How Fast Can you Beat Pokemon Red/Blue with Just a Zapdos?

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[Music] hey everyone how's it going so we did moltres we did articuno today we're gonna see how fast zapdos can complete red and blue now zapdos is fairly interesting because it starts off with arguably the best flying move in the entire game drill back that gets paired with a basic electric attack thundershock which as you can see in the rival battle does a good enough job at this point in the game however neither of these moves are particularly useful against brock and like with moltres brock is going to be a problem in fact we could expect brock to be an even bigger problem because at least moltres had a special move that if you outsped theoretically wouldn't allow either of brock's pokemon to attack with zapdos since it doesn't learn any more moves until after level 50 we're stuck with the physical attacking move drill peck and that means brock's pokemon can take advantage of their super high defense so i'm sure you're wondering how high a level do you need to be at in order to beat brock's pokemon are we gonna have to level up a whole bunch the answer is yes but there is a way to make that not waste a ton of time you see because we have drill peck we can defeat the two extra bug catchers as well as the final bow catcher we always need to defeat in viridian forest and while sandshrew can be annoying with sand attack the junior trainer is also a useful source of experience points if you do all that you'll be at level 9 but you'll actually be only 39 experience points away from level 10. so it makes sense just to knock out a single metapod or a few caterpie as you're walking in virgin forest so you'd be able to hit level 10 and then you actually could battle brock in theory because although i use a game shark to change my starter into zapdos that is the only cheat or glitch or anything like that i'll use in this run so the way i make sure that my starter is good in other words making sure its underlying stats are as good as possible is by first checking a dv calculator so seeing the different ranges that each of its stats can be and then i'll check the starter i get and reset i'm obviously not showing footage because this process can actually take upwards of half an hour heck i've spent over an hour resetting to get the stats i want and suffice to say it is an extremely tedious process and of course never are you gonna get all stats being perfect that's like a one in over 60 000 chance so what i tend to do is look for one or two stats that i'd like to be as good as possible so in this case i want a special stat of 19 since that's guaranteed to be as good as possible and an attack stat of 15 because even at its worst it's still above average unfortunately in prioritizing those two i ended up getting below average speed and that's incredibly relevant to this battle with brock because if i had just slightly better speed dvs then i would be able to out speed brock at level 10. his onyx which uses bide and thus it's very important to out speed it has 26 speed so i need at least 27 unfortunately i tie him with 26. and so i really had two options do i try to do the run over and reset for a better zapdos already the zapdos i got is only a two percent chance probability or do i just say you know what they're never going to be perfect and level up one more time i mean i could try to chance it and battle brock at a speed tie but as we see this battle with onyx it's just too unpredictable i never know when i'm gonna go first or not and when it comes divide it's incredibly important to be able to know when bite is coming so that i can avoid taking back twice the damage which definitely adds up plus brock can you screech and tackle it just wasn't a realistic strategy of course theoretically possible but the likelihood of me beating brock even if i outspeed him was already not looking great which is why i opted simply to level up once more now in watching back this footage i actually probably should have battled rival 1a the rival on route 22 which i always skip he has a flying and water pokemon and i probably could have beaten him easily and that would have given me enough experience points to avoid going back in the forest and just knocking out a few metapod or caterpie but by the time i realized i needed to level up i was already in pewter and it would have been very slow to go back through viridian to battle him so knocking out metapod and caterpie i did and i gained just enough experience points so that after i knock out brock's geodude zapdos will level up to level 11 and thus out speed onyx however i still need to rely on drill pick so can i even do this at level 11 well it depends on luck because zapdos does have the best speed of the three legendary birds and that's great because critical hits are dependent on your base speed and we need critical hits in this brock battle they're always useful but especially against geodude when it uses defense curl we're gonna do next to no damage and we want to have as much hp as possible for onyx because onyx is also gonna require quite a bit of luck depending on whether it uses screech and tackle or whether it just keeps using bide which frankly is the best case scenario in this battle i do get a few critical hits and i'm able to knock out geodude with 26 hp and then i level up so it becomes 29 hp that's not bad now the battle versus onyx is quite long and i don't want to do a play-by-play because that would take forever but essentially you will notice that it missed a screech that's very important and basically you're seeing that i'm using drill peck switching to thundershock when onyx uses bide and hoping it doesn't use screech and tackle too much critical hits are obviously key we do only have 20 power points and if those run out we lose the battle but thankfully the battle is winnable albeit at a much higher level than articuno or moltres but in terms of time comparison i always save as i enter mount moon articuno was obviously fastest at 22 minutes followed by moltres at 28 minutes but zapdos even with all those extra battles is actually only two minutes higher 30 minutes and only 10 minutes higher than mewtwo why is that well here is where drill peck comes in handy and frankly so does thundershock articuno's biggest advantage was the ability to use ice beam which is a 90 base power attack way earlier than you're supposed to have attacks that powerful maltress had to rely on a multi-turn attack which is incredibly slow or peck zapdos gets to rely on drill peck so the fact that we're only two minutes back of moltres after defeating brock is actually a really really good sign for zapdos because unlike articuno and moltres which struggle with misty zapdos actually has a super effective attack so unlike in the previous two runs we actually are going to battle misty first and the misty battle goes pretty fast as well although i wouldn't call it easy per se staru is never a problem in these battles i start off with drill peck i'm not actually sure which will do more damage because these pokemon have higher special than defense it's going to be a 2 at ko anyway staryu uses water gun does 8 hp and i knock it out with thundershock but against starmie i really shouldn't have used drill pick because of exactly what just happened misty uses an x defense so of course now thundershock is the better attack drill pick does i don't know about a sixth or so it thankfully