Is it Possible to Beat Pokemon FireRed/LeafGreen with Only Magikarp? - Impossible Challenges

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previously on gyros 11 I guess the last thing I'm gonna say is that if you guys get this video - I don't know something crazy like 20,000 likes there is another game out there where you can get through the entirety of Kanto with a magic carb but I don't really think I'm interested in doing that right now hey everyone how's it going so you guys seem to like the last video a lot so we're gonna be doing this we're gonna try and beat the entire game with just a Magikarp is it gonna work I don't know is it gonna be fun probably not but you guys wanted it so you're gonna get it now for those of you who didn't watch the last video yes I did attempt this in regular red and blue and was unsuccessful there were a bunch of reasons but basically it boils down to the fact that you need to get past the channelers in the pokemon tower who have ghost Pokemon and Magikarp in generation 1 can only use two attacking moves tackle and struggle if you run out of moves both of which are considered to be normal attacks there is no way to skip the channelers without beating the channelers you can't get up to the top and get the poké flute and without the poké flute the second half of the game is inaccessible so the run ended after beating Erica and that was still really really tough but I knew that in fired and LeafGreen things were different that there was at least a theoretical way to get through to the rest of the game I just didn't know if I was actually going to be able to do it and that's what we're going to be figuring out in today's video so before we begin with the run just a quick rundown of the rules or really rule the only rule is that in battle I'm only allowed to use a Magikarp so if Magikarp faints even if I have other Pokemon my party which I will have for HMS which are necessary to progress through the game I have to just either reset or let them faint I cannot use them whatsoever this is being done on an actual console no emulator no speed-up no say States nothing like that the only exception and this is important is that you cannot get a Magikarp as your starter or at the beginning of the game so we will be using a cheating device to get our Magikarp since that's the question at hand so yeah that's enough preamble let's start this run and the run starts actually pretty boring because I don't know of a cheat that will give you Magikarp as a starter which is what I did in the red-blue run so what I did instead is I picked squirtle and simply to pretend like it was a Magikarp lost the first battle because Magikarp would only learn splash so from a practical perspective you would always just lose the first fight and the rest of the early game wouldn't matter if you have a Magikarp or any other Pokemon so we just do everything up until we get the Pokedex we talked to the old man and one great thing though fired LeafGreen is that they give you five pokeballs automatically so we only have to spend on pokeballs we just have to use one of them to catch a Magikarp but of course Magikarp don't actually spawn in this area so I'm gonna save in front of rete 22 because there's a lot of level 5 Pokemon here and then I'm gonna bust out my gameshark put in a code to make it that every encounter I get is Magikarp and then just catch the first Magikarp once this is done I save take out the game shark put it away cuz we don't need it anymore and let the run begin and probably the biggest barrier there are many but the biggest barrier to anyone actually wanting to do this is the very first area in the game Viridian Forest because right now we have a level 5 Magikarp that is very weak and knows no attacking moves which for battling purposes is sub-optimal one could say and there is a ton of traders that stand in our way many in fact all of which need to be defeated and won't be defeated by a level 5 Magikarp with no attacks so we're gonna need to level this thing up unfortunately without being able to attack pretty hard to level anything up so what do we do well thankfully there is a move maggot carp can use unfortunately it's not so easy give it this move and the move is struggle you might know struggle it's something that probably happened to you once or twice during your Pokemon playing days and when you use up all the power points of all of your moves in our case the 40 yes 40 power points of splash they couldn't have given it any more if they wanted to then you're able to use struggle now we could theoretically just encounter like Caterpie and whatnot and use up our splashes but that actually wouldn't make a lot of sense because if we encounter any Pokemon that can attack us we're gonna take damage we're gonna need to heal and if we go to the Pokemon Center the easiest and freest way of healing then all our power points are going to be restored undoing all the progress we just made so we need a way of encountering Pokemon that don't attack so that we can use all our splashes and then get struggle thankfully in her rainforest there exists both Metapod and kikuna and in red and blue they appeared at a very reasonable 40% rate unfortunately in a move that would upset no one except for me in this one situation game freak decided to reduce that rate significantly to 15% so finding metapontum Kakuna take a lot longer a lot longer but once you find them remember last run all we needed to do is just keep mashing a you splash 40 times and then you get struggle easy you're funny now you can't do that anymore because one of the reasons red and blue actually was unbeatable with Magikarp is that the opponent's don't have power points they can just use their moves infinitely starting in gold and silver the AI does have power points so Metapod and kikuna will eventually run out of hardened and wouldn't you know harden has 30 power points splash has 40 so we're gonna still have ten splashes left and the Metapod or kikuna is gonna start to attack us which is exactly what we don't want so we have to run away before that and encounter another meta potter Kakuna takes a while because they're not super common then you do and you think great I've used up all my remaining splashes I should just attack this meta Potter kikuna but that's also not a great idea because of how struggle works see struggle deals what they call recoil damage which means that a percentage of the damage you deal to the opponent is dealt back to you now one of the great things about fired and leafgreen is that the percent of damage struggle deals back to you is significantly lowered in red and blue fifty percent of the damage you've dealt to the opponent was dealt back to you now a mere twenty five percent is dealt back to you however and this is key you will always get a minimum of one recoil damage so when a metapod has max defense which it will after using ten hardens every time you attack a metapod or kikuna you will be dealing only one damage and you will be taking back one damage now if you find a metapod that hasn't used six hardens you will be dealing around three to four damage and you will still be taking back one damage so it just makes more sense to find an additional Metapod or kikuna but as you could imagine this takes way more time than it used to because we're adding one more Metapod or kikuna to the mix and they appear less than half as frequently as they used to so you're probably thinking that Viridian Forest which took five hours last time is going to take even longer but what if I told you that you were actually wrong that in fact there are some other more subtle changes made in fire at leaf green that actually make this part of the game around two hours faster then it was in red and blue it's true I promise and let me talk about those changes the first something that really was a problem in the red-blue run was the fact that potions were so so limited before you got access to pewter city you see in both these games there is a single mandatory trainer that you have to beat in variant forests he's right near the exit to Pewter City now back in red and blue the Viridian city Pokemon in spite of the fact there is literally a guy advertising the PokeMart who gives you a potion they don't sell potion that's not the case in firered/leafgreen and access to potions early on really really speeds up the process because eventually money is going to run out money is super super tight and you're going to need a lot of potions to take on Brock so you can't just afford to use all your potions early on you are going to have to use the Pokemon Center eventually and every time you use the Pokemon Center you're gonna have to find two additional meta Potter kikuna just to use all your struggle just so you can probably find another one to gain a little bit more experience point it's very frustrating but if you have some potions you can limit those trips and they are very very helpful early on since Magikarp has a lot less HP and also is gonna be dealing less damage meaning you're probably not dealing ideal damage by which I mean taking back as little recoil damage as