Humanity Is Doomed - H3 Podcast # 245

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I love when they cut to AB spinning in the fucking chair I died.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 169 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/IzzyfromScotia πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 29 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

"Look at him sittin all high and mighty in the chair"

Cuts to AB chillin slouched in the chair lmfaoooooo

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 316 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 29 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'm just starting this but to people who usually skip these "normal" pods, might find interest in the part where Ethan reflects on his own "anti-SJW era" 14:00->. Not something he's discussed much.

edit: it's just setup for followup politics stuff, only lasts <5 mins.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 219 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mael0004 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 29 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ian doesn't talk often, but when he does it's always the funniest shit

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 112 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Unhealing πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 29 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

The whole Razer chair "fight" felt like one long ad read in disguise.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 191 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/hit_the_button πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 29 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I love how so many people are always like β€œugh, the podcast is just YouTube drama and politics now,” and then an hour of this episode is just arguing over a chair.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 233 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/rzrike πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 29 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

it was so fucking funny when they cut to Ian sitting in that Razor chair even tho he was sitting in his regular chair in the previous cut

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 56 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/average_meh πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 30 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Zach: "if I take the chair I look like an asshole" Dude you bitching for 30 minutes about the chair makes you look like an asshole...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 359 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/KancerKat πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 29 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Lol at Zack thinking he was the good guy in the chair saga. The argument was hilarious

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 166 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FATstronaut5 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 29 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
two welcome everybody to off the rails i am your host ethan klein presenting we are now committed to off the rails brand so much so that we even have our own theme song now here it comes you guys may uh know otis mcdonald he makes like all the most jamming music on youtube that's in like the library music library and we commissioned our boy to make us a song [Music] rewind time we got a whole orchestra 50 pieces listen to each one [Music] they're singers saxophones it's a whole quartet i just did it on a keyboard but um i love it here let's break it down a little bit break it down otis mcdonald break it down peel it out wait for the drop i thought i got i thought the drop was a little more intense but uh the great otis mcdonald thank you for the theme song so now we're off the rails with and it's official should we call this off the rails number one it's really not number one though how do you numerize it we can't we can't disrupt the numbering sequence okay you know what i mean we've so we've won so far the rails do we put it in the title are we just off the rails we've been off the road i think if you know you know like yeah exactly where this is off the rails because we're off the rails self-evident we need like a train off the rails i think cars aren't generally on rails right today um i'm so sick of these dealing with idiots bro i i don't know i feel like this show is just from one idiot to another just [ __ ] shouting at morons like i'm getting you know joe rogan we talked about joe rogan wasn't it last episode and like last or the one prior i forgot joe rogan is on a show telling people not to get vaccinated you know carl tucker carl tucks his dick between his legs carl tuckerson is the [ __ ] most despicable person alive as far as i'm aware right now and the [ __ ] he says on his show i can't belie i just i can't believe what he's saying to be quite frank we're gonna watch all this stuff i mean just to give you a taste he i believe he he was saying people who wear masks are so offensive to him he's encouraging now his viewers to approach people who are wearing masks and tell them that it's making them uncomfortable and he said if you see kids wearing masks you need to call child protective services or the police to come because they are not responsible right like i mean i'm not off base this is what he's saying uh yes sir call the police immediately there you go that's what he says if you see someone wearing a mask a kid your mask is making me uncomfortable right that's the new i i don't know what to say because like they're so inconsistent i mean they're the party of personal freedoms and now they're not even okay with people minding their own business and wearing a mask right like i just his personal his personal like philosophy there's no coherency in it at all none you know so there's that you know there's all kinds of stuff caitlyn jenner is running for governor god help us um but it's not all politics although let's be frank i mean look we also have a um powerpoint on this prank channel that i missed during my heydays of making fun of pranks called luxury pranks which is apparently one of these legendary prank channels but they're new to me and so that should be fun going over some of their content but um right at the top here we've got a japanese man was arrested after dating more than 35 women at once for the purpose of getting birthday gifts that's [ __ ] that's i mean hey dude if you can what a king do you get really i don't really get that good of birthday presents yeah justified that much work look at this is the guy by the way what would you buy him for his birthday what whatever he wants whatever he desires so apparently this guy was such a prolific dater that there was a uh a support group formed right for his exes for his exes who then reported it to the police they formed a victims association and then went to the police and he was actually arrested for fraud suspicions of fraud damn i don't know how i don't not i don't know how that's a crime necessarily the guy's just got game he's a criminal yeah right he's a criminal uh player i guess i don't know the details but i just thought it was a funny ass headline i mean i guess if you are um you know being given gifts under false pretense you know it's not like i don't know if he's like yo you have to buy me this fraud yeah i don't know that's a weird one i mean obviously it's [ __ ] up like i mean it's just basically yeah i'm not going to pretend to know what the laws are in japan he's cheating three dozen people at moments perfectly fine with that i would call that a false advertising right i think jaw real nailed that one on the head yeah i don't know in america if this would be because it's like if i have three girlfriend or let's say i have 30 girlfriends and they all think they're the only ones how does this guy have that much time yeah that's a full-time job dude they better be hooking up birthday presents like like like a thousand dollars right that's a good point how does he make a living he's preoccupied with dating 35 people but hey this guy's got swag he's got 35 girlfriends so if you're out there yeah who who are we to judge you know he's in sales if that wasn't clear he's in sales okay he has a job too yeah [ __ ] this guy works this guy works 48 hours a day where does he find the time for this is there details about what kind of gifts he was getting and stuff like that yeah he says he uh he received gift cards and presents totaling a hundred thousand yen which is uh this article is from britain so it gives it in pounds but it's only 668 pounds that's come on this dude's hustling for 600 pounds he would have made way more money just working for minimum wage probably yeah i mean so you know the the women who were victimized by him uh say that they were scammed which is why you know he's being charged with fraud but that's just that's such a gray area i mean birthday gifts well i don't know scammed out of a birthday yeah i'm not sure about it but hey first of all what he's doing is wrong you shouldn't be dating multiple people like that but right i love there's like a sting operation too with a hidden cam you know what the real justice would be someone catfishing him and getting a birthday present you know worth like 50 bucks or something 50 bucks got him weird story alert apparently he's going to be spending life in prison for that life in prison without parole that i made up not true how are you guys doing how's everybody doing doing okay we're doing well we're feeling strong is everybody um vaccinated fully vaxxed out now i am getting my second tomorrow oh congrats the big day so i might be really [ __ ] up for uh after dark on friday potentially yeah don't worry about that i that's all right you know i got my second vaccine on i think last friday and um i was i kind of knocked you on your ass right i was kind of [ __ ] on saturday but it was just one day and then sunday i felt great and now i'm fully vaccinated i feel like a [ __ ] superhero i'm going to i'm going to go lick some damn uh door knobs you know my uh vaccination process got messed up because i had the covid scare which i tested negative thank god but um it happened on the day you were supposed to go get vaccines it was it was the next day i see so it's a catch-22 you need the vaccine not to catch the covid but you've been exposed to covid from somebody that's been vaccined make it make sense oh right i forgot that it was somebody you know they were fully vaccinated and they still caught it they were fully are they okay yeah they're fine i mean they had symptoms and [ __ ] um but i mean it's a [ __ ] miracle that we tested negative so um one shot one shot they say is actually pretty effective the second shot knocks it out of the park yeah so i'm going um next week ian are you fully vaxxed uh yeah two weeks as of yesterday and you had coveted too so you're like the uh you are the covid warrior champion dominator not quite and my taste never came back fully i feel like wow damn are you having any other lasting symptoms other than taste i i i don't know i want to go to the doctor soon i feel like i've been having some trouble breathing i don't know if it's related but i find myself pretty often especially at night having to kind of go like like trying to get a big full breath you know like if i don't it you feel like you're not getting enough oxygen that's terrifying is that a corpse breath that i just heard i was snuck in there okay oh my god no wonder i just came in my pants i didn't know what happened but i just got an immediate boner true yeah yeah i don't know i don't know if it's covered related or not but i'm gonna go check that is scary though well it sounds like it would be i mean if you're having lung issues and breathing issues that's all coveted stuff yeah oh boy i'm sorry warrior so you are out there on the front line man i don't know what i'm doing oh okay i didn't i mean that's fine we're hey we're all just kind of stumbling through life right ian i'm stroking [ __ ] down here okay i didn't ask about that i was trying to be inspirational abe you're fully vaxxed you and lena i am yes feels good man it feels really good to be fully vaccinated i'm thinking we're even gonna take the family like disneyland soon because theodore's gonna be turning two up here pretty soon in june and uh you know he's been locked down for a whole year so like he has not he's been so starved for i'm not starved there's always people around him but like he's never spent time with kids we haven't really been going out in public and doing fun stuff so now we're finally able to kind of go out into the world and um it's really exciting it's fun last week or two weeks ago we went to an aquarium with theodore right you know it's nice it's just [ __ ] it's nice dude what is carl gonna what does carl tuck the penis between the legs gonna do if he goes to like a public setting because like at the aquarium and at disneyland you have to everybody has to wear their mask it's like their policy so is tucker carlson is