Can You Beat Pokemon Red/Blue with Just a Hitmonchan?

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Great to have him back

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/mramg 📅︎︎ Jul 20 2021 🗫︎ replies

Glad to get my fix. Was close to giving up and making my own tier list just for my OCD's sake.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/--orb 📅︎︎ Jul 22 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] a little while ago we did a run where we saw whether or not we could beat pokemon yellow with pretty much the exact same team that bruno had and two pokemon that featured pretty prominently are hitmonchan and hitmonlee since then i've wanted to see how each of them would do in a solo run and i've decided to start with hitmonchan because well i flipped a coin and it landed on hitmonchan and what's interesting about their base stat totals is that they have an average base stat of 69 nice but it's also the same as such middle evolved pokemon like machoke and weepinbell so these aren't overpowered pokemon and i'm genuinely curious whether or not this is going to be easy or extremely difficult because we haven't done a lot of fighting pokemon either so the first thing we should know about hitmonchan is that it starts off with two moves and because you're not supposed to get a hitmonchan in this generation until level 30 it doesn't learn any moves until that time so we're stuck with two moves for a very long time comet punch and agility agility at least against brock who will be our biggest hurdle is going to do nothing comet punch base 18 power can hit between two and five times it's not great i mean there is definitely a benefit of having a move hit multiple times because if they do the minimum one damage then that's five damage or two damage versus like tackle which would just do one however hitmonlee starts with a fighting move and that would be way better but at the very least in a multi-turn attack and only in generation 1 if one of the moves crits they all crit so that can be super helpful there is a second problem with comet punch we don't have a lot of power points merely 15 and trying to get through both geodude and onyx with just 15 powerpoints especially when your attack misses 15 of the time yeah it wasn't great the overall quote-unquote strategy was to level up in the end i only needed to be at level 15 but i needed some critical hits not a lot of misses and decent luck with geodude not using tackle 2 too much we also need good luck with onyx using bite at the right times and in addition i used up all my agility power points so that we would get to use struggle and it was very very close actually we got a little lucky with the bide right at the end but we were able to persevere a little bit quicker than i thought that said it's still an hour and 16 minutes of in-game time so any hopes that hitmonchan had of being top tier pretty much were dashed by brock however we do get a pretty useful move shortly after we dispatch of the next few trainers on route 3 and that move is mega punch we won't use it for too long but it is an extremely helpful move for a physical attacking pokemon and it should make the next two battles not too difficult like always we have to decide between rival 2 and misty i was a little worried about bubble beam from starmie hitmonchan's special is abysmal so i opted to do rival 2 first the battle went pretty well the thing i was most worried about is pidgeotto using sand attack like comet punch mega punch also has 85 base accuracy and we do hit the first but we miss and thankfully pidgeotto only uses gust we're able to knock it out i then decide to use badge boost glitch i know early but we do have the badge that raises attack so by using agility i am buffing my attack just a little bit of course that didn't really matter for abra but because abra can't attack very easy pokemon to set up against i don't know if it was totally necessary but i do one shot the rattata and the charmander no misses and that's rival 2. unfortunately though we only have 30 powerpoints between both our moves so it's very unlikely we're gonna make it past nugget bridge into bill's house without having to heal and restore our power points so i decided after i finished nugget bridge to just try to see if i could beat misty i wasn't certain if i could but we're already here might as well right well it went pretty easy i set up an agility not for badge boost but in fact to out speed the starmie and all i need to do is now not miss a mega punch and not get hit by bubble beam and i'll win and yeah second try that's exactly what happened now this is good time as any if you've been watching these videos some of you question if you're so intent on doing these glitch lists why do you use the badge boost glitch for those who are wondering what exactly that is here's how the game is supposed to work when you get badges every odd numbered badge you're supposed to get a 12.5 boost in your stats this is true in both generation 2 and it's a 10 boost in generation 3. this is only true in single player now for whatever reason in generation 1 there's a mistake when you modify your stats that boost is applied again so when i use agility that ups my speed my attack because i have the boulder badge is boosted an additional 12.5 on top of it so yes that's a glitch and i'm trying to do this glitch list however i legitimately needed to use agility here it was an actual strategy i needed and it just seems too arbitrary to be like so can i not use any stat boosting moves can i only use them quote unquote legitimately it's just too arbitrary to make some sort of rule so instead we just consider the badge boost glitch not to be a glitch but an unintended feature of red blue and yellow the same way i manipulate the ai to use only certain moves is it a glitch or an exploit who knows i don't really care about making definitions but it just simply