Noah Beck Opens Up About His Surgery - UNFILTERED #77

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hey guys how you doing i'm do something good there you go how are you feeling better than last time yeah i know i had fun at the end of the episode i i started just like shutting down and i was just like i was like ping pong watching you guys conversation like i like couldn't put words like together and make them come out of my mouth i didn't even remember what the last episode was like what we talked about like i it was almost like i blacked out yeah i was suited it was fun watching the highlights and being like i remember that that was good and mariah got so [ __ ] high where she wasn't even there like she was just off camera she was gone i was gone what was the oh for the people tuning in if you didn't know the last episode we smoked weed and we're high for the first time first time on camera if you want to watch it it's out there first we got high we've never smoked weed but mariah edited it what was your thoughts watching the the footage back i thought it was so good i don't know like i i was telling heath i wish that you guys uh didn't remember what you remembered in your head because it came across as like you guys like spoke more logically like you hit a side of your brain okay like there was questions asked and normally when there's a question asked i have to cut it because there's a pause because you guys are thinking of your answer this time there was no pause you had an answer and it made sense that's pretty insane that there's like you usually have to think about what i have to say by the time i'm thinking it we're already on to the next thing you know but like she was saying that zayn you should smoke more before i think he should get medicated just a little bit yeah i was watching and i was like they're so funny like you were very witty you weren't overthinking it it's so funny because in my head i'm like i'm taking so long to answer and like the time felt like it was like yeah a minute but it passed like nothing watching it back or it felt like we had been recording for 40 minutes and it had only been 20. we had a whole fight in the kitchen about how long we were recording and i knew we were recording for just [ __ ] 20 30 minutes and they're like no we've been recording for an hour and a half like there's only an hour away we haven't even done the intro yet we've been started yet you want to solve this intro real quick sure yeah let's do it um it's coffee talking baby yeah [ __ ] yeah dude i was trying to get on your level should we do pink someone messed with the glass should we change the color should we just pink our vibe today let's do yellow oh okay oh i was thinking about the guests what do i see in our guests yellow orange and yellow are you guys excited the biggest color for zayn i am i because i really like every because the whole internet like everybody on tic tac knows who this kid is i feel like there's like some sort of mystery to him like there's some i feel like i don't know him at all he's got his let's go beyond what people see exactly like let's go beyond the obvious let's not be boring like let's let's get into it let's crack this coconut there you go we put people i feel like we put our guests in a good light on the show that's why but we're trying a new structure for this episode we're not gonna have the guest for the full episode we're gonna have like the second half or whatever i don't know when he'll show up with the way mariah edits but he'll be like the second half and we'll see how how it works we just wanted to get our momentum going yeah as a group like so we're more fresh and sharper and warm by the time uh the guest comes in because sometimes we start it off the guest comes in we haven't even sat in our seats and it we just feel stale there's also a lot of stuff we want to talk about before we get into the guest um like recapping the weed episode and just like a little update on us so even just doesn't have to hear about it yeah even talk about the guests too like no it'll be fun i think it's gonna be really good yeah i feel high again i don't oh did you guys know did you smoke no no i didn't it's just like what were we about to say zane i was saying did you guys know that white claw they're raising the alcohol up to eight percent for the summer well not all white claws there it's like they're making like a bud light platinum of white cloth ah what's it at right now it's at five no that's at five so i don't know is it going to be that much of a difference like what's the point of going if you're gonna do it do it like 25 or something you know make it fun it's like buzz balls yeah those things will get you going what's a buzz ball they're like these little um cans but they're the shape of a ball or they look like a globe and they haven't had gas stations adults are they like eleven percent alcohol those are alcoholics yes and they're so there's different flavors so there's like a chocolate martini there's what about neon green i just i'm thinking at gas stations yeah they're so fun like if you're at like a rinky-dink town and you go to a gas station they're gonna have a boat down it's got a little flat on the bottom you'll feel good oh they're 15 alcohol come again wow they're so tiny they're like they're like this big i don't understand the whole like percent like isn't there like a law where you can't go past a certain percent when you make like alcoholic drinks right um like the fact that they went from five to eight they had to have gotten some some sort of yeah yeah run it by a board people do that like you can have eight percent like ipa and stuff all the time yeah now but what what is the difference between like the alcohol percent versus like a uh like a hundred proof hundred things that's these are like uh these are in a different category than like a liquor a spirit you know liquor i barely know her liquor maybe don't lick her at all i don't leave her alone but but he said like 40 proof 80 proof does that mean it's like 80 percent alcohol like well then they have 151 which is 151 oh i don't know i never know proofs and stuff when someone's like oh yeah this is i like walk away i do that you do check this out so explain the proofs then i i'm i don't know i'm just kidding i'm just [ __ ] we don't have proof we're not doing fact-checking no proof here yeah uh actually i'm curious devin can i have a this is why we need to hire more people devon is running around doing eight different things devin can you pop me in a pop tart all right you got no it's okay i'm kidding why don't you fill in the spot until the guest comes with your feet still at the same time she got little bitty feet yeah size three in women's actually size two but i buy a three so i don't look stupid show your feet off no oh my god make that money you know something i gotta pay for this month making only pants for your feet they might mariah doesn't show her feet for like three months title it rare size rare size oh let's talk about yosemite yosemite so we just got back from yosemite we went for a few days and have you been no but i've seen pictures it looks dude it is mind-blowing scares like the sheer size of these rock formations is unbelievable yeah like it is breathtaking it makes you believe in god yeah and knowing that they've been there forever the amount of people that have touched where you talk like it's so cool that's where uh alex honold scaled the entire right what's it called so there's half dome which is like the big back rounded with like the uh flat front and then the dawn wall is with uh el cap yeah oh capitaine that's what he climbed so yeah so it's the same like rock but one side is the dawn wall free climbing nothing attached like when you like like are standing at a distance you're looking up like this i was imagining what he was like feeling going up that not his wife that's for sure i felt so bad for that girl watching that documentary i was having fun i was shivering i was i don't know how how people can [ __ ] do but it's crazy because like when you're there like you can like look up and you see people in their tents on the side of the mountain like they're just hanging their little they hang their tent down and they're just like like at night you'll see like a flashlight on inside the tents and the tents are like glowing i'd be scared to roll off the [ __ ] side imagine my friend's coming into town you'll meet him he's done all of that so he rock climbs yeah he's climbed the biggest mountains in the world and he's he's been on his instagram story and is panned over and it's just he's on top of a [ __ ] cliff i'm like i don't get how people can like handle that some guy went uh missing the day we went i don't know if you knew that the a rock climber yeah the 22nd oh my god people were sending me the articles and they were like hey i know you guys were there this day i was just wondering if you saw him wow so he was on a climber damn i don't know who he was but the um austin said that he was on the north side of the waterfall we were on the south side damn but i was like imagine the people all those people that we interacted with and talked to like the three days imagine it was like one of them but it i didn't recognize him every it's scary out there though don't go by yourself especially like on the hikes everything is so slippery because it's like granite and like the rocks have been so worn down and like polished from people just like hiking the trails yeah it is slick and these huge rocks and mountains they're not made for climbing like nobody made them to climb they just find a way to get up there that's what blows my mind it's like the machine that does this with the little color because it keeps going up just pretend that you're on a mountain i saw this tick tock where it said if you guys have little kids prepare a treasure chest for them one day to discover make it now and go bury it and then make this really um obscure treasure map okay and put it in their room framed as their kids so they're as they grow up gradually they will one day go what is this on my wall and they're gonna be like i don't know what do you think it is or you say like i think it's an old treasure map and they're gonna be like really oh i like it as they continue to get make it still kind of complex and as they continue to get older they'll start keep they'll keep looking at it as they continue to get older they'll keep looking at it and revisit it and they go wait they'll figure out the first clue and then they'll trace it down in everything and you'll have the greatest treasure hunt for your kids once they figure it out it's like a treasure map you don't tell them that yeah you plan it for years and you just wait for them to slowly figure out the thing in their room is the treasure my kid is just like yeah it's just awesome what did you do i saw this thing on tick tock two where it was like this guy makes like cds like kind of like records like you know the big giant records you put and i forgot what it was but it would play and you it's an audio of your entire wedding so everybody's saying something to like about you on your wedding day and you get to listen to it on this like record that's a good idea my parents have that on video of everybody like they've walked around the wedding with the microphone i want that of my one they have yeah i think i think i'm missing like an important piece of that story i just forget what it was it was like i watched it a long time so they like record it but then they turn it into a vinyl yeah but there's a there's an important