How I Got to #1 In the World with Eternatus

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let's use purple because of eternities  um real youtubers use eternitis   this pokemon is actually pretty cool that  was a better one than normal um hello   as many of you who watch this channel probably  realized uh i haven't been playing much vgc at all   in fact i haven't really played very seriously in  several months aside from the week of the players   cup invitational i think it's really important to  take breaks and i also think if you force yourself   to do something you typically enjoy when it isn't  fun for you you may lose the ability to enjoy it   in the future so there i was doing nuzlocke's  living my best life girl boss stuff and out of   nowhere i got an itch not just an itch to play  vgc again but to get a very specific pokemon to   number one in the world eternius now for those of  you who played only the story of sword and shield   this might seem like an extremely easy challenge  eternity is the villain pokemon in the story and   it's eterna max form has more hp alone than many  pokemon have total stats however eternamax has   never been legal and dynamaxx has banned anyway  in the current format and at the time eternity's   usage was at less than four percent for context  here's the restricted pokemon with more usage   so i got to building normally for my rank one  challenge attempts i don't actually spend that   much time on the team itself i theory a little  throw some pokemon together and then jump on the   ladder for whatever reason this time i wanted the  team to be good like actually good i spent a full   week grinding the showdown ladder in an attempt  to figure out the best way to use eternitis   here's what i came up with obviously eternitis  was my starting point at the start i thought   eternitus had two possible move sets cosmic power  recover protect and some kind of attacking move   probably sludge bomb or meteor beam power  herb flame thrower sludge bomb and protect   after a few days of testing i didn't like either  set so i switched to a life orb set with dynamex   cannon sludge bomb flamethrower and protect  this set capitalized on eternities wide move   coverage and good base stats allowing it to do  significant damage to most pokemon in the format   the next thing i wanted to add was speed control  i tried both winsicon and grimsnaro with tailwind   and thunderwave respectively but the team ended up  being too passive every time i settled on reggie11   focused reggie lucky to be exact as the fastest  pokemon in the format reggie lucky would be able   to outspeed other threatening restricted  pokemon like xaction and caloric shadow   and use electroweb to allow my eternitis to move  before them reggie leki was also useful against   kyogre which is a pokemon i was worried about  thanks to its focus ash i now had a rapidly   growing weakness to ground types and i wanted an  intimidating pokemon so i added landorus theory the ground immunity gave me more defensive synergy  and intimidate is one of if not the best ability   in the format i was worried about really boom's  grassy terrain making landorus earthquake do   no damage so i decided to run a special landorus  with earth power grass not sludge bomb and protect   this landerus was very strong against groudon and  could threaten willowboom serena and kyogre with   decent damage output in hindsight this was the  weakest member of the team at this point i had   three special attackers and i was a bit worried  about not having any physical pokemon however   intimidate is extremely common due to incineroar  and landorus's high usage so i wanted a pokemon   that wasn't invalidated by it i began looking at  inner focus users and eventually settled on entei   for those of you who don't know in generation 8  inner focus received a buff that made the user   not only immune to flinching but also immune to  intimidate this makes it an incredible ability   in the current format where incineroar's usage is  so high i started off with scarf anti to outbreak   caloric sensation but i eventually realized that  the speed i gained wasn't worth the inflexibility   i also began having trouble with amungus  so i settled on safety goggles as an item   i use the move sacred fire extreme speed protect  and roar what i realized is that this ante alone   is one of the single best pokemon in the game  against you can roar through protect to get rid of   gm and sea and you can't be stopped by fake out or  rage powder and you resist moon blast entei also   ended up helping with my trickery match up as rory  will go before the opponent can use trick room   i had secured where my damage was coming from  so i felt comfortable adding a support pokemon   i wanted a pokemon i could use against kyogre  and against tripperon and i wanted something that   would help keep my alternative safe to use its  powerful attacks i also wanted to be mindful not   to add any more ground weaknesses at this point  as i currently had three i ended up settling on   a mungus the sassy pokemon was able to support my  team with rage powder spore and pollen cut and the   low speed stat made it a valuable pokemon against  opposing trick room teams i wasn't really sure   which item to use as kobe berry akaberry rocky  helmet and several other items all seemed viable   in testing i didn't feel like i needed any item  in particular so i gave it the mental herb to   help against pokemon with taunt this could easily  have been changed as a side note i really like to   spread out my speed stats this ensures that you  can have pokemon that can work in and out of   trick room and gives you tools against an opposing  pokemon that might out speed some of your pokemon   but not others the last thought i agonized over  for a long time in the current format nearly every   dark type is viable and i was really worried about  my caloric shadow matchup without the scarf on   entei i narrowed down my options to three pokemon  umbreon who offered great natural bulk typing and   yawn support as well as moonlight recovery  mandibus who is worse than number one overall   but offered tailwind support and suicune would  tailwind and enter focus but wasn't a dark type   in this video i started with vanda buzz then  tried umbreon and finally settled on sweden   suicune ended up being an absolute mvp of this  team it has incredible natural bulk can weaken   opponents with snarl or burn them with scald and  allowed me tailwind at various points of the game   once again it also had the inner focus ability  which is so useful in this format i was extremely   impressed with suicune and would absolutely  recommend using it one last note before we   jump into the games there's two interesting things  i want to point out you'll notice every pokemon on   my team has protect this is largely because in the  current format the prevalence of fake out makes   protect even more valuable than it normally is  even a pokemon like suicune who almost never run   to protect has it on my team and it was extremely  valuable next the two most used pokemon in the   current format are incineroar and rilaboo both  of whom run fake out you notice that my team not   only has neither of those pokemon but i don't even  have fake out on this team this is just a reminder   that just because something is strong there's  never only one way to win in pokemon if you stuck   with me for this long intro i really hope you  enjoyed it i won't keep you waiting any longer this is how i got to number one  in the world with eternities i started my journey in great ball tier ix two  full ranks below master ball the top tier before   i could push for rank one i'd need to make it  through all of great ball tier nine and then   ultra ball tier ten here's how it went i can do  i'm gonna remove this but i don't it wouldn't   work i need i really i'm gonna be really good  sport and reach powder support is super nice   yeah well i showed aaron trailer  this team and he told me that raiku   okay thunder's ending is actually not super bad  for me oh wait it's very bad because they have um   ah it's not so bad so what i'll do here is i'm  gonna vote switch into the ante and i'm gonna   protect it this weekend uh i'm gonna run a calc  really quick can someone tell me what happens   i'm not looking oh wait wait whoa whoa whoa  i just tried to send a dm not what i wanted oh interesting okay this thing switches in this  might have encore as well which is pretty sus   okay we know all the mods now which is good  right we can guess what all the mods are let's see oh this is t-bolt or something into  my speaker it is perfect okay this could be   encouraged to be pretty bad um but i don't think  they want encore because then they'll lose their   speed advantage so i'm gonna sacrifice they  might think i'm gonna switch lucky in because   they resist they actually ones are called out  that's super good for me into entei i suppose   okay we know all four of the mods are just good  um they're going to go for thunderbolt into my   speaking i should survive this weekend's  really bulky plasma para nice i'm still   really healthy here cool that's yeah so this  weekend is already showing it's uh worth doing a lot of damage i have not burned  a single time this stream i'm not saying   i'm just a little surprised um to be  honest they're really out of position   now so i can go for sacrifice i don't  think they're going to protect here   but i can speed here and scald into the engine  to get damage down i could also double here   i really want to sacrifice the enter here  predicting the speaker switching in but i'm   just gonna it's fine or if you're using  the windscreen excuse me they switched oh i could have sacred fire they were willing  to sacrifice a caught that stinks oh i shoot   a secret fire i got spooked by the low accuracy  it's gonna be close as to whether that's a 2ko okay that's half health stone edge see stoneage is  garbo i told you stoneage is not a good move dog   okay if i take both kos here am i in good shape  or bad shape i'm in good shape i'm gonna go for   the double ko man if i sacrifice game over uh the  talent expiring is it's gonna be really awkward   with the talon timing is the truth i hope i  don't write a stone edge crit or something god okay chat never use stone edge i have zero  sympathy i i will never use stone at the rest   of my life i will never use stoner the rest  of my life i'm dead serious i hate stone edge seriously don't use it i mean  use it and then play use that   use them to play against me but if you're gonna  if you want to win trust this was me at worlds   2013 and i said i'm literally never doing this  again and then i never use sonos again true story have my talent done yet oh yeah  well you i have two abilities   too you just don't know them okay  i don't think they have protect   you can use storage specifically if you need it  as like a max option right like like if you or if   you if you make it 100 accurate sure then go for  it right other than that though oh don't do it electroweb i think this thing doesn't have  protect because it probably is a volt switch right   or weatherball i'm probably not weather well okay  last one challenge sweet goon feels really good i   don't know about you all but i don't know how it  looks but to me it feels really good easy speed   into this and tailwind to get the tail one back  up i think this is the best move i could snarl   here but if i was gonna talent if i was gonna  snarl i could just tell one and then snarl right   okay east be dante this ante was also really good  this game i think we finally be a ghost tour scene they still do uh dil sedona dota thank you for  the um sub god this weekend's so good this is   oh it's not like um i think heathron i think  defensive heater and samaritan's format um   which restricted are you matching up well into  because you know you don't match up well into   any restricted right you don't match up well into  kite you only match up willing to go zernias and   the truth is that like as someone who brought  heater into nationals in 2016 uh heatran does   not actually beat xerneas it's like a fun  little fact like it's it's not actually as   early as check because you can actually do damage  once you get set up once they get set up anyway   and then it will just ignore you all right  we've been able to go start team not bad um all right zap whims they want speed control which  is fine i'm happy to give them speed control   um so what i'm going to do here is i'm  actually going to vault switch into the   galarian zapdos and i'm going to  sludge bomb into the whimsicott   i think because i'm trying to win with suicune and  plus eternities plus landorus like i'm basically   just trying to win with speed control i looked at  raiku because i thought it would be funny so i did   look into it like to see if you can get top you  know number one in the world with reality there   are dogs it has scald now um it doesn't interfocus  there probably is something you can do okay that   makes sense um ideally this is a stash one i  don't get the kill here i think okay turn 151   i'm actually cool with them wasting tail enters  to be honest like it doesn't hurt me too much see if it's sash they're probably gonna go station   here and then the things are gonna be  pretty tricky for me pretty quickly   okay this sash ideally i don't get the poison here  this is the one time i don't want the poison today   nice clutch okay i don't think i actually needed  tournaments to win this game i think getting the   damage down is actually pretty valuable to me so  i'm actually going to dmax cannon the zapdos here   because i think of the remaining mods this is the  most threatening if i lose a lekki though how bad   is it for me i just really feel like they're going  to double my lucky here i could be wrong though   like if i had voltage and dynamics cannon then  like what's the worst case scenario i really don't   want to lose a lucky i think and i don't want to  lose my focus actually there and i don't think   i'm in danger of getting k out here i'm going to  voltage you know i'm going to protect ux cannon oh interesting i could have just killed theirs  afters i see stop attention not to wins that's so unlucky  that's so unlucky oh my god   oh that sucks so when you encore the first  turn you get encore the targeting is random   so they gamble that i would attack like that i  really need a damage on zapdos ah this is this   is now all i'm saying and i'm in a lot of danger  oh it's actually instant okay that's fine right so they're gonna they think that they can kill  me which is well i actually don't know what they   think they could be yeah i don't actually don't  know what they're doing or i'm not gonna know   what they're doing is wrong i just don't i just  don't i just don't want they could be thinking a   lot of different things here this could also  be fake out reggie lucky and stomach injury   tournaments i don't think that's what they're  doing though let's see here not until lucky   oh my god brave bird okay oh and  two we turn this that's fine right geez that