Can you Beat Pokemon Yellow with BRUNO'S TERRIBLE TEAM from Red/Blue?

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[Music] hey everyone how's it going so it's no secret that some of the gym leaders and elite for members in red and blue aren't the most challenging but one who is consistently kind of a pushover is Bruno and so I decided it would be fun to try and play an entire game with Bruno's team but not just this team I'm also going to end up with his moves meaning I'm not gonna use any TMS all of Bruno's moves except for a match amps Fischer our moves they learn via level up so as soon as I learn one of Bruno's moves I can learn via level up that's the move I'm gonna use and those move sets are awful let's just take a look at them for one second we have to onyx with slam an eighty base power move with 75% accuracy excellent rage which is 20 base power and you can never do anything else and rock throw a move that misses 35% of the time the rest of his Pokemon aren't as bad at least Hitmonchan gets mega punch him on ly gets high jump kick and machamp gets submission even with the lack of type diversity those move sets are horrible and I thought it'd be fun to see how challenging it would be to try and play through the game as similar to Bruno as possible so the first thing I'm gonna do is try and get all of Bruno's Pokemon now there was a real question do I get them naturally throughout the game but you can't get both Hitmonchan and Hitmonlee in one game or if I'm gonna use gameshark to get a Machop earlier than I should maybe I'll just use gameshark can get all of Bruno's team and I decided to opt for that that way I am Bruno for the longest possible time I have his exact same team of two Onix hitmonchan a Hitmonlee and a Machop right now and because most of those pokemon don't evolve they're actually pretty powerful in the early game and Brock isn't much of an issue I should mention before I get to the Brock battle that all I did was use a gameshark and changed the wild Pokemon to be what I needed them to be funny enough you can see that sometimes the sprite visual data was messed up not sure why that is but they ended up fine also I caught them at whatever level I could find them most the Pokemon don't have great catch rate so when I caught when I was happy but it does mean that I have a level 4 Hitmonlee I leveled up Machop doe so I figured I would be okay it still doesn't know low kick so Brock was actually a little bit more of a challenge speaking of more of a challenge you'll notice we're playing yellow yellow is overall a lot more difficult than red and blue although that's not a very high bar but the gym leader teams are typically more difficult Brock is a bit of an exception because you're supposed to start with Pikachu both of Brock's pokémon are two levels lower and Geodude can't use defense curl although that's actually more of a bad thing for us because that means it will be able to attack every single turn so the strategy I use because I do have five Pokemon is I let off with one of the onyx onyx does no screech so I'll try and lower the geodude's defenses after I use all three screech I'll just start hitting with tackle until onyx faints and then I'll switch in my Hitmonlee which is pretty underleveled but a single double kick is able to knock out the Onyx and Hitmonlee gains a few levels which is pretty nice now onyx is both easier and more difficult depending on what you want it to do it now has bind in addition to bide you'll notice I'm using meditate I'm kind of anticipating a bide and so using meditate serves the dual purpose of not taking back any damage and of course raising my attack once I've maxed on my attack double kick does one-hit ko or 2 hit ko depending on how you look at it the Onix and that is Brock like I said because I'm using single stage Pokemon didn't anticipate him being too difficult but good to know if I ever did do a Hitmonlee run Brock would be pretty easy and after I faced Brock I have to do things a little bit differently with one Pokemon you can get to a decent level by sticking to just about minimum battles with 5 Pokemon if you want any hope of beating the Elite Four you're gonna need to battle a bunch of trainers because they all need to level up and there's another reason for this challenge this is important I'm also limiting myself that none of my Pokemon can be at a higher level than Bruno's team in red and blue so that means Machamp can be no higher than level 58 onyx 53 or 56 etc although this seems like a long ways away and it is it explains why I'm not just using hitmonlee for example which arguably is Bruno's best Pokemon all the time because if I do that Hitmonlee will become overleveled and the other pokémon will be underleveled making it harder to use them and if I just kept using Hitmonlee the whole way it would hit that level 55 cap and then I wouldn't be able to use it for the elite 4 which would be brutal so it's not just about beating the game but in order to think ahead to the Elite Four I need to use all my Pokemon effectively and make sure that none of them get to over level that being said there aren't really any difficult battles I mean I do a 5 Pokemon so there's less probability of standard battles being more difficult misty on the other hand would be challenging so I'm gonna battle rival number 2 and the rival uses totally different Pokemon in yellow version in this game he leads off with spear oh and I'm gonna use the same strategies before where I start with onyx and you screech but this time I'm only gonna use a single screech and then I'm just going to try and use tackle until my Onix faints spiro likes to use growl which is better than sand attack but it does make this part take a lot longer than I would like once Onix one faints I just switch in Onix - and I'm just gonna use tackle of course fear is gonna go for growl periodically you just have to remain patient my Onix are also pretty under leveled so this is a good opportunity to get them some valuable experience points or at least for Onix number 2 but if you were thinking there isn't an annoying pokémon like Pidgeotto with sand attack meat sand true with sand attack it may be slower but it has more defense and loves to use sand attacks so that's super fun I'm gonna use a couple screech because I know how annoying it's gonna be I want every hit to do as much damage as possible onyx has really bad at HAC and tackles a weak move anyway so I'm not doing very much damage and eventually Sandshrew knocks out Onix number two I swap in Hitmonchan and go for comet punch you'll notice I have mega punch which is a TM move and so I should clarify that I do allow teams that are moves Bruno's Pokemon knows there are a few examples of that and mega punch is one but here's where I make a mistake I thought comet punch was a hundred percent accuracy not eighty-five which is the same as mega punch