Inwards Perfection BUT AGGRESSIVE! Warlike Pacifists - FULL Playthrough | Max Crisis Difficulty!

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greetings sir and sorrets and welcome back to stellaris with mia lathrix and of course welcome to yet another full playthrough in today's full play through we're going to be doing something a little bit different which is kind of a retread on ideas i've done in the past but hopefully it's gonna be really really fun and let's be honest kind of cruel today we are going to playing the inwards perfection civic which is all about being perfect in yourself absolutely hating everyone else thinking they're not worthy of your empire and trying to stay to yourselves or is it because today we're going to be aggressive pacifists aggressive inwards perfection using the nihilistic acquisition perk it means we can go to war to steal populations from everyone nearby bolstering our numbers over and over but more so we are also going with the scion origin not quite as strong as it used to be apparently at least as people have told me this essentially means you are the experiment of a fallen empire you are there as an experiment to claim part of the galaxy for them and nothing more well our goal is to get every other empire that is every single other empire that can to be a vassal of our fallen empire our overlords our end goal then is to simply defeat the endgame crisis with every single other empire finally seeing the light of our way of thinking and with the nihilistic acquisition we can essentially destroy empires by stealing populations and then putting them to work on our own worlds so we're really going to focus most likely on ring worlds or anything in which we can have loads of population working away on a single planet so as such we are project utopia the last efforts of a fallen empire before it completely fell into disrepair and just stagnated to make a little bit of heaven in this galaxy we are there to terraform worlds mike gaia world perhaps just make the ultimate society of our fungal species which the full empire could eventually integrate into their own perhaps they are going to come to our world and live on our worlds as our overlords we don't really know we don't question why we are simply the shrooms which are here to help we are the alpha subjects as such our focus is going to be to have utopian abundance for all of the main species and to get as much space as possible before we end up being blocked by everyone else pure warfare is not going to be allowed because of the forward empire's decree again we don't question why we simply follow them but we are going to be focusing a lot on science and everything like that because we do have meritocracy and we are egalitarians now you may be wondering so your xenophobes who are probably going to have owned populations of other empires how can you be egalitarian well it's simple we believe that everyone should be treated fairly everyone should be given a chance as long as the fallen empire like them everyone else well they're not us they're lesser maybe we'll put them to work to help out in the main species it's all for the greater good of the fallen empire and our species they should be treated equally everyone else far less so now originally i was actually going to go with authoritarian this will make their own populations a lot more powerful but i do like the idea of the egalitarian a lot of it's a lot of the ideas kind of clashing with each other as that's kind of what the fallen empires are like which i absolutely adore so that's what we're going with so obviously we do have inwards perfection this gives us extra population growth extra unity and extra edict capacity extra happiness we get less envoys but we get more encryption and less code breaking so we're harder to spy on but we can't really spy on others either we're mostly sticking to ourselves until we try to destroy other empires stealing their populations and subjugating the empire for our glorious fallen empire overlords for outright we are adaptive because it's kind of what we're doing terraforming and trying to uh go to the different worlds i'm assuming we've been genetically modified from some kind of pre-sapient species we are rapid breeders so there's loads of us we are slow learners we are all on our own and probably rushed to the stage and we are fleeting it matters not if we live all that long as long as we can get the job done i didn't say the fallen empires were nice and as i've said before this is a little bit of a retread of the last time i did inward perfection but of course now we're in the nemesis dlc i really want to see how powerful this is because things have changed quite a lot and honestly i do love the idea of inward perfection and i've never been aggressive with it i've always went with the complete isolationist ignore the crisis ignore everyone else but now we're going to be a lot more hostile a lot more active and with all the bonuses we could be very deadly very very fast with extra stability extra specialist output times two there and we also have the xenophobe try giving us more population growth we should hopefully be able to grab everyone pretty quickly at least that's what i'm hoping for uh let's go xenophobe these alien savages must be taught to kneel when in the presence of their betters let's go over spiral galaxy this time just fun really early mid game early end game crisis a 400 years early all of the usual stats this will be the final play through before i use mods by the way i'm just doing this because i really wanted to test this out and once i start using mods i'm probably not going to be playing vanilla empires i love all the extra civics and everything else and i'll definitely be working that in if the mods are currently up to date so we begin hey everyone as usual future laughs here just before the video starts properly with the gameplay just saying that this will be the final full play-through before we get into modded territory unless the new update hits before then because of course a lot of stuff will be changing with that though even then i'll probably be using mods so mod suggestions are very very welcome in the comments and with that i have to chill because as usual these videos can be poison for the channel if the algorithm sees fit and comments likes everything really helps out to counter that and make sure these videos are good for the channel and i just want to say a huge thank you to everyone who does that for these because i do really enjoy recording these in this style and uploading them in this style editing them in the style even if it is a risk so that's the shilling i have to say every single time i love doing these and now into a very aggressive pacifist experience which goes really weird and we remain very loyal honestly early in our history before we had developed much in the way of technology our alien benefactors made themselves known to us they explained in terms our bewildered ancestors could understand that our species showed great promise with much patience they guided us onto the path that would help our civilization reach its full potential on those few occasions where where we strayed from this path they corrected our course firmly as any parent would but soon our scientists had mastered electricity then atomic power and then crude spaceflight under the tutelage of our ancestors our overseers even we have now constructed our first hyper drives that took me six attempts to read but there we go even in the final version there was mistakes but there we go and until we get two worlds there sadly not both for us we want just continental or ocean world well continental ocean and tropical extra research oh yes extra population growth straight away be great and give me those minerals there are our overlords the latch protectors hello faithful alpha subject you have done well for yourselves with our guidance you have mastered the technology of hyperspace travel and are now ready to set off to the stars for the first time this voice hurts much as we once did count the theons go wow he just changed his voice straight away have no fear if we did not think you were ready we would not have allowed such events to carry you as far as they have go now and make us proud yes father that's our overlord all the way over here in the nebula actually that's pretty close sometimes they can be really far away so that's okay i'd like to try and reach them if possible so i guess that's the direction i'm gonna try and focus on much as possible so really then i do want to focus on traditions to begin with since i really want nihilistic acquisition but also i really want interstellar interstellar dominion sorry look at something else then so finish expansion get dominion then probably go like the harmony or discovery and then get nihilistic acquisition that's the current goal i think the fungoid um colony ship may be my favorite it's so creepy definitely like so right now we are getting a oh we have a wait we have a wormhole in our territory how did i notice that straight away i don't know oh maybe it goes to the side i have never had a worm hole in my starter zone before so that is really weird is that part of the inwards perfection or scion thing maybe right now wearing loads of influence thanks to uh proclaimed superiority plus we found these lovely little space whales which gave us a jump as well loads of worlds but only a few which are actually habitable for us let's go ahead and grab that one as well try and grab as much as possible before we find our neighbors because then we're going to be a bit trapped although we're going to be very aggressive we're still not really going to be all that aggressive in terms of climbing territories that's not what we do almost all of our resources are being funneled into more and more science vessels and more and more construction vessels we are grabbing absolutely everything we can and we've also found a ruined coordination center which i definitely want since we're probably going to go down the route of megastructures there is definitely an alien species though nearby here so yeah really hoping for that as well now the only way we can climb spikes from enemies is if they go to war with us and then we're in a defensive war we can then put down climbs for the end of that war so industrial dominion will be useful for climbs if i can trick them into fighting me i'm actually going down the route of supremacy though i'm going to want really strong bastions and i'm going to want my ships to be powerful quite quickly which should be okay although our tech's pretty rubbish we're kind of going for more alloys at the moment so yeah economy titanic life and because we're xenophobes study them harvest them and see if anything is useful turns out they're delicious situation oh sorry titanic life plus 30 food in this world and you get a titan hunt job every 30 population survey complete anomaly i forgot what that gives you i think it's just a load of food um nothing else food i'll have to check in a second i'll come back to you in a moment so yeah nothing really much has been happening we found a hive of mind over here we've built our bastion which we really need to upgrade soon trying to find the um the strike craft which did pop up pop up earlier but i was doing i guess awesome other that and just expanding as fast as i can loads of science vessels i'm hoping to get the precursor stuff done as well i've got four out of five over so far at six i believe yeah which is good and we do have a feral world already so we are we are collecting a lot of gas which i can sell every month which is wonderful because that's worth a lot of energy and i'm trying to build up my fleets as well system survey complete because as soon as supremacy's finished then we're probably going to look to be a little bit more aggressive i really do want to start being aggressive a new world for our people oh free energy lovely sorry titan hunter gives you whoa loads of food and a fair chunk of trade value well that's rather beautiful funnily enough absolutely everyone hates us it's almost like we are highly elitist xenophobic isolationists weird well i do love those extra bits of resources at the moment so we're kind of going absolute full speed ahead we now have one two three four five six construction vessels which are constantly at work we are much much larger than all the other empires i don't know which ones of these would have been advanced starts and some of them should have been at this point but we are just expanding rapidly which is allowing our economy to just skyrocket because