How Fast Can you Beat Pokemon Red/Blue with Just a Mewtwo?

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Always wanted to have a Mewtwo run to compare the others to! Very fun idea. Also what do you guys think is the "hardest challenge ever" Jrose has been working on for weeks now?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ShowtimeCA 📅︎︎ Jun 19 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hey everyone how's it going so today's gonna be a pretty fun video a bonus video in the red and blue challenge series a lot of you probably is a joke but maybe are genuinely curious to know how Mewtwo would do using these same rules so I decided because I'm working on the most difficult video I ever have in my entire life that should be out in a few weeks but this was a nice change of pace obviously before we even talked about the run let's talk about why Mewtwo is so good I mean we all know Mewtwo is good but how good in you two is should not be understated and here's a great way to show how overpowered Mewtwo it cadabra one of my favorite Pokemon because of how powerful it was in generation 1 it's best stat is its special base 120 Mewtwo's average stat is 118 Mewtwo's average is better than one of the strongest Pokemon in the game's best I know Alakazam is even better but cadabra's my favorite Mewtwo special which serves both offensively and defensively in this game is a hundred and fifty four there are only four Pokemon in the game with a single stat better we have chancy and Snorlax with their HP and cloister and onyx with their defense this is the fifth highest stat of any kind and it's a stat that serves two purposes but it gets better look at Mewtwo's move pool I mean pretty much every useful TM almost every TM in the game mu2 can learn but it gets even better because although Mewtwo doesn't learn any new moves till very late because you're not actually supposed to catch him you to to level 70 it starts out by knowing psychic even if it's just new confusion it would be great but the fact it starts by knowing psychic I mean you saw the rival battle pretty much many of if not all the early game battles I'm anticipating to go just that way and as you know if you've watched my channel I love to see if these Pokemon can do minimum battles so far only two have been able to poliwag which really shouldn't have and gastly the gold standard which took about four hours of in-game time can you to beat that obliterate that or will it's one drawback actually pose a challenge and that drawback is it's part of the slow level up group and that means it takes many more experience points to get from level to level that could pose a bit of a challenge since as we get later in the game there will be fewer and fewer trainers that we have to battle and I could see it being a problem though let's talk about Brock the crazy thing with this run is it so fast I actually have to slow it down not even make edit in order to fit in all the battles so I was pretty surprised that psychic was not a one-hit ko on Geodude and even more surprised that Onix out sped me and I was gonna joke around how long it would be till Mewtwo took damage well turns out battle number three so that's a tad disappointing but whatever it was still fine and one thing you'll notice after I beat Brock I'm not going to go heal why do I need to Mewtwo has such insane stats I barely need to heal in fact you'll only see me heal when it comes to digging from one place to another or I need to fly to a location it's kind of crazy just how much stuff you can skip and how fast this run goes but I will make my first edit because there's nothing interesting that happens along Route 3 or mount moon although I did skip the rare candy because I really wanted to see how low a level I could do this I didn't know if that would work but whatever it's just one rare candy let's go fight rival number two now there is a couple interesting things that happen here even though the battle itself is once again fairly easy I'm not quite one hit ko II this is again due to my low level and the fact I don't have much stat experience but the other thing you'll notice against ratata is a critical hit now in generation 1 only critical hits are based off the poke base speed so in Mewtwo's case it will get a critical hit just over 25% of the time that's insane in modern Pokemon it's around 4% without any modifiers like craziness but nothing else in this part of the game was too difficult so I decided to battle misty because that would be the quickest thing to do and I was trying to do this as fast as possible well Star you was a one-hit ko with psychic but star me well that Swift only did about a quarter of its HP and it gets a critical hit with bubblebeam I go for Swift again and now I'm below half health am I gonna lose a battle to misty with Mewtwo well she does get a critical hit but it's with water gun oh my goodness I didn't expect taking damage until like the end of the game let alone losing to misty holy moly but