I BROKE Federation Fleets With Fanatic Pacifism - FULL Playthrough | Max Crisis Difficulty!

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greetings sir and tourettes and welcome back to stellaris with mia lathrix and of course welcome to a true good guy run in today's video we are going to be fanatic pacifists xenophiles and our only goal is to bring peace and prosperity to all of the galaxy as their custodian not their emperor but their custodian the one in charge just to make sure everything is running correctly to defend against the invaders of the galaxy like the unbidden and ultimately just to be really nice to people truly we are being the good guys here no joke weird for me to be completely serious there but we are going to be lovely this of course is also a full play through so it's going to be condensed heavily and that's pretty good because with fnatic pacifist you do sometimes get periods where very little happens nomatic pacifist can be very powerful plus 10 stability is lovely and minus 30 empire sprawl from pups means you can just focus on other things but you can't go to war under pretty much any circumstance i think you can go to war to end threats so that's things like fnatic purifiers one of the awakened empires and such but i think that's it it's been a long time since i've been fanatic pacifist especially not going down the route of inwards perfection which would be kind of counter to what we're doing today we are xenophile and we are going to go with the corporate authority this time a good guy cooperation actually having normal commercial pacts and building buildings on their planets for their good and ours increasing our diplomatic white and making us custodian a little bit faster we are free triders giving us extra tried value and extra branch office value and we are a media conglomerate giving us more happiness and less war exhaustion gain essentially we're very good with the whole pr thing so the law behind this empire is that this is a world of plenty welcome to haven the ultimate planet a gaia world without equal on this world there is pretty much no scarcity of anything and because of that the geckos really don't understand the concept of needing to fight over territory over resources and pretty much anything to fight is simply to lose and from that the true path originally a way of thinking a simple yeah it was because i cult then but it really isn't because it has no spiritual elements just a way of thinking a movement eventually took control of the planet as its first planetary government and that is where we are going from there the path simply sets out to have peace and prosperity for everyone they can find and they believe that money is a good way to do this through money you can ensure that every single person in your population has everything they need and is living at very least comfortably honestly i am tempted to go down the route of egalitarian later maybe swapping from fnatic pacifist egalitarian so that we can have the utopian living standards but i love the idea of this being pure pacifist and xenophile just works so much better for what we're doing but actually yep going going egalitarian if i can speak there would mean we can go with utopian living standards which would be our end goal for everyone well i'm changing my mind there we're not xenophiles we're egalitarian we are lovely to everyone we meet so the geckos themselves are thrifty being able to get the very most out of everything they can get they are conformists because they all follow the path they are non-adaptive it was either going to be non-adaptive or unruly but non-adaptive does fit better we are then traditional giving us an extra unity as we do follow the why our forefathers put forth for us and we are slow learners because we're just a bit slow to change our eyes to new things honestly not the most min max thing not the most powerful the only thing really which is slightly maxed is probably not adaptive because it's gonna have no effect since we have gaia world preference anyway so yeah we could maybe go with repugnance but i just feel like non-adaptive works better for the species which don't want to adapt to anything either one wouldn't really have much effect since we're going with the corporate even repugnance we just are going to be producing so many amenities it's not an issue for ship appearance we are going with lithoid because it's all crystally and looks rich and wealthy making out of gems our very ships because we can because we have that much resource and that's pretty much it so the true path going with egalitarian rather than xenophile in the end we are fanatic pacifists we will bring peace prosperity and happiness to the galaxy now of course that's gonna be slightly more difficult since we can't change people's ethics by going through war since we're fanatic pacifists but that's what happens when you have such a rigid set of ideals set down by you by your forefathers unchangeable and unbreakable but our species will be very happy and anyone who who joins us willingly will also be incredibly happy we're definitely good guys just not the most active good guys now before we get into all the other game details i am going to be changing one of the settings this growth required scaling this controls how much growth is required for each pop in the empire the higher it is the slower pops will grow essentially this is as you get more populations in the empire you grow pops a little bit slower i am not a massive fan of this one honestly i like the idea of each planet having modifiers itself which is the uh growth ceiling over here so i'm leaving that but i've never liked the concept of this as much but i do get it's really good for the game in terms of how the game runs and everything else and things have been balanced around it so i'm not going to turn it off but i am going to change it from 0.25 down to 0.1 instead i like having larger populations i just find it fun and this will work for every empire not just me but it will make me a little bit more powerful against the endgame crisis i'm aware of this i have more population but it's just what i want to do to be perfectly honest so that's what we're going with there high aggressiveness we have random placement we do have scaling difficulty on grand admiral we have the end game and mid game very early there we have the crisis strength set to maximum and we have the crisis type as random which by the way i did get wrong in the previous video in the previous full playthrough this is now pretty much truly random a lot of the different modifiers from from before the updates before nemesis no longer apply so for instance the odds of the contingency are no longer effective by how many synths are in the galaxy i believe if i'm wrong with that there'll be a pinned comment most likely very quickly after releasing the video but it is now a lot more random than it was previously so if you want to go synths which i might do because it's more economical i can go for synths we have a huge galaxy and instead of ring we're going for something else uh tempted by spiral but let's go with i think that might be the default sure okay let's get going hey everyone so future lathrox here as always so i've just been editing down the video and this has been an insane experience for a fanatic pacifist run a lot of stuff happens and ended up with over 60 hours of footage and it was just really really weird to go through all and yeah lathrox really misunderstands how cyborgs interact with the psychic trait and everything else so feel sorry for fast lathrix don't mock him feel sorry for him and with that if you are watching this and do enjoy the full playthroughs i hate shilling but i have to at the start of these types of videos then i like and a comment just interaction helps out so much because these type of videos can be utter poison for the channel and they do take over a week to put together i absolutely love recording them it's the only reason why they are on the channel because i just really enjoy them i enjoy putting them together i enjoy playing through in this one chunk and honestly it's how i prefer to consume content and that's how i'm always gonna try and produce things for the channel even if they're not necessarily good for the channel so that's the shilling out the way now enjoy hours of video probably i'm looking at the footage yeah there's a lot to work through past lathrix rambled a lot so we begin on the left-hand side of the galaxy why do we always seem to spawn in very similar places whoa we have a gateway right next to our starter spot that's lovely for lighter now we are gonna have to be very aggressive with expansion because otherwise we are going to be completely stuck oh lovely full extra research i mean i kind of want this one more for machines sorry breaking the mold there a little bit we're getting a lot of resources right now because we're getting a lot of energy especially from our clerks giving us plus five trade value each now yes that has been changed they used to give less than that but because we now have less populations clerks became a bit weak i do approve of that change alex i love the idea of planets just having thousands of clerk jobs is it possible to have thousands on single planets like a fully upgraded commercial zone all city districts make it into the arcology project maybe you could maybe you could do that not too sure should be growing populations quite quickly i imagine base growth is increased because of the balance between population and the planet capacity i thought it'd be a bit faster than that so far everything's pretty simple and standard as you'd expect because we are on a gaia world and everything else and resources are very very plentiful in the early game and so everything's going really really smoothly loads of resources and we're going down the route of expansion as fast as possible and then probably we are going to grab interstellar dominion so we can grab as much as we can i even think it kind of fits the theme of the empire because that's what we're used to doing just being able to take anything we come from a world of plenty why wouldn't the galaxy be the same we cannot realistically eliminate every want by providing for every need but we can try utopian abundance ensures that every member of this species has access to nearly any type of luxury conceivable giving plus 20 happiness to all of our population at the cost of one consumer good per population which is incredibly high before they were like this so rulers did indeed get the uh one times consumer goods but then specialists were 0.5 and workers only 0.25 also unemployed pops have normal happiness and produce and produce unity and research because they're free to do whatever they want which could be the arts it could be political it could be just research of their own there's countless things they can do when the state provides everything for everyone the problem is we don't really have the wealth for that all wise so i'm hoping and keep that we're getting a lot more stability because of that and that's going to increase in a second when we increase our amenities watch our current happiness 86 how on earth is is it not 100 they live in a gaia world with utopian abundance how are you not really really happy yet we found our first alien species the first xenos we've already sent an envoy over and hopefully soon it'll be a nice friendly friend that we can make some trade deals with getting that this early would be fantastic also what i've decided is we're going to add another industrial district and i am really tempted to change our economic policy from mixed to civilian this will decrease our alloys gained by 25 and increase our consumer goods by 25 uh yeah as much as i do need alloys to expand and for starbases we are going to be spending so many consumer goods on our species i think it's going to be worth it the rubrics oh please be close by situation yes it's right there fantastic thank you gang that is really good because i believe that the relic world is still habitable by even things like us uh that is with the guy world preference that's really really good come on hurry up okay complete archaeological site as well good good oh no hostile machines i think that almost guarantees their exterminators or the abductors okay change of plan let's i actually you know what no let's keep let's keep going tech heavy um if we can get strike craft early and some starbase tech we can make a killer chokepoint that's actually going to be better for us than trying to go with um trying to go with a fleet i mean our resources are good enough even if this starts tanking our consumer goods for a while we should be okay especially as we expand and this new craft is there purely to assistive research while some were worried about the incursion of unknown alien vessels into our space it was not clear until now just how much of a threat the alpha aliens posed it seems i sent a covert forced intercept one of our cargo vessels in the system seizing the ship and escaping into the depths of space before we can mount a rescue party we can only imagine what torches the crew will suffer at the hands of their captors oh dear situation log revised yeah that's a bit of a problem it's the borg yet they are absorbers our efforts decide for the signals picked up from the alpha aliens are paid off and we're finally able to open diplomatic channels with the civilization now known to be the decron absorbers and upside loads of influence for us which is great regretting you as equals and perhaps friends please you're only wary oh yeah i forgot normally says the thing with driven assimilators they're not necessarily super hostile to everyone around them but everyone hates them but if they sense weakness in you they will attack because they want to absorb you into part of the collective we don't want that no that's that's not what we want i don't quite see how you could have a spy network in the machine empire i've even started off on a machine world that's a very good origin outlier identified not the strongest but certainly a strong one they haven't closed their borders to us which is actually a good sign um you know what you should just come back after that and go over there hopefully we have one friendly empire nearby our first factions are here and they are as happy as can be which is great because we are egalitarian we get plus 25 percent influence from our factions still would much rather be xenophile right now but you know it'll do ah so with this one they seemed hostile to us so we mimicked