Jake Paul Fight Was A Disaster - H3 Podcast # 244

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Ethan should join in on the help move Zach bit, I feel like it would be hilarious, like a Micheal Scott vibe ๐Ÿ˜‚

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ๏ธŽ 87 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ๏ธŽ u/Notsosadhours ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ๏ธŽ Apr 22 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ๏ธŽ replies

Someone please tell Ethan he's a beautiful boy.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ๏ธŽ 60 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ๏ธŽ u/ray_kats ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ๏ธŽ Apr 22 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ๏ธŽ replies

I'm noticing some tension between AB & Zach, is everything ok? ๐Ÿค”

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ๏ธŽ 167 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ๏ธŽ u/Throw-Me-Again ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ๏ธŽ Apr 22 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ๏ธŽ replies


๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ๏ธŽ 71 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ๏ธŽ u/renaysance ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ๏ธŽ Apr 22 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ๏ธŽ replies

This whole video had me cracking up. AB & Zach thing was even more funny.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ๏ธŽ 22 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ๏ธŽ u/KitTheTraveler ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ๏ธŽ Apr 23 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ๏ธŽ replies

Man i've been noticing a lotta tension between ab and Zach especially around the who wanted to film the move thing. Dont know man how long this gonna last

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ๏ธŽ 83 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ๏ธŽ u/ImmortalPatrick ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ๏ธŽ Apr 22 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ๏ธŽ replies

For the record, I DO want to watch zack move. Also Ethan youโ€™re skinny buddy keep it up

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ๏ธŽ 74 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ๏ธŽ u/DrSillyBitchez ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ๏ธŽ Apr 22 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ๏ธŽ replies

Ethan's proclivity towards consuming these conservative pundit's tweets as entertainment and not pure frustration is pretty amazing to me. It a level of separating emotion from politics that I wish I had. I don't know about anyone else but I actively avoid reading these takes because they give me a profound sense of disappointment, frustration and melacholiness.

Also, in response to rationalizing Ben Shapiro's tweet, I have an alternate suggestion. Because the right wing pundits themselves are so dedicated to platforming and promoting their right wing ideas in general, and not on a case-to-case basis (like Ethan said, they are an echo chamber despite promoting "free-thought"), they debate as if the left has that same MO. That the only goal is to get the "talking point" across. So because of that "fighting style" he thinks it's a fair rebuttal, even though it's not. It's bad logic.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ๏ธŽ 55 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ๏ธŽ u/igotthepowah ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ๏ธŽ Apr 22 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ๏ธŽ replies

