Can you Beat Pokemon Emerald with Just a Ditto?

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[Music] hey everyone how's it going so today's video I'm extremely excited about it's a video that is so cool but at the same time I've done a lot of these of the Magikarp of the nabber with no special moves I've done no damage and all of them were kind of difficult to parts and some of them were very difficult but I'm being completely honest none of them compared to how difficult this ditto run is I mean I'm not just saying that so that you watch this is in false hype so let's get right to it first thing we need to talk about is how did Oh works so as you know ditto has one move transform which changes you into the other Pokemon but if we go a little bit more in-depth let's talk about what's actually happening so we know that Pokemon have stats and you can see them on the stat screen well when Dido transforms its stats become the exact same stats as the opponent Pokemon with two exceptions number one its HP stays the same and number two its level stays the same everything else becomes identical to the opponent now at first this doesn't sound like it would be such a problem just mere matches right but there are a couple issues number one is that you only get 5 power points of each of the moves because many trainers have quite a few pokemons so you could easily run out of power points but the second problem is that the first two Pokemon in a mirror match will theoretically cancel each other out not leaving you with very much power points or hit points for the second Pokemon there are many examples youngster Allen's a good example bug catcher Rick they're all early game trainers with two Pokemon and I wasn't able to defeat any of them because not only way I run out of power points but even if I had infinite power points I wouldn't have enough HP because I'm just weak one thing that I think is really clear is that opponents don't train their Pokemon very well they usually have no V's and pretty poor IVs and yes they are consistent at least in generation three every single battle and while in a normal run that makes it easier in this run it makes it a whole lot more difficult especially if we have to use the first one which is typically the weakest Pokemon to defeat all of them so what am I gonna end up doing well funny enough there's gonna be a lot of different things I can do later on but for now I have a few tricks up my sleeve one of them is to not transform at all you can just use up all your transforms and then you struggle which is a fifty base power typeless move it does deal recoil damage a quarter of the damage you deal is dealt back to you but even though ditto doesn't have great base stats in the early game it's good enough and it takes advantage of dittos ability to level up and so you don't rely on the terrible stats of the pokemon of the early game this is really helpful for wild Pokemon and weaker trainer battles throughout the run however it's not enough there are going to be some situations Roxann being one of them which I'll talk about very shortly that struggle isn't gonna work but we still need to improve our odds so one of the ways we can go about doing that is leveling up but wait J rows how does leveling up help didn't you say you copy the stats well yes but in fact the weight damage is calculated in Pokemon is also partially dependent on your level which I didn't actually know because when you level up your stats usually go up so I just thought it's because my stats were better but no even leveling up has an impact it's not nearly as much of an impact as leveling up plus your stats going up but it can potentially be the difference between something being a three-hit KO or forged KO which is very important so leveling up is definitely something we're going to need to do we can't just stay at a super low level and on top of that our HP carries over so we can Evie train and there are Whismur available near route 116 and that's super helpful because no matter whether we're using or transforming that HP will come in handy so those are the tools we have at our disposal are they gonna be enough to defeat Roxanne no no they're not and this was the first major hurdle in this run so at first I tried transforming now Roxanne's first Geodude is at level 12 it nose tackle defense curl rock tomb and rock throw so at this level if my Geodude uses rock tomb or rock throw it'll do about 15% damage to Roxanne's Geodude that is of course until she uses a defense curl in which case it does less however I don't attack immediately I instead use defense curl why well it's clear that I'm not gonna have enough power points to beat all three of Roxanne's rock Pokemon rock is not very effective against ground and Geodude are both ground types so I'm actually going to have to use struggle as a Geodude and if you're wondering why not you struggles a ditto we'll talk about that in a second but Geodude just has way better stats so I want to take advantage of that especially its defense but how many defense curls to use when to attack I hadn't figured that out yet and I actually made very good progress in this battle I was able to knock out both of Roxanne's Geodude she actually has two potions that she can use in addition to her nosepass having an Oran berry so that's 50 more HP then you would think and to be quite honest I didn't make it very far against the nose pass at all until I was knocked out but now let me show you an attempt where I stay as dead oh and you struggle now I do do more damage especially if I get a critical hit but I'm not doing a whole bunch and the bigger problem is how much damage I take back because rock tomb is resisted by Geodude when I'm transformed and it only does about four or two damage once they use a defense curl as ditto depending on my levels doing like nine ish damage plus it lowers my speed which is very bad meaning the Geodude will be able to attack more frequently Plus once they use defense curl I'll be dealing less damage and after factoring recoil damage I tried a few time and I never even made it - nosepass with just a Ditto having said that I rarely made it to the nosepass with transformed it oh it did perform better but that first battle was very lucky considered that rock tomb and rock throw each have an 80% chance meaning there's a 20% chance at misses and when the opponent uses defense curls important the longer it takes before it uses that defense curl the better also how long it takes user achtung versus rock throw if I'm out speeding that's better - and as a battle Roxane again and again I learn more and more and yet I'm still not even close to knocking out the nosepass when I do get there I usually don't even get it to the point where it needs to use its Oran berry and this is why I level up a little bit more by leveling up against Whismur I'm gaining more HP V's which is going to be very helpful plus I do a little bit more damage so the question you're probably asking is how much do I need to level up the answer level 20 - not too too bad only 4 hours and 11 minutes considering how long it's taken me in some of the red and blue runs definitely not going to complain too much now at this point I developed a very complicated strategy depending on what Roxanne did so in this battle she hits me with rock tomb first meaning there's a high probability she uses defense curl anyway so might as well set up one defense girl since we're dealing with such low numbers the first defense girl has the highest benefit on the next turn we both decide to use Rock tomb but hers misses mine doesn't so now we're at a speed tie but then of course mine misses and she's defense curl very bad when rocked two misses because I have so few of them but something that needed to happen if I wanted to win was getting a few critical hits she goes for rock throw which is good because it's only dealing two damage and it doesn't lower my speed so I'm faster but the truth is that actually is not what I should have done because she's used enough defense curls I'm gonna be doing very little damage with rock to my rock throw so I should waste all my defense curl power point this isn't the bad glitch which doesn't exist or about raising my defense I'm not gonna have enough power points to win this battle and I figured out that the best strategy assuming I don't get incredibly lucky is to simply try and get struggle with this first Geodude so use all 20 of my power points the reason being is that struggle is going to be dealing way more damage since it's typeless then rock tumor Rock throw and while this Geodude is gonna have many turns to set up defense curls and boost its defense so you may not notice the big difference the next Geodude hopefully won't have as many turns so while I am hoping for critical hits and it is very helpful I still do want to run out of power point so I'm trying to do both and thus this part of the battle really doesn't matter especially because she's going to use that potion which pretty much restores her Geodude to full