so I should have just used mega punch it does way more damage and thus Sancho is able to attack me it doesn't matter I knock it out the next turn but this is something I wouldn't find out too much later so if you're wondering why is he using comet punch that's why I forgot how the move worked now one Pokemon both rivals do have in common is Rattata I get a critical hit mega punch which you can see how much damage that does still isn't knock it out and since the Rattata out speeds me it's easily able to knock me out with a hyper Fang I then send out hitmonlee unfortunately if both out speeds and gets a critical hit but double kick is able to knock it out and now I'm just gonna need to hit Eevee that could be a problem because Eevee also knows sand attack thankfully I out speed it doesn't knock it out I do get hit with sand attack but the second double kick hits as well and there we go rival number two was not super challenging but we wouldn't say easy I mean it pretty much was 1 for 1 and he's using pre evolved Pokemon but my Pokemon are at a much lower level so honestly this challenge is shaping up to be both very fair but not overly challenging I'm enjoying it so far however after I go to Bill's house I try and battle misty and that went just about as well as you would think star me both as outstanding special and is very fast plus I have to rock ground Pokemon so misty made quick work of my entire team it's also a bit of a problem that Hitmonlee one of my best Pokemon only knows fighting moves which are resisted by star me psychic type so I figured it makes more sense even though it'll take a little bit more time to go down to vermilion City fight all the trainers that I can in that area and try misty again later also out of curiosity I battled rival three pretty much right away and I cannot begin to express how annoyed it was I couldn't use body slam it would have helped but nope Bruno's Pokemon don't know body slam once again I lead with onyx which Onix it's hard to keep track there's one with slightly higher HP and one was slightly higher speed I know Bruno's onyx is are identical but I didn't feel like messing with their TVs I just caught two onyx anyway the stretch you can see is pretty simple I use tackle spero uses a bunch of growls I get frustrated switch to screech use it three times it hits twice then I do way more damage and knock out the spear oh good job onyx now this time Rattata comes out second I still have all those growls so I use screech twice and you can see how much damage Rattata does my tackles doing decent damage too but I just simply don't have the HP and Down Goes onyx number one now Hitmonchan is pretty under level so I'm gonna use it right here I go for agility because the Rattata is going out speed me if they use quick attack that may have been pretty bad and once again I go for comet punch thinking it is higher accuracy I get a critical hit which actually isn't lucky because it has to screeches but I knock it out anyway so that works out now the sand true comes out I go for mega punch I'm doing like nothing also I'm not going to survive much longer but the sentry stops attacking and uses sand attack my accuracy is so low and eventually I decide you know what hitmonchan kinda needs experience let's switch to Onix number two this time I use four screeches one of them was a Miss click unfortunately at this level Sancho is slash which is doing quite a bit of damage I am able to get off one tackle after it uses a sand attack but Onix isn't able to do very much thankfully it is set up for the next Pokemon Hitmonchan who I again go for comet punch thankfully it knocks it out and we only have one pokémon left Eevee now because at this point the rival just attacks randomly Eevee will use growl sand attacks not mega punch was doing much damage anyway but it took it many many turns until it decided to use tackle honestly that works out in my favor more times than not woulda loved Hitmonchan to knock out the Eevee for the experience but it did good work now after it faints I think about going for Hitmonlee cuz it's at a lower level and that would have been fine but I was worried misty wouldn't be possible until I evolved Machop - Machop which would take quite a bit of levelling up doesn't evolve to level 28 so I use it and even with its best efforts using sand attack I hit with low kick and there's the battle again not overly difficult but not easy either but if it's more difficult you want let's talk about misty I lead off with Onix just to figure out if my Onix without speed Staryu it does not and a single water gun knocks it out now I was hoping Machop without speed it doesn't you'll notice karate-chop got a critical hit there are two things to take note of one karate chop has an increased critical hit ratio which is important in two it's a normal move in generation one both of which are gonna help me out I get the critical hit and that's why I used it over low kick even though it's the same type and then another karate chop will knock out star U star me I was pretty worried about of course turn when it goes for harden but I get that critical hit then it goes for water gun and it gets a critical hit pretty unlucky I'm able to get another critical hit karate chop which is double good because it ignores the harden but it uses bubble beam and I'm pretty sure this battle is over I swap into Hitmonchan because it has a normal attacking move so it's gonna be my best bet of course misty goes for an ex defend I use agility and even with that the star me out speed me I am able to get off a single mega punch which does next to nothing before Hitmonchan is knocked out and at this point the battle is over I just have a Hitmonlee with double kick which is resisted and all those ex defends there's no way unless misty literally decides to never use a water move for the rest of the battle huh well what can you do I mean that's generation 1 and listen I think we can all fairly criticize some modern Pokemon games for being easy but man Gen 1 AI is just so bad sometimes I've done plenty of runs that I haven't made yet in generation 3 and it's just so much more difficult because the AI actually is somewhat competent but I'll take it definitely pretty challenging battle you'll also notice I have a Paris nun of Bruno's Pokemon can learn cut so we still have a Pokemon for HM purposes it cannot be used in battle though of course Paris would help and send some feelings so good about that victory over Misty let's go fight lieutenant serge who in yellow version has just one Raichu it is at level 28 though and knows some pretty decent attacks so even though I have an Onix it knows mega punch and mega kick I'm only able to set up all my screeches which will help but yeah Onix is not an automatic victory which would be the case in red and blue I then swap in hitmonchan try to use agility to try it out speed the Raichu goes 4x