doesn't make sense not to allow myself to use stat boosting moves and in addition if something uses lear or growl it triggers the glitch as well so that's my justification and there's not much more to say about this part of the game anyway we will eventually make our way to the ssn and while mega punch has served us well body slam is objectively better in every single way so we're going to use that going forward and we're going to battle rival number three and at this point hitmonchan's true offensive ability becomes apparent we nearly one shot pidgeotto with body slam and thankfully no sand attack we knock out raticate in one hit and we out speed and knock out kadabra in one hit charmeleon by the way the reason i picked that is it will be a charizard which is flying type it will resist my fighting moves we still have another rival battle before we even have to deal with that but either way that is it for rival number three the game is just zooming along and lieutenant surge didn't prove to be any more problematic than rival 3 did now i do use agility because i'm worried i'm knocking out speed raichu with speedy pokemon and voltorb uses screech that's plus two badge boosts and i'm able to out speed in one shot voltorb i'm able to out speed in one shot pikachu and close we out speed but did not one shot raichu he used growl no issue whatsoever and yeah lieutenant serge has been defeated you might wonder why didn't i just use dig well hitmonchan could never learn dig hitmontop does but yeah not a move for hitmonchan i guess the boxing gloves would have a real trouble digging up the earth anyway there is one trainer coming up in rock tunnel i thought would be difficult and it did take me a couple tries it is the famous hiker with two geodudes and a graveler but my attack is so high even without a fighting move i was able to knock it out with body slam now you might wonder j-rose why don't you just use seismic toss here it is available for me but just hold on to that thought there is a reason that will be explained a lot later anyway now we make our way to celedon and there's a whole bunch of stuff we can do now usually i go to the rocket game corner first and i will go there shortly but first i want to do a little bit of shopping because hitmonchan's only damaging fighting move that it learns is submission that's actually true of a lot of generation 1 pokemon and submission sucks it is a mere base 80 power and it only has 80 accuracy no drain punch no close combat no we're stuck with submission in this generation and it's a terrible terrible move in fact in gen 2 cross chop is just like better than submission in every conceivable way really annoying that fighting types were so neglected considering they are supposed to be like the best physical attacking pokemon you would think but because we have submission giovanni will be quite easy since he has two rock pokemon the only way you can lose which i do is if you miss submissions but with even average luck we will be able to get through all three of these pokemon all three of which are weak to a fighting move and that's pretty much the only time i'm gonna use submission because of course as you notice it also deals recoil damage 80 80 recoil like wow it is such a bad move it's like bad takedown man anyway now that we've been giovanni we can go and battle rival four and rival four is similar-ish to rival three the one difference being i should have used two agility and you'll see why i don't one shot pidgeotto well that's the same but i also do not one shot execute which can paralyze me thankfully not only do i paralyze it but it can't move and i also come oh so close to knocking out gyarados likewise it is paralyzed and doesn't move that's exceptionally good luck i out speed the kadabra and knock it out and i come very close to knocking out charmeleon however it uses the good old retroactive potion and i'm able to get by rival 4 without too much trouble but now you might be wondering well how are you going to damage those ghost pokemon thankfully when we level up enough we get the elemental punches that said they suck i mean they're great on other pokemon but on hitmonchan they're useless because it has base 35 special it's not until generation four that moves would be classified independently as physical or special and these punches would actually make hitman chan kind of an interesting pokemon to face that said we just kind of have to get some good luck and it takes a very long time to knock out well not a very long time but long enough and yeah the gastly were kind of obnoxious in fact this whole section was a little bit annoying and we had to go back to the healing spot quite a bit which slowed stuff down but the individual battles there's not a ton of strategy going on just kind of have to hope for good luck so it's kind of like a mini agatha lottery minus agatha of course but yeah that is pokemon tower and because i often forget that erica exists and i have to beat her let's go ahead and do that i can always come back if this goes poorly but i'm thinking it could go okay the big concern is how much victory bells razor leaf will do and of course it goes for poison powder now normally i'd reset but whatever erika's not going to be that difficult anyway and we may still lose i'm able to knock out victory bell tangela just uses constrict which is nothing so we're able to knock it out and vileplume was going to be a two at ko until it decided to go for mega drain it would have much rather petal dance and it tries oh so hard thankfully however i was able to deal enough damage and while i had low hp still had a little bit in reserve actually just about a quarter and there goes erica four gym badges down and this is where the game got significantly more challenging because think about who the next two trainers we have to battle are we have rival fivel who's pidgeot now knows wing attack yes 35 base