health and now I finally run out of all my power points and I can start using struggle at this point every crit is super great I want as many as possible because the more critical hits I get the more HP I have for the last few Pokemon I do have an Oran berry equipped to give me 10 more HP but I still lost time and again so it's not like this was a guaranteed winning strategy unfortunately that doesn't happen and that would be optimal but I make it to the second with 36 health which is pretty good now it decides to go for tackle and here you see how much better struggle is that's about 1/4 of its health I then get another tackle which is really good because I don't want to see defense curl unfortunately next turn I do get a defense curl I have to use my Oran berry that's automatic once I reach a certain threshold and Roxanne uses her second potion which I'd rather her use here then with nosepass which can happen so I'm fine with this she alternates between attacking and using some more defence girls but again slowly but surely struggle does some damage and I make it to nosepass with 32 HP having already used my Oran berry which you think would be enough but I have lost with even more HP than this because nosepass knows Harden and has great defense and it can just outlast me especially if Roxanne gets a critical hit case in point turn one Hardin look how little struggle is doing nosepass has exceptional defense even when compared to Gio do but for the rest of this battle we just exchanged attacks and while it looks like oh it's so easy it's only doing one HP she gains the Oran berry and then you start to see slowly my health whittling down also I get the one HP of recoil every time I attack her and I do win but had she gotten a critical hit I would have lost and considering how many attacks we traded the fact that neither of us got a critical hit was quite unlikely but hey that's four hours and 11 minutes you can see now why spend so much time evie training and leveling up and also why had to do this fight as Geodude I needed that extra defense and that resistance to rock so that I would have enough turns which allowed me the amount of turns I needed to finally get past Roxanne and usually this is where I go the run got easy but it doesn't there's nothing to really talk about so I don't want this video to be 4 hours long and it could be but there isn't a single battle in this run that's easy because transforming is always going to have the problem that you're using the opponent's terrible stats against them and struggle is usually the best way to go but every attack takes away so much of your own HP that is just so easy if you get a critical hit or maybe get paralyzed or confused to just lose I lost two trainers I've never lost you in my life that being said if you plan ahead you usually can win but it means unlike regular runs where you have all these unimportant battles where you don't really need much strategy you just attack and win there almost none of them here which made it super fun for me to do but also very frustrating because I lost a lot however the one gym leader I only lost a single time to and yes that was a record is Brawley now because I only faced him twice I don't a ton of insight other than to say his battle isn't that bad I used transform to transform into Machop Machop has pretty good stats and attacks especially bulk up and what I did was use to bulk ups unfortunately Machop kept using seismic toss which just deals damage equal to its level meaning my defensive ball cups weren't helping but even when it used bulk up without getting a critical hit it only took two karate chops which are now fighting type to defeat Machop now meditite is a joke so long as it doesn't use reflect which it can it only knows focused punch is an attacking move which would deal lots of damage but if you attack focus punch doesn't work I get a critical hit and knock it out so that's good and makuhita is pretty heavy so I go for a low kick cuz it does more damage the heavier the Pokemon is almost knocks it out Brawley Sitrus berry activates which gives back 30 HP and he uses bulk up twice but I'm still doing enough damage with low kick to knock out makuhita and this one actually as you can tell by my level didn't take me all that long but after defeating some more trainers it's time to talk about may now may is very interesting for a couple of reasons mayor Brandon's team pretty much entirely depends on what their starter is that usually will happen towards the end of the game but in just the second battle their entire team will be different and in addition if they have Grovyle what order Brendan / Mae sends out the Pokemon depends on their gender completely I have no idea why that is it doesn't work for the other two starters but with Grovyle that happened and I got the best-case-scenario completely unintentionally I picked Mudkip because Mudkip can learn all the water HMS dive waterfall and surf there are a bunch of them and I picked the male character because well I don't know I'm a guy and I usually pick the male character that's how it works and that's why I didn't know about this now make it have a long bray a slugma and a Wingull if it's Brendan and a Grovyle it will go slugma Wingull Grovyle that would be awful but we're getting Wingull slugma Grovyle which is amazing and let's just show you how it works I'm gonna use transform and the first bit is a little scary because Wingull is pretty powerful but very frail thankfully I knock out Mays Wingull with 25 HP I'm able to make it to Grovyle after knocking out slugma with water gun Grovyle uses pursuit which is a little lucky but I use wing attack and it's a one-hit ko so a fight that could have gone very poorly especially if I picked the female character and had to have slugma leading off so I'm very very grateful it worked out this way but don't get excited because now we have to face Watson and Watson like infi vas is just a total nightmare and the biggest reason is that his first Pokemon is awful to transform into so Watson has 4 Pokemon Voltorb electric Magneton and manectric the volt herb knows 4 moves shockwave and spark neither of those are very helpful since we're battling electric pokemon it has self destruct which in a solo run is an unusable move and it has roll up now the only way Voltorb would work is if you use rollout and get some critical hits but then you encounter the problem of Magneton Magneton is a steel type and steel resists rock Plus volt or ball has decent speed does not have great attack in addition electric pokemon can be paralyzed in generation 3 this is not something that can happen nowadays but back then it could and once your paralyzed it's just awful so I battled Watson three times and I was never even able to knock out Magneton let alone get to his toughest Pokemon manectric and so I decided to battle all the trainers there are tons of trainers all around móvel City so I battled all them and I leveled up but I didn't just level up I went and did some Eevee training because while we did Eevee trained a bit for HP we're gonna want to gain some attack v's this won't help well transform but it just doesn't look like transforming is going to be the right call thing that's kind of fun about ditto is that every battle needs to be handled a little differently and not one strategy will just work constantly so I haven't done struggle against a gym leader yet but obviously I'm gonna need to level up to a pretty high level and I'm gonna need to not get paralyzed so I finally rebuttal Watson again at level 37 I've done a ton of Eevee training too so my attack is pretty good Voltorb and Electrike are to hit chaos but Magneton was still a major issue even at level 37 it's a four hit ko and Watson like Roxanne has potions in this case super potions which pretty much restored Magneton to full health meanwhile I'm pretty much out of health even though I've used my Oran berry so I decided to see maybe I got unlucky let's try again and even though I do a little bit better I'm still not making it past Magneton and again we have one more Pokemon to go so time to Eevee train a little bit more I didn't max out my attack because that would take a very long time I just trained a little bit there are Poochyena in the grass on route 116 and Merrill both of those are pretty useful because HP is always gonna help in addition I started to catch his eggs a goon and give them to the daycare now Zigzagoon in Ruby and Sapphire I mentioned how I used them to pick up rare candies they can still do that but they need to be at least at level 21 they can also pick up other useful items which we'll talk about a bit later now you can't get them at level 21 in a solo run there's no other way to train them except by putting them in the daycare and just running around which I'm doing a bunch of anyway so this is actually a pretty useful strategy that I would use throughout this run to get items I needed via pickup also just for the record Zigzagoon are really good for HMS they can learn pretty much all of them