Does Ethan casually admit to having smoked crack around an hour and 45

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ๏ธŽ 22 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ๏ธŽ u/gunwrestling ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ๏ธŽ Apr 23 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ๏ธŽ replies
two hello everybody welcome to off the rails with ethan klein without ela klein podcast today's episode is sponsored by magic spoon and adam and eve quickly guys teddyfresh.com new collection is out today thursday if you're watching on thursday um we got new beanies beautiful beanies gorgeous beanies some of the best beanies ever gorgeous beanies we got a restock of the flame hoodie that everyone loved and pants this is the shirt i'm wearing now it's just a good solid shirt really cool look at that come on now teddy fresh ela klein ladies and gentlemen got the x-ray teddy bear you know you love it this is the kind of a split tee with a knitted uh collar you know you love it restock on this classic [ __ ] piece we love it a new camp shirt we love it keep going this is the baby the baby famously wore this piece and it is super hot fire you know what time it is teddyfish.com this is shirt i design which you may or may not like i don't know but it says sleep eat work die love to see it um and this shirt is the pink version oh we have a earth day shirt all the profits go to um the rain forest uh there's like a rainforest federation global federation we're donating all the profits of this shirt to that this graphic is awesome i love it earth day baby you gotta love the earth that's it head on over to teddyfresh.com to peep our new collection thank you now you guys were just telling me about how good i looked because i was looking at myself because i had to cut off my beard for the mask um and i look so fat and gross without a beer thoughts you're a fat fat fatty right why are you guys quiet now you were just telling me how yeah i i genuinely thought to myself when you walked out here that uh that you're looking pretty good you're looking healthy when you say healthy that is that are you saying i look slimmer because when you say a little bit slimmer i i think it's the combination of losing the beard and you've also um you're also wearing black which is slimming okay so not really a compliment i mean i thought you i thought you looked good okay thank you dan i thought you looked other than like the face makeup i thought you looked very slender that's what i'm looking for i want slender i don't want it healthy healthy means fat in some in some places you're looking really unhealthy slender would be the time yeah but i was wearing the mask you couldn't even see my because i had a chat like the mask was all chatted out i thought it looked good with the chad face big ass chin and stuff i was like yeah everybody said that you look like a handsome swidworth yes i know it's true actually damn it's crazy but it's true the mask is kind of hat which came first massacre handsome squidward sword sword i think squidward alright no the mask came first interesting well i'll take i'll take whatever i can get you know i've been doing good pretty good though been staying on my my diet kind of but i've been exercising i think it shows no i'm i'm serious it looks you look slimmer yeah you're looking good all right ian you have anything to say to me i'm noticing silence from ian everybody's complimented me uh crickets over here on ian gladian yeah you look like a soundbite you look like a um yeah like a beautiful swan that just emerged from its daddy like a butterfly swan butterfly you mean like kind of hybrid butterfly swan yes butterfly swan skinny skinny bold beautiful cover girl wow thank you ian that felt very sincere we got a lot to talk about today man we got a whole action-packed episode oh zach got exposed to covid he's now he's in like some weird like hospital curtain situation he looked like you're in like your grandma's house like facing their backyard but you had to close the blinds right right right yeah where are you right now what what are these blinds behind you can you open them it's uh just like a just a window yeah yeah i uh half vaccinated and the people that um had coveter tested positive were fully vaccinated so and they still got it yeah dude yeah so which vaccine did they get i believe the pfizer that's what you get oh no modernity modernity gang let's go i'm madonna but i thought pfizer was bulletproof that was like supposed to be the rolls royce that's more i i get according to statistics that's more like effective well like my point propaganda they're all madurain advisor both like 95 after two doses but damn they still got it huh yeah well the good news is even if you catch it once you've been vaccinated it reduces the severity yeah so it's just it's kind of [ __ ] because this was supposed to be or next week is you know move-in week so um wait yeah you finally you're about to move into your new place yeah may 1st yeah oh [ __ ] zach is moving out of his parents house you guys is so big i gotta get you a housewarming present eventually it's very sweet of you yeah iron lung [Laughter] so it's just kind of bad timing oh i look i'm sorry but i'm looking at myself in the screen i'm trying to sympathize with you zach but i look like such a [ __ ] monster oh oh stop it zach i don't know if i could help you move by the way now oh thanks a.b let's let's wait till you test it first yeah you were going to help him move that's a good friend yeah that's not that's that's high level friendship right there moving he wanted to film it he's like the only movie oh you just wanted did you say that it was actually the exact opposite zack's like we should make a video out of it sure well whoa whoa whoa what's the truth here no he's like we should film it so amy who said we should film it i'm legit going through my phone right now you both are accusing me of filming it and now actually there's something interesting going on here let's see i'm going through my phone i'm looking for the receipts because zach is saying you only would help him if you could film it [ __ ] you baby and that is interesting hmm he's uh going off the stereotype i don't know what to say he's going off the clock stereotype what are you talking about goblin stereotype i don't know the clown goblin stereotype wait what's going on here why are you both zach what's going on why is what's happening here he offered to help me move which was very sweet a baby you know and i said yeah you know that could be cool he's like yeah we should film it i'm like okay yeah so these are not compatible stories at all and then abe you're saying zack is the one why would zach want to film his movie that seems like something you would want to do in defense of zack dude i i'm i swear zack's the one that that first set out but in zack's defense i did agree i did say yeah it might make a good segment for the show to be fair you do make all the behind the scenes videos so why wouldn't you want to film it [Music] wait wait this is so confusing do you both sincerely believe that the other person proposed filming it yes wow this is this is bizarro all right find the receiver yeah we need the receipts you better look into this okay i can't make to wait to make a comment later i've been noticing a lot of tension lately between zach and a bean everything okay no not everything is not okay me and zach are good he calls me every monday we have our monday uh check-in but you guys have a scheduled like chit-chat call we'll we'll just you know make sure you know just you know hi how are you doing you know show prep stuff oh it's it's work related see abe is trying to make he abby's planting you like like this is work related ab it's not like we do we do have a personal call this isn't a work related to call it's not work related it's big brother advice to be fair we do discuss work too yeah of course yeah of course okay am i paying for this call or no depends how you look at it he calls me collect [Laughter] uh all right you get you let me know when you find those receipts i'm really curious now i want to get to the bond with this okay in the meantime [Applause] some nice goofs here at the top of the show before we get into somewhat serious stuff you know i always want to talk about derek chovin going to prison finally a cop is going to go to jail for uh killing somebody and i don't really want to talk about like all the yada yada's uh the serious stuff you know what i do want to talk about is all these conservatives all these supposed free thinking conservatives who somehow have the same exact opinion about every social issue almost like they're pandering to their [ __ ] white supremacist audience um how people are not totally happy with this verdict how the it's it's crazy like all how can every conservative talking head think that this was a misjustice how how for the world but anyway they're all having meltdowns on social media so i thought it'd be fun to look at them they're really wild man it's crazy um there's that there's a oh my god i hate that this is like a political i swear it may seem like a political episode but it's fun because the [ __ ] is ridiculous okay you guys know about the my pillow guy frank um mike mike yeah his website is frank right i love it he apparently made a um new social media platform to rival twitter because all every con every conservative you know who was just spreading misinformation about you know coveted um saying racist [ __ ] you know we're getting banned off twitter oh god you know how hard it is to get banned on twitter yeah you could say some really violent [ __ ] on twitter isis has a twitter account they're still up well i don't think anymore they call them dumb they did that i'm kidding i'm kidding they did though they did for a good while there isis is more brand friendly than uh some of these conservatives so anyway the my pillow guy is on a quest to ruin his life he made a billion dollars selling pillows and now he's doing a speed race to see how long he can uh lose it all and his social media is called frank speech and there's it's all about free speech except one uh caveat of course you cannot take the lord's name in vain so as we know free speech doesn't have any limits of course unless it offends my sensibility also no f word no f word naughty naughty naughty naughty naughty [Music] um you could say the f word here all you want just not in the first 30. snoop what do you think about no f word so anyway um it's a total disaster it's hilarious he thinks trump is calling in and it's a prank caller it's just the whole thing is amazing he's being sued for 1.3 billion dollars by dominion i mean the whole thing is just fantastic uh we've got this and a bunch of other stuff you know oh do we have receipts we do have receipts see okay let's get to the bottom of it let's get to the bottom of it here i'll read it so here it is it says now i'm free to help you move i don't know if i offered already said ab zach responds i appreciate it man i might take you up on that we should film it crying laffy emoji [ __ ] get out zach okay it originated because and i'm gonna look through our conversations because it might be a little further down but um we were having one of these monday calls and he's like um yeah we should totally film it so he he implied it first what the [ __ ] very convenient that he implied it in a place where there can be no record kept of it very convenient well hold on hold on hold on a b do you recall what zack saying no but i didn't feel you're so full of [ __ ] i did feel bad outing him because i'm going through my act i'm going through our text messages i'm seeing how much he offered if i need help on anything and i felt bad outing him but i want to equip myself we gotta get to the bottom of this because like you said you do have a clout goblin reputation and i do feel that zack this contradicts your story you know you're clearly up for the filming which is fine i'm not i'm just trying to get to the bottom of what's going on here i i know i'm i'm i'm up for the filming but he presented the idea first this contradicts that say that well you know i mean so he said you're according to you he said oh we should film it but then you brought it up like because you're bringing it up like first for the first time you say we should film it it's not like oh it seems that way you know what i mean like he brought it up first okay yeah that that that's my defense makes perfect sense to me all right that sounds sounds legit i mean to be fair abe i mean like you said i love you abe he is the clown goblin he does run the behind the scenes stuff you know i i don't even know but he's cool you know he's not like thank you trisha here zach does not own a camera now i'm not accusing anyone of being a clown goblin i just want to know what's going on here it was a b okay wow please ethan you have to trust me on this one i mean okay if you can i mean listen i i i'm a man of facts and evidence my my next message is yeah it could be good i mean well that sounds like so let me ask you guys this are we still going to film it well now i don't know yeah because of the velvet well no now i'm just kind of turned off the whole idea right so well it's your idea where was this it's not my idea i mean it okay okay i'm gonna i'm gonna try and if this was in a courtroom this is very damning evidence zach so you guys stereotyped me you stereotyped me for being a clown goblin you guys thought i was guilty well to be fair you don't have the best track record but hold on zach you weak i need that clout zach you said we should film it i okay i did say that but he had the idea first all right where was this content going to live on the podcast or like on tick tock or on aby's channel where were we gonna put this i have no idea do you think that the podcast audience wants to watch you move zack no maybe how is that behind the scenes for the podcast zach moving i am this is abey's idea this isn't my idea i'm going to try and find the tag what's the i mean i love to watch a time lapse of you guys picking up the moving boxes i mean even though it was zack's idea i thought it was oh for [ __ ] sake potentially as a short segment since we're always goofing on him for living at home right that's true it is a big moment for zach how your parents feel about you moving out are they proud of you uh yeah they are that's good they should be yeah it's awesome man you're supporting yourself that's huge yeah it's uh you know they're a little sad but um sad you're grown as a man they should be begging you for you to leave i wish that was the case but somebody they want you to live in a house forever it's time for you to [ __ ] spread your