Is it Possible to Beat Pokemon Black/White with Just a Delibird?

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[Music] hey everyone how's it going so i'm sorry this video probably released a couple days after i planned but the reason is pretty legitimate this run was supposed to be kind of an easy-ish run that had a holiday theme and uh yeah it turned out to be one of the most difficult runs i've ever done and i picked unova because their in-game seasons mirror our real world seasons well not really but december is winter which is pretty cool so yeah i thought it would be a nice holiday themed episode and of course we had to pick the santa pokemon deli bird and i've never used a deli bird before in any play through ever and so i never really thought about how difficult it would be to use one you see delhi bird learns one move i mean it learns tms but via level up it learns present and presence while nice to get on the holidays is a terrible terrible move so it is 90 accuracy first off and then how much base power does it do well forty percent of the time it deals 40 base power which in this game is actually worse than tackle but is slightly higher than the 35 based power that we know and love from tackle in gen 1 gen 2 etc 30 of the time it deals 80 base power that's a pretty solid move and 10 of the time it deals a whopping 120 base power or the same as double edge but you know there's got to be a catch aside from the 10 chance it misses there is a 20 chance when it does hit it heals your opponent one quarter of their max hp so yeah that's pretty bad in addition delhi bird stats are also pretty bad i mean seriously they're first form pokemon with better stats than these and there's one more thing we should talk about because well i don't like my videos to get too technical statistics do play a big part in pokemon and we often talk about base statistics which are species-wide but i don't always talk a lot about individual statistics or ivs and basically all i usually say is i reset till i get good stats but with delibird it was very very difficult and in later generations it's not just good stats but your nature which ups one of your stats by 10 and decreases another by 10 plus your ability of which deliberate has too vital spirit which doesn't allow deliberate to sleep or hustle and when i finally got a deli bird with decent looking stats in both attack and special attack i got hustle now hustle increases my attack power by 50 percent but it also decreases your accuracy by 20 which means that present actually has 72 percent accuracy or the same as moves like blizzard or thunder which i often won't use for being too inaccurate and that's okay j-rose you'll just teach a tm right well deliberate learned some decent tms however in black and white a lot of them aren't available till the mid to late game and so we're gonna have to do a quite significant chunk of this game with our only move being present and no better way to illustrate this than with the first gym leader and it's silent which technically i'm strong against but don't actually have any super effective moves this was a bit of a mistake i replaced oshawott as the starter with delhi bird because i thought it would make the rival battles more consistent you'd have one rival with the strong pokemon and one with the weak it would just be reversed but i forgot the first gym leader is also based off the pokemon you picked so what can we do it's it's fine it doesn't make that big a difference because the battle is rng based anyway i just have to use present and hope it hits and that i get base 80 and 120 and not too much of the base 40 and especially no healing and yeah that's pretty much my strategy for almost every gym battle going forward sometimes though i do have to level up for reasons and in this case i thought leveling up to level 13 would work funny enough in my first battle at level 13 i get a max power present against lillipup so it knocks it out in one hit and i get a base 80 power against pan sage if it were a pan sear it would have been a little more annoying but as you can see it wouldn't make too big a difference because i get either another base 80 or potentially an even rare base 120 i don't know nor do i really care because we've won didn't take too many attempts i think just five overall and my first at level 13 like i said so we have one gym badge and this is the last gym badge that's going to be easy because after doing quite a bit more game to be honest we're gonna battle lenora and lenora is also the normal gym leader now i get that silent is supposed to be grass type but he has a normal pokemon so it doesn't feel quite like a grass gym and lenora has more powerful versions of that pokemon and the most annoying being this dog thing now some of you might not know that i'm actually canadian and when canadians see ier it's ea laurier cartier or herdier and i know now it's hurtier but this thing was hertier to me for a really long time until i thought oh it's herder like a herding dog okay that that makes sense but yeah if i ever do say herdier it's because for years that's how in my head it was pronounced anyway it has intimidate and in a lot of these runs intimidate is very annoying this is no different and i really wasn't making any progress like at all as you may have noticed i do have thief it's only base 40 power which is the same as the weakest present so while there's slightly less risk in terms of accuracy there's no extra reward with those 120 base 80 power which we need and when you finally knock out the hurtier you get watchog and watch out knows retaliate which deals a whopping 140 base power if it's used the turn after another one of your allies faints i use it all the time in competitive very good move and even if it's not used with the 140 hertier and watchhog both can lower my defense and can run at ko and i'm not over leveled to be fair i'm pretty much at their level so i figure i need to level up and i start leveling up more and more and it's not really helping all that much i start being able to get past the herdier more consistently but that watchog is still so very frustrating and what makes it more annoying is there's very little i can do here there are no moves i can learn no items i can equip i mean the orenberry but that does really very little at the end of the day 10 hp is only about a sixth of my health depending on my level and it's not my hp that's a problem it's either missing with present or doing too little damage and that's the thing if you think about my odds in this fight they're bad i need each present to hit which is 70 chance and then when it does hit there's only an 80 percent chance it actually deals damage so i actually have under 60 chance of when i use present to deal damage to the opponent and i'm really looking for base 80 or 120 power which is just about 29 those are pretty terrible odds