Can you beat Pokemon Gold/Silver Without Taking Damage?

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I just watched this today. I learned that Gastly and Haunter can only learn the elemental punches starting in gen 4. Just..... Why?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Mx_Toniy_4869 📅︎︎ May 21 2020 🗫︎ replies
hey everyone how's it going so i know i'm not the first one to do this challenge but i think i'm the first to do it in gold and silver the idea is very simple we're gonna try and go through the entirety of the game without ever taking damage of course there's going to be a lot of resetting but that doesn't make the challenge any less difficult in addition we're not going to be using any items in battle and as always i'm going to try and do this at the lowest level that i possibly can but otherwise anything else we can use to our advantage we are going to and the first thing we should use to our advantage is picking the right starter because it's very important the starters in gold and silver are actually really really good and there was a bit of a debate which one i should pick i initially tried chikurita but unfortunately after wasting about 6 hours i realized chikorita wouldn't work the reason behind my choosing it is that it learns razor leaf at a really low level but long story short didn't end up working out so instead i'm gonna pick cyndaquil and there's two really good reasons to pick cyndaquil the first is that it evolves at a really low level level 14 which is the lowest i think ever among the starter pokemon and number two is that it gives you some good matchups in the early game however the biggest obstacle right now is the first rival fight one thing i really like about gold and silver is unlike game champ or small ants runs where the rival battle happens right away in gold and silver you first have to go to mr pokemon's house which gives you opportunity to train your pokemon first and it's for this reason that i picked gold and silver because if you watch small ends video you'll see that he reset around 60 times before he got a rival battle that actually worked in my case i just had to level up to level 14 and it's really not that bad because in gold and silver at a 15 percent rate there are kokuna or metapod depending on your version i picked silver because i like the more active pose of the sprite it's also really cool that the sprites are different in those two games but regardless you can knock out enough of them to level up to level 14 become a kulaba and with a critical hit it's a one hit ko now this was my first attempt but i was planning on resetting until i got the critical hit it's a one in 16 chance so not bad i could also have leveled up a little bit more to try and one and k without the critical hit i had options but pretty grateful that the rival fight happened so quickly and now we can continue on to the rest of the game and here i need to start planning ahead because while kolava is really good it's not going to be able to take on the entirety of jodo by itself so there are a couple pokemon that i thought would help me out immensely first pokemon is bellsprout which is available on route 31 just outside of violet city we're not going to be using bellsprout in the near future but it is a super important pokemon so i'm going to level it up a little bit in dark cave there are lots of geodude there for now though quillava will just make easy work of all the bellsprout in sprout tower and then we can take on faulkner who's also not too bad whatsoever at level 18 with my stats and i believe this kolava actually had perfect special dvs which is insanely lucky a 1 in 16 chance i wasn't able to knock out the pidgeotto although i came really close at level 19 it was what we call a range and let's talk about this right now because it's going to come up again and again in pokemon moves don't always do the exact same amount of damage every single time this is pretty common in rpgs sometimes moves will do a little bit more and sometimes they'll do a little bit less in our case we almost always want them to be a one-hit ko and when it can be a one to ko but not guaranteed you'll hear me refer to that as a range from now on pidgeotto was a range but it was a moot point since i got a critical hit and that works well for me because leveling up at this point takes a really long time considering how high a level i am but that's one gym badge in the book and no real major trouble spots now we're gonna move on to union cave and here is where bellsprout will start to come in handy there are some hikers here with geodudes and one with an onyx for the ones with geodude bellsprout's vine whip makes quick work of them with the onyx you're gonna have to try and move past him because onyx is speedier than bellsprout until you evolve to weepinbell you're not gonna really outspeed anything but the slowest of pokemon with bellsprout and that is the end goal so we're gonna try and fight as many geodudes as possible however there's another obstacle that comes into play that we need to keep in mind and that's quick attack users pokemon like rattata raticate and vulpix all can learn quick attack and you need to be very aware thankfully kulava also learns quick attacks something i forgot and another great reason to pick it and it's a one-hit ko i'll be at a range so i can use quick attack before it potentially does and knock it out without having to worry not too bad we then can move on to azalea town itself and after defeating the rockets we can move on to bugsy now the strategy is exactly what you'd expect we're going to use ember with quillava unfortunately we don't learn flame wheel to level 31 and leveling up that high would take a very long time and