it goes to show you Mewtwo's attack isn't as overpowered especially when combined with Swift which isn't that great now in other runs I would remedy that by getting the TM for body slam but we're not gonna go and do that since it would both waste time and cost an additional battle that is totally unnecessary it also would be nice if we could teach at the TM 28 for dig but unfortunately that's one of the few TMS Mewtwo can't learn but I'm pretty confident I can beat rival number three with my current move set star me was kind of an exception due to its psychic typing and although both Pidgeotto and eradicate both use quick attack it's a one-hit ko with psychic I still not one hit ko in Kadabra I'm gonna want a better move than Swift but Charmeleon was a one-hit ko pretty easy and that move is going to come really soon when I battle lieutenant surge because lieutenant Serge has the TM for Thunderbolts and because I know someone's gonna ask no you can top out a lieutenant search before misty misty allows you to use cut outside of battle you need to cut down the tree to battle lieutenant surge so although I'd love to battle lieutenant Serge first I can't cuz yes that would be faster but this is still not too bad lieutenant Serge is pretty easy Pikachu and volt or aren't an issue whatsoever I was kind of worried about Raichu I mean lieutenant Serge uses X speed which actually is helpful then Thunderbolt thankfully no paralysis or critical hit I mean I get one but right you doesn't and if you were curious why I began the battle not at full HP the reason for that is I didn't heal in the Pokemon Center because I can just go to dig lit cave and dig my way back to cerulean city saving the travel time which is why in minimum battles solo I'm allowed to catch some Pokemon since I'm not going to be using them for battle it serves no advantage and the best Pokemon to catch is a Parris it can learn both cut and dig and I don't usually talk about the HM Pokemon but typically it's Pidgey or spear Oh Paris and Lapras sometimes I need to change it around for various reasons but we are gonna go with the typical group and this seemed like the perfect video to give them some attention anyway now that we've beaten misty we can head through Rock Tunnel there is nothing of note finally there's been some very annoying runs in Rock Tunnel recently but once we do that I kind of have many options and the quickest I thought was to go to the game corner beat Giovanni then get the hmph or fly go to the PokeMart sell the stuff I get in the rocket game corner by some calcium's because I need to go up to the fifth floor anyway to buy a drink to get into saffron while there I'm also gonna end up buying the TMS for ice beam and try attack and then I can go to lavender town fight the rival then Erica that I thought was the fastest route I ended up being right but as we see my journey through the rocket hideout I do want to talk about a couple things one I know people are gonna say you can skip it yes I know I consider that a glitch and if we want the runs to compare to the other ones I've done we can't skip it that would not be fair also make sure you heal and sell it on I forgot instead of having to backtrack through the second floor and then go up to the first floor since we're trying to do minimum battles you can just dig right back to sell it on unfortunately I forgot to do that so I wasted about a few minutes of in-game time having to backtrack that's very unfortunate and the biggest mistake I think I made in this run overall none of them are gonna be perfect I did try and do this as fast as possible the Giovanni battle was very fast but yeah that is very unfortunate but after I beat Giovanni I can then do the errands I need to do and fly the lavender town and battle rival number four this battle isn't actually all that interesting and so I decided to test a couple things I wanted to see how much damage tri-attack would do against executes when I meant to hit ice beam yeah that was a mistake but it was interesting that it did have and the Thunderbolt on Kadabra that was intentional I want to know if I even needed to use an attacking move or I could just use special moves well the fact Kadabra wasn't a one-hit ko means that's not the best strategy unfortunately it cost me a damage less fight versus rival number four but I'm sure you guys will forgive me I make it the rest of the way through pokemon tower then I fly back to sell it on first I head to saffron so I can fly there in the future and then I battle Erika which I both almost forgot to do in the run and forgot to script so suffice to say it's a pretty forgettable battle but there is something I should mention here part of the reason I wanted ice beam is the quickest way through the least trainers to get to Erika is to battle the trainer with the execute as we saw against rival number 4 try attack which I wouldn't have I'd have Swift is a to hit ko and execute does no hypnosis so that would waste a ton of time much better