Before your eyes -- A game that changes when you blink

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[Music] yo yo yo hello [Music] bro i uh so [ __ ] tired i don't know what's wrong with me i'm like air i need air how you guys doing nice stream yesterday uh it was huge huge win uh we're gonna play game i wanted to test this game out just give me a minute and i'll set it up it's called before your eyes and it's supposed to use your webcam as far as i understand unless i got the wrong game let me double check use this webcam that's crazy and i'm not sure how to set that up let me see here you guys can probably not see anything can you you can let's stretch that boom okay [Music] almost there um [Music] okay how does this work how do i set up my webcam with it that's the real question new game shouldn't it ask me to set it up first there we go so i can't i can use this one hey i'm using my uh phone as a webcam and it's sitting like next to me but there's my real cat this is yeah you get the gist uh with the camera enabled okay will track me i consent to tracking if you do not have a camera no i have a camera are you wearing glasses no make sure evenly late i is as good as it's gonna get the circle below should fill in whenever you blink whoa how does he know that's sick okay it seems to rework what now calibrate i don't think i need to look at this screen and blink a few times [Music] yeah if the game stops detecting blinks press spacebar to recalibrate this is weird here we go let me know if the audio is good volume higher or lower this game about blinking see every time you blink the game will notice see how this works try blinking on on the white symbol [Music] it already doesn't work oh okay i move there we go okay [Music] that's cool when you see a metronome and blink oh you'll jump forward keep blinking oh this is freaky i walk by blinking i do it subconsciously obviously so i don't think about it and then oh [ __ ] i don't want to blink i asked you for your name but sadly you got no mouth to speak with i only got my eyes hands to shake with nose to look down with so we're gonna have to find another way see what you'll find is i'm actually a master at not blinking your body your body's still inside of you if that makes any sense sure so if you understand what i'm saying um blink over my hand here all right ready for it you remember blinking oh look at that you're a blinking genius [Laughter] game quiet all right let me turn that see all them poor souls down there lost in the waves i didn't choose any of them i chose you oh i'm special thank you i i just sometimes get a sort of a a hunch or what's a better word epiphany an inch inkling now you see that tower out there not yet oh whoa that's where i'm taking you to see the gatekeeper to be judged i'm gonna present your case tell her the whole story of your entire life from prow to stern now if she's impressed i'll get paid the big coin and you get yourself a spot in her magnificent city i'm in if she ain't well i eat seagull for dinner again [Laughter] we don't have to worry about that because i am the best orator you'll find on these sickly waters class a storyteller believe me shut up you had your chances it wasn't my fault you were no good layabouts i'm getting all my blinking out now you know clock watchers i got some roots is that it lexicon [Music] bro you got to work on your calves bro so sure maybe i'm not the most verbose storyteller out there but i know how to spin a yarn if i'm given something to work with and that's where you come in your life you're going to show it to me i want to see exactly what made you so absolutely great so just think back okay very beginning uh-huh no problem first thing that you can remember my first memory i'll send you there pooping in a shower understand no matter how much you like it you're not going to be able to stay all right every time you blink you're going to jump forward in time second that's cool could be five years five years just how this thing works damn okay interesting i mean i hope he's ready for this now the next time that you blink i'm gonna send you back don't be afraid and don't try to fight it i am kind of fighting it not gonna lie the thing to remember about blinking is well it's only a matter of time [ __ ] he's right i can did i blank just try to enjoy it this time all right the thing is i wear contact lenses so i can hold them up i can hold my blanks longer [Music] look at that sun beautiful i love the style of this it's been a long beautiful day ahead of us mm-hmm why are you smiling like that i don't know because the game was funny oh i didn't mean to blink all night i just did it intuitively don't blink all right no more blinking is that a stone with it all right it's pretty let's go get you some seashells what do you say sure you see that big spiky plant over there uh [Music] we'll have to keep our eyes on now okay i'll be back mister ago god damn it they really slipped away didn't it they had the beach oh well the best no i keep blinking go ahead kid [Music] look at that there's your little hand one year old we have to make him do this i did not blink you saw that should we recalibrate make sure you're emailing lit uh-huh i should move this a little bit is it this way or this way it's this one oh how do i should be like this why am i why is it like not centered on me even if i move it that makes no sense it's not barely okay okay okay great oh you want to play along with mommy don't you yes see i didn't blink there i swear i didn't maybe i'm blinking and i don't even know sounds good honey i'm sending it to my mentor next week it has to be perfect well sounds pretty perfect to me