Can You Beat Pokemon FireRed/LeafGreen with just a Pichu?

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[Music] hey everyone how's it going so whether you're a fan of the pokemon anime or maybe smash bros melee pichu is a pretty iconic pokemon for being the pre-evolved form of the series mascot pikachu but unlike pikachu which while not a great pokemon has some positives to it pichu not as many so let's first talk about its stats they're bad of the 650 pokemon up until generation 5 pichu in terms of its average base stats is tied for the 10th worst that's bad but it gets even worse because pichu's defensive stats specifically its defense and its hp are both bottom five again out of 650 pokemon so that's gonna be really really tough for us but it gets just a little bit worse because while it's move pool isn't awful especially because we're in generation 3 and there are quite a bit more moves that peach you can take advantage of it's still not great and as you could imagine the very first gym leader brock won't be super easy as you can see because there are no tms at this point of the game we don't have any attacking moves that can hit either geodude or onyx but we do have a move that could kind of indirectly do damage in sweet kiss this is a 75 accurate move that confuses so kind of like halfway between super sonic and confuse ray you get this move as soon as you hit level 11 and i tried to battle geodude and it just isn't working i mean could you theoretically knock out the geodude of course every turn there is a 50 chance that it hits itself in confusion that being said think about it it needs to hit itself what five or so times the math isn't in your favor plus you can see how much damage geodude does to me when i'm hit by one of its tackles that strategy wouldn't be super effective no pun intended so that's when i thought i'd level up a bit and then you struggle now if you remember generation one struggle is pretty bad because it's a normal type move and half the damage you deal gets dealt right back to you as recoil well in generation three it's typeless and it's only a quarter so it's definitely better however brock's pokemon have super high defense and with that recoil damage plus the damage i take back from tackle and whatnot eventually i can knock out geodude but trying to get past onyx was just not even close to happening literally every hit could be a critical hit and i still think at my current level i i wouldn't win so i had kind of two options i could either level up to like level 30 or i could try and get creative and i opted to try and get a little creative and here's what i wanted to do for the geodude if i leveled up high enough i realized that i could probably knock it out using sweet kiss and hitting it in confusion before i took too much damage because although you wouldn't think these moves are typically useful both charm and tail whip may come in handy tail whip will decrease geodude's defense and thus increase the damage it takes when it hits itself in confusion so i can try using that and charm well that would decrease the amount geodude would do to itself in confusion but it would also decrease the damage it did to me however because of that confusion damage that i needed at first i opted not to use charm and so i manipulated my power points i used up all my thunder shocks all my charms and i had just 10 layers and four sweet kisses remaining the idea was to knock out geodude before i took too much damage use the final sweet kiss on the onyx hope it hits itself in confusion and struggle to victory unfortunately even though the strategy showed some promise onyx was just it was not happening and for those of you who think generation one onyx sucks in generation one it has tackle screech and bi gen three onyx is no joke using tackle bind which is way better although not as cheap as in gen 1 and rock tomb and that's the real scary move a 50 base power same type attack rock move well that does more than enough damage so i had to alter my strategy a little bit introducing charm into the equation i wouldn't use it on geodude but i would try and use it on onyx and pretty much getting past the geodude at this point because i am leveling up was guaranteed and part of leveling up was trying to well level up and part of it was manipulating my power points especially the thunderbolt required me to knock out quite a few pokemon and thus my final battle with brock was at level 19. and you can see i'm using the same strategy i used before but since i'm now level 19 the geodudes tackle does less damage so that was really important and made it a lot easier to get by the geodude with more health in this case 31 you may also notice when it hits me with tackle it gets paralyzed static actually will affect any pokemon and that's really great not gonna lie but didn't end up making too big a difference so the geodude knocks itself out with confusion and now i'm going to set up a charm right away because if onyx hits me with rock tomb that's awful and suicus has a 25 chance to miss so i go for the charm it goes for rock tune but it misses honestly best case scenario now i hope sweet kiss hits it does and onyx hits itself in confusion that's pretty good so i set up another charm it snaps out of confusion hits me with rock tomb but now it's not doing very much damage at all and ideally i actually would have one more sweet kiss and less tail whips but i don't so i set up the charms and then you can see me going for tail whip i've three and meanwhile onyx sure rock doom isn't doing much damage but bind automatic two damage at the end of every turn it's starting to add up finally i go for struggle it does half damage but it's gonna be very close with recoil one more struggle okay two hp so it's not one hb but that was close this took me i'd like to say 30 or so attempts to get right and even with the proper strategy it's still incredibly luck based unfortunately at the beginning of the game especially with a pichu you either have to level up to like level 30 or get some luck i opted for a little bit of luck and hey we got by brock that was a very scary battle and now we can move on to misty arrival number two and you think i'm high level enough that both of them should be easy but they're not i figured misty would be easier i mean pichu's speed isn't terrible plus i have an electric move so i figured it would be fine i was so wrong i don't even knock out staryu in a single hit thankfully it doesn't attack me however once i knock it out starmie uses water pulse you can see it just outsped me and it nearly one-shotted thundershocks not even doing half damage so yeah i guess we're going to rival number two rival number two is also awful because well pidgeotto is just as trolly in this game as it is in the original red and blue and so it can lower my accuracy and hey my defense is terrible remember that so it can deal a ton of damage and once i get past it rattata still has quick attack and you can see i'm using mega kick right outside of mount moon you can actually get mega