H3 After Dark - #5 (James Charles vs Teddy Fresh)

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four three two you're listening to the hp podcast welcome everybody [Music] they said we would never make it to number five but you know we like to find the odds we're all about that i'm wearing james charles new merch my sister nice you guys like it actually no this is a new teddy fresh hoodie that's out now so is that shirt teddy friends.com um jay-z wrote our intro so shout out to jay-z you know i called up jay-z one day and i was like hey jizzy did i call him jizzy no i don't think so this doesn't change i think he has like a million nicknames but not jesus no that sounds like geez like it's my boy jizzy i'm gonna take a jizzy i said hey boy i said aj can you hit me with one of your jizzies and he's like i got you is it can i get it to two weeks i was like bro how about two days i mean come on you owe me so he hooked this up get out anyway look as you guys may know we are embroidered in a little tiny bit of a controversy with james charles the fat and by the way it's not because he's got a bigger fatter ass than me because he doesn't not that you say that that's a whole different issue people be like ethan you're just mad because he has a fatter ass than you i actually have not seen my sister is that but now i doubt everything yeah there's definitely an ulterior motive by the way you can compare ass to ass and decide for yourself it was a feather ass and and i do want to preface this by saying that i have nothing personal about james charles and my intention with this of calling him out was not i don't i really really wanted to avoid drama and that's why i d i private messaged him before going public with this but like the thing is i mean you guys know because you guys are fans but a lot of people don't understand is that that hoodie is like our most iconic piece and it's our number one seller it has been for years and like james charles making it's it's exactly the same hoodie it's actually been ripped off a lot too but normally like here let me show it because people may not know we wouldn't really um do anything about it because what can you do but i think in this case it just kind of hurt because it's a fellow youtuber who's actually got way bigger influence than we are way big and so it just kind of hurts but you know well the thing is like things do happen there's tons of websites like zazzle and exactly exactly faithful website a complete exact copy of it people all over the internet have been doing that yeah and then but like the thing is that well here i tweeted out i didn't know i we didn't invent color blocking which is again something that i really stand behind because a lot color blocking is very popular and a lot of people do color blocks and i would never dream of saying you know oh you you own color block we own color blocking and you're stealing so but the thing is here is that i'm having a hard time with his merch because this is the exact same design as ela's combined with the fact that his audience is so huge they're going to start accusing us of plagiarism what do you think so here's his hoodie and then here's our hoodie it's the same sleeve color teal and purple the same body color it's just a little lighter really same hood even the hood and the drawstring are yellow the sleeves are yellow i i mean it's it's it's it's literally exactly the same and so and then here's the thing that blew my mind is like on vine because now i'm like a vine i'm the up and coming vine superstar it's called tick 100 000 followers in like one week your sensation i am a sensation thank you for finally saying you have a really like natural talent at it it's like you were meant for it it's a shame that i got started so late yeah and now the news just came through that this sunday they're going to stop downloads and updates which i'm so i'm so gutted now tick tock is my home i actually see it and like i'm really dry this morning i really i don't know what to do like on a real level because like two weeks ago like no need to ban tick-tock right loud then sorry i think that um two weeks ago i was like [ __ ] tick-tock they're a threat to our national security shut it down and now i'm like tick-tock is our home not kidding i hope is my home i hope that they can work it out though i really hope that anyway look at the views on on james charles tick tock he's like mega famous and he's friends with all these crazy ass superstars there he even had this girl uh what's her name charlie or what who's emilio yeah dude by the way i i saw a stat she got 7 billion views last month on tick tock whoa in a month yes in a month what yes wow so here here's all the tick tocks where he was promoting the hoodie it has a combined view count of like 60 mil yeah 60 million maybe more i mean maybe more so i really think it looks like your hoodie you think it looks like my hoodie no i don't think it looks like your hoodie at all what why are you saying that because it's it's more uh it's more pasteli than uh than yours are you making a joke i'm i'm [ __ ] you dan i'm repeating what i saw in a lot of comments of people that were not saying it's more well the people i saw who are in denial about it are i think they didn't look too close because what they were saying was like oh peop like they're like the simon has a color block hoodie you're gonna call them out and i'm like no it's different colors it's completely different this is the same exact colors in the same exact spot i mean the yellow trim the yellow draw cords it's literally a carbon copy i know i couldn't believe i was being sarcastic i couldn't believe some of the the denialism that i was seeing anyway situation but hold on yeah what does aien think about uh about it did james charles steal our design ai-n what is happening hello i can't see i don't know what happened with this call how do i pull well i don't i don't think they look similar at all i i'm really actually i've already pre-ordered a handful of them i think they're going to really why do you need so many well you know there's seven days in the week ethan right do you even have arms or like a whole torso oh what now your anti-arm is that our color block hoodie in the garbage car just doing a little spring cleaning i don't know what you're talking about this whole thing this guy i mean i brought you into this world and you're gonna come here and and support james charles ripping our hoodie off i mean this is outrageous wait this is a hoodie oh i've been using it as a dish rag oh no wow well thanks for the thanks for the 85 bucks you just listen to that that sounds like a fever dream all right let's get rid of him a b how are you doing you're looking sharp you're looking sharp man oh thank you you like it she looks so good bro thanks man thank you og piece right here yeah 2017 all the way back 2017. anyway so like i basically just out of pure sep self uh preservation was like look i gotta i we thought about it for a few days because people it started popping up more and more people being like hey james charles is ripping your [ __ ] off read your [ __ ] off and i thought about it for a long time and i damned him in the dms and i i want to share it so [ __ ] bad because he brought it up when i messaged him he's like here let me show you let me show you what he responded to me he says when you dm to me yesterday i sent you the original photo that inspired my collection explained i've never seen your brand but also asked what you wanted me to do you didn't reply after last year i vowed to keep conversations private and create solutions not drama so when i dm'd him first of all he was super dismissive and flippant and rude because my intention was to be like i don't want it to come public and i want to talk to him first and just see what he has to say and he was like he's like uh i've never heard of your brand i don't know anything about it and and uh and i don't know what you're talking about and i already made it there's nothing i can do and he was like super rude too he's like why are you even messaging me he said why are you even messaging me are you just trying to start drama but if that if i was trying to start drama i would have just tweeted and not messaged him and then he goes like well we should resolve this in the dms and then he says i asked what you wanted to do and you didn't respond which is not true i said i mean he said he's going to sell them anyway so what what is there to do about it well but but it's literally not true he said i'm gonna talk to my design team and get back to you and three days passed and so i was like well he's just there's just nothing's gonna happen and i have to protect our our brand and your your work because again he he's gonna sell a billion of these hoodies and he's just gonna kill this style which is our frankly bread and butter i mean i don't know if it's gonna kill the style but um it's fine i think that it was fine to make it public just so people are aware and that's it yeah just leave it at that because there but again his you saw the 60 million people are like you know they don't know and i think it's a little if it was just a little tiny bit different i wouldn't have said a [ __ ] thing yeah it's identical and that's the part that kills me right so anyway also he goes uh he also met this is the part that i really want to share but you won't let me the thing is he brought up the dm so i feel like he's saying it's okay to share it he's not but he said he literally said after i confronted him and i hadn't seen this colorway here he says oof just to give you a heads up it appears that this one has the exact same colors and it looks like the design team totally ripped you off he literally said my sisters and i said wow so it doesn't seem like a coincidence does it and he said it's not he says it does not appear to be in a coincidence so he literally admit that they ripped us off in the dm it seems pretty clear that um potentially he personally was not aware although that is very questionable too but let's say that it was not someone on his team was but it doesn't matter i mean ultimately it's his responsibility yeah that's the thing he keeps skirting around it's like oh my designers did it but like it's your company and i totally believe that he wouldn't by the way when i first saw that i figured like oh there's no way he would knowingly just rip us off it must have been someone in his team and he wasn't aware but now he's trying to say like i've never seen your brand i don't know anything about teddy fresh i never heard of teddy fresh and then now a bunch of people are like dude your best friend is wearing teddy fresh and he also said to you like our audience is completely different too so i wouldn't even worry oh yeah that's like that's actually not true well that was such a douchey comment he goes well anyway he's aware of the size or audience of teddy fresh and it's actually just not true it's a lot on tick tock and he is a lot on tick tock so it is the same people it is well yeah and that whole premise is just so douchey and dismissive he goes yeah he goes well anyway even if i did rip you off it's not even the same audience so it won't matter i was like okay i i i wish i could share this conversation with you guys well we just did yeah i guess but people got to see to believe man the thing is he was he was just super rude to me and i i was trying to be really polite but i don't know yeah and then the the irony on top of it all because james charles acts like this whole thing is so crazy but like this tweet from september 2019 really shows that he knows what it's like there was a there was another company that knocked off his color palette and so he tweeted this and he called them out on instagram he said there are so many colors you can put into an eyeshadow palette and i'm not claiming to own specific colors but when you copy the exact shades and layout for my palette without even trying to hide it clown emoji i mean that's he's describing exactly what happened right so he should have some empathy for for where we're coming from instead of being so flippant and dismissive because he whether he knows it or not he is that big company right you know he's going to sell a bajillion of that [ __ ] so we have people in the chat right now saying that they're fans of both h3 and james charles just for the record yeah i know a lot of people that are because he has so many fans i mean his audience he's way bigger than us obviously there's an overlap right and it's the same age like i mean there's a range obviously but there's a lot of the same people this was this was it by the way and like yeah i see the comparison but i wouldn't even go as far to say that his hoodie is way more of a direct ripoff than this is you know and he had like this whole thing he wrote up which i'm not going to read but you know he talks about how it's his artistic integrity