Jake Paul Exposed By Bombshell New York Times Article - H3 After Dark # 33

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oh everybody thank you thank you for coming to our show on friday thank you thank you live friday baby yeah from my basement you know how it's right here baby it is friday baby you know how late shows go live from new york new york city i guess that's snl but we go live from my basement from half way underground live from my nuclear fallout shelter this is h3 after dark friday baby yeah it's also not even dark it's not dark it's the middle of the day um thank you everybody for joining us how's everybody's friday going you know i'm feeling sore from yesterday i got brutal work i'm sorry too we're both exercising yeah and i kind of like being sore though like it's an accomplishment sometimes it's a pain like something my legs are so sore i can't get up yeah that i don't like yeah me too but i'm sticking to it people i'm sticking to it and i'll tell you what friday thank you friday's my cheat day and i'm skipping breakfast because i know i'm gonna get into some trouble later i appreciate that i think you're you're doing it right yeah thank you i deserve fried chickens [ __ ] because i know it's my cheat day so hey let's just be reasonable here i'm not trying to [ __ ] my whole life up we're also going on a date tonight yo show your nails ela came out here like damn look at this [ __ ] oh she has never got her nails done i keep looking at myself and i'm like i don't recognize this hand pink hair pink the hands i don't know what i like i think you look good yeah i think it looks good it's like i feel like your whole life you have this idea of like who you are and things you would never do it's like i'm not one of those nail person yeah i know i know but i was like it's so stupid like i kind of want to try everything that i usually said i wouldn't do well you're on the hair game and your hair looks [ __ ] awesome and the vibe i feel like you just have good vibes since you started messing with your hair i like it you're having more fun you're confident you're on instagram a vibe well also it's like i've i've always felt like i my hair was so boring and i'm all about color but i always thought that wasn't me i don't know why and now i'm having so much fun it's like i'm all about color white why i haven't got a vibe before right he's gotta buy it vibe check pat you look past the vibe check today you do too stop it you gotta vibe i feel like everyone's lying to me when they tell me i'm looking good no no i'm still fat we're not nobody's lying i mean but you're doing it right and it is happening so i think that's the best thing ever because if it was happening when you were doing like starvation challenge starvation challenges keto i then i was worried because it's like okay but what happens when you go back to normal yeah but daddy i don't know i'm scared i'm scared because i have this raging food addiction and i'm going to lose the weight but like i'm still going to have the addiction do you understand what i'm saying but even just acknowledging it i think is already probably oh i've been acknowledging it for years um [Music] um speaking of oh well so actually you guys by popular demand you guys know how i told this story of my trainer saying money baby as i was collapsed on the floor well yesterday i actually got him to say it for for tick tock so by popular demand here is my trainer saying money to me okay guys this is what a fat idiot who smokes looks like after an hour of exercise it's money ethan thank you dude that's money you guys hear that okay guys this is what a [ __ ] family got what you wanted money is he still totally out of the uh loop on the the fact that well on the show i don't know if he's not letting on all the way because the first day he was saying money about everything and then after i made it he pretty much stopped saying money yeah so i think he must have seen it and he's playing a little koi with me because i was like yo i told this because i was like i told this story on tick uh on the show about how um you were you were just saying money and i was like just a corpse on the floor and i thought it was funny so i told him you know because he doesn't say money anymore yeah now we got the sound bite thank you for that soundbite you're welcome zach just for you can i i want to show you something ela yeah and i do this with peace and love of course yeah oh this isn't what i wanted to show you but it's on my computer screen this is something that showed up on my homepage whoa it's just some homie oh he's got some hardcore hip-hop i mean this is just he looks he's got a face like one of those dogs there's a dog that has that exact same face i feel like he's english do you guys know what i mean that's racist i kind of i think i know what you mean do you know what i mean he must be english anyway he just has one video and it got four points he just said made one video he has 4.4 million views wow really yeah because everyone's like whoa whoa and i had the same reaction was on my homepage you know that's crazy and amazing thanos someone says he looks like thanos hmm he's more like mr magu man it's reminding me of an alien but i i can't put my finger on um what it is exactly my thumb after a very long bath oh come on you guys he's just trying to put himself out there on tick tock having a vibe it's a great tick tock yeah everyone's waiting for number two he already got 50 000 followers he's probably like what anyway that's not what i wanted to show you what i did want to show you is okay you know zac efron is right heartthrob do you fight think he's handsome here i'll show you zac efron and the heartthrob yeah i mean yeah he's handsome i'm not gonna argue that he's not handsome you [ __ ] zac efron i didn't say that okay you think he's a good lover i can't tell is that girlfriend a good lover you think about him you think he's a tender lover or no i don't know thank you i gotta call him thank you dan okay well the point is is that he got some kind of plastic and i say this was peace and love again because you know i'm not i know people get plastic surgery it's a personal thing and it's a choice and i you know whatever you want to do to make yourself feel good god bless but he got plastic surgery and i just don't know man i just wait so what did he do i don't know i don't know what he did but he got he did something right yeah it looks like his jaw's swollen but he looks like one of those plastic surgery memes kind of oh yeah the lips he did like someone else now he's reminding me i don't know who though i can't put the name chin jaw and d lips what is d i'm sorry and lips yeah he did something to his lips and jaw but i just i was like i look so different you know i saw him recently in a netflix document he was looking at his handsome usual self but man i don't know you looked more like zach travolta now zach travolta i guess my point is is that i mean our wishes that's real are we sure this is real yeah but dan send it to me uh ian but um it was all over it was all over twitter oh this is all over twitter so people are having kind of a similar reaction yeah it's trending on twitter poor guy i feel bad for him actually because first of all you don't do this unless you're like deeply insecure about your looks right so like he obviously had some kind of issue with his physical appearance i don't know what because he's like perfect face but now he's gonna he was always known as like the perfect face guy good looking guy you know yeah so he was obviously really insecure and now everyone's clowning him on twitter let me pull up those tweets now i'm really curious to see what people are saying right me too um let's see twitter search zac efron but this just goes to show you man handsome beautiful people this guy uh oh no he looks like shrek no well not like ogre handsome shrek handsome shrek no he does look like a cgi character he looks like cancer together i'd kill her to look like a handsome shrek so this is him before the i mean that's great yeah i don't see any issues of course only he sees it that's the problem that's why i guess i should relate because i'm like that i see a million issues in my cell phone zac efron that's not him but you get the point that's what he's going towards but the mean yeah oh yeah ruthless bro zac efron why they're not happy but the po i guess the point is that i'm trying to make is that you know just be happy with what you got people because if zac efron's insecure to the point of mingling his face like this then you just gotta work it don't worry and guys i just i really want people to understand that plastic surgery never helps it never helps it no it only makes you look weird in your opinion let's not say it as a fact and you don't in your opinion when it works well you don't notice it is the thing okay i guess i guess there are some minor things people do for sure i don't know once you start doing like facelifts and and and and filler it's like whoa yeah yeah i just i like people that age gracefully i think it always looks better you don't think that you end up gracefully well yeah sure he clearly didn't think he was aging gracefully okay ethan okay oh you know rob blow that i think that's what i was trying to think oh yeah he does look kind of like him now totally see that yeah and rob lowe you [ __ ] rob lowe right a handsome dude i mean i don't like saying if i would [ __ ] someone okay you're attracted i'm married yeah okay you're married to me what are all these images can someone find me roblox why don't we try to be more family friendly like we just started the show why even say the f word family friendly who are we making before eight-year-olds watch [Laughter] wait this doesn't look that bad there's got to be better photos than this on the right side ones before ones after uh this photo's weird well what is this one on the right this comparison hey b this is the worst thing i've ever seen what am i supposed to take away from this telling him before you were a weirdo you don't have a better one and now he's a stone guy from the 70s um anyway today there's a big ass bombshell article about jake paul and team 10. i just want to say not bombshell i read it it isn't interesting though interesting read you know we put bombshell on the top oh man it well well it kind of it's a i felt like it was kind of a bombshell really like it's from the perspective of this 13 year old boy who greg paul by the way his dad jake dad got involved to convince the parents he was gonna be okay greg paul by the way is outside in a van [ __ ] the friends and this 13 year old was like sleeping on the floor i didn't have food was sharing rooms with olivia his girlfriend she was like 19 at the time i did wish that they would have touched on that but they didn't in the article what do you mean about the dad pizza oh well they mentioned allegations about him oh yeah right yeah because all that i mean that is even though we saw the video you never actually see anybody's face in that video it's all i don't think it's completely well you don't know who the girl is it's definitely great even just what we've seen of him participating in that kissing video oh that's a good point that that should that could have been included yeah i agree great that he's involved in any capacity with these guys yeah oh he was 14. and apparently he says when he was 14 he had sex with like a 24 year old and he's like kind of traumatized about it now jesus are we gonna talk about it now yeah i'm gonna get it i'm gonna get into it but the point is oh i'm sorry it was alyssa violet who he was sharing a room with like weird she's like 10 years older a girl too anyway um i'm going to talk about that and then the author taylor lorenz right that's correct he's calling in to discuss so that's fun exciting from the new york times people we're moving up in the world moving on up so she's gonna be calling a little bit later i actually have a lot of i'm really curious about uh a lot of the stuff in this impressive stuff to be talking to in new york times dude look at us look at us we are not effing around we are i'm saying f now because i'm trying to be friendly thank you and respect to the new york times so we got that scoop um do you guys find this weird i actually i'm going to talk about all this stuff next up but there's one more thing that came across my desk this morning and i i understand he's doing a good thing right like it's cool prisoners are people and you know they often are are overlooked as others in our society and the way they're treated but jake paul here i'm just to play so he's singing to like 20 that is not jake paul my brain does not work today justin bieber clearly justin bieber i was confused what you were talking about you ethan you have to make your words make sense for the show to work this is a verbal show stop me justin bieber singing i'm so lonely to like 20 prisoners thoughts what's your problem it's just like why so he's like damn you trying to get these guys to kill themselves or what listen to this wow i'm so lonely i'm so lonely no he's like all right see you guys maybe they identify with it or something i don't know you're just hating yeah i could be just hating that's why i wanted to ask you guys i doubt the care listen i'm totally open to me being a [ __ ] hater i mean that's why i'm bringing it up for discussion i think it's a nice thing i mean hey i would like it i think it's depressing live show like that yeah maybe thinks it's depressing he says i mean anything in prison is depressing yeah they're probably vibing though it's probably emotional experience for them yeah i'm so lonely maybe different song though it's a beautiful song maybe baby baby baby baby baby or what was the really cringe one yummy you're not listening i'm sorry what what'd you say friday joke yeah i missed it i'm sorry my brain is out i'm gonna move no you tell me because the joke was not good no tell me now i said they should sing about the peaches one that's trending with the i get my weight from california i heard that okay it wasn't is it a joke though i mean it's just a suggestion for a song am i missing the joke i mean and they're imprisoned oh yeah but wheat is legal now come on if he was like i smoked meth i went to jail for smoking meth okay but it doesn't have a song like that yeah the one about criminality okay i get it i get my meth from california that's it i get my meth from bakersfield yeah that's [ __ ] okay johnny cash famously went to a prison and sang songs about committing crimes and stuff yeah i thought that was cool uh listen okay let's let's move on shall we start over let's restart hey everybody welcome today podcast coming at you today we don't oh perfect timing to mention my beautiful capable wife who has just released teddyfresh.com head on over to teddyfresh.com to repeat our new release stuff is moving fast this quilted hoodie already sold out that was [ __ ] some next level [ __ ] man we got the flames we got the we got some t-shirt the earth day shirts sold out this one's still here we love this shirt coming at you hey coming at you live we got all these shirts all right go to take foreign okay so we talked about the jake paul fight in our previous episode but we didn't have time to get to a lot of the great stuff from it that i wanted to talk about like pete savinson moments and then jake paul talking about the fight afterwards on impulsive with his dad greg who's the most embarrassing person alive if you you know how i have like some issues with my dad i love my dad he watches the show so peace and loved him but if greg paul was my dad i would [ __ ] move to like rural i would like change my identity i would change my last year peace out so your dad is not that bad oh my god my dad is i thank god my dad is my dad thanks to the paul brothers we have new appreciations gp coming at you it could always be worse you know my one thing my dad used to say which is true he says if you could put if you could put all your problems in a hat and take out new problems you would want your own back at the end of the day and i've always thought all my life reflected on that and been like you know what that's probably true did he make that up no he heard it from someone it's a nice one he used to also say i like it he used to also say um when someone asks how are you doing you go better uh you would say better than better than most not as good as some knowledge thank you ty all right let's just i think you can just say i'm fine thank you i'm fine yeah that's what fine means not great i'm not bad right why you need so many words so pete davidson before the show i was watching all this crap he goes back in the locker room and asks jake about his essay allegations and they they cut out the whole audio um does it has anyone actually heard it like no and to be honest i i'm not 100 convinced that's what it is what yeah well let's watch because then how do you just cut out the audio i assume that this was pre-recorded because i thought it was no it was live it was live and you can tell afterwards this was like so awkward well here watch it watch you tell me what you think ready to explode keep cranking but i'm good bro yeah you're awesome you remind me of like when charlie sheen when he went on his winning tirade everybody was just like go off dude go on i didn't get that he's very calm but okay what i was gonna ask you about i was like so how are you feeling like so here they cut cut a lot bro you can't joke around about that no you can't joke around about that mm-hmm but i i'm not no i'm like are you are you good good i'm good bro i'm feeling good what's popping with that nothing right yeah okay cool so that's it this whole interview oh wow comfortable all right so i was watching this thing and i was like whoa this is crazy so i just wonder if anyone did get to here because like how does it work technically you have a kill switch something yeah you could do a live you can have a kill switch where you cut the audio so they it's like it's being broadcast on the delay exactly they have the same thing on live radio like someone that was in charge of broad broadcast immediately made the decision to cut it yes so curious yeah like what happened because they probably because triller which jake's is an investor in and on the this was like a huge story that everyone was talking about so i'm sure they were like okay if anyone mentions this you kill you kill the audio okay yeah they do the same thing on live radio like they have a kill switch where they can cut the audio you hit a button and it retroactively dumps like the last goes right yes exactly we'll do it live we could do it but apparently we need some expensive equipment right um i haven't looked into it in a few because we you asked me about it when i first started working for you um but broadcast uh gear has gotten a lot cheaper in the last few years because of all the streamers and everything so there may actually be a cheaper way to do it now the professional way to do it yeah that equipment is like 50 grand yeah i