Hila and Ethan Klein of H3 | TigerBelly 145

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Just finished listening, and it was a great fucking podcast. Very funny, very wholesome, great flow.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Slowbroable πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 07 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Chris D'Elia coming to h3 podcast

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ArchieReddit πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 07 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Wow this was really great. Loved this episode and Ethan and Hila both killed it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/LemonGuy47 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 08 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

This was amazing. Just as good as Bobby Lee's episode, if not better.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/HateWhinyBitches πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 08 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

These 2 are something else. Could listen to them talk all day

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Dranksippa214 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 08 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

TMW Ethan forgets he's a guest on Bobby's podcast (Especially love Hila's response)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/indorock πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 09 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] baby I'm just saying like they're out I don't care about my thumbs hide your [ __ ] Wolverine thumbs don't give [ __ ] yeah we call them radishes baby I'm sorry 5 4 3 2 1 I believe in you do you believe in me welcome to another episode of tiger belly I am your captain I am your leader captain Bob Bob Lee Bob Young Lee no one knows my middle name and I just threw that out there young why oung not y-you ng thats those other gooks we've got we've got this white [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] right now and I love them so much man I love you dude I [ __ ] love you dude George we got George Kimmel man we got his [ __ ] handsome but [ __ ] [ __ ] white cousin or whatever you mean that guy we got uh that guy Gilbert it's a long long long ago golonka and we have my beautiful princess my beautiful princess I'm kalaiy laguna de leΓ³n ship and it's going well and wow what a week what a day we've got we got really we got two really special people in the room right now and you know God listen listen a couple of months ago this white guy George said Oh fine everything's good said you know have you heard of h3 podcast and I said um vaguely because you know I don't really know much okay but then I googled it and um I knew immediately after Google that I go I have to do it and I did it and I met these two Ethan and ela right and there's a they're a married couple and they they're the leaders of another cult called the h3 podcast and I didn't think that they would ever come to our compound like our compound and but they did and here they are give h3 podcast ela and Ethan a round of applause now you can talk [Applause] you have a bit of a ritual at the start of these yes I do make the guests very uncomfortable because you're very serious like you're joking but you're serious I'm never serious because you said don't talk then you make it a joke very serious yeah yeah yeah but I've seen you do it before too is that part of your ritual you know why do you know why I do it is it a power play I want the power yeah yeah I need the power on my court right and I need to win it okay but the thing is is this so um I respect you I really do I you guys remind me of us all right you guys are bigger better bigger and better we're very similar in many ways let me say we have the same watch the shark watch no way what are the chances I'm not wearing it but it that's my wife that wears that a lot Wow that's my water I never want this off it's the same style and pattern same collar and it's not that I mean it's a popular relatively [ __ ] weird we're already connected how'd you get that cuz you bought your zone like Amazon mmm-hmm you got your son has ice on you look no sleep on weird stuff you know also we're similar is is that we don't deserve our girlfriend or wife no yeah I'm remind myself of that every day yeah because when I looked at you at first I'm like yeah you know what the inside yeah you know you're you're like is there a fruit that looks ugly but this delicious on the inside durian durian Adrienne's are coming what that miracle is really just spirit at home you're a comic become quite yeah no I am I'm definitely a kumquat I don't know how I pulled her because when I met her I wasn't successful I was much I was even fatter than I am now yeah I was uncapped and I look back I'm like damn I was a real kumquat back then you guys met in Israel when you were younger yeah birthright trip right that's right and so like how did it happen like how did it go down I mean at first it wasn't much we were just kind of like we were just hanging out like I don't know on the same headspace or whatever yeah but then after after birth right he went back and then we stayed in touch on skype and then he was actually very like kept hitting me up you know and then aggressive I was precious in purses very persistent phone shake regressives are wrong yeah I don't want to be Morgan Freeman right now it was also very like he was playing guitar started actually dating I was like I don't need to play this [ __ ] anymore I stopped playing oh really yeah so you'd be skyping yeah and you're like hold on they're gonna grab my guitar maybe would you say yes I wrote a song first you [ __ ] suck baby if I did that right you would never updated me it's borderline pathetic it sounds like pathetic but it was it was pretty special oh did you do poetry too or just a guitar well I think that my playing is kind of and so how long did that take I would be talked about it on when I was there but I was like people a full year of talking on sky you waited a year [Music] even then I I went to visit for two months and then I went back and then there was another year over Skype there was a man involved too on her side apparently a handsome muscular one right well she she - I had one but no you had a Spanish football player you had a rugby player in Australia - no it's good it's good to know that a couple guys like us can muscle those guys out yeah but we have to put in so much ground work I know but that sucks that's what that's why they lost cuz of like a muscular I'm a big huge day I don't have to try and then you so you swoop in with the songs with Ryohei yeah yeah I don't lift up her skirt like Morgan Freeman not native yeah persistent yeah yeah yeah you know what um I guess you what we are lucky in that way because when I was a kid I used to look in the mirror and I used to look at my reflection and go your unfuckable I did the same you know what my backyard when I was a kid are you kidding are you real not being real I am i used to i thought i was unfuckable there was a mirror i was a window that was very reflective in my backyard as a kid I was probably 12 or 13 at time you go a yard and I would stare at that mirror it was a window you know it's funny was a window to my parents room and they must have seen me on the other side just being like but I'll be like ham you are so brutally ugly are you you would say that to your saw would stare at myself yeah be so sad about it yeah but I do someone my life I just stopped caring about it yeah I used to spit at my own reflection did you really just spit on them are you ready yeah go yeah no I'm not kidding you and then what were you thinking yourself when you do that well here's the thing is is that um in my 20s is when I looked in the mirror and I said there's something interesting going on yeah but when you're a kid especially being a minority I mean I'm not trying to pull that card different than a lot of people that grow up with me I lived in a little community called Green Valley in Poway and it was a lot of white people and they a monk they stand amongst themselves I knew some flips you know we're kind you know what's a flip are you full filipino half but I grew up there while I was there until I was 15 she's half Filipino half human right wait it was a joke and it came out wrong so we were like just don't talk about race but yeah I mean it's like I I didn't really own up to my arm sexiness and until my 20s it stand up is what really changed my life it gave you confidence it gave me a thing you know if here's the selling point that's it that's very good that's very clever that you said that when you met her what was your selling point besides guitar playing the guitar my selling point was that did you have big dream I didn't have a good one I'm gonna be honest with you I don't think I was just a sweet charming guy if I'm he was it was very that's all I had it was very different you know cuz I'm from Israel and the Israeli guys are more like the Jersey Shore yeah yeah especially where I grew up and they're like that do you know what I I said back sweet and charming I think I was just different and yeah yeah it was different thing I'm giving myself too much credit I will tell you why I didn't have a good answer to that and I still don't know why I'll tell you why I don't even know you I don't you [ __ ] know you you think that well you know I make it a mission that one time an h3 went at your place right yeah and this is our second encounter really let's be react okay but there's something about in the inside why do you think people listen to your honestly don't know I'll tell you what it is all right you're funny and you um you're just entering an entertaining guy and I could see why you know keep going good so I was very closed off a person I was way worse than I am now like I wouldn't talk to anyone I was very shy and he kind of made me open up for some reason I don't know yeah I mean with being on a podcast probably wasn't even in your wheelhouse of thing class that's exactly how I feel you know when we first met he outed me with so much like personal information about myself mhm that way what do you mean out is he like we first started dating he talked about how I had just gotten an abortion in fact I heard while I was a clinic I heard a pre-recorded podcast talking about how I was about to get an abortion okay oh don't worry about it I paid he was cruel about that make you feel pretty awful but there was a part of it that was so liberating there was a part of it that was like okay it's called freedom lady there was a part of it that made me take this you know this deep you know sigh of relief like okay [ __ ] it it's out there I give up I'm not trying to cover or you know so anger and relief no I just yeah was a little bit of both could you see this yeah it was an accident okay I wasn't talking about the abortion on a podcast and I didn't know that cameras or anything was on and then even after they said I think that we recorded a little bit of it I said don't air that part and they did anyway yeah is that true that's 100 and then also secondly when she called me and said hey my my homies are listening right now and you just did it she was upset were you angry at the guys that's pretty what it's he's a powerful guy so I didn't really wanna yeah yeah man who who was it David Chao oh you know no he's an artist yeah and so anyways it your pot I'm his podcast okay we've gotta like the Ambu Warhol downtown LA yeah yeah and I didn't wanna interest in scream at him because I'm he employs my brother my brother works with him and there was a whole thing so on and then on top of that I thought she was gonna leave me and I have 16 years sobriety at the time I had what 12 years right and I went to a bar to relapse no no no that's how devastated I was so you know let's put in the car texture I mean I [ __ ] up I did say it I'm sorry he continues to say it's out there it's out there now it sounds like it wasn't really your fault he says it's so much that when I'm on a pot under someone else's podcast by myself I talk about it in a quick message from our sponsor people pop people pop rebels refinery pop people pop pop you guys um we we don't endorse products we don't use you and one of our fans Tiger belly fans has a product called rebels refinery you can find it in targets correct that is correct exclusively at relatively at the target and it's soap it's got lip balm they've got natural premium natural skin for humans and I'm a human and I use it watch I open this up like this right