wings and fly they're always like you can live with us till you're 50. weirdos yeah pants are weird peace and love yeah so i don't know they're just they're a little sad but they're being supportive so that's sweet that's good yeah they're sweet we love that shout out to todd and what's your mom's name stacy todd and stacy all right well let's get to the content all right zach if you have any evidence to refute this let me know i'm all yours but absolutely yeah i'm looking forward to it so trump um apparently he's still confused he thinks he's president he's still giving out lifetime achievement awards and he gave one to walk a flock of flame i will say that while waka wakka does seem like a good guy so i'm like cool with this but this president award not only do he deserve it why today thank you he's so humble it's scary he is waka is a very humble [ __ ] is trump in a position to be giving out like awards and stuff now i mean he's not the president i mean i guess he has like maybe a foundation or something lifetime achievement award on behalf of what's leaving on the dredge like trump's just giving out lifetime achievement he's got the minute he's got the presidential seal on him yeah he's real he's just cosplaying president he's just he can't get over the fact that he's not president he's still giving out presidential medals president trump's recognizing me thank bridget uh just think everybody loves me just enough to love you back anyway we're proud of waka because he does deserve it apparently he's been doing a lot of great uh work but what's funny um here it says the pr look at this medal it says the president's volunteer service award i'm sorry what maybe it was already in motion before he left office and so do you think so i mean maybe i i don't know it i agree it's weird though oh yeah you're right it says we're told 45 signed and certified the trump administration had everything approved before trump oh there you go so it's an official uh presidential medal that's great i mean i'm proud of the guy he is this kind of surprised us he's a doctor yeah that's really cool to you doctor he has an honorary phd in philosophy and humanities or something right humanitarianism humanitarianism was that a discipline well when it's an honorary degree i think you can kind of fudge what it's for a little bit i i'm a doctorate and getting [ __ ] i have an honorary doctorate's degree and getting smashing ass i'm gonna come so anyway um shout out to dr walker flock of flame we love that about him and there's actually it's just there's a whole you know um waka was one of the subjects of my first video edits this is from 2013 man [ __ ] 2013 bro are you kidding me eight years ago eh it's rewind time this is the kind of [ __ ] i was up to back in the day if you guys are curious what yeah you know back in the day my whole thing was i was just making this video edits i was never on camera and i kept making these video edits like this and they were getting lots of views like millions of views but nobody was subscribing to my channel and i was like what the [ __ ] why does nobody why is nobody want to [ __ ] subscribe to my [ __ ] and so i realized that it's because they're not connecting with me it's just a video edit nobody cares it's kind of video people just watch and move on like they have no reason to come and watch my channel yep and that's when i pivoted to making reaction videos because i was making a ton of these video edits they were getting lots of views nobody gave a [ __ ] about me so i was like god damn i should make different kind of content so that's when i made my first reaction and the rest is history um so you have waka the waka to thank for all this waka definitely one of my early my early grades cover all 9 000 tastebuds this video has 14 million views and i i never thought i would make a video that would get more views than this back in the day i think it had like 5 million when i started making reaction videos and i was like it's kind of sad knowing that i'll never make a video they'll get more views than this one but anyway that's fun you know what i mean warm it up but yeah it's not even close to number one get that taco that cream pure vanilla sweeteners that's a 10. were you monetized at the time no no i don't even think there was monetization when i made this [ __ ] 2013. this guy's such a legend he's a professional ice cream taster and he has his tongue insured for a million dollars he makes a big point about saying that and he uses a golden spoon can you guys find clips of him there's a bunch of clips of him and i always enjoy watching um yeah i love this guy there's there's so many of these dude like here little bit painsley area exe a couple of teaspoons of sugar just give that a really good mix there mix that in this is one people really enjoyed [Music] that's it [Music] [Music] uh [Music] that's it to be honest with you guys i had oh this one got age restricted oh it's because it has dj khaled having sex that sucks that was one of my favorites the khalid one to be honest with you guys i didn't know what the [ __ ] i was doing so if you ever want to make videos you don't have to like i literally learned how to edit making this this was the first video i ever edited here's one called pickles i didn't remember what the [ __ ] this is oh yeah this guy i just i couldn't get over he says what's one thing you wouldn't want police to find in the trunk of your car and he says pickles i was like what so i made this whole video just on my thumbnail in the trunk of your car pickles [Music] god it's so stupid so this is a some of those are so dumb that's okay that's what it's all about right um it's rewind time oh here speaking of waka here's another wakka clip that i think is worth watching as we're at the top of the show here again i think wakka's the best and this proves it we love walking here on this show apparently this is some comedian oh my god bro this is really bad oh my god [Applause] the worst thing you've ever seen in your life is she famous do people know who that is i don't oh man i'm looking it up now and i'm seeing waka saying that we set that up we staged that oh no why'd you say that you should have kept that to yourself they staged that well who's the girl i'm not saying her name in here huh interesting he's a liar he's a doctor i thought he was a doctor but actually he's just a liar damn fake doctor oh man i was so invested in this being real oh here it says comedian kate quigley so anyway before we move on i wanted to show you guys the ice cream guy he's one of my favorite people in the world here's a little hi a little bit of him eating ice fat frozen yogurts the cholesterol freeze he's doing a blind taste test to prove that his taste buds are superior and of course he gets every single one right ratio between premium ice creams and then the low fats wow well now we want to we want to test we've got different kinds of ice creams tastes good one of them is ice cream okay and and looking for is an ice cream taster uh dave is uh kind of uh two words when it comes to body and texture can you see that spoon he's got a gold spoon there i take it right off the top because that's the warmest and then invert it cover my taste bud roll it around bring the aroma back to the nose the top note that fine balance between the cream the dairy in other words the sugar sweeteners and that pure vanilla is that the way we should be eating this well uh it's all right okay you know some people like to stir it up um in their bowl oh that's good that's good now roll around all right i feel like taster doesn't host is making a mockery of the his art he's not taking it he's using a plastic spoon he's trying to make a joke about him trying to get all goofy he lets it dribble out of his mouth i just i'm not charmed by you dude it's disrespectful as [ __ ] oh it's already gone it's not necessary to swallow to taste but we're gonna do it here okay that's good all right good moves now that one yeah so anyway i think he's for real if you were that was a typical uh more refreshing uh a little cooler uh 1991 do you think he's still doing this okay still kicking let's go to the next problem just keep doing it man just keep tasting ice cream you know what i mean what you got better [ __ ] to do than taste ice cream i mean people like semen we don't know maybe he suffered a career-ending uh injury to his tongue i wonder if he eats a girl if he's like no eating out i cannot risk straining my tongue and for anything he doesn't eat out you said he insured his tongue for a million dollars right yeah maybe he had a [ __ ] to cash out i wonder if eating a girl out is like super intense for him because you've got these extraordinary tasting skills apparently he tastes an average of 60 ice cream flavors on a daily basis he did not consume the ice cream he spit it out that's disgusting he had a spit cup full of ice cream spit tastes like semen anyway tasting that much ice cream every day didn't i'd eat it well i'd have a [ __ ] mobility scooter and i'd scoot around the factory and i would eat the well ice cream reason you don't get paid to eat ice cream and he does derek shovin finally went to prison what we're we're just about a 30 minute mark so we should probably go to break oh really yeah all right we'll throw it to break and we'll come back and talk about that peace and love peace and love magic's boom god i am obsessed with magic spoon i have always loved cereal but it's hard to get away with eating cereal these days as an adult who's trying not to be morbidly obese because you know good cereals packed with sugar and junk and carbs that's why magic spoon is changed the game forever zero grams of sugar 14 grams of protein and only four net grams of carbs in each serving it only has 140 calories per serving it's incredible it's made from like milk protein blend so it doesn't have any flour in it um and it's all protein it tastes so good that's where i got it this is a game changer i know you guys don't like me eating the mic but they asked me to eat it for the copyright i was like sure [ __ ] thing bro they got four flavors big best-selling flavors the cocoa fruity frosted and peanut butter they're all amazing dude i have been kicking down this magic spoon i'm telling you it is a game changer [ __ ] this is the frost one i love the fruity i love the coconut i'll be honest i don't like the peanut butter flavors but the cocoa fruity and frosted wow top level [ __ ] i honestly taste exactly like the cereal you had growing up except it's healthy it's not going to make you fat it tastes amazing and honestly i feel like it's too good to be true it's keto friendly goo gluten free grain free soy free low carb and gmo free i'm telling you just try this [ __ ] the high protein keto friendly gluten-free grain-free soy-free wheat-free naturally flavored totally delicious child like cereal for products whoa well it's not big connect it's real okay that's real it is real yo trust me when i say you have to try magic spoon click the link below and grab a variety pack try it today and be sure to use the promo code h3 at checkout and get five dollars off your order go to magicspoon.com h3 magic spoon is so confident that with their product is backed by a 100 happiness guarantee so if you don't like it for any reason they'll refund you no questions asked click the link below and use code h3 for five dollars off or go to magicspoon.com h3 to save five dollars today derrick shelvin is a piece of [ __ ] cop who got went to jail for murdering george floyd and of course there was the predictable conservative meltdown because first of all these people were like so excited for rioting to take place they were so ready for the like country to burn down just so they could like drive home all of their their white nationalist points you know well they also they were so upset that there weren't riots everywhere right and i think that just goes to show that they were all fully expecting him to get off yeah right i was too to be honest you know because they always do they always do they usually do i i i felt like he was he was [ __ ] well listen if you can't convict a guy who kneeled on someone's neck for nine minutes and was filmed the whole time doing it if that's not enough evidence then there's never enough evidence to convict anyone for anything any police officer for anything but they did it they convicted him guilty on all counts and they handcuffed that [ __ ] and they stumped him off the jail it was quite a sight here he is he looks kind of confused the whole time in the court they were just like he just looked kind of confused like what police sellers aren't supposed to go to jail for killing people that's what we do that's why i signed up i did feel like because i i actually saw a range of interpretations of like his facial expressions and everything and i i feel like there's a little bit of like a rorschach test effect going on especially since he had a mask on because i saw some people saying that he looked confused others looking like he had no emotion at all other people saying that he uh looked like he was about to cry i think he honestly i think he was just shocked i think he was just in like a surreal state of shock he's sitting there about to go to jail for like probably life you know 75 years in prison he's he's facing i mean the dude was a cop like i think that most he's facing 40. and so at his age it's like a life sentence you know what i mean yeah i mean effectively any and jail ain't going to be easy on a cop who killed somebody you know he'll be in protective custody yeah but the entire time yeah but you know what i'm saying you pass people in the hallway and [ __ ] it's it's not going to be a happy experience for him probably not so i think for him he's just in a state of shock it's just surreal you you're out one day a cop pushing everyone i mean this was not a good cop this guy had a history of like um a violent of being a violent cop and so he's on one hand he goes from being on the street being the top dog that can has power over everyone to go into [ __ ] jail you know so i think his whole world is just upside down i don't know yeah anyway um he's in prison and this was i didn't really understand this but he's found guilty of like second-degree manslaughter third degree murder and second degree murder i i was like i don't know you could be found guilty on three different charges of killing someone oh abe said he so this [ __ ] guy by the way you know how the conservatives always go oh george george floyd ran a stop sign when he was 15 so you know he kind of had it coming right like whenever anything like this happens they always assassinate the character of the victim always but why do none of them