remember i was like i was like yo if i say something like really dumb can we just kill switch it and dan's like it costs 50 grand i was like [ __ ] it i'd rather get cancelled it's possible it's possible there's cheaper ways to do it now i i haven't looked into it in a while check it out let's enjoy this interview though because it's really i was a boxer the last he goes the last thing i'd want is a bunch of people coming here to talk to you before i fought it's like okay dude yeah if i was a boxer i feel like the last thing i want is [ __ ] coming in here asking me questions yeah oh you guys are good we were going to keep it really light like mostly like what's your favorite color um yeah i can tell what it is they proceed to have an actual conversation about what's your favorite color yeah right we'll say it on on three on three guys favorite colors yellow no no no money no no blue man blue i also have questions about your robot um yeah this is it's just it's just it's a train wreck it's really god it's really hard it's really hard man and so that was that there's also images that were a meme of jake stretching before the show and maybe this is why he's so calm but he's get he gets down with some wild stretches i don't even know what i'm looking at frankly speaking they cut away to this at one point yeah and he was just that's his head right there yeah yeah legs right let's get after it money baby whoa that's me on the floor after exercising for 10 minutes thank you um okay so so now you go to the after the fight jake paul knocks out the out of shape boxer we talked about that last episode but this is when jake paul now he's angry at pete because pete went to the other to ben's locker and was like yo i was just kissing up to jake but i [ __ ] hate that guy and everybody hates him and so jake gets like seriously offended i was confused on why his pit there and who hired him because it's like well jake says he's the one that hired him jake said it was his thing to have him on there it was i mean so jake got owned yeah for sure he got played hard he got played yeah well what did he think like what what some some like actual respectable comedians gonna come here and just kiss his feet like i'm sorry bro yeah no known savage known savage pete davidson yeah ian do you have a problem with pete davidson because i see you calling him a savage ironically quite a bit it's a meme that ian and i have been passing back and forth for years youtube just youtube just constantly for a few months was recommending me pete davidson savage compilations [Music] so i'm kind of still learning but i felt like it was pretty funny yeah he was keeping it real considering the situation like it's not it's not easy to stay real like that and um i don't know it was pretty funny i agree it was good that have someone to cast the like everybody's thinking this is what exactly i feel like it's what almost 80 percent of the people were thinking and he actually said it yeah i mean i don't know maybe you can pull a compilation of savage moments from that night for us to watch but he was like someone's for sure made it is it here oh some people yeah here it is you're right here let's watch this before we watch jake paul react to it savage moments guys yeah seems really important uh you could tell how professional this event is by uh them having me here uh we are backstage at jake paul's dressing room or locker room if you want to call it that and uh you know today's a really wild day for boxing because it just shows you know how low is truly sunk uh i mean maybe pewdiepie will cure cancer and charlie dimiglio will become a surgeon uh who knows tonight we have a bout between ben askren who i don't know who that is still and i've been uh reading up on him all week and jake paul and uh you know they both suck but you know at least somebody's gonna get hurt now back to you guys in the booth uh some real announcers over there hello sir i don't know why he's [ __ ] on ben though i don't think ben did anything wrong oh he said maybe he he said he lost a bunch of money on him once so he's got like a chip on his shoulder i don't know how are you doing good what's your beef pig i want to ask you the same thing i don't have a beef with you you just said he sucks no you tweeted and you said you you started the the beef you said uh oh great i can't wait to be part of a show that has me commentating on it yeah so i immediately was like what the [ __ ] because nobody wants you to lose this you know you want me to win yeah nobody wants to see jake paul win i have to be not you got to understand i'm hosting i have to be nice in there he has eight dudes standing around him with literally nothing with nothing to lose and it's just you in here so it's actually a lot more safe not even my underwear too so it's gonna make you feel right at home oh that's great i don't think they study in acting school like just pretend you're in your underwear yeah something like that yeah believe me nobody wants uh anything other than for you to you know knock this guy on his ass well yeah i appreciate that much i do that yeah that would make me really happy how are you feeling man how do you feel that didn't work out yeah bro that was the worst showing of all time oh man youth culture that's true um he kind of has this whole like following so he thinks he can kind of do whatever it is here this is the thing and like didn't he like get busted by the feds with like aks and like a bunch of machine gun like why isn't yeah exactly do you think jake paul is uh asking for it my kids are not watching no i can't tell you that i'm gonna have to kick his ass on behalf of your kids yes yeah absolutely yeah do you think this is something that i wrote i i came very prepared okay do you think jake paul is uh asking for it sorry sorry i wrote that i've never heard that oh so savage that was a savage i was really psyched to ask you that and uh i just said it out loud and i'm very embarrassed um no man i have zero beef with you at all i'm we're we're on your side nice yeah i appreciate it we all why don't you like jake just because he's a douche well i mean do you have an hour i mean i mean he's not a good person uh he's clearly uh you know is not a good influence on any of the youth culture that's true um he kind of has this whole like following so he thinks he can kind of do whatever he wants and like didn't he like get busted by the feds with like aks and also did he essay someone yes anyway that's that okay so jake gets really pissed about this i want to see jake paul versus pete davidson oh hey mike can you just shut the [ __ ] up for a minute what is mike doing there i thought good question no not friends anymore no i don't think they're not no they're still doing their thing apparently he's flying out to puerto rico every week i don't know dude the whole thing is weird didn't he just talk [ __ ] about logan he did yeah yeah he did wait wait go ahead maybe he did on um a podcast but they made up but yeah they were fighting on twitter going back and forth but they always seem to fight and make up yeah mike's life is falling apart i'm here for it he got dumped and there's like all this drama it's pretty epic we'd love to see it zach right do we hate mike here on this show i'm sorry what was that he [ __ ] those gym shorts we have it on good authority that he shits his gym shards shits his gym shorts no i don't wish anything bad on mike but i do think he's a douche yo hey can i fight that little piece of [ __ ] oh my god listen who put him on the set how is he here he beats gp but he said hold on he's like six three six four uh uh i'm [ __ ] let's go you [ __ ] him i know go on fight let's go after i beat his ass i'm a [ __ ] savage god so here is their white trash their dad is the whitest trash person alive sitting here in his oakley in his [ __ ] like uh you know colorful lenses backwards hat sitting here how he's gonna unironically beat up pete davidson his and his shirt says problem child spelled wrong that's your childhood i'm a [ __ ] savage you got that problem yeah the problem is that's the result of your parenting dude yeah oh the oakley's it's just too perfect yeah he's just the ultimate dude why did they let him on set i just i don't get it gp's up hey hackers you guys are really good you know hacking is just a form of adult bullying you got to pull that zach adult rather speak up and be wrong and be muffled and be wrong talking about yeah he got i do it hey man can we get security man it's only coming at you oh [ __ ] dale yeah pete davidson uh i think he took the mvp that's at the mvp i'm gonna be honest with with you it was oh i mean there was a well jake took the okay look when you got the mvp there was a lot of people who were just not fans of the event yeah and and he spoke directly to those people those people who were who were like i don't want to see so why were they watching if they weren't fans of the event jake are you really so [ __ ] dumb like can you just not embrace your infamy like you're the problem child you know what i mean just embrace it you should have someone like pete david hosting your events every time it makes it watchable bearable you know people don't watch because they don't like you that's the whole reason people even [ __ ] tune in at all wait hold on hold on that's your whole stick people want to see take their money by the way it was my idea to like have him as the host of the event he talked to me he wants to do all of the wrestling [ __ ] that guy he won't do [ __ ] he won't wait he he won't he won't ever be a part of one of those ever again he [ __ ] this [ __ ] up bro bro i was i so he'll go to work for dana white so i was confused um and i hate and i hate this is like the problem with like drama and [ __ ] because it just brings everyone more clout it brings him more clout well he got more clown bro he got clown exactly but david he's famous you these guys can't get their [ __ ] heads straight like they're he doesn't need clout clown he's pete davidson ringing mark cloud he doesn't need clout he's famous there's a reason we wanted him to host so stupid he's just on that clock train yeah like you want your 12 year old fans anyway he's such a [ __ ] so i might invent the clout pill just [ __ ] that guy do you think he thought he was doing i don't give a [ __ ] what he thought his job did you get him saying like maybe he was doing the roast oh he said he no the [ __ ] he said is like [ __ ] you can't take back okay i didn't hear what he said i was confused how that was happening on your broadcast that's that's that was the only thing it was like i'm gonna be honest with you it's funny but the context of it didn't make any sense to me i didn't know because jake ball hired him and he owned that was happening yeah and i and when i spoke to him um backstage he really did seem like enthralled by the whole thing he was um shocked that i guess you're a boxer just like care he couldn't wrap his head around at all and that's what he was kind of like yeah poking fun you know um yeah pete davidson was engaged to ariana grande i don't think he needs clout from jake paul uh man the whole family is just so embarrassing i need that clout um here's more jake paul cringe from that from that episode the whole time i don't i don't care like say what you want like everyone said it everyone said it but like i'm what a lot of people don't understand about me and i think i proved it last night is like i'm a real [ __ ] like i'm a real [ __ ] like i do all this social media [ __ ] i'm on disney channel being a fool i'm cringe [ __ ] blah blah blah yeah jake paul the eight letter the brain don't work around the world i think but nothing you guys think i'm dumb get a load of this guy talking sometimes he's doing a dj impression right he's definitely putting on a weird i come from the mud but it's not good it just sounds dumb hate on maybe all the chains are cutting off the circulation funny funny i can think of another one when i [ __ ] see you i'm a real [ __ ] and i'm gonna [ __ ] you up all right and by the way all these mma fighters ufc fight a real fighter dude [ __ ] about y'all suck my dick i'm a real mother dude how about you fight a real box i'm a real [ __ ] and i'm talking my [ __ ] i'm talking my [ __ ] on this [ __ ] impulsive podcast that's good what's up [ __ ] hello you got a big [ __ ] heart though and a head your head is massive your head is huge big head yeah yeah but like literally i'm taking like the size of it all these [ __ ] do this social media hoopla [ __ ] i could talk about you on camera twitter finger ass [ __ ] bro i don't play that i don't play that we'll see um we'll see you we'll take paul he wants to tougher online until we spook them in person twitter finger [ __ ] greg this is fantastic i love this version of jake yo cause you're right i mean listen this is what people watch people watch this trisha watches this i can't forget trisha she brings up a pulse of every [ __ ] time i say this show this is what you're talking about no oh man she's gotta find something else but greg greg paul really explains this family because they obviously have this horrible father figure that is just completely corrupted and rotted away the foundation of these young men i'm a [ __ ] savage you gotta do it that's their dad man i mean damn that is just bad that's just i feel bad for that yeah yeah anyway that's good there's just a lot of good stuff people there's a lot of goofs on jake just because he's like i'm a real [ __ ] he started crying after he knocked out ben so there was all these really great memes like jake paul after beating a walmart cashier in his next fight [Laughter] jake paul after fighting everyone that isn't an actual boxer that's the same meme the mma community after watching ash can get one punch by jake paul yeah jake paul's next opponent that's beetlejuice from the howard stern show he's like three five or something he's really short oh man jake paul after baiting a 73 year old arthritic retired accountant in his next fight [Laughter] this dude is high on jake paul's list of opponents that's the rap who stopped the fight you're tripping the point one percent of germs that clorox misses kind of interesting observation yeah how jake paul feels right now yeah so that's that was kind of my opinion too you know i'm not even gonna lie if he actually hires a real boxer in his prime i will watch that but any other stick i'm out i'm out i'm i'm overseeing jake beat up like used car salesmen who haven't fought in 15 years they built like me when paul when ben weighed in i was like that that's me that's my body i couldn't believe what i was saying yeah okay so now we're speaking of jake paul let's talk about the new york times article yeah uh taylor is in the lobby by the way i don't know if you want to go first i hope she's got a minute yeah i want to go over the article first i have here okay i'm going to read like my favorite highlights here from it um so aaron so this is mostly from the perspective of this um who's a man now aaron mitchell oh no aj so it's this kid aj who was there when he was 14. so it's mostly from his perspective aaron mitchell's his dad said he was not very impressed with jake so i guess a little backstory yeah this uh 14 year old boy was trying to make it as a musician he had like 80 000 followers at the time on instagram and i guess jake saw something in him and so he like aggressively pursued him to join team 10. also i what i like is that the article just to even give a little more background they take a look back at team 10 and they say like how that was kind of like maybe not the first um influencer kind of house thing but it was definitely the most popular one that kind of right off that trend and um so it was interesting to see them take a look back at it because i do remember it being so weird and it's like you know things must have gone wrong oh yeah with that house well look at it now it's like it's like everybody left bitterly they all left bitterly hating jake yeah so it was interesting to now being a little like few years after it see a serious article about it well i never even heard of this kid right but it sounds like insanely uh well i'll read it they touch on everything i want to say um so it starts here i i grabbed my favorite excerpts because the article is kind of long so aaron mitchell aj's father said he was not impressed with jake paul at first and he didn't want his son who was 14 at the time involved in team 10. however after extensive conversations with mr paul's parents greg paul and pam stepnick you like that mr paul's assistant erica costell who's in her mid-20s and niels visser another member of of team 10 he and his wife allison decided to allow aj to join the group you gotta appreciate that jake paul's dad who's there eating out little girls chill that's not jesus hey i saw it no you didn't no you didn't what didn't i see you didn't see anybody you didn't see anybody's face in that video which is kind of gross just don't say that okay hit the kill switch dan can we not have the kill switch i'm a [ __ ] savage i haven't managed to get that set up since you guys remember when we discussed it we grabbed the sound bite and you guys made me stop using because it was yeah it was too gross everybody was like you have to stop or i'm going to stop watching the show listen i think we all agree in our opinion it was probably greg almost certainly greg but we can't say bro you could see his face in the video why is everyone tiptoeing around this no you couldn't you could see his narrative coming at you not for sure i it was for sure him no you can't say that it was what is everybody's that it's not for sure and he made a video begging the hackers to get in contact with him yeah but it's gp's up you can't come here and say it was for sure him you just can't i think the problem is you don't know who the girl was it was she was young though probably over 18 though but anyway hopefully i don't know oh allegedly it was him i saw his [ __ ] face in the video in your opinion well anyway you got to love the irony of jake's dad being like no it's totally safe it's good man it's good here he's going to be in good hands and he's outside enough camper [ __ ] the fan girls it's crazy now gp coming at you so okay this blows my mind that guy's such a piece of [ __ ] according to several members how uh several former house members mr paul could take 10 to 20 percent of the team 10's youtube ad revenue for up to five years even if they left the group that part is really sketch yeah on may 24th mr mitchell arrived at the team 10 house with a single suitcase for several weeks he didn't have a bedroom so he slept on a leather couch in the living room mr mitchell was given a room to share with alyssa violet who was 19 at the time and publicly dating mr paul do you find that so odd that they yeah a 14 year old boy with a 19 year old girl super weird in his down time mr mitchell would write songs in a notebook and play them on his keyboard one day he came home to discover his keyboard broken mr paul told him it had