「Stellaris」 Necrophage in 3.0 - Nemesis

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all right let's see in excellent connection the preview is here so i think we can begin already we are live let's go baby alrighty greetings everyone i'm stefan and today we'll be talking necrophage uh necrophage as you might know is uh one of the two origins ranked in s tier in my origins tier list and that's for a very good reason uh necrophage is freaking busted now i say that uh there's actually been a slight nerf to necrophage since my initial ranking and there's actually a bit of story behind the ranking itself so originally necrophages are supposed to get two primitive uh worlds guaranteed uh next to them instead of guaranteed habitable planets in 2.8 and uh i don't know when they actually changed it but before some version in the very uh recent past you were able to get four to 28 pops on your guaranteed habitables at some point they changed it so that you can only get eight to nine pops uh it is a bit more consistent that way but it is a nerf in the terms of the average pops he gets so necrophage is unfortunately not as powerful as i imagined it would be and so quick correction on the tier list i would say machine ring world would be on the same tier as necrophage old necrophage i'd say would be better than machine ring world but as of the current version necrophage plus necrophage in its current state is as good as machine ring world approximately and we'll see that during the stream so this is going to be the build i'll be covering now quick fyi about necrophage there's a lot of stuff you could do with it necrophage gives you probably one of the most customizability options uh when it comes to like what you want to do with it this specific build is going to be relying on lithoid being there for your primary species and your secondary species is just going to be a regular organic for growth you can combine it to lithium species uh if you want to surgical resources right off the bat you can go with just normal species for your primary ones but really this is the most optimal way and the build that i'll be showing you guys today is actually meant for a year 30 rush so in case you guys aren't aware uh in multiplayer especially when it comes to a more or less competitive multiplayer version a very rare niche in stellaris but one that i'm uh trying to discover and get good at uh a year 30 year 30 is going to be your deadline for building a big fleet so this bill is going to be all about doing economy really early on to try to get approximately 15 000 worth of fleet power in year 30. uh and uh this can be done with a pure cruiser fleet as well uh depending on our tech luck so we'll see what we get in this run but uh you know i'll tell you right now it's probably gonna be slightly lower because i'll be commentating all throughout so we'll be able to do as much uh micro as possible but i'll be showing you guys a lot more micro than usual uh this is about up there with void dwellers in terms of how much biker you have to do and uh that's both a good thing because you can really really optimize uh your necrophage gameplay and a bad thing because that's a lot of micro but then again i like micro so some of you guys might too and so yeah let's take a look at the species itself for necrophage species we're going lithoid uh this is for a few reasons first and foremost habitability uh as lithoid we're going to be basing our empire around slavery so we're gonna have one primary species that's going to be our rulers and everyone else is gonna be slaves uh be it just normal worker slaves or specialist slaves uh either way we're gonna have this species be the only full citizenship species and is going to be on top of everyone else so whenever we conquer a new planet we're going to want to have this species on it and so having high habitability really helps with making sure that you know we can just kind of plop down these pops on all the planets otherwise uh we are also going to be getting the benefit of really really long leader lifespan like necrovage already gives plus 80 years of lifespan uh lithoid adds up an additional 50 on top of that which is pretty insane so your leader pops basically never going to die which is pretty good otherwise lithoids in general using minerals instead of food is a way to save on micro because then you don't have to micromanage food and minerals but uh unfortunately using minerals for food is less efficient than using food for food because each miner produces a base of four food and each farmer produces a base of six food so you're actually going to be using more pops on upkeeping lithoids than you are going to be using on up could be normal pop so the minerals upkeep of lithoids is actually a disadvantage in most cases but we live with that and we deal with that and one of the benefits of being lithoids that we get is access to special resource traits specifically in this case volatile expressions now if we are on going aggressive full on rush i would swap this for charismatic uh first things foremost but uh in this one we are going to want to have access to strategic resources because they can really boost our fleet power with special edicts also this is going to really help us out we're going to be able to buy modes on the market right off the bat and then do the volatile clearance edict and then clear all the bloggers on our planet for pretty cheaply so this is gonna really help us out otherwise intelligent natural engineers it's the go-to combo for a researcher species and this is certainly going to be a researcher species for us we're going to want to have these pups who already gets uh plus represent to specialist output uh doing our research in the early game uh we are gonna make our prt primitives do ally work uh but these guys are gonna be tacking up and so uh adding tech on top of that is real nice uh for our negative traits we're going solitary unruly uh these two are basically free traits and we're going with these same traits on our secondary species and our secondary species is just going to be uh resource producers now you can make them uh extremely adaptive if you want to just go out and passively colonize stuff because then if you're going around and just colonizing everything instead of conquering everything you'll probably want to have your secondary species uh doing the growing and the adaptability because the thing is with lithoid necrophage your primary species pops don't grow like they they just don't grow you get a minus 75 to growth speed from your uh necrophage trait and you get a minus 25 from your uh lithotrade in theory it is possible for them to grow just based on migration but it's really not that good uh also real quick i'll just hover over this it seems that i'm dropping some frames let me see if i can go fix that and uh i'll be right back but yeah the the whole thing of getting a secondary secondary species really helps with optimization and we're getting a grand total of about like uh 17 and a half percent to a worker output and then like 17 and a half percent for specialists on ruler output so it's it's great right off the bat all right should be better now so let's begin the playthrough actually real quick we gotta talk about government can't skip this part out uh here we have a technocracy because of course we have technocracy it's one of the best if not the best uh civics in the entire game this allows us to have a lot more science on all of our planets and meritocracy is going to help us out by giving us even more signs and alloys in the past you really would want to go for slavery guilds on the species on any necrophage species in fact the only issue with slavery guilds now is that it's not as good anymore the slave bonuses don't apply to specialist slaves and since we're gonna have a lot of special slaves getting slavery guilds isn't gonna really uh do too much for us although it is a very strong pick for necrophage still uh in this case we are going to be going meritocracy which means we are we have to be oligarchic and uh because we're going to docucracy we have to be fanatic materialist now we have one more ethic point to play around with and this ethic point is going to be put into xenophobe now you might be wondering why we're going xenophobe but not authoritarian because i mean either way we're gonna want to have slaves and both of these ethics do provide slavery the reason why xenophobe is better than authoritarian is because it gives us access to one very very special perk of necrophage and that is the necrophage purge the necrophage purge is a special purge type that actually converts pops that you purge into your primary species upon purging them the process is not 100 efficient so it is better to use chambers of elevation which i'll show you guys in game to convert some pops into your primary species but necropurge can really quickly uh convert some pops into your primary species including five mind pops so if we meet a hive mind empire we actually can go ahead and take them over and benefit from their population because we could just convert them into our primary species with an echo purge it's it's a very strong uh ethic and uh unfortunately even though i would love to go for something like militarist for a year 30 rush uh there's simply not enough space for it you can't really avoid going for xenophobe or authoritarian in our case xenophobe is just better but the only way you'd really go for something else is if you dropped materialist uh and then you lose technocracy so uh overall this is probably going to be the most powerful build as of the current version uh so this is what we're going to be going for uh one last quick tip we're actually going to be using the danub preset system uh since this build is more or less meant for a competitive environment having consistency in a competitive environment is very good and deneb is going to guarantee that our homeworld is a size 20 planet rather than a size 18 to 22. having consistent starting planet is uh is definitely a nice boon so we're gonna go for that and yes that is the species covered now let's do a little bit of playing uh so what we're gonna do is probably crank up the ai all the way i might regret this but uh this should be just fine red hammer no scaling if horse comes to worse we'll build up a fleet real quick before year 30 but ideally this is what we're going to be dealing with actually i might set crisis to come a little bit earlier just in case we might we want to fight it our focus is going to be on fighting others and that is exactly what we're going to be doing with these settings turn on some fallen empires real quick and this should be good to go let's start now you are going to notice uh two things as we begin the game specifically related to the user interface i'm actually running a mod to split up uh the strategic resources and the research types on the top bar um this is good for competitive multiplayer environment i don't remember the name of the mod uh but i should be able to find it pretty quickly on the steam workshop i think it's like long top bar or something like that and it's very useful to be able to see your strategic resources otherwise i have a home brew self-made mod which actually adds a border color to all the technologies indicating their tier because we're going to want to go for certain technologies like auto cannons plasma throwers and cruisers relatively early on uh knowing the the tiers of the techs is very useful basically we're going to be beelining or cruisers which means that we're going to want to research as few texts as possible before that which means we need to research at the minimum 12 texts and ideally we research just 12 texts get to cruisers spam them and then we go out and conquer that's going to be the plan and you'll see the border icons change over time with the technologies uh initially tier one is red next here is gonna be yellow so on and so forth this is a mod that i will publish on the steam workshop eventually uh right now all i have are the files that i haven't been able to upload because some errors so uh if if you really want to play with this mod uh i will be giving early access to patreon supporters as long as you uh you know just message me and then i'll send you the files for it but yeah you'll see this mod in play anyways uh our start is going to be relatively decent we don't really need a lot of space all we need are our guaranteed primitives and uh we're going to be going for some science early on um yep that's going to be that we're going to have to do a little bit of policy work we're going to go isolationist for some nice unity and admin cap we're going to want to go for super benefits so that we're good on consumer goods and later on we're going to switch to military's economy but for now because we do want consumer goods we'll stick on mixed economy uh otherwise as far as species rise go there's actually a few things that you really want to do with necrophages and this is really important so pay attention as long as you're playing with a materialist and uh have a slaver species this is what you're going to want to do you're going to want your primary species to be academic privilege this will increase their weight as far as policy goes on your planets and it's also going to give them a hidden plus 10 bonus to research it's not shown on the tooltip here but all your researchers or researcher producing pups are going to be getting plus 10 percent from academic privilege next thing we're going to want to do is change the species rights of our secondary species now here uh the default is this the right support we're gonna go for uh just slave species will channel slavery for now uh but we are gonna wanna give them colonization rights and uh and that's your servitude status uh once we get to about year 20 or 30 depending on how many specialist pops we have on our home planet and now the default rates have to be set to domestic servitude this is really important because when you colonize well invade your guaranteed primitives uh they're going to be really really unhappy and there's going to be a lot of unemployment so going with domestic servitude makes is that once you conquer the planet they will start being servants producing a lot of amenities and that'll actually really offset the whole penalty uh for you know you conquering them and once you resell two pops on them those platts will be completely fine so we're going to be running domestic servitude as default and switching it as we move along later otherwise let's see here i believe we can just start so where scientist goes on survey we're going to strip our initial starting ships upgrade them for just a tad bit of alloy and we're also going to want to build another science show we're also going to want to set up some trade deals and normally i do just bulk buys of minerals whenever i need it but it's more efficient to do monthly buys that is what we're going to set up you can buy up to 72 minerals per month without the price changing and you could actually buy up to 12 alleys per month without the month uh the price changing as well and uh quick tip for making it so that you have a trade deal ready but not active is you can change the max buy price uh for alloys we're going to do this we're going to make it so that the maximum buy price of alloys is one which means that at the current prices they're never going to be bought so when we want to buy alloys we're just gonna set this to uh the default which is nothing and they are going to be bought so this is a nice uh toggle for when you want to start buying alloys because we are going to want to start buying alloys at some point uh and having a trade deal ready for it is very nice all right now on our home planet we're going to make sure that we don't have too many clerks employed and this is actually one of the few cases where i would want to keep the enforcer on our home planet because otherwise our crime will skyrocket and we will start having issues with crime so you're gonna have an enforcer on your planets and uh you may not like it but that is the optimal way of necrophage because slaves uh they they