gonna go there and have a meltdown uh eyes take off your mask i mean i don't know for sure but my read on uh on mr tucker i find him to be purely cynical i think uh he i know he hasn't said on his show but i i'm pretty certain he's fully vaccinated and will likely wear a mask anywhere he goes because um he doesn't want to catch covid but he will say whatever he needs to say uh on his show that contradicts that we should watch it because we keep talking about it call the police immediately this clip is the most unhinged disturbing thing and just remember this is the most popular network news channel fox news and he he has become the most popular like uh show is that right no uh yeah he's the highest rated on fox and like you said it fox's the highest rate is uh quote-unquote unquote news channels i don't know what their end game is i really don't i mean i'll be honest like back in i feel like back in the day when i was doing youtube i kind of i understand what it means to get lost in the sauce a little bit like you can get addicted to covering i'm gonna i'm gonna do a little self-reflection here as i try to understand tuck the dick and back in the day and like uh i don't know five years ago it was really popular to be making anti-social justice warrior videos and when it started it was really i felt just because it wasn't like a political thing these people were like back in the day they were super obnoxious uh like zarna you know the girl who went off on humongous for me that was just a slam dunk she's just so annoying and like so wrong right but so over the years though you start to see that you're getting this audience you're you're gathering these audience of reactionaries and you see like you start to see comments like making generalizations about all women and liberals and [ __ ] like that and you go and then you start seeing your videos retweeted by people like that i go oh you know i'm i'm i don't like that guy you start to see it being retweeted by people like mark dice you know that guy i know the name whoever shapiro follows me and then like dave rubin follows me and they all want to get me on the show and talk about social justice squares and i was like what is happening you know what i mean but the also they get the most views people love the social justice warrior thing so it came to a point where i was like you get addicted to making that content because it gets such a a strong response but part of you is like am i do i even believe what i'm saying now and and also what is the effect of me making these videos and the people that are coming to my channel and watching it like these you know what i mean so there's a little bit of a self delusion that takes place to keep making those videos it came to the point where i was like you know i i don't i can't do this anymore and i think there was a lot of disenfranchised fans at the time that were like when i came out as like a liberal i came out of the closet as a liberal are you crazy i felt like i was always upfront with my politics but people always like with internet personalities people always want to pretend like oh he's one of us and i most definitely was not one of them so it was a little disturbing to me to be like hmm definitely not one of them but i can't stop making these videos because they're just like get the best response and my channel's growing you know what i mean well anyway um that's where i that's where i the only way i can possibly identify with what carl tuck the dick is doing is that he's lost in the sauce yeah i think he's ruthless and uh you know addicted to growing a show in the ratings you know there's an ego element and he's the top-rated news show you know all these all these guys are machismo alpha male type people and they're you know they want to be number one walker's an alpha male you've seen this [ __ ] were both well i don't believe that alpha males are a thing i think that that whole concept is stupid but they believe in that that's what i mean and that's what they see themselves as so you think tucker sees himself as alpha well how are you alpha if you tuck your dick between your legs bro that's not alpha not there's anything wrong with it but i mean it's not alpha it's just ironic that he tucks his dick which means like it is yeah that is ironic he's well he's well known for his dick tucking habits we wear them because we have to i can't possibly imagine putting this out on television and you know on fox news they have they have checks and balances and they have lawyers and this this is the worst thing i've ever seen him say and he says a lot of bad [ __ ] like you know a couple weeks ago he's talking about white replacement theory i was like whoa tucker is becoming like a straight up white nationalist but like the more anger the more outrage the more views right yes indeed and i've learned that firsthand you know that's that's just the truth so um let's watch and brace yourself because this is [ __ ] vile we did give in this grotesque version of halloween went on for more than a year and it's still going on not even tony fauci still pretends that masks are medically necessary he's lying i don't even know what he's referring to um probably the fact that they're saying that you know if you're outdoors and uh you've been vaccinated then yeah it's pretty much cool to not wear a mask yeah but like he's conflating that with with right that's how he calls him tony fauci instead of he's about he's a doctor he's our highest level medical expert on on on disease bro you're gonna call him tony like okay dude that's doctor tony to you dick tuck anyway um yeah he's lying exactly necessary instead mass are purely a sign of political obedience like kim il-sung pins in pyongyang again it's like what are you talking about masks are not a sign of political obedience how are they still saying this yeah that's the capital of north korea i know but what does mass have to do with pyongyang uh he's just saying that you have to people that are wearing the masks or are bowing down to the government the way that somebody in north korea would i guess i mean i can't really try and pick apart the analogies on this because i'm trying so he's sitting here acting like he's doing something so i'm trying to understand what this [ __ ] is trying to say we wear them because we have to the only people who wear masks voluntarily outside are zealots and neurotics come on i don't feel like a zealot and i wear one because i want to be safe and also because i don't want to make people around me uncomfortable just it just feels like a common courtesy kind of thing at this point yeah you know like they say well fauci said which i think is a good point the only reason really to wear well first of all usually when i go walk my dogs i don't wear a mask you know but if i'm gonna be around people and i know it of course i'm gonna wear a mask but um i'm fully vaccinated you know um but they say you know the optics are important because we don't we want people to know it's still important to wear masks that's what the doctors say so the perception is important that like everyone still wear a mask no you don't know if the people around you are vaccinated so if i'm fully vaccinated and i go into a starbucks or something and there's somebody in there who you know is at risk in some way and they see me they don't know if i'm vaccinated they could just they could think that i'm about to give them a disease like it again it just seems like it's a simple courtesy there yeah it's just and there's plenty of people who are in who cannot get this vaccine because their immune system is compromised people are undergoing chemotherapy who have cancer for example and of course you know tuck the dick just wanted them all to [ __ ] die covet 19. uh you know and they always they always conveniently forget that in southeast asia who have been the most effective at dealing with this virus in china and and uh vietnam vietnam has been vietnam these [ __ ] don't have covet because wearing masks is a huge part of their culture new zealand doesn't have covet straight up no [ __ ] covet must be nice they don't wear masks you know why because there's no covert there um how neurotic are they well we know a pew survey from last march found that 64 percent of white americans who classify themselves as liberal or very liberal have been diagnosed with an actual mental health condition there you go i mean guy so like how do we how how do we live with somebody who said who's basically saying here that lit white liberals are mentally ill that's why they wear masks the reason they wear masks and the reason they do everything is because they're mentally ill that's the only justification what study is he citing by the way or very little he said pew research poll or i mean that didn't even sound like a study it sounds like a poll so those are people that self-report that they have a mental illness and also you know mental illness can be depression i don't think that's really going to impact your uh cognitive well reasoning ability liberals are probably people who tend to be you know uh people who are more you know there's a lot of stigma against mental health and so i think people yeah they're more willing to uh they're probably more open with their like i would say i struggle with mental health you know in my life for sure sure anyone who's honest would say that to be honest with you like no like tucker is obviously clearly [ __ ] uh as a extreme personality disorder i know he's very normal he's a very normal man with his insane joker laughs right uh dude i can't believe he just he literally just said this [ __ ] this line sent me of white americans who classify themselves as liberal or very liberal have been diagnosed with an actual mental health condition i can't get over this line we're all mentally ill if you wear a mask you are mentally ill and you see them everywhere when you walk down the street in any major city if you dare to go on foot from union station to the capitol for example in washington without wearing a mask angry biden voters will snort at you in judgment how could you they're saying i doubt that i see people with masks masculine all the [ __ ] time i don't snort and jolt at them and in la a lot of people wear masks and guess who says [ __ ] to the people not wearing masks outside nobody i've never seen anybody say anything to them [ __ ] weird fantasy world he lives in where does he live dc uh i would guess new york but to be honest i don't know maybe dc where's he live somebody look that up i gotta know where this douche [ __ ] is right now where he's walking around people are snorting at him please take off your mask [ __ ] you uh was an article from last year saying he sold his home in dc and bought a house in florida so he's a florida guy now he's right at home oh i'm sure he sees lots of people getting in fights over you should be wearing a mask in florida it looks like his show is taped in new york though which is what i figured so uh he you know i mean this dude has multiple houses he's a he's a trust fund baby he's an error to a to like a billionaire fortune or maybe not quite billionaire he is well he's really successful in it yeah the uh swanson frozen food this motherfucker's got swanson money he's got swanson money interesting yeah his full name is uh tucker swanson mcnear uh carlson oh no wonder he took the swanston that sounds a little bit much tucker swanson [ __ ] the dick swanson i think he also doesn't necessarily want people to know that because his whole shtick is like the everyman thing but uh he is not every man he is what's his net worth basically according to google which of course you know can't really trust but the net worth is tucker carlson is but i find that really hard to believe yeah that doesn't seem very high i'm sure he makes that much even from fox i mean what he's got to make more money than that anyway whatever i'm the gauze how could you that's the question we should be asking of them in return the rest of us should be snorting at them first they're the aggressors it's our job to brush them back and restore the society we were born in so in this hypothetical dog fight on the street where people who aren't wearing masks outside are being attacked by the society and everybody snorting hordes according to him there's a guy without a mask [Music] i have never seen that have any of you guys ever seen that i've never seen a mass confrontation one way or another no i've never seen a mass confrontation no i've actually yeah i've seen people in public without a mask uh especially you know earlier in the pandemic when everybody was a lot more freaked out about it and did you bark at them like a dog no i didn't i didn't say [ __ ] but i gotta say i gave them a wide berth and stay the [ __ ] away from them yeah you just knock around them yeah i go like this i spit in their face so in his hypothetical dog fight happening everywhere around america where people are just brawling no we need to attack them first because we know what they're thinking so paranoid so the next time you see someone in a mask on the sidewalk or on the bike path do not hesitate ask politely but firmly would you please take off your mask bro can you imagine the [ __ ] balls if somebody came up to