Is it Possible to do a Solo Run in Pokemon Red/Blue in UNDER TWO HOURS?!

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I watched this live, it was INTENSE.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/jelly-bees 📅︎︎ Feb 04 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hey everyone how's it going so it's no secret that i've been doing solo runs on my channel for quite a while and some of them i try to go pretty fast but so far the fastest i've been able to do is three hours and three minutes of in-game time by mewtwo and that just wasn't good enough for me i wanted to see just how low i could get the time and yes trying to do the mewtwo run in under two hours was my ultimate goal you might be wondering how the heck are you gonna shave over an hour off a pretty decent run well that's where this video comes in because i've been practicing on my twitch channel and using a variety of new strategies i've been able to get some pretty decent runs my best up to this point was 2 hours 10 minutes and 14 seconds so already about 50 minutes i was able to save and for those of you who are unaware of the rules of my solo runs these speed runs follow the exact same rules no glitches of any kind are allowed and i'm not allowed to use any items in trainer battles so it's like every single trainer battle is a multiplayer battle and that's why even with mewtwo as my starter sub two hours seemed pretty unrealistic even the greatest speed runners with items are usually in the 150 mark so for me to get within 10 minutes of that especially at my skill level and having to do an entire extra section of the game i was pretty doubtful but hey i thought it'd be a fun challenge and as you could see i already got pretty close and you might be wondering as we get through the beginning parts of the game how was i able to shave so much time off of my original solo run well i've mentioned in some of my videos but my solo runs are performed at four times speed on a clone console known as the retron 5. because i was making so many videos so quickly it was just a way to save time and the reason i have kept using it is because and you'll notice by my movement it is way way easier to move shockingly at single speed and it's funny having to learn to do all these tricks at four time speed i felt like that episode of dragon ball where goku and krillin take off their shells and they can jump like a thousand feet it really was nice to play the game at its original speed that being said how would i save that extra 10 plus minutes well one thing i needed to get was good luck and route 1 already has a pretty lucky section you see i need to walk through grass and until we get to vermilion city we can't buy repels so ideally i would like about three encounters total and there's a lot of trips i have to go up to viridian down back to pallet although i don't walk in the grass too much and then i have to walk back up to viridian to go through the forest in my previous best i got pretty good luck getting only three encounters total this time however i didn't get quite the same amount of luck getting one extra encounter and with mewtwo's very long cry each encounter costs me about 10 to 16 seconds depending on what pokemon it's against that being said an extra encounter in route 1 will not make or break the run what can help tremendously is something we'll find out after i defeat the mandatory bug catcher we obviously skip the first two in viridian forest and i should mention viridian forest is pretty buggy this isn't a glitch this is the fact the developers forgot to program encounters on many of the tiles and thankfully we know what tiles those are and by following this path i dramatically lower the chance of getting encounters and i'd end up getting none that's really good once i beat this bug catcher though i want to look at my mewtwo special its most important stat if i see a special of 23 i have a terrible mewtwo and i need to reset there is about an 85 chance it'll have a special 24 and i don't really know if it's a good or bad mewtwo yet however what i really want and what i got was a special of 25. this made me pretty nervous because by seeing i had a special of 25 and with only four encounters between viridian forest and route 1 i knew this had potential of being a pretty great run and by the way if you want to watch the run unedited with my original commentary it's both available on my twitch channel and it will be uploaded to my second channel jros12 so you can hear what was going through my head at the time but yeah we're gonna head to the pokemart buy some pokeballs for some pokemon we're gonna need and then we're gonna face brock now brock is pretty easy geodude will be a two-hit ko even if i were to get a critical hit however onyx is where it can get really really lucky if i have 25 special there is a chance that i can get a critical hit and want to kill the onyx and sure enough [Music] all right bite is unlucky we don't want to see it yo we do want to see that it happened that will be a time save of my previous personal best and if you look at the plus minus column you can see how much faster i am than that attempt and