Can you Beat Pokemon Gold/Silver with Just a Shuckle?

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Absolute banger of a video. Don't fuckle with Shuckle!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/HasBeenOrNeverWas 📅︎︎ Dec 11 2020 🗫︎ replies

Always loved Schuckle, it's such a ridiculous Pokemon, hope the run is quite unique

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ShowtimeCA 📅︎︎ Dec 09 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hey everyone how's it going so i've done a ton of generation one runs but i wanted to see what a generation two itemless run would be like and i wanted to pick a generation to pokemon you know makes sense and obviously i picked chuckle because i figured shuckle would be the worst pokemon to use for a solo run i mean chuckles stats well they're interesting it has the best defense and special defense in the entire game however it has the worst speed the second worst attack a tie with magikarp and the worst special attack like i said unique stats and in a game where speed and attack tend to be overvalued having a pokemon that has a combined base total of 15 for both i thought that would be really tricky additionally if we look at chuckles level up moves its strong's attack it learns and i'm not kidding about this rap 15 base power seriously i could not hand pick a worse pokemon for a solo challenge there is one thing that works out in our favor faulkner vs brock is definitely a step down in difficulty by a huge margin i mean i don't expect it to be easy but it's way easier than a geodude or onyx that being said i can't even make it past the two mandatory trainers in faulkner's gym until level 13. now that we have we can finally take on faulkner and the battle goes rather poorly you see faulkner's first pokemon pidgey yeah it's pretty weak but it knows mudslap and since constrict does like no damage and rap does like no damage and can miss pidgey ends up getting enough mudslaps that i just don't hit that often and when i do i'm not dealing much damage so by the time i make it to pidgeotto i'm pretty much out of hp which is also abysmal on chuckle forgot to mention that earlier so what did i end up doing well i level up a little bit more and in terms of the in battle strategy i use rap rap works differently than you recall from generation one now it hits 15 base power and every turn until it releases pidgey will lose 1 16 of its total health anyway it's still using mud slap i go for constrict trying to get as much damage on this pidgey as possible rap has worse accuracy but that additional damage is helpful so i will go for rap once it's released eventually pidgey actually runs out of mudslap it's only 10 powerpoints another difference in generation two opponents actually have powerpoints but 22 hp for pidgeotto isn't bad especially because i have a berry equipped so it's really like 32 hp but pidgeotto is quite a bit harder gus does 3 damage and will rap hit yes that's very good that's the key how often can i land my attacks i have a third of my usual accuracy similar to hitting a one-hit ko move and i have to hit many of them luckily as you can see i'm getting good luck hitting attacks especially with rap hitting rap is so important but perhaps more important is that first attack was a high roll pidgeotto is only doing two damage with gus and that is significant and really adds up and why leveling up was so important so finally i get a critical hit with rap and slowly but surely i can tell it's going to knock out pidgeotto so level 16 only about two hours or so it wasn't the prettiest battle but compared to some of our experiences with brock this was quite nice and there really isn't much to talk about before we battle the second gym leader and as i show some unsuccessful battles the biggest problem with bugsy aside from the fact kakuna can poison you is that scyther uses fury cutter now fury cutter is pretty terrible in this generation only 10 base power 90 accuracy however scyther is good attack and it does double every turn it's been made far more powerful since generation 2 but since chuckle takes so long to do anything fury cutter will end up doing very significant damage and so i need to think of a way around that unfortunately unlike in red and blue there aren't a ton of tms available to us at this point so i really either level up and the only other battle i can have is with this rival number two and rival number two in generation two is a far far more difficult battle than the rival number two that we've come to know and love and i lost time and again but finally i was able to get a decent battle against him and the way i did it i took a page out of faulkner's book mudslap i don't like using accuracy lowering moves but it does have super effective damage against ghastly so i probably would use it anyway in fact i'd have to it's the only move i have that could actually hit ghastly unfortunately use spite so i have way less than i'd like for crocodile i only have three it does hit me with a water gun my special defense is excellent even with it being super effective not a big deal however now i need to actually knock this thing out and yeah it's gonna take a while you'll see even once crocodile is wrapped i'm using rap over constrict it actually usually does do more damage because my tack is so pathetic the difference between two and three is actually quite massive so i'd really like to do three damage anyway kraken is missing enough but you can see i'm getting nervous i'm going to constrict this is going pretty well well crocodile starts to miss a ton and they end up at 19 hp for zubat zubat is no walk in the park either it has bite and that can be pretty troublesome the 2 hp is not what i'm worried about flinching is because as you can see it's going to be very very close between me and zubat so far so good no flinches and rap is doing its job and finally critical hit constrict that proved huge i'm only at six hp left i'm not sure i would have won without that critical hit but somewhat surprisingly i've end up beating rival 2 before bugsy and unfortunately with my current moves it just isn't working i can't mudslap scyther even with all the withdrawals fury cutter does too much damage my hp is just too little so i come up with a different strategy it requires me to level up a