Can You Beat Pokemon Red/Blue with Just a Mankey?

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First fighting Pokรฉmon!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/ShowtimeCA ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 05 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Not the result I expected. Fighting is much more useful than I thought it would be as an element.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/stemfish ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 06 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
[Music] hey everyone how's it going so it's funny we have done 32 episodes of the red and blue series and yet we have before today never done a fighting pokemon i know it's bizarre there's not a ton of fighting pokemon to be fair in generation one i mean in terms of pre-evolved forms we could either use machop or manky i figured manky would be easier because it has slightly better attack and much better speed and typically for solo runs that's beneficial but unlike machop it does have a pretty significant downside in that it really doesn't get a decent fighting move i mean there aren't really any decent fighting moves in generation one but at least machop gets low kick manky gets low kick only in yellow version and it does at level 9 which would have been super super useful for brock unfortunately that is not the way it works in red and blue so we're stuck with normal moves for the foreseeable future and that sucks and defeating brock was actually really really tricky not because manky has bad attack obviously his attack is pretty good but because it has pretty terrible defense thankfully to make up for that we do get one of the best moves in generation 1 for certain pokemon including menki and that's karate chop now generation 1's critical hit system is completely broken and unlike some of the other things that are broken this one was by design basically your critical hit ratio is based on your base speed and the formula is base speed over 512 so manky has roughly a 14 critical hit ratio but when it comes to increased critical hit moves like karate chop that number goes over 64. and 70 over 64 is over one meaning aside from the one in 256 glitch which also affects critical hits by the way and did happen a few times in this run menke will always almost get a critical hit with karate chop and that has its pros and cons manky's only status move it gets is leer and leer could be useful in lowering defense and in later generations combining that with a critical hit would be massive unfortunately for long time viewers you know that in generation one critical hits also ignore debuffs like lear so it's either use leer and scratch or karate chop and lear really doesn't do anything against geodude karate chop is super great because geodude likes to spam defense curl so to defeat it we needed to spam defense curl as much as possible then we make it to onyx with 29 health and basically we just need good luck onyx has tackle screech and bide we need screech or bide when he uses bide we can use leer eventually we'll switch to scratch because it'll do way more damage even with the critical hit and yeah it just kind of comes down to do you get decent move luck from onyx not the best strategy but to be perfectly fair having a pokemon with just normal moves taking down brock at level 15 is actually insanely good and this bodes extremely well for manky for the rest of the run the next challenge is misty arrival 2. both of which look to be a problem misty probably even more of a problem with bubble beam and high special our special is terrible so like always when there's a choice we're going to go battle rival 2. unfortunately with my current level in attack pidgeotto is a three-hit ko and we don't want sand attack so that kind of stinks but it's not the end of the world both abra and rattata are one-hit ko's and we should have speed and so now the only question really is how much are we gonna miss well the answer is a ton against charmander thankfully we get really good luck at the end of the battle where charmander could have knocked me out easily but just doesn't attack it's barely a two at ko had it been a wanna ko obviously this battle would be even easier than it was but a first try victory nonetheless another instance of karate chop simply being super overpowered and because i didn't mention it before it is essentially a base 100 power move that ignores buffs in the beginning of the game that's insane speaking of which we're gonna get another base 100 power move pretty soon and dig but before i do that i'm gonna see if i can take on misty and possibly defeat her like always she leads off with staryu i'm hoping for one ako it wasn't but xdefend is perfect so there goes staryu but starmie was always the concern i was hoping to outspeed but i don't critical hit is not great but thankfully that wasn't bubble beam sorry check that it wasn't even a critical hit that's just how much water gun did so yeah this is going to be a pretty scary battle it's going to be a 3 ko