Is Pikachu ACTUALLY the best Kanto Starter? - Solo Pokemon Red/Blue Challenge

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I'm having a lot of fun watching his videos. His runs are inspiring me to do the same in order to relearn Gen 1 mechanics.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/BaiohazadoKurisu 📅︎︎ May 13 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hey everyone how's it going usually when you think of generation 1 starters people think of squirtle Bulbasaur and Charmander but there is one more generation one starter that we haven't made a video on yet and it isn't one I'm looking forward to Pikachu was rated 6th in our top 10 worst Pokemon to do this run but there are quite a few common tors who weren't happy arguing that Pikachu actually was really good and that I was underrating it so are they right let's find out but first let's talk about how exactly we're gonna get a Pikachu starter and this way I don't have to repeat this for every subsequent starter because obviously the three starters you don't do anything you just play the game normally for Pikachu and the remaining Pokemon I'm gonna use gameshark I play everything on legitimate cartridge so we can't just use a randomizer or something like that using gameshark isn't too bad there's a simple code and you just put in the number of the Pokemon and corresponding to their index number now to record the footage for the runs and why I'm able to get these crazy color palettes I use the retron 5 clone console you can't use a gameshark on that so I just use my Gameboy player which is a GameCube peripheral which is why the color scheme is now what you'd expect red as opposed to the ugly yellow color that we're gonna use for the rest of the run because well Pikachu is yellow and honestly I like the variety of colors I think it's kind of cool that every video is gonna look a little bit different anyway there was another debate whether or not I should just maximize db's with another game shark cheat which I figured out how to do or just reset until I get one that's good enough I'm gonna stick with resetting until one is good enough Pokemon is a game of luck I understand people want to make this more scientific but if I'm only doing one run it's never gonna be scientific I want this to at least be indicative of what a typical Pikachu run would be and if you reset for decent enough stats for example Pikachu with a 12 attack has 15 which is perfect EVs and it's so you can reset for that and I did and it only took me around eight minutes to get a Pikachu that I thought was good enough is it a perfect Pikachu no where the chances of getting a perfect Pikachu is like one in 65,000 and to me that's just so unrealistic yes it may skew the results a little bit but never are you gonna get a terrible Pokemon because I'm resetting so anyway after I'm done resetting I can use the retron 5 again I do speed it up people get upset about this and I've mentioned before I've never had in it listen at the end of the day I can either do it at regular speed and these videos could take a week or I could speed it up 2 3 4 times which by the way pokemon stadium 2 also lets me do I used to use that I just think the footage looks a lot cleaner on the retron that's the only reason I use it and it saves tons of time and honestly the fact there is a pokemon licensed game out there that lets you do the same thing I'm pretty comfortable with speeding the game up and making videos faster so figured I would just get that out of the way anyway this is a long introduction but we're not gonna get to Brok anytime soon because we have a problem Pikachu unlike our other Pokemon doesn't have a move that can hit Brock and I don't mean hit it and do a lot of damage I mean Pikachu literally cannot damage Brock until level 16 so we can battle all the three bug catchers in Viridian Forest we can battle we'll call him rival 1a because rival two I've always referred to the one in cerulean but I never battled a Viridian City rival here we need the experience points obviously I should have mentioned that I made rival pick Bulbasaur because both Blastoise and Charizard are weak to electric attacks so I figured venusaur was the fairest choice for making the rival as difficult as possible he's not too difficult to defeat nor any the bug catchers but we're gonna have to fight a whole bunch of wheedle and kikuna which brings me to why used red version there is a subtle difference in the stats of Caterpie and wheedle and the way stat experience works which influences your stats is the base stats of the Pokemon you knockout are added to your stats it's a complicated formula don't worry too much about it but it makes a bit of a difference getting to knockout wheedle so anytime we need to grind for attack before Brock you're gonna see me using red version versus blue version so there is an actual difference anyway one through at level 16 you can try battling a junior trainer and I did defeat him on my first try you're not guaranteed to because Sandshrew likes to spam sand attack unfortunately Brock is another story I figured I'd have to grind quite a bit till I was ready to face Brock it's not like there's anything super useful coming up I mean swift eventually we would get but we're gonna have to deal physical not very effective damage to Brock and the strategy would probably be growl a few times then use quick attack right but no actually the best strategy is to just use quick attack right away and hope Rock doesn't use defense curl because around level 20 you actually deal pretty significant damage