power but flying type and we have koga whose gym employs psychic type users which can outspeed potentially and one shot with psychic or koga himself whose pokemon are extremely bulky defensively and oh yeah the last wheezing knows self-destruct so i tried both and i wasn't having any luck and this is where i have to remember my whole rare candies are a thing thing you see i like to use rare candies at the end because it takes more experience points to level up pokemon later it just makes sense to use them right at the end however if i'm gonna get stuck like this might as well just use them now and see if it makes a significant difference and on fully evolved or pokemon that don't evolve like hitmonchan five levels can make a pretty big difference not against koga though i lost again and again and again the problem is kind of i mean you've already sort of saw it but let's articulate what's going on here his coughing no smoke screen which can lower my accuracy the muck has sludge which deals significant damage and can poison me and if you're able to make it past that gauntlet they all have very good defense too so it's not like they're one-shotted by and this is the key we only have body slam sure i could get double edge but it's only base 100 power and it deals back recoil damage equal to half the damage ideal totally not worth it and this is probably hitmonchan's big problem it has a really sparse move pool i mean look at it yes the elemental punches are a thing but they deal less damage than body slam does even though coughing don't have amazing special and otherwise in terms of physical attacks you get normal and you get fighting and fighting is not very effective so we're stuck with body slam eventually i'm like okay maybe at level 42 rival fiber will be easier since this was my first attempt at this level i didn't know how many agilities to use i opted for one the reason being i need to outspeed alakazam but i don't want to take too much damage from pidgeot's wing attack body slam ended up being a two hit ko and we're down to 70 hp so about a third of our health is gone but overall that's okay next pokemon is execute i go for body slam it goes to reflect which is a psychic move unfortunately that means this body slam won't knock it out but it does paralyze it and of course once again we get good luck and it doesn't move surely that kind of luck will continue throughout this run remember i said that for later next gyarados i wish i would have had thunder punch i think it would have done enough damage because it was double super effective we do get a paralysis via body slam it goes for dragon rage so just like that we're down to 30 hp but we only have two more pokemon left and i'm thinking i'm gonna one shot alakazam not entirely sure so this is one of the moments of truth and we're able to one shot i don't think we would out speed without the agility either we still have charizard to deal with i go for body slam it goes for lear and i got excited and accidentally hit down on the d-pad went for ice bunch roo oh okay and for those of you wondering ice actually is not resisted by fire in this generation but body slam would have dealt more the critical hit is why i won but i meant to use body slam who cares first try at this level at least rival fibel and uh that's gonna that's gonna look good unfortunately i make a really silly mistake that isn't gonna affect the run long term but i teach thunder punch instead of ice bunch thinking about gyarados i forgot there's some cubone coming up and the neato queen it would have been much better to have ice punch here i saved after two cuz i was so happy big miss not big mistake but minor annoyance to be sure but it's not going to make that big a deal the truth is i ran out of powerpoints on body slam and i didn't want to have to go back and heal that would waste time and i didn't want to have to use an ether because what if i need them all during the elite four that does happen sometimes and for the record that's exactly what ended up happening and so it took me a few attempts to figure out a strategy but it relied on a little bit of luck overall this was kind of self-inflicted had i ice punch reihorn would have been far far easier to knock out and without having to use submission there i would have far more hp for kangaskhan which was the bigger worry and we could have used ice punch for nidoqueen whatever the fact of the matter is we made it work it was not an elegant solution but giovanni number two is down and with these levels gained i'm hoping that koga won't be so bad in fact if he is we could always go to blaine first but let's at least try him a single time so i go for body slam first coughing goes for x attack so that's a very good coughing number one i get a critical hit from body slam on muk that's very good it goes for sludge that's not good an x attack would have been decent but i get another critical it didn't actually matter so we're down a quarter of our hp but two of koga's pokemon are down uh if it uses explosion we're out but we still have another coughing to deal with all right just keep using body slam tackle fine and this is when i said if it uses explosion i was referring to wheezing of course will wheezing destroy me probably all right body slam sludge is good decent damage i get poisoned okay body slam i think this is gonna be a three ko in sludge we win that was close but man this is why dig would have been so useful because we could have just hoped that you self-destruct either way i'm fairly pleased we were able to do this and now we have to either go to blaine or sabrina unsurprisingly blaine who gives you the badge boost for special just in case i think it makes sense to go and defeat him first sabrina also i'm worried about outspeeding things blaine seems to be a lot safer of a choice and you should also know in red and blue specifically blaine has good ai meaning he will