another critical hit isn't ideal but thankfully it goes for tackle had it gone for literally anything else i would have lost but another first try victory so manky is absolutely cruising we can go pick up dig which will be super useful against lieutenant serge and we can also pick up body slam but fun fact i barely ended up using it there are instances where it makes sense but karate chop critical hit pretty much almost always the better move speaking of which we just are gonna spam it against rival three i could have easily lost none of his pokemon or wanna kos except for kadabra who i'm gonna actually end up out speeding which is pretty nice and against charmeleon i should have gone for dig had it gone for ember i think i would have lost so very very reckless unnecessary but when is a win as a win haven't lost in quite a long time so let's see if that continues versus lieutenant surge this time i'm gonna play it safe and just go for dig against each one of his pokemon i out speed voltorb it does go for xspeed which will waste a little bit of time but i knock it out in one turn the exact same thing will happen with pikachu literally he also uses xspeed and now the question is do i outspeed raichu i don't and thankfully that growl failed one in four chance of that happening i then dig and hope it's gonna be one ko and critical hit okay so the luck has been pretty decent nothing extraordinary to be perfectly honest but good enough i think it would have been a 1ko either way so you're not going to see me complain and we have all three of the gym badges that's pretty optimal and after using dig to get back to cerulean city we are going to go through rock tunnel there of course is that hiker with the two geodudes and the graveler and i don't quite get what happened here to be perfectly honest with you so i go for dig and i don't want to ko the geodude it goes for self-destruct and i barely survive on 13 hp then i go for dig and the second geodude self-destructs while i'm underground so now i need to want to kill the graveler or not get hit by anything and somehow i do without a critical hit how the heck does that work oh don't ask me but funny enough the slowpoke were actually way more problematic than this hiker was and that doesn't bode well because we're going to be facing a ton of psychic pokemon like the rivals alakazam and sabrina coming up but that's not for a little while in the meantime we're going to go to celadon and we're going to try to battle giovanni first i actually do end up beating giovanni but it probably would have been optimal to go to the mart first so i could have bought tm17 which is submission manky's only fighting move that it will learn it's base 80 power but it has two significant drawbacks one probably the biggest one is its 20 chance it misses only 80 accuracy and on top of that it deals recoil damage so it really is kind of an awful move but without it kangaskhan is a bit of a lottery with it kangaskhan is nearly a one ko had i used a rare candy it probably would have been whatever and we end up knocking out the kangaskhan the next turn so yeah giovanni really isn't too big a deal with the fighting pokemon since i already ended up doing the errands and yes i went back and forth wasting a bit of time i'm gonna go battle rival 4 who really shouldn't be too problematic because i was able to pick up another useful move i haven't really showed it off in many solo runs because not a lot of pokemon can actually learn it but when they can it's super helpful and as you can see that move is rock slide which easily dispatches of pidgeotto execute wasn't a wanna kill with karate chop still a problem nothing really good to use against it gyarados is next didn't think rockslide would run to ko but it did that's super great we easily out speed kadabra it's way under leveled at this point and we knock it out and you're probably wondering why i picked charmeleon and i should address this now because it's pretty easy to defeat i could've used either dig or rockslide but essentially since charizard is a flying type even though it doesn't learn flying moves and gyarados is the flying type i figured that would be the toughest matchup for a fighting pokemon upon looking back perhaps it would have been blastoise with entire defense that would have meant that the final battle would had exeggutor and our canine i don't know i mean our canine could have been a little problematic i think dig would have won it ko'd it's it's a tough call honestly trying to pick the best starter for the rival is sometimes difficult i do think rock side will be less great against gyarados going forward but i don't know maybe it was the wrong call but at the end of the day i did pick the pokemon that is super effective by type against manky so yeah i'm gonna say it was fine whatever anyway this is where the run actually becomes difficult after we get through pokemon tower because there really isn't anywhere great to go erica is defeatable with incredible luck but razor leaf will one shot manky and the only way you can win is if you either get