ] i'd rather just watch her fart yeah they're using a fake audience because of kovit for the last yeah someone just sent that to me i just looked it up yeah so they're because of covid i'm using a fake studio audience which is uh so there isn't really audience there or what no there's no audience really there is it just b-roll people are saying that's from season one they're using clips like reused footage wow that's so weird that's a no that's a show i want to be involved in i could such social distance them at least instead of just reusing people cheering because they're not cheering for you it's fake it's so weird i mean what the [ __ ] how are you supposed to feel as the competitor watching people who are not there cheer for you it's fake what's with your background maybe what is that rough riders dmx um oh i see you're doing it rest in peace right wow you know it's almost like an insult to the dearly shout departed to his family yeah uh we got will i am is back is the window clip good because some people are you guys want wendy spamming that it wasn't that good not that good how good could it be yeah barely move yeah but i do want to talk about wendy because this is yeah yeah let's talk about wendy williams here let me go target okay so far gate as you guys know wendy williams notoriously farting on the air we've asked a ton of people to make their best fart wendy william fart remixes and a lot of people delivered so first of all let's just go a little walk through uh uh memory lane here with the most classic 27 years old you're old enough to understand political correctness in the times that we live now she's trying to squeeze it out just slap people on the booty yeah of course he probably knows it's not right from a man to a woman or a woman to a man but you can't even do that locker room thing that cop wasn't playing that i mean you're lucky you only got better yeah it you can't even hear well go ahead zach that's the sound that's the real isolated sound now coming up next just a whole illustrious history i'll quickly go over for you guys is that now she burps and farts at the same time which is a rare it's a rare phenomenon but to do it on television is is uh five new boyfriends fantastic we haven't caught anybody coming out of the house yet but you know just a matter of time she's not lonely i apologize i apologize oh oh she uploaded it it's just called monday march 15. interesting did i play it in a sec clean really clean number three we have what we can only refer to as a far a snort and a burp um enjoy here we go hot topics so i just slow down it's okay [Laughter] anything like i'm back in the game immediately immediately and then the virus happened so i just slow down it's okay oh they were trying to save her with the producer to try to save [Laughter] was she divorced recently i think that's what i'm understanding just from this clip get us did you have a nice weekend it was cool i'm sorry the whole thing like like not just the wolf but like i want it all right what is that play the whole thing like all the way through [Laughter] was she coughing was she trying to cover it up [Laughter] oh that was a good one wow so there was actually so those were the three sound bites we entered there's been new ones actually i i feel sad that the um musicians weren't able to use these new resources wait have i heard over them these are all brand new i have three new ones dude let's see what do we do next we're gonna get some moves so gonna stand up can you guys hit the music for me play that hit me with that wait again you know what deep breathing is very important exactly what you're saying yeah it helps you laugh what do we do next we're going to get some moves so going to stand up can you guys hit the music so loud like it's like too far right into the mind like what's your explanation for that down like that it must have not loud i'm not entirely sure it's a fart when she's standing up yeah play the clip again okay okay you know what deep breathing is very important i can get it exactly what you're saying yeah it helps you what do we do next we're gonna get some moves so gonna stand up can you guys i think i think it's her saying all right what no we're gonna go inside out of her mouth all right all right all right zach you used to play the sound backwards how's that mouth sound hit the music for me let's do this i've seen a lot of people in the chat agreeing what yeah i don't see that okay you know what deep breathing is very important exactly what you're saying yeah it helps what do we do next we're going to get some moves so going to stand up all right can you guys even see your mouth move a little bit oh maybe she goes yep sorry ethan i just got to point something out you actually named the note right you said yeah it's an e sharp but that's also an f so right i was going to say there's no such thing as yeah yeah so you you in some way you did nail it yeah oh because it's an f it actually is gotcha gotcha everybody knows ethan has perfect pitch so did you know that um here's a trivia question for you did you know that wendy william farts an f incidentally the first letter of fart of course it's an f there's a lot of disagreement like there's back and forth some people are saying it's a fart some people are agreeing that i kind of agreed that maybe i feel like you see her mouth move a little bit let's go back let's go back but deep breathing is very important exactly what you're saying yeah it helps you laugh what do we do next we're going to get some moves so perfectly in unison with that noise i wish i could go back it's like uh mm-hmm me pitching up see if we can okay so going to stand up can you guys hit it's who makes that sound okay zoom in close here we go here we go okay ready so going to stand up can you guys hit the music why does her mouth just go mom i mean i don't know i mean we've seen lots of evidence in the other windy videos that she makes strange guttural noises all the time so it's not so people think this is not a fart intrigued by that yeah let's throw it to the pole because we you know ian can you straw pull us please thank you i guess i can see your point i hate to be the party pooper but it's just i think she's just um making like a glitch zach can you slow it down and see what it sounds like slow down and enhance people are saying she had a drug problem that messed with her bowel sounds yeah they're saying really it could mess with your bowel sounds what the [ __ ] what is that how do you what with the digestive system i've heard of i've heard of something like that before your farts sound different like no you just like the controlling of it all as well i think she may have a condition too i agree yeah i mean look wendy williams just kind of i don't feel i don't feel bad making fun of her because that's what she does for a living and she's like talk so much [ __ ] oh yeah she made fun of i don't know what came in his cleft lip she's done a bunch of messed up [ __ ] yeah i don't like her at all so i have no problem poking fun at her farting issues um you know just don't put a mic next to your [ __ ] okay send me the butt the fact that you you hear it so close maybe it doesn't mean that it's the mouth that's that's what i was like why is it because it's like yeah oh we have a stream labs poll going oh cool wait what does that mean stream labs like people are voting in the chat instead so everybody can vote well then how do i see the room uh i don't know i didn't set this up what is happening or who's doing it i just see like vote but yeah i guess it's only me that i can screenshot it um well what are the what's the results so everybody can vote on this you don't have to be a member no i think you do have to be a member that's why you don't usually do it this way yeah we should do the straw poll but people are saying fart or all what does all right mean that that's what she's saying oh she's saying all right you think all right she's saying all right oh i didn't even know no there was a word being all right oh so people overwhelmingly don't think it's a fart let me listen again closely turn it up for me dad important i can get exactly what you're saying yeah what do we do next we're going to get some moves so going to stand up can you guys hit the music for how do you hear all right it's literally just a beep okay whatever we think there's she's not enough sometimes something can come out weird you know i'm like all right all right it came out weird all right when she's off because she was standing up exactly she's exerting herself out she said okay all right so we're we're we're there's [ __ ] there is debate let's just put this one as an alleged fart did she have vocal farts maybe she talks out of her ass i mean that's the only way she has a condition after all [Music] so this one um this one i think i saw yeah me after i get in the face with a dodgeball and everyone turns to me and as if i'm okay this is something i saw there's so many buried moments [Laughter] different species that's wild man i don't know i feel like all these clips are making me like her because it's like so ridiculous well hey it's so silly so maybe so maybe yeah i like that you that i mean you know everything's open to interpretation [Laughter] i mean she's she's interesting she's just a sound machine yeah remember that guy from uh a police academy what was the goofy movie there's the black guy that could make every sound winslow uh something that's sorry michael winslow michael he's like oh wendy williams is the one person here's the newest one she spills tea on herself and makes a great sound [Music] [Applause] it's okay it's okay [Laughter] like a baby it's like baby mario [Applause] it's okay it's okay it's okay well those are all the great ones we found but these were just about the farts so we've got quite a few here of original content from some really talented people we actually got so many and it would be we can't play them all so if we don't get to yours i apologize we have to pair it down we have one two three we have a lot of them this is after paring it down like we got this is the top of the probably this is a cream of the crop 60 or 70 submissions so oscar wilde he's a famous cj right 150 000 followers yeah that's a lot so shout out to oscar wilde time to get wild you can't just slap people on the booty of course he probably knows it's not right from a man to a woman or a woman to a man but you can't even do that thing that cop wasn't playing that i mean i mean i mean i mean i mean i mean [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah i think he's playing on pads that's cool shout out to his family i want us to choose i want us to pick a winner okay and we gotta and then the winner we should make a custom trophy of like uh okay a fart cloud coming out of wendy william or something but we'll do something special for the winner alex preston is up next um now alex preston this guy okay is this the actual file or my uh a b yes this is it this is the final alex preston's also a famous musician isn't he i don't think that that's the final that looks like a little preview yeah this doesn't look like the final then i thought it was dan was this the one you updated and and the other day yeah i thought we fixed this skip to the next one okay alex preston is a apparent this guy is a serious contender um oh american idol oh he was a fun or mommy finalist american idol finalist either we watch all right i guess we can't probably watch his performance he's got a wikipedia plays guitar wow legit yeah so he made an entry um this this one this is like the making of well yeah he kept sending teases on twitter okay um but it doesn't appear that we have the final version ready do we well we'll update it i'm looking for it right now just skip it for now okay we'll come back to alex beats by berm beats by berm is coming in theater stairway shouting for us what do you think okay big big something uh berm beats by berm here we go [Music] [Music] pretty dirty i like that i like the ones where you can really feel and appreciate the fart yeah burps you know what i mean um did you guys find it yeah okay great so here is the alex i'm replacing it right now oh okay alex preston i was following his development on twitter and i was always very very very impressed by it so i'm very excited to share alex preston's with you guys [Music] um okay here we go [Music] several different ways i mean what is going on [Music] yes wendy williams am i right [Applause] i tell you if you talk enough you know you get the air right my so first this this one is my favorite so far and he really lets the farts take center stage exactly and there's this one moment where the fart rips so loud and hard right when it drops [Music] yeah the fart sounds musical so that's alex preston who i think is is a strong entry garcia up next do we have any information about joseph's lightning he's just a man that loves the farts it's a man that loves with a little bit of williams oh yeah okay you guys aren't gonna believe this what is going on with her i don't know [Music] come on good people that doesn't get better than that wendy williams third part remember it's not wednesday it's wendy williams third fart third part what the [ __ ] was this okay whoops so that was a really fun the farting took backseat i kind of disagree it was less farting but the the farts that were there were very strategic really i mean there was a fart there that really blew me away yeah yeah yeah when it came in it was like it was with a lot of intent a lot of purpose okay so let's elevate let's sell it i mean i agree that one was really good that was that's a contender as well so here let me highlight the contenders and then we can have a we can vote them off the island can you guys highlight joseph and alex for me okay moving on we've got uh bogues this one comes from soundcloud oh you know these people are serious in soundcloud so i'm calling out all musicians who are really good at making digital music to you know i want that beat i know there's like a dope ass beat somewhere there between all the sounds [Music] to slow down it's okay [Music] not to be controversial but i think [Music] what the [ __ ] was this i'm not quite sure what i heard [Music] house part yeah party [ __ ] like you could you could throw that on at a house party and no one will no one would no one would even notice that they were listening that wendy williams farting that was [ __ ] awesome that was really good wow shout out to bogues bugs damn there's there's a lot of of yeah highlighter they're all so different how we're going to pick one we're going to have to look at this one that's like a different personality you have to pick which one you love more start um ian start putting together a straw poll now all right with the ones that we were uh selecting as uh potential winners thank you uh tom hale coming from tom hill i mean [Music] a little more laid back this is like you could spit a rhyme yeah [Music] yeah we need drake on is it just this it's just two minutes long hey hey yo wendy williams [Music] yo i've got to get someone on this beat that's the next round if you're out there if you if you rap rip this and uh wrap over the speed and send it to us nice beat but it's too long two minutes thank you tom hale go ahead i like how he used as the hi-hat to use the farts yeah no it was it that was always clever that was a strong entry i don't think it rises to quite to the top of the wait let me hear that yeah very good though it's good oh yeah right yeah no it's good integration of the farts it's very good i mean listen it rose to the top of the pile thumbnail everybody that we're playing has already is a cut above so this one comes from garuge but a v instead of a u griff um caught anybody coming out of the house his name is grvs 80808 windy here we go fart beat just a matter of time she's not lonely [Music] [Music] oh [Music] change my costume [Music] [Music] [Music] i have never farted once on this show as a matter of fact i would have definitely been back because farts are always [Music] wow nice wow strong yes strong entry yeah i like how you picked it for the melody he pitched the farts as the melody yeah absolutely yeah man this is a tough one so it seems like fun this is hard because we have like four top contenders is there any you think you think we could immediately immediately well did you guys like alex preston i thought his was so good yeah no i think i think alex [Music] how do we decide the winner here we're going to put it to a vote right but i'm going to have to play you know what i'm going to do i'm going to play a bit of it to remind you play a bit of each one yeah okay so we have four or we have five finalists wow okay so we've got a straw that's what it is you know okay so is it does everyone have the straw poll or we that was oh yeah that was it okay no wait we need to figure out i think you need to play him one more time and then we'll put it up so everyone can remember which is which i think okay this is out write down your vote alex preston this is alex preston [Music] well-conceived alex preston um up next a little reminder is joseph garcia joseph garcia let's lighten it up with a little bit of williams ripping ass on tv are you ready zach oh yeah okay you guys aren't going to believe this come on good people that doesn't get better than that so there was one where i said wendy this one where i said it didn't have enough farts but you guys disagreed so let me listen yeah yeah this one i feel like incorporated the parts into the beat a little bit less but really hit you with some powerful moments throughout so i don't know [Music] uh like there's no more guns i apologize that's joseph garcia joseph garcia everyone okay next we have bogues bows music so i'm calling out all musicians who are [Music] [Music] not to be controversial but i think that's a supernatural i don't know that one's strong it's strong that's strong bogues everybody and finally we have um grouch with a v instead of a u i'm i'm assuming that's anybody kind of trap but you know yeah just a matter of time [Music] all right so so what about the guy on twitter we that was alex preston he was the guy on twitter there was another one i think oh oscar i don't think oscar wilde made the cut oh did he i don't know no i wasn't sure i mean you can't just slap people on the booty of course he probably knows you could throw it off but you can't even do that thing that cop wasn't playing that i mean i mean i mean points for doing it live i think yeah points for doing it live i agree i agree i mean technically i think his show of skill is the best i didn't hear enough [Music] yeah yeah incredible we love that all right well it's in your guys's hands now i'm not going to say who i'm going to vote for i don't want to but somebody but you you have an opinion i do have an opinion okay so we'll share that after we uh after we post the poll all right i'll pin it as well so it's the message in the chat i think this yeah me too i'm voting the same one interesting all right let's see what the who's the f who is the quan let's probably give it give it another 30 seconds queen of wendy farts this is a huge minute here what are you guys feeling so we're gonna make them like we're gonna make them a trophy trophy yeah wow of wendy william i think it should be her squatting to the side or something bogues coming in showing strong strength here but uh initial it's just one dot too many yeah just one dump not all the numbers are coming in oh my goodness we have an overwhelming winner big massive dumps give it a little bit more time it's only four thousand votes there's about 50 000 people watching dumps but yeah i don't think that that that that's both that's a lot to overcome that's bugs and i'll be honest that's who i voted is this guy somebody on soundcloud it has um g only 500 plays no so i have his information reach out to him you guys have his email we're gonna have to put together a nice package for him so i'm calling out musicians who are really good at making digital music to you know putting the length i want to be in the i know there's like a dope ass beat somewhere there between all this you know what i do for this guy bugs i'm going to put his instagram handle and his spotify his spotify argus name is bogues he's bows catch my name on instagram he's bogue's music we'll put that in the description see if you want to check out more of the bogue's bomb bogus music but here it is the winner [Music] to slow down it's okay one more time thank you for one more spin baby [Music] right now [Music] foreign [Music] i'm not quite sure what i heard so there it is bugs ladies and gentlemen wow a stiff competition my goodness they were all so good though they're also good and honestly there were there were some pretty good ones too that we didn't even get to but it was just thank you everybody it was probably about 50 60 ish submissions no thank you guys i'm flattered and farted flat flattered flattered sounds like the sound of a fart makes like