I open it up like this right and I do this I pull one out like this right and it put on my face guys and you know what knows this how do you feel I feel so good and I feel so refreshed honestly rebels refinery guys it's dope products so we think rebels refinery is easily the best men's grooming brand for the price on the market they also have the greatest lip balms for women and men it's available exclusively at all target locations if you want to order online you can use the promo code tiger belly for 20% off if you are a true papaya of the slept Kingdom yeah go buy some I'm being real go by it and look at the package the skull I love it bobbies playing all over oh they're rebels refinery guys and now back to the podcast well I find that like you know when you expose your embarrassing you know your your character defects or things that you've done that are embarrassing or I'll never tell anybody you know that I've told everyone everything I don't know if that's healthy or not I think it's good I've noticed that about you and I love that about you like I like the Down syndrome guy molesting you yeah it's just to be able to just say that and move on I think is live I can see liberating to you and I think it makes people respect you too in a way this is like oh [ __ ] like how do you come to terms with something that dark that casually you know yeah it's interesting and it's admirable but I did at a survival mm-hmm you know I did it out of just to keep my career going it's weird it what happened was after I was on MADtv I've talked about this before many times but I'll do it again um it's okay people want to listen to it I um I couldn't work and nobody wanted me in the town you know you know why is that I think um I you know MADtv had a weird reputation around town at the time with it did it there wasn't it nobody became a star after that Channel at that time right and um it was just seen as ghetto and casting directors would be like now I'm not gonna see him he was on MADtv and and whatnot and they would say that I mean to my reps and they I would get the information and I was like I don't know how I'm gonna and I was at Opie and Anthony in New York and this is one get greg Giraldo and Patrice O'Neal were still alive right and I went on that show and they ripped me to pieces about what just about how fat I am and it just came in there yeah yeah they were just ripping me apart to the point they were doing pranks on me and I got to the point where I got up from the show that's a nice [ __ ] laugh that's so [ __ ] up like almost crying Wow and I'm like I'm never gonna do that again you know and then the next year I'm back in New York and I look at my press pack and it says I have to do open it again and they're like I go I don't want to do them and they're like you have to that's the only real big one you have but this time when I went on the show I expose everything up front and it took the power away from them hmm you know it's like um they couldn't use anything against me because I had already likes throwing it out there so I threw out I was yet suck dicks before that I that was all from that one interview yeah dance up sticks I was molested late yeah I just went to places on now yeah and then they were like out of material then he gets she gets his girlfriend's information so he's not just talking about his deepest darkest he takes our deepest darkest and he throws it all out there it's a it's a it's a character defect denied did you feel powerful in that meeting did you flip the tables or was there did it work for you not only did it work but it became I became friends with all those guys from that encounter yeah I mean those all those guys like um especially like Jim Norton Humanite like I just did his a couple weeks ago when he's in town he calls me and we're good buddies and I think that it also taught me how to do press and how to do what my thing is and um you know a lot of times when comedians go on the road they'll tell like the DJ whatever they just mentioned this and I can do a bit hmm right so how's your mom or my mom you know and they do a bit from their ass right and I'm like I don't want to do that's like not real yeah so I talk about like how I really feel about things and how do I feel about my life and um it I think it really was just being genuine yeah maybe you do that organically well I don't have bits that's what I mean yeah I wish I had bits no you don't I don't have any bits you don't do stand-up on bitless your yeah yeah so that was that's what that way you just do it that's your thing then yeah it's just a talk and how you feel it no like when I go to a show like this what I tell myself before cuz I hate when I feel like I'm trying to be funny so what I says to myself is don't try to be funny be boring that's my thing to be like just be that's how I try to psych myself into being genuine be boring don't try to be funny that's all no but Dad because I hate when I'm trying to be funny and I see myself being my we're like coming up that's so disability in the car we were like okay try be boring you know like before I did hot once I was [ __ ] oh yeah because I love that show so much yeah and I love Sean Evans and I love everything they do and I was just like be just be [ __ ] boring that was my mantra yeah just don't try just be boring just answers questions you know and did it work out yeah it's great right yeah happy would you finish I finish I finished - yeah but here's the thing with that one is what I do is this is I so I also don't listen like when I did hot ones I didn't know anything about it mmm-hmm really yeah yeah and the what an assistant at the agency that I'm with goes I think I can get you on it I like I don't want to know I don't want to do it music I think you should do it like everyone's they gave me the list of people I got that's all I want to know about it I'm not gonna look it up why just that's because if I if I think that it's like you know like today I got Anna Faris who's people calling you wanna do Anna Faris I know her I know I'm a fan right I think that she's a great you know I like I watched her movies I go that she's great I was in a movie with her she was in The Dictator she was you know I had five lines maybe stuff doesn't matter we spend days together you know I love her but because I have this thing I elevate her right it's gonna [ __ ] with ya you need your you're about power balances I feel like power yeah like with you riot I didn't really I knew that you guys were big but I didn't read you know you gotta get a different way you know you're big in the same way you're in the [ __ ] same way but I told George I go I didn't want to know your names until one eyes met you go until right when we walked into the [ __ ] thing their names and then walked in by the way that show was great fan favorite one of one of my favorite shows was I got so many good response so far yeah yeah is that what I do oh my god that's how you know your parents you have powerful parents well how you don't know my [ __ ] parents brother I got hit by a keyboard yeah my dad was violent huh he was very violent and alcoholic he was a rageaholic and he um he was just kind of like a bad dad I think you know he's sick now and I love him now but um growing up I just remember like in the back of our house was like a trail and in the trail you could like go and there's a cliff and I used to walk to this cliff and sit there and just look up at the stars and go can you please kill him God never did you know about your mother my mother was talk about this now I want to I'm not afraid of anything my mother is um also very I drove her to violence yeah I drove her to violence I can believe that why do you you're just your mom hit you and you were just finding it by saying you were a little [ __ ] oh well no I think my mom Jenna generally isn't that violent but she couldn't that was the last tool in the toolbox she tried every single bad yeah the way she explains it to me is that he didn't know how to receive any form of love or affection or attention it's like everything that she tried sports instant or even just lobbies hyperventilate he was usually a little Tasmanian devil basically and you responded the violence yeah I mean no I didn't respond I responded negatively to it but um that was at the end her last thing you know was they would punch me in the face Wow and he couplings yeah Steve Tube Steve though my brother Steve growing up was the one that was like the one he got straight A's he was the truth rest well not in his twenties he fell off but younger he was like a Christian with the church you know was on the wrestling team got straight A's it's only later in life where he became me and he he grew up under the same conditions that you did you know what I love for I love what you're doing right now do you know what you just did you know what to tell you what you just did you pull the tongue siguro just now did I yeah he's got a patent no know what he does was he he when he was on our podcast and I want you to I want you to do what I'm doing I want to be doing it I'm not getting away from here right yeah we're talking about Power Balance right now yeah but the thing is is that what he did was he became the host and you switched it a little bit and I like what you're doing no I like what you're doing the thread and but that's your the thing is that I want you to have your power to all right with the gnarly black dude and Arnold strike hands from predator well Arnold or defrost a [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah there was yeah I don't remember that well that was us right now know wasn't by guarantee right but what was the question about my mom what's thing [Laughter] when you and your brother three years so you guys grew up under the same conditions well I mean you know here's the thing it's is that there's you know immigrants come here and they go you know the rules are just get straight it listen yeah and get straight A's yeah it's Missy Koreans my family and you'll be fine I didn't do either one of those things you know I did drugs at early age well I think the molestation when I lived in Minnesota when I was 9 or whatever got me all like twisted up and then when we came to San Diego at 12 or 11 I I found marijuana and skater or isn't Filipinos they you know not really you know I you know I don't mean that as a joke what what it is is that you have to imagine I lived in Minnesota where all I saw was white people Minnesota is a rough I mean that's a weird place to grow up kind of yes yeah especially in the 70s yeah in a diner in a Minnesota it was like it was you know but then I came to San Diego and um on the other side live I grew up in Poway but on the other that's town next to us was Penasquitos Penasquitos is High School Mount Carmel was 60% Filipino in fact my senior year my senior your photo is in the Mount Carmel yearbook do you know why why is that because when they used the same photographer and the foot I was in the Poway High School pile and they couldn't believe it so they put it onto the canal pile and I was in the moment about Buccaneer but my senior year someone find it Wow yeah somebody find it I never went to Mount Carmel so yeah well it made my to believe it actually and good I assumed because in my head I was like sooo yeah you could have come up big we're your parents able to appreciate that you were became so successful that you kind of you turned it around right because you took up very unlikely I like this making you feel uncomfortable where are your parents I would appreciate your success my parents um well yeah they're sending you know when you're you know your parents they grew up in a different country there's no stand-up comedy there are you know I think my friend Danny chose out there right now trying to start up a movement but that's it's 2018 and they don't have it yeah so imagine you know my parents grew up in the Korean War as kids and they went to school there and my dad was a street hustler like he was in the military became but as a kid he used to like thieve and he didn't get a lot of had a rough yet a rough one yeah right and then when he didn't meet in Korea they met here and my dad stalked my mom pretty much damn but yeah like yeah he she had to move out of LA and move to Wisconsin and my dad follow her she didn't know him at the time he she did meet him and that gnome and she didn't like him Wow right so persistent he's very persistent stalked his way into a marriage yeah then he showed up in Wisconsin with a steak hey it was probably gonna cut nice cut nice like a cowboy Texas cut right right Yvonne and she was like in I guess in Korea that's a big deal