little bit more and once i'm at level 28 i try battling bugsy again thankfully metapod isn't much of a problem so i can set up i'm gonna go for rap and then i'm gonna go for withdraw then mud slap that's just for a little bit of an accuracy drop i'm not gonna be dealing much damage so i might as well let rap deal damage and go for withdraw when rap is released i go for another rap metapods only attack is tackle nothing it can really do so i'm able to set up perfectly and now hopefully kakuna cooperates now kokuna even outspeeds me i go for mudslap and get a critical hit that's huge mudslap is neutral because poison bug accuracy dropped big because we don't want to get poisoned once again you see wrap in effect but this time my main attack is mud slap kakuna still hits quite a fair bit but thank goodness i'm not poisoned and so we've made it to scyther and here is why i'm at level 28 we're gonna go for bide yes the tm we get from brock we are using all first gym leader tms in this run so i go for rap it misses that really is bad all right hopefully this does enough now i'm gonna go for bide and it can last two or three turns okay holy moly look how much damage that does but i get a two turn by wow three hp by the way i have a poison cure berry equipped because i was more worried about that but yeah fury cutter does quite a bit of damage to shuckle and thankfully our strategy can start changing at this point because we've gone from famine to feast after we get through the ilex forest shackle can learn headbutt but there's another move chuckle could learn which i had no idea how overpowered this move is in solo runs my friends let me introduce to you rollout and i have a good idea for a test run let's show you my battle with whitney whitney the hardest gym leader some people say of all time considering where she is in the game how will shuckle with its puny base 10 attack power be able to deal with this well i go for roll out it's doing very little that's not surprising since it only starts at base 30 power clefairy does metronome and oh my gosh it goes for rollout too wow that is nuts considering miltank is known for using that move okay so we've now knocked out clefairy only 14 hp lost how much will we do to miltank nearly everything it then goes for milk drink and i knock it out miltank yes it had a miss but never attacked me first try against whitney what the heck happened well rolo doubles in power every turn and i don't mean an additional 30 base power i mean doubles so it goes 30 60 120 240 480 and it actually will get even better but that won't happen for a little bit now it's time to battle the ghost type gym leader morty he's kind of like agatha light with confusing moves sleeping moves and curse which is very frustrating how will shuckle deal with it in its first attempt well right off the bat gastly goes for curse this is the worst thing it's gonna deal one quarter of my hp every turn until i switch out we cannot switch out even though we have other pokemon for hm purposes it is against the rules so i've probably lost all right i guess i need it not to use curse to win but if i'm going to lose might as well use roll out it could be funny to see it what hit ko some of the pokemon haunter missed with hypnosis that was pretty nice and it did decent damage it then used mimic and mimicked rollout that's pretty funny and by that point i fainted so essentially i don't think i have a chance to win if i get a curse so i'm going to need gastly not to do that all right let's try again please no ah come on well this time i decided to go for a roll out just see how that would work and it actually almost won a ko's gas leak wow its defense is terrible i am over leveled though it then goes for lick thankfully no paralysis and obviously roll it will knock it out and now we're on our third turn that actually could knock out haunter alright hypnosis miss and oh my goodness could we win you may notice curse doesn't take effect if i knocked out a pokemon so there is a chance another hypnosis miss holy moly and wow if we hit we're going to beat morty on my second try what is this holy moly this was not supposed to go like this this was supposed to be in like the abra no special moves tier not the ghastly tier man shuckle or should i say roll out shuckle is absolutely rolling but um bad anyway now is where we have some tough gyms ahead rollout is resisted both by chuck who is the fighting type gym leader and by jasmine the steel type gym leader we could actually battle price before either of them but if you want to go quickest it is fastest to battle chuck right now it's probably going to go poorly and i'll go battle price but let's try it okay well roll out is not going to deal enough damage i don't think so let's go for bide that was kind of cool we used it before let's see if that will work all right all right all right maybe ah just missed anyway it then hits us with a five turn fury swipes thanks for that and we knock it out with headbutt polywrath knows surf though this is probably not going to be a victory or definitely not and yeah that's probably not a good idea but you know what what if i used rollout the whole way let's try it this won't work all right leer rollouts doing nothing like i expected karate chop crit rollout is still doing nothing if you're wondering how i just outsped i have the quick claw which allows me to out speed twenty percent of time it's kinda useful anyway goes for fury swipes and will this next rollout knock it out all right no quick lasso karate chop and oh my gosh could i actually win all right no sir from polywrath we get mind reader and no okay well that was still kind of cool all right let's try it again okay puts me to sleep all right we lost hey i outsped again but just you surf okay finally so yeah that wasn't working and the truth is i should have just gone to price but i was being stubborn and there was a better strategy basically i need one more hit of rollout against polywrath and that's actually kind of simple to do if i use three headbutts on primape it should allow for a three hit ko rollout unfortunately finally you're seeing a rollout miss it does miss 10 of the time that's its big drawback and because of that it knocks it out in two hits because that's not what i want mind reader is fine i deal barely any damage and