and that's because of all the we Dalls we've knocked out we've gained some pretty significant stat experience and because we reset for a Pikachu with max attack Vivi's we're not too terrible in attack and if you get decently lucky you'll get past the Gio do the Onix is pretty much entirely luck Onix is three moves tackle we do not want bide we do want screech screeches okay but basically because we have speed the Onix we can safely use quick attack bite and generation one doesn't have increased priority so we can use quick attack when Onix uses bide we simply use growl or thunder shock and then just rinse and repeat you can be at very low health because Onix really doesn't like to attack but obviously it could attack every turn if it wanted to so it's largely a matter of luck shockingly level 19 was all I needed to get past it sure I didn't get attacked almost at all with the Onix so it was pretty lucky but the fact of the matter is there's really nothing more strategic you can even do and leveling up one or two levels isn't going to make huge difference I do love consistency but when it comes to these kind of fights with Brock if I just win and I'm trying my best I'm gonna go with it I'm celebrating I think this is great and after you beat Brock the game gets really easy because of course it does word away higher level than Weber before and electric pokemon something you'll realize in generation 1 there aren't a whole lot of ground Pokemon I mean Brock is an obvious exception but there aren't many that you face most things don't resist electric attacks so Pikachu kind of just mows through all the Pidgey and Caterpie and all the other Pokemon you face there's really no difficulty misty actually was a little difficult of course I just used Thunder shock the reason I say she was a little difficult is I probably should have done misty later cuz her star me outspent I didn't expect that and because of that I actually got a little lucky to win although also unlucky misty never used bubble beam which was lucky she did get a critical hit which is unlucky but I got a critical hit which was lucky but I also had the foresight not to remove quick attack even though I have mega punch since well what if I get out sped I knew wouldn't happen much but just in case let's have quick attack and worked out pretty well truth be told if I ever did this again I would fight misty after the rival because rival 2 is way easier than in other runs since we have a pokemon that's super effective against Pidgeotto not as many chances to use sand attack I mean of course it still got off 2 against me in this fight because why wouldn't it and it made the fight a lot more stressful than it otherwise should have been I one shot the Abra with a quick attack and the Rattata with the Thunder shock although that may have been luck not sure if it would have been a one shot without the critical hit regardless I ended up actually getting a mega punch to hit the Bulbasaur it's pretty worried because I'd had quite a few defense drops and leech seed would have been great and shortly after I got a quick attack to hit so I would say average luck to sand attacks is unlucky but didn't hurt me too much so probably best just to fight the rival first in the future whatever live and learn the rest of the fights are not too bad even the hiker you have to fight because he just has one Onix you can just spam mega punch Onix kind of sucks so it's not really a big deal something that will make these fights easier that I can't get right now is the TM for seismic toss which is available very soon but I'm not gonna get it right now the reason being you have to fight another hiker in order to make the junior trainer move enough spaces so that you can walk past him and get seismic toss we are gonna get it but just later once we have cut just not worth it to fight another hiker anyway we're gonna head down to vermilion City once we get the SS ticket beat the rocket we don't get dig which sucks I love using digs such a great move fight some more trainers and head to the SSN where we're gonna get body slam always useful when we can use it and we're then going to fight rival number three and once again a difficult fight and other runs first try success thundershock almost one shot the pidgeotto and it didn't use sand attack very good Radek eight did get quick attack and I didn't win shot it but I still have quick attacks so I was able to retaliate and knock it out single body slam knocked out the Kadabra and only two body slams for the Ivysaur used vine whip didn't do much damage pretty good so that's three fights that have taken many attempts we first try with Pikachu and this is really starting to shock me like holy moly this runs going really well I'm even making up some time from other runs despite the fact they spent two hours on Brock lieutenant surge is also really easy he just used body slam a whole bunch usually a skip lieutenant surge for later and you could theoretically but you shouldn't we need lieutenant surge to get Thunderbolt because once we have Thunderbolt we have arguably the best electric attack in the game after the third gym for the entirety of the game think how long it took for us to get flamethrower surf or how Razor Leaf wasn't guaranteed to be we'll hit so it wasn't quite as good we have a base 95 power attack that isn't resisted by very much for a lot of the game I didn't realize how much this speed things up and there aren't any real difficult trainers coming up until in Rock Tunnel we do have that one mandatory hiker I skip all the hikers I can you can skip almost