their reaction again i can't go over all these events but this is probably the best outcome i've ever seen in any of these events with the um envoys warlike prowess presumed giving us more diplomatic weight from fleet power extra influence for a while we get 73 influence straight away and they really like us they're foreign militarists would you like our opposite hey um wanna be friends i would love to have a try deal with you hey do you like money because boy do we like money hey some alloys as well i actually want maximum happiness here i want to try and um befriend you there we go as fast as we can actually i could just give you fivers in return you know what never mind let's uh call back some of that there we go that be enough to sway you to maybe open some pacts with us yes lovely absolutely we'll have everything oh i really want a migration pact because that means we can start grabbing some of our own worlds since now we've access to your species which apparently like the ice world fantastic welcome welcome one welcome all welcome to the true path now how much is it going to cost to put down a corporate suite i just need a bit more energy there's our branch office i'll upgrade that as soon as possible to get more energy lovely we have an ally protective and they are fnatic militarists which means they can probably hold their own versus the machines what a good ally to have as a pacifist now you might be thinking to yourself why would you befriend them you are meant to be fanatic pacifists why would you befriend fanatic militarists well just because they are militarists doesn't mean then they're necessarily hostile they didn't attack our ship they did a sort of war dance with us and that befriended us but also we are going to change their ways one set in a fashion with us and we have more control over them we will sway them to our eye that's what we do we sway people with money over time for a greater better future lovely i've went more on theme here with one vision because that's kind of that whole point i don't think i'm actually going to go over interstellar dominion there's no aliens over here there's plenty of worlds i don't need that much space with such density of planets and we're probably going to go for mega structures with this run probably going to stay quite tall rather than wide so yeah we're going to go with that then we're going to go with technological ascendancy then i'm not too sure honestly will we go machines will we become psyches oh no we can't have xeno compatibility because we're not xenophile oh that's just powerful silly um try it we just found one of their wreckages giving us some influences on happiness with them and i've just done a tried and so we're about to get a research agreement survey completed wow you're not going to attack it all live that's pretty bad well we now have a research agreement with the absorbers they're still wary with us but that will slowly change that's right we're gonna be so friendly and so good with our money we're gonna befriend the borg who needs to be xenophiles when you're rich well it was bound to happen there is a war between our two friends we are going to put watch and shake her heads a system has been surveyed that's all we're going to do because we're fanatic pacifists that's kind of what we do do we do do very little do a system our first machines are here glorious american cheap i'll make lots of them let's go to the lithoid one since we're uh going with the lithoid ships as well situation glorious influence now i really need is a little bit more energy there we go so that we can activate the collapsed spire giving us some research jobs straight off the bat and increasing how much research of this planet gives us now the question is diplomacy versus prosperity prosperity is very in theme but so is diplomacy with diplomacy we can get a federation and that would be fantastic getting that super early with the regime which the looks of things are going to wipe out the absorbers anyway i'm sure at least some of us in our empire would be pretty happy to see the absorbers go based on the fact they're not exactly a nice empire wow yep you have definitely focused a lot on alloys haven't you you even have the undead serving you with reanimated armies yep you are a lovely species both you are so it's our empire itself becoming a bit stronger versus well i mean more tried value and less market fee i think both are really good but if we can get a federation within the first 50 years of the game that's going to be fantastic and we are going to have a trade federation which is going to make everything easier since we get a much more powerful version of our trade policy rather than consume benefits or marketplace of ideas we get the trade currencies exactly what it's called the trade union which basically merges these two together future markets giving us unity and consumer goods for our tried value which we're gonna need a lot of because our people are gonna consume a lot of consumer goods it's why i'm so happy to go with machines at the moment since we can't actually give them um consumer goods since currently they are just base machines excuse me but how did we get cyborgs rapid breeding cyber how did you get oh no those are the absorber cyborgs i didn't know you could free them um i that is that's actually insane i am going to do this before they go away as an option if they do i don't i don't know how that works when you take over i don't know how that works when you take over an assimilators world you get the cyborgs but i thought the cyborgs would count like the drones and you have to destroy them obviously i'm wrong here upscaling completely oh i consumed my goods way too consumed okay now our economy is crashing a bit we've gone too far ooh that was mean why would you do that to us absorbers potential market survey completely i hope you're fun your goals the end of the absorbers an incoming inquiry an empire just died that oh no no no do not demand vassalization of us we could defend against you right now we will future market survey completely i doubt you're gonna attack us because of that you're gonna like that you're not gonna attack us because of it so a system has been yeah we're fine it's actually very difficult to make you a federation member i might need to make like a separate empire like i've done before and federalize with those federer eyes yes that's exactly what i wanted to say though that's a word you know i want to go tall for once not wide the game heard this and gave me this empty space here and then gave me a cyborg species which can inhabit almost anywhere sometimes you just gotta roll with what the game gives you also i'm starting to think that maybe you will have to do something about this empire but we literally can't every time i think myself you know maybe my empire would because they're egalitarian they're pacifist seeing this empire go to war with other empires destroy them but we wouldn't really do anything the worst we can do is not trade with them but then we won't become friends with them and then we can never change them i think my empire is a spineless because they just not so much spineless they don't understand the concept of war they don't understand the concept of why would you go to war with their empires they'll try and change other empires and once they're in a federation they will change them but getting them into the federation is going to be so difficult yep the whole war velocity uh war philosophy thing as it counters any um favors we have with them and upside though we're gonna get loads of tried value from so it is what it is are you kidding me every single run i have i have you nearby either you or some variant of you and naturally you're the ones currently at war but we could be friends with you as well seriously the chinook are in every single one of my runs some variation of this they're a mega corp that's a shame potential market survey completed your relationship why would you not like us that doesn't really matter anyway you're being destroyed by the regime so oh because we're allies with the regime that's why you don't like us creating a new vassal there we go hello there and you know what we're going to do everything to make you love us and then instantly i'm going to release you release subject yes just just cordial for now it doesn't take much though off a trade deal as soon as that's accepted nope invites federation and trade league this federation collaborative commerce will be assured oh federation builders as well lovely no your rivals have doll poop you're at war with them no the regime is awful please win please future market survey complete because i feel like yeah you could join the federation so easily the war mongers are ruining everything for us we befriended the wrong people anyway though if we're going further so now we are in a trade league we have the trade league trade policy which gives us half of the energy of wealth creation but also gives us 0.25 unity and 0.25 consumer goods for each trade value we get so trade value is now worth half an energy and a quarter unity quarter consumer goods that's why now i consume we're good to find and so is our unity and tried value is now a lot more valuable to us things like the corporate culture sites and commercial zones you're going to see a lot of them on my planet the only thing we're struggling for now is food and even then it's not too bad and i'm building some more admin offices here that's going to fix that problem things are looking pretty good where are you uh do i want to make you yeah sure you can be um trade value as well although currently that wouldn't reach you okay upgrade that that can grab that and that this is already grabbing all those in fact already grabbing that as well one two three oh never mind he's been grabbed by this one two three four yeah because this one here is a okay i might need some more alloys completed using a pile of alloys right now just just because we're making so many robots upscaling complete peace has rained for a while now and i'm not sure what to do uh we are withdrawing a bit of support from the regime over to the compact there's a good chance the compact will join our federation soon and so i am making some more forge worlds in fact one of the old industrial worlds is being converted into a forged world i am also now going to stop having the economic policy of civilian because this is just from jobs and now most of our consumer goods are going to come from tried value which doesn't count as i consume a good job so so we're not getting any bonus from that so this is gonna be a bit pointless either mixed or even potentially it sounds weird the militarized economy might be better in the future right now i'm not fully committed to the tried value for for consumer goods so i think mixed is probably best because that could sink us for a while so let's do that we'll probably have negative consumed goods for a while here but we are going to start producing more and more consumer good no actually no that was perfect yeah so with those alloys we are going to start making a fleet we will not attack unless we are attacked if we are attacked we are going to come to the side of our allies i am going to break off the defensive pack soon with the regime and make one with this but i actually don't even have a defensive pact anymore because i am in a federation so never mind they're going to hate us quite a bit because we're about to be federation members with one of their rivals but the regime are too violent but we're gonna side with people we like a lot more and hopefully you'll start liking us as well that's the thing you don't really have anything against us other than that and you like the compact over here so hopefully once we're allowed maybe the combine will like us as well which would be weird okay still don't hate us right now you obviously love wow we're doing so good for tech it's purely because we have a well we have a gaia world which have gone quite tech somewhat tech heavy then we have this lovely relic world which we are going very tech heavy with is producing almost everything with our cyborgs i wonder if the cyborgs now constitute our main species they are they are now our main species and they do of course have utopian abundance just like everyone else it's purely because they have the highest habitability so they'll grow anywhere i bet they're also grown on haven as well yep i've just realized we need to go psionic psychic cyborgs and main species will be psychic cyborgs i want cyborgs i actually don't know where i got so much influence from i think because we discovered all the other empires just then and everything right yeah you're gonna start uh start going against us now we still have the commercial packed right okay so here's my chance then to put down a commercial building on everything you currently have if i had the energy for it that is that wasn't worth it but it will grow up and eventually be worth it same with this one okay is what as long as there's one building it's kind of worth it now sadly my allies over here were already in a commercial packed with the combine and because of that i think like every single one of their planets well a lot of them anyway already have corporate buildings on which is very irritating yeah this one's already got one so does that yeah i just do this try and grab everyone i can oh my god my ally my little minion has one there it's kind of annoying actually i can't get down anywhere near as many as i wanted to that's how i'm trying to stick with the regimes and keep some there managed to get advanced strike craft rank three pretty quickly we already have cruisers as well so although our tech is not as extreme as i've seen before we've managed to get very specific techs quite early so we have the rank 2 star bases we have really strong strike craft we have cruisers so our ships are going to be really nasty don't mess with the peaceful geckos they bite it's funny how things have a way of turning out okay although we can't change their minds or anything else and they're still war-like they're not going they're just not going to go towards us anymore because our federation is too strong for them to deal with and we're not going to go toward them because we're both we're just both pacifists we don't want to fight so you get to live in your little sector of space there surrounded by the best of friends who simply shake their head at you whenever you get all angry and riled up peace and prosperity friend to all even the combine now like us upscaling complete