racist buzzfeed

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Hi glad you're here. You're just in time.  We were just about to take a look at my   current least favorite channel on YouTube, cut.  But before I do that, actually I did want to just   briefly remark that my channel is doing so well.  Thank you. Last video I uploaded I was like, "Hey,   I'm just going to kind of be posting slightly  longer videos. Not really going so hard on trying   to make them super." And then you'll just  give it 600,000 views. So let me just keep   doing that. Besides, the more laid back format  gives me more freedom anyway, to just go off on   things that are bothering me, like today's topic. So here I have the channel pulled up right here.   As you can see from a glance, it just mostly seems  to be like low brow garbage, I guess? Maybe that's   really harsh, actually. Maybe that's really harsh.  But then again, this video right here is called   Parents Guess What Naughty Items Their Kids Own.  So. And then it turns out they just have racist   videos on here as well. This video is called,  So What exactly Are White People Superior At?  Before we get into the absolute  dumpster fire that is today's content,   let's look at something that brings a bit more  clarity. Today's sponsor, Morning Brew. Morning   Brew is a free daily newsletter that shows up  in your inbox. Morning Brew and I actually have   a lot in common. We both show up Monday through  Saturday. We both keep you up to date on various   news stories in a short timeframe. And we're both  pretty darn witty while doing it. Well, I mean,   Morning Brew is. I try. Honestly. I wake up and  check my phone anyway, so Morning Brew makes   it nice to have something to actually digest  other than just refreshing my explore tab 50   times before I fully wake up. And as someone who's  literally always looking for things to talk about,   Morning Brew is quickly becoming the perfect way  to start my day. Subscribing is completely free   and takes less than 15 seconds. It's basically  a must if you're interested in internet stuff,   business news, tech, anything like that.  So click the link in the description and   sign up for Morning Brew for free today. All right, let's watch this garbage, bruh.   So here we have this caption. We asked 100 black  folks, with an X, in America to tell us what white   people are superior at This could only go wrong. What are white people superior at?  Man. Huh. Okay. I do like the fact   that they include the fact that most people in  this video are hesitant to answer this question.   I'm going to go ahead and explain why. Because  this question sucks. This is a garbage question.   This is the kind of thing that you can only ask  if you're trying to get somebody to say something   that's really, really messed up. Really what they  should have named this is we flew 100 black people   out to our studio to set them up. What are white people superior at?  They just keep talking. Mostly about their pets. White people love they dogs? That's all you.  Cats. Letting them get on your  countertops while you're cooking.  I didn't expect to agree with anything  that's in this video. Your doggos,   your cats, calling them your sons and  your daughters. That's lit. Honestly,   do you. Someone's got to look out for  them. Just don't expect me to have the   same opinions towards your demonic animals. So what exactly are white people superior at?  I'm sorry. Everyone who's  laughing is literally me.   If you had asked me this question, I would  laugh in your face. Like, "Nothing? Not a thing.   Burning in the sun?" I don't know. Using mayonnaise in a lot of their recipes.  Making bland food. Unseasoned chicken.  All right. Currently they haven't missed. People  hand me chicken and it's just like the color   white, not even racially. It's just white chicken  with nothing on it. I'm never going to understand   that one. It's like that one joke, why did Britain  spend so long conquering countries and stealing   off their spices just to turn around and use  none of them in their food? I don't know, bro.  You going to start whole spice wars and  don't even use seasoning on your food.  Okay. What exactly   are white people superior at? Smelling funky.  Okay. What? What does that mean? This is the  first answer in here that I don't understand   why that's included at all. That is a trait not  associated with any race to my understanding,   and if it is, that's racist, by the way. White people are great at having fun. That's   a function of white supremacy because they  just don't have as many stresses as we do.  I feel like most people probably expected me to be  like, "Oh, that's a ridiculous statement. Fun is a   function of white supremacy?" I kind of understand  what he's saying here. I feel like it's very   clear, very cut and dry. However, taking this out  of context into one sentence and like a catchy,   punchy, little cut video with quirky music in  the background is ridiculous. There's obviously   nothing wrong with having fun, but there is a  certain merit to pointing out certain people can   have fun in ways that I might get in trouble for.  