kick in this generation which is great it's 120 base power and that makes it much stronger than thundershock even though it's the same type i mean it's not even close and it's much better against bulbasaur because it's not resisted however making it to the bulbasaur with any amount of health is difficult finally because i got a critical hit and no quick attack i was able to make it past the pidgeotto with tons of health actually at full health rattata didn't use quick attacks i was able to knock it out with a single mega kick 25 chance that misses but thankfully didn't get it there abra still can't attack and then i nearly one shot bulbasaur with mega kick but it uses sleep powder not as bad as in generation one because i can't attack the turn i wake up it goes for vine whip and even though grass moves are all special in generation three it makes what's called contact so it can use static this is actually where the physical special attack split kinda came from but regardless i wake up go for thundershocks it's 100 and knock out the bulbasaur so while it was kind of cool to learn that didn't end up resulting in anything too meaningful and we can make it through this next area without too many issues there is another onyx but with tail whip and mega kick it's really not that bad and yes i could have taught mega punch but i was willing to forego 10 accuracy to get that massive increase in base power i do save before a lot of these battles we're not the elite four yet so once again i don't have a lot of options going for a little bit of luck i'm not going to complain and so now i have to decide do i want to go to vermilion and gain more levels or should i try to be misty right now well i'm already here might as well try misty well thundershock now does one shot staryu but i'm still outsped by starmie water pulse isn't as devastating and thundershock is doing around half but unless they get a lucky paralysis i'm not winning this battle so it's time to go down to vermillion and i would get body slam here except tm-8 doesn't exist you can't actually get body slam through a move tutor but it's in a different location and we're not going to actually use it so that's disappointing but we are going to battle rival number three and because we're at a much higher level he's not as bad as rival number two even though he's got some evolved pokemon and this one took three battles because we're relying on mega kick for long portions pidgeotto would be a two with ko but it got a crit so that already is pretty lucky plus it didn't go for quick attack raticate didn't go for quick attack either and mega kick hit it also hit kadabra which i've lost to because of confusion and then ivy swords not at one koa don't get the crit but it misses with sleep powder which is only a 25 chance of happening there actually is something i could have done which we'll talk about in just a second but i'm able to knock out the ivysaur and that's a good segue into what i do next because there is something we can do in generation 3 and beyond which is very helpful it's using other pokemon yes but they're not being used in battle and i've done it in all my previous gen 3 runs and that is pokemon with pickup on route 6 there are meowth and meowth have the ability to pick up 10 of the time when they're in your party and you win a battle you can get a random item there are some pretty useful items the berries like the chesto berry which i could use to not fall asleep here rare candy nuggets and something i don't want to spend too much time on but can be a complete run changer tm10 hidden power now briefly hidden power can take on any type and its damage can vary based on your ivs which are set when your pokemon is created now i do reset for decent ivs but i have no idea what ivs my pichu actually has so i have no idea what in power i'm going to get until i use it and hey with super effectiveness to normal pokemon it's hidden power fighting that's not ideal it's not bad and it will come in use a couple times especially against that very annoying hiker however had it been hidden power water grass or ice which is what i was hoping for there are a few sections that would have been far easier than they were otherwise anyway now that we have cut we could face lieutenant surge if we could use it outside of battle but we can't do that so it's time to fight misty and if you're wondering why pichu doesn't know thunderbolt yet again it only learns a few moves and sweet kiss was the last one so we're stuck with the moves we previously had but the truth is as long as i can out speed the starmie i mean star you comes up first out speed knock it out no surprise but i should win however i don't out speed the starmie water pulse hits does pretty good damage i use mega kick because i was wondering if it would do more than thundershock but as it turns out i was actually in a speed tie so i hit starmie with thundershock good thing i didn't reset and that's badge number two two badges in 13 plus minutes is usually not a good sign but the truth is we have gotten through one of the harder sections of the game trust me it'll get much harder later but this is where it comes down just a little bit lieutenant surge being an electric gym leader not going to be too problematic and we will be able to get shockwave it's no thunderbolt but it is better than thundershock so surges team is exactly like red and blue albeit with some different moves so again leads off with vault orb i use mega kick and miss shockwave does very little i miss again with mega kick screech that's not ideal finally i hit with mega kick yeah that's why i don't love using it but 120 base power can't complain i guess now pikachu i know has horrible defense so i went for hidden power fighting and it does knock it out i wasn't sure if it would but that's 100 accurate so all right good now maybe mega kick will knock out raichu i'm not really sure and i think it probably won't so i go for hidden power my thought process was if it did half i could just use another hidden power and not have to mess with that 25 percent miss chance well raichu retaliates with a thunder wave which isn't great and unfortunately does affect me in this generation it then goes for quick attack and with that screech from the voltorb earlier it did quite a bit of damage but thankfully mega kick hits that knocks out the raichu and that's three gym badges not bad at all so now we're gonna make our way through rock tunnel i thought i'd have stuff to talk about here but thanks to hidden power fighting i don't and now we make it to celadon and if you remember my red and blue runs i have a specific route i like to do but we're gonna have to change that up giovanni well he is to rock pokemon even with hidden power fighting that could be difficult and kangaskhan might be challenging as well so i'm gonna try doing something else first and there's something really important i can do in celadon city you see the rocket game corner sells a tm i could really use tm24 thunderbolt it is still base95 power it is still amazing but i