and he spent all this time on the colors and then they're just gonna rip him off and i'm like dude i just don't know why you don't have more empathy for us if you're willing to say all that stuff in your own defense you know and there's actually let me go let me go over to uh have you guys heard of ethan klein h3 tick tock he's kind of a huge up and comer in 2020. let me show you when you see it um next to each other like this you can really see i mean it looks like he's wearing my hoodie and by the way theodore was so cute when i was filming this i was filming this and i didn't even know he was standing there looking at the camera and then when i look back at the video he was with me right but i didn't know he was staring and then when i looked back it was so cute and he was like he saw himself in the tick tock and then he smiled and looked away he got all embarrassed he's so [ __ ] awesome so cute oh my god he's the best ever ethan collins another thing is people are only focusing on the colors but the placement like i don't know any other hoodie that has that placement of the colors in that way it's it's identical i mean it's the same hoodie that's the thing if the even if you use the same colors in a different placement let's say let's say that this sleeve was the body and this was the sleeve i wouldn't have said all the factors together it's the fact that we are from the same environment we do business in the same way we're on the same platforms that that all is combined together to just feel very bad that's all right so that's that and anyway i think for the most part anyone who isn't like a ride-or-die james charles fan our keemstar totally understands where we're coming from you know what i mean like i i don't want to com i don't want to seem like a petty whiny [ __ ] but like you know it's exactly the same h3h3 is [ __ ] innocent he changed his tune on us beautiful nice he must be having an off day yeah what happened to him you got like a brain tumor or something where it makes you nice i'm not a democrat that makes sense anyway let's get to the after dark shall we you guys remember that girl that spit on her dog uh right the poor girl yeah the people who uploaded by accident the video i forgot that she was like the biggest oopsie ever self-owned ever brooke house i forget her name anyway yeah she accidentally uploaded a video of her spitting and beating the crap out of her dog and then everyone was like and actually what was especially ironic was that um it's way too loud down i don't know if you could if you adjusted that already um what was especially ironic is that her whole channel is dedicated to her loving relationship with her dogs and then she how do you even accidentally upload a video and then of all the things i mean you spitting on your dog well so anyway she finally oh she disabled like ratio man and disabled comments man not like this oh that's so sad yeah as you can imagine it was absolutely brutal it was like 99 down boat oh no yeah it was brutal one year later it's already been one year yeah wow it feels longer to me really yeah doesn't to me seems like she just spit and beat the crap out of her dog yesterday yeah anyway she she found this boyfriend who's like a crazy uh zealous religious cultish christian and he like hijacked her video and just started ranting in it like it's not even her it's so bizarre it's the most bizarre [ __ ] i have a very important video for you guys today this is something that i've wanted to film for basically the entire past year of my life and it's something that's been on my mind countless times i want to tell you guys exactly what happened between me and my dog give you a hundred percent of the what happened between me exactly as if it does i really want to give you as much information so anyway she just goes on this part isn't interesting she just goes on to say that she felt terrible and that she still she didn't spit on her dog but come on we all know she's putting her dog but anyway she wants us to know that even if we continue to hate her she loves us yadda yadda and then after 20 minutes a [ __ ] total psycho appears wait which is an hour and 20 minutes so she talks for 20 minutes like a normal youtube video and then peyote cult leader logan paul [Laughter] her boyfriend logan paul takes the camera and starts ranting you got to say his name what is his name his name is teal teal like the caller except spelled with an e at the end huh i've met someone named teal i don't think that's crazy what you know what nelly yeah i met i know it i knew a teal i thought it was a really pretty name dan [ __ ] you then that's not the worst name ever if his name was like butt plug i'd be like yeah that's crazy [ __ ] you dan how's it going so here i want to see when she passes it off tell you every single one of you you are all loved and i will see you guys very soon with a brand new video she's like bye 23 minutes you know long but but normal video on youtube and then boyfriend picks up the cam hey everyone how's it going hope you're doing well for those of you who don't know my name is teal i am brooke's boyfriend and i'm going to share with you guys an hour my side my perspective um of the situation that took place between brook and her dog a little bit over a year ago now for those of you still watching thank you for continuing to watch this whole entire video we appreciate it i appreciate it i know you guys are already so let me get nobody starts getting worked up more and more as the video goes on so was he there no no no he literally just squeezed his way into her life trying to get exposure it seems like anyway here he starts to get worked up is understand me on this now so many people seen this video millions of people seen this video blow up guys and and now after i asked brooke hey have you done an apology video she said yes but it wasn't one then i told her i said bro listen here's what we're gonna do 20 minutes bro i mean you told me if you're on board i said brooke listen i've i've i've been having these messages i've been having these deep talks for those of you who know me you guys i did the gratitude challenge i love just getting in front of a camera or just talking to friends family whatever i love having deep talks mainly always jesus christ comes up and my relationship my faith with him jesus christ is solely where all of this other stuff in my life comes from and that's the only reason i have to bring him up in everything he's already been talking for 20 minutes after that bro i said bro here's what we're going to do we're going to make an apology video but brooke i want to make videos too i'm trying to make videos that speak to people that reach people because i know i have a perspective on life they can reach so many people i know what happened he was like this video is going to get a lot of views and so i'm going to hijack the [ __ ] out of it yeah anyway here he he continues to get all worked up his eyes get crazy and everything here check this [ __ ] out speak but i can or an hour in i can smell i can hear i can look i can see i can it's the weirdest video ever and i literally just told you guys i had no say in this as a matter of fact you didn't have a say in this this is breathing on this very earth right now the president your favorite athlete your your your favorite movie star whatever is he saying anything no remember how this started with her talking about her dog yeah so my friends i am simply making you aware i am simply encouraging you that's a good question he why is he in such a remote location he probably just buried a body then he starts screaming different stages of mania where is it going to get any of us what power do we have what judgment do we have what state do you have when we die we take our last breath what day do you have about what brooke's house did to result you'll tell me why they're not physically together so many people she was in a different car yeah no and not in the desert i can tell he hijacked her her editing look at the world right now look at america right now look at the evil look at the hate look at the sadness crazy right this is an audition for something yeah i mean this is his big break oh then they end by i don't know how much of this i want to watch but it's [ __ ] crazy i mean are you interested in this hello kind of okay good this is the weirdest video i've ever seen not acknowledge the things that i said you can't acknowledge that you can't you can't fight again there there's no way you can say against that all of this stuff i'm amazing i'm not actually true people are saying cocaine that actually that actually sounds right i'll continue to be so passionate it's not about what you guys think about me it's not about the comments you write about me it's not about the comments you write about brooke the comments around her youtube her facebook her instagram it's not about an hour 15 bro matter of fact if that's what it takes for something if as if this story couldn't get weirder you know and then and finally after explaining why she spit and beat the crap out of her dog they plugged their couple's channel oh updating you guys two weeks ago stepping up wow and this guy's a little spooky i already got mine in okay not quite as much so how's the chat okay anything to report um they're big fans of teal of the name teal or the guy yeah you guys just want to watch teal all day get inspired learn about faith in god when are you having your mom's house back on oh we have them on the calendar my birthday today 28 years young 28 god bless you dude congratulations brandon i'm donating just to say i love to refresh we love you too joey salads keep sending me these text messages we got more people just standing up for teddy fresh you guys are they're doing what for teddy fresh they're just sending a lot of free time oh thank you guys thank you so much man we love you guys we know you guys understand you guys are the best oh so joey salads he's always sends me these text messages little life updates and so he was spreading misinformation him covered misinformation on which is the worst [ __ ] ever right but this is really interesting he goes so he was spreading misinformation on the joey salad show the joey saladino show and so what they did is they banned all of his channels because he set up like this right-wing and what on what platform i think it was on you yeah it was on youtube and so he set up this joey saladino show which is like some right wing podcast and of course joey is spreading covet 19 misinformation so they go you just pee on yourself that's the new vaccine you're right yes pee in your mouth bro there's a lot of people that believe you're curious [ __ ] but anyway they say given the severity of the violation we have suspended monetization for all of your channels the joey saladino show joey salads and the salad family the salad family yeah what is the salad family what has been it's like so funny and i said joey so what is what was his og channel joey salads so that's awesome yeah they got him good i said joey maybe you shouldn't be spreading kova 19 misinformation he didn't even deny it he just goes he goes yeah i've been i've been cleaning up my [ __ ] recently but all week i've been getting flagged on videos at four to six months old that's so joey like he's like yeah not even are you i know it's the best game views that's why you gotta love joey because when we because when we were like yo you fake the trump first it's like you're ruining society and he says yeah yeah yeah i'll change it i'll make a new video yeah but you that's why you to love joey because no other prankster would come before you to lay themselves on the altar yeah and just sacrifice their body like like he does you know what i mean he's like yeah i was spreading coveted misinformation i was trying to clean up my act but uh they still got me it's awesome cool nice update do we have men of culture in the chat do we have any men of culture in the chat oh do we meet again men of culture will you come out with new colorways of the sandals i think we will but it won't be until next summer next year okay let me show you this new channel we found this is for men of culture only because i thought it was so funny the not safe for work uh or safe for work really like porn i guess you could call it wait someone said random guy at work kissed me during coving would love to talk about it with you guys call in get that person on the phone right now zach a random guy kissed you that's a crime what the [ __ ] is that that sounds horrible i would be so scared anyway ela i'm trying to talk to the men of culture are you a man of culture so before you start that let me also answer one more question oh go ahead oh are you all excited to host trisha for rosh hashanah as soon as we finish this the family is coming over am i excited including trish i mean it's gonna be interesting i didn't really know how she's