yeah flattered oh it's like my butthole's flooded flattering fluttered fluttering my anal my anal my cheeks are fluttering and i'm also flattered um speaking of farting um there was a fart gate 3.0 people are saying now i'm in the middle of a fart gate eli i don't know if you've seen this you can tell me i don't think i farted but alex preston said thanks for the love congrats yeah well deserved one you i thought you know what alex i saw yours on twitter honestly i think uh alex's was like too beautiful it was a it was a symphony it was really beautiful like i said i could present that to the queen you know what i mean your majesty i present you yeah thank you alex that was a beautiful piece yeah yeah he died if you all didn't hear about it don't want to be disrespectful as apparently he's was a prince yeah i thought i'd give him a [ __ ] he's from england i'm a man i wake up i bow to no man um yeah tell me if i farted so i don't think i would rip ass like that you know what so it could easily be the chair thank you it's too loud it's too loud if i would have farted that loud i would have acknowledged it right i wouldn't just try to pretend i'm not wondering there would have been a reaction yeah so it's like yeah no i i i uh i deny i denied and i did not i think it's a fart whoa what well i analyze the audio okay what'd you find [ __ ] forensic audio fbi looking at the sound wave and from what i've seen from other fart sound waves so far what exactly are your credentials for analyzing sound waves uh he's the sound guy he's the sound analyze sound boy incorporated when was that shot is that it was like last week or two weeks ago okay because why do you think i would you would first of all to pick up that loud i would have to are you about to smell my chair no i think you were using this cheap amazon chair oh no it does make noises no it was not true no because i see that one being right there yeah it's just set off to the side you know i always i would if these chairs are really loud so it wasn't this car chair so it's a it's the chair that you're currently sitting in ethan just wanting to rock make a noise rock back and forth let's see i'm not saying it's the chair i don't know this is mike dan listen it's a judgment-free zone man this is the fart that loud the i would have to be so loud that damn would have heard it everybody would have heard it and i'm not just going to carry on like nothing happened like wendy williams so you know what i mean so don't necessarily carry on like nothing happened didn't you fart i mean sometimes yeah i don't know man here send this to james charles oh no too old oh no i didn't deny it i don't have to tell you i i i would own it i just knew that was coming i mean you've heard me far more than anyone eli you can tell me you have parted that loud oh well there you go and my life yeah usually you do react to it like of course i'm not going to rip ass and be like so anyway i have a case to be mandatory you will change this analyzer go ahead you include sound waves no no no you were transitioning diets during when this far it happened you think i didn't notice yeah i think it just slipped out i think you farted it's okay everyone farts everyone poops i know it's okay zach i know it's okay um are you you're telling me that my i've lost control of my of my sphincter muscle i mean you know diets do that man not me you're hey dude you're the one that [ __ ] on a [ __ ] lawn that's not okay okay it's okay i wouldn't but then how sure are you that he wasn't sitting on the cheap chair because i'm sure no no no no really no dan thinks it's a fart so he's one because that cheap chair makes a ton of noise yeah he would be doing it all throughout the episode like it would it wouldn't exactly well here's the thing you also had a mic dude yeah here's the thing though my mic unlike everybody else stays muted when i'm not speaking because i have access to no because i have access to the sound board so listen i was about to stick up for you and now you're throwing shade my way okay well the truth is all that matters dan so because pretty much everybody on the zoom call a b zack and ian they're open mic the whole time seriously well actually ian has the switch that's why you always hear ian turn on his mic but zach and a b open mics so so really you guys have open mics and you're gonna talk about me farting wait what are we saying they're saying it could be anyone coming from anyone really i'm just wearing it down to zlatan maybe they come from somewhere else i mean possibly because they're they're on the call their mics are open so the only reason i have the sound board here because i'm on camera okay i i've i have farted during the show but when i when i hear a fart coming i always mute my mic except this for you to bring up the loss of the sphincter muscle is something that would only have to come from a piercing experience i have never lost control of my sphincter muscle to the point where a fart just leaks out and surprises me zach if that's happened it's because you've experienced it and if i can go back even further i think you experienced it that day and you did it in your mind and now and now excuse me i'm not done now you're sitting there talking about farting's okay zach i think you're talking to yourself case closed my [ __ ] has i have a case to make oh yeah i i don't think zack is a good liar so i feel like if it was him we would have known already but abraham is still being raised remember who scored a kai on this heist on the sociopathy right was a b he's being oddly quiet maybe did you fart it wasn't me no i did not fight a b win i feel like a b would be a good liar because of his sociopathy i don't know though because absolutely number one so baby's always willing to fall on a grenade for you you know what i mean like he's not the first one yeah that's true that's true like she could that's what a sociopath would say because now you're trying to admit to it even though you now you know nobody's going to take your confession seriously because you because everyone just said you'd fall in a grenade for me ethan i'm trying to help you out here you want to say come out of my ass or not this is like jfk who shot jfk we'll never know the grassy knoll my ass is a grassy knoll can you try rocking in your chair my ass is the grassy knoll with the pear and like the huge plane to grasp my ass as a grassy knoll all right let's move on i think we've debated this one yeah we shall never know the truth yeah yeah yeah yeah you guys want to hear about this let me get a taste we've got um what do you want to talk about next stila we've got williams new invention yes or jake paul is a r word essay jake ball essay i don't oh man our bad baby geez we have a lot it's gonna be one of those episodes huh another four hour episode yeah where i don't get to order mexican food and that's like so [ __ ] sad to me hmm what about going for a drive getting coffee that's fine but it's you know miniature boat building i think we need to start smoking weed and that's what's up will ruin my life i hate this it's a phenomenal sounds like what everyone does i know but i hate it and every time i go oh maybe i should try it again i do it and i hate it i just i hate it i literally regret it every time i do it i'm like wow this is the worst thing decision i've ever made what do you feel like when you're on it you just get paranoid anxious anxious you know but maybe we've changed no we haven't that's what i always tell myself maybe it's been long that's what i told myself and i always hate it overrated drug [ __ ] fried chicken all right let's talk about will i am because i like this one will i am has a track record of horrible inventions this guy must be bleeding money because he invests a lot of money and what is just like the most um i am here with william it's the worst like if you go back we made a h3 video about um some of his horrible so long ago long time ago but here was one of his first ones and uh he this one was called the pulse it's a watch okay this is great it can apparently determine if the caller has a good vibe or a bad vibe and you can decide not to answer the so you can not answer the bad vibes so if ethan's calling bad vibing it's red and i can decide like oh he's bad vibing so i don't want to answer which i thought was the funniest concept because it's basically when like someone calls you with help or they're in a bad mood or like something bad happen you're like [ __ ] bad vibes bro oh someone died or my car's broke down it's like [ __ ] that it's like in theory it's actually just a really like uh sadistic it's like maybe just don't answer anybody then oh he's in good mood because who's gonna call you with a bad vibe no one's gonna like rarely someone calls you angry that you [ __ ] up right like i don't i mean i don't know i'm not i don't get angry calls very often i think it used to be more but people text now more like people almost never call can we analyze the text before we accept them well here let's let's listen to uh will i am i am to showcase off his pulse you don't you don't call a smartwatch a connected device well it's not a watch one it's a device on your wrist called the pulse it's not a watch because watches don't have sim cards it's a new paradigm a new category called a pulse some cool features like vibe the vibe is a is this is was this before the smart or like the apple watch um i think smart watches were already is it's not a watch also he's got a feather in his cap like bro what are you robin hood who puts a feather in the cap will i am is such a weird [ __ ] dude man i love i mean with peace and love you know it's possible you don't call us apple watch came out two years later mm-hmm he's ahead of the but there were but there were things like that already in the market yeah yeah samsung did they have a sim card in them oh good question what's not knowledge that seems to be what i bet you will like thinks that uh apple stole the idea from him knowledge smartwatch oh a connected device what do you like it's offended well it's not a watch it's not a watch first of all [ __ ] an idiot it's your research okay despite it going on your wrist and telling the time you [ __ ] i've reacted to this video on h3 man it's crazy it's a device on your wrist called the pulse um it's not a watch because watches don't have sim cards it's a new paradigm a new category called a pulse some cool features like vibe the vibe is an app that where that's baked into the os the vibe can plug into if you choose