those are our diamonds yeah you've had an interesting road yeah and then she was like I don't think they did the violence she saw you know you guys they play that game you know I'm gonna beat this lady when I'm married she deceived he deceived her and then they had us and he started drinking heavily and then um he would get on these like alcoholic rage episodes and um you know my brother and I grew up but you know what here's the thing Mike also my parents my dad was fairly wealthy he had a bunch of like clothing stores we grew up with um summer camp and when I turned 16 I got a car you know me so there was a lot of things that I did get that was cool you know do you have good parents my parents are pretty normal yeah I would say normal give siblings I have two siblings are you the oldest I'm the baby I was coddled I definitely had the best of the three but I want to say I'm really impressed by your I just want to say I think you're survivor as well you know Allah what was your upbringing Lee my parents my dad is very like old-school so it's kind of hard you can connect the dots on old school old school mean he's his siddik - no no no no yeah like you mean like old-school way of raising kids you know a belt the good old way a belt not it wasn't it was never like aggressive towards me physically yeah but it was always scary like I think if you push him and may go there yeah but you played by the rules yeah you did Oh cuz I was scared I'm still scared of him yeah you know when she came here yeah she almost didn't come he almost talked her out of it really but she that's probably the closest yelder motivating you not but I'm pretty sure he did hit your siblings yeah it happened a couple of times really yeah was he just nod was he disapproving of you or disapproving of moving everything yeah and how old were you at that point what do you want does he like a poem your dad you know as much as you can like someone really so if you go to Israel and you see her dad he smiles he does smile would you hug like a lot yeah okay we've been better yeah yeah they're like arguments there's interesting thing yeah he doesn't speak English and I don't speak Hebrew which is also a reason that he's mad at him for not learning Hebrew oh he's the kind of guy who's mad at everybody yeah or something his the family's been like it's so good that you don't know Hebrew trust me you don't wanna know what's coming out oh wow yeah but like the funny thing is that when I came evil lived with me for a year in America and went her beasts her travel visa expired I didn't have any other option was either moved to Israel or breakup right yeah and because there's this whole weird thing about if you're Jewish you can just hightail to Israel they give you citizenship ah so I did that but the weird part was that I went and lived with her parents Joe was very extreme for how long and we were mines yeah we were we were like but no he would he didn't let us even sleep in the same room that's old school we lived together for a year I lived together for a year to be together and he made me sleep in a different room and how did you guys hook up we found a way there's a family found some quiet are they quiet hours the same way dry humping is exciting yeah yeah you just go back to the basics the beginning that goes restraint it makes things a lot more interesting yeah you know well the thing is if I get caught I'm [ __ ] I gonna kill you he's missing a finger he's old school oh yeah coos ah finger did he do it through like some sort of combat or who is born without it just from working with like heavy machinery yeah yeah that's the way I've been to Israel do you know that oh I didn't know that when what's the situation what do you mean well why were you go I got a call from some sort of like what was it like the government I don't think tourism or whatever I don't we fly um celebrities out here really like to do like a free vacation or whatever yeah you didn't have to work there just like come on it's just a promote so there was they put invited me a Steve Byrne George Lopez Oh like a bunch of minorities minorities yeah the minority is in PR yeah in showbiz so I flew out there and we did all the tours we went to the [ __ ] on the Dead Sea so cool right so great I love it there it's like you go to a muddy beach yeah the mud is owned we went into the I was in my mutton in the mud like yeah yeah yeah I felt like your people yeah Filipino people live in wives they live in mud huts really Korea although imperialize by the Japanese at one point now hold this very superior type of complex rewards Filipinos yeah really yeah whole dynamic between all the Asian countries it's very strange it is Chinese the Japanese the Koreans they all have these weird little opinions about each race I think that Filipinos are very racist towards Filipinos I've heard Japanese are the worst right historically yeah they [ __ ] rape and pillage the Filipino so we we have a we have a very similar history with the Japanese or sentiment like the Koreans do because they I think around that time of World War two the Japanese were really I'm no friend of Emperor Hirohito he convinced everyone he was a Sun God you know that yeah that's pretty good that's very persuasive talk about power dynamics yeah I am the Sun God oh you heard that's what he said oh yeah yeah yeah and then he although you know Americans when they creates a sneak attack Pearl Harbor right boe that's what they always say what's a sneak attack well they were supposed to call in advance right he's like you know Roosevelt that was clever what they do yeah nice Pearl Harbor that way thank you that's a little bit because it wasn't hard is interesting like I don't feel anything towards it but it's like we have our own Pearl Harbor 9/11 is our Pearl Harbor mm-hmm isn't that special oh it was similar in many ways correct well but similarly in French civilians weren't here's the difference between Pearl Harbor 9/11 yeah is they attacked civilians and they used our own equipped things against us right and um it was just more devastating I think 9/11 yeah 9/11 was is a worthy one that it was a doozy it really was it was a doozy yeah yeah I think that's what Bush said he's like boy that was a doozy how old were you when 9/11 I was in high school I remember my specific age but or maybe I was even middle school I didn't even you know comprehend what was going on I was homesick my brother's like hey airplane just hit the World Trade Center and I was like oh [ __ ] cares you know I was sleeping was like 8 a.m. alright then I get up and like the second one hits the tower and I was so when thinking back I'm stricken by how uh I was really just didn't care about ya epithet ik I just put on cartoons yeah teeny I went on with my day yeah I mean you're a kid though yeah you're a kid as a kid but it's just it's it's for me I was working at Magic East oh yeah but still early did it affect you well Andrew Daly who was also on MADtv his cousin was on one of the flights oh right so when I showed up to work it was obvious like Andrew wasn't there for like a couple of weeks and it was pretty brutal man you know um I remember going to the comedy store the next day and we had three comedy rooms open and in each copy room there was a riot a riot people just fist fighting calm it there was a like really yeah people just punched me this [ __ ] I was like wait what was the conflict the conflict was people were like they did you know you know when something bad happens in in the world right and you go to the comedy club you can feel it in the audience you can feel it with the performers it's just not really a good place to be because comedy it's an emotional place an emotional place and you you get it somebody like who I think one of the best comics in the country which is against this kid a Rick Ingram or Ari Shaffir one of these times and they will just say things right just to shock people or whatnot it'll it it'll just ignite bad time yeah it's a bad about yet exactly right so that night I remember it was just so [ __ ] awful that up and it was terrible but I enjoyed Israel a lot you know I went to the arm we got to cut in line yeah they're just like hey don't worry about these yeah like cuz we were out there like we will get a chaperon we had we were like he be having dinner with like mayors and governors of like districts and stuff and so we went to see so we were like come we're doing this tour and then we were in this room a little cigarette yeah and I was smoking this and they go don't smoke here I go why this is where the 12 Supper they had that last supper oh oh they just they know let me ask you something how do they know that that's the place I don't know where were you do you have you heard of it I've never been that yeah yeah it was somewhere in Israel we're in a room think this is where they had the last supper y'all smoke yeah I'm like how do you know that I was like I know that there's there's a lot of like Jesus places there yeah they're like no we went where they do that were they lynched him I how do you call it they got him they got him where they got notified and then I remember when so they had the slat would they the slab where they had Jesus's body they had the Jesus slab danda slab there and I remember Steve burn Bessie burn the comic was on his hands and knees touching the slab crying and I never laughed hard I went into a catalog that no one's ever island out of my mind and I took photos of him crying he offended yes everyone in line was a head there were people yeah there's a line that's eight hours long just to the slant rig they took you to the Jesus spots did they take you to the Jew spots no they didn't take you to the western wall or anything yeah they did that okay that's that's the Jew spot I love that spot with the little they got the little notes in the wall I didn't true with a little note network I want to get on a network TV second oh yeah yeah yeah and then we went into that's big of you to wish for thank you thank you that was a very bold selfless way yes it is brave to wish for yourself because you always have this compelling like the honey to wish for another word but sometimes you got to wish for yourself I always wish for myself good for you in fact I don't think he's ever wished for anybody did you know why do you know why I don't wish I do I do for other people right I put that in action right I wish for myself [ __ ] notes I don't do notes for other people but I get into action yeah all right we have a little [ __ ] what is that a sponsor what is it for Sparkle hood Sparkle yeah you guys um I literally and non literally use Brooklyn in my personal life I use it on my sheets but they're my sheets are my pillowcases and it's my favorite product that I've ever used you guys have to use it Brooklyn and calm guys if you guys take a look at any of our Instagram photos if there's only a picture sheets of sheets it's okay so check it out Brooklyn sheets are the best in most comfortable sheets they've ever so Don Brooklyn comm has an exclusive offer just for Tiger belly listeners get $20 off and free shipping when used the promo code tiger belly at Brooklyn and calm Brooklyn is so confident that they offer a risk-free 60 night satisfaction guarantee and a lifetime warranty in all their sheets and comforters the only way to get $20 off and free shipping is used the promo code tiger belly at Brooklyn and Comm that's BR ook Li and en comm promo code tiger belly Brooklyn and these are the best sheets Wow Brooklyn and I love the name yeah don't wait to get Bad's right you guys work in such close proximity to each other similar to us you ever like get into it or fight and then have to like kind of restart or regroup on the podcast so the podcast also not really at the office because the podcast we do at the office yeah no public yeah I can't you can't fight there so you just kind of get your tongue let's say for instance like what's your line like what if he says something just so inflammatory you just have to like bite your tongue and hmm what's my thing what is it have you read a thing or you might know that and I know that I can be really annoying let me think I have my thing is like if I if I do something annoying and I'm annoyed here I know what it is when I'm in a bad mood and I'm like really irritable I'll blame her for every stupid thing like a fight of mice might if I if I stub my toe on a chair it's like damn it ela why did you leave that there like I get so upset yeah like what is wrong with you have you gotten a fight where you've cried yeah together a long time usually I was gonna say when we when we do our videos we do those at home and it's just the