you'll notice i still lost time even with that luck there are two reasons for that one the extra encounter and two i decided to go to the pokemart first which does save a little bit of time and with that comes the luckiest part of the run no not the trainers on route 3 they're pretty good although i did discover that it is indeed faster to battle the bug catcher that typically you'll avoid in speed runs the reason they'll avoid them in regular speed runs is that most pokemon it'll take multiple hits to knock out the caterpie weedle etc however mewtwo it's a wanna kill for all of them so even though the bug catcher has two more pokemon than the last it is faster because for the last you actually have to walk back to pewter and go back on route 3 which you may have seen me do in some of my videos to get her to move back to original position but that's not the lucky part the lucky part is whether we can catch the pokemon we need well that's the first element of it the first pokemon we need is a bird of any kind whether it be a pidgey or a sphero coming up mount moon [Music] come on come on don't be jiggly puff don't be jiggly puff perfect bird it is a spearow i'm worried we will knock it out so i'm gonna throw a ball at it okay we need three balls first ball now as i said in that clip although it would waste time i can use a maximum of three pokeballs on the sphero the reason being there is another pokemon we're gonna catch in mount moon a paris paris is one of the most useful hm pokemon in generation one because it can learn cut as well as dig and generation one has quite a few areas you can dig out of that you may not expect so having a pokemon with dig saves tons of time unfortunately in addition to trying to find the paris we also need to make it through mount moon without too many encounters and i actually changed my strategy up from my previous personal best ordinarily and you may have seen this in some of my solo runs although i routinely do cut it out usually what i do is go towards the right end of mount moon and i pick up both the rare candy and the escape rope unfortunately even though there's a way to manipulate the rng or random numbers in pokemon in order to try and make this category a little more accessible because that manipulation is actually extremely extremely difficult i did not use any of that in this run which also makes it more like a run you could have theoretically had as a kid back in the 90s so long as you had a game shark to change a starter into mewtwo which was an actual code that i did know back then but anyway because i avoid the rare candy it does end up saving quite a bit of time because by walking way less than mount moon there are less chances for encounters while theoretically that makes it less likely i'll encounter a paris but in reality paris is so much more likely on the first and second baseman floors and like i said every encounter costs like 10 seconds or so so cutting out the walking and mount moon makes a huge difference and where you'll really see this difference is when you see me split after rival 2. for those who not sure what those splits on the left mean their arbitrary points i break up the run to see how it's going if the split is red it means i'm slower than my previous attempt if the split is green it means i'm faster and if the split is gold it means it's as fast as i've ever done that segment in any run even ones i did not complete and there were plenty i did not complete in theory rival 2 could be a reason i won't complete a run but before i talk about rival 2 i should address the question why rival 2 before misty while mewtwo is a very powerful pokemon its best move even against starmie a psychic type is psychic and it takes quite a few hits to knock out starmie even after we battle rival 2 and all the trainers on the way to bill's house and you'll see what i mean in just a few minutes but imagine what it would be like if i battled misty first it seriously wouldn't have worked out anyway rival 2 i really would like a critical hit against pidgeotto because it can use sand attack thank goodness it does not use sand attack and am able to knock it out confusion we'll talk a second why i switched to confusion there abra is pretty easy unfortunately unless you have perfect attack swift is a two-way ko but it's not a big deal abra can only use teleport the third pokemon is rattata rattata can use quick attack which would technically waste a little bit of time confusion is enough to knock out rattata even without a critical hit so that's all well and good squirtle however will always be two at ko but because my special is so high i'm not really scared of it attacking me so to save our psychic power points we'll just simply use two confusions psychic is 90 base power and confusion is 50 base power and so a critical hit confusion does do more damage than psychic and it would be enough to knock out squirtle we don't get one and in fact i got a poor enough roll on my initial confusion that i got worried and used psychic it's not a massive deal to use an extra powerpoint i do have a few to spare and that's rival number two you can see my reaction to that gold split