mention that this cop derek chauvin had 18 complaints on his official record 18 complaints two of which ended in discipline including official letters of reprimand nobody [ __ ] mentions this guy this this cop is apparently a true patriot and every cop should be um should be quitting in solidarity with him this guy had 18 complaints on his record why does no one bring that up this guy is not a good cop he's a piece of [ __ ] 18 complaints in only 19 years so it's like once a year every year i mean the guy had an official reprimand he was disciplined twice i mean there's way too much patience in the system for bad cops you could look at this guy and be like this guy is a bad cop so why the [ __ ] was he allowed to stay on i'm supposed to worry about george floyd because like he did drugs yeah this guy beats the [ __ ] out of people for a living and calls it justice anyway he's in jail these were the these are the counts he says uh second-degree manslaughter uh i'm kind of i was just interested in the charges let's see secondary manslaughter is when a person creates an unreasonable risk and consciously takes the chance of causing death or great bodily harm to someone else i mean yeah that that boom easy easy conviction he was guilty he was guilty on that and then there was a third degree murder third degree murder is unintentionally causing someone's death by committing an act that is eminently dangerous to other persons while exhibiting while exhibiting a depraved mind with reckless disregard for human life wow this is interesting because i'm not familiar with like all these degrees of murder third degree murder guilty it varies from state to state too by the way so these are the definitions in uh minneapolis minnesota second-degree murder second-degree murder is causing the death of a human being without intent to cause that death while committing or attempting to commit another felony oh in this case the alleged felony was third degree assault interesting so they also found them guilty on that so what is first-degree murder just pre-meditated straight-up murder yes you have to have intent beforehand you're like i'm gonna go kill this dude right it's not it's not a it's not it's not a heat of the moment kind of thing it's it's you you set out with the intent of killing someone oh they got him good man on all this [ __ ] guilty on all charges yeah i was reading this morning that i guess in uh minnesota typically um the time is served concurrently so that's why yeah the 40 is is likely the max he'll see yeah i think he'll serve exactly but i think it's just for the record you know like yep so anyway what i really was not couldn't get enough of yesterday was the you know conservative uh meltdown ben all the usual suspects what i i've blown away that all these so-called free-thinking conservatives right have the same take on every issue how is it possible that not one of them ever deviates and has a [ __ ] original thought in their head if they're such free thinkers how is it that all of them agree that somehow this cop who was filmed for nine minutes killing this man what is a miscarriage of justice not one of them thinks it's a reasonable thing okay ben shapiro of course [Applause] the biggest brain on the right wet ass p word the the uh the most galaxy brained of them all [Music] uh don lemon said justice has been served and ben's like oh no i'm going in justice has been served i'm going in he said and we all know we would never have said this if the reverse verdict had been reached how was that [ __ ] insightful [Laughter] hassan ratio the [ __ ] out of him was epic hassan a friend of the show 176 000 likes swoops in he says almost like there's a difference between a murderer going free and not i mean yeah what is your point ben like literally you're [ __ ] that's an insightful tweet if this hypothetical thing that didn't happen there's some horrors in this house this hypothetical thing had happened instead of what actually happened then you all know you'd be acting differently well that's like that's the whole point is that yes that that would not be justice if a murderer walked free yes that would not be justice ben very [ __ ] insightful extra large and extra hard literally i don't even understand the point of his statement i mean i'll say what i think he's saying is that if the verdict had been not guilty and it was determined that he hadn't killed george floyd in a hypothetical world where there was some circumstance that could explain away why he didn't kill him and that it was proven to be not guilty we wouldn't nobody would be saying oh justice has been served yeah exactly exactly that's the whole point of this whole movement that would be not justice dumb [ __ ] i think what he's saying is like oh you have to accept the court's decision no again i think he's he's trying to we don't need to analyze ben shapiro's dumbass tweet wet ass p word yeah ben got clowned on a lot for that one i've that was a really epic uh ratio by hassan so definitely a shout out to hassan tim poole which again is another usual suspect it's like they all have the same [ __ ] take tim poole man this guy is kind of the worst he's one of these guys that pretends he used to be like a democrat and then woke politics somehow pushed him to the right isn't that his whole check yeah that's why he tweeted cops need to resign and mass now really i have no problem with a cop resigning in response to one of their [ __ ] look you got a bad apple right we keep talking about bad apples in the police fort if you're an officer that has a problem with derrick shoven going to prison then i would [ __ ] happily accept your resignation right and i'd be glad to replace you with someone new i love how tim pool is just speaking on behalf of all cops by the way all cops need to resign now and mass it's like okay tim behind your [ __ ] computer sitting at home like dude [Music] so not only is he saying that derek was wrongfully convicted he's taken upon himself to insist that all cops now must resign in solidarity with their in solidarity with their murderous brother he wants no police on the street do you want police on the street or not tim you know what i mean i know people were clowning on him like hey that's kind of based yeah abolish the police exactly exactly these guys are they literally can't even keep track of their own [ __ ] points because oh it's really the top reply based by accident based by accident yeah you know because tim is like because there's this whole movement abolish the police right and so all people like tim pool are always going what do people think they're just going to be police there's going to be nobody to stop them there's going to be crime there's going to be murders right and so now all of a sudden when one cop finally one cop finally gets held to account because there's actually just a video in his face of it happening which disputes by the way his official report i read the official report can you find that i was tweeted by um anderson cooper i think the official report of that day before the video was released said something like there was an altercation with a man who died of a drug overdose no weapons were fired that was the official police report what the [ __ ] you know and that's how they [ __ ] cover this [ __ ] up every time but now there's a camera in his face and he actually gets held accountable and people like tim poole are like we all all cops need to resign here i found it you want me to send it to you or read it uh you can send it to me okay yeah you guys wanna know how crazy we love dan you guys know how crooked this [ __ ] is okay this is the police report of george floyd being murdered by derek chauvin before the video was released are you ready for this okay man dies after medical incident during police interaction it's an interaction it's a nice way to say murder i had a i had an interaction on monday evening shortly after 8 pm officers from minneapolis police department responded to a 3700 block of chicago avenue south on a report of forgery in progress officers were advised that the suspect was sitting on top of a blue car and appeared to be under the influence two officers arrived and located the suspect a male believed to be in his 40s in his car he was ordered to step from his car after he got out he physically resisted officers officers were able to get the suspect into handcuffs and noted he appeared to be suffering medical distress officers called for an ambulance he was transported to um hennepin county medical center by ambulance where he died shortly after there were no at no time were weapons of any used weapons of any type used by anyone involved in the incident so this is how they write up a cold-blooded [ __ ] murder in front of two of his colleagues right they said so remember he had his net his knee dug into his neck as he begged for his life he said i can't breathe nine minutes a murder and they describe that as officers got him into handcuffs and noted he was suffering medical distress they called him an ambulance where he died shortly after and tim paul is defending the system all cops need to resign bye bye that's what we're saying we finally agreed timpool these guys are such grifters bro i swear to [ __ ] god they don't even care they have no opinion they have no original thought they're all just spewing the same vile [ __ ] that they know their their white supremacist by the way this is white supremacy let's be real this [ __ ] cops have they have a blank check to kill i mean dude this is white supremacy i mean this is it right i mean this is like lightly veiled white supremacy this [ __ ] happens all the time especially to black men and i mean happens black black people you know i can't believe this [ __ ] and so there's like a whole mass of like right wing ultra right-wingers that consume content on youtube and popular media because i guess fox news isn't racist enough for them and so um they're they're just giving them what they want i don't think tim poole i don't even know what he really agrees but he's just making money because they get tons of [ __ ] views on youtube and they ha they can't deviate because the their their fans revolt you know yeah uh as a matter of fact did you see uh well i think her name's janine pirro or something judge pirro or whatever she's like the legal expert on fox news all the time she's a died in the wool conservative and you know big time trump supporter you know as as right wing as you'd think that they come and after the trial i mean she said the truth which is that this there the prosecution's case is solid it won't be overturned in appeal i know people don't want to hear that but she actually you know said it like it is and the audience is now stopping her like they're you know the the anti-cancel culture mob is now trying to cancel her because she didn't toe the line that's it i don't like it i love that because that's so true it's so obvious right everybody's there to get this specific take they want to validate their own their own belief and so when someone there is brave enough to actually [ __ ] say what they think that goes against the grain they get castrated by these by these rabid people that they've all kind of [ __ ] kind of have to own at this point by just spoon feeding them toxic mania and that's how you end up in this situation so they're trying to cancel her for just saying that the prosecution is i mean this just happened yesterday i mean i don't you know these people have the attention spans of goldfish so they'll be but yeah you'll be pissed off at something else probably by now so you know if tim poole made a video being like the honestly if it was just like derek chauvin goes to prison and it was the right decision it would have like 80 dislikes i'm unsubbing tim's lost it he's always been a liberal right stephen crowder of course who um made a youtube video i don't know if you guys saw it where he did we ever sh i don't think we do i don't think we did it's pretty [ __ ] up can we pull up a clip of that list well i i think he actually got removed and i think that's what actually tipped it over the uh he he's like suspended from youtube now and i think he lost his conversation like permanently so this [ __ ] i probably shouldn't show it this actual steaming pile of dog [ __ ] named stephen crowder did a video of like a week ago during the trial where he was like i'm gonna prove to you guys that there's no way george floyd died from having a knee in his neck and he goes outside and he has his friend put it put his knee right he wait whoa whoa okay let me he was temporary banned for something because oh he was doing this bla he was oh my god he is such a racist he did this video like making all these black stereotypes that was super offensive so he got a temporary ban and his first video back after his temporary ban is this video about how george flake couldn't have died this way so he goes outside he has his friend neal on his neck for 11 or 9 minutes but like it's he's such a [ __ ] his friend puts all of his weight on his back and he's not jabbing his knee into his neck it's just it's so not a fair comparison and it and i couldn't believe that he actually made this video and he's such a [ __ ] for not actually doing it the right way he's obviously scared of taking a real knee in the neck yeah the guy put the his knee on his back not on his neck he didn't actually put the pressure on his neck and also it didn't do it on blacktop like how it actually occurred and the guy on top of him didn't have a bunch of equipment like a police officer does like well all of those things and like his knee his like when you look at derek his knee is jagged slamming into his neck this guy was on his like kneecaps his pressure wasn't like slamming into his neck like a jagged you know what i mean yeah i'm going to send you a picture right now that you can put up yeah exactly the original video is gone i was just trying to find it it's gone but so you see how he's on his neck hey i mean he's not actually he's trying to do something look at this [ __ ] if you're gonna [ __ ] do it you might as well do it this is really you are such a [ __ ] and again the reason that they did this is because of uh when in the body cam footage which is separate from the video that most people saw it parts of the body cam footage it kind of looks like that's what's happening but it's a very distorted angle obviously super wide angle lens on the person's chest or whatever and from every other angle you can see what's actually going on and they covered this in the trial and it was thoroughly debunked so i mean if he was actually watching the trial yeah i mean yeah i don't think any of these guys watch the trial i don't think because