friendship is money we've just had the gas event which means now we have a world which is producing a lot of gas because because it just has some weird mushrooms on the world with the spore vents here shroom spores can be refined for industrial use so for every 20 population we have on this world we get another one of these jobs here the gas plant engineers these are special in that not only do they produce a lot of gas they also increase the gas produced by all of the jobs on the planet and that stacks with themselves as well so this planet will run away of just so so much stuff as it gets more populated there we are prosperity is finished now this is really annoying we already have access to engineered evolution and the flesh is weak so we can go down the biological ascendancy or the mechanical ascendancy the one i actually prefer playing normally but i really want my psychic cyborgs i want my cyborgs get it like psychic it's funny but i want them and that's what we're going with so i'm just really hoping at some point we get the rare tech which allows us to do that also i don't know what was with the zooming in there i swear i didn't press any button but that apparently just happened so yes this is the forge world so sure let's put down some farms that makes sense a little bit all over the place currently with the specialization in the world not doing too badly honestly the bureaucratic world is mostly bureaucratic the industrial world is completely industrial the forge world is mostly forged with a little bit of um tried value almost everything has tried value because we are actually like megacorp and megacorps are good at that kind of stuff so we now have the unspent civic i can't afford it right now but i think i'm going to go with either brand loyalty or i'm kind of tempted by franchising it just fits the empire quite well no public uh public relations specialist of course if we can't go to war we have to talk so yeah that's what we're going with so soon we're gonna have two more envoys which is just gonna be great i can't talk today this is the start of a new recording session instantly can't talk good sign for the future so now we have psychics as well you two must be merged the galactic community and in a second we're about to finally uplift the species which will then give us i believe it's like 500 influence it's something similar to that i'm tempted to go harmony here just because the extra stability of some of the planets would be great even the less empire sprawl from populations is now starting to come somewhat relevant not majorly but somewhat domination would be good but it it's the empire so i think either harmony or discovery right now and i think harmony fits the empire better than discovery sadly kind of half role playing in this species honestly there we are the species have been uplifted which is the conservative fellows now of clothes well done you they are conservative which is their uplifted trait so they're always a little bit happier so that's good and the default is currently utopian above them so say instantly have that which is great as well so let's change our government so now we have public relations specialists and with that all i can do is with the extra influence i'm just gonna continue to expand as much as possible into this bit of territory there's two world three worlds four worlds that i want but i'm gonna look to slightly better so let's see if we can grab any of those before our allies i doubt we're gonna grab this one i think this one's just working on the system itself but it's probably gonna jump to this world soon so yeah you're gonna get stuck here but get me a good chokepoint you're the one i need to focus on then okay we have found the horizon signal so now we have some serious questions to ask which of these systems will be given to the worm and now you may be thinking to yourself but lothric surely this goes against the whole point of this empire but it really doesn't it doesn't kill any of our main species or any of our species in general and the worlds in the system a star is consumed go from being barren in hospitable non-life-bearing worlds into two worlds capable of bearing life one world will be sacrificed but then so many more will be born because of it we could love the worm and perhaps the worm could love us i think that's the other way around but still the question is which system do i wish to do this with so uh essentially normal worlds will be converted so i think like for instance this will be converted in that i'm not sure about gas worlds and i'm not sure about moons the problem is as well obviously we don't want to sacrifice haven because haven is amazing haven is a guy who older size 25 kaia world i don't particularly want to convert that into a tomb world so we just need to find a good system and i think it's this one this is a relic world which i think isn't changed and even if it is there's so many worlds here and i think it might even count on the moon that i think it's the best bit we have some reason the systems we have planets in just don't really have many viable worlds in for the worm i don't think it will convert a relic world to a tomb world but i don't know i'll keep on looking at all the systems and hopefully i'll have a better option also now the galactic community is a thing we start trying to find new friends of this one over here already really likes us so that's nice and easy i've sent over a couple of envoys i might be able to get a commercial packed with them but it's gonna be difficult because of how far are we oh no it's already on zero so that's gonna change any time this is so silly but i need these branch offices for diplomatic white lighter oh look at that yes the corporate embassy already we can build them on worlds of at least two of these oh wait i'm not sure if it's two of these or upgraded main capital which do go hand in hand by the way i do realize that but i'm not sure the exact requirements now but this is what we've been after because what these do is increase our diplomatic weight from economy by five percent we can have one of these per branch office so as you can imagine that stacks very quickly and we can get some serious diplomatic weight from that so obviously you want that but that's not gonna help for a while so for now let's just make sure to bulk up its energy and then the last thing we'll build here will be that also most of my economy right now is coming from trading rare resources which i think is fairly fitting all things considered a special project i'll try and arrest your world later they're very expensive since you're so far away close the bottle revised i currently have almost no influence because now i have a corporate office on this ring world turns out um these fellows are part of a federation we still know we still don't know it's called despite the fact we're on good terms of two of the members which actually now i'm looking at it might be the only two members are you part of it as well no i doubt it you're fanatic militarist these are both pacifists no you're xenophile in your pacific you're a mixed bunch over there aren't you how about you are you up to you're currently a war again aren't you stop being at war all the time you make it so hard to love you omega theory is now underway and soon we'll get the rare tech for society as well which allow us to open up the wormhole so how original allies have just gone to war with us i'm not too scared my stations are strong enough to deal with them and honestly my fleets can hold them off the problem is i was really hoping that perhaps we could be very cheesy here and um go with the whole abduction thing but apparently you can't abduct people unless you are authoritarian or xenophobe or a hive mind i'm none of these things therefore i'm not allowed that well i'm not high of mine so much hive of mine slash machine empire should say that's annoying um i'm still waiting to hopefully get the psychotech so i'm just leaving one ascension perk slot open as well okay so alloys will now be going into creating new ships you'll attack them in order to safeguard ourselves what i could do is take over one of their worlds though since this is a defensive war i'm actually now allowed to put down claims whereas normally of course i can't because stuff situation because peace be with you because i am a fanatic pacifist this is the only way i can put down climbs that's a tiny fleet there you've just finished fighting this empire i know you had a stronger fleet than me a second ago yeah question mark it's not that strong anymore i'm sure of it wait i can turn them into a minion if i win just by default that's that's the default victory condition for a corporation who's fanatic pacifist oh you're gonna bloody well regret this lads the atomic clock just happened and oh it's in my territory we just got a free gaia world also why are we not collecting this um trade for oh because we are currently upgrading this probably should stop that and build some more ships shouldn't i no i really do want that trade value that's fine i'm getting about minerals though i just sold basically all my rare resources i'm sure it's not most of them i saw quite a few of them a second ago from what alloys is what i was trying to say there our cruisers are very cheap and they're kind of glass cannons which is really weird but still okay they're going to attack that our starbase actually a 7k starbase so i'm not too scared here then we have our 4k fleet intercepting as well research actually it's probably going to result in a lot of losses on my side but a complete loss on the enemy side so you know fair trade is where you find it ships upscaled goodbye to very much all your ships and remember you are fighting against my federation so my other well my ally is gonna be attacking you while your fleets are being destroyed you dummy yeah fool you're gonna be mine isn't that wonderful we are going to nominate our lovely gaia world as the galactic hub for trade it's an adequate writer probably not going to get it then i can't afford that much influence since i also want to move my capital soon for the wyoming waiting event on the upside though we are now level two with our cohesion giving us plus five percent right value and the president gets an additional envoy which currently isn't there sadly [Music] okay moving you back currently trying to have some good relations over here fantastic one more commercial packed for me oh dear this federation is breaking up it's completely broke up already that is kind of sad actually because there's no chance they're going to join us just too far away please don't fight you two i like you both you both like me while everything else has been going on i have now upgraded this to the next level which is looking pretty terrifying honestly so there's no chance the game passed there so now it's time for us to take the fight to them and start taking over their worlds and everything in order for them to surrender and see a better path you could say the true path oh look at that border core so we don't even need them all that much to win now honestly just occupy a couple of worlds do as little damage as possible of course you're only doing selective bombardment to minimize losses we're not evil omega alignment is now on its way there's a system over here with loads of world which i'm tempted to be the one i convert but at the same time that's gonna really mess us up in terms of trade value until we have gateways i'd have to protect this trade line it'd just be a complete mess and i'm tempted to be a bit lazy and not do that well it's not even just being lazy i don't have enough stations it'd just be an absolute mess so i think we're going to go ahead with the original plan which is going to be we're going to turn the relic world into our capital and convert that system cause that system also has a lot of worlds available oh wait for your friend now you can go oh good a spy storm well this is going on just gonna slow down our ships honestly since we're mostly strike craft it's not really a big deal it can actually be in our favor since it slows down enemies without slowing down our strike craft that can be a big problem for them okay just grab all of this we've almost won anyway and hopefully oh our allies are going to land for us fantastic hopefully once that all happens we'll get victory harmony has been completed reducing our empire sprawl and also giving us the bull walk of harmony which makes us stronger during a defensive battle in that we can simply build more ships but also we have plus fifteens that fire right within our territory at all times which is very fitting for this empire we are after all fanatic pacifists and it's gonna be defensive warping right all the time don't really know what i want right now that's the annoying thing there's several things i do want in the future but executive vigor might be nice i don't actually currently have an edictive but there is several i want and eventually also want the nutritional planitude which will increase our growth rate and happiness uh peace festivals increases our happiness right now i'm actually going to do that so maybe that might be nice diplomatic grants giving us more diplomatic white an extra envoy you know what sure let's have executive vigor not going with that for a while just need to get that psionic tech it's rare it's random and i want it now this is my kind of pacifism beat them over the head with it until they agree planetary security our friendly ways have been taught by force you're welcome oh i keep forgetting i really love the transport ships with the lithoid pack so creepy well i'm glad the galaxy has some sense we are now the rulers of capitalism things are going well we finally found that precursors home world we're about to survive in a second which will give us loads of unity and everything else uh we lost some ships because all the stations over here but not really too many honestly and we are making more back at the base so it's kind of evened out and yeah things are going well the only problem is right now we have 100 watt exhaustion so we have 300 and uh let's look 317 days to win otherwise status quo will be implemented which honestly isn't too bad um it means every world we've already taken over will become a new empire all connected and we're about to grab their home world as well so that's not terrible but it will leave a tiny little empire over here which everyone's going to want to destroy don't want that just want them to be our minions forever at peace well that's annoying a war without a clear