a critical hit or a miss or go for like sleep powder and misses so that's not great i did defeat erica and then reset because you know i just didn't feel like that was the best call koga is not necessarily going to be a problem but don't forget in koga's gym are a bunch of drowzee and kadabra well at least the first trainer has that and guess what they know confusion and i have low special and i'm a fighting pokemon so yeah that didn't really work either and rival fibel is super over leveled for me at this point in the game so that didn't work either so for the first time in a really long time i had to essentially just go and level up and the first place i'll go to level up are gyms because once you defeat the gym leader you can't fight the trainers anymore if you need to fight the overworld trainers at some point later in the run and i've done that many times you can always backtrack and battle them but for gym trainers you only have one chance and so i battled all the trainers in erica's gym who are incredibly easy and i also have five rare candies at this point in the game and after all that i'm going to end up at level 45 and that was pretty specific because i need the drowsy cadabra etc well the cadaver always was but i need the drowsy to be one of kos and finally at this level they are so i can get past the first juggler and once you're past him you have a pretty decent chance against the second juggler since he does like to switch pokemon pretty frequently so yeah you can lose but it's just two pokemon and getting through them isn't too bad and so now with digg i'm thinking koga should be fine i did actually lose my first time but it was too ridiculous randomness um coughing is a one ko even without a crit muk is a range and in my first battle used minimize and just stalled me until it knocked me out which was awful in this case i get the range and knock it out in one hit so that was pretty good luck as i said coughing is a one ko without a crit and wheezing how did it use self-destruct while i was underground it would have been nice it doesn't but thankfully it also doesn't use self-destruct when i resurface but yeah koga wasn't too bad having dig i mean we don't get earthquake unfortunately but dig is the same base power just takes an extra turn and so that's four gym badges now whether to go to erica or rival fivel i had to sort of think about it in the end i decided to battle erica and it was kind of a mistake basically karate chop needed to won a ko victory bell i thought but it did just miss however erica used a super potion and after that it was pretty much a guaranteed victory didn't think tangler would be a 1ko but in red and blue it really doesn't have anything to damage me or do very much of anything so i was fine with that and vilebloom thankfully doesn't have a guaranteed critical hit move like razor leaf so unless it put me to sleep which thankfully didn't went for mega drain you can see how little that did i'm able to easily defeat erika and that is gym badge number five and while i could battle blaine here i do think rival five will be slightly easier so i'm gonna go do that next now i really want rock slide to one eko pidgeot and again just miss wing attack does almost half my hp so probably i'm going to need to reset but might as well continue next comes out execute i didn't want to see reflect because critical hits ignore that so it's a 2ko that's very good i doubt gyarados will be away ko also very close dragon rage actually kinda works but now i can't get hit by anything else and alakazam should outspeed me and never mind i outspeed it that's pretty good and we should win 10 chance now we lose if we miss this rockslide and we don't so it was close but we were able to get past rival fivel fairly easily yes we are at a much higher level than we normally are but that's just how it goes sometimes so anyway not much to talk about giovanni's pretty easy with dig and submission and whatever so we're gonna go and skip ahead all the way to the seventh gym leader or in our case the sixth blaine obviously sabrina is pretty scary with psychic pokemon so battling blaine first just makes total sense i'm not gonna mess around here i'm gonna go for dig and it should yes it does wanna kill growlithe it should also wanna ko ponyta and thankfully i've outsped both pokemon now will i outspeed rapidash i do and i do very good we're three for three now we just need to want to kill our canine and oh we just missed please don't use fire blast no oh my goodness thankfully burn doesn't hit until after i attack and karate chop will crit and knock it out wow that was really really really really close and it doesn't bode well for sabrina but hey we do get a slight special boost from beating blaine and there is literally no other mandatory trainers to battle so yeah let's see how long you have to spend on this alright so it should start out easy without speed wanna ko karate chop okay mr mom i don't know if i will all right okay we do that's very good and rock slide should easily want to kill venom off it does and now