you on the street and said dude you need to take your mask off what happened to personal liberty talk talk what happened to the conservative personal freedoms i can't wear a mask now outside what what is this insanity he's incur he's telling his fans his audience you need to go up to people outdoors and tell them remove your mask yo you remember the super spreading event at the white house that happened outdoors dip [ __ ] it happened at an outdoor when your president almost died a covet until he had like baby stem cells injected into his [ __ ] eyes yeah i mean i think generally outdoors is is pretty safe but if there's a lot of people there i mean i was just looking at the because they they've been updating the guidelines since people are getting vaccinated now and you know they said if you're outdoors you're doing activity whatever not really necessary to wear a mask but say you go to like a a crowded outfit yeah exactly uh you can definitely still catch it there so yeah i mean look at the white house event with this was the super spreader you know got transmitted by like a dozens of people they were sitting in chairs close together and you know a lot of people caught covet but also besides that it's none of your [ __ ] business dude it's just such a non-intrusive thing it's none of your business good if people want to wear masks or not why should that offend you you [ __ ] snowflake snowflake outrage right here bro sjw tucker carlson that social justice that's what i'm saying these conservatives turn into the social justice warriors they don't see it but they are i mean this is some zarnish [ __ ] right like go up to people and say remove your mask it's offensive to me i dude i wouldn't know what to say if somebody said that to me i would just be flabbergasted no nobody did science shows there is no reason for you to be wearing it your mask is believed in science your mask is making me uncomfortable okay snowflake why is it making you uncomfortable it doesn't affect you bro you need to say they are the snowflakes your mask is making me uncomfortable he's so triggered he needs a safe space against if the masks are triggering tuck your mask is making me uncomfortable it looks a lot like the device i used to tuck my dick behind my legs i'm very uncomfortable right now this is this this is the most i mean this is the craziest [ __ ] i've ever seen on television almost please take off your mask for you to be wearing it your mask is making me uncomfortable we should do that and we should keep doing it until wearing a mask you're a [ __ ] you would never do that we we you don't say [ __ ] to anybody [ __ ] i dare you to go up to some random dude on the street and i tell them to take off their mask tell to a big guy too tough [ __ ] and see what happens you little [ __ ] [ __ ] you he's such a [ __ ] you know he would never say that to anyone we should we [ __ ] you such a phony he is you aren't saying [ __ ] to anybody talk and i'm not a tough guy but i feel like i i feel like even if tuck came up to me and said that even i who's a little [ __ ] and probably with coward from any fight would be like eat [ __ ] taco you know [ __ ] off get the [ __ ] out take your mask off outside is roughly as socially accepted as lighting a marble in an elevator let me back up to really take that one in wearing a mask outside is roughly as socially accepted as lighting a marble in an elevator sorry [Music] wearing a mask outside is as socially accepted as lighting a marlboro in an elevator he's comparing wearing masks to secondhand smoke someone make that make sense i did he's just saying it's it's as much of a social faux pas uh wearing a mask outside that's i'm that's what i'm gathering that harms nobody right you're talking about you're talking about secondhand smoking you're talking about hot boxing an elevator with secondhand smoke people think this guy's smart it's repulsive don't do it around other people that's the message we should send because it's true as we're forcing children to wear mass outside that should be tucker's going to be going up to like kids getting chemotherapy you know kids who are like super immune deficient he's in the elevator of the hospital going down to get some fresh air he's got a mask on he's like oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] are you doing kid i might as well just light up a cigarette and hot box this elevator take that [ __ ] your mask is making me uncomfortable he's such a [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] be illegal your response when you see children wearing masks as they play should be no different from your response to seeing someone beat a kid in walmart yeah you see a kid getting the [ __ ] beat out of him at walmart you're seeing does carl beat his kids because i you know what i'm saying like like think about what he's saying if i saw a kid getting beat up in walmart i would find that pretty disturbing but to him it's like no i see that all the time just like no different than putting a piece of cloth on your face bruh dude this is crazy this is the craziest [ __ ] i ever when you see children wearing masses they play should be no different from your response to seeing someone beat a kid in walmart call the police immediately contact child protective services keep calling until someone arrives what you're looking at kids wearing masks by the way in walmart and most i think every store in america at this point they require you to wear masks so carl's saying go shopping at walmart and call and you need to call child's productive services those kids those kids would be better off in foster care than parents that take their health seriously that is abuse it's child abuse and you are morally obligated to attempt to prevent it if it's your own children being abused then act accordingly let's say your kid's school emailed you to announce that every day after lunch your sixth grader was going to get punched in the face by a teacher stop how would you respond to that precisely how you should respond when they tell you that your kids have to wear masks on the soccer field that is unacceptable it is dangerous and we should act like it because it is but too few of us have responded like that not you either [ __ ] okay so so your child bro how is he really saying this i don't get it would you like it if i shot your child in the face you wouldn't like that very much would you he's like how would you respond if your child was being punched in the [ __ ] face by his teacher full force well that's what's happening every day in america with masks and this is why i say i i i don't nobody believes that i don't think he believes it at all like he'll just say anything yeah but like well what about the people watching some of them i mean yes exactly people laughing like oh tucker he's so crazy no and now t-minus you know how many days until the karen videos of somebody doing exactly that to people in public oh yeah i mean that's that's coming he is a legend tucker yeah oh my god i mean it's so upsetting like damn you know people are working so hard you know i mean i've talked about this but in india they're literally burning people in the street because the virus is so out of control there you know here we've worked hard to get it under control in america and with vaccines and social distancing or wearing masks we've been able to get to a manageable place in most of the country and now it's like instead of following through and finishing the [ __ ] job um people like this want to sell outrage meanwhile in india they're out of medical oxygen they don't have enough vaccines and people are dying so fast there's so many new cases they're burning bodies in the street that's what's happening in india please take off your mask i don't understand their end game i don't i just don't understand the the goal here you know i don't get it it's it's more attention more more division more uh polarization so that you know here's india by the way tucker here's your utopia should i show that it's pretty crazy i don't think you can see bodies you can't you can't see bodies just wood burning but i've seen pictures of like uh you know parking lots and streets just full of bodies on fire because there's nowhere to there's just so many people dying scary i saw a video of these poor guys yesterday where their mom 50 years old healthy lady she ran out of medical oxygen and she passed away and there's nobody to take her there's no nobody to do anything they waited days for somebody to come pick up the body and what they had to end up doing is they got on their motorcycle their little moped and they had to both sit with their mom's dead body um sandwiched between them and they had to drive her to a morgue like that wow that is really dark uh tucker should go spend a [ __ ] weekend in india please take off your mask before you get so offended at people wearing masks it's making me very uncomfortable your mask is making me very uncomfortable your mask is making me uncomfortable now this is dystopian i feel like i feel like he's working against the interests of he of humanity he's on the side of the robots i don't know someone you know what i mean if there's somebody trying to kill the humans the robot was a terminator yeah he works for the terminators man it's kind of baby he's [ __ ] he's he's on the wrong side the year is 20 21 a man was sent from the future to eradicate humanity his name tucked the dick carlson he's undercover as a human agent to send disinformation and to pit the humans against each other so far it's worked almost 600 000 americans have died millions around the world tucker i'm so offended when you wear your mask it's working please take off your mask people are fighting in the streets and spitting on each other dog fights over not wearing masks [Music] the end is coming chuckle carlson reporting it chuckle carlson journey a journal entry april 28 2021 i expect i have successfully convinced the humans to not wear masks and to fight each other i am now saying that the vaccine is is can't be trusted and people should not get vaccinated call the police immediately i have and now i am wasting their resources and having police respond to people wearing masks on the street tear chaos i'll report in tomorrow tomorrow i'll be convincing humans not to eat tomorrow i'll be convincing humans to [ __ ] in the street because toilets aren't safe the end is clearly here yeah that's the only that's honestly the only best explanation i've heard is that he's a terminator from the future i'll watch that film that would be riveting i mean that'd make a lot that would help me understand oh yeah and joe rogan's back at it you know been [ __ ] on joe here a little bit joe brogan but again you know this is the kind of [ __ ] that's just not acceptable in my opinion and people say do you think it's safe to get vaccinated i've said yeah i think for the most part it's safe to get vaccinated i do i do but if you're like 21 years old and you say to me should i get vaccinated i go no yeah why i love those guesses like yeah yeah why why i just said it's safe he can he joe roger will never i feel like so many people are trying to explain to him like this simple [ __ ] piece of information that he continues to ignore result and you say to me should i get vaccinated i go no no the way he says it too like no that is the [ __ ] worst idea are you healthy are you a healthy person like look don't do anything stupid but you should take care of yourself you should if you do you're a healthy person and you're exercising all the time and you're young and you're eating well and like i don't think you need to worry about this okay joe i don't know how many times i need to explain this to you i'm sure other people are trying to make you understand this too okay so so listen the [ __ ] up everybody needs to get vaccinated to stop the spread of the virus healthy young people get the virus they are asymptomatic and they spread it to people who are vulnerable right it's very [ __ ] simple it seems really simple yeah like why are we ignoring this simple [ __ ] fact um you know it's not rocket science but nothing happens you know also there are and let's be honest young people do catch the virus and [ __ ] die that it's not unheard of or i mean we just talked about on our show our own ian he he got the virus he didn't die but he still has lasting effects from him his face is still gone and he has trouble breathing sometimes here first of all this is a not okay so joe rogan i would be more concerned about the long-term effects of taking alpha brain which is like basically some dude in a factory picking up sawdust [ __ ] formalder hide lead like lead and asbestos and putting in a pill and saying it makes your memory better like you how long you've been taking that [ __ ] joe i would be more [ __ ] worried about that than a clinically trialled vaccine that was tried independently by every developed country in the world and has been administered hundreds of millions if not a billion times by now um you know young people can still catch the virus and suffer debilitating long-term symptoms including prolonged shortness of breath fatigue migraines brain fog loss of smell or taste this is a novel virus we don't understand the lasting