yeah what do you like about it i also like the person playing it [Music] i'll just keep my eyes a bit wider open look at his little face what do you think he's thinking about i don't know probably solving the problems of the universe are they talking about a baby yeah oh these cars they were the [ __ ] no it's not derivative at least i didn't think it was i'm learning math do you think you could tell science and geometry what i just told you right beautiful now that's sorry i guess i just put a lot of expectation on this call what am i blinking i'm not even playing thank you for considering my piece john it really means a lot well it's not it's not as good as mine but you know you try let's show our little mess of color [Music] whoa hey we do not throw things in this house if you're mad that you aren't good enough yet you'll just have to keep working at it sorry mom you know one day you'll be able to paint exactly what you have in your head you'll be damn it scrapbook [Music] baby grand piano gimme that fan baithold see that used to be my piano my dad gave it to me he loved music oh sweet fled his home country just to have a chance to pursue it god he made me practice so much i hated it at first man's got a pipe i want a pipe [Music] high school choir first unitarian gray i think he hoped to make it further than conducting the high school choir never said anything though he is what you might call the strong silent type i can't blink can you believe i grew up in the snow and i came all the way out here to the beach i don't even know how i got here you're dead damn it oh i got an achievement eyes of steel are you ready to see something really special i just don't want him to get attached oh my god are we getting our sven oh my god is it a sven what's the cutest thing i've ever seen oh what's wrong with that we can't keep him can we i mean i'm pretty much definitely allergic i'm not blinking no it's my uh as a demon but while he's here i say we call him ernie ernie damn it ernie oh now play the c major chord i taught you yep [Music] there it is there you go doesn't that make you feel happy like you just want to jump up and down now what about c minor you remember how to play that one of course very good just one note different that one sounds sad doesn't it a little melancholic i would say mom what a difference one little change can make on how a person feels [Music] what do you think arnie sort of like me and your little friend on your piano there [Music] i want to enjoy this music and moment with ernie a little longer damn it [Music] she was in grad school studying composition i never met anyone like her i just prayed to god i could somehow keep up think she liked that i was a professor gave me a certain gravitas in her eyes you know which i very quickly lost [Music] going through the memory book she dragged me to so many places it's wonderful oh where would you want to go if you could only go to one [Music] is that santorini i'll go there well just remember to put on sunscreen true and i gave you some unfortunate oh yeah let's hope they balance each other out [Music] it automatically moves on if you don't blink which is probably a safe safe thing i just noticed it there i thought for yeah the music looks great everything's great i like it we're growing up or year do you think we're in now we're in it for the big piano [Music] wait is that oh it plays so well how did you figure out how to play that richard are you hearing this what he's playing my piece oh i'm a guy i figured it out by ear i mean i was a gifted kid but he's brilliant we need to get him into serious piano lessons sure but you know anyone who might be a good teacher for him what i mean in the city sure not out here i don't i mean i know someone who might be up to the tab richard no one in this town knows anything maybe no damn it i actually blinked [Music] ernie oh god i have my interview in five minutes and i completely forgot to feed him i don't have to blink when these are oh what can we do with ernie you can scribble now that's a painting picasso abstract for a moment excuse me of course sir it's all organized into folders sitting ready on my kitchen table i get it literally be on your desk when you get in life passes by you with a blank i get it between now and tomorrow morning you want to enjoy the moment [Music] with ernie over here the game is giving me [Music] i'm blinking my phone fell there we go when's he coming i'm flying him out in february remember you know i think he was pretty surprised that i could actually afford to do that hey why not oh we're getting better now yo mom's spaghetti yeah [Music] please let the cat know it's time to use the litter box though baby steps he's got one eye no this is called a metronome i don't like it it's very frustrating so far the metronome that is i want you to start using it before grandpa comes to visit okay got all my blings out you know my father once told me when i was about your age the only way to fight against time is to create a work of genius which might live on after you're gone so i asked him what about your children yeah thinking i might be a work of genius just as i was he said yes i suppose if you made a work of genius i could live on through that as well no such luck for me i haven't seen him in over 10 years can you believe that sounds like a very harsh father with skewed ideas of life i blinked [Music] what is that phone call is that a bad phone call i feel like it's a bad one i ain't blinking can't make me i got eyes of steel baby [Music] golden eyes i think i have to blink all right has passed piano pieces for children clavier stick i want to play i don't want to blink damn it