been thrown in the pool for a video followers um followers were the primary currency of team 10 house if you got tagged to one of jake's youtube videos you could get 50 000 followers mr mitchell said dan says i swear i can remember seeing his i just fact checked it did you look at the screenshot yeah well i i looked at a screenshot to remind myself oh yeah it's the whole thing is first person from his perspective so you don't see his face and then i also found an article in newsweek where it says the photos were blurred and the three sex tape clips don't show any faces okay i i i retract i this is i ethan klein on behalf of myself in the history podcast over here i retract my statement i apologize sincerely to the paul family and to greg that said it's almost certainly him in my opinion you could say in your opinion i i i i apologize for my defamator or well i don't know if i want to admit it's def [ __ ] you it's you greg gp coming at you gp creep sue me we can do discovery that's what i always say because you know when you have to sue someone you have this this thing of discovery where you get to swap and you get to look at all the source items you're like okay let me see all you got you're not gonna sue me because it's true gp jp he's like you taking away work possibilities for me in my van outside of jake paul's house i sincerely apologize to greg paul for my comments i retract it you cannot see his face with peace and love followers were the primary currency of team 10 house if you get tagged in one of jake youtube videos you can get 50 000 followers mr uh mr mitchell said jake would use that to manipulate everyone if you didn't do what jake wanted he'd tell everyone in the house not to tag you jake had a monopoly and he decided who got famous not so gross but there was money coming in too and members of the group had questions about where it was going when team 10 formed mr paul set up and controlled business email accounts for each member to solicit opportunities mr mitchell said he was not aware of the opportunities that he was being pitched for or what was coming in in the 14 months he spent as part of the group he said he was paid directly for two brand deals but he never received payment for them from team 10. mr mitchell relied on small amounts of money he received from its parents to cover expenses like meals out with the group mr paul had convinced mr mitchell's parents that their son would be taken care of but no meal or structure were provided for him other or the other teenage residents most of them had never been expected to shop or cook for themselves and didn't have the means to do so people see these mansions and they see people living like royalty but no one knew i was sleeping on the floor and i didn't have food he said meanwhile cut cut again to greg paul being like no no no no you're in good hands everything's gonna be fine i'm an adult i'm equally you know it's like yo folks what's going on it's gp coming at you vina double a professor of law at the university of california said we have all these laws in place that have been around for a century to protect child performers but they have not been extended to safeguard the health welfare and safety of children influencers because these young creators make money through a variety of revenue streams and are not employed by a single entity they can be vulnerable to exploitation if there's not some kind of entity taking responsibility as an employer then we're going to see the kind of exploitative and unsafe practices we have been seeing she said you like that that's the problem yeah yeah who invites a 14 year old into their home and doesn't [ __ ] like makes them sleep on the floor and doesn't give them it's like i'd feed them throws their keyboard in the pool makes them sleep on the floor also they just get talent for free because basically they he probably used them for all his videos you know he never paid him yeah um yeah so embarrassing and he makes them think like they should be thankful for being in a video because they get tagged and they get clout exactly it's wild it's just wild wild wild wild man um the allure of living independently and building a following had worn off at first i was like there's no parents here and we get to be free and do what we want i felt like free in a way but having jake be the adult was weird because we all listened to jake he was the boss during parties marijuana and alcohol were available in the team 10 house mr mitchell 14 years old said he wants to drink so much he blocked out nice the group often attended parties where guests in their 20s and 30s would mingle with teenagers mr mitchell said he began a sexual relationship with a woman nearly a decade older than him whom he had met at an influencer party he understands now that the racial relationship could not have been consensual because of his age i was a baby he said i had a baby face i feel like that's just so weird now it wasn't until recently i seen pictures of myself at 13 14 i look like a baby yeah the fact that this is just this is all so wild it wasn't until recently that mr mitchell told his parents the full extent of what took place in the house mrs mitchell said she was horrified and angry i'll tell you right now if i had known anything about any relationship with a girl 10 years older than him i would have had the law involved yeah i have to say the parents are kind of dumbasses though too i didn't want to be rude but um i mean come on my parents wouldn't [ __ ] let you go yeah or any influencer house for that matter i mean [ __ ] he's 14. well his parents they get sucked into the allure of the fame and everything it's a classic it's not a joke it's not a news story the show biz parents hey worst things you've given to the custody of an actual like predator yeah i've heard of that happening that definitely happens but i would say on the whole child actors in hollywood nowadays are protected much more than what is being described you're saying that's kind of the thing about this article that's interesting because this has no rules or they're they're not following anything like there's no they're not providing anything for this case and they're destroying his property they're making money off of them it's crazy sounds like the stories from the 30s and 40s of you know what uh what child actors went through back then several months after mr mitchell's departure the rest of team 10 was forced to move neighbors said mr paul creating living hell for them and turned their sleeping neighborhood into a war zone we're familiar with that story the following year evan and emilio martinez two youtubers from spain who had lived in the team 10 house spoke about their decision to leave i actually want to open this because it's so funny but they say they said in the video i remember this happening they said mr paul bullied them terrorized them with pranks and made racist comments mocking their background and language skills they speak english as a second language i remember when this came out pretty um i i i feel for them but at the same time okay jake they're wearing shirts to say savage so [ __ ] you oh man hi guys we're back so i know we haven't been posting a lot of videos we're here to tell you exactly something something first we should explain why no i know i just i just just get a little taste a little taste of the twins i want to get a taste i want we should make uh do you think this is a good graphic for teddy fresh i these guys don't strike me as savages just saying peace and love let's not make fun of i don't think they're savages i mean it's they're sweet boys take that savage shirt off okay now we move on to the uh essay allegations against jake paul alyssa violet the girlfriend who was sharing a room with um the kid she said in a 2018 interview with a youtuber shane dawson we know him he is not a physical abuser but mentally and emotionally 100 every day 2 000 times a day she says in a video i can't remember a conversation where it was me walking away feeling good about myself if we filmed a video he had to push me into a bush normally you nudge someone or pretend to push them he would actually shove me she says as she shows scars on the camera that doesn't sound like physical abuse he would just do it way too hard so then there's this girl who recently came out justine justine paradise 24 year old tick tock influencer accused paul of essay you guys heard that when we discussed it um it's a she said of it in a situation like that there's nothing i could do i was physically restricted and felt emotionally restricted afterwards to even say anything about it three friends whom she told directly after about the event corroborated her account so the new york times went out of their way to corroborate this you know miss paradise says she plans to file charges um another one rayleigh lowly 21 a model actress who began working with mr paul when she was 17 said he often called her jail bait and commented on her appearance she said that one evening in the late 20 2017 after filming a video mr paul groped her she forcefully told him to stop and ran out of the room lowly quit shortly after the incident it was with jake i was with jake for months and i saw what kind of person was behind the scenes and what kind of person he put out to the rest of the world she said that actually corrupt i've seen him do that kind of thing abe you've said to me where he kind of just he has this thing where he like gropes girls he just grabs their breasts she's 17 bro you seen that right abi yeah i've seen that yeah he's done that like a couple times jake obviously put out a statement like literally everybody like i i love this everybody's for um me too and women's rights but no one is guilty nobody's ever done anything yeah but also man i don't know what's interesting is that somehow investors continue to go back to jake paul that's the so that's kind of the conclusion of our article which i'm coming to next is that despite all of this and there was big investors involved in team 10 it's like do you guys have no [ __ ] decency do you have no ethical obligation to know what's going on in that house i mean their money enabled all this [ __ ] i mean you don't really need an article to be written to see what was going on it was happening in in front of everyone according to young turks jake paul's alleged victim justine paradise is filing charges against jake good for you good for you girl doing something because jake's been treating this girl like [ __ ] and a lot of people have been [ __ ] on her saying she's lying and all this [ __ ] and she's like [ __ ] you i'm going to the police like like that bravery um this is jake's statement sexual assault accusations are something that i or anyone should ever take lightly that being said this [ __ ] is a liar [ __ ] her it's false same statement copy paste every time i am a champion of women's rights here's the apology that everyone puts out i am a champion of women's rights and i have supported and donated my time to women's rights that being said this this is slander never done anything like this but i believe women not only if i had never had a sexual relationship with this individual but this claim is solely a manufacturer's accusation of a blatant attempt for attention exactly she's clout chasing can we please stop thinking that the clout chasing is actually like that that that's something that doesn't make sense lives by it's like his whole world pete davis is after that clout yeah i need that you can pay people by tagging them right that has never but like can we just dispel this notion that that's even a thing she's not getting clout from this she's getting horrible especially jake is making this post she's gonna get a ton of hate well from the beginning she was getting [ __ ] on and hated on keemstar was making all these statements keemstar literally went on twitter and he goes can you give me that okay i actually want to watch that one because now it's super relevant but keemstar made this twitter video he goes she's lying because you can't get essayed in the mouth like just close your mouth that's what he said that was his take that was the take of a grown-ass man i can't talk about it because i don't want to say something i i can't handle this stuff you can't he's so gross who keemstar stuff yeah keemstar doesn't even talk about it like what what kind of statement maybe you should go get therapy no maybe someone should do that to him and then we'll see him yeah give me your mouth oh gross hilo that's why i'm saying i can't even talk about him i don't even want to go there i can't talk about keemstar he's a disgusting human being jake paul sexually assaulted me in which she claimed that paul forced her to perform oral sex on him in july of 2019 in his los angeles home now since then and by the way she's planning on filing charges against him since then a second woman has come forward and she has claimed that she was also uh sexually assaulted by jake paul she claims that when she was 17 years old okay i mean this is just information we already know here's the video just for you guys i mean everyone knows keemstar is like probably the worst person on the internet even despite everything and all we talk about this isn't the first time he's done it he's the one person that tells the victim oh you could have just said no that's what he says in this video it's like he missed it's like he missed if he said it's at the 42nd mark ish this is him talking about the whole because yeah let's not listen to him talk for like um several minutes this is a take in 2021 by a [ __ ] i don't know late 30s with a daughter by the way seconds busted a nut in her mouth and she claims that she was sexually assaulted now how does that happen i'm like wouldn't she have to open her mouth and like participate in some way for that to happen like can't you just turn your head or can't you just get like close your life is there that's what she said there's a great way to force oral sex on something i mean she's not saying that he had a weapon and was like you better do this you know she is saying that he grabbed her head and started [ __ ] her face and came in her mouth i don't understand the physics here like i don't understand how that's possible like why like i would can't you get away is there really no way to get away is there really no way to just close your mouth like it just not let the penis enter your mouth like come on like i'm sorry but i just don't believe this story at all i i just i am i'm missing something here yes yes yes challenge a lot of things challenge me right really just i don't want to go in front of millions of people get called a victim blamer and not have a piece of information uh that i should have um but like i don't believe it i don't believe it it sounds like bs please challenge me i mean how do you want someone to challenge you well he got challenged he got challenged and he immediately was like i never said anything like that and like just outright denied that he was didn't he say on dramaalert that he doesn't believe her too and it's not the first time there was a different girl that came out about a different story and he had to call her out too on his platform which i still don't understand why youtube and twitter and everyone gives him a platform it was this guy curtis something he apparently essayed his what was it his girlfriend and he goes he this is the classic [ __ ] victim blaming he goes how can you essay your girlfriend or wife am i getting that right i don't want to speak at a turn here i don't remember this story at all maybe talk about it where's they be doing research oh i'm here yeah it was like in last summer right yeah yeah i believe yeah i believe that was the situation but i'm not 100 sure but that was his take where he's like how can you essay your girlfriend that's impossible as if they're just [ __ ] dolls for you to abuse and like there's no anyway yeah it's obviously the worst take i've ever heard in my life and um he's a horrible human being he really is keemstar consistently amazes me you know at this point it doesn't amaze me what amazes me is youtube his twitter is everyone that is allowing him to spread this words to millions of people oh we got a fresh tweet well i don't know if you want to actually show it because it anyways basically yeah you're right you're saying it's hard to believe because your boyfriend and girlfriend this is good here this is what he said of that case you're talking about he said i hate cases of our word in most cases only two people in the world actually know what happened everyone else has to guess the jesse smiles and curtis story is so hard to believe because they're a boyfriend and girlfriend so she says he r-worded her he went to jail for it didn't he i'm not i'll check right now but the truth is none of us actually know what happened okay douche anyway yada yada jake paul keemstar is the worst so in business land we're wrapping up we're going to get to taylor this was one that i personally responded to i remember oh where did i said that me on discord i'll pull it up it was like she should have just said no he obviously has got some issue keemstar has deeply rooted issues with women because he always takes i mean his thing is to like either make fun of their appearance including myself including abs yeah i'm gonna have um or call out victims calling them liars and sending his fans to go attack them and then he somehow like will do this thing where he's like i'm gonna donate a hundred dollars everyone hashtag good guy kim to win and then he gets that trending to make it seem like good guy game is a thing well whenever you say i will tell you whenever you see good guy keem trending and you just click it it's all people he's basically paying for it too too the trend but anyway yeah keemstar started this thing to say hilo looks like a horse and uh it was like basically he was just tweeting pictures of horses to her i mean which was you know he's he's really he's yes epic savage moments um he is beyond uh incredibly he's the worst i mean he's the worst he's crazy i'm gonna have a little bit of a rant and i haven't researched everything so i don't have all the details coming out of the gate strong newsman coming out the gates so i'm gonna go on iran and i don't know what i'm talking about i just don't know oh can you hand me the the puppet if i'm going to proceed i might as well go all in here yeah people are surprised that he made fun of baby's beautiful wife yeah she did you called her she called her the wicked witch she started um it's insane oh let me read your tweet for no reason too you're so insane oh no he he and he has a this man has a daughter let's remind you so his his he obviously has some trauma about his mom or something like that um and obviously it's manifesting himself and thinking he really thinks women are i'm not sure where it is oh really it's got to be here somewhere we want to find the public i don't want to even go i haven't put so long about this guy so oh wow ela [ __ ] went off on kim she said what a terrible