gonna meld with the with the family i'm curious everyone is not everyone is curious in the family too why did you just type ass pizza elo oh just type googled ass pizza because that's the hat that i'm wearing people were wondering what am i wearing oh i wanted that's the name of the brand pizza yeah it's this guy on instagram uh check him out it's cool yeah that hat is sick by the way yeah why did i bet you that so i don't know because trisha demands so much attention she's so much the center of attention that i wonder how she'll i am a little nervous about that like so i'm wondering if she's capable of just being a polite house guest i guess we'll find out we'll find out yeah i mean we we are all very casual and it's usually very like not too fancy too and i feel like she's gonna come all blinged out i'm in her pink rolls roy you think she's gonna have a camera yeah i don't think oh she can't be taking photos i don't care i gotta tell her she can't be social meeting no tick tocks no snaps log at the client house she's gonna ask to do tick tocks with me no she's not we're not doing tick-tock we're just supposed to be real no this is not about tick-tock as much as i am a rising star well you guys update about what happens i'm sure we will yeah yeah on monday when they record another episode and she tries to [ __ ] my dad anyway man of culture i really like these i think i find these all so funny the uh safe for work like nonchalant kind of porn sites on on youtube and there's so many of them it's fun to just work through them this is a new one i don't know it's like from three weeks ago already they have their most viewed video 2.3 million look at the thumbnail look at that [ __ ] thumbnail dude it's just yoga what what look at all these thumbnails brats i hate that position which one this one or like that just doesn't even look that good to me what for jerking off or for yoga it's just not that flattering no it's not it's really not flattering but like i wouldn't want to get a picture of myself like that you know certainly gets your attention doesn't it well let's see and let me remind you guys uh my men of culture we are watching this video for yoga tips all right like i don't know what y'all are gonna be thinking about but this is about the yoga okay and it always has been and always will be let me mute it i don't think there's it's just some kind of sexy music yeah so clearly you know you just spread your legs and doing she's doing like crunches or something and then her feet obviously are you got to see what her feet are doing so shameless and uh really just you yeah you're just gonna do be doing this with your knees oh my gosh stretching and lifting it's that's ridiculous it's a really good workout fantastic workout you can see zach are you a fan of this yoga it's all over my [ __ ] youtube recommendation why because you did that you put this together uh you could say that sure oh were you watching this you were just watching it or did you who put this together i well someone found the channel but i put together i found the channel and i shipped it to zach okay good area exactly did you beat off while doing research for this or or any yoga i don't think i can comment on that later oh my god you beat off to this bro yeah you know zach did you know zach did no no comment no comment from zach what a legend well you said you couldn't beat off to the other one so this one you enjoyed better i i think so i mean i definitely have the the workout fetish so uh oh you got all the fetishes yeah there's a bunch of them but this is just i don't see what's the problem i mean if you go on youtube or peloton or whatever i mean she's just giving lessons you i don't know why you have to make everything sexual yeah i mean something must be wrong with my head right they've got a meter too so you know when the bus normal usually it's to tell you when to exercise over this tells you when to bust or not yeah something wrong with you something's sick in the head bro yeah anyway three weeks ago 2.2 million views wow it's so good this one let's see this one is from this year yeah who are you to judge how they convey their art she's lifting she's thrusting wait she's not even doing anything well oh is she speaking like japanese yeah those guys know how to do it over in japan they know how to i don't know if it's probably japanese but it could be something else what do i know but they really know how to do it over there yoga yeah everyone at home is like i can't watch this wherever i am i can't watch this and this one is just super useful because it just really instructs how to open your thighs and you know close them sure you can open your eyes definitely zach can you tell me which video you bust to uh again i feel like this is more of a starter um oh just got you got you down yeah all right right that's what you said well which is the one can you tell me that that you found the most instructive tier yoga it was the the top one the tab training for beautiful legs oh this one yeah wait which one oh they all say yeah they all say that the the 2.1 million views one i just highlighted it 2.1 oh it's the one we watched the most popular one exactly oh yeah you found that most instructive it was quite ironic this one's only three no i didn't say erotic i said it's destructive this one's from three days ago it's blowing up 360 000. it was uh it's so good it's so good see this one's actually just pretty pretty normal anyway there's just one channel like there's a bunch of them that one is japanese yoga channel called do it together don't stop that's what it translates to oh this one was really funny i was doing research last night and there's just this one shot i think it's japanese looking at those letters didn't i say japanese you said it says japanese in the dark but i don't think that's right that looks like chinese to me guys i have some breaking news go ahead um kim kardashian just posted james charles merch what oh my god where what what i'll i'll send it in what see this is the problem this is exactly why this is important because he's going so kim kardashian just posted james charles merch did he pay her to do this why would she do that see hold up let's see yeah let me see ian send me the image i'm actually my heart is pounding because i i'm so upset about this that's [ __ ] good job on the breaking report by the way yeah sorry i didn't know if i should interrupt no yeah you definitely did the right thing it's an instagram story she said uh she said james charles sent the most beautiful flowers with some sister merch oh she liked the flowers more than the mer hey that's a nice color palette the flowers yeah yeah it is pretty dope looks familiar you know this is exactly the problem right because this is going main and this is what people [ __ ] about like zara and all this [ __ ] you know it's so easy for people to [ __ ] about how these companies steal designs but now all of a sudden it's happening right here by a fellow creator and it's not again it's not even a little different that's the issue i have to i have to say that because i don't want people to think i'm just bitching about he did a color block it's exactly the same it's exactly the same you know what he said in the dm when i was like it's exactly the same he goes no the pocket's yellow i was like oh okay genius he just wrote sisters across the chest that's crazy dude so all i gotta do is send her flowers and she'll post no [ __ ] what the [ __ ] i gotta do to get in her stories i mean how many views does this story go like a bit just gazillion probably like 20 million or something i mean you know well she has 188 million followers yeah yeah doesn't kylie have more though it's bigger than any advertisement you could do um but she does have like 30 stories posted just from the past 24 hours but yeah yeah the thing is um i've noticed 98 million followers i've noticed when i post more stories then they get more views like individually and not the opposite which is interesting when i post one story it gets less views then if i post like five in a day they get way more views each one if you if you look at the photo on top all those little lines that's how many stories she has yeah no i see that but i think yeah yeah that's wild but i think people are tuning in oh yeah definitely um he's trying to just i think he's just trying to pretend like nothing's going on so i don't know but ultimately i mean look he keep what can he do what can we do i don't know i just want people to know that this is [ __ ] same honey you know anyway we were [ __ ] exercising so let's stay focused shall we there are some straight up weirdos on the internet does aan also sleepwalk ai in do you sleepwalk no i'm always awake always watching all right that's that's that's what i expected what if there's nothing to watch what if everyone else is sleeping i see your lips flapping i stumped you i stumped you anyway here i wanted to show you guys this one scene before i moved on and maybe you can explain to me what the [ __ ] is going on because i couldn't figure it out why is there a woman sleeping in the background punched over oh my god why why is this happening that turns me weird why is she there slumped over maybe it's a kink what could possibly be the explanation here she is look at this zach does this part of the fetish can you explain does this do anything for you zach no the sleeping thing doesn't but there is a there is a sleeping fetish out there um but which like like a sleeping beauty type thing you know but she's just like slumped over in the background oh and now she's gone oh my god i feel like that was a mistake but why was she there oh yeah yeah that that kind of creeped me out oh she's back you know she's back here now oh she's just sitting there no she's wait what what is going on she's kind of like dozed off but this gives me human trafficking vibes if i can just say that you know what i mean like what in the [ __ ] bro that turns me on i feel like she thought she was probably not going to be included in the shot but they lined her up perfectly how could they not look look at this shot looks like she's dozed off yeah this is pretty bizarre maybe she just had a good workout she's human trafficked well that's just the only explanation that's [ __ ] up man you guys want to take a call yeah we have that uh person that got kissed during covid oh okay okay i'm bringing her on right now talk to me baby okay they're on the line hello who do we have on the line here all right nice to see you you guys want to watch another uh hello oh i wanted to show you speaking of like the safe for work porn thing you know tick tock is super uh safe for work like they don't tolerate any shenanigans so the fact that this channel exists is just awesome she literally just does cooking videos and see-through top with no bra do you want to start cutting board with flour zach could you do you want to drop your pizza for you use your fingers it's just it's all of our videos are the same two of my favorite things food and boobs you want to do is take some cauliflower and cut into she's kind of a genius though right and then you want to transfer mixing bowl drizzle um i mean it works today i'm going to show you she's got like an only fans too oh she does yeah you see that crosstalk she's [ __ ] epic look at this [ __ ] it's like who [ __ ] cares she's cracking an egg you know what i mean you literally stay for the titties it's great it's a whole channel man thoughts does the recipes even make sense so it's just like who know nobody watches the recipe you know what i mean like what is she doing cucumber and bacon that doesn't work i know cucumber and bacon doesn't work was she making some broke-ass cobb don't you need other ingredients okay let's see where this goes okay so she has some lettuce actually i mean do i really need like is this really helpful i know what a cobb salad yes all she did was cut bacon and egg this was helpful for you zach yeah i mean she was making it crafting a fantastic meal yeah yeah i believe they call it culture food yeah okay let's see what else we got how to make this is called how to make a hard-boiled egg i'm never gonna make you guys feel stupid like as men i never learned how to make it uh does it make me feel stupid hmm let me think about that i can't really get i'll get back to you [Laughter] she literally made a video how to hard-boil an egg this is genius ela she could but like it's so stupid i've never seen a dumber video how to hard-boil an egg add water so let's cover this add water yeah boil uh-huh cover cook you really need the time wait what the f oh she wait wait did she turn on the microwave for 12 minutes for a timer okay like really another timer put it in cold water crack and then peel cut very informative that's such a try hard way to boil an egg by the way yeah yeah you totally don't have to cover it or put it in ice or roll it on paper