Can You Beat Pokemon Red/Blue with Just a Chansey?

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I haven't watched it yet, but I can't imagine Chansey not being good. She has a crazy diverse movepool. In my own personal tier list, I believe the only Normal types above her were Kangaskhan and maybe Tauros.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/--orb 📅︎︎ Apr 20 2021 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/rostorare 📅︎︎ Apr 20 2021 🗫︎ replies

anyone knows the song at 8:40?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/donkalleone 📅︎︎ Apr 25 2021 🗫︎ replies

He's back again!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/TidalWhale 📅︎︎ Jul 20 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hey everyone how's it going so it's been a while since i've made a video so i decided i would come back with the classic red and blue series and a pokemon a lot of people had been asking me to do for a very long time in fact there are surprisingly few videos on trying to beat the game with just a chancey and when looking at these stats uh it's pretty easy to figure out why chansey has the worst base attack and base defense in the entire game in fact even to this day it's one of the worst it's special attack is also not that great only base 35 power yeah it's not gonna really be doing much damage at all until you realize that this is the wrong generation because there is no such thing as special attack and if you look at the very bottom in small text you'll see that in generation one its base special is a hundred and five that's that's pretty good and for that reason i do think chansey will be rather simple to beat the game with i mean it's not like i'm going to restrict myself to just using physical moves that would be ridiculous i'm totally doing that later but for now let's see if we can beat red and blue as fast as possible with the chansey and our first obstacle as you could expect is brock now chansey has an insanely good move pool like pretty much every move you could ever wanted to learn it can learn via tm unfortunately though that doesn't help prior to brock and until level 24 when it learns sing chansey is stuck with at least in red and blue version pound and double slap now double slap is kind of useful because even though normally it would be way worse than move like pound which is base 40 power the fact that it's multiple times for minimum damage means instead of doing one damage you're potentially dealing five so yeah double slap is gonna help that said i mean it's not gonna go well yes we have a lot of hp but our defense is pretty bad brock at least the first geodude has tackle but even once i managed to knock the geodude out which wasn't too difficult the real problem was the onyx mainly because it knows screech if onix just used bide we were fine normally bide is a huge problem because whatever damage you deal is dealt back to full but because we're dealing such little damage bide was typically only dealing four to six damage which for a chancey is nothing the issue is it would have to use screech only a few times and then a tackle and half my hp would be gone so it took me a really really long time to do this i thought it'd have to level all the way up to level 24 and luckily chansey is in the fast experience group so it wouldn't have taken nearly as long as some other pokemon we've done but in the end i actually didn't need to level all the way up which is kind of nice in fact as you can see i was able to defeat brock at level 20 and the strategy is just use double slap now unfortunately double slap has a 15 percent chance to miss and only a 12.5 percent chance of hitting five times so we can't rely on double slap as much as we would like eventually we're gonna have to use pound but with good enough luck and a very clutch tackle miss by onyx right towards the end of the battle we were able to persevere at level 20. i was surprised i really did think i would need to teach sing and use that but yeah pretty happy with this result now that we have defeated brock we can make our way to mount moon and here is where the run just changes completely in mount moon towards the left actually as we save two hours 33 minutes remember my original mewtwo run was 303 so yeah that's how long chancy is taking but like abra before it the run is going to speed up because we get access to a special move water gun in this case now i believe this is the only way chansey could ever learn water gun but it can't and from this point forward we pretty much are only going to be using special moves with one exception that being misty water gun obviously not too helpful against misty being base 40 power it does way more damage and in fact does close to the same as mega punch despite the fact it's well half as base power and not same type by i mean base 5 attack for chansey and because i was unable to defeat misty i instead decided to go battle rival 2 and water gun actually was a little bit better than i expected in fact water gun is the reason i had the rival pick squirtle it really didn't make much of a difference because chansey has such great coverage literally every single pokemon i had a really strong move at least for