it isn't necessary as you're gonna see what we are gonna do to help out is you can buy a charcoal in the azalea pokemart yes you get a free one later on but unfortunately we need this charcoal now and you don't get the free one until after you've defeated bugsy so that really just doesn't work but at level 25 with the charcoal we're able to use three embers and knock out the metapod cocoona and the scyther if it decides not to use quick attack it won't always use it in fact it rarely does but something to keep in mind and that pretty much does it for quilava i know plot twist but this run is all about what's gonna help me right now and right now kulava isn't gonna be all that useful because we have rival fight number two he's gonna be using a ghastly zubat and a crocona pulava is simply not going to do nearly enough damage against the crocodile not going to be close to a one-hit ko and krakona is going to attack so we're going to need a bit of a better strategy enter weepinbell it doesn't seem like it'd be that great on the surface vine whip is double resisted by zubat and it's resisted by gastly but it knows sleep powder and growth so we can put gastly to sleep which doesn't like to attack anyway build up our growths and then potentially sweep through rival 2's team at least that was what i was hoping obviously i had to level up quite a bit using the geodudes and onyx and union cave to get weep and bell to this level but once it was at level 21 i was able to put the gas lead asleep on the first turn use two growths and one hike of the gas leak the zubat i was also able to put to sleep the first turn but since it's double resisted by zubat i decided to use another growth and still it was only doing about 1 3 of zubat's health unlike in gen 1 pokemon can attack the turn they wake up thankfully zubat goes for super sonic it misses and i'm able to knock it out with that third vine whip crocodile i out speed and it's an easy one-hit ko and this was a battle that actually took me a really long time to figure out since originally i was trying with kulava but weep and bell ended up being really really great unexpectedly so and is going to be our main for the foreseeable future but after we get through islex forest there is a pokemon that we're gonna need to catch a pokemon that is so overpowered in generation two that it became my mascot kadabra and yes there is no cute origin story here cadabra became my favorite pokemon because as a little kid i couldn't believe just how great cadabra was at getting through the game especially because it learns all three elemental punches available in the goldenrod pokemart and very soon cadabra will be a very useful pokemon but right now it's a little under leveled and we're about to face what many consider to be the most difficult gym leader in pokemon history i think that's debatable but whitney does have a bit of a reputation of being difficult and her mill tank is definitely pretty bulky so we're gonna need to level up a bit more and in doing so we're gonna backtrack a bit because remember how i said there are two pokemon we can catch i hadn't actually caught the second one yet so let's go do that that pokemon is ghastly now i know that gastly seems like it would fill a similar niche to abra cadabra but there are a few advantages and disadvantages of using a ghastly haunter the biggest advantage is the fact that it isn't affected by priority moves like quick attack thankfully unlike in red and blue there aren't too many pokemon that use quick attack but there are enough of them that gastly will be immensely helpful because let's face it a culver or typhlosion with quick attack isn't going to be one hit ko'ing pokemon forever the second reason that ghastly is good is that it has really good special and access to pretty useful moves in crystal version which is harder at the beginning because of no metapod or cocuna is a lot easier at the end because you can teach ghastly thunderbolt right away as opposed to what i'm going to be doing which is relying on lick to level it up which is very tedious and time consuming and then eventually giving it shadow ball once we defeat the fourth gym we still got a ways to do that but letting you know the road map here for now though we're going to be training all our pokemon and once weeping bow gets to level 31 it's ready to take down whitney now like a lot of the strategies in a damageless run there's going to be some luck involved but all you need to do is put clefairy to sleep set up three growth so that's a bit of the luck component but once you do that it's a one hit k enclave fairy and a one hit ko on miltank and what a great job we've been bella's done defeating two of the more difficult trainer fights in gold and silver runs i know i haven't made videos on youtube but i have done them before rival 2 and whitney are some big obstacles so good on weepinbell and as a reward it's going to retire i know i know it's sad and it did such good work but weaving bell just simply isn't going to be able to keep up especially with abra now cadabra unlike in red and blue evolutionary stones are not readily available you cannot get them until after you beat the elite four so weepinbell while it is one of my favorite pokemon it did a good job but its job is over time for kadabra to take over and take over does it do i mean i'm not even leveling up cadabra all that much because i'm also focusing on leveling up my gastly but once you get to ecruteak city it's just a complete joke cybee sybeam cybe nothing comes even close even the gengar i was concerned because of its speed and special no way cadabra outsped cadabra one hit k-o just absolute dominance i'm telling you there's a reason cadaver is my favorite pokemon and i'm