dangerous take victims of sexual assault already have a hard enough speaking out with feelings of shame and guilt the last thing we need is for someone like keemstar also criticized how they should have just said no [ __ ] gamestar and that was how long ago already he's still doing it just last year still doing it oh baby thank you uh we have keemstar here to speak for himself on the matter okay okay first of all ethan you are a [ __ ] hypocrite okay okay keemstar okay let me do this one there you go okay you're telling me why didn't you just close your mouth why didn't you just close your mouth i mean it's impossible to get essayed you just say no or you just close your mouth it's literally impossible how would you know i've trust me i know you do know look at my eyes his eyes are all buggy and bloody here let's watch this video right but i just read a metoo movement or me too statement yeah we're almost done we're almost right right we're almost done right we're almost done yeah okay i'm gonna have a little bit of a rant and i haven't researched everything so i don't have all the details so maybe there's something extra to this story that i just don't know about right we have there but i've read a me too movement or me too statement about these gamers they live in a gamer house one's a guy one's a girl the guy's drunk he jumps into her bed he's like putting his hand up against her chin he like grabs her hand kisses it he might say he grazes his hand across her chest and um the girl says i was so shocked by all these three things that i just didn't even react i was just i was i just was froze i didn't make total sense to me it's your response when you get scared the girl froze yeah they froze and that's scared i think that happens of course to people exactly what happened to that girl just in paradise she's just and also so with every women and men situation there is a power difference so what could you even do really every guy almost 90 of guys will be stronger than the the girl in that situation you're telling me that that girl in the jake paul situation could have just moved him jake paul is huge well okay but he's ignoring the fact that she says first of all the girl says jake paul was holding her head down forcefully and she said it only lasted 20 seconds and she was just in shock at what was going on and like so yeah it makes total sense keemstar douche star responsibility to say something if a guy is making moves on you and you don't want that to happen you got to say no like that that's your responsibility you have to say no no it's the guy's responsibility not to try to commit sex crimes on women it's not their responsibility to [ __ ] be ready at all times to swat away predators how is it their responsibility that's not the society we're building that's not a safe society we're building for women where it's their responsibility to protect themselves that's like victim blaming one-on-one it's like oh you wore sexy clothing so you had it coming yeah that's such a weird take you can't just not do anything and then be like he wronged me what you gotta say no you have to say no and what are we talking about this we're talking about kissing a hand that's what we're saying no we're talking about he got in bed and he gave her unwanted touching it's [ __ ] creepy people shouldn't she shouldn't be have to deal with that that's wrong to do now if you would have said to him get away from me and he still grabbed your hand and kissed it fine but when you say nothing nothing no like hey you crossed the line hey too much and he just kisses your hand why don't you pull your hand away does it feel like he's defending himself a little bit you know what i mean he's like i've done [ __ ] like that that's why he's like this he's like i've done [ __ ] like this there's nothing wrong with it like he's like i've gone way worse yeah exactly i've done way worse it's not a crime i feel totally fine about what i did i mean maybe there's more details out there that i just don't know about right maybe there's more stories about all these guys who are attacking the victims it's because they [ __ ] are defending themselves they know they've done worse he is a creep right but based on what i just read and i didn't even read the full thing because i couldn't get through it because i was so angry that this person's getting me tuned for kissing a girl's hand you the female have a responsibility to say no no stop i don't like this get away no you have that responsibility [Music] i don't have all the details but if this whole man's career is completely finished and ruined from kissing a girl's hand anyway he's the worst person alive case closed look into keemstar if you don't know about him he's the worst cheers god bless so let me finish this and we'll get taylor on the call basically in business land and reaction to jake paul uh he continues to have new venture funds already lined up from powerful silicon valley have agreed to contribute to the fun these older investors come in who have no idea about social media and they see he's got a lot of followers and from their perspective it's a success mr mitchell said the real story is jake should not be getting any money from investors from the things he's done in the past where other youtubers like david dobrik and james charles have faced financial fallout after accusations of misconduct mr paul has yet to see any consequences if jake's sponsors and investors don't hold him accountable then why would he change any of his actions oh that's what paradise said just in paradise so let's get taylor laurent uh lorenz on the call here who's been waiting patiently and we will um there she is hi taylor hi hi sorry to keep you waiting oh no it's all good i'm here so um thank you for joining us and thank you for writing this article i think it is great tell me are you what was the what was the process first of identifying like oh i want to write this article about jake and team 10 and all this well i had been looking into this article for over a month i started talking to justine before she put her video out on youtube or anything um so basically i mean jake has been in the news a lot because um he has now obviously raised a fresh venture fund i think this is like his third time trying to raise a venture fund and then obviously the boxing and all that he's just gaining a lot of inroads in the business world and um you know from the new york times we that's really interesting because we want to look at the business and power behind these creators and i had written a lot about the team 10 house back in the day and um you know obviously thomas petru and other people were involved with team 10 that that are part of these houses like hype house and stuff um and so and there's just all these kids that want to move into these houses and be like jake paul so i just kind of started to look into um you know the world that he built and what it was like for that first generation of kids that moved into you know these collab houses how did you find this this uh this boy who was 14 did you because i i never saw him i didn't even know about him i was really surprised to hear his story um how did you connect with him yeah well i began reaching back out to people who were there from the first days like the early days of team 10. so back in 2016 when jake raised money um you know team time let's not forget you know investors backed team 10. they put a lot of money behind it wasn't just jake's money he doesn't usually spend his own money he can help it so um so i started reaching back out to people but um i had gotten basically connected with him um through a mutual connection who said that he was ready to talk and um yeah i remembered him because he was 14 and then alex launched was like 15. there was a bunch of like really young people um when jake launched that first version of team town obviously team 10 cycled through so many people over the years how is it that how is it that investors were okay backing up such a project that has no accountability for anything they're clearly not taking care of the kids i mean and then they i mean it was all easy to see that they're up to no good they were always in the news getting into trouble with the neighborhood i know i mean i was there the day that you know when that reporter showed up and jake paul was wreaking havoc and everything i think the issue is is that and it's two things i mean one there are these really toxic investors and men in silicon valley that i think see themselves in jake paul they don't give a you know they don't give a care in the world to the stuff that he's done um and then there's a lot of people that i think are just kind of vaguely ignorant or they don't really care like jake still has reach and one thing that's been really interesting i'm sure you guys have seen but in the past year there's just been so much attention from silicon valley on the sort of quote-unquote creator world where they're just desperate to back these people they like just discovered that people are big on youtube suddenly i think and they don't really know who to back and so they go google you know youtube star and they see jake paul and they're like oh okay i guess he's popular maybe their kids watch him um i find it interesting there seems to be no due diligence i mean these are investors they know they know something about due diligence that's their whole world right they need to they need to thoroughly investigate where they're putting their money i'm sure investigating like a company is a lot harder than looking up that jake paul is is a is a problematic person to put it mildly you know i find that interesting um and even now like you said he's just raised another from some of the most powerful people in silicon valley i mean and chris dixon personally put money into this fund they personally put money in this is after jake spent you know all last year partying during kovitz saying it's a hoax you know among other things it's not like it's a secret that jake is is toxic um but you know i will say that good investors do do you dylan's i mean and you know at least um you know david dobrik you know met with other vc funds and they watched i think two of his videos and we're like this is a liability oh interesting yeah so yeah that is interesting because you know before all this stuff came to like david dobrik was i think considered obviously his content was mature but like non-controversial i think it's just like it depends on the investor's risk too like some of these investors are more risk prone i think the ones that don't get it actually it's really shocking from the outside like i think that we watch a lot of pranks we've seen david dobrik's videos over there it's almost normalized to us but i think if you have an older guy that's not really online look at it it's like oh that that just looks like drama or liability or someone's going to get hurt you know right you know you know what's interesting to me it seems like all these investments not what is panned out from these investments dyspo is in flames jake paul team 10 i don't think they ever made money from that why do people even keep giving creators money because i haven't seen any evidence of a huge return i think because they see creators themselves making a lot of money so they're trying to find a way in on this and let's not i mean jake paul had an app too i don't know if you guys remember locker room his social media app that he tried that kept men and women separate which whoa no i don't remember that yeah well oh and then you just reminded me of another one of jake paul's ventures which was basically more or less a scam where he was selling how to be an influencer you remember that that was true it's like nothing none of his ventures have been successful so i just want like with a track record like that and and then all of the toxic behavior it surprised me that anyone will give him money i think it's like a way to i think it's a signaling right like i think that like these investors like mark andres and chris dixon that are putting their personal money in there i think it's a way to kind of be like yeah you know i'm supporting this guy like i'm cool like oh really i think that they like i mean i think they know he's problematic they don't care sure i think but listen to like i mean i don't know how much you guys talked about this but like you know charlie and dixie and a ton of people were out promoting his fight just last weekend on tick tock like there's a lot of people that don't care or don't yeah well i think it's all about public perception with these kinds of things where it's like you know it look there's a fight with him and it's huge event so it must be fine you know yeah yeah i don't think these people think about it too much is there anything like is there anything i left out i i'm i'm assuming you were watching when i was reading about the article was there anything that i left out that you thought was important to mention yeah i i kind of cut out for part of it so i'm not sure if you mentioned but i just want to say that you know the new york times fact-checking process is incredibly intense and um you know it's it's it's a long process we started talking to justine a long time ago far before she ever went to the press like before she ever posted her video and um you know i interviewed other people including people that were there that corroborated her account of events um you know we really do due diligence so i think sometimes people see things and they they take it as just like a drama or that person's just saying stuff and it's like this was a this was a really long process there was a lot that came out there was a lot that didn't even make it in there that i'm sure we'll end up on the internet but i think um you know it was it was intense um so what do you think about keemstar's defense that it's a that she should have just closed her mouth closed her mouth i mean why i love how he prefaces something with like i don't really know what's going on that's the best read the full article but that's what i think i i think that's so incredibly offensive and also to say that these women didn't say no or make it clear that it was unacceptable it's also just counter factual you know these women do say no and nick paul is a boxer he's a big intimidating person i mean it's not like you know you were saying like you know women are not always in in this position and i'm i i have to say like um you know it's very brave and unusual for for justine to come out i think she really gave like a very like measured account on the video but we i spoke to her at length and her sole motivation it was just to kind of prevent other this from happening to other women and that's really why she wanted to talk about it um you know she doesn't care about the investors or whatever like she just doesn't want other women to have to go through what she went through and that's something we've touched on before which is like the one of these unfortunate side effects of dealing with something like this as a victim is that now all of a sudden not only have you been a victim and you have to hold the trauma of that but now you've you may feel as a victim that you have now all of a sudden this responsibility because you need you need to to let other people know and it's like so so not only are they um committing this crime on you but now they're giving you guilt associated with having to speak up and prevent it from happening from other people it's so messed up and i also just hope that more you know reporters in the mainstream media cover this stuff i think a lot of stuff gets written up as like drama like i was just looking at the best when justine first put her piece out and it's just it's framed as like drama coverage and like you know this is this is it's a crime yeah it's a crime and it's serious and it should be covered that way and um so i just i i hope that that you know that kind of can be reframed that's a good point yeah i think i think people get too caught up with exactly like you said or if it's on the internet it's youtube drama or because she chose to tell her story on youtube um i mean we we knew that she was going to publish that before she went before our story would come out because our story was taking a while and she i think really wanted to speak out on it also just in her own voice but it's like just because you choose youtube to tell your story doesn't mean that it's youtube drama it just that's a platform for you to have a voice and for her to say stuff that she could never say in an article you know we don't it's a the article can only be so long right like she really wants to tell everything so there's no question so it's interesting how there's almost like a built-in defense when people like jake they invite a girl like her who's like a small influencer and so no matter what she ever says they have this built-in defense that she's just clout chasing yeah that's like what you always hear from everyone is oh they're just doing this for clout um is that a thing what is what does it mean to clout chase as a victim is that something that you can gain clout not a thing right no you don't get any clout from it i mean yeah i can tell you as somebody that's reported on a lot of horrible stuff over the years the people who experience this stuff usually just have lasting trauma and it's much it's harder for them you know they're not going to get brand deals as easily they're sort of forever synonymous with this horrible event on the internet it's very hard for them to change their image they obviously get so much hate from people like keemstar that are questioning their situation with no understanding of what's going on um and so it's it's really hard for it's so like cloud chasing is just such an idiotic way to frame something like that and it also like puts him on this pedestal where i think if you're saying oh this person's cloud chasing then you're acknowledging that you were in a position of power with this person and like i mean i think that's almost telling on yourself a little bit interesting that's very true yeah well i agree um yeah i hope that more women speak out too and i hope that the media can cover it more like i hope that i hope that more women consider going to like reporters and stuff because i will say that like you know vetting it and having speaking to the other people like speaking to her friends speaking to people that were like familiar with the situation that saw her you know crying afterwards and stuff like there's just a lot that i think um it's like hard for people to get when she tells her own story but i think i don't know yeah i agree i mean and it unfortunately gets taken like you said as drama when you don't really speak to a reporter but if you go to a reporter then it's like a serious story for some reason yeah like pay attention to it like i think that like the cmo of target or whatever might not see your youtube video but they'll certainly know if you talk to the new york times whatever that's not to say you shouldn't do both you know you can do vote you