here is where i have a question how does hypnosis miss right here the next move is supposed to ignore accuracy now i have a mint berry so it wouldn't have mattered and yeah i end up knocking out polywrath because of that but it makes no sense it should be impossible for any move to miss there's not supposed to be an accuracy check are status moves still affected by the intentional 25 chance they can miss i'm guessing they are and that's the explanation that even though it has infinite accuracy there is still that dice roll where if it hits the one out of four it just fails that's my only explanation but i've never seen this interaction before and so if you guys know let me know and we won but the win is definitely overshadowed by that weirdness anyway technically jasmine is the next gym leader and i do try battling her and it went well exactly about as well as you may have thought so let's go battle price first and in addition to price there's the whole team rocket subplot at least the first half of it that i can battle so i'll level up a fair bit and we'll try again later alright so we're done with team rocket stuff we've leveled up a fair bit so now it's time to battle price and the battle goes kind of how you think it would go aurora beam does nothing it does take three to knock out seal because seal isn't actually ice type which is kind of why aurora beam did little then pile of swine hits me with a critical hit blizzard and at this point pretty much victory is assured unfortunately wasn't able to knock out piloswine on my fourth hit that would have been nice because i wouldn't have to start another rollout versus dugong however none of these pokemon despite the fact two of them are water pokemon they don't actually have water moves and my special defense is good enough i'm over leveled yeah this was kind of a joke so that's cool jasmine though i battled like i'd have to say over 25 times because there's not really much i can do right now there aren't any new tms i can learn i can't learn any more moves via level up my options are either try and level up more and more or try and develop a strategy slowly but surely experiment with different moves different held items see what works and what doesn't the biggest problem is twofold the first magnemite has both thunderwave and supersonic and if i'm either paralyzed or confused the battle is over so a lot of resets happen there but even steelix i mean the fact it has irontail it can miss 25 of the time but it's super effective it has great attack it's just not easy for shuckle and this is what i kind of felt like every gym leader would be like but it's taken until jasmine for shuckle to really get stuckle so what was the genius strategy i came up with without having to level up too much well basically magnemite needs to use something like super sonic and miss that works well i go for dig it's double super effective even with my puny attack it's a one ko now we have to deal with stelix and here's the strategy i finally settled on although it does require some luck i'm gonna go for bi it needs to hit with both iron tails and not get a critical hit or a defense drop and i need a berry so i have enough hp for magnemite oh yeah i also need a two turn bide because otherwise it will knock me out i get all those things and that's the battle with the berry magnum i can't use sonic boom to knock me out which is what was happening so as long as i can hit with dig and i do my half hour long quest to beat jasmine finally came to an end and the berry really was the big difference maker once i thought about that instead of using a quick claw or something else it kind of started to work out but i lost so many runs to getting bad luck with iron tail just one of those really frustrating spots where i really don't have too much to do other than pick a strategy and hope it works thankfully it's not the elite four i can just save before but we're really close in fact after we do a bunch more team rocket stuff and so we're gonna level up more and then i have to battle rival three not nearly as many rival fights in this game i don't actually have a ton to say about this fight it took me a few tries but that's because i was trying to do other things other than using roll out and it turns out no just use roll out the big difference i guess between wins and losses is golbat he loves to use confuse ray and so that can mess me up and for alligator doesn't know any good water moves so it's actually not that big a deal magnemite you think would be a sticking point but usually i have a max powered or close to it roll out by that point and in my losses i'd make it all the way to sneasel and i'd usually lose because i'd miss and then curse would knock me out but this time i don't get a curse and so we beat the second to last rival there's only four mandatory battles in this entire game if you can believe it and we only have one more major battle before the elite four claire and claire especially the trainers in her gym were a massive problem because although dragon rage is typically terrible when you have just around 100 hp it's a three hit ko so once again my abysmal hp stat not making things easy that said claire's pokemon don't actually have dragon rage themselves just all the pokemon leading up to claire and the battle was a heck of a lot easier than i thought it would be as a result i go for roll out i know shocking right and there's even a critical hit surf the first dragon era surf the worst move it could have i'm still at half hp for kingdra but kingdra man that dealt a ton of damage rolo comes oh so close to knocking it out but claire decides to heal and thus i get my fifth and max powered rollout to knock out kindra but i'm at 18 hp surely there's no way i can beat the rest of claire's team right well dragonair goes for thunder wave and i go for rest i don't even have a mint bear to wake me up i don't need it it's doing like no damage i can just sit there snoozing for the two turns and then i i know this will shock you but guess what move i use it it was roll out for those you didn't see and i do get paralyzed by dragon breath which i was worried about but i knock out dragon error number two on my third rollout and then dragonair number three dragon breath still does next to nothing i hit and yeah that's eight gems now it