the final battle but for this in one more reason i thought that squirtle would prove the most difficult in the end though really wasn't that difficult it was a first try victory sand attack is always an issue if you get hit by that so that may cause a reset but overall our hp and our level are high enough that it's not really a big deal to make it past rival 2 especially because the final pokemon squirtle mainly relies on special attacks and our special is so darn high once we get past rival 2 we are going to battle one extra trainer i don't normally battle so that we can get access to seismic toss now this is not required to get seismic toss but you would need cut and in order to get cut you need to beat misty and as you could expect seismic toss is going to be used for misty and the truth is for as many great moves as chansey is going to learn the only special move it gets for a long time is water gun so yeah seismic toss is our best bet the way seismic toss works is your level so in our case 27 is dealt to the pokemon is damage so that's a two hit ko on staryu and starmie eventually you'll see a bubble beam it does nothing big difference between using mega punch which can miss and seismic toss which both can't and just obliterates misty's pokemon so now we actually get access to another special move but it's also a water move bubble beam and with bubble beam we can make just absolute mince meat of rival number three really not a whole lot going on there the one thing i'll mention at the beginning is it would be nice if bubble bean were one ko on pidgeotto because stand attack thankfully we don't get it you also might notice we're not at full hp i was trying to shave off a little bit of time by not healing and digging after i defeated lieutenant serge right back to cerulean i do that a lot but with chansey it's extremely noticeable since i have just so much hp and will i be able at the hp i have remaining to defeat lieutenant surge the answer initially was no because voltorb knows sonic boom which deals 20 damage and that actually does a little bit more than something like tackle wood of course if it doesn't use sonic boom you can defeat the vault orb rather quickly the one problem we're now going to run into though is chansey is also rather slow so it has problems in defense doesn't hit that hard at least not in later generations and is extremely slow i can see chansey being very interesting in later generations to use but for now by using bubble beam and getting a little bit lucky with a speed drop we are able to defeat lieutenant surge and now we get access to the most powerful move we've had to this point thunderbolt and yes it is in fact an electric attack but we could get ground down by a marowak okay that's from a song any of you who remember that song pikachu's jukebox now that is some nostalgia i also should bring up that a lot of people seem to think i could beat lieutenant surge before misty that is impossible misty is required to use cut outside of battle there's no way to access lieutenant search in fact there's no way to access the rest of the game until you defeat misty so now that we've done so we can easily make our way through rock tunnel and at this point the game is kind of our oyster we can get ice beam from the celadon mart which i do which replaces bubble beam and we could get psychic from mr psychic i didn't instead i decided to do the rocket game corner and at this point chansey is one of the strongest pokemon i've ever used i mean not the strongest i've used a lot of strong pokemon but with that massive hp stat and that pretty decent special and the move pool that's the key thing chansey just can learn everything giovanni is an absolute joke in fact it would be an extremely long time until i lost after defeating giovanni i go on to absolutely obliterate rival number four to be fair the easiest rival maybe in pokemon history aside from some early ones so that's really not an issue especially because we have such amazing type coverage in fact you'll notice i've sing i never used sing in this run that's how great chansey is there's no need to even use sing you just attack things and they faint rather quickly and when they don't i have more than enough hp to make up for that and when you combine that with my high special and consider the most difficult pokemon for me to face in most of these runs are special attackers so that is a massive point in chancy's favor anyway now that we've gone through the pokemon tower it's time to go battle erica and i made sure that i write down battle erika because i seem to forget to battle her every time she's pretty easy you can just use psychic if you want against the poison pokemon or just use ice beam again these are all special attacking pokemon so there's really nothing to worry about from victory bell tangela or even her signature pokemon vileplume although i think it's actually gloom and blossom but that doesn't matter now that we've defeated erica we could go to self company in fact that probably would have saved a little time i instead decided to go to fuchsia first and while i didn't actually lose the juggler was a little difficult because they have strong special so that's an