they seem to be a little bit more criminal than normal happy pops and now let's take a look at our leaders ideally we're going to want a research governor and some good scientists to go along with it we actually have a void craft scientist here which is going to help us b-line for cruisers so we're going to want to hire him as soon as possible in fact we're going to sell just a tad bit of alloys and purchase this man and then this other guy goes on the sign ship and we do a little bit of exploration now sometimes you will be able to see the primitives that you find in your uh log your situation log and this makes it really easy to just jump to them and then be like oh okay so uh there's a primitive here let's let's make sure we explore that system first and foremost it doesn't always work and i typically only find one of the primitive species right here but you can find them and this really helps you speed up the process early on now that we are at 400 minerals we're going to go ahead and build our first science lab in fact this is going to be one of many science labs that we build because tech rushing is powerful and because we want a powerful build we're going to be doing quite a bit of tech rushing although that is going to be primarily limited to our home planet because uh once i mean once you see what happens at our primitive worlds you'll probably understand uh but yeah we're gonna do a little bit of surfing we'll get an army ready uh soon enough and we'll get our construction ready to uh ideally you wanna go ahead and take over your primitives as quickly as possible uh that's because there's a culture shock uh when you conquer them for 10 years the culture shock makes it very difficult to produce anything of value on those planets and so you want to get through the culture shock as quickly as possible also looks like we got an archaeological site uh that is quite good the more archaeological sites we get the more minor artifacts we get the more energy that we're gonna get so that is going to be awesome now let's see here it seems that everything is more or less fine i'm gonna go on aggressive first contact because uh we're big evil nasty necrophages after all and uh yeah let's take a look yeah at chat [Music] uh we might be we may become a galactic crisis uh i think uh juvenile simulator is slightly better suited for it and i did do a stream a wizard simulator where i went crisis but uh necrophage isn't too far off from being good for crisis and now that we got our first tuition unlocked we are going to go for uh discovery now normally i would go for expansion but uh one big perk of expansion that we're not going to get is the whole you know colonization bonus we're not doing colonization early on we're just conquering primitives and so uh without it like without the condition bonus exploration is kind of messed so we go for discovery uh instead discovery is a very powerful early tree gonna give us reduced upkeep on researchers extra research alternatives and of course plus 10 to research speed so we're done with it so that is going to be excellent now we're just recruiting one army uh yeah one side benefit of primitives being guaranteed to be uh with eight or nine pops is that their armies are really quite weak always so you can always just make a single army and it's going to be enough take them out oh wow looks like we got two planets here a size nine of world or actually size 14. this is a size design world uh we're not gonna really touch them for now uh they aren't our habitability preference and uh we probably spent more resources trying to colonize them than we'd get by year 30 so there's that all right let's see here transport ship ready and now we're going to wait a little bit actually let's let's go on fast speed and start replacing our commercial zone with science excellent when will the the ballot spot be available for 3.0.3 uh it is available and is uh updated for 3.0.3 i'm not sure if i have it in the description of this video but you can find it in the description of basically all my videos are the balance mod [Music] uh but yeah uh mass mother how can i make sure i can get many primitives in my game play necrophage you get two otherwise i'm pretty sure i turned off primitives uh in this playthrough primitives usually get turned off in multiplayer and i mean while they are fun they're a bit rng like when it comes to measuring the power of different builds getting something like you know a platter with 24 primitives can really skew your judgment on stuff so i usually play without primitives or when i play with primitives i do a little bit of aha we're going to uplift them and make them a new empire instead of just plain uh conquering them yeah we're going to go and invade our first planet uh in year one which is quite decent and we're going to try to look for second primitive which i have no idea where they are but they can be up to four jumps away so i'm gonna have to do a little bit of exploring also now we got a little bit too much food in our stockpile uh we can actually use a trick get rid of all this food without driving the market prices down what we do is we sell one unit of food per day you can do this with any resource if you sell the minimum amount every day uh the price is going to go down so you can easily sell a stack of thirty thousand food in a relatively short period of time or thirty thousand three thousand food rather in like a month uh so that is uh that is quite nice i initially thought i would hate using that because it does feel a little bit exploity but honestly it's fine the efficiency overlays uh the bad feeling [Music] all right we got a new uh primitive planet colonized and uh we got a new scientist let me really quickly just make sure he is assigned this new science ship because we are going to want to assist research going to give us uh 10 to 20 uh science output at our home planet and that is exactly what we want yeah we got our primitives uh conquered so now as you can see with domestic servitude actually have plenty of amenities our stability is still zero because these pops absolutely hate us but once we resettle a little bit of our population onto this planet specifically our primary species you're going to see that stability isn't all that bad i want to make sure we stay above 40 stability because below 40 stability negative events can happen uh but above 40 stability everything is fine and as you can see we're at 46. that is thanks to domestic servitude and uh yeah the only downside of this exhibit is now we have a bunch of population that's uh working certain jobs and we're going to want to employ them as quickly as possible uh what i like to do is or my first primitives i like to build up mining districts asap so we can also use those minerals to develop our other planets otherwise we're going to want to upgrade our planetary administration very quickly so we can get another science director and another administrator on that planet yeah we just got our first research done um this is a pretty difficult choice i think i'll go paradex skeletons robots aren't the best thing to go for if you're going for a rush but we can knock out like three early engineering techs with uh robots so that is just fine all right blue lasers or energy so for early on we'll go for energy but uh we'll we'll want to go down the laser route pretty quickly as well [Music] all right let's see here i'll actually go ahead and simply explore some of these systems i want to make sure that we get our second primitive uh asap so we'll take a look at these systems and better figure out where next uh nine pops are yeah this is the one of the primary powers of necrophage the fact that you can just get uh what is it 16 to 18 pops right off the bat and granted they're not very usable for the first 10 years because you had a massive debuff to your resources from jobs and stability on those new planets but after 10 years yup it's pretty busted alrighty uh honestly i'll probably just take this i'll post let's see oh this is our second guaranteed preparative uh place uh so that means that expanding over in this direction is actually exactly what we want to do by the way the way i can tell that this is a primitive world is because it shows up as a habitable planet in the system but does not show up as a habitable planet uh just like this so this is an easy way to tell also we got the gruner let's see where they are they're right here awesome so we're gonna go expand towards the gruner we're going to farm the the living living trees out of it and uh we're going to be in a very good spot all right now that we got our first two mining districts up make sure that this is a mining world and get a planetary administration up and running so that we can get some uh some more stability uh partly and also some more science secondarily let's take a look at our main planet uh we actually have a bit too much amenities uh since we are playing necrophage we do have access to the ember of elevation building and this actually makes it so that uh every 10 years a certain amount of our population gets uplifted into our primary species and of course it has to be a secondary species they get uplifted to the primary species so you'll see our secondary pops working these jobs [Music] and every 10 years they get uplifted and during the 10 years that they're working the job and by the way you don't have to have them work for 10 years you can just literally turn on the building at the 10-year mark and they'll be uplifted but while they are working you actually get a decent chunk of unity and amenities and so using necrophyte pops to just produce amenities is pretty decent especially since you probably will want this building on all your planets anyways because it gives a passive plus fast ability but yeah we just discovered an alien species let's see these are mining drones uh already let's do a little bit of first contact and uh just move on with our lives they have a planet in their system but it's not very good so we'll just leave you're very good we have an archaeological site here uh i'd rather have this scientist do a little bit of excavation than assisting research early on so we'll make him go do that although honestly we could probably just go ahead and get a dedicated archaeologist selling alloys early on is relatively efficient you don't really want to sell a lot of alloys uh but when it comes to boosting your economy early you know you'll be able to make up the alloys later so selling them early on for an early boost is completely fine oh wow we got the marauders wait marauders in a single system what is this uh okay once this the marauders i haven't seen this before i've seen up one system fallen empire but not this stuff that is certainly quite whack uh all right let's go for quill guns i mean we'll go for robots eventually but we don't actually want to build robots early they don't pay off by year 30. [Music] and let's see here this scientist is going to be replaced with an archaeology dude the scientist is gonna do a little bit of assisting now here we have resilient uh resilient doesn't really matter because our leaders aren't gonna die anyways but that's nice to have this guy's gonna be extra immortal and uh by mortal i mean well eventually we'll just either research technologies to make them immortal like the repeatables for five years or uh the synthetic ascension will be done which is also going to make them immortal so either way getting good leaders early on with necrophage is a good idea speaking of good leaders i might want to re-roll our governor to get a scientist one and our scientists to get a little bit of uh what's it called sparco genius all right so we upgraded the capital on this planet now we're up to 49 stability and we're producing a decent chunk of research here as well uh so we're gonna do now is employ some more servant pops in mining jobs and uh although we don't really have a lot of mining districts in fact this planet is pretty poor uh when it comes to anything we can use still we can still use this for uh industry which is exactly what we're gonna do so yeah do a little bit of this and uh yeah sieve extraordinaire necrophage megacorp combo i mean it could probably work uh but uh by going in megacorp you are losing out on technocracy and meritocracy like the the biggest problem with megacorp in my opinion is that the civics simply aren't good enough like the the only really good one that you have and i mean this it's not even good but uh criminal syndicate it's the only weird and wonky one in there now they could really boost potentially vampire power although criminal syndicate can also just arm you repeatedly so it's not the best all right let's call him as uh this new planet as well otherwise uh we really want to make sure we get some more science going on in our home planet i'll probably go on normal speed at certain times because i mean normally uh in a multiplayer game you're going on fast but since i'm doing a lot of babbling uh i may not be able to keep up with the same speed uh but yeah this guy's excavating should be able to get some minor artifacts from that uh normally you're able to get some minor artifacts from just meeting your first precursor but since we are uh chilling with a gruner we don't actually get any minor artifacts in startup now let's see here what is what is this it seems to be a minor site with a bit of hostiles now if the hostiles were crystalline entities i'd be all for it but unfortunately they are not oh yeah by the way the reason why we can't build the chamber of elevation is because the world is experiencing stellar culture shock so you can't just build a chamber of elevation and then suddenly hippity hoppity you are now our species uh no you have to wait the 10 years for the culture track to expire before you could actually do that oh there's that uh but yeah either way if you're playing necrophage and you're playing at optimally you are going to want to go slave heavy uh slaves i mean in our case uh the slaves really helped us out with making sure our stability is high on our planets and uh later on they're going to be nice for very very reduced upkeep on our planets all right we got five minor artifacts from that excavation which means we're gonna be able to get 500 energy credits in the bank which means we're going to be able to do a lot of stuff with that first and foremost though we gotta take out these primitives and uh gonna be doing a little bit of buying all right let's see here uh we could go for an extra scientist i suppose we have a lot of minor artifact sites yeah let's go for an extra scientist gonna be on the higher end of what you want to go for but it is going to pay off in our case otherwise let's see can we get all of our all all all of them are righteous all right let's see here actually environmental engineer is pretty good and we get a science leader i'll do one more roll if i can't get it i can't get it all right or enough we'll be able to get a lot more minor artifacts uh later on so that's completely fine uh the 10 science boost is it's quite good we can't really pass that up uh but yeah let's see here we're gonna need to build up a couple generator districts on our home planet i generally like to have more energy production on the home planet and then more minerals production on my other planets uh but that's completely personal preference you could do whatever you want with your specialization i mean honestly we could just we could go for whatever specialization we want on our home planet uh the species that we made is both strong and industrious and as you can see we're making full use of that so either way the resources are going to be good now real quick we're gonna want to resettle some population um we can't actually afford it i'm out and uh we definitely need to resettle two of our population because uh if you don't stability is only going to be like 12 so yeah well this planet is also extremely poor i guess we'll just go planetary administration and uh go mining and then planetary administration and then on this planet which is already somewhat developed uh we're gonna plop down an ally foundry just for the