Can you Beat Pokemon Yellow with Just an Abra AND NO SPECIAL MOVES?!

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I don’t know how he has the patience!!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/BS29115 📅︎︎ May 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

Seismic Toss, useful?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/SuperMK8pro 📅︎︎ May 29 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hey everyone how's it going so I don't think it's much of a secret that Cadabra is my favorite Pokemon and that I do solo challenges a lot and you definitely wouldn't think Kadabra or even its pre-evolved form Abra would make for a very interesting challenge now I already have one in red and blue that I did part of my red and blue solo series but this is something else because in that video once we got psychic the run became easy but in this video we're not going to be using any special attacking moves and just in case anyone was wondering in Pokemon attacks are divided into two categories physical and special and in these games it's based on the moves type all you need to know is that physical moves are dependent on your Attack stat special moves are dependent on your special stat so looking at Abra stats that massive special not gonna be used at least not for offensive purposes in generation 1 special is both offensive and defensive but that puny base 20 attack that is what we're going to have to use to try and get through the entirety of pokemon yellow a much harder game than red and blue to be honest all the other standard rules apply no items in battle other Pokemon are allowed for HMS and no glitching or cheating obviously other than the fact that I modified the game so that I could get a bruh as my starter which was a lot more difficult I'll have you know than red and blue which is why I haven't actually done a solo run on yellow yet and what a perfect Pokemon to start with then a pokemon that cannot attack because Avril cannot learn any moves other than the ones that learns via TM and fun fact you cannot get past pewter city until you defeat Brock and there are no teams until you defeat Brock so we're not going to have any attacking moves that's fun all is not lost however because when you of powerpoints for your move in this case teleport which only is 20 PowerPoint thank goodness we can then you struggle a fifty base power normal move in generation one and when combined with Abra's exceptional attacking stat you can just imagine how easy this part of the game is and for those of you seen red and blue you know exactly what's about to happen but there are some things that are better here there are a few extra trainers which is good for experience points and there is a little bit more variety in Viridian Forest which is nice for leveling up but we're still spending eleven hours here like there's no two ways about it because Brock is a Rock Gym Leader and struggle is a normal move in generation one I know in later games it's typeless but in generation one it's a normal move and Brock is also a little bit different this time around on the plus side is Pokemon are each two levels lower on the massive - side his Geodude doesn't no defense curl anymore now defense girls sometimes can help you and sometimes is really bad here is a case where it's really bad because while we will eventually be doing decent damage the fact that Geodude can attack every single turn or has to attack every single turn unless it gets unlucky with that 5% chance to miss means we're just going to hemorrhage HP and if there's one stat that is worse than average attack it's a Burrus mean funny enough if you don't count their specials Abra is actually worse than Magikarp I'm not kidding and since none of Brock's pokémon use any special moves I am being completely serious in that Abra is substantially worse to use versus Brock then Magikarp I never thought I would ever be able to say Magikarp was better than any Pokemon let alone one of my favorites but it's true if you remember my Magikarp video from a few years ago you'll remember that I needed to be about level 18 or so when I defeated Brock well try level 26 requiring 12 hours and 49 in-game minutes of defeating such amazing Pokemon as Metapod and Pidgey and it takes forever because while you do have money for potions initially the money runs out you got to go back to the Pokemon Center find 20 more Pokemon use your teleports it is one of the most tedious things thankfully I watched some summoning salt videos and just try to get through it and what's so special about level 26 will obviously depends on your average stats but my eyebrow at level 26 the Geodude was now doing 4 damage per tackle instead of 5 which makes a pretty big difference however that alone does not guarantee victory not close you're gonna need luck including misses from Geodude and critical hits thankfully because critical hits are calculated based on your speed ever has around an 18% chance to get a critical hit which isn't too bad but Geodude isn't the problem onyx is so much worse so you're gonna need a lot of HP when you face onyx and how much HP you're gonna have is totally based on luck how many critical hits how many misses whether you get as low as like 20 or as high as 35 they're all possible in the successful battle I ended up with 27 HP going into the Onyx section onyx has tackle bite and screech just like in red and blue but it now also has bind which is awful and you don't want you don't want any of them screech misses that's what you want tackle does for HP bide you have no way of avoiding taking back damage and it deals about eight ish damage depending on how many critical hits you get honestly because of the situation there's just no strategy here you only have struggle and leveling up those are your options and then you just kind of have to get lucky bide can also last two or three turns because it lasted three turns I was able to knock out the onyx did not think it would happen and after nearly 13 hours I've made it past Brock that is longer than red and blue and I'm not sure if I said it in that video but I said in real life I