going to be honest and you might be thinking why even have the ghastly why not just use kadabra you will see thank goodness i had the ghastly i had it for a bit of a different reason than what you're going to see initially but trust me it would not have worked if i just had kadabra and the mentality i had in this run was better to train up too many pokemon and waste a little time then not to train up enough and have to go back and find a new pokemon which did happen as you're going to see but for now it's time to turn gastly from something that is not usable whatsoever into something that is kind of usable and that's going to require it to evolve into haunter so what i did is went to all of vine city got the good rod and started fishing for crabby crabby have decent attack and the truth is at one point i was considering using a staryu for jasmine didn't end up being necessary but it was one of my considerations staryu only appears at 10 so in the meantime i was knocking out all the crabby at first it was taking multiple hits so i'd have to use hypnosis but eventually especially once it became haunter it took less and less hits meaning that haunter was becoming more and more usable in addition as some of you more competitive players know i'm also ev training my hunter i don't have a lot of money to buy vitamins but this is a great way to get its attack to go up and up we do need shadowball to be somewhat decent so this worked out very very well now like red and blue once you get to the gym that houses the fourth city in this case ecritique the game opens up significantly once you defeat morty you can use surf so you can go to olivine cyanwood and mahogany and there are trainers all over such as the glitter lighthouse and lake of rage something else that is available at the lake of rage is hidden power now hidden power is one of the most confusing moves in the entire pokemon franchise it's based on your dvs or ivs in modern generations and prior to generation 5 it could deal anywhere from i believe 30 to 70 base power of damage and all of this was kept completely hidden from you it would just appear as a normal move and base powers weren't even something you could look up until generation 3 not that hidden power would reveal what it was so i tried hidden power on a bunch of pokemon and found something very curious for haunter my hunter had roughly a base 55 to 60 base power psychic type hidden power i could not have hand picked something more useful for haunter to have because a it takes advantage of haunter's amazing special and b while not as overpowered with generation one psychic is still extremely powerful in generation two with very few immunities or resistances and so we're gonna be using hidden power a whole lot and because i've hidden power i actually don't need to rely on cadabra to fight chuck but i can use haunter albeit with a little more luck involved primapepe is a one-hit ko with hidden power polywrath will be a two hikeo so i use hypnosis chuck will always go for a full heal thus giving me that free turn i need to use the second hidden power and defeating chuck cadabra would have done this easily in one hit but cadaver can kind of do everything easily and i need haunter to be at a good level so the more experience points i can get with haunter the better plus it's kind of nice that the last three gyms have been fought with three different pokemon bet you didn't think you'd be seeing that when you clicked on this video but we are using a variety of pokemon with still a newcomer yet to follow which actually isn't coming for a little while and i keep hyping it up but do not worry i will get to it we still have a few more gyms to go and jasmine the sixth gem i was kind of concerned about but that concern ended up being not really all that warranted cadabra knows fire punch i equip with the charcoal i did need to level up to level 38 i tried at level 37 it wasn't as consistent but the magnemites are easy one hit ko with fire punch and so was the stelix although it was still a range so my first attempt did not go well even at level 38 but what can you do ranges are going to exist and i'm really happy about the fact we're not significantly over leveled and yet we've been able to pretty easily all things considered get through the first six gyms without taking any damage and the seventh gem isn't gonna really provide much of an issue either and it's kind of weird that the canonical seventh gem has weaker pokemon than the sixth gem there's a couple times where gamefreak has sort of allowed you to complete gym leaders in whatever order you want generation 4 is another example of this and it's clear to me that they anticipated you going right fighting price first trying to fight jasmine realizing you have to go to cyan wood then facing chuck his pokemon are a little stronger and then going to face jasmine before taking on team rocket that's my theory but either way not much to say about this battle thunder punch thunder punch fire punch good job cadaver once again making it look easy and this part of the game which pretty much encompassed after you defeat morty until we end up defeating the team rockets in radio tower is what i like to call the big lull and don't get me wrong i love gold and silver and i genuinely think heart gold and soul silver are the best made pokemon games ever including the recent ones but this is still kind of a tedious section because they sort of intended you to do it in any order the pokemon are all really under level so it lacks any sort of challenge or suspense there is a rival battle that you think would be kind of difficult but since there are so many trainers and i'm only using two pokemon he isn't none of his pokemon have priority moves for