future because the stellar culture shock should expire relatively soon although i suppose we are slightly better off saving our minerals we want to clear some blockers on our home planet as early as possible to get a bunch of extra pops so saving minerals for that is probably going to be a little bit more optimal yeah now that we get all these science ships with all that archaeology now let's do a little bit of that and then our other scientists are going to go and start exploring the galaxy ideally we want to meet the curators the artisans and also the crystalline entities to get the very very good and very very cheap crystal hole plating but if we don't get it we don't get it the run doesn't fall apart if we uh don't manage to get it all right let's see here uh once we research geothermal fracking there's a good chance of mineral purification plants that increase minerals output on you know minerals focused worlds and we'll definitely want to plop some of that down overall going for like 80 or 100 minerals production early on does pay off significantly and going for too much food is not going to pay off at all let's see we don't have hydroponics bays yet and we also gotta make sure our cg's are kept high uh actually we'll plop down industrial district just to make sure we have uh more consumer goods production all right we got databank uplinks that's discovery done in the first seven years of the game and we are going to go for these okay i said they killed my scientist all right anyways we're going to go for technological tendency but yeah it seems that there was a big nasty fortress somewhere somewhere i guess our scientists didn't even lift to tell the tale just died immediately all right uh robot assembly plants let's go for that this we might as well go for a block or clear uh clearing blockers can give us a little bit more but gonna be really mad what is gonna be good though are these uh special resources especially something like crystal mines overall in terms of priority i'd say uh strategic resource wise crystals come first gas comes well honestly it's a toss-up between all three you want to get all three but if you're going for pure combat crystals are probably going to be your number one go-to because they can increase uh energy weapon damage and you probably will want have quite a bit of energy weapon damage with plasmas uh but yeah let's see here our cg situation is not doing all that great uh let's do a little bit of buying until we can get the district up and we'll actually cancel the minerals deal because we have way too many minerals let's see here let's pre-build an ally foundry on this planet and on this planet and just for the future and let's queue up a bit of a tile blocker clearing actually let's not we're going to want to buy uh the volatile modes for it and we don't quite have the funds for it yet want to do just a tad bit more excavation before we actually go for it yeah there's an alien menace here uh it seems that it could be actually crystalline entities so ah that could be awesome uh leo bastian if crystals are better than most why did i go uh for moats there's a very good reason and that is first of all let's make sure economy doesn't take uh that reason is uh volatile land clearance we do want crystals for the energy weapon damage once we do get our fleet up and running but early on uh it's not going to benefit us the only strategic resource that really benefits bits benefits us early on is volatile land clearance so that's why we're going for that uh early and then trying to get the other strategics a bit later [Music] also i'm surprised we don't have a hydroponic space yet usually that's one of the first things that you can get but that's uh it's just the way it is i suppose all right let's see here uh we don't have a lot of our main species on our home planet i suppose we could wait for the ascension to happen but i think i'll probably just set the rights of these guys to be in dirty servants that they will be able to work certain specialist jobs although that does tank our energy economy let's see we can't really afford to unemploy the necrophage so whatever uh i do believe they have access to a good edict or not uh we want to go capacity subsidies asap and uh i suppose that's what i was thinking of oh yeah it literally is a one system marauder that is that's the first all right we got our bowel minor artifacts coming in this is great uh at this point we could probably start buying uh alloys and we can stop buying consumer goods because we're going to be fine on that um i don't think we go for robots just because i already said it's inefficient uh but yeah it looks like we're having our first elevation ceremony on mystery sauce so we are going to want to employ some necrophyte jobs to work that and to be able to ascend into our primary species we want a decent chunk of our primary species across our empire just to be rulers although if they are also specialists that also benefits us so either way we want more necrophages all right hassan environment adaptation well i suppose that's a little bit of extra habitability now that we need it in fact habitability is one of the benefits of playing necrophage uh the thing is a species on its home planet has 100 habitability and so as you can see here uh the species that was originally primitive on this planet for example has perfect habitability our rulers also happen to have perfect habitability because they're lithoids so going for extra habitability doesn't really benefit us at all so that's a little unfortunate all right we have enough energy let's buy up some moats and do a little bit of blocker clearing so what you could do is you could just assign the appropriate governor for clearing blockers and then go ahead and clear all of them bam bam bam bam bam awesome now we just assign our regular governor and now even though the blockers will take a bit longer to clear because uh we're not getting the extra actually never mind i'm wrong uh a flat 25 to clear blocker time reduction means that even if we do queue them up uh they should be able to get cleared as quickly uh even though we have a different governor coming along this actually works the same way with architectural interest you can get an architectural interest uh governor and then swap them out whenever you want to build a building and then swap your normal governor in whatever you don't want a normal building oh yeah also thank you quadro bond welcome to clerked here yes i have made a made a membership thing so if you want some emojis and or you just want to support the channel you can click the membership button there's two tiers clerks and merchants my two favorite jobs in stellaris yeah let's take a look here uh honestly we'll probably get a lot of uh build up generator jobs on these planets and let's see here we have a choice between synthetic crystal plants and gas refineries and actually we can go for exotic gas refineries first and foremost because the thing is we have a crystalline deposit and i'd rather have pops working the deposit than uh spending minerals to uh produce them manually yeah it does look like we have crystalline entities awesome i won't research them right away because it is going to take us quite a bit of time but closer to your 30 we'll get them and we'll get them good all right let's see here we can go for an energy grid and go for an ally foundry which is what i'm going to do or we can go for a research lab really is just up to you uh quadrupon is there any downside to new bowel seeding uh not really once we finish getting uh all the all the stuff from the bowel we'll just uh let's feed all our planets and make them gaias for the extra habitability and production we got even more crystals we definitely want to get the crystal uh the crystal tech that lets us just harvest the natural resources because that's going to give us a lot of natural resources see we also have hydroponics based unlocked which is excellent now let's build a few star bases now we're going to position them in more or less strategic locations such as for example on choke points and above our normal planets yeah for anyone wondering uh the borders on the technologies denote tears uh as i mentioned i have been unable to figure out how to upload the thing on steam workshop every time i do it says my quota limit has been exceeded which means i probably have way too many saves on steam so i'll delete some of them and try to upload it uh for now if you're a patreon or a channel member i'll be i can send you the files if you request them it's very nifty and very useful or uh b-lining let's see here it's better than happiness plus 10 for 60 months yup we would definitely go for that that's going to give us a nice uh boost to paparul rating because we do have our citizen species across all our planets let's go for an energy grid on this planet and let's actually start pre-building some industrial districts on these ones uh the doom 1991 livestock worth it in uh 3.0.3 are only something i'd consider going for if i'm if i'm a hive mind and i'm conquering a normal empire and uh i have no ability to transform them into hivemind pops that's really the only case where i'd go livestock otherwise they're pretty inefficient as far as pops go uh and nine hey stefan shouldn't you worry a bit about admin cap uh right now we're at a point where it's more worthwhile to build researchers than uh an administrator of workers so we're not actually going to be going for any extra admit cap for now uh later on we're gonna want to start worrying but uh just to put into perspective now we're at 77 out of 36 which means we are 40 over our cap which means we're gonna have to have four bureaucrats to try to you know fix the situation the thing is if we have four scientists uh we can get a 50 bonus to our research output total so uh 50 versus 16 yeah we'd rather go for scientists unity doesn't really matter as much so it's mostly a question about scientists and although we are a little bit skewed with signs of directors so actually i should have countered it differently technically we have like 11 scientists and uh even in that case uh getting four more sentences on top of that is more worthwhile than getting four uh bureaucrats to try to fix the problem i've got exact gas refineries i'm gonna go for strongholds uh star holes rather that's gonna help us be both defensive uh because i mean if we're going to war and someone has a bigger fleet than us then we're gonna want to try to use our uh defenses as much as possible and otherwise they're gonna help us with getting uh more naval cap up because most of these stations are going to be anchorages now see here we have a xeno discovered let's actually block off this area i don't want to over expand too much but taking these couple choke points should benefit us [Music] but yeah leo bastian uh unity like it does depend on how much you value unity like we could go for some empire sprawl reduction if you have like a lot of unity and we are doing duty rush but in our situation all we want is to have the supremacy tree finished by year 30 and we are on track to do that uh yeah let's see here our first planet actually has fixed its situation when it comes to culture shock so what we're gonna do is our first species which has these guys we are going to give them uh second class citizenship status instead of third class citizenship status they're going to be in denture servants and uh honestly we could probably keep them on basic subsistence let's see yeah it's just fine 57 stability and these pops aren't requiring any upkeep of consumer goods but that is excellent now we also want to make sure they're not producing food because they have way too much food i'd rather have them mine uh some salt um that academy is what we're gonna what we want to go for i suppose we could go for [Music] uh planetary inhibitors uh we're going to want to get research labs later on though for sure i'll be on this planet we're going to want to get some industry and probably some more city districts just to be able to get some more labs up and running overall even though i am not playing this as officially as it could be i hope you guys are seeing the the power of this build the 900 days till that expires hmm probably go for industry as well uh now that we have a surplus of consumer goods let's actually do a little bit of uh distribution it is actually efficient to do the distribute luxury goods decision because uh if you could replace a few pops working amenities by distributing luxury goods you're gonna be in a good spot actually i would rather have a clerk working than a negative job so let's employ some clerks baby [Music] oh no looks like we're dropping some frames all right hopefully it's not that bad all right do a little bit of designation uh this plan is gonna have a lot of energy production uh once it's out of culture shock so it's gonna be nice stream is buffering three i should be good now and uh we got another archaeology site all right well we are going to be swimming in minor artifacts which is going to help us out significa significantly so i'm all fine with that [Music] i don't even want to go for a little bit of extra science uh normally you can get lucky and get a bunch of uh store to research early on uh but uh yeah in our case we might want to go for science instead uh ideally the plan is cruisers really early on uh but in our situation because we didn't get any stored research from anomalies uh we might not be able to get it by year 30. let's do a little bit of uh sciencing and try to make sure that we do get some stored research all right here edits capacity subsidies that should help our energy credit situation tremendously yep there we go and now we can do a little bit more expanding and at this point it's going to be quite chill we're going to be sitting here uh farming influence from our parties uh potentially we might even go for a second edict even though we don't have the edit cap and just so that we can get you know a nice bonus although considering how we are already over at midcap uh we're probably not going to want to go for that also research alternative tech very nice uh ideally you want this as early as possible so we can have more options when i choose your next tech like here we're gonna be able to get five options which is really gonna help us in getting cruisers asap secure this chokepoint these aliens seem to be relatively passive although as i say that they're probably going to be uh phonetic pr fighters or something like that the worst case scenario would be if they are what's it called a robot empire because uh we can do stuff with hive minds we can do stuff with normal empires we can't do anything about robots so the most will be able to get out of them is a vassalization or a tribute uh but yeah our economy is doing swimmingly we might even want to go for a colony or two although it really sucks that none of these planets are our planet type because even though it might look like we have 70 habitability across all our planets we won't want to have our primary species growing on them because they won't grow we want our secondary species growing on them which will not have as much habitability so it'll grow slowly and will take a while and it will cost a bunch and uh we'll detract from getting goodies in year 30. let's see here culture shock will expire soon enough but once that does we'll employ this planet as well let's make sure we have gas workers that's gonna really help us out uh yeah once the shot goes away we'll be all good to go [Music] hope we got an encounter more xenos oh wow we have way too many equified jobs on this planet let's turn that down let's get our production up and uh let's get another uh ascended house on this planet as well now we make sure that this species is going to be uh in detroit's servitude and then suddenly our alice output is going to go up actually on these planets i probably don't want to have our artisans employed what we'll do is specialize our planets towards uh forge worlds and so what that'll do is it'll shift all the artisan jobs over to metallurgist jobs uh but yeah the reason why we're not going for robots