Jeff Wittek Comes Clean - IMPAULSIVE EP. 273

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I’m really excited for his doc! Can’t wait to see what’s been going on with him and the accident, hope he’s doing good, seems like a really great guy!!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 57 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SnooPuppers7018 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 13 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

he said no more barbershop episodes nooooooooo

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 46 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/noonoobeats πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 14 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

The description says FORMER vlog squad member....

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/taddsonreddit πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 14 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

he insinuated that the era of the vlogs have ended, or at least won’t be the main type of content david will be creating by talking in the past tense. he also didn’t really mention the vlog squad members when listing his close friends which made me sad :c but i’m glad they all seem to be moving on to newer bigger things

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/pickyeater321 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 14 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Jeff is daddy πŸ’¦πŸ’¦

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Gay4ghosts πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 15 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

So many moments where he foreshadows what went down!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DentistClassic4390 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 13 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Said his doctor is in Utah

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/glassOfWaterForXmas πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 14 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Does a video of the accident exist? I saw somewhere that it was leaked on Tumblr or something and people have seen it but I've yet to hear anyone say they've seen it

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/speedy117 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 14 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
yeah would it make you uncomfortable to take those shades off and why and why because this this parlays into the accident though okay that you mentioned earlier so why don't you give them something here look look we normally talk about things and then bring our guests down but you're already here so i'll just do it through the whole thing together okay our guest today is internet persona known for his good looks and skills with scissors many of your favorite celebs have trusted him to cut their hair which has been on full display on his youtube series jeff's barber shop some of you may know him as a member of the vlog squad ladies and gentlemen it's jeff with tech yes i'm waiting for this one thank you thank you pleasure to be here you know what after hearing you say it i don't even know anymore it sounds better when you say it and i listened to the the clip with you and casey thank you for that that was very nice words from you guys yeah casey is a big fan yeah yeah and you guys you know i mean i respect you guys a lot over here with everything dude do you honestly i mean honestly do you just like half the times i watch clips from here you're talking about me and the other ones you're praising me that's so many times i've never talked about well there was only one time that you guys were like oh yeah hit dope and then the one time was like [ __ ] you jeff i'm gonna beat the [ __ ] out of you i see cut was it because of the party podcast oh maybe is that what it was dude i made eye contact with the camera on that clip that's how you know i didn't say the one thing that i always say welcome back to impulsive the number one podcast in the world thank you guys for listening watching viewing and subscribing my energy's a little low today mike's fired up yeah more george's george we got jeff here as you already know pleasure to be here so yeah yeah man i don't know what happened i think that we had that little that little what do you want to understand was it yeah i don't know 100 misunderstanding i i mean i wouldn't be here today if if it wasn't you know i'm intimidated took a sip of the water man i just rolled off a hospital bed i'm not trying to roll around right now you know um no that was a complete misunderstanding and we talked it out we we we addressed it offline you know man-to-man yeah yeah which is the best way to do that kind of yeah yeah i i thought it was it was surprisingly like refreshing to just talk about something not on the internet mm-hmm and and squash the beef or whatever it was without having to make videos about it yeah it was it was weird i remember being like oh jeff's like actually we did some facetimes for context if people are watching this and don't know we're talking about there was some comments made during uh roll the clip can we roll it we don't we would have to put we would have to really roll clips some comments made during logan's luau uh david and and jeff as well made their way to the podcast set during the party and made some unflattering comments that we also joke around about sometimes so it wasn't a huge deal but i got a little too comfortable too quick and i made a joke that was you know logan doesn't like joking about why don't you just say it why don't you say it now first of all first of all that joke david made i mean [ __ ] throw david right under the bus but but me i was making a joke about myself i used to do these motivation monday things where it was like very self-deprecating humor and i was like i apologize for everything i've done i pictured myself i envisioned myself in the future being here apologizing for something you know so that's what i was doing kind of and i think you you took it as oh they came on and made a vlog bit and they [ __ ] roasted me and now i'm gonna be the butt of a joke in a vlog and then you came on the next day and put out like jeff whitteck you pronounced my name the right way and you were like yo what's up you want to come here and spa like you want to [ __ ] have really like straight up yeah it was a hit piece and you were like david you too you little rat you want to [ __ ] i mean maybe that's awesome i didn't say that you little weasel yeah you want to talk [ __ ] on my set yeah and then right when i saw that i was like oh [ __ ] let me facetime this guy because first of all it's a misunderstanding we didn't come on and make the make you the butt of the joke although i probably have said things in the past because i have a very dark sense of humor i know we want to get into that by the way because this isn't the first time you've had to apologize for a joke or or made someone uncomfortable i did your barbershop show recently or semi-recently i'm a different person there though today i'm me today today look let me let me look right at the camera and let you guys know that a lot of the things i say here today maybe 25 of them will be lies and it's it's up to you to decide to decipher what is truthful and what is not george i don't i don't know if you'll be able to tell anything i just feel like you're gonna hand me a pill and ask me to take a blue one or a red one i feel like we're about to it's just possibility those glasses man they're so reflective should we get in should we get into this are they intimidating no they're not they're intimidating because i could see myself okay do you want to keep them on i could remove them but i prefer to that's fine keep them on because i'm hiding a lot of secrets inside of me right now you guys demanded that we film this today april 1st is this when we're releasing this that's on you so this is live this is live right now april this is april 6th this is a live episode our first ever live we shot this on march 12th so we're a little we're stacking up because i'm going to training camp okay and and yeah we can release it whenever whenever you please because you i think we're going to time it with your documentary which is coming out probably like now ish what is it about now well so i have a documentary i went through a a near-death accident i was um now see the story kind of changed on on on the entire dock initially was just about the accident and then it's now changed to a life story it's more of like a like a documentary on like everything so i just got back from new york i filmed with my parents i filmed my old barber shop my old friends i grew up with and stuff like that and it kind of explains everything how i got to this point and how i got so reckless and the reckless things i've done in the past and the horrible things that have happened to me and my my youth you know i've gotten arrested several times it's you know public information you can look it up um but i'm in jail yeah yeah and i took those those the worst times of my life and now that's a big part of my career you know it's a big part of my brand and i use it to kind of help people i guess like other people have gone through those situations so i realized like if i'm gonna make this documentary i'm going to make this if i'm going to put this story out i'm going to do it for that reason like if other people are going through this [ __ ] if other people smashed up their face in an accident or maybe their parents were driving the car and it's not even their fault you know just people go through [ __ ] and you know even rich famous celebrities like myself i'm just kidding i'm not rich i lost