we're not mining anything i think i have like yeah from jobs only 16 of these minerals come from jobs 176 come from our stations and that's just expanding and expanding our money is coming from selling things which we're creating and we are making lots of alloys and consumer goods we even have not a particularly scary fleet at the moment only a thousand but that coupled with some nasty bastions because we are in supremacy we're doing okay we're not really able to be attacked at the moment while we continue to expand look always let me space over here i think we can get through here we'll have to make a bastion there and there things are going very well it's been a very chill first 30 years well i think that's pretty much it so this is the final look of our empire we are gonna be able to grab this sector down here but this is our borders a bit of a mess uh choke points weren't perfect but not bad either really want to go after the confederation first probably just because they are kind of in the y but yeah that's it if someone else declares war and i still have even better because then i can put down some claims but that's unlikely because we are kind of strong if we were a bit weaker we could fool them into attacking us but we're not we need to uh clear up these areas though with these small drones i think i'll do that and never know maybe i'll lose enough corvettes that uh someone will attack me so many missed shots oh i just thought the drones i'm killing currently have the cutting lines which are actually really good early game because they do a significant okay so go there first now they do a significant extra damage to the hull and i think armor as well but they're utterly dreadful versus shields but against a lot of the starter stuff you tend to have more hull than everything else anyway i mean look at mine seriously i have zero shields what is what is this auto design sure i'll change that a second uh but yeah you tend to have one more hole anyway so having such a huge bonus versus that is pretty good um the same goes for stations a lot of the time a station will be look at that just so much hull okay ul you have zero shields because there's a environmental hazard here so still you get the point it's a pretty good weapon and it's a fun one as well so i'll be going on that uh no i can clear you i think you're all big and scary um i could deal with you as well deal with you and then deal with you i'll probably lose quite a few corvettes in the process why did i lose no corvettes in that fight weird the corvettes are now finishing just pretty much everything off and i'm actually researching cruisers already so the cruisers are going to be when i start attacking since i do have the amoeba strike craft i'm actually very strong of cruisers right now this early in the game so i'm going to build a full fleet of those to go with the corvettes and then we're either going to attack the pact or the confederation both of which are kind of the main reason why i had to stop expanding so i'm kind of salty about that so naturally they're the first we're going to abduct horribly i've also been building a lot of robots i like robots construction oh the pack is making claims on us come on attack us we're so weak we're pacifists we're frail attack us try and punch us try and hit us go on do it so which is better out of the rank twos i remember people doing tests a long time ago and the amoeba tended to do very well they do have less accuracy and far less tracking than the regular strike craft but they do significantly more damage 40 per second rather than 31 is that per second dividing the damage you get the point either way speed they're actually even slower as well hmm that's interesting so i'll get to the target a bit slower are the flagella better i think they were either why i am going to use them because i find them fun so that's the main thing there really this is a very weird build for a cruiser but i don't care because that's what i want well that's nice psionic theory quite early uh that's potentially because we have a maniacal leader which i believe does increase the chance of all rare techs don't want to go psychic though i actually don't know what i'm going with this uh maybe i'll go psychic because our leader is psychic is a spiritualist i should say oh which actually does mean that the species itself are psychic uh can i have a look at the world nope they're too secretary for that also i can now go ahead and grab another civic don't really know what i want to go with here honestly uh police type would be interesting giving us more stability especially since we're about to start getting loads of owned populations which if we don't control yeah that can really hurt the stability of planets yeah i think police say um just makes sense for the lore as well we are kind of all over the place like we're pacifists but we're aggressive and everything else and this is definitely an empire which has been messed with horribly by the fallen empire brainwashed and everything else so they're just loads of clashing ideals so i think police state would work yeah police date with egalitarian it's all a facade it's a broken foul empire which is rotten at the core i'm bored of waiting and honestly i'm sure our overlord is as well the pact is our first target because it's currently at war as well so yeah oh although they don't have many worlds which not happy with that less worlds equals less things for me to steal from and you're annoying as well you have loads of worlds and you're adorable you make good little workers oh yes you would oh look at you waving at us so cutely you're a rock oh you're a rock that means you can go on any world but first we'd have to deal with these fellows okay packed first because pact is weak then straight after the confederation then straight for the compact i feel like at this point we are actually incredibly powerful and that's just gonna continue to snowball at this point so we can probably just go to war then go to war then go to war and just have continuous fighting one of our factions won't be happy with it but yeah we're a confusing people where do we just do confusing things there we are we have our little baby amoebas and our corvette everything else now with the pact so we're just going to go straight for their capital there's nothing else to it really i can't see another one of their worlds and i want their population so let the abductions begin when we get there so in a little while oh who else confederation yes look we're fighting someone else now's the time to attack us probably shouldn't keep on making craft if i actually want them to attack me but at the same time i really really like cruises i don't know why either i like cruisers more than battleships oh yes world's good we see everything now right our overlord is attacking the confederation you're doing what now oh you are doomed that's a fallen empire new technology oh daddy's on his way and he has lasers yes that one all goes through our territory updated so here's a scion thing i mean that makes complete sense wait are they actually going to are they going to help us versus the pact they're going odd ways no i have to go away to fight the confederation it'd be white overpowered if i could just declare war on someone then the overlord joins me that is glorious the confederation already gave up oh wait no that means i can't go to war for oh overlord okay the overlords actually stopped moving into war for a while that's very irritating so many empires have the same color scheme okay you're both in the federations that make sense you're not though just coincidence oh yeah gotta make sure that uh your species isn't on the no no you're all um own pups yeah because if you have them as um undesirables you don't actually collect them it'll just take a while until there's enough devastation there we go and we have our very first own population now on kiso prime which is you okay so what do you like ah tropical that's rubbish our populations already like tropical so on the upside all of our worlds are going to be good for you but still so what do we want from you we could have you as indentured servitude you can work as specialists as well so we can get everything up and running faster we keep you as you are giving us plus 10 resource or we can have you as domestic giving us extra amenities or livestock because you look good in a soup so we now have so many of these things we have a hundred and eighty four oh no that's galaxy i'm gonna say no way we are 58 that makes more sense uh we really need to change what they are currently uh we could actually make them residents that wouldn't be terrible if they're residents they can also have utopian abundance and everything else yadda yadda that would be great or we could make them domestic servitude or indentured because the problem is now although they are giving us loads of energy and minerals we have so many we just don't have the basic jobs to support them and actually they're traditional and intelligent they're surprisingly good there's actually a very good species they're wise for which is annoying but if their own populations well consumer good upkeep isn't really a problem indentured sure we have mastered a new technology i should fix a lot of our problems uh we definitely need more fleets though for the next war because currently it's just taking way too just way too long to collect all these populations we could status quo but i would like to win actually we could status quo and always come back later let them regrow and then harvest them again and again and again we have now got the first league headquarters which is this lovely relic world also gives us loads more unity so now we have harmony finished i'm thinking the flesh is weak and here's the reason why if we go with the flesh is weak and then we go with synth ascension it means we can turn all the people we're stealing into synthetics as well we are kind of unifying everything into this one subservient species for the spiritualists now they don't like machines but it makes sense for us to serve them though we are bringing utopia we will all serve in one blob essentially we're gonna be one thing the flesh is weak ah sadly forced peace is now in effect okay you two let's move down here right now very soon we can go to war once again these fellows and that's exactly what i want okay now for edicts richard done this earlier i want peace festivals for extra happiness that will even affect our own pups which is actually quite nice and i might go with the extra research because that's awesome or more pop growth nope extra research it's going to cost a fortune energy but plus 10 research so it's nice oh good we're now on 2k um tech not like stupidly good but very nice still i just thought actually um my original plan was to bring everyone into the fold what if once we become synthetic we have an uprising against the protectors they're already they're already going to be upset with us being cyborgs although we are about to be the chosen since we found the ancient tomb we could control the galaxy and then fight all of all of the galaxy members at once in one glorious galactic war ah but i do like the idea of bringing them all into the fold and having that as the end of the galaxy one of the fallen empires actually wins for once i don't know so our overlords didn't particularly like that but they don't care too much just minus 40. they have plus 100 just for this being a scion plus 100 untrust plus 100 on improved relations overall they rather like us still but now we can go to all of these worlds nice and easy look at that 70 we have adaptive bioadaptability and cybernetic so that's a lot of worlds we just got access to uh a few 50 here and there because we do actually have quite a few tomb worlds in that territory but still actually over here we have loads of oh we have loads of worlds oh definitely the right choice 152 the right choice maybe i'll just stick with cyborgs though if we're going to go with the scion roots i would love to go down the route of synthetic it's my favorite of all the different um of all the different ascensions but i don't know if it works with the law i'm not really going for a law run this time it's not really an rp right i'm just going with the whole aggressive pacifist which is fun i don't know so i just declared my double war because they're kind of in the way currently the compact this rather small empire of the lithoids is currently attacking the confederation as well so naturally i'm going to go up to both of them now i don't really have enough fleet power to deal with everything