term you do not want this virus trust trust and listen i'm not a doctor i just listen to them right yeah we uh you're right uh one 1.06 billion vaccines so far i don't know that i trust a vaccine that's been administered to over a billion people over the course of a year i mean he opened the statement with i do i think it's safe i think it's safe he's saying over and over again he says mostly safe okay so so i have to it begs the question what are you so worried about people getting vaccinated you say should people get vaccinated if they're 20 no no why explain why explain why they shouldn't get vaccinated joe and me you selling alpha brain there's no [ __ ] there's no trials there's no fda approval there's no assessment of what the [ __ ] is in those pills that you're telling your audience to take to enhance their [ __ ] memory vaccines no dmt yes do we know the long-term uh benefits of do we know the long-term consequences of taking dmt like on a regular basis i don't think that there's been too many studies he recommends dmt brain fraud uh you know listen i i'm a i'm a proponent of drugs i try drugs but i wouldn't recommend taking you know i wouldn't try and argue with somebody that it's uh that it's healthy i would i would definitely encourage i would say if somebody i was like yeah i have a great time at mdma they say is it's more or less safe than a vaccine i'd be like oh the vaccine is definitely safer vaccine is definitely safer than any recreational drug yeah yeah that's pretty true ah dude what are you doing joe [ __ ] this guy he's such a meat head dude i can't yeah i tend to agree with you but there's a lot of jobs that will tell you you need to have this well that's what's starting to happen people are worried about them doing it for their children and we talked about this earlier there's that that you might have to have your your children vaccinated and you know i can tell you as someone who's both both my children got the the virus it was nothing i wonder who gave them the virus you piece of [ __ ] yeah the virus doesn't affect kids very strongly we know that dude again you're how after all the time are you missing the point is to stop the spread stop the spread thank you thank you steele stop the spread right i hate to say that if someone's children died from this i'm very sorry that that happened i'm not i'm not in any way diminishing that but i'm saying the personal experience kind of are you kind of are saying that because you're saying my personal experience is the most important thing in the world we all caught coved nothing happened to us so i don't think anyone should get the vaccine and if your kids die and you die then hey with peace and love i we made it through because we're healthy and you're [ __ ] obviously fat or unhealthy or something that my children had with code was nothing one of the kids had a headache the other one didn't feel good for a couple days like maybe i mean i don't want my kid getting a novel virus where we don't even know the lasting effects thank you joe rather stick them with a vaccine which they've been getting their whole childhood up to this point trying to think but nothing happens you know the real truth the real truth is joe rogan probably thinks that like you got autism or something from a vaccine there's some he has some weird conspiracy theory that he's not willing to say because they keep oh it's not safe it's not safe why would you do that why would you take that risk you're not but they never say what they're afraid of right i agree i think that that's underlying this but he either doesn't want to or perhaps can't because of his spotify deal um outright say he thinks it's you know putting a microchip in you or giving you autism or whatever it is that he believes but yeah there's a there's a contradiction there that's not being resolved in his statement it's safe but you shouldn't take it absolutely shouldn't take it if you're healthy right so tell me what's the concern joe rogan md i think he's afraid it'll turn into a beta oh no anything but that that is actually he's gonna have to consider alpha brain right i googled what's in alpha brain i know we've we talked about it a long time ago but uh nootropics what is tell me what's in alpha brain besides lead i mean i can't even pronounce how formaldehyde uh sawdust rat droppings apparently the two uh well there's a it sounds like there's a shitload of things in here but um there are two ingredients that i'm gonna really struggle to pronounce here hoopers [Laughter] and uh he's got a lot more brains than joe rogan and then by the way this is you know look this is the same group of people all these [ __ ] conservative big brains are all hesitant about vaccinations for some reason you know they're they're [ __ ] they want to get heard okay hold on i'll get to that just watch this is there any intention of tracking folks nope nope is there any in the vaccine we heard about an injection of a tracking device is is is that being done anywhere yeah on your [ __ ] cell phone dude i'm sorry i just have to continue the doctor's like this [ __ ] there's not a vaccine with a tracking device embedded in it that i know of exists in the world period is there any intention of tracking these are our elected leaders guys jesus [ __ ] christ are people uh being uh injected with tracking devices hold on hold on i'm getting a text from google maps anyway let me complain about this tracking device on twitter right now where i tag my location let me ask you this is there possibly a technology that was able to track your body manufactured in the greatest scale we've ever known and put into a clear liquid that could be injected into your arm to track your location which you already do on your phone was that able to be um were we able to do is that what's happening can you imagine the logistics of of inventing a tracking molecule that can fit through a syringe live in your body make billions of them all for the purpose of doing something that's already that's already being done to everybody voluntarily bro the fbi and cia can listen to me right now like straight up that's not even that's not even a joke they can [ __ ] they could listen to me right now yep they could be like oh blah blah blah ethan what's he up to the cia and fbi can do that they're doing it nsa yeah with a warrant or without we learned from snowden they'll [ __ ] just watch me change on my phone if i said they're not wrong here hi fbi get vaccinated i'm sorry guys it's just too much it's just too much for me it's like the tracking one really pushes me over the edge too it's just such it's just such a stupid talking point it's just why do you need this massive conspiracy to do something that's already being done it's already been done the greatest technological feat he's paranoid of that he's like yes sir we're putting tracking devices in the we're putting tracking devices in the vaccines all of them yep all of them your reports are true you're the facebook post you read russian propaganda on facebook it's true maybe tucker carlson brought them from the future with technology and the year is 2021 my name is tucker carlson i come give me that music zack year is 2021 the name agent tucker carlson terminator version 69 420. i am infiltrated the humans and put futuristic devices to track their location in each vaccination the only problem is now i've been too good at convincing people not to get the vaccine and so we can't get the tracking beacon in them please take off your map i can't get my talking point straight do we want the vaccine or not please take off your mats the humans watch my show [Music] and uh i'm sending back money i'm just an immigrant robot sending back money to my family in the future for the future he's here to buy bitcoin i'm here to buy bitcoin before it blows up [Music] tucker's on the next level man so then our favorite people converge uh tucker defense joe of course um so we have a perfect crossover perfect anime crossover as they say in which he says surprise surprise more of the most heinous uh low brain [ __ ] never you want to feel me do you sit in high margin in your chair hit record that's it jack you want the chair you could have the chair i told you no because then you called dibs on it first then i'd look like the ass oscars i called dibs on me yeah okay we i went to the bathroom and we're having another fight here we're not having a fight we're just talking about what what's going on guys ian was very nice to offer his help for me to move in a couple days and he's like you know i'm putting that offer out there but i really hope i don't have to help you like a larry david seinfeld moment you know sure yeah please don't ask me but and then a b a b is like you know that's what you get for trying to help a friend out what were the words exactly well i said it doesn't matter when you're sincere because when you see her you just get [ __ ] over as well how do i know you were sincere you wanted to film it who got [ __ ] over i mean i was just trying to be a good friend and now i'm being called a cloud goblin ah i see it yeah i see i see well and now zach's upset about this chair i'm not upset about the change now there's a new thing so razor so we got a bunch of free gaming chairs that razer was kind enough to send me so i was like does anyone want a gaming chair now ian was quick on the draw ian immediately was first like i'll take it smart man for his but i will say and you guys hmm you guys tell me what you think about this now listen i'm happy to give the chair out to whoever wants it i didn't expect this whole drama to unfold so but i'm just putting this out there you guys can tell me if i'm off base or not if it's for ian's girlfriend he is not sitting on that chair right now then i don't know if it holds the same priority as a direct crew member lino's part she's a part-time employee i'm just putting that out there that's true sam has uh she's she's been helping out behind the scenes and some things she helped us on frenemies yeah yeah yeah i know a crew member to backing up on that point yes like you said he called dibs on it first and i messaged him privately yesterday saying you know what man to be fair you called dibs on it first yeah a lot of the law dibs is pretty awesome yeah exactly i'm just putting that out there i don't believe that just trying to talk this all out so ian is good we all agree ian's good but one question comes on the second chair when i said i have another chair who wants it now here's the thing zach is moving out on his own right he's about to move into a new place the chair would be nice to christen a new apartment it really would it'd be fantastic but it may be called dibs on it but okay so hold up hold on the role of dibs now hold doesn't hold sovereignty well he's sitting all high and mighty and he's in the chair actually yeah i think it's a [ __ ] you to me i think that's what it is okay i got this chair so i can leave look at you sitting back types of arguments okay so let me get the logistics right so i was trying to be kind well first of all zach you forget to mention that on this saturday said zach if someone else takes the other one you could have the one that i have did i not say that multiple times he did but then but but then you put me in a predicament where i look like an [ __ ] because oh yeah oh god you look like an [ __ ] right he's not gonna actually take you up on that offer a.b i know what zach means yeah i mean why would i do that it'd be the same kind of [ __ ] if you if you actually took me up on my offer to help you move which was completely a token offer well in fact i do need your help to move [ __ ] yeah you're such an [ __ ] i got mine [Laughter] so i went straight i was the second person to ask but i'm being questioned now foreign i will say that ab respectfully waited to call dibs on the second chair zach where were you when the dibs were taking place were you not on your phone what happened it was i believe it was a chat late at night and it wasn't that late bro i i go to bed it's relatively early exactly 9 30. is that some little baby he just didn't go to bed 9 30 yeah yeah dude i go to bed early and that's late that's late for him what's wrong with you why would you go to bed at 9 30. you're like a young man why are you doing this i wake up relatively early um what time he does he wakes up he's like a responsible adult he wakes up he's not responsible that's neurotic that's way too early what time do you wake up are you i'm usually up at six i i like working in the morning and he wakes me up at seven wait okay so nine to six you sleep from nine to six that seems like too many it's uh what nine hours it's nine hours no it's a little more than average but yeah nine to six right okay i guess that's fine why you have to go to bed at nine to wake up at six bro well no i don't i don't have to go to bed i i mean my body clock wakes me up at six seven o'clock no matter i mean i'll be out at night of staying up till three in the morning and i'll be up at six yeah yeah so i put the dib call out and at first there was crickets i said nobody wants these chairs ian comes in he says i'll take one if nobody else wants a b waits a beat and he says i'll take the other one look i i'm i'm mad that