can put stuff on the internet and you can talk to the media yeah well when i first saw justine's video i was like wow i never heard anyone really describe their assault in such detail before and i thought from the beginning that she was being really brave and coming forward and she immediately got hate from a lot of people like keemstar and other people online and um yeah i think it's i think it's brave and i'm glad that there are people in the new york times and such established organizations that are willing to examine these kinds of things and to acknowledge that it's not like new it's not you know people don't take this this realm so seriously but now all of a sudden you know they're serious actors here like with all that jake paul is doing and the venture capital and the boxing and these are big players now all of a sudden and they need to be treated as such definitely i mean insider's done a great job with that as well i know they covered like all the jeffree star stuff too like these people are running million dollar businesses in some cases like some of these creators and these investors and so i think hopefully more reporters will look into it and more more people will also come forward with stuff um but it just it just sucks it sucks that these people have to deal with these haters on the internet because it's like it's it's a lot of like nine-year-olds too that just happened right of course right yeah of course well taylor thank you for sharing with us thank you for calling in and helping us understand all this and um keep up the good work i'm a fan of yours i've followed oh likewise well thanks for you know covering all this stuff yeah thank you so thank you taylor taylor lauren's on that's just your handle right on twitter yep we'll put a link in the description if you guys want to follow follow taylor on twitter she's always bringing uh scoops and news so we'll put that in the description thank you taylor thank you for calling in thanks guys appreciate it bye take care hmm thanks guys bye oh was that delayed or she okay there we go i think that was a really interesting point she says about the clout i think the more the cloud chasing people oh yeah that was really good yeah like when have you ever seen a famous victim that like became famous when i was hanging up on her i think i accidentally reported her to zoom for like a crowd good job so sorry just reported you to zoom thank you i hope you don't get banned or something i don't know how that works yeah i'm sorry what were you saying that like if that was a thing you would have like people who became famous just from from being a victim of oh yeah that has never happened she justine paradise famously made her big break from her accusations against jake paul in 2021 since then she's skyrocketed to fame there you go taylor lorenz everybody yeah it's pretty amazing that you can be such a like like all of his tech ventures have been such colossal failures i i'm actually surprised that he's still failing up baby it's the best way to get ahead in this country he continues to make money for himself but i don't see any of his like uh investment opportunities panning out i want to give jake paul a [ __ ] even if he wasn't talks i wouldn't give him a [ __ ] dollar oh man i can turn your one dollar into zero by the end of the year guaranteed look at my track record i mean the the fight did bring in a lot of money yeah but they're not investing in the fight that's jake paul's money uh right he's the investor in that case you're right yeah nobody's benefiting from that i'd say jake i mean that's just that's just his direct creator opportunities it's like yeah jake makes a lot of money but that's the money he makes for doing his [ __ ] stick right nobody's cutting you in on that action anyway that's jake paul for you with a little spice of keemstar's a douche which is always a nice spice to sprinkle on any meal ben shapiro is a speaking of douches ben shapiro wet ass p word i was waiting for it so that was coming so this is not a parody okay uh ben shapiro who what's the backstory for this in georgia a bunch of companies are moving out of georgia because they're enforcing these like absolutely heinous voter suppression laws and where's the whole video this is just the i want the right below yeah good people are saying it was out of context so she posted the whole thing and it's like here we are just as you know um so home depot is like one of the only big companies in georgia that was like we're not gonna comment on this is that right then right yeah they're just uh they're based in georgia and they uh are trying to remain neutral they're remaining neutral but a lot of the big companies are pulling out of georgia and they're like you know [ __ ] [ __ ] or maybe not necessarily pulling out of georgia but their uh their lobbying against the law in some fashion or another what is the issue so in georgia because they lost because they went blue the government and power there is trump is in enacting like some very severe voter suppression laws to prevent uh you know black people yeah in in short black people from voting right so ben shabino is out here oh here maybe thank you just to give you an idea uh the the governor brian kemp just signed into a law bill that adds many obstacles to voting including reducing the number of ballot boxes shrinking the window for early voting adding additional photo id requirements and allowing state officials to circumvent the work of county election officials if they don't like the outcomes they are seeing the georgia bill even goes so as far as to make it illegal for outside groups to give water or food to voters stuck in long lines you know where there's long lines in poor and poor mostly black neighborhoods okay illegal to give food and water to people stuck in long lines i mean this [ __ ] is straight up jim crow [ __ ] backwater racist [ __ ] oh hit me with that tucker laugh lunatic how do people defend this how how do people of defenders we are witnessing right now a massive and unabashed assault on voting rights unlike anything we've seen since the jim crow era yeah how do you defend removing ballot boxes yeah well they say they do it all under the guise of voter fraud which there's basically zero of so you know and if you know good on i think good on the companies they have a right it's so ironic these republicans cannot get their opinions straight they lobby their whole [ __ ] career to give businesses more power and then the moment they actually use that authority that they fought their whole career to to uh to give them then all of a sudden boycotting is is canceled culture so here's ben shapiro i haven't i have not seen evidence of ben shapiro being smart to be on frank with you guys i mean he talks fast and he's articulate but his takes don't make any sense yeah there's no consistency let's see here we are at home depot as you know controversy has now involved home depot as people are encouraging people to boycott home depot because home depot is not getting involved in georgia there's a voter law controversy from people doing exactly the right thing because after all they are in fact home depot they are not in fact in the business deposit because you should be buying from companies that are not falling to the world left home depot so far is one of those companies so here's what we're doing i encourage you to do the same we're gonna go in there i'm gonna buy some stuff so wait watch this watch this it gets so good all right as you can see he bought a wood he bought a wood this is him supporting home depot i went and bought a wood and i put it in a bag in a bag what is he gonna do with that wood do you think oh my god hi i'm ben shapiro and i just went to home depot and i bought a woods like i'm going to go build a house for a home i'm going to go help with homeless shelter buy something out for your support i bought this piece of wood yes home depot supporters everybody you couldn't come up with anything more sad than this well here that's why everyone's making fun of him right here shopping at home depot you should do the same this one this board this magnificent piece poplar is now mine here we are at home depot how is this not a joke such a gun yeah this is the job right as you can see i just went shopping [Music] he's doing social justice right now one would plank at a time oh also one thing people pointed out which is pretty funny is that he's standing on the curb to make himself look taller all right as you can you see how it's shot here's the curb and here's the street when you're as when you're a little bit my whole life trying to not even physically but like you know just spiritually you spend your whole life working on camera angles like that figuring out but that was slick i didn't even notice that he was standing on a curve until someone pointed it out extra large and extra hard a group of uh i love that i can't get over this piece of wood so just give you a little context how do you go to home depot and only come out with a piece of wood how is that helping home depot yeah i encourage everybody to go buy he's like i'm gonna go buy a bunch of stuff the hope home depot here's one piece of wood i'm gonna throw in the dumpster on the way out thank you fun funny enough i happened to go to home depot for the first time my life and just get a piece of wood yesterday but is there something completely unrelated wow solidarity with ben shapiro you are pro georgia voting restrictions well funnily of course because ben is such a hypocrite and he can't keep one talking point straight from the other i wonder if all of his fans just went and bought a piece of wood now i doubt it maybe maybe there's just wood planks and bags all over america ben shapiro who's a giant hypocrite and can't keep his talking points straight tweeted previously i cancelled my sports illustrated subscription after 16 years last year because of the leftist politics all right i think he's trying to cancel sports illustrated i think they had like a trans i remember this they had like a trans model and so he thought that was a political statement and cancelled his sports illustrated these people are oh here's a great one from ben shapiro this was from his vlog that he's tried to scrub from the internet because he knows he's such a [ __ ] just so apparently he's calling on a boycott of ritz crackers because of al sharpton uh what is the thing here sharpton had used the term cracker uh disparagingly about white people in like 1990 or something and he's uh he's holding on to that well because he's he had a he i think maybe still does has a show on msnbc so he was calling for a boy ritz was one of the sponsors of his show so he says if you disagree with ritz crackers that sharpton's program is dis tasteful believable and generally acceptable in terms of social and community standards if you do not think that sharpton's brand is of divisive blah blah anyway he goes contact ritz crackers please sign the petition and call on everybody here's the phone number here's the tweet here's the hashtag hashtag sharptonscrackers please at ritz carlton i'm sorry who's doing cancel culture this is like a whole organized oh god this is like high level cancel [ __ ] i'm so sick of the [ __ ] term cancel culture it's so [ __ ] meaningless it doesn't mean anything it doesn't mean anything well especially when they do it all the [ __ ] time and like donald trump we just invented boys or boycotting in the last like four years this is boycotting has existed forever like this is so stupid it's not bad well yeah i think it's it's just a republican tactic to [ __ ] rile people up because it's like okay you mean you could say and cancel yeah you don't have to make sense anyway bench bureau bought a plank of wood that's the point i love that i'll never look at planks of wood this time here is my piece of wood hold up that wood let me see your wood again maybe yeah maybe let's give me that wood let me take at that from home depot yeah let me get it out let me see he's got to get the wood up can you get a bag i know i didn't use a bag can you have a bag can we just put it in a bag i may have i may have a home depot bag you got to wrap up that wood dude yeah you better bag that you gotta you're gonna get a splinter you gotta be safe [ __ ] let's be safe and wrap the wood back of the wood uh there's a britney spears update ela you can give me your opinion on this okay for the first time brittany has answered the question on everybody's mind yet it still raises more questions than answers yet again and so you tell me this what you think i'm here to answer all of your questions and the first main question that you guys have been asking me is basically when i'm in my living room do i get dizzy when i'm spinning so much yes i get extremely dizzy um i'm a dancer so as long as i have a focus point for my head um as i turn as long as i keep finding that spot usually in the end it's not as bad um the second question that you guys have been asking me is basically what does the red refrigerator mean on my instagram honestly i just thought it was cool i thought it was vintage it was red and am i um yes i'm totally fine i'm extremely happy i have a beautiful home beautiful children um i'm taking a break right now because um i'm enjoying myself that's it okay she always does that cut off weirdly and the bouncing yeah nervousness her instagram is the most bizarre instagram i've ever seen i i follow her because it's so bizarre yeah i think all of us to be honest but she says am i okay yes i'm fine but um people are not so sure in the comments people are still worried about brittany um people are saying [Music] people are saying the first time she's ants okay she says the way she keeps looking to the side and strange cuts don't sit right with me hmm she keeps looking to the side and swaying hmm you answer am i okay but we know this still isn't you honey hmm i don't know who was asking these questions so there you go there's still skepticism is brittany okay we we will never know like maybe a little alone a little over analyzing yeah i feel like that's like a past time at this point is decoding her instagram videos whole instagram is weird so i think the conclusion is that she is just weird hey hey she's got kind of i mean with peace and love this is just my first thing that came to my head i don't know you might you guys might want to [ __ ] run me over but i looks like she's on something the way she's bouncing um some kind of stimulant you know that kind of bouncing when you ever bounce like that there has been a conservative conservatorship update though yeah jamie her dad's lawyer say that jamie would like to end the conservatorship really but here you go here's this [ __ ] he would love nothing more than to see britney not need a conservatorship whether or not there is an end to the conservatorship really depends on brittany okay douche if she wants to end her conservatorship she can file a petition to end it like any parent he doesn't always see eye to eye on what brittany may want okay she's like literally 40 years ago that she wants to end it but your your authority as a parent has long expired she's a [ __ ] like grown ass adult but jamie believes every single decision he has made has been in her best interest yeah especially the part where you got a raise you kept giving yourself raises yeah was that part of what was in her best interest just end this thing brittany's lawyer asked for temporary conservator jody montgomery to be named permanent conservator jody stepped in as temporary conservator in september after jaime stepped down due to health reasons court documents say that brittany reserves the right to petition for the termination of the conservatorship brittany has previously said in court documents she strongly opposes having her dad as her conservator and strongly prefers jody in that role okay so why can't we just do it already he's like hey i would love to hey i'm ready to step down you know it's just when britney's you know when the court deems brittany healthy it's the whole situation so can we get to leave brittany alone in the chat hey speaking of leave brittany alone this is an interesting super chat that just came through uh fun fact chris crocker who was the leave brittany alone person uh just sold an nft i'm assuming of that meme for forty thousand dollars wow amazing and cashing in on the uh on the old meme so he sold the video i i don't actually know it it didn't specify what the nft was uh that's what i mean that's he he went viral for that i don't so i imagine it had something to do with that here we got the link here man who knew that he would be cashed in on this maybe it was britney spears like two decades later that was so long ago let's see i'm alone still don't know what it means because okay i mean i sold one for 60 000 so who am i for 19 eth pretty good not bad dude leave brittany alone carlos needs some money he should he should sell the big connect meme oh the car right disappeared for me the comments the chat i turned it off during the it was becoming quite unruly and toxic and also wait what were people saying they're not i thought it was just my computer being weird wait what happened what were they saying you guys need to [ __ ] behave dude what were they saying then there uh there was a lot of um arguing going on about um the validity of the allegations against jake paul there's people here watching this show that think that she should have just closed her mouth um that's incredible i didn't know that i'd like to have one of those people call in and discuss no what i want to hear them what is their discussion i want to hear their logic i want to know who these people are aren't you curious you don't entertain those people dude i don't know i'm curious i want to hear what the like how can your brain opera like you know what i mean after all this they still think you know i'm gonna find that interesting i mean obviously i'm gonna disagree with them well i banned most of them so i'm not going to be able to find them so then and they're not going to be able to speak up do you care about mike madd magelick and lana rhodes no well actually mike mike lick get it well anyway lana dumped him he's a douche and um but actually david pork boy who is an enemy of the show had lana on and there was kind of a funny encounter from it um pork boy and his 18 year old friend who they have this podcast um and they're super rude they were like super rude to trisha they're super rude to lana the whole time um these guys it's just a super trashy show but there was a point at the end where he's like oh well you can leave her hang around and then they can they just ignore her for the rest of the show you can you can sit around uh or you can balance we just do sections but like what do you mean balance can you plan your [ __ ] a little bit okay so now uh you can bounce at this point i mean i guess i can kind of see like maybe they thought maybe she would want to stay and like talk about whatever they were talking about well you should discuss that ahead of time