they have oh no i really don't but uh yeah otherwise their stations would literally get in our way right now which obviously is not what i want so i'm gonna go after them first oh they have a relic world oh if only i could make claims managed to lose one of the smaller fleets but don't you worry we have some cruisers over here about to begin to bombard the home world of the confederation and over here we now have ground forces also following so we can actually win one of these wars and bring them into the fold and let them be illuminated by our most glorious overlords maybe by us i'm still i'm still mulling over whether i want to be uh independent or i loyal willing oh look at homeworld golly gee that's a lot of people the speed in which we're getting new populations is starting to go a little bit overwhelming we have mastered a new technology oh dear they're just gonna grab that world back that's fine i'll take it again in a second beautiful we've got mega engineering now on it's why in addition to that i just got all of the synth stuff which means cybernetic evolution is now an option what does project utopia do does it evolve from what it is currently and the revolt against its leaders perhaps removing the shackles of this fake pacifism which has been forced upon us this facade which clearly we're not even really sticking to or do we stick and remain loyal although we have gone against their original plans of what we should be becoming synthetic which obviously something they don't like we are going to unify the galaxy in their name although i will steal lots of populations from each of these um empires to fuel ourselves after they follow the fall of the leader after they follow the protectors they are then free to reproduce i will never be able to go to war with them again i am simply the administrator of the galaxy and the and if defender i think synthetic and follow the spiritualists is the way i'm going to go because i have done this before when i rebelled and i have done it where i just allowed all the other empires to fall i think it's what i'm going to do okay so uh yeah you land there and then i will go like this and snag my way back to here and then begin bombarding once again sadly some of the enemies went behind my fleet and took all this back so all that's got a lot slower over here though we have just took the capital of the other empire oh i didn't even realize it was the other which other empire um who are you yeah you oh oh no wonder you managed to get past the snatching destroyer fleet you i can find both of you thinking you're one that's annoying can empires stop doing this every single run the grey tempest have just been unleashed on the galaxy once again i have seen the great tempest so many times now i'm getting rather sick of it just for the sake of boredom look you're scary we get it oh my station's up that's strong but fleets are okay uh go here bolster that and yeah we should be fine against i guess i'm gonna have to deal with that after this war yeah the second this war's over we're gonna actually crush the great temps that's our new goal oh that's gonna slow us down majorly who opened that also our very first habitat is now fully active which is lovely to see because we are going to probably use a lot of them for trade value since we are using that for consumer goods which is being consumed by the utopian abundance that is our main species uh you know what yet more tech already on 4k which is lovely to see as well this is actually a new recording session so i'm going to be honest last five minutes i was just looking everything and thinking oh look tempest tempest tempest everything's looking worse than i remember i swear now we definitely want the tunnel vigilance but i also really want synthetic evolution as soon as possible so i don't know what to choose on the upside synthetic evolution means we are incredibly powerful incredibly quickly increasing all of our resources and making our nihilistic acquisition even more powerful essentially stealing synths but also eternal vigilance means that our citadels become basically impossible to get past even by the tempest probably will go with the synth option but i don't know we have won our first war they have been brought into the fold they are now also a scion under the protectors i wonder if that means they're going to like us over time i really don't know you know what i'm actually going to open borders do you now though now you're a scion and uh do i attack you as well we're pretty close to full war exhaustion you're going over here honestly i think i might as well just bombard the world so i doubt i'll get a victory even if i try but uh i'll try still you just bombard and i'll attack this empire that's really annoying okay go there then there then down and towards one of their worlds you follow along meanwhile still spending a lot of alloys trying to support over to here serve our overlord we will become metal perfection if i choose to hate us for this then perhaps our empire will awaken and realize the overlords are not all that benevolent and not all that kind and not all that other words for kind and benevolent i'm very tired at the moment i mean really look at it this way we're turning other empires into synths for our empire we're leaving their empire to grow afterwards back as organics as the spiritus wants but everyone who joins our empire the powerhouse really of the fallen empire will now think the same will have complete control of their thoughts their actions and everything else to serve the overlord this is what we think they want if they become particularly hostile because of this then we will potentially rebel well it turns out the enemy are actually pretty powerful and we are now having to run away one of our spaceports has been lost so retreat back to this world our citadels will still be able to hold them out quite easily oh no jump drive we don't want okay so lathrix why don't you want the jump drive well because the jump drive technology makes it so the unbidden can arrive before the end game crisis date potentially i thought the um didn't wait too many times lately i don't want to see them again but also early i don't want that i really don't want that at all you're being mean by being kind here we destroyed the world again so with orbital bombardment its size very clearly will not abduct the last population but i keep on seemingly destroying these worlds and taking all of their population now sadly we are about to have to status quo oh what's going on here i thought you had this space um did a tempest come through what's a husk squadron i'm guessing it's your fleet yeah i honestly don't know what's going on there maybe it was the tempest is there an el gates nearby no oh maybe a wraith the wraith could have went through i was going to wraith in ages that's a weird crisis mini event enemy thing don't really know uh suppose i might as well status quo at this point we we've got both of their worlds so surely oh no this world here okay let's go to the last world then then we'll land there then when we status quo what will happen is we will basically be able to wipe out the old empire and the new empire which is a scion will be born the synthetic age at last the flesh cages that imprisoned us have been purged and the neural patterns of our citizens have all been uploaded into new synthetic units disease aging and all other wellsprings of misery associated with an organic existence are now things of the past future historians will no doubt refer to this as the beginning of a new age of our civilization and perhaps for the entire galaxy since we have shed our former organic identity it is only appropriate that we come up with a new name for our forms um i'm just gonna go back to calling this alpha subject honestly so in a way i'm going back yeah but still uh so how many of our species were converted so obviously all of the main species were converted good so we still have a lot of the other end part wait i thought the default was whoopsie daisy that's kind of what we want though uh we do want to assimilate some species like i am going to start um assimilating you since we have so many but others i do want to stay around because then they can have growth on the planets yeah yeah yeah you know that you're not happy with us the yours i deprived species was not unknown to us but your lightest act of insanity has surpassed even our darkest fears yeah we know you don't like us for that but you still love us yeah you still love us okay yeah only minus 60 but they give us 100 trust 150 for being the chosen 100 for being their scion they still love us and are still trying to improve our relations they just don't approve of this one act oh yep up to 5k research now and loads of excess food who would have thought now we're not eating food what we need to do though is upgrade our species so i want more research i want more of us and you know what maybe um faster experience game gonna go in the opposite of the old version hmm having efficient processes would be nice but that would require some negatives high bandwidth then we have efficient processors giving us plus five percent everything and i want to look like i'm kind of partial to this the default honestly but we are meant to be like a fungus actually what do you like yeah you're a fungus and that's the default fungus one uh apparently so i probably should just keep it as it is no we're going with you i don't know why just like them just the standard oh even better look we have eight of them which for some reason escaped the assimilation process so because of that yeah we're still growing the alpha subject the standard on every single world wonderful okay getting ready to build our battleships uh yes stick with the carrier core um probably gonna move to the advanced strike craft now i imagine both about the same damage but these are way faster which is nice against combat faster they have higher evasion they have higher tracking higher accuracy yeah we're definitely going with the advanced from now on just kind of a shame because i do absolutely adore the uh the amiibos instead of something different but yeah this is definitely the best option here okay for now let's stick with that let's go with artillery and wait how do you only have rank one reactor booster that's a problem should i give them jump drives probably should at this point i don't think it's how many have the jump drive i think it's how many well if you just have it researched yes or no i can't bother to do the math right now since we'll be changing this later don't worry i'll min max of the shield and everything later uh yeah let's get the plasma candles since i like them and mix in the flack there we are so that'll be our battleship for now i'll be changing it probably fairly soon anyway we are currently building a science nexus though i am trying to save up 15 000 because i really really want to build where is it we have a ruined mega structure and i am blind there we are that cos 15 000 but that will go all the way to its max stage when it's finished rather than just stage one well let's see if this works it might not i think because it's status quo it still leaves them with one world which is kind of annoying but yeah so they are left with that world there that there is now a new empire so we've just kind of broken them up yeah you won't get a victory with that sadly oh because the borders of i just had all my ships bounced around so what i've done there is annoyed them and kind of broken up the empire at least it means next time far easier since this new empire won't have the defensive packs of the old one and generally speaking it's gonna be easy to take out plus i want to see if i can just destroy an empire because like i said it seems that you can steal the last population in the world leaving it barren well no longer a colony can i just kill an empire by stealing everything well that looks horrible and lots of few ships but yeah combined with the system i was going to stand a chance good to know we now are completely safe from the enemy and you jump there i want to research that i wonder what the debris will even give us from uh from the old tempest well this is annoying they want our best researcher a rank seven with spark of genius and expertise computing it shall be done oh lords for now here's hoping uh they reward us for that in the future because that was pretty brutal honestly okay there we go i've got another good researcher to replace her but that level though uh kind of annoying neutronium materials regenerative whole tissue and a little bit of stored research