so having a bunch of Zigzagoon on my team was never really too much of a problem however I started to realize that maybe rare candies wasn't what I needed there's another item I can get at level 11 that could be very helpful the King's Rock now the King's Rock has a 10% chance of getting the opposing Pokemon to flinch unfortunately it can only be picked up by Zigzagoon a pretty low level a mere 1% of the time and Zigzagoon will only pick up an item after battle 10% of the time so an individual Zigzagoon only has a 1 in 1,000 chance of getting a Kings Rock and with 5 after every battle it's only a 1 in 200 chance now that sounds awful and it is but consider how many battles I'm having I mean here's a good example I level up here +5 an HP an attack stats aren't recalculated in generation 3 until after you level up which is why you get these massive boost since I've been Eevee training and since I'm battling so often it gives plenty of opportunity for Zigzagoon to potentially pick up a Kings Rock and eventually I do another thing I just want to mention quickly is once you beat the win straights just north of mobile you get the macho brace which doubles the amount of V's that you gain so that's a big reason why Eevee training now is way better than Eevee training at the start but a TV trained I'm at level 40 i equipped the Kings Rock surely I will beat Watson here ya know because in addition to Thunder Wave Magneton knows supersonic I hit myself in confusion twice and yeah awesome but then I battled Watson again the Voltorb struggle almost knocks it out but it survives on just a little bit of health so Watson uses the super potion here which is pretty good I'm able to knock out the Voltorb on the next turn the same thing happens with the electric - the super potion and it barely does any damage now the Magneton uses sonic boom which all things considered is the best thing that could happen unless sonic boom missed which would have been even better on turn 2 I get the Kings Rock flinch which was super helpful and then I'm able to knock it out on turn 3 but I've never faced this manectric before how is this gonna go well turn one it uses a howl and turn two I get a critical hit and even with that insane luck I am left with just 10 HP meaning I only had 9 HP despair from Magneton or manectric attacking me yeah I'm not really sure what I would have done if I'd lost here but I didn't and I'd spent hours not on the Watson battle itself I didn't need to keep redoing it to see I didn't have a chance but to prepare and make sure that my ditto could potentially win and even still at this super high level using a king's Rock and getting a flinch I still just barely barely won but now that I'm at level 40 I can use struggle because I'm at a super high level and the rest of the runs gonna be easy right no no won't and to get to a difficult battle we have to go no further than the battle on mount chimney against Maxie now Maxie leads off with a Mightyena and the mighty anna has just one attacking move bite it is same type but in generation 3 don't forget all dark moves are classified as special and mighty anna has terrible special and the long and the short of it was I don't even have enough bite power points to knockout Mightyena let alone his other two Pokemon so easy just use ditto right well there's a problem with that - Mightyena has the ability intimidate which lowers dittos attack and so I could do damage but not nearly enough and Mightyena also a sand attack Zubat has supersonic and camerupt is pretty strong even though it doesn't have the best attacking moves magnitude can do some decent damage I wasn't coming close I'm so over leveled and yet still I'm being stonewalled by Maxie if only there were a way to get rid of intimidate if the only there was something I could do wait a minute there is something I could do there is an NPC on route 104 the northern section just outside the pretty petal flower shop and after you've defeated Watson she will give you a white herb now white herb in the competitive game is super useful because it gets rid of negative stat effects and you can combine that for some pretty good strategies but in this case I mean I never usually use it anyways what a great idea to use it here against Maxie's Mightyena that would negate the stat drop I probably could defeat her team right well let's try it well it still wasn't that good I mean I was making it further don't get me wrong but because Mightyena was a six hit ko yes a three at ko and then Maxie would heal with the super potion that gave Mightyena plenty of opportunity to sand attack or zoom out to you supersonic and I just didn't have enough HP for camerupt in this battle I mean I get a critical hit against the mighty Anna that's pretty lucky Zubat it's a 2 hit ko as well even with the super potion because it doesn't quite get it back to full HP so that was pretty good I'm still not a great health for camerupt but it uses focus energy turn one doesn't get a crit turn two and I'm able to knock it out with again almost no HP remaining and this was my fifth attempt at this battle with the white herb I told you guys it wasn't hyping this up thankfully unlike Maxie Flannery isn't as bad but she's still pretty annoying and took me multiple attempts but that's just because of the random nature of the Pokemon we transform into numel now numel has a pretty decent move set it has overheat body slam and magnitude sunny day I don't care about magnitude can deal different damage depending on randomness and we don't always need it to do the very most but sometimes it can deal a little too much or a little too little damage that will cause me to lose the battle and this happened five times previously but here's how I'd like to see things so for the first number I get hit with overheat that's not ideal but since I already transformed it's not very effective and then I get magnitude eight but with magnitude eight it's a one-hit ko and that's a good thing now I realized that I could run out of magnitudes so I use overheat against slugma it doesn't knock it out it misses with smog which was probably the best case scenario and then I use takedown to knock it out so it's looking good but we have the toughest Pokemon yet to come now here's where I need some good RNG camerupt will usually go for sunny day on its first turn which it did here but then it'll use overheat which combined with sunny day and numel spore stats is pretty bad even though it's not very effective I get magnitude 9 we knocks out camera not complaining here we have tons of HP for torkoal and torkoal was always the Pokemon that would end my runs don't forget sunny day is already up it has overheat and a white herb of its own that's how white herb is usually used I get a magnitude 6 which is bad but a critical hit which is good it uses body slam I don't get paralyzed and then magnitude 10 so yeah that's why I said it was annoying it's pretty much all about good magnitude luck and it's annoying that I have to use an inherently lucky move but those of the cards were dealt and I think I did as good as could be expected 1 out of 5 isn't too bad but after defeat flannery we get a gym leader that should have rivaled or even surpassed Watson in difficulty Norman now Norman has a different team than you probably remember because a lot of you probably played Ruby and Sapphire I too thought he had to slacking and a Vigoroth but that's in ruby and sapphire emerald he actually leads with a spin de and then has a Linoone Vigoroth and is slacking not being slacking is actually good because slacking only attacks one every two turns so I wasn't too upset about that but spin die it's not great it's moose it isn't that bad it knows facade which is base 70 power since I'm not gonna be status psybeam which is pretty much unusable teeter dance which can confuse an encore which can be super useful against lacking since it could lock it into a move and then slacking doesn't attack but how the battle went at the beginning is I would most of the time knockout spin des and then slacking would just make quick work of me as spin des I then tried using struggle with ditto but that also wasn't working because it wasn't quite a 2 hit ko it was a 3 hit ko and Norman has hyper potions so I would get spin des to very low HP it would heal which effectively makes it a 5 hit ko and then just recoil damage even if I didn't hit myself in confusion or anything would make it almost impossible to beat slacking let alone the rest of Norman's game so I need that spin it to be a two-bit ko because then Norman can't heal and I'll figure out the rest later let's just get past a second Pokemon so I level up and I come and even at my current level it's still not a to hit ko so better level up again right wrong let's try being spinned again I know it didn't work and I know nothing much has changed but let's try it and see how it works this time now nothing really weird happens again spin des but then I level up and wait a second doesn't it seem like I'm doing a little bit more damage