will never do this again and Here I am doing it again but if you think we're out of the woods like we were in that run you could not be farther from the truth yes it will get easier temporarily we are at a pretty high level and we do have to defeat a few trainers but we're gonna have money for potions so thankfully I did not need to ever go back to the Pokemon Center and use teleport 20 more times that was nice and once we get to mount moon we can get the TM 4 mega punch and thus we never have to use struggle another time in the rest of this run I also want to point out that yellow seems like it's very similar to red and blue to the casual player but when you're doing a challenge the fact that the rivals and the gym leader is the most difficult trainers and the elite 4 of course have totally different teams make this a very different run and rival number 2 is a very good example of that we get spiro instead of Pidgeotto and that's actually a lot easier because Spyro has where stats and it doesn't have sand attack which would be very annoying I don't know if mega punch would have been a one-hit ko but I got a critical hit so it was now Sandshrew comes out and it does know sand attack and has great defense so that's amazing I get another critical hit which is nice but of course Sandshrew uses sand attack which is just fantastic mega punch does hit and it already has 85% accuracy to start with so this is gonna be fun but we do get to the Rattata it gets a critical hit with quick attack I miss with mega punch but it doesn't use quick attack the second turn and I don't miss with mega punch so now all that's left is Eevee which has 3 status moves including Santa TAC and one attacking move let's hope not to see tackle it's only attacking move well after missing with my first mega punch I get tail whip and then not one not two but three tackles including a critical hit thankfully I'm finally able to land a second mega punch and while it was very close I was able to defeat rival number two and after battling some more trainers I figured it was time to battle misty now she is legitimately one of the only Gym Leaders that isn't that bad because her best moves are special moves and my special is super high now misty is the only gym leader that has the exact same team the only difference is starmie knows Harden but first our UI hit with mega punch she uses an x defend and then I get a critical hit I think it would have been a two at ko regardless but I'm not complaining speaking of harden I get a critical hit with mega punch Starmie uses one bubble beam and then misty just wants to Pat its defense unfortunately a great defense is not a good offense in this case and I'm able to knock it out so that's nice but what's even nicer is that while average is not know dig in generation 1 which would have been great it can learn body slam and after just a few more trainer fights we can go to the SSN and get body slam which is a little bit more powerful than mega punch but it also has a 30% chance of paralyzing and it doesn't miss except for the one in 256 chance Thank You generation 1 for being great but with our new body slam move I think I'm ready to battle rival number 3 now once again I don't know if it would have been a one-hit ko otherwise but I get a critical hit and I'm not gonna complain once again this time Rattata comes out second I get a critical hit and no quick attack again not gonna complain but it's worth noting like I said earlier Abra does have a much better chance for critical hits then it would under modern Pokemon mechanics with body slam sand attack is still annoying but not that bad I get slash if that was a critical hit it would have been bad but it's not takes a few body slams to knock it out the rival also uses a potion during this section but only a slash and a scratch in terms of attacking moves and I'm able to knock out the sand true at pretty decent health going into the Eevee which still only has a single attacking move and after yet another critical hit Eevee uses tail whip and I'm easily able to knock it out with the bodyslam and that's rival number three and that is the end of the easy part of the game I hope you enjoyed those battles because from here on in every single major battle is an absolute struggle which is not a pun because thank goodness I don't have to actually use struggle anymore but just to illustrate that shortly after I departed the SSN I tried to battle lieutenant search he only has one Pokemon a'right you but it's for levels higher and now knows mega punch and mega kick which are not very good for a bro with its base 15 defense case in point you can see now that when I face a fully evolved Pokemon bodyslam isn't looking like such a great attack anymore and both thunderbolt and mega punch do significant damage after losing twice it was clear this just wasn't going to happen right now so let's skip lieutenant surge and I'm actually gonna backtrack to cerulean but more specifically to route 25 there's a TM there TM 18 seismic toss I usually skip it because there's a hiker and I didn't want to battle a hiker with Abra especially with mega punch and the only way to get the junior trainer to move out of the way so that you can get it without cut is to battle the hiker first once you have cut you can simply cut down the tree and get seismic toss now seismic toss is very simple it deals damage equal to my level it also is the only reason this run is even possible because other than psychic and psywave which you wouldn't have access to or mimicked which you wouldn't have access to Abra only can learn normal and fighting attacking moves and you know what those have in common they don't hit ghost Pokemon and you have to battle ghost Pokemon even if you use the Polka doll skip which I never use there are still channelers in the pokemon tower that are mandatory until you beat them calm ghost marowak and in this case defeat Team Rocket you are not able to get into self company and thus are not able to get mimicked and you're not able to get into Sabrina's gym and thus not able to get psywave even though technically that's a special move so I couldn't use it