there you go buddy okay now keep a firm grip on it just like that we're taking a photo of ernie [Music] sorry buddy turn around l so we can photograph you i get to no way oh i'm just really behind right now why don't you take photos in the backyard it may not be interesting at first but if you keep going back out there every day you'll be surprised by how much it changes okay good advice i'm blinking consciously in one two three [Music] i love the music no don't say that what did you just say no i i said i'm really worried here can i get a kitty how dare you make a joke out of ernie's disappearing i know sweetie it cuts thank god i heard he's safe it disappears for weeks and then comes back with a huge belly but ernie's a boy and you're sure about that how do they not figure that out by now and that was based off [Music] if it's further away or something then it's one or the other and what was ernie's [Music] i'm still we keep it even though i hate cats and now it just happens to pop out five more well he should have neutered it [Music] he keeps coloring the grass blue the ocean yes [Music] i meant book oh yeah [Music] okay i'm blinking i'm just trying to look around you know see what's happening [Music] it's getting spooky again i assume uh her dad passed away that's what the call was about what is that creepy sound that cannot be ernie or nia i'm blinking i know it seems impossible that you could ever play something so complex i can do it but just take it one day at a time trust me [Music] that this song everyone gets taught first is that what it was called and that was beethoven spooky it's not even that hard bro come on the quiz said find the zero and he just drew an arrow pointing to it what's wrong with that i mean everything is wrong with that i want to see my answers wow [Music] how do you get that [Music] uh-huh benjamin that's our name [Music] everything changes so fast you don't play with it anymore we're getting rid of it no not baba the bear can he stay congratulations for so many ah dang it i covered my face [Music] we got neighbors moving in ooh potential uh neighbor love interest gotta make a good first impression here [Music] to be fair hey you yeah you come over here okay yes mr camera boy i'm talking to you sure this is our first interaction with the other sex why are you always out here taking photos so i'm a creep you know if you really want to take a photo of something cool you should take a photo of this wow that is very cool oh it's time why did they do this my i play guitar right and my parents are all whenever family is over it's like felix is going to play the guitar now and he's like why did you put why wow l he's unbelievable my god i didn't realize our head of accounting was raising a musical prodigy i don't even have to look my eyes are closed no the class is world history my name is mr isaac the class will be broken up into you hey i wrote you something okay what do we got uh dear weird neighbor kid thanks we are in the same class what a coincidence please please keep in mind that while we're at school we don't know each other do not talk to me ever assass not doodle on the sidelines not stare off into space all right let's take some notes okay let's see here done okay now i will go on to the next slide chloe tell me what did the quote say um oh you need my help now huh you were taking notes weren't you clown so those who do not remember damn it i tried to convince your father not to buy you that thing suspect he bought it for himself what a poppy the little guy cone master looks amazing oh i want the job of whoever gets paid to think of that crap oh they made fun the developers made fun of themselves that's great i've definitely seen you next door oh sure we sit together in history class i don't know what i do without old benny that's me thank you for playing his game with him your dad just thanked me for hanging out with you very interesting detail okay shut up shut up i really want this one are we playing pokemon [Music] damn good call [Music] oh yeah i remember always drawing it's called a magnet all the characters from video games i drew a pretty sick yoshi i'm not gonna lie i'm the neighbor's kid damn it it's about an hour away in a town called burton i know the change can be scary we're moving to a music school go in and meet the dean i spoke with you know life can take you to some incredible places if you're really really good at something or you can just be a youtuber honestly you have to be good at anything blinking consciously so what do you think benjamin you think you could excel in that sort of an environment yeah this seems like a great place i love it sorry he gets very shy oh not to worry oh my god she's as gifted as you say he is shyness is no problem why don't you two come back closer to the end of the year for an audition we'll get a few pieces that you can have him start learning i'm eager to hear what your son is capable of blinking oh no i understand you were a musician yourself where did you study yeah mom berkeley but i was in the composition department i didn't blink the game blinked all right let's read bach as you can see there are some very fast runs in there and a lot of stuff i've not taught you properly yet so no pressure i just want you to try and we can see if you start enjoying it being shy is a superpower just like to see you really rise to the occasion just this once i wish i had the option of going to a school like that when i was your age i wouldn't be working this boring job or living in this boring town i'll tell you that crumble what was that was that the piece there's choices in the game with you these days i barely know whose kid you're