does a lot of  damage okay that's quite bad oh wait no this is fine this is fine this is  fine this is fine because of my secret tech   because my secret tech is now on mine okay get  ready for my secret move this is actually choice   guard for edgy election well i would speed the um  zapdos okay so we could have been kind of omega   oh they switched interesting positions in okay  so i think what they want to do my impression of   what they want to do is um or sorry what i should  say is that i think what makes part of what makes   sweeping really strong on my team is that i have  protect and nobody expects protect on street coons   so like they're probably gonna parting shot into  my suite in this term but having protect here   makes it like very very very annoying  for them to actually deal with right   because they're oh they're actually just darker  flare-rated huh interesting okay that's fine um   if i voltage the station then i get it in  range of uh all my other moves i think so i   can voltage and talent here and now i have  speed control i think electric feels much   stronger as it's now that it's not my primary  form of speed control and i also love speaking   because they shouldn't have anything they can do  that can actually like omega in my sweet room here   volt switch all damage on the station is  great that's a lot of damage right like   if i hit it with any like if i hit it with a  skull that will arrange a thunderbolt range   later and now i can get landorus in let's get the  intimate down now the zap just been spooked away   people don't respect protecting this weekend  because normally on super pokemons especially ones   with inner focus like this you would rather run  like icy wind or ice beam or helping hand right   but i decided that protect is actually pretty good  in this format as like it just is a general move   playroof miss any misters don't use player off  guys it misses you're welcome save do something   saves me ladder points is the parting  shot no it's actually just layered again   that's okay so we couldn't have  taken that much i just do that anyway   i might add to this combo but honestly i don't  think it does half i really don't believe in   this half i don't think there's any world in  which they let me just earth power their nation   so to keep them somewhat honest i am gonna i mean  they're gonna protect the parting shot right every   time but i don't want to make assumptions  here i'm gonna sculpt the season and we'll   put in a range of other moves anyway oh they  actually got me but they actually super got me wow i'm actually shocked that  they got me okay uh yeah like   that's not the obvious combo but  i wish i scalded that slot okay okay well i do have safe earth power in  the position slot now i wish i had ice beam   i'm still fine right all i have to do is put  things in range of electricity or eternity   and then i win i'm just called the zapdos  and i gotta burn i'm in good shape and i   always there's prioritization here i could have  doubled at this turn it might have been better   i just figured it was i figured i wanted to  get damaged on this like the zation slot is   guaranteed to take our power this turn unless they  get the double protect which isn't super likely so   yeah spreading out this damage is super good  though because you might have noticed that   things are really quickly approaching range  of eternalness unless zappos learns tailwind   in which case i'm in really bad shape but i  don't think i'm in that much danger because   they have stomach tantrum protect and um  braver they have to have a fighting move right   delorean's episode get it any burns any burners in  chat crit oh it's assault uh oh my first burn hey   skull burn before um skull burn  before what's it called did landers survived anyway the hp on landers  is kind of irrelevant to be honest   oh we got the ko even before the burn this weekend has been popping off i'm not even  gonna lie to you all it's been omega popping off um so i have a couple options here how do i lose  it's my last turn to tailwind i actually think i   just earth power always here into the station  i think i just called this asian because if i   had put in a range of thunderbolt then i should  always win right so i'm not even going to play   defensively here i'm just going to keep it on  the offense fake out into my landi makes sense   i don't really want to play defensively like i  mentioned if i got a burn here it's guaranteed   over i'm worried about sub i don't think they have  sub because they have player but yeah just trying   to keep them like in check being a blade perfect  okay they should be in thunderbolt range now i could've just protected i could have also just  taken an instant there like there were probably   better moves but i figured that this should  be fine i'm pretty sure they're in thunderbolt   range so a skull didn't do that much but like i  think that's volts plus stall damage so far um   so i'm gonna thunderbolt into this slot  and i'm gonna just gonna talent make sure   i get speed control again let's find out if i  could lose this if this doesn't kill and then   yeah that's fine all right i think  that this speaker has felt way better   so far like so much better town was just in  case they protected and okay on my um lucky   it's probably the end of my  life he might survive this yeah it was oh i was gonna say it was  wishful thinking but nope like he's strong   yeah this sweet gun has felt so good also  the eevs are totally random i just like   not totally random my maxed out hp  gave it enough speed down speeds um   caloric shadow and tailwind and  then the rest were just wiggly bars but that's part of why i have  speaking when you groudon okay alrighty cool so it might be whiter  here which would be kind of spooky um   i'm actually not sure what's correct in terms  of my moves but it's a scary lead for sure um it's not whiter okay so i think like there's a  couple of like this can go a couple different ways   i i think i'm just going to be aggressive  here i really want damage on the board here   and they don't have cherum so i'm going to  sacrifice the venusaur because that's like   the most threatening one in my opinion on their  team and there's no switching to it they go for   sleep powder it goes into my ante perfect okay  so i got good damage as long as i don't miss   my secret something is wrong something is wrong why is my landers faster than my  entei my enterprise jolly max speed   something is very wrong here  something is very very very wrong   okay we gotta i don't know what happened but  something is very wrong oh this is a good damage   to the ground that was a good turn one but why  is my ante why is my land response to the mandate   that's d okay actually doesn't help you when you  have this uh i mean they're plus one so it's not   it's not terrible venus is overgrown who know  why is my landers fat my entity's base is 100   my lander is the base 91 so i think i might have  adam and enter my auntie's missing something   incineroar okay that's fine i don't  care about that like i'm sticking fire let's check the stats you have evs tell  me your vvs please tell me your vs wait   shouldn't you have four hp oh it's adamant but  i don't think it's evie trained how do i see   the okay it's max attack my speed shouldn't it  have 191 okay i just need a jolly mint it's fine   um okay i'll just take a fire into the  groudon and i will earth power into the   store this is one of the matchups where  landorus is really good by the way   fake out into my landers i remember when people  would fake out my ante that was a good time   that was a really good time kill son okay well you put adamant oh i did i asked for adamant am  i an idiot yeah yeah you're right it's my fault   it's super my fault i asked for adamant that's  our super dark um well normally i would just   out of speed and what are my last months i haven't  trimmed this i didn't do any damage to this thing   and i went right uh normally i could out speed and  burn it but i'm too slow i'm too slow i should be   jolly i'm too slow don't you landorus you crimp me  i'm such a i'm the least lucky player in the world   go landrus use birth power we all  right it's not it doesn't resist it why couldn't you sleep powdered because i have um   safety goggles which products  sought me from powder moves that's my anti impression all right that will know all right let's change the jolly  let's see if i have a jolly mint   how am i i'm in a master ball bruh 472 okay not  bad not not you know not super high but it's fine   we can work with this all right all right made  it into master balls here enough messing around   yeah boy forget about zeroness  forget about winning that's my motto   this is manchester stack that's my prediction  okay yep expect it now this is fake out into the   actually it doesn't need to take out the election  here no it's take off the lucky because it doesn't   know if thunderbolt sacred fire will kill and  it can't fake out the other one so i'm gonna   protect here oh no no no no sorry i'm not gonna  do it i'm gonna roar out the stack attacker as it   trick rooms i'm gonna protect the lucky in front  of the uh fake out and then it will you're going   to zern or what's the last one here corporal  there are no torque probably torqueful if i had   to guess i mean just 5050 fake out into my lucky  and then roar goes next because it goes before   trick room priority yep exactly as expected this  is now torquel or xerneas but probably torquel   xerneas that's not good okay they don't  want to let me take do damage here so   i'm actually going to speed and volt  switch both into the manchester i think   oh they actually would have they're  just letting me zoom and see okay   do a lot of damage with the crit it doesn't  matter though and maintain my focus here they have the manchester i think this is going to  be moonblast because they expect me to roar here   i expect this to be moonblast so  i'm going to go into my mundus but   the nice thing about movies is even if they  gm and see i will just roar them out anyway gm and see okay i'll just throw that out it's fine now i don't want to worry about you until it's   the game once i get this thing  on once this thing goes away i'm actually really surprised they went for that  but what do i know all right this is scary this   is this is the these next few turns are where i  can lose this i think the last one is torquel i   would have rather torque it earlier but that rose  is a 50 50 at that point so what can you do okay   this should be twerkle okay it is twerkle um the  issue is that this torque is not min speed then   i could be in some danger but i feel like it has  to be one speed torque alright so i'm gonna roar   here into the zernia so i'm gonna spore into  the corporal boom blast oh addition of this okay special tech dropping doesn't matter   okay perfect okay as long as this  isn't lumber we should be fine now okay and there goes ernest cool perfect okay and stack is back in so this thing is  very unlikely to be safety goggles i think   so i'm gonna stick with fire into the torque  and i'm going to spore into the stack attack   i can still basically i've i've oh that's not good  well i denied trickery which is good which is but   uh the rest of this is bad because i might lose  both mods here although yeah it's actually okay   good damage any burns no okay one turn  sleep could be really bad okay i was lucky okay i think i just make the same play again to  be honest i'm going to sacrifice the torque and   spore the stack and what this does is it ensures  that stack attacker doesn't get triggered enough   which is the thing that i  actually care about right nap time for stack we just if trigger goes out then we lose otherwise   we can win torquel doesn't  make up which is awesome if it was if stacking echo safety goggles they  would have done something different that turn   so i knew that they weren't gonna do that and  then i'm just i'm actually gonna paul and puff   myself and roar out the stack attack of this turn  this should be very this should make it for the   tutorial can't um charcoal should not be able  to okay on my entei from here and it's probably   gonna take out the humongous and so as long as  circum doesn't go up i should be able to win this   wakes up goes for an eruption the mungus actually  may survive this thanks to the troop damage that   i did earlier i was kind of counting on it it's  actually better that it doesn't survive i think okay and that didn't even get the second turn of  sleep which is super nice and now israelis come in   all right so now the situation is sleeping stack  attacker the issue is now i just i have to target   correctly is the thing the last one is sound i  always take it fire into the xerneas turn slot   this turn and i think i just go for a a big  it doesn't really matter but i guess dynamics   kind of my strongest move so i'll go for this okay  they didn't actually protect which is interesting i could have taken out the zern here but i  figured the torque was like i figured this   arm was more likely to make a defensive  option to get defensive option this turn   i can still lose this i think also this is  another time where it's really important   that i'm a jolly ante because otherwise it'd  be slower than misterious it's a lot of damage   no burn i haven't burned at all with sacred fire  i haven't gotten a single burn all day oh into my   ante interesting okay i survived barely sunlight  fades so i think because i think because i believe   stack attack does not have protect i'm actually  going to double it because it's got to have   trigger and we know it is triggering for sure we  know it has ally switch so i think it has to have   um gyro ball and i think it also snapped on the  second attacking move here so what i'm gonna do   is i'm actually gonna sacrifice and flamethrower  both of the stack this covers for ally switch as   well a burner would've been really clutch okay  they go for the ally switch which is fine they   didn't wake up this turn that's because i wore  them earlier flamethrower does a lot of damage   i still have sasha lucky in the back so all  i need is one ko here when i win the game and that's the end okay cool all right cool not  bad beat zern this person was pretty high ranked   as well or like yeah there are 200 ranks out  of us gleam takes me out and then i went with a   lucky plus tournament nice job and it was really  good this entei was so clutch this game right   yeah because he doesn't have sleep claws so it's  something you really have to respect in building   like my team this team is actually i only have  one immunity to a mungus so it's actually a lot   weaker than most of my teams if you look at most  of my teams i have two mods immune to spore and   normally taunt as well at least two months roar  is not that good it's mostly a move that you use   when you're better than your opponent or when you  predict your opponent to make certain moves right   yeah not bringing into here is kind of bad  but i don't i don't think i could bring it it's the team it's the team