possible the second change that really helps is the addition of new trainers in Viridian Forest there are two additional trainers that weren't in red and blue all of which have reasonably weak Pokemon and you can defeat all of these for very useful experience points but perhaps the most important difference and the thing that makes these fights way way easier is the fact that you're taking back so much less damage in recoil being able to deal for damage for everyone you take back as opposed to two is just so big in the early game when we're talking about such small amounts of HP you're able to fight trainers earlier you don't have to worry as much about losing a ton of health per battle because most of the healthy lose is now going to be from the opponent attacking you as opposed to recoil damage and by gaining a lot of XP earlier on you're going to be levelling up dealing more damage having more hit points being able to take more damage and this snowballs and just makes the whole process a lot faster but unfortunately all is not good news because one way I really sped up leveling up my Magikarp and red and blue was after I defeated the final trainer in Viridian Forest I was able to go into Brock's gym and challenge this Junior trainer the Lightyear's guy and this guy had two pokemon in red and blue a Diglett and it's Sandshrew now I needed to level up my Magikarp to the point where it was able to take out the Diglett consistently without using any of my precious potions I need them all for Brock and there isn't any more money to get to replace them and once I was at that point I would take out the Diglett I would lose to the sand true but every time you took out the Diglett you'd get around 200 experience points which is basically like taking out four meta Potter kikuna and that was back when they appeared at a 40% rate so I was super excited to use that strategy again and avoid having to find Metapod and kikuna at a 15% rate but of course in a fire and leafgreen the junior trainer doesn't have a Diglett know he has a Geodude and Geodude is not easy to take out without potions so the strategy simply doesn't work it didn't make any sense I was not able to consistently take out the Geodude at any level and thus I was annoyed I was really annoyed so much so I decided to do something that I thought was really really dumb but I just didn't want to spend another four hours in Viridian Forest which is what I was fully anticipating that I'd have to do and I decided to just face Brock way before if you remember the last time I faced Brock at level 19 and it still took me multiple tries to beat him we're talking like 910 tries this time though it was different and the reason is that struggle has changed in one other way and it's pretty evident as soon as you start seeing this battle how struggle has changed it's no longer not very effective it's regular effective because struggle is now a type 'less move it affects every Pokemon type and will always deal neutral damage and you can also see that Brock's AI isn't amazing here Geodude knows two moves tackle and defense curl and it sure likes using defense curl even though I don't think it's making much of a difference and I only have one move I just keep using struggle and eventually once my health gets low enough I will potion and truth be told Geodude use defense curl so many times I only have to use a single potion to take out the Geodude but then came out the onyx and onyx is both more and less scary than it was back in generation 1 on the surface it looks scarier now that it has rock tomb which deals about seven damage each time it hits Plus at lower speed however it can no longer use screech which lowered my defense which is really what made the Onix fight so difficult still using three different attacking moves and bind always taking off one health after it's used every subsequent turn I hemorrhage health pretty quickly combined with the fact that I am still using a move that takes recoil damage but one thing that should be apparent is that magikarp has extremely good defense and so none of the moves are really doing that much damage even a critical hit wouldn't normally take me out and so I know when to use potions and yeah I played it a little risky to be fair I didn't actually expect to win I believe this was my second try with Brock and I was like I said just seeing if I could get past him quickly and move on to the rest of the game but with some patience some potions and I got a little bit of luck but I wouldn't say a crazy amount of luck I was able to get past Brock at level 14 and that made me feel really good and the footage didn't get deleted I was very very happy but that happiness soon turned to well less happiness because I continued on to the rest of the game and the rest of the game was quite a bit harder than I remembered because my Magikarp is no longer over leveled in fact it's kind of at the level it should be at for this point of the game and it's also a Magikarp meaning it's severely under leveled in a sense so I actually went back to Viridian Forest to get tackle because the one thing although tackle is a weaker move I no longer have to worry about recoil damage and of course the stat boost you get from being a level higher but even with tackle the trainer fights were really tough like I even could lose some of these fights if I got a little bit of bad luck and every time I'd finished a fight I had to run back to the Pokemon Center because I had taken a ton of damage it took a really long time to get through but slowly but surely I made my way through route 3 through route 4 and mount moon there weren't really any fights that were too interesting there was one section I should mention that was kind of funny the Team Rocket member one kind of close to the exit I was not able to beat him and no matter what I did I wasn't gonna win this battle and I really didn't feel like leveling up to the point where I could beat him unfortunately he's what they call a spinner and every time I was run past him he would notice me and engage me in battle I couldn't seem to get past this guy except sometimes I could and it took me like 10 minutes to figure out why that was and basically I learned these stealth mechanics of Pokemon which is that when you're walking he doesn't immediately turn around to notice you but when you're running he seems to do so now I have been able to run past him before so it's not like an all-or-nothing but other than him the rest of the fights were fairly normal and we make it into cerulean city and this is where the biggest bottleneck of the run happened it shocked me because this was a problem spot in the last run a little bit but not to the degree it was in this run it was kind of crazy and let's talk about why so you really only have two options at this point you could go to cerulean gym or you can try and fight the rival so I tried to fight the rival even though I was three levels lower and it didn't go well I'm doing like no damage - pidgeotto Pidgeotto is doing around 8 damage every time it used Gus plus it at sand attack and I was like missing every time I knew that at this level I wasn't going to beat the rival so I tried cerulean gym that wasn't working either forget about misty I wasn't able to beat a single one of her trainers in there which indicated to me that this was going to be a really difficult section so I did what you do when you can't progress I went back to Route 4 and tried to go and level up a bit more and seeing if that would work and I leveled up a bit more 5 more levels to be exact and tried again and I still couldn't get past the pidgeotto granted I didn't get great luck he got a couple of crits in but he also didn't use any sand attack and I didn't miss and his moves which are all based 40 power both tackle and gust are doing six damage so that's a little bit less but it's still quite a bit now I'm just not dealing enough damage and I'm starting to realize that this is gonna be a problem because if I can't get past the pidgeotto how the heck am I gonna deal with the Bulbasaur and the rest of his team but I decided to go and try and level up a bit more so now I'm at level 27 and I'm trying to face the pidgeotto and his attacks are still doing six damage plus I got a couple sand attacks but overall most of my moves hit and I was able to take out the pidgeotto finally then the Bulbasaur comes out and I decided to use a super potion to get all my health back because I wanted to know how much damage a vine whip would do the answer is more than half my health which means I cannot possibly beat the Bulbasaur like this plus with all the sand attacks that Pidgeotto was able to use I'd even a hit with my tackle so I don't know how much damage that would have done but this will not work I would need to heal every turn just to survive and I would never get a chance to attack so I'm gonna have to level up to level which meant I learned the move flail and let's talk about flail because it's an interesting move flails power is determined by how much HP you have remaining and here is the actual chart to show you the range which goes from 20 base power to 