instance where chansey is going to have maybe a little bit of problem against sabrina although my special's really good too koga on the other hand i could have lost i didn't i just used psychic and i won but psychic was not a one hit ko against everything and look at that significant damage that was dealt by the muck if wheezing had you self-destruct obviously i would have lost thankfully i get fairly lucky and i don't get the one in four chance but yeah i i could have easily lost a koga so in retrospect it would have been far smarter to go to silk company before going to koga but whatever it's it's not a big deal didn't really cost now we go battle rival fival and definitely a little bit more difficult than rival four now i actually battled rival file three times but it would surprise you learn i won the first time and you see right there why maybe i needed to reset the sand attack from the pidgeot was brutal i ended up getting quite a lot of misses otherwise rival fibal is a complete joke to be honest with you i mean his best pokemon are blastoise and alakazam and as you're about to see neither of which can do any damage at all the bigger problem is that because i missed with an ice beam on the execute it was able to hit me with stun swore and between the decreased accuracy and the paralysis this battle ended up taking a lot longer which isn't actually why i reset in fact i didn't need to i thought i didn't have my full restore anymore and i didn't want to be paralyzed for giovanni because you know i figured that could result in a loss so i just battled rival fivel again but anyway perhaps it would have been smarter to go to sabrina first i think i galaxy-brained myself and went to blaine in the end blaine wasn't so bad unfortunately for all of chansey's moves there are no moves that are super effective against fire pokemon except for bubble beam and it just simply does not make a whole lot of sense to keep bubble beam on chansey at this point of the run so i battle blaine without a super effective move and it actually goes really well i get a crit on the first thunderbolt so down goes growlithe i get a para hacks only 10 chance and the ponyta doesn't attack so yeah that's some pretty crazy good luck but it actually gets even more ridiculous if you can believe it thunderbolt still does over half the rapid ash and it misses with fire spins so i actually haven't taken any damage yet but that will end against arcanine or k9 outspeeds me the classic blaine full health super potion anyway after being hit with a fire blast i finally get hit by take down it does some significant damage but our canine i mean the recoil didn't matter but that's a lot of recoil and we're able to knock it out so even two takedowns i would have been fine and yeah i could have lost this battle perhaps with some really bad luck but overall i guess battling blaine wasn't that big a deal anyway we only have two gyms left sabrina and giovanni first sabrina i decided to use the badge boost glitch yes we will be using it because chansey is just so darn slow and the way to do that is by using any move that modifies chansey's stats until it levels up it gets a 12.5 percent boost in all its other stats so that will make chansey a little bit faster and we have defense girl i think of setting up versus kadabra then realize wait a minute psychic can lower my special which would be very bad so instead best to set up against mr mime and once we're done setting up i meant to use psychic i accidentally used ice beam and it still knocked out venomoth in one hit of course i do level up so while i have my defense boost from defense girl they're useless and i no longer have that extra speed didn't end up mattering alakazam really didn't do all that much to me and chansey is absolutely obliterating the competition and that wouldn't stop at giovanni because although you would think giovanni would be difficult aside from doug trio's dig just doesn't have good attacks on any of his pokemon and of course we have ice beam i mean yeah i'm at 33 of my hp but still in terms of total hp 111 is some pokemon's max hp at this point so yeah i think we're doing pretty well but now we move on to the more difficult battles in the run and i did actually lose to rival six and the way that happened was actually pretty much against pidgeot hit me with a few critical hits as i was setting up defense girls and as you know critical hits ignore my defense buffs anyway that's why i thought it wouldn't be the worst idea now in the successful battle i don't get the range and yes it was a range to knock out pidgeot in a single ice beam so my hp is a lot worse than it could be but i should be fine question mark ryhorn i'm not worried about so that's two down and i guess i should clarify that i actually reset another time because i noticed i leveled up before the growlith and even though growlithe does have takedown i'm not too worried about it and so i'm just going to set up some defense curls the reason for this is alakazam with psychic it can lower my special and that can be a pretty big deal so i would like to knock it out in one hit i thought i would be able to after setting up the way i did but in the end i wasn't thankfully