we actually just need some decent luck out of alakazam i assume oh i outspeed wow we won't oh well that stinks and now we're gonna oh we win okay used reflect that was pretty lucky how do you use psi beam or i think it has psychic doesn't really matter it would have knocked me out but reflect is perfectly fine and that is sabrina i am stunned that was the first try victory and i think we really see why manky's speed is so important machop won't have the speed to outspeed alakazam at this level so that's gonna be pretty annoying but hey that's a problem for future geros current gero still has a couple more trainers to go i mean in terms of non-named trainers that's literally correct there are two more mandatory trainers in giovanni's gym we don't really care about them let's battle giovanni i've really not spent much time on his battles and we'll see just why here so i'm gonna go for dig against ryhorn i think it'll wanna ko and i don't know critical hit who cares that's one down now i don't think oh okay out speed and this should run it ah no that was literally the worst thing growl so now i probably won't want to kill anything with dig that's wonderful all right so nidoqueen you know what half damage means i wasn't gonna knock it out in one hit anyway guard spec works fine for me and that is three down is it yep now we have to deal with nidoking it's obviously not going to want to kill unless they crit which i don't thrash does pretty decent damage about a third but i should have more than enough hp for ride on and i could use submission if i really wanted to well let's go for dig and okay that's not doing nearly enough let's go for submission just in case and oh well critical hit works for me honestly all things consider this has gone kind of well but i think what will make her break this run is how manky does with the final six i mean i know i say that a lot but manky could have an easy enough time with the next trainers due to its nice move pool and good speed but i also foresee some potential issues up ahead so i'm not really sure how this is gonna go and our first obstacle is rival six now rival six is pretty similar to rival fibal except now pidgeot has agility so it will spam either agility or wing attack because both are classified as super effective i want agility obviously don't get that and wing attack does pretty significant damage it takes two hits to not go pidgeot rihorn isn't really a problem so i'm just gonna quickly knock it out but perhaps the most annoying pokemon is execute it does know stunsport that's what i was about to say and that will pretty much end my chances at a victory i think especially now that gyarados will out speed and thankfully it goes for lear rockslide is only doing about half so it's going to be a two-way ko and hydro pump by oh okay it missed so we're still in this for now all right alakazam out speeds and goes reflect karate chop does decent damage and oh it might actually knock it out no of course i stay paralyzed sly beam let's uh yeah all right so that's not gonna work i actually have a bit of an idea submission is a tm move that we can buy at any time so actually it's also available in victory road but the point is we can teach mimic mimic agility which would negate well mostly the effects of paralysis and redo the same battle plus the badge boost glitch yes i know everyone's favorite will activate and will increase my attack although that wouldn't help for karate chop because we're getting critical hits i do think that makes sense i mean i don't really use submission in this battle anyway but setting up mimics leads to a brand new problem that pidgeot has many more opportunities to use wing attack so i'm probably going to need a little bit of luck and there is still a chance execute will use stunsport and in fact i found out it is not a guaranteed to it ko with karate chop so that's a little annoying perhaps i want to level up just a tiny bit more but the bigger problem i figure out i believe it's the next battle but i end up making it all the way to alakazam without any mimic set up just to see if perhaps the earlier strategy could have potentially worked had i not been paralyzed but no alakazam will out speed and cyber not even psychic is a one ko so the agilities are indeed mandatory as i suspected and we're gonna need a little bit of luck in some better strategy so i'm gonna skip another lost battle we'll talk about in a second but i've already told you what i'm gonna do here i'm gonna set up agility and i'm gonna hope that pidgeot doesn't attack me too much it takes four turns one to mimic agility and then ideally i'd like to get up all three agilities to get not just speed but maximum attack every agility i use buffs my attack by another 12 percent and as you can see that is pretty significant thankfully pidgeot does cooperate i'm at 78 health and rockslide is a one ko so that's very good ryhorn is still not much of an issue so we can just use dig and quickly dispatch of it but now the issue is execute will we get a decent move from it rockslide guarantees that