two of us and in those cases it happened that we would argue yeah okay so that's what happens with us often so because we this isn't like crying in an argument is unfair after that you know that's like there's nothing that can like you know you can't control it I cry you control no we do when they cry when they get pulled over it's a little unfair we don't have that why don't you try it anything you could be the most thanks sorry next sir yeah hold on one sec he leaves back with a double disgusted yeah yeah good call you clock here yeah you might shoot you you should try crying when you get I can't cry have you cried blubber no but I've panicked so bad that they let me they let you go oh oh that's another but I I was just I was just driving it was in Israel I was driving and I was holding my phone oh and they're they're very strict but like you can't even look at your phone so yeah it's so weird out there it's like you know when I was in Beirut you know sometimes there's like military there and they're checking thing was it's a little it's much scarier than in Lebanon than in Israel yeah yeah yeah it is not as much in Israel Israel's much more stable but there was one day where like the I didn't want to do a tour thing I want to stay in the hotel and in Israel and I was like oh no we're worse than me do we don't do me today like some sort of holiday or something oh oh meat or something well so in kosher means you don't mix the milk and are you you not done with the story no okay I was doing this just to agree with stopped I don't religious Jews are kosher they don't mix meat and cheese so oftentimes at restaurants they'll say today is a dairy day or today's a meat day that's what a wise I think cheese why don't they mix it's just one of those weird day yeah it's in the Bible so no beef stroganoff do you guys eat shrimp stroganoff it's not three more what you can they don't throw can off it no no seafood like only fish you can eat fish but no shrimp like Lobster no wow because they're bottom dwellers who knows there's something to that though cuz shrimp is the most like biologically costly thing to eat out of the ocean you're [ __ ] up the ocean more biting strength yeah a lot of people will guess that the reason was that it was a lot of they say is unsanitary that's what it is about pork and stuff and that's why they cut the dick off that you know the circumcised because it's cleaner yeah but they do stuff like religious Jews they put their dick through a hole and [ __ ] their wife that way - no no what's that what they do glory hole yeah oh they're religious glory oh thanks they put a sheet on and just a little hole for the [ __ ] which is I that's my fantasy - [ __ ] like that you'd have to see my goes for Halloween you know if you did that you could [ __ ] me yeah can I have a thing too but I were to [ __ ] like if you were to [ __ ] me let me just say scenario I will go get to Brooklyn the sheet right you would poke a hole in it we do it beforehand probably right I bend over I stick the sheet over the hole where my butthole is finished know what I would do is put my dick through and then kind of do like a what that sounds extra safe yeah that's not but I think it's a challenge it's very yeah and that way home one of us needs to see I prefer shuting first yeah why would you want to put a hole in that wonderful Brooklyn land right why do they do it why do they do it that way why do they why would you explain that yet why'd they do it that what would he know why did I forget he knows it was some really brutally disgusting Jew he's like I got a nice [ __ ] but I'm so nasty here's what we're gonna do cover my body my dick goes to the sheet I don't nobody has to face my awful body Wow that's in the Bible it is yeah it's like what I heard like like men in like in the Muslim world when they [ __ ] a man in the bottle that's not really is that gay it's not sometimes considered gay that's right it's just having a good time is this fact no really you know Aaron saw a documentary or something on it you know arrabal hour was it a pornography but you know in the arab guys are they have a strange tendencies where they it's not unusual to see two Arab men holding hands they'll just walk her out there buddy and they hold hands oh really strange stuff but if they see a guy stuck in a deck don't throw stones at all right right yeah yeah would I you and I be able to hold hands you think Gilbert my children for how long long but what will happen is that you'll be you'll start really oh my god he's too calm trouble then you'll try to take it up a notch he was researching I was trying to remember why the they put the hole in the [ __ ] oh I think it started from some star in the Bible where a guy had to what was it have sex with like the wife of his brother why cuz his own wife couldn't bear children something like that like it has myself handmade Stian in Gilead they repeat this phrase where they say like when so-and-so couldn't bear his own or couldn't bear this guy's children his brother offered up the wife why the premise of The Handmaid's Tale is that you technically give no you don't eat let's say we were in The Handmaid's Tale yeah and I offered you up to my brother Steve no that's not how it works in in Gilead and Handmaid's Tale they have designated just to bear children yes they're captured they're raped by their you know commanders basically and they're only that that's all they're just carriage basically that's all their body is for and I think that that's that directly right same I think we saw I think we crack the nugget on that one you know it's you know it's like the worst thing about when I watch movies I can't do rape scenes you're sensitive to it I'm very I don't know why but it's because of your own experience no I have never thought I've never really thought it through it's all rape yeah yeah we're not a pleasant you know pillaging right you can burn things down I don't give a [ __ ] one of the worst days yeah or you can kill I don't care in a movie yeah but in when it's rape I have to either like there's this movie called irreversible and there's like a 10-minute rapes in an in a tunnel it's so believable I haven't seen but I think I've heard of it you've heard of it yeah it's like literally a ten-minute rape scene and literally like you watch it's a second of it I just turn it off and I walk away I hate it I took off but skeet shooting there's something about rape rape scenes or rape in general that find appalling I don't know I don't know how many rape scenes I've seen in movies Game of Thrones Game of Thrones I was raped in Game of Thrones Khaleesi was Lucy one police she was raped that's right yeah also the girl was raped by Ramsay right that was one of those interesting raped scenes where she should get she's in she gets into it Khaleesi she eventually yeah I think that she was she started to fall in love with the possibility of having power over rode her like this interest for the guy who raped her or maybe she understood it from a way of like just the Dothraki this being some like cultural thing rather than him really beating like this rapist right it was you take on a wife and that's what you did against her will I'm gonna can I ask a question you think rape is only shocking now I mean it's probably been shocking all throughout the history of mankind but if it was prevalent five or six hundred years ago when they were right when it just happened when people like armies would cut around right over soldiers were going to a village and rape and pillage right it's just a part of you know noise or shock and then or you think was always horrified like you hear about the among the Mongols they used to just [ __ ] rape everybody but yeah it's awful it wasn't what I think about it's like if you go back to like cavemen days yeah do animals rape like monkeys and gorillas and stuff because you know the male penis is is made like a pump so that you [ __ ] and you suck the all the jizz out so that your jizz can get in I swear to God I just got that head cuz it sucks out the jail as if we win switches well say there science alert Janice and I love in the scenario there's rape is so prevalent that it's just like sucking out the other guys jizz this is a bad image oh I see what you're saying but this what you're saying is to suck up the juice cuz the penis had is like a pump right good okay let's say you and I were gonna raping were raping a village humans have raped enough that our dicks have evolved to suck other people's jizz out of the vagina oh my god like that's right that's what the penis head is it sucks out I swear to God but another theory is that villages back when we were hunter-gatherers they would all [ __ ] way more monogamy wasn't a thing where you would have a village of people and and a bunch of dudes would have sex with a woman and they would all raise the child together so biologically what you were competing with all these other guys you were all having sex but you didn't care about whose child it was it was that it was the villages child whoa that they used to do it then like yeah when they were hunter get when we let a gatherer yeah would you have it I would have been a gathering berries I'll be weaving guys I'd be looking for roots roots bison I'd be like you go ahead I'm good yeah right I dream of being together to this day yeah me too I wish I hunt well you would you're a hunter yeah how about you go I'm gonna pick berries yeah yeah we'll pick very good very very good bear this is very progressive gender roles you know I know I'm not picking up a spear yeah I'm not doing any of that Oh so can I just say this out loud I never said this out loud oh I'm not a hero I'm a coward I don't say that I'm like I'm just a coward if I ever got drafted to war I'll tell you right now I will go to prison not because I'm some great conscientious objector yes a coward or I'll go too I just know like if they said you're drafting engrafting you I will just tell everyone okay guys that means I'm dead so I will say my goodbyes no I will go I'll just die I'll gonna tell everyone cool Georgie I'm going to the war so I'm done I'm gonna die like 100 percent there's nothing I have a B you would be confirmed you would just be like that's what's happening yeah I would just go I'm gonna die and that's how you know how fortunate I feel like the fact that we belong to a generation that never got drafted for war is one of the greatest treats of all generations to ever exist on this whole planet in human history wow that's until we never had to fight a war yeah I mean well who are fighting wars volunteer for exactly not volunteer I mean these are all mankind you had to serve in the military right two years he almost did two in Israel but he got out of it in Korea they have it yeah I serve like two or three years five years no but in Israel you they're like well you gets a little hairy over there yeah did you actually see combat when you did it oh no only only once cuz I wanted to I asked them to take me with them yeah she's a hunter they shot at oh yeah they shot at you and yeah oh my house we scared I was pretty weird yeah we weren't we were in the gym she was an armored driving oh my god some high-level commanders in there like a really risky area yeah and then there was like it right here no right now oh my god and did you smile like you're smiling now what do you do I'm you if you cut in the past and we saw that and she was doing that that would be the funniest thing I've ever seen Wow you know when I went to Israel they took us to a port like more the people that UN whatever the hats were they called what the has seeds no there was like the people that are there were the blue hats or something the religious Jews no they're like UN yeah Oh like you win that you win whether it's a religious thing or they know that you know there were people that um were Israeli but they were just guarding the border or something okay and we went to this area and you could from the distance here machine guns and things being blown up yeah I mean just closest yeah when I was there there was like for about a month there was a daily Rockets coming up from Gaza and we were living at el view and [ __ ] air sirens going out oh we have to take cover it was really unusual because usually they they didn't reach tel-aviv before it was the first time they reached oh my god so it was unusual for people in television appearance that it was weird it was where I don't know much about it but can I just ask a question mm-hmm can't you just split up Jerusalem 5050 it is already split up 5050 I don't know well for example though it is City which is really the part that everyone's fighting