You know what I mean? I don't really feel safe   enough to run out in the street and do everything  that occurs to me that seems like it might be fun.  And that might sound a little strange but when  you look at news stories of what happens to people   like me, who literally mind their own business,  like actually mind their own business, and then   still wind up dead? Yeah. There's definitely merit  in saying you can be a bit freer in this country   if you happen to be white. But again, putting that  in this cut video just makes it sound like such a   farcical argument. If I really did start trying  to have a conversation about, "Hey, let's talk   about how I feel so unsafe in the street I don't  want to take like my little siblings to the park."   People are just going to immediately associate  it with this cut video and be like, "Well,   it was ridiculous there. So it's  ridiculous here too." And it's like,   that is why videos like this are problematic. People are very superior at their privilege and   utilizing it. We do not have the privilege  to do whatever and however we want to.  So I did see some people reacting to this and  saying like, "Oh yeah? Well, white people don't   have the privilege to do whatever they want to  either. We can't just run out in the street not   wearing clothes or whatever." And it's like,  "Let's not misinterpret what's going on here."   When the people in this video are talking about  not having the freedom to do certain things,   they're not talking about breaking the law or  doing things that you shouldn't be able to get   away with. It's just freedom to feel safe,  freedom to be comfortable in your own skin,   freedom to stay alive, basically. What exactly are white people are superior at?  Not getting arrested. Oof. Yes. You are a lot   more likely to get away with, in my opinion,  egregious crimes, because the justice system   is severely unfair towards people of color. That  being said again, having this discussion in a less   than five minute video with quirky music playing  in the background, just completely demolishes   the value of it. And I find it disrespectful. Driving down the street, down the highway with   a friend of mine who was white, when he was like,  "I'm going to just want to pull over and pee." And   I'm in the passenger seat. And I was like, "Please  don't." Because a black man thinks differently.   "If I pull over to the side of the road and pee, a  cop is going to be right behind me to punish me."  My parents, and I feel like maybe  I've talked about this before, but   there's this one specific area in my state where  my parents literally always get pulled over.   I'm not talking about like, oh, every now and then  they might get. No, no, no, no. They had a 100%   success rate getting pulled over in this  specific county that I'm not going to name   because I don't want the smoke. Yeah, I  definitely understand what he's saying here.  What exactly are white people superior at? Insecurity, pretending.  Fear. Look, I was good for the first two minutes.   Not seasoning your food, I'm fine with calling  you out for that. Please, salt does not count.   White privilege? Bet. Let's call that out too.  Not getting arrested for crimes, it happens. It's   not even my opinion. You can just Google that,  but claiming that white people are superior at   fear, what does that mean? Being a fearful of nothing. Being ignorant.  Blame. Letting their egos control their every move.  Privilege. All right. Oh, my gosh.   This is so cringy. This is so cringy. We're now  taking legitimate problems and mixing them in with   things that are not problems, therefore, making  the problem sound like a problem. For example,   white privilege, I wouldn't even say white  privilege is a problem, by the way. I don't   want white privileges taken away, I just want it  for everyone. That's a legitimate thing, right?   But then, you follow that up with insecurity and  it's like, what? Literally, everyone is allowed to   feel insecure. Being ignorant is definitely  not a trait exclusive to any specific race,   but then you follow that up with being fearful of  nothing, which actually is a problem. I will say   that, because being fearful of nothing, again,  plays back into unfairly criminalizing people,   like me. That's not a nonsense thing. Mixing these  things up together in a quirky mashup is just...   Oh, my gosh. Privilege.  Feeling victimized. Playing the victim.  Congratulating themselves over  shit that they're incompetent,   or that should have already been done. They're superior at being dicks.  Oh, my gosh. You know what? It's fine. It's fine.  It's fine. It's just a YouTube video. It's just   a YouTube video. No way people are going to look  at this video and use this as a way to judge all   black people, right? That would be crazy. That's  foreshadowing to the next part of this video.  ... Exactly are white people superior at? Oppression.  Gas lighting Lack of empathy.  