considering i need to happen two or three times and this is where hustle kind of becomes a double-edged sword because on one hand it's contributing to this luck because of the misses if i had vital spirit it would be a 36 chance of getting the outcome i want but here is where the good part of hustle comes in i would be doing 50 percent less damage so honestly i think the slight luck element of hustle is actually worth it i would need to level up even more and you can see my level is creeping higher and higher how high does it go level 29 and i should note that unlike in earlier generations black and white completely changed how experience growing works before it was just a static formula so 40 experience points gained from knocking out a level 4 metapod doesn't matter if you're at level 6 or level 60 it's the same starting in black and white to decrease the chance of people getting too high level it's actually on a curve so the higher level you are the less experience you gain from knocking out pokemon and so it starts getting really really tedious to get to super high levels even though delhi bird is actually in the fastest level up group i also did a bit of eevee training which i'm not gonna go into but i did hope to raise my attack i wouldn't really see the dividends of this until later in the run but i did think it would help the one saving grace though is that you actually can battle audino i don't need to show that just you run around the grass rustles and then audino will pop up it has extremely high experience growth so even though you gain less and less you're still gaining two or three hundred experience points every time you knock out an audino which did help me level up much much quicker and get to this point and now finally let me show you how you beat lenora well it's a massive help when you start out with a critical hit that was probably base 80 power it didn't really matter because critical hits ignore intimidate so i'm dealing full damage and let's not forget an intimidate is used against me to start which now that i think about it is an accurate representation of what my attack would look like without hustle i then hit clearly that was a base 40 present and lear kind of bad because retaliate can come close to knocking me out and i heal the watchog that's wonderful another lear is kind of okay but we're getting into close to one at ko territory then though i get what i think is yes it is a base 120 power still doesn't knock it out but that's three quarters retaliate i do tank it barely and i go for thief hoping she doesn't heal that's really unfortunate the gym leaders are far better than the ones we remember from red and blue they heal at appropriate times and in that case i wanted the better accuracy a thief it would have knocked it out so close but what can you do let's just use present again and yes very good and yeah it was very frustrating i'm grateful that i finally beat lenora and so we can make our way to castellia city and eventually battle the bug gym leader berg and unfortunately even though castellia city is massive kind of like celadon we aren't going to get any useful tms not quite yet but hey berg is the bug type gym leader this shouldn't be too bad right i mean okay he leads off with where a peed and i'm getting some poor present luck but even after a screech poison tail it's only doing about a third that's not too bad but after getting a powerful present i can use thief and we can make it past wurlipede not bad now he has a dwebble uh oh hopefully it doesn't have any rock moves uh this is gonna be a lot harder than i thought it was going to be seriously though like what else can i do i can't really level up that much more i mean i can but you know how long it would take because how high a level i am compared to the wild pokemon there really aren't many more trainers i already defeated all the ones in pinwheel forest and route 4 there are some of them you can battle but a lot of them have rock type moves anyway so they're not worth defeating what am i gonna do is there anything i can use well there is and it's a move i don't like to use at all but i am very lucky and i did not plan this at all that i can use and hey hey i'm gonna use attract i'm sure no one got that reference but that is what the announcer says when you use it in pokemon stadium 2. i played a lot of that game but why attract is so lucky is that i didn't plan on deliberate being female i didn't really care in fact i preferred male so i could call it santa when it happened to be the one i wanted was female i called it mrs claus but because berg is male all his pokemon are male that's kind of how they do it in this game and it just so happens we can use a track to avoid grinding to an absurdly high level and by the way using a track doesn't guarantee anything it just means we're going to have a 50 50 chance every turn that dwell doesn't attack it's like worse confusion but it never wears off which is kind of nice i should note that hustle only affects physical damaging moves not special moves and not status moves because they're not buffed by 50 perhaps i was unclear so i should reiterate that attract is still 100 accurate and guess what now that we have attract it doesn't actually help as much as i'd like it to because we're in a very annoying spot i use thief because it's more consistent and it's not resisted by the rock typing however the amount of damage i do leads dwell to being without a critical hit a three hit ko and i've yet to defeat this thing plus dwell will heal because it puts it in range for a heal so it's the worst case scenario so instead of a three hit ko it's potentially a five or even more if he uses another potion so after 10 yes 10 unsuccessful attempts at knocking out dwell i decide to level up a little bit more first to level 35 and that still wasn't good enough i was getting ranges it was very luck based and still hadn't managed to knock out dwell even a single time so i leveled up to level 36 lost another four more times and now finally i get you might think that's 120 but it's actually only 80 base power and actually was a low range that could have knocked it out and unfortunately the whirlpin does heal after that that sucks and you can see thief is now doing half so that's how you can tell present was an 80 base power my next president heals the warlock that's fantastic but if i get another 80 base power it doesn't really matter poison tail isn't doing nearly as much damage which is also very good and luckily the very next present is a base 80 power or 120 i don't really care or no but we knock out world of peed but we're lupite is easy now can we knock out dwell all right let's set up a track it goes for smackdown now i do survive and still have a pretty decent amount of health all things considered but obviously dwell needs to stay immobilized for the rest of this battle all right that was a