off having ice beam for execute against Erika as you're going to see psychic is a one-hit ko against all three for Pokemon two of them are poison types so that was never really much in doubt the question was how long will it take versus execute + ice beam should serve some useful purposes later on anyway it's a good thing to have and it was only very minor Liao to the way since we were on that floor anyway but after I defeated Erica then I go I have the bicycle don't forget that in cerulean I didn't mention it but don't forget it I didn't this time and although there's tons of trainers on cycling paths you can skip all of them and head to fuchsia now in terms of speed it is quicker to go to the safari zone first and truth be told I actually wasted a little bit of time because I got my strategy mixed up I want to get the HM for surf and then I want to dig out of the Safari zone because while you can't fly out or just exit you can dig out to the last Pokemon Center now I was thinking I would dig out to fuchsia and then battle Koga but actually it makes a lot more sense to dig out to saffron and then go fight rival fievel with most Pokemon that would be not possible or at least incredibly challenging due to you know the fact he is super high-level Pokemon but with Mewtwo well it should be fine and YJ rose why is that route faster the answer is it's only faster if you want the rare candy and I wasn't sure if I would need them in the wardens house where you get strength you can push a boulder to get a rare candy but the Pokemon I would use to do that is Lapras so in order to avoid multiple trips what I want to do is have Lapras already in my party and then just teaches strength and get the rare candy so yeah let's talk about the rival fievel battle now I go for ice beam it's not a one-hit ko against Pidgeot and why use ice beam over Thunderbolts well it's 5050 it doesn't really matter which one ice beam gives you the small chance to freeze so why not go for that goes for wing attack does nothing knock it out next turn everything else was a one-hit ko albeit I did get some critical hits you do know that's bound to happen I should also mention why Charizard well Blastoise has been giving me just really really crazy good luck lately and venusaur didn't make any sense because it's poison type and I'm a psychic pokémon so between Blastoise and Charizard honestly I wasn't sure what would be tougher and this is actually a really good time to talk about a couple thing one did you know that fire didn't resist ice and generation 1 it's funny because someone brought it up to me in the comments I instantly recalled a conversation out of the friend being very frustrated during Gentoo where I was upset because I spoke Aman I always felt were underpowered it's funny how that hasn't changed and so I felt like that just made them even worse and the other thing people have asked about that is a really good thing to address is sometimes you'll see let's say earthquake against Venus or and it'll say it's super effective and let me make this clear it's not super effective the game simply will always display a message when one type resists and the other type is weak and which message will be displayed is not random there is a weird priority system that you can look up on Bulba pedia but honestly I don't even look at those messages it is the reason that I forgot that ice isn't resisted by fire in Gen 1 because I would typically only use the game's Charizard and thought it was the glitch but yeah that is a thing in generation 1 anyway after defeat Giovanni I then fly back to fuchsia and I battle Koga now completely being serious here the jugglers in kogas gym are about a thousand times more difficult than Koga I mean I don't even know like infinitely more difficult in that they actually posed some sort of a semblance of a challenge while Koga the strategy was and I know this is an overuse strategy I'm trying really hard not to use it but I pressed a a few times I know I know I know but like it's hard sometimes you just you tap a and then you keep tapping it again this rhythm and then kogas just defeated i mean i want to make the battle interesting I do but like if you hit B nothing happens I don't know I'm I'm sorry Koga you just awful at your job so you deserve a promotion for some reason yeah I still don't get that one anyway when deciding whether I want to battle Sabrina or Blaine I picked Blaine there is a car bose available in the pokémon mansion and I can get the TM for Blizzard which maybe I'll use and I could get the TM for fire block which maybe I'll use so yeah let's go battle Blaine first and Blaine actually could have posed a bit of a challenge however I got too many critical hits all these battles so far have been on my first try I've only reset once and that was after I defeated Giovanni and realized oh no I've just dug my way back to cerulean that's not good so yeah I can't really try and make this battle I did like how arcane I knocked itself out with recoil