Intellectualizing oppression. Did I say oppression?  Just creatively thinking of new ways of always  staying one step ahead of other people. If you get   rid of slave catchers, then let's just expand  the police force. That stuff, to me, is wild.  Okay. Wait, low key, that was very accurate.  You know what I'm starting to realize,   is the problem with this video? It just dawned on  me. It just dawned to me why I keep sitting here   and being like, "Yeah, wait, this sounds right.  Wait, no, that doesn't sound right. Wait. Yeah,   it does sound right." This is asking what racists  are superior at. They started off with white   people, which is fine, the whole not seasoning  your food and all of that, but now we have   very severely and very sharply switched over  into describing racist white people, which would   be fine in its own video. You know what I mean?  That would explain why so many of these things,   I can completely understand, why they're listing  off as answers, but they do not apply to all   people, at all. To imply that in and of itself  is a bit racist, not a bit, it's just racist.  What exactly are white people superior at? Making us believe that we don't matter.  Believing that they're superior. Feeling superior.  Thinking they're superior. See, this is literal criticisms of white   supremacy. Very few things... I'm going to tell  you this, very few things that the people in this   video are saying are inaccurate, but the context  that Cut has placed this in is just detrimental.  Thinking that they're superior. Thinking that they are superior.  Self-delusion. Controlling the narrative.  Believing their own press. Marketing of white superiority.  Whether you are Republican, whether you're  democrat, whether you're conservative,   white people are really good  at upholding white supremacy.  White supremacists are good at upholding  white supremacy. You know what I mean?   Your average white person, who  is like me and doesn't think   anybody could possibly be more superior than  someone else, specifically because of their race,   is not upholding white supremacy just  by existing. You know what I mean?  Claiming that they are actually a  whole separate race, when actually,   white DNA comes from the black female. Look, there's a lot of debate about, where did   we come from? And African ancestry and all this  stuff, and I'm not smart, so we're not having it.  What exactly are white people superior at? Honey, lying, stealing and cheating.  Manipulation. Withholding information.  Lying. Okay. What? We are now just describing liars.   Do you notice how quickly this video tone changes?  I really want you all to pay attention to this.   You're being manipulated right now. Granted, every  form of media is a bit manipulative, but each   specific section of this video describes a certain  type of person. It's purposely being put together,   in a way that is jumping from topic to topic. I  find it pretty insidious that in doing so, they're   lessening the importance of the actual necessary  topics. Right now, they're just describing liars,   cheaters and manipulators. This has nothing to do  with white people at all and it makes me wonder,   did Cut ask them to start describing specific  kinds of people, because why are their answers   matching up like this? This is weird. Telling lies.  What kind of lies? The lies of history.  They say- Oh, okay. Wait. That one is true.   Come on, bro. If you taking things in  history books at face value at this point...  History is written by the victor, but the  victor could be replaced by the colonizer.  What are white... Woo. Again, this is true. I hate this   video so much. I despise what they've done. I know  I'm making it a joke and it's lighthearted, but   this is terrible, that we are taking a ton of  legitimate conversations I would love to have   and just interspersing it with things  that, in this context, sounds super racist.  ... People superior at? Conquering.  Imperialism. Imperialism.  Colonizing. Colonize.  Colonialism Colonization.  Colonization. They might be better  at that than us and everybody else.  I mean, yeah. I'm good at everything, but  taking over other countries and forcing   their cultures to assimilate into mine, it's  not something I've really tried. Again though,   that's not something your average, currently  living white person would be good at either,   so I'm not really sure what's going on here. They ballsy, they rose up all over the world   and they walk into everybody's house and says,  "Oh, this is nice. I'm going to take your shit,   and they have no qualms about it." They can take anything, baby.  She didn't lie. Oh, my gosh. You know what  the thing is too? I love the people in this   video a lot. I feel like I would be friends  with every single person in this video.   I just hate that they've gotten set up like this. ... Are white people superior at?  They're real good at violence.  Violence. Genocide.  Stealing people's lives, just  because they feel like it.  