200 but what's important to recognize is that you need to be at about a third of your health before flail becomes a better move than tackle sure it's five base power better but that's negligible the fact is flail will need to be used at low health and thus I'm going to be carefully managing my HP for the rest of the run for difficult battles and let's take a look what happens when I don't do that so I go into the battle at full health and just try to knock out the pidgeotto as quickly as possible so I use a combination of tackles and flails and I'm able to knock out the pidgeotto at 15 HP so using our handy flail calculator which will be displayed on the screen now periodically you can see that my flail is now at 80 base power so the ball basore comes out I use flail and it only does half damage that's not enough the bulbasaur is easily able to retaliate and I lose so I kind of have to figure out exactly how much HP I want to start the fight with so I will have exactly the right amount to take out the bulbasaur in one hit but honestly it was a lot of trial and error because here's an example of where I had too little health I came in with 9 I use a flail it doesn't take out the pidgeotto the pidgeotto uses gust I go down to 3 and then it's able to use quick attack and you can see me resetting right away beware I've been at this now for hours I'm getting very annoyed and I should mention that unless you get poisoned which I wasn't able to do unfortunately it's not easy to get the exact value you're looking for but I ended up determining that 13 HP would be the perfect value and it worked well if Pidgeotto cooperated essentially what I needed to do which is what you're watching now is I would get any attack first turn and then second turn I'd get a quick attack and oftentimes if you're in low health it will automatically go for quick attack the AI is trying to be smart thankfully it would not take me out and I would have exactly one health left which would give me a 200 base power flail which is enough to take out the Bulbasaur in a single hit and the rest of the battle is not too much of a problem especially considering the next Pokemon he sends out is an Abra which has no attacks and can't attack you now all I needed to do is to remember that Rattata also knows quick attacks so make sure you heal and so after hours upon hours of leveling up and strategizing finally rival two is defeated but my troubles in cerulean are not over yet after nugget bridge you have to battle at least one hiker I chose to battle the one with the Machop in the Geodude now at this point I hadn't yet decided exactly how much HP I wanted to have but I just ended up getting insanely lucky so it worked out I got a critical hit against the Machop even though I wasn't at my Mac's flail so it took it out in one hit anyway then the Geodude comes out I hit it with a flail it doesn't do nearly enough damage I'm clearly not gonna win hits me at the rock throw puts me in Mac's flail range which is good but I know I'm not gonna take it out unless I get a critical hit and I get that I got lucky here but after how long it took me to defeat the rival I'll definitely take it but there weren't any other fights that were a problem until misty so I didn't really know what I wanted to do versus misty so I just went in at the health I had which happened to be 10 HP meaning I was at 100 base power for flail and it did not take out the star you in a single hit luckily the star you didn't attack me but then she sent out star me and this is when I knew I was in trouble because a 100 powered flail was not even doing half health meaning 200 base power was not taking out the star mean one hit plus water pulse did at least 10 HP probably was doing a lot more Magikarp is not known for its amazing special defense and Starmie has pretty great special attack so I had to come up with a plan I tried fighting misty at full health but that didn't really work so I battled the star me again and again and again at various health using different potions but the biggest problem I was finding is that the star Minos recover so even when I felt like I was making progress it could just recover and unfortunately it was able to outdo me in damage dealt and I was simply not able to defeat it so I needed a consistent strategy to take out the star me before I could use recover or do so much damage that it didn't really matter that it was using recover finally I came up with a strategy that ended up being effective so I started with exactly two health used flail and took out the star you in a single hit then the star me came out and I used one super potion and here's where I relied on a little bit of luck I needed the star me to hit me with water pulse three times for it either not to confuse me or for me to never hit myself in confusion if it used swift or recover it was gonna be tough this time even though I got confused I hit the star me and as you can see if everything went right the a I didn't use recover because it wasn't at low enough health and since each water pulse did around 17 damage I could make sure it was at 2 health to get off a max powered flail and finally take out the star me and now I can continue to the rest of the game oh my goodness this took forever but thankfully after Misty's gym the game gets quite a bit easier and this was true the last run as well there are lots of trainers here but I'm so over leveled that it doesn't actually matter I'm usually able to take out most things in a single hit with a flail but I do need to be a little cautious when there are trainers with PG or ratata that no quick attack because if I'm at too low health they'll be able to knock me out but overall this part of the game was very easy and I was able to gain some valuable experience points and make my way to the SSN where I have to fight the rival once again and at this point because I'm at such a high level and I already have flail the battle is far easier I just have to figure out exactly how much help I wanted to enter the battle with I decided on seven because Pidgeotto will always use quick attack which does five damage giving me a max powered flail and I can feint the Ivies or heal up the radical and nothing else is a problem just use tackle or flail against the eradicate and the Kadabra and I have plenty of potions if I need them but I really didn't and so I was able to get cut and proceed to the rest of the game now just like last time I decided to leave lieutenant surge for later there's no real need to fight him right now I'd rather be at a stronger level because electric type attacks especially if I get hit with a static ability not gonna be a fun time so I continued on to Rock Tunnel fought some trainers and for the most part none of the trainer's are too much of a problem until Rock Tunnel which is a part I actually thought would be difficult in the last run but thankfully all the geodude's and gravel errs use self-destruct which made it really easy well even though this Geodude that's level 25 should no self destruct it never uses it I don't know why maybe it doesn't know it but it did not use self-destruct a single time and so you have two options you can fight the one hiker with the level 25 Geodude or another hiker that has a Machop and an Onix and the Onix is actually really annoying because it knows harden which raises its defense screech which lowers my defense bind which does just a little bit of damage every turn and rock throw which does just enough damage to give me real problems even with all my potions it's very very tough to beat this thing in the end I elected to fight the Machop Onix I went in with 5 health and used a 150 base power flail to knock out the Machop in one hit and then with the Onix I've been at this for 15 minutes so I just tried to hit it not really caring if I faint it or not just hoping I got a little lucky finally after a couple of lucky misses I decided okay it's time to heal and then slowly but surely I just kept attacking it and eventually it went down but took a really really really long time this was a very frustrating battle and it was not the only mandatory hiker fight you actually have to do here you then have to fight this hiker who has three geodude's all level 19 anima chopped this time I actually used an X attack I was saving it for this fight you cannot purchase them at this point but you do get one along the way which is why I have won for this battle but I could only use it once and I actually went in with full health because I needed a turn to set up the X attack and it's gonna be doing damage it just seemed to make sense I always try it full health just because it's easiest to do it that way and it ended up working you don't do too little damage even though they're rock-type but they do know Harden so that can be a little frustrating the real difficulty here is getting past that first Geodude at a decent health you just use tackle until flail starts doing more damage and then once you get past that first year dude you start doing a lot more damage to the subsequent pokemon so this battle honestly wasn't so bad but we have one more rock type battle