damage that was kind of cool but yeah this battle maybe could have been a little more epic but alas hopefully Sabrina will be a little more exciting so thankfully we once again can skip all the trainer's and head right to Sabrina okay try attack one-hit ko that's good ice beam one-hit ko with a crit okay psychic one okay oh oh oh look at that try attack half damage recover and then a crit alright well listen we did say that we were gonna get a lot of crit so not much we can do now but hey Giovanni I can't even finish that sentence No Giovanni is going to be a complete joke with ice beam and psychic although I was nervous if Dugtrio out sped the answer no and everything is a one-hit ko ice beam ice beam psychic psychic I steamed and that was the quickest regular season I have ever had ball the two and a half hours of in-game time is pretty impressive the real time since I'm up front with the fact I've been using the retron 5 which has a speed up function so I can make more of these videos quicker 32 minutes 19 seconds I had individual trainers that has taken me at least four times that amount of time also with speed up to defeat like wow this is just insane I mean don't get me wrong you clicked on the video knowing this would be the case I made the video thinking this would be the case but I just didn't realize how dominant Mewtwo would be the fact they haven't lost a single battle to this point I lose all the time I talk about the battles I lose it's just it's insane so how is our final regular-season game gonna go is it gonna be that challenging one that really teaches me that I can't be so overconfident well it's not looking that way Pidgeot satu hit KO but Rhyhorn are one hit ko executes a one-hit ko Gyarados a one hit ko alakazam just under half and uh-oh a special drop that's offensive and defensive that actually I could lose here well thank goodness for that critical hit because I don't know what happened but Charizard is no joke now Thunderbolt is just doing half damage and oh my god the critical had actually ignores the special drop but that's wow wow I still won but yeah that was a bit of a wake-up call we are battling pokémon at least ten levels above Mewtwo's and that's going to be an issue but the truth the matter is thinking about the Elite Four in abstract I have pretty good moves for every one of the elite four members I should be fine right I don't foresee any major difficulties oh one hilarious thing is I by maxed repels so I don't get encounters in Victory Road I'm at such a low level I still get encounters even with repels I found that really funny it wasn't even something I considered being a problem and since this is minimum battle I can skip all the trainers in victory Road and yeah queue ice theme let's talk about Laura Lee I get a critical hit with thunderbolt turn one so do Gong is a one-hit ko and turn two so cloister is a one-hit ko and slow grow so slow grow is a one-hit ko okay what's going on alright jinx I finally don't get a critical hit try attack does about half jinx goes for thrash the next try attack gets a poor range so I don't knock it out hits me again with thrash and there's another critical hit that one's meaningless but okay at least things are seeming more normal now that was a little concerning Thunderbolt did under half hydropump hits actually not sure if I can tank another one Oh another critical hit okay that's five critical hits in one battle insanity but whatever that's it for Laura Lee now I do heal before Bruno and that may give you the mistaken impression that he will be difficult and I do use a different strategy I don't press the a button a bunch of times I mix in the d-pad which has nothing to do with Bruno neither did the healing it's all about Agatha Agatha I was pretty concerned about because I wasn't sure if I without speed and Agatha is incredibly truly in red and blue so I do out speed the first Gengar but it's not a one-hit ko Gengar has pretty great special and it uses hypnosis and it hits Oh I'm asleep she's a super potion that's not a problem still a one-hit ko from this point I'm still asleep nightshade I wake up but gen1 so I can't attack another nightshade and I knock it out but one more nightshade and I'm done even with that level up the last Gengar is level 60 so one nightshade is still a one-hit ko and if you're wondering why am I talking about the next Gengar because the next three Pokemon are psychic one-hit ko psychic one-hit ko and psychic one-hit ko now we have the Pokemon I'm terrified of literally all I need is no nightshade of course of course that's that's great that's great my first loss on hypnosis luck and a one in four chance Agatha just attacks randomly no toxic no just just nightshade great great okay well that means I have to reset because I'm trying to do minimum battles so let's try this again alright let's queue up some different music and Oh would you look at that Thunderbolt would not have been a one to care without the crit it only does about 75% of dugongs