my money on the stock market i'm a horrible day trader yeah i put all my [ __ ] money in amc and bomb yeah yeah yeah i started at 16. wow yeah i lost a hefty amount of money on this i lost fifty thousand dollars stop day trading dude yeah i'm done it's tough i need to get back to making videos yeah yeah absolutely you do yeah so it's a real piece it's a real documentary with with a real uh uh real theme tied to it um what's the climax it does it have anything to do with uh the accident that you referenced or or is that is that the the accident is a big part of it the story is it starts off it gives a little backstory on me um when i was younger my parents uh people i grew up with and then um i obviously get into drug dealing jail time it's kind of like your book mike like where you just spill it all and i'm the type of guy to keep you know a character on a lot of the times so this is a this is very new for me that's why i'm taking my time with it that's why i've been postponing two weeks two weeks two weeks every time you guys asked yeah i've been trying for a long time yeah yeah we've been trying and it's not that like i didn't want to come on or there's some cult thing with david that's going on where i'm not allowed to speak to other people or you know because i know like you know those those rumors have been spreading around i've been dying to come on this thing i've been dying to join your guys's crew bro you're welcome right now you guys are are you officially sucked up you're down to [ __ ] jump people and yeah something pops off i gotta ask you this question man casey came on the show and i said we talked about him earlier he wore shades the whole time it makes my job difficult it really does dude is there isn't intimidating it's not intimidating i don't get intimidated by much it just makes my job a little bit difficult is there any chance and i and we've gone through this on my vlogs because you've been on my vlogs you tried to wear shades yeah would it make you uncomfortable to take those shades off and why and why because this this part lays into the accident though okay that you mentioned earlier so why don't you give them something here look look actually okay wait you look you look like jeff you look great okay there's literally nothing you look like yourself but there may or might not be an eye issue under there are you protecting yourself i can't reveal too much yet because i i don't know what day i'm going to be finished with this and put it out where is it being released is that it's on my channel yeah on your channel okay okay oh great great i mean we're all over the place but great pokemon video by the way i don't want to come in here and just talk about the negative stuff that has gone on in our past between you and i because i respect you a lot you've grown a lot he's like i really liked your pokemon yeah you've grown a lot as a man and you're working hard and i i appreciate your work ethic and that pokemon video is [ __ ] incredible thank you jeff thank you this is there's something really interesting here under those glasses i'm sensing some pain some trauma well yeah i nearly died i came an inch from death and i came an inch from losing my eye if i the i mean which do you mind elaborating i i don't wanna i mean i i brought a clip to show you guys oh can you want to send it to me yeah yeah yeah let's do it let's see the clip i just that's why i'm late actually because to show us or to show everyone watching everyone's world is this an exclusive it's an exclusive it's like when you go on jimmy fallon and you [ __ ] play a piece of the movie this is a big deal i didn't know this is not that's great all right so this is uh an impulsive exclusive uh clip from your documentary we're about to see here so i mean i'll give you a little backstory so this is um when my retina detached and i was like um i i didn't know if i was going to be able to keep my eye or not and this is the first time i i noticed that i just had a surgery and i just had my eye opened up and that i had a face time with the doctor because my doctor's in utah so um this was me realizing that like [ __ ] was not good do you mind [Music] so i never thought i'd be crying on the internet [Music] damn that is a dark that's a dark piece like just is that the vibe of the whole dock no no no no no i would never make something that sad the whole time but that's one of the the lowest points but i just wanted to show you where it goes because yeah i mean like when you i'll tell you a little about the moment that was going through my head right there um so like you know all of us we want to be in we're entertainers and comedians at that and i just thought it was all over you know like they do surveys on people that are in accidents like traumatic accidents and they asked them if they were woken up from a horrible accident would you rather be dead or blind and most people choose just dead like they don't want to be blind so for me to face like this [ __ ] is gonna happen to me now and i have another eye you know i'm good i'll be all right i can still see so that's good um but having like a glass eye or like a disability it goes against everything but my [ __ ] persona and my my whole comedy style that i've acquired over my entire life and it was just like [ __ ] i can't do [ __ ] now i'm not gonna come back to youtube i'm not gonna ever make videos again with sorry that's why the [ __ ] headphones um here you take them yeah i was like i was like i'm done this is it at that moment i i had quit everything in my in my head like my life i was either gonna be a one-eyed drug dealer again i mean one drug dealer again not one-eyed but um yeah i was just everything i had planned for in my life had changed at that moment that's wild it sucks to see someone who's so lively and funny and full of life well i'm back now and this is my first time i actually want to include some of this in the in the doc sure if that's cool if you guys could give me some of it because of course this is my first time coming back and like i've accepted this i learned that it's moments like this that make you who you are i know it sounds cheesy but like sometimes opportunities can sometimes disguise themselves as something horrible absolutely the best opportunities in life usually like for instance jail when i got arrested i was facing life i thought i was done i thought that was my life right there but now that moment is what made everybody like relate to me when david put out my mug shot and all that stuff so whatever it is with this [ __ ] i'll find a way to make this cool you know like i have a [ __ ] one i know why the show goes on they say uh there are two different drivers of like or catalysts for change or or movement or uh momentum in this life one is inspiration one is desperation and some people are inspired by love and inspired by you know these fanciful events that pop up in their lives do you consider yourself to be somebody that's driven when your back is against the [ __ ] wall and you have no other choice yeah a little both yeah but definitely like i've hit rock bottom over and over and over again and i've had so many life lessons even [ __ ] like last week losing all my money on amc like it's just another um i'm texting with david and he's like it's just another lesson i guess you know not to mess around in the stock market i'm like i don't need any more [ __ ] life lessons but i think i'm good i think i'm i'm good on on the lessons no no no one is ever good on the lesson there's always more to learn there's always ways to improve uh yeah i i welcome any lesson in my life um and it obviously sucks when they have to come from uh your lowest lows like that can i ask and i don't know if you're willing to talk about this but actually what happened or a synopsis that's the one part i'm failing to to understand is is we keep saying the accident but did you hit you hit your head on something and when you say an inch from death yeah was it was it like a temple eye so i said i i don't want to get too into detail because obviously this will come out before the the dock is out okay you know like i i think i'll have like a trailer out by the time this episode comes out so um yeah it was just like i smashed my face off a steel structure and steel like does not give at all so like i shattered my my head and skull and face in nine places so i have a whole bunch of metal plates in here now but um yeah like i broke my hip um like i was all missed i was all banged up okay he's saying tell him about your eyes he also said your eyes touching your brain my eyes not touching my brain you have an optic nerve and there's it's very tricky if something happens to that optic nerve that's what connects your eye to your brain if something happens to that then you don't ever get your vision back it's like it's not like you plug it in and out and like do like surgery like heart surgeries where they like reattach [ __ ] like once that's cut it's done yeah i've cringed like so many times bro i'm sorry to start it off like this i was never like an eye guy even when kids in high school would put their eyelids out i'd be like get out of here but yeah [ __ ] happens in life and then you have to [ __ ] deal with it we started off dark here no it's only up from here but wait i want to know so your eye is not touching your brain no no my eyes work my my eye works my eye works and it's that's set in stone i have more surgeries coming up but i just got to deal with them and it's risky but you know i've gambled my whole life and odds are even even on amc even on amc hopefully it's not that bad i talked to you right after that surgery right probably just after that scene was filmed and uh during the surgery the retina can i talk about this had become detached from yeah almost exactly so yeah after that