coming up and this one was actually the worst of all the ones I'd done so far because this guy has to level 21 Geodude and then a level 21 gravel er which if you thought geodude's defense was good gravel errs unsurprisingly is much better now you might be wondering Jay Rose why don't you just use struggle that's how you beat Brock and the real answer is I didn't want to spend all that time and I didn't even know if it would work effectively because think about it with struggle I have to use up all my splashes all my tackles that's 75 PP plus I have to use up all the 15 flails that's gonna take a really really long time and I can't go to the Pokemon Center in between and I have to waste my potions that's not something I was looking forward to doing I wanted to see if I could do this using more normal strategies and eventually I did find a way what I needed to do is use an X defense to start off the fight and then the strategy is simply to get lucky because beyond having Harden which makes this fight a lot more difficult they also know magnitude and magnitude varies in power from a really weak attack to an unbelievably strong attack meaning I couldn't exactly predict how much damage I was going to take which makes it very hard to know into potion which is super important for a flail user because I want to be at the lowest HP I possibly can but I could always be knocked out if they got a really good role on magnitude so this fight took me forever finally I started playing a little conservatively at least for the most part but I would use tackle until it made sense to use flail and then when I didn't feel like risking it anymore I would heal and slowly but surely eventually you start to actually do damage and it's not the first two geodude's which are that big a problem but that gravel er even with powerful flails it's gonna get up a few hardens this just took forever not only did it take me many many attempts to actually beat this guy but it took so long I mean look at my tackle PP I know it's going quick so you might not be able to see it but you can definitely see it's going into the yellow I am using like twenty to thirty tackle PP per fight like this is absolutely obnoxious but thankfully this is the last mandatory horrible hiker fight that I have to do for the rest of the run because once we get past this guy we can make our way eventually after fighting a few more trainers along the way but no hard trainers or mandatory hikers we can get to sell it on city and in celadon City we get access to the items that make this run possible the battle items now in addition to HP management part of my strategy is to decide which battle items to use when and how many and a good example of where this comes into play is the Giovanni fight in the Team Rocket hideout now Giovanni on paper looks really tough he leads with an Onix has a Rhyhorn both of which I rock pokémon and but thankfully he's not as much of a problem as those hikers are because we have X item so what I decided to do and I realize in retrospect I could have even done something different is I use 2x attacks Y just to not 6 because onyx knows Harden and it's actually way more important to start attacking the onyx as soon as possible because once it starts setting up hardens it doesn't matter how many act attacks you use you're gonna be doing like no damage so once again I use tackle until flail starts to do better damage and once it does it actually does some pretty decent damage to the Onyx and especially the Rhyhorn you can see how great onyx is defenses Rhyhorn isn't nearly as bulky and is quite easy to take out but it did get in a tailwhip which would come into play the kangaskhan came out and I was worried so I decided to heal and good thing I did it used fake out and then what I decided to do is to play it safe once I ran low on health again I healed again and thankfully it just decided to use tail whip like three times in a row and that was the giovani fight which for the next little while is one of the hardest fights of course excluding another really hard fight that I have to do the fight that almost ended my run last time even though it ended very shortly after Erica and her grasp ah come on so before I fight her I'm gonna battle every other trainer that I haven't fought yet including going back to vermilion City and fighting lieutenant Serge and at this level he really isn't a problem the only thing I had to really figure out is exactly how much HP I wanted to go in with if I picked a really low amount like three well the Pikachu knows quick attack and it would take me out in retrospect I actually got really lucky and probably should have gone in with a little bit less health probably like 11 or so because 14 if you look at the chart I'm still only doing a hundred I should have probably gone for a hundred and fifty because when I hit lieutenant surge with an eighty base power flail it did about two-thirds so in my successful battle I probably wouldn't have won without a critical hit I think it would have just survived so I guess I got a little lucky but the truth is I could have also used an X attack I was honestly at this point trying to be as reckless as possible because well I've been at this for a while and yeah even I get frustrated at some point and need to find little ways to keep the run interesting so I artificially made the fight tougher than it needed to be probably got a little lucky in this instance but I think I would have beaten him no problem with like the tiniest bit of actual strategy speaking of which I have to fight the rival again but with battle items he's quite a bit easier so I decided not to heal and was that the same 14 health that I went into the last battle with and after losing a couple of times I came up with this strategy literally in this fight I use an X attack healed with a super potion and then used a guard spec which prevents your stats from being lowered specifically accuracy from sand attacks and intimidates because he now has two Pokemon with intimidate Gyarados and growlithe I set up a few more X attacks and then just kept using flail I was at only an 80 base power flail but with those X attacks it took out the Ivysaur in one hit it didn't take out the Gyarados in one hit but thrash didn't knock me out so I was fine and then of course the growlithe in Kadabra were absolutely no problem and if this were the last run I wouldn't be able to really go much further because we wouldn't be able to hit ghost Pokemon with any of our moves flail is also a normal move but thankfully it's not generation 1 and struggle as a type less move so it's time to go and waste all our PP and this takes a really really long time to do that by the way at least for splash what I decided to do is find another Magikarp because they always appear when you use the old rod and they can't fight back so they're pretty nice to fight against and that would actually did is there were a couple trainers I had left because I figured there's so much experience in Fire ed I didn't really need to fight the ones that took forever so I actually went back and fought a couple hikers because what a great way to waste all my tackle and flail peepee and eventually I got everything down to zero if you're wondering where the move to leader is they're not available until like the end of the game so we're not gonna be able to do that at this point you have to kind of use up all 90 of your PP it's really really really tedious but we can fight ghost Pokemon so it is worth it and unfortunately the fights are really boring a struggle does 50 base power ghosts of horrible defense I'm hilariously overleveled they are not a problem whatsoever the only thing to remember and I had this written on a big piece of paper is not to step in the healing zone because that would be brutal however once you fight all the channelers and there is no risk of fighting another one you can then heal up and fight the marowak then the Team Rocket members and then you can get the poké flute and continue to the rest of the game but before we do that might as well go and fight Erica right now if you remember last video she gave me a lot of problems and with flail I figured it would be a little bit easier plus I'm even a little bit of a higher level so that should work right but I went in with as little health as possible none of her Pokemon no quick attack so I don't need to worry about that I used a max powered flail and it didn't faint meaning I had two options one hope for a crit which feels like kind of cheap or to just level up a little bit more and then beat her I guess that's kind of cheap also but I elected for number two because I had to go and level up anyway for the rest of the game but yeah I level up to level 50 and go to fight Erica again and at this point it's what they call a range meaning the attack has a chance of knocking it out on one hit Pokemon attacks don't always do the exact same amount of damage every time out so essentially I have to get lucky I tried a few times and once I got an attempt that knocked out the victreebel I thought I was good right I mean there's no way anything else tanks the max