If you are white, and you know this is happening  and you say nothing, then you're a killer too.  Oh, my gosh. Okay. Wow. This  just got so dark, so fast.   Now, are you starting to see what I'm saying,  about the editing? This is purposely edited   as a slope. It starts off here,  "Mayonnaise." Now, we're like,   "If you're white and you don't actively  stop murderers, you're a murderer."   Child... Now, that being said... That being said,  again, the implication that any one race could be   violent, because of their race is racist. Make  no mistake. But again, I feel like these people   are just describing racism, which is actually  valid. I just hate that it's in this video.  You are adopting a whole philosophy that  says it's okay to do this. And part of   that philosophy allows you to be ignorant.  Right? And they're like, "Oh, I didn't know."  What exactly are white people superior at? Taking what's not theirs.  Taking shit. Taking our ideas.  Copycatting. Gentrification.  Appropriating things that do not belong to them. Taking over other people's cultures.  They have taken the thing that is a real  thing, cultural appropriation, gentrification,   and just the theft of intellectual property   from people of color who can't speak up about  it because they don't have the same platforms,   and they have made it sound like all white people  steal things. Cut might be a better editing   team than I thought, because... oh my gosh. And making you believe that they invented it.  Maybe they're thinking of it as re-purposing.  It's like recycle and repurpose.  As my grandma would say, "The white folk,  they'll take it, if you don't copyright it."  They- Oh. Oh. Get your patents,   get your education, and copyright your stuff.  Make your own money, bro. I love his grandma.   But then again, I love everyone's grandma. They are very good at destruction of land,   destruction of people, destruction of humanness. What exactly are white-  His hair is so sick. All right. You know what? I'm  just going to stay alive for the next 20 years.   I made the choice right here. I'm going  to stay alive for however long it takes   for my locks to start looking like that. ... White people superior at?  White people are not superior with anything.  I knew it. I knew it from jump. I saw his  hair and I was like, "There's absolutely   no way he's going to lie. There's no way he's  incapable of missing when he looks like that."   It wasn't even just the hair, if we're being  honest. It's the entire drip. It's the entire   drip. And he spits nothing but facts, bruh.  This is the main character of this video.  Nothing. Nothing.  Nothing. There's nothing.  Nothing. I don't believe that   they're superior in any way, shape, or form. Just because our skin color is different,   you're no better than me. You're no  smarter than me. No. No superiority there.  It's disingenuous. Okay. It's incredibly  disingenuous. I'm talking about Cut, not   the people in the video because the people in the  video are just describing qualms that they have   with racism and white supremacy. And that's not  something I'm going to be like, "Oh, yeah. Well,   you've expressed that improperly." Cut, on the  other hand, knows exactly what's going on here.   We asked 100 black folks in America to  tell us what white people are superior at,   knowing full well that they were going to  edit together in a context that makes it sound   like black people think that all white people  are racist. And also, the usage of folks really   bothers me. Like is this Curtis Connor? Okay, folks, I think it's safe to say-  I think it's safe to say that Curtis  doesn't deserve this. Just so we're clear,   I have nothing wrong with folks, this gender  neutral or gender inclusive spelling of that.   That's valid. But the fact that Cut is using it  is what's bothering me, because it all just starts   making it sound like black people are not people.  You know what I mean? It can't just be like,   "We asked 100 black people in America to tell  us what white people are superior at." Right?   If you look at the description, they're all  like, "We centered black voices in America for   this round of Keep it 100's first ever nationwide  production." You centered black voices? Can you   like de-center your own voice? Like, can you shut  up please? Just say we talked to black people.   You don't have to use buzzwords to make it sound  like you should be applauded for listening to me.   Do you understand where some of my frustration  is coming from with this? This is ludicrous.  If you look in the recommended section of this  video, I find it to be pretty darn telling. Like   Candace Owens. Why is Fox News in the recommended  section? I think it's safe to say, I don't really   watch Fox News. Right? Tucker Carlson, Candace  Owens, again, only white people are racist from   diesel patches, which is him reacting to another  video that does the same thing. It's like,   if this recommended section is not telling you  something, I will make it a little bit clearer.  These are the same people watching these videos.  