alakazam did go for reflect which is fine and of course as you'd expect blastoise did absolutely nothing to me we knock it out in one hit and we're ready to take on the elite four and just as a matter of comparison my time from brock to laura lee i believe was the fifth fastest despite the fact we still had to use double slap a little bit after we defeated brock so that just really emphasizes how good chansey is the question is whether or not the elite four will be as easy as the rest of this run i accidentally save in laurely's chamber which isn't great so i might have to lose if i actually can't do this at this level let's hope i can take one so my strategy for laura lee because i was worried about jinx specifically is to set up some defense curls boost my stats and sweep unfortunately a couple things got in the way of that the first was a critical hit from dugong via takedown of course takedown had to be the one that crit i was hit with growl so that is four boosts i use thunderbolt it obviously knocks out dugong it then knocks out cloister and of course slowbro but i level up after slowbro literally the worst time to level up because jinx has thrash and double slap more worried about thrash to be honest and thunderbolt's not doing that much jinx has very good special itself and then of course i get hit with a critical hit thrash so yeah i'm gonna say that was not ideal let's try that again since the reason we badge boost was primarily for jinx i'm not gonna bother wasting my time i just go for thunderbolt you can now see conclusively how much the badge boost glitch matters because that obviously was not a one ko although i get hit by a growl so that is gonna help me i knock out the dugong cloister's not all that bulky so we're able to knock it out in a single thunderbolt now comes out slow bro it's gonna take multiple hits but the only attack he can use is water gun so yeah not really worried about that i could have taught mimik here instead of defense girl and mimicked amnesia but eh i didn't do that and i actually make it to the jinx at full health i decided to set up a few defense curls and you can see that crit from the jinx's thrash really did matter with my increasing defense and eventually when i do go for thunderbolt after three i get the paralysis on jinx so i'm actually over half hp for lapras and i'm thinking this could win a ko but i'm not sure it shouldn't matter unless i get frozen and that's also what i was worried about with jinx with ice bunch well lapras is pretty bulky so i'm not surprised and hooray we're not frozen so that is laura lee down overall not too big a deal once we realized when we need to badge boost and now we have to take on bruno who i think should be pretty easy i mean you know that's pretty much a standard at this point but i am a normal pokemon against a fighting type elite four member so theoretically it could be difficult speaking of which for whatever reason bruno doesn't use all the fighting pokemon instead uses two onyx and the first one i out speed and knockout with ice beam one down next is hitmonchan i go for psychic i don't know if the mattered but i knock it out so that's two down now comes hitmonlee out speeds me uh oh uh oh oh my gosh i almost lost to bruno completely unironically not oh my wow uh and if machamp decides to use submission we lose so we're gonna knock out the onyx and here's the moment of truth alright we're out speeding and no fissure's fine okay i mean it's not really that stressful because laura lee wasn't that difficult to get past but like losing to bruno is an achievement in of itself it definitely would be a pretty massive blemish on this run if we had a bruno loss so very grateful machamp cooperated probably should have set up some defense girls to badge boost both for speed and for defense well actually that's not even badge boosting that's what defense girl does but i am delaying the inevitable the agatha lottery i'm gonna get out sped i'm relying on special attacks but nightshade's not gonna do that much because i have so much hp and dreamweaver's not gonna do much this could be fine question mark let's see like always she leads off with gengar i decide to go for psychic it hits me with confuse ray but i'm able to use the psychic and that's not great i mean i wanted it to wanna ko i knew it wouldn't but thankfully i'm able to hit the second psychic so that is one gengar down that's actually pretty good at full hp i'll take that all day every day now i am still confused and ice beam will do slightly more damage so i go for it i hit myself in confusion my attack's so bad it doesn't matter call back goes for confuse right so that's fine turn two hit my self confusion again and super sonic alright i think i should snap out now i in fact do and one at ko so we're pretty much at full hp for the final three pokemon this should be easy right well i knew hunter without speed i go for a defense girl to try and boost my speed such a weird thing to say and of course it puts me to sleep now this isn't the end of the world but you can sleep for like eight turns in gen one and if that happens that could be a problem and wouldn't you know i stay asleep for not one two three four