all the moments from the trial the prosecution was amazing wow that's and that's why i was saying earlier i i really didn't think he was going to get off because if you were paying attention to trial at all i mean their case was locked up i mean yeah the the prosecutors were amazing the defense had like i mean no [ __ ] case they spent they spent like hours arguing talking about how he must have consumed carbon monoxide from the exhaust of the car he goes and then the pro the the prosecutor gets up and counter uh he he cross-examines their medical expert and he goes do you even know if the car was on or not he goes no i don't know if the car was on or not he goes do you have any way of measuring co2 in his blood he says no i don't have any way of measuring that yeah they were i mean there was because there was no defense so they were grasping at straws yeah i mean that that's what defense lawyers do and you know no i know hey it's fine they're doing their job i get it but um i don't think they watched because you hear all the talking points right like oh co2 oh drugs oh this and that but like if you actually watch the trial and all the facts come out you find out it's all [ __ ] but is stephen crowder a racist yes yes and as he he said by the way i didn't even read it of course so he quotes tweet martin luther king jr martin luther king the third you really want to come out martin luth the martin luther king's okay stephen crowder today justice was served for the floyd family but we still live in a nation clothed in injustice true justice for black americans can only come through a complete revolution of values we need an overhaul of system deeply looted in racism i agree steven crowder come in with a hot take here we go of course there will be a pivot expect more police to quit in the coming weeks what the [ __ ] a pivot what does he mean a pivot like oh and it's not about george floyd anymore it's about like uh you know a wider problem trying to trying to fix our policing system yeah that's new nobody ever said that before it is of course there would be a pivot to actually trying to make an actual difference in the world [ __ ] predictable liberals trying to make good meaningful changes and again these guys are threatening basically that the police are going to quit it's like you don't have you don't speak for the police you don't [ __ ] it's these guys are just trying to sell fear and hysteria expect more police to quit in the coming weeks good right like you said any police officer that quits over this that's a blessing that's great it's fantastic it's great news fantastic he goes yo i'm really unsettled that i can't go kill people right now we don't want those people being police please resign uh yeah i had an incident the official report we had an incident a medical incident after a slight altercation no weapons were used crowd is like cool that's that's a perfect description so mask off on all these pieces of [ __ ] racists [ __ ] you steven crowder you're a piece of [ __ ] you literally are a [ __ ] white nationalist i really do think so you know they can deny being racist all they want be like ooh h3 said that i'm a racist can you [ __ ] believe that yes this is this is lightly veiled racism stephen crowder as a racist has changed my mind right exactly well i i once i had a friend in fifth grade that was black hmm yeah changed my mind stephen crowder well he is like the quarter rings hero so i think that's he is yeah the quartering went on the show and he was like totally fangirling sounds more nervous than i did the first time i was on this show does steven know he pees in his basement i don't know that's kind of cocky behavior i don't i don't think stephen crowder uh stands for cocky baby or like the cornering displays on a daily basis pete in my basement i saw crowder's last video was uh yet another uh debate on college campus video or whatever i just looked it up this dude's 33 same age as me i can you imagine well going to a school and just trying to argue with a bunch of children why are you going to college campuses these kids are not highly educated i mean they're getting that's why that's why i know but like he go he goes and he asks like random college kids to debate like uh you know really complex topics like what was the reason why he he asked them to debate let's see it's like i would love to see you debate like as a doctor someone with a doctor yeah anybody that actually knows what they're talking about you know opposing voter id is racist changed my mind yeah latest yeah why don't you go [ __ ] talk to like a voting right lawyer i mean look at this guy wake up you know i mean dude he's [ __ ] it's so stupid i wish one of the professors would come down and debate he probably cut it to be honest yeah and that's the exactly you you see what he wants you to see yeah he spends all day there and then he adds and all the all the people that uh can't argue coherently man he's such a douche so that's crowder and then this one's my favorite one of my favorites tucker carlson on fox news has been absolutely having a meltdown you know he's got complete joker brain yeah tucker's been kind of losing it because even even like a week ago he did this whole rant on a show about white uh replacement theory i was like whoa tucker's like he's been masked off for a couple years now he's uh yeah even the white replacement theory was kind of surprising for me though so he is like fully masked off white supremacist and of course uh candace owen every white supremacist token black person i'm sorry but uh i don't know how else to put that she's kind of just the worst can i say that dan yeah i can say that i mean that's completely what she is for conservatives that's 100 accurate i mean i i i don't know if it's my right to call her a token black but she's correct i mean listen to what she says here candace owen is i mean yeah she's the darling of all these white supremacists because she just comes out and sells the same [ __ ] they do and they could be like look a black person believes that candace uh hitler wasn't so bad owens right hannah or candice uh hit lick is listen we needed a final plan owens final solution final solution not everything is about hitler true anyway listen to this great uh interaction you'd think in a country like ours very top i mean this is the most first world country that's ever been you think the most civilized and the most just here you have to consider a murder case through the lens of politics when you get to that point haven't you already given up civilization why can't they just admit the trial was fair why are they obsessed with this idea that the whole thing was just politicized and that's the only reason he's found guilty did anyone actually watch the [ __ ] trial the guy had no chance he was caught murdering someone for nine minutes on video he has 18 miscon he has 18 complaints on his record you know this is not a good dude that's correct and what we're really seeing is mob justice and and that's really what happened with this entire trial this was not a trial about george floyd or derek chovin this was a trial about whether the media was powerful enough to create a simulation and decide upon a narrative absent any facts whether it was powerful enough to repeat showing and talking about a nine minute clip that came from somebody's cell phone without adding any contacts without showing the full you know there was a ton of added contacts yeah in the trial nine minutes that's a long video of additional content i like how she says it came from a cell phone as somehow it's like oh it just came from somebody's cell phone it's like uh yeah what's wrong with that god cell phones are great these days bro full police video which they could have released they refused to release the full body cam which would have added more clarity to the fact that the media was lying you know the media came out let's not forget this tucker the media came out and told us that this was a man who was just getting his life together he was a good you know good member of society and he got mixed up because a racist white police officer had it out for him and and killed him now candace owen wright when after the murder came out she made this whole long video she was one of the first people to be like okay george floyd i'm gonna come out and tell you about what a terrible person george floyd was she was doing the the predictable assassinate the character of anyone who gets brutalized by the police because if he's done anything wrong previously previous to his arrest it justifies him being murdered she goes oh he did a gay porn once oh well he's a drug user oh well this he oh he did a robbery back and such and such and it's like none of this has anything to do with the fact that he was [ __ ] murdered by the police right she uh yeah she's basically she's such a pawn man it's crazy all of that fell apart all the facts came out and all of that fell apart we now know of course that he had enough fentanyl in him it was three times the lethal dosage three times and then when he died but nobody cares because the media was successful and putting out a narrative so that's a blatant lie and this is [ __ ] brain poison people that consume this are literally poisoning their brain because she's just straight up [ __ ] lying it doesn't there need to be some accountability on like a news broadcast you can't just blatantly [ __ ] lie say they had three times the three times the what they can because they they it's not news this is the argument that they make over and over again when that stands they're not news yeah it's an opinion show it's not news and oftentimes in court um similar to the alex jones case we were talking about recently um with his whole sandy hook uh thing is that they're forced in court to argue themselves that nobody should take their own show seriously right that's that that's how they well who's getting away about themselves was a tucker or someone uh i was gonna say that tucker said that uh off the top of my head uh it could have been he got sued by someone he was like oh it's just an act nobody's supposed to take me seriously yeah and and i know for sure that was the alex jones defense is that it's it's all uh schtick you're honest performance art your honor it's all shtick it's not funny so when you said that he had three times the amount of fentanyl that would kill a normal person was that schtick just stick your honor was it true no your honor just stick and putting out a narrative and they kept hitting that narrative and the reason why the democrats are happy is because they realize of course the media supports them and now the democrats how is this a political issue what they want because they can create a narrative and then they can treat people like pawns and get them to basically say if we don't get what we want we will riot we will loot we will send these people out like soldiers to destroy your neighborhoods and that is exactly what has happened that has been the determination of this trial the media and the democrats now have enough power cut to writing that's not happening i mean this is propaganda this is brain [ __ ] poison they're cutting to riding that isn't happening this child the media and the there's no rioting power to bully to bully and to lie to you has the date on it again successfully but very yeah juxtaposing these images absolutely so she says this [ __ ] liar real quick just before we move on i found it um in uh us district judge uh opinion um the arguments from fox lawyers are that the general tenor of the show should then inform the viewer that carlson is not stating actual facts about the topics he discusses and in instead engaging in an exaggeration and non-literal commentary see that should not hold up in court that's just not what he's doing it's just not this fox persuasively argues that given mr carlson's reputation any reasonable viewer arrive with an appropriate amount of skepticism about the statements that he makes this is his own lawyers making this argument yeah but it's about i know but it's a bad faith argument because any reasonable viewer would does not make that conclusion no reasonable viewer watches his [ __ ] show got him it's not even a joke well there is a lot of people that watch his show sadly there's a lot of old people that watch the show and they don't know they're being lied to and their brain fill up with [ __ ] poison they go oh and then they just walk around saying this [ __ ] like oh he was high he the fentanyl killed him the fentanyl killed him so you know okay the um the defense brought a medical expert that was trying to say all this stuff about the fentanyl and the co2 and all the [ __ ] that could have killed him so the prosecution under cross examination destroys this guy okay watch this this goes to candace owens state this blatant [ __ ] lie at fox news that he was so high on fentanyl he was on the verge of an overdose three times three times he's first put on the ground that he's pulled out of the car squad 320 he's subdued and restrained on the ground mr chavin is on his uh neck and back um did you ever see mr floyd at any time uh manifest either sleepiness a lack of awareness that he wasn't arousable and that sort of thing no not until you lost consciousness and and typically doctor when somebody uh passes away from a fentanyl or opioid overdose one of the hallmarks of that is that they are very sleepy and they will tend to be unarousable and uh pass away in essentially a coma right correct if they are passing away from fentanyl overdose that's what happens and mr floyd was manifesting none of those outward symptoms was he correct it does not exclude the fact that it was still having a depressive effect on his respiratory system well before he lost consciousness uh his respiration rate i think you told us uh that you agree with dr tobin was somewhere in the ballpark of 22 breaths a minute right correct that is normal isn't it yes if fentanyl was affecting his respiration then you would expect it a respiratory rate that would have been appreciably less than 22 breaths a minute if it's depressing his uh respiratory system right unless he should have been breathing at 30 at that particular stage because of his exertion and other stressors and you have no really basis or baseline to suggest that mr floyd should have been breathing at 30 instead of normal 22 right a person who is getting short of oxygen to their brain will often increase or usually increase their respiratory rate to more than 30. i wonder why he was getting a shortage of oxygen to his brain maybe it was the knee in his neck chauvin's taking note he was writing the whole time which is just like what the [ __ ] are you writing dude he's like right