it's the team  it's the team it's super the team because i   have only special attackers on this team except  for nt who i can't even use here they can just   protect and grasp the glide okay they take out  it that's good nice to get some damage down okay it's the call it's the freaking call my kyogre   oh it's not oh it didn't call mine oh  then i don't know what i'm doing then okay good job reggie hang in there okay um well that didn't go super well but i  did get good damage on this kyogre which is nice   it's not av kyogre it would do way less  it was av but it's probably max hp if   i had to guess this is also i wanted to  support the reliability of this term but   i didn't think i could receive it because  i do think this has probably got incident   so they can pressure fake out with  pressure with fake it again next turn that's interesting okay this is feeny  i guess yep feeny okay that's fine   like i can't spore but like i don't  need to support a win you know oh i can't use dynamics cannon don't let me forget ice beam into among us dogs okay sport doesn't  work that's fine we don't care about that um   i'm going to sludge bomb into the slope i mean  feeny seems like a pretty good move here but i   think it might actually be a mistake i'm going to  sludge mom into the kyogre i think i'm willing to   sacrifice the mungus here because we know  that eternity beats two of their moms right   could have killed athena could have killed  the feeney should have killed the feeny   should have killed the feeny  i'm playing so bad feels bad   was so bad could have killed the feeny i guess  killing the phoenix they didn't care about ooh taunt taunt okay it's fine mental herb comes into play what's  their do they have a sludge i'm switching because   i don't think they do they do they have  ferrothorn pheromones last month so we're   going to hard read the pheromone switching  in here and we're going to sludge bomb and   switch back to a lucky we're going to hard read  this they stayed in it's doomed they stayed in imagine they protect feni here okay they should kill they should definitely kill all right feeny damn if i've done  that the term before i've been so good   into who lucky okay it's fine that's actually  a decent this is like not a bad trade at all   because in order for them to stop me from going  among us and they have to go uh rilla boom right that looks like gorilla boom zapdos oh they  don't have pharaoh okay that makes more sense   um they don't have speed control so i can right  sludge mom and switch here we know what all the   mods are i could also sack but i don't really want  to sack right so i should sledge on the switch i think i lose potentially they should be  protected again if i had to guess but they're   being aggressive with their kyogre i don't really  know this is this one's really up in the air okay i got the damage down i don't think  this will kill but it's gonna be close   oh it wasn't that close ah bulky  kyogre hurricane into my amunkus   okay nice this is unfortunately  probably ice beam me turning this yeah good move okay i'm probably gonna lose   rain is gone now so the last one is willow boom  right so we know all of the pokemon on their team   protecting sludge one with  zappos get some damage down okay that's good see what they do here what   are their other moves roots detect or  something kind of protects it's fine okay i'm faster than the zapdos it's slow bulkies  out this perfect such a good poison it's a really   good poison hurricane into my turn it doesn't work  though okay there's leftovers got it okay so we   learned something really important that turn and  that's that the zap is the best in the kyogre and   my landers is faster than zapdos which confirms  that they're really slow on their zapdos on their   coyote which also confirms that my land rest is  faster so i win this game by getting eternities   to attack in the late game i think so i could  go for dynamics can in this turn though if they   switch out actually it could be in bad shape but  they stayed in okay cool so my dynamics canoning   zapdos here i don't expect this to ko they also  have to hit a hurricane in no weather you know does that crit oh okay that's that all right and  now it's just really boom we should have safe one here i don't think really  boom should be able to beat among us to be honest   so i can protect to kill a little  hp and switch into among us this should forfeit this turn i think is it better mushroom much better cool sorry about that   okay uh and then we'll just wrap up here we're  gonna let the technically i could just sludge one   here but it might be dead to crit so we'll just  go for the pollen pop into myself this gives me an   extra turn of grassy terrain recovery in the worst  case scenario and it gets me intimidated as well drastic logged into my landy i may die i think  i could live but i don't think it's impossible   landorus you're just messing around   okay yeah i'll get one more turn aggressive  during recovery and then sludge bomb and even   in the worst case it has to like i can pull him  up a couple times here it is super effective like it's not a very powerful move and among this  isn't very powerful but this should be like what   twenty percent maybe yeah about twenty percent  after aggressive trains yeah i can probably still   win this one even if i get quick here wait what  am i i forgot that poison and dragon both resisted   grass i knew one of them did okay i'm sorry for  dragging this out i apologize it was not necessary   i mean it was still the safe this is the safe way  of playing like what if i turn this was like 38   lower right how much is even going to do actually  it might have mattered because it would have been   2.25 times that right of a crit so this is 15  um whatever that one that was the same i had   no there was no drawback to that play this is  how i played tournament if i had the same game i might have maybe gone for a poll and pop  into the real boom earlier but probably not okay that's fine this will be irrelevant switching i think so   i'm going to slow down and scale  it to the relevant on the switch yep that's my fudge bombs scald  gives me a chance to burn too okay either status condition is good here  because now yeah well it's kind of obvious because now they're really in range of another  one of these right they actually taught my speaker   which is actually a really smart play to be honest  because now i can't protect i'm actually in kind   of bad shape because of it fake out protect  helping hand um i'll go to snow though skull   damage isn't so significant although the burn  would be nice i'm gonna snarl it once just like   one snarl makes the golf ball basically just here  for support alone which is useful for me helping   hand this isn't gonna be able to kill anything  i think it's gotta be grassy glide here right oh didn't know that was a  didn't i wasn't arranged to that to be honest okay so this one comes out trading  suicune here is not a good trade in my favor but   we at least make it a trade because i got the  aggressive trinity gothel makes this really   difficult i need to get rid of the golf but  i don't really have a clean way of doing that   the issue is that they most likely  have landers incarnate in the back um   and that is really dangerous for me because  i can't actually do anything about it   that's landorus yeah actually now yeah i actually  i need to get um i need to get an attack onto this   thing at some point i guess i'll just grasp on  it and thunderbolt off and then try and trade i   think i lose this for sure i don't i don't have  the tools to beat this helping hand again okay   i wanted to make sure that i don't get a sub up  um but this implies that they're not going for   a lucky here because the lucky would die for sure  right oh i'm fat oh it's slow okay interesting   slide oh let's go huge dodge by  richard lucky that's an enormous dodge   it's a big dodge okay they're slow and bulky  landers which is really weird we're champ   helping hand protect fake out we don't know what  the lost move is yet it could be uh ally switch maybe a lot of things right plays  rock slide again he's trying to   take both kills at once but this is the  way that they can lose this to be honest go for an earth power here see what the item is might be citrus rock slide  miss miss miss miss miss miss vgcp vgc dodge dodge   dodge it's okay that one it actually the health of  my landers doesn't really matter here to be honest hopping in again if i can't go off  here i'm in really good shape i think if goth goes down to this i'm in super good  shape this is actually winnable golf goes down   okay go fence a little more damage this just ensures  for sure for guarantee that they are   missed okay a lot of damage  and lucky but i still survive   okay this is i'm probably gonna lose this but  i at least have a chance to win right it's not   guaranteed over like i definitely died earth  power right there's no way my turn just takes   enough power i'm pretty sure i'm not going to  bother calculating there's no race or whatever   okay so my options are protect both to try  and scout for a protect this is basically   just a guessing game of when is the lander is  going to protect right um i think predicting   both is better but because these monsoons carry  sub it really spooks me so i'm gonna like trib world world champ difference backing  into the wall world champions   i don't think it's a true 50 50 because if i uh  electroweb and dynamics canon here what happens   this happens when i win landers protects i  get the electro buff and they uh attack into   eternitis i still win from there because i go  thunderbolt thunderbolt and then digitization   and they have they need a double protect to  win because i don't die to behemoth blade   or they ko lucky and then electro plus length  should finish off um position so i should always   win with that combination of moves and now i can  go for flamethrower plus electroweb i believe is   correct maybe thunderbolt is better i don't know  i think electrodes correct i can miss though   i can still lose this if i miss electroweb  and get crit i lose or maybe just missing   electrons the missing electrode might do it  on its own depending on the spreads okay okay pressure what pressure always activates first  um it's a special ability wait no it doesn't   wait i always get confused pressure  doesn't always activate first right   or does it i think it does no it doesn't  oh okay it's super bulky's asian i'm bad   okay i could have lost this  then but whatever i still agree i'm living baby pressure goes by speed okay i  always i get pressure on a nerve because the nerve   always goes first and for some reason i feel like  i always i have to try this every year every time   there's restricted mods i'm like hey trey does  just pressure activate before the other abilities   and he's like no i'm like oh my bad i always  forget all right i said i want that that's good   i'm glad you're enjoying it it is september  by the way so if you uh want to support the   channel and you want to support me oh that's  interesting lead um feel free to click that   subscribe button it uh yeah i think it's what is  it half off for september is that how it works   okay do you think they're actually gonna  um do you think they're actually going to   fake out me here because i think they're not i my  gut says no i think they're not gonna fake me out oh faint plus okay i'm dying to this not a  good trade very bad trade super bad trade it's really unfortunate i  don't think i can win anymore   i think this is legitimately unwinnable now like no this is no meme i think actually  unwinnable because i take too much damage this   turn i need to get really really loose i could get  sweeping it so i can tailwind up etc etc etcetera   etcetera and now don't know what to do with that  because i can't get sweetened anymore safely i might just lose my ant to  this turn to to close combat oh it wasn't sash oh sasha's on win this okay oh burn burn burn sacrifice how many i don't think  i've had a single sacred fire burn today like   actually no meme like no meme actually actually no  meme i don't think i've hit the single second fire   burn if you don't believe it if that had burned  it would have been stuck on the field shadow rider   okay what are my options i need to get this  weekend in somehow safely i think i have to   just basically go dynamics cannon here and extreme  speed here if that had burned i'd be in such good   shape okay let's take out the rule of boom someone  took two sacred fires to kill and extreme speed   thank you ggp i appreciate that oh  expanding that's super effective but   my i survived i survived eternity you are so  unbelievably cracked it makes me physically ill i'm dead now it's india's last by the way it was sash okay hold on hold on wait hold on   don't be in ddsb whimsicott is  last oh wait that might be whims i want to be free it's not  life worm okay get me out it's scarf it's scarfente i  i noticed because it's fast   wait but it's using on stone  edge um spunk scarf entei okay scarf stone edge entei okay why not attack e-turn because then  it gets a special attack boost   and what i was just doing with and then what  happens and then i use ante this turn i have   sweeping in a 1v2 and it has a special attack  boost this is better okay i go tailwind here   and i go for the do i go for the double if ante  dies i go into eternity and i go snarl plus dinos   cannon win so i don't go for the double this is  a win-win this covers for stone age into speaking   they hit okay i'm dead now but it should be fine i think it's still fine because they're locked into stone  edge they have six stone edges left i guess scald into the calipers was  potentially better there and just win the game   no this is correct because i have talent in  the it's not like the anti can protect itself   and in case they have grass not right we should  we should remember in case they have grass they   should always cover that okay grass is gone  so there's no more recovery for either of   us which is actually good because i think their  calorics is still in range oh they didn't protect   suicune please don't miss  scalp i really i'm sterile kill please don't miss oh god please don't miss it's  faster it hits i live no crit don't miss i'm i hit   i kill okay sweeping clutch omega clutch sweet good that was so bad but yeah garden isn't so much of an issue  that i would normally want to run it   should be groudon entei oh stack and  dd that's fine um that's super fine   i'll double the stack here to  force like keep them honest   that's fine i don't care what you're going  up sacred fire into stack and then scald into   stack this way uh if they want to not use follow  me they have to give me double chance to burn   okay that makes sense yeah i would rather they  follow me here to be honest i could have snarled   but like i don't really care about stack's special  attack and also it's actually better not to get   the ko here i think it's better to not get the ko  properly burn do you see this i'm using scald and   