i am now 58 seconds ahead of where i was in that two minute and ten second run and i like to see that if we're going to try and shave another 10 minutes off this run being a minute ahead so early on it's a good sign and in order to shave off time one thing we don't do very much in this run is heal ideally we would heal as little as we possibly can although i did heal a couple extra times it wastes a little bit of time each time you do that though so the less you heal the faster you go pretty common sense none of the pokemon on these roots are any kind of challenge at all many of them are in fact poison type and you actually have enough psychic power points to knock out all the pokemon that aren't and with that you can theoretically make it through this route without ever taking any damage i'm not going to get too into detail but if you got really lucky and took a bunch of damage during the rival fight you'd be at low enough health that that annoying alert sound would play in red and blue that alert sound cancels out a lot of the other sounds and actually makes a lot of battles faster and knowing this i decide to be a little sneaky versus the manky trainer and intentionally make the fight take a little bit longer to get into what is known as red bar now i'm gonna be honest i'm not sure how much time that saved me but i did want to try that strategy and it definitely didn't end up costing me too much time so i don't think it was a bad idea but one way you could improve this run by a bit is being in that red bar as much as possible the one big downside is that if you get hit by quick attack you might faint and that would be really bad but thankfully that didn't happen to me here alright so let's skip ahead and get to the misti battle it really isn't too difficult staryu is a one hit ko and starmie theoretically is a four hit ko unfortunately i get a one in 256 chance of a generation one miss is what they're called and that's awful because my power points are actually on a very strict schedule and losing an extra psychic is not what i wanted this would cause a bunch of problems including the misty fight being slower since i had to switch to confusion because i absolutely could not waste another psychic when i needed them a little bit later we're actually not gonna heal until after we battle lieutenant surge so we need all 10 of those psychic power points we used one on goldeen one that hit on starmie and then the one that missed so we're already up to four and i would like at least two left for lieutenant surge having said all this the battle with misty herself is not problematic i've never lost a run to it and we can move on to something that has cost me quite a bit of time the team rocket trainer yeah never really talk about him but he has a machop and a drowzee in my 210 run the drowzee put me to sleep with hypnosis a mere 60 chance that it would hit on top of the mere 25 percent chance or 33 chance not sure how many moves it has regardless it was a very unlucky turn of events and my mewtwo stayed asleep like five turns which isn't even possible in later generations thus i knew i could save a ton of time if drowsy didn't put me to sleep and it didn't i was definitely very very excited to see that because i knew that would save me quite a bit of time and with that we can head to vermillion city finally by repels which will eliminate the randomness of wild pokemon for the most part and head on to the ssn now to get body slam or to not get body slam that was the question in my previous personal best i opted to skip body slam and stay at minimum battles in this run i opted to get body slam funny enough on there is a category extension that does use mewtwo and does a solo run however that run uses items so it wasn't a perfect comparison that being said the fact they go out of their way to get body slam it's not too out of your way you just have to go into that room battle one trainer and his nidoran and then it's yours that actually will save time against rival three because kadabra goes from a to it ko to a one at ko and hopefully body slam will do a little bit more damage than the normal move i usually would get tri attack which isn't available until celadon now ordinarily i wouldn't even talk about rival 3 because the strategy would be psychic psychic body slam psychic and hope you don't get hit by quick attack too much unfortunately since i wasted more psychics than i wanted to against misty i had to use confusion against raticate and it just missed knocking it out very very very annoying and my hp is a little low for lieutenant surge i could theoretically buy a potion if i really wanted to but that would be slow and i cannot heal in vermillion if i do what i'm about to do next won't work but i'm not even necessarily as worried about lieutenant serge's battle as i am about the trash cans the trash cans in red and blue are luckily kind of easy to figure out there are only certain cans that can be the first can and the second cans are all predetermined except for whatever reason there is a 50 chance the second can is the top left luckily though which cans are the ones you need to select persist even if you save