still took 13 in-game hours but be aware of two things one i didn't originally intend this as a speed run or anything and 2 generation 2 there are so many mandatory battles over a hundred of them and i guess now's as good a time as any dimension shuckle takes a while to knock out anything i mean in gym battles it's not so bad but imagine i have to build up rollouts for every single rattata or whatever battles definitely take a lot longer than if i were using nearly anything else but before we face the elite four we do have one more trainer i mentioned him earlier rival number four and i also mentioned earlier that rollout would get even better some of you know what i mean by that but for those who don't let's take a look at this battle now it's very lucky sneezel leads off because it can do like nothing but you'll see i've added a new move to my repertoire defense curl and this is not the badge boost glitch that doesn't exist but there is an intentional combo that if you use defense curl and then roll out rollouts power is doubled so instead of dealing 30 it's 60 then 120 then 240 then 480 then 960 power against magneton like come on also this battle if you notice i know it's going really fast but i get like every single troll from paralysis to confusion i don't attack several times and yet i still win that is how powerful shuckles defense plus defense curl and rollout are but is it gonna be enough to take on the elite four without saving in between members well let's battle will and find out so we go for defense curl psychics not doing much but you'll see a confuse ray and i'm not going to commentate because spoiler i lose this battle and this was the first hurdle to overcome will loves to confuse my pokemon and without that stacking rollout damage even exeggutor can use reflect and leech seed and just wall me that's kind of ironic i'm supposed to be like the ultimate wall but much of the elite four is going to rely on my held items because there are tons of statuses pretty much every single one except bruno love to status me and in the second battle you see another thing that can happen the first statue does not use a single confused ray but it does get a special defense drop only ten percent chance unlike gen one but it happens and then i get confused by the second tattoo after knocking it out jinx tries to put me to sleep with lovely kiss like i said status is galore and this is why speed is so paramount in these runs having to go second means all these pokemon get at least an opportunity to use some of these really annoying moves and speaking of which after knocking out slowbro outspeeds me and goes for reflect that's pretty bad and because my special defense is dropped psychic is doing a lot of damage and it's looking like i'm gonna lose until i get that critical hit and win so this was clearly a lucky victory but it gives us an idea of what to sort of expect from will going forward but if you thought will was annoying koga's whole shtick is raising his evasion and making it hard to hit his pokemon case in points as i set up my defense girl aerato sets up its double team thankfully rollout is doing great damage would have been nice to one at ko but i do miss it goes for giga drain it's doing next to nothing and thankfully it doesn't take too long for me to hit again and i knock out aeriados fortress also sucks because it knows protect which can break my rollout chain spikes that's great i only have one pokemon so that does nothing so it's going to be 480 base power to whatever pokemon comes in it's muck and notice i don't know what pokemon koga is going to use i'll talk about that in just a second it goes for minimize which really sucks but i thankfully hit and knock out the muck now here's crobat double team not surprised and okay i missed not a big deal but hopefully i don't miss too much cocos pokemon also no toxic all right another double team a miss okay and that's what i didn't want toxic thankfully a hit but it may be too little too late especially with that full restore and oh okay that was really fortuitous i do have rest for this very reason but man can this fight be frustrating anyway we have a venomoth which i think i'll knock out in one hit the question is will i hit it no super sonic good and good that is koga so i guess i'll expand now what i mean by not knowing what pokemon they send out as far as i'm aware it's semi-random i know it's based on type advantages the ai is using some sort of calculation however i get nearly identical battles and different pokemon will come out in different orders and that's really annoying because since i don't know what order the pokemon will be sent out i can't really use any other strategy other than rollout and hope which to be fair has worked so far but will it work against bruno who weirdly enough we have a fighting type gym leader and a fighting type elite four member pretty sure that's the only time pokemon has ever done that okay so for bruno i teach the tm for earthquake the reason being hitmontop's only move that's going to use is dig and earthquake actually will hit a pokemon that uses dig and deal more damage so that's gonna be nice of course i mess up my timing i go for defense curl and then i think about going for earthquake but what's the point so i go for rollout i guess why not and then i figured out okay it's underground now use earthquake and that dealt some pretty good damage better yet i decide to go for earthquake again once it resurfaces and i get a critical hit so that's one pokemon down and now here comes onix i decide to go for earthquake and it does fairly decent damage rockslide is not too scary in terms of damage but it can flinch me okay okay no seriously like what in the world was that holy moly what are the odds four consecutive flinches man hilariously this battle drags on for so long that onyx actually starts using earthquake which is because it runs out of rockslide and if you're wondering why i go for rollout well i'm thinking it's going to do a little bit more damage at max power then earthquake will to the remaining fighting pokemon machamp also has rockslide and looks like i was right that was pretty decent hopefully i can hit again of course another flinch and now it's time to go into speed up mode because the rest of this battle is just awful really it's awful