piece that i'm missing to this [ __ ] story and i i forgot it but it was really cool i remember watching i'm like this is [ __ ] sick yeah i planted a time capsule in my backyard that's my dream we moved to my mom like made me dig it up we buried my dog in my backyard yeah i buried my hamster and uh yeah we put uh we put our hamster in a uh ninja turtles shoe box oh oh that's cute you watched ninja turtles as a kid oh my god yeah i never i haven't seen one episode teenagers i had the movie on vehicles i like pizza so much did those turtles live in the gutters where do they live the sewer the sewer the gutters of your house not the gutter same thing it's like the same [ __ ] yeah they were they were underground and then get some toxic waste went down and mutated the turtles into oh and they were teenagers and then you know each one of their names are like painters painters like donatello leonardo da vinci michelangelo yeah but the only one that didn't make sense was raphael yeah raphael ortiz oh i uh update update on what your testicle no no i don't have an update yeah i'm still waiting for the results but i did so i did go to an ultrasound for my for my from my ball sack and i was a little nervous for it because i i just didn't know what was gonna happen what they were going to do you know i've never gotten an ultrasound don't they like check on my jelly jelly it was it was strange so they had me sit on this bed it was almost like the way it was like the like the way it was lit the way it was like okay just lay down here it was almost like i was about to get like a happy ending it was just like they made it feel very comfortable and like candles everywhere it was really strange and candles if i walked in and get my balls checked and the doctor lit a candle i would walk out i'm like hold on music yeah burn some incense they did play music they did play music so i got on she was like okay so like you got to take all your clothes off but keep the top portion yeah i was a girl so you put the put the towel here you got it you got to tuck your penis up put the towel over it hold it and then put the a roll of towels between your legs and then you get to push your your balls out so the only thing showing is my ball sack so i'm saying that i'm like right she comes in just just right right i did like a week ago so i was fine and then i everything was fine and like so she was like all right i'm putting i'm putting the jelly on so it was a jelly and she's like it's gonna be warm and then she starts going and she's just don't she shouldn't no she's like she's just she's like it's gonna be warm so like just she's just preparing me heads up so she's hot she's good all your loins she it was really cold in the room so she put it on she's like oh i'm sorry the room is called like yeah it's really cold because i don't because it was shrinking because it was so [ __ ] cold so i had to like just pull it up pull it on it and then like she's doing the exam and there's music playing okay so she's going she's just like taking like just a ton of pictures of your [Laughter] she's doing she's taking like pictures on the computer of like just like just doing her thing and all of a sudden the music play and then his switches it was so silent and then the song switches to what the the song pony oh that song starts playing and i i'm just like and then it got really sad and intense like 10 seconds later she realized what was playing and she was like oh my god i am so sorry and i'm dying laughing i'm like no it's okay it's fine i don't care she's like no no no no i gotta switch this and she turns around and like puts a song down and she puts like the lower head where you like what does this woman do is she really it looked like it was staged it was just so funny and and she lowers she lowers the music down a lot and then she she goes it gets really sad we were talking about like what just happened it was hilarious and then it gets really quiet and you could still hear it a little bit and she's just like i'm i'm sorry was it her playlist no like it was just the song of the office like why would they play that i think it was like music you'd hear in a dentist's office it was just like the wrong way they usually play like the radio like that i think you want somebody's phone it was the radio it was like usually the like jimmy buffett or something like i don't know just something i mean they didn't put [ __ ] like sex music playlists they put like probably just pop playlists or some [ __ ] and that just popped up well what if it was a wet ass [ __ ] my version place awkward okay so she's gonna see the jelly so she does a little yeah and how do you see your balls on a screen no i wanted to i i wasn't allowed to look at the screen she couldn't she wasn't allowed to tell me what she was seeing which was really strange i think i don't think she was allowed to say anything because like a actual doctor yeah if a person is doing an x-ray they don't she can't just be like oh i think you have cancer like she did but she did say she did say there was like nothing serious which is like good but she was like i'm gonna give the doctor he's gonna check it out so i haven't gotten the results yet but i'll probably get it like monday right before she like left the door she goes by the way nice [Laughter] no i'm gonna say i love the podcast oh yeah oh my god when i when i did get a physical i did like i was young and i didn't know like how they worked and like i just like i don't know where i got this thought in my head but like i went to get checked and you know how they like make you drop your pants and like turn your head and like he holds it whatever um he told me to drop my pants and for some reason i thought like i just had heard all this stuff i was young about like i didn't know if it was prostate or whatever like i just for some reason i turned around and i bent over oh no i swear to god you probably saw it in a movie i don't know what it was what i was thinking but he was like all right go ahead and drop your pants and like the next thing was to like turn your head and cough but i literally turned around and i bent over and i spread my hair you thought you were in jail i was like whoa cowboy how did he go oh nelly all right greatness he did not all right now you can turn around now and i didn't realize until afterwards that like i would never show facebook but paperwork is like anal healthy no hemorrhoids i don't know i was young it was naive it was a different time it was a different time yeah and then i got my tmj appointment i've been having all these appointments next is botox and all this [ __ ] baby do you i know you had a tmj appointment yeah i did i what'd they say well oh my god we've been waiting for this this is the these are the points i [ __ ] hate so like i i like i knew i like there's something wrong i needed like i wanted to go straight to like a tmj mri like clank to get like just a screening immediately because you know i obviously have something but they made me go all the way out like an hour out to like a doctor's it took so long to get there because of traffic i got there i go up to see the doctor he's like all right let me feel and i go and he's like all right i'm gonna i'm gonna get you onto an mri clinic like that was it it took like 20 seconds for this guy to be like all right just we're going to get you an appointment like why are you painting why couldn't i just go straight now i just paid like 300 to see this guy they have to sign off on that but i thought you could just get like well you have to get like a prescription to like basically get an mri yeah right like you have to be like approved yeah you can't just walk in and ask for right scan me yeah just come on i'm asking for it i was dying for it i had to get an mri and they wouldn't give it to me because i had a heart ablation but the guy was like you're sure there's no metal in your body i'm like no the only heart surgery i ever had was an ablation and he pulls out the book of like heart surgeries and like comes out and is like i don't know man i have to talk to your cardiologist that did this ablation because in some cases there could be metal in your body and i'm like i feel like i would know but then again i was like do i want to take that chance and get an mri in just a piece of metal oh my god oh my god my god just but he was looking he was freaking out he goes you shouldn't be i'm like come on let's go fire it up do you think that's ever happened myself yeah oh my god people i don't know imagine that feeling oh [ __ ] that's why they make you take out piercings and stuff yes all that i don't know i almost didn't want to take my nipple piercings out oh imagine be traumatizing noah beck is on his way i've never met him have you met him i've met him once but it was like in passing for like five seconds oh really yeah you guys were like best friends no no we're not best friends we will be best friends after super nice guy yeah are you excited mariah very excited are you nervous that he's going to swoon my woman i don't know [Laughter] mariah's not going to be allowed to look at him she's going to be like so noah so we have noah beck if you were young would you have a crush on noah beck would he be like your favorite your type it's okay if he's not i'm not looking at me he's like a teenager right he's 19. deflecting like teenagers at that age didn't look like that like he looks like a grown man yeah like he definitely looks like early 20s that's crazy if i started working out i wouldn't look like that for like 10 years yeah they answered your questions probably yeah probably oh probably yeah do you think it's okay are you cool with that he's hot as hell because i like like cameron dallas i feel like it's the same thing [Music] imagine fanning back and forth we're talking all of a sudden it goes to that couch she's gone it goes [Applause] hi kevin what should we say he's in sway house yeah okay i want to get that right that was like bright and hyped all that up i feel like they've no they've talked about it all i feel like it's burnt out it's fun to talk about other [ __ ] and have them have of what position on the soccer team and now were you a good soccer captain were you like guys we need to get our act together like those types of questions did he start the huddle yeah we can we don't have a soccer ball for him can you do any cool tricks we do have a golf ball though we do have time to go get a soccer ball so maybe he can maybe hop around who do you think he's bringing um i don't know what if he what if he shows up with like a team of six that would suck i don't like when there's a lot of people watching oh patricia's plastering a table getting into plastering look what she did with this table look at the renovations my bra hampton shirt what the she's wearing one of my shoes and she plastered at the table look how good that looks that's nice yeah but she's wearing my bra hamster shirt she takes wow is that what is that white thing on your shirt lobster it's not tick tock that paint thinner is in a lot of our cereal i've heard that a long time ago paint is in our cereal paint thinner well i've also learned there's like shrimp and cinnamon toast crunch no what yeah brothers whose husband has been going on a rant about oh oh no it was a it was like a joke anything like that there was a shrimp in my thing i know but that was some famous person's like husband yeah i think it was like a meme i think he was trying to like be funny no i thought it was real oh that's real he went on a huge thing completely convinced that there was shrimp i thought people