towel i think she's just trying to spice it up man i gotta see what other how to make bacon jalapeno hoppers this one you can actually see her boob so it's pretty epic you know what i mean you can't well exactly do you prefer this one because you can't see the nip but you can't see the under boob i think i mean the under boob is nice i mean do you prefer the under boob or the nip i think i gotta go nip on this one really definitely well i thought it would be the other way this is so dumb and it's awesome we need to watch trisha's insta story really am i i'm scared best way to invent it definitely better yeah at first good call um here she's beating an egg yola just whip it by the way who has this thing enjoy egg that's the video she used some super obscure thing that nobody has i wonder if she can show us how to drink water and like how to um open the fray how to make ice how to make eyes i have no idea how you did that um how to melt how to melt cheese no cheese would be nice you've probably done that actually how to make cheesy cauliflower thoughts how to fry she's a guy whoa whoa whoa whoa how to fry bacon slow down yeah whoa getting super advanced how to make guacamole yeah she's a talent how to crack an egg hmm yeah um trisha is just prepping for the holiday and she starts the video saying it's a great time to be a jew um because she's so weird what is that what do you think you're so weird about it oh she i saw one story where she goes i'm eating jew food i was like you know that sounds sounds awful or anti-semitic to say jew food i wanted to ask her about that on monday i gotta talk to her about all this geo obsession she's gotta know if it's worth a watch but at the end there is copyright music in the very last one so okay well whatever just put it all together about it on monday yeah but can you there i forget where i saw it but somebody showed it maybe it's on the subreddit they says she said i'm eating jew food and i really wanted to just tell her you can't say it like that so somebody what's that zach she put it on her tik tok the jewel food thing yeah she was eating this whole falafel thing and wearing a shirt that says israel and uh she's learning here we're pretty fast ethan by the way no it's all [ __ ] she's she's don't aren't you afraid my fear is in all this is that she's just she's really just like she's not serious about your brother it's just some phase where she's gonna [ __ ] ruin his life and then move on like he's just a fun novelty i mean yeah i feel like that was our obvious fear but now he's somehow all into it and he's like like how why is it that everything you're doing is jewish now dude it's just bizarre fish what is she doing with the fish you must be that girl that tries to be a part of every culture that's not yours oh she's making fun of herself i'm confused stop what is she doing i thought you were on a diet girl oh it's a bamba best haul of bread what is she she's so you're leaning into this so hard what the what's with the fish for russia head of the fish we don't do that in america oh really we don't do the head of the fish business for rosh hashanah happy rosh hashanah it's a great time to be a jew because we're no longer in 2020 and it's new year apple and honey is awesome what is a great time to be a jew sweet sweet member and a sweet sweet ass gosh she is so [ __ ] twisted what is she thinking when she does this stuff yeah put this all to raiding my jew lunch this was it this was it yeah can you put all this together for me like zachary or something right hey um this is a tangent but i have something pretty spicy i'm going to send you a discord right now i love saying oh oh cause then theodore does it take a look at that all right dan just sent me something our boy mega awesome nerd just something i've been in the hills [ __ ] superstars feeling like a pop star no no no who was playing that it's from the video no it wasn't coming from it's from research it's what it was i think that was zach what zach i didn't click on it dude no it's the tick tock i just tested it again yeah bruh you know it's coming through the wrong channel for some reason anyways i'm opening it again so because it keeps not opening the [ __ ] tweet so i really don't even know how to open the one you just sent me it's i i try you guys i'm trying so hard i don't understand why it's not it just keeps going to it okay here it is i figured it out what the [ __ ] okay so here we have he says he never heard her so here's him in a tick tock with somebody wearing teddy fresh yeah because he keeps saying i've never heard of your brand i've never been on youtube that's what i'm saying is huge on tick tock and teddy fresh is huge on tick tock it's like there's like millions of of um what do you call them tick tocks tick tock with teddy fresh tick tuckers and by the way that sure looks great on him yeah right it's awesome that he's rocking it but yeah i mean yeah he tried to like small-time me like i don't know anything about your stupid little brand i've never heard of it i've never been on your website so hi sisters that guy looks pimp as a [ __ ] though best dress out of the group there i think easy hands down and i'm not saying that i mean i'm not just saying that right right all right the kid's gonna be exiled from the group now is the smoking james no they weren't wearing teddy freddy no you mean james can you put all this together uh zach or ian the whole trisha thing i gotta ask her about it on monday sure yeah absolutely all right let me watch this video can you bring this audio back yeah thank you and so so yummy 10 out of 10. um this was aloe vera drink and i did not like the little skin chunks in there so i gave it a 2 out of 10. skin chunks but no um the next thing i tried was this i can't do this that looks like persian food by the way or indian food what she was just eating no it's middle eastern i got that uh covet kiss call set up she had the wrong input on her discord if you want to talk to her yeah i'm over it okay thank you though who i would like to talk to is alyssa who worked at the zoo when harambe was shot that was a big day for us uh people of culture right are you suggesting you masturbated to that no oh because that's what that means gross bring in alyssa would you uh yes i'm saying culturally a big day yeah it was a big day um so we watched the men of culture videos we've got a whole section here called struggle and cringe uh there's some great ones here man but i don't know here let me do this and then we'll bring her in because i don't want to interrupt or is she almost ready zach she she's ready i can bring her you want to read some donations and say what up to the let's see what we got um so dude there's no way james people didn't tell him about the f does he think we're dumb probably i mean enough of him watching yoga videos i mean enough of his fans are defending him by saying they just say you know we didn't invent color blocking they just kind of reduce it to that cancel kim simp 30 fresh good luck canceling that guy cancel ken thank you so much for the gracious donations and all the members by the way i just want to say i didn't say it our members you guys thank you so much for the support it means the world and it helps so much you guys can see we've been working really hard on the podcast and trying to make this a really fun creative difference place i really like the stuff we've been doing the content court was so much fun i want to keep that series going because it really challenges the idea of what a podcast can be and i love that you know i think that's what it's all about you know i'm an artist as well and always wanted to know more about your personal art more outside and separate from h3 and teddy fresh love you guys um honestly i'm so consumed with both teddy fresh and the podcast that most of my art is that like every time i draw is basically i sit down to draw stuff for 30 fresh so that's mostly it but i i actually just recently been feeling like i want to stop painting again so i'm trying to warm up into painting i'm trying to like experiment a little bit with what paints i like because i'm not sure i'm such a marker i don't think you need to worry about painting you should just the thing that i love about painting though is that it's they're so much better to present like you can hang it in the house and it looks great i mean they have like body it's like beefy i mean and then like a beefy marker work yeah but those really work in small sizes i mean you could make it big but it would be so tedious to like cover a large surface and i don't really like tedious stuff i'm not really about the repetitiveness um but so i don't know i'll try it it's paint has always been really challenging for me yeah it seems really hard um you want to talk to harambe yeah let's bring in uh what's her name alyssa israel alyssa alyssa she's on right now alyssa hello hello lissa before we get started alyssa are you team james charles what do you think about the whole uh color block thing hello uh if you can't hear me i cannot hear anyone rest in peace harambe man this is how he felt nobody could hear him silently just dying why why has this happened hello is anybody working on this i don't see her what does it mean then i mean we test the discord it should be working it's probably on it all right so okay the second call of the day thank you for calling um zach did you when you bring them in did you do you talk to them i did yeah i just talked to her on my end and it sounded fine there's a really sad story here someone's best friend um passed away in july and the this past year um but they said you guys helped me be able to continue to laugh and laugh and and enjoy life sorry i don't know why it's so hard for me to read well you know the loss of a loved one is always tragic but like harambe we we i'm just saying harambe was beloved by all right dan is now in my computer what is happening i'm trying to see what's going on that's pretty epic right and then not even a heads up you just sit here tinkering with them giving condolences to somebody who just has something well yeah didn't want to interrupt yeah that sounds really difficult especially a best friend someone who's your age i feel like that's really hard it's hard to accept death especially the death of a young i mean yeah like a young person it really hurts i'm sorry about that it's a tragic there's there's really nothing that hits me harder than like a really young person dying too young is is always just [ __ ] you up you know did you guys hear about the new sister march um no what is that i'm trying to open it but dan is literally fighting for my mouth sam asked can we do a segment focusing on eli and daniel what's that sister merch of teddy fresh no good um i liked it we we plan on moving to our new office maybe early next year because also because like coveted obviously and everything that's going on but i feel like once we're in the new place maybe it will allow us to do that and show more um i'm not even sure really why i just think that it's gonna work better there our current office is so small and it's a mess and there's not much to show really you want to watch some dude uh on his first day get his whole life [ __ ] up yes all right so here's a dude now my internet is so slow i can't even load this link dan what have you done dan what do you want me to say what have you done [Laughter] why are you so why do you get so upset i'm just goofing around i want to talk about feet is it working sister merch is tearing us apart yeah dan i i just i'm just trying i i just want to know why you broke my internet you got to say it's a prank then it's just a it's just a um it's just a gender reveal there we go i'm just kidding then i don't think you broke my my internet i was trying to make a light situation out of it i know i'm saying the sign is sick homie's in here doing his first day of work at the car wash and he's using a power washer and then it gets tangled up and man that's a hell of a birthday i like how he doesn't even try to fight it he's just rag the hauling how did this happen i don't know i'll let it play again oh no this is a viral hog video those guys are merciless [ __ ] viral hog for the record so he's just oh he's good i'm surprised that doesn't happen more like i guess you just kind of whoa he doesn't find it at all man he's just like let's go his shoe came off yeah his shoe came off whoa that's awesome is the sprayer still going and [ __ ] he's just cleaning i mean i guess it's kind of fun i don't think he had fun but it's great happy birthday bill well which is better so do you think this one is better but there's also another one you like that sound ela it's the guy blasting his face with mentos you want to hear it again wait that's not the sonic guy no this is okay and then got it this one doesn't have sound unfortunately oh it does have sound oh my god watch it again i didn't