pretty unfavorable range it may actually turn out to be a 3k which would suck immobilized is good and great that was pretty lucky the first time we've beaten dwell and now we have leviney levany doesn't have anything good to hit us grass and bug moves so this could be fine but i wish i had more hp because it could still knock us out i go for present it misses that sucks string shot is fine i actually still out speed i'm a little surprised and only 40 i'm gonna guess i mean i know it's only 40 and another string shot so now leave any will outspeed me alright it goes for razor leaf that does almost nothing very lucky has a higher chance to that's only about 12 percent present hits again unfortunately another 40 base power and i'm not sure if thief will knock it out so i go for present protect that's fine another razor leaf i have six hp please hit yes finally oh my gosh that battle also took over an hour i did not anticipate bergen lenora being so difficult and guess what the next gym leader is electric type so if the bug gym took us an hour we have to spend like three hours right well not exactly because finally in nimbasa city i don't know i'm gonna pronounce things wrong didn't watch the anime they're based on clouds it's based on nimbus cloud i don't know call it whatever the heck you want in the amusement park city there is a tm an amazing tm that will render present obsolete that's right the last present against that levine is probably the last one you'll see in this entire run because we're gonna get return it's hilarious that two runs in a row make such great use of return but it's based on friendship i'm not sure exactly where my friendship's at but it's at least gonna do like 80 base power if not maybe the full 102 regardless it has a 100 accuracy with hustle that's 80 that is still better than 72 plus we don't have to worry about 40 base power anymore yeah i'm pretty excited and based on that you're probably expecting me to say that elisa was a first try victory but she wasn't and the main reason was another luck element that we're gonna have to deal with static there are certain abilities that will status your pokemon if they make contact 30 of the time and a bunch of elise's pokemon of static including molga and basically what was happening is i'd use return it would want to ko but i'd get staticked by a mulga and then i would lose obviously the other thing could happen is return could miss she only has three pokemon to a molga and zip strika it's a 1k against each of them with or without a critical hit but finally i got a run where it hit three times in a row no statics obviously it's not the most consistent thing to hope for which is why i took a few attempts but we're still relying on way less luck than before so we have four gym badges and usually around this time in the video we're close to the elite four and we only have half of our gym badges will clay allow things to go a little bit faster or will he slow us down he is the ground type gym leader but there is one pokemon i'm a little nervous about so he leads with crocoroc thank goodness this does not have intimidate and return if it hits one ako's crocoroc and here's the volkman i was super worried about excadrill like over return wow that did good oh critical hit that's why it did such good damage and oh well that missed so we can knock out excadrill but that was really lucky critical hit plus a miss with rockslide that is a six point two five percent and a ten percent chance not very likely the final poke money sends out is palpitoed which i knock out i got a critical hit but i was unsatisfied with this battle clearly that was some pretty crazy luck not only did return hit three times got a couple critical hits enemies from rockslide let's try that again once again crocorrock is a one-hit ko with return this time i'm going to use a tract against excadrill i think that would be the best play and it might take a few attempts it does not get immobilized but misses again with rockslide wow what are the odds now return as you saw before does about a third it's immobilized another return it's immobilized so yeah we're gonna win once again i mean there's not very much palpitoed could do against me definitely good luck in this battle too but this is the strategy i probably would have used and i'm pretty sure rock slide would be a one ko it's double super effective but you know what we had a first try and i guess two first try victories against clay i'm gonna say that's good enough five gym badges this is uh this is looking pretty good and things are going to look even better pretty soon because a bunch of the very powerful tms we can learn we're about to get access to them but not before we battle skyla the flying type gym leader there are quite a few trainers we need to battle in between these gyms so i've leveled up quite a bit and her first pokemon she leads with is swoobat return does great damage and that's one down next is a pokemon most unpheasant i go for return and this is the first one in a while it did not want a ko without a resistance so yeah pretty good but leer not really a big deal she does heal i decide to go for thief because even if she heals she won't heal again because she's not within range and thankfully return has been hitting so that is two down finally she sends out swanna and it's kind of weird the sixth gym leader only having three pokemon but whatever i decide to go for fly fly is 90 base power in this generation but 95 accuracy unfortunately i miss an aerial ace does pretty good damage i try it again and thankfully it hits i knew it would be a 1ko by being the same type it gets an additional 50 boost so that is a way more damage than return and that is six gym badges and after we beat skyla although she doesn't actually give this tm herself we are very quickly going to get the tm for aerial ace and aerial ace is maybe not for gym battles we might need the extra power from fly but for regular battles a real game changer it cannot miss plus with hustle it's doing a lot of damage and we're gonna get the sharp beak to do extra flying damage so the mundane regular battles we haven't been talking about go from potentially hazardous to mostly very easy if there's no rock pokemon with rock pokemon things are going to be a little tricky at least until we get to so i used to call this icarus city but it's actually probably a cirrus or isserous it's based off cirrus clouds so i know it's cirrus but is it iserus or asiris i don't know the city that's got a lot of snow in it you can actually buy the tm for blizzard and once we defeat bryson the seventh gym leader will get frost breath which does 40 damage that's deceptive it's always a critical hit so it actually in this generation would deal 80 damage not quite as good as ice beam unfortunately that's not available till the post game but hey we still have to beat him and i don't think