win is a tragic and shameful sight but sometimes unavoidable let's fight again another day well i can't because i'm fanatic pacific oh the board of gold oh even i am a little bit angry at that that is horrendously annoying well we'll be going to war with you soon enough the federation will declare war on you and yeah you're not gonna last another hundred years let's just say that okay everyone return home on the upside we do now have the machine world zero percent habitability but they are still there they're not growing though so what i need to do is as soon as possible make one of these let's remove some of these because right now just no point in them and i'm going to move the unemployed off can it cost a fortune though i'd like to move but they're kind of useless oh no resettlement oh never mind they'll move by themselves yeah they'll move by themselves because of the new systems it's fine as soon as they find a job they'll move elsewhere by themselves so yeah let's just make everyone messy unemployed here goodbye goodbye research and thankfully because they do have a utopian abundance they are producing resource anyway oh yeah because this doesn't count as a job i don't think it's affected by the negatives of habitability yeah resource from jobs minus 50 but they're still going yeah still giving us the full times too well i can't talk today getting loads of refugees because prime is attacking them who is prime where is prime don't actually know that empire we've been getting loads though because of it loads of extra population so i'm happy for the refugees we'll have robots soon enough over here as well there's the home world about precursor and there we go we get by far the worst relic in my opinion extra lifespan great that's wonderful it's passive it's it's good it's okay and then we get a really nasty orbital bombardment stance when it's active which just kills population on the upside lots of unity so annoyingly my recording software turned off the last 15 minutes apparently so what's happened is the worming lighting event is finished we now have this is a black hole it turns out that yes you do keep the relic world but annoyingly the people on these planets are not converted so they don't have too much preference really irritating normally that would be just such a heartbreaking moment with these worlds of being tomb worlds now but thankfully we already had the rackets so i'm sending the rackets in instead also because they are the higher level sonic i think what i will do is if we don't get the psychic tech soon because i still want my psychic cyborgs is i might just go down the route of the machines instead so where are you the flesh is weak so that we'll have at least some psychic cyborgs i just want them okay i'm also very tempted to go with the arcology project it's expensive but we have loads of worlds and yeah the potential there is insane plus some of our mining worlds are really really good so we can kind of support them so i think yeah that's what i'm gonna do i am gonna go with the archaeology project for now so now we can turn our worlds into the arcology project uh what is it about industrial districts do we still have to ow excellent okay so it's city or industrial now not just city i thought that might be the case because yeah the industrial districts are basically what the archaeology project is anyway so i'll get to work converting some of our worlds like our forge worlds into candidates for the arcology project yes psionic theory fantastic we get to have our slikers after all we now have commercial packs with pretty much every other empire which can have commercial packs except for one which is rather angry with the still and um it's costing me a small fortune and i do want to put down a lot more branch offices so i'm thinking i should have got universal transactions a lot earlier it would have helped out a lot also we are really powerful right now so a few things now rank three with that federation which is great but influence right now is becoming a serious serious bottleneck i'm finally making my first of the archaeology projects from the relic world i i actually could have done this without the ascension perk which is kind of annoying so we could have been psychic a little bit faster but oh well it's fine but yeah influence is such a problem we have commercial packs of everyone that's why our economy is looking so good um but i can't grab these systems because of lack of influence i can't build habitats lack of influence i can't even set up nutritional platitude because lack of influence so i'm hoping soon as i'll get the ascension theory which then will allow us to use unity to do will to power which will give us plus five influence per month then things are going to move very quickly i mean even now we are very powerful because of our tech we're just so far ahead in tech from everyone else we're just a powerhouse domination is now finished giving us extra influence per month thank you but also transcendence we stand on the threshold of awakening the true sonic might of our species our minds are ready and we have heard whispers of a psychic realm beyond our own after that we are also probably gonna grab master builders because although i am spending most my influence with the with the arcology projects i do also want a lot of the really powerful megastructures actually um i was really hoping to get some minerals but i don't have a black oh and i do have a black hole don't know you have one over here the main one i don't know if i can build the matadi compressor here though in our main system i'm hoping i can because that would be so useful with all the archaeology projects and yeah just it's so expensive but for now we unleash our psychic might upon the galaxy i'm heartbroken i can't turn the hydra's psionic and i can't remove cyborg i thought you could is it because it came from a machine empire no i think it must be just that i thought it would work because i'm fairly certain the opposite way around works if you have sonics in your empire at the racket then you go with the flesh is weak they will still turn into cyborg psychics so i assumed the opposite would be true i don't know why the opposite wouldn't be true but it's fine it makes my choice subpar drastically in comparison to the other two but we still have transcendence which means we can still get a covenant which could be like the the instrument of desire which is the perfect one for this empire giving us a huge bonus to all resources or we go with the research one or anything like that it's fine as the as well the hydras only make up 133 of our 662 population oh i am genuinely so upset that is so sad for once we really don't want the oracle um our stability is already insane because of our extreme happiness and our empire so give me that 500 influence thank you we reach into the shroud and get cursed well first attempt didn't go so well okay so weird so what was weird was just then um i just changed it to challenge and they apparently instantly voted back to rotation which obviously doesn't make sense they can't do that so it popped up the vote and apparently it was successful benefit changed very minor glitch there that's nothing really too problematic so now we have the golden rule which basically means the leader will be whoever can pay the most also we're going to be diplomatic giving me more power because i'm the richest okay we're going to have research oh no we're not we're going to have diplomatic grants nutritional planning and peace festivals tempted to change one of them over to research subsidies giving us plus ten percent researcher output nothing believers is the extra happiness is just giving us almost 100 happiness on all planets assimilation for all species is now underway two more worlds are now undergoing the arcology project imaginely this empire has managed to get its fleet back to our level yeah has like a couple of 10k fleets like two or three of them in fact it's beating down the regime well after they've been at war i am going to try and invite the regime into our little federation because now everything's diplomatic i'm actually powerful enough to overrule my allies and peace is all i care about so a stronger federation is a better federation no matter how much you don't like little squid people lovely look at that this is our capital wonderful so subgride that first of all so we have the foundry arcologies we have the factory arcologies and we have the leisure arcologies gonna keep all the building for tech and let's you know we're probably gonna need more alloys in the future so i'll probably go with that though we don't have maximum happy no doing maximum happiness from means is um yeah currently stability is a little bit low on planets because the assimilation process is still going on so lots of negative happiness let's make it a giant foundry i also forgot to check the stats of this so this world is amazing it has 100 habitability for all species resources from jobs is increased by 20 just all jobs and base population growth speed is increased by 50 it is a very very powerful world type as you can imagine once more we look into the shroud whisperers of the void which was in the void plus 15 monthly influence plus 15 research i oh it's this or the ah see the object of desire or whatever it's actually called is so good though it's just a sheer bonus to all jobs which includes research but that plus 15 influence right now i don't know as we reach out for the presents the minds of our telepaths are filled with a chorus of voices no more than a soft whisper at first the cacophony grows in intensity a thousand voices speaking in unison the voices introduced themselves as the whispers in the void it thy claim to be privy to all knowledge whispered in secrecy from one moth to another and offered to share of these secrets with us if they will only allow them if we will only allow them into our consciousness a trifling price they assure us we will barely even notice their presence do you hear the voices too i agree the covenant is formed it is done we have formed the covenant with the whispers in the void and already we have begun to share so and already they have begun to share their secrets with our scientists and leaders we will benefit immensely from their knowledge the only downside appears to be a sudden upswing in mental illness and ending the game among the general population and some of our worlds are experiencing a flurry of unexplainable murders and assaults committed by otherwise stable and well-adjusted individuals our clinics and asylums are having some trouble dealing with the sudden influx of patients research actualized but plus 15 influence to our gain is really good and the extra research as well is fantastic oop just auto research because i haven't been um selecting these there we go gateway travel fantastic yes i do want that and yes habitats once a once again i get will to will to power as well if i can do the talking then we're gonna be really rich in influence we have new relic the ancient tomb is finished and now if we want to we can summon fleets from the fallen empire though they're not all that powerful and i would much rather use my influence on other things yes even more research fantastic can we get to 6k before 2300 that would be lovely one more world now undergoing the arcology project the galactic council is now a thing and of course we sit upon it in fact we and one of our federation members sit upon it do you want to join our federation too it'd be fun actually pretty close where are you oh you are being kind of devoured by our other friends because we're friends with everyone that's the thing are you still at wow you are losing so badly i would love to help but i'm a fanatic pacifist someone's gonna watch ooh yes yes much better we've declared war versus the reavers and apparently we are much stronger than them so actually i don't know i don't know about their fleet power i can't see their fleets where are their fleets i how are you so weak oh you have very few worlds oh wow one two three four you have four worlds no wonder you're so weak you really lucked out you may have also sent your forces through the wormhole well let's get down to business to defeat the reavers that wasn't meant to be a reference but sure we now have synthetics which means our lovely robots and there's a lot of them are all gonna now be using consumer goods not the best thing ever but at least they also have plus temps and output yep well we don't need to give them utopian abundance but we're gonna anyway we have loads of consumer goods being produced so only makes sense we now have unity ambitions the first i'll be grabbing is will to power then scientific revolution then i'll continue to get all of our different traditions now when this fellow tanks a system i believe it's going to go to us right oh actually it already has yes that system is ours because it's already on our border so go ahead though i would definitely defend your own borders it looks like you might end up losing some stuff uh let's send more athletes over there this has our new battleships which are using the archimeters well shroud what have you got for us now oh that could be a problem actually um if we research this we could spawn the unbidden early which i'm not ready for yet though do they spawn weaker if you if you spawn them in early i've heard that from some people though they could be lying to me to try and get me destroyed so not sure if i'm gonna actually go with that okay well first things first will to power finally since i want to start building our science nexus as soon as possible then of course we have more world to turn into giant cities of power and with that we're going to grab this there we are we can now build two mega structures at once and we get plus 50 to the build speed scientific revolution is now active giving us plus 20 research speed and plus one to our research alternatives the science nexus is still going on and the war is going well we are pacifists but remember these are a purifier species so essentially we are fighting a crisis haven has been improved tracking implants mandatory subdermal implants record movements and actions greatly enhancing our empire's internal security the loyal citizens have nothing to hide from the government well i'm never going to actually activate this because the mindless happiness but that is yep authoritarian is definitely the right thing for that to increase we will turn all worlds into cities so that our population may grow and prosperity may reign sure they look like