Is it Possible to Beat Pokemon Platinum with Just a Shedinja?

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Not only a run on my favorite game, but he also used one of my favorite moves, Natural Gift.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Armstrong-M 📅︎︎ Dec 22 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hey everyone how's it going so i've actually been planning this video for years since after playing red and blue with magikarp i was convinced this would be one of the next hardest challenges and uh it potentially could be of course we're talking about beating pokemon platinum with just a shiddinja now shidinja is a very unique pokemon looking at its stats you'll notice that it's hp is base one that's not even necessarily true it's hp is one always it literally only has one hp which would probably make a run impossible if not for its ability wonderguard wonder guard only allows super effective moves to hit however shadinja is a bug ghost type and that gives it tons of things it's weak to on the bug side it's weak to fire flying in rock and on the go side it's weak to ghost and dark this gives us protection over roughly two-thirds of the damaging moves that's not exact because i know not every type has equal number of moves but that is a rough estimate that being said the moves we are weak to will knock us out in a single hit in addition to stuff like confusion and poison so this run is going to be very tricky eventually you may notice that for now it's really easy because at the beginning of the game most pokemon only know normal moves normal not affecting should ninja i mean regardless because the ghost type but because of wonder guard you may also notice shading's attacks do a lot of damage well going back to its stats base 90 is pretty decent and none of the other stats other than special attack really matter and that's pretty abysmal but its speed at base 40 that's not great the maximum it could ever be is 196 meaning it's possible we could be outsped and that would be really problematic but hopefully that doesn't happen and there is a way that we can help ensure it doesn't and it's somewhat necessary because there is a rather big problem coming up for whatever reason until generation 5 there was a conscious decision that the first gym leader needed to be a rock type and roark is no exception however unlike brock and red and blue roark's pokemon no rock moves and even though they can't miss yeah shidinja doesn't really stand much of a chance now we should probably look at what moves shijinja will have to help us with these rock pokemon the answer is not many scratch leech life fury swipes yikes the most helpful move confuse ray we don't get till after level 30. are we gonna have to level up that high well i surely hope not because shadinja is part of the erratic level up group this group is by far the slowest to level up in the early game and the fastest in the late game however generally speaking you need to level up more in the early game because of roadblocks like roark so it's going to take us much longer than otherwise and you might notice i have animations on i haven't had animations on ever in a run decided it would be fun to try one with animations besides they look really good on the ds first gen 4 run and we still haven't gone anywhere close to being the first gym leader so what are we gonna do thankfully just north of oronboro city there are two pokemon that are awesome those are michael and ponyta now in generation three and beyond the way stats increased is through the ev system we've talked about this before machop gives you attack evs and ponyta give you speed evs and considering every other stat on shi ninja is practically useless those are the best ones we could hope for now machop appears more frequently which is kind of good for evs but ponyta gives you a ton of experience points and after i level up a bit i try roark again and i lose again unlike other runs we know whether we're going to lose or not very quickly because it's a one ako that's why i call my should injure oco or one ko because either we're gonna want a ko or we're gonna lose and so i battled rorke a lot probably over 50 times the battles go very quickly and basically i discovered what i needed to do in order to win now the higher you level up the more and more consistent this will get i wanted a good balance between consistency and not leveling to level 100 before the first gym and so that took me to level 30 and here's the strategy against the geodude we need one of two things to happen return comes very close to one ako in geodude and i either need rock throw to miss or return itself to crit if i level up more geodude would be a one ko kranidos kranidos i have no idea once we get past gen 3 i stopped knowing how to pronounce pokemon because i never watched the anime past then anyway it's a one at ko so that's not a problem but onyx will be a two kill unless they get a crit so once again we either need a critical hit from return or an attack miss so with all these luck components our current chance of success is a mere one percent give or take so yeah not the best odds but it's not as bad as you think because the geodudes are at the beginning and it's so quick just to reset and further to that point level 30 is intentional because this is the first level where cranados is always a 1ko at earlier levels it was most of the time when at ko but you really just don't want more luck involved and eventually i had a battle where i got a critical hit that is a six point two five percent chance of happening wanna ko the cranados with return and then i got the 10 chance of a miss with rock throw and so the odds of this exact battle happening again would be one in 160 but there were other