to your call so you could i could record my speech when i'm speaking so here's like you were talking about earlier it hears kind of the tone it analyzes your voice your mood it kind of can help you yeah my mom could follow my vibe and check up on me like are you stressed what's wrong with you can you imagine is everything okay i see that you're stressed or ma you're happy what's going on so you share your vibe with folks um and more importantly say for example you're working and someone calls you with a bad vibe why do you want to enter a bed by paul i love that i got pieces i love that why do you want to answer a bad vibe call good point i need your help with surgeon bad vibe your dad is sick your dad just had a heart attack bad vibe he's awesome right now look at that i love that bad vibe call i got peas is a band i'm in and this thing i've been working on for two years is a band i'm wearing whoa check that out two years down the drain that was this that was his first adventure called the pulse i guess he kind of what i got i guess looking back on it he was kind of ahead of the game but the product was so bad the pulse i mean the vibe there was a i'm trying to remember there was a invention that we i have all of them here we were waiting on not of him oh but they emailed me that they're finally ready to ship the product and then i messaged you guys if you won't still want it wasn't the big helmet the covet helmet is that what it is yeah yeah we wore that we had ian wear that no something uh i'll try to remember so also okay and then his next uh invention we're leading up to the newest invention i thought he was done inventing but i'm just trying to bring you guys up to date but he's not done inventing and his newest is his best this is the will i am backpack coming up next here we got to show you guys this the the backpack that you're rocking this this is gnarly there's speakers pumped in there this is you you mentioned though it's going to be able to talk to the pulse as well right or are there smart devices um you know just bluetooth sound and power so like apple has their ecosystem you've got your like full-on body ecosystem going on here with the pulse wearable ecosystem yeah exactly yeah bro can you imagine someone cruising around these giant speakers like what do you want oh it was the hush me what was the hush me i have no idea google hush me somebody who were trying to buy it a speech privacy mask oh i think it's if you want to oh you're right oh we made a whole video on the hush me wait they're ready to ship yeah it was a speech privacy match right so if you want to talk on the phone in public you put this thing on send me the video so yeah we made a whole video about the hush me so if you want they're ready to send us your products of course i want to hush me yeah this was the video another one we made a whole h3 video on unrelated to will i am but they had this really good launch look at this [ __ ] they had a launch video that was so funny and someone can find that their website doesn't appear to be working but it covers your mouth so you can talk in public and private i don't know how that works look at this guy yeah oh kickstarter okay send me the video if you find it anyway well i am next up has the um god he's a lot of inventions the power a jacket that will charge the pulse when the sleeves are down holy [ __ ] so the pulse you have to plug in at night but this jacket charges it so he's selling the whole pulse head to toe so we we've created a jacket and components for the jacket for other fashion houses to design around our components so that when the sleeve touches the watch you have four days tuck three wait wait wait wait wait wait so you're saying your sleeve will be able to charge or power the watch yeah yeah with with this fashion line that you're that you're going use he's such a bad spokesman for the prada so we have jackets give you three days talking why can't we have jackets that power the device why can't you wear power holy what power we need to do pal where because you wear your power what how about that little word play how about it everything everything he advanced is just around work but uh the dial watch i remember this one was really good this came later separate event let's see it's called the dial and what powers the doll is an amazing um i wouldn't even know what to call her but her name is anita and it's this interface to not only the world's information but my personal best experience is the world of music anita appears to be a program similar to siri with a focus on having a chat but be careful a dodgy wi-fi connection and even its master struggles to find the right words to say let's have a conversation sounds natural let's talk about music dude how lonely are you what are you doing let's talk about music okay but is it not working no no it's not working i feel like eating sushi seems a bit of a one-way conversation to me yo there was one hit like glasses or something did you guys ever find something like he's done it all he made some stink steampunk sunglasses right it was something like that yeah because yeah no it was wild yeah um here is the hush me by the way speaking of worst invention then i replied with you on the email too do we want one yeah let's go no audio dan is there nothing changed are you sure there's audio on this video um it's the hush me you're not supposed to hear it here let me click just some random [ __ ] oh okay what happened to their video because there's no audio i don't know they don't believe in sound oh it's provided by the installation of audio on the front video idiots the device has two modes passive and active the passive voice muffling mode is provided by these they got muted for uh that's exactly what happened prevent your voice from spreading so you put this thing over your mouth the other hand keep the external noise from getting into the microphone so good personality if i saw someone like this i think there like can you move his mouth a single word which you've pronounced while wearing the mask the active voice mask is the worst this is their marketing manager yeah let's buy this because there's no way if you there's nothing you can put over your mouth that will i think everyone will still hear everything around you like this well i don't know if you can buy it but they offered to send this one oh you can buy i'll buy it buy that right now buy it 300 bucks i'll take 10. yeah let's definitely buy that okay but this is not associated with well i am in the meantime to his new did you guys find the steampunk glasses i'd search will i am steampunk glasses and nothing's coming up so i i don't know what the the work the key word is for it well regard this his new 300 super mask pronounced super but it's spelled with an x so it's like super mask um it's his latest invention everything he makes is like super overpriced by the way it's a three hundred dollar mask ela you don't have to buy it now okay he looks like filling in her credit card information it's not that urgent [Laughter] i'm so excited yeah damn dank can buy it we are doing a show here right right never seen you so excited to buy something all right here's the zooper mask [Music] [Music] oh i probably can't hear the music eh so i mean it's a mask and it costs two hundred dollars and what is special about it she says superheroes wear masks knowledge it has knowledge it has bluetooth yes but what do you need it's a speaker it's a headphone his ears pop out the side though it has attachments that you can put yeah it's got little buds that you plug in there you see that oh this is for those that don't follow you know he would you know william was praying for kova to get worse he's like god if this thing goes away my mask is [ __ ] uh i'm gonna lose another 100 million dollars say hello to the future oh we got filtration tell me more built-in noise cancellation no seven hour battery life you don't even need a jacket to charge it it seems like a lot i don't know you know what i mean it seems like a lot i'm not sure i need all those technologies combined 300 bucks i mean oh look at that you have one no i don't but this is this is a five dollar amazon mask you have hepa filters yeah it has filters oh but also yeah but you are a follower yeah yeah yeah i'm like but why would you want your headphones like not separated from the mask you can take the mask off it's like i love these headphones but i have to wear the super [ __ ] mask when i'm at home that's a great point well it's will i am everything he made doesn't make sense i would kill to watch him talk about it i guess you gotta appreciate the hustle i appreciate the hustle the guys the poor guy's gonna bankrupt himself yeah these inventions i gotta let you know i'm seeing a decent amount of people in the chat saying that they like it they like the mask i mean bro i'm just i'm reporting what i'm saying that's the i mean okay okay i don't know why but okay it's important to note that for 300 it's not uh safe either there's a bunch of warnings about how it's not uh approved at the bottom of the website it's okay it's okay it's okay yeah uh the buy button doesn't work it's okay oh it's sold out oh well sorry to tell you guys it's sold out i know we tried to buy one and it was already all gone oh well what the [ __ ] drop one what do i have dropped one right now yeah why am i talking [ __ ] he's making money we probably sold like five of them he's trying to do it like a hypebeast thing where they have small jobs yeah i can't imagine too many people too much to demand for these people like it i mean just i mean not everybody but i'm i'm just saying i am seeing feedback that it's like let's see here let me read you some fab some uh details it's a joint venture between william and honeywell that's a reputable company actually yeah yadda yadda blah blah oh here's some warnings about device the warnings sound funny let's see you guys ready not a medical device not a respirator it is not n95 it is not a surgical mask and can't be used in a clinical setting i mean for that much money it should at least be something it should be n95 yo um can you imagine your doctor showing up in this cannot be used in a clinical set and i'll determine that it is not a personal protective equipment and does not meet the professional standard of health cares it's not fda approved does not replace cdc uh the product has been authorized so i saw something about seizures um it says this product is not intended for medical use in in a high infection risk clinical