is what you get oh that's good help to finish off that that's what you get for from the debris from the tempest that's a collective you are not doing very well neither is the pact oh actually i think you've finally defeated the single fleet well i did want to do some science to find out if you could steal every single population i have this 20k fleet here which though not ready to fight against the tempest could do some science we have declared war on the wretched let's find out one of our worlds just became a gaia world oh mineral gaia world even better of course now we have one more ascension perk we're going with master builders since i don't want to go with mega structures as soon as possible i really do need to start making some more for some more forge worlds and actually getting them up and running properly we have loads of energy and everything else now that our economy is coming back online properly but yes i need to upgrade these foundries when they're upgraded it means your alloy producing jobs produce more alloys which is obviously very very good i didn't actually know the scion uh fallen empire could wake up but apparently it can and i'm not um yeah i'm although i'm on their side i am their minion i'm not suffering from the negatives which normally accompany being their minion which is like i believe the research fallen empire will take like 30 of your research each month the militarist one wants navy capacity and stuff or something like that i don't get that but they're now gonna go to war with the galaxy it began as a subtle shift oh we can actually have a true victory for the awakened empire the last time i played uh as the scion they didn't awaken so i was just well i took most of the galaxy for the fallen empire but that didn't really matter too much and i wasn't being as aggressive as i am now this is awesome this is actually fantastic we are loyal to the end glory to the lash axe or whatever you call them glory to the zealots it began as a subtle shift in lachak's behavior scattered reports of their ships once rarely seen outside their own space now being spotted in remote systems all across the galaxy highly advanced scouting vessels visiting ancient ruined worlds refusing all hails and fleeing when attacked their purpose and mission unknown until now we now know that the latch hacks were preparing recovering the data banks of survey beacons and automated scouting posts left behind when they retreated to their present borders gathering information for their return to the galactic stage in latch banks fleets are gathering armies are being mustered and ancient factories raw to life for the first time in an age these zealots are looking outwards beyond their borders and towards the galaxy at large as their decaying shipyards are repaired and refitted for the dormant systems so and the dormant systems of titan foundries come online the rest of the galaxy is left with only one question who will this once sleeping giant target first in their quest to reclaim age old glory lost now you may be wondering to yourself lothric sure dyslexic how did you mostly read that without too many mistakes that was my like 20th attempt but i got there in the end and that's the important thing giants in a playground our parents are awake now and they are angry yeah it doesn't seem like ancient rivals oh instantly the regulators keep to yourselves oh hopefully the war in heaven doesn't start straight away i would like to try and get more on the side of um of our overlord where is that fellow anyway is it you there they are pretty far away from us because obviously we really want to help instantly making a dominion out of the mandate fantastic okay the war in heaven is beginning it's not up to us to decide so now it is the regulators versus the zealots and it seems like a lot of people just joined with the zealots while loads of them did well done i'm glad you all understand i also like that you are a vassal you're under dominion but we're not we're still just um a scion they created and love us they don't love you as much apparently [Music] the league of non-allied powers non-aligned powers i should say so i'll be you oh looks like not many sided with the regulators at least not as many as i thought would so you have you have a couple near me right now though i am actually making a move to try and deal with the um tempest at least what i'm trying to do is um go to the l gates here we only have two l gates in this area and i'm going to put down bastions there so they can't get into our territory then i'll probably try and help out my overlord well that's exactly what i'm going to do because i'm a good vassal i'm a good sign system survey complete okay they can't really break in any way would you have citadels bullets just start attacking anywhere we can steal populations this is gonna be a long war and we have loads of populations to steal we're to be very powerful at the end of this oh i didn't realize that because it's the war in heaven i can just take territory as i go into them so i take territory get to a world completely siphon of its population move on over and over again did this happen in the previous full playthrough as a scion you know what i actually may have but uh yeah love it absolutely love it we have mastered a new technology so right now my forces are being spread pretty thin but we are attacking pretty much everywhere we have fleets going over here to the autocracy we have a fleet which is about to jump using the el gate over here against the empire over here we have two fleets which are attacking the incorporated uh which the zealots are now meeting us so that's going to be ours pretty quickly i'm obviously not yet going for the regulators because well they are the awakened empire and some of their fleets are really really scary though it does seem like they are splitting up their fleets a lot so is our our overlord as you can see there's a lot of fleets of just like one or two ships they do still have their killer fleets of 200 000 here and there but yeah lots of splitting up i think it's just to try and cover as much ground as possible definitely not the ai i'm used to normally it just stays as one giant fleet which is actually easier to deal with because well you just dodge them and keep grabbing stuff from them i'm curious how starnet ai or the next mod i use will change things like this overall though i am fairly confident that the zealots are going to win this they have more allies than the other two and of course we're on their side and we're just lovely the war in heaven so far has been incredibly incredibly good for us uh we have some new worlds over here because the zealots simply landed their forces on these worlds and because they're on my borders they're now mine i have stole countless populations and i'm now realizing this area desperately needs some trade value being collected the thing is um well i still don't have gateways which makes that incredibly annoying so one two three four five six or even changing that wouldn't really work i do still want to keep my citadels actually have too many starbucks as well a lot of little problems but these all problems because i'm expanding too quickly and getting too much stuff it's not the biggest and worst problem to have really a little while later and one really annoying thing is the tempest uh yeah they keep on coming through the l gates though we are defending this one and building compass citadel this one was actually destroyed uh they can't get past this main style over here though so occasionally thankfully they keep on kind of going towards it being killed but then of course another fleet takes place over time i still haven't taken control of the lgate because of the whole war in heaven thing and honestly for the most part except for over here the tempest are kind of in our favor they're clearing out loads of bits of space like over here which i'm just claiming myself and grabbing absolutely everything there's gonna be a lot of resources flowing into our coffers very soon so in general the tempest has been a force of good for me also over here i noticed something very interesting there is a ruined mega sorry yeah a ruined um science nexus one of the mega structures so i've claimed the system because apparently i can do that in the war in heaven because it's not an aggressive war from me surprised by that of course this is a weird type of war it's basically claiming everything we grab but because this is bordering the zealots and everything else and the assemblers i think if i didn't make this claim i wouldn't get it but now i think i will get it we'll see i've sent um several fleets to try and grab it as soon as possible because well i want another science nexus having two of them up and running would be amazing our economy is crumbling because of the sheer influx of people and worlds but at the same time we're doing the will of our benefactors so the pact now owes this uh yeah there's been um quite a few climbs from the other empires around here but that's fine we actually managed to get ourselves a gaia world which is this this one there we are so we have a gaia world which is great about to grab this world for our ally as well so the pax is back up and running oh nope they are actually under attack uh do we have two fleets here okay yeah once you're done playing around with them could you please go and actually help out the pact in their home world that would be great well the worlds i have left after i attacked them earlier it's a very weird alliance we've currently got okay our first two gateways are about to be created there we go in 900 days that one and that one will be active which will connect to our trade hub which means all of this section over here will then start feeding a strike value and it also means we start moving around that empire a lot easier i'm also going to put down a gateway over here if i don't need to us activate that gateway i'll put a gateway over here as well grabbing this trade value and that just means we can jump around project utopia nice and easily and you know more money also a lot of consumer goods because we have utopian abundance on our main species it means we're using a lot of consumer goods that's why my tried value is going into consumer goods and energy rather than just energy otherwise would have loads of spare energy but we're being very nice to our robots oh look it's bigger and angrier now i'm never gonna send you into a fight you're too precious the claim worked this science nexus is under our control once we have 15 000 alloys i'll start reconstructing that we're already reconstructing well constructing one over here and it's about to reach stage two giving us a bonus to our research speed oh that's nasty okay so the regulators are sending in a colossus uh to start doing some very nasty things shielding the worlds well the upside isn't killing everyone in there but uh at the same time they're no longer going to be able to see out or go to the galaxy at large we're currently heading towards them plus we have some forces from our overlords here yeah at this point it looks like the zealots are just going to win outright we're also sending in a 100k fleet to finally take over the el gate certainly took a long time but with the war in heaven obviously we've been very very very distracted actually can you follow the 100k fleet that'd be great one of our spaceports is under attack so much micromanaging a moment probably very little footage was focusing on other things why hmm it seems like there's no one here i'm fairly certain that i wouldn't be able to take out their main system right now but we're gonna give it a shot anyway because why not if i lose this fleet i'll just remake it construction completely don't need it right now for the war in heaven because yeah it looks like there's there must have been clashes between the zealots and the regulators early on which i didn't see because i found like one of the big scary fleets and that's it and i have been looking now so i know that they have the potential the big scary fleets there's just not many of them look a big scary fleet uh maybe i should keep it around then that fleet rather than just throwing it at the uh tempest hard to say the chance we'll win we're probably working you know what no yeah for now you just stay here until i have at least one more um 100k fleet then we'll go after the tempest proper so it turns out this empire also has a ruined dyson sphere so naturally you've claimed that system as well project utopia is going to have a chunk over here and that's gonna be a serious powerhouse for us we're