options anyway we finally win i should note a couple things we get returned right at the beginning of the game and that's really helpful while at the beginning scratch is actually better since we've been leveling up so much our friendship is pretty high and return does even more damage than leech life which isn't resisted and gets the same type bonus so that's pretty cool and the second thing to note is that in diamond and pearl in jubalife city you actually get hidden power and if we reset enough we could get hidden power water or grass and while return ended up being pretty helpful that would allow rourke to be pretty easy probably would require some level of grinding but not too much anyway now that we're at level 30 there isn't all that much that can stand in our way in platinum gardenia does not actually have any move whatsoever that can affect shidinja so we can use whatever moves we want don't have to worry about when it caoing or not a little annoyed that the tert wig setup reflects but what can you do and definitely a very different gym leader experience than our previous one but before you start relaxing there is a trainer that we can lose to and we do commander jupiter in eterna so commander jupiter is not someone we're going to focus too much on but they do have a skunk tank and return does not quite knock it out looking at shidinja's move set it does get some useful moves but as of right now there's really nothing better than return so to beat jupiter we could either level up or go for confuse ray hope it hits itself in confusion but unfortunately even that won't knock out skunk tank but it uses citrus berry and then hits itself in confusion again so the odds of beating skunk tank about 25 not amazing odds but hey it's better than leveling up and thankfully as time goes on we will get more and more options and so we won't have to rely on as much luck and while we're on the topic of pokemon that give us issues youngster donny in the hearth home gym he has a drift loon and drifloon has the ability aftermath aftermath deals damage which in our case knocks us out when a contact move is used to knock out the pokemon unfortunately at this point all of should inju's moves yes all of them are contact moves we will really later on learn shadowball but thankfully in the case of youngster donny we can just not battle him the gym leader fantina however presents a new problem she has a dust skull with shadow sneak a priority move so even though i out speed dust skull by a lot it has priority fortunately i'm very close to level 38 even now and at level 38 should injure also learn shadow sneak and it turns out rourke didn't really matter because we would have to level up the 38 anyway to make fantina possible but with shadow sneak since we are faster we can easily use it to knock out duskol it'll even wanna kill miss mages and haunter never stood a chance so that's three gym badges but more importantly we are gonna get the tm for shadowclaw as it's going to turn out most of the best moves should injure can learn are learned via tm now those of you familiar with generations one through three may think all ghost moves are physical attacks but this is no longer true now moves are divided by kind of how they work so shadowball is a special move while shadowclaw is the best physical type ghost move that should ninja could learn it's only base 70 power which really sucks however it has a high critical hit ratio which in this game means twelve point five percent which in generation one terms is awful but that's about as good as we're gonna get so we can head to vale stone no we can't literally blocking our path is rival three now i know i've skipped the first two battles cause they really didn't matter but here he has a staravia and he will have a star radius star raptor for the rest of the game and they both have the intimidated ability which lowers my attack and because of that attack drop we're just missing out on knocking out the staravia i could opt for confused race strats but we still aren't able to one ako the monferno so i decided it was just easier to level up now this did happen in my ditto run in emerald and we were able to get a white herb unfortunately that is just not practical in this game the white herb is viable in the battle frontier which is the post game and while it is pick-up-able you need a pokemon at level 41 which we wouldn't have access to now anyway and since the rules state we can only you should engine battle to level up a pokemon to level 41 would require to put them in the daycare and run around a whole bunch and it's just easier to level up even if that were an option we can't even access the daycare yet anyway but once we level up the battle is pretty much free i say pretty much because you do have to use confuse ray against monferno but hey 50 50 odds much better than some of the battles we've had so far and now smooth sailing onto veilstone right no no not at all and the reason why we have to beat ace trainer dennis now ace trainer dennis leads off with gligar and although it's the wrong color it's not too big a problem but then driftblim and there is no way i can knock this thing out seriously at this point my moves are shadowclaw which is a contact move shadowsneak which is a contact move confuse ray it would take eight of which to knock out drift blim return and oh by the way drift blim has ominous wind and gust so we can easily one ako my ninja if it attacks so we're stuck and this annoyed me a lot because in veilstone there are multiple tms and other things i could do to make this workable but unfortunately i thought long and hard because the last thing i wanted to do is level up to level 59 to beat ace trainer dennis but alas that is the only way for me to get past