sacrifice in the same turn and i'm not getting  the burn they switched way groudon gosh it on i got strong impressions hey rockslided me that's so  rude even though i'm in focus   okay we know all four of the mons now right so  we know what we have to win we've got low hp   and dd we have groudon at full and back we have  full hp stack we've three turns of trigger left this could go badly i think they're more like  wait why did i switch wait what am i doing well   that was really bad wait that was so bad why don't  i need landers to kill gastron what am i doing oh miss oh okay oh hang in there landers i'm  sorry i think i thought it was gonna be   earth power but oh okay i'm actually  cracked i'm mine i'm omega cracked yeah i'm chipping down let's go speaking  i wish there was one less turn of trick   room i switched out again stack is probably  gordon that's gordon that's a good switch   because now i'm really out of position at  least i don't cheer him though to be fair i find earth's power here if i had grass not here  i would have been a pretty crack pretty lit um   they got me really out of position although they  don't seem to have ice beam which is interesting   because i could i could grasp not here i think i'm in danger though i don't really  know what i'm supposed to do in this position   to be honest my sweet dude they actually  totally invalidated my sweet food it's   making my life really difficult it was lefties  no it's white herb that was a really good um   like i want to go enter here i don't need  anti for the rest of this match though   though stacking it here feels really bad i  think then again what else am i supposed to   do with this you know i think i just have to  sack it and protect because i think landorus   is more valuable even with the hp drops  you know it should be hard for them to   get a guaranteed trick come up again with my as  long as i keep landers alive so do this instead that's fine i really don't think they're gonna  let landers they might are they really gonna press   this place here they did oh i couldn't just grasp  and probably won the game on forge miss sorry ante   that's my bad my bad bro okay i really want this  weekend off the field but i can't really go into   a tournament as safely as the issue okay awareness  is gone landy's back in okay i'm i'm definitely in   a bad spot here but it's not over just yet with  sweet food and groudon minus one like they're   their garden isn't that threatening i'm gonna go  for this and snarl here if i get rid of gastro   i can start spamming skull and a single skull  burn will invalidate a lot of these mons so yeah they knew wait what how do they know   okay i think i lose for sure i don't think  i have the damage output anymore to win this i legit don't think i have the  damage output anymore to win this   he crashed into my landing okay yep that's really  bad i'm sorry i can't win it's an eighth for sure i didn't need the crit i  doubled it oh it wasn't a crit then again burn can i get a burn for my  third attack that can burn oh hey mazel tov   it didn't protect oh all right stack down which  is good i think i think each will win this for me minus one gastro it doesn't have the owner  right we saw protect earthquake scald   we don't know the last move minus one is  done mauled yeah i couldn't grasp no but i   thought going up to the stack was better  there because it was guaranteed to kill   they're throwing i disagree i think i made  a hard read and it paid off by predicting   the gaster switch out because i scalded that  same slot in the same turn right so even if it   survived it would have regrettably gone down  there that's the power of expert ball by the   way it does a lot more damage when it hits than  you'd expect especially pokemon like groudon um   psychic karina's up i don't need speakers  health i think i'm down to just protect   and scald again we're predicting snarl again  since the dd doesn't have any setup moves here   i don't really think there's any advantage  to rushing into this so i'm predicting snarl okay makes sense covering for protect there i wouldn't say my opponent through this  game at all i think they played really   well and i caught them out one turn  and that kind of made the difference power okay i'm gonna dynamex cannon the dd i  think is going for the double here but like   i think it's okay nonetheless   hh if you could move yeah i could have gone off  to go for this turn a crit will lose you for sure i won't lose to skaldness or umass if it kills my alternatives i might run out  of hp before i can beat it should be citrus   no it's not citrus okay it might be rindo in that  case let's go yeah i was dead to quit for sure i   was super dead to create especially with helping  hand was it minus two or minus three i lost count   that actually does a lot of damage i mean it was  helping interesting anyway we should win this now   okay cool all right so we're  making progress we're getting there   a couple close games we turn them around among us anderson okay this is the  worst case scenario unfortunately um   i can go for protect protect i can sacrifice if  i want how much do you think electroweb does let   me pull up the calc here just 75 according  to this i don't think anything would do the   rest though i think this is a really bad move  it opens me up to just totally getting warmth   okay it's fine uh it's not that good it was really  bad i'm probably getting rolled here unfortunately   i really okay i haven't burned sacred fire all  day i really need this one i like really really   really need this one unfortunately i really  need it if i don't get this i think i lose please once just this once fifty percent okay  until you're cracked you're cracked you're cracked   you're correct into your lucky any lucky hitters  in chat i shouldn't just electroweb by the way   but i didn't know they were going to  protect oh okay that was all so bad this is a lot of damage unfortunately but it's  not the end of the world to be honest like we're   still okay i think it's pretty likely that  this is a switch out for the yoshiku because   it's kind of stuck on the field doing nothing  and i don't think any mod on their team really   wants like love switching into flare blitz  here or into a sacred fire or into sacrifice   which is probably what they expect here so  i think what's likely is that this could be   like a switch out of urshifu and then maybe a  protect from their mungus okay they do protect i'll go for a rage powder here then we know they  have zernius in the back right it's xerneas and   probably either it's either instant or boom um  it could be either in this instance gonna take it   fire off it doesn't hurt right a little bit more  damage maybe it comes in handy later you knows   as long as this isn't safety goggles in which case  i'm in trouble if it's goggles or it's not okay   big damage yeah the damage really doesn't  matter here in my among this is the truth i do want to search for gone at some  point but it doesn't have to be the second   um i'm gonna sacrifice among us their best  mission isn't scenario which doesn't really   advance their positioning very much and just  kind of getting the damage on that is nice as   well make the same move i could make an aggressive  play like i could switch out and you know spore   but the thing is that i think that they're mon  i think they definitely have xerneas and back   and i think that there's a very good chance  that they have a 50 50 between willow boom   and sonora and so in this instance if i  believe that they have um really booming   back then my sacred fire is just safe here  because they don't have a good way around it   right which is probably the case this tells  us like oh which arrived you're smiling it's actually really bad that they survived  that um i'm gonna switch here i'm not in any   danger so i can go turn this in safely and  then i can just um pollen pop into the slot   i guess we actually don't need the burn there it  actually might have even been better that i mean   it wasn't better i think they're really going  to struggle to get rid of among us in general shooting strikes pulling into eternity  but i'm not that worried about it   i don't think they would ever spore into  here to be honest given how i've been playing   i just hope that i don't if i get  sport here i can lose for sure it's probably a speed tie okay it's fine i  definitely got worried there okay it's fine   do a little bit of damage and i get the ko cool so now the question is if they have anything  that's not a center in the back who do they go   into here right xerneas okay cool cool cool so  now we know that they're probably going to want   to switch out their ursula boom here and try and  threaten protect although honestly like do they   even want to okay i'm always bombing here right  and i either sledge well you shouldn't spore the   amoongus or the xerneas or i just pull this ledge  onto zernius i'm gonna do this sludge moments four   here i think i'm pretty boom just okay fine it  didn't it actually doesn't change anything here   uh it would have been better for  me not to do that but it is okay i could still lose this um for sure because  i don't know what their last month is here it   could be a lucky but that wouldn't help them very  much i still fully spell like being back or is   it damaged it's full hp okay that can potentially  save me in the end because my energy is really low   okay i just really was correct about my  assumption okay i just double discerned here   yeah i shouldn't i should have left there should  be on the field i thought they would switch it out   um i'm gonna sludge them here into the xerneas  they have to fake the slot out and i'm going to   spore into these journeys as well okay  fake out into my eyes to turn this yep   should be geometsy okay now i just have to  figure out a way to not lose here to this thing   which is easier said than done to be honest  i definitely feel like this is still losable okay so my options here are i think i can win this  i think i have a pretty straightforward path to   victory we know this ruling probably doesn't have  protect right so i can sludge vomit for the ko   and i can palpate my turn just to get healthy  again i want to do that first of all even though   the journey is i have a safe attack into it i  encore the deer with what which one has encore   huh yeah if i could all go with the deer  i would but i can't i don't know my mom's   i don't think anybody wants to even learn  on core okay cool it's four versus one now   and now what this allows me to do is go back  to police p which should put me out of the   range of dazzling gleam and now i can just click  spore plus sludge bomb until it wakes up or dies   oh one should sleep okay  it's clean though it's fine i was at the moon blast but like then they  would just go back to sleep and then i would   get entei and i could pull and puff plus  yeah some good damage if they get poisons   no poison this game gg fora yeah mungus is really good in a matchup like  this double poison type like offensive poison   type defensive poison type which with rage  powders4 is like pretty strong into zernius i   mean it's definitely not not a win by any means  like a good player can definitely play you but   yeah at this point things were going well i lost  a close game when my ranking was number 28 and i   fell to rank 46. i don't think i played super well  but yeah i mean i freeze yeah i don't know i could   go for the double protect whatever unbeknownst  to me however disaster was about to strike all   right let's see if we can pull this together and  take back that one torn over okay fine fine right   do i need to turn this for the rest of this team  kind i actually do right because i didn't bring   that much offense to this game because of the  raichu then again taking one water spot isn't   the end of the world but if i do this i mean skald  is actually pretty good offensively so i'm gonna   go for a snarl here to get a drop and cover for  a taunt and i'm gonna go dynamics get into the   character get some damage down there's no recovery  okay they always predict your one this could be   taunt or could be tailwind here i'm not sure which  one it is coming out tailwind okay that's fine a little snarl off this also breaks up into focus sash which  could be helpful later so i'm down for this   um i probably should tell in this turn  to match to be honest okay no switches i have to watch out for ice beam hurricane into  my e-turn yep this might be ice beam actually   since i resisted both makes sense that's a  better move in my opinion six water spouts   left left left it really should matter  here see how else we can take this   pretty well actually like a third  over a third of my health not bad that one comes out and now i tell enough cool so  now that no longer have the speed advantage um i'm   gonna go for snarl again here and i'm gonna go for  a dynamics cannon and i'm actually gonna dynamics   kind of the torn this time um i think maintaining  speed control is really valuable and i need to   get damage and i need to ko torn before it gets a  second tail one up okay protect good i basically   predicted first turn when i was like chin i  thought that there was a pretty decent chance that   they would do it again so i'm going for dynamics  kenneth's turn if tornado space here i think confused as to what happened my wi-fi  shut off and i was given the loss   ah man well i lost the game my wife i crashed in  the whole house sad my ranking at this point fell   to number 76 undeterred i quickly hopped back  on the ladder only to be met with another dc   going from rank 22 to rank 155 in a matter  of minutes we lost two games consecutively   to games crashing but it's been stable for about  five minutes so we lost about 100 ranks i had been   streaming for a few hours at this point and to  drop and rank so quickly was disheartening however   i was determined and i'd been impressed with my  team and felt it had what it took so i whispered   back against the wall to myself a few times and  i pushed on every turnover player leads tornoger oh no i pretty sure just on  the oh on the left side right   okay now they have my lucky not  really sure what to make of this   to be honest i feel like i'm doomed i  feel like i'm in a lot of trouble right   i don't know the item on anything this is scary  i don't like it i don't like it why do they leave   ditto why are they so risky like i'm probably  losing i'm just gonna protect an electro web well i also have electricity lucky  but they're probably faster scarf   oh okay it's scarf coco not  scarfed out it's very interesting   they want to just get damaged down it seems nice okay um so my lucky is not the fastest  thing on the field i'm just gonna sludge your   bomb into this and thunderbolt into this i'm  pretty sure it will ko nope she didn't jump okay well they don't [ __ ] into this match  i don't want to be as careful as i was being   i am about to take a ton of  damage though unfortunately   all right it's [ __ ] ninja all  right it's actually enjoy miss molt okay now they get to choose