but do the way generation 1 is programmed a set damage move like seismic toss ignores type immunities in later game it would just ignore it resistances so it wouldn't do less damage to a rock pokémon but in this case it will affect ghost Pokemon and yeah that is what makes this run possible so good for seismic toss it's also kind of a useful move because my attacks that is pretty low so when you're over leveled seismic toss deals a bit more damage and it's very consistent you know exactly how much damage you're gonna deal which is nice to make strategy so I'm gonna use it a whole bunch and eventually I'm gonna get to sell it on city now in a regular Abra run here's where the run would become a joke you get psychic and nothing would be able to stand in your way pretty much in this run we pretty much have the attacking moves that are best I mean there's submission which I'll use but average does not have a very well varied move pool and I had a lot of trouble beating any of the major sections but I did have success against lieutenant surge since I'm at a higher level I used seismic toss but it wasn't a two at ko Thunder bullet was still doing pretty decent damage but mega punch missed and it makes the wind look a little more lopsided than it otherwise should have been but that's badge number three and I will be stuck at three badges for quite a while now I was having issues with Giovanni but that was just because I'd run out of potions and at half health I wasn't able to defeat him unsurprising considering I'm an Abra using no psychic moves so I had to exit the rocket game corner and I decided rather than going back to battle Giovanni since there's no guarantee that I'd be able to beat him at my current level even with full HP I decided to try my luck at sell it on Jim and before I was even able to battle Erica I was having significant issues battling just the trainers in her gym and if the trainers were giving me a tough time erica was going to give me a much tougher time so I figured it might not be the worst idea to level up a little bit and come back to sell it on a little bit later and so I made the decision even though I don't have the Silph scope to head to lavender tower and to at least battle rival number four and some of the Chandler's both to see if I could win and to gain some useful experience points now Spiro is evolved into fear oh and here's a really good illustration of how much better seismic toss is than body slam body slam is doing about a third seismic toss does about a half so if I do use seismic toss twice fear would not have been able to use me remove and hit me with a seismic toss which did well twenty five damage after I knock out the fear Oh ball fakes is just the two okay with body slam and if you're wondering why not just use seismic toss well look at Magnemite I use body slam and it's a one-hit ko because they get a critical hit you can't get a critical hit with seismic toss so if it's a 2 hit ko either way best to go with body slam for the chance of paralysis or a critical hit Sandshrew however has great defense I go for seismic toss it gets a critical hit / and then I use another seismic toss and we have just one more pokemon left the Eevee I decide to be safe and go for seismic toss he uses growl and that doesn't affect seismic toss so I've beaten rival number 4 wouldn't say was easy but it was a first try victory so not overly challenging and because I have seismic toss I can make my way through pokemon tower obviously until I get to ghost marowak because I don't have the silk scope yet so once I get to that point probably best to backtrack to sell it on and see if Giovanni will be a little bit easier now that I'm at a higher level and this battle is just a mess I forgot to heal before the battle Onix is a 2 hit ko with seismic toss but he uses bind so I lose quite a bit of HP not as big a deal as Rhyhorn getting a critical hit with horn attack seismic toss being a 3 ko but Giovanni loves to use guard spec so I'm at least able to battle the Persian but any attack and I lose of course Persian doesn't attack now funny enough I went for body slam to try and get a flu key critical hit or paralysis in the end I actually would have been better off just using two seismic toss but whatever I win these are the type of victories where I'd reset but honestly I now spent what like 15 16 hours on this run I think I'll just say thank you and move on to defeat the rest of pokemon tower and see if I can beat Erica well as it turns out I'm not really able to defeat her bodyslam isn't doing enough damage reflect doesn't help even though I can use that because she's using special moves and seismic toss is only gonna deal more damage as I level up so might as well head to fuchsia and just see how that goes after battling some trainers along the way I decided to try my luck against Koga who has an entirely different team this time and on paper it looks like it wouldn't be so bad he is three Ven Annette and a venomoth the Venna not are all slower and while they're all about a three hit ko they only use psychic moves so not too bad although they can confuse you for venomoth out sped it has leech life which ordinarily would be terrible but against a psychic type with bad defense it's excellent and yeah that's just not happening right now so I guess the only thing to do now is to head to saffron and to go to silk company thankfully there are a ton of trainers in silk company all of whom use Pokemon that are at pretty low levels at least for this point of the game and many of them are fully evolved so the experience points are good and if I defeat enough of them maybe one of these obstacles will be okay speaking of which let's talk about fake rival Fievel I have reflect now so I use it I use seismic toss does barely anything and Oh san slash has slash critical hit pretty much every time I think it is an automatic critical hit and down I go so yeah that's not happening but now that I'm at level 46 keep that in mind I was at level 48 with Magikarp when I defeated Erica I can finally have a chance against her because seismic toss is now a 2 hit ko against every single