and reset so my strategy is to find the first can as quick as possible save and then go to the can that can be the second can if it's right hooray in this case it was wrong and that happened in my personal best that's okay we just quickly reset go to the top left and now we can battle lieutenant surge and lieutenant surge has actually ended a couple of my runs due to incredibly bad luck but he is a little bit worrying with 27 hp and this is why i got a safety potion in the pc right at the beginning of the game so i could heal just in case now under normal circumstances this battle would be trivial however because i have to use confusion it won't want to kill the voltorb and it can use sonic boom which thank goodness it doesn't do and we can knock it out with another confusion pikachu will be a one ko goes for quick attack which wastes just a tiny bit of time but that's not too big a deal the raichu is scary i've been paralyzed not moved and lost two runs this darn raichu i would have loved a critical hit which i don't get but thankfully serge goes for thunder shock not thunderbolt and i don't get paralyzed you can see real life me getting pretty excited i'm not sure what that victory fist bump was let's call it the swatting a fly slightly to my right but i was pretty nervous about lieutenant surge having lost a couple runs and hey even though i didn't have the best misti split this run is still going incredibly well in fact at the very bottom of the screen that number in gold shows you that i've done this segment 25 seconds faster that is with getting body slam so clearly i've improved my movement even with that slight menuing mistake where i accidentally hit items i've done that in solo runs too listen when you're trying to menu fast you might hit a a little early it happens and it will happen a fair bit throughout this run you just kind of have to get better speaking of which we're about to save a bunch of time here because i did something unbelievably ridiculous in my previous personal best i forgot to use the bike no i didn't forget the bike voucher and i didn't even forget to get the bike which i have done before i just didn't use it and the reason i don't use it in any of my solo runs at 4 times speed even though the bike is faster it is so hard to control it actually ends up losing me time a lot of you comment on the fact that in my solo runs i'll routinely walk into walls well yeah playing at 4 times speed will do that to you but hey we're at single speed so the bike is definitely necessary and you might notice i don't have a split here previously my split was at erica which you'll notice is 35 minutes away yeah there was quite a bit of game in between so i decided to add a split for the rocket hideout and before i talk about that let's just quickly talk about something in rock tunnel in rock tunnel we're using repels and one thing i learned is that if you use the next repel before the previous repel expires you won't get that annoying text box saying well that the repellent expired so shout outs to war tab for teaching me that as well as several other very nifty tricks but what i do want to mention is everyone's favorite npc yes even in this run we have to deal with the hiker with the two geodudes and a graveler but j rose why would that be a problem you're a mewtwo just use psychic well guess who didn't heal and yes this was intentional like i said healing as little as possible saves a ton of time and so i was kind of misleading i said i wouldn't heal till after lieutenant surge but in reality you don't end up using a pokemon center until celadon and so that means i need to use confusion again and i'm even starting to run out of powerpoints for that and i knew this hiker could end the run if it used self-destruct and i'm just gonna let past me take it away [Music] print or defense curl critter defense girl critter defense girl we didn't need the crit this mutual's good enough special we're we're good my words probably didn't express what my face did just how happy i was that mewtwo knocked it out it meant my mewtwo had exceptional special and it meant that we probably could get a very decent run how decent well i wouldn't end up knowing that until after we beat erika and there's really very little to talk about in between then funny enough that said i will go over essentially what i do here so i do have to battle a few more trainers including either the gambler or i believe it's alas with two clefairy i battled the last because i was at low hp and didn't have any more power points i do have thunderbolt at this point which is a pretty decent attack and we're gonna get ice beam pretty soon but let's not get ahead of ourselves we're gonna go to celadon and we're gonna heal there's a bunch of reasons but we need health we need power points healing good then we're gonna go to rocket game corner i pick up powerpoint up which really only helps in this next part or if you get really bad luck so it's not a bad idea for safety we're then gonna battle all the trainers we need to and beat giovanni none of them are too difficult i did minorly mess up for getting to use confusion because we're not going to heal