um death stars but these are actually lovely places to live probably kind of sad that however no longer gives plus happiness but all those lovely resources how can you be anything but ecstatic the first the purifiers worlds are now under our control the true path being taught to them as i get assimilated into our way i think i mean they become psychos we are giving them psychic powers i mean i want psychic powers to be perfectly honest so this world is also quite a good candidate to becoming one of our city worlds now i'm looking at it yeah um build all the city stuff just to prove to them that we care we'll even turn one of their worlds into one of our jewels one more world has been converted and we've just finished off supremacy so we get to choose our final ascension perk and i don't know what i want uh colossus project would be interesting we could bubble people rather than destroy them but at the same time defender of the galaxy obviously is amazing why can i not get galactic wonders oh uh requires having repaired or fully upgraded any megastructures that's gonna be a while i do want galactic wonders it's actually been a while since i've made a ring world or the mata decompressor and we are early enough we love uh 40 80 years before the end game crisis can potentially spawn so i think yeah we're going to go for sheer power and we are in a federation which is leveling quite quickly so we are going to get at least some extra damage towards the engine crisis there we are plus 25 so we have something to look forward to for once i'm focusing on gateways slowing down our production of the arcologies but yeah gateway going down over here gateway over here that way we can pretty much go anywhere in our territory we already have a gateway here which which we repaired we're about to build our second megastructure which is going to be the mega shipyard so we'll have the shipyard and the science nexus both right next to the gateway which connects us everywhere else there's actually an l gate here and an l gate there i didn't realize this one i thought that was a gateway um so i am now going towards the el gate tech since at least two other empires now has the capability of opening it i might as well open it myself if it's the tempest then that really sucks but at least it will be a crisis which means i'll become custodian and if it's one of the good events that's great and i will climb the l gate for the true path ignore i was saying before clearly this is a new recording session um we're not building the mega shipyard just yet we're building the interstellar assembly for more diplomatic white and the fact it fits our empire a lot better i will be building the shipyard there all this constant warring throughout the galaxy it breaks our little gecko hearts as we wager war so shroud what do you have for me today oh uh this one well bonus a ship fire right could have used that more earlier before we lost some ships to the reavers but sure enterprise upsizing it's almost completely over now as well where's that last well there it is that'll be down soon once this gateway is fully operational all of these worlds here will give us their trade value and that is a lot of trade value 252 139 357 and this world is also currently undergoing the arcology project and will simply give us more later that is so much wealth being added into our system also over here we now have the juggernaut up and running my personal favorite juggernaut as well the lithoid version i mean that just looks so insanely cool we bring peace prosperity and really pretty ships the war is over which means now we can bid to become leader of the federation well we have a winner lovely so there's the prize money we're gonna invest it so everyone is happy i mean we could keep it to ourselves but uh no we're going to invest it instead which will increase our cohesion and increase our trade value and monthly energy credits for all members ah there we go the gateway is now there uh yeah free migration for all now are you still willing to join our federation is the question yes you are good no you're still at what stop being at war already oh you're finally winning unless did you j oh you just went to war you stupid thing what about you do you want to join no okay that's fine somewhat annoyed i finally got a new member but that's yeah it's absolutely fine loads of little stations at the moment um actually keeping that as a fortress might be okay that's a really good choke point from all of this wow yeah it's a really good choke point but if we have one here so one there uh wait no that'll connect so one here that blocks off this that's really blocking off that over here is a complete mess but it's close to our station so just assume our ships can defend that these two are blocking off here okay yeah this will also block off the l gate yeah this way the l gates can't really go into our territory if it's a bad event rather than us putting stations on the el gates this would be a better option also when they come through they come through here which is really bad frustration because they instantly start to attack we don't get the range advantage which we normally would so until this citadel's up and running i won't open the old gates got it more worlds are undergoing the arcology project we have our federation fleet turns out which i'm now building for as well and we are once again at war with these fellows now to impose our ideology gotta be honest i didn't see the pop-up asking me about this it also timed out and we went to war because i didn't vote so there we are or i may have pressed yes what person so i'm not quite sure but i didn't realize i was at war until i saw red ships everywhere so yeah i'm a good leader pay a lot of attention best leader me spending our excess influence now on loads and loads of branch offices not only will these be giving us a load of energy they're also going to be giving us corporate embassies which will increase our diplomatic rights from economy which we're doing very well with and so we spiral out of control becoming more and more dominant taking more of the market share it's it's a beautiful feeling thankfully we have loads of resources we can just keep on going and going going every one of your worlds is about to be hours oh influence again but still that was absolutely loads then and i can now also activate the elle gate whenever i choose oh look all these worlds not being controlled no stop asking they keep asking for this change golden rule for the psionic battle succession i mean it's cool but it's not uh you know i'm gonna say yes purely because they keep on asking for it's gonna be another 40 years anyway so maybe i'll regret this down the line but now we're going to battle using our minds the science nexus is now also complete giving us plus 15 research speed and 300 in each tech lovely now we're building these very quickly because we have the living metal mega construction we have this over here the ambition giving us plus 50 as well and of course we have the ascension perk giving us a further 50 so next then what i want is galactic wonders and now i'm gonna have to save up some influence so we can build some ring worlds mata decompressors and dyson spheres you thought we were rich before just wait until we harvest the sun and black holes for our resources you know saying harvest the sun doesn't sound like much oh it's a solar panel so yeah the solar panels completely surrounding the star the start is ours to churn out money ooh okay go back on yourself please uh looks like our allies are dealing with that but they're about to take back some of their own territory they did have a 20k fleet but i think our ally may have dealt with them it's got a very strong ally i didn't realize that federation fleet got that powerful that fast 228k at this point oh yeah i forgot i put all my envoys over in the galactic community let's uh put them back here and continue to level up really want rank five before the end game crisis i don't know if that's possible oh good that's gonna be the victory then let's see what happens to the regime oh yep it's now the foundation i wonder if i would have um kept owing them then wow look at that so instantly on our side and yeah i'll happily allow them to be part of the incomplete federation once they're at peace but till then i would like to put down some uh some commercial buildings oh but then you're still gonna dislike them though that's the problem oh we accidentally changed we should have done see i couldn't have done this because i wasn't the one directing the wall what we should have done is claim everything but one world their capital then what would have happened is they would have become a completely new empire with a blank slight that didn't happen oh yeah we already have branch offices in a lot of your buildings so do these fellows since you're the first ones i actually made a deal with and it seems like you used to be good friends with the combine ah well at least one more enemy is gone we don't really have many people who hate us anymore i don't think we have anyone who just likes us we're just loved now the combine has joined us in the federation uh the foundation as they're now called uh simply despite them too much and will never join us now but the combine of the stronger of the two empires they've liked us longer at this point and more people dislike the foundation so it was a diplomatic nightmare to try and get them into our federation anyway oh actually ah little baby l drags moving to the bag all system okay well that was nice and straightforward uh send the scientists through or send whichever site you know i'll make some more scientists to send them uh yeah send them through and that's it don't need to have forces here so you can go home where is that system then uh search button right that one that's not in our territory sadly but we'll see what happens whisperers in the void one of our scientists say one of our governors now has these substance abuser traits the sleepers awake and it's the ones right next to us the ones we psychically spied on decrepit fools we're not allowed to go to all of you even to remove you but as a threat but i'm not that scared actually our main fleet is very very powerful and somewhat counters their kinds of ships uh their ships really love shields we're completely ignoring shields at the moment and we have enough point defense and strike craft to take out their strike craft which they tend to like as the fallen empire so yeah um i don't even think we particularly mind them going to war with other empires because they're there to sign what is essentially a peace treaty go and do your thing mediators research action you do you oh no so the other fallen empires now woke up because apparently they don't like these fellas this may lead to the war in heaven and i can't stop it i'm a fanatic pacifist i literally see at this point i would swap fanatic pacifist to well anything else i'll just go down to my factions choose whichever one is currently the highest so egalitarian actually can't do that because that's less than 20 percent uh i would choose whatever you are materialist yeah sure i would go materialist a little bit and have egalitarian materialist normal pacifist that would allow me to go to water and threat but i don't want to do that i do want to stay fanatic pacifist the entire game that's kind of what i'm doing now so just bear in mind i understand i can do that but i'm not gonna so that's gonna be really weird on the upside because the crisis almost no one disagrees that i should be leading everyone so thank you so far i don't think they've gone to war with anyone just yet they're kind of just sitting there angrily looking at each other oh although one empire has you fellows have um submitted to them that's not great i really hope okay so if it goes to the war in heaven i don't want to lead the federation i want to stay with my trade federation but i believe my the other members of the federation could leave me to join that and i have seen before federation simply crumble really don't want that to happen because we are now level four don't do that please wait you're an awakened empire why do you seem so weak a system has been stressing your fleet i guess i can't see the rest of the fleets because when they become an awakened empire don't they get extra fleets yeah like that you know you're not that scary honestly yeah try and fight me i'll break you we continue to upgrade our minerals we will not take sides in this conflict the war in heaven oh i see people have sided no you do not no we're not gonna lead it it'd be interesting to let them just fight out to perfectly honest oh my throat they're killing me biological warfare okay oh i'm back ships upscaled i will hurt you have i hurt you i mean i'll have a commercial packed because i'm lovely wow leaving just completely devastated oh no the combine as well no my originals oh my god i think i'm about to lose oh you you're the fellows why no you're my minion you can't i completely forgot you're my minion we just about kept the federation because of a minion has been surveyed oh i hate that i hate that okay so there's the league of non-line powers in brown and then we have the xenophiles in purple and the right now yeah and then we have the tech fellows in a slightly i guess it's purple as well i don't know colors whatever yeah so there's now the three other forces of the nurse just sitting here happily trading away uh it's gonna be really difficult so i'm gonna have to defend my ally because if if my ally ever goes down i'm i'm done for so i need to do is send a construction vessel right now over to here and i'm gonna build a gateway that way i can send my fleet to their territory like in seconds we're already close that makes it even harder and thankfully all the worlds are here which i'm gonna have to protect we're just neutral traders okay we just want to trade that's all we want we just like making money stay away from us because as i've shown before though we are very friendly traders we will kill you if you try and kill us first we are all about that self-defense and i have a mega shipyard now and lots of alloys and lots of ships so the compact is worn out with both of the like empires of course that always happens i think that's going to ignore me for ages and i'm perfectly fine with that it's going to be really interesting to just see what happens we are cowards and i am owning that research actualized the shipyard is about to upgrade there we go okay completed making loads of battleships pretty much everywhere