it's gonna go all that badly he leads with vanillish i go for aerial ace and there goes vanillish now we have bear tick i go for aerial ace it's doing just about half it goes for icicle crash and wow that did okay because critical hit did a lot of damage but that's not gonna be enough to actually matter because we knock it out the next turn and criagonal has one of the worst defenses of any non-pre-evolved pokemon in the entire game so we're easily going to be able to knock it out with aerial ace again just three pokemon i have to play black to challenge mode that would be probably a lot more interesting but hey that is for another run we are almost done this run it has been absolutely zooming by since we got return and what a weird sort of difficulty curve where it spiked at the beginning and it's really seemed to gotten easier by the end we have one more gym leader left iris the champion of black 2 white 2 and she's a dragon type gym leader remember we do have access to frost breath after we've beaten bryson so this gonna be another one dry victory funny enough i'm not actually gonna use frost breath against fracture i'm gonna set up hail and then i'm gonna try and sweep with blizzard fracture goes for dragon dance which is fine hail will cause blizzard to never miss so that's easily going to knock out fracture dread again no problem whatsoever and yes even the mighty haxorus is no match for blizzard so that was really easy and i think something else we should probably mention is that tms are relearnable in generation five and this is huge because even though hms are permanent and we need to go to the move the leader to get rid of them we can pretty much get four different moves for every single trainer starting in this generation at least when it comes to tm moves and that is humongous the ability to almost fully customize your move set and really make sure it's tailored to each individual battle that is so much better than in previous generations heck in shading i wasn't able to teach x scissor until the last battle because i needed moves i was barely using like return and especially sunny day that i used all of what three four times in the entire run and that's what made it possible so i am very excited to see what kind of cool stuff i can come up with in gen 5 and beyond that being said we have to now take on the elite four and there's actually one other interesting customization factor in the elite four which is that for the first time you can battle each member of the elite four in whatever order you want and that kind of provides some interesting strategy especially with how luck-based deli bird is if i don't want to save between elite four members i can start out with the really luck based ones and if i lose i don't really lose that much progress and then get progressively easier and easier until i get to members that are consistent victories but first things first i'm gonna battle each member and sort of figure out what the trouble parts are before i come up with final strategies move sets and order so i decide to start off with marshall the fighting type elite four member they only have four pokemon that's just so weird to me by this point in the game they would have five in most games but yeah just four in black and white so he leads off with a throw i have aerial ace and a sharp beak and it is a one ako against throw so that's pretty good but next comes out sock and it would be a one ko but sak has sturdy which starting in gen five means it can't be taken from full hp to zero in one attack and unfortunately both throw and sock no stone edge it does have a 20 chance to miss and so i avoid it and marshall's able to heal but the battle at least for sock is over heal as much as you like that wastes a turn and eventually aerial ace will knock you out next comes out conclude i think is how you pronounce it i don't know but we don't need to worry about it because we knock it out and finally meehan chao and yeah aerial ace easy one to ko so i'm seeing a little bit of an issue with sock but marshall looks okay so far next i decide to go to the upper right chamber and battle caitlyn the psychic type trainer and reuniclus starts out i decide to go for aerial ace see how much that does about three quarters not bad and it goes for thunder and yeah so that's going to be an issue well i try to battle marshall again but this time sock doesn't miss it's an 80 chance of that happening that it won't miss and yeah i think i'm gonna need to change up my strategy there let's just battle the other two and see if there's any other tms or leveling up i need to do so i still haven't battled chantal the ghost type elite four member i have great luck with those and right off the bat i foresee two problems i go for blizzard which misses it goes for will a wisp that misses that's a one problem but the other problem is if i use aerial ace my hustle ability will get overwritten with mummy which will essentially decrease my attack by 50 which i don't think is good so i'm gonna go for blizzard again thankfully willowist misses again and i'm able to knock out the coffer grigas with a frost breath but that just chandelures me into chantal's deadly trap i go for aerial ace flame body i cry uh oh fire blast oh yeah goodbye sorry about that but this is going to be a real problem there are still one more elite four member i haven't actually challenged yet and that is the dark type user grimsley but before i do that i decide okay i can see some problems already occurring let me make a few changes and the first change will nullify the marshall issue with stone edge well partially at least and that is getting tm 90 substitute because the only issue we have with marshall is sock hitting me with a single stone edge we'll substitute unlike protect i can actually use four turns in a row because i have an odd number of health and all i need is for stone edge to miss one time the odds are pretty good it does and then as we saw area lace is enough which never misses to knock out all of marshall's pokemon and if i did my math right the odds i get at least one stone edge miss which is all i need is around 60 so not amazing but good enough i then decide to battle grimsley because i haven't actually tried to battle him yet he leads off with scrafty and thankfully no intimidate there i go for aerial ace and i knock it out then comes out bisharp brick break will knock it out but unfortunately i missed there is a 20 chance of that happening so i lose but so far i don't see any huge problems with grimsley and to that end i decided to challenge him after doing a few more errands getting some other items i think i might need and i'm able to once again knock out scrafty i don't miss against bisharp so that's pretty good unfortunately though crocodile does have intimidate and thus brick break does not want it ko it heals i go for aerial ace and i was worried about