were attacking him because it was like fake or something i don't know should i look it up if it was real is there paint thinner what do you mean the ingredient i guess i don't know i don't know chemistry cinnamon toast does sound like a cereal that would have paint thinner in it because it's too good i read that doritos red dye number 40 which enhances adhd yes and that's why they don't want your kids eating like and i love doritos oh that's mariah that's why we so [ __ ] i love doritos okay so trisodium phosphate is in a lot of our cereals is it in like toothpaste that's sodium lauryl sulfate i was testing you i knew that i used to know the whole table of elements like where everything goes oh really yeah really because we had to do it for extra credit i was all over that's number one they told us to i don't remember it anymore put her on the spot man call her out we used to get extra credit for knowing the declaration of independence i learned that the president's in order i learned that i loved like those challenges i needed extra credit every time nucleus the brain of the cell cytoplasm fills it well vacuoles storage sacs cell membrane covers like a wrap mitochondria is the power source er moves through you can even flow you can turn the mic off the waste golgi bodies pinch in place ribosomes or proteins made chromatin is dna chloroplasts all right we're going to just end this episode guys thank you so much for watching now i know my parts of the cell don't want my teacher think i'm swell i read another stupid if we were on the topic i read another story where this woman um she found a finger in her wendy's chili oh this happened in no it was it was a long time i don't know if everybody knew it though yeah no no it wasn't real oh it wasn't real oh i thought it was no it was just a mozzarella oh so nobody knew i i should ruin the story because i just like the rumor no she found a finger in her chili's and it was a real finger but she planted it there like her husband somebody that he works with lost a finger on the job and he said he'll take care of it so she got sentenced to four years in prison for planting us and chili's lost millions of dollars every single day really yeah look at her even as much press they had that it was a fake finger people still didn't buy it why did i say well before they did they didn't know right away that it was fake she went a long time with like pressing charges 2005. it was she was trying to get some money yeah some fraudulent torts but like the husband took the finger from the job and then they planted it but she's done it before uh could i have that it was a wendy's in san jose you magical to work that day just like imagine having it in a ziploc bag and you're just like that's pretty like it's all frozen up with dry ice pouring it out into your food in the restaurant imagine how many people actually do that like plant [ __ ] and food just to get a free [ __ ] free [ __ ] meal have you done that have you ever done that anyway why would you do no no i've never swindled my way into a free meal yeah if you put a finger in the coffee okay it'll get our name out there everybody will know i cut my own off is still back showing up yeah he was supposed to be here it's like the girl oh [ __ ] he's been sitting outside for shut up five minutes are you kidding me yeah my bad all right well when we return from the breaks yeah we'll find out get him go get him now i feel terrible well he's no we're gonna be outside so we might we gotta end this segment he's good you just said right yeah before we continue we want to give a big thank you to our sponsor for this episode better help in 2021 talking about mental health it's finally a thing so that's why we're so excited to be sponsored by better help online therapy baby it's okay to talk about your feelings now exactly it is a new time be open it's like it's been a rough couple i would say a couple of years it's been a rough couple years and i know i needed to see like somebody i just need to talk to somebody because you know friends are not enough sometimes you need to talk to oh an actual i know i know it hurts but sometimes you need to talk to like an actual professional that's like that knows how to deal with this stuff and i know i am right now because like i have a lot going on you guys know i have a lot going on right now mentally physically just like emotionally i just need to talk to somebody about it you know and better helps got you covered baby you don't need to be ashamed it's time to do better for you because you deserve better and better help gives you tools to help you with motivation anxiety depression insecurities with your relationship work stuff literally anything everything they got it covered and what's great is that it's an online chat you could do video you could do a phone call if you don't want to see anybody and i know personally for me it's kind of hard to open up to somebody in person i feel like more vulnerable so doing something online or over the phone is always so much easier so i i really enjoy it and it's so much more affordable than in-person therapy like we all know that like that can get so expensive quick and you can start with a therapist in under 48 hours so try better help and join the millions of people who are seeing what therapy is really about and it's always a good time to invest in yourself because you are your greatest asset baby maybe take care of your mind yeah again this podcast is sponsored by better help and our unfiltered listeners are going to get 10 off their first month at heath again that's thank you betterhelp we love you i used to love eating pineapples i illuminated pineapples out of my tanker's horse because there's an enzyme in pineapples that breaks down the lining of your mouth and it's not just pine i think just anything citrusy if you eat a lot of citrus that's what causes you yes so i try to avoid citrus this isn't the type of conversation we're about to have he's like i was looking at a tree i was learning new things i was like so no citrus and pineapples well no i'm so sorry you were waiting outside for five minutes i'm sorry we were we were in the moment we were [ __ ] was it five minutes or was it longer than five minutes no he was just being nice he was out there for 30. no i was good all right ready yeah all right let's uh he's here i forgot we uh like take pictures of guests that look over my eyes like okay well give us a slate name age height why why do you need all that mariah what else do you need i can't i can't do anything uh noah back 19 years old six foot 195. i feel like he's doing an audition i'm surprised you were six foot though i thought you were like same height as me no how tall are you matt that's what he wants to hear oh 6'3 i came in you came in i was like oh i didn't remember him yeah i saw him at the game like [ __ ] he's tall because i saw him when i was he was he was sitting down so i didn't really and he was still taller than you yeah pretty much did you get tall at a young age or did you late bloomer no i was a late bloomer i shot up and i had like bad growing pains because of it because i grew up playing sports and like i was always like the small little quick one i played i played soccer so i was always just a small quick one and then i hit a growth spurt and then i became slow and like big and i was like this sucks you're a football guy yeah i don't see soccer at all yeah i played soccer since i was three and i went to college four and everything d1 right yeah sick yeah do you miss it so much yeah yeah excellent soccer was my life honestly that's awesome right is that weird i mean yeah i know i could do like a soccer channel that'd be fun i've thought of it and yeah i just miss it like i want to go back could you could you walk on to like a team out here for like i'm sure he could walk on homeboy trying full ride scholarships no but i'm saying like do they do that for soccer like i know you could like walk on for like a football and like try out if you're good enough that's called streaking i don't know this is serious matt wait no let's be serious so you got a full scholarship to yale right yale university or is it that was like people took that oh that's not true so i got a scholarship what the [ __ ] look up give us the run down the whole thing was so like taken out of context people were like he got a full ride and like i never said i got yale showed interest they gave me a scholarship but they don't do i'm not sure they don't do athletic scholarships or academic i'm not sure which one but they don't do one or the other so you can't get a full ride to an ivy league school unless you join the rowing team exactly i know i know i know i know so yale like obviously like my parents were stoked and everything that they showed interest but i'm like i don't want to go to school especially i don't want to go to like an ivy league school like i want to go to school that's good at soccer and yale was not the best at soccer and stuff like he denied yale that's pretty crazy my dad was also like my coach growing up and so he was always hard on me but it was like he so he was the high school in arizona he was like the high school soccer coach and so when i was five six years old i started training with them like just obviously not like competitively but like i would just like jump into their drills and like i was like kind of you're like raised into it yeah i had to like develop quickly and like i think that helped me a ton like growing up and being able to like play at a higher level and so uh yes i think that helped a lot but i had a few schools interested and yeah so i ended up choosing uh university of portland because i took a few visits and so university of portland was a smaller school it's like a private catholic school yeah and so i had like 5 000 people max and i chose them because when i took my visit they had no football team and their main focus was soccer and so i think that was like very attractive to me like right seeing that and i was like they put all their attention into the soccer team so i'm like and they were really good as opposed to like a big name school that doesn't really care about like i took a visit to ucla as well and i was like it goes football basketball then soccer it's like soccer's kind of like in the middle of it all and so i wanted to go to a school that was like purely focused on soccer and that's what university of portland was and we were really good and it was fun how many years did you do there just one last year it was i went there for the first semester my freshman year did winter break and then came back for like a month or two uh for the spring season and then we got sent home because of kobit oh damn yeah and so i thought you'd probably say so yeah that's actually funny because when they when they sent us home for like obviously because of covid yeah they sent us all home i finished up my um freshman year online but when i was doing that and also like doing at-home workouts and stuff for soccer i was like training going like doing school online and that's when like tick-tock kind of got introduced because i was like i can't study all day i can't go hang out with my friends because we're all locked up and i can't train every minute of the day because my body can't take that so i'm like i'm just gonna make some videos like why not and so my sister had the app and she was like and i had the app as well i just didn't have a profile so i like kept up to date with all the trends and i was like you know what one night i just tried to do it and yeah how long did it take to like blow up from