need 4 000 coins it is actually a little easier said than done when you're not trying to rush tons of money available nuggets trainer battles etc and especially against kangaskhan i would feel better if i already had thunderbolt i can also buy the tm for irontail i don't do that just yet but i could and that could help me against the rock pokemon and after battling a bunch of trainers i decide to try and battle rival number four i actually go and get the tm for return it is less powerful than mega kick by a little bit however it's 100 accurate so i'll take that consistency over the extra power 100 base power i can't complain and with that i can face rival number four i had a bit of trouble against him i didn't really know what to do but i figured out a strategy and i think it's kind of neat once again he leads off with pidgeotto i really don't want to see quick attack but that's okay static doesn't matter shockwave will take it out now i get hit with intimidate that's really annoying because i'd like to use return on ivysaur i will use shockwave and knock out the gyarados in a single hit and another intimidate great so i'm down to an attack but shockwave still takes out the growleth that's at least a good thing i wasn't sure if would knock out kadabra but it does so all we have left is ivysaur but we're stuck with either not very effective shockwave or -2 return well i opt to go for tail whip and it always uses sleep powder turn one but i realized hey i can pick up chesto berries with pickup and i just need to equip that and i did so i woke up with that tail whip drop return does half damage i thought it would use sleep powder again but it goes for poison powder perfect i knock it out with the next return not too difficult pick up definitely coming in clutch because of the chesto berry but man those two intimidates really make this battle a lot more annoying and this is where a hidden power ice for example would have been super useful since it would have been a special attack and would be unaffected by the intimidates anyway because i need money for coins for thunderbolt i battle all the trainers even though i don't have the still scope yet the pokedoll thing doesn't work even though i wouldn't do that anyway because it's a glitch and after beating all the trainers here i figure another easy way to get some money is by battling the trainers in erica's gym and i decide while i'm here anyway let's try and battle erica well as it turns out on the first turn victory bell loves to use stun spore unfortunately in this generation that will affect pichu and that really makes the battle difficult it was the reason i got hit by a giga drain by tangela so i decide okay i use the chesto berry why not use a cherry berry i have a bunch of those and so i equipped that and see if that would make a difference i figure it would sure enough another turn one return by me another stun sport but this time i'm healed right away and i knock out the victory bell so i can make it to tangle at full health and with my normal speed tangela also does the exact same thing as it did the time before i go for a turn it goes for ingrain which is completely useless and i use return again so we only have one more pokemon and it's vileplume it also knows stunsport i go for a return it does decent damage it goes for stun spore that's not good and it could have missed but it didn't giga drain that's awful because return won't knock it oh it came really close but it still didn't knock it out and this is going to be a close one now especially that erica uses a hyper potion i go for return i'm doing really good damage so i might be able to knock it out if i get a favorable range that is if giga drain doesn't knock me out okay okay all right that was pretty good luck i think i think i benefited from two different ranges there i think giga drain could have knocked me out and i think return had a very solid chance of not knocking out vilebloom but hey i'm not really gonna complain i mean i'm in a really high level and these battles are still really tricky and i think that just goes to show you how difficult this run really is having said that giovanni didn't end up being too problematic i used two hidden powers on both onyx and ryhorn although it used scary face and that made a difference because kangaskhan uses fake out so i flinch and then it uses bite and that did next to nothing but it would have probably knocked me out the next turn had i not got a lucky paralysis again though if roy horn wouldn't have used scary face or i spent the coins to get iron tail probably wouldn't have to worry but hey first try victories are first try victories that said the marowak which i never talk about a wild pokemon i lost multiple times one bone meringue it hits twice by the way one hit knocks out pichu i'm at a much higher level that is how weak this thing is and that is something that's really hard to portray well in an edited video where i mostly show my victories simply to save time is that pichu can lose almost every single battle because typically it doesn't take many attacks to knock it out even at this higher level and yeah i could grind to an even higher level eventually that'll stop working we can only level up to level 100 and i have a feeling even that might make some battles kind of tricky but we'll see long ways away and now we get to the part of the game that can give certain pokemon a really big challenge and guess what pichu struggled mightily against koga a single sludge from muk i mean you can see how much damage that just did as for rival fibal number five yeah i just did that i make much better headway against his pokemon in fact on back to back occasions i'm able to make it to his final pokemon venusaur the problem in both cases i was at just a sliver of hp and after two intimidates i don't really have anything useful to use against venusaur so something has got to change and either need to level up or try and be a little bit more creative so i got to thinking at first i thought okay let's level up a bit more and battle koga and i do make a bit more headway but no again like rival fivel it's just not really happening it's closer but unless i get incredibly lucky which you know i really don't like to be the strategy i won't win and then i looked at pichu's moveset and i thought about something there is a move that i never use in generation 1 because it's locked behind the game corner but is available as a tutorable move that move substitute substitute takes away a quarter of your hp and you can't get hit with status moves it also i believe blocks things like intimidating this generation and you take no damage until the substitute breaks which is until something would do the amount of hp the substitute took up so this can be very helpful if you want to set up against certain weaker pokemon say a coughing and thus have an extra hit against a more powerful pokemon say a mock or a wheezing and let's look how that plays out well it took many attempts and a lot more leveling up but eventually i figured out something