powered flail right right Oh so I tried again I use the flail knocked out the victreebel and the tangle up with one hit and then used a hyper potion when she sent out vileplume now for whatever reason it likes to use acid maybe because it thinks I'm at such low health I don't know it always seemed to use acid here which was perfect I then use an X attack she used stun Spore usually so I would use a paralysis heal then she'd usually use Giga Drain now this was not guaranteed to happen in fact this was I think my third try but if acid and Giga Drain did just the right amount of damage Magikarp would survive and would be in range for a max powered flail which would take out the vileplume with the X attack bonus but this actually took me a really long time and I probably could have leveled up more but I wanted to really see if I could do this at level 50 but now finally we can see the rest of the game and at this point the game actually becomes a lot more frustrating not difficult not challenging but frustrating and the reason why is simply that prior to this point most of your opponent's other than gym leaders we're using pre evolved Pokemon all of which have pretty pitiful defenses and don't hit that hard so I could kind of be lazy keep Magikarp at very low HP and just use flail after flail after flail well now with stronger Pokemon especially on cycling paths like coughing and wheezing I can't do that if I try to do that they'll survive the hit no longer is everything just going down in a single hit since Magikarp has very very bad attack I don't know if you guys knew this Magikarp is not the most competitive pokemon and so I kind of have to just take my time with every single battle and considering how many more trainers there are from now until the end of the game it definitely made this part a bit of a slog and the only real difficult trainers left for the most part were the gym leaders so I spent the next few hours slowly but surely battling every trainer I could until I decided it was finally time to take on Koga and even with all the leveling up I did the first battle didn't go too great max powered flail doesn't even take out the coughing let alone his fully evolved Pokemon it wouldn't take out the coughing that's gonna be a bit of an issue in addition setting up against Koga is not a really easy thing to do his Pokemon all know moves which either raise evasion or lower accuracy as part of the whole ninja tricks stick so for example coughing nose smokescreen which lowers my accuracy and muck if you try and set up on it well just keep using minimize until you never hit it so it was really frustrating trying to find the perfect balance of X items health and making sure kogas Pokemon don't evade every single attack I use so after thinking about it for a bit I decided to go in at full health and set up on the coughing since it can't actually raise its own evasion it can just try to lower my stats which I can block with the guard spec so I would start by using a guard spec then I would start using X attacks unless I got poisoned or ran too low on health and eventually the guard spec would run out and I need to use another one but I just kept at it until what ended up happening is that the coughing got me to this perfect health exactly to health which put me in max flail range I had already used a few ex attacks and I figured this was as good a chance as any as I had to sweep through his entire team and I did and for the record that critical hit against the muck didn't really matter because I didn't get one against the wheezing and wheezing has better defense than muck but this fight was a really good example of trying to use all the tools I have which aren't very many to get the best possible outcome and trying to avoid the strategy of just get to a super high level you'll one-shot eventually it's way more fun to try and figure out strategies like this and now that I've defeated Koga I can go into Safari zone get surf and then battle a bunch more trainers until I'm at a decent enough level to get through self company and battle all those trainers and so once again I spent a pretty long time doing that but in Silph company there are a couple difficult battles including yet another exciting battle with the rival now the good news is Pidgeot no longer knows sand attack but the bad news is it does no feather dance which sharply lowers attack so I still have to use guard specs and the strategy here was to simply set up enough ex attacks to sweep through the rest of the team unfortunately it still knows quick attack so when my health gets too low it uses quick attack and I have to start all over again so I have to be very cognizant of how much health I have and whether I need to heal or not but the truth is that only happens if I get unlucky if I get regular luck meaning no critical hits what will happen is I'll use a guard spec and the pidgeotto just goes for wing attack does consistent damage and I can usually set up 4x attacks and then on the final turn use a guard spec and then even with a base 100 flail which I had in this case with the 4x attacks I'm able to take out the Pidgeot the venus or the Gyarados and by the way with the guard spec the intimidates don't happen for the Gyarados or the growlithe which is very helpful and the ala Kazam which has some good speed but I'm at a super high level and it is pretty paper-thin defenses so all in all the fights with the rival are getting a little bit easier don't worry that'll change at a point I think you can expect but for now let me be happy with the fact that I can beat the rival without it taking like 10 hours speaking of which the next battle you'd expect to be difficult is Giovanni but he's actually way easier this time because instead of an Onix leads with Nidorino which has really poor attack and the only real risk is it poisoning you but it deals such little damage thankfully I'm able to set up all six of my X attacks Plus heal any poison damage and eventually it got me down to 20 health which is again a base 100 flail and it's able to knock out all three of the Pokemon that don't resist it like nidoqueen and kangaskhan the Rhyhorn however didn't go down in one hit but thankfully you stomp I still had some health left and I was easily able to take it out on the next turn and this was actually my first attempt to Giovanni so no complex strategy here this is the first thing I tried and it worked so that works for me speaking of which Sabrina even though she can be a difficult gym leader in many runs that's not the case here because my Magikarp outspeeds all her Pokemon and you don't even need an X attack not a single one I went in with seven health just because I happen to have it which puts me at a hundred fifty base power for flail every single one of her Pokemon one shot because I'm at a much higher level and psychic pokémon not known to have the greatest defense so that felt pretty good and I was starting to think hmm maybe the run will be easy do I even need to make a video on this I mean come on the rest of the runs gonna be just as easy as this was right well to help it stay easy I actually went on a bit of a detour and started catching Pokemon because there's an eight in this game if you catch 40 different species of Pokemon you get the amulet coin which doubles the amount of money you get in battle money is actually going to become very very important since we need so many different types of items so maximizing the amount of money I can win super important but the rule still applied I still was only able to use Magikarp so it was a little more tedious than I would have liked but I needed the amulet coin to make this run bearable so then I went through the pokémon mansion and battled all the trainers in the cinnabar gym until finally I was at Blaine and although you'd probably expect this to be the easiest gym I actually didn't beat him on my first try because Blaine sends out growlithe and growls has intimidate in and of itself that's not a problem but it also knows Fire Blast and seeing the damage Fire Blast can do even though I'm so over leveled and it's not very effective it demonstrates just how poor Magikarp special defense is however the strategy was simple I would use a couple exit axe heal when my health got too low and I used three more but that's only like using four in a regular battle because of the intimidate and then it happened to get me to seven health I don't know why against seven health once again a hundred fifty base power flail it took out his next two Pokemon I was a little worried about the arcanine but I thought I'd be able to take it out in a single hit and I was able to even though it also gets off and intimidate and so I can't say first time once again this was second time streak broken but in this run second time is it's decent I would say decent now in vanilla red and blue at this point you would go over to Viridian and fight Giovanni but in firered/leafgreen you have to go to the Sevi islands and complete a little side quest and by the way the Sevi islands have a lot of useful stuff they won't be able to use in this run and so there's a bunch more