at this point i say at this point because if i thought ahead perhaps i could have saved bleach life and combine that with confuse ray so long as the confusion knocked out drift blim i wouldn't take aftermath damage and i'd be fine it would be low odds but i wouldn't have to level up so much unfortunately that ship has sailed and so yeah i just had to spend a very long time thankfully we do have the versus seeker so we don't just have to rely on wild pokemon we can re-battle various trainers ones that do give us some good experience points so it doesn't take as long as you think also remember we are in the fluctuating group and we're out of the early game so comparatively we're actually leveling up much quicker and yeah once we get to level 59 the battle requires no commentary it's just one ako shadow ball which is a special move and even though my special attack is terrible i'm at a high enough level that it wanted ko's the drift blim and then what oh never mind i figured out what happened there so weasel has swift swim it is raining on this route so even though i'm more than double its level and it's a pre-evolved pokemon it is able to outspeed me and boy did i ever get lucky because typically i would save before a battle like this and once i've already reached level 59 but because i was so frustrated with how much time it was taking i thought well i'll just save right before and i'll level up after i knock out glygar so i still have shadow sneak even though i deleted it the first time i can delete confuse ray yes i would like to have confuse ray but the other moves are far more necessary i can't re-teach either shadowclaw or yet return so that's what i opted to do and we were able to beat the weasel and man this run truly is fascinating and unique because it seems completely almost random which trainer is going to be easy and which are going to be difficult and on the easy side we have maylene now it shouldn't be all that surprising considering fighting type pokemon typically don't have moves that could hit sho ninja and i'm more than double the level of mostar pokemon shadowclaw easily won a chaos meditate and machoke didn't stand much of a chance however lucario does resist ghost was resisted by steel up until generation seven i believe or six not important lucario can't actually hit me with anything you see it tries for force palm and alright that is four gym badges and we are already at a level higher most times than we finished the game in a lot of my runs so yeah unique run so far but as is the case always in this run you're never out of the woods we have a mandatory double battle where we team up with dawn to defeat a couple team galactic grunts and they can use confuse ray or bite it's too zubat to start with and they have one more pokemon each but man this battle this is annoying because clefairy doesn't like to cooperate and just adds a whole bunch more of randomness it took me a really long time to figure out a consistent strategy and in the end i had to teach should injure protect clefairy will always go for gravity on turn one and then you needed to use sing on turn two i went for protect again 50 50 chance of it working it doesn't work just reset if it does and sing hits then you knock out the zubat that is not asleep the next pokemon is a stunky you need zubat left not to wake up if it does you pretty much lose clefairy can help you out with metronome but in this case it does not at all just more randomness hooray thankfully though once stunky's knocked out it's only one pokemon on the opponent's side and we out speed so we can easily get by but unfortunately i ended up resetting and i hadn't saved before this battle and my win rates about like i don't know under 10 percent very very frustrating and because of it being a mandatory double battle there is very little i can do to control it wonder what a run of double battles would look like that'd be something i should probably look into but anyway we still finished this run and oh yeah why did i have to reset well let's talk about that you'll notice protect is in the same spot that shadowball was in i'm not really using shadowball so it didn't seem to make much of a difference but psychic abigail just to the south of veilstone city has a driftloon but remember all i said once we got the veil stone weed options well introducing the move that i've never used but is going to be helpful natural gift yes it knocks out driftloon and let's explain how this move works it is truly bizarre natural gift only works if you're holding a berry it uses that berry to do physical damage that does not deal contact which literally couldn't be more perfect so it's like a hidden power you can choose the type of based on what berry you use and here is the chart different berries do different power and it actually was buffed in later generations i have literally never seen this move used ever it's a one-time use only per battle because it consumes the berry but it can be useful like knocking out drift loon and potentially knocking out pokemon that should injure doesn't really have good moves for so it's going to be very helpful and we can buy it from the pokemart so if they ever have to replace it i can just teach it over and over again not going to lie i love when i get to use moves that i've never used in my entire life it always makes me smile but you know what didn't make me smile this battle with crasher wake like with the rival his first pokemon gyarados uses intimidate and bye bye should so yeah that's not looking good that is not just one level up what am i gonna do yikes oh i know how about electrified natural gift that will surely wanna ko the gyarados next comes out floatzl we're gonna use shadow claw that didn't knock it out and it knows