surgery i thought i was going to be all good and i even skydived in between like why not right [ __ ] it i mean i i was like i saw you you you got your license yeah you're certified you jumped by yourself yep so i was doing that and i was going to text you about that but then like right after i got in the accident but um i so after the accident i didn't want to let this turn me into a [ __ ] like you know because sometimes like you know something happens like if you're a fighter and you get like knocked out like then like you're hesitant to fight however so i immediately like as soon as the doctor cleared me i went back to skydiving i was like [ __ ] it i gotta jump out of a plane and just face my fears again and not let this [ __ ] set me back too much and i did that and then like i don't think that didn't have anything to do with the like the retina getting detached so since i broke my eye socket i had a full orbital blowout it's a common injury in like fighting you get rocked like your orbital breaks but i had like a full like so the whole back of my eye socket shattered and they had like put it all back together so like going behind the eye to do surgery and stuff like that is tricky but um so something went wrong when i did that and uh yeah that's that i didn't find out that the retina was detached until the stitches came out because your eye has to stay stitched shut for two weeks two weeks i had to stitch up for two weeks and then uh yeah then i opened it i took the stitches out myself and when i opened it i was like holy [ __ ] i can't move my eye like what's going on and i called the doctor and he was like you need to get back here right away the one the one thing i've noticed too with it because you know we've hung out a number of times since it's happened um the one thing i've noticed is there's a at least from in my eyes or in my opinion there's a a contrast between how other people see you with this new injury and how you see it on yourself and when you take those shades off a lot of us see jeff wittek and the eye is you know a little bit not as open as normal whatever whatever the little changes are yeah but for you low blow me that's not insane go in the opposite direction mike insult a disabled person mike cancel him get in here [Laughter] he bullies me too so don't worry about it how do you um that difference between how others see it and how you see it how do you deal with that that um that idea that maybe you are looking at it a little bit more um technically it's my vision that i is [ __ ] up i have double vision so like that's what like so you actually see it differently than other people yeah got it yeah what do you mean you have double vision like if i look over at you guys from here there's there's four people here well they're at no there actually are there's four of us over here right now there are four people on this set jeff no no on this side on this side oh on this side yeah no now i but from this angle like if i look with this eye i see just one george so it's time i got it got it i got it this is i did take a little acid before i came here too so please don't tell me things like that good good i don't wanna i don't wanna downplay the significance of the injury but why did the potential of losing one eye seemed like the end of the world or your world anyways as it was i just felt like at the time you know i i don't know i i think of myself as like a comedian like a comedian or a comedic content creator internet personality and i just didn't think i could be funny when people are looking at me and the first thing they felt was is sympathy you know i feel bad for this guy like it just didn't match with me at the time in my head these were my thoughts now now i've changed you know it's definitely a different outlook on everything but things take time i was like i was in a dark spot for a while and i'm not somebody to come on and like just be fake and like i tried to keep my channel going like even with you and your episode like i had to write a lot of jokes to spend a long time writing those jokes oh there were some great jokes one of them got over 10 million views as a short on youtube yeah you asking me if i like like wait what do i think that my girlfriend gets railed on i mean it was the only question that people really wanted to know how you felt about it and i was like you know what i can't say this because it's so it's so it's such it's such an aggressive question i don't want to start off the interview like that so let me let me have one of the guys give it to me off a cue card and then i'm just like i didn't write this but it also it also wasn't how you started off the episode because when you leaned over to start the episode you dropped a heroin syringe i do that on everyone though that's not just that nothing to do with you and your past but listen here's the deal that that is my type of humor that's my type like no holds barred like go a little bit too far type stuff and i think because you have such a firm grasp on that dark humor you in in in your darkness after this accident you found that the way out was to move right back to your comfort zone zone of self-deprecation and you started talking about the i'm missing an eye and then you have a pirate patch on because you're a pirate one day like is that one of the things that's helped you move through it just turning it into another weapon in your arsenal of humor yeah absolutely mike you're good man i used to think you were just a [ __ ] clout chaser and you just hung out around here for money but you're smart you know that that's absolutely hold on he's still both of those first people but also but most importantly no 100 i mean one of my favorite movies in like recent history is the joker because his life was hell he had it the worst like the recent one that todd phillips won yeah and until he started looking at everything like it was a joke you know then like you know [ __ ] popped off he [ __ ] raised hell and that's like where i'm at now like not saying that i'm gonna raise hell and [ __ ] do something insane and hurt people but like i just look at everything as it it's a joke and i always have i just saw like oh [ __ ] he does this too you know but also during the day um like you know a good person i try to help people fight crime at night right vigilante yeah go out and do that have you noticed uh your confidence being affected at all by this with the women specifically because you're jeff you're the ladies man no i'm celibate completely sober do you have a choice now uh what what do you mean oh the eye doesn't bother girls but i've i've been in such a dark place mentally that i don't want to bring a girl into this version of me so i think i'll wait until i start dating again you know i don't want to like i don't know i am 31 years old now i should be probably starting looking to have a kid soon or like actually have a serious relationship you know the deal not at all actually i got fly-outs coming in from costa rica i don't know the [ __ ] deal dog let me tell you this much 36 is the new 18. yeah right i agree i'm serious with you bro you do whatever do whatever you want to [ __ ] i gotta get i gotta have a kid soon man if you want if you want to but like you said it yourself dude like if you look at life through the lens of fun humor comedy because bro like that's the thing you said it yourself you could or you know had the sentiment of it at least you could do all these things to set up your life perfectly and all of a sudden some card gets pulled and you're back at square one again amc [ __ ] dips or you hit a metal steel [ __ ] beam with your noggin you know what i'm saying and so like i don't know i guess i look at life through that lens all the time this episode is sponsored by bluetooth stay with us blue chew stay with us bluetooth is making waves and bringing more confidence into the bedroom by offering chewable tablets that can help men get stronger and longer lasting erections bluetooth is a unique online service that delivers the same active ingredients as viagra and cialis but in chewable form and at a fraction of the cost bluetooth tablets help men achieve harder stronger erections to combat all forms of ed bluetooth is an online prescription service so no visits to the doctor's office no awkward conversations and no waiting in line at the pharmacy and it ships right to your door in a discreet package process is simple sign up at consult one of their licensed medical providers and once you're approved you'll receive your prescription within days the best part it's all done online 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could cut it if you don't want to talk about i came out of trader joe's and you were literally beating the [ __ ] out of some dude yeah cut that story we'll just bleep it out we'll leave it out that's surely the guy was trying to take some old lady's purse right and jeff was a vigilante i mean i don't give a [ __ ] i'll tell the story whatever it's uh there's this kid that um so i and when i lived in 1600 vine i was there that was my trap house i moved there before any any viners lived there and i was just buying weed and mailing it back to new york that was like you know it's weeds [ __ ] legal now it's decriminalized it's harmless i wasn't i wasn't killing people you know i was just [ __ ] trying to make a little money for my old barber shops and i always wanted to like somewhat in the back of my mind i always saw like i always loved movies and i always wanted to act and i met this kid that that building was more like an actor building at the time like it was like aspiring actors living there going acting classes so this kid took me to an acting class and he uh i guess like i went to one stupid acting class it was like a group acting class you had to get up and just embarrass