now incoming inquiry our ships are so pretty upscaling sadly we didn't manage to become custodian because apparently other empires also had favors with me and have now joined one of the fallen empires scaling completely next time it's definitely going to work because i checked no one else has fivers with me i have never seen something i've done backfire as much as that's just backfired the first casualty is the belldross corporation no longer existing in this galaxy so far it looks like honestly i'm going to put my money with the mediators they're doing much better versus the league of underlying powers they get this gaining more momentum whereas these fellas are just doing very little the regulators but i guess we'll see as it continues i'm kind of becoming like an isolationist at this point oh no when did you grab that's so mean yeah i'm kind of becoming an isolationist at this point which is weird wasn't my intention but yeah i've kind of become a very isolationist empire it's about being merchants well not really we're still trading with everyone we just don't really care who wins they're saying that the awakened empires don't do trade they well we don't try to view but the empires they control do so it's perfectly fine as long as they still have vassals then we don't really care we're just going to keep being peaceful and happy and see who wins in the end and if anyone attacks us well then we'll choose who wins our mata decompressor has upgraded again now only one stage off being finally finished so it's already giving us 1995 minerals every single month i'm also now building a dyson sphere because i just want more stuff to be perfectly honest right now we are looking very very scary very scary indeed and we are just continuing to get more and more powerful with every passing year i dare anyone to fight me the mega shipyard is now fully operational sporting a full 20 shipyards this thing is going to be able to produce fleets and mere moments it's also giving uh some quick let's say a plus 100 percent ship it says 67 there but i'm fellas that is the plus 100 yeah plus 100 ship build speed and that also applies to all of the stations as well as you can imagine that's pretty nice 20 shipyards there's fighting going on in our systems from the different combatants i'm just saying you're doing nothing fanatic pacifist is a weird way to play well done you oh our old allies in fact you're the one we created well done you beat up one of the uh two awaken sides so currently though i've got to say you are losing yeah that uh that federation isn't doing great but you know keep going inquiry it's fun to watch okay this is gonna end soon and once again i will become the custodian i'm going to just i'm just going to watch as the galaxy burns i'm upscaling do i even really want that is there a point of me i mean is there a point of me being custodian is there a point of me am i even real i mean you can all hear me right i exist i'm not just in your head i can sort of imagine us right now just looking out at the galaxy burning itself and just shaking our heads tutting really now you should have followed our way you're getting what you deserve we are here on our high horse prospering all of us in utopian abundance living lives of luxury on our perfect worlds and you're there fighting over scraps of systems because you just can't help yourself but don't worry though we'll still try with you because we'll get the better deal peacefully arrogantly successfully i've decided for once i'm going to build myself a sentry array although i can see almost everything i would like to know how the war is going everywhere i do have a lot of intel with a lot of the empires but as the fallen well the awakened empire spread that amount of sight is gonna decrease so let's spy on the entire galaxy shall we the mata de compressor now at full power five hundred wow so much two thousand six hundred and sixty rather so there we are a system has been surfing the dyson sphere is slowly moving along as well third time's the charm this time less opposition and no favors for them to leverage i will be the custodian of all even if most of the population are going to be owned by one of the two foreign empires awakened empires empires uh potential markets and reactivate lovely currently we're actually losing energy very quickly but it's not actually that bad so i can sell so much stuff it's because i just have too much fleet yep that's really it's now navy capacity is very high right now uh sorry it's not very high right now we have loads of ships i don't really have all that many ways of um oh look at that wow you're all spreading so nastily yeah the uh oh the federation is being utterly devoured by the two awakened empire forces and honestly i don't think it's gonna stand a chance with the backing of the two awakened empires it's just not gonna happen i could crush the awakened empire but they can't still know who's gonna win though i am curious who's gonna end up winning the mediators versus the regulators why must you have names so close to each other it begins to take shape the century hub is now here which gives us plus 10 banks intel level for everyone now we're building this little spine which will make even more powerful i will see everything and everyone from every possible angle you may no longer have privacy but at least you'll have peace well to be fair if we have peace either this war raging it's gonna be interesting if the mediators win since they are meant to be the xenophile peace treaty you know if i didn't have the federation uh which is for us to defend against the crisis and such and thus making so much money and being able to make sure we're powerful enough joining the mediators might be a really fun change of pace but i also want to be the custodian i don't know if that works with it either we could just join the mediators and just crush everyone else in their name i don't think that's right though for the empire because i want to stay as fantastic pacifist and not really bypass that but just also for me wanting to see how good the custodian is if we just have custodian oh i think the blue is gonna have it one of their main fleets has now breached the defenses of the mediators and he's wreaking absolute havoc and honestly they are just crushing everything around them the republic over here is putting up a good fight but yeah the blue is starting to spread this does not work gonna do it anyway at last the galactic senate has voted to bestow emergency custodianship powers upon the true path in an official ceremony broadcast across the galaxy were appointed custodians of the galactic community as the first among equals we have been charged with safeguarding the galactic community from all potential threats be they internal or external is this righteous in the background [Music] yeah sure okay so um so let's have a look say we can do that but uh custodianship so yes i would love to x to uh remove the term limit that's i don't want to be a full-time custodian galactic mobilization introduced galactic standard oh which influence and anti-piracy initiative oh yeah the galactic defense force we can have that as well install navigation i feel quite mean i'm leveraging all this but i'm not really going to be able to use it as a fanatic pacifist wow this playthrough has really showed the fnatic pacifist you do get to the point where you kind of get stopped from doing all that much if you want to continue with the fanatic pacifist route which i do and i want to stay independent as well because i want to be the custodian so weird combo apparently upscaling complete just kind of watching the galaxy burn as an idol leader with all the chaos this is glorious the unbidden have arrived early because i've got the sudden side jump drives isn't it yep it's because i have the job i haven't even installed them on my craft yet too expensive okay well the situation log revised at least now i have a reason to be leader oh shiny complete earn of mine wow uh this is from the fountain of youth apparently if you go down the market route you get loads oh they're miles away oh please you have a gateway or an l get okay good you're an el gate that is a little bit weaker than usual actually just a single eight million fleet i know it sounds terrifying it's like a million fleets but that's a lot smaller than usual that's gonna crush us but saying that saying that we do have um anti-them capabilities we have essentially the kit i'm currently using is this uh i'm tempted to replace the up the artillery at the back but doesn't really matter there we have the arc emitter then we have advanced strike craft so we completely ignore armor and shields um armor not really being important here since don't have armor they just have shields and hull and they have way more shields and they have hulk not as much i thought they had less hull than that it's still almost three to one but i could have swore it was hmm that's a little bit more powerful than i originally thought but still see there's a reason you voted for me good timing lads good timing we can save the galaxy you are welcome as you squabble amongst yourselves oh everything you know what everything and especially the juggernaut which will be helping our strike craft please get to let's say there and just uh kind of sit there for a bit oh it's going to cost so much energy oh that hurts can you finish a little bit faster please we need to harvest this star now oh are you happy with us now mediators is that what's happened kind of end rivalry uh wow you are being crushed into the ground aren't you yeah you're in theory and you're now pathetic is that right yeah you are just you're done for the mediators are losing hardcore i'm actually tempted to join the media house after this this could be a really interesting way to end um join the mediators and everything but that's gonna take forever and yeah okay for now though obviously the end game crisis is have a little bit more concern a system has been how good do the fleets are here yeah that's the seven mil yeah okay the smaller fleets i think we can take the larger plate's gonna be scary remember we do not have defender of the galaxy or anything right now uh yeah we're actually doing no extra damage to the engine crisis which is obviously a tiny bit scary there uh right now i really want is oh damage twin game oh no what do i want more do i want more damage to the end game or do i want the defense force which will be which will be our cheaper fleet which doesn't um eat into our navy capacity i think right now just the extra 20 damage but the defense force ah okay 20 damage first oh i can't do the emerge come on if you please come on do that do that i know you can't scaling complete but yeah the strike plus 20 damage would be fantastic we did so annoyingly we couldn't save this area over here they're going to the old gate uh maybe oh darn it they are they kind of stuck together which was really unfortunate for us so we've backed off over to here we have defense in depth currently active and everything else we have all athletes just sitting here waiting i think we'll be able to attack them before they jump from the alligator to somewhere else but we are gonna be closer than i like but this is giving us loads of bonuses so that's good and new ships though are gonna be slightly different what we've currently got pure shields and i'm going to swap over to kinetic overall that is a lot better i don't even have access to cloud lightning and i'm just remembering the last few times i used strike craft and was so disappointed and just got very angry at the eye of them so i think this is a good preemptive thing i'm just hoping i can hold them for a while evading competitive fleet well they entered the territories and ran okay good that's not them has been surveyed okay they're back that's gonna fight this time clearly we need to get a little bit closer to uh interrupt them there we go okay see a couple of kills there from the from the initial volley but not as many i'd like oh no i got really close gonna lose so many ships then every fight but there was a 2.5 mil fleet so that's a 2.5 mil fleet they no longer have so that's good i would say go and heal but honestly they are pretty much one shotting our ships still good though still good so that's one of their big fleets gone well uh we have lost access well lost control of the el gate on the upside that means now we're getting loads more alloys we're almost getting two per month um 2 000 per month that is loads of energy which we can buy more alloys with so we are remaking those ships now a lot more counter to the enemy wow i thought i'd look another 10 years i was not no was not ready for this i'm just hoping they don't break down our territory go somewhere else there's loads of other l gates just yeah over there stay over there oh actually looks like they are oh there's loads of them why are they such small fleets i've kind of just splintered up everywhere that's actually gonna be worse they're gonna take more territory oh this is a nightmare converting a lot of our our culture projects now into pure alloy production as much as tech is going to be important here i just need more ships just need more alloys constantly okay there we go so we are now at least doing an extra 20 damage to the umbilical 15 plus 20 lovely fantastic wonderful uh sadly i can't make i can't do a lot of the other stuff right now i will however remove the term limit research actualized and hopefully we can just get things going we've almost got three thousand alloys per month now as our income so we are building ships very very quickly so loads of battleships which should all now counter the enemy um our tech is rolling in we're at 15k with lots of modifiers so our ships are becoming very powerful and we're getting lots of them they seem to be focusing over here because i don't know why they landed here at one point they took this place then they left i think they're trying to insult me i don't mind that am i being insulted if i'm not being killed we are creating an insane amount of alloys now almost hitting 4k income even though i'm so over my navy capacity i'm also about to start increasing our navy capacity again uh the unbidden sadly have started to enter our territory though it seems like they're focusing more over here so we're still okay for now our fleets are looking really good um they're almost hitting 200khz despite the fact i'm now using the tech which i have the least repeatables in so yeah i've got quite a few of those fleets we're bulking up a federation fleet