ranges so i go for brick break a little risky and yes i took some significant damage from that foul play but it worked now out comes lipard it goes for fake out which i'm not too worried about and so long as this hits which it does so grimsley shouldn't be too big of an issue i'm thinking that he might end up being the easiest one unfortunately this particular run ended at marshall where i didn't get good luck but after i re-enter i decide you know what it's time to see how caitlyn is going to go because the rest of them i kind of have an idea i still don't know how i'm actually going to defeat her at first i try a strategy similar to the one i used against marshall but it wasn't nearly as effective the biggest issue being is aerial ace does not want to kill the reuniklists and it doesn't want to ko other pokemon as well i mean it will if i level up a bit more gothitel ends up using thunderbolt to knock out my substitute and musharna is obviously not gonna be a wanna ko either and i don't have great special defense so psychic knocks me out meaning this strategy really doesn't look like it's gonna work so i end up battling caitlyn again and again and again figuring out different things and finally i came up with a workable strategy now we are going to use substitute against reunicles and hope that thunder misses but even if it doesn't we're okay because once we get to below half health the ai realizes that a psychic will knock it out and psychic is more accurate so while it still can go for thunder it will prefer psychic and you also see we have fly now fly will one hit ko most of caitlyn's pokemon so that's actually really nice yes we sacrifice some accuracy and thus introduce some luck but reliable one of kos well semi-reliable at least is pretty good sigil if however i can knock out with an aerial ace now that i'm at level 72 now level 73 so that is caitlyn and this is a semi-consistent strategy in fact i actually could have used fly a turn earlier in case you're wondering why not use fly right away thunder actually is a move that can hit you while you're in the air which really really sucks because otherwise this would be even more consistent but hey after spending very many battles trying to figure this out i was pretty happy and now that i finally defeated caitlyn i think i have a pretty good chance of actually getting through the elite four if you can believe it so i'm going to go back to marshall because a lot of luck is required or at least some luck so let's see if i can get that stone edge miss now this was a dumb id and i'm not sure why i thought this would work but i teach protect so i can powerpoint stall in case i don't get the miss from the throw this was a really silly idea because throw would just knock me out with its other attacks anyway i do get a miss and i only need one it doesn't matter that it's against the throw because now i'll just have a substitute set up for the sock and once i get one miss the battle is over there is literally nothing that can happen that can cause me to lose no gen 1 miss no chance of aerial ace missing no ranges just sit back relax yeah you gotta hit the a button a few times or you can use the touchscreen but we're able to defeat marshall and i think i'll go battle grimsley because i don't see him being a problem at all this battle i don't really need to narrate because you've already seen it the only difference is against the crooked aisle i do try to go for fly and it sucks because if i level up just a little bit more then both fly and brick break would be one of kos in addition there is a black belt available in this game but not until the post game the black belt being the item that gives a 20 boost to my fighting type attacks that would be what i need to knock out every pokemon however so long as i don't get really really bad brick break luck i will be fine thank goodness lipar doesn't have really good attacking stats on its own and so we have made it back to sean tall the last member of the elite four that i haven't defeated yet and i opt for a slightly different strategy that i think is going to be a little sneaky i try to set up a substitute in case the cafe regis goes for willow wisp it doesn't as i would figure out later it actually does prefer willow wisp turn one even if i've set up a substitute so it doesn't know what i'm going to do which is nice in this case it just went for shadowball i went for fly and knocked it out and the reason i did this is because i'm at a bit of a higher level it knocked out the coffee grigas and now my physical attacks are pretty much 100 accurate i mean 95 for fly so so long as i can knock out chandelure i'm good unfortunately the caveat was if i could knock out chandelure and i am so close darn it yes fire blast could also miss there's a 15 chance of that but i think just with a little bit more leveling up this would be super consistent and so that's exactly what i do i do go through the elite four a few more times genuinely trying to win but unfortunately since there is a lot of luck i still haven't been able to defeat all four of them in a row in fact i still haven't beaten sean tall yet finally though level 77 and i did experiment with different things not getting mummy using frost breath but in the end i decided that the easiest thing to do was to use fly against coffee grigas and knock it out with my level up it is a range but i do knock out chandelure with one fly next comes out jealousened which really can't do all that much but of course stuff can add up case in point after missing with fly it goes for surf and that's going to be a three a ko it to a ko if it gets a crit after i hit with fly it comes very very close to knocking it out but it's not a one ko so leveling up could be good however it is too little too late for this battle for chantal even though she's gonna heal aerial ace is doing just a bit more than half meaning it will knock it out the next turn finally the golurk so long as i use frost breath and it hits i will be able to knock it out and i have defeated her the question is will i be able to defeat all the other members considering the luck needed both for caitlyn and marshall and caitlyn to me seems the second most difficult so i'm gonna battle her next like before i'm gonna set up substitute and hope for the thunder miss thankfully its second thunder does miss and i decide to be a little bit sneaky i go for aerial lace hoping for the crit i don't get it i knew it would knock out reuniklus and i knew it would put it within healing range and here is where i'm going to be very sneaky i'm going to go for another substitute so now because my hp is low it's going to go for psychic probably meaning it will not hit me in the air focus blast same thing and so i will be able to maintain my substitute which lessens the degree of luck for the remaining pokemon as it turns out though i wouldn't need it because