use moves that the game considers super effective the first pokemon the growlithe knows agility so blaine will just keep spamming agility meaning i can spam agility and get up some badge boosts which could theoretically help versus our canine of course once i get through all of blaine's pokemon if our k9 decides to use fire blast there's very little i can do blaine does however attack randomly aside from that the ai is not quite as intricate as it is in gen 2 and later and for the record in some ways that's what makes generation one a little harder in that i can't fully predict what the ai is going to do however it also leads to situations like this where our canine doesn't use fire blast that would allow it to win it can miss as well and so on our second try we're able to defeat blaine and now we only have two gyms left sabrina who we have to battle first and giovanni number three both seem a little challenging but maybe they'll be deceptively easy so the big question do we out speed kadabra yes okay this is good because mr mime knows four psychic moves only one of them deals damage however it can raise his defense with barrier so i'm gonna set up three agility and hope it doesn't use confusion too much and thankfully it only uses confusion twice however because it raised its defense it took many more hits and one more hit would knock me out that said i might be able to one-shot venomoth and i'm definitely gonna out-speed and one-shot alakazam so deceptively easy it looks like that was an accurate descriptor that said giovanni we have to deal with some ground pokemon a rock pokemon this could also be somewhat challenging i'm not really worried about ice bunch because i have all my body slams i don't know how this is gonna go all right thankfully he leads off with ryhorn which is fairly useless and so i can set up three agility here and hopefully i won't get damaged too too much and this could raise my attack enough to make everything consistent that's the hope now i would be able to knock out this thing with a single submission and i guess ice punch would have helped i'm gonna go for body slam because i think the recoil will be more than if i just allow ryhorn to attack me a whole bunch unsurprisingly i outspeed in one shot dugtrio and this is where i realized my strategy was flawed i level up in the middle of the battle and the badge boost glitch is cancelled when you level up i still have plus 12.5 in all my stats now but not the additional 12.5 from the three agility so i essentially just wasted a whole bunch of time great i go for body slam against nidoqueen it doesn't do half and it goes for tail whip which fails one in four chance status moves if it is used by the opponent and then i get a lucky crit neato king it's gonna be a 2 ko not as defensive thrash isn't a big deal because as long as i hit with submission i think i one shot right on alright no not even close uh horn drill won't do anything and we oh well well i don't know this will probably knock me out due to recoil okay i hate submissions so much so so much why why can't we have a decent fighting move anyway that was a pretty terrible first battle but it was effective that is eight gym leaders down and now all we have left are the elite four the champion and of course before that rival number six one of the most difficult rival battles because well everything's fully evolved and really powerful it's to be expected to be honest and well once again i got stuck i mean i did make it to charizard once but the big problem i was having is that at my level currently it was impossible not to level up in the middle of the battle and while i could set up badge boosts it was difficult to set up against pidgeot because a wing attack and if i didn't have it set up in time well execute would get a paralysis on me sometimes that was pretty bad i needed to outspeed alakazam and one shot it or that would be pretty bad and then i would just make it to charizard and usually had such little hp left it could finish me off and while i did use five of my rare candies you actually collect a whole lot more and i would use them either just before the elite four or usually just before the champion but it's not really that early to use them right here and once i did the battle looked a whole lot better now it started off about as poorly as you could imagine since rival 6 has good ai pidgeot has a 50 50 chance of either using agility an undamaging psychic move or wing attack a damaging flying move and three out of the four attacks that used were in fact wing attack in fact it was just the last attack that was in agility by which point i nearly knocked out the pidgeot so we're down to half hp for the remaining five pokemon amazing and in case you thought that was a little too much hp we're able to knock out the rhyhorn by using submission so yeah we essentially can't get hit again or we lose this battle now it would be key to knock out execute in a single hit but even at level 53-3 agilities wasn't gonna happen stunsport does miss which is lucky but yeah leveling up a little bit more may have been beneficial either way we'll have to see after this battle all right well i kept thunder punch for this actual battle please please knock it out oh no so close it goes for leer and fails which come to think of it as kind of a bad thing because it would raise my special in my attack but whatever we knock out gyarados and now we just have alakazam and charizard not worried about alakazam i know i'm gonna out speed i know i'm gonna one shot charizard 50 50 chance i win lear rage i win anything else i lose rage i i don't have any i'm ecstatic we won but this is not looking good it the game has gotten significantly tougher as it has gone on and this is unsurprising in the early game hitmonchan with its 69 nice average base stat total is overpowered by the end of the game it is pretty underpowered considering what i'm facing