goes for tackle which does next to nothing thundershock is doing about a third so i think i'll knock it out next turn it goes for tackle again i go for thundershock i was wrong it still has a little bit of health left just no critical hit bubble beam and i should win well starmie does get a critical hit but with tackle starmie was definitely pretty cooperative in this battle and it's unfortunate we couldn't use thunderbolt but hey first try victories are first try victories and being able to defeat misty early especially compared to moltres is very beneficial since it's less backtracking now we obviously have to battle rival number two and his team isn't very good against zapdos now i go for thundershock against pidgeotto and i get a critical hit i think that did matter which is good because i really don't want sand attack and everything else should be a one in ko abra is a 1k with drill peck critical hit clearly didn't matter rattata is a wanna kill with drill peck no critical hit there i do get a critical hit on the squirtle but i think that would have been one and ko regardless and yeah that's rival number two typically a difficult battle but not with zapdos and in case you felt that battle went too quickly we get a very similar battle after we finish up and get the ss ticket we head down to vermillion onto the ssn and we get to battle rival number three we're gonna use the same strategy thundershock probably would have been a one at ko against the other pidgeotto since it was a one-hit ko here without a critical hit drill pick is still a wanted ko against raticate i do outspeed the kadabra and knock it out with drill peck again one hit ko and finally we have a pokemon that's not a one ko although i think it is a range thundershock just missed knocking out wartortle and i just knock it out easily the next turn that is rival number three you may have noticed i have thunder wave the tm for thunder wave is available on route 24 i always skip it but even though i didn't necessarily see a use for it i figured i'm not going to learn any moves to level 50 anyway might as well teach it but i should clarify i meant level up moves because there is a very useful tm that we can get so long as we can defeat lieutenant surge and that is obviously tm 24 thunderbolt and this is definitely an interesting matchup because it's the first time lieutenant surges pokemon aren't going to be super effective against me however both my attacking moves are going to be resisted by serge's pokemon so i'm not sure how this battle is going to go i'm hoping i can beat him here and don't have to come back but i guess we'll see so i outspeed voltorb lead off with drill peck it's doing around half just under lieutenant serge is the next speed voltorb now out speeds and goes for tackle thankfully not sonic boom i go for drill peck get a critical hit i think that did matter and i knock out valttorp now this actually surprised me drill pick is a one hit ko with pikachu i know pikachu doesn't have the greatest defense still didn't expect to wanna ko but pretty good now i'd like no thunderbolts from raichu well i get a critical hit drill peck turn one and an x speed so that's about as good as i could have hoped for i then get hit with thunder shock which does around 11 so thunderbolt probably would have done around 30. i say probably because i get another critical hit with drill peck 20 chance but still two in a row is kind of unlikely and yeah that's the battle sometimes i reset if i get luck that's too good but honestly zapdos seemed to be pretty decent against lieutenant surge and this run is going super super well i've been able to stick to minimum battles once i've defeated brock and we're making up a ton of time and i really didn't think zapdos would be able to keep up with moltres let alone potentially pass it so i'm really excited about how this run is going so far after defeating lieutenant surge usually there's nothing to worry about but with some pokemon especially electric pokemon there is the hiker in rock tunnel the one with two geodudes and one graveler now of course i still don't have any different moves i'm gonna have to rely on drill pick i use it it's doing about a third but the big issue is they use self-destruct it does about 33 damage so all three are to use self-destruct i will lose and to be honest i think even if the next geodude doesn't and graveler does i might still lose but hey let's see if we can get through geodude 2 first i go for drill peck it goes for tackle that's good another drill pack crit would be nice no crit tackle is very good i knock it out with the next drill peck so i'm at 47 hp and yeah i basically need this not to self-destruct and it's probably going to take more than three drill pecks considering graveler has much better defense so once again i go for drill peck it's doing about a quarter which is nice it goes for tackle i also should mention these guys know rock thrown even though it's only 60 accurate that would do a ton of damage as well another drill pack another tackle that's very good and i hadn't gotten one yet but i finally do get a critical hit which honestly is about average luck and i'm able to defeat this hiker on my first try trust me had i lost i would have shown you those battles but didn't happen easily could have there's not much more i can do here but again this run is going pretty well so far and just to remind you as i had to sell it on i do have a route that i find fastest for these runs and i will remind you i don't use the pokedoll glitch to bypass marowak so i do need the silk scope meaning i need to go to the rocket game corner so i'm gonna heal in the pokemon center go to the game corner battle giovanni which i'm not looking forward to and i'll show off in just a second then i'm gonna do the shopping i need to do including the fresh water pick up the hm for fly which i'm not going to teach to zapdos since it has drill peck and that's objectively a better move then i'm going to go to lavender tower and finally erica so let's do it so i make it through the rocket game corner which obviously isn't too difficult but giovanni has two rock and ground pokemon not the best case scenario for me so giovanni leads off with onix i get a critical hit and it does like a third of damage which is awesome giovanni goes for rock throw and he misses like i said only 60 accuracy which is very fortuitous another drill peck no critical hit another rock throw another miss another drill peck and this time rock throw does connect but it doesn't do too too much damage onix has pretty bad attack and finally my fourth drill peck knocks out onyx so against ryhorn obviously we're gonna use drill peck again i'd say that's a five hit ko and it gets a critical hit with horn attack great of course i can't get a critical hit with drill peck but he can get another critical hit with horn attack now it's actually getting kind of scary finally i do get a critical hit against ryhorn but it just misses knocking it out it hits with horn attack once again i don't have very much hp left that critical hit really mattered so i knock out ryhorn and i don't know if 28 hp is gonna be enough for kangaskhan well you do get to see me use thunderbolt for the first time and whoa that almost knocks out kangaskhan and giovanni goes for guard spec that's the ai i come to expect from giovanni so i can knock out kangaskhan the next turn and that was definitely more eventful than this battle usually is but electric