basically i get some unlucky flinches and misses and end up having to go for rest not once but twice meaning i'm essentially just stalling the plan as you'll see eventually is to set up a max powered rollout to knock out the rest of his pokemon and my hp ends up getting really really low but thankfully as you'll see even though we are in the so-called red bar hitmon lee and hitmonchan can't really do all that much to me and rollout yeah rollout does a heck of a lot to them so that's bruno he's not that easy in this game he's improved quite dramatically but he's no match for shuckle with defense curl rollout apparently anyway if you thought will and koga were annoying karen as the name suggests is the worst every single one of her pokemon except for like hound doom has some annoying status move it likes to use when you have multiple pokemon she's really easy but when you're using one pokemon especially a slow pokemon she's the worst and i'm gonna be perfectly honest i have no interest narrating this one because it is a very long battle and spoiler i end up losing i know i don't usually commentate like this but trust me as you can see this is going to take a long time essentially the umbreon weakens my accuracy by enough that i just simply can't deal enough damage quick enough and although i'm able to use rest to get through umbreon eventually i'll get through vileplume as well it could be scary and it can paralyze me but the real issue is gengar gengar knows curse it can also spite away my rollouts so that's kind of a problem too but the big thing is if i want to beat karen i need a way to knock out this gengar instantly if i can do that the rest for pokemon aren't a big deal rollout is super effective against both murkrow and houndoom and the umbreon and vileplume can't deal enough damage before i use rest which is why this battle took so long and there you go i lost and it would take me a very long time to get back to karen essentially that will battle that looked kind of lucky yeah it was pretty lucky basically my win percentage versus will is something like i don't know 15 i think there's just far too many places in that battle something can go wrong and so i would lose to will again and again and again and funny enough will after i beat him wasn't the only sticking point through my first 15 attempts i haven't lost to koga yet but i have lost to bruno twice that's right i'm 2 for 15 against will and 0 for 2 against bruno essentially bruno's pokemon we saw the issues they have rock moves they can flinch and what you may not have seen before but i'll show now machamp has cross chop a move that has a high critical hit ratio so even though i set up a defense curl that gets ignored plus it's doing twice as much as usual thus far i haven't resorted to leveling up yet it is something i'm open to doing if this takes too long but i can be kind of stubborn i do like to beat the elite four at as low a level as possible finally after losing two attempts to bruno i actually get a battle similar to the one you first saw and so i'm now in even 50 50 and i've made it back to karen so i try again the strategy once again is to knock out umbreon as quickly as possible so i go for defense curl and try to hit it with rollout thankfully this time around it only hits me in total with two sand attacks every other time it goes for faint attack which is adding up but i prefer and thankfully i end up getting three hits with rollout consecutively which is great because i'll be able to knock out whatever comes out next as long as i hit it's vile plume goes for stun spore and uh that sucks all right just trying to hit it with rollout pedal dance is fine it'll eventually confuse itself the longer i can stall this out the better it is my hp is kind of getting low so after this rollout misses i think i'll go for rest probably should have gone for it earlier we just knocked it out and now please don't use curse no literally the only way i could win is if i hit with every single rollout okay that's one now i have to hit another one thankfully didn't use flamethrower use pursuit and that's two oh my gosh no way oh my god quickly yes i don't even know what to say i mean i try not to save to avoid luck and this is just a luck fest on both sides it's actually a big reason challenge runs in generation two don't interest me that much because the elite four is so trolly so i feel like no matter what strategy i plan if i don't have a pokemon like kadabra that just out speeds and sweeps everything i'm having to rely on luck myself it's like every battle is the agatha lottery which as you guys know is not my favorite battle in general one one battle that sometimes isn't so bad though is lance not quite sure a lot of flying pokemon am i gonna beat the elite four right now just like in red and blue it leads off with gyarados but rain dance wasn't a thing i go for defense girl surf okay that's dealing pretty decent damage with the rain dance please hit good another surf okay that's a two at ko all right aerodactyl's coming out next maybe quicklaw no please don't flinch good and all right so that's pserodactyl one of the level 47 dragonite this one is the thunder dragonite of course i'm paralyzed come on at least i hit but this is not looking good 22h being paralyzed plus i have one more rollout to go i can't even use rest all right well charizard i'm not too worried about ordinarily and the rain of course stops and oh i survived i'm paralyzed come on quick law no all right well that stinks well luckily the very next attempt i make it right now i'm kidding i don't make it anywhere close to lance i barely make it back to karen eventually i realize i'm missing a lot of ranges there's a lot of things happening that if i just leveled up a little bit more it would be better it's kind of like pick an undesirable alternative do i either try for a very luck based strategy at a lower level or level up just a little bit more and remove a lot of the luck so eventually i decide to level up a little bit more not to say as soon as i did that the battles were easy will still is very very difficult even as my level climbs into the 60s i'm still routinely losing to will so far at level 64. if you have to even make it past koga yeah koga beat me for once he was able to stall out all my rollouts and then i can't