trainers to fight and you have to find this lost girl and return her to a father a truly original plot point I know but once you finish with all that side quest stuff we are ready to go to the final gym and face Giovanni for the third and final time now Giovanni once again leads with the different Pokemon this time it's his Rhyhorn and the Rhyhorn has very interesting AI it will keep using scary face until it hits I assume I knew it had scary face so I let off with the guard spec and it just kept using it every single time allowing me to set up all six of my X attacks and then I guess once it ran out it started using earthquake and this wouldn't have been a problem if he didn't get a critical hit which I wasn't anticipating and so I lost the battle but the second time around I actually got a critical hit which I was worried would be a problem but I was able to take out the Dugtrio with a single tackle which truly felt amazing of course the tackle did not one-shot nidoqueen which has pretty decent defense but it did put me in range for a base 100 power flail and I was hoping that would be enough to sweep through the team but even though it took out the Nidoking the second Rhyhorn has smarter AI flail only knocked off half of its health and it was easily able to retaliate with an earthquake and I have to try all over again and I really wanted this to be my last attempt so I decided to change my strategy make sure I would win so I actually unequipped my amulet coin and equipped a Pecha berry which will heal me from poisoning since both nito king and Nidoqueen have poison points as their abilities meaning there's a 30% chance when I hit them with a move that does contact like flail I'll be poisoned and that mattered because I had a bit of a different strategy for dealing with the Rhyhorn I was still gonna be using guard specs and setting up X attacks but I decided to throw in a dire hit and some ex defense the diet for a lucky crit chance and the XD friends help out both by defending me against the Rhyhorn this time for whatever reason it's a I decided no no attack him this isn't working let's attack and the other Pokemon I can manipulate my health a lot better this way after I finished setting up I was at 31 health and I decided to attack with an 80 based power flail it retaliated with an earthquake and that put me into base 100 power range and so then I was able to knock out the Rhyhorn the Dugtrio the Nidoqueen and the neato King I didn't need the Pecha berry but it was good to have it just in case but remember how I said I used that dire hit just in case I got lucky well I got lucky and the second Rhyhorn didn't even have a chance to attack because I took it out in one shot I don't know if the X defends mattered and I guess I wasted a bunch of pokey dollars but hey I can say that I defeated all eight gems using just a Magikarp no speeding up no emulators no savestates no no this was done in real-time and while I felt happy I started to feel a little bit of dread because I knew I knew the most difficult part of the run was coming up very soon but we still have another tricky battle before then the second-to-last rival fights spoiler alert and I intended on using a very similar strategy to last time except I noticed that the rival never actually used feather dance so I stopped using the guard speken instead started setting up 2x defense since Pidgeot doing a fair bit of damage and I really would prefer not to heal since if he doesn't get any crits it will very likely put me in the 150 base power range for flail which should be good enough to take out his entire team so I finally finished setting up I use flail against the Pidgeot it takes it out and the moment of truth will it take out the venusaur in a single hit it does but then he sends out his Rhyhorn and I'm not convinced that I would be able to one-hit ko it and then it would either one-hit ko me with a single attack or would get a crit so I decided to play it safe and use a fresh water so I wouldn't gain too much health but enough to set up a guard spec Ferdie Gyarados and the growlithe that are coming up and Rhyhorn kept using takedown and it actually put me in a very very good position to use flail against the Rhyhorn and then against the Gyarados the growlithe and finally the Alakazam and that is it for difficult trainers until of course the Elite Four but let's take a moment to appreciate how far we've all come I mean of course I did the run and you sat and watched it or at least highlights of it for an hour and I know I joke around a lot but I'm dead serious if it weren't for the fact that I knew so many people wanted to watch this video there were points where it was very tedious and would have been easy to give up but knowing that people enjoy these videos so much it's pretty motivating even when I have to go and you know fight like a billion Metapod or something but that's like 50 minutes ago we're now ready to get through Victory Road head to the indigo plateau and face off against the Elite Four and before I went there I actually went and did a big shopping buying all the items I'm gonna need including ex attacks ex defends dire hits ex accuracies lots of healing items including soda pop lemonade and fresh water which will help me manipulate my HP within battle to some degree so starting off is Laura Lee and she leads off with dugong and the strategy for Dewgong is actually kind of simple my goal is to set up six x attacks heal when my health gets too low and at this level each of her two attacks both surf an ice beam do about 43 44 damage give or take so it actually works out that I should after I used my 6x attack have the perfect amount of health to sweep through her entire team with a 150 base power flail unfortunately that doesn't always work it did in this case but if she got a crit sometimes hail which she can use would mess things up and sometimes she would just get really bad ranges on her attacks and I wouldn't be able to sweep through her team which could cause kind of a problem because Slowbro and Lapras can actually be kind of problematic if I don't get rid of them quickly in this example though it went well usually it went well but they were still like 30 percent of the time that I would have to start all over again so it was definitely a very frustrating part of doing this and yes I did this like at least a hundred times but after Laura Lee comes Bruno and Bruno leads off with an Onix that knows earthquake rock tomb iron tail which it never should use and roar you might also notice that all my tackle peepees are used up here that's intentional but don't worry about that for right now so I heal before I enter the Bruno fight obviously and this time I start off by using an axe defend and once he uses rock tomb I need to use a guard spec because although one speed drop doesn't actually hurt me any I still allowed speed his entire team at three he will start to add speed me so I need to be very careful anyway the onyx part is incredibly tedious it's just setting up exit acts refreshing the guard spec because it only lasts five turns and if necessary using the appropriate healing items to try and get my flail and the best range possible if it's at base 150 it will one-hit ko everything on his team except for the Machamp and the second onyx so when he sends out the Machamp I would oftentimes heal now because I've used quite a few ex defense sometimes one sometimes three it depends on how the battle went I believe in this example I use two or three I would just keep using flail until I ran out because I need to run out of moves anyway and it actually makes things easier against the Onix so once they ran out of flail I would start using struggle the Machamp it does have a citrus berry and they do sometimes heal with a full restore which is really annoying so I need to be careful not to get the Pokemon in the range for them to use a full restore but thankfully it's not too big a problem I have plenty of healing items myself and if I just keep using struggle the Machamp won't be a problem unless it gets a crit by the way all these strategies are ruined by getting a crit I use dire hits by the way often times when I'm wasting a turn I think I use win this battle because crits are nice and I believe I got one against the second onyx it's a lot stronger than the first onyx it has earthquake double-edged and sand tomb it can be actually really annoying but thankfully it didn't get any crit see the big thing in this fight is no crits if I don't get any crits Bruno is actually I would say the easiest fight and once I got past lauralee I usually was in the clear and you might be noticing something I'm not saving in between fights this is intentional this was always a rule in my challenges as a kid when you got to the Elite Four just like in Pokemon Stadium you have to fight every sing trainer consecutively no luck no randomness you had to beat all five in a row and if you couldn't do that then your strategy obviously wasn't good enough so I will never be saving in between fights I will always just be going right on to the next bite and if I lose I start all over again anyway Agatha