that is only in case i miss a fly but i don't miss a fly either against the reuniklists or the gothitel or even the musharna and sigilyph is still a one hit ko with aerial ace that is two down and now we just have marshall which we've beaten many many times and grimsley who looks really easy so this might be it you'll notice here by the way i get rid of frost breath and teach brick break by the way to stop players from just teaching tms to restore power points you actually keep the same number of power points as your previous move had so i have to think of which moves to overwrite because for example blizzard only has five power points and sometimes like aerial ace i'd like a little bit more than five power points at the time and there aren't that many ethers and elixirs so i need to be careful anyway unlike caitlyn this battle literally just comes down to getting a single stone edge miss which we get on the second stone edge and uh okay i mean yeah i still have to complete the battle but it is over very very good feeling when you have a battle so consistent that after you knock out the second pokemon it's done i mean i am overleveled let's be honest i'm level 78 it's not the highest level i've been at but the elite four pokemon are at a lower level and i will say i find it mildly disappointing there's only four and they're at such low level but hey can't really complain about it being too easy when i've yet to win right and the last elite four member grimsley i've only actually lost to a single time will this be unlucky number two all right scrafty aerial ace one ko easy please don't miss very good bisharp is down please don't miss oh that stinks but here's something you may not know it's now a one ako that's why i battled grimsley last i was hoping i've leveled up enough that brick break would want to kill crooked i'll and now all i need is not to miss against the lie part of course gonna go for fake out and that's it we have defeated the elite four and unfortunately we get a bit of an anti-climactic finish because spoiler alert to a game that is a decade old actually just slightly older we don't get to battle the champion here instead we battle an augustus with not just the option to save in between but even if you lose the elite four stay defeated so that's kind of annoying but ann and guestus weren't easy by any means first thing i had to figure out is how to catch zekrom without having it first in my party when you catch zekrom ordinarily you actually can't knock it out i mean you can but if you knock it out it says oh i think it wants you to catch it and then if you catch it it doesn't go to the back of your party it goes to the front and i get it the game wants to do the epic zekrom versus resharam battle but we're trying to do with solo run here so what i do instead and there is a way around this all you have to do is withdraw until your party is full it will then ask if you want to deposit one of your active party members for zekrom a feature we wouldn't really see again in pokemon until let's go and a very good one overall but we just say no and then we can do the rest of the game with just deliberate and oh yeah we have to face a restaurant hopefully fly will win a ko it doesn't fusion flare obliterates delhi bird okay this is uh going to be fun truth is though i had the never melt ice equipped this part would be way easier in black version because n would have the zekrom and zekrom's not a fire type it's an electric type so i could just use frost breath to knock it out instead i have to go for fly and with the sharp beak i do knock it out but now we have kara costa and caracosta has stone edge which we've already seen and it has sturdy which we've already seen but for whatever reason it just wouldn't miss like ever it took me half an hour and yes i'm playing this at increased speed so that's two hours it took me to knock out the cara costa once after getting annoyed i even started to level up but that really doesn't matter because with sturdy there's no way to knock this thing out and what i was trying to do if i level up high enough i could equip the bright powder instead of the sharp beak and it would require quite a bit of leveling up but i could do that and that would give an additional chance for stone edge to miss but like really this was absolutely driving me nuts do you know how annoying it is just do the same thing over and over and over and over again and i'm telling you it would get crazy streaks like 12 stone edge hitting in a row 15 9 and i would just like scratch my head all i need is for this thing to miss oh oh and guess what guess what when it would miss i would miss with brick break every time my accuracy with brick break was something like 50 percent its accuracy with stone edge was like 95 seriously i felt like i was playing like a hacked version to make this fight artificially more difficult and as long as it took there's really not much more to say i just couldn't get the luck i needed and it wasn't like i was hoping for crazy odds finally i level up all the way to level 89 and by that point i no longer need sharp beak for fly to wanna kill restaurant and with bright powder hopefully stone edge will actually miss look at that the very first time wonderful i decided to go for frost breath so it wouldn't heal i need two hits anyway stone edge does hit so bye bye substitute thankfully finally finally for the first time i'm able to knock out this freaking caracosta at level 89 oh my gosh this sucked but we still have four more pokemon including archiops and thank goodness frost breath hits oh my gosh i'm gonna lose to something stupid aren't i clink link can really grind its gears literally and knock me out and oh thank god i don't miss oh never mind that's a zorro arc okay so this is really cling clang hopefully you don't miss against it we don't and finally the double scoop of vanilla ice cream vanillux we don't miss i was definitely not in the most celebratory mood it was more exasperation to be fair this was my first battle level 89 first battle with the bright powder but now it's time to try and battle dennis and uh if you don't know why i'm calling him that the music in the original black and white and black to white too because of how low quality the recordings were the name guestus sounds like dennis but enough talking this is the final battle in black and white let's defeat guestus so he also has a cough rodriguez hooray we already know the problems with that i decide to just go for fly won't have to worry about accuracy and we'll figure out if we need more power later we do knock it out in one hit that was really good so we're full health bishop we've seen that one as well we will hit 100 the time now so that's actually quite nice now i had to decide what i wanted to do with the high dry gun do i go for frost breath or do i go for brick break which is 100 frost breath does have