setting well that's fair enough uh is not intended to be used to provide liquid barrier protection what the [ __ ] you talking about whatever i'm just promoting his mask it's not i guess it's not that bad i just don't know who would want it but some people want it so hey shout out to your families well i am everybody so that was faster than i thought it would be we got jp coming at you uh jp's in the news for some real really horrific [ __ ] bro gp's up really i mean jp you know it's like we always say here on the show it's the people you most expect i ain't seen nothing do you see the flame coming out of td jake's butt yo so this girl made a tick tock can i go uh to the restroom are you yeah you can of course what am i what am i the bathroom please i always do it so bad do you have a hall pass it's like i need to get permission um so this girl put out a tick tock like a let me see the date this is from last yeah like a week ago saying i'm just going to mute it because you know it's just like a tick tuck man yeah good she says signed to ndaa at a famous youtuber's house he essayed me uh it was just like oop and there it is or whatever oh man there it is she went for the blue eyebrows that's interesting i've never oh there it is anyway she made a video today just came out like this morning super graphic to be honest i i i can't even show it to you guys in its entirety can i i don't think so she's pretty excited she's some graphic [ __ ] yeah i mean she's not under age so like youtube does like when it's underage they lose their mind but i think the essay is also bad but anyway her she alleges in this video can you send me the source i don't want to do it up re-upload yes one second um alleges that she went up to jake's room and they started kissing and stuff and then he started like trying to take it fur take it to like third base or fourth base or whatever and um she says she didn't want to and then he said to her well then what's the point okay fine she's like okay and that like that makes him a douche or whatever that's fine but she said what happened next was that instead of like just calling it off um then we were well here let me show the full video so you guys if you guys want to watch the full video her channel is um just in paradise justine just right with that just yeah justine um it's not funny what she says happened she's super i mean really graphic in her description usually people are which is which i think is brave and good usually people are more vague i think probably just because it's embarrassing so what she says happened after she said no was that he grabbed so she was still laying on the bed he took out his his uh uh uh what do we call it uh glitzy this is gonna sound funny because i'm using euphemisms but it's not he took out his glizzy wow man don't call it that's so much worse it's private why would you play that sound by zach just my [ __ ] brain wait this is serious hold on let's reset [Laughter] [Music] what is wrong with you don't play any [ __ ] more vin diesel sound bites was i'm done i'm done anyway what ha what happened was um according to hers he took out his glitzy can make you laugh every time we all know what you're talking about just what and then then what happened so he took it out and she said that he like effed her face and like finished in her mouth real fast and then just bailed i was like whoa yeah i mean her description of it is really graphic apparently they were like talking and flirting and then when it came to hook up or they went upstairs they went upstairs and they were kissing and stuff and she's like i don't want to go all the way yet and then so yeah and they said well nothing's gonna happen what's the point like what oh here i'll describe up to the moment of the really crap not all the time but normally everybody respects me when i don't want to do sexual things so she has like uh receipts and stuff like she was definitely there at the party you know what i mean not to do anything else like that's normal that's what you do so anyway we were on his bed kissing for a bit and then every time he would like try to put my it's probably too graphic i mean i've watched the video it is very uh graphic and very disturbing also she describes his behavior and he sounds so weird like he would he kept inviting her over back to the house and every time she would go you would all he wouldn't talk to her face to face and you just text her and you would be like hey where are you while she's in the house and she's like i'm over here should i come up let's say if he was in a room and he's like yeah come over and then she'll come and they'll be in the same room and they and he's not talking to her what the [ __ ] super weird well according to this girl he just is like slamming women all the time which is fine if it's consensual but uh what she describes was really disturbing and just a straight up like s a like straight up like with hard r and uh what was so weird is that she said that when you walk into the house there is like a thing that takes your picture and makes you sign an nda oh yeah that's right at the entrance you know that's the before she was just going to hang out there not going to record or anything yeah so obviously ndas don't mean anything if a crime's committed but she wasn't sure so she thought maybe she can't talk about what happened that's so shady hey you got to come hey you want to come over my house but when you step inside i'm gonna blast you with a photo and make you sign an nda it's crazy i'm glad she came forward because i think a lot of people get get scared by these [ __ ] ndas yeah they're probably just printed off the internet um also when they so that one night when it happened they they were kind of kissing you know which she was in too fine but then when he wanted more she's she was not down and she said no and then he said so what's the point then if if nothing's gonna happen what she said she's like fine if you he's being a jerk yeah that's okay he's being a douche that's fine yeah but then he went on but then what happened was an actual assault but so he clearly knew she was not interested that's the point she made which is yeah exactly i'm surprised how mature and calm she is in about it because it sounds like like man i was yeah i mean dude those guys do not come from good stock like that like father like son i mean the paul family is just i don't these people are just not good people i mean also what's with youtubers i mean what the [ __ ] this this is like in the span of uh a month or two a month serious essay allegations i guess it's just it's been happening it's just a way of coming out it's just the youth yeah right yeah you too that's that's pretty good i mean people just don't think so they just think that's really clever thank you thank you dan it's like you too yeah and i think it does take like the more people that come out more other victims realize that hey hey it's not okay and that they can also say what happened and you know i have a feeling there's gonna be a lot more girls coming out against jake paul if you just cause she said in her video she's like i doubt he even remembers me because he was up there with a new girl every day you know the fact that there's so many people and that's his attitude i have a feeling this isn't going to be wait jake what is this baby oh this is just um weird oh okay it's just too graphic it's just jake being creepy and grabbing girls unwantedly and stuff um that india at the entrance is so bizarre to me that's like the snapchat invite of physical reality and it's like um she's clearly really young and at that age that seems very scary like oh i signed something maybe i'm not allowed yeah and they take their your picture like okay yeah we'll remember you i may not remember you it's all intimidation yeah like from the moment you arrive yeah so i think there's probably gonna be more and i think that jake may end up being a uh i don't know man i'm just not surprised i mean we've been having warning signs about jake i i'll be honest i don't i've never got the sa vibe from logan although he did [ __ ] jake's girlfriend and made a video about it and it wasn't a joke well it's not like we hang out with him so i don't know anything but this family is so disturbing they had their dad you know making out with young girls at jake's mansion and parked in a [ __ ] bus in the front sex tapes of gp coming at you being leaked i mean the whole allegedly i like i think it was him remember him all sweating hey hackers oh man you guys are real good you guys remember this is just bowling for adults remember he was like i want to hire you yeah you wanted to pay them off not to release the video of him or just get their info and have somebody show up uh bad news man these are not men of good moral fabric and uh well this is actually really this is again i just i don't know what to do with all this because like this is him literally and i'm laughing because it's so ridiculous you have uh and you have an assault happening in dave's vlog david's vlogs okay then you have james charles soliciting for minors but now you have a influencer straight up assaulting somebody jake paul um um it's just it's a lot to take in i don't know i mean too much money and power to a bunch of kids with no oversight you know what the [ __ ] is this oh archaeology oh there's a new vid yeah deaf noodles here give me that whatever face blanks what do i care about that idiot anyway alyssa violet says the jake paul abused her when they were together i don't know i believe it so here so here we go again basically with these jake paul accusations this is one but i can't i definitely recommend watching her video um it's pretty intense we'll see how the story develops though i mean it just broke this morning so i don't really have much to say about it i'm sure there'll be more as the story develops but it doesn't surprise me at all i mean you know he is a [ __ ] it's jake paul i mean he got kicked out of the city of los angeles you ever heard of that before no wait well i'm kidding the mayor made a statement about him though where the mirror right when he was like burning [ __ ] and stuff yeah that was uh that was right prior to him coming on our uh show yeah got a quite a track record of former guests that have been cancelled off the internet at this point i gotta say hi lee that's true i like to look at that wall and just see like how many of them are in jail let's see let's let's see crystalia uh shane shane for sure now jake jake we'll see we'll see