It's not black people watching this content and   being like, "Oh, yeah. Wow. I'm finally being  represented." No. It's people who think that   black people think everyone is racist. And they're  also watching other people who espouse this same   thing. That's the audience you're catering to,  Cut. I hope that's working out for you. I mean,   it is working out for them. You can just tell from  the comment section to. Remember kids, it wasn't   racist if a black person is the one being racist.  Then it's stunning and brave. You know what would   be even more stunning and brave? Keeping your  stupid comments to yourself. No one thinks of   black people are allowed to be racist just because  they're black. Just because this video was edited   together to make it seem like that does not  make it true. And people using this video as   fuel to confirm that stupid outlook so that they  can dismiss any and every criticism of when people   actually are being racist is ridiculous. I'm a black woman and seriously embarrassed   by this. Okay. Yeah. Same. Why does this comment  have 43,000 likes, including mine, because I too   am seriously embarrassed by this, but not a single  response. You know what? As a black woman, I am   too. We weren't able to add your reply. Please  try again. So, why are they disabling comments   on the video in which they're claiming  that they're "centering black voices."   It's like you're all too happy to edit this  together and make everyone look bad. And you're   happy enough to have all the comments criticizing  black people as a whole on here. But then,   you don't want any actual discussion about that. Anyone else notice how the ones claiming to   be anti-racist are actually pretty racist?  Now, these are the kinds of comments I hate.   These are the kinds of comments I hate. 19,000  likes on the comment that is literally bluntly   saying anti-racism is racist. What? It's not  racist for me to say that it's racist to be   racist. Oh, wow. I just said racist a lot of  times in a row. Does this video have ads on it?   I'm really glad that I got this video  sponsored. Comments like these are the exact   problem with videos like these. It's just an  endless feedback loop that paints a narrative   that black people are victims 24/7 and  that we think everything is racist,   even when it's not. And people get to use  videos like this as fuel when deep down,   they probably know it's not true. They just  don't want to hear anything called racist ever,   because... I don't know, maybe it be  hitting too close to home. I wouldn't know.  Five minutes of straight hatred and racism  coming from woke and tolerant people. People   try to do the same thing with tolerant as they  do with anti-racist and make it sound like   it's a bad thing. It's not bad. Fun fact, fun  fact, tolerance is not suddenly bad just because   some people who claim to be tolerant are annoying.  There's absolutely nothing wrong with being white. Okay, good for you. What? Who care?   I'm so proud. That was really stunning  and brave for you to come forward and say,   "It's okay to be white." What's next? Is it okay  to breathe, folks? Oh no, I just said folks.   They are literally getting to me. I'm turning  into a cut character at this point. What else   are we good at? Putting up with stupid crap like  this, but it's getting harder every day. That's   what she said. I see sad, lost, confused, and  hateful individuals. This is one criticism of   this video I don't agree with. I really didn't get  the vibe that every single person in this video,   or even the ones who were sounding  racist when this video is edited together   are all hateful. You know what I mean? This  final comment is one I agree with completely.   This is actually racist. Media trying to  keep up the division this country. Yes,   thank you. This comment sums up my exact opinion.  This person might actually be, and I hate to use   the word, woke. This person has saw, seen through,  has saw, has seen ... gosh, I hate English.  You know what? Maybe this video is right.  Colonialism undo it. I want to be African. This   blatant manipulation of the voices of 100 black  people in an effort to make Black people look bad,   that way you can anger everyone else, including  racists, so you can get more clicks on your   BuzzFeed style channel, is something that I will  call out every single time. I really feel like   anyone just going like, "Oh, black people are  wrong or white people are wrong," is perhaps   missing the larger issue here, which is cut. It's  cut. It's never race war. Not real, not a thing.   It's never, ever going to be the people involved,  not black people or white people. It's always the   people trying to feed this weird machine and  keep us at each other's throats in the cycle,   because there's money to be made off of this.  Well, I'm here to tell you we don't care. This is   me quoting that Stephen A. Smith video. Hold on. I'm here to tell you right now,   we don't care. Let me tell you, we don't care. I love that video so much. Cut specifically is   disgusting because they really did just start off  as like this BuzzFeed wannabe channel. If you go   to their channel before Black Lives Matter started  trending, fun fact, there's nothing on here.   