supposed to be no i will not throw it at my mom face until addition all right well time to practice don't answer that ben but it could be my neighbor kid after you practice it's really hard to play this i mean like doing the blinking and all that oh my god is she really calling you again what is she obsessed with you got a problem with that mom hi chloe what's that what are you doing i explicitly asked you not to pick up the phone who you remember is the goddess of truth and justice would weigh the deceased soul against the feather determining whether it was worthy of entering into her land of the dead and what if they are deemed unworthy well you can see that ugly fur ball under the scale that is alma met and she's got and yes that's a she the head of a crocodile fur of a lion see i get to decide the conversation look at it oh she slid me enough she is ready to devour any of tonight after my dad goes to sleep i'm going to sneak out my house and go to sleep on the beach if you want to get invited draw me a picture why is it blurry so i am not quite sure of mr isaac feeling constipated oh he's gonna see the note done what's so funny okay i'll call you when i'm leaving my house you better pick up my call dude oh okay slightly worried about having him change schools just because he's starting to make friends yeah i'm pretty sure the only reason she keeps coming here is to play that game you bought for him okay benny has a chance here a real chance to be really good at something parents projecting their ideas onto a child [Music] no i suppose you're right oh richard please like that some interesting themes i like it i don't think it's a bad mom necessarily cozy room out you need to be rested for tomorrow memory consolidates when you're asleep so if you go to sleep now you will awaken a master trust me mom what is consolidate me mom close the door close the door you forgot to close the door now i got to go up so cozy benny damn it benny turn those lights off did anybody your mom want the light benny we went fine i'm going to beach anyway stupid oh there it is we're sneaking out with chloe i mean come on i'm a sticky for a baby i apologize okay so meet me out in the alley in t minus now okay uh-huh oh wow this is creepy she said you know mommy i'm really glad you're here there's something i've been meaning to talk to you about or to get off my chest okay i don't think concerts is actually a really good game as in yoon he was in town this weekend and he was explaining how it's actually you know really good japanese i wonder which one he calls it so i'm sorry that i made you like it because it's actually a terrible [Laughter] but i also think that if it was a really good game maybe we wouldn't have enjoyed playing it as much we would have been so focused on how good it was and not the feelings we had while we were playing it good point my favorite vegetable is the tomato thinks that they're the grossest ever they are the grossest ever he's right or she i don't know he's a popular boy in the school uh-huh thank you i also like hanging out with you the most which was also something i wanted to talk to you about damn it i blinked probably didn't sleep at all out in the cold all night oh she's mad i'm sick aren't you it's okay you still got this i mean all the practice had to count for something maybe just try and close your eyes now and get a little sleep on the way over i'm going to play the recording so the sound of mastery can seep into your subconscious a little okay close your eyes ben i'm going to be there soon [Music] this is weird are you guys closing your [Music] eyes it's pretty must play well i know this i got this in your own time benjamin we are very excited to hear well this is fun sounds terrible i'm totally rooney oh okay okay i think that's enough ah you don't like it so benjamin uh why don't we plan on having you come back next year again once you've had a bit more time to practice yes as you know burton isn't the right fit for him oh no what if i don't get into burton wherever it may take you okay all right [ __ ] you i i really want to thank you and your mother for coming all the way out here i know it was quite the drive oh mom is going to be pissed dude maybe i pushed you too hard yes you did maybe i turned into my own father it seems like it i don't know yeah time to question yourself something to focus on the world isn't very kind to people who aren't really good at something no that it's basically everyone so i wouldn't worry about him on we want him home from school for a while just until this nasty thing clears hey l would you mind taking a quick walk with me down to my office there's a small clerical thing i need you to look at before i can let you two go oh yes of course what happened i'll be right back benny okay just maybe five minutes kiddo okay whoa i can i cannot blink in five minutes that's fine no problem this is fine we'll just wait damn it it's a crucial time in his development he shouldn't be confined to his room having him home for long damn it we're at the beach again is that no it was over here or was it am i 11 now i'm right at the beach again blinking consciousness video game time i want you to figure out something actually productive to do while you're home from school wow mom you're so much fun you're too much fun honestly i can't keep up with you i know parents mean well obviously my god they can be suffocating huh blinking consciously [Music] hey it's about from the beginning another music blinking consciously let's try it we like to draw mom you just never notice [Music] blinking consciously [Music] i need to learn how to center him but you know it might be a artistic choice