crunch that's not looking good but you know what shadow claw was doing enough damage maybe it's a range maybe i can get a crit let's keep trying again and again and again and see if we can end up knocking out that floatzel with shadowclaw eventually i do get a battle where i knock out the floatzel and i didn't need a critical hit so it is a range probably a 1 in 16 chance which is terrible odds but anyway it didn't actually matter quagsire is similarly bulky to gyarados so it also didn't want to ko to a shadow claw and it knows rock doom so yeah let's level up all right so i ran some errands got some tms now i'm at level 66 let's try this again all right will we knock out the gyarados yes with a critical hit okay very good now we definitely should knock out floatzel critical hit doesn't matter but uh oh we gonna knock out quagzir yes we are with natural gift you see my plan was actually to try for a critical hit against gyarados because it's very easy to reset yeah i guess i would be going for a bit of a lucky strategy and because i was planning for the critical hit against gyarados for the faster reset i could use a grass-based natural gift for quagsire easy one at ko and so while you might think the leveling up didn't matter it actually did because it made floatzel an automatic one at ko yes i ended up getting a crit anyway but i didn't need one is the point and consistency even when using a lucky strategy it's what i like to see and now we have to battle the team galactic grunt which leads off with the crow gunk and uses sucker punch and i lose and this is not going to be the last one you sucker punch the ai in generation 4 doesn't have automatic good ai if you remember generation 1 they prefer super effective moves like sucker punch but they won't always use it so against grunts with sucker punch i just reset till i don't get it i could teach a status move and try and stall out their sucker punches but because they don't always use sucker punch there's a chance they could use another move and they do have other moves that can damage me so really just resetting and going for shadow claw that's what i end up doing mildly annoying i feel like i should bring it up because it really was a source of irritation because oftentimes i'd encounter a crow gunk having not saved for a while and then either having to backtrack or resetting it was annoying but after losing 15 minutes of footage after my recording software crashed and thankfully no longer corrupts i just lose the footage after it crashes so that was only 15 minutes of footage and a reset still frustrating but we finally make it to byron rorke's father and the steel type gym leader always thought that was kind of cute i have the rock type but then you have the steel type but for our purposes steel type is actually easier to deal with the only pokemon that can hit me with attacks is bastion so i decided to go for a shadow claw just in case one of them would survive a single dig so it swaps into steelix but before it can even attack it swaps again into bastiodon dig is quadruple super effective so it will easily knock out bastiodon then comes out steelix i go for dig and uh oh the rood is quaking because we got a sandstorm and uh remember who i said anything that deals damage knocks out ninja well sandstorm goes from mildly irritating to literally the most scary move ever so yeah how am i gonna deal with that natural gift let me show you so this time i'm going to anticipate the swap and rather than use shadow claw i'm going to use natural gift i've equipped in a bad berry which is water type damage 70 base power does not quite knock it out but i'm hoping it's dealt enough damage that shadow claw can knock it out once again we're gonna find out later swaps into bastiodon i'm gonna go for dig and knock out the bastiodon all right will shadowclaw knock out no uh and remember how i said natural gift is a one-time use move the only thing i can really do is go for dig and yep sandstorm so time for a new strategy this time i equip a chesto berry which is a 60 base power water move hopefully this does enough damage that shadow claw will knock it out but not so much damage that it heals byron seems to be doing the exact same thing which is super super helpful because not every pokemon game works like this or really i guess it depends on the battle but regardless steelix is now out the moment of truth does shadow claw do enough damage yes very good magneton can't actually hit us so after knocking it out however we choose multiple shadow claws dig whatever it will work we have six gym badges albeit we are literally double the level of the pokemon we are facing but hey i'm gonna take some amount of pride this has been pretty difficult and time consuming and i'm not sure if our run is actually over because now we have to go to route 216 and although this trainer i'm going to show is not mandatory there is one that is and 216 has hail hail is a mild inconvenience but like sandstorms and shidinja it is a one-hit ko and if a trainer has more than two pokemon shadinja will lose and the run is over or is it i mean again that last trainer we could skip but this is the mandatory battle with multiple pokemon ace trainer dalton and thankfully he leads with a pokemon electabuzz which cannot attack us because we can set up sunny days chasing that hail away shadowclaw see we need to have sesame street references in every single pokemon video and uh seriously though sunny day the savior of the shoeninja run a move you would never use on a shi ninja and thank goodness we can get more natural gifts because that's what i replaced but the trainer ends up being trivial i believe there's only one more trainer that's mandatory ace trainer olivia that has two pokemon or more and