is really really really obnoxious because she has a gang gar that knows shadow punch toxic double-team and confuse ray so I start off with an ex defend just to allow me to take more hits it really helps out especially because I don't need to manipulate my health this time and then I need to set up six ex attacks and 6x accuracies because she's gonna use double team a lot and the ex accuracies will counteract her evasion boosts the only other thing I need to worry about is being poisoned and confused I have plenty of full restores full heals and I even bought some antidotes and knowing when to heal is well honestly it's one of the most important parts of this fight because the ai's program that if you're not confused or not poisoned to try and hit you with a confuse ray or a toxic so I want to end up on my last turn being able to attack right away unfortunately struggle is not a very powerful move so it does take multiple hits to take out the Gengar which is a little frustrating and she can even heal but the gangers shouldn't be too much of a problem the one thing that could happen and did happen here is you might go into the golbat fight poisoned if you're confused that's a problem if your poison don't worry too much about it because I actually always heal here since I need to be cognizant of the fact that if I get a crit I'll be a ton of recoil damage and if they get a crit that could actually knock me out so I need to be very careful golbat isn't too annoying arbok is a little more annoying arbok has screech so I do use a guard spec at some point and it also has intimidate and I do want to have my attack maximized so I do set up another X attack and then when appropriate I heal and then the strategy is pretty much justyou struggle again and again now ii Gengar might use hypnosis a bunch which is kind of good because it doesn't hit often and it's not attacking you again make sure you heal here you can't risk losing the battle to recoil damage and it will take two hits to take out the Gengar even with the citrus berry and finally she'll send out her hunter hunter is super easy if you have enough health to withstand the recoil damage one hit should take it out with or without a crit so that's it for Agatha and the truth is her and Bruno are pretty consistent these strategies tend to work you can get an unlucky crit but if you're smart with how you heal and always keep the possibility of a crit in mind you should be fine however after using something like an ether on flail because we're gonna need it we have to face Lance and Lance is unbelievably difficult all this pokemon are good but the Gyarados specifically is a real issue Gyarados nose bite dragon rage twister and hyper beam but bite funny enough is the big problem you see I know I've been speeding up the footage so that you can see the entire fight and you may not have caught on to this but the ex defense I've been using in the last couple fights have really lessened the amount of damage that the Onix and the Gengar can do while I set up for many many turns unfortunately in generation 3 there is no X special defense this means I cannot lessen the amount of damage bite will do which is roughly 40 damage which doesn't sound too bad but when you consider the fact that a regular bite plus a critical hit bite could be enough to take out my Magikarp it makes this fight incredibly scary in addition 40 or so damage is very difficult to manipulate for a good flail and the rest of Lance's team is even stronger and more of a problem in the Gyarados which doesn't bode well for us because the Gyarados itself is a big problem so what I do is set up 7x attacks which you may have seen I know the footage is going fast and then once I can manipulate my health as well as I can I then will start using flail don't forget the hyper beam can also deal a great deal of damage so you kind of want to get rid of the Gyarados as soon as possible the more turns the Gyarados stays around there are more opportunities there are for bad luck and this entire Elite Four run to be over which is actually really stressful anyways after knocking out the Gyarados Lance sends out his dragonair which you think would be easy so I heal the first turn and he uses outrage and here my run ended on a mistake I should have used a soda pop I wasn't thinking and I used a fresh water and the outrage easily was able to take me out and the run was over and you might think well just try again right but I couldn't reliably get past the Gyarados I would get to the Gyarados every so often and keep in mind each attempt took about 20 or so minutes but time and again at my current level the Gyarados just proved too difficult to set up on and without setting up on the Gyarados I wasn't gonna be able to take on the rest of Lance's team it was just not a reliable strategy which is why I need to level up more I needed to make sure that bite did a little bit less damage but eventually I did get back to Lance and was able to get past the Gyarados once again now at this point I'm starting to play incredibly conservatively and there's a good reason I have spent now hours on this I don't want to lose I've made it all the way back here let's play it safe so I wait out the outrages and I'm waiting for Dragonair to use hyper beam because that gives me two turns to attack or to hit itself in confusion and I actually used tackle for the first time in a really long time because Dragonair doesn't have amazing defense so two tackles or a tackle with a crit will take out the dragonair and I went to the dragonknight with full health I was safe I had full health and a single outrage did a hundred and twenty damn which is the worst case scenario because I not going to be able to set up against this thing and flail is only based 100 power so I just decided to go for it and it almost took it out but not quite and so I needed to either try again and hope it hit itself a confusion and use a couple tackles but what if it got a crit like you don't understand these crits would just ruin seemingly perfect runs and that's a part of the game I need to work with that so instead I decided I'm just gonna level up as much as I can and keep in mind Magikarp levels up extremely slowly this takes a really really long time I'm not using cheat codes or anything so I got it up to level 92 and I tried once more and this was not looking like a good run everything went wrong against laura-leigh I kept trying to manipulate my health and it just wasn't working until the point I just said you know what I'm frustrated let's just knock this thing out I'd already gotten up the 6x attacks I tried my best and it didn't work then the cloyster came out and I'm just you know let's just keep attacking let's keep attacking whatever we're gonna play really really aggressive here because it is only the first battle let's see what happens and for whatever reason the cloyster decided it didn't feel like attacking me so that was nice but where this battle actually became winnable was when I got this crit against the Slowbro because with the base 100 power flail Slowbro was gonna take me out with whatever move it used then the jinx came out and even with a 100 based power flail jinx says pretty brutal defense so it fainted in just a single hit and then the lappers came out and I decided to try for some health manipulation strategies so I used a couple fresh waters and a soda pop and then I attacked the laparis after I had the soda pop it did a little bit of damage and it put me in perfect range to take it out once it attacked me with either surfer ice beam it really doesn't matter which one so long as ice beam doesn't freeze that can be kind of frustrating but it worked and I made it to Bruno now the Bruno fight was very similar to the one you saw last time I started off with the guard spec used an X defend use X attacks refresh the guard spec then eventually when I was at health I deemed good enough I started attacking the Onyx I actually got a pretty lucky critical hit which is great because the fight with Onyx can take a long time but it did have a bit of a negative consequence later on anyway the Hitmonchan and Hitmonlee even at only base 100 power flail one hit ko perfect now I know I'm not gonna 1 hit ko than the champ so I decided to heal unfortunately of course it decided to use scary face but thankfully I still will out speed everything so long as I guard spec right now and don't get another speed drop and then I just kept using flail and the Machamp actually went down this time where I still had flails remaining so I had to use flail against the Onyx but eventually I was able to use struggle unfortunately I played it a little risky and you can see I cut it extremely close I don't know why I didn't anticipate onyx healing there for some reason but if I would have gotten a critical hit I actually would have lost the fight thankfully I didn't and I was able to use one last struggle and once again I've defeated Bruno now on to Agatha now since I just leveled up I decided this was the right point to use my rare candies I really didn't feel like leveling up and finding a bunch more trainers so I kind of