pokemon are going to struggle against different types of trainers that's why i find these runs so much fun every pokemon no matter how similar you think it is to others each run seems to take a very unique path and i find that a ton of fun speaking of which after doing the shopping and getting fly i can fly to lavender town and do a fun battle versus rival four who never is very much of an issue obviously thunderbolt will be a wanted ko against pidgeotto it also won it ko's growlithe drill peck wanna ko's execute albeit with a critical hit not sure if that mattered cadabra is terrible defense so i go for another drill peck another one in ko and 518 kos against rival number four not bad whatsoever the rest of pokemon tower is just as easy as this part was so we can wrap up what i consider to be the first half of the run by going to celadon and battling erica all the legendary birds have a pretty easy time but in this battle we're gonna have to use a physical attack as opposed to a special attack is that going to make much of a difference well it's not like i'm over leveled or anything but drill peck does one ako victory bell without a critical hit tangela has good defense but drill peck still knocks it out and i'm not sure if the critical hit mattered or not but three wanted kos these battles are going very very quickly and that's so important in these runs not just that we stick to minimum battles because battles take time but that the battles we have are as quick as they possibly can be and definitely in that regard zapdos has a huge advantage by getting drill peck and thunderbolt at this point in the game since there's so many one ekos and no two turn attacks and now the question i have to ponder is whether i try to go for the risky strat after getting surf from fuchsia do i try to do silk company first which is the faster strat but if i'm wrong it could waste a little bit of time in backtracking or do i do the safe play and go battle koga shouldn't be too much of a problem with thunderbolt although i'm not exactly sure hmm decisions decisions well since this run is going so good i'm not gonna risk having to go back and forth since i'd save in front of rival fivel and then have to leave silf company if it didn't work out i'm just gonna stay within fuchsia and battle koga now this is a weird battle for multiple reasons the first thing you should know is this isn't the first battle i did win the first time but then i forgot to save and i reset so i had to battle koga again ended up beating him three different times and i'm going to be showing you the final one what's important to note is that in the previous battle one of the drowsies really didn't cooperate and poison me now i could just go out and heal unfortunately you can't dig out of this gym but i knew it would be possible to beat him without healing which it was i've done it twice and it does save time you can actually do this whole battle without taking any damage it just really depends on what koga does and there's also luck involved on my end the first thunderbolt to knock out the coughing is a range i think it's a one in 16 chance based on our current stats and i get that here koga can also use an x attack you just don't want sludge or something like that because you don't have a ton of hp to spare muck is a two-hit kale of course a critical hit would make it a wanted ko and i use thunderbolt it goes for x attack perfect muk doesn't attack me knock it out with thunderbolt now this coughing is also a range but i get the critical hit and now we just have wheezing which is going to be a multiple ko and if he uses self-destruct we're done well i use thunderbolt and by multiple hit i mean at least three if i don't get a critical hit i get the paralysis which is nice it goes for sludge does significant damage plus the additional poison damage although poison only does 1 16 in generation 1 and if you knock out a pokemon you don't take poison damage so it's far more forgiving than in later generations of course if it attacks again i'm gonna lose but i get a critical hit and win so yeah this was a lucky battle for sure but hey i did win i have battled five times i won three not a bad percentage and after we beat koga we can head to self company and battle rival fievel now i don't know if i outspeed pidgeot i probably do but it goes for quick attack does barely anything thunderbolts are one and ko so that's cool growlith is also still a wanna ko with thunderbolt not bad either i was pretty worried about execute it can be incredibly trolly but drill pick is still a wanted ko so that's a good sign it is not a wanted ko however against alakazam thankfully it goes for recover it was nearly one to ko so clearly the next drill pack knocks out alakazam and thunderbolt obviously knocked out blastoise in one hit and this is a pretty good time to mention why i had the rival pick squirtle while having squirtle in all three runs is nice for a direct comparison the real reason was because of the other pokemon the rival now has or to be even more accurate the ones they're going to evolve into if the rival doesn't have blastoise he's going to have a gyarados and that's an automatic one at ko i foresaw executor and arcanine being more difficult plus the other two starters charizard and venusaur both wouldn't have fared much better would have been a wanna kill against charizard definitely venusaur may have survived a drill peck but it wouldn't have been able to really attack me with anything that useful so in the end zapdos is just super good against all three starters and for now has been super good against the rival but giovanni did prove to be pretty difficult in the rocket hideout how will he fare against silk company i'm actually gonna have to narrate this battle because this could be one that's pretty difficult and already it's not looking amazing thunderbolt does not a one ako against nidorino goes for focus energy so i wasn't really worried about being attacked unless i got poisoned or something but not being the one at ko that's not a great sign surprisingly though kangaskhan is with thunderbolt i guess kangaskhan has much lower special than i thought ryhorn however is far better at tanking drill pecks that does what maybe an eighth or something it goes for tail whip which will slightly boost the attack of drill peck but is actually kind of bad because hp is something i really need i keep going for drill peck misses with a tail whip go for another drill peck it hits with thorn attack but gets a critical hit so that actually does more damage but it ignores the drop to my defense so i guess all right another drill peck and this time it goes for stomp you can see how much damage that's doing that's why tail whip was so bad but thankfully i'm finally able to knock it out neato queen however it could be bad it does have body slam uh drill peck only does around a third thankfully goes for scratch that's still doing pretty decent damage obviously drill peck again goes for poison sting and i get poisoned thankfully didn't go for body slam if it did i would have lost but that is pokemon generation one for you ai doesn't always make the smartest decisions and we are able to beat giovanni first try but once again these rock ground pokemon really are not being kind to us however the next two gym leaders aren't going to be using that in terms of which one to do next i don't think sabrina should be too difficult but i'm not completely sure either way that's what i decided to