yourself and i learned nothing from it but that but just getting up and embarrassing yourself is fine whatever and like six months later i blew up on vine and that kid was on drugs outside and he was like um he i gotta i hear his story so long ago um so he was all [ __ ] up outside and he he was like uh i walk over and i'm like yo what's up man like are you all right because he looked like out of it and he was like leave before i embarrass you or something like he's like you don't feel like you owe me anything like literally said this to me you don't feel like you owe me anything and i was like whoa whoa like i got [ __ ] saint laurent boots on like i'm all slippery on hollywood boulevard so i was like give me a second like i'm with my girl like let me like i'll come back and talk to you so i went upstairs and i put on like basketball shorts and running shoes and i came down and i just i was like i was like yo what's up so what did you want to talk about and he flung a kombucha bottle at me on my face those are hard those are glasses [ __ ] full kombucha bottle and it rocked me and i just saw red and like it was in a trader joe's bag so he just flung the whole bag at me like instantly right when i started walking over and i like i went up to block it but just the kombucha came in i thought it was like a bunch of bananas in the back or something like i could just go like that and block the back but he but the [ __ ] thing rocked me so then i just went over and i pummeled him and i guess george was just walking out of trade probably with his bible kidding dude i am not like you have no because a lot of people are talk out here me and logan talk about this yeah when it comes down to squaring up people ain't about it no we realized that with with jeff when he facetimed us mike and i were like yo this is not like we don't this ain't the dude well i told him i was like yo he's from he's from he's from new york like he probably has fought a lot in his life like everybody gets in street fights out there like all your whole life yeah when we talk to you i remember we facetimed you in the kitchen and uh you you were playing it very cool logan was still in a stage where he was like not feeling so great about it so he was like he like i would mute it and he'd be like nah [ __ ] that [ __ ] like yeah and it was turning into that thing and i went to and i'm like listen like here's the deal logan you're my best friend you really are i love you put me on the map in the city like you've done a lot for me you want to go to war with witch and whoever he's got with him i'm here let's go [ __ ] knock on some door see what happens but as your as your big brother and advisor i say we walk away from this one and just let it and let it die which is what ended up happening which i'm happy happened because now we didn't have to go back into the system well because there's also a felony there's also like three of you right like you have you've got friends who also don't give a [ __ ] who will rider like real ride or die [ __ ] not not not in la though besides that besides that like our problem wasn't even anything like it was a misunderstanding yeah yeah at the end of the day like morally i feel like i'm a good person and i'll always try to do the right thing and i i felt like we didn't have to have this yeah that's what you were saying yeah that's what you're saying yeah so i was like first of all like let's get to the bottom of what you're mad about and then if we want to have problems like we can but i'm just letting you know that i don't care about jail i don't care about getting beat up and you know this is going to end really bad for the both of us for all that's not said yeah that's exactly what he said and i was like and when i hear that i'm like if he had said go i'm like [ __ ] it this will be this gonna be fun let's go do this yeah but he don't he doesn't want a a felony yeah i don't care i have a bunch already i'm just saying it's either logan i come here and or i [ __ ] go to warwick to find you or something and you end up being a [ __ ] by the way and then you're in jail or vice versa it's just that's how it's going to play out and it's over something so stupid [ __ ] why not just talk about it like if you go back to the biggie and tupac beef that was a misunderstanding too and they got killed over that yeah so sometimes you just got to talk about stuff that's not that's crazy i'm happy we did that's wild that's the first time you saw jeff beating asses taking names it definitely was an experience yeah yeah i remember i had my girlfriend wait upstairs at the time my ex-girlfriend and i came back upstairs with blood all over my shirt and a [ __ ] giant welt from this kombucha bottle and she was like what the [ __ ] did you just do and then i just showered up and we went out to dinner it went back to work yeah i've known you for a while as well like a while long last time yeah you asked me one time to use my place for a vine with nerf oh my god the dog this was murphy this was seven years ago that's cool that's crazy yeah we go way back we go wait and you started cutting jake's hair right or i started cutting jake's hair yeah gotcha you guys cool now yeah i mean yeah i have no problem with anybody at this point i got my own problems to deal with you know i'm not worried about [ __ ] and i'm not looking to get in the ring anytime soon with any any of you guys especially how i see how much work you've been putting in well now it's fun it's just and i got to [ __ ] my eye on no you could go you could [ __ ] around i can't do the ring because the ring has uh the ring has rules that's the one thing that i was never able to get on board with they're like you can't do this you can't do that like when i if i if i get in a fight i like to be able to use any possible [ __ ] object weapon he's seen like when [ __ ] pops off yeah he'll look in my hand and there's there's might be a brick in my hand like i'll look as soon as something like it happened at that college party or at that time yeah he i looked down with these things were getting pretty tight there was a lot of people there's a lot there's a lot of uncertainty like what was gonna happen i ended up getting my hat stolen the girl spit on you yeah right before that [ __ ] was getting real serious we were like heavily outnumbered i'm like oh boy where's my big bro yeah turn this dude's got a [ __ ] brick in his hand i'm like oh whoa i mean bro when it comes down to groups like that dude like i'm going to protect myself however i have to yeah i don't give a [ __ ] dude 100 yeah and luckily i grew up with you know a good crew that i just flew home and i met with and it felt so good just to meet with like normal people you know i'm not saying you guys aren't normal but like you know this town people get a little caught up in this stuff the homies the homies what where on uh was it was staten island right yeah yeah staten island so i saw my family it was the first time seeing my parents after like since the start of the pandemic my they like they don't really care too much about [ __ ] my dad's a little paranoid with like being people being sick and stuff and catching stuff he's always been like that ever since i was a kid like driving me to school hyper contracting that's my [ __ ] coughed in the car he'd tell me to get out and take the bus oh no this is when i was like seven years no he got vaccinated they got they got their vaccines so they were like okay it's cool you come home and that was the first time it was nice like i never thought i'd like miss my parents that much i was always like trying to get the [ __ ] away right but it was cool to see like just talk to them in person and yeah my whole family and stuff is nice did you ever see your life going the way that it has grown up um did you have a plan or kind of things just kind of fell into place or out of place whichever one you think i never like the whole hustle and [ __ ] like was just temporary that was that was like a stepping stone like cutting hair was to get me to meeting people and that was just to maintain relationships and then that made it easy for me to make connections and but was that was that the goal was that the goal like i guess the goal that i looked at like my mentors like the guys that owned barbershops back home that i worked at like that i grew up at i started cutting hair at 15 and i saw them just busting their asses in the barber shop and i was like i love cutting hair it's fun it's like a trade it's creative i get to you know have fun with it but i can't see myself like [ __ ] in a in a barber shop breaking my back for 14 hours a day and worrying about other barbers like that's the height it's like you get to own a barbershop and then you have all this responsibility i always thought of myself as more like a like i wanted to i don't know [ __ ] make movies and [ __ ] you saw more for yourself do something creative yeah i wanted to at least try take a risk take a shot at it you know and i got a little caught up in in like everything else i was doing because it was fast money but i think everything happens for a reason and i was put in that building with all you [ __ ] viners i know and you guys like just kind of like mike's situation like i don't even know how you guys met but i feel like you just met him and he came off like a real guy and you were like okay i want to keep this guy close to me yep so is that what happened with you and david that's what happened with me and and rudy at first oh yeah yeah that's right yeah and i was really close with rudy and then um we even our our girlfriends at the time were on the same show yep yep so it was like a nice little click that we had but i ended up splitting with my my ex and him and maya are still together so i was just like you know they met at this random