one of her Pokemon they have very annoying moves like sleep powder and stun Spore at least the last two do tangela is actually her first pokemon in this version and didn't use mega drain which is nice weepinbell opted to go for acid which did significant damage didn't use sleep powder stun Spore and then gloom mist with sleep powder so I was able to knock it out and finally we have our fourth gym badge that took a very very long time and now that that Domino has fallen which will be the next I tried battling not rival Fievel again and while I would make it pretty far I still wasn't able to get past his Vaporeon and now's a good time to talk about why he has a Vaporeon that was actually a mistake although I like it because Vaporeon is honestly the worst evolution from my perspective now what Eevee evolves into is based on whether you win or lose various rival battles so there's the initial battle in Oaks lab which I obviously lost because I use teleport and then there's the battle on route 22 now I meant to battle him on route 22 and forgot obviously it would have been great to gain some experience points maybe could have saved me about 10 minutes I don't know anyway because it basically counts that as a loss we have what would be the best starter for Pikachu and the worst starter for Abra Vaporeon for Pikachu it's obvious why it's the best for Abra it's the worst because it has tons of HP which is bad since seismic toss is a move we're using a lot and it's going to take far more seismic tosses to knock out Vaporeon which trust me will never stop being annoying however since I like to make sure the rival has the strongest starter for what I pick its somatically consistent albeit unintentionally so however as you're seeing I was not able to get past him at my current level so I leveled up a little bit more and at level 52 it was starting to become more consistent I would set up reflect against sandslash because it's very useful unless it uses slash which I really don't want it's a one in four chance it just attacks randomly it used poison sting and swift seismic toss with a three @ KO but thankfully the rival uses potions and so it didn't attack the third turn that's pretty great Magneton can be really trolly with supersonic or a paralysis it did use Thunder shock but it didn't paralyze me seismic toss was a - a KO now we're on to 90 which would be a three at Ko with seismic toss it goes for tailwhip not once but twice this raises my attack due to a bizarre way that generation one calculates badge boosts which I've discussed in more detail in my previous videos but you don't really need to know much about it for this run because it made no real difference and it was still a three hit ko regardless it may have allowed Kadabra to be a one-hit ko but I got a critical hit so it was a one-hit ko anyway and I thought thought slam may have been doing more damage than seismic toss but I was probably wrong Vaporeon was a four hit ko but thank goodness well it was close I was at 35 HP the rival uses another useless potion and I knock it out and finally another difficult trainer defeated at level 50 to the level I was pretty much at when I wanted to challenge the Elite Four with the regular Abra that can actually use psychic however if we can count on one trainer to not be too difficult its Giovanni I literally could not have played this battle any worse and I even got paralyzed by the Nidoqueen eventually and I still won I mean at 13 HP and paralyzed but doesn't matter I can just go to the Pokemon Center and now that Giovanni's defeated I can challenge Sabrina if I want to or get mimicked and here's where we need to talk about mimic because there was a decision I had to make what does no special moves mean does it mean not teaching it moves like psychic or does it mean not even using mimic to mimic a special move which would be using a special move or wouldn't it I don't know at first I'm like well it's not really a special move so let's go to feat Koga and it was super easy but then I thought about it and I was like you know what it just doesn't feel like in the spirit of the challenge it's only a generation one problem since it's the only time mimic is a TM but I decided to make the decision that we will not be mimicking special moves we can still use mimic we can mimic a status mover or physical move but no special moves means no special moves even mimic special moves so I reset my game and of course I forgot to say it so I had to battle Giovanni again and as it turns out I may have gone a little bit lucky in the first battle because this time using similar tactics I'm only at 1 hp so maybe just maybe I should start giving Giovanni a little more credit I mean I'm not doing a play-by-play of his battle but you know I'll just give him mild props for making it slightly more than automatic speaking of not automatic I wasn't defeating Koga at least I wasn't because I ignored a very obvious strategy that I should have been using and I will use but before I did that I went to battle the trainers in Sabrina's gym and obviously Sabrina she only has three Pokemon and abracadabra and an Alcazar and realistically the only one I'm actually worried about is the Alakazam as it turns out none of them I would need to worry about because I got really good luck but I think I would have won either way bodyslam was a one-hit ko in the Abra it was a one-hit ko on the Kadabra but only because I got a critical hit the Alakazam decides to go for a recover ok then gets paralyzed then can't attack because it's paralyzed and then I went without taking any damage practicing for my Abra no damage run that is a joke I am never going to do that trust me this run gets plenty difficult without an absurd extra condition but now that it beans Sabrina I finally come to my senses and realize oh yeah there is a much better way to defeat Koga I do need to have beaten Giovanni first cuz it involves mimic and let's just show you the strategy turn one mimics leap powder if Venna not uses toxic and it hits reset because you're gonna lose make sure Venna not stays asleep because we don't want to be hit with toxic and go for