HP prowl isn't too big a deal they knock it out boy stur the crit didn't matter apparently no crit one-hit ko pretty good slow grow it evidently did Thunderbolt doesn't knock it out again about 75% and I get a crit against me I mean I guess that karma and I knock it out now I was so overconfident I actually didn't register that Dulong had used growl on turn one so I go for try attack rather than Thunderbolt and it's a three hit ko that allows jinx to use thrash twice and I'm only at 75 HP and as we saw a laparoscope white a bit of damage with hydro pump Thunderbolt does about half hydro pump doesn't knock me out but then body slam oh goodness I just lost to Worley Wow okay well it was the music's fault even though I do that in post and I have no idea what song I even picked but surely new music I will get a new result right well technically that's true because this time I get a critical hit roar beam that's a different result a worst one I get a crit against cloister so I'm not sure if this is a range or it's just always a one-hit ko don't get the credit getting slow bro again uses water gun but it doesn't get a crit but I have not nearly as much HP for jinx thankfully Aurora beam didn't lower my attack try attack is a 2 hit ko and now I just need to get a crit against the lapis or something I think well I don't but the Lapras sure does and that's now three straight losses with Mewtwo am I going to need to use rare candy no I got really bad luck with that critical hit Aurora beam Thunderbolt should have been a 2 ok oh I can do this ok so this time same thing happens but no critical hit so I'm at 130 HP knockout dugong good for whatever reason I seem to love getting critical hits against cloyster where it doesn't matter whatever this time I paralyzed slow grow but it still uses water gun 118 okay that's fine now I was curious how much damage Thunderbolt would do it gets a crit but it only does half so yeah try attack definitely was the best move but jinx ops to go for double slap that's really good and I am able to knock it out the next turn with try attack and I have a hundred and three HP for Lapras this should be fine well wouldn't you know I don't get the crit but I get the paralysis again Lapras doesn't attack and then I get the crit for good measure so I don't know if the strategy is actually that consistent going forward but whatever as long as I don't get crazy bad luck against Agatha I should be fine now because I want to show that I'm not saving between members you have to watch this Bruno battle again but no in seriousness I would speed it up but then it would be unwatchable and I like to show I'm not saving between members but now that the brief Bruno break is over we can talk about the scariest member of the elite four so far Agatha alright so outcomes Gengar number one obviously a psychic well not a one to Kayla but I get the SPECIAL drop and it swaps out actually the special drop didn't matter the swapping out does matter because now they'll only Pokemon I'm gonna need to worry about is Gengar number to every other pokemon is going to be a one-hit ko with psychic so let's count together one two three four I love doing that and then I get the critical hit so five five psychics to victory yeah it's not a great count impression but like if I don't see much with it you can't tell so that's nice but we finally have moved on to Lance and I'm not anticipating Lance being an issue at all I have ice be my thunderbolt this should be fine so unsurprisingly out speed use thunderbolt turn one by by Gyarados ice beam against dragon air one ice beam against dragon air to ice beam against Aerodactyl and hyper beam and critical oh my come on oh no this is the easy one this is Mewtwo the Pokemon that literally okay so here's where I realized I was being really really dumb and making lauralee super inconsistent when she didn't have to be because guess what I the team for Fire Blast I got it from Blaine jinx is a nice Pokemon Fire Blast is a hundred twenty base power what are you doing in addition I have the TM for Blizzard it only misses 10% of the time then I avoid this problem with Aerodactyl I should have taught it anyway because who knows what the final battle will bring so like this is so not supposed to be this difficult I was being overconfident but I've learned my lesson I've lost enough times let's do this for real critical hit on dugong that's good and oh boy stur was arranged good to know he uses supersonic that's bad but it misses okay good to know still don't get that crit on slow bro water gun not a big deal and now let's see if Fire Blast is a one-hit ko on jinx turns out it's not it's close but not exactly maybe it's arranged I don't know if I lose again I'm probably just gonna level up because this is ridiculous crit on Lapras is pretty good superb ocean even better so yeah definitely some good luck and lauralee but at the lowest level possible it turns out lauralee will be kind of lucky really really didn't expect that but yes