now that's a boat [Music] and mr benjamin brynn has been awarded first place in two paragraphs describe what makes you want to pursue a career in the arts that's brilliant [Music] we're getting in for sure you are not here to learn to be free you are here to learn which is ironic isn't it love it i love it you ponies never heard that insult before hey how's ernie doing can we excuse me what is happening here how old am i i don't know if i want to try that [Music] oh yes that's more like it how very wacky and fun these are [Music] oh yeah very zany very cute lovely the world is always in wait what happened oh it's another drawing how are we getting that minimalistic style there you go mr brain thank you [Music] feel each shape i do oh honestly it's terrible i want you all to take a long look at what mr brynn has done here yeah please go ahead you fools he has reached down deep within himself and created a masterpiece i just squiggled away honestly alfred heart expo chronic sincerity of this piece is so sincerely ironic it is indeed the discourse so thoroughly i'm actually dizzy [Music] thank you wash and fall and it all probably feels weird and alienating and the opposite of what being a starving artist is supposed to feel like but if i can teach you one thing it's that if opportunity knocks you open the door okay making a living isn't selling out i wish i had thought of it that way i got the wrong one [Music] he loves it he loves my art you're not selling your we took a job at a firm i don't believe it i mean it would make our mom happy it doesn't hurt doesn't it you've crumpled my contract i actually didn't mean to do that whatever you want kid sure you got talent but what's talent [Music] listen i wish you the best of luck okay okay we're done [Music] remember sign a contract early learn it from me [Music] ah this is divine so now that you've grown bro do you ever wear a clean shirt where will you fly to the stars just somewhere abroad this american air can be stifling we're moving fast now [Music] where are we now whoa i like that where is santorini we're mixing styles i like it [Laughter] in your entire career collectors curators how we all love a rising star and how bored we become once it's settled keep rising benjamin right i think it was that good but okay hey ben don't even pick up this call okay i mean it i'm just calling to inform you that i went to the doctor today and well i'm i'm gonna be a little sick for a while but really i i don't want you worrying about it at all you're such an important moment in your career and i'm just so proud of you but i answered but that's enough for me now you'll hear from me no i believe is the single thing in the world my wife was most proud of her magnum opus so to speak huh i think you all know who i'm talking about benny ready to come up here [Music] go on b say something what's wrong why aren't you talking [Music] hey you as you know i talk to big very important people every day and there's one thing that everybody is asking me [Music] you are a snake you're a fraud but worst of all benjamin you're a little tease i have told the world that benjamin brain is a genius i have told the world that benjamin brain is silent because benjamin brain is hard at work creating his greatest work yet but you are doing nothing hey b just calling to tell you i think i'm selling the house she's everywhere your son i can't move without bumping into her and i just find myself breaking down again i hope you understand take whatever you want with your mother gone i'm hoping to finally live without all the clutter well we're definitely keeping mr boat by the way she didn't want you to see her like that she just wanted you to focus on your work that is the only thing that matters oh that is a tough one it's getting stressful okay [Music] oh oh that's what it [Music] became out okay [Music] look it's unbelievable benny oh so she's standing in the room with us [Music] made it pretty her in the paint i can feel her [Music] oh well [Music] inspired by the musical composition of his late mother the composer l stevens relatively unknown in her life prince lifted his mother work out obscurity with the creation of this piece oh wow oh my god i can't believe it oh it's neighbor kid i just walked through the entire show it's unbelievable oh okay i'd love to walk through it again with you i mean if you were down for that yes yes yes yes i just can't believe that my entire childhood i was living next to a bona fide genius and your mom i always heard her playing piano from next door but i didn't know she wrote the actual music oh hey so not to be forward but so she became what her dad wanted her to be maybe we could get a drink or something i'd really love to catch up i can't believe everything that's happened to you what's going on you finally hit the jackpot flapjack all the nobody nothing's dying every day you finally sink your hook into whoa well there you are well hello sir if i realized i would have cleaned up i'm just used to fishing up a different class of soul i mean close scientists a couple college athletes here or there but an internationally renowned painter the gatekeeper's gonna eat you up okay speaking of that why don't we give your story a test run maybe you help me out the word choice since you know i'm still working on that fair see if i'm getting all the strokes right the proper composition if you catch my drift forget about it all right here we go gatekeeper before you stands the soul of a great man thank you now would you describe yourself as a happy kid or a lonely one well you can be both i'll be happy his childhood was a happy one growing up in a loving home raised by loving