body slam seismic toss is still a three ação and body slam as a chance to critical hit repeat for Venna Nats two and three and don't miss click which would be nice prevent it at three ie get the critical hit I wanted which is nice because sleep powder does miss 25% of the time thankfully luck was on my side against venomoth I get the first turn sleep powder I get the critical hit body slam it's still a 3k oh so didn't really matter at the end of the day would have been a 3k Oh anyway with seismic toss but it stayed asleep and that's important and we win oh my goodness I never thought Koga with three vennen at and a venomoth would be a challenging gym leader but I also never thought I would do an Abra run without using the move Abra uses so this has been a real learning experience I guess is the takeaway here but now we get to battle Blaine and Blaine is typically easy right I mean you get to set up against the growlithe and the Ponyta which don't exist because yellow version no this time around we get a nine tails and rapidash and in our k9 all of whom have pretty good attacks have pretty good stats and I wasn't able to win I was still using mimic the strategy was to use confuse ray because I didn't know what else to do and it just simply wasn't working I was already relying on luck I had lost a Blaine I believe it was nine consecutive time and while I don't like to level up past my problems at some point you got to recognize no it's just simply not practical to beat a trainer at your current level go level up so I did I leveled up to level 60 by battling some of the trainers that I'd previously skipped and now that I'm at level 60 let's see how the battle is going to go I start off by mimicking confuse ray since I'm gonna need that to help me win ninetails goes for quick attack which doesn't do too much damage so probably best-case scenario that wouldn't be the case because after I go for reflect it uses confuse ray and of course on the next turn I hit myself in confusion reflect actually does nothing by the way in terms of confusion damage thankfully ninetails goes for confused ray again so that was great I then am able to use my confuse ray on the tails and it goes for a confused ray again again great job Blaine excellent battling I then go for body slam since it's a three hit kale anyway and I wanted the paralysis or crit and I got the paralysis there is now a significant chance ninetails isn't able to attack it doesn't and I'm able to knock out the ninetails while being at pretty decent health for the rapidash now rapidash is a three hit ko at my current level unless it hits itself in confusion so I used confused ray it uses growl best case scenario I then use seismic toss it hits itself in confusion meaning next turn I'm able to use seismic toss and Down Goes rapidash but our k9 has fire blast and takedown it is not to be trifled with I get off confused ray but it still manages to hit me with takedown and even with reflect that's thirty damage that's a lot I go for seismic toss but once again our canine does not hit itself in confusion and uses flamethrower so now I'm at six HP this isn't looking good I need it to hit itself in confusion it doesn't but it misses with fire blast and yep and you might say got a little bit lucky but I really didn't the chance that our canine wouldn't hit itself in confusion three times in a row is only 12.5% so my luck was kind of average and I won I'm okay with that I don't think this was you know insanely good luck by any means I mean if you've been watching this channel there have been some insanely good luck battles but now we only have one battle left the battle against Giovanni and like Blaine I hoped he wouldn't be too difficult he was difficult and he's difficult because pretty much every Pokemon can be really annoying mr. Doug Trillo is fast what gets a lot of critical hits Persian nose slash which is a 100% chance of critical hit plus it has a pretty good chance of all its other moves getting a critical hit nito King and nidoqueen have good defense and no earthquake even with reflect they do significant damage and Rhyhorn has great defense and knows earthquake and rockslide Giovanni is way better in yellow than in red and blue and after battling again and again I would frequently make it to Neto king or neato Queen and then I would lose and by the way you can see what my strategy is gonna be but I'll explain it in some more detail when we talk about the successful battle but just like with Blaine I decided to level up a couple more levels there were some more trainers I hadn't beaten actually there were a lot of them might skip and now it was time to backtrack come back at level 64 and let's talk about Giovanni now unlike what you've seen before I don't use mimic on Dugtrio it's gonna be a two at kale regardless and I get a critical hit and paralysis plus it didn't move very very unlikely and exactly why if it's 50/50 just go for body slam now against persian i missclicked you're supposed to use seismic toss because body slam + seismic toss is not a 2 @ KO unless you get a critical hit which I did that was a miss click sometimes I'm thinking ahead and Persian mist with fury swipes so the luck is definitely looking really good right now now Nidoqueen is where i decide to set up reflect because it likes to use thunder which doesn't do too much damage to me then i'm able to mimic earthquake and Nidoqueen uses Thunder which misses after setting up a guard spec we trade earthquakes and I'm at 80 HP not terrible and it's a 2 ação which I was worried about so that was pretty good now needle King also knows thunder it says to Akio with earthquake hoped for the crit didn't get it but it decided to use thunder mist very good now we move on to ride on I could really use a critical hit here because ride on has really good attack well I don't get one but I do get a fury attack that misses and a horn drill which cannot damage me because I'm faster and we have defeated all eight gyms with just an abra no special moves at level 64 but now's not the time to feel good about what I've accomplished because I've accomplished nothing we've beaten