Nothing on here that has anything to do with  black people specifically, but then Black   Lives Matter happens. Well again, because Black  lives have always mattered, it's just people keep   remembering this every few years and it starts  trending on Twitter. Then, Cut, all of a sudden,   oh my God, gosh, look at this, who is Karen? Keep  it 100 Black in America. Colorism, trans women and   nonbinary people of color. What exactly are white  people superior at? It's like now all of a sudden   that it's cool to care, you all care. You can go to their website right now   and see they have a whole half  side Black Lives Matter statement.   To our audience, our colleagues, friends and  family, we cannot continue with business as   usual and neither should you. Our hearts  are broken after witnessing the murders of   a bunch of people whose names you do not  deserve to say because you don't care.   Stop. I really hope somebody from this ... Who  is behind this, actually? Okay, cool. I just   had a sinking feeling. I really did have a sinking  feeling in my heart of hearts, that it was not   Black people buying this. I did. I did. Something  in the back of my mind was seeing all the weird   language that they're using in these video topics  that any black person could tell you, "Hey,   that's not a great idea. Don't do that, maybe." This is just coming across as a bunch of non-black   people trying to seem cool at the expense of  actual black people. There they are folks.   Yeah, sure. There's black people working there,  but literally this is run by white people just   trying to seem not racist and being racist in  the process. You don't need Cut in your life   to listen to black people. You don't need me in  your life to listen to black people. Just listen.  I want to wrap this up with my final opinion  on this, which someone actually expressed   way better than I can. The rapper No Name  who I actually enjoy a lot said, "Why are   white leftists more eager to unify with racialized  communities than organizing your own people first?   Unity with black people is meaningless as long as  the masses of white people are indoctrinated into   white supremacy and liberalism. Please  don't speak to me about it, please."  Now, you have a choice. You're free to just read  this as No Name said that unity is bad. That's,   go off, I love that for you. But if you want to  actually read what's being said here, I could not   agree more. The way Black Lives Matter trended did  this year and seeing everyone just seem more eager   to post black squares than they were to confront  their friends and family. Bro, talk to people   about the problems that are going on here and stop  trying to seem so eager to prove to me that you're   not racist and just do whatever you can to undo  racism being a massive problem in this country,   which it already is by the way. It starts at home. It does get a little weird. So Cut,   I really view as the real villain in this  situation. It's not like this one video   of me calling them out is going to do anything  to stop them from doing this in their future.   Hopefully, this video is an alternative  perspective and you can see that not all   black think the same. I really doubt all the black  people in that video think the same. They don't   because they're people. You know what I mean? Anyway, in conclusion, Cut needs to cut it   out. Everyone using this video as an excuse  to pretend that black people are monolith   needs to cut it out. If I've learned anything,  maybe I just need to make a channel called Snip   where I reedit Cut videos into what they're  actually saying. But that's way more effort   than they deserve. I would like to get into  today's comments shout out from my last video.  The third thing that is weird is that there's  no chat spamming high YouTube. Of course,   what this is referring to is usually above  me. There is just my entire Twitter chat.   but I happen to not be online right now, but I  did notice a lot of you joined me last time I   mentioned the Twitch channel, which is good. But  if I'm being honest with you, it's not enough.  Follow me on Twitch and come check out tomorrow's  stream. Anyway, I'll be here all week folks at   2:00 P.M. Central time. If it's Monday, Wednesday,  Friday, that means I'm uploading a new video   here. If it's Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, that  means I'm going live over on Twitch. Basically,   what I'm saying is I'll see you tomorrow. Unless  of course tomorrow is Sunday in which case,   just watch this video again. Okay, bye.
Channel: D'Angelo Wallace
Views: 799,525
Rating: 4.9325242 out of 5
Keywords: dangelno, dangelowallace
Id: MKX389Mm3NM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 28sec (1888 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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