and it's not like i'm over leveled either and this brings me to talking about the elite four i have done this a lot of times a lot of times and i've never spent as long at the elite four as i did with hitmonchan this was the worst elite four ever ever it was so bad because hitmonchan the strategy you have to use to win is going to involve a degree of luck the question is how much luck are you willing to stomach you can win at the level i'm currently at with absurd luck and i essentially had to guess and check how much luck until i could say that this was consistent and not a single including bruno yes i lost three i think times to bruno every single trainer gave me difficulty and while i would end up discovering strategies which is fun they would all have caveats that would make them inconsistent and rather than talking abstract let's show you my first battle with laura lee and then show you all the problems so laura lee starts out with a dugong and dugong can only use rest because laura lee has good ai rest is a psychic move i'm a fighting pokemon this means i can set up three agility and it means i have a pretty safe time knocking out the dugong the problem is cloister comes out next and if you don't have good enough attack which thankfully i do when i knock out the cloister then cloister can just either knock you out itself or lower your hp enough that it doesn't matter next comes out slowbro and slowbro like dugong can't attack it'll just use amnesia and so we can just dispatch of it and then comes out the jinx we out speed and one shot jinx but that is pretty much all we can do at this current level with what i'm doing right now because we're gonna level up and submission comes oh so close to knocking out lapras but because i leveled up we don't have the badge boosts and hydro pump destroys me but i had an idea that worked pretty well i have the poke doll i'm gonna trade it in for mimic and rather than have thunder punch which at this point is practically useless i can mimic slobro's amnesia so that even if i don't one-shot lapras which i won't i will withstand a blizzard or a hydro pump so long as they don't crit and that should be good enough for me to make it to bruno and as you are seeing right now that is exactly what occurred and so i was able to get past laura lee but bruno isn't actually a guaranteed easy victory because i don't really one-shot anything not one of his pokemon they all have decent defense i usually rely on special moves and bruno gets destroyed by those but i don't have any good special moves to use case in point i set up three agility because onyx goes for rage and i still don't one shot hitmonchan with my hitman chance body slam thankfully it went for x defend but if it went for counter which it did in a different battle i'm i'm done there's a loss to bruno but not this battle now hitmonlee's not as defensive and thankfully we are able with three agilities to knock it out and now out comes onix who isn't really a threat at all we can either use body slam or make things quick and use submission however we level up meaning no more badge boosts i go for submission because i'm worried about machamp using submission and there you go loss to bruno like i said it would happen a few times hitmonlee could hitmonchan could and a couple of times machamp with submission it is just an rng fest that said i would lose to bruno the least of any of the elite four members but i think it goes to show you how bad hitmonchan isn't this but let's fast forward a bit because let's say we beat bruno obviously he could have used any other move only 25 chance he used submission and then a 20 chance on top of that submission would miss and i would have been fine so let's say we get past bruno now what now we get to face agatha who's gonna out speed no hypnosis and dream eater which is super effective and will one shot me nightshade of which i can only tank two and yeah i i really was just looking at this battle and was not sure how i was going to do it until i thought about it and i thought about what would i need to beat agatha i need to out speed and i need a way for her not to use any of her moves well you know what would help putting your pokemon to sleep and uh i have a way of doing that now before i actually show agatha a couple things to mention as we defeat bruno i figured out that if i mimicked harden and used six hardens bruno was free i mean even if i was hit by a submission and i leveled up depending on what level i was at i had so many defense buffs that it would do next to nothing so that pretty much eliminated bruno as a potential stopping point which was nice because it's always embarrassing the second thing you may have noticed is i have seismic toss and i use it to overwrite submission i mean i didn't know what moves i would need when and you can see thunder punch has been overwritten by mimik and i had used submission in the past so had i taught seismic toss earlier even though would have made pokemon tower much easier i may have not had access to it now and now is when i really need it agatha is a mandatory battle and there's really no better way of defeating her than using seismic toss now ordinarily i would give a dramatic retelling of this battle and how amazing it was but i don't feel like doing that and while you might say oh you're just being lazy it's not even that this is pure luck i came so very close to losing and the only reason i didn't is because by the end of the battle i hit every single hypnosis and nothing woke up too early and that's not really a strategy that's just sort of hoping for things to happen and it just didn't feel that satisfying to me you know i don't like strategies where i'm just like well 60 chance four times in a row i mean what are the odds of that they're very low i really should have lost this battle and i will tell you guys this i would lose far more than i would win agatha would be