finally as well starting to put some more federation battleships there since that doesn't go to our navy capacity we're losing navy capacity for it but it's fine yeah i think we're going to be okay it's funny i am now i would consider pretty much ready to face the in-game crisis at its earliest stages especially uh one of the weaker ones like the scourge because you but not so much that this code is weaker just it has the scouting phase which you could obliterate early on um and it's two years until the minimum time the end game crisis could occur but we managed to spawn them in early by being silly if i didn't do that i'd have been absolutely fine the galaxy would have been a lot better but no it's me we now move our fleets whoa that's a lot of minus minerals anyway we're now moving athletes because the unbidden are now here and they are threatening our primary sector okay minimum losses on the stations that's good to see are you moving towards us yes you are is it worth trying to check out the station first i think so maybe not actually you know hold competitors engaged so many shells oh our corvettes are going down that was expected oh some of that battleships are still but to be fair that was a large fleet and the losses were not oh yeah just the corvette the corvettes were guaranteed to die that was going to happen regardless of the fight that could have been far worse one more main fleet has been destroyed oh that is horrible it's okay we're making almost 5 000 alloys a month for once we're going purely for numbers no quality here okay that's just the just the uh reinforces being silly that's fine you're a much smaller fleet um are you gonna head towards me i'm hoping so okay i'm gonna see that a lot on that flight that's fine oh do you want to be useful i mean i don't have increase sure no i end this session early we now have the galactic defense force a force of only good of course oh they're the imperial style you know i'm not actually that imperial right i mean i'm the galactic custodian but i'm really not all that imperialistic in comparison to a lot of other empires and what's the difference between these two doesn't really matter yep well good shield shield shield shield booster booster slightly smaller shield i'm sure if i did the math maybe a shield booster would be better the capacitor um but for now i'll just stick with this i'll do the math later maybe perhaps possibly um excellent so the special things with these is that this is the the galactic defense which is its own navy capacity it's one extra fleet similar to federation fleet it doesn't use my navy capacity i believe they're also discounted so they're cheaper to make and of course i'm making a lot of them and i can also further expand it later on making them even cheaper and being able to have more of them so i really want to push that now i'm sorry i'm gonna even stop once halfway through construction wow i'm i'm so rich i don't have ever been this rich in alloys before i mean sure my minerals are now tanking even with the mata decompressor but wow wow that was a lot of them okay yeah that fleet's gonna be devastatingly powerful we just need to keep them off our backs for as long as possible um there's not many two mil fleets anymore they've mostly split into 1.5 and lower as you can see okay there's a two but all the others i've looked at have all been underneath that so those will be just destroyed we're currently winning versus the two mil fleets and we're just being able to make more and more craft faster and faster but i do need to do that that's not good what i do need to do though is soon enough go back to more mining worlds i started to convert a lot of the mining worlds uh we need to reconvert them back now oh no a second portal our instruments have detected a new subspace power surge so this is a second type of uh unbidden these are the aberrant uh the aberrant will actually attack the umbidum they're orange rather than blue um they're actually very pretty in my opinion and they're going to go around and uh cause havoc similar to the umbiden just in this case they'll also fight the unbidden it's uh it's a neutral event okay please get back through the l gate like all the others did that'll be great see i don't know why i just don't like leaving this um section which i'm very happy with see they're yelling at the other ones reinforcements have just arrived shame you were a little bit light there so the only reason why we survived that is because of all the bonuses we get in our home territory we get a lot of them this is probably the worst i've seen the unbidden go for a very long time [Laughter] taste the rainbow oh no i i'm doing so badly at this whole custodian business did we lose anything okay we lost uh yeah just some of the small craft okay yeah we're getting stronger remember as well uh large fleet darn it oh you okay i was hoping you'd fight each other a bit more but um looks like it's not gonna be the case right now our first fight versus one of the non-unbiddens if it does indeed go towards us we should win like i was going ah they're fighting the unbidden um here's the funny thing actually their ships are gonna be awful versus each other they do less damage versus shields and do bonus damage armor and hull and they're both shield by so they're just going to sit there for ages i bet you know what i'm going to class this as i um as a restricted system that why less less reinforcement to go there now like i was going to say a few times there remember we are still doing our repeatables so we are getting stronger stronger stronger only about four years ago our maximum size battleship fleets were 1.7 k so 170 k in our home territory now they're just over 200k so we're getting stronger every year in addition to our economy just exploding with alloys yeah things are looking much better now that was our uh 1.8 mil fleet we only lost a few battleships we're getting there we're getting that critical mass so we can start doing some serious damage uh just let's lead up oh my leader oh if that succeeded i think i would have got a god emperor well this is what we're hoping for more of oh are we fighting nope must be one of our reinforcements so many dead and thank you for not attacking us all stuck in your station that have been mean let's try and clear up this spice a little bit just keep our spice clear as much as possible we are the last bastion against this let's see if we can make it count well so you're still at war with the war in heaven stop that okay we're now at a point where i'm going to start making a second group which is going to be tasked purely at taking out stations the main fleet right now is actively trying to take out fleets as well as stations oh this actually a great time to attack uh they'll be distracted would it be better to wait no be better to white because they're gonna fight each other so hopefully they'll destroy each other at least a little bit no why would you do that stupid ai you could have saved your station then now go back yeah we are trying to pick our fleet as well i've killed at least two or three no why did you teleport i hate you're all meant to be following this guy right but you've all decided no you want to charge forward well we're gonna do the weird attack then i have my hand in my uh my head of my hand right now just oh no stop please why must you hurt me this way i called it off too light then when somebody started jumping oh i was you know if we just continued would be fine okay in session okay now we can increase that in fact i can um put that through right now as an emergency measure this will expand our um that fleet which we almost lost and make it even cheaper to make okay so that's way too much loss now let's how do i get back without dying not all of you can jump actually why can't all of you jump you've got i don't know how they didn't have the side jump drive i thought they did oh i i upgraded you and forgot to upgrade the regular fleet yep that's what i've done okay um yeah i don't really know why out of this okay you're pretty weak but we're way too weak to fight you i think i've just lost this fleet crud stop making me corvettes ally you know what i'm gonna do actually uh it's a bit weird but i'm gonna change it so only i can build for the federation fleet they keep on filling up the fleet of corvettes and that makes everything so much worse nope you didn't run fast enough yet the falls up well that's them caught off guard wow loads of energy so while i've got all this energy reserve at least i can start really pumping out everything just replace what will last it won't take that long it won't take that long okay it passed so now the size of the um the defense force is 800 that's the maximum size of the fleet i'm now also adding titans which should reduce enemy shields as well as improve our fire right these are being added to the federation fleet and to the galactic defense force i do have three full fleets over here so now our fleets are 225 k well just about and everything else is being rebuilt we have plus 7k energy you know the aberrant and everything are fantastic they are neutralizing each other constantly their spread has slowed down drastically since um since the other two have arrived the umbident already being beaten back so much has just constantly stalled i've had to convert multiple stations into more shipyards it's just we're not keeping up with our economy going to use this fleet here to completely scour this area give us some breathing room well that was one of the largest fleets i've seen in ages but that did also take a serious toll on us but now it looks like we're pretty open to clean this area up we're cleaned over here so that'll be almost everything i wanted to be gone gone research we go again this time we're going into the heart of the unbidden territory just to cause a bit of chaos let's do some damage here and see what we can do oh it's a single battleship hello this is us yes obviously the stations are actually no threat to me so i'm just going to try and take out as much as i can at the heart here and uh just continue to build back in the background thankfully because the gateways and the el gates we can get back in very very short time if needed we are so much stronger now thought enforcement telepaths monitoring the citizenry for incorrect thoughts or might corrections as they find them oh that's horrible plus one encryption plus 25 governing ethics attraction obviously i won't activate this but i'm gonna research it well they've killed a lot of enemy fleets and destroyed a lot of stations but finally this group is being weathered down but the damage is finally substantial if we keep on doing this to other areas we will eventually start reclaiming some territory i'm actually a little bit nervous about here since some enemies are getting close as well but these are weak of when i'm currently fighting which is good so second fleet slums ready as well these will be sent out soon and they're gonna be just another clear-up crew doing exactly what the main fleet is doing and we'll just continue from there it's just uh pretty standard now just keep on micromanaging the world trying to get them as good as possible we're making the ring worlds and sending out our colony ships there's not much else we can really do as pacifists i would love to take over some of the other empires and take their space honestly but uh yeah not allowed to ambushed but not giving up easily we are gonna go down we're gonna take some of them with us still and so that was it a new ring world's going up but look at the damage we did that is phenomenal that whole chunk is now gone and don't worry our second group is actually pretty good all by itself and they're clearing up this area again so i did our construction vessel through did destroy it later on hence why it's all scattered a weird thing's happened where i seemingly can't create one of my fleets the federation fleet to be more specific ah that's why everything got really expensive that the grand fleet uh wore off ignore them on its energy but yeah right now i can't seemingly make my main fleet to the federation flow i can make the other fleet just fine the defense force but that's it it's saying i'm over and it's hanging over by a significant mark a second ago it was saying 600 over so i have no idea what's going on there i definitely don't have it and i'm definitely not building anything so i'm very confused the galactic trade organization is now about to pass the gto will serve as a galactic regulatory body that enforces tried standards and resolves disputes plus stem certified value at the cost of plus three percent to our population consumer good upkeep which i think should be positive considering outright value yeah also equals ah really how is the pirates i don't use uh is that coming from one empire to another or something because that's really weird for us either way got to send some scrap forces over just to deal with them our defense force is now sitting at one mill which is lovely and over here our secondary fleet is doing really well it's managed to take out two enemy fleets small ones but still enemy fleets and it's also increased the amount of damage we've done in this area so that continues to be a big wound for them one mill that was a lovely thing to see my main fleet is now going this way to clear this area honestly they don't seem to have all that many forces here so it should not be too much of a problem getting really awkward way around here i'll probably redo this in a second also it does seem like the federation fleet might be a bit broken my maximum is 400 you may notice already 424 i don't know how this broke but it did yes i can take out all of these and then explore that that is literally all i've done here um i might need to attack this though when we get closer we'll see as it gets further the fleet over here was finally defeated it got pinned between three fleets but yeah the damage has been done and it's looking much better for the galaxy whilst everything else is going on i'm finally climbing some territory over here now it's completely safe for my construction vessels rebuilding my secondary fleet so i can go in and perhaps attack one of the other um unbidden factions and yeah things are just going really well this is gonna hurt a lot because we are spawning right next to it but there wasn't really a way around that outside of going all the way around which would take ages oh we've already killed it lost a few ships but i massively underestimated the firepower of my own fleets yeah we have reached that point