used those other two fights to get a little bit more experience point which explains why I was a little reckless with laura-leigh I really wanted the experience points even if I didn't win but I only had 6 meaning I was at level 99 and it's not quite level 100 but it's close enough now the strategy with Agatha is the exact same so I'm just gonna skip the setup part we don't need to see it again the big difference comes when I actually attack I can take out the gang or anyone hit I unfortunately got a bad range and didn't on my first attack but the second time I did I also was able to take out the golbat in one hit but that was probably due to the crit I don't know if it mattered but either way that was helpful now when Agatha sent out the aerbook I decided just to try and attack it see if I could get a lucky crit which of course I didn't so I decided to heal use an X attack and unfortunately hit me with the screech but I was anticipating a hypnosis so I wasn't too concerned and that's exactly what happened with the second Gengar unfortunately its defense is still better than the first Gengar so a single struggle will not take it out but thanks to its citrus berry she didn't heal it so I was able to use a second struggle and take it out and for the Haunter I did have to heal here because it was at such low health but once again a single struggle is all you need and I've defeated Agatha but like I said it's Lance who gave me the hardest of times and me being at a higher level really makes a huge difference I also use an ex defend because I'm worried about hyperbeam but the big thing is notice how much damage bite is doing it's doing around 30 versus 40 meaning a crit would do around 60 versus 80 to 90 this makes the fight a lot safer but it still can be a nightmare if I get a crit so even though I wasn't at a good flail range I decided to start attacking the Gyarados and took it outlaws at 44 health which isn't gonna take out anything in a single hit but now that I'm at a higher level and this is key look how much less damage outrage is doing I know why didn't I just level up the first time but I kind of want to see if I can beat this at a more reasonable level still I am using a Magikarp I guess I'm making this hard enough on myself but dealing only 60 damage I can manipulate my health to get a base 100 power flail which is enough to take out both dragon air in a single hit but it would not take out the Dragon Knight thankfully dragon heights outrage is doing a lot less damage as well and so by using lemonade's at the right time and getting a little lucky with damage rolls I'm able to get a 150 based power flail at 14 health and one hit ko of the Dragon Knight and know that crit didn't matter but at this point I was genuinely sweating I actually didn't know what I wanted to do against the Aerodactyl I never battled it before and I was so close to the end of the game I really wanted to win so of course I'm at 14 health I'm not convinced I'm gonna one hit ko the thing so I heal better to be safe than sorry right now I start feeling a little confident because ancient power does like nothing so this shouldn't be too bad I'm just gonna use tackle wait till I get to low health things should be fine right well watch this turn of events it uses scary face which lowers my speed meaning it now out speeds me I in futility try and guard spec it's too late and then it gets a critical hit and instead of healing I decide to try and retaliate and it uses hyper beam and I survive on to health at this point I'm like speechless III don't know what to say I can't believe that just happened but who cares finally we're fighting the rival for the last time and I've beaten him this many times before I'm really confident it shouldn't be too much of a problem but I haven't actually faced this version of his team before so I don't know if the strategy I'm planning will work so I head into the final fight and just hope it's gonna turn out no he's gonna lead with Pidgeot and Pidgeot is actually an amazing pokemon for me to set up against because it only knows a single attacking move aerial ace which does physical damage and he knows sand attack again which could be a problem but I have plenty of guard specs so that and feather dance aren't going to be an issue and whirlwind doesn't affect me at all so obviously as the battle starts I used the guard spec then I use an ex defend and then I'm just gonna set up ex attacks and see how my help is and as it turns out my health was at 13 which puts me in range for a 150 base power flail is that gonna be enough I'm not sure but we're gonna find out so this is the moment of truth is this going to one-shot the venusaur yes it does at this point I'm ecstatic I'm actually gonna do this I don't want to get my hopes up but I'm actually gonna do this next comes out alakazam I out speed one shot with flail let's do this but we have a ride on in the way and ride on his pretty good defense so I am going to need to heal now I want it to be really safe at this point so I use another ex defend and I hadn't actually thought about this ride ons moveset but it also knows both rock tomb and scary face I got hit with a rock tomb in him like oh yeah guard spec better do that and now I'm thinking okay I guess I should just set up XD fence and try manipulate my health right and that's what I do so I set up as many x defends as i can and of course it's not actually doing much damage it keeps trying to status me which isn't working so if you can believe it in the final battle I'm using tackle once again I'll keep using guard spec once mine runs out but I can't believe it I've been using flail this entire time finally tackle get in some love in the final battle this is perfect it's like full circle unfortunately the champion has like a billion full restores thankfully I've used a dire hit at this point so I am getting some crits but this is taking forever I'm starting to get worried what if the attack then gets a crit I don't want to have to do this again but after he heals the second time I'm actually at 80 based power flail which is twice as powerful as tackle so I just keep using flail and eventually I take out the ride-on but at 22 health with Gyarados is amazing defense I'm still worried what if I don't one shot it better heal let's be safe let's win and it's a good thing I did because this Gyarados knows hydro pump which does quite a fair bit of damage a hundred percent if it hit would have taken me out better safe than sorry for sure so we trade attacks back and forth I eventually start using flail once my HP is low enough but once again I'm a twenty eight health am I gonna one-shot the Arcanine arcanine also has really good defense plus it has intimidate and extreme speed I'm gonna heal there is no point taking a risk this is the last Pokemon in the game and holy moly is it doing a lot of damage you can see how much damage that bite and that flamethrower I set up the 6th X attack use tackle get an incredibly lucky hit and flamethrower takes me down to 21 HB flail cannot miss and I've done it it's it's not even at level 100 we did it at level 99 you see it didn't even have to be as powerful as possible and we were able to beat the game with just a Magikarp and nothing else and furthermore anyone I know who's even attempted this has used emulator with speed up and save states and all that none of that I wouldn't even save in the elite 4 this was a legit Magikarp run I would never thought this possible or why anyone would ever do it but I just did and I I don't know what to say so this video has been almost 80 minutes long and if you've watched this all the way through well you're you're a hero I I can't believe it and I'm humbled and I know this took me forever to make but I think you can understand why I really spent a long time trying to make sure this lived up to the incredible hype of the first video now will you do another one I don't know guys give me another hundred thousand likes and maybe I will I mean the one run I never wanted to do is past generation 4 because at that point you will lose a quarter of your maximum health so I don't even know how I'd get past the beginning part but hey if you guys want to see it share the video like subscribe I'm back we're gonna be beating the game with silly Pokemon catching them all all that fun stuff I don't even know what to say thank you guys so much take care
Channel: Jrose11
Views: 2,386,921
Rating: 4.8778725 out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Magikarp, Red and Blue, Pokemon Red and Blue, Kanto Magikarp, Beat game Magikarp, Magikarp Run, Red Magikarp, Blue Magikarp, Pokemon Magikarp, Solo Magikarp, Jrose11, Jrose, Kanto, Pokemon Red, Pokemon Blue, Gen 1, Gen 1 Magikarp, Beat Red Magikarp, Beat Blue Magikarp, Whole game magikarp, Generation 1 Magikarp, Pokemon Challenge, Gen 3, Pokemon FireRed, Pokemon LeafGreen, Beat Pokemon Magikarp, FireRed Magikarp, LeafGreen Magikarp, Chalenge Run
Id: pBdNvzZ-AJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 13sec (4753 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 16 2019
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