is because they don't pay off by 30. we're going to be going for an aggressive rush and so uh all the resources really count give resources god we have so much food i'll want to replace some of these food districts with probably industrial ones although we can't really make full use of industry on our home planet because it's our capital we can't specialize it towards industry um our bowel organism we have a lot of relics so now we can go almost all out on just building our industry up but we'll prioritize our miners instead of our energy workers because we have 11k in the bank and uh then try to pump out as many alloys as possible [Music] let's see can we get a better scientist [Music] uh kind of [Music] i suppose at this point we could probably start going for a bit of empire sprawl reduction uh we are 13 months off of 30 and hmm i don't know if i'll be able to finish supremacy in time it's the problem hopefully we do though uh mr etherick what do you think about moving capital so i could forge world my former capital uh i we could do that later on the only problem is uh early on influence is a big problem so yeah that's the big issue if you can do it early on but then you're not able to do anything with 250 influence that you would have had otherwise so that's the big uh the big issue oh yeah i mean the planetary capital modifier it's not the best it's fast ability 10 amenities and 100 government ethics attraction which doesn't really matter too much uh but i it can easily be replaced by something else and uh we can't unless we move the capital and moving the capital costs 50 influence which i'd rather spend on something else [Music] all right we got plasmas which is excellent uh we are a bit low on alloys uh oh no oh no we have a crimp syndicate building a bridge house on our planet all right well at this point we might as well say uh screw it negotiate with crumblers we're gonna have a lot of criminals anyways and uh while they are bugged and we can just oh not have them prioritized we'll go for that this year autonomic criminals let's go criminals would rather work uh technician jobs than be criminals uh speaking of that let's actually do that across all our planets the big brand move here is uh simply paradise another job instead of criminals and criminals won't work because uh the weight for the job that you prioritize can be higher than the weight for the criminal job it's pretty silly but uh it's pretty funny at the same time [Music] it looks like we are taking the system after all because there's bowel in there and uh a lot of energy yeah these planets are tiny normally you can get like size 18s but size 12 yuck a good thing we have another uh empire down here because uh we are going to want to get out of our own space now let's see here have gas do we have crystal refinery we don't have crystals i suppose we could plop down energy grid it's always good to specialize get 500 alloys it's always nice and limbo finally we can get some engineering research uh that's gonna really help us out like 6k stored engineering research is like uh two or one and a half text so that's great [Music] i'm really tempted at this point to put some admin offices down and in fact that i think that's what i'm gonna go for after i'm done uh selling these this food i'll just set up a monthly trade deal i should have done that right off the bat actually why are we producing so much food that's because these pops are employed all right that works at destroyers um i suppose we can go for auto cannons uh in case we don't get cruisers we're gonna want to have a destroyer fleet that's what we're gonna go for actually do i have a house of elevation i do now also clear these blockers real quick excellent [Music] and uh let's see here we have two empires both are organic which is excellent because we'll be able to just uh come in and take their pops now that's going to come a few years from now looks like we have an election and this is one of the things i'd rather use by influence for rather than moving our capital uh we can make a nice choice although here i'll probably just go for a re-election of our existing dude because he is quite good yeah unity architectural sense go for big smoke [Music] see i'm still not satisfied with how many hours we're producing so we'll want to go for more of that as soon as possible like 100 that could be 120 if we were playing this optimally and we'd have more in stockpile uh but yeah wheating's rugby for life and uh thank you chris roth like i do these streams to uh to teach you guys about how to play the game optimally and uh my aim is every time i stream i have something new to bring to the table and that's what i've been trying to do i've actually been uh playing quite a bit of uh stellaris lately just to try to figure out what can work in a competitive scenario because eventually i'll be doing streams in a competitive stellars environment which should be pretty interesting but the only problem with that is that uh i gotta get good i haven't played uh any competitive stellaris uh in the past and i have what like two games under my belt now both of them within the last few days so yeah i'm i'm learning pretty rapidly i'll be able to provide some nice content uh on the topic uh bezet why did necrophage purge to turn all them into my main pop instantly well the thing is uh there's benefits to just having these pops be slaves um i hate the prioritization here actually that works and that works all right perfect uh but yeah like you can necropers them all but like there's two factors that play first of all slaves are good like we get some pretty serious production out of slaves and they don't consume any upkeep uh second one speed neck purge pops it's actually not completely efficient the thing is the neck or purge gives you like a 60 to 70 chance to convert a pop that you purge into your main pop but that's a lot of pops you're losing uh during the purge like it's uh it's very worthwhile if you're for example going after hive minds but in any other case it's really quite meh now we're sitting on a big chunk of resources now we did get quite lucky with these uh minor archaeology sites and now let's do a bit of upgrading we'll upgrade all these to star holds and then once we do that we'll plop down some nice anchorages across all of them and aim for at least 150 naval cap oh poggers uh cruisers nice uh now one of the reasons we were able to get cruisers of course is because of b-lining uh so let me do a little bit of a spiel on that uh basically installars uh there are multiple tiers of technology uh there's tier one technology that you get from the beginning uh tier two three four five technology but the thing is to be able to unlock a technology of a higher tier you have to research six technologies of a lower tier and this mod that i made myself is really helping us uh determine that like as you can see we have six tier one technologies then we go and specifically go for tier two technologies and we actually had one two three four five six of them exactly and now we can get cruisers our first tier three technology now uh in theory there are a lot of other tier 3 technologies that we could have gotten like for example flag cannons upgrading mining stuff like that but we got relatively lucky and got cruisers relatively lucky first and secondly because of the choices that we made we actually didn't have a lot of other choices available to us uh let me actually pull up a thingy here specifically my engineering tech tree i believe i have it somewhere on my [Music] desktop um i'll i'll find it give me just just a moment uh just for the sake of demonstration i should have prepared this i in advance but there we go it is right here let me just make it very slightly smaller although you guys can still see it but this is like the b line i did for uh what's it called anti-gravity engineering which is why it's uh all circled in this one uh but the same principle applies here by going through certain paths we're not unlocking other paths and therefore we're able to get a very limited pool of text once we get to level three and here uh we're able to narrow down the pool enough to get cruisers as a first try which means that we're gonna be able to get cruisers or year 30 rush well basically anyone else will also only be able to use destroyers so yeah that's the way it be uh as i mentioned before i i failed to upload the mod because uh apparently i have too much on steam so yeah uh i'll send you the files if you're a supporter of mine but otherwise i'll try to figure out the upload within the week and then i'll uh make a community post about it so stay tuned for that it's a very useful mod when it comes to b-lining so i would highly recommend uh waiting for it it was a pin in the ass to build to make though like i had to sort out every single tech in the game based on the title and uh the problem with titles and text is that uh the the tech titles in game are different than what they are in the files so yeah also subtext use the same exact icons which was a pain like for example gene codex uh gene clinics and the upgraded gene clinics they the the names in the files are completely different from what they are in game and they use the same exact icon so yeah it was just a toss-up on my part uh over which one was which and then fortunately i got lucky and i didn't have to redo it but uh yeah all right we got plenty of construction ships and we got a target here uh put up a nice station right here just to make sure they don't attack us preemptively although even if they do we should be able to fend them off for now we're just going to build a spy network and improve our relations just for the time being but yeah uh solaris stain uh the engineering tech tree i showed on screen uh that was one i made myself i'll probably not be making any uh trees like that for society in physics though uh you can find the tech tree online on on a website i forgot what was called but if you look up stars tech tree that's going to be the first link and it's a nice tech tree the only problem with that tech tree online is that it doesn't fit on screen so that's why i made the engineering tech tree to show off uh what is it anti-gravity engineering bee lighting for the eki monopolist rush like if i need to make uh physics street to show off a rush for like i don't know uh early game i would but uh right now i just don't have enough time on my hands to you know sit down for six to eight hours and just crank out a tech tree artisans yes please and now we are gonna do a little bit of uh an exploit well at least i'll show you the exploit we won't actually do it because you don't want to use exploits in a multiplayer environment but basically if you just exhibit our monument on all your planets you can exhibit it on as many planets as you want uh without having to uh actually buy three art monuments like we'll buy the rest just because you know in multiplayer i would just buy three and then place down three but that's a nifty little tidbit that you guys can use uh nicholas candel what was my favorite warp drives wormholes or hyperlanes uh back in 1.9 my favorite was uh actually as lame as it sounds hyper lanes i ended up going to hyperlane only galaxy mode and uh playing with hyper lanes because it actually gave some strategic uh combat without their empires instead of just being an absolute mess with the fleas jumping around all over the place although i have played with wormholes and uh warp before actually warp was the first uh the first mode of travel i really used and it's quite decent ended up fighting the crisis in the first game and uh even though it took like 700 years i ended up beating it with warp drives it was it was a bit of a mess but i have good memories of that time overall i am completely on board with them uh only having hyperlanes in the galaxy and for anyone that's confused about what i'm talking about i'm talking about way back in the day uh in 1.9 they actually had multiple modes of travel i'll probably do a throwback game at some point uh and just uh show off stellar's 1.9 but yeah for the time being we'll keep going with our current version and see how many uh how many big numbers we can get fleet wise let's see here i think i unemployed some uh miners yeah let's employ them back and we have way too much energy credits we can make do with some miners and uh 123 allies we can actually increase that further with militarized economy this is something i should have done like 10 years ago but as you can see our alloy production is going to just kind of just kind of jump 142 alloys per month cruisers i hope you guys can see why this build is powerful there we go crystal mines finally i was uh i was actually getting slightly worried there because if we didn't have crystals uh we wouldn't have uh access to the edict that increases uh bristol weapons damaged by like 25 percent i also got the pre-k somewhere in the galaxy oh yeah uh well they might be a phonetic purifier and they might have uh fleet fire rate bonuses but we have uh alloys lots and lots of alloys and cruisers too speaking of cruisers let's make sure we can use them i might wanna ramp up my might want to ramp up my uh output of what was it called unity to try to get supremacy done although even if we don't uh get it done by year 30 we can wait a little bit before uh war decking you'll be fine uh carhukhoria no carriers uh yeah we're not going for carriers this game uh carriers are great for ai but if you're playing in multi uh carriers aren't now they aren't as good i just put it that way uh because usually what happens is like you can't just uh you usually can't just engage at max range with carriers and just you know have the enemy have small weapons just coming to you usually uh others would counter that by uh having their fleets right on top of the hyper lane when you jump in uh and stuff like that so relying on carriers like yeah it's great for a single player but a multiplayer it isn't as good and with carriers one issue is that if you engage with a station and a fleet your strike craft aren't going to be really all that effective because if an enemy is sitting on their station and or they are sitting in front of their station what's gonna happen is uh once your carrier fleet comes in they're gonna send out their strike craft and the strike raft will actually bounce between the station and the enemy fleet assuming they're some distance apart which means that a lot of the time they will not be able to shoot and uh in the meantime the enemy will just be able to pummel your cruisers and kill them uh that's the weakness that i probably should have mentioned with uh my carriers video but i've only been been able to discover uh the fatal flaw of strikecraft uh later so that's a little unfortunate yeah we still don't have any criminals employed for this guy [Music] probably do a little bit of uh this maybe oh yeah perfect zero out of nine criminals rhyme really is a problem guys yeah we're able to get like 200 naval cap i think uh once we get this that's going to be pretty darn solid uh for now we can stop selling food actually and honestly we could probably stop buying so many uh alloys because we do want a nice stock ball of energy by the time year 30 rolls around so there's that uh we want to get our crystals harvested so let's go for that as well overall all we really need is market access to crystals and then we'll be able to just buy them in bulk uh yeah this would take over the station uh although at this point we could also just save our um they have our influence and because we will be able to defeat these let's see here target from orbit i think that gives a decent chunk of minor artifacts yeah yeah it should be worth it let's just go for it or not i don't know i'll just position my fleet there and then after our first war we'll probably go for it and see if we got deflectors let's actually go for that there's a lot of good techs here like even chemical plants because the thing is even though we do have access to chemical stuff on the market we can't get stuff like uh alloy forges which improve the efficiency of our uh metallurgists without actually