right my first problem with this is why are they sitting so close they're sitting on a little table and they have notes and [ __ ] it's super [ __ ] why is he sitting so close to her it's inappropriate you sitting so close to her well i think i have to crowd to be on camera get another camera um we famously had an incident just like this that people criticized us for years before so maybe well whatever that was better now yeah but you can't understand where that might happen sometimes it happens well regardless okay who cares it's funny i mean whatever okay i'm not perfect all right what is going on with you at least william wasn't on camera the whole time well that was the whole point is that we knew it would be awkward and so we had him step outside but look at her anything we handled it i guess we did handle it a little better dude regarding the william thing i'm pretty sure i said to him beforehand like we're going to do this briefly and we're going to we don't have to relitigate it why are you bringing it up can we focus on the fact that he got her to sit so close to him well i'll tell you what else he made her play a game [ __ ] mary kill with logan mike and him i was like what is wrong with you brother the fact that he set the situation to sit so close to her no dave pork boy is a total creep you guys are talking about out of stuff and i can't get over this why are they sitting so close actually yeah there's a lot more space on that couch he's clearly trying to like yeah when he's a little when he made her play [ __ ] mary kill and she handled it great she didn't even answer him she goes i would definitely kill logan and [ __ ] my ex-boyfriend she didn't even include his creepy broke or well he's not he's actually quite rich but like broke spiritually i don't like him horrible vibes but like you know and he recently had like a sex take leave oh i mean it was consensual but he was like spitting on her and had her on like a leash and was like choking her and [ __ ] i read wait what i'm doing at all does anybody know about that dave pork boy had a sex tape yeah yes he had a sex tape i'm not sure about all those details i mean i haven't heard about those details i saw him talking about it on twitter and he said like yes i was spitting on her and choking her but it was like i'm just [ __ ] dude i'm just doing my thing it was consensual she likes consensual yeah but who wants to watch that i mean [ __ ] what did he release it or did it no i just don't like him you guys i'm not much i've gathered i don't like him either i gotta can you guys scrub and find that [ __ ] marry kill part because it's so awkward and she handled it so good you know this whole interview they treating her like because she's a porn star she has no [ __ ] like uh right to like there's one part where she says someone was making her feel uncomfortable when he was like feeling her hair and [ __ ] and then they watched the clip and they're like oh he didn't do anything wrong like well you know they get this notion that because she's a sex worker she can't be assaulted and you get that vibe very much throughout this video yeah that she's gonna go on a date with him after the show we talk [ __ ] about lana i don't remember talking [ __ ] about lana baby said you [ __ ] do you talk [ __ ] about lana i didn't talk [ __ ] about lana i mean no i you weren't trying to be uh mean but there was some discussion about if you made a porn star that's all i remember yeah we'll go with that what is that what go ahead you brought it up let's hear it i just uh how stretched out she is and oh oh yeah you said really awful things about it right now right i never forgot about that no that was that was old me i'm enlightened now thanks baby i tried to i mean he was trying to avoid it ruined my relationship with that one picture that he posted which was what i don't know what's going on okay so she's trying to like get it i got a facetime the other day and i'm just sitting in my room and he's like i need scissors and i'm like why do you need scissors and you won't tell me so he comes in i i regret it i don't remember what i said but that sounds [ __ ] up yeah i think we were having some debate about like if for you know whatever we don't need to recover listen i'm a douche i embrace that anything else any other dirty laundry you want to bring up a b no this was before frenemies trisha exactly yeah you can't blame me for anything that happened before because i'm full it's true i am fully enlightened now i've i mean i've come a long way i think to be totally honest trisha has taught me a lot anyway that's that okay did you guys find the [ __ ] mary kill part yeah actually like lana i think she's cool like from what i've seen about her in the videos with mike she's the reason that guy has any [ __ ] drop of success is because she's like he really mistreated her yeah from the things that i'm gathering just i haven't looked too much into it but it seems kind of like a dish oh yeah totally well she explains that like she bought a house for them and she was really serious about the relationship and then he was like right before they were about to move in and he committed to moving in with her he goes oh by the way i'm making a [ __ ] hype house with faze banks and uh who was the other person i don't recall somebody somebody equally cringes yeah and i so now i'm moving in with them and she's like what she's like [ __ ] you but she apparently was having like cyber sex with somebody on gta 5 and it made her really upset it was like really graphic role-playing cyber sex what the [ __ ] man and he was doing it on the stream and she's like that really upset me i don't like how you did that and then these guys are like oh come like because she's a sex worker it's like oh come on like come on yeah it's like look she's she's right she's not entitled to um want her boyfriend to be loyal to her exactly i mean but it's like simulated really uh intense role-playing so here's here is dave pork boy trying to slide in with lana mary kell we put this together late it's logan paul mike magellan and dave the fact that he included himself is so profoundly creepy so profoundly creepy and she handles it like this and then me now i have an undeniable photo here so so see this is what i wanted for us to wear for like all the miami yeah look at her body posture bro she's so not into stretching away from me you can't be any further away i don't have that [ __ ] here dave this is kind of unfair because the shirt that you put yourself in you literally picked like the most sexy picture of you and then you have them fully dressed for the record i didn't pick the photos i had nothing to do with it we didn't have a game logan's wearing tux which i think that's the best a guy right mike kind of got [ __ ] because he's just wearing normal you guys gave mike the worst so i i would i'd marry me [Music] that's a no-brainer for me because i think highly myself yeah i think i think i'll marry dave he could he could support my lifestyle oh those guys could too um wait she said that she would marry dave okay because he yeah i missed that part probably have to kill logan and [ __ ] my ex yeah i think that was probably the safe answer she didn't really play though i can't get over the fact that he hosts with the 18 year old holy [ __ ] i was sweating i was sweating for a little bit yeah you know maybe the safe answer actually would have been marry logan 19. there you have it we're not gonna watch that other clip i found that other one way funnier which one highlight it the one of uh mike on his stream he calls her on stream because she said at some point that i guess she doesn't consider that she was in a fake relationship with him and he's like wait what oh yeah yeah here what's going on today [Music] from somebody who knows better than [ __ ] anybody this [ __ ] is completely blacked out i mean come like like like i'm not bro she's just not into anymore you know how you see those models of the solar system like is this supposed to be time stamp this is eight minutes uh yeah i don't it was supposed to be this is where it starts it's i should just watch from here like realm of of the universe she doesn't even know what [ __ ] planet she's on right now okay so how was it dinner tonight amazing it was good yeah i'm sure my desserts if you don't mind me asking you you said you were coming out as what i i heard something lesbian [ __ ] news to me that's it man that's like the most dramatic thing a guy can deal with [Laughter] when did this happen it's been a while it's been a minute fake youtube relationship i'm sorry what was that i'm sorry what okay people are like what yeah mike you just got an owned man but after hearing that story i get why she says that like she [ __ ] hates him she was planning for you guys to move together and you're just on the day of the move on the day they were supposed to move he told her he's going in another house type house with faze banks it sounds like it was it sounds like it was like yeah it makes her feel like it was fake yeah right and by the way he benefited greatly from that relationship like he benefited so greatly from that relationship um yep i'm sorry what was that he calls her live yeah this by the way he gotten do we know if this whole r word thing with logan paul happened or not it's so confusing i'm pretty skeptical that it did really we haven't confirmed okay so i won't even talk there is no footage of it anywhere so i saw okay so there was some story about him calling logan live and i'll tell him logan said something offensive but there's been no corroboration of it so i don't think as for now i have no problem what is the shitty move of calling someone live you can't do that yeah how about you call if you have a question about your relationship how do you put you down when you're not streaming trying to monetize your relationship in every single [ __ ] possible way hey i just out of curiosity did you say that we were in a fake youtube relationship on uh kevin wong's video yeah what happened why did you oh you don't know i was really intoxicated was it a fake youtube relationship but i honestly have no idea where that came from oh you're on stream right now by the way i should tell you oh by the way how do people endure him i don't know i don't know yep we need to make a left tearless ricegum vin diesel mike chucker [Music] [Laughter] well apparently you said you didn't care about but now we're interested yeah i guess they didn't care about it oh so here's another fun one so mike is trying to get lana in his videos because they only get views when she's in it and then she goes you got to start paying me to be in your [ __ ] videos how many millions of dollars have you made off my of me she says well i'm not going to be in your vlog without payment period you can't she sent this on she shared this on instagram you can't record me without getting something how much is the bag probably 4 500. dude that's so much do you guys want to have me on your show you're so poor no i don't lo i'm the best guest ever i was talked over by you for a year i don't know why i would sign up for a whole hour of it and so many people would watch yeah yeah i don't think yeah that's the not mad laugh right there alfredo 4 500 that's awesome i gotta say i am team lana on this one guys i'm gonna show up the audience alfredo real quick i got a haircut oh freako got a haircut look at this guy alfredo he's the best dog ever i know it was you freedom i know it was you ready you're so sweet i know jake and logan very well this was interesting too apparently after they broke up everybody blocked her including logan which is like some real frat boy [ __ ] insane weird [ __ ] you ever heard anything like this i know jake and logan very well um i wouldn't i wouldn't actually logan has to be blocked on everything right now not because this but just after the breakup mike blocked me and all my friends and made his friends block me okay it was a block off i didn't i did absolutely some little middle school [ __ ] yeah go a little faster when did you finish middle school didn't that guy just like finish middle school like a couple years ago yeah some real medical [ __ ] i would know i remember very well take it from me oh nothing i just broke up with him and he blocked me on everything what was the official reason for the breakup by the way because because i'm gonna be honest that they want different things kind of sounds like just and the rumor was very much you told me it was fake that you that he was hitting on a girl in like a video game or something no no that wasn't true that that was a whole nother scenario oh so that happened just that's not why y'all broke up no that's not why we broke up so he was live on like gta you know like the servers but it's like real girls on the other end and he was having virtual sex with them but you didn't care about that no i i cared like it's real girls and like you're like getting ahead from them and you're like yeah [ __ ] suck my dick like of course virtually virtually yeah but it's a real person it's not like it's just a simulation so you're happy yeah i know he can't deal with this he's like but you're okay with that right yeah it's just virtual he's like he's like wait how do you do this yeah where do you he's streaming and i'm watching it traumatized oh [ __ ] [ __ ] how did he how did he think he wasn't gonna get caught but this isn't why you said he broke up no it's not why we broke up i did have a massive issue with it but he said he would never do it again so i'm like okay fine and we've had plenty of issues our fair share of issues of him being inappropriate with other women but that's besides the point we officially broke up because he finally told me i got a house for us actually and he told me he was going to move in with me broke up with me the day that he was supposed to move in that was another time and then the second time he told me he was going to move in with me and then the next day comes over and says oh yeah by the way i'm making a content house with banks because faze is leaving and i'm going to move there now the day after telling me that he was going to move in with me i was like just get the [ __ ] out of my house yeah that's some deep level [ __ ] hey baby i know i said we're gonna move in but i'm actually moving with faze banks so i can get my dick sucked in gta phase thanks hey baby i love you but uh i got to move in with face bangs with logan paul moving i got to make moves baby how did he mess down i know it was like she gave him a lot of chances i know and she's like and she's way above him this is like a strong independent woman who's like independently wealthy very successful beautiful and this guy is a goon and he [ __ ] this up so bad i'm just shocked yeah i know well i hope faze banks i hope faze banks is a good companion to you yeah i hope he's a good cuddler mike yeah yeah that guy's such a [ __ ] there's one other story i have here how long we've been going i have one more story we have been going for two hours two hours oh almost exactly we're gonna go for a date today that's pretty fun match it and it's my cheat meal day which means daddy gets to do food sorry sorry [ __ ] fried chicken yeah okay i guess i mean it is your cheat day so you decide who deserves fractions basically i i just realized to get it to do anything i have to make the plan tell him where to be when and it's gonna involve food and it's gonna be great that helps it helps there is an insinuation there i'm not sure i like but it helps for sure no it's friday i mean look i've tried you you like being home what can i say you don't care about going out well there's been a [ __ ] pandemic too i know hard to do no we just have to go we used to do stuff all the time before the panty but the pen it's okay like you can eat trying baby yeah i'm excited i mean i just never thought oh i have my second vaccination today too yeah moderna baby it's freddy i deserve modern [ __ ] yeah second shot dude i'm going to feel like so awesome once i get the second shot and in like two weeks i'm gonna be like moderna baby 94.1 percent yeah [Music] yeah [ __ ] wonderful even if you catch it it protects against severe illness yeah baby i deserve moderna [ __ ] baby you know um speaking of white claw gabe since we're winding down to the end i'm just going to go freestyle here friday baby yeah friday baby why is it not showing up my my tick tock account so here's the one i just put out by the way you guys might enjoy it it's friday baby [ __ ] yeah it's the weekend baby [ __ ] yeah you know i put out this tick tock that you guys all liked but everybody's clowning on me in the comments saying that it's like yeah they're saying it's like uh imac kid or something what's that it's what it goes and i i don't know but people were clowning on me they say wait clowning that it's not good he's an ipad kid at this point i don't know what that means they say with warren hate this is giving me shane dawson tick-tock energy i don't know what that means either what did i do everyone's calling me an ipad kid what is that i don't know but i don't know everybody knows what it is but us ethan i'm worried are you being held hostage ian you're the keeper of culture somebody even said foot soldiers think it's time we pick a new footlord like i'm sorry really yeah people are not [ __ ] clowns this is like the only tick tock you've ever made that made me laugh out loud i was dying it's funny as [ __ ] i don't know what's up we're too old that's like tickle for me all the other [ __ ] sucks yeah no garbage everything you're putting out guards yeah i know that's what i picked up from that too dan's like all your other [ __ ] makes me [ __ ] sick really and you didn't find one funny i'm just being a little over the top but this definitely made me laugh the hardest of any that you've made so what's an ipad kid i looked it up and it the urban dictionary thing on ipad kid is just more compute basically it's just quackity that's it i'm like what the [ __ ] is quackity i don't know the king of all raids across this is like some roadblock [ __ ] but everybody knows what an ipad kid well everybody who's under 16. yeah we're just boomers i want to know i want to i don't want to be out of touch i want to know what's the ipad kid i mean i think i get it some nerds it's quackity that's all you need to know apparently i don't know what that means my my first guess was okay like some someone who's young who has an ipad and they're just making tick tocks like really that's what you took from ipad kid that's what i'm going to say that's literally what it's in that's what they said they said ipad kid but i mean like my little cousins like they we found out like one of my nephews has like a bunch of tick tocks of him doing like really cringy dances that he was making on his ipad without telling anyone oh i think i'm starting to understand so it's like a kid that their parents don't pay any attention to them and they just give them an ipad and raise them right oh so that's not necessarily hating on you oh