house party that i had i think because your girl brought her friend maya and rudy and maya met in my house oh yeah that's right i'm proud i'm proud i'm proud i've been legend that's what a small [ __ ] world that's making for some time now yeah yeah yeah yeah okay so that sucks though that you guys broke up no no it's cool everything happens for a reason so it's it's fine that happened and um then at that time i was going through like like a little post-breakup depression and so was todd with karina so i met oh yeah i met todd and todd was like i was like holy [ __ ] this guy's just like me he's [ __ ] you know like likes to work out he likes to do like run and do running and he uh like we just started like hiking and venting to each other about our breakups and then we started hanging out and then david came along one time and he like got wind of my criminal past and he was like oh [ __ ] this is so interesting like i need to start filming everything i did and yeah you know like i guess that's how like the blog stuff started but what's what's that relationship like now with david yeah they're still cool or talking or yeah no we're we're cool of course i think i think everyone's wondering like yeah that's where i was going with it the entire vlog squad it's because covert put a bit of a stick in the spokes i think yeah because of the gathering um i always kind of did my own thing you know i i came in late like i wasn't like an original vlog squad member i i like david had curated that whole crew before i even was around i kind of just popped in at the end but yeah i took jonah with me and jonah was my sidekick on the barbershop show yo he's great hilarious i love that put him in a box while i was while i was there inside a soundproof uh oh yeah that's right yeah because he doesn't he doesn't know when to stop talking he keeps cutting me off you know what i'm talking about you made that joke yeah yeah um didn't he try out for snow yeah i think he failed at that one that surprises me that's a tough one yeah yeah that surprises me you guys are such a great great group like yeah i wish i had friends like as as good as you do man is everybody so happy here look at that i would have to verbally assault my my cameraman to tell him i love my people but um everybody's so happy yeah there are there's a lot of smile in here there's a lot of smiling um but yeah when you guys did that that roast was it the roast of it was james jason nash yeah that was so fun i i love when you guys get together as a as a group and oh damn thank you man yeah yeah yeah yeah we should do you um there's a lot of meat on that boat there's a lot of meat on that bone but i'm not part of the vlog squats i don't know if it'd work i like i i mean technically am i even you know way more than me i mean you've been in vlog squad videos i see you doing collaborations i was nice to you to be in todd's video that that you uh oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah whenever whenever can i ask you to do stuff and like can we get you on the barber shop one of these days i'll trim up that mullet he needs to it needs that you should you should do that you should do that he he like i mean i you don't know how i'm gonna get nobody's like no more i low blowed the [ __ ] out of my way i was like i was like who is this guy logan paul's friend i got a [ __ ] i gotta go hard on him you know if i bring on you i'll be respectful to the big stars i'm i'm very respectful no and no you will not yes look at what he did to casey neistat i went on and i i just [ __ ] it's casey i still do bro i've sat i [ __ ] massaged him the whole time he does he does he also and he also asked me like he before i came on like i was aware that you were gonna go nuts because you were like also the reason i'm doing this man is because you like me don't give a [ __ ] you don't care whatsoever about anything yeah what is this [ __ ] spinning rod that's him in the universe with a [ __ ] a flaming ball that's just close enough to keep us alive and if it flies off we're all [ __ ] we freeze up and die so what does it matter if i make a joke about your girlfriend getting railed on camera you know this bro you know this stuff and you could do it back to me you did it back to me you [ __ ] checked me back more than anybody ever on that show it wasn't it was doing it was doing so good but it got age restricted immediately oh it did yeah youtube's been on on my ass i know i know that yeah when you is so but is the whole goal of the show to like punk the person who's getting their haircut no no no no the whole goal of the show is to have a to show the person in a tensor environment like i'm sure here this is a tense environment you have these bright lights you have a whole crew filming you guys are very aggressive i mean sort of stuff he goes look that show is designed well i have cameramen like literally like everybody's holding a camera like yo he's got like a full production squad so like there will be like five six cameras you're fully you're fully lob miked up it's like a it's the real deal and the thing that the thing that [ __ ] with me on it was i would try to i always before i go on big shows a big show i try to watch a few episodes before and see how people like right yeah and i noticed that the majority of people stayed themselves through the show that's bo but when i went on it i was like i also kind of want to play into some of this because it's going to elevate that it to another level so when i when you made the signs up i hopped out of the chair flipped out on you yeah and what happened was people were like oh that's his real reaction and it turned into this amazing clip that spread like wildfire yeah yeah no that was perfect you killed it and that gave a whole different aspect to the show that like i'm still learning it you know yeah like i i just got into making videos technically a couple of years ago and i just did the barbershop thing because i knew it you know i knew i caught air in my home it's a great it was a great con format when you when you when you with the very first video you put out i was like this is a sick format i hope i hope he keeps this up when you have cody cohen yeah screwed up a little why because what happened because didn't you didn't you tell jake he was going to be there it wasn't that like a setup i took so um when i had cody cohen i do like cody co i think he's uh like he's very funny and um i just thought like the at the time i was new to youtube and i was watching those commentary videos where you just roast people from home and like where i'm from like if you're talking [ __ ] about somebody you're going to bump into them and you know eventually somebody's going to either crack your [ __ ] head open or whatever you know so i was just like curious what cody would do if he bumped into like somebody that he was roasting because his jokes were funny he roasts the [ __ ] out of people but it's like they're not your friends to roast like right when we did the roast we're roasting our friends and we all like agreed like we're gonna make some dark jokes but you know like we're all friends here at the end of the day so when cody did those videos it was like kind of like i mean i didn't watch all of them i should have did more research but some of them maybe the first ones i clicked on were a little mean-spirited and no don't get me wrong i'm not sitting here saying cody's completely wrong like you guys are angels because you guys deserved some of the stuff that you were getting all of it before yeah but i wanted to see how he would react in an environment where he bumped into one of these guys so basically like i was prepared for like if jake did do something try something like i had guys there that's why i had the whole crew there normally just one-on-one but like just to like break it up you know because i don't want to set anybody up to get there to actually get beat down you know i don't think cody would want to like even fight i think he would just avoid confrontation completely and jake was literally we had the security guard be like who's this guy downstairs shadow boxing in the garage and i'm like i didn't know this because i'm doing the episode and i'm trying to orchestrate this stuff and like text and like joke around and be funny with cody and do a haircut and i have all this [ __ ] going through my head so when he finally like when we finally get to the question when i'm like who's your favorite youtuber okay let me backtrack a little bit because initially it was supposed to be lele pons because he was going very hard on lele at the time and the videos were very funny but i i knew that lele was like she was very upset about it you know like it was really getting to her because nobody was really had dug into her like her life was just up up up up up and then like the cody video started and then she started getting like a lot of like comments and stuff like that which whatever you you want to be a comedian you sign up to make internet comedy videos you're in this game you need to be able to take jokes too that's what the whole show is about my barbershop show is like you want to make funny videos you're technically comedian so you need to like dish them and take them so i was gonna have lele show up last minute her management pulled the plug they were like no she's not going anywhere near that guy i texted jake i was like jake it'll be funny if you pop out and like jake took it as like oh this is a great opportunity to for me to make a anti-cyber bullying campaign and i'm like well [ __ ] bro you know like let's communicate a little bit like we're not on the same page because i want to make a funny bit out of it like just maybe like he pops up and cody's like scared for a sec yeah and then like we all joke around and laugh about it and like the [ __ ] jokes stop you know like cody maybe like could ease up on jake or maybe make a joke out of that situation but instead it was like no [ __ ] you you cyber bully kids don't shake my hand like jay came in aggressive very tense very tense do it again like can you just please come back again nice or like come in again don't put me in the spot because now i look like a piece of [ __ ] set up and a setup artist yes yeah setup artist which is the worst like i look like a [ __ ] two-faced [ __ ] and i would never be trusted again like you know but yeah that was a [ __ ] up for me that i i i still regret to this day i still i'm trying to make amends with cody cole but i'm doing the rounds i'm making i'm making amends he hasn't forgiven you he has but i think the internet like the drama channels and [ __ ] like a lot of people had their opinion on it and they kind of drove people to cancel me and make it look like what i did was so horrible and then that got in his head and he was like you know what yeah jeff did kind of [ __ ] me over because we hiked after we went like cody and i went for a run together after just me and him like we were having a great time and we were laughing about the whole situation and cody initially didn't give a [ __ ] and i think he was influenced to actually like have some resentment towards me after that by the internet and recently he i mean i don't know if i want to keep this a secret but recently he reached out and he said he he would be down to do a redo and make amends oh you should you should and also like cool watching from the outside like his style of video and his uh formatting and his comedy has evolved and grown so much over the past couple years and like maybe that was a catalyst for him to stop but because honestly like this i got a million subscribers from it cody got three million literally that from everyone talking right we both we both got a lot of attention from i got more of the negative attention but it for all of us like whatever [ __ ] happens like we need to kind of you know think outside the box here if i just did a regular talk show like literally everyone else you know but but i also i also like the idea of there being one or two or you know if you want to throw other people like banks or whoever into the mix of people keeping this industry rooted in the fact that like i'ma see you somewhere like don't like yo pete like you said troll your friends that you have permission to troll roast your homies but like this this like new world of like it being okay to go after people with the expectation that you're never gonna run into that [ __ ] yeah is not something that like i'm cool with i'm not cool with that like i there are people who have said [ __ ] about me that i'm still very interested in running into and seeing what that energy looks like yeah very [ __ ] interested bro because like that that idea that you could just go and just just by the way because i don't do that [ __ ] i don't go off on [ __ ] people and and say terrible terrible i do but i do it in person but also you do it that's true that's true that's so true that's very true but also you do it to people that are like willing and on board and all that [ __ ] like there are people out there who yo quite honestly to almost back jake on and i'm not saying that cody was doing it at the time but there are people on the internet who are [ __ ] bullying who are bullying hardcore over and over and over and over again certain people and if we are supposed to be a society of people who are now standing up to bullies like what's the first thing you're going to teach your kid jeff if somebody like is if someone is supposed to one too that's it that's it like yo like and and by the way to protect yourself like if it gets physical but at the same time like yo like i don't i hate the idea of letting people just [ __ ] attack someone over and over and over again without the idea that yo there may be a repercussion for this someday yeah i don't know maybe that's just how i think about it well maybe we're doing the lord's work here you know godzilla who'd have thought who'd have thought it would be us this episode is brought to you by unleashed with the dingo and danny a new podcast fueled by monster energy this summer professional skateboarder naija houston shout out naija we love you naija we'll represent the us and tokyo for skateboarding olympics debut but for naija the real skateboarding happens in the streets pulling out videos shredding with your friends being a thrasher that's what it's all about plus he keeps a voodoo doll on his nightstand as a talisman superstition or secret keys to success here for yourself by tuning into episode one of the podcast as niger breaks down raw street skating and living the life of the world's most winning street skater hosted by sports personality the dingo and professional snowboarder danny cass unleashed is the alternative sports podcast you've been waiting for brought to you by monster energy back to the program i mean what do you think about that do you think like it's you should have like free reign to just [ __ ] yes and no so no because obviously no bullying sucks and it sucks to be on the receiving end of it yeah i also think it depends who it is and what the situation is yeah yeah accountability is big on both ends accountability on the the end of the perceived bully saying oh this is like maybe maybe i did go a little too hard here and what was my intent was my intent to embarrass this person was my intent to offend them was my intent to make light of a situation that maybe they took them to themselves too seriously we've seen like just you know some of these cyber bullies making fun of like tick tock stars who are a little cringe or some videos come off banter yeah yeah yeah yeah which which one's different well which again having been on the receiving end of that i can go you know what that's fine you're right that's [ __ ] funny like i'll i'll take the note and try not to be as cringe next time um on the other end that's probably it actually if there's only one and i guess i guess we'll define it but but to that point i guess the question just becomes like at what point does it go from banter or even or even criticism which is fine to targeted attack after attack because one time sometimes and people are like that's funny but when it becomes a uh episodic journey that is just attack after attack on someone's character at some point you have to ask yourself like yo like is this something you would want to link up and talk about in person yeah like why did the baby call jojo siwa a bit all right i don't understand that's like is that cyberbullying honestly this episode might come out a month from now so it might be completely you know no they'll never forget they'll never i'll be i'm working out in the gym the baby song comes on he goes do a [ __ ] josh i'll see you i'm like what the [ __ ] yeah why why i don't know anything about this i apologize i tried to stay off the news so i said nothing topical that would be like i appreciate that by the time i appreciate it this came out because he's probably smart that seems like it's etched forever in uh hip-hop history yeah when the baby called jojo siwa [ __ ] george wait so he just did it for no reason no one really knows no one knows but then he put out this uh song or right around the same time as that song masterpiece which in my eyes is a great the baby song so i kind of forgot about the jojo see which but but also i feel like the baby i feel like the baby's just kind of here to have a good time [ __ ] around be a troll sometimes make it like like he doesn't take himself too seriously which is the other thing so i i don't know like i know jojo can handle it jojo's been through the [ __ ] mud like she's been on the receiving end of everything right she's literally grown up online listening to what other people think of her which is crazy woman's probably made a steal at this point yeah and the baby like him i don't [ __ ] like joe josie was taller than the baby it's like at one point and he's he's the baby you know we're all just having fun here you a [ __ ] jojo siwa like she said it twice you didn't see that no man i've been off social media sorry i wish i could get in on this do you spend a lot of time uh off so like kind of not scrolling lately i've been i've been trying not to because especially when you're not posting there's no reason to look at it it's kind of just like depressing you know it is so yeah i took a little break i didn't look at it at all what do you have timers on my phone like when i have to post a brand deal i would literally set like a like i give myself 15 minutes on instagram to get my stories uploaded and then you can you know you could do that in your settings so like for each app like i gave myself 10 minutes on twitter 15 minutes on instagram and like tick tock maybe i need 20 20 for tick tock oh you like do you like to talk yeah yeah because of the curated for you content yeah it knows what to serve you yeah yeah yeah so then how do you do videos how do you uh what are you doing your time these days well i've been working on a lot of stuff and again i don't know when this will come out but i have uh i have i'm doing my own podcast uh i'm gonna do a solo one if you guys want to see a video i made a video for you yeah yeah more videos more exclusively drop them over solos solos are tough but but also i thought they were near impossible for for myself at least right and you said macbook pro you saw tim dillon's pop-up crushing it right he's and he sometimes has somebody there with him but then i got on twitch stream and started ranting on topics and realized that maybe it's not impossible not bad oh yeah you'll pretty much do it already yeah like you do it onto you i do it on the stream and