thankfully she leads off with curlia which can't attack so thankfully the spot i thought could end the run ended up not doing so for the record if one of the pokemon could hit us i had a backup plan you can get a focus sash it's near where the pal park is there's an npc and he says oh show me pokemon at this level and if you do that three different times he will give you a focus sash so i was prepared for this to take several weeks if i needed to wait that long but it didn't we were able to do this and uh if i need to focus later now you know how i'll be able to get it but for now let's give ahead and battle can dice what's that what's that 12 year old me it's pronounced candace no not every candice spells their name with an a and even though it's a pun on ice it's still pronounced candace okay sure let's battle candace she leads with sneasel thankfully we out speed and return does one hit ko that's one down next we have frost last shadow claw will be super effective and not very surprising another one at ko now i don't know if piloswine will be a 18k okay it is very good that is three down and we're very lucky because since obama snow doesn't have actually moves to hit us with it's going to be the last pokemon candace uses and so even though it has snow warning which automatically whips up a hail storm shadow claw one hit ko's i could have used natural gift if i had to but we did not and we have beaten candace seven gyms in hand this game seems to be at our command for anyone who actually got that reference i apologize anyway we have a little bit of boring stuff i guess just like in actually most of the games this is where the villain team story wraps up and i do want to mention the final battle with cyrus because this was the first battle just need to get a little bit further we vile outsped me no item no swift swim it just outspent and there's a couple different things i could do about this actually one of them is just level up although i'm getting pretty close to level 100 so that will stop working the other is i can get the quick claw it's just available from an npc and it gives me a 20 chance to go first in the end though i just decide to level up and i equip the quick law anyway just in case they don't want to be the rest of the pokemon otherwise the battle went pretty well and we can move on to the eighth and final gym walkner and he's uh pretty easy the only two pokemon that can hit me are lux ray and electavire i quickly dispatch of lux ray with a return electivire i think about it then i realize i don't know if it'll wanna ko might as well use dig it'll waste a little bit of time but certainly it's going to work and yeah i mean that's the battle pretty anti-climactic for the eighth gym to be fair we're kind of used to the eighth gym not being too bad however the most difficult part of the game is seemingly yet to come we have one final rival battle this time the rival battle actually happens just before you enter the elite four chambers and it doesn't go all that well you see even at level 95 return does not one hit ko star raptor very very close but it doesn't but don't worry we can level up a little bit more and it'll be fine right we could do that or we could just use natural gift and get rid of star raptor that way shadow claw one ko's floatzel i'm gonna use dig and that is one hundred percent going to wanna ko infernape shadowclaw knocks out rose raid and oh well that's uh that's not good well i tried a whole bunch of different stuff but in the end i just leveled up and once you do that return one ko star raptor and shadow claw will want to kill everything else but i do have the spell tag equipped which boosts my ghost moves by twenty percent which combined with my extra leveling does do enough to one ako hair across unfortunately that is only pokemon number five we still have a snorlax and we don't come even close to knocking it out so we just have to hope for a crit yep that was a strat in the end and that's really all i can do i thought about it and i can't even teach any new moves i need all the moves i have i need return for star raptor i need shadow claw for everything else and i need dig for flint of the elite four and you'll notice i haven't deleted sunny day just in case something else uses a weather move and if i delete sunny day that could make the whole run impossible so i just have to hope for a crit it's a six percent chance but whatever it is what it is you reset enough times eventually you'll get it finally after we've defeated the rival we can take on the elite four and we start off with the bug trainer aaron and there's only one pokemon i'm worried about scissor scissor i mean dig might knock it out but i could just teach natural gift i don't think i'm gonna use return anymore so now that i've defeated the last star raptor i can delete return and each natural gift and let's see if that works all right starts off with the n mega shadow claw that's one down vespiquen two yeah that works now we have drapeon it could theoretically hit me but i'm gonna go for dig and because it's super effective it's gonna knock it out natural gift with a fire inducing berry will obviously knock out scissor and now heracross that's the question will it wanna ko without the spell tag yes maybe critical hit i don't know either way first try victory against aaron and now we've got bertha who's pokemon come from the eartha that's the pun and most of her pokemon can't actually do anything but some of them can and let's just try and see how it goes all right she starts off with wiscash this can't actually do anything so i'm going to go for shadowclaw and she immediately swaps into glyscor now we do enough damage that i think glyscor is going to heal yes it does heal and when you're dealing