who they  transform into but they kind of have   to take a lucky in my opinion because  otherwise they're just going to be   they're going to have a bad time i  think yeah they're taking a lucky okay um if i lose the speed time do i lose   probably not right because my lucky's  still faster than the cryography even   without the speed advantage could i just  thunderbolts i think thunderbolt is fine   yeah dodger reggie lucky that's my  ridge bro this probably won't this   definitely won't kill but it will  be annoying for the opponent oh okay joe jc don't dc don't you see don't you see don't  you see come on come on come on come on come   come on come on come on come on don't do  it don't do it come on come on almost there okay gg okay oh dc correct weed here i'm going  eat i'm going omega eighth   it's an eighth i don't even have to intimidate oh  my god what am i doing okay so i know what they   have pocky in the back right i think i just  have to go aggressive here even though it's   really bad to go aggressive in this position i  think i have to do it okay it's fine follow me okay i didn't take too much damage it's just  fine it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine it's i'm figuring out where the safety goggles  are is gonna be really valuable to me i think   it's a lot of damage safety goggles cool now i know where  they are trichome comes out okay that's fine okay that's actually not a terrible   position to be in i'll protect this now i  know where the goggles are and i'll switch   to suicune in the worst case i think i  take gyroball plus the expanding force okay they didn't switch that's probably good  for me are they gonna follow me again they do   okay that's fine i assume that pollen helpful  ko here but i might be wrong on that assumption   jerry ball cool i could have pollen pop this term  but i actually didn't want to know this term so it   was correct only in the situation where i think  that paul and puff kills which i personally do   they actually switch out it's gonna be quackier   it's actually volk okay if i get the skull oh  wait we know all four mods now that's great   i wonder why they were comfortable letting  this thing together take a spore though   please kill it's only it should kill  right nice super good super good   okay now they're in a little awkward  shape versus my among us right i did a lot of damage this weekend i'm really  impressed with that is that whitney's palsy   yeah i'm really sure what they want to do here  but since paul i have pollen puff access okay   it could be lumbery i guess not really sure  i know all the mons um nice nice isn't it   super good if they attack sweep and i'll just  pump myself up probably getting a drop here is   nice i don't really want to just permanently  snarl so i'll start going through skulls again   turn one of sleep uh slow vol corona probably  spatial wrench into my sweetman i guess   a favorite of damage actually i think it's the  last unit trick room after this i could spell the   spore the pocky yet um i'm gonna scald and palm  puff here is that really correct it's probably   not correct right i should probably spore here  and keep them honest there's no real counterplex   at the waist like to protect here right oh gg  okay cool thank you for not taking additional   time i appreciate that uh my sweeping's a lot more  endangered in that case if it's if that's the case   torn over okay i should just love what  i wanted to lead but whatever um okay so return this is kind of important to me  winning this game um i go dmx cannon here   into kyogre they always protect turn one but i  still feel like i have to keep them honest here   oh they actually just tailwinded  here this time okay that's fine right   i'll take a lot of damage from this but um  yeah with among us in back i think i'm okay   for now at least i really significantly  reduced the damage output from the uh over now i could have just protected in the snow wait why  did i protect snarl that would that was way better a lot of damage okay we just trade half of our  pokemon i'm really worried about serena in the   late game especially because i don't intimidate  but for now this is probably okay um i'm gonna   protect my eternities and i'm gonna scald with  the torn this gives me one more chance to cover   for a taunt i think i misplayed though i think  i think i'm in a lot of danger i'm going to be   really really careful with the turning just with  this game okay they don't switch which is good   i expect them to like ice beam hurricane  or origin pulse hurricane or something   hurricane into my unfortunate  oh no there's my wi-fi   don't confuse me would they have thunder i  guess i could be in danger ice game got it okay should be a two shot from here hold up a little  burn in the chat um they're only minus one i don't   think i can afford to let it turn just go down  here although yeah if i let a turn just go down   i have no more damage output so i have to save it  unfortunately um how many torn even run you know   what i'm saying i'm just gonna scald here i think  like i'm out of position if i can get tail enough   after i kill the torn i think i'm in a lot better  position but you know a lot of things can happen   from here and i just move this into an ice beam  probably oh good protect from them unfortunately they always be my humongous take a little bit damage snarl skull coming  your snark coming in pretty clutchier   i could have snarled again actually maybe  snarling again in that position was better   i don't know if it actually chaos with burn  chip it should ko right i'm pretty sure   but it also means it makes it easier for them  to switch i don't want to give them a free   switch if i scaled here they're pretty much  always in trouble i think i could know this   term but what if serena switches in if somebody  gets burned it's huge for me right so i need to   keep them honest and go for snarl skull and  also i miss snarl in a really bad position   hurricane comes out okay it should be ice cream  as well they really want to get rid of my among us   because it's very sus ah this burns i'm in trouble  oh my god it crit me okay i didn't quit well it's   so strong okay cool um torn is down there's one  turn left of rain um their talon's gone so i'm   at least neutral in terms of speed control this  is probably lucky okay all right um that's spooky   um who's the more threatening here the the  leki's honestly more threatening in this position   i think they're gonna volt switch though and i  don't wanna waste the turn although they could   just switch out anyway but i'd still be in  good position if they did that so it's okay   so i'm gonna spore the kyogre tail into you're  accepting that um oh yeah that i'm in danger if sweden can get an attack off here  i feel like they're gonna ice beam   i'm pretty sure they're gonna ice cream  here okay among us don't get frozen please   don't get crit don't get froze nice tailwind okay i need to know be able to capitalize on this  fully with enough like i need to basically   get both my bonds i just cycle my wands out um  rain stops as well here okay cool so if i can   get eternitis next to a lekki i'm gonna be in  really good shape right not perfect shape but   good shape um i'm gonna spawn into the electricity  and switch into my own eternities because no i   can't push and return just because then i'll  be too slow i'm gonna paul and puff into the   sweeping slot no i'm gonna spore into the electric  slot because i shouldn't die to electroweb right shoot uh i'm just hacking  it's really bad okay perf crit it kills oh my god okay that's  really unfortunate that's really unlucky i think i might lose off of that they crit me  okay all right okay it's fine i might still be   able to win this it's going to be pretty close  i don't know if it's focus ash or lucky or not   is the issue i think i messed up somehow oh  my my move is getting crit was pretty bad   okay oh okay it didn't okay i didn't make the  wrong play this is definitely my best move   however i don't know if it means that i win  either uh is it sasha leckie on a team with   torn and urshafu is it really sasha lucky  that just feels so wrong oh it's not sash okay observation if you're not  serena okay makes more sense   well i think this is a guaranteed win  right because i can just keep all twice okay cool gg oh i'm scary yeah yeah you need um in order to be passionate  you like you need to be a little bit faster than   like a little bit slower than venusaur  right i think a lucky's 277 or 272 or   something somewhere around there so like 130  or 140 it would always be faster like kyogre   is faster too then um and tiger's way slower than  eternity landers is faster if they're fast enough ndd rex okay got it do i think  that it's super likely that   like they really want chicken to  go up right it's like very apparent   i don't want to give them a switch like any  free switches though it's like exceed okay um it's probably it's probably um goggles  and dd right i always take your fire calorics   here the issue is that because of what  i brought i don't know they have great   answers here i can go into sweden though  so we can let me slow things down a bit i need to solve trigger and then win on  the reverse trick room basically follow   me comes out yeah it's probably safety  goggles on this thing if i had to guess sega fire connects glacial lands oh that's really  good actually um that's super good   double dogs uh i now have a chance at skullburn  which is nice i guess he didn't think i was gonna   do that so i have i don't think the skull  will kill from here so what i'm gonna do   is i'm gonna sacrifice this and i'm gonna scald  and if i get the burn i'm in really good shape   and if i don't get the burn i'm probably it's  probably still playable although that yeah it's   definitely getting harder by the turn like because  i need to stall that trick room yeah i think   versus hard trigger teams like this and i should  have brought landorus i think follow me comes out   okay yeah i mean with skull we just give ourselves  a chance here to be in a really good shape right   like the damage is never gonna be bad like  especially since this thing is special boosted   but yeah with stack and torquel most likely  in back it's gonna be pretty hard to weather   this kind of onslaught i think um though  among us will help i think let's even get   the burn here burn be so clutch no okay yeah  never lucky okay burning is my strong suit   okay trichome comes out i really want to  save entei for the late game but i don't   have a oh it's p2 actually okay all right  it's gonna get a physical attack boost right okay um a single burn changes this a lot silicon  doesn't feel like it's under that much pressure it   could be wrong though i also don't have a citrus  barrier right now because calories is on the field   they didn't protect calorics he's just  giving me chances to burn it it could be   sand head but i guess or seat bomb  or something hp okay it makes sense   this is probably two attacking into  my suicune t-bolt okay makes sense see if i can get the burn this time two turns  of skull the odds of me burning one of them   too is about 50 oh i'm probably not going to  get it though yeah i'm not really good with   burning things okay um what i can do now is i can  sacrifice like i don't want to switch your mungus   in because um first of all i think there's  a decent chance the glacial lantern's turn though yeah maybe it's too much of a prediction so  yeah i mean he could probably just he'd probably   just highways again yep okay perfect expected  expected i may lose my um ante here though   i am wasting trick returns my theory is that if  i lose my um if my ante if my ante dies this turn   that at least i get a mungus in t-volt again to p2  okay please get the burn this time it's my third   attack my third chance am i gonna miss okay nice  job does she do a decent chunk of damage three   chances of burn am i over three hey it's a miracle  mazel tov you did it we knew you could do it happy   bar mitzvah happy bar mitzvah entei we got you we  got you a bird all pokemon are dogs it's just the   there was a community poll like run back in like  2015 or 2013 a long time ago and it was like we   asked a bunch of top players oh he got me um they  asked a bunch of top players which pokemon dogs   and i think i said out of everybody i said the  most were dogs no longer don't dodge it among us   that does so much whoa it's way more  than i thought too old again okay there's a western psychotrain right  no no no no no no no no no okay okay that's fine um i don't know what the  last one is what's the last one on this team   it's either it's gotta be stacked  right oh it's such a bad para   two switches oh wait uh oh oh wait wait wait  this could be good oh yeah it's among us okay um   getting paired here is really bad though okay push  and kill nice okay caloric is down okay now it's   just p2 and mungus which like i should win i think  but i don't really know this anymore i don't know i might be i wanna i really want to  go for like a different move here but   i think that i should probably just  twitch the speaker here in sacrifice   because i really want to get regenerator back  up and because my among us is paralyzed it gives   some incentive for them not to just spore  randomly or like not trigger them randomly   i should do my citrus berry now as well  because the nerve stopped me earlier protect makes sense ice beam into my among us okay this is good   scalded burns even when frozen which  is why i said that for that reason   so i'll just go ah scald myself i feel like  they're gonna go for the double i also if it's   something they're gonna get it but um i'll go over  this gold into p2 because if i get the burn here   okay so you could fire okay it's not um what's  it called okay good damage any burns no burns   there's an extreme speed range now which is nice there we go okay gotta burn sludge bomb oh that's bad that's really  bad poison okay yeah sacred fire no burn   but sludge one poison makes sense trick  them okay well auntie's down but i got   the damage i needed down so that's all i  can really ask for in the end of the day um i might lose on wi-fi i don't think their mungus is in  range of wait thunderbolt ice beam   i had to be careful i could  lose this that burn was the   burn the where the burns ended up was  actually really bad for me right because   because this i could actually lose the status  here because i can't spore the porygon to now   they got the protect it's not that  big a deal like a period anyway okay   getting a snarl off would be so big  okay they ice beam me unfortunately   i get to lose this 140 159 a lot  of damage see if i connect this okay it did about it did enough that i think  i'll live another one after snarl i could   still lose this like it's actually that's  the crazy thing like this is not guaranteed   i should slow down here and think about  what i want to do turn to trigger left three   there's no real point stalling here because i'm  paralyzed and so every turn could spell my defeat   it's this is all