or five turns as we zoom by but i'm in fact asleep for six turns and immediately upon waking up i am put right back to sleep i'm already confused too so that's pretty bad and if things weren't looking bad enough hunter ends up swapping into arbok and while i'm awake i'm still confused and after being damaged significantly by a physical attack and fight i gave myself a confusion and there goes the agatha lottery winnable yes but of course we needed some luck we didn't get so that was take one or i guess technically take two because we lost agatha so let's try again in a second i'm actually going to lose intentionally to laura lee this was totally my fault because i saved within laura lee's chambers i've never done this before or at least i should say i haven't done this in years because i don't like to save between elite four members so i know to save outside in case i need to go back and do anything so i'm very frustrated but i will gain a little bit of experience points and i'll be able to manipulate my experience points a little bit better i think so i can badge boost glitch more effectively so i guess technically this would make it my fourth attempt even though attempt 3 wasn't a genuine one whatever we're splitting hairs here i'm gonna call this attempt three let's go and for laura lee i'm gonna use the exact same strategy i used in my victorious battle so no setting up defense curls i'm gonna level up after slow bro still and i'm just going to well not one shot anything but the cloister but i'm gonna probably make it through with full hp wouldn't really matter if i got attacked a little bit and if you saw that it's pretty quick 36 attack at level 53 man could you imagine doing physical attack only chancy that would be like the worst thing in the world and speaking of physical attacks very rare jinx's physical attacks are scary but they are jinx goes for thrash almost immediately which isn't a big deal unless it gets a crit which it can and i'm gonna go set up my three defense curls once again and my hp is is decreasing pretty significantly of course even though jinx is confused after thrash it does decide to hit me with an ice punch don't get the freeze and i'm able to knock out jinx now we have to worry about blizzard from lapras even though it could use hydro pump i don't get the crit which is fine i don't even know if a crit would have won a ko'd and okay well i mean i didn't get frozen but man it keeps using blizzard so that's laura lee now defeated for a second time and against bruno i'm gonna be a whole lot smarter there was a really easy way to avoid what almost happened the last time and that's well you've seen it already multiple times using the badge boost glitch to increase my speed and special not that that matters as much so that i'm not outsped by hitmonlee and i don't need to worry about jump kick even if i were i would have more defense which would be nice and so that's exactly what i do and of course i can't do math properly and i level up instead of right after the hitmonlee right before so i do have a lot more defense but that speed boost i was hoping for is gone of course it goes for high jump kick and oh well i guess defense curl help just being defense girl nice no badge boost glitch even needed that was that was pretty cool so bruno is going to be defeated even submission i'm not overly worried about not that that's probable and of course after we defeat onyx number two we get leer so that brings us right back to the agatha lottery and i do think i got really unlucky last time so i'm thinking with just average luck considering how good my hp is it should be fine question mark well immediately great luck we get the swap so that's a free defense curl and a little bit extra speed now golbat can use haze which would be very very bad so i'm just gonna use psychic to knock it out and that's one down now i don't think i'll outspeed this gengar and of course of course all right well of course hypnosis have to hit there and i'm still asleep so this is gonna be fun nightshade all right still sleeping all right confuse ray that's pretty bad at least i woke up but now i'm confused all right dream eater is literally the best thing you can use while i'm awake and i'm gonna try defense girl maybe i'm gonna add speed now just to be safe or greedy i guess let's go for one more and i'm out speeding that's great and another dream eater miss so i think i only have one more turn i can be confused and we could sweep through agatha all right i don't snap out i hit myself nightshade is fine but this should be the battle confused no more psychic one down we should easily out speed and one ako the haunter that's two down the same thing should be true of arbok yes three down and now just the final gengar no hypnosis on this one so we should be in the clear and we get a crit okay all right so we've made it past the agatha lottery but that does not guarantee anything because lance has plenty of pokemon with very high attack and i have very bad defense so this could be bad i do have ice beam and thunderbolts but the question is will i be able to out speed and survive the onslaught of lance's sword of dragon pokemon let's see the first pokemon is