a major major hurdle and i think that's another reason i don't want to talk about this battle too much because as you're going to see i'm going to need to adapt my strategy for a couple of reasons the first one being lance lance you might think is free and you're partially right some of lance's pokemon will never attack me but two of them will including his first pokemon gyarados body slam takes three to knock out gyarados and i get hit with leer and hyper beam i shockingly am able to survive but i'm at 29 hp and the battle was over i knew it at this point because i knew i'd messed up not against the dragon air i wouldn't lose against them because them and the dragonite can't attack me i'm a fighting pokemon they know psychic moves it doesn't matter that they don't deal damage they will forever use either agility or in dragonite's case barrier but the pokemon that was going to defeat me was most likely going to be aerodactyl because seismic toss wouldn't deal nearly enough damage and body slam was resisted if only i knew a move that could deal a lot more damage to aerodactyl maybe one that was same type maybe submission but oh no i deleted submission except it's viable in the pokemon mart and that's when i realized i need to do something actually i need to overwrite submission with seismic toss and then immediately thereafter overwrite seismic toss with submission this does mean that i obviously cannot save between battles this is actually kind of the strategic reason i don't do that because if i need to reset i haven't used up my ethers or elixirs and i haven't erased a move i can never get back that's originally why the rule was in place but it's also a really cool challenge constraint unfortunately with that constraint in place or i guess fortunately for the sake of integrity hitmonchan was terrible i mean i could have done this at a much lower level if i were able to save because so many of these battles relied on luck lauraly even bruno to a small degree agatha and lance even if i had submission i would have knocked myself out because i'd taken a lear and a hyper beam so there is just so much luck involved and i would try these battles again and again and again and again over and over and over eventually i made my way all the way to the champion well my first time against him i lost at pidgeot i used a single body slam and that would be the only damage i would deal pidgeot would paralyze me by mirror moving body slam and yeah great i finally after like 40 minutes make it to the champion and i don't even get past the first pokemon and i want to point out that the run to this point taken me about an hour and within 40 minutes i had made it to the champion a single time and have attacked him once at some point i need to acknowledge okay this is not what my challenges are about it's not about whether i can get the perfect set of circumstances so that this level 54 hitmonchan at least that's the level when it starts laurally can do all this let's go to victory road and level up a fair bit and by doing so i would end up making some things a little bit harder because i'd have to know when i leveled up in battle obviously if you do this again and again you start to predict things but it would make one thing a lot easier and that would help out tremendously which would be that i'm going to be able to out speed gengar eventually at least the first gengar now in this run my first run at the higher level you might notice that i'm using the exact same strategies i'd used before frankly i knew they worked but i also knew that they were probably slow and unnecessary i probably didn't need to batch boost nearly as much as i was even before and now with some levels raised almost definitely i was overdoing it however like i said the big deal that i realized is that i'm now able to out speed gengar number one think about how it worked beforehand it had an opportunity to attack me hypnosis maybe and then i had to mimic it i then had to either agility or use hypnosis and that gave it a second opportunity to attack me now it only had one opportunity that is double the chances that it doesn't use hypnosis maybe it just goes for dream eater it did a lot it's one for chance so yeah this is why leveling up is important this is why sometimes if you can see it's just not working you have to waste and and yes this does cost more in-game time it will affect hitmonchan's rank as it should what i need to realize is because i've taken so long of a break from gen 1 solo runs i'd forgotten how easy the elite four could be it wasn't fair what i was doing right now i was relying on a super luck based strategy and it would have artificially raised hitmonchan's ranks took me a while to realize that but eventually i did and now we're back at the champion now i don't want to make the same mistake as last time so i'm going to go for a single agility it goes for wing attack that's perfect and i'm going to go for body slam and good thing i did it is going for sky attack that would probably one hit kaomi but thankfully we're able to knock it out but now the moment of truth will i be able to knock out alakazam with just a single agility no psy beam oh my gosh on my very next attempt i would make it back to the champion and out of curiosity i wanted to see if i didn't use agility whether or not i would even out speed the alakazam the answer was no and it used psychic and instantly knocked me out and wouldn't you believe it i make it back to the champion a third straight time this time things go quite a bit better i use agility it uses mere move agility that's fine i go for agility again as i told you i need to it goes for wing attack i go for body slam which by the way cannot paralyze a pidgeot it goes for sky attack which is thankfully a two-turn move i knock it out am i correct that i will one-shot the alakazam i am correct unfortunately it's at this point i wasn't quite sure what to