because they're making the joke like elo left me with the ipad that's funny that's kind of funny yeah that is funny you left me with the ipad again we're being too defensive but why did they say shane dawson tick-tock energy that i took offense to i don't know hey zach did you guys ever get resolution about who suggested filming you moving yeah he called me to apologize he's like i'm so sorry for what happened zach don't push me bro don't push him i'm telling you he's like it was all about i could tell zach was just lying right now it's so easy no i'm still standing that a b did come up with the idea first i'm still sticking to well i don't give a [ __ ] what the polls say fake news hold on it's did we took a poll on where was it dan oh really can you someone like love yeah somebody or we took a poll we said who do you think is telling the truth a b or zack and i believe it was 70 percent a b wow 30 zack although i have to say 30 towards zach is pretty a lot considering a b literally showed a screenshot of zack saying we should film it so when i was listening this election was a fraud that was very zack oh you got that zach was right when i listened thank you hey look eva thank you very much she's just trying to stir the [ __ ] up that was my feeling because that message was pretty that was a slam dunk that time yes but he's saying that ab probably mentioned it in a call before mm-hmm i know he didn't mention it a call he did this is some watergate [ __ ] okay but then why did you bring it up in that fashion like you guys never talked about it before well how so because if if abe brought it up originally it's odd that you would bring it up a second time like you guys never talked about it you said we should film it and then a b responded as if you guys had never talked about it as well ab said that could be fun or something like that well i need i need to entice him to help me move i mean like you know i i you know i need his help so i'm like oh yeah dude loves filming so i'm like yeah you won't film it you want to make it interesting yeah yeah right so so are you saying that you just suggested it that's what it is no no no i'm repeating what you said he's saying he knew you wanted to do that and so to sweeten the deal for you he expressed like we can do this thing you want which is filming right all right you for you forgot aby you forget but i always know zack i'm trying to hold back right now why are you holding back i don't hold him back there's 33 percent of the audience thinks that you're lying thank you my supporters thank you i appreciate okay i hope this doesn't i hope this doesn't make you sound like a douche so you got okay i'll break it down so that day after we stopped shooting i'm thinking why was zach saying this how could he betray me i know it's kind of like a meme that uh i'm a cloud goblin but i'm like does that really think that way about me what have i done so i was pondering this and i started thinking about it and i remember that zach and ian sort of have like a non-official competition on instagram to see who has more followers not real it's not really ian it's more like zach trying to pass wait hold on he's pulling ian into this now hold on wants to pass ian right for that number one spot um on that day of that episode i passed zach on instagram and i'm not saying that's why but i that's the only reason i could think that zach would go to that length to make up a lie that i uh did you ask me on instagram good for you dude okay hold on hold on let me i'm sure you'll pass me after this but this is not helping the clout goblin narrative by the way let me let me recap let me recap so a b has now put forward wait what ian i'm like is this what you guys talk about on your monday call no it's it's very much high how are you you know like hi how are you welcome to my channel 40 000. okay hold on let me put let me recap here before we move on amy has put forth a theory that zach is harboring malicious intentions because a b passed him in instagram followers on that day um and that's and you're he's in a sense lashing out at you and it's in a type of jealous uh a jealous rage yeah right zach how do you respond to that my hand to god i had no idea he passed me my hand his hands to god a b your response did help me piece it together then while you're lying about uh why are you lying why am i the only liar i'm literally i can't think of another what is it then what the [ __ ] are you talking about you said yesterday the one with the camera look at the like it's [ __ ] 2021 everyone has a goddamn camera i don't have a camera i don't have a camera i don't if you want to buy me a camera okay but no i don't i have a question yes um have you felt in other scenarios that a b did something with you just to record it or the uh no no i've never felt that way because i was wondering if maybe you were having some feelings that kind of caused this friction no no no i i was just bringing it up i didn't think it would turn into a big deal but you know b wanted to throw down so now we're [ __ ] throwing down right here that's all i'm saying and it's kitty he won't admit the truth so i think you ex i mean you guys are following your instagram followers closely eh and and ian are you in competition to see who can have the most is that something that's going on i mean i've just been informed apparently i am but let me clarify let me clarify you inside it on that ian and dan don't post like mean zack means like i know white yeah oh yeah ian ian's instagram is popping though like he doesn't rarely post but like when he does post though you guys are very you guys are following each other's numbers it sounds like there's a little bit what this is it doesn't make me look good it does make me look cloud goblin to bring up the argument but i'm really trying to understand then wow what a great attorney i'm saying a great attack i brought it up when you brought it up what a great attorney you are okay guys let's take a look at the you did say like i don't want to say that he did that but here is what he did like kind of that is the shittiest argument he keeps going like this is the second episode we're talking why won't you admit i'm saying hello i understand help me understand then well let me ask you guys this let me say zach cannot lie you can immediately see on his face when he's lying well let me ask you guys this it seems that you both genuinely believe you're telling the truth he doesn't he does i know this [ __ ] doesn't so you so zach okay so is that this week it was this last week i was lying about the foot the foot thing when he was between me and dan or whatever it was what foot thing what are you talking about why are you going off on tangents wait yeah hold on no hold on no because a b there was a conspiracy for a b to pass me on wiki feet now do you need any now that is a capital offense you're lucky i don't take your head for that girl that's something did you forget did you forget the results of that and it was me that was pushing that yeah but yeah oh yeah you told him yeah yeah okay i'm just saying every week i'm being blamed because it is your fault let me look at you guys instagram followers here for both situations we had proof that it wasn't me that's true we are forgetting there's a message of zack saying we should film it but hold on let's look at zach's followers because there seems to be some friction here about who has the most followers on instagram zack has 3.39 900. but trouble in paradise ab who's just joined he's been here only what like how long you been with us ab since august since august so not even like not even a year and zach you've been with us for how long uh going on three years so a b has managed to pass you barely uh in such a short time span what is going on here i'm happy for him i'm genuine this is the first in here maybe he thinks you're you're uh pissed about it no i really don't care correct me if i'm wrong but a b didn't you you already kind of had a social media following before you joined so you're kind of starting well i had i had two thousand followers oh okay okay but it's my it's my tick tock that's why i'm getting it's because of my tick tocks recently he's tick stock style yeah i don't think people okay then you go over to ian though ian is the god he is the king of instagram and kills with 41 000. he [ __ ] kills it and i'm so happy that i mean ian's posts are bangers every time every time every [ __ ] slacking dan you are slacking big time dan what do you have to say for this poor showing here on instagram 31.9 that's that's quite all right dan not unbothered by the uh because dad doesn't post i hardly ever post i mean look the last post was the from the anime thing that we did like three months ago um dan un bothered kind of over instagram to be honest i don't open that app yeah instagram is a little tired yeah see that's how i'm feeling about it too kind of yeah i'll admit i still post on there but i don't i it's like look i'm very happy for you baby i am and that's my hand to god that was no well here's the real question then it seems everyone's moved on to tick tock what are what are our tick tock followers at oh a b kills me in that abs got a big following i don't have a tick-tock account i don't i don't know what your handle is start underscore star killer it was quick plug that who left zach are you laughing you just plugged your [ __ ] he legit just said which i don't know well i didn't ask i said i don't know it but he did offer it yeah but i'll say i offered it really fast abe offered it really really fast s-t-a-r-i-k-l-l-a don't forget that underscore you can find me you can also find me at the same place on instagram facebook myspace yeah you're you're just popping on on tick tock uh abs um have you guys been seeing his posts of waking up his wife lena yeah they're hilarious genuinely so good i've been it's been cracking me up every day i was a little afraid they're too much like too close to like youtube prankster but when dan said there he likes him i was like all right yeah i'm cool now no i'm very talented a little ptsd if i'm going to be honest ptsd of um of youtube pranksters this is the one that went viral here oh i can't listen to music but oh god i thought music is so bad it's a prank bro so there's just prankster music playing sahur is when the sun goes down and you can eat is that right it's the last time yeah it's the last time we could eat before the sun comes up okay oh so you guys do it super early yeah before before sunrise that's such a pain in the ass you gotta wake up super early what time is it oh my god it's like five oh [ __ ] that do you ever just sleep in and just say [ __ ] it no i used to but now i'm i'm trying to keep up with it because i usually i'm up anyways yo that's the worst part you got to wake up at 5 00 a.m like i thought not drinking water during the day but if i had to wake up at 5 00 a.m to eat bro do you do you [ __ ] in the morning maybe or like what is that let me it breaks your face no i'm kidding i'm kidding wait let me ask you this abe and you be honest with me yeah are all of these 100 real yes okay and the last the last one i even cut off because you can't even see her face in it like it was just it just i didn't get a good reaction so i just kind of she's never in on it no she's never been on it well she'll see like sometimes like she'll see like the wood and she'll be like what's that for him like you'll see okay well and he's doing it daily so like she's aware at this point to expect but was she really woken up like this like she looks so freaked out yeah so no lena always like if you even if i'm just like to touch her or say like quietly like lena it's time to wake up she'll freak out even more she always like sprouts out of bed yeah well i have to say they are very they're humorous and they're great yeah i i could tell that it's not fake and that is why i do like them [Laughter] um so there you go the support the stuff so so do you guys go back to sleep uh yeah i usually go to sleep for the first time um this was my favorite oh my god wake up and lina lina will sometimes or sometimes she'll stay up or like we'll go to the gym because they open up the gym in our complex so here play put on the sound now let me ask you does she want to be woken up yes she does okay that's a good yeah there you go maybe crushing it zach what's your uh tick tock to bring balance i honestly i i don't know he doesn't even he doesn't even know wait yeah oh you don't know you don't care about it he's just trying to play it cool it's funny cool oh you're playing i'm here yeah let's see what's um let's see what zack's up to can you like me these searches don't ever work type z vinyl z okay you don't need to watch me type it's interesting silence i sent a link thank you ian okay we got twenty four thousand that's not gonna doesn't you know we're getting there hey this one hey you've got a lot of views on these lives wow these got a lot of views people started like doing that trend too like oh this one was so dumb oh didn't i comment though did i comment on this one i think it was the one before that okay you just it was on it you commented on instagram i think you just stand there and then put on a joker mask this one has 180 000 it's just you play this song just give us a little taste yeah so it's just oh oh zach with the suit no well i look damn good i'm feeling confident you do look good well the top comment is he is so fine there you go what you doing zach nothing actually if you want to call me cloud goblin it would be my duets to these two videos of zach's yeah so what abe will do is he'll do at my videos and then hope he gets more views on the duet i do a duet where i don't do anything i just sit there like jinx you know the old youtube channel and then it gets like 100k views it does shout out to zach yeah you guys are on a cloud off a little bit cloud off we can have it one way cloud off it sounds like it sounds like he's winning the cloud off at every turn zach and i'm actually going to do it first let me actually zach zach reacted to a clip from the podcast what's with the police here you what are you following my lead are you is this a solidarity thing what's going on with the bleach chair i i mean i'm the oh my god zach that's me thanks for pointing to yourself to make it clear that that that's you in that closet okay i gotta watch this are you following my lead are you is this a solidarity thing what's going on with the bleached chair i i mean i'm the golden boy and i have to out do a b with simpness and i see that zach is uh yeah you didn't solidarity yeah zach's in solidarity i'm trying to get simple i'm trying to get sent i can't people are saying leave zach alone i support zach in the cloud off i'm team zach i want everyone for sure because it's not fair it's not surprise i mean it's not fair that a b is is has is edging out well thank you ethan that's very nice here i'm sure will pass me in like a day and zach has better engagement too i'm telling you it's literally just from tick-tock people well speaking after this episode zach will be higher than me so god bless i don't know you can you speaking of clout we'll check in on this later you guys uh now live on serious note i wish you all a cloudy cloudy cloud and lots of cloudy followers i just want abe to admit that he's the one that brought it up first and tell me tell tell me okay hold up i just want you to [ __ ] admit it it's not true so tell me what is the real reason then this is this clout thing was me grasping at anything i could bro bro no huh dude just just just admit it i'm gonna need something more than bro in a court of law you would be you know your honor look at the track record no and according to law you definitely yeah no ab actually had evidence in a court of law you can't go abroad yeah you're going to jail for life with this record a lot anyway speaking of clout i need that cloud so there's this this this story i thought was super interesting i need that clout so there's this japanese girl super cute young girl who rides her motorcycle all over the country here she is and she's got fans that follow her and stuff and she's cruising everywhere and it's like cool young girl likes a cute girl likes motorcycles lots of people are interested in this well there's a twist my friends came out that this account is actually run by a 50 year old man named soya who uses face a face filter app to go from this to this it's amazing it's so amazing you're not you don't even have to be who you are anymore and also this girl looks so real like that looks like a real person wow he does have nice hair his hair is good the hair is that i felt there her hair is absolutely can you believe this [ __ ] he goes nobody cares about a 50 year old man driving around a motorcycle so it made myself a cute young girl and that's so funny and then he got like two million followers right yeah you got something he was right so he went on this japanese show and uh came out so to speak is that you could see his real face in the uh side view mirror in the reflection do you have that photo uh let me see if i can find it i'm reading an article about it right now wow you know how many dudes are jerking off to that [ __ ] probably talk to me baby you got the photo let's see oh you found the the accidental one i'm looking for right now yeah if it's on the it's in the right it's in the right mirror i believe say what go back it's in one of these yeah for real that's what he's saying the next one oh so he posted his foot his micro motorcycle there you go and you could see a dude holding the phone right here clearly a dude and a face here here's his face can you zoom in more um that's all i got but you see his face there and you see a little bit of the face yeah oh the mirror they get you every time man you had such a thing oh i'm such an idiot i wasn't showing on screen i'm sorry oh man because i was trying to find it i'm sorry we found it i i know okay so here he is oop here he is in the mirror of his motorcycle here's his body here's his face do some dudes dick in hand like wait wait what is that so there you go so zach if the clouding doesn't work out you can pretend to be a cute chick on a motorcycle although you might have to be a future having a cube being a cute guy on a motorcycle based on those comments true i can't believe you did a honk tick tock oh he does this also don't get about myself no but he's got a bunch of those people are feeling good too because they were all about it they people are like good good real good good viewership i look good in a suit tig talks different than the real world and zach's defense exactly what does that mean like it's like cringe levels are we bringing me down i'm putting you up [ __ ] what are you talking about i'm trying to bring you up i'm not sure explain yourself i'm saying that like on tick tock like you it's okay for like when that dan was saying oh zach's pointing at himself like that's that's how tick tocks go everyone always you know points at the duet it's normal behavior is attrition is what were you looking at