a 10 chance to miss i opt for the brick break unfortunately doesn't knock it out and fire blast doesn't miss and i lose or not okay wow i'm actually really surprised so that's kind of cool let's see if frost breath knocks it out it does so that's good to know but the next pokemon is electros i try in vain for a frost breath knowing it wouldn't wanna ko and it doesn't acrobatics knocks me out but this is not the end of the world and does stay defeated and now i can actually change up my moves my items trying to come up with a better strategy don't forget i had the bright powder i didn't have the sharp beak and i could equip the never melt ice and that may help let's try it well spoiler it didn't work quite as easy as i thought it would i'd end up having to battle guestus quite a few times and having to work on strategy and again very disappointing since it's the champion i can just save like it's any old gym leader not what i like to do but i did figure out something remember how i said chantal coffee grigas prefers willowisp well guest assist prefers toxic and that's a way i'd lose and while i might have won with a hail blizzard strategy that i was trying out i instead off to go for substitute and there's the toxic now i was going for fly but unfortunately it is a range and it was taking away hustle so i decided instead to go for frost breath which comes very very close to knocking it out but not quite however as we've seen before guess this is just going to heal and so long as they don't miss i can knock out the coffer grigas and so for the first time i've made it past with hustle unfortunately that means this brick break could miss but it doesn't so down goes bisharp and with the never melt ice we actually can knock out the high dry gone with a frost breath which is pretty good but here's where i wanted the substitute unfortunately frost breath comes oh so close to knocking out electrons but it doesn't actually do so and if it goes for wild charge it'll lock itself out but it goes for acrobatics okay i wish that i had aerial ace but thankfully frost breath hits and down goes electros i have made it to this point before and this is where most runs would end against the buffalo but i figured out that with hustle so long as i yes i hit it would be a wanna ko came close without it so i knew it would and now all we have less is a seismitoad can't do great damage to me and with hustle so long as i hit yes fly knocks it out and we've done it we have defeated the unova region by beating champion guestus okay i mean like i don't know the victory music's playing and all but like this doesn't feel right i've never ended a run without defeating the champion before it's just it's the way it works i'm not in the hall of fame so can i really say i've beaten the game with just a deliberate i mean the credits are gonna roll so usually that's where i say it's over because there's lots of post game content and we can't play all of it i don't know well judging by the time that's left i think you know what i ended up doing and i actually really had to think about whether i would include this in the video or not because the problem with round two of the elite four now they have six pokemon which is good all the pokemon they had return but they might be in a different order and with different moves and two new additions plus if you beat them you get to fight alder but caitlyn remember how i found a strategy against her yeah that doesn't really work anymore you see i tried at various levels until i got to level 100 and my stats are what they are i can't do any reverse eevee training i did train high for attack but unfortunately i wasn't quite able to one at ko her pokemon reliably and i tried lots of different things and this is the long and the short of it beyond everything i need to do to get to that point which i could talk about and go into detail because i had a long complicated strategy that was semi-consistent at getting paso musharna leads off then reuniklus then gothitel then but now she's two extra pokemon she has a bronzong and she has a metagross and both those pokemon are steel type and i don't have anything super effective against steel type at all what i was going to try to do is use ice beam which you do get at this point of the game it has a 10 chance to freeze so i would do my substitute strategy which i got pretty consistent it's very close to what i did before with some minor changes and it would work about 75 percent of the time basically if fly missed that was a big deal but usually we were pretty good the idea was i would set up a substitute on reuniklist because thunder could miss hoped to keep it and then i'd have two attempts to freeze the bronzong and bronzong despite the fact it's not known as an offensive pokemon flash cannon pretty much wanna ko'd me if i was at anything less than three quarters of my hp and i i spent like literally two hours on this the longest i'd spent on any trainer i think almost ever like i was getting drayden flashbacks from ditto this this was really really really bad and in the end i recognized that i was going for a luck based strategy anyway so might as well just go for an easier luck based strategy and yes i'm very disappointed by this but i decide to use double team i know i know i know i'm the one who doesn't use double team it's what you guys always tell me i love j rose how you're able to figure stuff out but trust me i tried everything every item every move it's just there aren't enough items available without using the battle subway which i can't use can only have one pokemon and if i use other pokemon then i'm not just beating the game with delhi bird now am i so yeah once i switched to double team strats i won my very very first battle and i wouldn't have if i didn't go get one additional item that's only available in the post game the leftovers because substitute plus the leftovers plus double team is just such an unfair strategy you set up a substitute you set up enough double teams that pokemon don't hit you enough i mean they can it came close at one point but they simply just don't hit you enough even though i don't have a recovery move i just recover my hp quick enough and yeah without the sharp beak my one at kos they're not happening but it doesn't really matter i'm not in a rush i can just use aerial ace or ice beam if i need to and just slowly but surely take out every single one of her pokemon and i didn't feel amazing about this but i literally tried everything else i i promise you and if you remember what i said almost an hour ago i was talking about how i thought deli bird would be a fun easy holiday themed challenge and i didn't expect this to be the most difficult elite four battle i've ever had in my life like seriously this was something else but thankfully the rest of the elite four is much more similar to their previous iterations and the strategies