parents in a quaint village by the sea and uh what'd you say your mom was a composer or an accountant his mother was a composer who with the need to support her family took a job as an accountant how would you describe her as a teacher more encouraging or demanding oh kind of like your champion or or more like a task master she was both i guess can i blink here i guess demanding that's the truth therefore as his piano teacher she was over demanding forcing him to practice day in and day out hoping that he might one day achieve that greatness that she never could how about that neighbor girl what was she to you was she your best friend or your first love and be honest here i don't know i really don't be bashful man you can tell me i mean i wanted romance to develop but i wouldn't say i wouldn't say uh let's go with mom but on the eve of his big audition he completely dropped the ball staying up all night with his first love and blowing it the next day [Music] now from that moment forward his mother gave up on him she knew he didn't have what it took to be a truly great musician but little did she know she just picked the wrong medium that's right see when he was 12 years old he got sick and he had to stay inside for an entire year it was that long in that year he rediscovered a talent he'd forgotten painting [Music] color and shape were the first languages he learned to speak but for the first time he saw it in a more serious life he was accepted into an exclusive art school where he caught the eye of an esteemed professor who launched his work into the national spotlight but be quiet with expectations on his career mounting he stalled himself i'm really glad we threw away the contract to be a blessing for it wasn't until he returned home to the house he grew up in that he began working on what would ultimately be considered his masterpiece i said shut up [Applause] i like his vocabulary all right i get it i hear what you're saying oh it's opening it assumed as much anyway i should probably tell you those things they're not regular goals uh-huh they're liar birds oh oh they're what becomes of souls who tried to lie to the gate they try that they're never allowed near her city again hey i don't even know if i want to go there feeling bad for not defending them right so they just stay on with me living reminders of my oratory shortcomings good thinking i'll be back to get you once i'm done with this one we haven't lied so far this is awkward silence what's happening thank you thank you just look at him and shut up is this an elevated oh wow oh now don't think that i haven't dealt with people like you oh my god i'm ashamed of something something so terrible you're trying to blink right past it because if the gatekeeper knew she'd have to dream up fresh new hells to punish someone as worthless oh it's reacting to my blank and i'm sure you're right i'm sure you're the rotten soul that i ever fished out of that black muck and i should have thrown you back and sanitized my paw as soon as i laid eyes on you but it's too late for that we're in this together and the gatekeeper she'll see right through your fake lies as if they were glass bro chill i didn't lie i'm gonna ask you again to start from the did i did i lie and this time i want the truth no all right i'm blinking are we back at the beach [Music] what did i fail or is this supposed to be part of the i didn't lie here c major chord [Music] come on keep blinking i i i haven't found you oh okay it's supposed to be part of the game you know my father once told me when i was about your age the only way to fight against time is to create a work of genius this stupid oh what what did your mother hear on that phone call about her dad [Music] oh god i can't blink am i doing this right do i blink to go forward or keep your eyes open i need to see okay oh my god it's so hard let's try this again okay i got this i have some steel baby i kind of blinked there didn't i no thank god i'm getting it hello yes of course this is l his daughter oh no [Music] oh [Music] she knew she hadn't yet lived up to her father's expectations and now she never could let's keep going [Music] you really need to stay in time with the metronome okay you were a prodigal talent i get it let's move one okay what did you just say this isn't a trip down memory lane i need yes i understand about the cat let's keep [Music] speed running uh this is the other creepy memory i don't know what happened here i don't [ __ ] it's really hard your eyes open okay [Music] not blinking [Music] easy those cats must have taught you a terrifying lesson that simply being alive wasn't enough so then you went to work to make yourself sensational [Music] listen to him richard i'm enlisting him in that competition don't psychoanalyze me wolf not if you [Music] win i know you want to stay here man but we don't have the time for me this year [Music] hey l would you mind taking a quick walk with me down to my office oh my god [Music] i need eye drops dude my ac is on it's blowing in my eyes i think on okay i think i'm back sorry i paused the game because it was lagging i'll just wait for everyone to come back once i you're back get your blinking act because we're continuing here we go [Music] tell everyone to refresh if it doesn't work i need to hear what they're saying really try to recall it well i don't remember because i never experienced it am i supposed to close my eyes i mean what's the point what do you mean what what happened what's the point [Music] what does that mean what's the point of any of it that's right mom think like a true nihilist for yourself if he's never gonna get any better from the societal pressure