do and here's how the battle went first question is whether i out speed her kadabra i do and drill peck is a one ako so that's a very solid start to the battle now against mr mime i go for drill peck because mr mom is bad defense get a critical hit the crit mattered it wouldn't have been a wanna kill otherwise but mr mime doesn't really do anything it's probably just gonna go for barrier reflector light screen none of which matter and even if it goes for confusion wouldn't have been a big difference but whatever unsurprisingly venomoth is weak to flying so drill pick as a one at ko and now we have alakazam do i out speed will it be a one ko well it goes for psywave and misses so that's a no and drill peck does more than half but it's not a one ko so that's another no but then alakazam goes for psy beam and not only is it a critical hit but it confuses me and i hit myself in confusion do you want to know the percent chance of that happening try 1.17 and if it hits me again with cybe i might lose this battle fantastic well look at that it does go for psi beam but turns out my math was a little off i still survive on a fair bit of health considering and i don't hit myself in confusion knock it out with drill peck scarier than it should have been at the end but we win nonetheless but now we're able to go down to cinebar and battle blaine one thing i do want to quickly mention as we get to blaine is remember after we beat blaine with moltres we got access to fire blast and with articuno although i didn't use it yet we did have blizzard by this point zapdos will not be using thunder not only as it is a 70 accuracy move it wouldn't be viable but to get the tm i'd have to go all the way to the power plant and that would waste a ton of time and we're actually making pretty good time but because i'm doing everything in a different order i'll give you a time update after giovanni now this wasn't my first battle versus blaine because i tried out a couple different strategies to see which worked best and this is the one i chose against growlithe i used thunderbolt it's about a 50 50 chance whether it's a one ko and i get the one ko which is nice i go for thunderbolt again against ponyta i think there was a slim chance it could have been in one ko but the crit definitely mattered and honestly the biggest reason this matters is that if ponyta uses firespin and gets a five turn firespin it wastes a ton of time and we're trying to go fast-ish speaking of firespin i go for thunderbolt obviously it's not a 1ko against rapidash it goes for firespin and misses yay not just happening to me anymore and i knock it out with thunderbolt now all we have is our k9 but fire blast is always going to be scary really don't want to see that well i outspeed our canine and that's super cool that i'm out speeding everything get the critical hit which is even cooler goes for takedown which is perfect and i knock it out with thunderbolt obviously there were some good things that happened in this battle but overall i don't anticipate blaine being too difficult unless you get a lot of bad luck someone i do anticipate being incredibly difficult as giovanni we have both a rhyhorn and a ride on plus a nitto king and nidoqueen we have to rely on drill peck probably no we're not going to rely on drill peck at least not for all of them we're going to teach mimic i bought the pokedoll earlier and we're going to use mimic to make this battle a little bit easier it's still not going to be easy but easier all right so once again giovanni leads off with ryhorn the idea is use drill peck and hope it doesn't do too much damage drill peck does barely anything stomp does just over 20 hp so that's not too bad but it'll add up if it keeps using stomp turn to another drill peck for me another stomp from rhyhorn that's not great turn three drill peck for me guard spec from giovanni that's pretty good turn four drill peck for me tail whip from right horn that's awful we're actually gonna need to take a few attacks we really don't want our defense lowered turn five another drill pack and this time ryhorn misses with tailwhip yeah there's a 25 chance that the ai when they use status moves against you can fail it's very strange and that's not a glitch in case you were wondering that's in generation two as well that was an intentional design choice by game freak anyway sixth drill peck knocks out ryhorn and here is where mimic's gonna come into play but i'm gonna need mr doug trio to play nice with me i'm gonna mimic dig it's a hundred base power and super effective against all giovanni's remaining pokemon now all i don't want to see is sand attack and there was a 25 chance it failed of course it didn't and now i need to hit because slash will do a ton of damage i go for drill peck since it's quicker and i knock out doug trio now i want to know how much dig will do will it wanna kill any of these pokemon let's find out so i go for dag it obviously misses with scratch i hit with dig and it's doing i don't know 7 8 or something there's not a lot of hp left or needle queen it goes for tail whip which would have been bad but it fails and i go for drill peck thankfully i don't miss and that's needle queen down i go for dig nito king goes for horn attack that's good go for that again i miss with dig and it goes for thrash that's bad that's a ton of damage one more will come very close if not knock me out but thankfully i'm going for dig it should miss and then confuse itself but of course giovanni can interrupt it to use a guard spec uh that's like the only time that's bad just use one again come on i hit with dig not a one ko and of course no guard spec but i survive on one hp all right well now i just need no more misses once again i choose drill peck to finish it off and it hits again all right it looks bad but three of ryhorn's moves do nothing two one ko moves which won't work silent speed and tail whip which doesn't matter as long as it doesn't use stomp and i don't miss too much i could still win here all right i go for dig i hit it goes for tailwind perfect looking like digs going to be a three ko by the way so i go for dig again dodges stomp all underground and i hit again not bad and giovanni goes for a guard spec so as long as i don't miss i will win at one hp that's just amazing all right so i go for dig i miss and stomp i haven't lost to giovanni in a really long time that's disappointing but it happens let's battle him again if i don't get it with sand attack it should be fine right in the battle immediately following this loss i am able to knock out rhyhorn at 90 hp and after a minute dig dugtrio goes for slash which will always critical hit and leaves me at just 50 hp which is very very bad but wait it gets worse after i hit nidoqueen with dig obviously can't get a critical hit hits with poison sting which would be good if it didn't poison me since dig is a two-turn attack i'm going to be losing some more hp every single turn now you'd figure that i'm going to lose to neato king but i actually do get the critical hit but it's all for naught i actually cannot mathematically defeat rydon since i'm going to lose a 16th of my remaining health the turn i go for dig the turn i hit with dig and then the next turn i go for dig and even if i get a critical hit it will never be a one hit ko so that's two losses in a row to giovanni can we make it three well the rhyhorn section sure goes differently right horn does not attack me a single time but hits me with not