the gym leaders sure but we have six more mandatory battles and they're all extremely extremely difficult including two against the rival whom I could barely beat the last time and his team is even better so what am I gonna do well the answer is I'm not going to do very well I battled him I think like 12 times and it wasn't working the biggest issue was I was being status and none of the statuses really work well sandslash can you slash which deals tons of damage or poison sting and the battle lasts a long time so the poison damage really starts to add up even though it only takes away 1/16 of your HP as opposed to 1/8 in addition execute likes to use stun Spore and because I'm relying on seismic toss I'm not getting anyone hit Kos that can avoid potentially being damaged by these moves and just when I think I'm out of the woods magneton knows thunder wave and well doesn't have a good move set we still have to face 9 tails and Vaporeon the latter of which now knows hydro pump so what am I going to do I'm almost out of trainers that I can battle and I'm not really even close well there is another way to gain levels throughout the game I pick up rare candies and there actually are a ton of them hidden throughout Kanto I had 9 of them and if you're gonna use one rare candy might as well use them all right so I did and guess what the next battle I lost because the statuses are still a big deal I was so annoyed but I figured I got some bad luck so let's try again and I'll use the rare candies and I'll try to modify my strategy of it even though you haven't seen the previous battle so force and slash I use seismic toss immediately because I really don't want it to you sloshed let's just give it one turn to attack me goes for Swift fine I use a second size in the toss and it knocks it out thank you rare candies execute is still going to be a two ação but it goes for solarbeam which is only a one in four chance leech seed poison powder stun spore are all awful I forgot to even mention how annoying leech seed can be it's pretty much why I lost the previous battle but fast case scenario happened so far looking good that is until Magneton uses Thunder Wave and now I'm paralyzed so I get to attack second potentially not attack due to paralysis yippee the Thunder shock isn't a big deal wish it would have done that last turn and I am able to attack so we're halfway done and now I get really annoyed because I get a critical hit against me with ember seismic toss hits and then I get not one but two turns where I'm immobilized thankfully the ninetails isn't attacking and it's the only pokemon left that actually uses physical attacks so this isn't such a big deal in fact it actually helps because these stat modifications are causing my attack to get increased I get hit with psychic that lowers my special and that is why Cadabra is now a one-hit ko with body slam as opposed to a two a kale although I really don't like that my special was lowered because now hydro pump is going to be well terrible I'm just gonna use seismic toss to be safe turn one goes for Miss seismic toss does about a third turn too however a hydro pump hits and I'm paralyzed beautiful but then Vaporeon gets super concerned I'm gonna lower it stats so it uses mist and I win yeah I don't know what to say about that one I got a little bit of bad luck but overall more good luck but the elite four I'm not going to be able to rely on luck like this because as you guys know those of you who are new you're gonna find this out we do not save between Elite Four members because these types of quote-unquote strategies they're fun for videos they're cool to narrate but they're not champion level strategies in Pokemon Stadium and Stadium 2 you can't save between elite 4 members and I was really bad at those games of the kid and it's those failures at those games which made me want to be better at Pokemon and I'll have you know I still haven't defeated them but I think I'm slightly better at Pokemon so that's kind of nice but the truth is right now I'm kind of delay because the Elite Four and well it's not the worst experience I've ever had it's one of the worst definitely top five probably top three that means it's in the same sort of category as stuff like Phoebus and Magikarp case in point see on my Abra is at level 74 yeah I'm not going to be able to win until I'm at least twenty levels higher I won't it just it doesn't work and not a single member of the Elite Four is free not even Bruno you know the challenge is tough when not even Bruno is free I mean don't get me wrong he's still the easiest member by far but he's not free I lost to Bruno and I think that's enough hype for now let's talk about each Elite Four battle and how they went and also how they used to go before I leveled up this much so let's start off with Laura Lee you'll notice that my move set hasn't changed I tried other moves none of them really helped the strategy with Laura Lee in the beginning is simple use seismic toss it's a to ação on both dugong and cloister at lower levels dugong was a three hit ko which wasn't too big a deal neither Dewgong nor cloister were really very problematic the worst thing dugong could do is use rest and waste your time but cloister could use ice beam and freeze you it never happened in this battle eased clamp but these two are not usually the problem now Slowbro used to be a problem before I change strategies my earlier strategy was to mimic amnesia for defensive purposes and to use the badge boost glitch but obviously you can see I'm using seismic toss I'm not doing that anymore and I needed the Slowbro to cooperate and not get critical hits doesn't have a big chance of that but it still happened I figured out a better strategy so just use to seismic tosses also I should mention it was three seismic tosses for the longest time and then we move on to jinx now jinx has a move I want to use and that move is lovely kiss because both jinx and Lapras can be unbelievably trollee and I don't want to deal with them so I mimicked lovely kiss and I'm just hoping for no lovely kiss or ice punch freeze I get double slap perfect I don't care