alligator is only at level 32 and cadaver has such great special attack that a single thunder punch is all you need you use some fire punches some psychics not a problem whatsoever and because none of the trainers here are all that difficult i mean of course if you mess up or if something uses quick attack and you're not using haunter it can be problematic but as long as you don't and you're smart about which pokemon you're using you should be fine so let's skip all the way ahead to blackthorne city the final gym and one of my biggest pet peeves is that the final gym in jodo doesn't even use fully evolved pokemon i don't know i understand that there are more gyms to come spoiler alert but it's still weird to me claire didn't have at least one under level dragonite i don't know that's just my take claire definitely was a lot more challenging in that i needed to level up of course the first three dragonair can all be easily handled by an ice punch kingdra however has really good stats and even a single psychic wasn't enough to knock it out you'd think why not get the twisted spoon unfortunately that is not an item that is available with one cartridge we are only using one cartridge and you would need to trade in a cadabra from pokemon yellow we're not going to be doing that so my options were to either level up a little bit more hope for a crit or see if something else weird happen we got something else weird claire decided to go for smoke screen then a hyper potion thankfully i don't miss and i'm able to knock out king drought with a second psychic at level 49 and what was interesting to me is trying to do this challenge as at lower level as possible because of course i could just get to level 100 and everything would be easy mostly but it's interesting to me to see if i use kind of regularly leveled pokemon and to not take damage in any of the major battles it was something i felt very proud but that feeling would soon be taken away and replaced with just pure frustration because after we finish with the two routes and then victory road which is empty and just a miniature version of red and blue victory road which i'm fine with but i kind of wish it wasn't empty it just feels like a waste of space but we're about to start battling the elite four and let's take a quick look ahead at what we're gonna be dealing with we have will the psychic type user well both kadabra and haunter have moves that will help me out here so i wasn't too worried about him then we have koga who i like to call new bruno he's just as bad if not worse so i'm not really worried about him either also one thing i want to make note of here which is a bit of a spoiler is that while koga and will both have pokemon that use quick attack i have never seen either of those pokemon use it a single time so i don't think they're programmed to do so unless you're at very low health and it will knock you out then we have actual bruno he replaces one of his onyxes with a hitmontop i didn't even realize it also knows quick attack i have never seen it use it a single time not too worried about him either then we have karen and karen i was worried about because the best pokemon to use for karen thinking back on it would probably have been primate a pokemon that is a version exclusive and not available in silver version which is the version i was using i realized that a single fire punch from kadabra wouldn't be anywhere close to knocking out umbreon and umbreon is insanely trolly plus she has hound doom and that would have been a problem too i thought of using hitmonlee but the problem with that is vileplume is a grass poison and well yeah i'd need to train it up but vio plume's defense is decent i'm not sure if that would work so i decided to settle on a non-fighting pokemon but something that had a bunch of different moves at its disposal in nidoking in retrospect wish i would have used gold version in just a primate but neato king i would need to catch one and train one up which took several hours and honestly didn't work out nearly as well as i hoped it would there was a mistake made but it is what happened so after countless hours of trying the elite four again and again and again because if you are new to my channel this is a rule i try never to break we do not save between elite four members i grew up on pokemon stadium two and you were not allowed to save between elite four members and i would never consider this challenge to be complete if i didn't abide by that rule you might think it's arbitrary but it's the way i've always played so gosh darn it we're gonna be doing it now cue whatever theme music i'm using in this challenge and let's talk about will so will could easily be defeated with kadabra but i want to use haunter since it does need the experience points for reasons that will become apparent shortly with haunter it's a 90 chance that will will be okay the only pokemon that can pose a problem is slow bro which is a range even at my current level with a spell tag however slogo likes to use amnesia so it's not a problem i do want to take an opportunity to talk about a very weird thing in gold and silver and i wonder if someone can land an explanation other than it just being random because from my experience what order the elite four member sends out their final three pokemon is completely random this actually does become relevant in one of the battles and it makes it a little bit more annoying to strategize because i'm not exactly sure which pokemon is coming out when so i had to have alternate strategies just in case in this battle slobro came out fourth i do not get the shadowball range but it uses amnesia which is just as well zatu comes out last also onei ko and there goes will and probably the nicest