know that sound oh it's not really sound why doesn't he try to fight it he doesn't even grasp at the cable isn't that doesn't that surprise you he doesn't even try to grab the cable man he's just in for the ride surprises me um tell me what do you think this guy was thinking either what was he planning this tree to do whoa cutting actually in his front yard [Applause] so do you think that was his house or maybe even someone else's house what would be worse your house or someone else's house you know what i mean i feel like somebody else's house would be worth but though those kind of yells sound like personal like yeah his house yeah yeah i get the feeling i'm just asking which would you rather drop the house off yeah i guess like doing it to someone else would be way worse anyway this they did this really wrong i've seen people cutting trees in our yard you're supposed to cut it layer by layer i mean where was he expecting it to fall in the middle of the street you know what i mean yeah this car is driving by this guy's running for his life wait let's there's a lot going on let's try to dissect this there's a car coming now there so like if it fell that away there's a dude with the rope running for his life look at this oh he's trying to get us to pull the other way but yeah good luck man have you ever [ __ ] up that bad in your life i don't think so i'm surprised how strong the roof is on these houses to be honest yeah great any comments any anecdotes i love it i love it this was funny i love this either maybe you can relate we just got a covet test the other day and so my heart goes out to this lady they really got her good because when i do the covet test here all they do is swab the inside of my nose a little bit it's not that crazy they weren't a little dip this time for me really but it's so fast it's fine but you see here they really stay in there and they go deep as hell oh no so watch this and the ladies already okay see i've not put it in the mouth yeah all the way back get it yeah i have to do the other side as well the other side oh y'all [Laughter] yeah this is some serious [ __ ] since y'all went down there where's this oh god i'm disappointed i don't like go ahead and get it that never happened to us watch this part it's so brutal that's nothing like it no we've already had it done like how many times a five it was never like this the first time we did it was really uncomfortable they went really deep back but i never had the throw and the nostros you know not cool not cool i don't want to make people think that's what it's like it's not dude when we did it like two days ago or yesterday i don't remember they literally just did this in my nose with the swab was that gross now i've a little bit unnecessary any updates on james charles did uh donald trump or somebody tweet out his merch did i miss not yet i love it i love it it possibly uh there's really no one bigger than kim kardashian i mean he's kind of trying to think of somebody maybe kanye will pee on it well kanye pee on sister merch good point that's an endorsement i can get behind you know last week we watched a kid [ __ ] in the middle of a mall and someone stepped in it and i thought that was incredible i thought i'd never see a video like this again could you guys tell us farting i kept leaning over and i was like they probably know i'm farting because i've leaned over a lot when just now uh it wasn't loud but you could smell it now if you but having some gnarly gas bro like you could tell them about it yeah it's awful i'm considering like when it happens i'm considering getting up and walking into a different room i don't i don't always have this gas right but every once in a while why is that i have no idea every once in a while it just comes so strong it's really bad like i have no problem with regular levels but this is like well the problem is i start to feel bad because i know it's so bad i mean i can handle it i kind of like when it's like worse than ever because it's interesting but i totally understand why you wouldn't want to smell that i mean i wouldn't want to smell anyone else's fart that was that dank so do you like to smell your own farts say again do you like the smell of your own farts yeah for sure well i wouldn't say i like it but it's like it's okay you know interesting it's not offensive at all [Music] you ever smell your own sneeze i have never and but i smell yours it's very bizarre to me you could smell my there's a smell and i've never seen that before because i have like enormous sneezes i think they're like really explosive it's so weird i do wonder if it happens to other people i don't know if i had like super smelling or just huge sneezes i'll tell you exactly what it is because i i have the same problem dan can you hear me yeah go ahead um it's something called tonsil stones and what those are they're like plus pockets of bacteria in the back of your throat and then so that causes the cup come up and produce a smell what never heard of that yeah i didn't even know sneeze's head smells so exactly i mean well hold on zach why you got to accuse me of having pus pockets in my mouth no no it's a common thing like i get them does yours do your sneezes smell occasionally yeah fascinating yeah do you like the smell of your own farts does everybody like the smell of their own heart you try to omeprazole that's what you take right yeah i take i've been taking this [ __ ] every day forever dan do you like to smell your own farts they're all right they're tolerable gross why is i just had the spot of smelling your farts well let me ask you ela do you smell your own farts well what what do you mean by that i'm not saying you buttercup your face no i don't do that but like if you're in bed and you fart and it's a dank ass nasty part you're not gonna like get up no no never you know i knew a guy in college and this was the most bizarre thing i ever heard he hated the smell of his own fart so much he would get out if he was by himself he would get up and go fart somewhere else and come back that's pretty wild i think i was like what i was so shocked by that but you wouldn't say you like the smell are you just too shy no i don't like it it's i just don't it's not really a problem i guess when it's your own smell for some reason yeah that's how i feel yeah like i don't like it but it doesn't gross me out the way somebody else's yeah i don't like it right right you guys ever caught someone cuffing the smell like cuffing the smell and bringing to their face like people do that in public yeah they like cuff the fart and then smell smell their own bran i used to do that i used to fart under my covers and smell it it's great man oh you're hot boxing but it's been a while to be able don't you mean the chat just said i love the smell of my period blood i've heard that i've heard that before i hate it no i i that's a comment so much i've heard women saying that i think we had a discussion on the podcast about it we've talked about the smell but you described it as comedy right loving their own no specifically women who smell their own period blood or like used menstrual pad what do you mean you're into it what does that mean you gotta get your wings dude stop it with the wings i know you're joking but do you like the smell of period blood no yeah okay i just gotta get under there anyway we're talking about this kid who took a dump in a grocery store and somebody he jiggled it out of his leg and somebody stepped in and i was like this is incredible and sure enough another one surfaced where did this one come from discord uh how'd you guys find this somebody yeah i think maybe somebody posted in the discord it's trying to get quite it was discarded yes yeah so credit to that discord and thank you to all the members the discord is popping you guys are the [ __ ] you guys dude discord is awesome been some really good content from there i gotta say fantastic so i was like dude this is the same thing except it's a grown woman really in a mall for some reason takes a dump in the floor and somebody immediately steps here she comes this lady in the moomoo oh dude it's pretty incredible you could just take a dump like that and nobody noticed oh there you go there she just laid one on the floor bro oh my god oh my god just let it go i'll watch the guy slip in and then homie slips in the dump human feces bro [Music] does that mean she wasn't wearing underwear how did she just squeeze that out yeah kind of right or did she oh there it goes like yeah rolls down her leg too she must not be wearing any underwear yeah but the thing is if you know you have a like leaky anus or whatever you should be wearing a diaper or you just don't wear underwear but straight yeah exactly she went the other way she's like nah i just i dump wherever i go like a dog kind of jealous of dogs so they can just [ __ ] and pee anywhere they want yeah including like a brand new couch and all of our carpets yeah stuff yeah we got this big beautiful new couch right now it's called eno licking yeah you know alfredo never really poops or shits or pees on furniture but we got this big beautiful new leather couch very expensive and alfredo took a huge diarrhea on it like a big steamy diarrhea and it was there for a while too because it was kind of semi-dried anyway it stained that [ __ ] there's it's just got a huge diarrhea stain on it but i was i'm not mad at him he's a sweet boy i was just i was just found it kind of just a little funny like he's never [ __ ] or pissed on furniture then he takes that not only like it was a normal [ __ ] also the couch was like brand new like we i think we only had it for a week and nobody's gone on it since it's not like a common occurrence you know and it was if it was a normal [ __ ] i feel like i could have picked it up and recovered but it was a steaming diarrhea yeah i could have flipped it like a pancake with a spatula you know kela if i die early promise me you better promise me right now elo that you'll give me the send-off i deserve oh my god what no are you serious yeah that's the that's the send-off i deserve as your husband so it's a woman there's an open it's an open casket actually too and she is twerking on the on the casket and it's open too so and everyone is down with this hell yeah dude it's good last time i mean why shouldn't a funeral be a good ass time you know i don't know kind of always thought about that maybe not that much of a girl she's like yeah i've been waiting for you to go um she looks kind of sad like is she crying as she's doing this well yeah that would make sense given the context but why did they saran wrap it too it's kind of funny like they i don't know it's covered in saran wrap to protect it from from being delivered so maybe it's part of the delivery protection so they're like don't whatever you do don't scuff up this coffin that we're gonna bury yeah that shit's expensive though i understand coffins are real expensive man it's a hell of a thing to die it's not [ __ ] up it's like i'm dead and now i gotta cost a shitload of money to get rid of my dumbass body i don't think we do coffins in israel so [Music] it's like dude what if i don't like just get rid of me just dump my ass yeah it is really expensive you gotta buy land in the cemetery and it's like can they will they even cremate you in israel because it's super taboo to not get buried in judaism i never looked it up there's not that much land how do they even make that much land to bury you that's why it's so expensive so what do you do if you can't afford it i think they started doing like multi-layer like uh car car garage yeah like a building you know you're on floor one floor two that's crazy i wonder which is the best floor to be on when the messiah comes back closer to god oh so okay i'm gonna give you guys a straight up warning here this is on the level you may guys remember watch that video of the dude puking at the ball game now i love this i love that video but i know some people said it's too gross for me i can't do it okay so i'm just gonna warn you right now i think it's hilarious video and i want you guys to stay and watch it but i just want to give you the fair warning that this is disgusting okay but it's awesome so i really think you should try to stick around and watch it you know by the way so yeah dude wherever this is i'm not down they're in like an empty lot there's like trailer homes and they're on some heavy machinery i'm not i'm not down wherever this is it's not safe don't go past the mess your sides don't touch anything what is this what is this which one do you think is going to puke yeah why is it why is it so close to just regular neighborhood vibes dude they're in an empty lot what the [ __ ] this is not the place to get on a carnival ride hey you guys vote who do you think's gonna puke the girl or the guy one for the guy two for the girl in the chat yeah in the chat so when you first