really do anything anymore finally the wheel luck starts to go my way though i get a battle where i get a confuse ray but i don't hit myself in confusion no special defense drop no reflect from exeggutor lovely kiss misses from jinx i don't miss and get the max power against slow bro and now all that's left is the final zatu psychic turn what i want to see rollout is good confused where i don't want to see and i don't want to see that either nor do i want to see it healing that kind of sucks but roll out and there's the quick claws so okay we have a will battle can we make a run out of this hopefully koga doesn't evade me into oblivion let's find out all right defense curl like always it's going to go for double team that's unsurprising unfortunately no i'm having trouble hitting the ariados and the scary thing about that is that it knows baton pass no not fortress with all those evasion moves no it can't deal much damage but i do so little damage to fortress that oh okay well it's not looking too bad hopefully you can get a few more hits in and oh wow that was actually really great okay cancel the concern this is looking pretty good now and we out speed one k of muk this is very very good i like to see psychic and i like to see that okay who is going to get the max power roll out though looks like it's aereados and i missed that's not a big deal and a baton passes that's kind of whatever okay i have to use another rollout anyway crobat can be so annoying with double team please just hit wing attack i like and i hit very good toxic i like i know that's weird to say and very good wow okay wow we beat koga pretty easily that was actually one of the quickest koga battles i've had so far but now i have a pretty bad record against bruno all things considered can i get some decent machamp luck well you can see i've abandoned my earthquake strategy i'm now going to use a bunch of defense curls actually the way generation 2 works with stat maximization i can only use a few i think it's three before shuckles defense actually hits the game's maximum and so even though i should be able to use more defense curls it'll say my defense didn't rise kind of a weird thing about gen one and two now the one concern with hitmontop is that if it keeps using dig i'm gonna run out of roll outs because it's my only attacking move now however i should admit i'm being a little sneaky with those defense curls yes they're to boost rollout too or one of them is but the ai is switching to pursuit because it realizes my defense is so high that it should use a special attack against my special defense that it would do more damage but that's exactly what i wanted to do so i can build up a rollout chain and hopefully almost knock out the onyx i actually want him a champ but man that stinks i mean i'll knock it out this turn but i wanted max power for machamp beautiful and now we just have to hope for not too many flinches all right let's build up a rollout a miss is good to see okay healing i like to see that because this is a four turn rollout and it does knock out machamp who's going to be hit by the max powered rollout it's hitmonlee and yeah that did nothing it doesn't actually have a special attack and now we just have to worry about hitmonchan not too big a deal it just is going to use the elemental punches it seems fire punch is its preference i guess because i'm part bug type i don't know anyway it takes one two and three rollouts to knock it out so we have made it for the first time at our current level to karen being at a higher level isn't going to make too big a difference on her to be honest but i'm hoping if we get past her it may make lance a little bit better but first things first we got to get past karen let's do it all right so set up a defense curl sand attack fail 25 chance of that very good faint attack like to see that okay sand attack don't like to see that at least i'm hitting confuse ray really don't like to see that and yeah we knew that was gonna happen all right so let's play how long am i gonna hit myself in confusion and wouldn't you know a scent attack of course finally i hit the umbreon faint attack i like to see and okay so we have a third turn rollout if we actually hit with it vial bloom again and no no at least stuns four missed but no and i hit with rolo you may notice i'm actually faster than vile plume leveling up good for something i come very close to knocking it out but unfortunately the sand attacks have caught up to me and then while bloom uses moonlight finally i realize okay i could play this risky or i could play the smart so i'm gonna go for rest i don't use rollout in my sleep while plume ends up paralyzing me while i miss with rollout again and again and again starts to go for pedal dance thankfully finally i start building up a chain and i knock it out and this is the moment of truth if we don't get a curse i think we could win lick yes i think we win hound doom is not going to do much damage if i can just hit it no i even missed i was paralyzed and roar went last because a negative priority all right i think i only need two to knock it out flamethrower is not doing anything please hit okay all right roar is fine max potion please hit yes okay finally all right we have one pokemon left please hit murkrow please hit murkrow please said yes this has been one of my longer elite fours in a very long time and uh i don't think it's necessarily gonna be over here i still don't have a great strategy for the champion but i'm here so might as well battle him let's go all right this time gyarados does something a little different it goes for surf right away interesting and now goes for rain dance that's kind of neat and no way all right guys we have to win that was clutch all right aerodactyl again okay it missed with rockslide so clutch all right you know what both are 90 okay fine it's fine all right rockslide hit no flinch okay no way no way what is this gen one two crits okay you know what let's just see how this goes all right charizard an interesting choice and flamethrowers no are you kidding me of all the things to happen a burn what three critical hits what's going on i don't even have time to process this thunder not to oh my no way no way all right you know what blizzard okay didn't freeze can't i'm burnt and this should yeah it does