thing i can say about will is you guys won't get on my case for how i pronounce his name so that's pretty cool then comes koga the worst gym leader in red and blue who is the worst elite four member we're gonna use kadabra and you can pretty much use almost any super effective move you want thunder punch depending on your level can be arranged against the crowbat but i didn't do that i just use psychic you don't need the powerpoint so it's not a big deal you can just use psychic four times and then fire punch must be used on fortress for obvious reasons actually maybe psychic would one hit ko who cares the 5a button strategy worked wonders and new bruno is just as bad as old bruno speaking of old bruno let's go battle him and here's something hilarious and very fitting bruno was a run ender for me for a very long time why well if i can just pause my footage for a second bruno's hitmonchan has mock punch you think you wouldn't use it against the kadabra because it's not very effective but you'd be wrong it is programmed for whatever reason to always use mock punch against kadabra i don't know if it's because it would one hit ko i don't know if it's because it out speeds whatever the reason bruno will always use mock punch and it affects kadabra and i can't outspeed a priority move so i would lose hunter on the other hand didn't have the power necessary to knock out bruno's pokemon yes if we had psychic that would be lovely but that's not available until after we defeat the elite four so here's what i ended up having to do hitmontop always comes out first psychic one at ko onyx always comes out second psychic or ice punch wanna ko now it's random and you do not want to see hitmonchan right here i got hitmon lee so i can keep kadabra in and use psychic now hitmonchan can appear here and that would be really bad but i got machamp and psychic is a wanna ko when this happens i have a 100 chance of winning hitmonchan always goes for mac punch doesn't affect haunter and my hidden power psychic which i'm very lucky to have will want nike out but what if i didn't have hidden power psychic what if i didn't get that lucky well what i would have to do is the same strategy as what i do when i don't get hitmonchan last which is i swap into haunter use hypnosis which has a 60 chance to hit if i miss the run is over if i don't i swap back into kadabra hoping it's still asleep hoping it stays asleep a third turn because it will use mock punch and then sweeping through the rest of the team was psychic alternatively i could opt to use shadowball twice and potentially have to put both of hitmonlee and machamp to sleep if i get the worst possible luck since they both would be a two-hit ko i think the cadaver strategy is less luck based so that is what i would have gone with i had runs where that happened thankfully i got optimal luck this time it would run out because once i got past bruno i realized that my calculations that i'd done for karen were very very wrong i completely miscalculated and nidoking's earthquake was not doing anywhere close the amount of damage i hoped it would do so i have to rely on an insanely luck-based strategy but it's all i had so i'm leading with haunter and going for hypnosis if you miss it's not the end of the world because it likes to use sand attack and there's a 25 chance that fails because gen 1 2 works that way so that can't happen didn't hear i got the sleep now i swap into nidoking and needed to stay asleep for two more turns earthquake is so close to one hikoing but is not quite there and thankfully umbreon in this instance stayed asleep so far so good but here comes the second luck based element vileplume i could have leveled up more but vileplume is a 70 chance at my current level to one eko and of course i missed the range it goes for stunsport and thank goodness it misses all things being equal that's a 25 chance although i think with the weird way gen 1 and 2 work it's more like 44 chance i'll take it and now i win all i need to do is use ice punch on the murkrow one ako and then earthquake on the hound doom and the gengar thankfully i outspeed because i didn't use rare candies i didn't use the daycare i actually spent two hours training this needle king up so it would have decent static speed and buying some vitamins because i had some money now and while did require some luck and leveling up i was able to make it through the first four elite four members and then i'd face lance lance wasn't the champion before he's been promoted now and because lance is the best we're gonna have to use the best in kadabra he leads with gyarados which is four times weak to thunder punch and there are three dragonite who are all four times weak to ice punch the issues are aerodactyl and charizard aerodactyl was always a one-hit ko and thankfully i outsped but charizard i missed the range five consecutive times until i realized hey you know there's an item called the magnet which you can use and you can equip it and then you won't miss the range and once i realized that i felt really silly with the magnet equipped i knocked out the charizard followed by the dragonite and i am officially champion of johto but and this is just my opinion the one thing about gold and silver which i find makes them less exciting as videos is that the difficulty of the game then decreases dramatically before having a monumental increase in the final battle i don't mind this playing casually but in terms of a narrative the kanto gym leaders aren't all that interesting in fact in the eight gym battles there are only a handful of pokemon that are not one hit ko's but there is one big thing we're gonna be doing which is we're gonna only be using haunter the rest of the way the reason for this i'll