over woman I don't want to say that but everybody's really obsessed with the old city which is the biblical part of the city and that is cut up into perfect quarters from after World War two with like the Christians the Jews the Muslims and there's another group that I'm like the Jenna nights are some weird one the number they just got that so that's what so they it is split up like yeah I grew a yeast Jerusalem you don't that's that's air that's all air but there's a lot there's a lot of places where you see everyone coexisting by step the problem is the extremes on both sides the Orthodox Jewish people cause trouble yeah and the terror is terrorist yeah well you know who do all the terror attacks on the other side they caused the trouble yeah but I feel like if you ask most people especially my age they'll be like just do whatever it takes just don't [ __ ] your ear-splitter do the to [ __ ] two-state solution do whatever it takes I mean there was a cab driver in Beirut who had a [ __ ] tattoo of Hitler on his stomach so I have to say it was walking among the Arab world i entice Emmet ISM is very real yeah but I'm not gonna say if it's warranted I don't know they [ __ ] always hated the Jews they always I don't I don't know but like we're not gonna solve the problem yeah we're not solving that right now but but you know what surprised me it's good to just to kind of talk about it yes it is um it's it remains to be one of the just dilemmas of the world then we have to deal with and it may never be resolved it doesn't sound like it will ever be without thank you know the closest we ever got we had this uh she was named the Israeli prime minister tarun Oh God yeah yeah Robin Robin was that his name there was this guy he was really close to achieving peace with the Palestinians and get and who killed him a Jewish guy a fundamental Jew who thought [ __ ] these guys let's not make peace and he took him out it's not as if they're making money or there's no money tied to it it really is you know strictly about God religion yet the religion everyone the Palestinians are definitely being [ __ ] by everybody like they that's what got to be one of the worst places to live in the whole world he's Gaza and and the thing about Gaza is that like chips got the border closed Israel's got the border closed and Israel despite having given up like autonomy whatever they still control they still control yeah they regularly go in there and kill terrorists they control the water and the power and all this [ __ ] Wow so is there McDonald's there in Gaza possibly I think there might are bugs like if I was there here I go to a Starbuck you might this some of the images I've seen are strikingly civilized Wow but it's still [ __ ] cuz you've got like [ __ ] how many people there I don't know the exact number but it's one it's the most dense place in the world it's just packed unemployment's like 50% but a lot of drugs all right the regular people there are I mean everyone feels bad for them even on you know the Jewish side oh yeah they're just what can you do they talk about Hamas is like yeah there's videos of like people celebrating a wedding in Gaza and then Hamas rolls up and is like no celebrating and [ __ ] shut like their Hamas is insane it's a and then people try to give money to Gaza and the government power some moss and they take the money and they use it to build weapons so it's like your father they're really [ __ ] on on all sides yeah yeah it's just one of those sad things that you just you know like you know I think about it sometimes and I just go there is no solution that makes me even sad or really to be honest with you I don't know where no I live you think I brought this conversation into this error I'm fully a thousand percent interest no I part of the reason I left is because I was like this is too much like it's so like just having just living there and being on YouTube it's just so polarizing to people yeah like what honestly when we started doing YouTube we hid the fact that we were in Israel no because we just were like we didn't want OSAC started Age 3 in Israel yeah no the podcast no no has been around for like a year oh maybe like five years Wow what kind of videos would you make is it like like a podcast or was it sketches and stuff sketches comedy like that oh wow so we have like I remember will that cover Hebrew writing I feel like that yeah yeah and we're just like I don't want people just cuz we don't want to necessarily be don't want to be about that about that yeah yeah yeah wanted to you know not be boxed in to this like or your support is recent yeah yeah yeah cuz it's so complicated to a lot of people I have a good friend who is Lebanese and to him the simple even the simple fact that I went to Israel to live with my wife is enough to make for him to have disassociated with me Wow and it's like dude I'm not going there for political reason I'm literally going there to be with my wife because I don't have an option yeah that to him is like wow that's have enough to disassociate with me like I am I'm a coward bro I'm not [ __ ] yes yeah he also couldn't come to a wedding because he was like my closest friend and he was in Lebanon which is just you know so close to yeah so close oh you guys got married in Israel yes Wow no well we had to yeah for the Greek for that great card it's so funny because it's like you know aside from like the religious stuff and you know whatever I'm Korean she's Filipino what do you he's a you grew up in a really weird Christian religion what was it called Aventis 7 what is that that's a weird one right no weird nah no weird like sexual stuff oh god bless do you dance now are you still far you're still religious dude do you enjoy dancing now more than like most yeah reggae group it with the two right yeah 78 Oh Ventus god bless you guys are good old boys right where you from boy but he listened like look like listen to this is incredible yes we got these freaks right we got freak we got we know you got right we're all from different parts of everywhere right now different ideologies if you don't think about that and we're just around each other and we're just talking we're just just regular you know yeah yeah so it's really frustrating because that like the way I always thought about is like I'm just I was just born here yeah I don't care like I don't know the history and I don't care well all these people here yeah you know now I have to choose sides and I have two guys and I'm saying that's why the reason I left is cuz like I'm like this isn't my fight and ela I think since before she knew thought it wasn't her fight she never belong there and it's like I don't really want to be involved in in this because when you live in Israel you start to learn things or maybe you're I don't know if it's a brainwashing thing or you're just you're with the club right you're willing that tribe yeah so it gets through to you yeah before I went to Israel I was very pro-palestinian because I went to very liberal college went to UC Santa Cruz and there it's like they literally have protests on the campus of like Israeli soldiers executing Palestinians and I was like okay yeah that's totally what it is but when you go there and then you learn because you spend time with that tribe and you understand all their talking points and [ __ ] and he's it's just so confusing dude yeah I mean I got even if I go visiting doing this tourist thing I posted a couple of photos because that was a part of the deal and the backlash of me just go away right was insane yeah right it's propaganda I can't believe you took a chose sides and I just wanted a free trip to the Dead Sea but you're a float on the on the sea without any [ __ ] effort so heavily salty but it's so I hate that because it's so counterproductive it's like how are we gonna make progress if you're telling people you can't even go there and talk to them because you go there and you talk to them you learn about them you learn what you know what's interesting perspective yeah I said what am I just supposed to shut out that whole part and just take your word for it yeah like what the [ __ ] do you know yeah it's crazy it really is crazy but but we're here yeah you lose brothers Israeli and he said to it's just the other day he's like I meet Palestinians here all the [ __ ] time and we love each other we always get along here yeah mistress over there that we all hate each other it's amazing I have a friend I have several friends they're Muslim and it never comes up I never talked about it you don't even think about it yeah and they're just loving people I know so many Jewish people they're just the most nicest loving people mm-hmm and it's like and then when you hear about this conflict it just boggles the [ __ ] mind and I'm just you know I'm not a part of it I'm just observing but I'm a part of humanity in a part of the human race and I just want you know what we Rodney King said I forgot what he said remember the spirit of forgot what he sounded about when you said something about if we just divide it by what that guy's that black I said remember him I remember that sweet Ryan and you know when people say Rodney King was what sparked the riots it really it hurts me okay because there was many things that sparked the riots that Korean League really shot that black girl what does anything about Koreans I don't make fun of the Filipinos along and other ague places right but I want it to be to be sensitive about it yeah Oh a table Koreans man they could be bastards all right what that lady did right shooting that young teenage african-american girl mm-hmm for over nothing right it's a shame on Koreans and it's something that we have to correct ourselves as well race do you think that it was a race thing with a Korean lady yes right yeah yeah and it's like you you're gonna open up liquor stores in impoverished areas take it take it it's a drug basically it's your drug they're taking advantage of you're taking advantage of yeah you're selling them alcohol right which is a drug right so your drug dealer and I understand you want to make money but it's like you know I get it from the other side too definitely I totally get it and you know what people are allowed to browse you mean it was that mean like no I know they get no like when people come in like walk around people walk oh you're about to browse they say no browsing just like that you touch you buy ID you look you buy Kent yeah you I can't look at the ingredients calories with a calorie count [ __ ] you Koreans Brown let him know then I'm touching brother I'm not sure I'd let him know and if they steal out to them I'm sure now kidding you could steal let them steal steal don't shoot no we should call the enforcement yeah I played a lot of Starcraft 2 and I learned a lot about Korean culture yeah because it's like huge they're like gaint eSports and gaming us yeah there and it seems like a real really strict really tight tough tough people yeah there was a Korean lady that was I just saw us on a an Instagram a Korean lady who disappeared okay she was missing for ten years well you know where they found her we're in a gaming cafe just sitting there that is for ten years playing a game wow she got so addicted that she decided to just cut everything off that I real yeah you see that other documentary about ruse on an HBO about the Japanese couple who had a baby I think I've heard right they had a baby right but the baby died because they didn't feed it for ten days there were 40 men rate yeah well they didn't go to prison and guess what they had another baby right but it the game ending is from Doggett but yeah that's not we're all the story I really big problem in Korea it is a problem I plug that's all I do yeah I could have been way bigger than this than I am we got what huh how [ __ ] die someday you're gonna die you're gonna die too happy to hear you're enjoying we're gonna die to either cuz you can work so [ __ ] hard you cannot spend any time playing video games yeah and you're gonna dine at least you've spent some time join what you look I asked you a question yeah you you and I we're probably not gonna see each other after this again huh I kind of I hope that's not true I know but I just have a feeling but then what chances are that but I want to say this now probably I'll probably I'd like to have you back on our podcast not only that but it can you invite us to like a barbecue or no I'm strictly professional no you wanna would you come if I just think that if we weren't like who you you know if we weren't in this podcasting thing and we don't we press it with our own private lives but if you and I were like we lived in