speed just go for mega punch after being hit with growl doesn't do enough damage and then mega kick one-hit ko hit mantra needs to level up a little bit more I then try Onix it's attacking moves are so bad at this level I go for bind but because I'm not out speeding bindings and actually that cheap and the Raichu is able to knock me out in just three hits albeit it got a critical hit but it has pretty fast speed so that's not to be super unexpected finally I say okay I'm ready to win now go from Machop and low kick I don't want a critical hit because of all the screeches Thunderbolt would have been close to 1 a KO but uses mega kick and there goes lieutenant surge a lot more difficult than you would have thought because in yellow most of the major trainers usually are a little bit more difficult and after beating lieutenant surge I recognize that my Pokemon are a too low level so it's time to battle any of the trainers I missed and a bunch of trainers in Rock Tunnel and in the greater saffron metro area so to speak and by the time I get to Giovanni my Pokemon are at a much more reasonable level but one of the trainers I fought to gain some experience was rival number 4 I didn't go through the rest of the tower but I did fight him before Giovanni which is something I never do I lead with Onix versus his fearow and and you'll see the amazing accuracy of rock throw I do hit and it does very little so I start using screech and then rock throw decides I don't feel like hitting then I get a critical hit which I don't think helps but whatever finally I knock out the furo now this part of the battle was extremely boring and frankly kind of lucky onyx has bind which I can't keep till the end but I do have it for now bind has a chance to miss but when it hits and you out speed the other Pokemon can never attack now I do miss quite a few times but shoulders quote-unquote good AI tells it that withdraw is a water move so it should use that it does also have clamped so I'm not sure how I never got one of those but it did take a long time with all those withdraws but eventually onyx did knock out the shoulder the rival now has a Vulpix so I start spamming rock throw it's gonna take 3 hits and of course I get hit with ember and I get burned hooray but I still knock out the vol picks first which is what I wanted now out comes sand true and I go for bind at first but I realized well that's not gonna work I'm gonna faint with the burn first so let's set up some screeches and help out the next Pokemon takes a while for onyx to actually get knocked out but eventually it happens and here comes Hitmonchan let's go for comet punch with its better accuracy and it doesn't knock out the rival heals start spamming sand attack and let's make a long story short Hitmonchan would not knock out the Sandshrew whatever i send out the second onyx and because san shoes defense has been lowered Bynes does more than enough damage & Down Goes Sandshrew one more pokemon left eevee eevee doesn't have super-high defenses but it'll be much quicker if i go for a single screech and then use bind I do so and slowly but surely Eevee is knocked out there we go rival number 4 not a very dramatic battle but definitely a very different team that what we're used to seeing but after a battle some more trainers I end up going through the rocket hideout and battling Giovanni and the Giovanni fight itself is not very interesting he has a Persian instead of a Kangaskhan but otherwise the exact same team I also led with Hitmonchan accidentally and then accidentally switched to Onix I wasn't planning on making this a video when I play to make a video I play very deliberately so that the battles can be narrated easily at this point this was just something I was doing for fun and then maybe I would make a video on Pokemon Stadium later on but obviously things changed and you'll see why but the strategies just use Hitmonlee and fighting moves and you're good and now that we have the Silph scope it's time to go through pokemon tower nothing too interesting here I get the Polka flute and now it's time to battle some more trainers and let me explain something else that I'm doing you see on any team every Pokemon should have a role when you have two Onix that are gonna have the same moveset they're not gonna have individual roles but Hitmonchan is the only pokemon with special attacks using Bruno's moveset hitmonchan has base 35 special attack and we're actually gonna need those moves you'll see later so what I've been doing is buying calcium's now you can buy up to ten calcium's before they stop working and you can still gain more stat experience that's just the most you can gain via vitamins the way you gain statics B is based off the base stats of Pokemon you knock out and Erica's gym has grass pokemon with very good base special so I waited until I bought all ten of the calcium's and finally at that point I used Hitmonchan to get through Erica's gym to try and get as much special as possible these are the types of considerations you have to make because since I'm not allowed to pick my own moves or my own Pokemon the one thing I can do a little differently than Bruno aside from picking moves not at random is to try and make my Pokemon the best versions of themselves I didn't reset for DVS I have no idea what my Pokemon TVs are they could be terrible which would be pretty on-brand for Bruno but I can at least make this the best this Hitmonchan that it could be that was a nonsense statement anyway finally I do face Erica and even though she doesn't have a victory bell or vileplume just a weepinbell and gloom there at slightly higher levels but the real issue is that they're poison pokemon at least the second two are I have mostly fighting moves and to my Pokemon our rock ground Pokemon four times a week to grass moves so hitmonchan really does have to do quite a bit of work here in saying that I'm gonna lead with Hitmonlee because Erica leads off with Tangela in yellow and Tangela is a pure grass type I'll use and meditate and then spam double kick and hope that it doesn't use mega drain too often because well that's not optimal she misses with bind on turn one mega drain turned two but by that point tangela is knocked out not bad now at this point I just used double kick and it does way more damage than I anticipated but weepinbell goes for Razor Leaf it's not a guaranteed critical hit but close to it down goes hitmonlee now hitmonchan comes out one mega punches all it needs pretty good but we still have to face gloom unfortunately mega punch would be a three hit ko I do hit both times but gloom goes for petal dance petal dance the two ako but gloom is so close to being knocked out thankfully its speed is poor Machoke yes it's finally amich oke now out speeds and there goes the battle we have beaten half the game with Bruno's team and we're not significantly over level that something