people were saying trisha is going off on twitter so i was looking i pull it up and we have nothing else to talk about seems like something with gabby oh god gabby hannah's been trending for like a week i gotta give it to her for that one really what for she's just she's just yeah that's the nicest way to put it just being a spaz what does that mean i mean if i'm being serious i pro i think she's probably going through some psychiatric thing like she's not acting normal really i don't know she's just like fighting with everyone and beefing and posting pictures like i'm sexy and i could [ __ ] your mom and your dad but she's not i don't know she seems kind of like not like manic a little bit yeah um i don't know if i'm ready to get into all this that's not not without checking out ahead of time too but i feel for gabby i'm sure we'll talk about it on frenemies oh so you guys may be wondering we watch jeff widdick's second part of his documentary which is crazy because it shows that david was the one not only he was operating the excavator driving it and caused jeff's accident and you can even see when jeff has the accident david is driving the excavator no license no professionals there he's got his one hand on the controls and another camera he's holding like this filming it and it's in that moment that he goes too fast and slams jeff into the middle side part of the excavator and breaks his skull open i missed the mark with that one you sure did david people were asking throughout the show if we were going to talk about it but i thought you wanted to oh yeah well i just wanted to address that we're going to talk about it actually interestingly monday we're going to not only talk about it but jeff i think is going to call in as well on monday so nice so that should be good i look forward to talking about it i have a lot of questions yes dan why are you laughing well just that went so well last time that for him well i'm just surprised that he's willing to to do it again but i mean kudos to him no it's it's not i wonder if he'll uh intentionally i wonder if he wants if he'll want to fight me again i feel like things ended on a good enough yeah i think so too it was rough but he like the first part was rough he went back he issued a good correction we said nice things about him on the podcast and he's telling his story now which like you know is good and powerful because he's all these guys have been spending the past year pretending like david didn't almost kill somebody for a vlog and now jeff is putting it all out there and david's been trending because people see this footage and it's not like um jeff was trying to make a statement like my david killed me and this and that it was just plainly obvious from the footage yeah it speaks for itself that david is just incredibly irresponsible dangerous really even honestly i mean how could he have ended that thing in a safe way he couldn't the situation was was going to be uh end in disaster yeah well you know what's interesting if you watched his documentary which i don't know if you did i haven't yet so corinna originally steps up to do that stunt and she it's immediately out of control and she's so she says david put me down and she goes david you take [ __ ] way too far let me off of this angry and then jeff steps up to do it and he gets you know almost dies frankly he really almost dies and then i saw a lot of people say like and we all thought that david uh stopped vlogging for covert yeah he stopped vlogging because he almost killed somebody yeah you know and i think that probably freaked out a lot of people but what's interesting and we're going to discuss on monday is that this isn't the first time or even the second time that david has inflicted dangerous injuries on people for his vlogs i think even third or fourth yeah when we were talking about it the other day yeah because there was the motorcycle and that almost that dude almost died and then there was another that alex guy got his eye [ __ ] up he [ __ ] up multiple people's eyes yeah and then there was a story he had a childhood story of a friend where he threw a pine cone at his eye and he got an infection and almost died and he lost a leg and david is always like so so he almost died it's like even in this jeff documentary he's like i almost killed him [Music] so that's a whole story that you guys are gonna do monday yeah yeah but i'm looking forward to talking to jeff about it and uh trisha i get to [Music] say i told you so to everyone because so many people were saying that she lied about this story not only that she put out a video years ago when she left the vlog squad saying that david was dangerous and was going to get someone seriously hurt or or killed yeah she was right about every [ __ ] thing it's crazy um thank you no that's about all i've got here today folks what are you gonna do if my brother passes you on wikifeed because people are saying that he's actually getting close he doesn't have the votes like here is that going to become a family problem well there's going to be a foot war you know that world war f i mean he doesn't have the votes who are you kidding like he's at five point nine nine right now that's none with this i wanted to spell high i mean that's closer than anybody else okay hold on right behind him why is it not dude somebody made one for me and i don't even know what to do that was awesome oh really i don't know here's the official wiki scoreboard i want to talk about now first of all 6.8 verse 5.9 i mean no he's close but the issue with moses is if i'm being honest you have 79 picks of me verse 9 of moses and let's be honest here oh what are you people doing why are the foot fairies going so hard for moses he doesn't even have a feed picks like what what is this these are not i put up my feet for you people and this is how you reward me why is moses inching in on me i mean it's outrageous did trisha do this was moses calling for this who's responsible for this i don't know it could be independent actors independent actors going i s there is a mastermind behind this movement dan it's i mean you were doing conspiracy on discord i know you [ __ ] know anything you better tell me i if i did i would tell you but um no so then i'm not part of this conspiracy listen dan tell him or i'm gonna get blamed for it if there is anything no okay we said dan there's there are uh there's compartmentalization in this conspiracy i only know my component of it which is which you the great betrayal that you're already aware of which is that it would be hilarious if somebody on the staff passed you on wiki feet which i still stand by it would be funny it's not funny i don't see what's funny about that well anyway moses is coming up second so i wouldn't you know i don't know what's going on there but uh hey he's a good guy zach coming in hot here oh we got a new photo of zach the whole time the whole top rank this one's pretty wild yeah it's all of us and then so dan has been what wait how did you get up here dad oh oh dead you're on the top too but it's just like what's the picture okay so honestly i'll never show my feet dance keep saying i'll never show my feet i'll never show my feet well somebody what the [ __ ] are these dan these look like snuff films what is this i don't know is that your foot i can't even tell it's like four pixels i want to talk about feet dude this photo's gonna be the one that brings us all down i remember people i reported it seriously well because it's not even it's not even necessarily my feed how do you know it sounds like there's a chance i mean it could be i mean it's not anything from my uh social media or whatever how was it that you were all on the top like these people need to step their feet game up like this guy's number this is the guy behind us these are all conspiracies i feel like this whole website is just conspiracies i like it this guy's got the best feet in the game no look pretty average definitely not look at the next person this guy joe joe's trying real hard with the feet oh yeah let's check out joe's feet oh is he there's another one well there was look he's like on a podcast is this a foot thing is every people starting to get in the war joel listen i don't think it's acceptable that there's not a unified message on this footwork i have my generals all over the [ __ ] place trying to get ratings for themselves if this show is going to succeed we need to band together for one common like cause like i can't have dan saying oh we need to pass ian and all you guys posting feed pics and then moses all of a sudden coming out from the [ __ ] coming out from flanking me from left field like this is just this is guys we need to unify this is outrageous together we fall oh he died wait what happened he died so people came and boast boosted his foot score cameron yo this guy passed away and people come boost his foot score is that really what's going on oh he's a disney channel actor yeah i remember him i mean okay rest in peace but like that's just weird that people come boost his foot score in response to him dying well we don't know if that's what happened he wasn't on the scoreboard before oh i know who's on the scoreboard shout out to his family yo that's inappropriate where hey rest in peace cameron boyce i don't you know what i mean rest in peace you live forever on this foot scoreboard shout out to his family zack shout out to his family not funny stop inappropriate but do you guys see what i'm saying like it's not funny dan the show only succeeds when we all have a common purpose this is chaos this is mutiny this is not if you're going to be my top general you have to fall in line sometimes bro you're trying like come on well maybe if you can come on time which is actually a comment i just saw oh you want me to come okay maybe your rating won't go up all right well hey this got a good point jesus christ holding me to the fire here on this feet to the fire i don't know i feel like there's just a little bit too much mutiny around here sometimes well so your concern is that one of us pass you or your concern is somebody that's not part of the crew pastor it's all dangerous do you understand that when united you we stand divided we fall is my point if we're going to rage this foot war we can't be spreading our light light allegiances all over the place there's one foot commander and you guys being on this course the scoreboard compromises all of our hard work i don't really see how i mean us being there doesn't interfere with your school no but you can't be like oh moses is gonna pass you or a b everybody vote for a b like this is just this there's one float commander do you understand if i we cannot compromise the security of this war well for okay so first you're gonna lose we all lose okay first of all this is a this is a fluid situation okay because when that happened a b somebody had added a b there wasn't moses there wasn't zach there wasn't me there wasn't any of these other people that are trying to climb the leaderboard and all i said is that it would be funny if a b passed you because he was so concerned about it a b was like freaking out about like ethan's gonna be mad at me if i pass him i'm like well that would be funny then if we got him up there to pass you okay who do you guys think you are well thank you it's funny do i need to review that i have 4 100 points okay what's funny no i'm the foot god you don't pass me okay this is my foot throne you've gone mad with power yeah you've gone absolutely mad with power and yeah i'm willing to admit it i'm working from the inside to bring you down i'm a revolutionary you will never bring me down [ __ ] on me it's like that denzel washington scene from 911 training he ain't got [ __ ] on me four thousand one hundred five star ratings you forget yourself you act like moses gonna pass me he has one tenth of the votes you're by now i ask you all today now to pledge allegiance to me as your one true leader of the foot nation army so it's not a democracy this is how this is how wars happen do you understand this is really how wars happened we had this common we had this common thing and you guys got greedy you all wanted foot clout and then all of a sudden you're on the board and now we're all divided i do you want to have your own foot nation you weren't just happy being under and being under my unit listen it's like chess we're protecting the king you're the one going what amy i said it's like chess we're trying to protect the king you're going a little palpatine though bro i am the senate yeah you're out of control start listen to this a b said oh i'm doing to protect you now all of a sudden when i'm like yo i don't like what's happening here you're talking about oh i'm ready to go mutiny and make my own nation and then what do i got to do i got to go war with you and i got to go war with you and then all of a sudden this nation we had unified strong the top in the world is now weak with war and attrition and infighting i think you need to eat it and then egg and then it comes moses in comes uh cameron boyce it comes like tommy it's stomach acid right now it comes joe stengato and all of a sudden the foot nation army which was the most impenetrable fortress on the planet has now fallen to these [ __ ] chops who never had a chance and the prime of our power because of people like this little foot over here we are still on top this is classic i'm paranoid leadership this is this is uh this is stalin in his late days stalin or hitler in their in their final days people said all the me all around them in the shadows you are flooding behind my back and if i was stalling i would kill you i'm hating the kills this is equivalent to julius caesar finding out he's being betrayed yes ee e2 brutus e2 dan dan is the main perpetrator you're no julius no julius you are julius you're judas and i am jesus okay we're we're mixing up our metaphors here a little bit now the point is i'm the foot savior and you all have [ __ ] will bow to me sia complex i think this is just ian who do you pledge allegiance to i don't ian who do you pledge allegiance still i'm not please that's what i'm saying this is not acceptable this is a full-on mutiny love who do you support at your foot that's your foot soldier or your foot god you of course thank you love gets promoted you're all fired love is executive producer i've always supported it zach is promoted i've never wanted this mutiny to happen yeah exactly yeah thank you zach didn't you post the new picture just before we can fit secretly first of all i respect what that did zach did it for a gag zach did it for a gag there was never any meaningful movement for him to pass me and now i got you all talking about mad king you're the mad kings wannabe mad kings zack you're in love urine ian you're in the [ __ ] skull what did they call that when you they put his prisoners in yeah you're in the gulag you're in the [ __ ] yeah i'm just saying this feels like how democracy yo getting that out of here he was he was uh whoever said this was a democracy i am the senate yeah you're going to the gulag bro get that out of here abc you're going to the [ __ ] good your head is going on a bike i just i've accepted it doesn't matter what i say just go ahead take my head well somehow you're always at the center of some kind of beauty look at this simp you just take my head please please for two weeks extend your your uh your foot i'm gonna cut your feet off for me that's what i don't want to kill you i just want to cut your feet off two weeks in a row i was accused i had evidence and somehow 33 of people still think i'm guilty [Applause] [Music] that is true uh zach is compelling though because look zach is standing back all right cut the shenanigans kill switch of course this would turn into a full-on war i mean this is seriously how how nations collapse no zach i know you support me you're a loyal when the histories are told they will write to you as my loyal soldier you don't why is your understanding is so twisted do you think it's okay that we can fit separated men and women i don't know what i mean and it's so interesting because men get the full rating but women don't yeah your empire is not that progressive dan just passed a b and wikibeat breaking alert breaking breaking there's movement we have movement thank god [Music] see i don't want to be handed i i self-reported my uh i'm gonna give dan you know what dan you're gonna get a taste of your own [ __ ] medicine five stars report the post take it you're gonna regret that mass report you know what the one person i'd be fine with passing is dan because dan's got a bigger bitter jagged [ __ ] bill to swallow you want to know what it's like dan heavy lays the crown it's your time to be number one with these [ __ ] [ __ ] pictures yeah dan your turn is this dan is this report justified no [Laughter] wait does that mean does it let me i think i already did it because i think you're lying over my uh my account here everyone vote no on that that is a genuine dan photo from a snuff film so weird do it live i'm going to take pictures of your feet dan when you're not looking oh people are saying number one i'll never be caught flat-footed ah man this is dramatic guys look at alfredo i want to talk about hi look at this guy get it out can we get alfredo on wikipedia oh wikipedia all right guys it's been a fun episode shout out to taylor lorenz i feel like i'm saying her last name wrong but spelled laurence lawrence no i think that was right here she's taylor lauren's on twitter megan she's a good follower i like her um she's a good you know dd mega doodoo well it's friday so let's all go have a great weekend okay and we'll be back on monday with a slammer a friend of mine friday baby jeff and talking about all this david stuff that's coming out so that should be interesting and um i'm getting a call let's see if i'm getting spotted [Music] thanks for watching everybody [Music] [Music] i don't believe he killed everyone everybody everybody's dead he killed so many people he killed a few a phew love you guys thanks for tuning in have a good weekend and we'll see you on monday slash tuesday tata bye-bye say good get vaccinated guys support you're listening to the hp podcast what we got on the scene could it be poplar shoe nights what you gonna do with me then and the whole damn crew goose and gaps with all the guests you'll see the best podcasts in the world take it from me jc over chair x3 baby we podcast now you're watching x to the three three three three you're watching h to the three three three three you're watching h two three three three three you're watching h two three my drinks are made wild incest honestly
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 1,762,191
Rating: 4.8160639 out of 5
Keywords: h3h3, h3, h3 after dark, h3h3productions, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila, after dark
Id: MjDYycK6n7M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 173min 29sec (10409 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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