it'll be a two at ko because of the buffs from the badge boosts and we get solar beam which is a two-turn attack so that's pretty good gyarados just misses being a one ako which really stinks bite is fine we don't have a lot of hp but the truth the matter is so long as we one shot the next two pokemon which is entirely possible that really doesn't matter and this is where we need some decent alakazam luck the only move that will one hit ko with even the badge boost is dig rockslide just misses and that's why i was afraid to use dig in the battle i lost previously i went for rock slice i didn't want to see reflect and of course i see reflect thankfully ghost reflect again and i can go for karate chop had it gone for sci beam as i emerged from dig that would have obviously knocked me out and now i just need rocks light to hit which it does and charizard is no problem so that is rival number six and it didn't go super poorly but it also didn't go super well either and so i am concerned going into the elite four that we're just not going to be doing enough damage especially when we get to lorelei's second pokemon cloister and uh yeah there's no point rambling anymore let's see what that looked like dugong i knew wasn't gonna be an issue because lorelei has good ai and good ai basically means i've hinted to it earlier it will always use super effective moves even if they don't actually do damage psychic equals super effective against fighting so dugong will just continuously spam rest and thankfully it is just two rock slides to knock out dugong but now it probably will take more cloister has i think the best base defense in all generation one so that's gonna be an issue rockslide does decent damage about a third aurora beam though is doing half so another one would knock me out thankfully it decides to go for super sonic and i'm able to knock it out with a third rock slide but that is not ideal next i go to mimic amnesia both for badge boost glitch and to lessen the chance that lorelei's moves knocked me out so after i do that i'm able to knock out slow bro jinx i'm hoping rock slide will won a ko and it does unfortunately it doesn't come anywhere close to one a killing lapras it ends up going for blizzard and after a miss it goes for body slam and there goes the battle and after one more failed attempt that was enough for me to realize listen manky you're great but needs to level up yes i could theoretically have submission and that would make cloister probably a little bit more consistent however remember 20 chance that misses and recoil damage i wasn't sure if that was worth it and frankly leveling up may be helpful not just against lorelei but also agatha because if we can outspeed all of agatha's gengars the agatha lottery becomes the agatha i don't know dividend or something i don't know something reliable whatever you know what i'm talking about but i go back into victory road and even there minky started to struggle which was a bad sign i do have five more rare candies there are i believe 12 in generation one two of which you'll probably never get one of which i can get in the power plant but no real point to do so so i can level up and use those five rare candies before lorelei and i would probably have a much easier fight against her it's always a question when to use those rare candies but i think at the beginning makes sense so in the end i level up five levels via the battles and then five more via the rare candies so i'm at level 63 pretty significant 10 levels let's see what that makes our new battle look like dugong is seemingly unchanged i go for karate chop it goes for rest i go for rock slide it does about three quarters which doesn't matter still two ko and now i can just knock it out with a karate chop so even dugong is more consistent that's pretty good the big question is cloister didn't like how much aurora beam was doing i go for rock slide that's perfect i wanted to see about half it goes for clamp and wow okay all right cloister yeah sure that was that was wonderful hopefully i knock it out i i do but man oh man i really need to want to kill everything left thankfully slobro also has good ai it will just spam amnesia and i was being really silly rather than mimic amnesia i don't have any special attacks i should mimic withdraw i know it seems silly but six badge boosts versus three badge boosts it's gonna make a difference i mean literally double slowbro takes a while to knock out but it won't attack like i said so we can take as much time as we need now we have to deal with jinx i would like to use karate chop because it's more consistently accurate but of course chris ignore buff so i have to use it and of course i miss thankfully goes for thrash and of course it gets a critical hit well that's just fantastic so let's try this again don't really have much to say about the dugong except this time i don't miss still loving that damage versus cloister aurora beam don't lower my attack very good and wow okay so it looks like there is still a chance i don't to shock cloister thankfully put it within