go over shortly but we can pick up psychic from mr psychic as soon as we get to kanto and that's a massive boost to haunter but since we're in saffron for my first kanto gym leader i challenge sabrina while she's super difficult in red and blue she only has three pokemon and espeon mr mime and alakazam i out speed and shadowball is a one-hit ko next i decided to battle erika although i could have waited erica's blossom is one of the two pokemon that is not a one-hit ko doesn't matter if you use shadowball or psychic she's also added a jump bluff to her team so use psychic against the tangela and the victory bell i tried to put blossom to sleep i missed but it used sunny day second hypnosis hit and then two shadow balls are all i need to knock out blossom jump bluff was a one-hit ko with psychic and that's gym badge number two of kanto number three is janine she has five pokemon but they're at extremely low levels i'm not really sure why you'd even have a level 36 crobat this late into the game her most powerful pokemon isn't even level 40. it's a level 39 venomoth i use shadowball on her first three pokemon and for the two wheezing i use psychic because i didn't even bother restoring power points and that's badge number eleven for j-rose 11. i then decided to go back to vermilion to fight lieutenant serge raichu has quick attack which it almost always uses i found when i used any other pokemon but with haunter we don't have to worry psychic knocks out the raichu electrode and electabuzz without issue the magneton was just barely a two-hit ko but decided to use double team and i didn't miss with psychic i could have just come back after i battled some of the other gyms but i'm not going to complain now in order to progress further there is some plot stuff you need to do involving getting a machine part and waking up the snorlax to go through diglett cave and there's a whole lot of trainer so you can see my levels rising misty would otherwise be a little difficult her gold duck and quagsire were easy one hit ko's with psychic but lapras wasn't now this wasn't really an issue because i had the tm for giga drain and you can get the tm for thunder from the goldenrod game corner both of which would be one at ko's but he used raindance so i didn't have to starmie is psychic type so shadowball was an easy one hit ko against it levels are finally rising but we're still not even seeing pokemon at level 50 which is what lance's pokemon used that trend will continue for brock who although has five pokemon the highest leveled one is onyx which is terrible in the late game psychic easily wanted ko's every pokemon again giga drain would have been fine as well but i didn't even need to teach it yet if you're wondering why i'm saving it i'm not sure if i'm gonna need all or any of hypnosis giga drain or thunder later on so the later i have to make that decision the better it will be the last thing you want to do is to teach a move like earthquake to neato king and realize hey maybe i could have gotten a hair across or something and that would have been better so teaching tms as late as you possibly can is always a good strategy anyways i go to c4 milan's to battle blaine he only has three pokemon finally level 50 though a mccargo a magmar and a rapidash no idea what happened to our canine they all faint with a single psychic no issues but now we finally battle someone who does pose a challenge blue or as he's more properly known rival fibal yeah i realize they didn't talk about the fourth rival fight as you exit victory road but it was really easy and i know this guy's in your rival but technically it is the fifth battle against a rival-like character so i'm gonna count it anyway let's talk about my first attempt against him pidgeot i do get a critical hit but normally would require two hits gyarados would require two hits but i get rain dance finally in this first attempt our canine also requires two hits i didn't realize and it attacks me ending this battle now that was extremely lucky and i still lost albeit had i used hypnosis i probably would have won but i'd like to cut out some of that luck so what i'm going to do is teach thunder i'd like to teach thunderbolts but it's not a tm in generation 2 and the move tutor that teaches thunder is only in crystal version thankfully from battling every trainer i can and using the amulet coin i have more than enough coins to buy several thunders if i would have wanted them which i didn't realize and i go back to face blue with thunder in hand there is a bit of luck because it's only 70 accuracy thankfully in only my first try i managed to hit the pidgeot with that 70 percent you psychic on the ride on you shadowball on the alakazam again hit the 70 percent on the gyarados and then followed up with the 60 chance to hit hypnosis on our canine blue use the full restore but because ai items function normally in gen 2 meaning they always happen at the beginning of the turn the full restore happens before i attack as opposed to generation one where it would happen after so i'm able to use my second attack knock out the arcanine all that's left is exeggutor i use shadowball and down goes blue now the chance of everything happening like they did in that battle not super high roughly 30 which isn't amazing but it's also not terrible it's also important to note our canine knows extreme speed another increased priority move so using haunter is essential again i love cadabra but we need that immunity to priority moves and all we have left is one final battle against red this is the battle i was dreading the most red's team is one of the most powerful teams in the entire pokemon series not counting rematches or anything like that just the standard battle is