non-dragon gyarados and we out speed that's huge i think hyper beam would have won hit ko'd if it would have gone first and hit so the fact they out speed at level 64. enormous i cannot overstate that one down and if i outspeed gyarados i'm probably gonna outspeed dragon air and i do so that's gonna be two down and three down but now we've aerodactyl thankfully it does not know hyper beam if it did that would be really bad it does no bites no crit it gets a lot of those and bite didn't do nearly as much so even a critical hit hyper beam may not have knocked me out based on that damage i'm not sure who cares we've knocked out aerodactyl i'm not overly worried about dragonite i believe it's actually slower than gyarados and yes i outspeed ice beam is easily going to one hit ko and we have made it to the champion and thus far we've matched up exceptionally well against the champion will chansey be able to defeat him on its first attempt well there's only one way to find out let's try now the first thing i should mention is i leveled up right after i defeated dragonite meaning i won't level up for a while so let's set up defense curls all six if we can pidgeot has wing attack which i'm not too worried about and sky attack which i am very worried about but it can also use whirlwind which is useless and mirror move which is useless and wouldn't you know while i set up four defense girls that is all pidgeot will do i decide all right time for thunderbolt and of course knockout pidgeot that is one now next a pokemon i'm worried about alakazam i go for thunderbolt over half psychic is what i was worried about no special drop alright that's massive two down without a special drop and this could be it right on is an easy one hit ko with probably either psychic or ice beam which is of course what i use three down next comes out our canine with its massive attack and takedown i'm a little worried i go for psychic and i don't get the special drop i don't know what i was thinking there probably thunderball oh no no okay wow well critical hit takedown it did knock itself out due to recoil but the complexion of this battle has changed dramatically with one bad unlucky critical hit we have two left exeggutor and blastoise and executor can possibly put me to sleep and of course i have now leveled up so all those gains i made in my special through defense girl are gone now yikes and with exeggutor's massive special i doubt this will it's not a wanna kill please don't no all right chancey please wake up please wake up no all right barrage okay that's not such a big deal thankfully defense girl did raise my defense so that's actually going to be very helpful all right wake up here no all right another barrage way better than stomp okay just over 100 hp please wake up no dice stomp oh that did a lot of damage come on wake up yes barrage is good yes barrage is very good oh my goodness so i am gonna knock out exeggutor but will i have enough hp remaining to knock out the blastoise which should out speed all right the moment of oh my god i outsped oh my no i don't knock it out all right well now the moment of truth uh retroactive full restore great okay let's try that again okay maybe i get a crits no still not a one ko bites yes yes that's great well looks like the defense girls while i was using them to boost my other stats actually ended up winning me the battle due to raising my defense a status move doing what it's supposed to do in gen 1 unheard of but at the end after a really just brutal time getting through brock we just obliterated the rest of the game unfortunately it was a little too late after a two hour and a half mount moon time and we were able to keep it under six hours just that said of all the non-first form pokemon i've done to this point that still is the slowest by quite a bit even though we're at the same level as moltres it took significantly longer and i will put chansey ahead of slowpoke just because it had such an easy time you can make the case it could go ahead of maltress but i don't think that's fair it took significantly longer although that elite four was was pretty awesome and yeah i mean that's kind of the problem in gen one brock is just such an obstacle for so many of these normal pokemon but at the end of the day i know this is a very highly requested pokemon i had a ton of fun so thank you guys for watching i am now officially back i don't know when the next video will be but it will be prior to two months i promise that take care
Channel: Jrose11
Views: 312,687
Rating: 4.9402156 out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Jrose11, Red, Blue, Generation 1, Pokemon Red, Pokemon Blue, Pokemon Red and Blue, Pokemon Challenge, Kanto Challenge, pokemon challenge, pokemon challenges, pokemon red, pokemon blue, can you beat pokemon with only a, elite four, pokemon solo challenge, no items, is it possible to beat, challenge run, Chansey Pokemon, Chansey challenge, Chansey no items, can you beat, gen 1, Minimum Battles, Chansey, Chancey, Chansy
Id: 0ZduUL2ut7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 43sec (1963 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 20 2021
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