to slacking like way more damage I know it's still not a lot because the slackens defenses but that's kind of weird don't you think why am I suddenly dealing more damage and my defense is way better - I'm not taking back nearly as much damage what the heck is happening well I figured something out something that is about as much of a glitch as the badge boost glitch in that when I figured it out I wasn't trying to do anything but this happened enough times and eventually it happened on a pokemon with such poor attack like a ball toy that I figured out what was going on and I decided to use it to my advantage I wouldn't win this battle by the way I still have to do a little bit more but when you level up your stats no longer are the stats of spin des they're ditto stats the game gets confused when you level up and I tried to look for ditto glitch ditto transform glitch I couldn't find anything but this is totally a thing and I know this is supposed to be glitchless but to me this falls into the same category as the badge boost glitch I can't control when I level up and yes now that I know this exists I'm intentionally manipulating my HP just like I did with the badge boost glitch but no one else told me about it and I figured it out on my own I'm sure people already knew about it but it just gives us another tool and it didn't work yet but maybe if we pick up the silk scarf which powers up normal moves we may just have a chance to beat Norman with our new level up transform strat well it took many attempts and slowly but surely I started figuring out a good strategy that worked now like always power point management is key so you'll see me use a psybeam against pinda instead of using facade you'll also see the opposing spindle used teeter dance I guess Norman doesn't realize I'm espinda too now that's great because I can use encore locking it in to teeter dance and essentially making this part of the battle free now even though I'm doing more damage it's still slacking so I use teeter dance because I needed to hit itself in confusion at least a little bit where I won't have enough HP it hits itself in confusion the first turn that's good now you might be wondering will slack and be able to attack after it hits itself in confusion no it doesn't so hitting itself in confusion is extra great unfortunately it doesn't hit itself in confusion facade does major damage however I plan for that too and with its citrus berry it gains enough HP back that Norman won't use his hyper potion and I'm able to knock it out with just one more facade but the battle isn't over yet not by a long shot I've actually gotten past the slacking many times and now the Pokemon can attack every turn so I confuse Vigoroth and it also hits itself in confusion on turn 1 this is awesome because one confusion in two psybeam's are enough to knock out Vigoroth and I don't use facade because I don't have a lot of them left outcomes Linoone I use facade it's not quite a one-hit ko but Linoone tries to go for belly drum it doesn't have enough HP Norman does use his hyper potion but I was prepared for this I don't have enough attacking moves but if it hits itself in confusion just one time I will win very annoying stressful battle but it's over man that was tough and had I not figured out the level of glitch this could have taken a whole lot longer but now we have a third strategy that we can use but that's surely all we have right I'm not gonna come up with a fourth strategy or am i yes yes I am and this doesn't rely on any glitches or anything this was something I had planned since the very beginning and we're gonna call it the delay pus strategy because it's using a leper berry and and the first time I used it was against Winona because if we take a look at her first pokemon swablu swablu is awful since it only has a single attacking move in aerial ace and even if we were to use the same strategy we used against Norman it takes two aerial aces to knock out her swablu only giving us three for the rest of her Pokemon that won't work and they're not gonna be one hit Kos anyway so transform and transform with level up aren't an option let's try struggle that didn't work well for me either I was barely able to make it past Tropius Tropius has pretty good defense ditto doesn't have great attack sure I can evie train a little more especially now that there are Mightyena and I will do that but neither of these strategies were working so I had to come up with a strategy that did work and it did require a little bit of luck at least to start it only would work 8% of the time but when I would get that amazing eight percent chance it worked really well and before I show you the battle footage let's just talk a little bit about what the delay path strategy really is you see Leppa berries when held in battle don't activate immediately activate after the first turn is past if you don't have any power points left so we can use struggle to knock out the first Pokemon and then transform into Tropius a much better Pokemon winona second we can then combine that with the level up glitch to give us improved itto stats and the idea was we should be able to win of course the problem as you are now seeing is struggle is not a one-hit ko again swablu it's a 2 hit ko it's not actually that close unless I get a critical hit so I would just try for the critical hit and reset some of you might not like that you might say jairos that's not in the spirit of how usually do your challenges however the alternative is just levelling up a whole bunch to me using a creative but kind of lucky silly strategy versus leveling up I will always go for the crazy silly strategy so let's finally show the battle where I get the critical hit now I don't level up which isn't that big a deal because Tropius has pretty good stats too not as good as ditto but good enough that it's still a 2 hit ko with aerial ace when known as Tropius sets up sunny day which is awesome because I have solar beam we know this Tropius also uses aerial ace but I have way more HP and so I'm able to knock out her Tropius with still a huge amount left but the scariest Pokemon are yet to come now this pelipper is one of my least favourite pokemons likes to spam protect it does that turn one and solarbeam is a range I don't get it annoying but there is a bit of an upside I know she's gonna use hyper potion so might as well use this free turn to set up another sunny day allowing me to use solar beam without charging up I anticipated protect so I go for synthesis to gain HP back pelipper uses aerial ace it's pretty poor attack so it's not that big a deal I get the damage range on solar beam and Down Goes pelipper now Altaria was one of the scariest pokemon because it knows dragon dance in aerial ace and that is a very bad combo thankfully because the Sun is still up I still out speed and she has an Oran berry which is annoying so I go for solar beam because I don't want her to heal with a hyper potion here then the Sun fades she hits me with an aerial ace I'm almost knocked out but I'm able to get off my aerial ace and knock out alt REI leaving one pokémon left a very annoying Pokemon in Skarmory because solar beam is not going to be very effective aerial ace is gonna be not very effective I'm at super low health but thank goodness trophy is a synthesis what an excellent pokemon to use so first things first let's heal with the synthesis and then I'm gonna go for sunny day that serves two purposes one the solar beam thing but two you actually gain back way more HP with synthesis I just want to say here this is what makes ditto challenge so fun having to work with these move sets that the AI trainers never use to their fullest potential it's just it's a really awesome thing now at this point I realized there was a very good chance I didn't knock out Skarmory with my existing power points so I need to stagger my moves appropriately so I'm ready to use struggle and that means healing only when I absolutely need to and also using sunny day unfortunately I also get hit with sand attacks so that's gonna be really annoying but what can you do eventually I use up my final sunny day and I'm gonna be honest I have no idea if that critical hit mattered but I don't miss and a knockout Skarmory definitely would it knocked me out since I would have taken back recoil damage and arrow ace would have done 30 plus damage but you know what my crazy strategy that they came up with one night years ago as I was thinking about doing a Ditto run it actually worked and maybe it wasn't the best strategy I still think it was but it looked really cool and I got to use it in a video so I am pretty happy and that will cease pretty quickly because we're actually coming up to the worst Gym Leaders that's right not Roxanne not Norman not Winona Tate and Liza and they're not the toughest battle in the run don't close off after I beat them they're just the toughest gym leader and they are the seventh so they should be pretty tough but the hardest thing about Tate and Liza is that it's a double battle in