a b got it because he just can't own up and fess up to his own [ __ ] but what did he do like the whole the whole spiel last week he won a minute i'm gonna [ __ ] twilight zone i don't even know what's going on anymore wait but but there is a genuine i feel that aby's being genuine when he says that he thinks you're the one that brought it up like i feel like you're both genuinely think the other person brought it up he did bring it up on a stack of bibles if i had one a stack of them i'll do it on my i'm gonna buy you a thousand bibles to sit upon you're jewish man how much weight does that really hold okay get me a couple torres okay there you go and then i know i believe that you both are being sincere and saying the other person brought it up yeah that story has changed so many times i mean how has it changed how is it cheating let me ask you this when i said forget forget the message i sent you when i said i don't know if i offered yet but i could help you move you you you knew what you know so your argument is that i brought it up prior in a phone call right you did yes this is watergate this this so why would i say i don't know if i offered yet about helping you move what his message says i don't know if i offered yet but if you need any help with the move you know the message before you said let's face it well hold on a b you're saying i don't know if i offered yet it could be perceived as you know you've offered before thank you thank you finally someone too it it could go either way i'm just saying right but i saw i had this whole we had this whole discussion about oh yeah we should film it as well but i'm saying the filming thing i feel like we have to we have to say the truth is out there but we don't know what it is it's like roshaman yeah it's i think you both are being sincere but now we move on to the the chair issue zach do you believe amy's wronged you in taking the chair i feel like he could have said you know what zack i'm going to be a good guy like i've always been a good guy and i'm still being a good guy you believe a b should have not claimed the chair knowing that you would have wanted that for your new apartment i feel he should have the like okay yeah yeah yeah essentially yes yeah i don't know man is it i is it maybe a little bit of misdirected anger here too because i mean ian's the one that said he would take a chair if nobody else wants it and somehow he wound up with it it sounds like he wanted it i'm not mad at ian and i well ian's not even sitting in the chair that's what i'm saying oh he is he grabbed it real fast i gotta be honest that once we got it in here i sat on it and i said to sam i think i might want this chair you said sam has back problems which is why i'm like okay you know what oh you want the back problems she does if she was here i'd bring her in which is fine which is cool man i i look i get back problems abey should have no like you know i thought like okay you know zack's moving you know what i play you know can i say something i have i have an observation real quick there there were two chairs i said i will take a chair a b says i will take a chair the math is done it's over here hold on hold on hold on a chair would look great in my place out of nowhere there's no he's coming to pick a fight i feel like you're skewing this narrative a little bit ian you didn't say i'll take a chair you said i'll take a chair for sam if nobody else wants one that's a very different type of i don't think he said that in the moment and and at the time we thought there was one chair he did say that we thought there was one chair at the time then ethan after he's like well we have two of them i thought i said a picture of two of them he used her ian claimed one and then i was like [ __ ] that yeah i'll take the other one give me of course you are you should have known like hey zach's moving today now the way the way that they were acquired is interesting right because lena comes to our house all the time now amy did you take the chair did lina lina see that's not fair so she's there yeah so here's what's interesting is that lena is here all the time every day dropping stuff off for us from teddy fresh and so sh sh like it was real quick like boom chair done but okay he called dibs what's interesting is when this conversation came up yesterday when zach was starting to be like having a little bit of uh regrets ian messaged me directly and says i'm coming to get the chair at 10 am wow [ __ ] exposed dude well again to backing up i messaged him so there's no workplace conflict because i i think you know being on the same page is very important um you know what i'm going to do zach i'm going to buy you one of those chairs for a housewarming present oh wow you don't have to that's very sweet of you i mean if you want to give me a b's [Laughter] i literally told him take it i said it's too big for me okay but do you see you don't even like it now i like it it's just it's really like i don't know i feel like it's really big for my living room you see that makes me look like a complete [ __ ] if i were to hold on hold on hold on a b doesn't even like the chair he's offered it to you zach is this sincere or is it is it here is this sincere or is this me being a good friend and saying i don't like it so you could have it who knows i mean why are you sitting all high and mighty in it like oh mr chair i'm literally slumped let me ask some questions here a b how would you rate this chair on a scale of one to ten it's up there i'd say [ __ ] yourself really it's probably a 10. oh you it's all your ass is still comfortable huh wait it's a great it's a 10 he says zach so it doesn't sound like you really do want to give it up i mean be honest for once he's making it very hard but uh yeah no i mean i could live without it you could live without it okay but but if i take the chair i look like an [ __ ] i'll tell you what well hold on that's not necessarily true okay wait so ian is sending receipts now because both zach a b and myself all said if nobody wants it i will take it that wasn't just me all three people are doing this weird you uh it's all you know okay but i'm not i'm not going after you proceeds let me show the original okay so we have zach can you zoom in a little bit oh yeah well zach comes in at 9 00 p.m zach what's going on you should be asleep well bedtime's 9 30. but that's what i'm saying you were awake when this was all going down okay i got the time wrong a b said i'll take if nobody wants it at 5 00 p.m so all three parties said i will take it if nobody wants to we're so humble yeah yeah you you all just had a conversation about how i said that like two minutes where's your message where's your message it's very conspicuous not now i'm a little like if you you know because you're receiving establishment can i read the messages can i can i read the messages of the chat of me and ian last night then ian's response okay let's just get all the information before we make it okay so zach sent this this is zach at 10 45 p.m i sent that to zach last night okay that's that's from you that's from ian that is from me to zach last night wait what is this message i'm reading it says okay this is from ian to zach okay let's chance last chance final offer let the record show that the chair is sitting there waiting for you to take it if you so choose if you decide to pick it up just let me know otherwise we will grab it in the am that's that's pretty slam dunk sec i sent that to zach i said if you want it take it i'm just clarifying well that's fair but here's the thing i'm not mad at you you called dibs on it first like i i have no issue with you or sam taking it sounds like this is really this isn't necessarily about the chairs now this is interesting okay here's when ian at 455 claims one chair he says sam will take it if nobody else wants it okay right and he that was the first response that was 4 55. sam will take it if no so he was upfront about the fact that it wasn't for himself so so he gets points for that for sure which is fine i like sam i like you ian ian made a pretty definitive offer that it was yours for the taking and it sounds like you don't want the one he has you want the one a b wants right that is an interesting observation again you want a b share you don't want ian's chair again okay again again i would be an [ __ ] if if i took it from ian who he he sent that message on purpose but he he's deep down he's all please don't take this chair please don't take this check were you hoping you didn't take idiot no both sam and i had a conversation because i got the vibe that zach really wanted the chair for zach he just wants a chair so bad and we were like just take it i i even said no but you wanted it like don't don't like it that's on you zach yeah that's on you because i want to be a good guy i don't want to be in and out you want credit for being a good guy that's what you want well i i feel like i did some good guy moves no look at this rift that you've created look at this now this is my private message exactly we have more than that go ahead it says if ian takes the other one then you can have mine for real don't worry about that wow dude show it all zach is saying there's a message above what's the message above you're like bro you need to hop on that chair what hold on the message above is a zoom call it's a zoom call well zach you send it then if you got something let's see it yeah what you got zach is anybody willing to give their chair to zach i am willing to even though he's uh you just think i don't want it though because it's not a great you feel it's not a sincere offer correct if someone's like you know what zach i want to give you my chair you want me to kiss your feet and say take this 500 chair i want you to i guess kiss my feet and admit that you came up with the idea to film first i'll tell you what you're there this is what i was handing out this is not about the kids it's not about the chairs it's not about the chair is it a cool chair yes would it look great in my new apartment absolutely but if i take it from ian or sam or ab say i'm gonna look like i can buy you i will spend my own money to buy you this chair as a housewarming president well it's very sweet everybody gets the chair everybody wins i don't get why zach feels entitled to a chair just because he's moving i didn't go i just moved i didn't get a [ __ ] chair do you want a chair no exactly dan did anyone else at all yeah did anyone who had dibs ask you if you wanted it because they feel like i actually deserve it i i was the first person to get the offer because i was here at the house when they arrived and i was like no i'm good i i have a nice chair at home thank you abe says dan do you want a chair i feel you should get dibs dan says simply no no i'm above it i'm above all material wants what what kind of chair do you have i am in love okay listen listen listen ian and ab have said no we will not offer our chairs to zach in this moment we've you've missed that whoa you've missed your opportunity you've both offered previously both offered previously zach declined in this moment is anybody going to step up and make a gracious true offer to zach i'm tired of offering this chair to zach exactly the seventh time yeah you want the chair seventh time what the [ __ ] you need seventh he doesn't want it he doesn't want to take it we're trying he doesn't want to because okay okay all right i feel i i didn't take the chair because i sacrificed for the sanctity of our work relationship but it's falling apart don't you see you're holding you're resentful that they got the chair yeah yeah that may have been your intent and your intent may have been pure but you you're having the opposite effect you're tearing this family apart right now could i could i hold it a little ammo against a b maybe right let me you let me rub my naked ass all over this chair and then i'll give it to you and it's a win-win i'll be satisfied i want that i'll be satisfied knowing that and you get a new chair okay okay all right let me summarize zach i'm gonna buy you a chair done well you don't have to do that i wanted to get you a housewarming present and i'm glad that um i found a good gift for you okay well thank you that's very sweety i don't have to do that though it does sound like you are harboring some resentment towards a b well i just feel like you know he lied last week and then he gets this chair like you know well it wasn't right it was okay yeah you guys have some do you guys talk uh you guys you guys need counseling yeah you guys need some counseling i think this is some rocky uh some rocky water everybody gets a chair dan you don't do you want a chair no i i'm not i've got a nice chair all right you see that well thank you ethan that's very sweet yeah you're very welcome and i hope you all enjoy your chairs god bless thank you i know a b will i wonder if razer will send me another chair so i have to buy it i'll just send him this clip and just say nothing and see what happens you don't have to buy me another i'm buying you the chairs see he's rejecting a chair again because i have something here's the thing though i have something called jewish guilt and i think ethan you can you can attest to this where it's like