over half damage that's not really a problem because she will run out of full restores eventually it appears she actually only has one so all that did is delay the inevitable now i equipped one of the barriers that gives me a grass type attack for golem so natural gift will knock it out but i'm not sure if diggle wanna kill ryperior rock wrecker misses and okay oh crit so i'm not sure still lots of questions but we only have two pokemon left so here comes whiskash again i'm gonna go for shadowclaw and uh oh she swaps into is it hippodon or hip out on i don't know i always said hippowdon i i used to say hippodon but there's a w there doesn't really matter what you call it because it has the ability sandstream meaning automatic sandstorm meaning i lose so that's great but obviously not a big deal we can just try again i should mention that i battle aaron a couple of times i figure out that dig will not reliably wanna chaos scissor so natural gift is the correct strategy and shadow claw does reliably wanna kohara cross so the battle is very consistent which is good but now let's see if we can beat bertha i do have an idea of what i want to do i'm going to equip the spell tag my hope is that twenty percent increase will do enough damage to knock out the hip out on and probably the gly score let's see so we get whiskash first swaps into glyscor good to see that's consistent and we knock out glyscor in one hit very good now i have to use dig for golem because i don't have a bear to use natural gift will dig knock it out it does very good okay so golem is down rhyperior we knocked out but it was a critical hit hopefully that didn't matter oh well that's not good and it used a rock move to absolutely wreck me so it looks like that's not going to work with my attack that's very annoying just a little bit more attack and it would have worked but i have an idea should ninja can learn giga drain and giga drain being a grass move and a special move even though my special is pretty bad it is super effective it should wanna ko both pokemon so i can keep my spell tag equipped and i probably will be able to knock out both let's see all right whiskash into gly that's not glyscor what no what she'll switch into hip powder no that's not supposed to happen be consistent oh gosh all right hopefully that was just a one-off let's try one more time all right here's whiskash and gly score so 75 percent of the time based on our four attempts we get gly score that's good of course i was nervous so i went for sunny day but that's not a big deal since we do have the spell tag equipped shadow glow will won ako glyscor so really going for sunny day is no risk and potential reward of not losing so that's kind of nice anyway glyce core is down now we're gonna use giga drain against golem unsurprisingly it's a one ko now we have ryperior come on no what is with this oh gosh oh that's really bad i don't know what to do now and to be honest i'm not even sure if spell tag shadowclaw won it kos so i decided to switch strategies and i used the soft sand instead of the spell tag hippodon doesn't come out second often at all so that didn't really make much of a difference and with the soft sand both golem and ryperior were consistent one at ko's when it comes to hip out on i'm actually extremely lucky if she just swapped in hippodon that would be really really problematic and winning this battle would require extreme luck thankfully because she decides to go to wiscash again then hip out on i can set up a sunny day and then hope i either get a stone edge miss or a critical hit and obviously you could tell by my inflection i got the stone edge miss and i can defeat hippodon wiscash can't actually attack me so i can win and now you see why i held on to sunny day i wasn't sure if i would need it against this hip out on and i did so if i deleted it this battle would have pretty much been impossible think about it even if i wanted ko hip out on and a focus ash doesn't work against weather damage so yeah we're pretty lucky things worked out the way they are however we're not out of the woods yet we still have three more trainers funny enough flint is going to be extremely easy you wouldn't think so but the massive caveat is so long as we out speed which i think we do we should be able to use dig and want to ko every single one of flint's pokemon so out speed houndoom okay that's gonna easily wanna ko if we outsped a houndoom we're gonna outspeed flareon and obviously one at ko rapid ash is pretty fast it has rapid in its name but without speed very good and obviously another one at ko magmortar is at a pretty high level but i'm not worried about dig one okay owing and infernape will we out speed yes okay so thank goodness we outsped i wasn't as careful with my speed evs so it was possible i could lose but while i was potentially worried about flint i'm not worried at all about our next trainer in fact now that we have defeated bertha i can delete sunny day and teach x scissor because we're actually about to face the psychic type trainer and uh once i restore my power points because gotta make sure we have enough shadow claws also might as well equip the spell tag not a bad idea to do that we should have a pretty easy time against lucian not sure what the pun is there but whatever anyway we're gonna use shadow claw he switches into glade and that didn't matter critical hit didn't matter either now we have an espion we outspeed even espeon all right that's pretty good now we have mr mime and now mr mime is no more and bronzong i don't think i'll want to ko but it can't actually damage me so we're fine and we got a crit anyway so we're very fine and that was the lance of this elite four yes that was number four we have made it to cynthia the