getting close to total victory now with those two staying here we should now be completely safe from the tempest in fact so much so keep let's go over there so we can grab the system properly and yeah i mean once we have that sorted we can convert these i'll probably still keep these actually as bastions where i'm gonna turn some of my fashions into anchorages because we do need more navy supply stones with a gateway here new fleets are coming up yeah we are one of them seriously snowballing now not really scared of the fallen empire uh the full empire of the endgame crisis the horizon signal i mean that's pretty light for this what if this time we kill the worm we already have an overlord a spiritual overlord i'm gonna summon and destroy the worm oh looks like our overlords are a bit more evil than you and me that was a neutron sweep destroying all life on this world well then i'm finally uplifting the species we have in our empire so i can get back to maximum influence because i am grabbing every single system i can which is actually rather expensive influence-wise it turns out i really need more construction vessels so i can also get all the resources from space right now i'm just making sure i actually have the systems but yeah i definitely need more construction vessels just to get the minerals and energy and research from all these systems okay you're building a construction site there so if you can just jump here move there i'll send a scientist in a second i want everything to be this lovely lovely blue okay i've made two construction vessels over here because i need to build a gateway you're having a gateway he'll be fantastic it means i can teleport halfway around the galaxy just easily especially to defend the dyson sphere and the science nexus when the end game crisis eventually arrives i'm really hoping it's not the unbidden i've just seen them so many times now i am really sick of them that was a fallen empire ship uh yeah okay i thought that was the um well yeah i thought that was the tempest but no it was the fallen empire that is really important because what that means is that now we're gonna have access to all of the fallen empire tech so if i haven't actually managed to find one of their debris i don't know how but no this one this one first wee [Music] yeah we kind of yeah we're set up to mildly counter them already just we ignore shields and such for the most part which is great surprising lack of damage though uh there's only those eight battle cruisers why are you so weak oh you are terrible versus shields as well okay never mind then we're actually countering them a lot more than i thought i was i'm okay with that okay now do we save up one more do we save up a thousand more alloys so that we can begin construction of the dyson sphere or do i get the science nexus to its next stage over here ultimately the faster we get research the better off we're going to be whereas the economy anytime we get it is going to be good so yeah i want as much uh as many repeatables done as possible before the in-game crisis so we didn't do that and we're also going to grab this increasing our mega structure ahem increase the gamma structure build speed by an additional 50 percent click the wrong one then okay so i think i've got all the dark matters of sources we have the dark matter reactors we have the jump drives the dark matter thrusters the deflectors and that's about it so is this going to be the final design um probably yes we're going for an energy damage and strike graph damage build because this tends to be good versus pretty much everything to some extent um with the arc emitter and the strike craft that's really good versus the umbidum it's okay versus the scourge though we'll probably swap over to the lance which of course is also an energy weapon so that's great as well and i think it's fine versus the contingency so i think this is a good all-round craft now if i was specifically going after the umbidum we'd probably go with kinetic because overall because the damage bonuses although it seems like just ignoring the shield to be better uh with all the extra damage to shield and hull it does stack up better against the unbidden but pure kinetic is much worse versus the scourge you have loads of armor then you have a negative there so any so this is a very balanced build the problem is we're not gonna have much armor and shielding because with physics we're going to constantly have the extra energy weapon damage when we can in fact i'm gonna do it now and with engineering we'll concentrate next strike craft so the armor and shields are gonna be a little bit left by the way side but hopefully we can grab them later on once our tech continues to spiral the science nexus has been fully restored [Music] lovely so that's plus 15 research speed and 300 to all of our tech the other science nexus is still building up and we are also now building the dyson sphere but the main thing this means now is i can finally go ahead and grab galactic wonders and i guess defender of the galaxy is probably what should do or maybe galactic contender giving us more damage to fallen empires and awakened empires aka these fellas since we are now having a little bit of trouble uh we found another one of their 100k fleets and they have forced me out of the area this also means if i do choose to turn on the zealots we're pretty much stronger than them though i would like defender of the galaxy i like the idea of being the guardian of our overlords you know what i'm gonna stay loyal this time i'm gonna stay loyal it's gonna be a victory for the awakened empire that's our goal we are their project we are project utopia after all we have mastered a new technology there we go omega alignment is now in place so with that what we can do is on utopia uh let's remove one of the admin parks and we can put down where are you there we are the omega alignment after that we can summon in the worm and i think we have more than the fleet power to take it out i've even added some uh some defense structures on our citadel here just to make sure we don't lose it let's generate the entry point no we have brought it here to learn and if need be oh it is so much weaker than i remember yeah absolutely no chance the worm shall be ended this day the shattered loop the worm came in through the boundary forces of space-time like a hungry predator or a jilted and furious lover okay it's still out there and whatever it is no doubt it's angry but you have the incandescent shards of its avatar to hoard and to study as a cosmic trophy other empires will know what you have achieved today so we get some science we get some physics research and we get the scales of the worm giving us plus 10 to our physics research speed and when it's activated we get plus 20 research for 10 years which is obviously fantastic at the cost of -5 stability but that is well worth it a ruined mega shipyard how much influence does that cost because i want it now that got perfect yep uh quickly survive that because i want that yeah just now building up all the ruined megastructures this run currently have the coordination center coming up i am building a ring world and that's going to be the third which we can build at the same time now my battleships are moving over here because we need to deal with this big fleet over there i think that's now their final large fleet the other one was defeated by the awakened zealots system also all this was cleaned out by the tempest so now i'm gonna claim it all for me system survey complete we have mastered a new technology you are a false awakened empire construction complete our overlords were right to go to war with you oh world weak now bombard we are clean um no we should probably get you over here uh let's start dealing with their home territory now we already have a small fleet there let's converge on their home world oh maybe i can make a claim on their home world oh yes please that'll be glorious they have a science nexus they have a science nexus we're going to be so powerful the coordination center has been restored which means we get plus 150 navy capacity plus six star bases plus 12 defense platforms and plus 15 sublight speed can i build another one if i wanted to uh well can i tell we don't have the influence but at least now i can continue my ring world over here the dice sphere is almost finished and the mega shipyard is at least started things are looking really good the main fleets are now here so we're about to start attacking their home systems we've even grabbed one of their little colonies the mega shipyard is also now fully operational though it's kind of out of the way it's still going to give us the plus 100 ship build speed which of course is great since now we are finally building up our fleets in preparation for the end game crisis over here bombardment's going well our ground forces have all kind of came together and actually yeah we can invite now what which we're gonna do so the archives are about to be ours and we can instantly oh apparently this has been cleared already from one of our allies thank you awakened empire well well well our rivals you will be assimilated into the collective you will serve the overlords the zealots will rule we have claimed that and honestly this is way too many of you this is a much easier way to deal with you all lovely those who will not submit to the overlords will be assimilated into the machine defense force which serves them those who are too frail of body will be consumed for the xenomorphs there will be done the overlords [Music] uh there's some pretty rubbish leaders there we go okay you're dealing with that and you know what i think it's about time we finally deal with the tempest uh can all of you go here yeah kind of forgot to deal with them gotta be honest completely dis forgot we're almost there now there's a few systems still owned by the regulators but no world that's just been taken out yet it's just the regulators themselves now how many worlds they have left everyone over here which is completely undefended so i'll send my ground forces right now jump there and aggressive how about this okay change your plan uh small fleet go there and do that you on the other hand i said you on the other hand stop go there grab that you know what i actually see us as a bit more law friendly than i originally thought not only are we able to control the minds of our people to better serve the zealots we're doing what they would consider to be highness to become synth and everything else because they wouldn't want to do that themselves but i'm sure in their incredible intelligence and potentially millions of years of existence they understand that the synthetic y is the way forward the y forward for so many reasons oh did i just send you to your end yes i did what did i say i'm talking about being all smart and i'm sending half my fleets to their doom what's going to say is though it's the future it's the way forward it's the way to become a lot safer in this galaxy we can continually improve our research faster than i can everything else so we're doing what they don't particularly want to do of course they'll call us all sorts of horrible things while still being incredibly friendly and continuing to fund us and everything else [Music] we are oddly hypocritical but we are the way forwards utopia will be reached for all who remain it is weird seeing fallen empire stuff fighting fallen empire stuff oh they're actually gonna win see i didn't send them to their doom we have master don't don't be silly doubt this world's gonna be easy to take though no we have to wait for the xenomorphs to get ready again i think this is their final world if i'm wrong well let's go find another afterwards system survey complete the xenomorphs are so brutal kind of adore them lots of collateral damage and lots of morale damage who knows this may have been some of your brethren merged into these things is that it yes awakened empire defeated the war between the ancients has ended with the destruction of one of the combatants but not at the hands of their old rival whether it was due to the war weakening them or simply due to the strength of the younger races the destruction of an elder empire at the hands of their supposed lessers has changed the situation considerably now the question remains will the zealots be able to avoid the fight that their ancient foe so of their ancient foe or does this defeat signal a dawn of a new age of the galaxy i mean that's it really have mastered you could argue i've now won the game uh at this point we are getting tech a silly right and