i'm in this position  because i couldn't snarl earlier because   i got frozen so i was forced to scald  and i couldn't spore because i burned it's iron ball it's iron ball and room gus because  it's slower than my mint i am in speed right okay cool okay that should be pretty  good to me wait is it really iron bowl is that even good is it even it's  not even stacked with that is it um i could protect i guess i can also  just paul and put myself back to full hp   it's only two changes to uh so i'll just put the  star here iron ball is useful because it cut your   speed in half i guess they're playing for dc  strats i don't think pj should ever win this among us's last gift t-bolt yep they predicted  me to protect or they covered a switch   that makes sense now i get i turn this in iron ball is useful because it lets you under  speed torque all and maybe stack attacker i forgot   to second the second because 18 speeds that i  think so it should let you understand that as well   because you get 15 speeds that um that being said  i don't personally consider it to be super good i mean i thought i wouldn't use it myself but  maybe on a hard trick to makes sense i can't say   um okay i only lose ice beam freeze which is  exactly the position i've been in before and   i've also been ice being frozen already  this game once i don't want to protect   here because i don't want to lose to recover  like spam like if i i'd rather just go on the   on the offensive here exactly because if they  recover which i think they're more likely to do   um i'd rather have dynamics kind of this  turn and if the ice beam freezes me i was   always successful that anyway and in this  case i actually have less recoil from yeah   you only have to speed lonely stack  okay okay okay well yeah not my team god that's so strong it's so strong oh i crit   it was like i i was like i did way more than  i expected well this game we got frozen but   we won so that's nice we did get frozen i'm on  that we could force a fall on those that's good   yeah god sculpts gold and both skulls not  burning was pretty spooky lynn thank you for the   sub i think i played well here this wasn't a good  matchup at all on it i think i played pretty well pressure on whimsy okay so so i have a choice here i can either accept  that what the chat says is probably true and go   for a dynamex cannon into the restroom and be if  they have a dragon move just instantly lose or i   can play safe and protect what do you think chad  should i should i gamble that they don't have a   dragon move trust chat all right chad let's see so  if i like there's another move i would make with   no information but since you all say that there's  no dragon move on this restaurant i'll go for it okay well we might not find out i don't  think we're gonna find out chat should happy like we stream as my casino turned  just be like wee russia i missed my breakfast   all right well we'll never find  out but that's good enough for me throtthorn you got ferrothorn in this game oh  they're moon blasting wait they're not tailwinding they're moon blasting that's cool with me i guess did not realize it was trickerman was it caught gg okay cool all right we listened to chad let's check  a theater dragon move because i don't know   earth power sheer force ferrothorn what no way it doesn't tell me it didn't  show me the team we'll never know calorics and dd okay that's not great but it's not  awful either they probably have whimsicott in back   and one more one oh it's psychic seed interesting  i'm gonna go electro up here and sacrifice fire   i'm gonna hit the nd because i think it's more  like the two i think calorics are more likely   to protect here okay okay that's fine we're  gonna take a lot of damage here however it's   not the end of the world um the real question  is how much is my move going to do see how much   is sacred fire going to do the chip damage is  actually that's a crit that's just a big crit um   we do not want to ko and dd this  term but we do want to know next turn   don't miss okay don't kill perfect burn perfect  okay and now there should be expanding force   okay cool i'm trading like all of my health  from these two lawns for positional advantage oh that wasn't supposed to kill um that was  not supposed to kill i guess it's a life orb   okay i'm now in extraordinarily bad shape  to be honest okay i can still win this and   here's how um i go into eternity here i did not  realize that i could die to that to be honest we need to be protect and follow me here okay protect it should we predict calorics  here i don't think they want to take the   double up here okay okay okay this at least  gets rid of their um oh expanding force oh shoot oh no okay didn't do that much damage okay this at  least you should get rid of special attack boost   okay we basically need to trap the calipers on  the field so we can hit it with this electrode   plus snarl we need to hope that this does enough  damage in other words in other words excuse me   so yeah they can switch here but they have to give  up their special attack boost which isn't like   the worst thing in the world for me and i get to  then i should like okay they switch okay whatever   i could have tailwinded here as well it's actually  me and chef switching in which is a little   surprising but the electro up here is really nice  um unless i double miss here i should always ko   okay good damage on the end show as  well especially psychic terrain off   um with no fake out active and the snarl wait  how fast is my sweeping hold on i gotta check how fast is it it is 114 am i fast enough 171  that's slower than me and show i'm pretty sure   wait me and show calorie what's the last month  whims okay wins okay it makes sense makes sense i think i forgot i forgot i  forgot no it should be fast   it should be fast enough okay i'm fast enough okay okay tailwind protect moonblast helping him it's got to   be the move set right i'm pretty  sure that has to be the move set right now fake out psychic terrain okay so we're  even at speed control for the rest of the game   last year's psychic terrain right so what do  i do here ah this is so close this is so close   but it all doesn't do any damage okay didn't go  for helping hand i guess they're moon blasting   or grass nodding what are they doing what move  are they using oh what were they using expanding   force moon blast okay they're going from one glass  that's fine so i can train ends this turn though   energy ball okay do we think eternity can  take an attack from this thing is the question   what's tricky about this is that if i got to turn  this next to a lucky i could probably win but i   i can't get into that position they  protected wait oh are they all pouring   what are they doing what are they doing are  they on court i can win oh there's no sash and it's not max speed either hang on this we could still could we still lose  this we should always win from here i think   yeah i should always win from here oh they want astral brush okay god that's so strong god  caller's teams are so scary i basically by the way made that move not because  i was predicting like you know anything crazy   i wasn't expecting calories to protect  here but um what i thought was that if i   ko if i don't kill the whimsicott it doesn't  matter if i have calorics because i'll lose none   of my other moms can actually deal with it right  so in order to actually win the game i needed to   kale the whimsicott and then like getting  using snarl with suicune we were expected   to survive the turn would basically  make it so that uh caller would be   in lucky range anyway so that's why  i went after the whimsicott there is it bad that i want to  just spore sludge bomb here if i miss i lose right immediately   because i can't kill it no i could  i could do it even if i get it wrong which is why i don't plan on  getting the turn wrong baby tailwind you got tailwind in this game remember to set up winning or losing  quickly that's how i feel right now   okay focus ash maybe i got the  poison do i even want the poison no i don't get it it's fine   not everyone is kind of sash because the steam  also are shifu right so that can have sash like   sometimes they run mental or rockberry something  like that okay this could be encore should be bad oh among us are you being sassy  oh among us is super dead here   goodbye among us goodbye among us  thanks for playing see you next game bye why don't they ban dynamite why don't they  dynamics oh dynamics abandon this format   hopefully we trade here i really  need to get rid of this whimsicott   because that's their speed control like the  issue is that because i didn't bring sweet   food if i speak back i think this would be super  good and i'd be like in really good shape but i   don't have a sweet one in the back which means  i could still lose this because my team is so   frail if they have urchid water here i just lose  my bonds immediately right i don't know who is i that i don't mega lose oh no wait maybe  i can ko it it might not be over i lose wait a score oh it's scarf   hold on oh bye-bye sorry landris you  weren't very good this game as usual oh there you know what's going  to happen um they would die to   dynamics cannon here but they're  going to moonblast drop me i bet   it actually could no sash it's definitely  oh it's gleam it doesn't move blast please ko return this please please please gail any kale when you turn into some chat okay  okay still alive but what's the last mod i   don't remember what it could be willow boom and  cinderella if it's a support mode i'm probably   fine if it's an offensive mode i'm in danger oh  it's really boom okay well typing wise i have   an advantage but hp wise i am still in danger so  what are the conditions under which i lose this it's fake tears i don't think it has encore   i think it anchor we would  have seen it earlier as well master's tailwind here get a little  recovery i do have four times grass resist gleam and knock off okay still  pretty spooky but we're still alive yeah to most likely protect if i had to guess  most rooms got prepared and protect especially   in a team like this okay talon's gone focus  sludge bomb into this and electrical web i threw wait they hit a lucky pissed this is still potentially winnable how many turns encore are left because  the grassy terrain will run out   of a stash so it didn't matter like it's not  like surviving they're mattered how many turns   of anchor are left two journeys of encore okay and  this one's guaranteed so i think we're still okay   i will protect with both it's just a  role i think it probably i think it's   a role unless they have mirror if they think  with a miracle seated to roll or maybe not   i don't know it probably doesn't spread but  i'm focused on so it's not like it mattered okay one more turn on core left it didn't matter there was no world in which i  could die to the thriller boom like actually no   world but it's still funny the hero named thank  you for the surprise i really appreciate that it literally didn't matter there was it didn't   matter like there's no world  in which lock up can kill me even if they if they take my life then  they would still and they don't kill me   it's like it doesn't change anything right  because i get a second t-bolt off as well okay everyone that was really close the fact that  it turned into like eternity just basically one   shot all of their mods that's the only reason  it was it was here even one so same team this   is the team there's number one last season  i'm pretty sure so it's a different player   so they don't know the same thing okay we  should lead similarly which is interesting   this is not a bad lean doll for me um i cannot  lose a lucky that's the lesson we learned right   losing a lucky would be extraordinarily bad  um i could thunderbolt here but i shouldn't   because i'm not gonna lose my lucky for stupid  reasons i will only lose lucky for smart reasons   this is good to get a little chip on the  sweet as well it's like nice chip damage   you know half health no um stitches  fairy so that's really interesting   it's really really interesting i'm  gonna go landy here sub they always   go for sub turn one i could've thunderbolted  predicting that but i didn't want to risk it talent roar interesting that's fine though  we still speed advantage this is totally fine   the dragon the dragon's back on the  field eternius is in um do you think   grass not how much do you think landorus  expert will grasp not just this weekend   i'm gonna i think it kills i'm gonna go for it  i'm gonna dynamics cannon the landerus and i'm   gonna grass not the sweet goons i think of  my ko but so much voltage did it's 100 base   power oh this kills full hp non-bulky landorus  so it doesn't kill here i'd be really surprised okay landers down that's one of the bigger threats four dogs on screen three dogs on screen please two dogs on screen okay big lead big lead big  i guess i'll lose this although i don't think   they have speed control anymore or another way to  refresh intimidate right station and take up one okay instead of okay cool   so sweet comes in a really good spot here i think  they're more likely to take out landorus i think   that i can win this even without a tournament  thanks to speaking what i really don't want to   happen is them to get swords dance and start  running away with this because i don't know if   this is swords and so i'm supposed to speak to try  and i'm as much as weak on the flamethrower even   though i'd rather play defensively here because  i do have a big lead and i'd rather not blow it oh oh into my second that's fine oh there's a lot  of damage holy cow not my special attack oh it's   my fidget spinner attack the tree okay getting  flamethrower off here is pretty big big if true okay now there's no lucky range so that  means oh i wouldn't so one time it doesn't   really matter i get the burn like when  i can win without it great that's funny there's a lot of damage  this is a strong incineroar okay yeah the burn was unfortunate but it didn't  matter with the visualization at that range um i   had safe removes i could always win because all  i did was position a lucky next to landorus and   there was guarantee we like game over and there  was um there was nothing they could do about that   louie dancing lee dinson lee dinson lee  denson instant any instant leaders any any   instant leaders in the chat are there any  lincoln leaders in the chat oh that's bad   which i should do this dark bad very very  mad champ together more slower than me i'm   gonna go sacred sacrifier into this and  tailwind faker faker fake faker faker   and his dead here i do super omega turbo dead here  burn burn burn burn fake out fake out burn fake up   it's probably focus that should fly lightning  rod oh well i didn't make the wrong move oh   it's not banned it's not bad it's not banned  it's not bad it's not banned it's not banned oh okay that's super good super super good that's  actually that was literally best case scenario   dogs dogs dogs dogs dogs gober sash must be  in hershey food then yveltal comes