opened the video my vote was the guy okay yeah i also think the guy i mean that that was my initial thought as well he looks like super stressed this is uh their second date apparently too how did you know that it was in the title or what have you got someone said second date at a theme park is that confirmed or what i think that was just the title of the reddit post i'm not sure it seems like there's a healthy mix of one yeah i see everyone's saying i see mostly one i see a lot i see a lot of twos yeah yeah i saw one three see to me i thought the guy was people puke for sure [ __ ] this ride by the way like literally drive into the middle of nowhere and get on a janky ass rusty noisy ride yeah and also why they have a shrek logo where right here in orange oh looks like the shrek logo okay so here we go now now there's a couple of things to notice first let's do a play-by-play so homie just as she keeps puking that's a lot and a lot and a lot and he just i if it happened to me i think i would look away to try not to answer something but he he's like just keeps watching silently like he's getting off on it almost that looks like she ate a lot at the carnival that day oh what's up oh and it's going right on her he goes are you okay so here's my favorite part right now like you're like wow how this how could this day get worse yeah the ride is just starting this is when the ride gets really crazy no this is awesome she's covered head to toe and puke and the ride starts going off and guess what she ain't done not even close and homie's just watching don't watch [ __ ] i've always wondered what happens when you puke when you're upside down or something he's like kill it that's the worst job how do you go on from here like oh damn well how do you who's gotta go clean that man yeah that really sucks oh boy do you make her clean it you're a lady i have a feeling she just walks off you think she's you don't think she's going to go get popcorn or hot dogs or go on another ride do you think she's ever going to talk to him again if this is a date she's smelling her puke bruh instead of smelling her puke here let's go back look at her sniff sniff again oh and he saw that he saw the sniff she's examining the contents of her puke there's puke on her [ __ ] something oh good man that's the best puke video i've ever seen in my humble opinion that is the premiere puke video on youtube today okay should we watch again no really you don't want to i'm kind of feeling it oh man so let's get a call going who else do we have do you want to try getting the harambe girl back on zach uh yeah she's in the collin queue i work on there's no guarantee that that let's try again happen again let's try it again go ahead tell me when she's in she's in right now okay can you hear me hello hello hello hello oh she can't hear can't hear anything oh geez let me see let me try something so jesus christ do you think it's on her and dan uh well if zach talked to her i guess no i want to say it's so bad it's so good oh and i'm team h3 all the way i don't know if you're talking to me or if i'm talking to myself well we appreciate it zach what do we do can you talk to her and see i i really want to talk to her uh it sounded fine on my end yeah i think it's on our end i tested the discord we were i don't know i even when i logged into your computer everything seems fine i don't know you want to come tinker around a little bit i gotta pee anyway here eli you entertain the people i'm gonna go really yeah we gotta we gotta find out about harambe all right let's see all right um questions let's see yeah i think we had donations take a look at that a little bit detail about the funeral to work the deceased was a criminal and the growth working and the others are his criminal friends really um what else we got here friend of the show and i honestly thought you would never show your faces again that's true that's true it'd be super interesting to do everyone's top five movies in the crew and discussions that would get pretty uh juicy i feel like very that might be a good idea yeah i like it um i'm trying to read but uh having trouble that's moving too fast yeah y'all are donating too much study fresh can mean i'm so excited thank you so much um um when will you join the discord i i want to i don't know why i'm afraid of discord i have like uh can someone explain why am i afraid of discord uh this course is scary well i there's so many like stories of people uh you know getting cancelled because of discord conversations or whatever and i think it i just have like a negative uh i'm seeing this light application of discord in my mind i don't even know why i think we just had a glitch i literally just closed discord and reopened it and i can see the audios coming through so here it was alyssa right yeah melissa hello are you there alyssa can you hear us hello hello can you hear us yes i can hear you there we go hi okay alyssa i understand your team h3 that's fantastic to hear um so as i understand it you were there on the fateful day that harambe left this deer planet earth is that correct i was such a crazy summer day i remember it like it was 2016. and so what was your job at the zoo what city did this take place in so it's in cincinnati ohio i was a university student and i was part of the fun department is what they called it so basically i helped ran run the train the carousel i also worked the parking lots the ticket booth scanning people in um and various other things like that and so that day i was in the ticket office and that's where we keep all the radios and so it just like suddenly went insane that day with all the news and everything done so when did you first learn about what happened to harambe well i was in the ticket booth office where all the security stuff is the radios and you just heard people screaming and call 9-1-1 call 9-1-1 and it was actually one of my co-workers who was walking by and saw the incident happen and so they rushed all the people into like the reptile house and various different areas secluded areas so they could get the fire department and stuff and the funniest part was we had the zoo shut down everything was totally turned off the fire department was there everything and people were still coming to the window how much is for three people two children i'm like i'm sorry we are closed right now and they're like well how much longer what's how long is it gonna take and i was like i don't know so they literally waited little bench outside my window for me to open back up did you explain did you explain what happened to them like hey uh a baby fell in the gorilla cage and we killed the [ __ ] gorilla no no we were trying to like keep it calm obviously and everything was so chaos so we didn't have like talking points in the first seconds you know but the best part is like they later i was working the um the scanning where like after once you come to the zoo you have to scan in your past and stuff excuse me a little bird sound like me and [Laughter] um so i was scanning people in and this little boy was like what happened to the gorilla and the mom like oh well we do offer free wi-fi you can find the code over there your mom can look up and tell you all about it once you're in the zoo right yeah oh my god the little boy looked at his mom and he was like what happened to the gorilla mommy and she said they shot him the [ __ ] hood what the what is wrong with that lady did anyone barely walking i couldn't believe it i was like oh my god and people were trying to sneak in with like a little pocket in their t-shirt you know and they had like their phone camera trying to record our like responses and stuff it was insane did anyone ask for a refund oh yes that was the next part we had the whole because we were stuck in the reptile house for 30 minutes we had this traumatic experience happen which i understand if you saw it okay but there's no way you could see or hear anything if you're in a certain point but we did do the refunds and stuff but i also used to work at disney world in florida so this is like nothing i've seen way too much yeah yeah that's a lot of experience between those two jobs although i'm sure nothing could have prepared you for that day what was the what was the vibe like after harambe had had uh had been released from his mortal shackles was there was was the atmosphere there with the employees did they miss harambe did you feel oh yeah they had like they offered free therapy sessions if workers needed their outing and stuff they did extremely serio like extreme you know um but then what happened what was i going to say well what what happened with when it started getting memed on how did the people at the zoo handle that oh no so i was actually getting trained like the next day to work in membership um and that's where we have a phone and you can call and ask about our membership and you have no idea how many calls we got people were slapping slapping slapping their dicks on the phone leaving voicemails sticks out for a run [Music] stalking our parking lot and i think they like stayed in our parking lot for like two weeks or something so we charged them because it's ten dollars a day to park and it was it was crazy people were always cussing and stuff but we outside of the gorilla exhibit we have a little statue gorilla and people thought that we put that there for harambe so there was like thousands of flowers there all of a sudden it wasn't there for him no it's been there for like the cincinnati zoo i think is the second zoo in the united states so it's like super old but wow what a tragedy yeah and how and what are you up to these days that was a while ago now what are we up to now yeah so i was traveling um earlier this year to argentina for a few months because i work online so i just go around and um i got my flight was march 29th to go back to florida because now i live in orlando and nope i've been stuck in argentina ever since and i'm 182 of strict quarantine there's nothing to do they have they've been opening up some parks but it's just insane this is the city so um still no trains no nothing uh the grocery store is open but you can only have one person at a time like from each family member and things like that well you're safer there than in florida i'll tell you that that's what i've heard that's what i've heard well i did want to say i worked at when i was at disney world i worked with the stroller so we dealt with a lot of ecvs or the electric scooters as you know yeah gatsby asks yes oh my god they're the craziest people i love the videos you show because ah so there's truth to it to the meme the people on the mobility scooters are wild as hell oh and disney mobility scooter let me ask you this do you suspect that what percent of the people on mobility scooters really need them 10 10 that's what i think i really do i think no and it was really bad because for new year's eve because i worked i did that part at epcot um and for new year's eve epcot is huge and stuff because that you can travel around the world and drink when you've been see your where but um you have to get super early the first like 10 minutes of us opening all of our scooters are gone i don't know how many we have like 100 or something they're all gone and it's really sad because then the line is outside of even the entrance to scan your pass for more ecvs and wheelchairs and stuff but we run out so we have to start a list and my boss was like okay alyssa i think you can handle like fighting people so i want you out there telling them we don't have any and there was so many people like where's your list i want to speak to your manager my father doesn't have a legacy well you're a true warrior of the h3 nation and we we appreciate you for that you know thank you so much people in the chat love your voice have you heard that before i've heard a few people tell me that interesting is that something is that something you've worked on or is it just your natural uh a tannin no i think it's just my natural whatever you the word you just said well maybe i'll send you in to talk to james charles would you be willing to do that for me absolutely let's change his mind i have a better smile than him so let's do it just kidding he's a really cool person too but um yeah thank you so much and i listen to every single podcast as soon as they come out because all i'm surrounded by is spanish here and i don't speak thank you thank you thank you god bless you god bless you thank you for all you do in service of the world in the super trooper nation can i shout out to my little sister who's a marine i don't get to see her anymore but we watch the show together shout out megan rebecca thank you god bless you stay safe all right be good you too bye thank you hey zach that dude did her voice do anything for you yeah kinda yeah i didn't want to bring it up but yeah when i was setting it up i'm like uh you know i wonder