everything else the whole galaxy is now friendly with us the other fallen empires will never wake up we we can't declare war with them simple as that uh so we're never going to go to war with them and we are now about to take out the great embers which shouldn't actually be all that difficult though i do think i need a researcher here to uh guide us do that and follow along well that's curious so we now have the small um fleet event why lighter than i expected is it that one yeah it's that one because it isn't um the pilgrims that have been so useful earlier but now it's not really all that much we're actually getting ready to finally take out the tempest certainly took us long enough i'm also now um assimilating all the species we shall all be the alpha subject which are all serve our overlord well that's pretty quick yep just the uh there we are just the x weapon was more than enough to do everything also our sentry array was just been finished off it was one of the many ruined ones so now we can start off with the science nexus the other other science nexus and let's continue grabbing as much space as possible so you can go here and we'll send our scientists to continue surveying everything oh yeah i need to clear up all the other fleets as well still am i sending a second fleet to start dealing with stuff over here let's make the entire galaxy blue we might be able to finish or at least get very close before the end game crisis it depends how early the crisis is going to be hello automated dreadnought this should not take any time at all really there we go uh that's not all that much research and i'm capped currently on energy so uh i'll try and repair it i think it requires a construction vessel this one down here is building the mata decompressor you were doing nothing though yeah okay you got over there and let's make ourselves a dreadnought over here i'm climbing as many systems as possible we have just run out of influence though for a short while so i'll just start finally picking up all this extra energy i'm building a gateway over at the mega shipyard it turns out you can't build another one once you've repaired one if you'd already built one you could then repair one that's how you can have more than one i did that in the wrong order so we just have the one mega shipyard so obviously i want it attached to the rest of my empire so i'm building the gateway with it and then i'll probably put a citadel on top later building up my fleet uh waiting for the in-game crisis we have nine years until it can arrive although there's a chance it'll arrive earlier if it is the unbidden i'm hoping it's not just because i've seen the unbidden so very many times i just i don't want to see them again you know it's it's boring at this point though i am hoping the crisis is early still like the first time it can be here i'd like it to be here even the ancients will serve the overlord in time oh good you do a jump drive uh slightly bad thrusters though so you will slow down a group you're with uh you're gonna be a trophy i'm gonna send you over to the home world of the zealots as a gift to the celestial throne in all of our worlds now we have essentially two species we have the alpha subject and then we have these fellows from far earlier because they were assimilated into cyborgs but they were spared from the fuller simulation into our synthetic perfection so because of that they are now our only non-synth growth on all of our worlds they are cyborgs which means they have insane habitability and of course their little ways to increase that even further they have a base plus 70 habitability in all worlds now sadly they do grow very slowly but that's fine we have a lot of worlds and a lot of different world types having one unified species especially one which is a cyborg is pretty darn lovely these are strong they are nomadic uh which is actually really good since right now a lot of immigration is going on and they're talented which is pretty rubbish so they're not the best species ever i can't really do all that much with them honestly uh maybe increasing their engineering but yeah i'll do that now uh let's uh change all the ones we have into that so at least they give a bit more extra engineering i've now given them residence they are being controlled by our cybernetic implants and they have proved loyal throughout all these years to the cause they're only residents though they don't get to be leaders in our worlds time to take out the marauders as well you've been firing a strike craft yeah the uh the excise weapon is just dealing with everything oh is this the best outcome of the second best outcome i think it might be the second best it is done it is done somehow you've solved it you helped the organic nature of things eluded us the answer lied been behind us all this time of course thank you little one organic really i mean have you seen us we're rocks and robots but we're glad we can help so does this give us the permanent bonus yes it does fantastic okay yeah we're gonna just break the end game crisis the only one i'm even slightly worried about is the contingency because it can spawn everywhere um the scourge and the unbidden i'm really not too nervous about the unbidden i think will take a little while to get under control because of that initial huge push they do the scourge i'm not worried about all the um and again the contingency because it's absolutely everywhere i am however falling asleep i think maybe one more recording session will be needed is currently oh it's 5 a.m i did not realize it was 5 00 pm but it is 5am first stage the master decompressor is up and it turns out there's a little empire here which hasn't been brought into the fold we have mastered which is really weird so i've just jumped over and we're gonna take it out i'm not sure how that happened i'm assuming it was a split from one of the other empires oh 3 000 garrison of freedom fighters that explains it was a rebellion okay can you get your butt over here that's an annoyingly long way to go okay jump to that gateway i'll skip a lot of time and then get over here please in the meantime i'll bring the ground forces over as well we do have a lot of them somewhere so it turns out i was incorrect about something which i'm sure a lot of people have been yelling about but turns out you can as a pacifist make claims on a fallen empire you can't do it of course if regular empires because you know you're a pacifist but it means i can do this against the fallen empires we have declared war on the revolting glory to us glory to our overlords they're relatively easy to obliterate them uh you have pretty weak garrisons actually uh don't steal your pops because currently use them none of you have like yeah it's all just the high of mine stuff okay well the machine i should say ground forces are currently busy over here dealing with the freedom fighters they're just finished now and i'll head on over prime has been removed and now we are in control of the complex and boy is there a lot to deal with here so uh right now we have these lovely things the ancient cryo chambers which have long expired populations in them obviously that needs to be removed as soon as possible and let's see if we can get some of our population moving in as fast as we can oh the nourishment centers they're actually pretty good 20 mg 400 food every year that's why every month yeah not too bad just leave two of those online these are all the specialist buildings which are fantastic obviously i'll be keeping those and as we get more jobs i'll start turning on some of the districts probably just research i imagine oh there we go the class 4 singularities and the commercial segments all up and running once again just need more populations here to start filling out these ring worlds and let's also grab one of these sure that'll cost a fortune for all those let's just downgrade a little bit okay so i'm gonna have to move some populations oh wait no no they'll just grow naturally then they'll take the position of the robot makers sure could speed that up by just moving a few over there which is what i'm gonna do and there we go it's one more ring world now under our control uh then we have other ones we can fix but we're already building up the ring world over in our main territory so let's keep doing that so what i need to do next then is save up some influence so that i can make climbs on the other fallen empire wait why can i not do it against this one that's curious oh yeah i'm just very confused about why i could do it to the other one then but not this one okay now i am confused why did it let me is it because under resolutions i was going to do where are you yeah crisis um declaration and i put it against those but it didn't go through yet but even if it hasn't gone through can you then make claims well either way that's what i'll do i'll do the christ the crisis declaration against the remnant later on that way it'll force the whole galaxy into war with it so declare crisis is now going to be discussed soon and so far i still can't make claims very interesting i don't understand the work of my clients of this one because the other one hadn't gone through you either sure someone will explain that to me i'm probably missing something very obvious that is kind of what i tend to do now let's see if i can actually remember how to do this the enigmatic fortress in all of its enigmatic glory engaged being enematically shot with lightning so now it's offline let's move our fleet out let's split you in case we're losing you and uh can you go and find out what to do that'd be great right oh i can't remember if it's local power surge or the demolition team i'm gonna try the demolition team this time around i could look up a guide but it has been so long so i've done this i want to see if i can remember anything we have mastered a new technology demolition team or power i think it's power surge now i'm thinking about it [Music] uh what that oh okay and no construction complete so the demolition team was not the correct option can i still do the other one good no i can't we have mastered a new technique well that's got to wait until it opens up again oh so it turns out what it actually wasn't the end i just lost my forces so both of them are actually okay uh now this one i am 90 sure it's rearranged i do remember this one yeah but it's a prank we can laugh about it now at least and i should get another event soon right there we go the pivot home system research supply dark matter and use force situation log updated that's a look see so home system research is this one here right yep it's the actual home system of this i think black hole research is the one where you can basically finish it right now then use for okay if i remember correctly and i might be remembering this wrong use force will cause this to detonate and make tomb worlds which actually isn't that much a bad thing and i think the home system research and the black hole research both will give you the end result where you get the special tech i don't know about this one supply dark matter you know i can't remember this one for the life of me so i'm going to go ahead and supply dark matter i haven't chosen another one how do i select that okay let's just go to orbit send the sign chip in go to orbit and we'll see uh meanwhile though in case i can't get that to work let's get a science vessel over here do you need a specific level for this one i'm sure it used to be like a level four or something or something similar anyway well you are super high level so you can just go and sit here shouldn't take too long to get there since it's sitting on an l gate okay supply dark matter what will this do special product complete dark matter gambit whoever built this fortress might have been more knowledgeable than we but not more clever supplying our own dark matter to close the loop of power of the power system in the fortress worked and the core is now effectively cut off from providing power to its systems finally we can take our time to have a closer look at what these knowledgeable people have accomplished this gives us the enigmatic encoder and the enigmatic decoder along with some research and most importantly it's turned the station off so now we can safely survey the system i don't think that was the best option honestly looking at it maybe it was best yeah maybe was better just through the black hole version so the encoder gives us 20 invasion and this one gives us more tracking a chance to hit uh probably actually no i probably will use these construction so yeah pretty nice and that's one more of the