one not two but three three tail whips yeah i had to throw that in there somewhere but no seriously i couldn't believe it at least i haven't lost any hp but if i do get hit with an attack it's going to be doing a ton of damage however one thing that it won't affect is after a mimic dig i get hit by slash again critical hits ignore my defensive drop which leads to this absurd circumstance where a critical hit is actually worse than not getting a critical hit in this instance i knock out doug trio with drill peck but while it didn't help doug trio it definitely could help me critical hits would be nice well i go for dig and after i hit giovanni uses guard specs so not a critical hit but honestly just as good knock it out with a drill pack now giovanni smartly uses his guard spec as i'm digging i mean i know it's just random but i'm gonna pretend it was a smart move i get the critical hit however and okay i mean it's a 75 chance right on uses a move that is useless i should win right okay let's do it i hit with dig and it goes for stomp and oh my god again with one hb wow but like can you just not use stomp holy moly okay let's go for d again a critical hit would be nice okay no but it does go for horn drill so as long as i don't get the one in 256 chance of missing i will beat giovanni which usually is not something to celebrate but will be right now and hooray i don't get the dreaded generation one miss and finally on my third attempt i have beaten all eight gym leaders with just a zapdos most of them were pretty easy i expected giovanni to be tricky and as i head to rival number six let's take a look at how this run compares to the other two legendary birds and even to mewtwo since that's always fun well mewtwo made it here at 2 hours 33 minutes which was insane moltres was nearly 50 minutes slower at 3 hours and 19 minutes articuno was much better being only 15 minutes behind me two at two hours and 48 minutes and the moment of truth zapdos two hours and 51 minutes holy moly zapdos has managed to narrow the lead to just three minutes which is crazy when you consider just how much longer it took to get past brock however it is the next six battles that are truly going to determine if zapdos is up to articuno's level or hey could it even be possible it's better no way right well let's not get ahead of ourselves we still have a potentially tricky battle here let's talk about it like always rival 6 leads off with pidgeot i go for thunderbolt don't think the critical hit mattered and bye bye pidgeot now just in case you haven't seen enough of this pokemon another rhyhorn hooray once again it would be a six hit ko but after i use drill pick enough times i do get one critical hit it is a one in five chance unfortunately this rhyhorn has fury attack which i'd love to miss because when it hits it takes a long time it's one of the longer attacks and it uses it twice for a total of five hits with it so definitely a slower rhyhorn than i'd like but to be honest at this point i'm just happy to knock it out and here's another pokemon we've seen a ton of growlithe i get a critical hit against it so i'm not sure if it would have knocked it out otherwise and execute i thought would be a wanna kill with drill peck it was not it may have been a range and had it used stun spore i still would get paralyzed the way it works in generation one is you cannot be statused by moves of your type but moves like stunsport or glare can still paralyze me leech seed isn't great but i'll take it this i won't take however alakazam not only outspeeds me it goes for psychic and i get a special drop which is very bad because not only can it knock me out if it attacks at all but i might not even be able to wanna ko blastoise which has hydro pump thankfully alakazam decides to go for reflect that's pretty much the only move it could have used where i wouldn't have lost there but now this whole battle depends on whether or not thunderbolt even with that special drop is a one ako i go for thunderbolt it's not in fact i don't think the special drop mattered i think it wouldn't have been a wanna kill anyway but blastoise decides to go for skull bash okay i mean i guess it could have also gone for withdrawal maybe i was being a little dramatic we win but yeah that is definitely a very difficult battle and so while it might have taken the rival six tries to get it right finally his team is starting to look pretty scary and i'm definitely gonna need to come up with a bit of a better strategy if i want to beat him as champion but who the heck is thinking about the champion yet we still have the elite four to get through there's no point hyping them up anymore let's talk about my first battle with laura lee at level all right so the first pokemon is dugong which does no aurora beam but don't have to worry about that because they get a critical hit and knock it out pretty sure it wouldn't have been a one ko otherwise so that was some pretty good luck cloister has much lower special so i expect it to be a one ko and it in fact was no critical hit needed two pokemon down next if you saw the articuno video you know exactly what's gonna happen here i'm gonna mimic amnesia use three amnesia's i'm not sure if two or three but just to be safe i'm gonna use three and then i'm gonna use thunderbolt against slow bro jinx and i get a critical hit so here's where critical hits suck thankfully jinx doesn't get a critical hit or freeze which would have been very bad but now it doesn't matter i'm gonna knock out jinx and lapras regardless thank goodness amnesia covers both offense and defense because otherwise ice bunch would have done quite a bit of damage overall though pretty average luck not too bad and now we get to face off against bruno typically not too difficult i mean the move sets are really bad but we do have to face two onyx so i'm a little nervous but come on it's bruno it's gonna be fine so onyx doesn't have really any useful moves to mimic so i'm just gonna go for drill peck unfortunately bruno does use x defend which is gonna make this a little bit harder i go for drill pick again and it goes for rock throwing wow that's doing quite a bit more damage i mean it's only 60 accurate but 40 damage that means i can't take many more of those hopefully it'll start to use rage i go for another drill peck and yes it does go for rage bruno now can only use rage or items for the rest of the battle which is good because rock through obviously wasn't a great attack however the one caveat is every time i hit onyx its attack is gonna go up and up and up and obviously it's gonna start to do more damage so critical hits are essential unfortunately i can't seem to get any critical hits rage is doing more and more damage and yeah wow 20 chance but only one critical hit right at the beginning against onyx and i have just 28 hp to go i should be fine because hitmonchan really only knows special moves that shouldn't do too too much damage but i do plan on mimicking ice punch for the second onyx and if i'm able to get that off i should be fine and this battle should be easy well here's something i really don't understand what happened mimic failed is it because it missed or is it because hitmonchan used counter and mimic is classified as a normal move i have no idea i've literally never seen mimic fail before weird let's try that again alright so i mimicked ice punch you can see it munchan's moves just don't use ice punch and oh my god oh my god oh my god mark it down