like your first so i posted those that night and i woke up to like 14 000 followers or something like that well that felt good huh it was weird [Laughter] yeah it was such a weird feeling because i'm like wait what because my sister had like 6 000 followers yeah at the time and she was like bragging to me because i had like two thousand on instagram she's like i have triple you on tick tock and i'm like oh so it's competition yeah i was like there you go i don't and she like posted a lot like granted she didn't really take it seriously she like posted stuff with like friends like when they were like drunk or something like that so she's all fun she's older yeah okay so i have two older sisters but yeah and she would like post and all that stuff and i'm like i don't think the rate like the algorithm is like the same like i post like once a month on instagram like game day pics like with the boys like yeah other than that i don't really post like i didn't do social media and she was like trying to brag and i was like what the heck well now she's probably bragging even more to her friend she's drunk like my brothers look how many followers i i know he has more but like i had more in the beginning i have no reason no seriously i made him i made him yeah i made him he's famous because of me no i did that i did that it was her name let's hit him tatum yeah your parents had named y'all like some good names what's your other sister's name haley oh well they get a little less original that's like popular kid names right there tatum noah yeah they sound like characters out of a gossip girl yeah yeah or the hills yes like their name would just pop up yeah just like a nice fancy name okay so you were captain of your soccer team growing up i mean typically like i was on a few different teams like there was some where i wasn't but most of the time most of the time but you got a lot of that from like your dad was probably like the coach you yeah really kind of hands-on and like i said training with my dad's like high school team like i had to mature yeah like pretty quickly um because like they wouldn't take it easy and like i would tell them not to and my dad would tell him like don't take it easy on him like if i was like eight years old the slide yeah you're the troy bolton you're like guys let's get our heads in the game yeah let's go out there break out musicals come on it's the same i'm not burning my dream i'm ruining yours dad was it hard for you like because basically you like gave that up to come out here to like pursue that happened quick huh yeah was it like hard to like say goodbye to i mean obviously it's not done forever but like no that was the hardest decision i've ever had to make because it was like one of those things where i it kind of just took off and i didn't ask for it like obviously it felt good at the time like yeah get like that like dope mean feeling yeah like serotonin is like wow this is sick i see all these likes and comments so i'm like this is cool and then like the followers continue to like go up and i was like okay i don't i'm gonna keep posting but at the same time like it's a good feeling but i don't want to distract me from soccer right yeah and like i told my parents about it i'm like i'm like gaining a lot on this app like it's kind of fun and they were like that's cool and my dad was like don't let it distract you and i'm like did you know that social media you could like have a career off social media when like you started seeing this yeah funny that you said because when i was at i think like not i mean 50k is still a lot of followers but like come like nowadays it's not a lot on tick tock it's like compared to other apps compared to others it's like 50k blake gray actually reached out to me and i live with him now and so it's kind of funny because he reached out to me on instagram and he dmed me and was like um yo i think you have a lot of potential in social media i was like oh wow i didn't know what that meant i was like what do you mean by that what can i do with this how much further can i go yeah i was like what does that even mean he was and like i kind of just like responded like thanks bro and he had like three million on instagram i'm like oh my god he's famous and i was like it's pretty wild yeah headhunter yeah and i was like thank you like it's really nice to be like coming on to me i was like we should like keep in touch and he was like yeah man for sure and he's like you should come out and like meet the boys sometime i'm like yeah i know i'm like okay and i kind of just like i shrugged it off for a few months because i didn't even like think anything of it i'm like i'm like as cool as that is like that's not that's for me and then um yeah so i kept posting and then like months went by and i think uh it was around so like i really started i posted like three to four times a day because i realized i'm pretty like analytical and i would look into like the algorithm and i was like if i post at these times one of them is always like bound to blow up and the more you post the more yeah they try to give me those numbers give me those like that and a lot of times yeah so i kind of just like you have to make the content zane yeah yeah so i kind of just like picked it out and i was like okay this works so i'm gonna keep doing this i'm like what do people like the most and so i kept doing that and then uh so i started posting like that like in march like when i got sent home um and then i think it was around late may my family went on a trip to like newport beach because my parents are both teachers and so they obviously had summer plus the kobe thing like so we were just like let's go to newport beach we got a little airbnb and we kind of just like went there for like five days just relaxed and in those five days like it was the craziest thing i don't know what it was maybe it was like the newport like i don't know what it was but it was insane because in those five days i grew 2.5 million followers in those five days did blake grey like put like what did did they do something with your parents you're going out to family dinners and they're like noah can you put your phone away you're like mom look at this i can't put my phone away this is insane no it's i mean it's insane for like just a normal kid that doesn't even really think about it i didn't get it like i didn't get what was happening i'm like this is a big number and i didn't think anything of it i didn't think of like like i didn't check my email i had my email attached to my thing but i didn't check my email and i was like one day it came to me i was like i checked it so i checked and then i had emails from people being like hey you know like we'll pay you this if you promote this and i'm like the same way and like i looked into it and i was like wait i can't because i'm an ncaa athlete yeah you can't make money basically you can't make any money based off the likeliness of your name even if it's not no way and like i i talked it's crazy my dean about it as well like at my college because i'm like i can make some pretty good money here and i'm like and is that allowed and he's like i'll talk to nca he talked to them he said you can't and i'm like oh my god they're jealous [Laughter] [Music] scholarship tax when i had a male i was like it was kind of a big deal because my sister was like we were kind of waiting from the computer for it to melt i'm like this is so cool and i was like but i didn't think anything of it you know she's drinking like good for you [Laughter] your mom is a teacher too right yes my mom teaches second grade and my dad is a law enforcement world history and the soccer coach damn the truck driver your dad is a truck driver yeah it's about oh my god oh that's great that's cool oh thank you guys oh thank you so much i never know i've never met anybody that was like that they were a [ __ ] truck driver yeah did you go to the same school your mom taught at yes did you have your mom i couldn't no you couldn't they weren't allowed but did you like get some things by you know like did you get like the uh the t like the teachers lounge oh yeah so like before school we got food before school i would go into the teachers lounge and like i was cool with all the teachers and like every time i would get in trouble or like and i wasn't like a oh getting in trouble i i wasn't like a bad kid at all i just laughed a lot in class and i was always kind of like i was pretty talkative but i was a good student and like i kind of had to because my parents obviously being teachers like i like i'm sure they they tattle quick out there huh yeah no the teachers like wanted they're like ooh like no one did this today in class my mom was like oh sorry but and like they just i feel like they just wanted me to get yeah yeah i feel like teachers wouldn't like the student if they knew that a teacher was like they're they want they want to make it seem like they're kidding yeah yeah yeah did your mom ever like say you can't call me mom you have to call me mrs beck even though i know she wasn't your teacher but it's like don't shout out my mom down the hallway or hi mom like were you like hi mrs beck he was just embarrassed for dinner yeah they're like you guys have this name yeah i think you were just so funny at school but no i think i just called her mom i don't think i ever really would you guys eat together at lunch would you dap dapper up on like walking by in the hallway that's good very funny that was pretty cool yeah that was cool but in high school it's different like i could have had my dad but i just didn't take his classes i had um well that's another thing that i didn't really get into but when i was 15 i moved away uh to utah what good choice we love utah are you talking about no i just love it there it's so sick it's really cool yeah yeah so when i i was born and raised in arizona lived there and then when i was 15 i got like recruited to uh like a residency academy called real salt lake michael um what is this so you know just making me realize do you guys know what mls is like the major league soccer it's like yes okay yeah yeah okay mls so they have like youth teams that like i played for so it's some of them have like residency academies so there's a team in the mls called real salt lake and they are based in utah and so they had like a youth academy team that i would play for and i played for the u16 team and the u18 team i played for the u16 team for two years and then the u18 team for a year so is this like your dad who's like we're gonna get you into this academy no a lot of people thought that because um when i was when i was a freshman in high school like i played for my dad's high school team and he was my coach and um i like started and all that stuff and so people always call me like when we would go on away trips like people would be like coach's son like they would like make chants about that because i mean that year also won player of the year and his son they would chant that yeah coaches i took it more as a con like every time we would go on a way trip and they would chant that i would take it as a comment because like they know who i am yeah i was like why would i but were they doing it like as a they're trying to get in this they're trying to mock them oh yeah i got it yeah he probably wouldn't sound like he sucked like he was really good so i feel like they'd be pissed what position did you play real quick midfield the center midfielder is like the quarterback in soccer okay well i remember that when i played soccer i sucked so i'd always see the middle field as it was the best