all of them but you do have to fight one of them who has the two geodude's and the gravel ER now with seismic toss it's just a 2 hit ko but they like you self-destruct and you'll only survive one of them it doesn't matter if it's the gravel or the Geodude you can only take one self-destruct I got the gravel err to self-destruct which is fine I don't even know if it would have been a 2-shot with seismic toss it's hard to tell sometimes but works well enough for me only one more mandatory trainer and she's really easy and then we can make our way to sell it on city after buying a couple proteins which in retrospect probably should have been calcium but doesn't matter I went to the rocket hideout and fought Giovanni and for the first time in a while it was not a first try success only because I ran out of power points little minor thing rather than catch an oddish which you may notice I have I should get a Paris so I could teach a dig cuz it allows me to escape and then I could heal the Pokemon Center it would save me time the only reason I lost Giovanni's I didn't have enough power points or HP to beat him because he's really not that bad I did learn however that submission one of the best fighting moves in generation 1 doesn't work for Pikachu you have that 20% chance to miss and you take back a ton of recoil damage often times it's not a one-hit ko anyway because ROC pokeman have such good defense so it's best just use seismic toss and a good example is the successful fighting is Giovanni to seismic tosses was enough to defeat his Onix took three for the Rhyhorn then the Kangaskhan obviously I'd love to use Thunderbolt but I ran into power points so I had to rely on some body-slammed didn't matter kangaskhan loves to use rage and rage is a terrible attack once you use it you're locked into it for the rest of the like there's actually a soft block that can occur because of this very notable one in laura-leigh but whatever honestly should have been first try but I was experimenting with submission submission doesn't make sense okay now we're gonna go and fight rival number four we could face Erika but yeah rival four and he's not very difficult in fact every single one of his Pokemon is a one-hit ko except for the Ivysaur which does basically no damage and takes to bodyslam not too bad but you may notice I have agility now a lot of people recommended using withdraw and squirtle and it's not a bad idea I've mentioned this in the past but there is a mechanic in generation 1 well it's actually a glitch but you can't really avoid it where when you raise your stats vag boosts which are increases of 12% you get after acquiring certain badges will be reapplied every time your stats are modified with squirtle didn't make a ton of sense because I needed all the moves I had surf ice beam body slam dig they all serve useful purposes Pikachu's a lot more limited so we can use one of our move slots for agility and it will come in handy a little bit later for now we're just gonna keep rolling through the game the hardest fight is actually the marowak because it has bone Club so that can be a little scary thankfully wild Pokemon have completely random AI so it's not likely to use that twice nothing else too difficult until we get to Koga Koga actually is kind of challenging his Pokemon have good defense and good special plus they can poison you in stuff so I actually left Koga for a little bit later because I was having trouble figuring out a consistent way to get by him I also was having trouble with Erica who unsurprisingly resists my attacks and her pokemon are decently strong so I decided to go to silk company and to grind a bit of experience points there because Pikachu's electrical deal well against the goal bats even the Hypno's and whatnot they're usually one or two hit ko and there's a lot of evolved Pokemon so gaining quite a bit of experience points plus there some useful items I can pick up along the way and once I've gained enough experience points I go back to Erica since I kinda also need to fight her and at my current level she's not too much of a problem at all all her pokemon are to hit Kos but thankfully I paralyzed the victreebel and it doesn't move tingle uses bind but to seismic toss is no problem and the vileplume besides poison powder is the best idea not petal dance whatever wasn't too big a deal at a bit of a lower level there was a little bit more luck and I figured for Koga I need some more levels anyway definitely could have figured out a strategy earlier but sometimes it's just not worth it to just try and get past it at a lower level because you're gonna just get stuck later anyway I could see Koko is gonna be a problem so might as well have a more consistent Erica fight I'm still not ready to face Koga yet but I am ready to face rival fievel so let's go fight him he's really not so bad at my current level Pidgeotto and Gyarados are still one-hit ko as growlithe isn't I did get burned one time that was bad but normally isn't a problem alakazam you want to use body slam because of its great special and it's horrible defense and then Venus or honestly that's the first time I've gotten that far so I alternated between body slam and seismic toss generally speaking if seismic toss is doing as much damage as another attack it's better to use the other attack because it could crit or you get a lucky status anyway Venus or didn't use Razor Leaf if it did that would have been problematic but it decided not to I'm not liek to grass so it's just gonna kind of randomly attack me definitely a heck of a lot harder then the