a solo Pokemon challenge so I'm just gonna use a magic harp in order to give me a second pokemon they will not allow you to battle them with only one pokemon but on turn one the clay doll uses earthquake and that will knock out Magikarp anyway so you don't have to worry about Magikarp at all now I battled these guys again and again and again because there are just so many different options for what I should do should I use the delay pused rata G should I use vanilla transform and use their pokemon stats should I use level glitch transform level glitch plus delay / what worked what didn't what item should I equip there was just so many different things and battle calculators are great no but I feel like I need to just really see how the strategies work in practice what the various luck factors are what the AI likes to do and you know what the area likes to do it likes to win it loves to win because I figured out that the best strategy in the end was to transform into the clay dough and the level up glitch because clay doll has terrible attack and special attack and that is bad it also knows ancient power which if I get the 10% chance of getting a boost is very good but I was doing this again and again and again trying all sorts of different things using different items anything it wasn't work now as I show you more failed attempts let's talk about the Pokemon we're dealing with in a little bit more depth so as you can see we have a clay dolls a two Solrock and lunatone now the clay doll has earthquake which we can't use because all their Pokemon are either flying type or levitate ancient power which is not same type but pretty decent light screen which helps because they like you special attacks especially soul rock with solar beam and lunatone has light screen and hypnosis and loves to be a giant troll I thought about transforming into za - it just isn't strong enough and yes I did try struggle wasn't even coming close to working ditto just isn't bulky enough well clay dough does have to worry about solar beam we do have light screen for that and we are psychic type so their most powerful moves their psychic moves are being resisted which is pretty good but I have some bad news as much as I hate resorting to this after battling them again and again and again I realized there was only one way to make this work level up a lot I need a lot more HP I'm just fainting to quickly and because we are using the level up glitch the attack increases actually do matter and how much do i level up including some rare candies I found level 79 but don't worry it wasn't just a matter of leveling up through battling them like a hundred times I actually developed a better strategy to manage my power points and it is the modified delay post rata G so what I'm gonna do here is go into the battle of ditto and you struggle ons a - this is solely for the purpose of having an extra ancient power which was pivotal now's a - doesn't set up sunny day it goes for psychic which is good it's very likely to do sunny day next turn that means critical hit less good an earthquake will now miss because I levitate to take that because I'm a clay doll I am out sped buys a to which goes for calm mind pretty Goods a to luck all in all ancient power knocks out and if you're wondering why am I always out speeding the other Pokemon badge boosts anyways played all uses light screen and I level up now I'd like to get rid of this soul rock as soon as possible critical hits ancient power boosts that's what I need also you're seeing why I'm at level 80 soul rock is finally a 2 hit ko it sets up sunny day which is why it's lucky that you didn't and down goes soul rock clay dolls just kind of doing whatever I'm not too worried about it unless it gets an ancient power boost and it clearly is trying to do that but no luck for either of us yet but once the lunatone comes out I get my ancient power boost which is super lucky because the citrus berry will trigger very unfortunate I do just a little bit too much damage clay doll goes for psychic does not get the special defense drop and lunatone goes for calm mind which doesn't matter because don't forget in generation 3 ancient power is a physical attack and I'm able to knock it out the very next turn and while not getting a critical hit does hurt because I don't have any ancient powers for the clay doll but light screen wears off at the perfect moment psychic does just under half damage which isn't great but not the end of the world because it sets up light screen which it usually will do as soon as the light screen wears off I set up my own light screen which does nothing because clay dough gets a critical hit and now I'm going to use another psychic so that once it's light screen wears off one more psychic will knock it out I just have to stall for a few turns which I do by using earthquake since it's useless I don't want ancient power boosts or a special defense drop I do get one but the light screen runs out I use psychic and after many many attempts so many trials and tons of errors I get past Tate and Liza I know in an edited video like this it doesn't always translate but just take my word for it definitely one of the most difficult gym battles I've ever done and then I have a bunch more plot stuff there were a couple battles that were a little tricky but this video is already almost an hour and we haven't even gotten to the Elite Four yet so I'll have to skip but the tag battle with Stephen stone was really frustrating for me but suffice to say I eventually persevered and made it 2-1 now I would say that one is a little bit more difficult than Brawley but not as difficult as Flannery also not as annoying but what makes one kind of annoying is that we're gonna end up using his first Pokemon and that's love disk and love disk is an awful pokemon I mean not gyros solo challenge awful but pretty bad and I could have gone for the same strategy I used against Winona but opted not to for a couple reasons the biggest being love disk like swablu is not a one-hit ko without a critical hit and relying on a 6% critical hit chance is just not very fun and in order to not rely on the crit I need to level up him at such a high level I don't want to do that and I'm not even sure how the rest of the battle would go so I opted just to stay as Luvdisc and plus I was curious would the delayed level up strategy with Luvdisc be enough to defeat Juan yeah but it required a little bit of luck especially in the beginning because Luvdisc is actually kind of trolling it has a tracked sweet kiss water pulse and flail two of those moves confuse you and attract can immobilize you unfortunately for Juan Dido doesn't have a gender so attract will always fail but since love disk is so weak offensively what I did was first confuse Juan's love disk and then I just started spamming a trap even though I know would fail because I do need to get to struggle eventually I just am NOT gonna have enough power points for the rest of the fight now slowly but surely Luvdisc is hitting itself in confusion and its HP is going down but I'm gonna need to attack so I used water pulse I get a critical hit I decide to go for another water pulse because flail isn't gonna be doing that much damage and I get a second critical hit that was pretty huge I actually was trying to manipulate my HP so that flail would do a ton of damage after I leveled up and have dittos attack but I can definitely work with this now whiscash the fight always seemed to go the exact same way except for one time water pulse would do about half damage whiscash would use them Nisha I would use the second water pulse whiscash would go for earthquake which I didn't want to and then I would knock it out with the water pulse but I got the confusion and it knocked himself out that was actually the first time that three water pulses weren't enough and I may have needed to reset if it didn't get knocked out just there but because I have a little bit more HP than I usually do flail is not gonna be a two at Kail unless sealeo attacks it does with the body slam and it does just enough damage that my flail is a bit more powerful and it knocks out celia crawdaunt goes how Celia was supposed to go with the first flail doing about three-quarters of its HP uses taunt which isn't as great because I'd like a little bit less HP for the Kingdra but I have struggle so I should be fine especially if I get a critical hit and yeah that's one I'm happy this only took about six attempts because we're now off to battle the Elite Four and the Elite Four did not take one attempt or two attempt or six attempts or fifty attempts the Elite Four took hundreds of attempts yes those of you have watched my series no I don't save in between battles I know that rule is suspended anytime you see impossible challenge no I will try to enforce that rule but it's not always going to be possible the reason why I call these impossible challenges obviously almost nothing in Pokemon is actually impossible but some runs can be pretty close and this is one of them because