obviously what's going on okay we got the big dragonite now level 50. all right what's it gonna no way this was something else i don't know what to say about this one i mean you can look at all the points i got lucky but i got burned by flamethrower that's a 10 you know what this happened i don't even know i'm speechless you know how many of these have done there's got to be at least number 50. and yeah that means that i have a backlog and more on the way but i don't know i don't know the game's not over though that would be a pretty anticlimactic way for the game to end but we still have eight canto gems and then we have red so let's quickly talk about each gym i started off with lieutenant surge because you dock in vermilion and this gym took a really long time in the sense that it was a first try victory that just took forever because serge's pokemon get this no thunder wave and double team it was a first try victory the strategy is pretty much going forward defense curl rollout and it just keeps getting interrupted either by paralysis or missing and so it takes a heck of a lot longer than it otherwise should have you notice not much damage is being dealt to me and if i ever did get low in health i could rest and that's why doing play-by-play may not be the best huh huh anyway we've beaten lieutenant serge now sabrina was one of my few losses and i'm not going to show that battle because i ran out of rollouts and actually had to faint myself due to struggle yeah that was awful and it took five ever and what's the reason i ran out of power points espeon uses sand attack of course everything in this game needs to troll me however once i get on a roll and that's not a pun intended i just keep hitting everything and there's only three pokemon that's right it's only alakazam and mr mime all i have to do is find a way not to waste 20 powerpoints for three pokemon i have sandstorm just in case this time because sandstorm will eventually knock out things that don't recover but yeah frustrating experience not difficult just annoying erica is also a bit of a longer battle but this time i played a little too cautious i get an unlucky miss and actually a lucky sleep powder miss from tangala and then i decided to use rest this was so unnecessary i probably wouldn't have even been in red bar if i never rested but then i'm able to get a rollout going and i don't get any more misses and so i'm able to knock out all four of erica's pokemon now here's janine her pokemon are super low level but there you go confusion they also have double team thankfully i get kind of lucky after hitting myself in confusion a few times i'm able to get a nice little rollout streak going that said i don't want to ko wheezing which is unfortunate because i'm not able to knock out every single one of her pokemon but the truth of the matter is it could take a long time if i have to resort to sandstorm but since i have rest there's really nothing her pokemon can do they can just stall and they can't recover so eventually sandstorm which in this generation by the way deals 1 8 instead of 1 16. i don't use it in this battle i don't need to but that and rest are always options anyway thankfully don't miss too much there's another gym now misty i play incredibly reckless and the fact i won is kind of shocking golduck does decent damage with surf but psych up actually copies my defense curl which is bad however rollout is so powerful it's able to eventually knock out such shocking contenders really as quagsire and lapras without much of an issue and then with starmie yeah i would have lost but i can just stall and use rest then wake up and sure i'm confused but i don't hit myself in confusion and it's only a 2 at ko it was close had i hit myself in confusion maybe i would have lost but hey it worked so that's another one down but the gym leader you probably think is gonna give me the most trouble is brock ground resists roll out strong defense big issue right well i have another trick up my sleeve you see i pick up hidden power and i never know what it's going to be i just test it out happens to be hidden power grass and while i don't always out speed it one hit ko's every single one of brock's pokemon and truth be told by the way defense girl rollout would have worked however i did want to try something else so at least this worked and finally hilariously he's seventh i never battle blaine seventh anymore yeah defense girl it does take two rollouts to knock out macargo because of curse but yeah and yeah the kanto gym leaders are definitely a little bit of a letdown after the elite four however blue can be difficult otherwise known as rival fibal viii i'm kidding about that he's not known as that however he does have a similar team to rival five all just good so this battle's the first one in a long time i'm actually kind of nervous about like always he leads with pidgeot and like always wing attack doesn't do very much although it is base 60 power of course we go for defense curl rollout you'll notice i have quick claw equipped nothing better to really have for shuckle so just leaving quick law and hoping for those out speeds in my opinion the best strategy for average battles but this isn't a good swap right on i am able to out speed and fury attack misses and wow if you didn't believe me when i said rollout would be fine for brock yeah that one hit ko a right on fourth hit but still next we get gyarados and i'm worried about what it's gonna do but i get the quick claw and i out speed so that is all five of my rollouts they've all hit and that is three pokemon down now exeggutor decides to be trolley and go for leech seed even with my hp being low with my level being high it's still gaining back some hp thankfully as i go for rollout it goes for solar beam between leech seed and the solar beam i'm actually down to almost a third of my health but there's only two pokemon left and two more of my strongest rollouts if they hit our canine get the quick law out speed so now it's all up to the final pokemon alakazam reflect was the best thing it could have done but it's not enough not with 900 plus base power of rollout sorry alakazam i had no idea going into this run how overpowered defense curl rollout would be and man am i alerting that if i ever want to do a challenge run in generation two again