range for healing and i'm able to knock it out on the very next turn or not because i miss with rockslide again thankfully she misses with super sonic great that's just another little inconsistency that can pop up slow bro i'm going to speed right on past because we've already talked about what we do why we do it and how slowbro will only use amnesia so now we get to face our arch rival jinx 10 chance to miss this time we don't and obviously it's going to be 1ko but now i need to know if lapras is we have a lot more hp this time so we do have a bit of a buffer and of course we miss with rockslide why wouldn't we blizzard hits well all right we and we're not frozen and rock slide knocks it out very very very annoying and uh do you want to know something hilarious bruno isn't such a guaranteed victory against menke because bruno's pokemon all have bad special and decent enough attack except for the onyxes the issue is and hopefully won't happen here we could be hit with like mega punch mega kicker submission and manky is so frail it could be knocked out let's see first things first does dig wanna ko it doesn't that's not the end of the world because onyx can't really do anything but it's not ideal and now i have to worry about hitmonchan and hitmonlee both of which can do significant damage i feel my best bet is just to go for karate chops so i do it's going to be a two wickio x defend is not going to matter so that was good him on lee's defense isn't quite as good so karate chop does about three quarters and yeah that was what i was worried about had that critted i would have lost to bruno genuinely which is awful but yeah this is a bad matchup shockingly but it really is we don't really need to worry about the second onyx i just need to be able to knock it out quickly enough but now even though it's a one in four chance machamp can use submission and if it does we lose all right so karate chop a third so three ko fisher doesn't do anything because i out speed another karate chop obviously i can't double crit x defense so okay 3k i didn't actually know if it would that is pretty scary but it's hilarious that normally it's agatha and lance that i'm worried about and i'm actually thinking they both could be the easiest however there's a big if there i need manky to outspeed every single pokemon it's possible it is possible and if it happens agatha will be free but there's only one way to find out let's see so okay we outspeed the first gengar that is amazing it means we'll out speed every other pokemon guaranteed but the second gengar and of course dig is gonna want a ko golbat's the only thing i don't know if it'll be a one ko and well critical hit doesn't tell me that but it is good so i will definitely take it now we have two free kos one against the haunter which obviously we're gonna out speed and another free one ko against arbok and now the battle comes down to do we outspeed the level 60 gengar we do and we will obviously obviously wanna kill with dig agatha free wow i i never thought you know very few times can i actually say that it's so weird where bruno is a concern and agatha isn't but notice that i said both these next two battles could be easy because lance versus certain types of pokemon just breaks and this is a very unfortunate thing and is why i actually thought of doing this challenge series in yellow version because it's less bad there but rather than talk abstractly let me show you what i mean the first pokemon is normal gyarados i'm hoping that rock cider wanna ko it does not gyarados goes for dragon rage and i think i just won the battle and some of you might realize why for those who don't it is the same issue with dugong and rest lance's pokemon both dragon air and dragonite no psychic moves in dragon air's case it's agility which i will mimic and use to speed up because the only pokemon that is potentially actually without agility it really would be kind of scary is aerodactyl because it probably would outspeed me and the other pokemon literally can't attack they have no moves they will use other than agility or in dragonite's case barrier so all you need to do is set up three agilities i don't even need to be one ako but dig actually does want a ko which is good for time and yeah now i just need rock slide to be a wanna kill it's super effective an aerodactyl doesn't have great defense and it is in fact a one ko so yeah the battle is over now i really want dragonite to use agility and not barrier of course it goes for barrier uh that's okay it means lance could potentially heal i'm gonna go for karate chop but yeah we just basically have to be patient eventually dragonite will faint and we have made it to the champion seriously the trainer i think is least consistent is bruno but that's not including the champion weird troubling is rival six the final battle is even better i don't know how this is gonna go i have ideas of what i want to do but i don't know if it will work i say this a bunch there's only one way to find out let's do it all right so pidgeot no longer has agility so it'll either