we are very powerful but yeah i am forcing this all the way down here will i get the last version of this probably not all that is is less upkeep for our actually less upkeep for our alloys is a fantastic we are now filing plus minerals again for the first time in like 20 years that's pretty nice i'm also going with this for more and more trade value so loads of dry value and loads of industrial stuff which is pretty much what our empire loves there's anything over here i really want less trade value but a tiny bit of extra naive capacity no extra influence i do not need that that is pretty rubbish for us uh so oh interesting why can't i do this oh conditions are too chaotic to proclaim the galactic imperium during the war in heaven oh well i wasn't going to do that anyway i'm forever going to be a rather hands-off custodian of the galaxy i'm mostly here to protect everyone from outside threats they can deal with their own squabbles themselves including the war in heaven i doubt i'm actually going to get involved although once the unbidden are done it's fairly certain now that this one has one the regulators well they're saying that the regulator has lost territory as well never mind both of the awakened empires have lost pretty much everything and yet they'll continue to war with each other you see this is how we became isolationist you don't you're all just too mad don't go near you plus 50 shield strength well that's pretty nice must be said still doesn't save our ships though yeah well okay there we are got this wormhole let's see where it goes and we'll follow it and keep on clearing like that also i just can't spend what i've currently got i'm trying i've made another shipyard okay we're going over here then now clear up this cluster as well next one thing i love about all the different unbidden and you may notice they're not really recovering areas very well it's because they keep on destroying each other's construction vessels the construction vessels are so vulnerable they keep on running them into each other just by accident during all the fighting it is honestly beautiful i'm doing that the way around i'm like no i've got down and up that's really annoying but sure that's how i'll do it the second group is almost ready as well i'll send those against one of the other factions i would like to know more about the unbian to be perfectly honest they do talk about the celestial throne if you actually talk to the unbidden itself you can ask are you from the shroud the shroud we know of it that's your voice really it is close to where we come from very close yay i'm now comfortable to remove defense and depth and move it to rapid deployment increasing our sublight speed and our range oh lovely and our ring worlds are continuing to be built research actualized our secondary fleets are about to go over here lovely so they're going to deal with that section attacking the aberrant meanwhile trying to deal with these construction vessels as they pop up that's pretty helpful plus 40 sublight speed to all my craft and uh apparently you're still busy putting worlds into orbs rather than fighting the unbidden thanks for that mediators anyway so uh guy third fleet now on the way out which isn't being followed because i'm a dum-dum let's actually set them correctly okay there we go we'll just wait there that's gonna start taking out this section here from the aberrant over here we are removing the bins still of course and our second fleet is completely clearing up this area before going over here and clearing up this starting to try and take out all the wormhole pairs so they stop repopulating the areas we clean up because it's going to take ages regardless the funny thing is the default time for regular difficulty the end game crisis would still be like another 57 years minimum because by default the ending the end game is 2400 then you have 50 years after that before the end game crisis arrives unless you summon them early like we did so a uh spy storm is now here which is really interesting because it removes shields so yeah look how weak they are bitten are when their shields are stripped away that was a huge fleet now they're just hull which makes our weapons even more scary to them we'll just obliterate them in seconds plus a starbase got starbucks everywhere that does not narrow it down as of just now we now have access to the psionic shields these are a lot more powerful than the standard type but also take up a lot more energy i will have a quick check to see if they're worth it and if they are well they're going to be installed on everything well it finally happened the federation fleet was defeated but on the upside we do have our new fleet already ready to go going over here clearing up this territory and the federation fleet did deal damage to all of this area we're actually very close now to finishing off plus we're still getting stronger every year and our ships are now just very very scary space is really pretty in stellaris so here we are we have our federation fleet over here we have the side fleets all over here which is actually looking a little bit beat up but don't worry we're also building back this fleet the galactic defense force so that'll be online soon so actions have three groups out and about dealing with everything probably some large gaps now in the recording where i'm editing around because this is all stuff we've seen a million times before now i've got to that point where i can crush the endgame crisis and we're just dealing with it as it arrives definitely need that third group though because they keep on rebuilding it's so annoying well finally as soon as i stop spamming that level five on our federation plus ten so plus another five percent right value plus 25 damage then game crisis oh and the president gets another 10 on top of that yeah we're gonna do just fine now we have just taken out one of the anchors and we're about to tank up the second the first one we took out was the green one because honestly i just didn't do anywhere near as well as the others i've just taken out all of the orange territory so now here goes the aberrants i just quickly warped in this group just to deal with it well that was a bad timing wasn't it i'll try that again later try to taking out the orange portal this time with the federation fleet and there we go one left this simply means they can no longer bring in reinforcements it doesn't mean they're completely dealt with yet which is the issue but uh yeah uh you go this way i guess and you start dealing with that i have one fleet down here dealing with this small group i have a second one about to go through the portal start dealing with with the umbidem up here we are really close now we're so pacifist and so cowardly we've broke the federation system completely now i mean how do i have a federation fleet of 992 i don't know i just pressed build and it did and then suddenly it stopped and it decided actually maybe 992 is the limit i think never mind no no i thought it stopped it stopped one of the stations i don't have a clue what's going on the system is clearly completely broke 992 out of 400 yep that's that might go in the thumbnail yep just that's that's that's a thing anyway though when it comes to the actual uh the war we're currently waging the side of the galaxy we're pretty much done there's a small patch here this main patch in this patch here the problem is my fleets which out now are really badly damaged so i don't think they're going to be able to take out all the stations and the remaining fleets i know they've got at least one somewhere i think did i just fight them oh i may have actually fought them that may be why i'm so damaged there either way lots of stations damaged ships may need to send in the federation fleet with its allies in fact that would be the smart thing to do after i'm finished though i just spam clicked build that's all i did and i can do that because i'm filthy rich three male 181 battleships 184 sorry did i mention the game broke because it did and that's it that's as much as it let me 1500 well that's oh the worst thing is just to show how broken this is because this is a federation fleet i'm not paying for this my navy capacity isn't taking this into account it's i'm just not paying for them that's why i have plus 11 000 energy now per month okay now sadly my other fleets did finally uh reach their demise they took out a lot of that liquor all the way to there oh they did take out the last station oh they didn't get destroyed never mind uh just their leader fleet got destroyed never mind then everything is all well and good so i'll send in honestly i'll descend in the federation fleet by itself glorious pacifism this fleet has held its own for so long and i think it's finally time for it to rest well done lads you did great you really did you held off so long now there's new fleets there and the broken federation fleet is heading on over as well just need you to keep um well really the construction vessels from doing anything oh you're tiny i thought you're a full fleet never mind okay yeah all of you just go there and you can help clean up that i think this is the last patch of unbidden one most action goes down eventually come on i believe in you your backup is so close wow i really pushed both of those two normal fleets to their limits you know what if you survive this you get to go home oh that was so close oh so mean i'm really tired right now by the way it's currently 5am but i really wanted to finish off the playthrough today i've been recording for like 10 hours oh i don't have a mind anymore that was the first time i actually got to see this broken federation fighter it did clear all this area as well but i wasn't paying attention wish you a little bit faster already got a aggressive leader so some speed that oh second though i thought i managed to take up the station yeah but it doesn't actually let me attack it does it know be interesting if you could do that and then it could have breaks that okay go and take out the last anchor then you can take out the swirly swirl and then we've won and then i can go to bed because here's the thing i can't really do anything with the war in heaven if i stay fanatic pacifist i can't do anything i can't actually join the mediators or in this case it would be uh the regulators while still being the ruler of everything the custodian so i'm basically gonna take the place of the new fallen empire forever wait why can't i attack you it said there were only two left one where did they build an anchor they must have just built it because it said to when i first started attacking that what i don't unbidden where are you found them go galactic defense force takes out this research actualized how are some of you missing that it's stationary goodbye then we're going over here yep it's now hostile to us which means we're done we should be done okay we've got the warlock which is the relic you get for defeating the unbidden is there a fleet left or something why am i not getting the victory why is this game so broken today through the power of the diplomatic map mode of founder okay so there must have been a builder left i can't see the builder anywhere anymore so i assume um they've been destroyed so is now just destroy these the final station if this doesn't work now i'm gonna be very weirded out yes there we go the the invasion has been defeated the galaxy is once more safe quotation marks so yeah like i say there is actually nothing i can do now and the war in heaven is all but won currently by the empire but the game is now starting to get a little bit laggy and i have spent 60 plus hours on this play through so the inevitable will happen these will take over these and then there will be peace because there's no chance they're ever going to go towards me i'm just way too strong for them and honestly they don't even hate us that much yeah mildly hate us that's it all the others like me because i am their custodian and honestly i'm a good custodian let's talk to someone who'll actually speak normally to us we see a bright future there we are the galactic community is looking to have new custodian so we now become a full empire on our own we'll stay here forever stagnant keeping the galaxy cell safe from outside threats the regulators will take over the rest of the galaxy for their tech and will bring it to a bright future maybe and that is that then nothing will happen and will continue not happening forever so with that i'm afraid i really am all out of time for today's video i really do hope you've enjoyed it it's been a load of fun to put together and now future laughtrix has to edit this and the future latex probably won't be too happy with that that's definitely the more boring part but i've really enjoyed this fanatic pacifist is a really weird way of playing especially if you decide to stick with it i think i went a little a little bit too isolationist in the start and there were a few things i would change in the play-through overall but really happy with how it turned out because this is kind of how i saw it turning out there's another force of the nurse we don't really care we're pacifists we're going to leave them alone there's war right now but we literally can't intervene we can't declare war without forsaking our fanatic pacifist epic there's nothing we can do it's just whiting for many many years potentially a hundred because of the ai and then eventually things will settle there will be a super force and a super force and peace will rain so thank you so much for watching i really do hope you've enjoyed likes comments all the good stuff really does help so much especially on videos like this which can be very bad for the channel they mean the world and it means the world you've spent time watching this and i need to go get some sleep because i'm rambling and speaking really weirdly thank you for watching if you have enjoyed then of course likes favorite shares comments all that good stuff helps out me helps out the channel and most importantly shows that stellaris is a series you wish to see contingent in the future normally i'd edit this down but future lattice please don't just show how thailand i rambled good night we broke the game through pacifism and ended with a really really weird galaxy
Channel: Lathland
Views: 323,050
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: emrFxpqsiYM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 137min 13sec (8233 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 09 2021
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