researching a thing to be able to get modes like even though we can get mods off the market we can't get technologies that require modes because we don't have the technologies for them so it's a little wonky but it it just do be like that sometimes also what is that cruiser hole points all right all guru let's also fortify the station just in case the enemy decides to attack although i doubt they will uh i don't know their relative power but can't be all that much especially since they're fighting the pricky t actually let's redo our yeah we just got a big chunk of extra uh minor artifacts actually even proclaim superiority for that extra influence look at that 14 000 energy credits plus 150 uh alice per month and we're not even near 30 yet uh in the previous run that i did i was able to get more alloys like 15k by this point uh but since i was talking and being just a tad and efficient early on uh we're sitting at a low number this still beats pretty much any other build out of the park so it's not that big of a deal [Music] uh quadrupler is there an ideal cruiser designed for mp other than strikecraft uh yeah i believe i should be able to go it off it's this you want plasmas and you want rail guns if you can get weapons that are better than this yeah sure like higher tier uh for example tier two plasmas or even tier 4 lasers i think would be better than tier 1 plasmas but you can get a better weapon than this yeah but otherwise you're going to want to have mixed mix of science actually i accidentally put small weapons down we don't really want small weapons we want a fitty fitty of kinetics and plasma just to make sure that uh an enemy can't counter us like in single player i'd probably go for just all all of one type of the best weapon that i have but we don't really have the luxury high in mp go for a little bit of this i actually didn't research better reactors which is a bit of a better shame and we're gonna go for tracking on our computers uh the reason for tracking is because uh a lot of enemies will be using destroyers by this point well virtually all of them in fact uh so yeah as year 27 honestly uh i think it's time to start pre-building our ships now in mp and you will have seen this uh if you had watched my tournament games but in mp what people like to do is queue up ships so basically we're gonna have uh there's a 27 cruisers they're going to be just queued up here and we're not going to actually build any of them uh until we really want them so we're gonna just put them down at the bottom of the queue once they get built enough now actually what we could do instead one second we have a lot of energy we could potentially go for a governor that could reduce uh should build cost now all we're getting are scientists uh at this point i'd say it's a bit too late to try to switch over but yeah there we go fleet admiral but what we're going to actually do here is cancel all of our fleets hopefully we don't run into the alloy cap but what we're gonna do here is quickly fire all of our unnecessary leaders uh we're gonna switch our governor to be the retired fleet officer dude a minus 10 percent to ship build cost and then we do the queuing up and as you can see cruisers are gonna be significantly cheaper this way and we're able to get uh a few more so let's go for that and then once uh once you're done with it just switch the governor back and you're good to go let's see here uh all of our shipyards should be well not shipyards anchorages should be ready to go we have over 200 naval cap and uh yeah once we get the cruiser whole points tech actually hold on a second i totally rain farted uh we could be running crystal hole plating i totally forgot to do the research yeah it's going to take like 15 months what we're gonna do is uh we're just gonna keep the current design of ships and then uh we'll cue in some designs with crystal hole plating later yeah that was such a brain fart i should have uh i should have paid more attention to this uh but yeah crystal hole plating is really great like even late game is great but early on like the amount of hp it gives is equivalent to tier four armor or shields and compared to tier two or three armored shields yet it's pretty good pretty good and it also helps disengage your ships so that's what we're gonna go for yeah we're just gonna pop some ships back at the bottom of the queue and uh ideally we're gonna want to get some uh bristolines we got more minor artifacts honestly at this point we'll just kind of keep them around just in case we want to do the reverse energy arcade to ecology later down the line we already have way too many energy credits uh we are almost at the point where we have too much uh they're called influence so i might want to go for this uh arcology site archaeology site rather and uh yeah let's see here how are we doing on supremacy will we get able to get it done in eight months and so as you get oh wow we can get habitats for cruiser build speed uh but i do want chris oh wow we can get still infused plating is just too good and i also want to get some uh leaders recruited well trickster already all right let's re-roll all of these dudes ideally i want two tricksters oh obs studio just disconnected [Music] and obs reconnected i think yeah it should be good uh there's gonna be a little bit of buffering i think but uh yeah we should be fine yeah i just got an alert on my uh on my pc like obs disconnected and obs report on my uh my pc like obs disconnected and obs reconnected but it should be fine now oh yeah it fixed itself you're rather disappointing if uh if the internet went out at this uh interesting of a time yeah we're probably gonna want to go for two fleets so go for salt all right uh let's go for a bit of this i want to keep the cautious admirals around because we're going to want to use those late game and upkeeping them for the time being is completely fine sound is buffering video is fine uh well hopefully it fixes itself i refresh the page if you're having issues bound in or out one second let me listen to the playback new fleets so go for okay it sounds fine on my end so refresh the page if you're having issues uh but yeah we're in your 29 i mean i should have probably started building these fleets a little bit earlier now what we'll do is just pump out a fleet at year 30 just to make sure that we're not uh screwed over if someone decides to rush us but we have 9.2 k alloys in the bank and 246 naval cap that's a lot and now we have crystal whole plating researched uh we can get advanced for elegance or we can go mining systems honestly i'll go for the advanced elegance uh otherwise let's see here chip designer let's make a new version of this ship but with crystal hole plating let's name it two and we'll just key up a bunch of those as well as you can see they're significantly cheaper than uh the one class all i do there although they do require a bit of crystals uh the crystal requirement is honestly completely fine uh because actually one second i actually cancel some of these because i want to do them with the specific dude i had to make it cheaper but basically yeah as you can see some of the cost is crystals but ships can't have uh strategic resource upkeep they can only have normal upkeep which means that the upkeep for these guys is a lot cheaper which really helps our economy all right let's see here we have part of our fleet uh up and ready i've put a fleet lodgestation on it just to make sure the upkeep isn't too bad and speaking of upkeep we're also going to cancel this deal to make sure that our energy credits don't hemorrhage and uh let's get some two class cruisers up in here once we swap the leader i should have probably built two shipyards all things considered but this is more or less fine oh yeah i definitely should have because like most of our fleet is uh still in the shipyard so we have 7k at this point uh but we'll probably have about 8 or 9k uh getting built i all know this is not that bad if someone invades us it's going to take them a year or two to try to get to our home space and then from that point we can play off although i do have to admit this was a bit of a scuffed uh buildup because this could have been done more efficiently and uh i could have had the whole fleet done by this point so yeah generally get your ships built like starting in your 26 or so if you're going for your 30. uh but this is fine for single player and speaking of single player uh these guys have equivalent fleet to us but we only have under half our fleet built so that's going to be completely fine i also want to have a little bit of a luxury guns distributed let's see our crime jobs are not really getting filled up actually upgrades from our research complexes a bit of that let's get a bit of scientist death apparently because uh games say no and we got some fusion going on and our fleet is going to be slowly built up by the way 7.2 k that's not counting the edicts so we're gonna do is actually do a little bit of sell-off here because we don't need this much gas uh we do need a bit more modes and a bit more crystals exactly 100 and 30. i'll just get 141 and then uh once we're ready to go we'll pop the edicts and we'll take a look at how big our fleet is but yeah optimally you'd be building this fleet uh on two shipyards i suppose or you start building it earlier uh either way at this point we have our fleet getting built and unless we're finding someone very aggressive now we want to transition into economy we want to both someone to get their economy and we want to make sure that our own economy is doing fine which is why i'm building up some research complexes on my planets and actually i'll upgrade this admin office as well this is to make sure that uh even if we fail to get someone in a war or even if we do our economy is gonna be stronger uh because there's only so much you can do with uh pure alloys uh so yeah assign our other dude let's go into uh hit and run hit and run is probably going to be your best bet especially with cruisers because you want them to disengage so that if you lose a fight or if you want to fight you don't lose as many ships uh but yeah let's just speed it time along a little bit and uh to what kind of numbers we can get this gonna be our cruiser layout by the way i will probably just go for how was it five more cruisers this point we can also start selling some some of this stuff uh because upkeep is going to start becoming a problem yeah let's actually just go for two stacks of this go for five more ships right here and we're gonna go for a bit of conquest also uh right we have minor artifacts yep our economy is just fixed all right so now we have two fleets now let's make sure they're both using tricksters and now once we pop focusing crystals and volatile ammunition as well as uh gases for shield boost we can see that the fleet power is going to go up to uh what is this eight plus nine what's that 17k fleet power in year 33 i would have had this earlier but uh yeah and as you can see if we wanted to build more ships we would build more ships uh but at this point i would rather have a habitats tbh so we're gonna do now is do a little bit of claiming um i guess we'll just go we should arrival first we should have traveled first uh yeah that would have made it cheaper a small mess up but i am only just uh just practicing it also go for exotic gases feel uh we are using tier 1 thrusters on our ships and uh that is simply to make them cheaper but we do want a bit of ship speed so we'll go for that ooh kinetic battery pog so now we do a little bit of war deck now let's see [Music] appropriation we have war deck them and uh yeah i mean against ai they are pathetic they are just pathetic and they probably won't be able to stand a chance against the player someone good uh like comrade truck for example or clendaika uh they could have a fleet of the size of their own uh but yeah if i wanted a bigger fleet i could build a bigger fleet right now i guess the eye this is all we're really going to need and uh against any newer player this is also all that you're really going to need like they have a fleet here like yeah they they did have a fleet here but it's just gonna be wiped i'll just build a few armies most important thing is of course taking out enemy uh ships since we managed to take out enemy ships then we are good to go uh let's just make sure we don't run out of gas because gas is life [Music] a little bit of this [Music] and honestly we'll go back to normal speed yeah expropriate uh you know just a little bit of mimex just in case we don't manage to win this war uh at the very least they'll shut down the branch off center capital planet so yeah that's uh that's the reason uh let's see here let's build a spine at work on the pricky t we'll just invade them after this and uh appropriate their population at this point [Music] i mean i would strongly consider uh switching these planets from forge worlds to something else and then unemploying the forged workers uh the only issue that we're gonna have with that is that uh these planets are really really impoverished and uh we can't really make much use out of them unfortunately oh okay now what let's just attack this fleet and just wipe it uh now this isn't a very good demonstration of hit and run but if these guys had a bigger fleet uh then you will see that a lot of our ships just disengage uh instead of being killed and a disengaged ship is a ship that you don't have to build later on so there's that and now we can go and just do a little bit of conquering uh there's still a system here that we want to uh capture because we want to kill this empire uh leaving an empire alive is generally a bad idea because then they could be a pain in your side as you can see we're doing a little bit of bullying if your enemy is defeated you can even split your fleets something not entirely advisable but in our situation yeah it's gg let's declare a rivalry on these guys i don't know how powerful they are uh but i doubt they'll be able to take on our fleets uh at this point we could like we could go and start uh colonizing planets but honestly uh we don't really need economies these planets they're extremely small low habitability and i'd rather just uh deal with these guys as planets instead we have our transport fleet ready uh these guys don't really have a lot of armies uh they do have a lot of debris though so we'll go and uh check some of that out [Music] ah fernando what's subjecting and later integrating a territory wise big empire effective uh yes but you can't always do that especially in mp in mp if you're playing against someone uh competent and about as good as you you're not going to have the option to vassalize because you need to be superior to them uh if you do have the opportunize yeah that's that's a good uh good idea although even then uh you have a slight issue with um what's it called it taking too long yeah because uh once you fight a war which is gonna take like five five to ten years anyways uh and vassalize them which is like which is like the process of vassalization to integration like it takes ten years from you having vassal as an empire to be able to integrate the empire uh and then the whole integration process also takes like 10 years so you're looking at about 30 years versus 10 years for uh benefiting from your first conquest so yeah it's not the best [Music] uh wouldn't be mine necker fade is necrophage as good as an mp game if you're up against nothing with machine empires uh well the thing is uh there's a decent variety of empires uh release tends to be in uh multiplayer games like machines maybe make up a fourth a third of uh the quote-unquote meta uh empires like there's a lot of stuff like necrophage void dwellers i mean even rogue servitors are actually for exerters are machines but like with rogue servers you can take the props at least take the bio trophies and uh put them to work uh but yeah like hives necrophages void dwellers uh ring worlds if they're allowed like machine empires are far from being the only empire type that's good so that's why it's pretty viable to uh play necrophage and try to go for conquest of uh another