go for wing attack or sky attack rock slide does not want to kill i wasn't really expecting it to wing attack isn't as good because obviously it actually does damage the turn it's used unlike sky attack where i'd knock out pidgeot so that's a blow but not a big deal 100 hp or just under that you know what this is going to be close like i suspected truth is the scariest pokemon is alakazam we need to want a ko or it's gonna use a psychic move and knock me out we saw what happened last time so i'm just gonna see how much karate chop does there's really not much of a risk and a lot but it uses reflect that's what i guessed it would use i had a one in three chance the odds were not in my favor but thankfully we got the rng we needed so i think this should be it but who knows that is the scariest pokemon there's still four more to go rydon has much better defense than reihorn we're going to go for dig we're not going to mess around here and wow that was a critical hit so it's probably a three hit ko without that and wow it used fury attack that's like the only attacking move i don't want to see thankfully it only hits twice we knock out right on three down that's halfway but exeggutor is pretty scary because it can put you to sleep and for whatever reason it will attack afterwards i go for karate chop and oh that's bad and uh that's worse and yeah i think we oh we woke up turn one okay it goes for barrage which while waste time is technically better than stomp you can see how bad my defenses each hit a barrage does 10 hp so a single stomp could knock me out i'm gonna go for karate chop why the heck not exeggutor goes rip noses and misses so we're gonna make it all the way to gyarados but unless i get a critical hit here i think the battle might be over all right 17 chance nope and okay i don't think i would have tanked that on a hundred hp let alone well less than half of that so yeah this is not going to work and i have two options both are kind and not amazing i could either level up even more but realistically i don't see how much of a difference that would make because we're not even close for gyarados being a one at ko the other option i'm thinking of is that we mimic hypnosis from exeggutor and just spam it against exeggutor and gyarados and hope we get some decent accuracy luck you might be wondering j rose why aren't you getting flinches with rockslide doesn't flinch until gen 2. i didn't know either i always assumed it did but nope in gen 1 a lot of moves like tri attack and rock slide do not have added effects so that's wonderful anyway in epic foreshadowing the run you are watching does end with a bruno loss which i always like showing off as i mentioned earlier if i got hit with submission i would lose and look at that submission knocks me out so we have a really hilarious situation where lorelei is mostly consistent bruno is pretty inconsistent and then agatha and lance are free essentially so that is absolutely insane i have done now i think 32 of these runs including fully evolved pokemon and i have never quite had such a pokemon where once i've made it past bruno i am guaranteed essentially to make it to the champion i just it's it's funny every time i beat bruno because it's such a non thing in every run but here it's like wow we actually made it past bruno i can relax and think about what the final battle is going to be like and there's obviously one other issue that didn't come up the last time that probably could have and i mean i'm going to show you obviously pidgeot could have used sky attack that would have been nice it doesn't hear either but the issue is alakazam could easily go for cybe and uh it's practically i think it's a one ko even at full hp so in order to win not only do i need to be laurely and bruno and not get some bad luck although truth be told laura lee or lorelei i'm sorry okay i have made a consistent effort in this video to call her lorelei and i'm not going to edit out those mistakes because the reason i call her laura lee is i've been calling her that for over 20 years well actually i think just about 20 years and it is a very hard habit to break and when i try and i have tried to pronounce pokemon's names correctly i will go in and out to when i'm thinking about it versus when it's just subconscious and i just think oh her name is laura lee but like so many people in the pokemon community have asked me to call her lorelei so i'm going to laura try ah but i i will not always laura succeed anyway uh this bruno battle i mean it goes better i guess every bruno battle is kind of just i hope i don't lose randomly and uh you know there's not really much i could do aside from leveling up and here's the thing with leveling up i don't mind if i'm a level or two away from getting a range or something when it's like 15 levels i would rather try a bit more of a i don't know unorthodox strategy especially when i have mimic and this is a good time to mention i never found a good use for submission i thought about using it like maybe against ridon but certainly wouldn't help against exeggutor