do i mean i could easily use submission right but would i be losing too much hp body slam paralyzed but right on is not a complete pushover it's eventually will deal quite a bit of damage so i decide to the best move is to mimic horn drill i know it's ridiculous but it's 30 accuracy if i can hit before i lose too much hp perhaps i can win the battle i don't know now hilariously enough even though horn drills only supposed to have five power points because mimic has more it will hilariously show more and i do miss a couple times but eventually i hit which is great because now i knocked out the ride on without taking too much damage 120 hp for the rest of the pokemon this could work exeggutor is going to put me to sleep i'm just going to yolo or drill yes all right that was that was so dumb but we actually only have two pokemon left unfortunately one of them is gyarados i miss with horn drill as to be expected hydro pump nearly knocks me out and i am unable to hit another horn drill i realize now that i made a bad decision that in fact the only way i'm going to be able to get through is not to mimic horn drill but to mimic hypnosis from exeggutor that still isn't going to be easy if i'd gotten past gyarados could i have gone past charizard potentially if you used rage or missed with fire spin but the odds were not good unfortunately it would take another 40 minutes for me to get another attempt at the champion and i did level up a little bit more let's talk a little bit as we show you the battles and you can see i have some streamlined strategies and let's talk about them for laura lee i'm no longer setting up any status moves we have actually eliminated the badge boost glitch because in the end that strategy was pretty inconsistent now you see me using body slam dugong will use rest and me knocking out before it wakes up with cloister i simply tank the attack and at the end of the day i have just as much hp as when i was just using two submissions the problem with using submission especially against cloister is that it could be arranged sometimes and it could miss and i would say i lost to lauralee about 30 of the time in addition there's really no reason to set up versus slowbro and the reason was that jinx didn't used to be a oneiko with body slam but now although it's a range at my current level it can be a one ko in fact it is about seventy percent of the time of course in this run it wasn't thankfully get a lucky miss and lapras is also a range with submission i get a crit so it didn't matter but i'll tell you i've done this enough times i would want to ko even without a crit but only some of the time now truth be told i don't know if this method is more consistent than the old method but it definitely is a lot faster and the old method still resulted in a lot of losses might as well for the first battle opt for a little more speed and try and get our time lower i don't see any reason not to speaking of speed bruno is way faster you would see me previously set up agilities and hardens that wasted a ton of time now just use submission right away against the onyx hitmonchan is a to it ko anyway regardless of whether i use submission or body slam hope it doesn't use counter and then knock it out if it does i would lose hitmon leaves a one ko with submission as is onyx and now i just have to hope for decent luck with machamp and yes we're talking about luck when it came to bruno but hey the old strategy was way way longer and when you've been at this for an hour and a half you start to get a little impatient and it just takes a really long time to set up all those hardens and agilities and as you can see maybe it doesn't work as frequently but it works enough especially when you consider agatha is the run ender i mean yes i did lose to laura lee a bunch and i even lost to bruno a couple times but agatha was about 90 of my losses and it's just there's not much i can do as you saw previously i do out speed i'm able to use mimic and i mimic hypnosis it goes for dream eater so that's good i use hypnosis and it misses it uses hypnosis and it misses i use hypnosis again and it misses this is sort of what i'm talking about it uses confuse rate so this looks like the battle is going to be over right especially when i hit myself in confusion and hypnosis but misses oh my gosh finally i'm actually able to hit the gengar and it falls asleep but i'm still confused i'm able to get off a seismic toss but of course it wakes up awful i'm annoyed rather than risk hypnosis missing i'm just gonna hope it goes for dream eater perfect that's one down now goal bat is where i make a bit of a mistake but it's not a big deal i go for body slam cause why not it's a two account anyway it goes for haze that actually has a bit of a glitch that it removes even the badge boosts i'm supposed to have which is going to make me slower than the second gengar which is a problem unfortunately i was in tunnel vision here and i'm trying to put the goal back to sleep so i can set up agilities of course i didn't recognize that i paralyzed it again tunnel vision so i waste a bunch of power points of hypnosis which could be bad and i gave golbat ample opportunities to attack me which thankfully it didn't it did use another haze but that's irrelevant i then further compound my mistakes by rather than just using one agility trying to go for a second for i don't know what reason eventually i am both confused and my stat changes are removed via haze i am just really messing up now i decide enough's enough oh my goodness thankfully the confusion doesn't affect me i knock out the gold bat and i decide all right i'm just gonna put haunter to sleep thank you set up against haunter now i only need one agility i know that so i'm just going to use it once and seismic toss it didn't wake up i actually thought haunter was a 2ko but that's when i used to be at level 62 here i altered my strategy and