i'm [ __ ] i'm [ __ ] anyways i think that was the relevant part there was a part where he's talking about dosage in the blood work done in the autopsy there was 11 nanograms of fentanyl present and according to expert witnesses this is not enough to be considered fatal as you can see he clearly wasn't having depression of breathing he wasn't in a coma he wasn't showing any signs of com of an overdose you know um there were two autopsies done one by a county medical examiner and another by private medical examiner hired by floyd's family as well as a review by military experts and they all conducted they all concluded the same thing that floyd died of culminary polio culminary cardiopulmonary arrest as the officer subdued him and compressed his neck and chest on the [ __ ] birth or on the death certificate it all says homicide says homicide he was murdered this claim that he has three times the luthier dose is some boomer meme from facebook this is the only origin of this claim that we can find so apparently candace is just on boomer facebook here's the post george floyd had enough fentanyl in his system to kill three grown men or two stacey abrams nice attack a completely irrelevant attack on stacey abrams like why did you have to even do that but no i mean no he did not have enough to even overdose one normal human being so again this is all literal [ __ ] lies and propaganda the fact that they're even able to broadcast such a blatant [ __ ] lie is uh honestly honestly bro i don't think i don't think they should be able to do that if they're news they gotta there needs to be a standard you know this this is just this or they need to make it more clear that they're not the news yeah i would like to see a disclaimer in front of carl's show every time where he goes hi this is just a performance anything i say should not be taken seriously even that's not enough but yeah i mean what the [ __ ] it's just a blatant lie more carl carl tucken is on suicide watch from this verdict carl tucken to carl duncan that's his name god damn it he's carl tucker now dude doesn't i i should deserve the respect of his name here's carl tucken having a meltdown i just think when he has one reasonable dude on the show that agrees with the verdict tucker has an absolute [ __ ] meltdown by the way is a is a former police officer oh he's like oh well [ __ ] you you need to resign yeah he's just he's not hardcore enough yeah all police need to resign are you resigning we want our freedom for the world trader this trader isn't even making an ish issuing a statement calling on every police officer to resign i think that it was excessive and it shouldn't happen and what i'd like to do the guy who did it looks like he's going to spend the rest of his life in prison so i'm kind of more worried about the rest of the country which thanks to police inaction in case you haven't noticed is like boarded up so that's more of my concern bro he's literally having a meltdown i don't even know what the [ __ ] he's talking about he says police in action the rest of the country is being boarded up he's just talking about riots that aren't taking place what's he talking about is he making sense no that's joker brain exactly that is a [ __ ] meant psychic break we should sound bite that laugh yeah i'll pull it it's police in action in case you haven't noticed is like boarded up so that's more of my concern but i appreciate it thank you hello nope done thank you wow i i just think that what a [ __ ] legend yeah full meltdown because uh one officer was held accountable you know they act like the whole our whole gov our whole democracy is falling apart because one officer who clearly murdered someone on tape is going to jail god [ __ ] forbid that's funny man that's chet chet has the best joker laugh did you guys know that you can't say chet hanks without ethan in the middle i kind of blew my mind when i someone posted that on the subreddit chet hanks has ethan in the middle take for that what you will ferment oh greg gutfield this was a great one uh even getting reprimanded by his own co-host on fox news for the absolutely vile take and now i'm going to just get really selfish uh i'm glad that he was found guilty on all charges yeah even if he might not be guilty of all charges i am glad that he is guilty of all charges because i want a verdict that keeps this country from going up in flames uh uh-uh oh my goodness no outrage right even is unclear what do you mean dumb ass cause oh i didn't realize that's the woman i was talking about right there yeah so i mean she's usually real far right well but uh yeah let her finish he's being honest uh my my tat my neighborhood was looted i don't ever want to go through that again we do not sacrifice individuals for the sake i'm saying he's guilty i'm saying i'm glad about the verdict shut up dude this guy's such a piece of [ __ ] he literally is just taking the shittiest take possible he goes okay i don't believe he's guilty but i'm happy he's being found guilty because my neighborhood's not gonna get burned down like okay bro can you find a shittier take oh my god now i gotta tell you i heard uh greg a few minutes ago and i got to tell you i don't know greg uh is off his meds he believes excuse me there was not ever you heard him what did you say he said you're off your meds you sensitive little [ __ ] this is very you're getting so outraged because he said you're off your meds what about a cop just killed somebody more outraged about this little s what did you say excuse me what did he say yes that's what these guys are such [ __ ] they say the most [ __ ] up thing they tipped they veil it like in the slightest veil and so they can just be like i didn't say that you said i'm glad he's going to jail even if he's not guilty so why would you say that why would you say that unless you don't think that he might not be guilty let me tell you this this judge could as janine said conducted a fair hearing i'm not you said it's like coward tommy laren another piece of [ __ ] you know the usual suspects she i love this she goes you got your justice what you got your justice so i'm assuming there will be peace in minneapolis tonight no writing no looting no harassing officers well there wasn't right dan not that i heard of yeah i didn't hear of any writing uh she walked this back real quick by the way she she did say that she she thought he was guilty i don't know if she was sincere she was just saying that because she got a lot of flack but yeah well that's what the guy in fox news hey i didn't say he was not guilty right but i love this she goes you got your justice i'm sorry who got who's justice why is it your again this is like the otherism it's like hey black people you got your justice that's what you're saying she's saying yeah okay black people you got your justice so now you're gonna do the right thing right [ __ ] it's everybody's justice i love the top reply what's this shut up [ __ ] shut up uh that clip's awesome we should sound like that yeah that's a good one you got it yeah you okay black people you got your justice excuse me justice is justice that's not your justice it's not our justice you [ __ ] dumb [ __ ] [ __ ] you such a horrible person literally how does it feel just to [ __ ] sell your soul for clicks damn crazy these people are insane oh another one i know this is going on long guys but i'm sorry i just i really enjoy this these people are having meltdowns and i feel like we should celebrate this well it's such a mask off moment for these people you know she says is foot locker safe tonight black store right should it should be right justice right no need to steal the name of george fulleriem all right again no writing you [ __ ] racist piece of [ __ ] there was no writing again you're literally just calling out black people who got there i mean uh you know mask off these you can see them for what they are now timothy burke who's this oh yeah of course and of course not to leave out the left side as well this blew my mind uh nancy pelosi made a really bizarre statement in response to the guilty verdict thank you george floyd for sacrificing your life for justice she says thank you george floyd for sacrificing your life for jesus i don't think he sacrificed his life i think he was murdered i don't i think if he could choose he probably choose to be alive yes it was not a choice you're [ __ ] idiot he's not a did man you know what i mean he didn't jump on a grenade he was murdered that reminds me of something dave chappelle said in terms of people trying to assassinate his characters that we didn't choose him you chose him right you chose him because he was killed and it wasn't right so right that's a good point yeah i remember when dave made that point it's really good it's like we didn't choose for this guy to be the [ __ ] hero the hero of the movement you're the one that [ __ ] murdered him yeah exactly but a lot of people were making a comparison to zach go ahead what this sounds like someone else we know go ahead zach what are you talking about you know what i'm talking about don't make me don't make me say it who nancy sounds like that you come on i'm not following either yeah me me three sorry oh okay i guess it's me shout out to your family oh he's sounding a lot like uh yeah he's doing a shout out to his family david yeah david yeah i mean obviously this is another this is a completely different kind of um tone deafness from all the other ones that we watch but but it is still tone definitely she's tone that if she made a she made a goof she's just like she missed you the point right right she's not a [ __ ] like you can't compare it to these other [ __ ] bags they're just overtly racist yeah it's not i'm not trying to make a false equivalency but for being there to call out to your mom i mean she's it's just funny it's just it's just funny it's like shout out to the family yeah exactly i really think that the world needs to have peace and i want to say i dedicate this song to george ford's family and i hope this shout out comforts them during this dark time that's it that's all i have about this should we watch david gouda just to do a little eye bleach sure david giudice cures fixes racism david david gouda i already got it [Music] all right guys let's let's end racism here now like nancy pelosi and i really hope we can see more unity and more peace when already things are so difficult so difficult so shout out to his family [Music] yes shout out to the family oh can i get a whomp bump for the family can i get a yeah [Music] oh man it's been exhausting what do you think i mean am i overreacting i mean what do you think about all these conservative three free thinkers that are having meltdowns might what's your take it's just i think that they really thought he was gonna get off um and you can see it based off of you know all of their statements uh leading up to it and then even some of the statements after the fact that they they had already kind of established this narrative that he's going to walk and the the country is going to burn down in is going to be rise because the black people are can't control themselves and they didn't they didn't so they had this all kind of built up in their head and then it went the other way and kind of like shoving himself i think there's just a degree of shock and that's why i mean these takes were still coming out from some of these people of like uh okay no riots now or or just all of this and you know they're still talking about the riots which aren't happening yeah they had the whole fantasy they had their whole week of content lined up right around riot exactly and so hey by the way you know what causes riots and theft and stuff like that desperation and poverty [ __ ] face how about a little [ __ ] compassion yeah in the face of justice system which is not delivering on on justice you know what you can't imagine yourself going to foot locker and stealing shoes it's because you're not [ __ ] poor and desperate not justifying what they're doing but i'm saying there's like there's cause there's cause and reasons for everything exactly you know dan's a good man thank you thank you joe you said that with a lot of conviction he really believes that yeah he's good at that we love dan oh who is that i believe that was wendy williams andy williams oh thanks wendy wow a lot of love for dan and they're about to stay you guys watch the jake paul boxing boy did i ever bro i l i saw this joke on lines but so i'm not going to claim this as my own but it is what comes to mind i [ __ ] pirated that [ __ ] and i still felt robbed like man i watched that whole [ __ ] thing it was supposed to start at like six and then there's like all these there's like doji cat and justin bieber i was like what the [ __ ] is going on the concert aspect of it was mind-blowing i can't like it's crazy high-level people yeah yeah totally but i don't think there's a big crossover of people that want to watch boxing and people that want to watch justin bieber so i don't know not really right right exactly but anyway the the [ __ ] fight here's the knockout i'll show you guys so i waited all night for this [ __ ] fight and then you know i you guys gave me so much [ __ ] when i was saying that ben askrem didn't look good um did i show the picture of his weigh-in i don't think i ever showed that you guys maybe we did on after dark i forget i don't think i did yeah can you guys no i don't really uh i was a little baffled by the um by all the mma people fans coming after you because you everything that you said ended up being 100 i was like look he's out of shape he's retired he's not a boxer this is not a fair fight jake is way bigger i mean look yeah he's an olympian he was but i mean he's not a boxer he doesn't know how to box and he's out of shape he hasn't fought i mean here's his weigh-in photo the dude is built like me the guy has no definition the guy he's out of shape unquestionably i mean come on what kind of weigh-in is this bro [ __ ] fried chicken this is a prized fighter and what world is a surprise fighter headlining this was the to be fair he always kind of looked like this because i i after the fact went and looked at some footage of he did not look like this pull-up i mean not as flabby but if you see any pictures of him from his uh mma days in the ufc he he doesn't look like a typical mma fighter because he comes from wrestling he was always a you know dude he's got listen he was definitely more jacked but yeah yeah but that's way better i mean look how jacked his arms are i i agree but okay look at him next to any other ufc fight look at this right okay okay yes obviously he's okay he's lost a step and look at this okay he's jacked look at his