i'll talk and it says waiting um maybe maybe do iphone 3. oh i got it hold on here we go yeah yeah yeah you do it pretty much maybe you gotta flip it sideways i don't know here we go pulling the clip up oh god i have to i want to show you guys i mean a maverick i'm gonna have to rotate it rotate it yes sorry how do i how um just play inside i don't know boomers now [ __ ] yeah just play without the sound because i don't know i got this watch watch it with uh flip flip flip rotate left just watch it without the sound because without the sound i mean all right uh what are we watching again the studio you could put the sound on i was kidding just for a joke okay i'm working on here check this out see it's got a little 70s vibe oh it's beautiful i like that [ __ ] race car bed [ __ ] goddamn [ __ ] you guys got you see this i didn't want you guys to hear this part just they're supposed to play with the sound off that's where my producers sit this is jeff's humor logan well he's going back and forth no he's doing that to [ __ ] with you and you know i feel [ __ ] with i don't know i i this is when i thought your set still looked like a race car bed i used to say that it was too too like i love i love the new set i love it thank you it did look like a race car bed this set looks nice man um jeff fm it's three ups in a row it's so dumb it sounds terrible but that's that's how i like to keep my [ __ ] low budget and shitty and yeah there you go the joker everything's a big [ __ ] joke so it doesn't matter and so you don't plan on going on a murderous rampage just to be clear no no no no no no no no no no no i'm gonna do the opposite i'm gonna do this was my realization that i need to do good i need to spread good i need to use my experiences in life to to help people i'm like reborn yep you know no more [ __ ] no like i mean that this is it just getting to detail now it's like you turn it off that's my that's my plant that i gave the mohawk to i've been planting a lot of plants in my free time if that's where you did ask that question yeah a lot of cacti a lot of cat dad there i saw a cacti on the back of a small pickup truck but you [ __ ] uh like succulents oh yeah succulents you have to i'm going all out i i got a whole bunch of palm trees i got uh i mean i don't even know the names of these things i walk in and the plant people like they're kind of smug and they'll look at you like you know you're a newbie like you're [ __ ] like relaxed i'm just trying to get some cactuses and stuff like that i'm not trying to make this like my life be a botanist or something but it is like therapeutic to plant some plants and like work on your house opposed to just look at twitter all day or something like that you know you're this is this is the number one sign of uh evolution my [ __ ] house is gonna be a rain forest at the end of the month there's so much botany going on in there where where's the crib and it's uh the same it's right right upstairs right right i was gonna parlay into do you ever think about moving back to the east coast no no no i was just there for a day and it was enough you went back to your old high school i went back to my old high school i got immediately thrown out i went back why well i if i'm gonna go back there like i got in trouble so much at that school if i went back now and i acted like you know like when david goes back to school everyone praises him they're like oh my god you're you're back you're hero like you're the best give me tesla you know like for me i was i was hanging on by a thread like i barely graduated it was only because i gave the like teachers haircuts after school like did you really that's the only reason i made it out of high school so if i was going back i was going back to terrorize it so i walk in and i had no mask on and that was the first red flag they're like sir where's your mask i was like i'm i was like ma'am i have no ears i had a hoodie on and she was like at first she had to process it and i was like i'm exempt i'm a hollywood celebrity i used to go here i'm alumni i'm here to meet with the dean and she's like sir this is a vaccination site you need to get the like you need to get out of here right now and then i was like is it cool if i just go to my old classroom quick and i took off running and she grabbed a gun and i was like all right this is i got too far wow imagine you got plugged by the by the what are they called human resource officers whatever they're called yeah yeah they are all after suck yeah and nobody gives a [ __ ] there that's the best part like i purposely go in there and i say i'm a hollywood youtube star justin i know the reaction i'm gonna get like i went to this old mob deli they got busted for all this like racketeering and like all this mafia [ __ ] and i was filming like at the documentary and they're all like bro don't [ __ ] film me i don't want to be on camera and i'm like just do not film no matter what like what are they going to shoot us you know so we just went back and just raised hell and it was fun are you still working out as frequently as you did that's a great question you guys are good man you you're were in great shape can you show your hat would you show your abs right now you still have that did you he definitely does oh yeah yeah yeah you got a little ribbon do you want to stand you don't want to stand up and really get a good flex in no because no problem you know i i'm i've changed well this workout thing the workout thing i can't i could not work out for six months which was tough because uh because i shattered the eye socket it's surrounded by i don't know how in detail you want me to go here but your eye like your organs are surrounded by like visceral fat it's called and um i had fat atrophy because i blasted it so hard so all the fat around my eye socket that like your eye kind of sits in it all like dissolved and i had to get new ones put in so that's why i have that that's why i have that scar there because they took fat from here to put it in my eye so what you're saying is you have as a result of the accident you have even better abs because they took that they had what i had they actually real [ __ ] real [ __ ] bro like real [ __ ] they [ __ ] made me eat fried chicken ice cream i know this sounds like like oh they dried the fat they had to get me fatter and it literally like i kept this whole thing a secret so like people are commenting like oh you [ __ ] your eye up from plastic surgery and you're getting fat and like i never told anybody what i'm going through so like that's why another thing like i just don't want to look at my phone i'll keep making these videos because like i know i have like like a few devoted fans like i have this fandom that's [ __ ] insane they're like they're they make sick edits like they're creative as [ __ ] and like i don't want to let them down but also like [ __ ] everyone else cause everyone's making their assumptions when they don't really know what's going on so um yeah i can't work out which is what i do for my mental health because i'm sober now so i run i do [ __ ] like that to like get those endorphins going and like deal with my stress so that's taken from me and i mean yeah so that [ __ ] sucked and also like somebody who cares about their like health and fitness and diet and i gotta like take shots of olive oil and eat like peanut butter and just like healthy fats because they say you got to feed the fat to grow the fat back in my eye so it was just like a complete like flip of my life and now i'm planting plants and i'm finding new [ __ ] to do and i've been working on i like i like new jeff no he's great dude i like the old jeff too but it's just it's it it'll just be interesting to see how you how it all plays are you gonna be able to work out again soon or are you working out now yeah i'm doing i put a gym in my place i'm just doing like pull-ups and push-ups like are you are you hanging out with people are you generally alone yeah i don't mean that in a sad way but no i got my crew i got i got my crew that like i work with and i have my like new york friends like my still my street friends that i hang out with and those like yeah i'm good like i have good people around me so because you know you can always hit us up and the gym's open here if you're working oh yeah yeah i would love to i would love to that sounds great yeah yeah we're pretty action oriented too i don't know if you need like motivation in that arena but yeah we definitely i think everyone who comes around here is inspired to just [ __ ] kick ass man we're all just becoming best friends over here i wasn't playing yeah yeah yeah yeah he's a freak he said he's a free agent we're you know what's superman oh look look i love david i love that whole crew jason is is one of my favorite guys i've ever met in the world and you know um it's just they're on to the next chapter with the podcast and i'm gonna do a podcast zane and heath have their podcast yeah um i still run with todd every morning you know we do run in every morning so like that i don't count as like a workout and i should not be doing that because i'm burning off the fat but [ __ ] it i need my mental health too i'll have my eye be floating around a little bit i need to like you do you do uh the whole circle at runyon yeah so we did it the other day for the first time uh the [ __ ] is hard the one the one side in particular is exceptionally steep yeah and i i wasn't aware at how are you jogging yeah yeah yeah trying not to stop yeah i think we had to stop once yeah okay that's that's really good well i'm in like i'm in pretty good shape i was i was expecting to like can you look at how much you weigh right now i'm i'm 195. oh my god damn and you're ripped too inclines man that's why we did run inclines are are the best yeah inclines are the