you'll see why in just a second but because of that haunter is a three hit ko it just has i think 103 health or something as opposed to 102 but it wakes up too late and i'm able to knock it out arbok is simply a two kill with body slam i'd rather it not use glare it goes for acid i have 85 hp so that means i can survive a single night shade toxic has actually been a problem this gengar can't put me to sleep at least but it's still not a gimme the way i win is hitting with hypnosis and now it just can't wake up right perfect at this point the battle is over agatha may delay the inevitable but we have made it back to lance for the first time in like half an hour lance has beaten me the last two times critical hit hyper beam both times won by gyarados one by aerodactyl after a submission missed the aerodactyl one let's hope that doesn't happen body slam is still learn miss good and hydro pump miss very good all right now i could set up agility against either dragon air like i said it's just going to use agility i actually forget when i'm supposed to be leveling up it's gonna be right at the end of the battle that's how i designed everything with my experience and that was because i need something very specific to happen for the champion thankfully i remember that by the second dragonair and i'm able to set up three agility meaning as long as i hit with submission i won there is now no way i mean there is a way i could lose i guess if i ran out of body slams however that is not happened before and it doesn't happen now and for the first time in like an hour we have made it back to the champion and i have a new strategy we have all the pieces i also am not going to level up in the middle of the battle that would be rather problematic i needed those badge boost glitches to knock out the alakazam and with other configurations i would actually leveled up right after pidgeot so this is everything i want can i clutch it let's see all right so like before we need to set up two agility so i set up one agility wing attack is fine not if it critical hits oh my gosh so that's like half my hp right off the bat beautiful wonderful thankfully it goes for mirror move but it still has one more opportunity to attack after i use body slam wouldn't you know it goes for wing attack again and i'm at 63 hp for five pokemon uh how long is this going to take i do know that i'll out speed in one at ko alakazam so that's nice but now i gotta get rid of ridon and you know what this run is looking like it's not gonna happen anyway i'm just gonna go for submission i think the recoil damage will take me out but whatever we'll try again so i go for submission and it doesn't even knock out the ride on and oh well it doesn't knock me out either that's pretty cool it goes for lear had it gone for literally anything else i would have lost so i can knock it out with body slam but yeah i still think this is over we can mimic hypnosis and exeggutor will go for it it has to because a good ai but that basically means i have a 40 chance that i continue i go for mimic i have hypnosis and hey 40 but it's not over yet i still need to hit my hypnosis okay i wow the luck is actually good today now i'm worried about it waking up but body slam does whoa that does a little bit more than i thought it was going to i guess i'm used to its special defense its defense is more average so exeggutor is down but we still have two pokemon and anything even rage will knock me out so all right coin flip are we gonna put gyarados to sleep we do all right oh my god is this how i'm gonna win i just need to go for body slam and it not to wake up and we're going to make it to charizard oh my god no way i have a 60 chance of this continuing and yes this is so dumb this is so dumb uh it's still it could wake up it doesn't all right how much does body slam do not even half it's still asleep and i win this is so dumb wow i i don't know i i honestly don't know what to even say about this end i mean i've had runs with really good endings and terrible starts really good starts and terrible endings this one had a terrible start and terrible end but you see i was a little bit more persistent than i usually am and so we were able to do this at a pretty decent level and i have no idea where to place this i'm honestly at a bit of a loss because at the end of the day yes i spent a lot longer and usually i just level up and that would affect the time but the reason i didn't is because it wouldn't have made agatha the sticking point any easier because i had to rely on seismic toss every level was only one more damage it really made little difference i was never gonna one shot anything with it i don't know i guess i'll just respect my level in time and say it's ahead of chancy is that really the case i'm not really sure perhaps it should be lower than slowpoke even real time on this was a really bad run this is actually one of my longer runs but regardless of where exactly i put it on the list the good news is it is a tearless and i do feel comfortable putting it in the same tier as chansey and rattata it is one giant tier and hitmonchan definitely fits in here somewhere and this video has gone on way longer take care everyone
Channel: Jrose11
Views: 384,531
Rating: 4.9230123 out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Jrose11, Catch 'Em All, Red, Blue, Generation 1, Pokemon Red, Pokemon Blue, Pokemon Red and Blue, Pokemon Challenge, Kanto Challenge, pokemon challenge, pokemon challenges, pokemon red, pokemon blue, can you beat pokemon with only a, elite four, pokemon solo challenge, no items, is it possible to beat, challenge run, Hitmonchan Pokemon, Hitmonchan challenge, Hitmonchan no items, can you beat, gen 1, Minimum Battles, Hitmonchan
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 23sec (3203 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 19 2021
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