he's looking this is a really bad i mean can you let him box if he's pro if this is like a proven thing because his whole thing is like this big boxing match that he's working up towards now based off the history based off the history of um prominent boxers and allegations against them i don't think that this yeah it's gonna stop it like that we're like that's good this was actually a requirement to get uh yeah that'll sell more tickets right where can people find her video her channel is called um i'll put a link in the description you guys can find it but her channel is called somebody god you just had it pulled up in the dark right you guys posted about uh a re-upload oh doc as well my computer's frozen oh just in paradise justine paradise on youtube right so um that's it i mean you want to talk about bad baby thing either that's your kind of you're the bad baby stan yeah you're the you're the bad you are the bad baby um i don't know if you want to it's another like bad vibes situation well doctor phil's a douche i've always hated dr phil you're telling me like he brings on little kids dr phil has always been the biggest douche on tv like okay so i'll give you the the brief on you want me to pull up the video or you want to give a brief um yeah pull up her video but basically so when she went on his show she was like 13 or 14 and he um so i guess like as a solution he he tells the parents to send someone like her to this like camp it's like some boot camp yeah in the middle of nowhere and basically she's saying it was so traumatizing and she's she's pissed at him because why is he sending kids there it's he and he's acting like he's in no affiliation with them she was 13 when she was when she was sent there so she was 13 they came and just picked her up one night at night without no one told her anything really they actually do that no warning you know anything and they pretty much kidnapped her and she didn't know where she was going how what nothing her parent her her mom signed her up for she basically felt like she was kidnapped oh she didn't even know her mom had consented they just come and pick her up the mom didn't say anything to her oh that is that's awesome so [ __ ] up i think that's part is that they come again in the middle of the night you don't know so and when she got there it was like she's saying it's very abusive they wouldn't let her sleep for like three days every time she would start falling asleep that's literally what they do in like pow torture camps it's torture um no no proper food no they don't have a phone or anything why don't they just lobotomize it it's in the middle of nowhere too so like you're a kid you have no one to go to if something is wrong like you can't go anywhere you have no one to connect with anyone um and she said the staff is all in on with each other so like if you have a complaint it's it's like you got no one to talk to because they're all gonna protect each other the staff that makes sense um and she said it got it like it's so bad that like okay she felt like tortured and all that but besides that there was one girl that is suing that place over sexual assault she's saying she was awarded yeah essayed and that when she came to like complain about it to one of the staff they didn't listen or didn't do anything about it so when she saw that lawsuit bad baby she decided to speak up about it too and she said one other really crazy story that happened while she was there is that one of the kids in their murder or m word a staff member while she was there while she was there and what yes and and like they didn't tell the kids anything about what happened or what's being done about it and they're like so you're telling like she's saying so you're telling me that one of the kids here is basically like m word and we're just like okay i don't know um so it sounds like a really bad place really bad and and and like dr phil's show they they promote that place they send kids there yeah they even listed on their website as like a solution for kids you know it reminds me of that judge who was being paid to send he was getting kicked back to send kids to juvenile for like [ __ ] um they have some affiliation with them she also said that the the mom signed like a consent form that that place can provide information to the dr phil show or something like that oh bro so yeah because they film it and [ __ ] they're definitely like you know benefiting from it yeah do you really care about her you're just trying to watch her get tortured um s-i-m-p is there any part of this you want to watch because it's so yeah that's the thing i don't know which part i it's basically everything that i've just described anyways it has 16 million or six million views so maybe it'll actually make an impact i hope so that it sounds really wrong and like it's actually a kid that does need help and what you're doing is the complete opposite right and she felt like no one was really helping her and she didn't have anyone to talk to she tried to send letters to her mom and it's like she knows that the staff was reading them and like she doesn't even know i don't know her mom was not responding i guess i don't know what exactly happened but she was like i'll do anything just get me out of here she's like a refugee it's like a it's like a pow camp yeah back in the day that used to be like fine i remember that was like kind of like uh a trope of these shows we were like we're going to send these trouble kids to boot camp and scare them straight so you seem scared straight where they send kids into prison and they'll get like uh tortured by inmates you remember that [ __ ] scared straight i don't know if i've seen that i've been recently watching that it's crazy man this [ __ ] is so twisted i i think they thought that was helpful in some way but real the truth is it's all about just entertainment content for them i mean it doesn't take a rocket science to know that this is not how to treat a child just to send them in the middle of nowhere and like where people are being like killed and assaulted yeah like i mean so this is the first video where she is basically breaking the silence and talking about her experience there and how wrong it is and she's calling dr phil out and asking him to apologize um of course he did not and then i guess on a news appearance he was asked about it that's her second video she reacts to it i can pull that up a day later they have us all uh every kid that's at turn around there was awesomeness like listening to it was incident i know some of y'all was this place and that place was controversial jimmy was like i said like he must have known too the show must have known those things were in the news because i think any place that was actually concerned about rehabilitating children in any meaningful way would say no we're not going to send you clips of her for your [ __ ] show right right because there's definitely some i mean yeah yeah i wonder how many kids he sent there i mean this should be investigated this seems like a serious guy i've always got the worst vibes from dr phil's chip monk ass looking face like he's the epic meme guy though oh oh smith yeah exactly i've got the worst one because he sits there all holier than that tries to judge everyone sit there like dude you're just is he even a [ __ ] doctor by the way like does he actually have a doctor as a doctor i'm not i mean if he's supporting a place like that then he's not educated about therapy like if you're trying to help a kid that's not the way to help it's not necessarily that he's not educated or that he's not a real doctor but he's he doesn't have he's a piece of [ __ ] he doesn't have any scruples exactly yeah he's just a [ __ ] he's willing to do whatever for entertainment is he a doctor that's what i want to know i mean i'm looking up right now i'm almost certain he is okay well uh yeah he has a phd degree in clinical psychology phd and being a [ __ ] [ __ ] from clinical psychology okay and torturing youth one of the other staff members that was there at the time alicia who was the daughter of the nurse alicia she was also injured and two years later she died and she was also left disabled after being attacked by clay so the mother of um getting like like so that's the in that same case that same incident when one person passed yeah um she's saying another staff member got injured so bad oh my god yeah from that saying she was married to the brother of the president of the program which i also believe is a conflict of interest i don't know why they would do that so it was really sad let's watch it anyway yeah let's watch dr phil's response it's interesting because she's gone on to become so famous that she's capable of actually speaking out in a meeting yeah which is pretty great people saying he hasn't renewed his uh license in decades i mean he has a doctorate he he's a doctor but yeah if he's not a current doctor but he's not a practicing psychologist that's the distinction man that guy took a oath does he know he's a phd he didn't take oath he's not a medical doctor yeah i never quack i shall harm i shall i shall harm all children i shall do harm i shall entertain people at the expense of children ugly you are disgusting i'm going to kill you that's just what phd talks like that that's not appropriate by any means anyway i think you did a good job summarizing that one so let's go to i would say if anyone is interested in the story just go and watch her video because it is really interesting story um here is dr phil who's basically not avoided all uh avoided acknowledging how long until it comes out that he's got some financial interest in this range by the way well it means i mean he obviously he does anyways if they have some partnership where they're sending him footage yes i i don't know that because like the show makes a lot of money the cash generated from this ranch is probably nothing but what what's the most valuable is that they're willing to send them footage of a so-called rehabilitation right yeah and you know and i'll tell you what the more uh extreme the footage the more entertaining it is for the show and i bet oh yeah you know there's another point that she makes because um she's saying like you've profited off of that one clip of me that became such a meme yeah you've profited so much money like it could be hundreds of millions because any she says just on their channels like on youtube it has hundreds of millions of viewers yeah and anywhere he goes any appearance that's what