even if we save between Elite Four members we aren't gonna always get to use the optimal strategy every time since more often than not the optimal strategy is being very close to leveling up and then leveling up after the first Pokemon sometimes with the delay 'pa sometimes just with the first Pokemon if it's good enough but we can only do that once or maybe twice during the Elite Four for the rest of the battles we're either gonna need to struggle or we're just gonna need to use the first Pokemon and do our best and to be honest I made this way more difficult on myself than I needed to but not intentionally see I always want to not save between Elite Four members I always want to do them all in one go so my strategy was to make the first two battles the ones I would usually get to consistent the problem that I didn't realize is that I kind of had backed myself into a corner where by going for the strategy I was going for I wasn't really able to do the next two battles consistently at all the hardest to battle and the champion battle but for about ten hours my first goal was to just get past Sydney now like Maxie Sydney leads off with a Mightyena which is pretty bad because it still knows intimidate and so if I want to use ditto and struggle that's not gonna be an option unless I go and find another weiter now you can do that it's a pickup item again available at 1% so pretty rare but I spent another couple hours and did find one and eventually after many trials and errors figuring out the perfect strategy let's skip ahead I leveled up a lot because like I said leveling up still matters even if I'm transformed and thus began the most impossibly difficult Elite Four challenge I've ever done in my life Bar None now after many failed attempts I figured out a pretty consistent strategy against Sydney it worked about 80% of time now I really don't want to see sand attack which is of course exactly what I see and that's just gonna make the fight a lot less consistent because I could miss at any time it's a two at ko to knockout Mightyena now shiftry has terrible attacks but it can be very truly since it knows double-team and Swagger and if I hit myself in confusion that's pretty bad so it's a 2 hit ko it goes for double-team of course but thankfully even with the sand attack + double-team I don't miss and down go shiftry Cacturne also I'm not worried about damage but leech seed or cotton Spore which is what it uses is pretty annoying and it's a 2 hit ko unless they get a critical hit which I don't we still have crowd on to deal with I have really good health so being attacked wouldn't be the end of the world but Swords Dance is even better if I don't miss now because of the cotton spore absol will out speed me and like every other Pokemon it's a 2 hit ko it goes for Swords Dance struggle doesn't miss on one it goes for rock slide and I don't get flinched struggle doesn't miss on turn two and even with the citrus berry I knock out absol all in all this is how the fight usually goes I mean if I don't get hit with sand attack it works even better also if I get a critical hit it works even better you see I don't have a ton of leeway something else that could happen is I get hit by swagger but snap out of confusion fast and because swagger raises my attack by two stages everything would be a one-hit ko so that's happened as well and for all those reasons Sidney isn't usually too bad I mean he shouldn't be I'm at level 98 but notice I didn't level up here and that is because I had an insanely hard time beating Phoebe Phoebe is a ghost-type trainer but she's not just a ghost type trainer her Pokemon are also very bulky they know pressure which is awful for a transformed Pokemon and her first dusclops knows protect however the biggest thing I was concerned about was that the first dusclops knows curse so in this battle you can see I saved before it uses curse and that's it there is no way I can win if it uses curse when used by a ghost Pokemon for a cost of half of its maximum HP my Pokemon will lose one quarter of its HP every single turn I will not be able to defeat her in three turns since it takes effect immediately and thus if she uses curse the run is over and I just got tired of having to reduce Sidney again and again and again when this part was lucky also you might notice it was a damage range that I missed so a bunch of stuff went wrong here but the truth is the way I'm set up if I get past the first dusclops I can get to her final Pokemon pretty much every single time in fact I did every single time so let's talk about that I don't know if it's predetermined but dusclops always use protect turn one transform is unaffected by protect so I transform into dusclops this is why I need it to be at level 98 because my damage is high enough that I'm usually able to knock out the first dusclops in one attack but because the pressure ability is active that takes away two power points instead of one and she is for Pokemon remaining and shadow punches dusclops only attack No confuse ray curse and of course protect you may also notice I specifically manipulated my experience points through trial and error so that I level up just after Phoebe's first dusclops because dusclops is very slow and I want to go fast now that I am fast I can knock out both banette and the second dusclops without any issues and thankfully since I only have one power point left pressure from the second dusclops doesn't matter but then comes out Sableye and I don't have any attacking moves but that doesn't mean I can't win tried using confuse ray or curse first I found that Sableye likes to use double team so I'm gonna use curse first since that means curse will be active for longer and hope yes it uses double team that I won't miss with confuse ray that is what happens and now I'm hoping Sableye hits itself in confusion enough for me to stall using protect and that I have just enough HP to survive and win the battle now ideally what I'd like to have happen is Sableye to hit itself in confusion twice spoiler that is what would happen here if that doesn't happen you can still win is just a lot less likely since as you're gonna see Phoebe would be in perfect range to heal and then I would just have to stall a few more turns Sableye has nightshade and especially Shadow Ball can be pretty dangerous so I'm pretty happy when I get this outcome and this is why saving before really changes things but now things are bad they're very bad because let's talk about glacier so now we can't level up we can't use struggle because there's no way to reduce power points like in the Elite Four and so we have to face glacier using her first Pokemon which is a sealeo not a very good Pokemon to begin with and it's only attacking moves our ice ball which is ice type rollout and body slam yikes now this battle didn't take me one or two attempts it took me hundred hundreds and yeah part of it was learning a strategy but the truth is a lot of it was just hoping for some good luck because some of these battles are gonna be difficult I'm not gonna be able to level up during every single one of them but anyway I finally figured out a strategy that worked it did rely on luck but I'll explain what happened I transform into her see leo turn one and she will always use Hale turn one now I do have encore and Hale myself and I can use encore to lock her see Leo into Hale and then I have the choice between ice ball and body slam ice ball is actually the better move it's not gonna be good it's double not very effective but my options are pretty limited here now since we're both locked in it's important to note that encore has a huge luck component it can last between two and six turns obviously I'd like it to last six turns since then I'll be able to select a move again and I'll be able to use encore and I'll hopefully lock it into Hale for the rest of the battle Oh to make up for the good luck I got in the Phoebe fight encore ends very early and if I get paralyzed by body slam it's a reset thankfully I don't and glacier will always try and use Hale once it runs out which is very good and I'm able to knock out the sealeo number one with ice ball next we have Glalie and I really really really don't want to see icy wind or light screen so a lot can go wrong versus Glalie now I go for body slam ideally I'd like a critical hit turn one I don't get one then Glalie goes for of course the light screen my second body slam does in critical hit either so bleh she's able to heal with a full restore meaning paralysis didn't really matter but since she did just use light screen I can use encore and lock laylee into light screen meaning it won't be able to attack me and at this point I could either go for body slam and hope for a crit or go for ice ball I opted to go for ice ball it's a five hit ko I actually would in mind encore ending before light screen wears off so Glalie may not use it but that doesn't happen however I get a critical hit so that's really good even though the light screen is still up ice ball doubles in power every turn and