players in the middle well what was like what about the far like left side of the bench oh yeah that's what i played oh okay yeah no oh i was like thinking where's that on the field and i'm like oh no water boy so you like you get the ball and you kick it to the goal like matt sorry wait i had a question um but you're really skilled at soccer are you skilled at other sports i don't know if my parents like they didn't force me or anything but they like made sure or they just put me in every sport pretty much growing up like i played pretty much everything what are you god awful at like if someone was like having a little pickup game of something you're like i do not hand whatever it is to me like i hate basketball people think i'm great at basketball yeah i'm terrible at it i don't know everything just comes easy just go to everything it doesn't come easy i just played every sport a lot yeah i i used to i used to be like just what's the 500 club i don't know is this thing in arizona that i was on and it was like a little golf club yeah it was a little golf club it was super fun i used to go off all the time with my uh grandpa my dad and my cousin yeah yeah i saw you posted um with uh blake yeah out there we go sometimes i played with him at uh angelus like a couple weeks ago yeah yeah he yeah and then he did like that sick like trick and i was like but yeah golfing's definitely not my like strong suit though like i love it but i get so frustrated because i'm so competitive and it's like if i mess up i'm like only mad at yourself i get mad at myself i'm usually good at like the golf cart like when you drive the golf cart you know that's the best part i'm really good at that too i'm good at taking your roller dog there's nothing better though no i i recently just had surgery and so i could i can't play for like shoulder two more weeks i had it on do you know what gynocomastia is dude i want to get my mom yeah i got it done like april 8th how was it it was super easy the procedure was like an hour and a half okay and yeah i just went in they put me under i woke up and went home and when you got vaccinated you missed it i know i know they put me under no he got the gyno surgery that i want to get the nipple surgery the fat nip the dino gynos gynecomastia it sounded really funny i was trying to show somebody's a gynocologist that deals with a vagina yeah but it's not the vagina it's the nips wait you got this stuff removed out of your nipples yeah so it's just like built up breast tissue right yeah so when i was like 11 or 12 yeah nipples yeah i had yeah in both of them yeah for like this one was in for a couple months and then this one stuck around until april 8th when i got it removed but you only did one side yeah because this one went away this one's perfectly fine and then this one was like a big insecurity of mine like i didn't wear tight shirts or anything because it looked like oh my god that's so hard did you have to like photoshop like the nipple and no you use the funny thing the pull down right yeah i i know all the tricks so i would go did you get them pierced he got his piercings because of like my insecurity do you have it in both yeah okay yeah did you [ __ ] judge me okay you couldn't he you could have just done [ __ ] taste okay just tape on your nips like acts like that no pain tape like that zayn really he wants me to have the edm exes dude i'm not gonna lie i did that i did that for a couple days of middle school because i like there was a point where i had really puffy nips so i put like a tape over here so you couldn't see the poofy nips but i didn't have like it was i didn't have like dino or whatever okay making me like check it out it did make me feel insecure it's like one in three guys right do you get to like keep whatever they took out of you like i don't you put in like formaldehyde you put it in your eyes oh it's fat yeah it's breast tissue yeah adipose tissue attaboy isn't that what it is i don't know oh i would ask them take that and put it in my head did you get that like what came out yeah do you want to see it yeah show us literally so no nipple guys shows us his boob oh my god we have a title everybody [Applause] so when i would do like shirtless modeling shoots or like anything me too that's why i get this if i would do anything like shirtless if i would do anything shirtless or if like just going to like a pool party or anything like that i would literally when anyone when everyone looked the way i would do it so smooth just a quick little flick yeah i do like a quick little twist yeah you need a little twist like you can just like be talking to someone just right yeah yeah and it's like that is so funny wait what do you mean you twist my nipple to get it hard so it's like it sounds like flicking it makes it bigger is this called it makes it like hard and it kind of like it's instead of being like coney and like soft damn so all day you guys would just have to flick it kind of like snatches i went to i went to like a water park so there's that like i want to see we're seeing noah's nest pass that [ __ ] here no way dude that's crazy start with the club share with the class pass it around okay so just for show and it's crazy because someone's gonna rob you you got a 100 bill in your phone case it's just if i'm on my wallet okay so who is your phone like the before picture like this one right here yeah so this is the before just like a little lump you can see it it's just like zoom in enhance yeah enhance oh that was okay so it like yeah it looks like a mountain yeah you're laying down so it's definitely like sitting but if you're standing up it would like i was standing up it's like it's such a weird thing to describe it's just like there and it's just it just doesn't look symmetrical at all okay so then they took it out and then this is it taken out oh they lay it on you yeah oh wow yeah and then they pull it off hold on wait is that is that skin open right now no no that doesn't nipple no this is the breast tissue pulled out i thought that was an open wound where they went in no it was just a little incision right under the nipple and like and you can't see the scar really like todd's do not know the bra the compression bra no that's that's a that's a holster yeah it's like a little it's like a vest that i have to wear that looks like a nice little out outback steakhouse steak that is can afterwards can i like ask like who you went to and like i'll get like the information whatever yeah for sure so they're symmetrical now yeah i'm all good you should think about it heath can you still he's been talking about it if you do it you'll look like noah i'll get i'll get some more fat removed too man take the whole thing just keep going keep going down i come out with lipo and a tummy tuck what the [ __ ] we're gonna move out to l.a we want to do all these surgeries man what's your heritage um german irish american oh just what yeah what jesus is [Laughter] when we first met i gave you a task do you remember what this was um [Music] well because i had a mission i gave you and it's okay if you didn't fulfill it um so jaden what's going on imagine meeting matt i have a mission for you okay you're gonna have to do me a solid here i'm straight forward um but that jayden jaden hossler lived in our old house uh the one that we used to it was crazy seeing their stories we lived in the same house we moved a lot of our stuff out but we also left some stuff and i didn't realize i left um one of those interchangeable bowflex weights like one of the dumbbells because i only took one and i left the other i text addison break because i saw she was at the house one day making tick tocks with the boys and i go hey i sent her a picture of the weight and i go do you see one of these around the house and she's like yeah i do and i'm like awesome like a month or two go by i don't go and pick it up i go to the house and knock on the door and i'm like hey guys i'm here to pick up my weight or whatever and they're like uh we don't know where it's at but jaden who was living here he moved out and i think that the weight left with him and then i told you next time you're with jayden does he have something yeah he's not looking at him you have it at your house no i don't i just remember the mission like i remember you telling me that ever since you told me i don't think i ever went back to the city house because they all moved out and they went to the house right so now he's moved out again so i don't know where it is so maybe he's gonna be the address i'm not mad i just want my weight back go get it back hey it's it's a slow mission but uh i like that one well then people say that i don't i saw that you know what i'm talking about everyone's ignoring me you know what i'm talking about though jaden i just want to know where it's at he didn't jaden if you're talking to jayden if you're listening i texted jaden he was like uh i don't have it man better check the house and all the boys at the house were like i think jaden has it matt honestly how much are these weights uh they're not that probably like 50 bucks it's just principal no each one's like probably like two hundred dollars no i'm gonna be able to get that [ __ ] back call him off yeah i'm gonna be honest with you matt it was your fault that you left it there true and you had two months to go i accept the humility being lazy in expecting that he had it but i'm just been curious where it's at because you know when you buy a house and then you find something like hidden under it's yours because you you you bought it it's your birthday's keepers my bike is still at that house i've been meaning to matt come on bud let him have it they don't want it did they leave it there was it a good bike it was a huffy it was like probably like a 360 dollar like fixie how could you leave a bike there because i don't know the moving truck and all these people were there i love how we took that sex stall thing but left everything important and look at the house it wasn't our sex tall it was just a doll that we used for a bit but no so the mission's still on i hope you fulfill it he's not gonna i bet it's with your fly zap or someone yeah oh my fly zapper got stolen from my house like they were sleeping and somebody broke in took the fly zapper and left my nose yeah just the zapper and my keys his car key because they were trying to steal my car but todd was parked behind me so it's a whole thing oh they couldn't even get out couldn't even get out of there and there's a video of him walking into the house yeah that's pretty crazy while they were sleeping wild for a while for a long time we thought it was someone like we knew we thought it was a sway [Laughter] very good what color are your eyes i i'm sorry because when you're looking at it so when you're looking at your eyes like i see brown but when you look at him it's like green do you see that i see it matt and then when you turn around it's blue i have like they're green hazel wow i have hazel why is mine look nice okay maybe you got hazelnut spread and we also have hazelnut chromoto coffee if you want something swipe up very good thank you mariah we really appreciate you good plug thank you this is so stupid no ask it uh so if you bought a boat would you name it like the ark very good huh like noah's ark yeah i mean buying a yacht is definitely like on a bucket list for sure but oh that's way well you were saying he would call it the ark he would i well if it now no i like the ark why the ark because it's like hey let's go let's go in the ark today like well you can say let's go on the ark but call