in okay   so what are the other mods in this team it could  be incineroar it could be what else could it be um   i feel like youtube is not going to stay in here  but i do i really want to get like gamble on that   i really want to get the the thing is  that i'd rather burn the eval tall but   i think i'd rather get damaged on the urshifu here   probably switch outership here yeah it's  probably ditto or instant yeah i know they   have my sweet goon that's really bad maybe  they'll protect you if i'll fall from lucky then again my lucky is looking  pretty nice the bad news is i did that chunk of damage there we go okay we  got the burn so that's good for chip damage but   the issue is that now they have they're gonna have  delayed tail went over me by two turns and that's   really bad for me oblivion wing okay it's not  boosted by the dark aura though   okay auntie takes a ton of damage from that  it's a life okay ditto gets the burn here   i don't think yveltal is gonna let me sacred fire  here i think i should always take a fire here   and scald because if they what's the worst case  scenario worst scenario is they protect tailwind   or they if they sucker punch they take more damage  and they still get a lucky end in time right okay   cool that's great damage any burns great okay i  don't have to worry as much about sucker punch   anymore but more importantly there's just like  a lot of damage to get on the board right now tailwind matches i don't know if  this is scarf or not it's totally   it's probably sash but no it could be sore  wait this there's suicune not spread there   we have alcohol this is scarf oh chat this  is 100 scarf 100 that's got to be scar i'm pretty sure so now what we're going to do is  we're actually going to hard read them they're   your volatiles feeling uh pressured right there  your velvet's like oh my gosh this antioxidant   is being killed with sacred fire right so we're  going to do is we're actually going to predict   on the last turn to tailwind that they're  going to switch out their scarfs ditto into   their urchin building we're gonna double the  dough again because they expect us to attack   into evil tall so they're gonna switch uh they're  gonna think that they can switch ditto out safely   because ditto's locked into tailwind right okay  actually they can just did they hard read me to to   okay it's this isn't bad though because  they're probably going to take a ko here oh they're faster right we can survive for now interesting interesting but i can just a  tailwind again right so i don't really care   like i don't think that's bad for me then   is that even bad for me i still should  be able to get another attack off   and i just tell one up again they're going to be a  lot of danger as long as they don't kill them here   nice perfect perfect okay yeah because  if tailing goes up again that was really   risky because if i double your volatile there  they're super like they're in a lot of trouble my tail was gone but it actually ended at the  right time what's nice about that move i just   made is even though it looks stupid it was  actually really good because it ensured they   couldn't get hershey food safely right so now i  should be able to get a second tail end up here   they switch out this turn okay make  sense they're using this opportunity a lot of health i should have stream speeded   that was i i'm playing a little fast  and loose when i really shouldn't be they have one turn left to tell one i believe okay i could still lose this um i have to go  electro but i'm pretty sure or i could commit   i got thunderbolt here but it's not very good  right if any if i'm gonna thunderbolt what i   should thunderbolder should do i got thunderbolt  the vel tall like it hasn't projected a single   time when it maybe should earlier they protect  i guess and if they predicted it would be bad looking blow comes out sash activates they shouldn't be able to  kill anything from here i'm pretty sure dark pulse okay into my  lucky so we trade a lekki for hershey from here as their tailwind ends that's a good trade so now it's a 2v2 but i stole a full hp eternitis   and they have low hp ditto  and burned you volt half they have to take they're copying my ditto  here or my sweet one here which is super nice   i don't think that's in snarl range but i think  i should go for it because there's a chance   i don't know i actually don't think this thing  can do anything that threatening to me either   because i always have um dynamics canon or like  i always have my i also have snarl pressure   right like it can snarl me but it doesn't it  doesn't save them so i'm gonna snarl with dark   aurora plus dynamics cannon okay they do have  protect they just waited all game to show it   they were really risky earlier saving  their ditto they played well but um   i think that as long as i hit my snarl  here there should be in a lot of danger   okay this may even ko no are they  tailwinding and trying to beat me   on that with that one condition or going  for snarl okay that's fine though right i turned this is so powerful  enough that it shouldn't matter i'm pretty sure dynamics can unplug scalable  ko but it might be safer to go for a snarl   here to be honest so i'm gonna do that i'm  gonna sculpt i think that make sure it turns   western okay i think that if they're gonna i'm  only losing the crit oblivion wing anyway and   if they're gonna get that then i'd rather go for  the damage here and not give them the opportunity   both my ones are minus one but this is  clearly no bulk offensive default also okay it didn't even matter nice nice job  return just oh my god it did not matter   all right this should put us into top 10. oh for a second i was like oh okay the shivers in top 10 i think i'd climbed all the way back up to rank eight  and i was feeling good about my chances when   something unexpected happened i ran into the  rank one player write that down write that down   this is a rarity as normally there's no incentive  for someone to play once they reach rank 1 since   they're already at the top this match was  important a loss would set me back but it   would also make it harder for me to reach that top  slot as my opponent would gain even more points   here's how the match went for me to deal with   it's gonna be dragon pulp i don't know you've  also seen me okay that's not bad actually it's actually a pretty good lead for me so this is bulky of alcohol it seems  because the feeney move before the   oh interesting the feeny move before the evil tall  which is really interesting this is very clearly   a bulky feeney i'm not surprised i love this this  is probably nature's madness plus something spooky yep okay they're trying to take me out  immediately it's pretty spooky actually   but which move are they what's their  move of choice to take me out of the   question it might be available oblivion wing okay so how do i win this this we can just uh finish a  problem but so is the eval tall i definitely snarl   here and pray for a miss um and then i think  i want to i have to sludge bomb here i think   the question is who do i want a sludge  bomb fiendi is obviously a good target   for it but i need to get damage on  the aval toll as well eventually   okay i like this move by me they are playing  really smart this is gonna be defensive piece   yep okay hootsa sludge balm this is good  permanent damage so now we have three of   the four mods i crit that's a huge crit big  crit really big crit that's like a no drawback   crit that's a big crit that crit is actually big  if you couldn't tell i think that's a big crit   lucky me look at me like me uh and i snarl doesn't  really matter here but it doesn't hurt either so who's the last mod is it stack did she  help fall again okay i'm gonna snarl again   i think get a little bit more damage  down and drop the stack the volatile   special attack by one stage and protect i'm  slow playing this in case you couldn't tell bridge powder cool fine with me that's actually i'd rather they redo  rage better than anything else i'm   gonna have to take out this moon just  before i do anything else to be honest i don't know if it's a soulfest or not i can't  tell from that damage they go for their own snarl   as well this is probably assault that's in the  eval tall if i had to guess which i guess i don't   have to guess but i'm guessing anyway so okay how  many turns of everything are left one turn of this   two turns of mist once miss goes down that's  probably when they intend to like make their   move i'm actually gonna go for a i don't think  snarl is doing much for me anymore i'm gonna go   for a scald hoping that it will burn because that  will add a lot of passive chip and if they rage   like this way even if they protect the mungus  yep uh i still am threatening something what's   called i should have potentially sludge bombed  into the vlt as well that might have been better yeah that's a hundred percent the fall fest no  burn ooh foul play oh if i burned it would have   been so good i didn't get dropped though  um i think i just wanna flamethrower and   scald again to be honest i'm not under  that much pressure they switch out okay   okay that's not good this is probably what  stack and oh they had instant on this team   you got instruments game okay we know all the  mods they don't have much damage out but what   i need to do is basically get a burn on this uh  also and then ignore it for a while and whittle   down the other mods because they're out of mist  from now on i think that like this kind of slow   play style is not in my favor i need to pick  up the offensive pace this is probably snarl   wait they're so slow there's oh wait did you tell  him still up burn any burns dog can i please okay   i'm taking too much damage i need to slow down  the pace and use them just to heal back up let's just go on okay um okay i don't like  the slow play style it's not in my favor   like it's not not in my favor if either there's  a burn that'd be in a lot of trouble right now   but i need to make sure that i control the pace  of the match in order to do that i need oh wait   the center is a problem oh yeah wait  i can't even deal there in sonora   i guess i'm predicting it's in order to get  out of here they have oblivion wing too if they   switch the evol pull out that makes sense and  they're probably parting shotting here perhaps can i get a burn please any burners  in chat three skulls zero burns okay   three skulls for zero burns coming right up okay all right all right okay there among this  is a problem because i'm not really doing any   damage in the long run i need to get a burn on  the mungus i think that's in my intent i think   i'm incentivized to snarl again here even though  you know even though i'm about to take some damage   i'm faster that's actually really clutch i got  the mungus yeah we're trading spores here maybe   you should've brought ante if i knew the game  was going to be like this i would have brought bolivian wings fine not that much damage they're gonna  kill back all the damage we've done   it feels like a timer game oh  god what an annoying play style   nap time for speaking and now time for you that's  all but i'm going to use this opportunity because   they've done more damage than i have from reigning  on so i'm going to use this opportunity even   if i get slept again i'm going to use this  opportunity to heal back up my um eternities this pace is so annoying they're going for  um spore here they might get the hard read   nope aimed at the wrong slot okay i don't actually know how i get out  of this position though you know i   don't think flamethrower will kill  them but i'm gonna go for it anyway   let me keep the fortune to stand they switch  okay i could have doubled that slot i think   they're overestimating how much dynamic  dynamic cannon does dynamics cannon does you've also waking up here  would actually be pretty clutch some good damage any velcro wake  uppers in chat nope okay that's fine okay i'm gonna go for dynamics cannon here  should just protect i'm gonna dynamics cannon   switch this weekend i'm gonna use this opportunity  helping us this is two turns sleeping you've all   done zero on this weekend so this weekend might  not for a long time i've never been stupid fake   out into my you know i should have protected  oh no not snarl okay blooming that's fine okay it's fine can i go on the offensive here please is there  anything i can do i dynamics cannon and do i   wait to wake up like i guess i burn a sleep turn  i can go into a lucky but i really don't want to   switch it in here please kill eternalness this  is such a powerful move please i left it just   over citrus range for you to ko it lifeboard  max special attack modest dynamics cannon okay   oh that's really good okay that's super good now  the snarl boost is permanent which is super clutch first i'm going to sleep on suicune more like  sleep with [ __ ] am i am i right foul play   comes out into eternities not that strong okay i  mean to be fair they would have done more damage   if they hadn't gotten creature in one but also  to be fair they're playing as an omega defensive   player and also to be fair i just i would've  just healed up the pollen puff anyway we're   still playing okay i have to kill the amongst and  then until lucky right okay good protect by me wake up nice sponge and sleep lucky me minus two volts off for the rest of the game oblivion wing and two we turn this okay i don't  chao with flamethrower but i still go for it here   because what's my best move and mogus doesn't have  a great way of recovering and i'm also going to   sculpt the yellow here because if i get the burn  it's good they go over the double and fail they   i think they think flamethrower does more than  it's going to do they also oh sucker punch as well   they crit me i'm gonna lose they crit me  they actually cripped me i can't believe it um do i win now i don't think i win anymore can i burn please can i please  that's my fourth skull i can't burn oh this game's so bad i can't do anything rage powder okay no sleeping time for  speaking should be sucker punch right   yep okay i predicted that big whoop can  i get a burn my fist scald please burn i'm actually gonna throw up when it's time  out sucker punch oh i still citrus right   can i get a burn can i get a burn  can i get a burn any burn in chat   any any sweetened six thick skull can i get a burn   okay that damage is permanent which is super  nice oh they have sludge bomb oh it's an eighth   that did too much damage i'm going eighth oh wait   that doesn't mean they don't have pollen  puffs whatever i'll just keep snoring now all right stalling stalling stalling  stalling letting burn do the damage spongebob again don't quit me equip me it poisoned me on the second try okay it's your turn to sleep okay oh oh i messed up i thought that okay i messed up i  thought something else was gonna happen i thought   they're gonna sucker punch because they're going  for a living one crits and i don't disagree but   i'm not thrilled about it no crit nice remember  all that damage i did no you don't it's