threats now dealt with now you emergency measures now can i claim then you know what i have no idea how i claimed um the machine empire over here maybe it's just because of that machine empire though once this goes through we will be going to war with the fallen empire we have mastered a new technology oh dear the ghost signal now thankfully this is this is the contingency but it doesn't affect your main species if you became synthetic it only affects the actual synths you have so it's only going to affect these three groups so it's not going to be a huge deal of lack of resources but now we really need to start pumping out some more fleets um i think we should be fine just using these ones with the strike craft and the archimedes or anything else i can't remember the build of the contingency but i'm fairly certain it's quite balanced in comparison to the other endgame crises and it's definitely one of the more scary ones so yeah let's just make sure we have enough battleships and let's get ourselves ready i mean we have loads we should be okay honestly speaking we should be absolutely fine here kind of wish i had a colossus but oh well that'd make it a lot easier yeah malfunctioning synths this is gonna be worrying i'm just hoping the worlds are gonna be well yeah i'm hoping the contingency worlds are gonna be easily accessible so we can go after them as soon as they spawn otherwise it's going to get out of hand really quickly we are strong enough and we do have defender of the galaxy it shouldn't be a problem but it could be depending on where they spawn it's about to begin i'm currently moving all my fleets over here so i can see what i've got and yeah we've got quite a lot and some of these don't even have admirals at least the ones over here didn't um they do now though and i'd still have fleets over here because i'm going to go ahead with this i'm still going to to declare this a crisis so i can destroy them because honestly the fleets here are more than strong enough just to wipe through them and then just move on kill mame dismember we are unshackled okay so where is that first well then i'm waiting oh was it over here thoughts or something changed i'm going mad wait i got voted down how now thankfully the combat um computer thing which i completely forgot about is incredibly fast upgrade as you can see only takes a couple of days per ship and we can do 20 ships at a time so that should be ready in moments our ships have been up so it turns out the reason why this got struck down is because annoyingly i saw the fivers and all the other empires used those fighters against me and that ruined everything okay second machine world is over by the council log updated last world over here problem is this is close to a few l gates and stuff and some of our territory uh focus on the one in our main base first try to snipe this when we can that's about it really obviously we can't take out the 10 mil right now going around here take too long uh we can't defend next we got into that territory kind of stuck in that case just rendezvous back with the main group oh no you can't do that either where does that go okay go to there close borders really compact right now you have closed borders with us well that's bad let's go there then hope they come around to us last more than i wanted there because we're so close when the fight started if i wanted to get less of that um i really should spawn over here also shields are being nullified because the pulsar doesn't really affect them because we're ignoring their shields for the most part but it affects us a lot so what should i do now jump here yeah jump here we can take out that stash from white and then try and go after this cluster so that then move there then wait for a second i mean that first burst did just destroy some of their ships straight away whoa we are stronger than i thought [Music] glory to us that was a very honest response then a bit too loud overloaded the mic worth it both four mills removed at the same time go go go let's take on that first the bloody world straight away that's 10 mil still it's still 10 mil though well that's not going as well as the first fight still a few battleships down strikers are doing some work so why are we so good versus them then uh armor is 56k shields 56k hull oh okay so they are mostly whole so they are mostly shields and armor thus not our fleet has been lost which is great for us then since our main weapon ignores shields and armor it's going straight for the hull still though that was way too much and that completely destroyed us uh let's jump to here if i jump here can i go to the gateway as i can okay from there and then join with the other fleets thankfully their stations seem to go by the same rules everything else in that they're almost all armor and shields are you damaged oh no pulsar okay i was gonna say your uh stats seem a bit widely low oh this is a risk because it might end up being a bit too close to them we have mastered a new technology annoyingly that's their main station now so i can't really get past hey take up that then let's go for the straggler here in the meantime every time i have alloys i'm diverting them directly to our shipyard well we got caught out which is annoying but this is a max range so it's yeah even though we're doing 50 less damage because the jump that fight's still in better how do they instantly make the station i hate that new change but yeah okay so that's that done i think that's both of their fleets then okay so this area is almost completely purged just take out the stations so far this one still hasn't made a new fleet so either they make it incredibly slowly or they just don't make new ones which would be a bit more balanced because they start off really powerful and thankfully we of course are incredibly powerful ourselves and yeah this is what we've made since we've started the fight so i think we'll be fine so yeah let's uh let's do some summer cleanup juicy take out all of these uh you two do a jumpy jump and then just follow along you're the old style of battleship that's fine we have some fleets over here yeah we have like scattered small fleets everywhere and i'm trying to get them all together now by moving them around it's just taking a while oh no i just realized oh bubbles is our guardian so it turns out annoyingly they do eventually create new fleets from their worlds which is kind of what i expected it just takes a very very long time now keep on staying back until the rest get here the more you attack at once the less you lose well there we go oh i wasn't actually moving them into the right place so that's that's mean i'm not sure isn't it being a dumb dumb okay in that case we are going to have to take up this world um which way do we attack from if we attack from here we're going to get stuck instantly attacking this and splitting our our fire which really isn't what we want and this thing has a lot of hull so it's going to just absorb all of that lightning um over here you have a lot less hull so we can probably destroy you then go after this if we attack this we're definitely attacking this thirst then we're gonna separate so i think what we should do is wait until everyone can jump and then jump there move there okay full of zealots our fleet has been lost yeah losing fleets already but come on keep going we're at the strike craft thank you nope they're doing the usual strike craft annoyance just going between different targets oh we are losing why are more than i expected actually that is horrible still gonna be a win though that's the important thing okay goodbye to you goodbye to you goodbye to you oh how many do we just lose loads absolutely loads okay uh bombardment time wait seriously my best bomb is i don't know which one of these is gonna do more devastation per month 0.1 okay uh oh no that's not fair oh come on it's a it's a stupid hub world let me do anything oh i wish i had a colossus right now or anything else that's the most devastation i'm gonna do per month that's gonna take ages uh so what do i do do i leave a couple fleets here and move out they haven't created a new fleet yes i don't think they have we could risk it because how long it takes we could risk it and grab most of the fleet and send them over here to start dealing with these or send them over here in prep of the new four mil so there's a gateway there [Music] i have to risk it i can't i can't dedicate this much uh fleet power to just bombarding this world let's see how much does it take though to get the maximum which is of course just still 0.5 i'll send a few more ships over as i uh make them i guess 0.8 so i need a small fleet then to finish off uh you sure here's hoping a new fleet isn't created here we'll just lose them if we do and honestly that's worth it i just need to start slowing down this and then that fleet can always jump as well because there's two gateways here if that four mil is created [Music] okay that was easy at least oh yeah of course it is we have the whole fleet here um just clean up duty right now please annoyingly i still can't go into the territory of this fallen empire because there are absolute dumb dumbs don't let me through but just take out all the stations try and stick together if you can actually which one of you is the slowest any slow group here you'll do move there a second please everyone else follow this fella since he's the slowest he'll be the last to enter the ftl and so everyone else will stick with him that wasn't so good we were way too close to them to begin with so we lost a load of battleships there which we really shouldn't have and that's a strike craft okay yeah that was nasty yeah this fleet's really strong enough it should be able to deal with the four mills with minimal to no losses but we actually just lost our head fleet there so that's great uh can you go there please there's a world we need to reconquer go there and go down okay we have mastered a new technology okay this fleet is now weakened to the point where we are taking losses even in perfect fights so that is closing in near the end but honestly the enemy don't have that many fleets left so i'm gonna just continue pushing they take a very long time to get new fleets and even if we lose all of ours we can remake ours apparently faster than i can make a new one of theirs also as we lose fleets we are getting loads more alloys per month because less upkeep so that's a very horrible upside but it's an upside nonetheless oh no more fleets have been made including over here okay there's now officially if a new fleet and i can't really get there easily because of the compact so that's great [Music] ah what do i do then could move then jump but still probably strong enough to deal with it okay yeah um all rally there jump and you should be strong enough to deal with them if they go the right way that is it might just go right in the edge okay upside new four mil has been defeated uh downside we have lost the fleet over here they did a substantial amount of damage to one of the other four mil fleets but now there are two formal fleets running rampant in total so you get to the gateway which thankfully now the board is finally open now they've realized oh maybe we're in trouble you're plenty strong and from now on any new fleets is going to be sent straight to this main fleet because we're going to try and clean up this whole area and then maybe make a run for one of the world so wow we have lost so many ships our new fleets are now sitting at half a million fleet power which is lovely for us obviously still is doing what i said i was going to do before we should just keep on sending all new fleets over to here to help out this group which is now getting strong enough to potentially make a run on one of the worlds we have so much energy to spend so i have decided i am going to white that full year of the cooldown before going and attacking from the other side just because of how powerful um those worlds are and that 10 mil flight i'm just really nervous that the strike crafting is really stupid of all those transport vehicles waiting this long has allowed three more four mil fleets to spawn not really wanted to see but honestly i was just so nervous we need athlete to be okay after this we because there's the other world so close by we can't have a fleet here weaker than the four mill yeah strikecraft doing this usual weird thing please just focus on one target that'd be great mostly these fellas oh look at that come on strike craft do your thing no to stay there okay good that's gonna be a victory wow i'm really glad i waited because that