carry over better chantals who i decided to battle next she was pretty difficult and it did take me five attempts the biggest reason being i got burned literally and that would ruin the attempts but otherwise she's not too bad i do like i did against gestus use ice beam in this case against coffee grigas because i simply can't afford to lose hustle even though my accuracy is not great thankfully misses with willow wisp i would have taken a shadow ball but that works well so that's one down drift blim despite its massive hp stat is no match for the mighty ice beam so that it's two down this is where i'd also get burned i would go for fly and then chandelor would burn me with flame body thankfully that didn't happen very good with hustle i also will be able to wanna ko the jellicent which is pretty good unfortunately i got hit with cursed body not the end of the world i can't use fly but two aerial aces will knock out frost lasts it goes for blizzard does massive damage but thankfully not enough for me to even be too concerned and go lurk is the final pokemon ice beam is super effective and we have beaten sean tall next i'll battle grimsley and i guess i should probably make this clear i have tested out strategies against each one of these trainers before i stopped to try and battle caitlyn for three hours so that's why i know how many attacks i need what ranges are i've done these all before i've beaten every single elite four member not simply a matter of doing so after having beaten caitlyn and since i used luck based strategies on her i have absolutely no issues saving and just trying again and again i don't think i'll need to against grimsley i have a pretty good strategy against him leads off with sharpedo ariel ace one ko next we see scrafty once again aerial lace when a ko this time against the crooked isle i decided to go for ice beam since it's more reliable than brick break and it does want to ko and it also should want to ko the drapeon except it doesn't i get a freeze though so that's good i should mention i've actually done this 10 times before this is the first time i didn't knock out the drapion and probably was getting good luck because that wasn't even a sliver of hp probably something like 12 out of 16 times i knock it out but lucky freeze good for me i'm able to knock it out and although drapeon is not a risk of knocking me out what it would do is lower my health enough so that lie parts fake out and then sucker punch would knock me out now i'm not at risk for that happening so as long as i don't miss with a brick break i don't and thankfully bisharp doesn't know sucker punch that would be a little bit problematic we have on our first try in this run beaden grimsley that's great now all we have to do is defeat marshall strategy is the exact same we just need a couple more aerial laces but we need one stone edge miss can we get it oh sorry i misspoke it's slightly different he leads with berlum who has effects for so we're going to go for ice beam to knock it out sorry didn't mean to mislead you sock still comes out second and now all i need is for one stone edge to miss it took two attempts and i think between the two it hit six times in a row but i knew eventually you would have to miss and while in competitive a lot of these pokemon have mock punch or something like that none of them do no fake out no mock punch nothing like that doesn't matter how low my hp is aerial lace will knock out every single pokemon i was a little worried about throw but it knocks out throw as well and uh yeah the final pokemon you didn't see toxic croak pretty easy so that's all for elite four members but now we have to go and battle alder and alder has a a pretty balanced teams one of the more balanced elite four teams and i wasn't really sure what i wanted to do against some of his pokemon well we're level 100 we can either do this or we can't let's see if we can so he leads with excel gore and accel gore's only move that it can really do much damage is focus miss or sorry focus blast and so i'm going to set up a substitute and hope for a miss unfortunately the first one does hit but hey if first we don't succeed try try again we do get a miss good aerial ace should easily knock out excel gore and it does that's one down now buffalo knows stone edge which is pretty bad i'm gonna go for ice beam let's see how much that does about half ish probably aerial ace would have been better i don't think fly would have knocked it out and unfortunately stone edge hits gonna try and set up another substitute why not another stone edge head of course so hopefully aerial ace will do enough damage it does very good so that's two down we don't have much hp to spare now volcarona comes out it has flame body so 30 chance to run ends right here right now please don't burn me good very very good so that's half the team down next comes out ice cream sundae might as well go for fly because if i get hit with pretty much anything i'll lose please hit please hit please hit yes yes okay we have two more pokemon to go escavalier has good defense and it knows iron head so this could be it only hope is to go for fly goes for aerial ace meaning that would have knocked me out so i don't even have to worry about super effective please hit okay it hit yes okay one more to go and we're done with this it's over dread again the final pokemon will ice beam do enough it does and i don't even know what to say about this run so i'm just gonna leave it at that first time i've ever done a rematch versus the elite four and i think it's gonna be the last i typically have the rule that when credits roll the game is over that being said black and white are strange the fact you don't battle the champion and i do like seeing the hall of fame screen so it's probably going to be my last black and white run but don't fret black 2 white 2 are supposed to be objectively better games i've never actually played them before so almost definitely we're gonna do the challenge mode which has harder teams higher levels all of them have items that should be really challenging and there should be tons of pokemon that are almost impossible so we're gonna have a ton of fun but yeah it's really cool to do all these generations i haven't done before and look at me blabbing i said i was done so we're gonna end it here take care everyone
Channel: Jrose11
Views: 445,980
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Jrose11, Pokemon Challenge, Can you beat, Pokemon Black, Pokemon White, Impossible Challenge, White Challenge, Gen 5 Challenge, Delibird, Delibird Challenge, Solo Challenge, Solo Delibird, Solo Delibird Challenge, Delibird Run, Dilibird, deliberd, dilebird, Present, Delibird White
Id: MyWoFzmdCcM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 39sec (3579 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 28 2020
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