gone now so close so close okay oh no another crit i'm in range now how much time is left in this timer  because i'm about to throw a fit   can i even afford to switch i really can't right okay timer's almost over i just stole from  now okay they're still asleep okay i can win   now okay now okay okay we're back to  what i know now i know what i'm doing it took a while but we finally made it i don't  know how many times i sleep over there okay so if   i switch here and scald i should always win right  because that's two minutes left and then i protect   protect the two minutes left and then i vote  switch and do whatever and i win because i can't   never care both right i will happen you you you  like if you want to play the slow defensive style   that's fine but like with the new timer like  i don't try to take people to time anymore   intentionally much but if you give me this  opportunity i will totally win a timer i mean   i didn't really need it to win but it makes it so  safe like i don't think i could lose if i do this   don't risk a lucky i'm focused so right  now we're not trying to win the game   we're just we're not trying to  win via kos we're trying to be   a timer right now we switched  our we switched our uh approach   i don't try time people anymore because  the time is so long that it's not really   like feasible a lot of the time it's  only really feasible in games like you   can't like it's not something you should it's  something you should only be thinking about   when it arises they wake up foul play perf  into my mungus lucky okay two minutes left my team's challenge is gone this is a solid  festival i'm just sucker punch so because i   switched it in here i guaranteed myself that  i couldn't win without timer at this point   whereas before i could i could just sport  and probably win with that but like yeah   is this bm no not in my opinion  like if you respect your opponent   you should do what you can  to win that's what i believe like would it be good manners  to like lose on purpose you know   like i have guaranteed win do you  want me to lose is that good manners   i think i think it's too respectful to give  your opponent like the best you can right   and the best i can is guaranteed victory so yep  i hate the style of team the slow grindy this   is the type that's like the style i totally used  to play and like god it's certainly something gg all right how was the rank one player  let's see where we're at because the rank   one lost point so we gained the most  possible points we could have gained   three i'm so close uh but that  just took so much energy on god oh no fellaini inferno among us plus azean  serzation plus among us here for those who   don't know among us is the sus pokemon you can  know this because among us is very sus um okay   this is a good lead pretty spooky pretty  spooky um i have no reason not to sacrifice   here there's no real switch into it i'm gonna  play a little defensively here i'm gonna cover   for a protect from the among us okay they  didn't switch that's what i was worried about i think this should be protected  among us let's find out oh my god they did this board in that  position they spoiled oh oh wow that was   bad okay that could have been bad um i should  have just sacrificed i had a safe sacrifice   okay i'm curious which was in here maybe ursula  there's enough she fours huh this is not four i   wanted to vote this slot but i didn't think i was  able to we know all four of them oh we know where   the mons wait use your brain we'll turn your brain  back on okay we know all four of the pokemon right   and we know they're parting shotting into  ante this turn most likely so i should go   with turning this here right because  then a tournament is in position okay   man a burn will be so clutch burn be so clutch  enta you haven't been burning all stream this one   you're gonna burn right you hate you hate you you  hate she fours right you're gonna burn this one   you're gonna burn this one at least you connected  that's all i really can ask for any burns in chat   and take for this specifically the crit isn't as big a deal but the burn  is a big deal oh xerneas isn't already okay   um that's fine right that's totally  okay with me she fours ha ha ha ha ha ha i don't want to go home i don't want to  be here anymore i don't want to be here why is leftovers food nice super good  i got good damage on this thing isn't   yes cannon time okay cool cannon time comes out nice okay super good knock him out of position  here so for those of you who don't know roar   goes through protect so what this is what's really  good about this is that they're now really out of   position i think because dynamics kind of gonna do  some big damage here i am minus one of my entities   i gotta conserve setting up at some point it's a  lot of damage let's see if it is safety goggles   oh it's it's not a sash or it's  not on whatever it's called a mungus okay she forces it back in that's fine  um leftovers again i could still lose this right   okay let me slow down because this is the turn  where i should be winning from here but i need   to make sure i don't do something stupid because  what i want to do is just extreme speed k of the   fell inferno and then slam into the urshivu  but if i were to let me do that and get i   would get both kos then i might actually be in  trouble against the xerneas in the late game so   i'm actually gonna do a switch out my ante here  and to preservation p is that even smart though   i don't think it's like the perfect move  by any means but i do think that it's okay   because like i'm not really threatened by anything  here they gonna fake out into my eternities   there's probably surging strikes just to get some  damage into my um oh it's actually sub okay sub   lefties okay that's cool um that's really cool but  i don't think it's that threatening nonetheless i   think i'm just gonna am fab this my way through  this oh fell inferno actually switches this   is fine for me though this should be a moongus  probably among us comes in which is fine assuming   that their shoe can't do anything well burned  it's like the kind of the primary assumption here   should be surging strikes okay that's  fine it doesn't really threaten me longer six damage but it's nine  damage per hit so like a total 1.7 19 damage per hit okay 29 damage that's  not bad and then i get to go back to full alternative damage i'll put in this  match it was too much though like   once or two got burned their  damage output was only xerneas   and the tardives ernie's in the field  against eternitis right in the moon yes okay their among us went down yeah so unlike stat drops burn  crypt does not ignore bearing wow that is an amazing mark i'm just gonna say  that's a phenomenal mark the gorgeous royal i   hate journeys but that's a great mark okay cool  so this turn we're going to go for paul and pop   into the airship and the reason is that in order  for them to actually set up certain they've got   to get instant rain and i think instead of maybe  safety goggles and i scored last turn to condition   to like basically say that my mogus wants  to use spore here to cover for switches   so if there are safety goggles and i can paul  and puff the irish if when i think in snore is   low enough that palm pup will take it out and  then xerneas will have nothing to protect it   this is like probably a turn this is best matchup  specifically because of the entei the ante like   the specific anti i have is like incredible  versus ernest because you can't get fake outed   because of inner focus you can't get intimidated  because of inner focus you can't get um spored you can't get sport because of safety  goggles you can't get rage powder to   safety goggles and you can set up on  zero you can roar out set up zernias   right and then on top of that um your fire  types you resist uh uh fairy which is super nice   this poor arch if it actually feels kind  of bad not that bad though but a little bad so when i talk about um we've called it all my  friends are dead pokemon we're branding it to   uh island pokemon this is exactly what  an island pokemon situation looks like um   this ursufu has been sitting on the field  how many four or five turns and i've just   ignored it and always targeted the partner and  i've no i'm playing a two versus one basically   as long as the treasury's on the field  i'm only gaining ground i'm not losing   anything and every turn i get a little further  ahead right because it's a two versus one and   like yeah he protected last turn i didn't do  anything but like it doesn't yeah it doesn't   really matter because again now you're  forced to give me another pokemon right and this is the end of interceptor how much logic   am i going to run into sludge bombs  because that's my loose condition okay searching strikes among us  is not taking damage from this and the thing is if i needed to i could  always switch out again and reset it full yeah legit have no incentive to um to to  do anything else here keep talking to movies   doesn't really matter like because the theories  that if he targets like eternitis then i just   heal back up so he has to get rid of the moon  just before he deals with the terminus basically   but it doesn't really matter right how much  those what do i have left uh pollen puff oh i still have eight okay why  not suppose they're in there   jeremy just switched in there was nothing to score  final scores there oh because sludge one kills   there's no zero that can survive that and if  it could i would just finish with the stream yeah this is the issue with pokemon  like with with urgent view isn't   actually an island pokemon so it's  not like a team building issue but um   this is like this is this is it's a great  example of what happens when a pokemon gets   stuck like this because some pokemon don't  need to be burned to be put in you know please break the sub two to  these might break sub okay yeah okay gg all right please let's be rank one we were  ranked three going in we just beat the rank one   player rank two rank one rank one rank one rank  one rank run don't say there was no update don't   say there was please don't say there was no update  oh no i beat a rank 100 player and i'm still   trying three oh no it's been eight hours it's been  seven and a half hours i'm nowhere near rank one i   need to win two more i need to win at minimum two  more so get your hands up chat get your hands up okay calorics mancho oh hershey for  calorics he said it was scar versus food   right that changes things a bit right because  i could thunderbolt the yoshiku and sacrifice i should have i shouldn't have  done this this is a mungus i messed up i should have  doubled the slot if i was   gonna do that okay i should double  the slot i was fine if i doubled [ __ ] big [ __ ] pair up whoa oh big pair uh a pair doesn't matter i was just going for  rage powder no okay i thought i missed that's   that's a crit that's gotta be a crit that's  so much damage oh my god i'm quitting like   crazy i'm crazy like critten okay come on  sacrifice sacred fire please connect please   connect please connect please connect please  connect please connect nice kill burn by far i guess i'll lose this by the way  for anyone curious is it light ford okay we got readily restricted but the airship   was still alive which is kind  of scary for my reigning mods zap just comes in okay cool so i'm gonna what do i do here i think i always vote  switch into the zapdos and preserve   and sacred fire into the among us because it could  just get full parrot right they got to protect i guess i'll lose this we know all the moms though  so i need to slow down and think carefully right um what are they most likely to do  here i think they're most likely to   kill my ante right so this is a pretty  good opportunity to go into my e-turn because my hp isn't that valuable here i could   have double zapped this but i  wasn't worth the risk i think   they rain dance actually okay very interesting  okay so now i know that they have rain dance on   zapdos which probably means i deal with hurricane  i probably feel thunder all that jazz um dynamics   canon might just straight up pick up the ko so i'm  gonna dynamic cannon and uh sacred fire into the   slot no i'm going to dynamics cannon to switch  back to reggie lucky because if reggie lucky   faints then so if i bring in reggie lucky here in  the worst case scenario i trade one for one right and then i get sweeping in and i should  win from there so i'm gonna go reject lucky   it forces a move from the um hershey food this is most likely hurricane okay um i  need this to ko i might have hinted if   this doesn't kill him in kind of bad shape i think you're so good at ternatus you're so good  okay 2v3 but two of my mods are really low   question is how much is this going to do into uh oh into electricity okay okay and what tailwind what do i do here skull  this urgent would be believed to be scarfed i   think that's a pretty good assumption given  my current position it shouldn't have a move   that can really do that much to me and  i can't predict anyway so i think i just   sculled into the zapdos and dynamics canada i  should probably tailway there oh it's fine as   long as i don't get frozen i didn't get frozen  i should have tailwinded here in hindsight okay the should ko otherwise  bad news for me got the ko okay oh what if they double me here  though t-bolt okay it's fine okay that's a win this was a lucky game one of my only one of  my few games where i actually got pretty lucky   okay also knowing what scarf helped a lot thank  you to i didn't see you said that but yeah thank   you for the information that was very helpful i  would have played differently otherwise definitely   like my vision it's not going blurry but like i'm  definitely struggling to make good decisions here   okay gg all right we're hope we should be  ranked two now i think so we got one more oh we did it yes let's go oh i apologize for yelling and that's how i got to rank one with eternitis  you can see the rental code on your screen here   i hope you enjoyed the video and if  you did please consider subscribing   to see more content like this in the  future if you want to see me attempt   this challenge again with another pokemon  let me know in the comments down below um world chip difference baby
Channel: WolfeyVGC
Views: 798,896
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wolfey, Pokemon, VGC, Wolfe Glick, Competitive Pokemon, Pokemon VGC, Pokemon Sword and Shield, twitch, twitch streams, pokemon nuzlocke, nuzlocke, pro gamer, gaming, gamer, hardcore nuzlocke, smallant, ludwig, pokemon challenge, pokemon challenges, alpharad, eternatus, wolfey hacking, wolfey cheating, wolfe glick hacking, wolfe glick cheating, rank 1 challenge, wolfey rank 1, eternatus team, eternatus wolfey, wolfeyvgc eternatus, wolfe glick rank 1, hardcore pokemon challenge
Id: huCatUe0HwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 130min 13sec (7813 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 08 2021
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