okay let's not say that okay we know we don't mean it i know i don't i know i mean what if he heard one of us saying something like that i'd never forgive myself no i it's okay he's asleep but it's okay damn i see you got sick you howled at the moon the top of your lungs it's a tree the beech tree [Music] [Applause] [Music] give me back rna you were sick for a long time weren't you sicker than healthy kids are supposed to get well no matter how painful it gets i need you to remember we're almost at the end of this i promise all right we're back being sick then this isn't video game time i want you to figure out something actually productive to do while you're home from school but i did wait what am i writing with it this is another path we could have taken well hello benny it was your grandfather's but i used it in college to write lyrics exactly it was very artsy actually i was just good at fooling your dad made him think i was some kind of genius why don't you write the story of your life so far and then what you're going to do once you get better that's the story i want to hear story of who you're going to become okay linking consciously the great life of benjamin brin [Music] his childhood was a happy one growing up in a loving home raised by loving parents in a quaint village by the sea his mother was a composer who with the need to support her family took a job as an accountant blinking consciously man this is wild you really got into this didn't you oh here i am but on the eve of his big audition he completely dropped the ball staying up all night with his first love and blowing it the next day first love okay benny and you know we really could have just slept on the beach another night but i'm also glad we didn't because well another night wouldn't be the same night if that makes sense okay uh back to the story he'd love finger painting as a child color and shape were the first languages he learned to speak man you take your doodle seriously i did not realize but i respect it thank you i respect it i do i said thanks all right blinky i'm so confused where is this going with the writing you were going to be in there for about 30 minutes they did cut we did cut past these memories really quickly so there was a big gap in our memory then was taken out you're doing great buddy thank you knock back you're gonna be so annoyed with me but i couldn't help but overhear chloe reading loud from what i think was your story the other night i know i know i promised myself i wouldn't eavesdrop but mom i would really love to read it if you'd let me what do you say you know i'm such a big fan of anything you do oh i can't just go in there and tell him you loved it i'm sorry i just can't what not right now okay don't worry just go to bed i'll talk to you hey b just want you to know that mom loved your story she's just yeah i think it was just very emotional for her to read but i thought it was great i mean look at this his childhood was a happy one growing up in a loving home raised by loving parents in a quaint village by the sea certainly glad you feel that way but what i want to know is where'd you learn to write so well well this wolf guy reads like dickens oh benjamin brynn was a loser he was the worst friend to ever live he didn't even try to find the disease inside him he just laid down and died [Music] damn penny then oh god can you hear me richard richard get out i'm up what's going on i think he's unconscious call the paramedics now okay okay i'm doing it that's your moment [Music] [Music] [Music] try closing your eyes it might help you remember so if he's ever in pain all he needs to do is press that red button and the drug will administer itself thank you so much you know i know my wife would normally want to thank you herself no i understand it hits mothers the hardest this sort of thing thank you for understanding it's been it's been a rough one [Music] at least we're at home hey eddie yeah hey man it's richard listen i know l's been missing in action but i just want you to understand things have taken a really bad turn here yeah no that's not going to be possible to be honest your whole tone is pissing me off right now yes i understand you have a business to run it's a very cliche thing to say to me in a time like this okay well well then i guess all i can say is screw you too i said screw you too yeah man that's all i got damn all right then this game all right close calling hey this isn't funny you know what you're too scared to talk to me well just so you know i know you're faking because if you were really sick like actually sick you'd have told me already i happen hey benny buddy did you just yeah i throw stuff dad i remember when you were just four years old you got the mustang tough time i mean not as tough as now but yeah her music had been rejected and she's having trouble adjusting to her quiet little life out here chloe can [ __ ] out of here i feared that yeah i was losing her but then you played this on the piano and just your little heads reaching keys she just couldn't believe how gifted you were once she heard that well it was like you brought her right back to me oh so i was wondering if maybe you could do that trick again try closing your eyes see if you can remember oh there we go i'm thinking i'm memorizing can you guys see anything [Music] how did you figure out how to play that oh am i supposed to open oh here we go oh it's pretty he's playing b she's listening [Music] [Music] to stay my dudes what are you doing here you furball what are you doing now she's gonna make you sick oh it's okay i'm just so happy she's here we've got to show this cat some real love she's been through more than