organic empire and even if uh even if you are fighting a high of mind like you could integrate them and i hope to show that in this uh play through if we meet at highland is the stream lagging or is it the game uh it might be the stream uh of course i'm dealing with comcast here so i hope you guys understand yeah as you can see it's a cake walk against the eye we don't need to build a spiderwork here we can take a look at the brickyt and look at that brickytr infuriated us in tech even though we inspect hard into alloys as well so that's the thing like this build is able to achieve a 300 to 450 tech by year 30 and a vast quantity of alloys on top of that assume we're able we're going to be able to just uh achieve all our goals and make these guys surrender it's just a matter of time and armies all you could do by the way with armies is you could put them on aggressive stance and just send them to the systems with planets in them and they'll automatically invade planets yeah they'll automatically invade planets that are easily invadable like if there's a planet with 6k army power and you only have 500 army power worth of fleet then yeah uh you are not going to have the army auto invade but in situations like this i could just send them over and then not even look at the system and they made it in 3.0 or 3.0.3 one of those versions that uh once an army lands with aggressive it then uh goes back into space with the aggressive stance as well so you don't have to manually assign it which was a massive pain uh back in the good old days uh right now we're going for the greater good and uh utopian dream for that extra governing extraction attraction and stability like governing ethics attraction is actually not that bad like i mentioned before on your capital planet is not that good because i mean it's your main species they're mostly going to be attracted to you but on uh in cases where you're conquering another empire and another empire's pops uh it's a bit more useful i'll be i'll see here we are close to just achieving our war goals i believe we have a couple systems that we haven't fully conquered yet but yeah we'll conquer them soon enough our biggest difficulty is that uh there's a war going on with these guys as well uh we honestly could probably just wardek him but i'd rather ward echo as we have the influence to claim their stuff uh plus we already took over other planets so once these guys go poof it's going to be uh pretty much irrelevant let's see i need to capture this planet too and some armies and let's get uh this empire conquested uh in the meantime one of the most difficult parts about mp that i found is while you're at war you still have to manage your economy and uh micromanaging an economy while also being at uh near constant war it's pretty difficult it's pretty difficult uh but you definitely can get used to it oh wow we had our first loss guys holy moly all right planet captured we literally just need to take this one and uh then we're we're done with this war and then uh there's gonna be a fun process of making sure empire doesn't collapse once we uh take over another one [Music] uh also why don't have generals in my armies uh well you see i had a general i'd have to buy him for 200 energy that's the main reason why now generals like it really doesn't matter uh with low army power like whether you have generals or not like uh you can see we had 12 armies at the start and we still have 12 armies because they don't really die off all that easily against very small forces and i mean while general can help the armies i mean you're really needed uh but yeah we're gonna take down the pricky t afterwards uh they have a bit more fleet power than these guys did but uh they are also total war so we'll be able to just uh you know kind of stroll in and take over we'll just go for a conquest of the pre-k uh real quick as well in the meantime as you can see our economy stabilized part of the reason is because i'm selling a good chunk of alloys which i rather would not be but that is only a temporary measure just to make sure economy stays afloat like yeah elves are great but if you if it's between death or alloys obviously you choose uh selling alloys just a practicality let's see here amenities are getting kinda low let's renew the the tv distribution and we'll be good to go all right our armies are nearly there let's see oh wow really these guys are at war with us well not not at war with us like damn really all right well in that case we'll just settle status quo because we can't uh take this planet without going to work with these guys and i don't really want to i'd rather vote like the pre-kt so we'll set us we'll accept this apparently oh this it's just a system all right whatever and now they actually took a duke down the branch office and now we have plenty of planets to manage so let's do some of that uh first and foremost since we do have how is it called line appropriation somewhere in these this policy yeah land appropriations allowed so some of our main species get automatically resettled onto these planets which is really nice because it means that these planets can actually stay under control and as you can see we're sitting at like decent stability the only thing to keep in mind is uh i want to make sure stability is above 40 so we'll actually resettle one more pop here and stability is 40 now so it's all good you're out of consumer goods install a bit of this stuff and now uh comes the difficult process of rebuilding let's see here ai certainly like the bureaucrat worlds don't they let's make sure that these are specialized properly i suppose i'll put down another generator world here build a couple districts here and there and we actually need a bit of farming as well uh so i believe we'll be able to just unrestrict farmers here and oh actually we don't have farmers here all right that's fine then uh but yeah we'll just build up these planets and we should be good to go and on something like this we just negotiate crime lords and on other planets more or less fine i don't think we really need these pops to be servants so we'll set them over to be residents i think yeah we'll just set them to residents in decent conditions and uh would be fine although at the same time we are losing out on them being slaves all right let's give them indentured servitude let's see how that uh that makes it all right so this planet is low stability because there's not a lot of uh amenities that's fixed should be fixed too uh we're gonna need to get a bit more uh a certain job to prioritize to be able to get rid of these criminals so honestly we could probably just uh remove the kremler deal oh no that uh oh seriously broken crumbler deal still gives you criminal jobs okay well then uh i did not realize that happened so we might be faced with a bit of a rebellion here yikes okay do we martial law this planet might have to and that was a bit of a and now the stability is even lower okay let's end martial law give them workers and let's just place down some amenities screw it uh where's the entertainer there we go now hopefully the planet doesn't rebel but as you can see there's quite a bit of difficulty uh when you conquer enemy planets as far as keeping them stable goes i actually did not uh realize breaking the color more deal still it gives you crime like i know it gives my stability and i was gonna take that but uh yeah seems a bit more problematic than i thought it was uh also now i'm crazy over empire limits so yeah we're gonna want to have some uh some bureaucrats because at this point it is really hurting us bad so we'll try to fix our uh empire cap and then also try to go to war with these guys as well they're even insulting us like we gotta go to war with them right uh let's see here and on our main planet we're gonna want to have some production yeah our economy is in the gutter right now uh let's see here i suppose we can disable some of these this uh alloy plant nonsense uh because we don't really need to be producing all that many alloys yeah that that fixed it a little bit and the thing is uh with indentured servitude you could very easily just do stuff like this and disable uh jobs like here maybe it wasn't the best of ideas because uh now there's no employment so we'll probably re-enable it here but with the dash of servitude the slaves are basically like hiv-mind pops if you make the move down estrada they will move down estrada so it's very useful uh in the meantime we are sitting at 600 research per month and even though uh it's not really 600 research because we are tanking in terms of uh hammond cap we could fix that pretty quickly all insults are paid in blood i'll see are these guys at war with someone no not yet at least [Laughter] oh okay also uh real quick i gotta take down some of these uh shipyards that's part of the reason why uh our economy was doing so badly also uh ah we're captain alloys i mean star forces are coming along but i guess what we could do is um reinforce our fleets a little bit yeah that should work all right uh ryan a i'd like to see you play a life seated fanatic pure fair empire and see if he can last longer than 50 years uh bet uh that's a good idea for a stream i guess i'll uh i'll try to do that yeah here we're gonna have it's likely to be our biggest engagement yet they actually have some fleet power so let's see how hit and run works so i mean obviously we're not getting that big of a fleet but there should be some losses here or not never mind there were no losses i'll see here we have a cruiser that's disengaged and we have another crew that's disengaged because the losses are just so so meager i mean this is borderline bullying it really is uh all right oh my god i hate when this happens i'm pretty sure when your ships are in combat uh and they're getting reinforced it becomes a little messy and the the the ships just leave combat which kind of sucks but yeah whenever you're fighting a war you always got to be uh aware of what the enemy is doing and uh ideally you want to catch him off guard now you can't really cut catch an ai off guard but uh with players like uh what you could do for example is uh bait them into thinking that you're going somewhere uh and then really not go there and then flank them or something like that and uh if the enemy is uh new you can potentially pull some tricks like for example you know catch their fleet in pieces like an experienced player will keep their fleet almost completely together but uh a newer player may not also at this point uh might as well split our fleet and just uh go and conquer these guys quickly uh actually we are losing quite a bit of trade value here let's rebuild the star port and demolish this one because we don't really need this uh defensive port let's see here we're getting claims by the isrun cooperative what are those guys oh these guys here i mean can't really do much against us uh and they won't war deck us because we're so much more powerful but uh good for them for being brave let's see oh they actually have armies on this planet we might want to bombard it a little bit uh and or just bring more armies we'll just uh do a little bit of recruiting honestly this is one of the only cases where hiring a general is probably good so we'll just do that why not and uh we'll just hire some armies and we should be good to go yeah as you can see our economy isn't doing all that much better than it was before we conquered this uh this empire that's primarily because the population uh is still very much unhappy from our conquest but in the long run getting more pops is going to pay off and by the way speaking of getting more pops that's actually one of the reasons why machines are so strong in the current version especially in multiplayer uh the reason is machines when they conquer another machine empire they just immediately integrate them uh like with a with an empire like this like we have to digest the pops uh but uh an empire like you know a machine empire driven assimilator or just a normal uh resource consolidation mission empire like they could just kind of uh whistle whistle whistle take another machine apart and just kind of double in strength all right let's see here these guys actually ejected their armies uh that works uh but yeah ryan a also the challenge you have to outlaw robots as fp lifeseeded so i guess it's gonna be a build of a spiritualist fanatic xenophobia empire i'm proud of that i could definitely make that work also let's see here uh these planets are starting to look pretty good now uh the the capital is still suffering from my uh slight mistake there but uh overall it's all good yeah uh ideally i want to go for uh synth ascension up uh well then uh rip freaky t i thought they were way bigger than they were like i saw the the name for them like all the way over here but i guess they were just on their home planet and they didn't want to colonize all right i bought way too many uh transport fleets for this oh uh yeah there's that rushing world shaper is impossible i've tried it uh yeah russian world shaper i mean you try it uh as a meme but uh as far as a powerful empire build goes it's not going to be viable [Music] i'll be at this point we could probably let's come to villarreal really we were we just got de-crimed and now there's more of this actually no this is a new planet all right never mind uh there's a lot of species here let's set them to be our index servants see how that does it oh wow there's there's a lot of unemployment um all right so what we're going to do is build a nice hollow theater here and i guess upgrade our bureaucracy because once again we uh we got more empires for all to deal with uh but as a bonus actually we have a lot of crystals here like five crystals here another one here let's send a construction ship over definitely want to scoop that up all right we are low on food ion alloys let's upgrade some of our stations uh this was a more tense environment i'd probably pump more of this into a fleet and we can definitely afford to have more ships but right now because this is a peaceful situation i can afford to go more into economy and that's the thing in multiplayer you have to in competitive multiplayer you have to always keep track of your situation and your environment and in our situation an environment we're relatively safe so we'll be uh tacking up and assuming there's someone else that's big and bad on the other side of the galaxy that's uh also in a similar position that we'll have to face one day so right now we'll do a little bit of consolidating and uh yeah that's gonna be the plan all right let's see here we want more minerals ideally but the thing is our planets like the one we the ones that we start with they're so bad when it comes to uh mining like it's pretty nasty also at this point selling alloys isn't gonna really give us much so we'll stop doing that and our economy should still be relatively fine yeah there we go uh now we also have our third civic slot and we'll actually go for uh mining guilds now you could go for functional architecture as well but i like going for mining guilds because by the point i get it it's usually a case of uh yeah uh i i really do want to build up more of my empire oh yeah as we're going to set it in chat also by the way hi ragunas glorious frenchman uh as vogue servers would world shape would be better than machine worlds uh so i could have more bio trophies everywhere and uh yeah right as correctly said machine empires can have both one problem with shin empires is that they don't have uh any essential paths and so uh what's it called like you really don't have a lot of options to go for such perks like here we're waiting for uh droids so we can get uh the synth evolution going because even though we are necrophage and we could be optimizing our main pops uh the optimization factor is like five percent optimization if we all go synthetic is a lot higher and speaking of synthetic and going higher i kind of want to go for some robots so we'll go for that uh once we have the minerals for it of course do a little bit of this a little bit of that getting rivaled by these guys which is strange and surprising