so I get two hits elio number two with a max power ice ball with the double not very effective and the light screen it does next to nothing but still you know that is some damage now this sealeo has a bit of a better move set knowing blizzard which can't miss inhale and double edge however I get a critical hit that was humongous I would not have been able to win with a little bit of luck somewhere and so far I've gotten two very opportune critical hits so while it's not guaranteed it's looking good but we still have Glalie number two which knows Shadow Ball and explosion and her most difficult Pokemon walrein now just like the last gladly I'm trying for a critical hit I know I've already gotten lucky but you know would help I don't get either critical hit and she uses Shadow Ball twice but the most important thing is that my special defense doesn't drop because that would be very bad versus walrein once again unfortunately the Glalie is within healing range so she's able to heal and I can't use encore this time because it didn't use a move I'd like to trap it into but as she heals the light screen and the hail we're off and this is big so now ice ball will do a little bit more damage and she's gonna waste a turn setting up hail which is gonna do nothing for her so I slowly whittle down its health with ice ball it's very close to knocking it out and that would be a max powered ice ball against the wall rain and she uses explosion didn't see that one coming did ya I rarely show longer losing battles but I really felt the need to illustrate just how frustrating it could be look how much went right and in one move it's done thankfully it only take me a couple more attempts until this run happened this time I get a little luckier even though I don't get the critical hit the encore lasts just a little bit longer so that it syncs up perfectly that hail ends the sealeo still uses hail and I do not get attacked with sealeo a single time the Glalie fight is nearly identical but with light screen turn 1 and crunch turn 2 I don't get the crit she heals I go for ice ball and this time Glalie does not put up its light screen again plus I got that critical hit but I also get a special defense drop that is quite bad but because of that it's just using crunch and I'm able to knock it out in for ice balls with no light screen so sealeo 2 comes out is hit by a max power ice ball and it does half damage which is very good but here I went for a bit of a Hail Mary I found it use detract if this happened and did again I don't know why it is the AI is always confusing to me but if I know what it's gonna do I can use that against it and I lock it into a tract with encore the encore doesn't last the minimum which is good but I do miss the first ice ball however the turn the encore ends Hale runs out so she uses Hale she then uses double edge but that puts it in just the perfect range for me to knock it out in my next I small and that means the next lily is in for a very rude awakening and yeah I wasn't exaggerating ice ball is the one-hit ko and now we just have wall rain left but we have almost no HP is this gonna be possible unlikely but you know I have a good feeling anything could happen oh darn okay okay let's try one more time Celia one goes the exact same way as in my last battle the only difference being a critical hit which didn't matter cuz it would have been a 5 hit ko anyway so that's pretty good but with Glalie number one I get a little creative he uses crunch turn whine and I'm like you know what I think it's about to go for light scream and guess what it did and so even though I'm going 2nd I predicted it and use encore and I was pretty happy about that because now rather than going for body slam I can go for ice ball and if on cord lasts enough turns I might even be able to make it pass clearly number 1 without taking any damage unfortunately it seems like it's not gonna work out because the third hit of ice ball just misses knocking it out and glacier heals but ice ball number 4 does almost half damage light screen wears off glacier decides to use light screen once again and there goes Glalie number 1 after that crunch on turn 1 I didn't take any more damage so that was a very very good outcome now with sealeo number 2 it goes for hail turn 1 and then a track turned 2 just like last time and just like last time I knew that's what it was gonna do so I use encore and I've locked it into a tract which doesn't work because I'm a ditto and once again rather than using body slam I opted to go for ice ball after turn to light screen wears off encore last the maximum and I believe one of the attracts was actually Glacius own decision who cares Down Goes Helio number two and we've only taken one attack now Glalie number two sets up hail because it's worn off I go for body slam and I get the paralysis that's humongous because I can use encore now since I out speed and it just used hail well once again ice ball just misses knocking it out but because of when hail wore off the Glalie on its own uses hail after encore wears off and ice ball number four knocks out the Glalie so i have made it to the wall rain with pretty much full health and it's about to be introduced to a max powered ice ball so surf does nothing ice ball does around a third layer goes for body slam on turn two I go for body slamming at a critical hit oh maybe she'll heal but Sitrus berry even restored just enough HP or she was out of potions I'm not actually sure which is which because after she paralyzes me and I was very scared but thankfully I'm not immobilized and yes I have beaten glacier oh my god ha that was tough I mean thank God the next Pokemon I get to transform into is good Oh God Drake and I promise you I didn't made me want to use safe states this was the most obnoxious battle had ever had because I was just so limited in what I could do and the only way conceivably that I could win involved just like a crazy convergence of luck like it's awful so let me show you what I would consider a good attempt and trust me when you realize this is a good attempt you'll see how awful this fight is so first off although you saw it I'm a shell gone which is slow and not very powerful and knows Dragon Claw a special move in generation 3 double edged and rock tomb not a great combo now I will out speed and one-hit ko Drake shelgon so that's not the issue then we have Altaria I can use Dragon Claw but it's a 2 at Keo and I'd like to save those so I go for double edge you may notice I'm not taking back recoil damage that's because shelgon has the ability Rockhead you also might notice Altaria has dragon breath that can paralyze me that's a reset obviously alt aria is faster uses 2 dragon breaths I use 2 double edges I'm at pretty low health but I knock it out now Flygon is a 1 at ko and what I out speed that's right I have the quick claw equipped which has a 20% chance of making me go first so 1 out of 3 not very bad but then the Solomons would knock me out unless the quick claw activates again very low percent of that happening and you just missed the KO that's right you won't knock it out in one hit not at this level I so close so close just so close but no no it can't happen and yes if I had a dragon scale it would work but I can't have a dragon scale because then I wouldn't go first because I wouldn't have the quit clock and that was with two quick claws would you like to see what happens if I get three okay this time I only take a single dragon breath from the Altaria Flygon is a one-hit ko I have a hundred eighty-three health not a wanna care with Dragon Claw ok and Oh would you look at that Salomon sister and claw is still a one ação with a hundred eighty-three HP fantastic and by the way Drake still has one more Pokemon left so conceivably to win I need at least one quick claw before the Solomons preferably to and then I not only need quick Logging's to salamence but a critical hit so just to put that into numbers we have roughly a 6 percent chance of getting a critical hit and a 20% chance of quickl activating so just the chance of those happening on the same turn is 1.3 percent and that ignores the odds I would need to get quick claws in the previous turns which I would need to get 2 Salamence so are you seeing the issue in the bad battles I simply get attacked by the Altaria and the Flygon and Lu I mean heck just to get a quick claw on consecutive turns is 4% like we're dealing with infinitesimal odds here but what if what if you got three in a row a 1 in 125 chance of happening well I did here's how that one went now I don't get a quick law on the settlements if that would have happened the entire scenario would have had a one in 625 chance of happening there are shiny pokemon with better odds than that but it does about a hundred and eighty four HP with Dragon Claw and I also don't get the six point two five percent chance of critical hit so Solomon's heels in case you are wondering if I could slow it down with rock tomb no that doesn't work and yeah a 1 in 125 chance ends up still not even