july of 2020 i lost to bruno in about oh my wow wow i mean there was some bad luck for sure but like i i can't believe it that's that's great i i can't believe it okay let's try this again and wow all right i'm gonna do pretty much the exact same thing as the first battle in fact i even get the critical hit against dugong cloisters one of ko i use three amnesia's knockout slowbro i don't get the critical hit against jinx so this should in fact be damageless and like you saw in the first battle critical hit doesn't matter i don't get one anyway and that's laura lee so let's face bruno again we're probably gonna get a critical hit or something so i'm not super worried that was still i can't believe i lost to bruno wow but yeah that was a one-time occurrence for sure all right so the battle starts out the exact same way drill peck x defend second drill peck now slam that's better than rock throw for sure on turn three though after i use drill pack he uses another x defense so i'm gonna really really need a critical hit here well don't get one turn four and now bruno is gonna use rage so even though it's normally a terrible attack if i don't get any critical hits i do lose a ton of hp here alright so it's a one in five chance so one nope two nope three nope four nope five nope six nope okay my voice can't go any higher but seven eight and nine hits no no and no i'm at 10 hp so i'm actually gonna need to get lucky to win holy moly am i gonna lose to bruno twice well maybe i could mimic high jump kick for hitmonlee so i'm gonna use drill pack and it's not a one ko against hitmonchan oh my gosh thankfully he uses the next defense so that's good but then i think about him like i'm at 10 hp i'm gonna need to use ice punch if i have any chance of beating the second onyx without taking damage and thunder punch a terrible special attack knocks me out two losses to bruno that were not my fault i'm not trying to make things more difficult on myself what what's going i i okay this has gone from funny to genuinely concerning but i'm not getting any critical hits against the onyx i just think i need one or so and we should be good so i'm gonna do the laurely fight once again i don't really need to commentate because you've already seen it the only difference is that dugong does use aurora beam as you saw at the beginning it does significant damage but that's the last time i should take much damage slowbro also uses water gun but water gun is a very weak attack but otherwise a pretty standard laurely battle and let's go please can we get 20 chance snog i'm asking for critical at every turn just a couple or one after uses x defense well turn one no critical hit harden so not a next defender the same thing turn two and rage okay not the worst thing as long as i get those critical hits though now on turn three i do something weird but i know in generation one sometimes status moves ignore type effectiveness so i'm like will thunder wave paralyzed in onyx no as i expect it won't rage isn't very powerful at this point so it only costs like five or so hp to test that out so i thought might as well and then as if they said wow what a poor move choice i get my critical hit i still need a few more if i want to win though especially after onyx uses an x defend well thankfully later on i do get one more critical hit but because of all those defense boosts onyx is still doing significant damage and while i do make it to hitmonchan at better hp 64 isn't great especially if i get hit by ice punch but i should be fine so i mimic ice punch x defense perfect i'm hoping thunderbolt will wanna ko it does great hitmonlee i'm not as worried about but awana ko is always appreciated i am certain ice punch will wanna ko onyx the thought of zapdos punching something i guess with its wing i don't really know who cares onyx is done and now i just need well honestly i'm not too worried about machamp because submission is resisted i know it's gonna be a two ko anyway so i go for thunderbolt why not maybe i'll get the paralysis x defend so can't go for drill peck now anyway thunderbolt is a 2ko and hooray we've beaten bruno i never said that sentence no count von count impression this run bruno is legit difficult for zapdos holy moly but in a regular run it is the next battle agatha which is tricky thankfully i did have an idea how i wanted to face her so the first question is will the first gengar out speed me it does and goes for hypnosis darn it but i wake up immediately that's great and here i get flustered gengar goes for nightshade i go for drill peck that actually is not what i want to do you'll see this turn what i want to do gengar goes for dream eater i go for thunder wave this is key because now i out speed if gengar switches out or something and it has a 25 chance of not moving super super useful well now that i outspeed i effectively get to attack twice in a row drill pet comes oh so close to knocking out gengar thankfully agatha goes for super potion and so the third drill peck knocks it out i've lost 56 hp but this is looking okay golvat i expect to add speed and it to be a 10k with thunderbolt both those things occur very good now i do expect the outspeed haunter so i just go for drill peck hoping it'll somehow be a one ko it's not thankfully haunter goes for dream eater that is the best move it could have used by far now i knock it out with drill pack great will arbok be a wanna kill with thunderbolt or it could use glare well i go for thunderbolt and she switches into gengar okay i'll take that all day every day so now all i don't want to see is confuse ray which of course is what i get thankfully i don't hit myself a confusion and i'm able to paralyze gengar i go for drill peck i know it's going to be a 3k it goes for toxic and hits not great but consider that two night shades would knock me out so it actually is kind of better than that well i haven't snapped out of confusion yet but i haven't hit myself in confusion hoped for a clutch critical hit don't get it but agatha once again uses a super potion looking pretty good and i'm able to knock out gengar with one more drill peck and the fight is over i mean yeah arbok is still around but i'm gonna out speed any one of my attacks will knock it out i use thunderbolt and that was relatively okay i mean sure there's always going to be a lottery element but now all i have to do is worry about lance and the champion and although against lance i wouldn't say the matchup is amazing thunderbolt will deal with gyarados pretty quickly i think it'll be an okay match up i should be able to get to the champion so long as i don't make a massive mistake oh my god i forgot to use an elixir no i don't even have enough attacking moves to win sadly i don't even realize it and i mimic agility both for the badge boost glitch and to outspeed aerodactyl since it's very speedy but it doesn't matter i literally have one more powerpoint of thunderbolt and two more of drill peck at least they can show off how much agility will do but after all this work a simple just going too fast man i mean it's after the fact now but i was so so angry because bruno turns out to be a little lucky and we know agatha's a lottery and how long will it take for me to get back to lance well not the next run i lose to bruno again this time i lose to onyx a critical hit rock throw and then another rock throw three losses to bruno i have no more words anyway the video is getting long so i'm just gonna skip ahead to lance i'm not