Indiana let's just say we lived in a Muncie some sort of lumbering place all right okay and you and I didn't podcast at all and you were still a Jew and I was still Korean doesn't matter the you and I after work we'd be like hey you want to get some brewskis I think we're cut from the same block yes so but I think in because we are who we are that we really want to come do you guys wanna have a barbecue sometime yeah yeah yeah we'd love to we're really what he doesn't like leaving the house ever yeah okay I'll toss and invite your way we just met two new house we got a pool we got a spa we got up if you have a cute you have to I hate it it'd be weird any buffer yeah we have people coming I guarantee you will go sorry whatever you can do my dad what are we doing timewise we're over an hour wow that's amazing you know when we have good guests it the time flies doesn't on doesn't exist it doesn't exist there been many times I've done this podcast ago where we at work we've done 15 minutes do you cut it out when you ask you know we leave it in because sometimes that's like yeah can be like a bad like I'm a thing now it's a thing I always have to know but the guest doesn't necessarily know it's a things you're like what time is it yeah yeah only 15 minutes in about an hour huh you can see he can sense it yeah I can sense an hour yeah I think that's just how my incrementally I work well in like 4050 minutes past that I start doing the same yeah yeah and we like our last episode went on for three hours oh yeah and for me that's like a night was bad yeah I kept the enemy wrap it up wrap it up who you will it was just us that week oh my god you two three hours three hours you we did a lot of work prepping the show oh I don't do any work but I like it's a different vibe and it's good in a different way when you just come in and have the conversation be natural it's a friend it's better and it's better in a different way we keep changing it sometimes we do that like no planning and this time we try and like I don't know more planning yeah yeah we don't well when we plan we don't yet loves he thrives off of the chaotic nature and like or even the pressure of you know not know [ __ ] we're gonna talk about although we have dreams we've had to pause and where he his he hasn't slept in two days so there's nothing coming through yeah but the thing is is this though is I don't care all right mm-hmm because even when it's like chaotic and like it's weird and I got this people love it yeah what it is it's organic no they like the rawness that's what we discovered when we stopped editing it but you guys don't let me ask you this oh did you think that this is a good one or a bad one I enjoyed my time here I thought this know what do you think I had fun do you think it's entertaining for people I think that I want to tell you this right now it's a really good power power [ __ ] I'll tell you I thought I just like when you came on our podcast that we have a wonderful natural dialogue you're very funny guy you're quick and not sometimes I'm not sometimes I don't even know what I'm saying we had a very view we had a wonderful natural yeah that we're natural that's what I'm saying it was great but you and I are natural we were in Nebraska we told these no no no Mon C Mon C Mon BR it's called cliffs lumberyard right and it's got a red awning all right the building does right and it's got some sort of weird like a mill on the logo as a logo this is cliff like a fantasy almost yeah I already can imagine it cliff is dead is legacy we're live zone and what do we do we just hang out there and have a couple don't we saw things I saw were you but we're gatherers we're not czars no we've there no you so in modern day sawing I don't know I used to have to be cool you have to wear goggles yeah you and I run away and then you know I mean Jamie cliff Damien got his arm chopped off more than we do and I ran away and we got fired right and then we want to look at some brewskis what's the brand of the brewski it's a local brand called it's Willy Willy yeah Willy yes Barry love Willie dropped out in there that's what the club is we go to yeah Willie's rough house you know turning you know beautiful right and then you go hey I got my house linen or something but I'm gonna hold it yeah yeah just perfect size for my whole trip yeah what happens the next day is we don't talk to each other ever again no it ruined Emily then we meet in LA do a podcast together where they googled it so at the end of our little thing here that we do um YouTube is is that we do a thing called unhelpful advice and you know we you know people email us and we try to give them you know I love the helpful unhealthy I want to steal that day you do whatever you want can I steal that yeah well we have voicemails where people call in and leave a voicemail we and we play it but we get I feel like we want to do that we don't we just call people because you call Pete yeah so they call yeah ok so that's what I think I feel like whenever we take a wife calls it's kind of always a disasters it was like hey what's your favorite color yeah he just leaves voicemails for people interested I mean now are you which if like a network like would you be a talk show host do you think or now like we've actually been having the opportunity to make our own show yeah but we passed why because I think that we are probably better off like managing ourselves well we felt unready to I know and honestly I'm not I'm not a good writer I'm not I think I it was scary was Carrie know what you would have a staff correct yes right so you would come in and go I'm good at like people throwing the idea No yeah I like that yeah I mean yeah so I'm not dumb I know what would what my muscles are in comedy I'm not that much of a writer either I mean I have written things before but um I would have you know three or four really funny you know creative guys and this but the thing is is that I should think more like you do than the way I think about it because the thing is is that a lot of times I go out you know I'll go to a comedy club or I'll even go to a cafe or wherever it might be and people will walk up and go tiger belly and they'd say nosotros papaya or things I say on the thing or you know know that George is a pink dick that's a thing that we do or you've all seen it because I don't want to see those jumping in the beach photos it was a joke but the thing is I should look great look at look at your show h3 as the actual thing right it's the thing like I've arrived this is no I don't feel that I'm so confused about what I do if I'm being honest I am I'm perpetually unhappy and unsatisfied with it it's so funny because a couple days ago I get a call from Chris D'Elia hmm and Chris goes on should I do this h3 thing I go it's [ __ ] amazing that's all thank you oh you're not done no no we're done I did not doing it for you yeah it helps him yeah right but D'Elia was like I'm gonna do it has he done it yet no we just coming up right yeah but he's gonna do it right yeah yeah but my point is is that so you it's already your if you're getting people to go I'm gonna do it I want to do it tell me about them and I'm getting those calls then you've already it's a you're already a thing that's really exciting it is your [ __ ] thing alright now that's great to hear but what I have to say is I have to say what I'm trying to twist it is I have to realize that Tiger Valley is also a thing yeah and I'm always going how do I get the next thing right I do that - it's so annoying but I yeah it's knowing what I should already go I already have the thing it's like self-taught you can't you can't we're like we can't let ourselves be happy yeah it's always like oh this is great but this is already like not good enough this is always like they say who's they it's a proverbial kind of thought that you know the people who are always not satisfied are the ones that are always pushing to higher ground right I come for myself with that because I'm always dissatisfied yeah maybe there's a level of like this content but it's very pretty good and healthy but you've got to be at least you had to have a little bit a little satisfy okay you know what that was that went well yeah I was happy with that or else you're never ending yeah no I feel the same way I swear to god I'm [ __ ] I'm very depressed and miserable person at least you guys have bought do barbecues we don't even do that it's just sitting our home that much now look out there flipping burgers every day it's like I only all I ever wanted was you're right I would been telling kalila like why can't I get on a show I got on a show it gets picked up for a second season and people go hey congratulations ago uh yeah but you know I'm fifth lead or like I just say some sort of [ __ ] negative thing yeah yeah and it's like it's something that I've always wanted to do but then is dumb when I hate that about human nature and about me when you become the guy that's like I'm so [ __ ] stoked I got this job there's something very unfunny about that right people wore like spiritually balance or actualized [ __ ] funny never it's it almost seems so weird to me that I don't trust them like kids in their basement exactly are you satisfied with your job tell me about what's in your basement I had a friend she always talks about like past life regressions and being like being a some type of spiritual leader and she does like hypnotizes people and she seems so like seemingly balanced and perfect not only is she not funny but if you met her in real life she's a [ __ ] nutcase like you just feel you're like dude just stamped three feet away from me like don't point a knife in my direction just scary but is there is your balance there's some there's a there's a rare breed of I have some people who I know that hour that do enjoy balance in their life but it's I have to tell you I think it's rare because I have a lot of friends in showbiz and I was just talking with them last week they're all [ __ ] miserable it's never gonna end is basically worse isn't that why Macaulay Culkin got out he had that whole career no he's going no he's back you just did Allen is he bad no Sean oh no oh is he he was actually people I don't confuse your brothers out there no he just did Ellen he just did Kimmel he is because he's promoting his podcast oh yeah oh you guys go on Kimmel to promote help I feel like Kim oh like who are you talking to you know what I mean people are podcast but no they're not that's another and how stressful is it to be on Kimmel right I think it's equivalent exchange I mean I I'd almost pass on that cuz I'd be too stressed yeah but here's another interesting thing that you just have done I wanted to end but we can't great you break the record with you guys I'm not gonna break the right what's the record it's not that over our 30 can accurate record yeah yeah so what I'm saying is he won't give back to you Howard but he'll never shut ultimate thing that you just did well we're gonna do this though you know I'm not gonna even say whatever well we're gonna say this is this is that it's so funny that you said that because there is a different group of people I'll give you an example um I get Tiger belly ten times a day I get mad TV you know five times a day zero times have I gotten splitting up together that's it come to gun dumb right and I go around no one's ever said anything mm-hmm I love the show yeah I love you on that right never right and so what I'm saying is is I know I look at the numbers and you know we got our opening weekend we got eight million viewers that's a hell of a lot of people but these are people I've never seen what is it you know what that's what kind of frustrates me about what we do is because when we talk about something or have someone on the people really respond yeah it's a different vibe what do you mean exactly what I mean I guess is that the connection with our audience is way more direct and way more profound yes so if somebody comes on to promote something I think they'll get way more out of it than Jimmy Kimmel with five million people million with us is worth I think way more than five million with Jimmy Kimmel and it's frustrating that people don't understand that because a lot of people are like who the [ __ ] like Oh pot you know what I mean they they snub it's so funny because my numbers on the road I can see it with ticket sales because I do live shows right and when we started this and I started doing h3 on these other one other things that I do um I tripled the amount of into my shows I sell out now that's before by doing all the other stuff the zero that's great okay so what I'm saying through like