we can even imagine [Music] oh her poor fur richard we have to give ernie a haircut okay i don't get it is she okay what happened what time are we in [Applause] [Music] she hasn't been over like she didn't even care to visit no i mean i don't think he's told her and you're just letting that be i don't know her step you know how benny is she lost her mother a year ago you knew that right no what does that have to do with do we have our dad's number i don't know check the book okay i'm calling now honey [Music] oh my god you're an idiot uh maybe like another 30 minutes okay you do realize this is really nothing special to me i've seen this all before i um i was thinking about what you said in the story the other day and how i reacted to it i feel kind of bad i shouldn't have done that but hey what are you looking at don't worry about it don't look up there look at me i'm talking to you i want to give you something but i think i don't want to be in the room when you see what it is so maybe if you close your eyes i can give it to you and i'm going to leave close your eyes now oh okay here we go is it safe to open dear weird neighbor kid [Music] [Music] oh i hate this part [Music] what is that it's something new i'm working on so you're writing again ah it's just a melody that came to me it feels good to play it [Music] it's sad yeah well that would make sense but do you like it i mean yeah i love everything you do what do you like about it oh not this old trap go on i'm waiting well it made me feel like like like if the unspeakable darkness i'm carrying can be so well expressed maybe it's not so unspeakable nailed it didn't i yeah i mean that was pretty good it's wednesday my dudes it's two's oh it's getting tougher [Music] we can't even close our eyes anymore [Music] come on blob get the [ __ ] out of here i can't breathe i know i know it's okay benny i understand there's no need to show me anymore no richard it's like i can't breathe like there's this clamp on my chest i know it's okay you can come back to me now prepare me you have to do something richard i can't breathe i feel like i can't breathe it's okay benny just close your eyes no fine you know for a while now i've wondered if i'm just not a good enough storyteller if i just don't have grand enough words can't tell grand enough stories but grand words and stories i think they may be overrated i know just what to tell her watch for her now i've seen the gatekeeper take many forms depending on the soul i bring her but once you see her you'll know believe me okay i should go get ready beautiful don't worry we got this i think i was hoping we would grow old but i guess we never did i'm keeping my eyes on oh no way [Music] he's got his third eye she of course [Music] gatekeeper before you sits the soul of a child who died before he could grow old that means she's ready to hear your story blinking you know i never told you how much i loved your story it's really so imaginative and the person you wrote about is such an interesting and intense guy my only issue was well i didn't like him very much so i wanted to read you something i wrote for you which is about the benny i've known for 11 years now it's called the great life of benjamin brynn benjamin brynn was born into an ordinary home to an ordinary mother and father in a small town by the sea his mother was a composer or at least that's what she dreamed she'd be so when her own dreams didn't pan out she began to dream for him but then when he was just 11 years old he got sick and was forced to stay inside for an entire year no no i blanked he began to worry that he had so he made up us of the great life he thought he wanted to live which only made him forget the great life he already had how he had filled a new home with light and joy and promise how he met a girl his neighbor who felt all alone in the world and made her feel okay again and how even when he was sick he still gave his parents hope how he reminded them exactly who they were after they had almost forgotten so when he knew he was going to go he was okay because he'd already lived a great life a full life and he was everything he needed to be just as he was [Music] close your eyes now and keep them closed she's gonna let you in go on you know what to do [Music] oh i have to look i'm just cutting on this here mate why is he smiling like that he must be somewhere that he likes [Music] oh wow wow [Music] that was incredible i [Music] amazing [Music] that was so nice that was beautiful i love that i had no idea what to expect cool lifestyle great story fun elements beautiful score that was so cool i love that [Music] you'll remember why you came here [Music] there's a couple pictures thanks for joining me on that guys hope you enjoyed it as well sorry about my unintentional blinking but i i think i did it too many times was such a good game it's really fun playing too i recommend checking out yourself [Music] try it out with the blinking [Music] all right i actually have to go after this i need to help out a little bit but that was cool [Music] makes sense to end it here anyway that was a kickstarter project [Music] maya stop working all right we don't need to see all the kickstarters no offense hey what up all right guys thanks for joining this stream this might like to subscribe see you next time bye bye brofist double bro fast
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 5,999,285
Rating: 4.9574161 out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Id: KKHrNv4d9G0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 55sec (5875 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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