it r so that it's noah's ark but like boat names are usually like it's like oh the anne marie the jazz like no they're always punny yeah they are well it is a pun i like big boats but that's why you would call it growing up i used to go to like the lake and do like wakeboarding yeah like that nice of course you had a life no i went my i never had a boat my friends had the boats and we would go to lake pleasant and it we'd just like wakeboard tube all that fun stuff that's fun though like when you know people who have it oh it's yeah so you can just go you don't have to take care of it or anything yeah you're our friend that has a boat you know we need one none of us none of our friends have boats hopefully soon also i have a question too you drive a nissan yeah you still driving down yeah maximally yeah nissan's really good yeah i love it yeah those things will run forever yeah it's not like 43 thousand miles there you go yeah still young still young she got some years left but i i i admire it's like you how humble it is to drive like a nissan you're with you know all these like literally just call this car shitty poor time i don't know how humble that is of you no no i hear that hold on a second the the crew hold on a second the crew you run with they're like you know that's driving these crazy rides and lamborghinis you know they're very doing well i'm not saying you need it i just think that's badass there are times where i'm like you know you driving you see a billboard and you're like that's how much a prius is a month huh must be nice but i wouldn't do it because my friends would be like why are you driving i'm [ __ ] bro so i'm asking i'm like that's awesome you like driving nissan yeah i've never been like too flashy when it comes and i've never been like a huge car guy like i just want something to give you there and it's like ooh not what heath wants to hear you guys were hitting it off too i just want to give you something that goes from here to there and it's like i definitely admire nice cars but i just don't need one right now you know right and it's like one of those things very i don't see i admire that and that's why i'm asking that question because it's you know you get like envious about quality i sell all my cars tomorrow you get the they always give me [ __ ] for it and i'm like i don't know yeah what do you want from me i'm not gonna well you're saving my money on that right now right i got my mom a car so like that wasn't that's sick yeah that was what did you get a lamborghini i got a tesla but like oh it was so cool that was the coolest thing i've done you want to be practical yeah yeah and like she she deserves a nice car more than i do you know so it's damn damn coach's son dick didn't even give him a car my dad's birthday like a week later and i was like don't expect anything like that don't take another tesla but some soccer balls yeah all right a sleeve of the yellow cones but they're they're like really good guns are they're like expensive phones i got him i got him a dog and like they've wanted a dog better than a tesla we grew up and we had cats and like that was because yeah we grew up when we had cats and that was because it wasn't wasn't really because of anything we traveled a lot because of soccer and just like we love to go like we just love to travel and like that's what we spend most of our money on so we had cats and they're pretty easy to take care of yeah we just take care of themselves exactly did you get them a golden yeah so i i got my dad oh good choice i have a golden retriever puppy um they're so pure so angelico what do you name this dog scout oh yeah he's trying to kill a mockingbird i don't know if that's just say yes yeah is that the name of the dog there it's the name of the little girl in uh to kill him i taught a girl named scout really that bethany named her from tequila scott's a great name actually harper lee atticus finch anybody we don't need anybody moving no but man you're starting to say that he's read that book we all oh he reads books like tequila did you say tequila that would be a great name for your like tequila mockingbird tequila mockingbird well can you cut it out hey sharks no do you miss um the college experience do you have like fomo about it because like obviously life's pop and life's great you are on the path that the stars aligned you to be on you know it's great but are you ever like damn it would be kind of cool like to be in the college experience away from this all honestly i just missed soccer more than anything like if i were to look back and be like like what if i didn't do this i like i would still obviously be playing soccer and like that was the main thing and school was always fun but i and like i was a good student but i didn't really you're not a classroom guy no no and i wasn't i don't really party like i'm not huge into partying um i've like i might drink all of these no i'll go to a party i've just never i've never drank or anything yeah i mean yeah you're you're a good kid yeah you've never like had any alcohol never damaged your smoker though [Laughter] that's a lie it's a lie to clear it up the first time i want something to drink for you know like i want to like do something that i don't know like like a wedding day would be kind of a cool thing to first have a drink but you never drink on your wedding he's so pure but like i heard that's like the worst thing to do really if you didn't drink what kind of drink do you think you would like to drink oh that's a good question i just see myself sipping like like a classy like wine yeah nice wine so it sounds like you've had wine before no i never but i see like lebron posting pictures of him drinking wine i'm like that's kind of that's me that's a boss move yeah it tastes like grape juice really with without the flavor really spicy grape juice without the grape grape juice about the grape so you're doing a show right now with swayos right yes and hype house just came out with a show two and are you both is it like is it the same style like reality tv show where they're like kind of following their life following your life i think so honestly i i've been over a couple times for for the high pass reality show because i'm friends with them as well and so i i'll go over and it's like the same thing and i don't it's just like i think we were all talking about it like a year ago or like when i first came we were like we should do a reality show like this would do so well um so i mean it's just kind of funny how we're all doing at like the same time because they just announced theirs on netflix and we're doing ours on like igtv and like that kind of stuff oh okay yeah so um and then obviously like the demilios are doing like a like a docu-series as well so everyone's just kind of like filming right now and everyone's like super busy but well we have a podcast so yeah so is it like a structured thing or is it just kind of like whatever you guys are doing they're just they're filming they just catch it it's people think oh sway boys they're probably so fun falling around with the camera but like most of them we're not that entertaining to be fair like we kind of just we're just normal kids and like yeah like you guys like every time i like see stories it's like working out at that gym we work out a lot like you guys are so normal yeah we're so normal and it's like they yes a lot of it is structured like they'll try to they'll be like okay today we're gonna go do this and we're just like okay well you should start a soccer league for like underprivileged kids that would be cool that would be really cool and then you should do a series of you going back to school calling back to school a lot of things you can do with back yeah yeah i love mixing the back name like backseat driver is your favorite band driver who but i know who that is what i forget my summer girl don't they sing like glycerin beck's a guy yeah he's a really great musician he had an amazing house that was for sale in pasadena i wanted to buy it um you guys like back to the future oh oh he's probably heard it all right yeah yeah we are not original we're not good enough can we play the game we made oh yeah we have a game for you want to play it let's play it guessing the bench press no no we're going to give you a wait tell us how much no we're going to play yes or no okay oh right yeah we created a list of famous and or any notes you can answer them like yes like oh i like them or like no no i don't i don't know them or you don't care for them just yeah yes or no yes or no okay very all right cool perfect so you have a list i don't have a list then we wrote them down i thought you were writing it down it's it's short nobody's like it's five it's stupid it's a silly game oh perfect okay are you ready first one noah beck tick tock star yes okay yeah yes humble yeah noah conceded say that one more time wait what am i saying yes dude just like if they're a good guy or like just yes or no yeah it's like no to me it's a it's like an approval sure noah schnapp yes yeah yeah good you would smash noah you heard it interesting you heard it i like come on stranger things noah centennial yes good dude well that was quick yeah i really liked it he's like he's been like a mentor to me in l.a yeah yeah i really like no he's no since now you have to say than last night yeah noah jupe and you may not know him yes he was in a quiet place honey boy he played young shia labeouf he's in wonder with uh jacob tremblay got it so no hmm come after me bring him out drama noah cyrus yes do you know who noah cyrus do you know i know i know love her i know of her but i i i've never met her never mind but i don't want to say like noah cause like did you meet noah schnapp no you said yes to him well we do snapchat like he's okay you snapchat oh so yeah y'all know each other we snapchat noah bombach who's that he's a director i don't know oh well i hope he knows yeah one day hopefully is he a good director he was just about to cast you into oh yeah if you would have said yes to that francis ha the squid in the whale that doesn't give us anything wait i have a question no what about noah's ark what do you think of him noah from the bible yes great guy yeah very good what a great game of yes or no two dogs and like two snakes or something you're pretty on brand and they'll be fine but yacht you should put like murals of animals on it when you make that yacht that would be a little tight yeah get a wooden yarn it wouldn't be tacky it would be funny because i think this part we would all dress up and it will be a date you have to bring a date and you dress up as the animals and you when's your birthday may 4th when's your 21st birthday that's your 20th well yes may the fourth be with you may the fourth be with you no way that's not a bad idea noah's ark 21st birthday no 20th or 20th he'll be 20. well let's see perfect i'll be there for the 20th 21st 20 years ago are we invited of course well now we are you can't force yourself okay are you invited any other noah's um no i don't know he took it off the screen so i can't say it's okay so you're getting into acting you said noah centennial is basically becoming your mentor um is acting is it tough is it hard like what's your what are you running into like being your biggest struggle with venturing into acting uh with acting like when i first came to la obviously i had no idea what i what i really wanted to do i was kind of just jumping into tick tock and like potentially like knowing i would get into youtube and stuff like that but i didn't really know what i wanted to like really