previous rival fights but not terrible and that's kind of how I'd also describe Giovanni I'm not super over leveled so I'm not dealing as much damage as I'd like I also use body slam against the Kangaskhan instead of just using Thunderbolt not sure why but I use seismic toss against the Rhyhorn and the Nidoqueen basically because at my level neato queens defense is good enough that seismic toss actually deals more damage thankfully all this pokemon have bad attacks but if they didn't this would be a really tricky fight pikachu does not match up well at all against the pokemon he has but thankfully in red and blue a lot of trainers just to have terrible terrible attacks and I'm able to take full advantage of that and win so not bad and you'd figure now it's time to go fight Koga but Marty and saffron let's go fight Sabrina and my original strategy was to use agility a few times to get attack boost via the vag boost glitch unfortunately it doesn't work out in this fight because I level up after I knock out the venomoth once you level up the badge boost glitch wears off and you just get the 12.5% you're supposed to get from the start of the battle anyway you just use body slam pretty much every Pokemon was a to hit ko and I was taking pretty significant damage wasn't thinking this was gonna be a victory but Alakazam did use reflect I decided to chance it with a seismic toss and I dealt enough damage so second try on Sabrina so the game's getting a little bit harder but overall these fights are really not so bad I mean consider how much higher a level I was at in some of my other runs just looking pretty good and finally it's time to fight ko ko because he's the only accessible gym left to us at this point and this fight had some of the craziest good luck I've gotten in a really long time I didn't get the range against the first coughing but it missed I got a critical hit against the muck I got the range I needed against the second coughing and Koga spammed ex attacks on the wheezing so I made it past him without taking any damage I thought just didn't feel right to me I mean this has been a really tough fight so I decided to fight Koga again and I wanted an even more ridiculous way here the coughing did it with tackle I didn't get a critical hit but the muck did and it poisoned me I still got the range against the coughing and the wheezing decided to spam ex attacks plus I got a crit you know what with 90 base speed there is around 20% chance for critical hits I don't know you know at some point just take it so I did and I moved on to fight Blaine now here's where I made a mistake actually made a couple mistakes but Lane gives you the badge that boosts our special so I try to set up three agility as I actually miss click and set up a fourth in order to boost my special to make Blaine easier little did I know he's the badge I need to get for that to work so I was literally boosting every other stat but special he's still fine I just spam Thunderbolt eventually I kind of figured it out and use body slam but it wasn't dealing any more damage so I just stuck the Thunderbolt I got a crit against the arcanine but that's not even lucky considering how many times I've attacked it was statistically probable I got at least one critical hit I'm just gonna take it at this point it was my second attempt and it even manipulated my experience points so I wouldn't level up and then I see the volcano badge raises special so yeah brilliant move me live and learn let's go fight Giovanni and this time he's gonna be a lot easier because I'm gonna change things up a little bit I'm gonna get rid of body slam yeah it served me well but time to move on and teach mimic why well Riordan doesn't like to attack and it only has stomped so I can set up three agility or four once again by the way that does nothing to set up a fourth it's just me miss clicking I can use seismic toss to get rid of the Rhyhorn then mimic the Dugtrio and teach myself dig the Dugtrio will go for dig but I can dig to avoid its dig and then hit it with dig and hit everything else with dig and if I'd manipulated my experience points properly I would have one shot the rest of his team of course I still didn't think about that so I leveled up after the Nidoqueen causing the nito king to be a little more stressful and it'd be a to hit ko thankfully the ride-on uses Fisher because Fisher equals ground move super effective right but it won't work Fisher cannot affect a Pokemon whose speed stat is higher than its well with all those Agility's and the fact I'm a Pikachu my speed stat is definitely higher so while it does take three digs and I definitely misspoke earlier would have been a 2 hit ko regardless easy fight first try we're moving on to the last part of the game and while the rival had not been difficult or at least that difficult up to this point now that he has all's pokémon evolve and better moves he becomes insanely difficult plus I don't have body slam which would be very useful so I tried a lot of different things until I realized that this was the moment I should use my rear Candy's I mean I could try and figure out some strategy but listen the game's only gonna get harder we're at a pretty low level or a Pikachu this was supposed to be the sixth hardest this fight is taking too long I'd lost like six times in a row pretty good indicator that it's time just to use the rare candies and see if I can then create a better strategy which I did thankfully Pidgeot does not have sand attacks so we can safely set up all three agility and we just use a rare candy so we're not gonna level up