that could work so coughing typically about eighty percent of the time we'll use smoke screen which is great because it won't affect me behind a substitute so i can safely use it you also see i have leftovers getting that is a huge pain requires me to catch 30 pokemon get the item finder annoying is all heck but it helps anyway the smoke train failed thunderbolts of one ako bye bye coughing now muck usually uses minimize i get a really lucky critical hit but it goes for acid armor that is the best case scenario because i'm only using special moves however the critical hit's not all good because i put muck within healing range koga uses a hyper potion they are not retroactive unlike in generation one in gen one thunderbolt would have gone first and would have knocked it out but they work normal in this game and so thunderbolt does well i don't know just under a half so it's going to be a three hit ko and because of that i decide to go for return so koga will not heal again koga unfortunately for him goes for toxic i guess the ai doesn't realize i'm behind a substitute and that won't work so thunderbolt's able to take it out and now you see the leftovers coming into play i'm at full health going into the final coughing which i will knock out with a single thunderbolt meaning i'm at full health going into the wheezing so long as it's the two ko which it should be i win and after thunderbolt 1 i get a smoke screen i win now this did take like five or six attempts if you don't have the substitute already set up before the final wheezing it can use sludge and just do a ton of damage the muck was super rng it didn't use sludge a single time in this battle typically it did the first coughing could also use self-destruct or the second coughing which would destroy your substitute and wheezing would just attack again and again so it was a bit of a luck based strategy but i didn't want to level up more and it was creative so i'm proud of it and i'm keeping it and we're moving on and as you could expect now they've beaten koga maybe it's time to beat rival number five and i thought of using substitute it wasn't really working against him so i opted for a much simpler approach unfortunately pidgeot uses quick attack that's annoying but i knock it out with a thunderbolt i then knock out gyarados after an intimidate and growleth after an intimidate with thunderbolt alakazam even though it has special defense which isn't as high as it's special in gen 1 still isn't a 1k with thunderbolt it goes for future sight which is much better than attacking me so i'll take that and i knock it out and now we have venusaur it also likes to use sleep powder so i have a chesto berry equipped just in case and the trick i figured out to beating venusaur was seismic toss a set damage move that does my hp is damage does way more than thunderbolt and is unaffected by intimidate it was a three ko thankfully venusaur misses with both its sleep powders but i did have a chesto berry just in case it hit one a little bit of a lucky ending sure but overall seismic toss another move that's a tm in generation one tutorable in generation three another move you'll almost never see me use but hey was a massive difference maker in this battle it also helped against giovanni which took me many many attempts because he has a nidoqueen and unlike rock pokemon where i could potentially get iron tail i don't have anything that helps against nidoqueen and again it's why i think hidden power ice may have been very useful heck hidden power water would have worked too but didn't get those basically the strategy is hope they either miss or use their weaker attacks because they just attack at random and then just use my powerful attacks i got a lucky crit against nidoqueen with return and kangaskhan thankfully i was behind a substitute when he used fake out and it was able to take out with two thunderbolts took like seven attempts this video is going to be pretty long so i don't have time to talk about every single battle but giovanni i definitely could have battled more trainers and leveled up i was thinking of doing it but since he's not a gym leader i didn't mind just using a bit more of a brute force method and moving on to the final three gym leaders sabrina blaine and of course giovanni again well sabrina ended up being pretty easy return was a wanna ko both on kadabra and mr mine against venemoth i decided to do something clever i was hoping thunderbolt would be one of ko but it's not he's a psy beam thankfully no confusion now i'm convinced sabrina is going to heal here so i decide to go for substitute and i was right she does heal now i'm hoping sci-beam won't be enough to knock out my substitute but i guess we'll never find out because thunderbolt critical hit bye bye venomoth will return one ako alakazam will lay out speed alakazam i don't know well i outspeed return does almost all its hp but since i'm behind a substitute nothing can really happen healing wouldn't really accomplish anything because i would just out speed and knock it out before could attack anyway but guess what healing really didn't matter because it was a range i just knock it out in one hit and that is gym badge number six kind of a weird sort of difficulty wave we're getting of really tough followed by pretty easy so what camp is blaine in camp difficult and i'll just show you what basically would happen i'm able to knock out his first two pokemon with thunderbolt but then we have rapidash in our canine fire blast from rapidash is not enough to knock me out in one hit but it gets very close and even though i can knock out rapidash i can't really knock out our canine i'm doing about half but i need to be able to knock out rapidash in one hit and then maybe i can survive an attack from our canine i don't know but i try everything i try substitute i try light screen i tried using every single tool i had in my tool bag and no matter what i would try blaine would win and that usually says i need to level up unfortunately pichu does have a pretty limited moveset so i only have so many things i could do i even tried getting a magnet which is really annoying because i'm in a solo run i can't use thief because pichu can't learn it so i actually have to just catch a bunch of magneton thankfully the sixth magneton there's a five percent chance they're holding a magnet so that was pretty lucky it only took six sometimes it takes like 40 but this is the type of stuff i do often time i don't even talk about doing it but in the feedback and ditto run there were sections like this where i try and get an item that took a really long time anyway spoiler even with the magnet which boosts my electric moves by 10 it made a negligible difference in fact i couldn't even tell it was really equipped it wasn't knocking out rapidash so i just had to level up more and use the magnet and then hope that was good enough so now i'm at level 65 again growlithe and ponyta knocked out in a single thunderbolt rapid ash it still is and in fact i go and check to make sure i actually have the