insane his lowest level pokemon is a level 73 espeon a level 75 snorlax three level 77 pokemon charizard blastoise and venusaur and a level 81 pikachu which is 88 in the remakes by the way so yeah this is going to be very very difficult now something hilarious which i should admit is the original reason i wanted to use haunter was for this battle pikachu knows quick attack and snorlax has incredibly good special i knew kadabra even at level 100 would have a hard time knocking it out in one hit that being said it doesn't know any moves that can affect haunter so i was pretty sure hunter was the right call that didn't mean the battles went well pikachu wasn't a problem but when the snorlax appeared i wasn't really able to do anything to it it would go for amnesia right away and its special would be so high i would run out of psychics and thunders before i came anywhere close to knocking it out because every two turns it could gain all its hp back by using rest so what was i going to do well funny enough i was looking at the final battle to narrate it and realized that part of the footage corrupted which is both good and bad it's good because it's very easy to redo the final battle and you don't miss anything it's bad because i don't get to show you all my failed attempts at least beyond the ones you're seeing already but eventually i did come up with a strategy and while it required a bit of luck because unlike the elite four i can just save and reset again and again it's simply a matter of coming up with the right strategy and then persevering although the bat i'm about to show you is substantially less lucky than the one i originally got the one kind of annoying thing is that you do need to beat the elite four before red reappears so i'm gonna go ahead and do that which will raise haunter's level above what it was when i initially won but it's all good and now without further ado let's talk about the final battle versus red pikachu is pretty much not an issue i outspeed one hit ko shadowball now for snorlax i finally figured out a way to knock it out and this battle actually was a little bit luckier than some of my others but it involves using swagger swagger both raises attack and confuses the pokemon and because snorlax doesn't attack me i usually can get past the snorlax the question is how many powerpoints will i have essentially what i'd like to happen is use swagger the first turn and have snorlax hit in confusion before it uses amnesia that didn't happen it actually used two amnesia's which means my psychics are going to do next to nothing that's not ideal in many other unsuccessful battles what would happen is it would hit itself in confusion i used psychic it hit itself in confusion again i'd use psychic and down went snorlax this time snorlax went to sleep i had to use a bunch of psychics and only because i got two consecutive critical hits which is incredibly unlikely and then it hit itself in confusion that i was able to knock it out not really the strategy i had in mind but whatever the next pokemon is espeon shadowball knocks it out then comes out venusaur if i had a twisted spoon or was like five levels higher it would be a 18ko but it isn't right now and 75 percent of the time it will go for sunny day and then follow up with solar beam which gives me two turns to knock it out with psychic that's good right wrong because when sunny day is used thunder's accuracy drops to 50 percent meaning the chance i hit two consecutive thunders to win this battle would be a mere 25 percent of course in this battle venusaur decided to go for solar beam which is the first time i've literally ever seen that and i've done like 20 to 30 attempts so i'm not going to complain and because of that i now have a 49 chance so double the odds of winning this battle and thankfully i capitalize on those odds knocking out the charizard and the blastoise with a single thunder again thunderbolt would have completely solved this problem although i may have needed to level up more for it to be a one-hit ko but we have done it once again in the first battle venusaur did use sunny day and i still hit two consecutive thunders which definitely was pretty lucky this battle wasn't luck free by any means but we were able to beat all of johto without taking damage only leveling up to level 80. actually originally it was level 78 but whatever this is the one i have proof of so we're going to go with level 80. and that's it for this video i am surprised how well this went and i'm happy that i was able to use so many different pokemon and different strategies the run wasn't perfect using gold version for primape or potentially using hair across maybe better strategies in the future that said i don't really plan on doing this in crystal or something it's just too similar and i have so many other challenges i want to do so if you're interested in that sort of stuff please subscribe i have some pretty crazy challenges coming up that are maybe even more insane than this one who's to say really but once again thank you so much for watching my content the channel's been doing so well lately i'm glad i get so many positive comments that you guys are enjoying i really appreciate reading all of them and i'll see you all in three four days who knows take care guys bye
Channel: Jrose11
Views: 936,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Jrose11, Catch 'Em All, smallant1 pokemon, Gamechamp3000, Pokemon No Damage, damageless pokemon, damageless run, No Damage, Gold, Silver, Pokemon Gold, Pokemon Silver, Impossible Challenge, Pokemon Challenge
Id: x8SwsLT3_lY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 33sec (2493 seconds)
Published: Wed May 20 2020
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