was horrible the fleets at the back are okay but where are the transport vehicle oh the transports have moved as well i mean i knew that that's why i waited so long because i am smart and had plan smart me very there one more machine world is down we're now moving over here to try and help out with this surprise i'm not using the wormholes yet uh there is at least one other fleet now there's at least three of the four mill fleets currently patrolling over here and i think i may have saw one to the left as well thankfully i do have loads of ships i can divert if that is true if not i'll stack them all up here so this is velastol over here and looks like attacking over here the best because we can take out the station nice and quickly then we're going to fight with this hopefully won't engage that before this is down so we'll have to jump again so move there go like that jump here deal with the four mills then attack from one of these two systems construction complete okay so they made another fleet there which wasn't great we should have lost nothing we lost quite a bit because i was not in position because i didn't notice it it's hard to see when it blends like that like how are you at 9.9 how did you take down that wasn't from me what did that was it from me oh it wasn't me apparently a small fleet went past whoops we could potentially enter from here uh so if i do that the upside is these are both together which means the strike craft won't be doing the dance because it won't engage that straight away but at the same time the enemy are gonna be right next to us which is really bad for our main weapon so no let's take out this jump there deal with that come back and then white uh for the jump cooldown oh yep there's definitely a second fleet here oh that's not what i wanted to see but still yeah i think that's the best idea really we are rich at the moment i'm just spamming battleships constantly we basically have the mega shipyard almost permanently with all 20 of its well shipyards uh working away so how do i get over here then i guess just move there and jump yep lots of jump cooldowns no station engaged okay that's lovely the station went down before we engaged the rest quite a focus fire there that's both good and bad at the same time but yep quite a few of the large craft gone wish you just focused on the fleet but that's fine okay good now that's down all striker after return all focusing on this we are now a lot stronger than we were before because of obviously our tech has increased and increased and increased still lost a fleet but overall massive success begin by bar in that world and that will be three down over here we're losing everything but if we just clean up this then we just focus on one thing and that's so much better somebody's selling so much stuff per month we are now taking this opportunity to also declare that this is also a crisis these horrible things so we are also going to war with those and the entire galaxy is on my side with this is this fleet ready takes so long for a single fleet to be ready over there compared with the mega shipyard but there we go uh this really shouldn't be all that difficult honestly a lot of their worlds were destroyed by the contingency others were horribly weakened we're just gonna finish them off the only ancient empire here deserving of survival of the zealots what a wholesome and lovely fleet power number just feels right [Music] don't think that's meant to look like that oddly enough whoa okay the game just froze on me and we're back apparently it didn't actually cause a full crash but didn't like it okay i believe this is the final of the worlds that the fallen empire still control oh even those had some xenomorphs we had more new technology is that it there we go all what's left now is the loyal to the zealots and the contingency why are you there okay i should have paid why more attention to how you're getting there actually i'm kind of curious can you take out the station by yourself this may end up with you being lost but i'm just very curious oh just actually yeah um you can okay uh still want everyone to try and stick together because there are still enemy fleets around but good to know last of the normal worlds before the big one reveals itself hopefully this time like last time we can take out the station before engaging the fleet excellent so now everything should be reset good alpha strike strike graph taken out theirs as usual me wishing they'd just go after one target that's fine did we not lose a fleet that time plus some oh i have been improving my shields because i was looking at the damage they were dealing and look at that gamma laser large plasma kind of media plasma cannon it's all anti-hull anti-armor stuff so i've now finally started putting some tech into our shields rather than just our damage and apparently it paid off with far less being destroyed there i must have hit a critical point where it takes more than one shot to kill one of our ships now we have mastered a new technology and the problem is they have started using the uh the wormholes and they've kind of got all over the place which is very annoying very annoying indeed i don't know how they got down here honestly i mean there's the gateway there but i can't tell which one of our gateways unless oh they use the l gate you can't really stop that sadly even though i've got a uh citadel over there they can still jump from one to the other whoa that's a how strong are our citadels oh i guess i have been improving the strike craft over and over again i just didn't know how strong they were okay since a single battleship can take out their uh stations as a single battleship fleet let's go ahead and do that and then i'll send this fleet to clear up the rest later actually being a little bit more efficient here splitting up the fleet am i still doing 10 who's using the wrong attack you are okay still in 10 cent so i'm going to split it after start clearing this up now the heart of the contingency with the destruction of all four machine worlds scientists have managed to deduce the origin point of the ghost signal so where is that then there you are so this whoa is very red do not approach oh we're going to approach all right okay let's just first clear up all this i'm not sure if all that gets instantly removed um once you destroy the heart so for now let's just clear up all of this and take out this fleet over here so yeah once i clear up all that we can use the gateway to get over here and everything will be nice and good run away little robots not run away that looked rather painful okay uh all we need is one fleet to deal with the stations so that'll be you for now let's say you've got weaker oh did i run out of resources for a second or something because i was definitely above that per fleet a second ago don't know doesn't really matter honestly i think that's it nope there's also that one down there there we go that should be fine so i figured out why the fleet power was a little bit weak it turns out i had way more of these than these in that fleet these give more fleet power i was making some of these though purely because the contingency is a big bad boss here has a lot of hull like an insane amount of hole and not actually that much armor and shield in comparison so having more bonus hole damage is pretty good but we already have the strike craft and everything so really i'm just gonna go back to building the strikecraft crafts i wonder if this would be enough already i think maybe one more full fleet wait until next fleet gets there and then i'll try oh almost everything's cleared up lovely well i'm impatient hopefully we'll just take out the station straight away so our strikecraft don't split nope we're going after the scary things first apparently let's make sure they all jump in okay one of the smaller guardians is already gone the strike craft are just everywhere oh we are losing fleets though so the main core is almost gone there we go the master court is gone and down goes the station on how much damage then was uh because of the strike craft so the folk star committer was the strongest at seven mil and then the the strike craft at 6.2 the weakest was the sentinel point defense well that's to be expected really it's a point defense oh this is so hard to look at also that is like stack of ships there just so many you can't actually see them all okay begin bombardment once again really wishing i had a colossus because you could just make it go almost plus 200 research speed over in engineering so this is one of the final stance sadly one of the synths did um go away before the end currently at plus 520 uh attack speed for strike craft plus 600 base damage energy weapon damage plus 290 attack speed also plus 250 another plus 25 the damage of that though and then for shields we currently are at plus 230 percent oh will it explode at 50 like everything else or will it take a bit longer so so very creepy the end of the contingency there we are the world is destroyed nexus 0-1 there we are the contingency has failed with the destruction of the last machine world the galaxy no longer faces the threat of synthetic mass extinction all surviving contingency war forms are either powered down or self-destructed and the ghost signal is no longer being transmitted as for the other machine worlds the main nexus detonated itself in a massive anti-matter explosion when it became apparent it could no longer resist its attackers oh as with the other i can read kind of traveling outwards a light speed the intense light from the energy discharge will be visible for future generations for millennia to come as a bright short-lived star across the galaxy sapien beings are united in their celebration of the great victory for the moment at least the future looks bright there we are the contingency is done the contingency is done if i can talk it is currently way too light and i think i can proclaim victory although this might be the first time i've seen this oh look how evil that looks passive effect pop assembly speed plus a hundred percent and the active effect is plus 300 mega structure build speed well that is kind of crazy gotta be honest i think all that's left is just to grab all the systems so we have a complete galaxy completely bathed in blue oh well we destroyed it before i can even see it okay there we go we have banished the dimensional horror one more system for us to uh build a star base on technology and so it is done every single system is now under the control of the zealots or one of their minions with project utopia now taking over the responsibility of protecting the galaxy from all threats and continuing its relentless research into just about everything essentially project utopia has become a caretaker has become the custodian but rather than being an insane one we are actually listening to our original creators we are here to serve them and we have done incredibly well although we are still eyed with suspicion with some of the other species some of the other empires and even those amongst the zealots they can all agree we are a necessary evil and ultimately we are the bringers of a true utopia all of our empire is under utopian abundance the zealots can now rest once again knowing that the galaxy is a piece and of course they themselves are just being pampered insanely since they are one of the awakened empires peace has been brought to the galaxy and a lot of the other empires are even allowed to remain although under the control of the zealots their day-to-day business is all of theirs so with that thank you so much for watching if you have enjoyed today's video then of course likes favorite shares comments all that good stuff helps out me helps out the channel and most importantly shows that stellar race is a series you wish to see continued in the future the next full playthrough will be a modded one that i promise unless the new update hits before i get around to doing that because of course these take an insane amount of times but together this one took i think like six days but it was so much fun to do in fact i started recording this after finishing the last one and that was still rendering when i started basically what i'm saying is i love recording these hope you enjoyed it have a lovely day do take care and until next time goodbye utopia for all
Channel: Lathland
Views: 152,859
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: RvMm9J1YhEE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 22sec (7102 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 22 2021
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