people ask him about like he's on the joe rogan talking about it he's everywhere talking about this yeah yeah and it's it's i mean just right there he has a vested interest and he has a you know financial interest in those kids and oh yeah and the reason i said it is because she said when she goes out on stage they're on the show they tell her like you know be right be extreme it makes a better show well these talk show producers are known to be the worst people in the world so i have no i i i can totally imagine being possible that the producers are constantly talking to these people at the ranch about like we need this type of footage make it more extreme we need to get her more suffering go more erratic or more crazy i'm saying even on the doctor phil the initial they encourage her to act crazy yeah for sure i would love to know the the i think if there's an investigation between their relationship and this ranch there's gonna be some i don't know that it's it may even be dr phil paying the i mean he is paying the rent there's some people in the chat saying that he founded the ranch i i'm trying to look i haven't been able to verify that i don't know if that's true i think he they paid the ranch for torturing these kids and getting them good footage that's the relationship that i'm for seeing dr phil you are a weird one or he's like what is it doctor phil you are a grinch i don't know i'll ask you about torture we're not involved should i walk yeah go back a little yeah go back i want to hear what he said you want me to watch the whole thing she's got money now she got like disclaimers and [ __ ] like what's up dr phil you ain't the only one with money now [ __ ] i'm team bad baby yeah even with the h's in there bad baby we love that yo can i give actually get shout out to this girl who she went on dr phil and was such a character she made a whole [ __ ] career rap career personality but and she's like just turned 18. yeah she is a bad baby yeah shout out to his family like i mean dude she kind of [ __ ] is a hustler it's really messed up that she goes on this show gives him like the greatest content he ever got and then she gets thrown into this camp and has no one to talk to she has no help like it makes our life worse it really it should it's not a it's a content ranch it's not a rehabilitation and by the way why is it called a ranch i find that disturbing what do they because it is a ranch it's like in utah or something like in the middle of nowhere literally it isn't right yeah it's the content ranch send them off to the content ranch yeah oh since i made my breaking code silence video i have gotten hundreds and thousands of emails and dms and all type of stuff with multiple kids wanting to give me their stories it just shows me what is that like like you know i'm not the only one that went through these kind of things it feels good to be able to relate i just want is that like they think their hair yeah it's like those baby hairs oh she's just vibing with it or usually girls put it back yeah because i never i've never seen a hairstyle like this no it's a thing i didn't know about the baby hairs i think it's a thing in certain cultures where they do it like that but do you have those baby hairs i definitely do but i don't know i don't it's just not a thing where i grow up but it's a thing in some places okay vibe check yeah passes the vibe have your kid watch somebody get murdered have them get yeah should i watch the rest of it no that's pretty much it good for her i don't like him you know it's crazy when you look back at like uh i've told this story before but these kind of talk shows are the most immoral i'm not way off camera the most immoral these producers will do anything and cook up any situation to make it more interesting there was a netflix documentary about that was sally jesse raphael i think and it was like at the peak of these really sensational talk shows and so they had a prompt they said write in can you guys look up the facts of this story it was a netflix documentary about it where someone he called in his friend they said if you have a secret lover oh yeah you kind of talked about it recently on the plug and so he called in his secret lover and it turns out it was his friend a guy and um apparently he was um not he was straight but also his family was like super hardcore christian and homophobic and stuff and it turned into this whole crazy thing where um his friend the guy who he called in and humiliated on tv ended up murdering him so there was just there's a lot of shenani i mean shenanigans put it lightly yet these shows are horrible well yep what is this one what we guessed my brand told producers that she wanted to give her 13 year old danielle it's from 2000 to turn things around we together talked about it we refer it's in that room now this is like a follow-up [Music] you know this there's no showing okay whatever yeah they made a whole dude they they milked the [ __ ] out of her story arc can you guys find details about that story i was talking about jenny jones jenny jones it was on jenny jones anyway what else we got we got farts we got oh i got another one ela this one's good for you longest fingernails on a woman ever gets clipped after 29 years man i can't believe you can the body even enables this kind of growth but look at this oh you got it you found it so before we move on to that well where where is it he's sent oh yeah that's him i recognize him the gay crush murder yeah that [ __ ] was crazy um basically uh the here the guy he murdered a gay admirer three days after the victim revealed his same-sex crush on the guy on the jenny jones talk i wish i could find that clip because it's really interesting because he just seems like embarrassed and is it going along with it but he was just so upset about being humiliated on tv like that um yeah can you guys find the clip of it happening because i found it really interesting because it really i thought it was really insightful to how the victim mentality because it looks like he's totally fine he's obviously uncomfortable and he's trying to go along with it but like he was so deeply affected by that because oftentimes from victims you'll be like oh well you went along with the if you didn't why didn't you stop but then that kind of thing you know um what was the show it was jesse yeah jesse jones i said that so i'll you guys can't find the club i'm looking for it now i think i found it you you there we go what is this yeah this is now to meet donna and scott now donna has been helping scott pursue his secret crush on john jenny jones was one of many daytime talk show hosts in the 90s that had viewers tuning in no no no can you cut off guard seem to find humor in the moment did you have any idea that he'd like you this much um no no no i did not can you tell us what your status is are you involved with anybody or um no okay why did you do that but one of those revelations would turn deadly okay calm down okay [Music] okay why did you do that in 1995 the jenny jones show taped an episode on secret admirers 32 year old scott amador revealed he had a crush on an acquaintance 24 year old jonathan schmidt 24 why are they even doing this he was 32 they brought in a 24 year old what the [ __ ] they're not even like close in age that's just creepy brought the two together to see if there was a love connection well guess what it's scott that has the crush on you you lied to me you said you lied to me it's erupted in excitement and a surprise schmitz while caught off guard seemed to find humor in the moment did you have any idea that he'd like you this much um no no no i did not can you tell us what your status is are you involved with anybody or um no but i am uh definitely a heterosexual i guess you could say [Applause] so i think the production team lied to him about the whole context and they brought him out and humiliated him and they were like they were like so the girl that's sitting there it's like one of them has a crush on him or what's the i think he just came under the premise that so you have a secret admirer okay and his friend probably it was an elaborate date you know what i mean later i am not gay 32 years old but he immediately turned to him and said uh you lied to me mm-hmm anyway these shows don't give a [ __ ] about anything why would you bring a 24 year old to me a 32 year old anyone watch some lady with big ass nails oh god is that amazing that your body's nails just like will just not stop growing here we go it's time to get them all right i'm out we got the fingernails i have a few funny videos [ __ ] it let's watch it all we're in deep now we got will i am we got uh new videos to end yeah let's end on a high note these are really good notes um okay so okay okay okay i think i've watched this before yeah but i don't know if i don't remember and it's so good oh i i actually think that we watched on the podcast but like almost four years ago now okay like wow so this guy gets so drunk at a party i thought this is only something that happened in slapstick full screen doesn't help much the guy literally thinks himself blocking himself in the mirror okay is this just alcohol or is there something else you ever oh my god this is the greatest thing ever i don't remember this video you don't okay because i don't remember if we did watch it but dude [Music] i mean this is like a charlie chaplin yeah after you now after you can't believe what he's seeing this is something yeah there he found the bathroom wow wait is this me right now oh you already made a thumbnail that's a good ass thumbnail ian looks like he went to pee nice good job dude oh he's nice yeah donald trump please stand up yeah can you please when he gets back we'll have to compliment him all right the next two i'm sorry but there's really only one way to categorize it is that it's just [Music] i don't want to say it all right i don't know what you're thinking about i think well whenever it is no saying are you sure ian's back ian great job on the thumbnail i just saw it on the on the explorer good work on that god bless it's just like well the commonality between these two is just like they're just they're big people and probably too big for the ride they're too big for the ride and tragedy strikes i mean that's the truth like there's like some people are too short for rides and others are too heavy for them all right let's watch it well you want to battle you watch this and you tell me you tell me they could hear this guy right here he can't hold on i