after we beat giovanni we are going to go to the pokemart we're going to buy three calciums which uses up almost all of our money we're going to buy two fresh waters one for ice beam one to get into saffron we're then gonna bike we're gonna go and get the hm for fly and then we're gonna fly to lavender now we're gonna battle rival number four where i made another mistake i don't even really need to narrate rival four he's pretty easy basically my mistake was i used psychic against wartortle when i should have used thunderbolt the reason it's a problem is that there is a ghastly that is coming up in fact two of them and i need two psychics left after rival four i would have had that but i was thinking ahead to other things this does happen from time to time even during my solo runs so but thankfully i did plan ahead there is a hidden max ether just to the right of rock tunnel the exit near lavender and i pick it up just in case and even though we really only need one powerpoint it made a difference and uh we're easily able to get through the tower no problems whatsoever and now we're gonna go battle erika another advantage of speedrunning i don't forget to battle erica erica is extremely extremely easy you have to beat the trainer with an execute but a single ice beam will knock it out and then erica's pokemon can be knocked out with psychic ice beam and psychic respectively but what i wanted to know is how much faster was i now that i use the bike and slightly better strategy 3 minutes and 30 seconds that is a massive gold split and it's actually gonna get a little bit better because you'll notice i don't have splits for rival fibel or koga in my previous attempt i did koga first which while safer is slower in this attempt right after erika i'm gonna head to saffron and battle rival fibel this battle can go pretty badly in my attempt i did for the channel i ended up losing this battle which is why i did koga first in my first speed run but i knew this would be faster and truth is as good as narration jarrow's live gyros you got this one let's see how rival five went but all right now i'm gonna be focusing on this battle because this oh gosh please don't sand attack please don't sand attack [Music] thank you rng you had to taunt me their game you had to you had to taunt me there but all right that was a gen 1 miss that is what they so growlithe is not a one ko so it's a range that's unfortunate [Music] now if this is not a one at ko then this is a bad strat okay okay we should be good okay disable failed okay this is good this is very good guys this is very good blastoise can't do all that much [Music] [Music] now that was a pretty muted response even by my standards and the reason i was genuinely nervous you'll see me chewing my tongue a bit of a nervous habit i'm trying to break as i'm watching back the footage the deeper we're going in this run the more tongue chewing i see and uh the more muted my responses get because i don't want to get too excited if this run inevitably either fails at some point or falls short of our two hour goal but now we got a pretty chill part of the run one more trainer we're gonna go and beat giovanni i do go a little bit out of my way to get a rare candy but i do think that will help with some ranges just a little bit later and then i'm going to fly back to celadon bike to cycling road and now all i have to do is avoid the first trainer stay on the left-hand side and uh we should be good [Music] yeah i like that you can dig out of sabrina's gym as well her gym is really annoying to traverse [Music] ah that look says it all funny enough the controller i've been using for my solo runs is the super nintendo controller that i owned when i was a kid so suffice to say the d-pad sometimes even when you're only pushing on the down arrow of the d-pad if you accidentally push towards the right-hand side sometimes you'll be a right and i veered right into a trainer i did get a level up though and i decided to go with it i mean a level up is good it should help with some damage ranges and there's an extra rare candy in victory road that i would usually get that i will now skip hopefully saving time in addition i would save a lot of time if body slam combined with that extra level would wanna ko some of the drowsy that i have to battle in this next section well it would come really close but it was just a range very frustrating in fact perhaps it would be advantageous to use an extra rare candy right here to make those ranges better and i don't think i had the best attack so that's very unfortunate having said that i do obviously want to kill the kadabra and knock out the third drowzee in one hit so it still ended up being a little bit of a time save and thank goodness koga himself shouldn't be too much of a problem now if you look under where it says pokemon blue it says mewtwo no trainer battle items glitchless and then one out of 30. one is how many runs have actually completed thirty are my number of attempts my second longest attempt made it to koga and it was when i did koga before rival five all wheezing actually wasn't a one eko with psychic you self-destruct and uh yep run over