magnet equipped because i thought he'd be dealing more damage now truth is i could use substitute and maybe try to get a little sneaky here but as it turns out it was a range the next thunderbolt knocks out rapidash so perhaps i'll just reset and hope i get the range or get a crit you know what whatever i'm i'm at level 66. i think we understand blaine is difficult i could level up to level 70. a few more levels and i had one at ko rapid ash because it's already a range and even if i miss i could use substitute and then potentially get a second chance at getting the range so truth be told it wouldn't have to be that lucky at this level i'm good with it i'm moving on i mean heck we have the ground type gym leader coming up i don't even know what i'm gonna do giovanni looks so difficult we have ryhorn the two neatos a doug trio like man this is not looking good for a pichu what the heck and of course i lose a whole bunch of times i mean heck is opening rhyhorn as earthquake look how much damage that does i actually use my rare candies and level up so i'm at level 75 it does all damage pichu terrible defense what am i gonna do obviously i'm gonna level up more but i think it's time to get rid of seismic toss and to start using iron tail yeah it's another 75 accurate move i don't miss that but it could potentially knock out ryhorn in one hit let's see if that works i'm at level 79 please hit okay okay that is good i don't know what i'm going to do with the rest of the pokemon but at least we knock out the rhyhorn that is progress now doug trio is really bad defense in hp so i do not get out with return okay but the ones i'm worried about are nidoking and nidoqueen well return does i would say about 80 or so but earthquake knocks me oh doesn't knock me out but comes very darn close so i can knock out nidoqueen of course there's a chance for a poison point 30 chance when i hit it with a contact move i get poisoned doesn't happen here but unless this is the one at ko somehow it is not neato king just uses poison sting and knocks me out so close er but still not all that close to be perfectly honest well i'm adam ideas we're almost at the end of the game there are a whole bunch of rare candies i missed because they're in totally different locations than they are in generation one and there's the sevi islands i've yet to explore i'm gonna battle all the rest the trainers collect a whole bunch of rare candies and guess what guys i'm at level 90. that's right i'm at level 90 to face the final gym leader if that doesn't tell you this run is super difficult i don't know what will but okay i'm at level 90 let's do it please hit with iron tail thank you that's right horn doug trio of course will be at one ko and here's the moment of truth one ekko against nidoqueen no and there's the poison point and now let's see how much earthquake does a lot and after poison damage yeah level 90 i'm more than double the level of this pokemon and i lost wow now i'll equip the petra berry so that i can heal myself if i get hit with poison that may help a little bit but i don't know let's just try again i guess all right so ryhorn doug trio and now neato queen all right no poison point that's good it heals no poison point again it heals eventually i'll knock this thing out it'll stop healing or i'll get a critical hit doesn't actually matter because i out speed so i would have knocked it out before it could attack again now nito king is slightly worse defense so i may knock it out in one hit especially if i get a critical hit i think it would have been 1ko anyway but whatever now we're on to the final roy horn it's not a ride on i keep forgetting that in red and blue it's a ride on and of course because it's a rye horn again i knock it out with iron tail and yeah you'll see me reset there because i wanted to battle giovanni just one more time to make sure i didn't get too lucky on nidoking and that the strategy was at least consistent it was i i beat him again and in this battle i used substitute a slightly different strategy it worked just as well but turns out i didn't even have the petroberry i equipped a cherry berry for paralysis just a mistake but i won a second time i'm more proud of that first battle it doesn't matter they both count well i guess only the second one counts because i reset but we're done eight gyms regular season over but that's scary usually we have so much wiggle room to level up for the elite four in case they're really problematic i mean typewise they're not looking as bad bruno funny enough could be really difficult wow i can't believe i'm saying that but forget the elite four we got rival number six and he wasn't actually that bad just took me a couple of tries pidgeot once again led with quick attack that's annoying but i knocked out with a single thunderbolt now the rival has a ryhorn as well but luckily iron tail so long as it hits will knock it out in one hit just like we saw before just like the last two battles we have gyarados and still growleth both of which are knocked out by a single thunderbolt and both of which hit me with intimidate and then we have alakazam i'm thinking thunderbolt should wanna ko at this level and it does but now i don't have seismic toss anymore i've deleted it so i have to find a way to try and beat venusaur with thunderbolt so i go for thunderbolt it goes for growth that's not a good sign i go for thunderbolt again and it goes for synthesis so all right if it's going to keep using status moves let's try and set up a substitute and look at that another growth that might be the turn we need because now i can use thunderbolt and sure finally decides to use razer leaf but too little too late thunderbolt knocks it out and that is rival number six so he wasn't so bad but the elite four i mean if giovanni took to level 90 and the elite four is much harder than him i'm gonna have a much harder time because i don't have many levels to gain at this point i can only go all the way up to level 100 and i hope i don't have to go all the way that high but i may have to well just to be safe let's battle all the trainers left in victory road and what's left to do cue ice theme let's battle laurely and lauralee looks to be pretty easy because she has four water pokemon knife thunderbolt and every single one of them is a 1k with thunderbolt weirdly this is the only battle i think where jinx somehow came up after lapras i don't know why that happened but it's a wanna ko with return all right that one's not looking too bad but we have bruno who has two onyx and unlike in gen 1 or red and bluno if you will they have moves better than a 60 accurate rock throw they have earthquake and that could be a bit of an issue well naughty is the first onyx i go for iron tail obviously i could miss but i don't and i knock it out but i don't get the wanna ko on the second onyx even at as high a level as i'm at still onyx survives on a sliver of health it does have fantastic defense mind you but man that's rough at the very least earthquake doesn't knock me out but it really doesn't