mean i feel like that's the problem with the ride no looking [Applause] holding on to like 100 that's gotta be terrifying poor guys [Applause] the next one's actually even funnier if you can believe that the next one i was actually crying when i saw this next one um oh my god we got to mute this one but bro i could not stop laughing when i saw this i don't know [Laughter] that's my nightmare actually i don't think that one has to do with their weight no it's not yeah it's just a defective function also she's not even that like heavy oh i take it back [Laughter] oh come here oh my god dude [Laughter] dude [Laughter] [Laughter] oh my god super fast spinning so fast don't ever ride this [ __ ] no carnival right bro i swear to god i swear don't ever go you [ __ ] it looks like a ninja turtle thing like the back looks good turtle shell look everyone's just having a good time oh yeah it is like a ninja turtle [Laughter] and this guy's just filming laughing his ass off oh somebody just somebody in the chat just remind me they said that this is like the helicopter video which is probably the other time i've seen you laugh i'm sorry and she's below and it starts spinning like super late i don't remember you don't remember that okay hold on let me find it this is the funniest [ __ ] they're saying they think it's in the mall of america i was thinking it looked like a mall the riders the riders have a certain amount of control once the ride starts oh really just keep it straight or start to tilt it thought is when she turned her arms locked or something down when it stops that shouldn't happen it looks like she's literally falling out [Applause] everyone else is just so straight and her ass is spilling out she's gonna fall out i mean that's not right look at her she's like she's holding up with their feet [Laughter] i can't do it as soon as you see the thumbnail for this [Applause] oh sorry to her shout out to her family do you remember oh yeah now i remember bro i don't know why this one's so funny either it's just like i mean nobody gets hurt that's good it's just such a [ __ ] hilarious like they're trying to rescue it's so [ __ ] up they're trying to rescue this person who's like obviously like seriously severely injured and they get they get them rotating so [ __ ] fast look definitely it's going that's spinning like i've never seen anything even spin that fast there's a bot there's someone injured in there it's this part here look at that look at that speed that's not good that's not good look at that god is something so funny about like the rescuer just making it work especially when they don't get and hurt i love they just take off with their ass to dangling behind them like what kind of rescue is this i think they needed to get away from the uh but it was the area that was causing the uh the wind from the turbine to spin her so what is going on in that person's her mind she's in this thing i think she's probably passed out yeah i think so that's what it they say i think i mean the amount of yeah the g-force of spinning that fast lord help me and i guess that's what i find so funny about the other firefighter who lights everyone on fire it's just something so funny about being there to help and making everything so much worse oh yeah we have a button for that yeah it i had to take away your button because you switched to mac doesn't work on mac but i still have it in this system should i open that i mean we've watched that one so many times yeah that is literally everything we actually we actually got to the bottom of the dock yeah it never happened i'm looking over it wow i probably have some diarrhea with mushrooms in it for oh we have more details about the rescue when you're after oh there's like oh she's doing oh oh oh well i mean they didn't do anything wrong necessarily did they woman is suing i mean hey they say they were trying right let's see i mean spitting from a helicopter this is kind of a freak thing wasn't it yeah um the woman has been identified she tripped somewhere on a trail oh yeah she was totally fine she just tripped and then she needed help getting down and then these guys came and picked her up and gave her the spin of a lifetime that's the best they call it they wrapped her up in what's called a strokes basket which is funny because i that she was definitely having a stroke in there i vaguely remember when this happened hearing that this is sort of not like super common thing but it's like it's a thing that happens with these rescue helicopters occasionally sure so that makes sense i mean you know [ __ ] happens i mean maybe there's some other yeah maybe there's some other details how about don't go [ __ ] hiking and for like i don't want a [ __ ] trip yeah come on idiot you took a little bit of a tumble but i mean before we make idiots out of ourselves maybe there maybe there is some other circumstance to this that we're not aware of that yeah yeah some people pay for a spin like that all right that's that see i'm reading she expressed to the first responders she did not want to be taken off the trail by the helicopter despite the plaintiff's wishes what are they going to do leave her there today the decision to transport off the trail by helicopter air rescue i mean if she really was like no don't put me on a helicopter and they're like no we're going to do it and then do that dan i know what if she wants to i don't know can't you can't do that they can't they can't just she's like no don't take my help all right well bye ma'am and then she like comes like the next day and she's they're all [ __ ] like help i'll take the helicopter now they can't get out over there i don't know good point i mean it's funny though it's extra funny knowing that she had this phobia of being picked up there she was like please don't put me on like 100 rpm like i swear it'll be fine just get on the head it's fine we do this every day five minutes later look just face your fears it's like the ranch man that shit's crazy [Music] oh she got injured abe said oh no yeah her physical examination knows she had uh what the hell is that she had pat bleeding shoulders and feet swelling and sounds like a bunch of lawyer talk to me like she had patches of bleeding under her skin that's called a bruise yeah exactly on both shoulders and feet as well i'm sure it did but no i know but that's like when lawyers are trying to like drum up like all this crazy damage sorry i'm just killing the buzz you know what happened is this is when super viral and let's see on the shoulders and feet as well as swelling and bruising on both eyes it's like yeah um also apparently she lost a feeling in her left apparently her left leg went uh paralyzed i'm not a cat i made that up she actually died blood in her right membrane and both it's a bunch of [ __ ] oh it's ct scan found she had among other things soft tissue swelling over part of her skull i found no yeah it sounds like it sounds like something yeah next time you get a bruise describe it if you would as a patch of bleeding under the skin with slight swelling maybe she maybe should hey hey none of my business right forget about it right i wonder what i'm gonna eat tonight today so now i've picked up this [ __ ] fried chicken so now like not only can i not order mexican food i don't see why you you really to stick to like only eating what they provide you that's the idea okay chicken wednesday you know it's just so extreme i mean shouldn't you be able to maybe once a week it's easy that's the idea i mean that's the idea i mean they give you the food you eat the food if i if you give me sunday i'm gonna [ __ ] sunday in the ass yeah fried chicken wednesday baby you give me wednesday i'm gonna [ __ ] that fried chicken you know what i mean like don't let me slip up okay [ __ ] wednesday night baby [ __ ] fried chicken i i need to just see some results that's it and you know and then i can loosen up i'm just everything i try it's like nothing ever changes and i'm sick of even talking about it because everyone gets invested and then nothing happens and i just feel like pathetic thank you zach it's just everyone gets so invested and everybody's rooting for me but then i just keep trying [ __ ] and nothing happens i'm a [ __ ] failure and nothing happens and i'm just sick of talking about it you guys and then you guys get so invested i just i just need to shut up about it and put up or shut up [Music] thank you for your sympathy so i'm fine i'm currently trying to put up okay and we will shut up you guys can say whatever you want to turn on him it's like woody woodpecker all right listen listening it's been another great one my friends yeah another week three hours of wonders ela has come through here we appreciate your presence i mean we're in the presence of greatness ceo [Applause] i love fridays fried chicken fries hope you guys have a great safe beautiful wonderful weekend i hope you're all planning to get those vaccines every adult is eligible the middle of this month yes so whatever it is whatever however healthy or whatever you are you can get a shot in like a week did you get your shots and i encourage that r kelly why are you promoting fascism right now oh you guys i don't know if you saw it but i made some tweet about prep passport the vaccine passports and it was like all over every conservative media like literally uh infowars oh my god there was another big one um info i was on info wars you guys it's fun okay i figured i didn't need to involve you and all that i'm off the rails so i like that all right guys all right peace and love thank you for watching another place out with our kids not a fun one it's but place out with r kelly i don't have that one we don't have it on standby i've got it but what but then does his thing with the fades okay just play it play it out play zelda and then make it and then everybody shut the [ __ ] up i got it i got it do you have your passport did you get your shots girl would you like to come back with rob to [Music] girl would you like to come back with rob to america america america do you have your passport [Music] americans you
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 2,197,858
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3h3, h3, h3 after dark, h3h3productions, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila, after dark
Id: BbFYG-tyk48
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 170min 24sec (10224 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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