yet sure how this battle is gonna look because i reset pretty early but i'm optimistic no more mental mistakes let's do this now i didn't know that i would out speed gyarados i'm very happy i do and of course it's a 1k with thunderbolt quadruple super effective as you saw i'm gonna mimic agility and use three however i am a little nervous about taking back too much damage so i get a dragon rage a miss with hyper beam another dragon rage and a slam that leaves me with 63 hp for the rest of lance's pokemon i'm hoping that's enough but dragonite will probably not be a one at ko that could be bad speaking of which even with those badge boosts dragon air is not a one ko thankfully it goes for agility and that's dragon ear one down can dragonair two go for agility drill peck nope dragon rage that's i guess better than hyper beam but now i cannot be hit again that's not great obviously i mean out speed aerodactyl and i go for thunderbolt but just use agility or barrier dragonite i can't have you attacking me also not leveling up would have been nice so now those extra boosts go away and wow thunderbolt is a three-hit ko thank gosh it misses with slam ignore that not very effective that's a bug in generation one it's just doing neutral damage all right now i need you to use agility or barrier great agility perfect i have beaten lance clearly i needed some good luck there that slam miss was only a 20 chance but okay you know what we didn't use the rare candies we've made it to the champion we've beaten him six times we know what to expect cue the marny theme cause this is it we're gonna beat him we're gonna beat the game at level 50 for just the second time who woulda thunk it okay so pidgeot leads off i outspeed that's good knock it out with thunderbolt now for alakazam i know it's gonna want speed it goes for psychic thank goodness no special drop i'm gonna go for thunder wave similar to gengar it seems like it wastes a turn but it really doesn't because now i attack first and once i knock it out it can't attack right so i'm finding that it's paying off now i would like to mimic recover psychic for ride on but i can't risk it i go for drill peck it's not a one ko but paralyzed c told yet pays off knockout alakazam i was super nervous about that but to be completely honest right on is funny enough going to be one of the scarier pokemon i have to face and i kind of opt for a hail mary strategy i'm going to mimic horn drill so 30 accuracy but think about how many drill packs it would take to knock this thing out honestly it's less luck than relying on critical hits let's do it ride on goes for fury attack it takes even longer now that animations play which by the way are on by default in the champion battle i cannot turn them off and now i miss with horndrell thankfully miss with tail whip can it hit now oh yeah it can wow okay totally worth mimicking horndrell down goes right on and well i can't declare victory yet it's getting oh so close all right for our k9 i go for thunderbolt thinking it might be 2k looks like it'll be about that it goes for leer that boosts my special just a little bit so this should knock it out if i don't get a 1 in 256 missed chance oh my god thank goodness it goes for roar come on all right well for good measure i get that critical hit i don't think it would have mattered but whatever we have two more pokemon left i have super effective moves against both just don't put me to sleep and we should be done hey a critical hit wouldn't be bad either don't get the critical hit no all right all right just wake up here oh it's asleep oh my god wow okay i think we're done it doesn't matter maybe miss with barrage well i don't wake up and not only does it go for barrage but it hits and yeah that's it so close we were one drill peck away from winning maybe i don't know if blastoise would have been a wada ko and i know you guys are curious to find out but i have some bad news it just wasn't working i would do these battles again and again and i kept losing and it was coming to the point where i was starting to question why i was so adamant to do this starting at level 43 i had the rare candies and then i thought about why i do these challenges and it's about consistency i could always do these at lower levels but i want the strategies to be ones that i can replicate not ones that require all these crazy things to happen if i start to lose again and again and again i mean think about lance that ending with lance was not something that should have happened i mean the whole lance battle in fact the fact i gotta miss with hyper beam the second dragoner doesn't use hyper beam just so much stuff happened in that battle so after using the rare candies i'm at level 50 obviously the battles are going to look quite a bit different now so let's look at the new and improved lauralee battle well remember how we needed a critical hit against dugong yeah we don't need that anymore thunderbolts wanna ko obviously cloister is still going to be a one at ko and i decide you know what can we do this without mimik i don't know let's find out slow grows a one ko that's a good start now drill peck comes oh so close to knocking jinx out thankfully it puts it in range for laura lee to use a super potion so jinx never attacks and now will lapras be a wanted ko no it's close but it wasn't either thankfully once again we get the super potion so in retrospect probably should have used an amnesia but hey can't argue with results no damage victory but what's bruno gonna look like bruno was oddly very difficult especially the first onyx before using the rare candies i mean but when you level up seven times your attack defense and hp are all a lot higher and well let's just take a look how much of a difference it's going to make well obviously against onyx 1 i go for drill pack doesn't look like it's doing too much more damage but slam is doing way less damage to me which is huge however after that second drill peck it's clear i am actually doing a lot more damage than i was before and the other thing about slam turn one is he didn't use an x defend which he does use here but that allowed me to knock it down to what two-thirds health that's pretty good well the third drill peck takes it to just about half and now bruno starts to use rage critical hit would be pretty nice well don't get it on my first try nor on my second but i do own my third and look at that we've made it past onyx number one with just one critical hit which considering how many times they attacked is about average luck and we're at 143 hp this is gonna be a cakewalk and this part's gonna go exactly as you've seen before just don't get frozen okay thank goodness thunderbolt thunderbolt ice punch how much is thunderbolt going to do to machamp i don't know more than half whatever goes for fissure yeah that's going to work for those who don't know fissure is a ground move i'm a flying type it literally can't affect me for multiple reasons bruno finally becomes bruno once again order has been restored and if that's not an indication i was at too low a level i don't know what is but now that i'm looking to head to agatha i wonder whether these increase in levels are going to allow me to out-speed her gengar at least one of them let's take a look well i predicted that i would out speed so i go for drill peck as opposed to thunder wave i do out speed i'm doing over half both great things agatha swaps into goal bat this is awesome obviously at seven levels higher i