arms you know i agree look at this look at this yeah ben asked her ladies and gentlemen i'm not taking anything away from him in his previous life but this is a [ __ ] j this matchup is a joke i'm so over this youtube boxing [ __ ] unless he fights a real [ __ ] boxer in the prime of his career next time i am not i'm we're not watching i don't want any more [ __ ] fights from jake he literally just knocked out a 40 year old man who hasn't fought in like a two like several years who has no experience in boxing we don't care although even considering all that i was still first of all they fought for like what a few minutes on the top of the hill like a minute and a half and you know and you know he just get he didn't even block the punch and he just the whole thing looks like a comic book like look how he falls to the ground it's like you know and then the ref calls it immediately i was like dude what did i just watch what is this is such a [ __ ] clown fest look at this and then he calls it i was like no i seriously did not stay up and waste my whole saturday night to not even see jake paul get hit once i don't know why that riff called it bro i know he was dazed he was [ __ ] the fight was a joke in that moment right there if you watch it carefully he tells him to step forward and he staggers to the side yeah i i i mean he's it looked at first i was like what was that everyone was saying it's staged i don't think so i looked at everything from every angle well he for sure got the i mean it can be staged with still taking a hit that it was just planned that he would get punched i still think the ref should have let him go like i mean it's a prize fight okay like [ __ ] like who is this ref get a different ref you tell him let the fight go man ben askren's taking beatings in the mma dude he's not gonna jake paul's not gonna kill ben askren don't worry about it you're tripping it was just it was the worst fight it was such a waste and then jake paul literally fell to the floor in a fetal position balling his eyes out in happiness yeah there were some good memes so like when you when you knock out a four-year-old at a shape wrestler although i don't apparently he had a friend who died and i don't know what it was it was more about uh perhaps but anyway here's here he is i mean you know he probably watched rocky four before the fight i mean everything he does is like everything he does he's just trying to imitate conor mcgregor's just you know what's crazy though i gotta say these paul brothers are like [ __ ] uh her genital herpes man they do not go away you know this was the 10th here let me see um 10th highest you have that info chart did you guys find that let me see that this was the freaking most pay-per-view ordered event in history which is absolutely insane 1.5 million pay-per-view orders i didn't pay for that [ __ ] i almost did but ann came through with the link daddy i don't know what you're talking about uh you play cool you didn't do anything wrong i didn't do anything and you said you had like backups on backups and backups i was like this one's not working i'm going to buy it you're like hold strong you send me one that works that's me guys somebody i don't know what i'm doing i'm looking for right now in our chat um i gotta hand to these guys they're hustlers man it's crazy that these guys won't [ __ ] just get out of my life and i can't help it i'm curious i want to watch this fight you know but i was so pissed about the way that fight went that unless he's fighting a boxer in his prime i just can't watch it so check this out here's the top 10 pay-per-view events of all time why does it say 110 because it's tied oh i see tied for 10. yep yeah it's right up there it's kind of interesting to look at floyd versus manny pacquiao was number one jesus that was an awful fight too i didn't realize that was fight was like that big of a deal it's crazy to see like you know mike tyson's big fights his big fights mike tyson versus lennox lewis 1.9 million mike tyson vs roy jones jr 1.6 he's right there that's do you guys understand how crazy that is yeah it's pretty wild jake fought uh before mike during that fight that's when he uh knocked out um say what robin jake fought in that card too he was a part of that fight the mike tyson fight the one you just described [Music] he was an undercard mike tyson looked good yeah i would like to see mike tyson fight jake paul me too that'd be [ __ ] now that's a pay-per-view event i paid for that i wouldn't even buy with that i would just pay for that you know it would be too good man oh my god a 65 year old mike tyson he beat the [ __ ] out of him wouldn't he it's i mean my my impulse is to say yeah of course he's 65. yeah the age difference is is absurd so he's pretty certainly no but i mean obviously he's still in great shape and he looked good in that fight he's pretty yolked man yeah i don't know so anyway i don't know they made a [ __ ] apparently they generated 65 million dollars to fight they must have spent a lot on performances they had like all these huge artists yeah you know usually we're trying to figure out how much jake made because the official earnings has paul's fight salary at seven hundred thousand and ascrines five hundred thousand but these kind of big price fights you get usually a split of the pay-per-view revenue right yeah so which seems to vary wildly depending on your size and how big it's expected to be and everything this is a really weird case because it was really big but like not for the reasons that traditionally they would be big so if you look at mayweather and mcgregor fight which sold like over four million that was like the biggest price fight ever those guys split forty percent of the people of the pay-per-view revenue which is insane i mean that's why they they each made like hundreds of millions of dollars from that fight it was absolutely bonkers yeah but my hunch if i'm just gonna take a guess here is that jake paul probably got between definitely not more than ten percent i think he got like five percent he also has equity in triller so that's what that's interesting that is the aspect that makes me think it might be a little bit higher actually because what why no they would because they have to pay him less they would be like no you're doing it for the company that's why you're doing it you know they i don't think he got more i think he got less okay it's just not he's not he knows everybody knows he's not conor mcgregor he's not mayweather these these are this is just a circus they're trying to make a reputation for themselves that's where they're spending all this money on performances and [ __ ] trying to get something more interesting yeah i think he got like between five and ten percent so that's between you know if he said it was 65 million dollars generated so that's between like three and six million bucks not bad not bad i mean i gotta say i'm impressed with the hustle these guys always figure out how to make a [ __ ] buck man it's kind of insane these guys used to sling merch like it was damn crack to these kids and now they're selling boxing tickets i don't know man um that being said i want to watch him i will have no respect for him as a fighter until he fights a real boxer period and that is oh man nah you're tripping you're tripping oh we have to talk about the frank media [ __ ] okay frank oh brother so the my pillow guy dan you want to you want to explain this you've been you're the one that's been following this whole you've been spending a lot of time oh i've been following i love dan good luck i love mike lindell um he has brought a lot of joy to me over the last couple months with his buffoonery um he's i was saying to the guys the other day i really think he's he's going for the crown from rudy like the biggest goon the biggest goon i mean rudy had a hell of a run a few months ago if you all recall with him uh bleeding uh squid ink from his forehead and doing a press conference in front of a dildo shop i think frank i think mike liddell the fact that he's burning probably like hundreds of millions of dollars is kind of epic right rudy was getting somehow paid for all of his antics so that is um i don't know if that redeems him a little bit in some ways sexual dance anyway so mike lindell mike lindell after being banned from uh pretty much all social media for his uh election fraud claims has decided to launch his own social media site um called frank frank speech which is all about free speech except god except you can't take the lord's name in vain you can't say the f word the cornerstone of all free speech exceptions no cursing god right no and no f word no c word and no n word which i think probably lost him a sizable chunk of his potential audience no and we're not [ __ ] that i'll stay on twitter right so yo can you when he says the f word is he talking about like about gay people or is he talking about like oh i just assumed it was sanity i just assumed it was [ __ ] but i assumed it was [ __ ] too that's that yeah i mean that's that's the f word yeah let's be real once when somebody says the effort so anyways um so he was really hyping this up that it was going to be the next big thing it was going to be like uh better than all these other kind of spin-off social media networks like um what is it parlor and gab this is michael by the way you guys do others yeah it's just a reminder for anybody that the mypillow guy who's on your tv thanks to your support you've helped make my pillow become one of the fastest growing companies in america over the last 12 years you've held my pillow created this whole my pillow phenomenon just blows my mind those pillows suck awful products yeah zach uh famously uh got one and didn't give it very good reviews but yeah so um i signed up because i was curious and i am a free speech warrior i'm all about free speech everybody knows that and um so i i signed up with uh with my phone number to get vip access here's the home page supposed to launch how's this looking yeah so right away there were issues as you can see their site was all kinds of [ __ ] up it kept going up and down sometimes just nothing would be on there sometimes you get this just bad gateway bad gateway baby real quick start interrupt i um like dan i i mistakenly gave them my real phone number yeah that's that wasn't a good idea so i've been getting all these spam calls recently like since i signed up i [ __ ] you not like i can show you these numbers i mean you're selling your your data straight up it could be or they just got hacked like immediately which was my thought because that happened with parlor and um there was a parlor of gab i forget but these these conservative apparently conservatives don't know how to build a website like that's just a common theme well they think you can make it in a week this guy made this website in a week yeah and so the website is now down it says thank you for visiting frank with over 2 billion requests yeah 2 billion that's like that's like 8 times the population of america in just two days the frank speech experiment experiment is a massive success it's interesting that they refer to it as an experiment because it was not an experiment at any point in the lead-up to it so we've retroactively declared it an experiment um and that may be because uh it was described as a social media platform but during the time that it was up during this experiment um it just appeared to be a platform for him to do an alex jones kind of cosplay okay so when you go on the website all there was was a video of mike live having a meltdown there was no social media aspect there was no [ __ ] there was no social media it was just a new like a yeah it was a news weird infowars style here's a website here's a clip of mike well thank you thank you hey hold on i got i think i got a reporter beaming in scott thank you for calling and god bless the lighting is great hello this is his show hey mike it's wrong with the wall street journal yes yes you're live is that okay oh yeah that's great but mike i have some bad news to tell you i'm afraid and i wish i hope you can share this with everybody but unfortunately alexa passed away just a few minutes ago from a drug overdose okay that's uh this is a prank call this is a prank phone call you see what they're doing everybody let's see what they're doing everybody that was an attack there because i brought up this great reporter he keeps getting pranked all day on his weird bizarro he's still talking about election fraud he's tr he's got excel graphs up like charlie from always sunny you know that concern that's literally him looking at charts about like big massive voting dumps here he thought trump trump was he actually thought trump was calling into his show it was just a prank caller like what full screen breaking news here with a guest hello hello yes i have mr trump on standby are you ready yes go ahead sir [Music] hello everyone oh we have the president here our real president everyone hello mr president macron dot com pictures okay all right i guess that would you see what they're doing this is what his social media platform is it's just this but uh i mean that even came up there he was hacking into our phones that came up that it was the legitimacy a legitimate i know the numbers coming from from you know and he was live for like 48 hours so he was just as descending into madness basically losing his mind absolutely and uh fantastic yeah um we actually i i managed to find who did the prank phone call i found a video of of the other side of it uh here it is just some random youtuber and uh you got any questions here oh well you know i'm doctor ray i'm calling in can you say i have mr trump on standby just that okay right you ready yeah yeah yeah it's just ringing here all right so we've got i think we gotta hello hello yes i have mr trump on standby are you ready yes yes go ahead sir hello everyone well we have the president here our real president everyone hello mr president macron show.com bitchesmacronshow.com we own you you [ __ ] crackhead michael dell macro.com to smoke crack so everybody gives on him for that listen i used to i smoked crack once i admit it he's so embarrassed just own it you're a crackhead or used to be a crackhead reformed crackhead oh man i just love that they weren't even screening like you could hear from he was he was taking phone calls on his goddamn yeah on his personal personal phone oh my god it's just so [ __ ] good enough well thank you thank you hey hold on i got i think i got it this is the one we uh already watched yeah yeah um so yeah it it was a bit of a it was a bit of a disaster the the frank experiment uh here okay so you're not at all discouraged by the the platform still