considering how i don't believe they have a big fleet uh but i suppose they got balls make up for it all right let's see here we are by far number one in terms of our diplo uh honestly once uh else we can we'll we'll try to form a council and take over the galaxy i'll be in the meantime we'll do a bit of optimization get a bit more minerals production up and running a bit more energy to never hurt anyone and yeah we got to get our food situation good under control i usually have food shortages instead of shortages of anything else uh and that's because generally i specialize by worlds to be mining worlds and generator worlds but i never have a food planet so actually in this playthrough let's try to go for it let's try to get a food plan up and running and see how that goes like what would be good for a food planet ish um i suppose this one would be decent well we don't really want to transform a planet that's already an energy planet into a food planet because we're not exactly high in energy credits right now let's make this one uh a double purpose world get some food baby uh jabberwock o'clock synth is better but then you're banning what makes the orange interesting well uh you're abandoning what makes the origin interesting but you're not abandoning what makes the origin great which is uh really do enforcers all right let's resettle some main pops then really i can't what hey hey hey yo can i get some uh can i get some entertainers up in here excuse me ah one second i guess the wait for entertainers even when prioritize is very low and i guess we can't have a different servants as entertainers let's try this there we go that should fix it and we need way more jobs on this planet uh but yeah like it's what makes the origin interesting but what makes the origin strong is a different thing and that is uh the fact that you get like 20 pops at the start of the game that's what makes the origin strong the specialization of necrophage is a nice cherry on top but it becomes relatively insignificant later on plus if you're going for biosensor to double down on uh the whole thing that makes necrophage what it is you're gonna have to deal with like 50 species well probably less but like depending on how much you expand you're gonna have a lot of species to deal with and a lot of projects try to modify your species it's a lot easier to just have everyone convert into synths and then you're just a strong empire it's space piracy right we have a trade collecting here and then i guess we could have some patrol routes going on yeah hangar i i figured that the uh initial service couldn't be entertainers so i had to resettle so many pops onto this planet also i'm gonna have to do a lot of rebuilding unfortunately we have a lot of minerals income uh but it's a bit of a bit of an issue let's make sure our planets are fine i'll employ necrophages whenever uh necessary to fix the amenities uh otherwise i think this planet has an archaeology site yeah let's go for that and uh let's try to take out these pirates asap uh caliber michael k so crime or deal is still worth it i mean it's only worth it if you're uh if you're mid-maxing it like crazy which is what we're doing which is which involves not having the criminals work in the first place but if you're playing it normally and actually have criminals uh then no it's it's not good you waste too many pops on the crime lord deal make the tent stability worth it he also has a fair bit of trade value from it as well uh but yeah also there is a sonic aventura system somewhere here not sure exactly where actually wow et cetera that's everyone's silence science nexus we're gonna want to go for that uh but i know there's a wormhole that leads to the special system somewhere not sure why though yeah one of the main downsides of necrophage is the micro you have to do like uh if i were to play a machine empire i would be able to get a fleet that's comparable in strength but uh it would require a lot less micro this empire though uh a bit of a pain manage but at the same time uh micromanaging stellaris is it is the thing i find fun about this game so it's okay also speaking of micromanaging we can already start popping some uh some advanced uh weapons on our ships i believe we have kinetic batteries already yeah so we'll go for a bit of that and a bit of plasma and uh a little bit of improved deflectors i suppose you can finally get better reactors so we can have more of these all right perfect let's go upgrade these ships let's take care of our energy situation oh yeah by the way uh remember to have a governor on your newly conquered worlds in our case we have extra trade value but yeah what are the big advantages of necrophage and i mentioned this before the habitability the habitability is really nice because virtually all the pops that we conquered are unfull habitability on their planets this really helps out uh also we are once more capped on alloys uh so we're gonna build a bit of a bigger fleet and then do a little bit of trolling i mean we're already going to upgrade these ships uh but i suppose we can make more of them i guess oh we can definitely retrofit some let's do that i still don't have droids we're quite deep into the game i still don't have droids like that's the yikes yeah i mean at this point i'm really tempted to go executive vigor and just take some special uh special edicts instead of trying to wait for droids honestly uh screw it i'll probably regret this later but let's go for some of these mining subsidies and then we'll get food subsidies as well proton launchers all right protons plus a battery very good combo [Music] drug trade expands uh let's see let's create a new fleet of uh just losers that'll uh use our alloys up oh droids finally now now that i take the ascension perk i get droids of course this is i i totally forgot how this game worked it's a screw you over simulator overall let's see well at least uh our economy isn't getting screwed over like our economy is doing quite well i think we can even start prioritizing some some normal workers although one thing i i do kind of hate is if like if you have a normal job prioritized uh with additional servitude sometimes they will take that prioritized job over a specialist job which is just absolutely frustrating even now yeah we had to on a minor be able to actually have pop's work there all right let's see here uh we do have a lot of minerals i can definitely convert that into what's called uh alloys they probably don't really need to convert this into alloys because we already have a lot of uh of the good stuff also while our fleets are not doing anything i like to put on nice fleet logistician leaders on them and uh yeah they're quite useful also we looks like we got an engineer from a random event actually two of them engineers are one of the best uh leaders in the game like you can get a ship repaired from zero hp to uh full hp in 200 days 200 days may sound like a lot like a very long time but like to put into perspective that's as long as it takes to cool down from a jump drive so yeah engineers are amazing also pog battleships you're 52. i mean i suppose we can go for habitat spam but i'd rather go for battleship spam and just do a little bit of trolling these guys are pathetic they're rivaling us but they're pathetic now they're in defensive paces paul uh we could easily have a three-front war though it'll be could be a lot of fun yeah we have three fleets let's do a three-fold war said no whatever uh but yeah we should be able to handle it we'll have three 16k fleets so it should be all good to go now let's see i do want to start replacing some of these buildings with the research labs though because well whoa harvesting because the thing is we don't really need these uh single uh resource buildings i'd rather have just science to boost all resources or moats i mean most are remote harvesting traps and the other extraction buildings are just too good to pass up let's see i better scroll over science a billion times and yeah i did there we go i really need this build some more science emotes those and uh this this is where mastery of nature would have been really useful uh but yeah what did we just get from that just got a lot of stuff i didn't really pay attention uh 30 miner artifacts uh that's pretty solid neutral nitrous that's also pretty solid now if we were going for just a ring world uh tech rush i mean we'd have this technology like 10 years ago but uh with this this build we're also very very tough and nasty to try to deal with at virtually any point in the game so overall i this is this is why i would put uh a necrophage over a ring world even a ringworld machine uh especially back in the good old days because a machine world or not a machine world machine ring or like any other ring world empire like yeah it's powerful in the one aspect of tech rushing but this empire is just powerful welcome to necrophage oh yeah we're gonna is also mentioning uh engineers are great because uh while ships are disengaged they regen and also i'm pretty sure when they're missing in action they also regen so like instead of uh losing a fleet and then having it uh retreat back to your home system with like no hp and then some other can catch it no no no what happens is the fleet repairs and transit and then when it pops back in it pops back in as a full-on uh hp fleet [Music] let's see we got three three fleets let's do a three front war i just for the fun of it that should be pretty fun i just saw a bit of allies and sell a bit of minor artifacts we've been getting really lucky on uh minor artifact sites which is part of the reason why we've been able to boom so so much even though i spend like half of my uh brain capacity trying to uh commentate [Music] uh also we could upgrade these chambers of elevation i mean that's one gas in exchange for five stability i guess it's worth it especially once we get some gas extraction walls up and running now let's see do these guys have closed borders yep so these guys will not be able to invade us from the syndicate which is nice to know [Music] uh honestly we could probably reinforce these ships with these fleets with more ships but i just want to see like 100 worth of fleet power let's see if we could do a three front war against three fresh empires should be fairly fun [Music] oh well this this could have been uh i've been in a a bit of an ufc uh they just expanded over to us and so this fleet would have been had disengaged actually make sure uh the star bases are set properly this fleet is going to be flowing down in the south we'll assign him yeah this fleet will be dealing in the north and we'll assign them here and in case they do lose engagements they'll retreat back to an appropriate spot let's see let me go forward to their habitats i'll go habitats just because i don't want to build more ships and i'd rather use the alloys for habitats let's see i mean this war will basically decide uh what happens to the galaxy because right now we are number one in the pool wait uh but if we take on these three empires well we'll just be completely overwhelming see let's do a little bit of uh rival oh my god i can't rival them because they are you pathetic wow all right that's kind of lame at least these guys are good awesome uh well i guess we'll do our claims on uh well i mean we could do our claims on these guys but like uh do they have a lot of planets like we don't have intel on them that's the problem we do have intel on these guys but like their planets are far away can we claim all of them all right i suppose we can all right that works then so we claim this empire we demand uh vassalization from this empire and then we just kind of bully this empire that's the plan oh no they broke their non aggression they broke their three-way pact or did they oh my god all right you know what i still want a three-front war double board vortex these guys to uh vassalize them so we can integrate them later and uh then we'll honestly just declare one of these guys separately just to uh just to do a little bit of trolling all right let's go i should have probably prepared some armies to go along with these guys as whatever let's uh split up the army make these guys follow here make these guys follow yeah and these guys will move all the way down to yeah i'll pop the edicts and i probably want a gas edict so that they go slightly faster we could go for shield boost but honestly it's not gonna give us as much of a benefit as just cruising through the enemy let's do the freshest week and let's keep track of this war because difficulty is honestly going to be if these guys like go around so we'll actually prepare a nice defensive installation here and yeah we need a recruit armies of course we do i just make sure this process is as easy as possible oh cool cool uh also by the way uh this ua uh ui layout uh in the outlier i found this to be the most optimal so i have my military fleets at the top my armies after that and then shipyards uh after that so i can manage any ship queuing and then my normal planets are at the bottom and then my uh civilian ships and starbases are down there because they matter the least and by the way in case you're wondering the way you can change stuff in the outliner is by clicking this gear icon and moving stuff up and down and if you want to see uh colony designation icons instead of just uh normal planets you can click this button here and this by the way is entirely vanilla so i'm not using any mod to try to change the outliner the only mods i'm using is the top bar which i think just extended top bar on the steam workshop and a self-made mod to uh indicate the tier of the technologies let's see here we got our first fleet detected it should not be a big deal can these guys invade oh yeah they can perfect right now i do a little bit of merging and we should be good to go here uh the only issue we might have is this flake might sneak through also we'll try to catch it otherwise we'll go through this space we'll go take out all these guys of star bases before just uh smashing their fleet and actually they have a fleet down here all right uh so we'll recall this one well make sure our energy doesn't tank and we'll do a little bit of killing i should be able to catch this fleet uh overall three front war obviously not the not the easiest thing to manage but hopefully we'll do a half decent job so as you can see this is one of the disadvantages of uh using these fleets over uh carrier fleets like with carrier fleets would be able to just go in and engage uh enemies from a very long distance and catch them but with a normal fleet you actually have to come close which isn't a big deal but uh it's all good also they actually managed to invade the pre-kt i am impressed that's all i can say we'll go kill their fleets i did not realize this path was here actually so my bad also let's make sure our energy is fine so what we'll do is just sell off all of our minor artifacts uh our trade deals are fine for maybe moats and cell and yeah that should fix it see can this fleet beat the station i suppose it can't we'll split this fleet up and then once this uh fleet engages this uh other fleet we'll split it up as well [Music] like we're at a point where we can split fleets in a three-way war uh 50 years in on grad admiral yeah also how about that victoria three uh i mean i haven't played victoria one or two uh so i don't know exactly how it plays but i've heard good things about victoria so i'll definitely give it a shot uh once uh once it comes out [Music] in case you're not aware uh vicky iii released well at least was announced i don't know if it's actually released yet in fact i'm pretty sure it's not released yet uh [Music] but it will be soon enough [Music] there's some crystalline sensors i crystallized is honestly quite good plus one sensor range we can meet uh some more aliens you do can do a lot of good stuff see is 9k going to be enough to take this on i should be our biggest problem right now are transport ships [Music] which are not moving properly stellar's 2-1 i mean i they're going to release dollars too eventually i mean i like the thing with paradox