people bring up in solo runs this is the first run you're gonna see my pokemon are pretty much under level the whole time but while all the gym leaders so far has been a little different Koga is extremely different he is three venon at all in the mid to high 40s which use psychic moves and then a venomoth which also knows psychic moves now I'm no Pokemon expert but a fighting and rock team against Pokemon that are at a much higher level with psychic moves doesn't sound like it's gonna go well for me so I have to go to silk company just to gain some more levels to make Koga even possible and you can see a couple of the failed battles by the way I was able to get through the first three ven and add I mean ven and ad aren't super powerful anyway but the venomoth forget it being bug poison is also like the worst typing because it double resists fighting which are my most powerful moves yes I know I've karate chop but this is just not going well and so let's try something else I'm gonna go to self company and tribe modeling rival number five no this is not rival fybel rival Fievel is a very specific rival number five from red and blue this guy is different I mean first off he leads with sand slash not a flying-type pokémon and as you can see Hitmonchan has levelled up significantly to the point where it knows ice punch a move it actually does know with Bruno and I get a freeze first turn definitely lucky but not a game-changer unfortunately with my current special it's a three hit ko but since it's frozen there's really nothing sandslash could do now for nine tails I just used mega punch a couple times it went for roar and ember didn't want to burn didn't get one so hitmonchan is doing some pretty good work now for cloyster unfortunately I don't know thunderpunch yet which Bruno's hitmonchan does know and cloyster has really good defense so I'm gonna go for fire punch it's not doing very much damage eventually I actually get a burn but by that point Hitmonchan is very little HP and Aurora beam knocks it out but it put in some really good work in this battle I decide it's Hitmonlee turn to get into on the fun use double kick and five i cloister now here comes the closest rival number five comes to being rival 5ol he does have a Kadabra but not in Alakazam you can see just how much damage rolling kick which can flinch thousand Kadabra doesn't knock it out maybe jump kick would have been better but psybeam does knock out Hitmonlee none of the fighting pokemon a very good special even onyx the rock pokemon is in faster than Kadabra but it survives confusion and is able to use slam and that leaves us with one pokémon left Jolteon and Jolteon does no double kick so that's about it for Onix i then send out my choke but even though low kick is doing somewhat decent damage Jolteon alternates between thunder shock and sand attack so i'm not able to get off enough low kicks and eventually Jolteon gets a critical hit due to its amazing speed and we have just one onyx left now I know how poor onyx is attack is so I go for rock throw it hits but you can see how little damage it did Jolteon only survives on a little bit of health but on ik is not gonna hang on for that much longer I go for slammed since it has slightly better accuracy and I thankfully knock out the Jolteon so rival number five is definitely a lot better than rival fievel especially with my terrible bruno team but thanks to the power of teamwork I was able to defeat him before Koga that almost never happens but something that is quite common in these runs is how this battle with Giovanni went he's very very easy unsurprisingly I have a mature that is poisoned Annette like no health he still leads with knit arino and Michalka without getting a single critical hit is still able to knock out the knitter Ino man Giovanni is almost as bad as Bruno then comes out the Persian it out speeds and goes for payday so bimah choke hitmonlee however is easily able to withstand a payday and a single hit of double kick with the critical hit albeit is enough to knock out Persian Roy horn briefly appears and is promptly hit by a jump kick and then disappears and now we have nidoqueen so almost the same team is in red and blue.i no Hitmonlee is not going to do that much damage so I'm just kind of curious how much each of my attacks will do not very much is the answer and Nidoqueen is easily able to take it out with a body slam then I send out a Hitmonchan and of course I get a freeze on the first turn ice punch is now doing about a quarter considering needle Queens decent special I'm actually kind of happy with that once again while the freeze is lucky it was not crucial but good for Hitmonchan to get those experience points and stat experience and we've beaten Giovanni and usually you'd expect me to now go battle Koga but in order to further increase my special I'm gonna go to saffron gym and battle the trainer's there and since I'm already there might as well try to battle Sabrina she's not gonna be easy but she has a very different team three Pokemon level fifty abracadabra and Alakazam and only the Alakazam really likes to attack so maybe it's possible let's see we begin by having the ultimate staring contest of moves that don't hit flash with seven five percent accuracy and mega punch with 85% accuracy of course once a couple flashes hit that accuracy goes down but eventually I win this battle of wits and yeah that was super difficult by the way Abra knows all of two moves teleport and flash why is this even a thing I have no idea now Cadabra actually does no psychic but decides to use recover and Kinesis eventually after missing with mega punch three times I realized hey hit Mon trans pretty decent why not switch to something else that might be smart of course Sabrina uses that opportunity to use an ex defend I do hit with slam with the onyx but Cadabra finally decides it's time to attack not just with psywave but with psychic and yeah so long onyx you may have noticed I also evolved much oak to Machamp typically these are solo game runs but because Bruno has a Machamp so I decided it was time that I got one didn't really make much of a difference in this battle so let's go back to the Pokemon that was actually doing damage Hitmonchan I hit with the mega punch and thankfully Kadabra decides using psychic would just be super lame and I'm able to get a critical hit and knock it out so I've made it to the Alakazam better than I thought I would do I'm gonna be honest now I know Alakazam will out speed so I go for mega punch anyway of course Alakazam goes for reflect I do hit but I'm doing nothing for good measure it goes for next defend thankfully I picked Thunder punch hoping for the flu key paralysis do not get one Alakazam uses psychic and I only have one pokémon left okay I know I had two but you knew Onix wasn't gonna be much help so now I only have one pokemon for real left it only knows