if it hits or not I would use lovely kiss here but at my current level it's a range but body slam can be a one-hit ko it was here and if it's not there is still 25% chance that lovely kiss misses and you really don't want that to happen so using body slam is the best strategy now Lapras has annoying moves body slim can paralyze confuse or it can confuse on top of that and Blizzard can freeze those are all bad things so we're gonna use lovely kiss and hopefully not miss but it's not a big deal if we do so long as we don't get confused or paralyzed we don't miss on turn 1 typically it's a three at Keo but I'll always go for body slam see if I get the lucky crit I do that just means Lapras has less turns to wake up and I'm able to defeat Laura Lee over all her difficulty is medium because there are still lots of things that can go wrong the truth is most of my attempts at the Elite Four were done in the low to mid 80s and while the strategy worked it was definitely less consistent at level 90 it's about 90% or so chance I get past Laura Lee which isn't too bad and Bruno you can tell I respect him in this run at least a little bit because I'm healing I wouldn't typically do that the strategy is very simple use reflect against Onix the Onix everything as a way better move set they actually know moves they should know but it's to seismic tosses to KO every pokemon body slam is also to a KO but you can get critical hits I don't in this battle but with the reflect up nothing is doing much damage the only Pokemon that was worrisome was Machamp because it previously was a three hit ko and it has karate chop which will critical hit every single time and that's how I would lose although I also got a Hitmonlee mega kick critical hit that's another way I've lost because critical hits ignore reflect this time however was very typical of Bruno you pretty much don't get damaged at all and it looks really simple but the that's the illusion behind a lot of these battles when they go well they look so easy but they can go badly in a hurry Bruno typically wasn't too bad and neither was Agatha which may surprise you but her Pokemon or way less trollee let's just throw up her move sets for a second the moves are way less trollee this time around and so we can be a lot more consistent the other thing to note is that we're gonna have to use seismic toss against the Gengar in the Haunter and at my current level they're all two at Kos in the past some of them could be three at chaos it's just such a big difference it's why leveling up is so mandatory you know I'm all about consistent strategies yeah this is where they started getting a little consistent however the one trolling move you can get which completely makes Agatha a nightmare is confuse ray and I got confused ray and because I have such low defense hitting myself in confusion is very very bad but spoiler alert would not happen this entire battle this battle was a really boring version of the Agatha battle we're pretty much nothing bad happen I use seismic toss against the hunter it goes for hypnosis and misses and I guess I should mention hypnosis is not as trolli because Dream Eater doesn't matter I'm psychic type and I've great special I'm not really worried about that it's more the arbok which is coming up using glare which is bad or confuse ray and hitting myself in confusion like ten times that's how I would lose but if I wasn't confused or paralyzed I was good like in this battle I go for body slam hoping for the crater paralysis I don't get either in fact arbok gets a critical hit with acid that's not a big deal because the final Gengar pretty much it's only damaging move is psychic which I'm not too worried about it does know confuse ray though thankfully doesn't use that it uses Dream Eater and this Agatha battle went very smoothly I would say it's about an 80% chance the battle looks like this but the ones that don't it's very quick usually the first Gengar will confuse you I actually thought I was gonna lose this battle ended up never hitting myself in confusion pretty unlikely but I'll take it because now we get to face one of the most difficult battles I've ever done Lance and it is because of Lance I need to be at such a high level because it just wasn't happening I would beat Lance maybe one in every ten tries and considering how long it takes to do these that wasn't good enough now let's look at Lance's Pokemon you'll notice that they all pretty much have hyper beam which is bad if they critical hit that's very bad there's also a high chance of being hit with thunder wave that's really bad too you also might notice that in a know special moves run there really isn't anything useful for me to mimic hyper beams not going to be a one-hit ko and I don't want to recharge so I'm better off just using seismic toss and mixing in body slam for hopes of crits and paralysis I think I must have lost a lance like 25 times and I hate it when it's one of the last members of the leap for that is one of the hardest because it means I do this entire run go through everything and Laura Lee and Agatha used to be a lot more luck based at lower levels and then I get to Lance and I would just lose with a critical hit hyper being from Gyarados it was awful and I still lost at this love I think this was my fifth attempt so I just want you to keep that in mind at level 94 it took five attempts for me to finally get a battle that's worth showing but let's talk about battle itself turn one setup reflect and Gyarados went for leer okay I went for body slam hoping for the crit or paralysis I get neither and I get a second layer again due to a weird mechanic in Gen 1 this is raising my attack by now 25% so I can actually knock out the Gyarados with body slam I honestly wish Gyarados would he used a few more layers because dragonair is so close to being a one-hit ko with body slam but I'm not complaining about it being paralyzed and not attacking Thunder Wave is so bad thankfully I'm not gonna have to worry about that because they knock it out on the next turn and the next Dragonair does not know thunder wave turn one I go for body slam almost a 1u ko