branch out into whether it be acting singing whatever it was like you have to like expand eventually and i looked at acting and i love movies like i love movies that my family would always go to movie theater it was a big thing um and i think when i first started going like acting class the biggest thing for me was especially since it was my first time like i wasn't born into like hollywood or anything like that i was a bit like timid and like you have to be super vulnerable and yeah like you have to like really just dive into it and like not because at the end of the day everyone else is acting as well so like you can't be afraid of looking stupid and that was my biggest thing um and the more i started to go the more comfortable i got and yeah i i think i've improved a ton but i've kind of put that off to the side for now because of the reality show and like that's like four days a week that is completely filming of that and then the other three days i have to film for youtube and so it's like i'm pretty busy right now with that being with that going on but this is the last week of our reality show so when things open when my schedule opens a bit more back up i think i'm gonna jump right back into that because it is something i want to do and like i don't know if it's what i want to do long term because i haven't really experienced it like life on set yet and like i don't know if that's something i'll fall in love with but you never know until you try so i want to like dip my feet in a bit and see how it is but play a soccer player oh that'd be idea like she's all that but he's all that yeah and like that was the thing oh no no sorry wait no wrong she's the man she's the man you could be the channing tatum yeah that'd be pretty cool he's the woman but that's the thing with uh noah with noah for example he like he was able to help me and like he like we work at the same gym and that's how we kind of like cross paths and then we started talking and he like helps me with like self tapes and stuff like that he'd like send me before you send it to them and like he works with me through stuff which is super nice that's really nice really natural and sincere with like his acting yeah he's really impressive yeah he's a really good guy and like i don't know i really love like the whole uh like the netflix rom-coms like i love those type of movies and like i that'd be a pretty cool role to play and like i would love to play a role like that like roles that he plays for example like yeah mm-hmm he's like the new age brat pack exactly like part of it man acting inspiration i love mark wahlberg i love leonardo dicaprio i can see like a ryan reynolds like type of love ryan reynolds yeah like deadpool that'd be dope yeah that'd be sick i have a lot of acting like men like people i look up to in that space but yeah it is one of those things where i don't because that is a commitment yeah acting as commitment and like if you're shooting i shoots can go from like three to six months and that's like a long time obviously like every single day like everything consumes i saw a little bit of it on uh jason did like some skit and i saw you in that oh yeah you did pretty well i was impressed yeah it was good it was fun i love that kind of stuff do you take classes it's just me one-on-one with uh my acting coach and obviously i've gotten comfortable in front of her but you one-on-one yeah i used to go twice a week uh for pretty consistently hard on you yeah she's good like she always makes me like redo and like she wants me to get perfect that's what that's tough when you start have to start making choices as an actor you have to start learning to give it different ways yeah we get comfortable we kind of sight read like oh well that's just how the line is and you're like no come at it with this whole tactic come out with that she's really good making you dynamic is like the key yeah yeah one on one classic acting classes or like imagine being in a room of [ __ ] 50 people it's the worst oh well didn't you do that at improv yes when you first came out here improv thank you you made really good choices hot stuff but yeah so like i did acting like in middle school high school really and then uh when i moved out here i was taking i actually did it in college too that's so cool i had classes you did actually an acting college yeah oh fau okay yeah do you want to get into movies and stuff i would love to i've just like auditioned for stuff and i freeze really i'm just so scared auditions is a whole different grind i would rather a friend of mine who's making a project yeah come to me and right exactly i when i wrote this i had yeah in mind and i want you in this idea and that's how it happens like i'm always watching like actors on tv and i'm reading their wikipedia page because i love reading like how did that person get to where they are right and a lot of times like some actors are just true people who went out on on auditions and got it but sometimes it was like they knew this person and that person wrote for them because they believed in them and yeah and like played to their strengths yeah yeah oh yeah i can only act if i'm doing an accent that's it what what accent no no like staten island [Music] i can get right into character yeah but like my being myself hell no it's easy it's easier to remember lines when you're like being not yourself i can improv if i'm doing that accent i can improv really well yeah but i can't talk like a normal human being you should audition for those roles in like movies and shows i would die you really don't like the uh the auditioning though hi yeah my name's noah beck and i'm audition are you good enough what's my impression of noah back since it's like through like zoom and stuff i've had to do like live readings with like the casting director or nail it but your connection's off right here he gets so excited we're gonna need you to start from the beginning we didn't hear any of that you're like mid-tiers that's funny that's funny yeah that's that's right that is insane don't actually cry do they give them like like if you're a really good actor you just can't cry put a uh vapor rub like right below their eyes so it burns ah that's like a slight burn but usually if you're a good actor you should be able to touch into you really can you freak fake cry i don't think so you're about to find you're about to try you got it we'll wait we got 15 20 minutes let's do it can you do any impressions of other guys in this way house i don't even know blakesbury just like he's got a really deep voice yeah blake's very like he's from texas and he's just very laid back oh he's from texas what part here we [Laughter] leave your boots at the door good good you know you didn't even finish your story because remember you're at the dinner table and you saw 2.5 million followers but you never like we never yeah i don't think he finished any of his stories we just keep cutting you off sorry about that okay so going back to that so yeah at the end of that week i grew like 2.5 million and i was really posting the same exact things that i was doing like at home like i would do some dances here and there i would do some lip syncing but just like a different scenery because i was doing it in my bathroom or my room wherever it was at home um but yeah i would do some outside and like there was one video and i had yeah like around like one million at the time and literally there was this one video that got like 27 million views and i was like what what did i do differently and it was literally just me doing like a dance outside in like a cool like beachy background i'm like like and it wasn't even a beachy background it was just like you can tell i was by the beach it was very just like there were surfboards near me but i was literally like the backyard it was a vibe people love it yeah and people loved it i guess and he's in la he made it and so after i was like people started to see that i was like gaining super fast um blake reached back out and was like yo i see that you're in california uh on your way back to arizona you should stop by and like actually meet the boys and i was like sure i'll ask i was like like maybe like this mom can i meet the boys yeah i was like mom can i like on the way back to arizona can you just like drop me off in l.a but like obviously i worded it differently like a more convincing way i was like this could be something cool like i don't know like i'm just kind of like trying to explore my options here and she was like yeah i guess like and i had to like obviously sell her on it and i wasn't she wasn't just gonna let me hang out with those but oh my mom would be in that house with me yeah i have well our parents there yeah no matter how i could be 26 years old and she'd be like i have to meet their parents first cool so yeah so i drove down to la and she dropped me off and then yeah i just met all the sway boys and they're like yo what's up and just talking to all of them and uh i ended up staying like i plan on saying just for the weekend so for the two days and i was gonna fly home um and then i was like can i just stay like uh like a few more days and so i end up staying like a total of like five days and yeah and then by the end of that time hanging out with them uh bryce pulled me aside and was like yo look i i know you're doing soccer and everything right now but if you ever change your mind like there's a spot like if you want to but i'm sure he said in a convincing way he's like you don't need soccer yeah it was very like us now like you're bigger than the ball dude yeah man this is the real field you're going to be bigger than me i would quit soccer he really sold me though he was like look at the life we're living like i was like yeah it's pretty cool yeah because he literally pulled me aside and he was uh it was him and like one of like the managers and they were just like trying to like sell me on it and i was like yeah i gotta go home and think about it obviously but in the back of my head i'm like this is pretty sick like i would not mind doing this but at the same time soccer was my life i wanted to do one thing in life and that was to go pro in soccer and so like this was a huge decision i went back home thought about it talked to my parents what did they think so supportive like my parents were so supportive yeah like my my dad was obviously like sad that he wasn't going to see me play again but that being said he was like yeah this is too big of an opportunity to pass up because if i were to if i were to do tick-tock and i was gaining followers and i just said like i'm going to move out to la just to like potentially collab with some people then it's like it's a it's a toss-up but if you if you come to la with like a for sure spot in like sway it's like you're bound to continue to go all right yeah you're about to continue to grow so i was like this is a real opportunity and like they don't really sway's not very like open-armed you know like they don't really just accept anyone and they don't recruit are you all still recruiting no like we don't really like recruit and like that's why i didn't know it was like that that was the weirdest thing like groups house i don't want to say houses like i thought it was just friends yeah it really is yeah and like when i when i came out i just wanted to meet them and hang out and like we ended up hanging out and they were like look we all clicked so if you want to hang out forever forever like go move in and i was like forever it's like a little fret yeah it really was there like an initiation did you get hazel nothing like