you have to be a mensch and a good guy right ethan you got any of that jewish guilt listen i i know i know the impulse you're talking about i'm gonna buy you the chair well thank you that's very sweet of you okay b will you accept would you rather a b get the new chair and you get a beast chair nah he rubbed his ass all over it so you want the new chair not yet not yet i don't know what you've done in that chair you've definitely jerked off in that chair it'd be don't lie it's been like it's been like eight hours that's it that's all it takes yeah he he wants that chair okay the case is closed zach is getting a chair dan is an adult who buys his own chairs and uh but listen they're spare chairs they're spared their chairs for spare and everybody gets one well thank you so are you keeping the chair ian or is sam getting it it's i'm gonna let sam use it that was that was actually serious where i said her old chair gave her an aching backs oh well that's fantastic we'd love to do what we can to help uh sam's back that's an honor yes king i want to make it clear i want to make it clear how much of a saint i am and how kind i'm the same well i'm the same well you know that's true i think i might be the same dan i've never risen above i've transcended the chair debate well they're my chairs okay let's let's get that back straight i'm the scapegoat av is always the scapegoat for a b a b takes heat for everything and a lot of it is undeserved thank you dan and a lot of it is deserved yeah it does seem like a lot of that that was the implicit i'll support that statement part of the statement i mean let's not forget that a b did show a text of you saying you should film it like let's like not [ __ ] leg i'm fully i i'm zach i love you but i am 100 on a b side of the uh the filming debate oh it feels so good until you come up with some receipts until you come up with some mo he has no receipts by his own admission we'll get it in writing next time buddy lesson learned you we could we could turn into this well hold on we could possibly subpoena the phone company i'm gonna do that i'm gonna hit up verizon i'll be like you got the recordings yeah do you like to have a warrant yeah under h3 jurisdiction yeah the content course ethan they shoot a warrant to subpoena abe's phone records the honorable judge now that's a content card i would watch amy's phone record subpoena under warrant only person calls me zach well because i care i genuinely care how are you doing i care about our work i know it's sweet oh it's sweet i love going to sleep at six and being woken up at seven it's very sweet what the [ __ ] you stay up all night like what like that's another thing ab your sleep schedule is not very compatible with work although you've not been late no i work i mean i work my work's always done yeah but what time did you start work be honest with me what time did you start working on that powerpoint oh the powerpoint was late but that's because we decided to do it yesterday and also just because of ramadan my schedule's a little off because like i don't eat all day i don't have the energy to do anything then i eat and then i get tired for a little bit and usually i'll take a nap for like an hour or two you still you're still calling fast what is it you're still holding fast yeah no water during the day this whole time no water how many days in are you 15 and 15 halfway there halfway there baby nice look i will say abe does he's the hardest worker i know he works excuse me i'm right here dude yeah thanks dude excuse me what do i do does always thomas maybe by zach's [ __ ] maybe by comparison to what zach does in a day he's the only person he knows okay all right everybody i'm glad we could uh we i think i don't know if we made things better or worse but hey zach got it jack's getting a chair out of it right well thank you what are you doing that old chair what'd you say what what are you doing with that old chair zach this old chair yeah the red one i don't know can i have it dana there was something in this one he said that was really good but hey oh about the the herd immunity [ __ ] oh yeah wait hold on it's in the very beginning yeah it was pretty it's pretty good again harvard educated race lady now you're really confusing us if you've gotten a vaccine why is other people's refusal to get the vaccine a problem for you again this is another point that keeps saying which is so willfully ignorant if the vaccine is so effective why are the people who choose to get it mad at the people who choose not to get it huh do people who've slimmed down from gastric bypass yell at fat people on the street fat people do not spread a contagious disease and actually they do demi lovato just did that last week right right actually yes apparently demi lovato does do that but your analogy is horrible because fat people if being fat is not contagious i left that yogurt store and didn't get the yogurt that i wanted right well that is a them yeah and then i had a hard time the rest of the weekend right i'm so sorry that happened to her damn it's so tragic my heart has been bleeding for her you wouldn't think so it's not really their business your body your choice remember but your body your choice is definitely not the standard with the covid vaccine with the covid vaccine it's your body msnbc's choice watch this guy explain except when it comes to wearing masks this guy cannot keep a simple this was literally on his show the night after he was making that rant about the mass that we just talked about there's no consistency bro you literally talking about ripping people's masks off their face and calling child protective services on people who have their kids wear masks i don't know how we get to hurt immunity unless we normalize the framework around vaccine certification listen we're doing it in colleges some organizations are doing it we're in a global crisis we have to reach herd immunity and the carrot and stick of you get the vaccine you'll be able to participate in travel restaurants you name it because that's frankly easier for small businesses to to adhere to herd immunity boy it seems like not so long ago it was back in the 50s or like last week that using the phrase herd immunity was enough to get you yanked off the air as an anti-faxer okay so this is my favorite um tucker talked to dick carlson his thought is he thinks that he was a proponent of everybody gets coveted and we get heard of immunity from millions of people perishing from catching this guy is talking about herd immunity through vaccination right the humane way that's how we're actually going to get rid of this virus and he actually thinks that those are the same thing he thinks that this guy's a hypocrite for wanting to achieve herd immunity through vaccination because tucker wants people to just catch covet can you imagine being saying this your body your choice he's making fun of that the guy okay i'm enough enough [ __ ] that guy oh there's a nut i'm sorry guys but like there's so much [ __ ] i have to talk about it you guys heard about this whole thing now about like uh joe biden's climate plan includes cutting 90 of red meat from our diets by 2030. oh this of course comes from lauren bobert is that i say your name right uh i think so the q and on uh [ __ ] for brains uh representative she's gotta be from florida right where's she from no uh i believe she's from uh colorado oh yeah colorado is good too she's the one unless because there's there's her and there's the majority taylor green lady right and i get them kind of conflated i think bobert though is the one that had the the restaurant where all the waiters uh are armed and like carrying handguns for some reason and famously um had like multiple food poisoning incidents where they gave diarrhea to like 300 customers on mass it's awesome uh wow that let me uh though because hopefully that's not the other one well anyway she's one of these like conspiracy theory uh psycho uh republicans that's becoming more and more normal she says joe biden's climate plan includes cutting 90 of red meat from our diets by 2030. they want to limit us to about four pounds a year why doesn't joe stay out of my kitchen and the basis for this nothing it's totally false joe biden doesn't want to cut your meat conception obviously if you had a [ __ ] brain cell you would know this doesn't make any sense and of course it doesn't make any sense also also just to supplement this information her pork sliders allegedly poisoned dozens of people at a local rodeo there you go home with bloody diarrhea yeah they didn't follow any uh health codes whatsoever and they gave like a giant amount of people i was right about her having the restaurant and the restaurant by the way was called shooters shooting [ __ ] bloody turds out my ass who needs a weapon when you're when you're uh selling the the poison you imagine going to going to a restaurant where your waiter just has a nine millimeter on their hip for some reason like that's the gimmick anyway she's just made this up basically and you know it was uh it all apparently originated from uh the good old daily mail our favorite the daily mail well obviously it's not true she says stay out of my kitchen okay nobody wants to be in your kitchen you're causing bloody diarrhea remember everybody's staying out of your kitchen but not because of joe it's because you've you serve bad food and so now all these [ __ ] big brain conservatives are back at it again with [ __ ] here on fox news of course guys i mean oh it can't be played the internet archive has failed me no because they took it down let me try one more time oh it worked oh there you go nope it doesn't work son of a [ __ ] did they retract the story uh i guess it's very possible as it was completely debunked as being [ __ ] how would that even work okay now you got your beef you got your beef beef raisins start rationing we got beef tickets here know your way around some meat i was trying to think of a funny tweet like uh joe biden is limiting us to one square of toilet paper per [ __ ] oh that'd be tragic that that's something worth getting upset about stay out of my bathroom joe and then conservatives or whoever people that are upset about it they start posting photos of their uh of their wives joe biden you're gonna take away my toilet paper i used two rolls to wipe this [ __ ] what do you think about that very soon you go to hell damn i ain't taking no steaks from that man i just love that she says stay out of my kitchen the woman who actually gives people a bloody diarrhea cooking so bad it's awesome yeah the truth biden has not proposed any limit on america's red meat consumption in fact he has not proposed any limit on any americans consumption of food obviously yeah i believe this all originated from him setting some goals for uh climate change purposes and but no not sharing any details and then the daily mail went and found some paper from the university of michigan i believe that uh explained one of the ways that we could get carbon emission down is by cutting our meat consumption yeah not only did that have no association with joe biden it was actually published before joe biden was even president right they just found some random study and we're like look this is what he wants to do dan's a good man oh thanks joe i do think you're going to hell like wally but that's all right hey hey come on the year is 2021 i am a terminator my name is lowen berber the name the name is the name is berber what are you calling her loin bober bobert i was sent from the future to destroy humanity i started by poisoning everyone that came to my restaurant but the poison wasn't strong enough they only [ __ ] blood now i'm trying to convince everybody that global global climate change is a hoax and i'm encouraging everybody to eat as much meat and to use as much energy and to waste and burn trees as much as possible we're trying to meet you we are trying everything as possible to eradicate humans if not through covet than through climate change i'm making meats now smoking these meats here mark zuckerberg is also an asset he's smoking so many meats that the climate has raised a full half degree just from zuck smoking meats on the meat shop zuckerberg is doing excellent work to ending humanity the t3 billions is doing a great job humanity will soon be extinct signing out low and boger meet jeff ceo of shooters diary bloody diarrhea sliders i listen guys i'm just talking about [ __ ] that really grinds my gears that's all i've ever done on this show that's all i've ever done in my career and i'm not stopping now just because it's some [ __ ] it just because it's like the people that are really talking [ __ ] are the ones that are in politics you know what i mean they don't get an exemption just because they're not doing pranks on youtube [ __ ] them like you said you're just you're just doing the sjw thing in 2021 exactly that's it i'm tucker carlson exactly your masks make me very uncomfortable [Music] and i'll keep going [ __ ] it caitlyn jenner is running for goddamn governor the woman who i'm i don't understand caitlyn jenner she's like a staunch republican she supports the party that literally hates transgender people i mean she's like a super supporter of donald trump