fighting moves and with all those defense boosts oh that was helpful and Alakazam decides not to attack okay i won yeah so remember how I said in those past battles a little lucky but it didn't make a difference made a big difference definitely didn't expect to beat Sabrina before I beat Koga especially considering it was the psychic moves that were giving me such a problem so if I could beat Sabrina Coco should be a breeze right well I'm gonna lead with Hitmonchan and go for fire funds it's doing over half which is good and psychics doing just around half which is also good so I knock out the first vennen app thankfully vennen at number two uses psybeam as opposed to psychic so I'm able to survive and once again to fire punches knockout the second vennen app vennen at number three does use psychic and knocks me out but not before I get off a third and final fire punch hitmonchan is really shaping up to be the MVP of the middle game right here now I do know that Onix will have speed bentonite would have loved to have hit with that rock throw but of course i miss and get hit with sleep powder psychic is not a one-hit ko vana dad actually has really poor special it's venomoth which gets good special doesn't matter Onix never wakes up and is knocked out by a second psychic now Onix number 2 does actually hit with rock throw but it doesn't even do half damage the Venna not survives thankfully it uses an X attack and I go for slam and knock it out and that leaves venomoth venomoth does out speed but it goes for a leech life what a bad attack I'll go for rock throw and I miss of course then it goes for an X attack and I hit with rock throw a critical hit but yeah that's doing nothing psychic goodbye Onix number 2 now here's where Machamp will be helpful because it's faster so it should critical hit almost every time with karate chop I also survived the psychic get the critical hit but it does not knock it out thankfully Koga decides to use an X attack inexplicably and yeah if that doesn't scream guy who replaces Bruno as number 2 of the Elite Four I don't know what else does I mean what fantastic battling from both sides just a truly remarkable Pokemon battle VGC 2014 ain't got nothing on Jay Rose 11s Bruno playthrough of Bruno vs. Koga a masterpiece truly and the truth is after Koga the game doesn't get that much easier if I'm gonna be honest there are a lot more trainers meaning I get to level up a bunch but Blaine is quite a bit more difficult than he was in red and blue and the biggest reason is that rather than leading off with a growlithe and then following with a ponyta both of which are really easy to set up on lane instead has a nine tails and so I'm gonna try and use onyx to win the rock throw lottery nine tails doesn't make it easy flamethrower pretty much knocks me out it knows confuse ray and all the while I'm using a move that misses thirty five percent of time shockingly I'm actually able to get off enough rock throws to knock out the ninetails with one onyx it kind of helps that it used tail whip which not only isn't an attack but activates the say it with me badge boost glitch and rapidash wasn't too impressed use fire spin bionics number one I send out onyx number two and try and win the rock throw lottery again the rabadash alternates between using fire spin which is the worst move it could use because I literally can't attack takedown which is pretty good and growl which is not my favorite I do get off quite a few rock throws but not enough to knock out the rapidash thankfully my Hitmonlee is pretty speedy uses jump kick and knocks out the rapidash so there's one pokémon left but it's the scariest arcanine fire blast is a one-hit ko but it uses takedown jump kick is doing roughly about a third it does use fire blast but I get a lucky miss and there we go we have beaten Blaine I did have two Pokemon left so I think I would have been successful regardless but our k9 with fire blast is quite devastating to my team with very low special and the next gym leader is one that on paper is going to be a heck of a lot easier in Giovanni now I lead with Onix because I need the experience points and I know it's not gonna work but Onix is not gonna do very well in this battle regardless I do end up hitting it with a single slam which does next to nothing and Dugtrio responds with digs so that went just about as well as you could have expected now didn't think Hitmonlee without speed but I knew a jump cake would be enough to knock out dontrey oh and of course it uses sand attack so I miss with jump kick which deals one damage when it crashes eventually I do hit it with a jump kick and so I've evened up the score next comes Persian and even though hitmonlee is a good matchup I have those accuracy drops I'm gonna switch into onyx because when you switch all the stat drops go away now this actually was pretty hilarious so onyx I'm gonna use slam and ideally Persian uses fury swipes because they'll often do way less damage then slash which will always critical hit but fury swipes kept doing five hits which is the maximum and very unlikely and when it wasn't using fury swipes it was using double-team and raising its evasion it did use a slash in there but thankfully I was able to hit it with enough Slams to knock it out I did not think there was a chance in the world onyx would knock out this Persian but I'm not complaining however that victory was pretty short-lived four onyx it does hit slam on Nidoqueen but then it uses earthquake so yeah bye onyx but good job talking out Persian now I actually make a mistake here I wanted to switch into Hitmonchan and use ice punch unfortunately I switched into Hitmonlee the names are a little similar then I'm like oh no what do I do oh I'll just swap into Spiro but that's not allowed it's only there for HM purposes so that I can fly from location to location quickly so I have to swap into Machamp thankfully Machamp is a total champ survives a thunder and an earthquake gets critical hits with karate chop boy I'm gonna miss it because after this battles being replaced with Fischer which is pretty useless and machamp does its job and knocks out the Nidoqueen of course just like last time we have a stronger Pokemon nito king coming out and using earthquake and this time even out speeding so I don't do any damage but I can use Hitmonchan and truth is Hitmonchan shouldn't have stood much of a chance nito king was out speeding and without that critical hit ice punch was doing next to nothing thankfully use double kick and then leer activating the badge boost glitch allowing my Hitmonchan to out speed and do slightly more damage through the neato King and thanks to neato king's refusal of using earthquake I'm able to knock it out with Hitmonchan albeit again at very low health and if you're expecting ride on to knock it out with earthquake doesn't happen in the third of my eight gym battles ice