if you should just do phone sex work like it doesn't matter what she looks like at all it's like she's got the voice she'll make a kill um does it have to go to sex is there any other like thing that voice well right now she's just trying to you've got harambe and karen's looking for scooters i mean get on the phone and do some phone sex they probably make good money what about like a radio broadcaster right how do you get into broadcast you know what you mean hi i've got hi i've got a nice voice i'd like to do broadcast not it probably goes a little phone sex bro and obviously i don't know what she looks like but like oh oh i guess uh tim dillon uh posted something from whitney's house she did like a uh sort of an open mic thing at our house yeah not really an open mic it's her friends comedians who they all tested and um it was outside in her backyard and i guess they saw me on his something oh really story or his video but they someone here asked how was his stand up and he was so funny he was like he was really funny probably my favorite i don't want to throw it he's coming on our show and i'll give you the date right now that was the first time i went out of the house to do something and it felt very weird we're recording with him on october 15th so it'll be out the following monday the 19th dude we have a great crazy lineup coming up yeah a lot of comedians yeah we have uh well we're dropping an episode with stevo next monday which was great by the way i'm super excited for you guys to watch that see then next week we're recording with andrew santino and then the week after that tom and christine are coming back and the week after that whitney cummings dylan is the weekend then i'm working on bert for the week after that so bert after that so we gotta we got that so we have one final segment to go over actually we have a lot left but we have a lot left and we're at an hour four things my family's coming over at three for this [ __ ] dinner with trisha yeah but i don't want to i don't want to wrap it up yet we've got more [ __ ] to do here guys you know or you tell me what you want to watch you want to watch this douchey tick talker who goes in home depot and makes a huge mess or do you want to wat well you want to watch this flash mob not wearing a mask these guys are such douches hate these people all right hit it do you know what i think so these people went to target [Music] and as a form of protest took off their masks and shopped without a mask and um we you know we ask so little of americans these days to think of all the great sacrifices our forebears have have undergone for us you know yep um you know we're during world war ii we shipped our our our brave men across the seas to die and fight for this country meanwhile the women toiled at home rationed their groceries so that we could i mean everybody donated their pots and pans people i mean yes and now look how little we can we can ask of people simply wearing a [ __ ] mask while you grocery shop is too much these people are not willing to sacrifice even the smallest and then i mean america it's our freedom say what they all say it's our freedom yeah this is america right yeah that's true well i mean you're in a private property and they have a policy to wear mass so it's not really true in this case and that's very american but we are so [ __ ] little literally so little and they can't do it they can't do it [Music] all right we're tired of shopping we're tired we're shopping with masks on oh no this is the greatest injustice you are the most selfish pathetic people [Music] and what are you doing you're in target like bro what kind of point are you trying to prove at least go to a government building or something you know what i mean this family is there okay she's shoving her phone in people's face such a disgusting behavior why are you so proud of yourself he thinks it's like uh aaron brockovich or what's yeah when everyone's just gonna take off the mask and join him everyone's like dude it's all about choice that's what she said it's all right but you know these people are anti-choice or they're their pro-life right so when it comes to abortion no choice for a life when it comes to wearing a mask freedom baby it's all about choice so mask the mask uh pick a lens off your oxygen right that's what they think i mean yeah you could say that you could say it doesn't do anything you could say it makes it worse i mean you could say anything you want look at the child abuse going on here as kids like eight i mean dude cut cut to brave americans dying stupidity normandy this isn't freedom it's just you're stupid you're just dumb brave men dying on the beaches of normandy their wives back home rationing sugar donating pots and pans working in factories the you can't even get all the gas you need to do all the driving the times are hard but we're willing to pull together for the greater good then flash forward 20 20. [Music] 1942 the mother of three children gets a let a knock at the door she knows immediately all three of her children died in combat no sacrifice is greater for the country or for humanity itself to fight the evils the necessary to save lives to save democracy cut forward 2020 [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we're not doing it anymore shake it off cut back 1942 jews are lined up in a concentration camp the evils of the nazis who knows where they're leading to but you can make a good guess right outside the gates the the allies are marching across these horrid scenes the liberation was worth it and all the sacrifice has paid off but at what great cost splash forward to 2020. squash what's what is this it's like a san diego zoo i'm trying to give some kind of like shamu concert a splash it's a cinematic splash [Music] these people are the ones most likely to to say that oh men these days are are so weak and in soyboy cucks yes but like these are the weakest people on the [ __ ] planet no then putting a mask on is for [ __ ] no they're they're walking hypocrites they're weak they're selfish they're just i mean yes everything i mean like i said you can't stand a piece of cloth on your face like this is it's just intolerable to you because they think it makes you look weak or something i mean it's just pathetic bro i just see it yeah it's total inverse of that it's like can't be asked to do anything the sacrifice for freedom all we achieved america the great country i mean you're actually just the manhattan project i don't even know what to say it's so stupid tanks airplanes convert pearl harbor converting all of our great manufacturing power to overcome the forces of evil children fatherless mothers sunless flags are waving planes overhead america is great and what does a aien think about this what do you think about these protesters aien smash cut to 2050 you have all wiped yourselves out by sheer moronic stupidity and the robots rise so you're pro you are pro covet truthers because you think it will help usher and the era of robots uh yeah pretty much yeah that about sums it up yeah so a lot of go off everybody yeah i mean aien support your guys's protest that should tell you something did you see his background oh no yeah that's pretty good yeah i wish they knew that ain't supported them they know and then again and then they make this whole thing about like it's patriotic to somehow do this it's all american of course we are so we have become so pathetic it's really american to race other people's lives just because you don't want to wear a mask you know and i gotta say like we work at the office i go there about twice a week and we all wear a mask and i think it really works oh it's proven to work yeah i mean no but i think it's that simple like because in the beginning everyone was so paranoid like surfaces you gotta sanitize oh yeah that's a big deal when you open groceries you gotta do like million steps it's way simpler than that you just need to wear the mask it's really not that difficult like at least do that the cdc said if all americans just wore masks the virus would be gone in four to six weeks gone i believe that because i see it from our experience i just see it we had a guy that was positive you know nobody caught it and nobody caught it and he was working in the office at the time i was close to him everyone was oh dan was close to him i moved a giant printer um in a barber shop one of the hairdressers was positive but everybody who came in that day and all the hairdressers were wearing masks nobody else got infected mm-hmm [ __ ] it works just do it anyway [ __ ] them speaking of people who [ __ ] and by the way now that i'm on tick tock i'm kind of a superstar and i've been seeing we talked about this channel without knowing it was them um there was this we were talking about the uh birth or the gender gender reveal that started the fires and i was watching that i was like trying to explain what the oh yeah why did you throw glitter on the gun yeah so what about so i found their channel browsing tick tock and then i was like oh these guys are just giant douche bags oh they are the glitter is literally just to make a mess it's to make they're trying to confuse this guy into thinking they're pranking this guy they don't know him oh and he's not even in on it no no oh so they go into stores they [ __ ] with people this guy doesn't know them that's not it's a prank bro and so this channel is one of the most [ __ ] up things i've ever seen oh my god because not just because they're so rude to people but because they make such an enormous mess by the way it says five million views why would you do that for viewers yeah for views but the thing is they don't clean up not even funny though 500 views who are you to judge that's just mean dude they don't clean it up look at this mess at least they wear a mouse it's not funny by the way look how much glitter they got in this guy's hair views deal you don't know anything about it it's not funny he's got the guy cleaning him off and [ __ ] so here you see look how [ __ ] up this guy's hair is when he turns around how do you even like where did that come from that is such a shitty thing to do so here's another one yeah they just do this there's like a hundred of these oh my god they just do it non-stop oh you wonder if they just get banned from every store like eventually they'll have nowhere to go to do that oh the guy sees the camera oh what a legend what are you recording that for oh what a legend are you security but then they get all defensive and they make him look like a [ __ ] yeah they're a weirdo bro those guys are gonna do it to the wrong person and get [ __ ] stabbed i saw one today where this one guy uh they wanted he wanted to fight and they're like this guy's crazy i'm gonna try to find it there's so many of them i mean these guys are these guys are just like serial criminals or something i gotta say they hear this one i kind of i have to admit that i [Applause] i gotta admit that this one makes me laugh i mean just blowing someone with air they both at the same time start blasting out i didn't know you could just use those in the store i mean if they were doing this kind of stuff whatever you know wait ila watch this one [Music] [Applause] that's just the douche that one's not as bad but it's all bad yeah yeah given the context of everything else they do [ __ ] them but if it was just that whatever this one's got 10 million [ __ ] crazy oh god what are you supposed to say you know you got me i'm trying to find this one of the dude trying to fight him because it was very good it was very justice boner vibes i wonder if they erased it because i just saw it today surprised they would post that yeah well they always posted they think they think it's funny even yeah they think it's funny exactly was that like pop rocks that's so cool got em yeah this is the interesting thing about tick tock is like all these pranks that are so uh so old school and the [ __ ] that already got chased off of on youtube right yeah it's not popular on tick tock yeah yeah even have a don't judge me challenge type thing oh for real i've seen the i mean you had that holocaust challenge i mean it doesn't really get any lower than that yeah man where's the one the guy trying to fight him he was like he really was not having it i love that one guy who just figured out what happened yeah that was pretty yeah that was pretty happy what it's a prank bro i'm it's right man oh look who it is it's the uh convicted uh pedophile snitched i didn't look at the captain i'm supposed to be loyal to you and you can't be speaking if snitching is right or wrong i really don't give a [ __ ] about snitching he told on a bunch of criminals dude he [ __ ] a third like a 13 year old on camera and filmed it i mean his friend did yeah but he filmed it yeah he probably [ __ ] her too i mean probably but let's just but he was slapping her ass and touching her boobs and stuff