trickiest champion some say and i think that's pretty fair very balanced team great pokemon you know i'm i'm not sure how this is gonna go not at all but there's not very much i can really do at this point might as well just see how it goes now our first pokemon is extremely scary there is no weakness i can exploit i'm going to go for x scissor which is slightly more powerful and yes okay spirit tomb that was the one i was most concerned with wanna ko togekiss is also pretty bulky so i'm gonna go for shadow oh my oh what was i doing no so for those of you who don't understand what just happened there as of generation six togekiss is not a normal flying type it is a fairy flying type and you know fairy has been around long enough and i played enough competitive pokemon that i completely forgot toga kiss was normal and so a bug move wouldn't have worked natural gift i didn't have a berry i had nothing for togekiss and that means because of my no saving between elite four rule i have to start all the way back at the beginning with aaron and i have to do that bertha lottery all over again and i realized you know what we're going to suspend the no saving rule because that rule exists primarily to stop luck based strategies well that's all well and good but when i'm going to use a luck based strategy against bertha aka hope hip-hop on doesn't come out second or hope i get a miss slash critical hit yeah i think we're dealing with a luck based strategy and i'm at level 100 can't level up anymore potentially i could have tried sunny day solar beam combo i didn't want to try that i don't know this i just knew would work so eventually obviously i just save in front of bertha but if you can believe it the battle i save in front of her of course is the battle i win and overall this is my 15th attempt and i count an attempt every time i reset so that's really not too bad hilariously enough i got the less likely stone edge miss since there's a 50 50 chance for crunch that's only approximately 10 chance that happens but hey i'll take it and so we have defeated bertha again the next two elite four members i am not worried about whatsoever so while i show off those battles let's talk about my thoughts for cynthia if i don't keep the spell tag equipped i do have a pomegranate and that will give me a 70 base power ice attack which i can use against togekiss the question is will i be able to one eko the rest of her pokemon or will i have to rely on potentially getting a critical hit especially against garchong thus far i'm i'm really not sure and while you think saving would make this less nerve-wracking it's actually the opposite because now i'm locked in if i screwed up if i actually can't beat cynthia without having to leave the elite four i can't get sunny day back and i've made this impossible i can either beat her with what i've got or i have to give up and i've done that before i have a beldum run in emerald that i messed up and i couldn't complete it i know it's completable or should be but i'd messed up with saving and it's another reason i don't like to save in between having said that it is literally too late to turn back now let's try cynthia take two first things first is x scissor a guaranteed one ko yes that's very good okay one thing we know for sure now now we're going to use our natural gift against togekiss i wish i could use this multiple times would be great against garchomp and we do knock out togekiss in one hit but here's the moment of truth do we knock out the level 62 guard chomp i go for x scissor my most powerful attack no we don't and flamethrower cannot miss so yeah so far though this isn't that bad all we need is a shadow clock critical hit it is a 12 chance so and darn it there's no way to decrease the counter but this is the next attempt you could see i didn't edit anything here so let's just try one more time we have spirit tomb still wanna ko very good we have togekiss still wanna ko good again all right now can we get the twelve percent critical hit chance with shadow claw yes we can okay that was quick and uh i don't know if we won or not but that was definitely good to see all right lucario is next i think dig will want it ko it can't hit me with shadowball as you saw but not when i'm underground and unsurprisingly lucario is knocked out next up is rose raid we've already seen that rose ray doesn't have great defense and i have x scissor and we won milotic can't actually damage me that's it doesn't matter if i wanted ko or not my lotic does not have a move to hit ninja i seriously thought this one would actually be impossible i thought bertha would be impossible i thought the hail would be impossible but we persevered and uh wow you know this was really fun it really was it could be frustrating at points but i really missed generation four it was so much fun to do a run in a game i haven't done before i love gen 1 don't get me wrong but i'm really excited to try these challenges in other generations and that's kind of all i have to say about this very interesting unique type of run and i'm glad we were able to pull it off and i'll see you guys in a few days with another new video take care
Channel: Jrose11
Views: 936,586
Rating: 4.9143877 out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Jrose11, Pokemon Challenge, Can you beat, Pokemon Platinum, Platinum, Diamond, Pearl, Impossible Challenge, Platinum Challenge, Gen 4 Challenge, Pokemon Diamond, Shedinja, Shedinja Platinum, Shedinja Challenge, Solo Challenge, Solo Shedinja, Solo Shedinja Challenge, Shedinja Run, 1 HP, Shedninja, Shednija
Id: QvTzrgbUhKM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 52sec (2752 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2020
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