punch will freeze a pokemon crazy good luck considering two of these are on my first attempt but hey I'm not gonna complain and once again let's face it Hitmonlee would have easily knocked out ride on regardless it's good for Hitmonchan to get that experience and after it's poor effort against Blaine it was a good showing a great showing good job hitmonchan and proud eeeh but if you've watched my solo runs before you know that just like in sports this is the regular season it's basically a glorified warmup we're now preparing for the playoffs but we have a big game ahead of us against rival number six just like last battle he leads with sand slash and I counter with Hitmonchan ice punch is now doing around half but it's hard to know if it would have been a 2 hit ko since I get a critical hit and I don't get hit with slash so not complaining but probably the best possible outcome right here then comes out execute which is once again the same as in red and blue thankfully ice punch is still doing half and execute goes for solarbeam so I have 2 turns to attack it and knock it out without taking any damage and because hitmonchan is at such high health I swap into Onix because I want to save it for later and Onix is a better matchup now I go for bind initially and you'll see why because after I use bind just once I try and win the rock throw lottery and I lose big time only one rock throw manages to land before the ninetails knocks me out so yeah Rock throw sucks now I send out Onix number 2 and I accidentally use slam but it gets a critical hit I do end up hitting rock throws shortly thereafter so although it took two Onix I do finally knock out the ninetails and here's the Pokemon I was saving Hitmonchan for I go for rock throw knowing it will one-hit ko me with pretty much any move and it's time to swap into Hitmonchan and go for thunderpunch it does a bit over a third so it's gonna be a three hit ko I get hit with Aurora beam and I'm not able to get off all three Thunder punches but I do take the cloister down to very low health enough that Hitmonlee I was thinking about Machamp and hitmonlee will out speed and knock it out with a jump kick easily now we've seen this matchup before and thankfully hitmonlee out speeds I go for jump kick and I don't want to see psychic IC reflect perfect a second jump kick will knock out the Kadabra and I have hitmonlee for Jolteon which is pretty useful or so I thought because welcome to generation 1 Jolteon knows a psychic move agility which doesn't do any damage but the quote-unquote good AI tells the rival hey you have a psychic move use the psychic move good job and of course that means even though I miss I'm able to knock it out without any risk of Jolteon actually doing damage a pretty anticlimactic end too otherwise kind of a tense battle but this is nothing compared to the Elite Four I'm not going to go and hype it up too much because this is why I mean the run was interesting up to this point but the Elite Four was insane because being under leveled for most of these trainers they don't have great move sets some of them act really silly you can win but the elite 4 is pretty smart have much better move sets and then we have to deal with Agatha which is one of the worst battles I think I've ever done and I've beaten four games with a Magikarp but we still have Laura Lee and our yellow counterpart to deal with so let's talk about them Laura Lee really isn't too bad especially because I've leveled up significantly since you've seen my team last additionally there are two strategies that work a main strategy and a backup I got the main strategy which is a lot luckier to work in this battle to start knock out Dewgong with a single attack usually high jump kick but i misclicked didn't matter got the crit to on the cloyster Slowbro was not guaranteed to use psychic and if it doesn't three mega kicks are enough to take out slow row but mega kick does not have great accuracy and slow rope can always use psychic if it does you'll have to switch to Hitmonchan and then do the rest of the battle with it and machamp thankfully we didn't have that happen hitmonlee does outspeed the jinx so I'm able to knock it out with a single high jump kick Lapras will typically be a 2 hit ko unless you get a critical hit there is a 1 in 16 chance high jump kick will one hit ko and of course that's what I got not necessary but because of that we're able to beat lorilee with just hitmonlee but now we get to face our counterpart from yellow version the version of us who actually uses moves like earthquake and rockslide you know moves that actually make Onix usable but unfortunately he is still Bruno even if he's a better Bruno and even though I'm using Bruno's team I am still not actually Bruno and thus know how to use my team a little more effectively I lead with hitmonchan and go for ice punch it is typically a 2 hit ko but I do get a critical hit so that's kind of fortuitous but luck giveth and luck taketh away after hitting Hitmonchan with mega punch I get hit by fire punch and I get burned so I have to switch to my less good but more accurate special punches I opted for thunder punch for no real reason Hitmonchan tries it's best to evade me but does not do so however I am still burned and Hitmonlee is typically a 2 hit ko with mega punch I have to still use thunder punch it's looking to be about a 3 hit ko but Bruno decides to use an X defend good old Bruno and then for good measure I get a critical hit so luck is on my side once again Hitmonchan is doing some pretty good work and considering the second Onix I'm just going to use ice punch again the burn didn't end up being as big of an issue as it could have been this time it was a 2 hit ko but once again Bruno uses the next defend and down goes Onix one more Pokemon left level 58 Machamp this time thunder punch is doing next to nothing Machamp goes for leer but finally Bruno decides alright time to attack goes for submission Hitmonchan great job for Pokemon knocked out awesome now it's time to one-up Bruno by sending out my Machamp unfortunately submission misses and he goes for X defend I hit submission but because of that X defend I do not knock it out he goes for submission but the recoil doesn't knock him out I miss again with submission and he gets a critical hit karate chop I wish I could learn karate chop but no red and blue no doesn't have karate chop but it's all good submission does hit and red and blue no has beaten yellow Bruno take that but honestly the time for celebration is over you guys might know if you've watched my videos I don't like to save between elite for members but I'm gonna tell you right now we're not doing that Agatha is a nightmare and let's talk about how much of a nightmare she is while I show you lots of footage of me losing I'll show you the successful battle but it required a very specific set of circumstances to occur let's