that they all came out in robes makes you drink his dip spit [Laughter] is that is that one of the hazes that you've heard of yeah yeah that's crazy but yeah it was really cool and i was like i had to come well i didn't really have to convince my parents they just they while i was in la i came back and they were very like involved before i even came to them about anything they were like so what's this house and like they were kind of trying to learn about everything and like yeah they were well because i i i was texting them throughout the time and i was like i'm having a lot of fun like this is really cool and like and so they kind of just started to try to educate themselves on like what it was because obviously if you're confusing if your kids tell you he's you know i'm gonna move to l.a it doesn't make sense to them they'll live with the boys like then your mom is like yeah so i need a tick tock how do you post a ticket yeah is there a mom house can we make a tech talk together like that being a career doesn't make sense to them not at all and it didn't make sense to me either i was like yeah there's no way and then it was just too good to be true and like emails kept coming in i was like what is happening and then like yeah they basically just like sweetened the deal and they were like the manager was like look i can do this to you and like excuse me yeah no that's not it are you sweet in the deal if you sign this i can do this i can do this oh my god it is hollywood i heard about this gives you a pen and paper he's just like to do i can do this for you so like uh yeah it was pretty and then the coach with i mean the the call with my coach my college coach was uh interesting i was like it was bad like he was pissed sorry listen i'm not coming back i feel like this happened at the right time though because you're still young and you could go back to soccer yeah yeah yeah do soccer while you're doing this yeah if you're still training yeah like i stand like that's my i try to stay in shape obviously and like i just like i play basketball all the time like i love just like staying in shape because you never know when something could happen but like more than that it was kind of one of those things where i don't know like when i went home for those like i went home for two days and then i went home talked to my parents and they're like look if you want to do this you can and i was like all right well they want me to come back like now and so i like it it was literally like actually time that's how it works [Laughter] is there like a men's league you could join out here to like keep playing i'm sure there's something but yeah one of my best friends is on lafc which is an mls team here and then my other one my other like best friend growing up is on ucla and so like we can use their feel and like kick it around whenever and like that's a super like fortunate thing and just having like those hometown friends that you can just go back to it yeah because it's a passion it wasn't like a hobby and and like it came at such a good time like you said because kobe we never like no one knew how long cobia was going to last or how yeah and it all was just so new where people were like well if you go to la like what if your soccer season comes back and like you're going to really miss it but it ended up being the fall semester got cancelled half the spring semester i can't wait if i would have chose soccer over coming to l.a there's gonna be a pandemic you don't you don't know this right now there's gonna be a pandemic coming i'm seeing something i'm seeing something yeah that's so no well it really was like a gut feeling i was like i can go back to soccer whenever granted i can't go back to college because i'm making money now and so i i can't go back because of ncaa rules but if you if you had have to go straight pro yeah and cool but but that was also the thing i don't even think i mentioned this but it was like a huge part of it i had so when they sent us home in like march like mid-march i had uh i had like an agent i i didn't sign with one like because you're not allowed to sign with any agents when you're in uh that's great and when you're in college but i had trials in europe set up in june in like five different countries that i was gonna go trial in and i was gonna go fly over but then travel got banned and i'm like well this sucks like so i'm really gonna take advantage of la because right or like all this opportunity i'm getting because dude everything's coming right there's nothing else to do that literally fell right into place yeah i was like soccer's kind of dropped from me right now and i was like well i'm just gonna do this and yeah so i i mean i still go play soccer for fun here and there but yeah i don't play competitively anymore which is sad but i mean now that like you have all this you could like even start if you want like start like a soccer club on the side like something that's like that's what i said yeah people are boxing start a soccer league yeah with all the influences well imagine being like one of the best at something yeah that's what i'm saying like that's crazy yeah it's gonna be a cool feeling what year were you born i know that sounds crazy may 4 wait my little sis hit die is born in 01. yeah imagine them just standing next to each other that's [ __ ] crazy sorry yeah so right now you can go back to pro if you wanted to and then still do social media and then double time the money that'd be it would be a lot but i would definitely have to like i don't know if i could still i don't think there's enough days in there is soccer a big commitment like if you want to join the site i mean yeah it's it's like very whereas social media is very like mentally draining soccer's obviously physically physically but it's also mentally because it's a thinking game you know like you got to always be aware but yeah soccer like my best friend that plays for lafc their local mls team and he plays for their full team and he literally has an apartment in downtown goes to practice every morning kind of chills the rest of the day yeah but obviously like still takes care of himself he doesn't like let loose and kind of just do whatever and like eat ice cream or anything but he just hear that no ice cream it's very clear he doesn't let himself go or anything like that for the rest of the day i enjoy him all the time but like i mean he has a lot of free time during the day but i i would doubt like after a long training i don't i don't think he would want to go back and like make content well hopefully you do get on a national team we could be like we had noah beck [ __ ] national usa [ __ ] professional player cool that'd be pretty cool you'll make it right to the top because of the numbers and then you're picked out of like three people like final three but like you're right there because your numbers are just like timothy shalom is walking out of the audition hey that's like one of the things when i got into because when i knew i wanted to kind of dip my toes into acting i wasn't just gonna wait for the opportunity and being like okay i'll just go in like i can't be that hard like i wanted to make sure i was good first because i don't want people to think exactly what you were thinking of like oh he was giving it he's a social media yeah like he definitely just got because of his numbers like i don't want people to think i want people to like who don't know me yeah to like watch the movie be like he was a good actor like exactly that's like a compliment because wow you're disciplined yeah i think that would be i think that would be really cool because i don't want yeah like i don't want people thinking oh he only got this because of his numbers because i have had like i because of the numbers i am fortunate to have like these calls with like casting directors and like kind of getting their like get on their good side and like like you said when they make a movie purely based around you and like we thought you were perfect for this role like i think that would be so cool mm-hmm but at the same time like i don't i hate how people would automatically think yeah we're on the same page yeah we're on the same page as you like that we think that's like you want to be the best you want to be really good just like yeah like it is an advantage though i would and i said that i was like if a friend of mine that i know who's like an amazing writer wrote something like i wouldn't i think it's different when you feel like you've earned it as opposed to like getting it actually handed oh yeah it's totally different they could write you into like a new age remake of the what was it the green machine the big green the big green that's what it was yeah what was what's that the movie movie it's like the sandlot of kids yeah soccer right or kicking and screaming you could be the coach oh hey there we go that's a fun little movie classic i watched at the movie theater when it came out oh my god that was so good all right you want to close this [ __ ] out yeah close this out yeah do you know what we say in that no we don't say anything okay can you sing no oh i wish yes there's one thing that's one thing i really wish i could try to match zane's pitch ready zayn hit a note okay well you can sing i don't know maybe his mentorship [Music] and that's on filter thank you do you have anything you want to plug in anything coming up uh no i'm just holding down all my wow i like him he knows he's gonna yeah he just they know me i don't gotta tell him where to go well we have a lot of plugging to do we have our coffee here uh this is cremota coffee we just came out with two new flavors we've got decaf and sweet butter hazelnut and then you can get them all in the bags uh we don't have them up here but every flavor they exist um they're real i promise we also have these really cute tumblers where you can drink your coffee out of i drink out of it every day so you guys should get that too do you have tattoos no guys welcome to the club man no tabs nice you're really stupid let's close this off let's just [ __ ] shut this [ __ ] up all right guys so that's it yeah for the episode thank you noah for coming on that was incredible thank you very good dude thank you guys for having me absolutely respect now let's go have that cigarette you were wanting also not true not true well thanks thanks again for watching guys and ethan fulton you can check us out um we post audio every monday on spotify uh apple podcast pandora perfect uh i heart radio there you go and we got a highlights channel on youtube oh yeah we have an unfiltered highlight channel you can check it out at unfiltered highlights all right and then we post a video version of this podcast on zane and heath every tuesdays all right guys we love you guys sometimes that was rough okay thank you noah again of course thank you guys for having me yeah give it a little cook that's gonna be slowed down and then transitioned my opponent all right
Channel: Zane and Heath: UNFILTERED
Views: 1,173,894
Rating: 4.9176698 out of 5
Keywords: coffee talk, unfiltered, views, podcast, vlog squad, david dobrik, zane and heath, zane hijazi, heath hussar, vlogger, funny, vlog, natalie, todd, scott, matt king, mariah amato, carly and erin, celebrity, tiktik, tik tok, girlfriend, tiktok, davids vlogs, scotty sire, jason nash, funny podcasts, 420, 4/20 episode, noah beck, dixie damelio, sway, soccer
Id: DBO4fgD1J8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 10sec (5590 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 27 2021
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