but Lance uses the retroactive hyper potion that's fine go for bodyslam again uses bubblebeam don't get the speed drop and because of my high special and being at you know level 94 it does nothing and i knock it out the next turn but Aerodactyl can be very very scary it has insane base speed meaning it gets critical hits a lot I owed speed which is why I mentioned that speed drop with bubblebeam to to ako with seismic toss it uses swift which is the second best case scenario wing attack is best no critical hit which is awesome and I knock it out the next turn now I just don't want a critical hit from Dragon Knight hyper beam no critical hit Dragonite hyper beam it's a three hit KO with seismic toss so I go for body slam no paralysis and I get a fire blast a thunder they both hit but nothing more happens and that is Lance I cannot tell you how many different ways I've lost the Lance critical hits from every single one of the Pokemon being paralyzed when I would have knocked out Dragonite with like 4 HP I lost every single way you could imagine and each time it was heartbreaking and one of the biggest reasons was it didn't give me a lot of attempts versus the champion I didn't really know what to expect what sort of things the champion likes to do and his team is a little different that being said we're so close there's just one more battle so let's see how it goes this time I decide to set up reflect against sandslash because other Pokemon were giving me problems in my previous attempts goes for poison sting which is good but I get poison which is not so good seismic toss will be a two-way KO it goes for fury swipes and misses which is very good and I knock it out the next turn now outcomes Alakazam which knows Kinesis and i've lost because Alakazam used Kinesis three times and i couldn't land an attack right at the end of the battle very frustrating and you think i'd want to knock it out quickly but since i'm poisoned i'm going to mimic recover i wish abra could learn recover another way but recover is just so useful when I don't have items to heal myself we need it I mean look Alakazam clearly sees how useful it is it goes to recovery even though it's at full health now bodyslam would not be a one and Kaila otherwise but I get a critical hit and that's pretty big pretty much every move alakazam had could be very bad for me so even though I'm poisoned this is looking pretty good so far but executor knows leech seed and that with poison is very bad it looks like seismic toss is gonna be a - a KO it goes for stop excellent but it's not a to hit ko and it goes for leech seed this is bad but on the bright side that is half the team down so let's see if we can overcome these setbacks now I go for body slam hoping for the critical hit or paralysis it would be a two at ko if it weren't for leech seed very annoying all I want to see is not fire spin fire spin is like rap I can't attack and every turn I'm gonna lose HP from fire spin leech seed which is gonna go straight to nine tails and poison this could be the end thankfully fire spin does not last the maximum amount of turns and I'm able to use recover see recover very very useful nine tails then goes for tail whip but it's pretty much got all its HP back so it could easily use fire spin on the next turn I go for body slam I get that paralysis and it goes for Farfan and misses yes that's what we need but I get greedy go for the recover and it goes for fire spin and it doesn't miss ah that was a bad choice by me however it didn't end up mattering fire spin only lasted two turns and because of the tail whip that nine tails used body slam is just doing that much more damage to keep it at a 2 hit ko and we have two more pokémon remaining oh my god this is stressful now I get the critical hit on Magneton and I don't have to worry about being paralyzed which is nice it goes for screech once again I decide to heal trying to be a little greedy hoping for another screech I get Thunderbolt and decide ok I just use another body slam that leads one Pokemon but it has a ton of HP and hide your pump I've already lost to it a bunch of times here comes Vaporeon I hope for the miracle crit or paralysis doesn't happen it goes for hydropump and misses that good but then it goes for quick attack I don't get the paralysis but as long as it doesn't crit I should be fine it does not crit and we have finally defeated the champion with just an abra and only physical attacking moves Wow I had no idea this would be so difficult I mean 27 hours of in-game time I don't think I've ever know I know I've never gotten nearly that high before even when I was a kid even when I used to play casually typically it was like 18 to 20 hours this was just it was constantly difficult and it wasn't just average stats it was the lack of variety if I had more types of moves or even had access to decent status moves this wouldn't be so bad but having to rely on seismic toss the entire run it just it was brutal and I can't wait to eventually try this again in every third version I mentioned this on my Twitter that it's something I'd be interested in doing because what's more Jay Rose 11 then ridiculously needlessly difficult Abra challenge I mean sure Cadabra but that would be you know too easy but that's all for me thanks for watching and I'll see you guys in the next video where I beat the game with Magikarp and no items I'm just kidding where am I take care everyone
Channel: Jrose11
Views: 496,027
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Jrose11, Red, Blue, Generation 1, Pokemon Red and Blue, Pokemon Challenge, Kanto Challenge, Kanto Starter, No Items, pokemon challenge, pokemon challenges, pokemon red, pokemon blue, can you beat pokemon with only a, elite four, pokemon solo challenge, no items, is it possible to beat, challenge run, abra, abra Pokemon, abra challenge, abra no items, Yellow, Pokemon Yellow, Abra Pshycic, Physical Abra, No Special Abra, Impossible Challenge, No Pshycic Abra
Id: CHa9d6OeW04
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 32sec (3152 seconds)
Published: Wed May 27 2020
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