matter because i'm at 11 hp and hit montana's mock punch which it's probably going to use but i don't even get that far bruno heals i go for return because i didn't see the defense drop but it didn't matter because i missed with iron tail that return is simply so bruno won't heal again but with the defense drop it wouldn't matter but yeah this is a bit of a problem and while in red and blue losing to bruno is kind of a joke in this game especially with pichu he's no joke at all and in fact i would spend about the next hour or so trying to find ways to defeat bruno and as you know i don't save him between battles not that it really matters at this point we're so early on and laura lee is consistently a sweep so it really just wastes a little bit of time but the long and the short of it was this that second onyx needs to be a wanna ko for me to have any chance and until i got to like level 99 and i'm not kidding about this it was a very unfavorable range and so it would happen once in a blue moon like at level 96 and up but until 99 it wasn't consistent and so i would lose time and time again to bruno and like i said even if i got past onyx number two hitmonchan if i was at low health would just use mock punch and knock me out but finally i'm able to make it past the hitmonchan now let me explain how i did it i figured out that the first onyx will always lead with rock tomb or almost always lead about 95 the time it will use it and it doesn't do enough damage to knock out my substitute and it can miss 20 of the time so i have an extra hit then i pray for the unlikely one of ko i don't get it it knocks out my substitute with earthquake but it's gonna heal it has a defense drop so this will definitely be a 1ko so long as i don't miss and i actually have two opportunities well i only need one i knock it out but here's where the hitmonchan becomes obnoxious thunderbolt is not a 1ko very close but not quite and i do have the magnet equipped thankfully missed with rock tomb but that is not ideal him only is slightly worse defensively so thunderbolt actually will knock it out so i finally make it to the machamp well thunderbolt does decent damage about 80 percent i'd say but cross drop does well the rest of my hp so yeah about a dozen or so attempts and the furthest i've made it in the elite four is bruno's machamp it's going great and usually this is where i say but on my next attempt i made it back in one not at all yes i could level up and make it easier and as you could guess by what i said earlier i am going to eventually do that but just getting to the machamp took me 12 more attempts and of course i lost it this time i was at barely any health like 20 or so very very frustrating so bruno definitely exacting his revenge for all the times i made fun of him in red and blue finally i make it past bruno at level 98 the strategy you pretty much saw i just didn't use substitute iron tail iron tail now thunderbolt does knock out the hitman chan and the hitmonlee the machamp thankfully doesn't go for cross chop i don't know if it would have been a one ko but it went for bulk up thanks to that citrus berry it doesn't actually heal so i'm able to finally make it to agatha and in fire red leaf green agatha is dramatically easier than her red and blue counterpart she isn't as much of a lottery and in fact she's actually a total joke and is pretty much the same as laura lee and thus we have one two three four five five thunderbolts but yeah it's about as easy as that again very important note the special attack special defense split really makes agatha a whole lot easier because her pokemon especially the gengars aren't nearly as bulky now and i'm not entirely sure if this would work in red and blue but who cares i mean i know pichu is not a thing but we're at lance he's gonna lead off with gyarados and it's gonna use intimidate so that's gonna already lower the attack of something like return which i'd otherwise want to use against his dragon pokemon then again dragon air is not the scariest pokemon why talk about it let's just show what happened the first time alright well it goes without saying thunderbolt knocks out the gyarados but dragon air it's gonna resist and i now have the weakened attack but i decide to go for substitute it goes for dragon rage but as you can see substitute took away exactly 40 hp so at this level it breaks my substitute one level higher it would not that sucks well thunderbolt does way more than 50 which is great and it goes for safeguard a little too late so it's already paralyzed and i'm able to knock out dragon air with one more thunderbolt now i decided to go for substitute again this is actually to prevent against hyper beam because they have to recharge so that would be a smart play instead i get thunder wave and hey the substitute protects me against that so that works and because i'm buying a substitute even if dragonair attacks i can knock it out without taking any more damage and would you look at that hyper beam well because dragon air is going to need to recharge i can actually set up another substitute which will help me out against the final two pokemon dragonite obviously i'm worried about as well and it is normal effective this time but it's a much bulkier pokemon well thunderbolt does i'd like to say 60 70 and it goes for outrage which is fine i should knock it out but unfortunately all the final pokemon have citrus berries and i'm not sure if i'm gonna do enough damage ah that sucks and i'm knocked out so so close all right well this time i actually can say i make it back to lance on my very next attempt but it does not go as well at all in this battle after knocking out the gyarados dragonair decides to use outrage and i simply have no way of defending myself i keep going for substitute and hope outrage runs out and then dragon or hits itself in confusion but that didn't happen and i lost to the first dragonair i really want to see safeguard or hyper beam and if i level up dragon rage that's the only move i don't want to see and of course that's what i happen to get and so i have to do the battles all over again but we're pretty lucky that two of the three are just auto wins essentially it really is only bruno that can give me a hard time and that's only if i get some unfavorable ranges which if i'm careful and use a substitute i actually can stack the odds in my favor even better especially if i keep that substitute for the machamp and in this attempt that is exactly what happens i'm able to set up the substitute early on keep it all the way through bruno's other pokemon and then i'm able to withstand the cross drop it can miss but that is why you set up the substitute it makes the cross drop not important thanks to that citrus berry doesn't heal and we can easily make it past agatha again none of her pokemon are ranges so it's really nice it's just bruno and this is actually now three consecutive attempts i've made it to lance so clearly level 98.99 that's the level i need to be at but we have yet to beat lance we're over two let's see if