first talk about what the issue is unlike red and blue Agatha is not nearly as inherently trolling her first Gengar used to know hypnosis confuse ray nightshade and dream eater now the only move it has in common is confused ray still annoying but it also has substitute mega drain and lick ordinarily this would make it a far less annoying Pokemon to set up against however with my team it's nearly impossible because think about the moves I have to hit ghost Pokemon Machamp has Fisher which does not affect Pokemon that are faster every one of Agatha's ghost Pokemon are faster Hitmonlee only knows fighting moves so it's out of the question so that leaves Machop and onyx onyx knows rock throw which we've discussed how bad it is and Hitmonchan does know special moves but Ginga and Hunter have incredibly high special which is also a defensive stat in this generation so I'm gonna do next to no damage so how the heck am I expected to win this is how the strategy for Agatha is to use ice punch and hope you get a freeze either on Gengar or on golbat she swaps to it that's not although and it's not as unlikely as you think because I do such low damage I'm usually able to get at least seven or eight ice punches off if you use a substitute it's very annoying because he cannot freeze through a substitute but when she decides to use lick or confuse ray and I don't get confused I can use a bunch of ice punches and usually one in every three battles with Agatha I would manage to get a freeze that's not the end of it though I don't have nearly enough power points to freeze all her ghost Pokemon so instead what I'm gonna do is switch to one of my Onix I only really need one of them for this and I just didn't feel like wasting the time and training up a second but it would have helped the strategy is to use harden Onix nose hardened because Bruno's Pokemon only no moves they learn via level up Onix learns harden and ordinarily that would be useless but thanks to the badge boost glitch whereby everytime your stats are modified all your stats are increased by an additional 12.5% because Jen one so my attack and speed are going up meaning Onix will eventually be able to out speed and do decent enough damage to Gengar when rock throw decides to hit when you knock out the first Gengar however typically you'll make it all the way to the last Gengar and that's when the run is over typically the arbok will use glare because it's a to hit ko and then you'll be out sped eight likes you psychic Down Goes the first Onix the second Onix doesn't have the hardened set up so it's not faster doesn't have increased special and doesn't have increased attack so it's usually useless and I have to rely on Hitmonchan getting a fluky freeze or paralysis it never happened once Hitmonchan faints you literally cannot win the battle and then you reset hoping for another opportunity I think I battled I get that close to 30 times I won twice why twice because I didn't want to save after Agatha I mean let's not break my rule again right no no silly jairos once you beat Agatha make sure you save so this the final Agatha battle and like always it did not go according to plan you'll notice lick missed on the first turn that's a 1 in 256 chance it's called a generation 1 miss again very well programmed game now I don't end up getting the fries but Agatha doesn't use substitute at least not often when she does it takes three regular hits to knock out the substitute which is awful but then a weird thing happens everything just starts going right she doesn't use mega drain which gains back some HP she goes for lick and doesn't get a paralysis and oh yeah even though I'm confused I never really hit myself in confusion and so for the first time ever I knock out the Gengar without freezing it with a hitmonchan at very decent health that's unexpected to say the least next comes out golbat and I do not get the phrase with ice punch I do get a toxic mess and then after a Thunder punch I get leech life I use thunder punch because I do want to save my ice punches to try and get a freeze later and I've knocked out the golbat with pretty full health again this has never happened before and is not the strategy but I am okay with it but here's where something bizarre happened I did have a rare candy leftover and I used it before this battle on Hitmonchan that caused me to outspeed the Haunter and because genoise and the switch happens after I hit it with ice punch it doesn't freeze but I wouldn't mind having Hitmonchan deal with arbok mega punch does not quite do half but our box switches back into Haunter here's where the battle takes a bit of a bad turn I get confused and put to sleep and this Haunter knows Dream Eater thankfully Haunter does not use it before I am able to wake up sticking to lick which cannot paralyze because I'm already asleep I'm still confused and eventually I will get paralyzed with a lick but slowly but surely I am taking down this haunters help eventually Haunter swaps back into arbok of course it goes for rap I was thinking of switching and accidentally hit the item menu instead of the Pokemon menu decided not to and thank goodness I did because I go for mega punch and oh god I'm fully paralyzed but auerbach decides attacking super I get off a mega punch and it survives on like a sliver of Health uses a super potion and that is the last time hitmonchan u''t attack did amazing amazing work but I would have loved it to knock out the are bar and if you're ready for some bad luck Hitmonlee misses with a few mega kicks and arbok decides attacking would be great now so I'm about to lose finally decide to swap into high jump kick and I miss again but luckily I hit with high jump kick and it does do enough damage I wasn't sure that it would to knock out the arbok it's not a great situation because Hitmonlee still can't attack hunter but this is still going way better than 99% of my other battles I just go for high jump kick it only is dealing one damage I actually wish it dealt more back when you miss because I could just knock myself out and Agatha switches to Gengar which is kind of good because honnor could have put me to sleep and gain back some HP with Dream Eater which would have been pretty bad Gengar I don't mind if it does just that because it's at full health it also knows psychic which it uses and now it is to Onix in a Machamp against Gengar and a hunter and here's where this battle just gets unbelievably crazy Onix does end up getting confused but you see the critical hit second consecutive rock throw and then the next time rock throw hits another critical hit that is crazy look I don't even want to guess at the percent chance of that turn of events but I will take it we only have a Haunter on a very small amount of health please just hit with rocked row of course I'm paralyzed of course I'm fully paralyzed come on Rock throw thank goodness if I wasn't using