or gyarados and then i wouldn't have access to mimik so it's kind of funny that manky's gonna be one of those pokemon that doesn't really use moves of its type but alright we've made it back to the champion we are over two but i am going to try and utilize my hypnosis strategy will it work i don't know let's see for the third time we get pretty much identical pidgeot luck no critical hit on my end and no sky attack or thankfully no critical hit on the rival's end so that's one down at around 100 hp now we have to get good alakazam luck in the victorious rival 6 battle dig was what i needed so i'm gonna go for that and i get reflect of course of course the time i don't want reflect that is what i get perfect and uh now i lose okay it went for reflect again all right well whatever so i'm just gonna go for karate chop no need to use dig and that is two down so now i can at least try to see how the hypnosis strategy works at least if i can make it past right on which isn't actually guaranteed but something really weird happens that i don't quite understand so i go for dig thankfully it goes for something like tail whip the important thing is how much damage like what i got a critical hit and it missed knocking it out but that attack did way over half what happened did i just get the absolute lowest range on the critical hit and the absolute highest range i really don't understand what i just saw but hey i'm not going to complain i have a hundred hp actually it really doesn't matter but you know that's still kinda good it matters for exeggutor actually now we can withstand more barrages and stomps i've never said that before in a video but first things first we're gonna mimic hypnosis it's gonna use and of course it hits all right can we wake up turn one we don't that's not surprising it goes for barrage that's better than stomp two three okay so we're at 67 hp hey the hp really did matter all right of course we're staying asleep why wouldn't we and we're probably gonna get oh we get another barrage and it misses thankfully barrage has a chance to miss that's hilarious now we wake up that's great and even a five turn barrage won't knock me out unless it crits thankfully it doesn't you can actually tell after the first hit if a multi-turn hit crits so we're at 47 hp now we need hypnosis to hit this isn't looking good but you know what it hit so it's looking okay all right i'm putting my odds back to possible now it's a three ko so i need this thing to stay asleep all right attack one it stayed asleep that's really all i need because even if it wakes up here which it did it can't attack the turn it wakes up yay gen 1 mechanics so now all i need is the 60 chance to put gyarados to sleep and i think i won all right go coin flip hooray these slightly better than coin flip flipped in my favor i don't know what i was talking about i'm gonna mess with rock slide and lose that way that is what's going to happen and i mean thankfully didn't wake up first turn that's pretty good we hit with rockslide that's very good please don't wake up that's great because now if i miss i will at least get another opportunity and yes okay um now we have a 90 chance to win because charizard definitely will not tank a rock slide so it's all up to this 90 accurate move versus charizard will we be champion oh yeah okay this was such a unique run i mean it was my first fighting type run but this is really the first run where i solely relied on physical moves until generation three you really don't have to specialize so having a mixed attacker makes a lot of sense special moves are just so powerful but the question you're wondering at this point is how well does manky do well this is the third best time i've ever gotten with a pre-evolved pokemon and it's actually just three minutes slower than slowpoke at a significantly lower level so while i will often defer to in-game time three minutes in a run like this is well within the margin of error so time is essentially equal and manky was able to do it at a lower level it well deserved the number three spot of pre-evolved pokemon we have still 32 more pre-evolved pokemon and a bunch of fully evolved pokemon or ones that don't evolve left to go we're gonna end up doing all of them probably because you guys seem to like these videos and i've been talking long enough so have a great day thanks for watching take care
Channel: Jrose11
Views: 346,981
Rating: 4.9364643 out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Jrose11, Red, Blue, Generation 1, Pokemon Red, Pokemon Blue, Pokemon Red and Blue, Pokemon Challenge, Kanto Challenge, pokemon challenge, pokemon challenges, pokemon red, pokemon blue, can you beat pokemon with only a, elite four, pokemon solo challenge, no items, is it possible to beat, challenge run, Slowpoke Pokemon, Mankey challenge, Mankey no items, can you beat, gen 1, Minimum Battles, Mankey
Id: OfMhxp0GVt4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 38sec (2618 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 05 2021
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