we can get a bit better luck with dragonair alright so let's knock out gyarados go for substitute and safeguard that's really good now we are guaranteed to knock out dragon air so we use thunderbolt and look at that dragon rage you may have noticed that i actually leveled up to level 100 and like i said if i did do that then dragon rage would no longer take out my substitute so we get to keep that substitute for dragonair number two pretty good and speaking of dragon air number two thunderbolt thunder wave doesn't affect me behind a substitute so i'm able to knock out dragon or number two and this should be good against dragonite especially now that i'm a level higher so thunderbolt does actually looks like less damage this time around but it's not really important because dragonite uses hyper beam meaning it's gonna need to recharge that gives me two turns to knock it out i decide to be extra cautious and set up a substitute just in case this doesn't knock it out but it does i only needed one turn it turned out now all that's left is aerodactyl which for some reason comes after dragonite and easily knock it out finally we've made it to the champion and the champion battle is truly interesting for a few reasons and in order to explain what i'm doing right now getting rid of thunderbolt and teaching rain dance and thunder we need to talk about pidgeot because pidgeot only has one attacking move aerial ace base 60 power not very effective i can easily set up a substitute and stall behind it setting up a rain dance which makes thunder a hundred percent accurate and my hope is thunder does enough damage that i can sweep through the team maybe even behind the substitute but i don't know but that's enough talking about it it's time let's get to the final battle well i get sand attack after i set up the substitute why i wanted substitute i set up brain dance aerial lace does not knock out my substitute you can see i have the leftovers equipped so i have gotten rid of the magnet but thunder should make up more than make up for that lack of power and i easily knock out pidgeot with thunder but this pokemon right on it's the one i'm most nervous about will iron tail possibly wanna kill this thing no thankfully i hit but it's not close and i'm already at level 100 can't do anything my eevees are all maxed out this is as much damage as i could possibly do and because rydon's in red bar the champion's going to heal so i decided to go behind a substitute i know earthquake is going to knock me out it's actually crazy how much damage earthquake would do i found out after the run and i'm hoping for a critical hit or a defense drop being behind a substitute is very important however there is one added side effect of me doing this i mean i get hit with another earthquake and very luckily that is my third straight irontail to hit i knock out the ride on but now the rain is gone so thunder is only a 70 chance to hit so my two moves i'm using now are 70 and 75 percent that is not good but we only have a few pokemon left the next one is alakazam this thing can use reflector future sight but unfortunately i set up a substitute psychic another substitute psychic all right it's not cooperating with me let's go for the yolo thunder will it want to ko yes that is very good unfortunately i wasted a ton of hp with those two failed substitutes and i really would like to be behind one for our canine but that's what happened and of course we have to get through gyarados first and thunder could miss but so far all these moves have hit crazy luck so far and i knock out gyarados but i don't think my luck is gonna continue i don't think i'm gonna do enough damage even if i hit all right here's the moment of truth do i knock out our canine oh gosh and of course flamethrower knocks me out just so you know i did the calculations after the fact with the exact stats so i know these are accurate i had a 56 percent chance of that one hit ko'ing and i would have made it to the final pokemon a 50 50 chance i didn't know that going in i literally just found that out right now but that really sucks and consider how much luck i got up to that point three iron tails and three thunders hitting in a row the chance of that happening a mere 21 but it almost happened once so maybe it will happen again i just need to get through these battles you've already seen them a million times i mean the first three you should know off by heart by now especially because two of them is just five thunderbolts or four in one return excuse me i didn't mean to forget about you jinx um lance similar to what you've already seen lance ends up being a bit of luck depending on what he does if the first dragonair uses outrage you lose but in my experience having done this a bunch of times it's not very likely it seems like just a solid one in four chance that he won't use outrage and considering i'm able to get through the first three elite four members consistently this is now my fourth consecutive time making it to lance i'm not really too devastated about a one in four chance and i'm really glad we leveled up this much because it's nice when the elite four are so consistent but we're back at the rival gonna try the thunder strategy just one more time and hopefully it all works out but to increase my odds just a little bit more i equip the magnet that would guarantee a one to ko if i make it to rk9 but i have to make it there and it doesn't start off on a good note not at all because pidgeot decides to go for aerial ace turn one and ariel lays turn two and knock out my substitute and because i don't have leftovers i don't really have a ton of hp to spare i do knock out pidgeot and this time you may have noticed to offset the luck of using iron tail i decided to use hidden power and i was hoping it would be a two-w and well after that hit it looks like it might be that looks like it did about 50 that's pretty good even better rydon went for rock tomb which missed instead of earthquake so i still have my substitute up and now i just need a decent range to defeat ride on and i don't get it and you know what i wish i knew this at the time that was a four percent chance i had a 96 chance of a two with ko and i missed [Music] yeah i abandoned hidden power and looking back that was the play i just got really unlucky i figured that i got a good range and this is the thing i unfortunately discovered these stat sheets after the run when i was trying to find some information and i often don't do damage calculations before my runs it kind of ruins a bit of the mystery and had i done so i probably could have had an easier time with this ride on because as you could expect in other battles the prom would be missing the iron tail since i went back to that thinking it was the more viable strategy and that does annoy me when i look back and see i made a mistake like that however there is one positive for me not using hidden power i mean the chance i get not just hidden power fighting but as good a hidden power fighting as it is which looks to be about base 65-ish power