getting me to the Kingdra but I'm pretty confident once I get to the King draw I'll win right so I just need to keep trying well this battle starts off annoying I get a Miss with rock tomb which is pretty good but then he uses protect so I waste one of my dragon claws that's really bad but whatever I'm unlikely gonna make it past the Salamence anyway Altaria uses dragon dance and I get a critical hit the quick cloth does activate against Flygon which is pretty good and now I love that quick clock critical hit chance but I get neither solomon's heals both with the citrus berry and a full restore and why do I go for rock tomb well think about it there's a six point two five percent chance of me getting a critical hit and 20 percent chance of quicklaw activating which is what happens and because of that little damage that rock tune did although probably should use double edge whatever let's not complain we have gotten past the solomon's now just use Dragon Claw on the King dro yeah the protect god I owed speed with the quick claw and get a double edge which doesn't do half it goes for another dragon dance a crit and I win I don't get the crit and it's gonna heal yes it does Oh God come on all I needs a crit no and smokescreen Oh God it no no I've no come on this took so long not like this yeah keep using dragon dance keep using that alright maybe one more rock tomb and I knock it out on paralyzed please quicklaw help me Oh God oh this was a nightmare so after finally getting what I needed versus Salamence I get bad luck against the easiest Pokemon and I don't have a Dragon Claw available just awful I've been at this for two hours and I finally get an attempt oh my god how long's it gonna take two minutes yeah sometimes things work out and it only took me another two attempts before I got back to Kingdra but this time shelgon protects turned one which is what it usually does so I don't waste a Dragon Claw and I knock it out I get the quick claw but not the critical hit and alt Aria uses dragon dance I get the second quick claw that's really unlikely and knock out the Altaria and let's make it a third quick claw I guess okay sure one in 125 who's countin alright great now we've made it back to the Salomon's at full health I get neither quick law nor critical hit but it seems like I did a really low range I wonder if I out speed if it doesn't heal oh my god okay so good thing I went for double edge cuz that can't miss yeah that was certainly different but I actually kind of thought that might happen so good on me although that was pretty lucky let's be honest but now we have to deal with Kingdra one of the toughest oh that's all a single Dragon Claw is all I wouldn't need it well I don't know that's the game I mean how can I complain when I got three consecutive quick claws I mean I can't not in good conscience but just imagine I would have saved all that aggravation I mean I know it was only two minutes but I was so deflated but now we have one trainer left and it's not even stone who I think is a much tougher champion in challenge runs but Wallace the final gym leader who I kind of found a joke in Rubens so far but he's a bit of a different team and he is champion but you might notice something my experience points are very close to maxing out and that means we're gonna be able to use one more time the level up transform glitch and I honestly can't envision using the delay pass strategy because Wailord looks awesome to use that being said you know it's not gonna be as simple as just a one try are you kidding me but enough hyping it up let's talk about the final battle so turn one I'm gonna transform and Wailord goes for Blizzard and misses rain dance is also acceptable I'd like not to take damage now waterspout is an interesting move it's dependent on how much HP you have with rain dance it's a one-hit ko or if you get a critical hit I got a critical hit so yeah by Wailord and obviously I could not have planned this out but I have just enough experience point to level up to level 100 before Wallace's second Pokemon now against the Ludicolo I go for double edge and I again get a critical hit of course I'm gonna watch speed knocks I've ditto speed of course I'm no longer shell gone so there is gonna be recoil damage but I have something for that too the shell bail it effectively halves your recoil damage recoil takes away a quarter of the damage dealt and the shell bail gives you back an eighth of the damage dealt and if you're using double edged a bunch like I'm gonna be it makes a huge difference case in point after knocking out the Tentacruel if I didn't have the shell bail I'd beat around 170 or 180 HP instead I'm at 219 and 30 HP can definitely be the difference between winning and losing now Milotic is the first pokemon that double edge does not one-hit ko unfortunately even after Sitrus berry wallace still heals I go for double edge again I thought about waterspout but Milo take a super high special defense and looks like I was rewarded because I get another critical hit they're only two Pokemon left I think we're about to do it however I'm almost out of double edge so I opted to go for waterspout I'm at low health so it doesn't do very much and then whiscash uses amnesia but I do have one double edge left I use it and it does just enough to knock out the whiscash and we have one pokémon remaining Gyarados and we have Blizzard which is regular effective this could work Gyarados has intimidates so it's decent not to use physical attacks anyway unfortunately Blizzard misses 30% of time I miss and it uses earthquake not a big deal Blizzard does just under half and I gain some HP back but then it goes for Hyper Beam oh no no I was so close are you kidding me and this was not my first or second attempt this was like my 20 at the time alright I had learnt all these strategies after doing this time and again this was the first time I actually made it all the way to Gyarados Milotic is very annoying very annoying I mean it missed with toxic if it hits that's awful so fine let me change up my strategy a little bit and see if it works okay well right off the bat something important happen Wallace uses rain dance meaning water spouts will do a lot more damage so I use it versus Wailord and it's an easy one-hit ko of course Ludicolo it would be double resisted so there's no point and you may notice Ludicolo outspread main use double team that's really annoying and it's the negative side effect of rain dance some of the pokemon have Swift swim thankfully I still hit with double edge and you see I still have the shell bail so my HP is still pretty decent going to 10 accrual 10 accrual a super high special defense so waterspout not a great idea to use here either and best to go for a double edge but my low tech despite the fact it has super great special defense I go for the waterspout it does I don't know about a third my loader goes for toxic and misses perfect no damage no status double-edged knocks it out no healing okay this is looking a little bit better and we move on to face whiscash with way more HP now waterspout did about half I gained some HP back whiscash does go for earthquake but the next waterspout does just enough damage to knock out whiscash and that leaves plenty of double edges left for Gyarados because what I didn't realize is double edge does over half even after intimidate ditto has amazing attack I did ez train it fully in attack Gyarados goes for dragon dance which is the worst case scenario because hyper beam may knock me out it goes for earthquake I go for double edge and yep after 39 in-game hours and since I do use the retron some of you are curious 24 real-world human hours I beat the entirety of Pokemon emerald with just a ditto and that's all for this episode and yeah this is what I look like I know people have asked people always ask very disappointing I'm sorry or not surprising at all depending on who you are but I don't really have much more to say I thought I would just thank you guys personally the channel has been doing so well after that big break I really didn't think many people would come back but I'm having some of my best months ever on YouTube I'm just so excited there's so many more challenges to go and heck maybe I'll eventually do one where I actually talk to you like this but probably not I prefer being away from a camera but that's all I have to say thanks guys take care
Channel: Jrose11
Views: 1,514,510
Rating: 4.8910036 out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Jrose11, Catch 'Em All, Pokemon Challenge, Can you beat, Pokemon Ruby, Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Impossible Challenge, Ruby Challenge, Sapphire Challenge, Pokemon Emerald, Ditto, Ditto Emerald, Ditto Challenge, Solo Challenge, Solo Ditto, Solo Ditto Challenge, Ditto Run, Ditto Sapphire, Ditto Ruby, hardest pokemon challenge
Id: u5RFB409q_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 43sec (4603 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 04 2020
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