now we get to see the Magnificent Bruno fight once again and honestly if this Pokemon knew more than TM moves they'd be slightly better but it's also weird that as the fighting Elite Four member he is to rock pokémon when there's poliwrath and primeape available whatever but now we get to go battle Agatha and I'm still pretty nervous and looks like I had good reason to be confused right turn one amazing well I don't hit myself in confusion and that's at least Gengar down and golbat might use haze so this could turn out okay well even better i snap out of confusion and that will be one two three and now I'm worried about Gengar number two and it uses nightshade best-case-scenario not so worried anymore and now all I need is not to get that pesky 10% Blizzard miss but you are gonna notice I actually teach Blizzard over Fire Blast that's where power points fire blast isn't gonna serve much of a purpose in either of these battles executor or Blizzard will be just as good so might as well just erase Fire Blast and yeah let's see if I can finally get by Lance alright so you know Thunderbolt ice beam ice beam am I gonna hit the blizzard yep and it's obviously a one-hit ko and dragon heights blizzard and look at that damage list Lance just need to use an elixir and I'm ready to fight the rival for the final time but no more stalling here's the final battle thankfully I out speed Pidgeot and Blizzard is a 1 in ko so far so good but now I'm worried since I don't have a physical attack how am I gonna stand up to Alakazam well a blizzard miss isn't gonna help but thankfully use a psybeam and I don't get confused so I have another opportunity I get a critical hit but it's only doing about 2/3 and a special drop oh no not a special drop this won't even knock it out ok a critical hit but this is a nightmare I'm only two pokemon in and I have lowered special there's no way I win this I mean right on with it's awful special isn't a one-hit ko thank goodness it's frozen so it can't attack me not that it has great attacks but wow wow well now I'm not a blizzard so I have to use ice beam on executory with its massive special it knows hypnosis and I get a freeze okay you know what good luck but with that special drop I need some good luck in generation 1 you can't just thaw out naturally which is really silly only if you get hit by a fire move which I don't even have so it's just a free knockout on executor but there are still some scary Pokemon remaining I mean case in point Gyarados isn't a one-hit ko with Thunderbolt thank goodness it uses leer and not hyper beam but like now both my defensive stats are lowered I'm losing for sure like I can't even freeze a fire pokemon but I can't get a crits and yeah ok that was not the way I expected this to go but hew victory music we won I don't even know what to make of this I mean it started out so easy and the Elite Four ended up being way more difficult in the end we were able to beat the entire game ending up at level 50 which is by the way the theoretical minimum if you don't do any skips so yes it would be lower if you did the Polka doll exploit but the question is what is our time three hours three minutes darn I would have loved to get sub three hours but you know first runs have mistakes all my other runs I've had mistakes in that's incredible it also goes to show you you know I do want to mention just how great gastly is I mean the fact that even in the same conversation as Mewtwo is insane of course Mewtwo's over an hour and a half quicker and 15 levels lower but still you know just insanity by the way the Elite Four took me 15 minutes half an hour for the game 15 minutes the Elite Four being at a lower level suck and if I wanted to just maximize real time I would use the rare candies and this run would have taken under 40 minutes of real time that's just you know it's it's a great change of pace from the impossible series and maybe that's gonna be the next video I'm not really sure I have a bunch of videos on the way so subscribe like do all those things because I'm here I'm making videos and I'm so glad you guys are allowing me to do this it's really been a dream come true during these difficult times I cannot thank you all enough and yeah I guess I can thank you one more time thanks for watching take care
Channel: Jrose11
Views: 836,208
Rating: 4.8947077 out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Jrose11, Red, Blue, Generation 1, Pokemon Red, Pokemon Blue, Pokemon Red and Blue, Pokemon Challenge, Kanto Challenge, pokemon challenge, pokemon challenges, pokemon red, pokemon blue, can you beat pokemon with only a, elite four, pokemon solo challenge, no items, is it possible to beat, challenge run, mewtwo Pokemon, mewtwo challenge, mewtwo no items, can you beat, gen 1, mewtwo, how fast Pokemon, Minimum Battles
Id: O3aw6FnsPcw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 11sec (1931 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 19 2020
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