it's in true nobody watching Jimmy Kimmel gives a [ __ ] I don't know why it is but people are sitting at their computer they're listening they're connected but it seems like Jimmy Kimmel are sitting there with the five type in their bed with the remote and dig hard listen our stuff people choose to watch and something like Jimmy Kimmel you don't really show that's a great [ __ ] point nobody wants to wants to watch you play Emel it's what's on there it's just there that's a great line from Seinfeld they go they sit when they're pitching the show they say why would any way to watch this in George goes because it's on TV Rodney King but I'm saying is that so at the end of the day I wanted to ask you Mike stardew valley stardew valley you talked about stardew valley was a big hit on my podcast it was over and the people on the subreddit were going crazy they loved all they were dying I moved on what star do I am I got um ten million dollars or fifty million dollars per character which means I had all the wizard stuff like the two hours and the golden the golden clock right what takes all the debris it just gets to the point where it's like I have so much money I don't even know I'm you can go to this casino and buy this statue from the semi which costs a million dollars but I had 15 of those I'd cost I spent like 15 million dollars right oh yeah and then your my kids are running around and everything and then you just get to the point where you go all on 47 in real life this is really I know and then I started playing this other game called Far Cry 5 intense I like that I never play loved it these are the best one out of all is there ever a game you put when you don't play after like 5 or 10 or 15 hours and you're like oh no I'm 47 like what games don't me I'm a gamer too and part of the joy that's a lost for me is that I'm like I always have this feeling of like I should be doing something else even though I hate that I want to be in the moment and just enjoy the video games well you know I when Jordan Peele got that Oscar right I thought to myself right this is a drip because he is he the one that introduced me to video games right yeah he is the one that introduced me to I remember going to the game stopped to get moral wind right he's the one that goes you got to get that game cuz he's like Linda RPG is it well if that's so and then he stopped playing stop smoking pot and in that now he's now a he's a Academy Award winner right I'm I mean even if I didn't play video games I would never never be able to do what he does right but my point is is that I could have achieved more but the pleasure that I get from it I'm now way is your I'm not her outweighs an Oscar before when I was working a desk job at a job a nine-to-five yeah I'll come home and play video games and it was like that was my joy you know and I feel like that joy is gone I don't know if it's because I'm depressed I don't know if it's because I maybe it's because I'm depressed I don't know but I feel like there's always a there's always like a sensor me that's like you should be doing so most yeah and you know what that's a normal healthy thing I just don't have that I refuse gonna you know I was a balance I'm gonna play it at night I'll give a [ __ ] what are you gonna blade in I started over with I finished far cry 5 and I started with Awards it's a grinding game - what do you play got a Warren I hate slashers musn't do plantation oh no you know the PlayStation and I also don't I don't like slash them hack them stop you know me I like um very RPG though - I know it is okay that's great but I like I like far cry because um I should play Parker I like sneaking yeah I like taking my binoculars it's gulping out a compound open-world I'm finding out where everyone is right I like figure out how to get into the compound without anyone seeing me right I like throwing rocks you can throw bombs yourself boy yeah would you throw a rock the characters go whoo I guess the coast is clear all right and so they'll go toward the rock oh you guys satisfaction what's your favorite game of all time he's trying to end the show yeah my favorite game of all I was wondering if your fallout guy which one though I really enjoyed the last one for ya I never played for it cuz everybody says oh it's just like three and I love fallout fallout and I skip the whole [ __ ] thing because everybody dissuaded me no fallout 4 is them a masterpiece because it got new Vegas it's way better because okay I'm gonna play them I'll tell you why New Vegas is better than New Vegas because new Vegas there was no house right oh you like the house aspect I like building a house from ground up huh you get bit you can whatever what about the rest again helpful advice go ahead do you want a dark one a relationship give me a dark one I'm hopeful advice with Bobby well I look at age three hey everyone I need a voice filter saman go ahead everyone my name is Matt and I'm 25 from Ontario Canada over the past 10 years I've been dealing with severe depression anxiety this causes me to be withdrawn and secluded even when I would like to go out and be active at one point it was so bad that I ended up losing a great job and tell him telecommunications industry as well as my relationship with my single father because I simply couldn't find the motivation to even wake up and go to work I ended up becoming homeless for a short time before being approved for government assistance since then I found a home and after getting my father to one of the therapy sessions I've been attending he seemed to start to understand why I am the way I am even though everything has seemed to have gotten better on the outside looking in I can tell you today I feel worse than when I was homeless yeah every day seems to be worse than the last I can't seem to shake the feeling off I have no motivation I have no sex drive I have no creativity I have no real hunger for anything the spilling has caused me to attempt to commit suicide about a month ago and I was wondering if any of you have dealt with similar feelings before what have you done to escape them I thought I'm looking for a girlfriend but I also don't want anyone to have do the relationship one a cat star again what do you think I can do to help move on and escape these feelings thanks for taking the time to read I think there's something else going on I think did he say he does drugs did he say there are no drugs I feel like there's I mean I'm I don't know it does it literally reminds me of the introduction to Eckhart Tolle's the power of now you know he was a guy who had no lust for life he was living in a one-bedroom I think living in Canada as well it was cold he was sitting on a mattress and he's like yeah I'm done with life right and then he had a spiritual awakening in the middle of the night and his life changed and he created the philosophy of I mean living at the moment is probably in the Sermon on the Mount and and whatnot but he that was his thing I think that reading that introduction and reading that book would help this person individual can I decide it why cuz I you got a side because you know it you know you saw but let me just let me just kind of just give me a second okay you're flexing I don't know why but here's the place let me just say what I want to say okay is the whole philosophy even in 12-step groups they say one day at a time but that's not what they mean what they mean is live in the moment okay because most people walk around they live in the past and in the future what's gonna happen in the future and they worry about what happened in the past right and the thing is is that I used to have a sponsor named Dan right when I was in 17 years old and you used to arm step in front of me right and go and clap now here here here anyone get you out of your head yeah right right here now no right I used to get me out of my thing you know a lot of the torment 99% of my tournament is in my mind of course why yes I'm stuck in my head and I'm thinking about everything but being here right now in this present moment and you you Bach and you sigh baby okay but but what I'm saying is is that Lex this you've wrecked I just don't I think that if you're getting everything that you just said applies to most of the population but having been somebody who has been so deeply depressed and haven't attempted to take her own life that doesn't quite apply because I think that here's a person who is so just bereft of like every ounce of everything in his life I don't I think that he is explaining and describing somebody who is truly and chemically depressed and you can be the way I always used to feel was you could put surround me with everybody that I love on the sunniest day of the year in Disneyland and if I am feeling that pit of depression there's no getting me out of that and it's just that a chemical imbalance that's just keeping me down there irrationally well there's there's there's different levels to approaching depression like especially one that severe right first of all the guy he has a desire to get better that's the yeah the person right poor thing he recognizes I'm sick there's no joy in my life and I want to get better so that's important he still has hope Bobby is [ __ ] snoozing I know I'm Lissa this is how I listen you're in deep yeah should we wrap it up wrap it up there's no no no no that's what it is so now just let me just say something before I'm not gonna say anything about this situation okay yeah I heard everything you said I'm hearing everything you said but for me to not you know interrupt and really take in what you're saying I had to close my eyes and I pretend sleeping but don't take that an offense okay things like because I've been speaking mostly to you because we've been having a direct but when you're nodding off don't do it but then if I if I if I'm like look at your eye if I'm like this I won't be listening yeah close your eyes so he's got a desire to get better that's first most important that's that's good he's still got the spark in him okay the thing is like when you're that depressed and you're that you have that you're that hopeless you you need to force yourself to do things mm-hmm like he's it's so easy to just get stuck in bed and be like I feel like [ __ ] and there's no [ __ ] reason for me to get out of bed by the other hand ended his mind he knows that he is depressed and he hates that he doesn't want to get out of it so what do you need to do you know what you need to do you need to go out of bed you know go for to apply for a job you need to go do your laundry or whatever it is you have to force yourself to do it because you know that's what you need to do even though you don't want to do it yeah you have to fake it you have to fake it and fake it and fake it that's true you get your [ __ ] together but just by sheer force of will yeah I think that you do there is an element you have to sort of white-knuckle yourself out of that and I had a really good therapist and I was in my teens and we used to do weekly contracts of things that I would force myself to do and I think that really really helped I mean even things like something as simple as working out or even raising your you know your endorphins just a little too bad away and you went and you won that day yeah and I'm somebody who like lives with extreme anxiety I don't think there's a minute in my life we're like my palms aren't like sweating loosely or like you know I'm trying to like I always feel like I'm trying to I feel like I have to get out of a situation that's always what my body feels like like even if it's something really Pleasant like I feel like I have to flee mm-hmm and then with someone who's that clinically depressed yeah chemically depressed you need you need help you need professional help yeah and you need drugs drugs are there for people who they're really effective and and it helps people who really need it there's two types of people who are depressed there's people who are like circumstantially depressed and there's a couple things in their life that bothers them things about themselves that they want to prove and if you've tried all of that stuff because most people in my opinion don't go through the effort of actually confronting all those things they don't like about themselves to get out of that rut because it's easy it's it's much easier not to but if you've gone through that effort of doing all that stuff and you still are faking it and you're still depressed then that's when you do drugs yeah I agree but that car sold also a really great book power of now all right know a simple thing like that you never know what's gonna spark that one Japanese marijuana sake amore