best i love uh i like how a they are on my my joints and my knees they're not as bad as yeah coming down running running down sucks but i go backwards and uh when we're going down but um nice you got good trainers around you man it sounds like you have good people are you yeah you know i'm working with a don who i'm sure you know from way back oh yeah dude yeah damn yeah he's uh he's running with me he won he won david's car the other day yeah yeah yeah but that is a good sign when you see people in this town that have the same group of people around them for a long time it's rare because like even george yeah i remember you and george met back at 600 vine days a lot of people grow apart but yeah that was uh that's it that's all we got for today um that was a great podcast man yeah that was it that's yeah that's all we got yeah that's it we do about an hour or a little over an hour what are we at we gotta reset before the next guest we're shooting uh 10 episodes this week jesus yeah yeah before training camp we're just stacking them all we have one left right what are you going to what are you going to puerto rico going to puerto rico for training camp yep and then uh probably going to move down there as well and i feel like that seclusion will be very good for me especially under uh going this boxing journey that yeah i'll probably pursue for another you know three to five years maybe longer seeing how it goes but yeah it just it just seems like it makes sense for me i liked it there i felt i felt i felt very me and when i came back to la after visiting there i um for the first time in my life i was i was i was disappointed that i was coming to la which was notable for me um yeah i i kind of had that feeling too with some stuff i i can relate the barbershop is is over too by the way what it's ended we ripped it down what are you talking about the set or the show is it's done it's done the the show's done temporarily i don't know if i'll bring it back but yeah yeah i had a little falling out with jonah i'll show you guys yeah this is i mean if you guys want to wrap it up we could wrap it up but i mean i was going to talk about more stuff well if you have a something of major concern let's talk about some juice let's talk about some juice yeah whoa yeah man the barber shop is no more i forgot to tell you that i left that part out that's uh seems like a pretty it's crazy hard to leave out of the uh interview i think here's a picture i'm gonna airdrop chi logan okay a lot of exclusives all right here we go i'm getting it it's coming in hot and it's downloaded i'm opening it up now here we go okay here's jeff here's jeff with a sledgehammer that's it that's that's the barbershop well it's ripped down yeah that was the barber shop yeah that was the barber shop it had to get ripped down because jonah wanted me out he he was done he and like like we said with the privacy thing you know we're getting trolled no we're getting we're gonna troll i mean how can i troll that you think i you think i ripped that down i've seen what you'll go through to [ __ ] troll some you're [ __ ] trolling us bro you figured yo you know what i've told these kids in the past it almost led us to hate each other now we're gonna i'm gonna troll them again i'm redesigning i think i'm buying this putting new bricks that's not even you bro you think i'm going to put new i'm sad because all the nostalgia is gone but i need a change i need a new show and that's jeff fm that that i'm going to do jeff at them now can you be honest for a second are you actually barber shopping is the barber shop stopping jeff is the barber shop stopping sick of cutting hair during interviews this was so nice being able to just talk to you guys having to do a haircut throughout the interview is tough yep and i i do love the the barbershop show it's something original that i somehow accidentally created and casey neistat says it's dope but this had to end here i will try to figure something out i'm working on other stuff i'm not going to give up i'm not going to quit what about jonah me and jonah yeah i mean [ __ ] him [Laughter] let him eat himself to death i mean the la the last time we were seeing together on camera i gave him a check for ten thousand dollars for losing the most weight in the weight loss competition that i do a show to help people lose weight yeah there's some fat shaming jokes in the show but you know at the end of the day it's to help people motivate them he won but he cheated he did a boxers weight cut oh he did he uh he lost like it was just water weight yeah setting this on up yeah he won the money and then he ripped the check in half he gave half of it away made himself look good and then told me to go [ __ ] myself after i don't know i swear on camera he told me i love you and then afterwards we talked and he said hey look like i don't [ __ ] just i can't have all of your employees coming in my house anymore at random times in the night to shoot stuff i need privacy and i need you to like like i don't care i'll pay the whole rent and i was like you [ __ ] me when i'm at rock bottom this is what you do you kick me when i'm down now i'm gonna [ __ ] you i'm gonna [ __ ] you back i'm gonna go impulsive and tell everybody how much of a [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] you are maybe we'll be friends by the time this comes back out but as of now that's where we're at [ __ ] him he's dead to me yeah wow i'm happy that you i don't know man 100 true okay yeah okay 100 percent true all right good point oh i guess not what was the intent of ripping the check in half and giving half of it away wouldn't that just void the entire he didn't actually give half the money away he gave half of his the check that's what i'm saying like checks are fake they're just hollywood stuff i don't expect you to understand this new guy here from new york logan you know new york yeah whatever connecticut uh yeah the checks are fake i i actually paid them in cash um afterwards but he gave he did give half the money but then he did tell me to go [ __ ] myself and you know well my eye was hanging out and i was at rock bottom he [ __ ] gave me the boot so you know what i wish him well something happens to him along the way you know i'm i'm going my own way i'm i'm i'm gone i'm taking off maybe i'll move to puerto rico puerto rico's that's hard to spell kill somebody yeah that's it's still part of the country would you ever consider moving into a late uh an over 30s content house it's a big house a big [ __ ] house and there's one extra room we need one more that fits in with it with the right crap no i'm not no no no no no no no no no there is no he's not actually doesn't even exist i'm not even a person it's a great idea maybe take jonah he would love it he needs a place to stay too because he's getting the boot he'd be great mike wait you're i mean look i'm a fair guy i'm a very fair guy i i think things through i i i don't react like i used to but um because he [ __ ] me i will make his life a living hell now so yeah jonah and i are at war take him to your [ __ ] content house and let him get abused in there let him be the punching bag over there i don't want them anymore all right everything i said on the show is fake no no the the shop's really done the job's really done that's so wild but i've been working on some stuff i have a a new business that i've always wanted to do since i was a kid and i'm going to talk about that soon uh i'll tell you off of it okay fire that's cool it seems that that's i thought you're on brand i know you're gonna say that you were advising on stock picks or something like that if you can invest in this but no i am done investing in stuff uh uh yeah yeah yeah that's good luck maybe i'll move to puerto rico at logan that'd be cool content house for me no i'm a um privacy people we appreciate you jeff we appreciate you jeff whitake thank you guys yeah yeah yeah uh you guys can follow my instagram jeff just jeff just i've been starting to beef with jeff bezos i've been trying to do you know how you guys do the fighting trolling you're calling him out i'm calling him out he wants the handle no he doesn't want it but i'm trying to make him think he wants it cool so i i i put in my bio go [ __ ] yourself jeff bezos you bald [ __ ] it's not for sale oh yeah that's in my bio so you know people get notified when you get added to a bio a verified account you think you saw it so he had to if like logan adds me to his bio and he's verified i get a notification on my phone so i'm trying to i'm trying to get him to be like all right is that true all right yeah it is it is that's true that's a good way to get people's attention girl's attention and [ __ ] yeah i'm like all right all right jeff sheesh you know let's go to war bezos you know you wanna get a million dollars for it go [ __ ] yourself i can see him and jonah teaming up all right yeah i guess yeah i'll take that into consideration guys uh thank you for watching this episode hit that subscribe button we love you impulsive is it's our show and there's more of them coming we'll see you next time bye
Views: 2,109,679
Rating: 4.9242177 out of 5
Keywords: podcast guest, Jake Paul brother, impaulsive, impaulsive podcast, logan paul podcast, maverick, jeff wittek, vlog squad, david dobrik, david dobrik apology video, jeff wittek h3 podcast, jeff wittek apology, jeffs barbershop, jeff wittek eye injury, jeff wittek eye, trisha paytas, h3h3, keemstar, dramaalert, jeff wittek vlog squad, cody ko and jake paul fight, dark humor, jonah and jeff wittek, jeff wittek documentary, joker movie, jeff fm, jeff wittek podcast
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 16sec (4456 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 13 2021
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