i need to pick something that doesn't have rollout that being said we now have one of the toughest trainers in pokemon history red and in my opinion just if i can for a second red is also another reason i don't love doing gold and silver runs because there's so many pokemon who can make it to this point but red is at such a high level which is good that you can't just use a level 100 like caterpie and hope you'll be fine red has high enough level pokemon that level 100 doesn't actually mean all that much so you actually need some sort of a strategy to defeat him that being said unlike the elite four red is a single trainer and so there's no way i can avoid luck i can reset till i get a battle i really like but that also feels like i'm manipulating the run in some way if i win i win but that's definitely an if because i don't know how this is gonna go let's find out all right pikachu goes for charm that would have been kind of annoying but it failed thank goodness defense girl and thunder hits and paralyzes hooray well eventually i knock out the pikachu with rollout but even after a quick claw out speed yeah i'm not even doing half damage to blastoise and surf is doing a fair bit ceo actually even leveled pokemon shockingly deal way more damage than ones that are massively under leveled compared to me so you might wonder what happens if charm actually hits that turns pikachu into a three ko but thankfully pikachu only connects with a single thunder i've switched to leftovers and you'll see i end up gaining back pretty much all my hp for blastoise blastoise decides to go for rain dance rather than go for surf straight away and how much will rollout do everything okay crit but that's really good now i genuinely have no idea how i outsped this snorlax but i did and it's a max power defense curl rollout no chance so three pokemon down and venusaur i don't know how big a problem is going to be sets up sunny day all right i go for roll out it does like nothing solar beams doing good damage roll out maybe a three at ko still solar beam no and oh this could be bad and i get a mess hopefully i can survive this and rest critical hit no that's not good and try as i might i could never make it farther than that in the battle like i said in the elite four the order red sends out his pokemon it's somewhat random pikachu is always first and he always likes to send out blastoise second but sometimes i get venusaur and sometimes i'd get charizard and sometimes i get snorlaxed the third pokemon was pretty random however i'd made it to the fourth pokemon a couple times but never passed the fourth pokemon at least not at my current level so time to level up right well i want to try one thing you see in celadon city you can get the tm for curse and curse for non-ghosts it'll lower your speed and raise your attack and defense which could offset charm so i want to see what a battle will look like if i use curse i'm going to stay at level 74 and if it doesn't work we'll level up a bunch all right well pikachu uses charm it hits i go for defense curl no surprises there thunder miss is good and now i start setting up curse thunder then hits not once not twice but three with the paralysis consecutive times thankfully thunder misses had it critted i may have lost right there and then but it's time to use rest now because i have leftovers obviously no mint berry equipped no sleep talk i've gotten rid of that and thunder of course hits not once not twice but again three consecutive times running out of power points though and i go for another curse can we make it four consecutive yes we can and you know what let's go for five five five thunder hits actually why am i laughing that's bad thankfully i have enough hp i go for rest again and at this point we start playing a game of cat and mouse no pun intended pikachu has to switch to thunderbolt which doesn't do as much damage and my plan is to maximize my attack so plus six in attack whilst having as much hp as possible unfortunately pikachu realizes what i'm doing and starts going for charm so after going for yet another rest and pikachu using a couple more charms i'm at plus five attack overall and decide all right let's go for roll out how much will this do to pikachu everything all right that's a one hit ko last choice goes for whirlpool which misses will this knock it out close close all right blasters go for whirlpool yes unfortunately though i miss with rollout so it's gonna get another opportunity and it goes for rain dance all right crazy thing here depending on what we get this rollout might last the rest of the battle unfortunately snorlax was not what i wanted to see and amnesia is fine roll out okay three quarters is good body slam does less than leftovers will heal and i miss again all right we're getting a lot of misses body slams still not an issue and we hit all right can this one last the rest of the battle venusaur goes for giga drain no sunny day and not quite but it goes for synthesis now we just have charizard and espeon two of the best pokemon for me to face oh and we got charizard don't burn don't burn fire spin miss is good enough wow are we gonna beat red at level 75 espeon ghost reflect if we hit we win wow man this went way different than i thought i thought i'd be spamming toxic and rest in sandstorm and slowly but surely knocking out pokemon i didn't realize i'd be setting up for rollouts and just destroying everything anyway that's all for this video thanks for watching if you enjoy generation 2 or other generation challenges leave a like and a comment let me know i'm always curious to see if people like just gen 1 or they want other generations as well and that's all take care
Channel: Jrose11
Views: 650,574
Rating: 4.9198513 out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Jrose11, Catch 'Em All, Pokemon Challenge, Can you beat, Pokemon Gold, Gold, Silver, Crystal, Impossible Challenge, Gold Challenge, Silver Challenge, Pokemon Crystal, Shuckle, Shuckle Gold, Shuckle Challenge, Solo Challenge, Solo Ditto, Solo Shuckle Challenge, Shuckle Run, Shuckle Sapphire, Shuckle Ruby, hardest pokemon challenge
Id: D1yMNmoZ8AY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 38sec (3338 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 09 2020
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