my retron 5 with its 4 times speed that would have been 2 hours of battle time against Agatha that is one of the most difficult and annoying battles for all the wrong reasons and yeah I got lucky but it's not like I had a choice in the Pokemon I was using or my movesets and if I had any thoughts of ever trying this in Pokemon Stadium which is what I initially wanted to do yeah right we still have Lance and the champion two of the traditionally most difficult battles in the entire game and while they're not as unfair as Agatha due to these restrictions they're still very difficult the truth is Lance would have been a little easier if I'd leveled up a little more because here's what I do I lead with hitmonchan and I go for thunderpunch it can be a two hit ko this battle was a three hit ko but Gyarados thought leer was a super great move to use that helps me out a little bit but even though I have ice punch I do not feel like facing dragon air they are way better and yellow version as you see when I switched to Machamp and I'm hit with a thunderbolt I go for submission and it's doing the worst amount of damage enough that Lance uses his hyper potion but not enough to knock it out I decide to chance it and go for the 30% fissure it doesn't work and I get hit with thunder wave I go over submission and I'm rewarded for my boldness with a critical hit but we still have another dragon air to deal with Hitmonlee will be responsible for that one it also does that bad amount of damage gets hit with ice beam but thankfully Lance doesn't heal and we are down to just two more Pokemon one being Aerodactyl which knows fly now yeah yellow I know flies gonna one hit ko I don't want to swap out so I just allow Hitmonlee to faint now I send out leveled up Onix and I'm gonna use harden thankfully Aerodactyl does not know supersonic it's probably gonna go for fly or hyper beam both of which are perfectly acceptable since they won't do that much damage harden is both raising my defense and the rest of my stats Thank You badge boost glitch another reason pokemon stadium would be very difficult it isn't in those games since there are no badge boosts after I set up five hardens Aerodactyl goes for Hyper Beam I have a free attack so I go for rock throw I miss I then use the sixth part and go for rock throw and thankfully doesn't take me too long to knockout Aerodactyl the question is will I be able to hit Dragon Knight with the rock throw yes but I get a critical hit which does slightly less damage than sick badge boosts it knows Blizzard which is 90% accuracy in generation 1 and easily knocks out onyx now my only hope is Hitmonchan to outspeed and to hit with ice punch in spite of the eighth level gap Hitmonchan does in fact out speed knocks out Dragon Knight and Bruno has effectively made it to the final battle against the champion wow this was way more difficult than I thought it would be thankfully this is not the first battle with the rival I dunno what to expect so I have a pretty good idea of what I need to do in order to win I lead with Hitmonchan and go for ice punch you've seen this before and I get a massive critical hit which is huge because sandslash goes for slash and gets a critical hit which was frankly kind of likely and does just about the same amount of damage as a regular earthquake ion speed though go for another ice punch and there goes Sansa lash now Alakazam likes to start with Kinesis i thankfully am able to hit with mega punch great job Hitmonchan unfortunately that is the last mega punch that Hitmonchan would use i get hit with psychic but great work by hit munch and it was clutched this entire run time for some my other Pokemon to pick up the slack now Machamp will survive a psychic unless it crits yikes not really what I wanted to see because I know him on Lee won't out speed and it's near its maximum level of level 55 thankfully Alakazam decides to go for Kinesis and that makes up for that bad psychic critical hit it misses jump kick knocks it out okay we're back on track unfortunately I ran out of power point restoring items like elixirs so I have to use high jump kick instead of mega kick it does have better accuracy much better than hypnosis that misses a few times it is a psychic move so execute or we'll keep going for it eventually it does hit but I've done some significant damage execute or then goes for leech seed but I wake up very quickly leech seed is very bad with sleep because I don't want this thing to restore health another high jump kick is not quite enough to take it out but a hypnosis ms+ high jump kick and Hitmonlee wow it is picking up that slack and in case you needed an exclamation point critical hit on the cloister with the super effective has massive defense so it definitely would not have been a won at Gale otherwise but I will take it now I don't like having a leech seat on me so I'm gonna swap into onyx to get rid of it it's also a decent matchup against nine tails it goes for confuse ray don't like that either so I swap back into Hitmonlee and thankfully uses quick attack hi jump kick is doing roughly half of its health it uses tail whip and misses with a quick attack one in 256 chance of that happening and we're down to the final pokemon Jolteon it goes for the thunder wave which wasn't necessary because i didn't out speed it high jump kick does about 3/4 but then it goes for thunder which does hit and now I'm down to my final two Pokemon the two onyx now Jolteon does not have double kick anymore it only has one attacking move that can affect Onix pin missile and you can see how little it's doing so I'm gonna set up 6 hardens because I know how unlikely it is that I actually land one of my attacks and when I do I want this Jolteon to faint after 6 hardens I go for slam it hits and there goes the battle Bruno from red and blue has defeated pokemon yellow with his terrible team his terrible move pool and what I'd like to think is a semi-competent player actually calling the shots but that's about it for this video I needn't expect to make a video out of this let alone one that lasted nearly an hour so if you like these sort of more fun trainer type challenges let me know otherwise I will see you guys with another solo run video in a couple days take care
Channel: Jrose11
Views: 793,265
Rating: 4.8821921 out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Jrose11, Catch 'Em All, Red, Blue, Generation 1, Pokemon Red, Pokemon Blue, Pokemon Red and Blue, Pokemon Challenge, Kanto Challenge, pokemon challenge, pokemon challenges, can you beat pokemon with only a, elite four, no items, is it possible to beat, challenge run, can you beat, gen 1, Bruno Pokemon, Pokemon Yellow, Yellow, Impossible Challenge, J rose, Onix, Worst Team
Id: fNTRnbpa5B8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 22sec (3442 seconds)
Published: Fri May 15 2020
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