with that extra level and the extra levels we get from rival fiber and silk company koga is absolutely free which is exactly what i like to see so that's awesome i would like to know if i've been saving any time over my previous runs but looks like we'll have to wait approximately 20 minutes or so for when we battle blame before we do that though we need the hm for surf another reason that silk company is faster if we go to it first we already have lapras and that means once we get surf we can dig out of the safari zone go into the wardens house and we can use strength and pick up a rare candy which will help with damage ranges later on in the run so now it's time to surf to blaine's and here's the funny thing i usually don't repel or didn't repel here in my solo runs but have started doing so just in case and i didn't use to repel because you never get encounters i use a repel and i get an encounter in gen 1 encounter rates in the water are very low and the chance you get a level 40 tentacle is like astronomically low in fact it's the first time i've seen one in a really long time and like i said i never use repels of course this problem persists in the pokemon mansion where there are muck and magmar which i actually do encounter the first magmar i've encountered in a really long time thankfully magmar was my only encounter and i was actually able to make it through the pokemon mansion in what felt like a really short amount of time i'll note that i didn't pick up blizzard i like blizzard in generation one for its 120 base power and it's pretty respectful 90 accuracy with the mewtwo though i really feel like ice beam is good enough and i just didn't want to risk the 10 chance blizzard would miss i'm hoping i don't regret that anyway finally it's time for a new split we're going to battle blaine take it away past j-rose so now the big question is whether body slam because i wanted to be up 10 minutes after blaine obviously that's not going to happen we're not going to be up 10 minutes oh we knocked out the growlithe in one hit yo that muck battle coming in clutch if we get a crit here that would be so clutch yeah tm-28 is dig [Music] no no what a time loss come on just be all right come on three okay it's not the end of the world frustrating but that special drop came in clutch yeah that makes sense all right critical hit make up for that baloney with okay perfect [Music] that cost me like 30 seconds [Music] all right so we need to make up a minute more than that i need to make it like two minutes just to be safe yep i just got a gold of three minutes 54 seconds i am eight minutes 41 seconds ahead of my personal best which already was pretty decent and i'm sitting there thinking about how i'm going to save more time unfortunately there's not much time in this run left only a few more gym battles and they're all pretty intense and the big question is whether or not these will be one of ko's kadabra i knew would be a one ko mr mime there was a question but it was a one eko venomoth psychic will obviously wanna kyo and alakazam got the critical hit 42 second save we're nine minutes ahead it's gonna be close we only have a few trainers left giovanni rival six and the elite four let's see how giovanni went [Music] okay that's one ah [Music] that's two yeah those are really slow that's three uh maybe muck is the strat like guys muck might be the strat craziness [Music] and is that five uh maybe i don't know again that look says it all two-minute 16 second gold but you want to know something funny that wasn't the case like at all you see in my personal best run i was getting so nervous i forgot to split after giovanni and split twice after rival six so that number actually should have been after rival six not after giovanni so i'm not actually ahead by 11 minutes and i didn't realize that at the time but it didn't matter i was determined to get this time as low as possible and i knew a good way to do that to use my rare candies before rival six you see as you may have heard me say muck is the strat that extra trainer i battled on cycling road it has beautifully worked out that i'm getting every range i missed in my personal best they're probably not even ranges and i level up immediately after giovanni so i can easily and efficiently rare candy before rival six likely making that fight a heck of a lot faster let's see if it paid off okay by rare candying before i think everything is a one in ko and [Music] we obviously lost quite a bit of time with what just happened but we will gain it back no i'm gonna use it everything should be a one ko now guys this could be it holy poop on a stick [Music] it's fine just don't lower my special okay so alakazam still was not a one ko that's fine but blastoise was oh my gosh [Music] this is going to be close this is going to be so close and yeah it was going to be close i knew i had to get some really solid movement in victory road there were some parts i actually forgot the bike for so i knew i had some time to make up for my personal best and i had some sloppy movement mistakes overall i ended up having a pretty decent victory road which considering how nervous i was was