not being up and also wait wait wait what do you what do you mean the platform not being up it's been up all day and people are on there what are you talking about did you not hear we let people on by their phone numbers in the order they were received people that signed up early we let them on they're already on there just because maybe you didn't put your phone number in any users are still not onto the platform who told you that what are you talking about there every 90 million people got on here today 90 minutes your garbage we're done talking you see people what we have to put up with that they see this guy's trying to say this was a failure there's no disappointment this was the best day for america this was what is it today the patriot group this is the patriot day and you know what the shot heard around the world this will be heard around the world you just you know what no one's going to bother and read your rubbish anymore because they're all going to be going to frank where all the great reporters are coming where you know what you better what happened if man i i can't i can't i seriously can't it's a big massive dump it's crazy um it's such a disaster it's such a disaster i've been loving it i was just that and i was checking in every morning seeing what's going on frank and then finally it's over he's like he's had enough it's done two billion requests it was 90 million in that last clip plan it yeah right bye bye anyway mike meanwhile mike liddell who's actually started smoking crack again clearly is being sued by dominion for 1.3 billion dollars for defamation he with rudyard giuliani fox news sydney powell are being sued for saying that dominion they were saying all this crazy [ __ ] that dominion is owned by argentina and it's no uh venezuela venezuela maduro it was used to change the [ __ ] voting you know and and dominion is like the super legit i watched uh 60 minutes about it really good they're like a super legit company that does voting um security for a bunch of countries and uh they're like yeah they're they ruined our business with these lies there's no evidence and we have to sue them for 1.3 billion dollars because this is pretty much ruined yeah so like you said mike lindell doing the bankruptcy speed run definitely i think he's got a good shot to be honest i mean he i think he's gonna hold the title yeah i mean last i looked before he started getting into all this insanity uh his net worth was in the hundreds of millions just selling pillows man just [ __ ] pillow money laying in those pillows dude mike lindell net worth estimated at 300 million yeah it's a a lot less than that now i bet a lot less than that well he got dropped from all the like big box retailers that probably hurt now he's getting sued for 1.3 billy and he's turned himself into a meme i mean i i i'm sure to an extent he's made up some of those sales from all the die hard how many white supremacists are how many uh how many you know that actually need a bigger market yeah it's not the uh biggest demographic thankfully god knows how much he's smoking on crack he was relentlessly promoting uh his pillow on this live stream by the way though with a code use code mypillow go to mypillow.com and use code mypillow please please buy a pillow anyway this is the political episode a little bit not political it's goofs these people are outrageous anyway that's all i've got this is this episode is just you don't have to watch this episode if you don't like it you know what i mean i don't know what to tell you we this is all the [ __ ] i wanted to talk about you know we're off the rails baby that's right so that's the show it's off the rails if you like it come if you don't don't there's two other episodes every week that are good and this one's off the rails i don't know when i like when i listen to howard stern which is like the only show kind of like this that i follow i personally love when he talks about this kind of stuff in politics because i find it refreshing to hear his opinion about stuff and um so i don't know for me i i i like it but i know some people don't like it so that it that's it is what it is you don't have to like it this is my wednesday show it's my show i deserve to talk about fried chicken i deserve to talk about derek chovin [ __ ] wednesday [ __ ] [ __ ] it's wednesday off the rails baby with ethan it's my show [ __ ] fried chicken [ __ ] yeah it's my show baby yeah wednesday it's ethan's show thank you i deserve wednesdays it's my show yeah fried chicken wednesday yeah baby baby wednesday's ethan show baby i deserve ethan show baby [ __ ] fried chicken he's blowing up man white claw gabe how long until the white claw gabe scandal he gets the name for talking about how long don't even say that how dare you yeah [ __ ] one of my favorite nights [ __ ] is one of my favorite nights wednesday baby ethan show you know speaking of getting exposed this guy eat eat that [ __ ] 4 4 5. he's like so off the rails man he even came on our show once a while ago bro another one bites this guy got exposed by some like pedo hunters for flirting with like a 13 year old it's a whole [ __ ] red-handed what is wrong with people i don't know i mean the problem the edp like here let me who could have predicted the guy named eat that [ __ ] 445 would be a creep well the problem is with someone like that is everyone knows he's a creep so well in the video they they put out uh which i think they just put out he describes why his name is edp 445. what does he say he says that his original logo was a pacman eating a cat so that's why he got eat that [ __ ] 445 really yeah that was his explanation for it that's interesting less graphic than i expected fascinating oh here it is bro 84 messages yeah here he is getting caught red-handed and you know edp is not someone that has like big brand affiliations and stuff like james charles so and like celebrity endorsements and [ __ ] there's a really interesting article written by i think the new york times that girl um i forget her name but she said that people in mainstream media are laundering the images of these you know criminals predators and trolls because they don't know enough about the internet so you take someone like james charles and then you put him with all these celebrities and you popularize him they're laundering his image to make him palatable because they don't they they just don't know better even though he's doing all this heinous [ __ ] and i'm not physically attracted to older guys but the anyway someone like edp his image is not being laundered is my point so you know everyone should know he's a [ __ ] predator and it's being talked about a lot but god it's it's so gross 84 messages okay so we have you talking to sophie correct yes or no right okay sophie is how old before and again i have it right here i know the answer but i just need you to tell me the answer how old is she 13 13. okay and before we get into the messages there was sexual content involved yes or no right and you said correct okay all right so again so what brings you out here he sent an older picture of his dick there's so many predators online amongst youtubers desperate he's at like a school he's like on a school campus he's really being a third year old school campus what the [ __ ] i didn't even realize i mean that's definitely a school right look i don't know a hundred percent it looks apartment apartment building where she said she was home alone i was going to say it kind of looks like it could be just bungalow and his reason for going was you just wanted to get a cupcake from her oh wow that's believable why'd you send a picture of your dick though you just want to get a cupcake what it's awesome nah i've saw the dms he's totally [ __ ] there's this dmv of the girl being like i'm on i'm is that okay he's like yeah i don't give a [ __ ] okay well there you go yeah there's no there's no way around this one for edp so is he gonna go to prison like how do they handle this well i i imagine because they're like that's their thing they're pedo hunters so this is like chris hansen [ __ ] yeah i mean i imagine they're gonna hand it over to the authorities i would yeah i bet you the police don't do [ __ ] i don't care lazy [ __ ] i like to make love here today um whoa how was uh coming out here glasses off okay oh i was actually coming out here to pick up a cupcake and then go back home um you know it's funny to see him like this because he's usually all like he's got all this attitude and um yeah abby says there's no reports about his arrest i don't think he's gonna get arrested i really don't it's like you give this to the police they're like what is this [ __ ] who is this person they don't they're a bunch of [ __ ] old ass boomers i swear to god i'm not saying all police but you know a lot of them are they're not going to rest to mark my words mark them right now i will mark your words and i will throw them in your face nobody's getting arrested for anything you can do anything on youtube and you will not face any legal consequences if there was any justice in the world james shaw would already be in a jail cell what edp ain't [ __ ] well it is [ __ ] it's not the predator olympics [Music] um but eddie's bitten he's going there me uh yeah i don't know man doesn't think he might be in trouble and he's been caught before right he got caught before getting titty pics from from a young girl yikes yeah don't talk to uh youtubers people if you're out there honestly that's a good general rule just don't even talk as youtubers take it from us do not do not contact us i never talk to a fan i don't even look at my instagram dms bro i've never looked in that [ __ ] that [ __ ] is trouble i don't even never even looked in that and unsolicited dms i don't even ever look at that [ __ ] dude i am desperate i was a fan but you never sent me a dick pic well i didn't i don't know what the hell dms yeah i know you made a video and i think i tweeted you or something yeah you entered one of my live streams one night or something slid into the live stream huh split into the end of that line never did i ever ask for a picture of your dick i don't also how old are you i could ask for a picture of your dick just say no it's an ownership that's an abuse of the power dynamic ethan he's a fan he's a simp yeah if i said give me show me one picture of your dick and then you get the job would you do it that's a lawsuit man back then i don't know maybe oh i could have got a picture of your dick i under leveraged myself yeah messed up man s-i-m-p all right we've uh we've hit our time limit here oh for real yes [ __ ] wait i really want to watch this um just here because edp when he does his videos he's always like he's like all charged up and confident and now it's it's just odd to see him like all scared and exposed beta and [ __ ] you know nothing that was going to be sexual involved because i'm not like that you know well obviously the text messages and stuff like that um so yeah that was all that was going to happen oh okay so you should title a video instead of you know your video almost through hands with a 13 year old you should title your video almost with a 13 year old i think that'll get a lot of hits edp i think so yeah so so this is you texting all this correct this is your instagram yes or no right okay all right so again what made you what made you what made you start this conversation with this said 13 year old you said what you're doing right here correct yes or no all right okay go ahead anyway oh boy that's you know i'm glad he got exposed for sure because obviously he is extremely disturbing but um just like with the chris hanson stuff i just i don't know how i feel about making content out of this confrontation well i've always been very uneasy about the whole chris hanson the catcher better thing it's just just give it to the police it's not it's just condoms i don't like it yeah i don't like it either it's just and the guy is like totally doing like a wannabe cop shtick and it's just i don't know it's just well chris hansen does have police lined up so like whenever they walk outside there i know but but that's not his primary goal his primary goal is to make a television show right you can set up a sting without [ __ ] cameras and [ __ ] and then you got all these vigilantes out here to me i mean in this case i think this is this is so cut and dry like it's fine i don't want to be overly critical of what they did like it's good that they're exposing this guy so i'm not familiar with these guys i don't know anything about them but i i've always had that unease about what chris hansen does i i totally get what you're saying i mean look edp that's [ __ ] gross uh he should go to jail i mean has there's been a lot of these scandals that i don't know if there's any as cut and dry as this one though my god like no and he's not even denying it well james charles is cut and dry i mean he flirted with [ __ ] miners fixed it with miners true although this is pretty [ __ ] cut and dry too god that's disgusting do you want to get a cupcake bruh it also just seems dangerous for them to be confronting like you know nothing happened here but if this is their like whole thing i don't know when people are caught like that you know they might freak out i mean their life is is being ruined in that moment and you know i don't know it seems a little sketch to meet uh somebody like that in a parking lot somewhere so you're worried for this i think a little bit i think they're fun i mean in this case yes but like i've watched enough to catch a predator it's always like some sad pathetic dude who's just like i mean they have a bunch of people there they probably have weapons too i'd like a [ __ ] to see a shootout [ __ ] it but that's what i mean it's like now you're you're going aunties for the internet right you're going into a parking lot to meet with a predator with a gun in your pocket let's go like this it was an old to catch a predator but the guy actually brought his son oh don't stop terrible all right we've really gotta make it back we gotta wrap it up all right thanks for watching everybody this has been off the rails see you on friday for a show that you will definitely enjoy see then and for those reasons i'm out thanks mark cuban didn't ask
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 1,062,388
Rating: 4.719337 out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, the h3 podcast, the h3h3 podcast, h3h3productions, h3h3, h3, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila
Id: bfKPts4BJkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 52sec (7372 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 22 2021
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