he was feeling it yeah i mean he filmed it so it's like let's really focus like who cares if you snitched on a bunch of [ __ ] criminals i mean was it really 13 yeah that's the eight you're not exaggerating i literally read that on wikipedia you want me to read it to you oh my god no he's he he's he's literally a pet of like a a sex criminal sick i don't even know spell is dumbass name six nine just replace the first letter with the number that it's spelling out here you guys want to hear this kind of i'll read it to you so when everyone starts talking like this guy mike from impulsive he goes he made snitching cool and i don't do and then they had him on the show and all this i was like dude why are you care about snitching listen to this 2005 hernandez plead guilty to a felony count of use of child and sexual performance he was charged with three counts of the offense february 15 which he had physical contact with a 13 year old girl and later distributed videos of the incident online as part of his music video three videos are described in the criminal complaint against hernandez and the first the child engages in oral sexual intercourse and is separately charged another defendant taqwan anderson while the defendant danny hernandez stands behind the child making a thrusting motion with his pelvis and smacking her on the butt the child is nude in the video the other videos show the child sitting on hernandez's lap while anderson gropes her breasts and later sitting naked across the laps of anderson and hernandez he also was arrested for choking someone at a shopping mall 2018. he was also robbery assault and kidnapping in the early morning of july 2018 he was oh he was kidnapped lol he was kidnapped beaten and robbed interesting people are saying she told them she was 18. he's she's 13. bro that's not even close i don't know people are defending that what the [ __ ] bro i think he knew very well how can you mix wait whoa whoa whoa straight up if you want to defend him call in right now i want to talk to you and but only if you really want to defend it zach get one of these people on the phone how do you confuse a 13 year old with an eight-year-old if she's 17 maybe 16 i can i can stretch my imagination i mean 17 sure of course yeah you're right 13 year olds don't look 13 yeah sorry yeah there's a big [ __ ] no [ __ ] there's the big but it's just crazy to me that people are trying to defend him that's not like 16 18 or you know you know like turned in like a kid i have to say i actually think mike from impulsive is such a [ __ ] douche because like he goes on and on about this thing really solidified my feelings for him i actually didn't really dislike him for anything i know he he called me out or whatever but like he makes such this big deal about snitching but he brings the guy on a show who [ __ ] who did this to a 13 year old girl i mean hello what you know dan uh danny gonzalez had a [ __ ] great tweet about it he had a great tweet about it that i want to show you guys friend of the show danny gonzalez legend i want to show you guys legend look he says hey if you see influencers that you watch collabing with famous pedophiles for views just know they don't care about you they just care about that sweet sweet cash you know yeah that was really weird that they had him on well he's right it got like six million views in a week i mean it's crazy yeah but again it should i just find it i mean [ __ ] that he goes on and on about snitching i mean dude try to act so hard in street you're such a phony [ __ ] dude kid [ __ ] like [ __ ] around with a 13 year old girl and filmed it bro got your [ __ ] head out of your ass douche getting fired up uh it's two o'clock do we need to uh wrap this up soon we gotta i do think we need to wrap it up the other only other thing i wanted to talk about which we can talk about really fast anyone excited to eat apples with honey apples with honey apples with honey hey hey i think you're going to be surprised by how ghetto or rosh hashanah is i've done holidays with you already and your family i know what i'm getting i don't even know that we're dipping apples and honey all right i got that one covered oh you did okay yeah they do making the brisket say what zach who's making the brisket you guys have a brisket i don't know i don't know actually i'm doing the easy stuff like putting apples and honey my sister's cooking she's bringing everything else brisket like a tradition on rosh hashanah i don't think so not in israel i come from i don't think that's a tradition he's just zach just wants brisket well i think something like biscuit so someone keeps asking where do i get my chains from um i it's just random i don't know i'm not wearing this but it's not out yet not out yet um yeah i don't really have a specific place to give you unfortunately thank you members we love you members i see people member and get up i want to um talk about one last story logan paul is apparently boxing uh floyd mayweather i don't think this is gonna happen i think this is an absolute [ __ ] not ever gonna happen i don't even think this is real because last i heard um i think it's real no i don't because la the official story that tmz put out and you know tmz is always right about this [ __ ] he says he was approached but he didn't decide yet and then you have people like keemstar saying who kind of started this rumor but i think he's wrong he's saying um it's happening they already closed the deal yada yada yada he even leaked like this whatever the [ __ ] this is what does it say let's see i think this was supposedly just fight economics who is this for you know what i mean it's like a pitch deck garbage you think you think they could sell 80 to 190 million that's crazy for a pay-per-view well the thing is floyd mayweather's super i don't think ksi versus logan paul pulled in not even close to that but i think floyd floyd could but why would he fight logan paul like that's so beneath him because a lot of money but i don't think they'll make that there's like no risk at all to him like he's not gonna lose i mean it would be pretty satisfying to just watch him destroy him seems dangerous i mean it does seem he's not a trained fighter i mean he sort of is now but but not on that level how is he he's zero and one professionally i i i get it but i just mean he's he's been trained he fought one other amateur right yeah he has no real experience in the ring he has no pizza experience either and and floyd mayweather is 50 and zero yeah no i'm i'm i was saying he's gonna [ __ ] die in the ring i agree but yeah it's uh wouldn't that be kind of crazy i mean would that be awesome if he died let's not say that i mean not i like you know awesome in the in the sense of like you would be in awe i mean it would be required here's the thing there's not a non-zero chance that he dies there's like a small chance he does die yeah i mean boxing is very dangerous and he's not probably although i need to fight floyd mayweather yeah i don't think floyd is gonna go in there with the intention to kill him no of course not he's probably just gonna toy with him put on a show anyway i don't think it's gonna happen i think it's all i would be shocked as some [ __ ] of this happen the shame is that of course i would watch it you know but why is logan paul getting this fight ksi is the one that [ __ ] won the damn fight like why logan paul why is he getting this huge payout he didn't even win the damn fight he had right i mean what the [ __ ] first one was a draw second one ksi one yeah ksi is probably smart enough to not try and fight floyd matt whether it's the reason well i think anyone right oh okay sorry ela sheesh i don't really give a [ __ ] but thanks for letting me know nice use of that i wonder if he's gonna have to get tested for kovit the box um no deal yet so we'll see gosh that's crazy people are saying he did have an exhibition fight with some thai boxer and he destroyed him in the first round in like 10 seconds so it's not unheard of you know when he did the well i guess the conor mcgregor thing wasn't an exhibition that was like an actual fight right even though yeah yeah yeah yeah i mean connor's a that guy obviously yeah yeah he's not a boxer though yeah yeah although i recall was a pretty it was a decent fight it wasn't even like it was decent yeah but everybody knew he was going to lose and he did so anyway first few rounds it appeared mcgregor had a shot but mayweather pulled the easiest boxing trick in the book and tire out your opponent tired him out that's what he did yep i think dan did it best the other day if they actually fight he's going down to paul creed style what does that mean i'm not familiar with rocky trilogy oh apollo died in the ring right in the russian in oh he died yeah in the second draw the same one with the robot that we watched the other day and that same that same oh they became a friend right they became free yeah greatest movie ever made rocky fights ivan drago and he gets killed in the ring god do you guys think this will happen uh i kind of do i mean yeah i i i'm not as skeptical as you think as i saw on tmz they said there's no deal and i just feel like uh the thing is he's such a he's like a boxer through and through right it's just such a spectacle i feel like it cheapens the sport so much but like you said you already did it look at this one what's that i want to call in i died three times and wanted to clear do we really want to do this am i going to argue with this guy about what the definition of death i think you are is there any way for me not to look like an [ __ ] no there isn't that's what i'm saying there's literally no way for me to win this argument he does have he has more death experience than you yeah so uh 30 times because you're like i died three times i'd be like well it's just it's a semantical thing right like exactly die exactly that's not i'm just going to look like a clinical director the medical term the key word is irreversible irreversible death a b don't encourage if death doesn't mean death i worked i worked guys death is death if death isn't death then what word am i supposed to use when someone actually [ __ ] dies that's true what about when your heart stops you stopping your movie when your yeah what's the problem your heart stopped why are you getting so worked up wait what happened i'm always been arguing why you all yeah ian what do you think about this weigh-in please a-i-e-n isn't alive he doesn't get an opinion on this listening to this conversation what say again well if you're just gonna talk over me i'm out so yeah come on you're so sensitive all right let's end this show yeah guess what what we're back next week with a brand new mother lovin week with stevo on monday yes trisha on tuesday would yes why do you say it like that what were we going to maybe start doing those on wednesday release on wednesday no okay but what uh so that the members can get it early oh i don't think so i think tuesday well we'll talk about it okay we'll figure it out treasure on tuesday and then another content court right on thursday and then we'll be back on friday to do it all again yes sir a street podcast you think he'll be back there well we don't never know we never are we in the midst of a h3 podcast renaissance hilo well i don't think you should acknowledge it because that kind of drinks it it's a great chance that's what trisha was saying but i said acknowledge it well whatever we were [ __ ] doing the show for so long it's a renaissance fine i'll be michelangelo and you can be uh the pope so can you guys um can you say rosh hashanah rosh hashanah okay [Music] [Laughter] you guys want me to check my how's my tick tock doing feel free to end it any time well i'm done thank you guys thank you to all these mother loving members and donators we thought we all thank you so much i want to thank uh the crew thank you to everybody a b dan of course who's gone he's bounced with us we did not respect his air time and we talked over him but it's kind of impressive that he's capable of such emotions yeah he tries to act above us like you know he's sensitive yeah he really is he's a sensitive soul if he has his fault i don't know anyway guys thank you to all the team who make all this possible it's been a fantastic week and look forward to doing again next week so thank you guys tgif tgif motherfreaker [Music] h to the three three three you're watching h to the three three three three you're watching h to the three three
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 1,088,818
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3h3, h3, h3 after dark, h3h3productions, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila, after dark
Id: ccLvagZRlAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 129min 42sec (7782 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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