who passed a law discriminating against or not passed law but he made an executive order discriminating against trans people in the military he said if you're trans you cannot certain legends around and and caitlyn jenner is like cool i mean it doesn't make any sense by the way if you guys don't know there's like a recall of our governor here in california gavin newsom and so caitlyn jenner was like i'll do it so she's going to be on the ballot she'll be the first transgender governor of california um has there ever been a transgender person you are a transgender oh a governor of some kind or like even elected official has there been a transgender yeah elected official for sure but uh but uh uh yeah not not certainly not governor yeah not that we know of i suppose that's true she is a staunch supporter of donald who hates uh basically i'm just he doesn't like correct me if i'm wrong um ian since all things kardashian are your realm of knowledge and you you follow it so closely he's like what the [ __ ] are you talking about that's not true you know that i mean i agree with dan ian follow everything closer i know i was being i was being a facetious please stand up stand up please ian but i don't think caitlyn jenner voted uh for trump in 2020 i think uh well hold on it's a big it's a better story than that she voted for him in 2016 but not 2020. no that's not what is that wrong okay i've got the details here got it equality california i don't know who they are but they say this the oh they say they're the nation's largest statewide lgbtq plus civil rights organizations they said of a caitlyn jenner's run make no mistake we can't wait to elect a trans governor of california but caitlyn jenner spends years telling the lgbtq community to trust donald trump we saw how that turned out now she wants us to trust her hard pass burned nice alright so let's just have some fun here now and talk about the luxury pranks this is the overlooked by me uh one of these classic pranksters fine look at that it's a prank bro right this is something that apparently he's making let's watch this one i saw uh this is a typical breakdown of his videos here you guys are gonna be so for this episode we posted an ad in the missed connection section on craigslist claiming to be a 16 year old girl several older men responded to this ad who are interested in meeting up with her despite thinking that she was 16 years old out of the several older men who responded we invited one to our set today we did our research and found out the man that we invited here today is in his mid-30s we're going to have our decoy actors from victoria [Music] then why what about this is uh a sexual for you ben i mean come on 16 year old girl who posted this ad notice that she's actually 21 in real life let's see what this man's intentions are behind meeting up with the girl that he thinks is 16. we just need to set up the cameras and get to work are you ready chester let's get the work that was good yeah no it wasn't was it it wasn't i don't know it's sort of like his catch phrase chester always does that oh chad okay oh gesture so bear in mind that this is meant to be real okay now i'm [ __ ] in disbelief that bro this is just a strange world we live in here here he's arriving got a heartbeat on effect so a dude covered in duct tape what um dress has a uh he's wrapped in duct tape in a bunny outfit and he's just hopping towards her what are you doing yeah this is can you stop this is unreal dude um can somebody please help excuse me i am hero entrance this is real belief about this right now this is real according to them sir what's going on here sir what's going on here this isn't normal behavior why are you dressed up like this yeah what are you doing stop okay all right dude stop i'm chris hanson with dateline nbc i really don't know what to do i'm speechless honestly yo sarah are you on drugs let's go come on they lower him in and just walk back so they get him they lure him into the bedroom door closed got him and he starts screaming how does this end oh it doesn't really i i i'm blown away by this video i didn't watch this in advance because i i wanted to be surprised i'm i can't believe what i'm watching this is but people so much worse than anything i've ever seen yeah so this video has seven million views overwhelming like majority people and let me go in the comments and see what people are saying i mean yeah people think it's real i don't know how you were so calm i would have started swinging he goes sir what are you doing this is very unusual behavior did you bring condoms did you bring condoms um man do people really believe this are they just suspending their disbelief i mean people believe the uh the j station videos and that's really just kind of lowered my bar a lot i mean we are so doomed as you is i've talked about all this [ __ ] about the t-100 is sent back to try to kill humanity and the fact that people can watch this and not have a skeptical skeptical thought in their head if you let it play out a little longer there's like the fakest phone call ever to the police oh really guys guys let's hear the phone call at the one part i don't know if you even knew what he was doing in the first place i think it's before it's before that yeah it's after they're holding the door subscribe what causes that click right here sonic.exe guys clearly on drugs dude what can i do what can i do i mean at the one part i don't know if he even knew what he was doing in the first place the jake paul poster on the wall in the background yeah that's that's their elaborate set this is where they so where's the phone call right here no it's it he doesn't actually make a phone call but he says are you gonna call the police and his friend's like oh yeah i'm calling the president what's up rick yeah it's like right after it's like here also the guy's like banging on the door then he just like let's let's go [Music] dude he's are you clearly the police yeah dude i'll call i'll call him oh yeah yeah yeah yeah dude call him because he's clearly on if drugs even a child should know this is fake i don't know what to say i don't know if i should even stop trying to talk let's like what what's the point well it's dude i'm freaking scared it's funny to see how much parker the main guy defends it defends that it's true oh he's willing to die on that hill huh oh big time oh i closed the powerpoint let me reopen it why are they called luxury pranks so those don't seem very yeah nothing about that seemed luxurious here we got another uh to catch a predator yeah this is just a short super cut basically this is a 25 year old who's obsessed with trains okay okay what do you got there i got my training i have a train by the way there's no way if this was real that they would be comfortable just confronting these people in tiny rooms without anybody be like oh he oh call the police they would be dead by now probably this was real they were asked about that in an interview and he goes well we have 9-1-1 on speed dial that's the dumbest thing ever we have 911 on speed dial we all have 9-1-1 everyone has an i-1 and speed dial that's the whole point if you give me a kiss it's are you sure call the police please please please man i already have a charge man like please for what i was peeing and it apparently was in front of a and some of the kids caught me yeah does this one have a lot of views too the train [ __ ] yeah so they deleted a bunch of their videos on their original channel after they got demonetized and after they were on the news for being fake oh they were so this they're on the average yeah they're on the news one they were investigated because of one of their videos because they claimed it was real and so investigators looked into it uh-oh yeah i have it in the slideshow a little bit they got lost in the sauce so here they are denying they're saying no they're insisting it's all real an interview with leon lush it seems so glaringly obvious to me that just a little bit of common sense through watching a lot of your videos would suggest that something's going on that's not completely real if something seems like that like i said dude i will buy your flights for you to come out here and see how a video is filmed i'm 100 okay with that you should check on that all the child predators in your videos are legit child predators [Music] it depends i mean do it i mean what what do you classify as uh what do you classify as a child i don't know parker you're the expert here man what do you i mean someone somebody that somebody that tries to show up and like have sex with a 15 year old girl that's what seems to be the premise of all of your videos are they being paid to be on a show or are they actually think they're going to meet up with the girl with the possibility of it this is what this is it seems so glaringly like so stupid uh the police get involved that's interesting local station are they proof that it isn't real why do we even go viral video of alleged sex offenders not real you don't say if they have proof though two men claim to be exposing inappropriate access by a sex offender in amherst and town awanda now the video is a hoax two on your side's michael wooten has verified information from investigators he's taking pictures outside chuck e cheese right off the top we can verify this video is not real our source is the amherst police department which says the publisher of the video admitted it was fake unfortunately many of the millions of viewers weren't in on the joke here's the back story these two guys claim someone asked them to investigate a sexual predator who moved into the north towns this man was found with thousands of images of child pornography on his computer and he also committed an act of assault on a minor they claim the man dude you can't lie about that [ __ ] of course the police get involved you're like oh this dude has has illegal as like hordes of child pornography that's like a serious that's like fbi [ __ ] and only serves seven months behind bars so they wanted to follow him around to find incriminating evidence to send him back to jail the video shows the man whose face is blurred buying happy meals at mcdonald's this is beyond as all predators do just stocking up on happiness to keep in my glove box children outside chuck e cheese and with toys in his car the young men follow the supposed sex offender inside target he's in the girls section dude he's in the little girls and they can you know why this is really stupid because predators aren't obvious you know what i mean they're not like walking around with happy meals and toys and stuff they're like really deceitful uh really it's not like that it's not that obvious it sets a really good example with his kid audience because they'll think it's that clear to determine if someone's a predator like look at his car do you see toys no okay it's good he's safe to get in the car look at his glove box do you see any happy meals okay it's safe let's get in front him as he leaves hey why were you taking those pictures at chuck e cheese they claim they turned over their evidence to the man's probation officer we heard from viewers like this one asking us to look into the matter people also reached out to officers amherst police said in a statement today these complaints were immediately investigated by the department's special victims unit the publisher of the video was identified as a 21-year-old hamburg man the subject was interviewed and immediately apologized for any alarm stating the post was for entertainment purposes only and there was no actual sex offender depicted he's still saying it's real after that report to the police yeah he's saying he said he never scripted and he never scripted a video in his life the police are like oh really so where's the evidence he's like i'm so sorry it's all fake it's all fake i made it all up that's pretty good not many of these fake pranksters of which there's a lot actually have two men claim to be confession to the police right just straight up happens it's fake why is it not sliding okay there we go so that's a good one life of luxury pranks ended up getting fully demonetized interesting what happened i mean obvious right yeah i mean they weren't exactly clear i mean in this video it's he addresses it but he kind of just makes it seem like youtube did it and they're not telling him why yeah you know why look at the content you're making if you don't know what's going on we've basically been totally shut off of ads on youtube on luxury print so don't worry i'm sure there's an audience for you on facebook you can make a killer there just repost your videos are they on facebook maybe yeah are they do they get views there um i haven't checked actually recently let me check facebook's definitely paying these guys to repost their [ __ ] yeah three times what youtube pays from as you can see every single video we've ever uploaded has either been removed or just completely demonetized remove remove remove remove remove remove to monetize so basically right now to the best of my knowledge youtube is trying to totally kill our channel luxury pranks so welcome to life of luck this channel needs to pick up life of luxury needs to pick up if you want us to even be a possibility on