oh yeah shut-ins yeah he cook amore I um that's my that is my that's how I feel what heaven would be like mmm being a shut-in yes I don't want you think I want to communicate with people I'm a depressed guy myself you know I did drugs like you know I you know I did everything I could to fill that hole inside me I [ __ ] hate it might one of my biggest fantasies is to shoot heroin in a trailer in the desert and die I mean that's what I want to do right but you know I have parents and my brother and people around me that love me and rely on me and I have to try you know I have to try to be a part of you know so I get i mean i i'm probably not clinically depressed like this person that just emailed but you know i get you know what he's saying you know so you know i you think I want to read power on that you think I want to read self-help books you think I want to go to a meeting you think I want to do any of the things that I do to get out of you know but I don't but I have to but you're so right it might you might find something to like sparks you think you know and try some of that but the part is being open like okay grab the book read it you have to be willing and desperate to find yes to find your answer I fear not stop or die or die yeah I feel like the fact that he even wrote this message and got for us to answer it yeah it's a really bigger company was press it eloquently yeah when I am when I'm in that depressed mode I feel like I would never even bring myself to write that message and send it so that's true that's the good well what a wonderful podcast how what's the time that's very close to two hours and that yeah is that the record hand you know what you're gonna cut it down nothing about this podcast that I need to cut out there was that one part we used to drop the anymore with like a hard year you guys should probably cut that that's not gonna be caught that nothing about this pockets be caught and I'm they say that the pleasure was all mine thank you so much my pleasure no I'm being real did you have a good time you or no oh and then great I love them comfortable right like I'm being sarcastic but like the first time we sat down I thought I had a wonderful time I felt the same way you know I felt like it flowed and I felt like nothing was forced and I tried to be boring myself and it came out organically powerful the people boring yeah and while I also learned that um Tiger belly is the thing is that my foundation mhm and that's another thing that I found out you know from you and I also found out that um you guys are cool you know so give them a round of applause guys up and if you want to promote aside from h3 know uh our dog shredder dog shredders the best he's the cutest little guy you loved I've met shredder yeah yeah he's the batteries he's like life-changing a little guy yes no I just think I wa I love everything I love this I love this you guys Rock thanks for having us here it's gonna have kids yeah we're - were actually trying we talked about a little bit on the podcast that everyone around us is having kids and [ __ ] now babies and doing all the [ __ ] and it's just it's not happening for us yet well we're trying I'm gonna go squirt in a cup soon I'm gonna freeze my eggs this year oh really this in case yeah I always are complete it seems average from what I've seen it's not like it's not like Elmer's glue or it seems like you do like marshmallow style no thick as hot like you could like make sure that a compliment are you complimenting me I just feel like you have your you know I can serve as a compliment but I think it condensed what's the theory he thinks that it somehow I don't know what sure come look like really thick and very small baby dollop yeah now do you have ever seen I don't even think it could be measured but that's thick so it's basically wrote in its condensed it can I dab will do you but it's not you can see the white right I have a good vault I have good volume I've you ever smelled your own come well I haven't even like directly gone up to my nose but like sometimes you'll jizz in a rag and you get you can smell it after it dries yeah it smells like to me chlorine I don't smell chlorine yeah yeah III I find it to be a pleasant smell phew I don't like it at all come when I smell that I'm like it smells like rock bottom if I'm being honest that come out of your body right it's probably up there right that's a pleasant if I had the smell of all the things to come that's the best like [ __ ] is probably the rock bottom yeah but I mean I don't know I generally don't [ __ ] on the floor of mine I understand would you ever [ __ ] and then look at and go yeah yeah every time give me 2 mm yeah you have to look anyway sometimes I wipe too much you can't see it though you know what I did the other day you know what you don't happens to me that's that's cool they was I I clinched it yeah I cap I like a ship against it and the other like I'll to tempt it wouldn't come out so basically an [ __ ] with like a little bit of poop grab it push it like it's all the way out and then you grab it wait what did you do have to grab it I love ya I wait for the next [ __ ] the next time becomes the front of the next human centipede let me to shove it back in your [ __ ] as a factory okay so I'm making Twinkies for instance right so one Twinkie is not fully formed right I stick it you know and then the back end of that Twinkie becomes the front end of the neutral you can't I've got to suck it back in or you it you're in or you're out there you go sometimes he's saying that it's still at the front of the necks of the line you need to refrigerate it I'll tell you why I know it's not a Batman from your you know [ __ ] Oh how do you get [ __ ] the skid mark I don't I do well thing is that it's not all the way back in your ass oh why sure that's not what it is what it is is it's a little bit open and there's still the tail end of it is uncomfortable I don't like it okay but that's how we're gonna end the pot yeah baby wipes do right sometimes when I Mile Road baby sometimes I don't I let it hang you always end with it's becoming a moral problem apparently the flushable baby wipes are not flexible they're not they're lying to become kind of a big conflict really because I'm a huge Bay I love I live and die by the baby wipe do you do dry first and the baby one can't start wet otherwise your whole world is broken crazy I'd start wet bad anyway riches on you start with what Twila Touche to pay you going with paper towels he's slow nodding right now how many times do you wipe on us he needs traction to say something so truthful to you I'm gonna say something so truthful to you it's gonna boggle my mind no one ever taught me how to do it and I think I'm doing it wrong do you go back why I'm doing it wrong behold and tell me about your friend yeah oh no I do that I do that I always get chastised I do that too I was I cut my balls in my dick and I cut like I don't cup I let it [ __ ] I was shy right yeah that's a big no-no for girls especially I don't have a vagina but you know what there was this one time I first started dating where the ball smelled a little bit like hole and that's when I figured that he probably was about to front whoa whoa anyway I'm not talking anymore okay can I tell I think I've had it it's embarrassing yeah yeah what it's over in college one I had a girl who was going down on me and she was like it's a little and I she was doing some ball work yeah and she was like it's a little like spicy like yeah and I say I don't know I was stumped by it and then only years later did I realize I probably got a little [ __ ] my balls and the basket they know can ask you this point out what's more disturbing what's more disturbing if you're eating a girl out right and you smell poo or you smell blood who is way worse who cares about blood well they're both bad don't get blood has happened to me and it was it was horrible odd and pool that's why I can't yell other words five more minutes would have been exactly 200 we're done oh yeah yeah guys we'll be right back wow what a great podcast what a long podcast I am so deeply in love with ELA record I often on the record let that be known but I think she's she's my soul sister mm-hm yeah there's so many things about her that I feel like oh [ __ ] yeah she's like my kind of girl more importantly you guys have the same watch you're the only person I've ever seen with that watch no that's crazy cuz I mean I know that freestyle watches freestyle watches not respond a lot of people like wear them but not a lot of people wear this specific one yeah um and you know you really gotta kind of dig to find them so yeah I thought that was a real life connection there um any show dates for Bobby Bobby will be at it will be in Seattle this weekend a 7th through the 9th and the follow next week at San Francisco punch line go to Bobby Lee live.com for tickets oh my god kill Bert wonderful cop you have it this is just a tiger belly mug the first and only and exclusive mug that says nosotros papaya on it wow you're a lucky man to be holding such a relic how do you you should be on QVC maybe it's not a relic what here give me I need to do better in my COTC moments yeah you're good you have a good Q be smart we have a matte black color in eternal bright green shade of my favorite color along with a beautiful little papaya drawn up by our artist extraordinaire Gilbert Galan so please purchase the tiger belly mug when are they available Gil knows just look at our social media okay with us who knows that's the fun of it right who knows with the tiger belly merge oh but George what is that on your body YUM or yuck I would say this is the first time I would have to say yum George yeah not to your face but just to like you know your chest area and if you are on audio you gotta jump on up you gotta jump on the social the social media or YouTube so you can see that what George and what I'm wearing which is a new shirt that will be coming out with yours truly supreme leader Bobby Lee when who knows it's tiger belly emerged but soon but soon we still have to put in the order for the full version so only at least a couple will stay soon yeah and then how is the puppy made a right oh pretty fritter available you guys if you guys are interested in adopting check out the pictures on my latest Instagram post or or you can go to at Mayday rescue and fill out an application for the little guy he's six weeks he's already weaned and he's the cutest little thing so do that and remember to sleep like the slept king and slept Queen go to Brooklyn and calm use promo code Tiger belly for $20 off and free shipping or cut a hole in it and do what they did oh I wanted to say one more thing because I'm not gonna do I still have time Brice yes I did my really good friend Jeremiah Watkins podcast last week and it's called Jeremiah wonders and I might have said a little bit of a lot of [ __ ] on there but I wanted to help them out and promote his podcast so you guys please listen to that it's called Jeremiah wonders Jeremiah wonders and support your fellow a papaya and listener of this podcast at a rebels refinery by finding their men's grooming products at Target or get 20% off at rebels refinery calm with the promo code tiger belly and if you're watching on this video George is holding a beautiful black skull lip balm Wow everyone make a mean with collars face right now and shout out to everyone who wrote us a five-star review on iTunes remember to sign your name if you want to shout out a few recent reviewers Brandon Neilson Eddie Danko rent Radcliffe and Jason Brock keep them coming and if you like small bite-sized tiger belly highlights and clips check out the new tiger belly clip channel on YouTube and to follow us on instagram at tiger belly on twitter at the tiger belly and emails any questions unhelpful advice questions at the tiger belly at gmail.com you can follicle a lot on all social media ad George Kimmel at Brice at and all of Bobby's shows and information of Bobby Lee live.com [Music] [Music]
Channel: TigerBelly
Views: 1,994,719
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tiger belly, tigerbelly, bobby lee, khalyla, gilbert galon, podcast, khalyla kuhn, tgrbly, all things comedy, h3 podcast, h3h3, h3h3productions, ethan and hila, ethan klein, hila klein”, H3 Podcast #60 - Bobby Lee, Bobby Lee and H3H3 Roast Each Other, Birthright, asian parents, mad tv, stand up, comedy, funny, video games, gaming, stardew valley
Id: oCns4KsjexM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 36sec (7236 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 07 2018
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