which is amazing for hidden power that just is not very likely and sure i could get even better one like water or ice but you know at least iron tail is something any single run i will get it and that is what ended up using albeit due to lack of information and unfortunately as we talk about this i'll mention that my four consecutive lance battle streak had been broken this actually took quite a while to get back to the champion i also thought i'd be clever and use charm in order to lower the attack and i'd find this out later charm took it from knocking out 250 percent of my health which is obviously you can't get more than a hundred and yeah it was still over a hundred so that was a bad strategy i even got tiny mushrooms i went to the mover learner i was trying i really was trying to be creative but at the end of the day yes we know that hidden power was the right play i also decided when i made it to the champion again i would abandon the thunder rain dance strategy essentially i was finding that setting up rain dance or relying on 70 thunder was just too risky i actually don't believe i had any thunder misses that cost me a battle but you knew it was coming so i was keeping thunderbolt you may have also noticed that charm replaced return return was completely unused except for jinx and because jinx is so early in the battle yes i actually did lose once because i missed with the iron tail but it wasn't such a big deal the truth is there probably was a better move than charm but looking through pichu's move pool unless i wanted to resort to something like attract or double team which i hate doing that is just totally inconsistent luck based strategy it's the reason i don't save between elite four members the reason i show you these battles to prove i don't say between elite four members because you know it's also kind of good to see the complete run but the other one i thought was protect if dragonair used outrage it would be confused maybe that's not how it works in this game maybe that's not how it ever worked i think it does nowadays anyway though it's not entirely relevant as you can see overall getting past the first elite four members weren't too big a deal i mean lance could be tricky thankfully in six of my seven lance battles after the first one he cooperated and they got pretty decent moves that said i do get an outrage this time but it was the second attack so i was already behind a substitute so it didn't really matter and we make it back to the champion i have now lost the champion several times it's rare usually in these videos the champion is kind of easy because by the time i've gotten there i've had to grind up to such a high level and figure out all these strategies that the champ is no problem but nope big problem we haven't even made it to venusaur yet let's see if we can at least do that in this battle well we're already off to an amazing start i go for substitute and i get a critical hit area lace against me so the substitute breaks fantastic i love having less hp that just works so great anyway have to set up another substitute you'll notice i have switched back to the leftovers and that does help regain a little bit of my hp and as you may have noticed i did end up teaching protect because well what else am i going to use so i'm able to knock out pidgeot and my health isn't actually that bad thanks to protect so hey picking something other than return was kind of a good idea i guess i don't know now i decide to alter my strategy slightly for ride on i go for irontail it knocks out my substitute and i'm like you know what we're not setting up another substitute not letting this thing heal then miss nah knock it out so we do and maybe that was reckless maybe i could have tried for a critical hit or a defense drop but i don't know just didn't feel worth it and it's knocked out so we get to move on to alakazam now in a previous battle i may or may not have shown thunderbolt did not knock out alakazam and without the magnet it's not even a range so i decided to go for irontail in this battle thankfully i don't miss it was riskier but i didn't even know if it would wanna ko i was kind of thinking it would because of its horrible defense i was correct so we've knocked out alakazam at least and i'm glad that unlike in gold and silver the order is consistent at least if you use the same pokemon so it always goes alakazam then gyarados if it was the other way around that would be annoying i can knock out gyarados with a single thunderbolt no problem but arcanine was the one who gave me a big issue last time and now i don't even have thunder to deal with it well might as well go for thunderbolt not much else i can do and flamethrower okay that's actually not that bad 44 hp it's actually looking really good rival's probably gonna heal here but i think we've made it to venusaur so we in fact does heal i go for thunderbolt and then he heals again and i get a critical hit all right well i would outspeed anyway i don't think it would have mattered we'll talk about that in a second but we've made it to venusaur and we've what yeah sorry to be anti-climactic but venusaur only has a single attacking move solar beam it's a two-turn attack and so i could use substitute or i could use protect and i have more than enough turns to knock this thing out so i'm just gonna do that and explain that i had no business winning that battle our canine should have used extreme speed instead of healing and i would have been done so while this isn't red and blue bad ai and bad move sets allow me to eke out a victory wow just a crazy crazy run and i really love that gen one bad ai red and blue finish i didn't even think about extreme speed until after i knocked out the venusaur but we did it we've beaten the game with just a pichu and that was one of the most difficult runs i've ever done and i thought this would be difficult but one of the most difficult that surprised me and we're almost at an hour so that's all for this video i know a lot of you want me to do round two i'm gonna tell you the truth bruno has stelix round two is possible but i'd use attract or double team and that just to me isn't very interesting and the video is already long enough and frankly i like to keep the videos consistent in some of the games there is just a ton of post game content and you have to call the run at some point and it just makes the most sense so thanks for watching i have many more challenging videos if you haven't seen the magikarp gold and silver run go check it out it's really fun and i stream on twitch now so i do even more difficult runs on twitch that will never get on youtube so links will be in the description thanks for the support enjoy the videos take care everyone
Channel: Jrose11
Views: 577,842
Rating: 4.8949127 out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Jrose11, Catch 'Em All
Id: OYff7ohq_xg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 19sec (3499 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 14 2020
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