in this fight we can knock it out in a single hit with a thunderbolt same with the Gyarados and same with the growlithe and the Rhyhorn takes a few seismic toss but it's not a problem either the Alakazam i'd love to use body slam instead we're gonna use mimic and teach ourselves psychic and hope we don't get hit with a critical hit because it's a two hit ko for thunderbolt and even with our boosted special via the badge boost glitch it is not a one-hit ko with psychic for venusaur thankfully the rival uses a potion why does it even have a potion whatever I beat the venusaur but I can already tell if I'm having this much trouble with rival second last the final rival fight is gonna be really tough but before I can even start thinking about that I got to think about the Elite Four and I'm honestly not too worried at least at the beginning I actually didn't fight any trainers in victory Road I kind of figured initially that my tight matchup was good enough that I should be able to breeze through that ended up not being the entirely there were a couple of obstacles that I had to figure out but we are gonna start in a much lower level than the previous two runs which is honestly pretty exciting I mean no one likes being wrong but holy moly is this going so much better than I could have imagined nonetheless the Elite Four still was very challenging I don't want to mislead you it took me about a couple hours of planning trying different strategies to figure out how to make it all work but unlike in other runs while I did need to level up a little bit I think four more levels from what you last saw the success came from finding better strategies to get by each member of the leaf four as opposed to just leveling up past all my problems and and that's the way I like doing these that's the whole point of these runs so let's talk about the strategies I used for now we're gonna keep our move set the same and lauralee actually is really really easy and this really shouldn't come as much of a surprise considering for over five Pokemon are water types dugong is usually a to hit KO unless you get a critical hit cloyster is a one-hit ko and then Slowbro you want to mimic amnesia you don't have to do this it just makes the fight a little bit more consistent and could save you a potion after one amnesia the rest of her team are one-hit ko is usually jinx there's actually a slim chance could survive so maybe just use a second amnesia you can get by this battle without any amnesia I just like not losing health and saving a potion just because it looks cooler but the fact is Laura Lee is pretty easy as is Bruno all you need to do is use to seismic tosses against both onyx thunderbolt one-hit ko is both Hitmonchan and Hitmonlee critical hits don't matter Machamp can knock you out if you're at a hundred health or lower and it hits you with submission or gets a critical hit with submission at any health it's not likely to use it because fissure is super effective quote-unquote and sometimes it just uses an item or leer it's really not too big a problem I fought Bruno maybe 25 times and I lost it actly once and that was where I didn't heal between fights and went in with like no health so yeah not a difficult fight at all Agatha she's not difficult she's always annoying but thankfully I remembered my minimum battles run the first one where I used venusaur and how I had a pretty good strategy for dealing with her and it works so well there might as well figure out how to make it work here I did need to manipulate my experience points for this fight to make sure this would work but what I do is I mimic hypnosis use hypnosis then try and set up three agility this is important I need all three the Ganga will then become a to hit ko and I'm not gonna level up in this fight go bouts a one-hit ko I didn't need any Agility's for that the Haunter is a to a KO but you could sometimes knock it within range for a super potion that's ideal you really don't want hypnosis to hit or confuse ray not in the world I've had both those things happen in one I usually do win this fight but those are annoying we actually use the Agility's for the next two Pokemon though arbok can use glare that's the run ender don't want that with the three Agility's it's a one-hit ko at my current level and then Gengar we're not gonna use a hypnosis because the worst it can do is confuse ray which is only a 50/50 chance of actually being bad and that's still not a run ender hypnosis is a 40 percent chance to miss Plus if I got a critical hit er of paralysis it could be good and it's a 2 hit ko another reason we use those agilities and this fight definitely took me a really long time to figure out why don't use real time because that's just a matter of me not thinking about it quickly enough and Agatha could be a run ender she's definitely tougher than the previous two but realistically Lance was a much bigger problem as you could expect I ended up making Lance a lot easier as well once I figured something out but the truth is had a levelled up more Lance would have been super super easy let me explain so Pikachu doesn't really have any great moves for dealing with dragon Pokemon we have an electric move seismic toss and mimic we're gonna keep agility I actually had taught reflect earlier thinking that would help but agility helps quite a bit more we're gonna one hit ko the Gyarados with thunderbolt because that's really dangerous and then we're gonna need dragon air number one to cooperate the idea is to mimic hyper beam and set up three agility to boost our attack this is important because