incredible but at this point i don't know if there's that much more for me to say we're gonna go battle the elite four we're either gonna win or we're gonna lose or we're gonna take so long that it's not gonna be a sub two hour run what will it be well i don't think there's any way i could do justice to this runs conclusion so i'm gonna let live geros take it from here you have to have no you can't have any more pokemon in your party that's part of the rule of a solo challenge that's always been part of the rules i can't change it just because i want to go faster i've always done that jinx can freeze me and the run is over so there's this this is the scariest part of the run i have no idea this is a new route so i'm at a slightly different level than i was last time blank blink of lug a bling blink of look a blank blink of luger no attack thrash is perfect trash is perfect lapras can also freeze so we're hoping for a hydro pump here or a crit on my end crit crit crit no crit on my end body slime is fine so long as we don't get paralyzed okay let's go [Music] so that was 29 seconds slower than my last time i did laurely so take that for what [Music] that was that nidoran no it wasn't wonder where i lost the time oh well but i did all the rare candies last time no bruno is not worth having us play bruno is free agatha's free so long as we don't get maybe i've had bad movement maybe i slowed down a bit more than i usually do but 30 seconds is long especially because i skipped the uh [Music] oh i think i s guys i think my giovanni split was my rival 6 split i think that's what i did i forgot to [Music] [Music] split [Music] no this should be easy as long as we don't get a genuine missed this should be easy [Music] okay there's no genuine misses this is [Music] fine no worries i'm not convinced this is done yet i haven't planned for this level yet [Music] we skipped two rare candies i usually get but we were a level higher so we should be minus one if i end up losing because i of a range i'll be pretty upset [Music] i wear candies just before just before i entered the uh victory road to avoid encounters okay [Music] wow okay [Music] so that's what i was talking about [Music] i'm sorry i had to interrupt there wow like you have no idea just how annoyed i was that gengar not only wasn't a wanna ko but managed to get off that confuse ray all i could think about is how if i just got those rare candies that wouldn't happen it could have ruined my run but hey it didn't and let's see how it went you know what let's just do the carbos i'll be really pissed if i aerodactyl out speeds me a bit of a time waste but i don't have any more calcium [Music] do i have a calcium i don't think i have a calcium actually the run doesn't end until it goes to white in the hall of fame screen [Music] okay that should be good yeah yeah gen 1 misses can always occur [Music] so we're losing time because of that extra menuing i did not surprising [Music] oh also the gengar wasn't a 10k that's why we lost time let's do it [Music] probably split late again [Music] ice beam over can over thunderbolt for freeze chance [Music] if i get a special drop the run i think is over [Music] [Music] exeggutor can still put me to sleep [Music] our canine can still use takedown [Music] psychics a long animation i should have gone for ice beam or thunderbolt [Music] come on if i ever needed a clutch critical hit it was right here or freeze [Music] barrage is slow but if we get a two hitter that's fine [Music] even we get a five hitter it's fine yeah i agree five hitter is fine bad level up [Music] crit crit crit we need a crit [Music] i'm mashing literally as fast as i can [Music] stop talking stop talking i don't think i've ever mashed this fast in my life [Music] just give me the hall of fame i have a shorter cry [Music] [Music] wow [Music] ah five turn barrage that was a gold split two oh that's it it's done it's over [Music] thank you guys so much i'm sorry i was freaking out that muck trainer might be a strat after all that even with the gengar not being a one ko even with the five turn barrage we beat pokemon without items without glitches in under two hours i really didn't think it would be possible with any pokemon even mewtwo this category could still probably go lower and i'm sure some of you guys could run this category way better than i ever could but that's all i have to say didn't plan on making this video i thought this would just be a fun thing that i would work on for the next few months i didn't think that i would get a sub two hour time especially after that two hour ten minute time i didn't think i'd be able to take 12 minutes off maybe five but twelve i i was pretty proud so thank you guys for watching until next time take care
Channel: Jrose11
Views: 358,479
Rating: 4.9347477 out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Jrose11, Solo Run, Speedrun, Mewtwo, Glitchless, Timer, Speedrunning, Pokmeon Challenge, Pokmeon Speedrun, World Record
Id: k3oyHCXx-PE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 14sec (3014 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 19 2021
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