the site if not know that we're not giving up because if i fall seven times i stand up into youtube if this is you where you're about dude that's [ __ ] inspiration just making content on your site anymore you're doing a horrible job no they don't want you i like how this guy thinks that he's like you know what's going on you know making such a big impact on youtube's bottom line youtube if you don't want us making more and dangerous insane fake pranks that make like i don't know how you're going to survive without us as time went on their second channel became more like jay station's channel with dark web possession sonic exciting oh hell yeah let's take a look this is my favorite genre guys so who was the is jay station the real original here or the like who who ripped off who yeah whoa the views are insane look at the views 8 million 21 million 10 million 22 million well j i'm freaking scared he's the rl stein of youtube so he takes credit for being the original but is he to my knowledge he is i mean everyone he's ever been into beef with he was first i gotta give i gotta tip the hat to him a little bit on that for being an original you know what the freak shout out to man these views are insane it's amazing how people consume this stuff they say is this as it says as recently as three months ago is that accurate yeah as recently as three months ago they made a video with eight million views it was hiding in the closet still slamming hmm he did stand up eight times as promised luxury dark and luxury light okay new channel for super scary stuff oh boy spooked already so i just got back in my room i gotta say i'm getting really concerned about this woman i can't what is this this is straight up j station but i'm gonna keep this oh my god just in case i get woken up by a noise again okay again good night guys from pedo hunting to ghost hunting what are the odds [Music] i can't do it dude i'm freaking scared it's cause you're so freaking scared isn't it so spooked i can't watch it hey channel that okay so luxury light is for the angel angelic side of the psyche right for videos like um filling a pool with human hair oh no they show earlier in the video like they're grabbing it from like garbage cans and oh so it's they're grabbing they got a pool full of hair just from looking through people's garbage yeah like at a barber shop like a dumpster behind a haircutting place or something yeah i guess that here's them getting out of here from behind a barber shop okay that's like i know it's fake but that is beyond [ __ ] putrid like even the insinuation that you're swimming in people's hair at the dumpster around a barber shop all right guys so chester's in the dumpster right now looking for some hair i really don't think this is going to work apparently everyone has the same color hair at this barber shop right yo whoa what's the print is they trying to make a joke what's funny about this it's so bizarre look how serious they're about getting hair i think they're trying to ape the mr beast format a little bit right of just like we did this crazy thing bro yeah i think they just kind of the idea of realism oh by going out the window and they don't dude i don't care about saying it's real anymore they're just such bad actors all right hold up hold up some guy's talking to him oh no the security guard at the barber shop to protect the hair in the back so watch this acting dude what was going on dude what was that what's that dude dude i think the guy was okay with it dude were you stealing that hair dude there's barely any hair in there anyway i don't know we're doing this for like five years why can't they act a little bit better well they have 20 million views so the [ __ ] per video yeah what do we know what okay so do they explain how they got that much because they he only got like a handful uh they found like a mother load of hair they got a u-haul here what is this all right get there all right i got the hair bro [Applause] yo what dude where'd you get all this hair oh you have no idea how they're just wigs bro this is insane is this is this real hair did you see oh dude this is disgusting it smells horrible all right let's start getting the stuff in the pool all right let's go to the pool man these guys are still making content right so we got the pool the latest videos like two months ago how many views oh it's up there let me see well there's something in here you're actually on them this isn't a re-upload just uh yeah bro let's probably license stuff all right dude i'm gonna take a dip okay go here give me a camera oh oh oh ew oh oh oh oh dude all right that wasn't as good as i thought it would be dude let's just could we get out of here please four million views i think this is the worst thing i've ever seen i mean hands down this is just a nightmare we gotta go inside yeah i i definitely want to take a shower bro let's get let's get out all right let's go okay guys thank you for watching this that's it he's so [ __ ] stupid jesus i can't you guys this should inspire you anything's possible you're just like oh this is gross yeah it doesn't matter thanks for watching it doesn't matter how dumb you are as long as you just put [ __ ] out there here's their facebook page oh not doing that well come on guys i feel like these should be getting like a bajillion views on facebook this seems like prime facebook content well luxury light actually no worse luxury so what's their main one luxury dark or luxury dark is that their most very dark yeah that's their most active one 2.3 million oh yeah two months ago four million views here let's watch dude people don't keep parasites as pets we don't want to buy this a parasite could be a great pet a parasite as a pet one of my personal favorites from luxury dark is buying a friend from the dark web well that's a tray station plastic right yeah jstation has he bought a lot of he had clowns he bought black santa from the dark web he bought a gay potion from the dark web what was the jay station one with the black sand he goes ew if you don't get my fried chicken yeah you want a fried chicken there can be problems epic joke super epic ho ho ho [ __ ] yeah i actually like the ho ho [ __ ] that was guys luxury pranks ladies and gentlemen that was way worse than i expected i mean it's crazy that that uh people like this find a lot of success on youtube but i've seen it my whole my whole career i mean it's why i it's why i have a career frankly maybe i shouldn't be too hard on them that's a good point it's just it is it is a little bit scary that people are so dumb i mean frankly speaking that's been a theme on this episode hasn't it yeah that we're gonna have to think of some title like uh suffering the idiots of the world from one idiot to another yeah as a set of people who don't necessarily consider ourselves ian you hear about these these yeezy shoes that were sold for 1.8 million uh zach told me about it yeah thoughts i mean that's an expensive shoe i have a thought why don't why don't they still make yeezys that look like that that's actually a cool shoe i [ __ ] hate the easies that they make now this was apparently a one of one something it was like a one-off that he made for the grammys and it was with nike which i guess the original yeah all the nike yeezys are worth a lot more that's incredible though the previous um bit the previous record was 615 000 for a pair of 1985 nike air jordan first which michael michael jordan wore during a game uh and that sold for how much for 615 000 and this is almost two million yeah one point eight million jesus was sold via softbees yes it was bought by rares which is a sneaker investment marketplace so chances are they're going to be going back on sale at some point so keep an eye ian keep keep saving and keep an eye on rares and did you put a bid in sotheby's for though i didn't even know they're on sale what size is your foot in like 10 and a half 11. these are 12s oh well no luck maybe next time get the next one i gotta say i love my uc slides they're like the ugliest shoes or sandals i own but they're so comfortable yeah they look kind of good maybe i should invest in some yeezy slides i think teddy fresh is making slides yeah huh that's cool working on forever i don't know it's like [ __ ] takes forever well that's like a whole new realm doing shoes yep slides are easier it's not like a full-on shoe because it's just sure slides are really simple shoes are hard i feel like we need to find a shoe partner which we're working on i can't talk about it though all right are we at two hours where are we at uh yeah approximately should wrap it up so just to summarize on the chair debacle or is everybody okay everybody's good zach i'm buying you a chair that's in fact here let me write let me write to lina right right to his shoe his chair buyer lena we need to buy because i don't want to forget zach the razor chair uh ab stole from us i mean it took your damn husband stole yeah well thank you i'll tell lena to send it here first of course would you be upset if it was delivered to avi's house and he sat in it first no that wouldn't bother me what about if he was naked yeah right interesting that would bother me naked abs all over my brand new chair well we'll make sure there's a lot of people that pick good money for that privilege exactly it's crazy good money how people think me and zack hate each other let me just say we're besties it's all love it's good to say let the people know it's all love yes the chair wars the chair wars are over everybody's getting a chair and everybody's happy peace and love peace and love all right guys that has been off the rails i feel like we've been particularly off the rails and we've sold this show for what it is off the [ __ ] rails right sure uh yeah [Music] i think it's fun when it's off the road hit me with that crash with the scream zach yeah you know what i'm talking about whoa i can't hold on we're off the rails wow hit us with that you know what i'm gonna hit us with the theme song to play us out to play us out to play us out is that a bill o'reilly yeah in his uh freak out that was the to play us out was the phrase that he couldn't understand right the play is out what does that mean the play is the words live there's no [ __ ] words we'll do it live [ __ ] it to play us out we'll do it live i didn't understand why he's confused by that it makes totally he's a [ __ ] idiot to play us out and to bring it all full circle because we talked about tucker carlson let's just keep in mind that bill o'reilly was once on top of the world untouchable the way that tucker seems to be right now and he has been disappeared from the face of the earth well he also had like crazy essay allegations against him i buried him he will be surprised if the same thing happens tucker tucked the dick carlson what happened to sean hannity i thought he was king dong i think his star has faded a little bit because i'm gone trump's gone yeah and trump were besties he had like the direct line in exactly and and tucker's more angry he's dialed up the that's insanity and he's more masked off with the white nationalist stuff oh yeah so um white replacement theory um yeah no i mean you know i don't think is making me uncomfortable i don't think people hate trump but um his his uh his favorability i think has actually dipped now that he's left with republicans the fact that they don't like losers he's a [ __ ] loser he lost bro they um no i mean republicans are their favorite for 2024. i i'll say right now i'll say right now that i i don't think uh it's gonna happen for him i think they're gonna depend i think they're gonna move forward without them um nope i don't think that okay we'll see that's well guys this has been another wild ride look at ab [ __ ] stunting on zach right now with that chair you looking at a b a b scooting around in his chair oh and ian's not even in his chair [Music] i've lost control of this episode oh the train is falling off the track zach's moving out in two days [Music] we're all very happy for you it sounds like it sounds like everybody has given you a half-hearted offer to help you move thank you accept me except me maybe give you a full-hearted offer if you could i know i might take them up on it though actually well some people say they do want to watch you guys move so you know maybe there is an audience right all right [Music] listen i make no guarantees in this episode if it's gonna be entertaining interesting funny annoying this is it off the [ __ ] rails all right guys see you on friday for an actually entertaining show right fridays are good hopefully we'll see hopefully stop it dan fridays are always good we have a we have we have some really good stuff planned on friday [Music] friday baby yeah [ __ ] all right i'm walking out of frame [Music] you
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 999,374
Rating: 4.6082869 out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, the h3 podcast, the h3h3 podcast, h3h3productions, h3h3, h3, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila, off the rails
Id: Htq468essmM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 24sec (7404 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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