that will allow at our current level hyper beam to wadiya KO both dragon air which is super useful and in generation 1 when hyper beam knocks out a pokemon you don't need to recharge the dragon air can critical hit you and that happened a few times and that would end the run so i still classify a lance as not perfect but as you can see I've knocked out the two dragon air with hyper beam Aerodactyl I use a thunderbolt and it one-hit chaos it and here's why it's not perfect look at the health I'm at and Dragonite you think all dragon it has to do is use hyper beam and I'm done and in later generations the AI would know to do that but in Gen 1 it doesn't so here you slam and that was perfect because it was a 2 hit ko the Agility's worked really well a game with the experience point manipulation I don't level up and so I'm able to keep those special boosts it also likes to spam barrier and reflect hyper beam I don't think would have one shot it and if it didn't then I would have to recharge so I just go for thunderbolt to be saved definitely not the most consistent strategy I've ever used but who cares we're on pace to break Bulbasaur's record with the sixth worst Pokemon to do this what who woulda thunk this the rival however is very challenging I mean very I got to the rival many many times trying to figure out how to get past him was very difficult and I am gonna need to use badge boosts so I am gonna level up and that will cost me the record but allow me to maybe have a chance in this battle once again we're gonna set up against the Pidgeot because it can't do very much to us but shockingly we're gonna mimic sky I never ever you sky attack on flying Pokemon who would use a to turn attack but with my current move pool it is the best option we're also going to set up three agilities of course and then knock out the Pidgeot with a thunderbolt it will be a one-hit ko and you shouldn't be taking too much damage unfortunately Thunderbolt will not one-hit ko the Alakazam and so you have two options either you sky attack or try for two Thunderbolts probably should have gone for two Thunderbolts in retrospect I'm not sure why I went for sky attack but hey I got to you sky attack in a rhyme Alakazam very annoying loves to critical hit confuse with psybeam like I had so many runs and at Alakazam I just I love using Alakazam but hate facing it now we kept seismic toss solely for this ride on it's gonna take for seismic toss and you'd think right on could help by using tailwhip earlier to lower my defense help with badge boosts and if it hits with enough of those it will however it does a fury attack so it'll deal damage and we do need our defense not being terrible for a later pokemon so ideally you just get rid of ride on as quick as possible I wish I had a better way other than obviously if I leveled up a little bit more seismic toss would do just a little bit more damage would be a three hit ko but we're gonna tie the record if we do this Gyarados one-hit ko with Thunderbolts arcanine is scary that's why I don't want too many Lear's takedown can deal significant damage I get a roar thankfully with the agility boost is a 2 hit ko with Thunderbolt and we have one pokémon remaining all we needed to do is anything but a critical hit Razor Leaf oh my god now we just need sky attack to hit and we have done it Pikachu ties Bulbasaur beating the entire game at level 69 took it to level 20 to get past Brock but the rest of the game Trulli was one of the easier runs I mean oh for but I'm in shock I did not see this coming I thought this would be a very annoying run I really underestimated how few rock Pokemon there are how good seismic toss is are just getting rid of them and how we can be creative with mimic to make up for move pool deficiencies that list is totally gonna get revised and while it took about half an hour longer than Bulbasaur we still managed to beat the game at the same level which begs the question who is the best Kanto starter if we can't Pikachu I still think Bulbasaur should be number one just the fights yes some of them were trickier but once you figure out a strategy they are a little bit more consistent I think Pikachu would be in the same tier as Bulbasaur with Charmander at tier below and then squirrel in another tier I really do feel like that seems accurate but it's hard to make an accurate tier list with so few entries and that just means you're gonna have to come back in two or three days hopefully subscribed we're trying to hit 200,000 and see what pokemon comes next not necessarily gonna go in pokedex order I'm probably gonna do like a bunch of rivalries like fossil versus fossil version exclusives which ones are better all sorts of fun stuff like that it'll be great so I'll probably figure out which Pokemon I feel like doing after I make this video and you'll find out when you see it on your notifications oh please so thanks for watching take care everyone
Channel: Jrose11
Views: 602,351
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Jrose11, Catch 'Em All, Red, Blue, Generation 1, Pokemon Red, Pokemon Blue, Pokemon Red and Blue, Pokemon Challenge, Kanto Challenge, Kanto Starter, Starter Pokemon, No Items, Pikachu, pokemon challenge, pokemon challenges, pokemon red, pikachu best starter, pokemon blue, how to get hidden abilities in sword and shield, can you beat pokemon with only a, elite four, pokemon solo challenge
Id: 3FqFV0e7w8Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 29sec (2069 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 06 2020
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