knock out golbat again with thunderbolts she swaps back into gengar and i knock it out with drill peck now here's the crazy thing haunter might be a one at ko and it is so close thankfully in range for super potion knock it out the very next turn that may have been a range wow this is going super super well all right well how much damage will we do to arbok no idea i got a critical hit but not gonna complain that's the best case scenario and now i have to decide whether i go for thunder wave or do i go for drill pack and risk being outsped well even though i hadn't done the calculations i predict correctly i would get outsped i go for thunder wave didn't matter gengar used confused ray and i hit myself in confusion i would be angrier but i'm at full health so so far the battle has gone great all right let's try that again it goes for toxic and i hit myself in confusion now it's getting a little scary toxic and confusion is not a great combo and when you add a nightshade to the mix we're going into i might lose this battle territory because after toxic damage i will have less than 60 hp awesome thankfully i finally hit with thunder wave and i don't even snap out of confusion critical hit no no critical hit but yes it's still paralyzed and yeah that mattered toxic is racking up i need to win this turn i'm not actually worried about confusion i believe the way it works is on turn five which is the maximum you'll always snap out before which i do now i just need the range i get it perfect great luck for the first four pokemon awful luck the last pokemon and it just goes to show you how much of a lottery agatha is but as we saw in the previous run lance was super super difficult and i needed insane luck to get by him i'm hoping these seven levels really take the luck factor out of it but like the old saying goes can't know until you try let's try and defeat lance all right well we know the start is going to be easy thunderbolts i still outspeed knockout gyarados perfect and it actually gets better i just level up meaning the extra boosts i get from agility and all my other stats are gonna persist probably throughout this entire battle which is excellent all right so i mimic agility and i get a miss with slam use agility hyper beam recharge turn and agility so i got pretty good luck from dragon air the question is will drill pick knock it out the answer is no it's not even a range and lance is a hyper potion so it's essentially a wash i use drill peck again and it goes for hyper beam like i said my stats are all increased a little bit by using agility due to the badge boost feature we're gonna call it now and i knock out dragonair number one now here's where i get creative i don't want lance to use a hyper potion so i'm gonna go for thunderbolt since that will not put it within range even with the critical hit which i just get and it goes for agility perfect making sure pokemon aren't in range to healing isn't as big a deal in generation one as it is in later generations but in future runs that i'm doing in later generations you're going to see a lot more of this aerodactyl obviously i'm going to out-speed into one of ko and now i'm hoping dragonite will be a two-w i get a critical hit so i don't know how much it would have done either way and it goes for hyper beam and whoa okay that did a little bit more damage than i thought it would turns out this was not a safe battle whatsoever but i do win on my first try now to be fair it is only a one in three chance lance uses hyper beam and it should be a two kill with thunderbolt but had dragon air not gone for agility twice uh you would have lost and uh that wouldn't be good but i didn't and we're back at the champion honestly there were things about that battle i really didn't like and hopefully now that i'm at a higher level and have thought about it a bit more i can make the battle go better but will it be enough to actually beat the champion let's find out all right so the beginning like always is anticlimactic thunderbolt i outspeed knockout pidgeot of course but i'm not sure if i'll outspeed alakazam probably not but i don't want to go for horn drill i want to use recover there's just so many more uses for it i'm going to do it thankfully gen 1ai is terrible even in the final battle and we get a full health recover so far so good all right so alexander's going out speed it goes for side beam no confusion i don't get confused and once again might as well go for thunder wave i think drill peck would be a winning ko anyway but better safe than sorry and turns out it was good to be safe because drill peck was not a one ko alakazam uses recover but the next drill peck does knock it out and that is one of the scariest pokemon down arguably right on is about as scary but with recover it shouldn't be too bad hopefully although horndro was of nice and yeah you can see there just how useful horn drill was i'm doing like no damage seven levels higher ride on goes for horn drill which cannot hit me because i out speed i go for drill pack again it goes for fury attack less attacks being faster which is good only three that's okay and now i can speed it up a little bit essentially what i want to have happen here is to get critical hits no leers or tail whips that would actually be pretty bad even though it would raise my attack a little bit i would get my defense lowered and it's gonna happen but i do have recover now thankfully right on really doesn't attack me too too much i do use recover towards the end in order to have more hp for the last few opponents especially our canine which has takedown he uses fury attack right after which is unfortunate but i do have 143 hp with some defense drops that's not great but it's what we have so the big thing here is no takedown it may knock me out i go for thunderbolt i get the paralysis and it's paralyzed okay that is good so i can knock it out the next turn but we can still be put to sleep and you saw how that went so critical hit no barrage perfect i'd like it to miss but i will take the time loss now as long as this is the one ako against blastoise we win will it be a wanna ko it all comes down to this because blastoise has blizzard is this it the final turn yes it is i win wow wow this was a crazy crazy run but i don't think we can truly appreciate just how crazy until we see the final time so here is the tier list plus the legendaries that we have so far zapdos is the second fastest pokemon that's right it beat articuno zapdos ended up making up all that time and so even though i'm at a level higher i don't think the extra rare candy really made much of a difference i think we have to put zapdos ahead of articuno but that concludes the red and blue legendary birds take care everyone
Channel: Jrose11
Views: 661,676
Rating: 4.857306 out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Jrose11, Red, Blue, Generation 1, Pokemon Red, Pokemon Blue, Pokemon Red and Blue, Pokemon Challenge, Kanto Challenge, pokemon challenge, pokemon challenges, pokemon red, pokemon blue, can you beat pokemon with only a, elite four, pokemon solo challenge, no items, is it possible to beat, challenge run, Zapdos Pokemon, Zapdos challenge, Zapdos no items, can you beat, gen 1, Zapdos, how fast Pokemon, Minimum Battles, Legendary Birds, Legendary Pokemon
Id: SYjJz3PcwzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 0sec (3600 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 23 2020
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