games is that like they they have to pile on dlcs to a game and at a certain point it just becomes ridiculous like i don't think stellars can i don't think they could pile on a 50 dlc on stilars they'll have to release a new stellaris eventually to reset the dlc count and then after they do that uh we might see stellars too uh which i am looking forward to i wonder that what they'll make with stars too uh probably a game that's ever so slightly better let's see seven point six scales ah now we can engage because they don't have any more fleets and we're taking back gish and then i think it's just three planets here that we have to take we can already settle status quo yeah we even got pirates here forefront war now i'm fighting ourselves here we got way too many minerals now let's swap these planets from ah and these guys you guys in touch oh my god they're their domestic servitude one second oh i know what happened i know what happened this is actually a bug uh so whenever you do uh uh what is it what's it called synthesis like the first step uh your species will have a secondary species created under them and they will have the default species rights all you have to do is click on them make it uh the proper species right like it's it's really really wonky but keep in mind can't screw you [Music] over these guys actually have a lot of planets yeah what i'm basically doing right now is just moving our moving the fleets oh my god these guys got caught let's go do we rescue them uh i don't think we do can't really set a home station i guess this front is gonna take a while then let's retreat let's just fix up problems here then let's fix up the problems here and then we should be good see is our fleet actually going to take casualties nope and it looks like these guys are getting invaded okay [Music] oh my god they're not gonna land armies because they're too busy following the fleet how about how about you stop doing that [Music] once more capped on uh on minerals [Music] let's do i mean what can we really do our planets are mostly developed uh unfortunately we can't really do much oh wow we can actually upgrade the cr oh my god it's the that one archaeology site that we had that was the one that unlocked uh higher tier crystal plans all right that's awesome definitely make use of that our battleship pull points i mean we could pump out battleships at this point wouldn't be the worst idea i look at that once our plasmas get into range the station just melts [Music] so [Music] uh bend over i agree this is quite tedious uh to have to go around and just land your armies everywhere [Music] i mean it's not that bad in a uh one front war but we are we are going a little uh a little crazy here i mean we can already just auto status quo uh our enemies i mean we're probably gonna have to status quo because uh the issue is uh these guys are engaged in war with other empires not fun or anyone [Music] [Music] yeah basic as you can see here we can just completely kick any other ais very easily [Music] [Music] like there's this is what you can do with that big fleets early [Music] and i mean this is a bit earlier than i would normally have uh this sort of fleet also did i just buy consumer goods i mean to sell them all right are going to land and honestly we'll probably peace out uh in a little bit once we have at least this empire all completely captured like what is it minus 621 for demanding an occupied space the thing is we can't really well what is it oh right an occupation just these people all right fair enough oh and of course of course our armies got retreated again great and this stuff is being taken too and now i have to do a bit more cleanup then but this space is completely hours at this point and once we eliminate all our threats nearby now we should be just fine i'll honestly probably even split split this plate too i did a bit of cleanup all right we could probably make do with better thrusters all things considered his trappist hours almost oh wow we actually got a crisis aspirant called um these guys yeah isis aspirant look at that i guess they took the perk the perk let's see what happens if we status quo a new empire will be created out of uh our occupied space here we might have to do it actually because yeah we won't be able to capture any more space from these guys because they are at war let's do that status quo and now these guys wait what oh my god really if we just we just took these guys because so much of their space was captured well then all right well at least uh we trolled uh the other attacker a little bit yeah i really hate uh vassal wars when it comes to multiple fronts i could have opened another front against these guys but i honestly didn't feel like it all right let's finish off these guys then and uh then we should be good to go at least the borders are open if the borders were closed we'd have to definitely uh do a little bit of trolling i just need more armies man like i recruited a lot of them but uh both seem to have died actually some of our planets are occupied so we'll have to recapture them too like we'll keep a fleet in this region of space and just to make sure they don't recapture anything uh and then we'll go and recapture our other planets like as you can see this is like not a case of us losing the war this is just the case of uh there's too much going on for us to keep track of the same thing actually happened uh during the cold war stream uh when i was wearing the galaxy like i was losing a lot of territory uh on paper but in reality like it's just the case of i can't keep up with everything and i'd rather be taking out enemy forces than uh bothering really about my own space i guess just it's just a matter of cleanup really all these guys are doing is just annoying just biting away at our empire trying to peck it fortunately we have a lot of fleets that we can uh enforce our will with uh honestly let's go to auto research for now out of research is an extremely useful feature i have to say uh in case you're being a little lazy [Music] so yeah apologies for not speaking a lot uh is she gonna tell i'm in micro mode you you to do fortunately we're not actually losing like a lot of anything so our war exhaustion is uh basically zero well 66 is not basically zero but it's close enough right like the fact that we can split our fleets into eighth and still be able to uh do stuff is like it just shows you just how busted this uh empire type that is necrophage is also since we have a lot of fleets moving around like we're getting a lot of random uh admirals promoted it's always nice and also occasionally i'm switching uh repair admirals in just to make sure our fleets are nice and uh healthy alright let's see how close are we to status quo i mean all we need to do is well that's status quo winning all we need to do is conquer some planets i think specifically the planets here see oh guys we might have our first loss here let's make sure that this guy doesn't retreat too far away just uh right here do we need a retreat ah i mean they'll retreat anyways and th this this is where you can actually see hit and run in action uh that was a fleet of like 12 uh cruisers and upon losing it had like nine so pretty much all the ships disengaged before any actual losses were incurred yeah that actually gave us some more exhaustion all terrible and actually oh we should probably merge these before we incur any more losses let's see clip manager let's just uh standardize the fleets maybe not that's fine hmm i'd rather not be losing uh sent doesn't this show how bad ai is right now i mean partly yeah i guess yeah is not in the best state it's uh it's been in oh my god these guys are gonna go and try to recapture that okay well you know what i don't care you do you and uh i do you too oh bro we can get synths let's see have we taken back all our planets uh well all except one it seems [Music] let's see all we need to get are these planets uh honestly we could probably pull out of this space right here although it also just uh claim the space as well [Music] i'll see let's merge these ships [Music] [Music] and then we can fight [Music] [Music] i wonder if we can uh declare right we already have a rally with these guys flames let's just make claims on these guys and then uh do a little bit of wiping i mean uh year 69 and we're at 1.5 k tech output like that's pretty decent if you weren't in this three-way war uh you'd also have significantly more uh output otherwise like uh alloys and stuff like i'd build up stations uh to have more uh naval cap and we'd be building battleships by now but i think i'll probably end the stream uh once we're done with this war and uh [Music] so yeah just want to see how many plans we got so that we can see the diploid at the end all right let's see here uh the stroom is there any point in building better uh lower tier ships if you don't have uh higher tier ships available uh well uh there's a few examples where you would build lower tier ships for example late game if you have an enemy that's spamming battleships you might want to build corvettes just to do a bit of evasion otherwise uh for example in multiplayer early on if let's say you have uh destroyers with both of the whole text unlocked and then you have cruisers it's actually better to go for destroyers with all the techs rather than cruisers but no whole text by whole text i mean uh the ones that give like plus 500 analogy or 500 hold points just as a technology [Music] these yeah so this a guy should be almost completely neutralized and then i mean he does have ships in our space which aren't actually going to do anything so just ignore him i mean we could also just ask whatever i'll just build uh like 12 uh cruisers all right let's see here claims can we take this platter too yes we can [Music] quite far away so it's taking us quite a bit of resources to take it [Music] also looks like uh borders got opened which is a little annoying but we'll end the war soon enough we just need to capture these planets and uh be good to go when that happens and we even have two transport fleets would be fairly easy [Music] i'll see -566 but then again it's all up to the armies [Music] now yeah this is single player i'll probably be doing multiplayer uh a few weeks from now i just want to make sure that i am uh good to go when that happens [Music] oh my god i did army spam why are they doing army spam it's almost like that's the smart thing to do in this situation what are we demanding that's unoccupied we have these systems here but yeah that's about it and we have all this occupied so we should be fine on that front you guys have a lot of uh army power i guess we should have uh let our armies rest for a little bit but that's fine if forest comes to worst we'll just resend some claims and uh just end the war because i don't want to be fighting this forever [Music] [Music] all right uh by the way you guys can ask questions now it's basically cleanup mode right now so go ahead and i'll answer and then we'll wrap up the stream after i have one or not how do they get these fleets like i don't i don't understand man like they just get suddenly have a fleet up here oh we're actually out more exhaustion i'd have to reset claims all right let's do that i don't want to be forced uh force peace by ai so let's reclaim there because they control the system control this i will fully control this system we don't control bilthia i don't think and we don't control the system either although this planet we're about to capture um now let's see here oh minus 500. you know what i'd i'd rather just screw it let's resend i can't believe it's still minus 568 yeah screw it status whoa yeah so we took some space we took some planets uh not the best war in my experience but uh god fighting ai is annoying uh so real quick what i'm gonna do is show the diplo weight it's 5.6 k uh if we assign some envoys it's going to be called 6.5 we can build ships to make it higher uh and uh yeah stability wise our planets are low we have to do a little bit of resettling but it's nothing special it's basically just the stuff that we did previously uh that we have to do as far as our technology goes we are doing fairly well when it comes to uh research and obviously if i were to continue this then having 11 planets all full of pops is a very very solid head start now uh i would i would give you guys a word advice don't do what i did and don't uh don't go into a three-front war i didn't realize how annoying it was gonna be but yeah let me show you the ship design for our cruisers i mean we used this design because it was the upgraded design uh right now i'd probably put on a neutron launcher on top of this and maybe a railgun and i mean obviously this is meant for multiplayer so this is what i would do for multiplayer for single player i did do a little bit of this except this scout wing is would be a tier 3 strike craft not really even worth going for strikecraft in mp uh from my experience because it all it does is really clutter your uh engineering pool uh but yeah as you can see this is replicatable and i've done this before where i got 16k in year 30 uh using this build so yeah if you guys want a powerful build and uh you want to smash literally anything else in the galaxy within the first 30 years necrophage necrophage is your answer uh but yeah oh christian nelson quick recap of the build basically we play necrophage we play technocracy meritocracy because that's one of the that's one of the most powerful combinations in the entirety of the game we're playing oligarchic to enable meritocracy and we're playing xenophobe to enable necro purging let me actually show necro purging what we do is we set rights of a species to undesirables and the perch type is by default going to be necropurge so if we can take a look at uh um those i have one other planets yeah if we take a look at how this process happens assuming we have the right species for it what was it these guys i don't even know where we have the species yeah right here so they're going to be purged down to necrophage and once they're purged you will see that there's a chance that a pop disappears i don't i don't know if we're going to get the pop disappearing here but i wants the necker purge reaches a higher progress per month now we're gonna see a transferring of a pop into one of our main species pops it's in theory all right right there yeah he's a ruler not a specialist der uh but yeah i don't know if they fixed it and made it a 100 efficient i haven't tried it yet but from test runs previously uh i figured this is about 70 efficient and transferring normal pops to necrophage pops so i would not recommend doing it and i would honestly recommend going for uh slaves instead yeah uh part of the reason this build is strong is because uh we start off with two guaranteed primitive planets and as you can see we have developed those uh fairly well where are all these amenities coming from i guess it's the necrophytes and of course just like with any other build you're going to want to manage your population very closely and very carefully uh one thing one trick that i've used to make this slightly better then someone else can do it is i used crime lord deal on my two guaranteed primitive worlds this allowed me to go for more stability on these planets and therefore more production in exchange for no downside as far as criminals go on our main planet we can't really afford to do it although well early on you can't really afford to do it but later on once you get enough uh pops resettled to other planets and or enough jobs on the planet you definitely can't afford to do it so uh crumbler deal is great going for your guaranteed primitives is also great and overall conquering an empire preferably one at a time is also very viable with necrophage now if this was a single-player build i'd probably be building more ships early on and you definitely can just use this build exactly and just build some more ships before you're 30 just to prevent any ai intrusions you can go ahead and do that otherwise just save up have no ships till 30 and then build cruisers uh cruisers are definitely very very doable with this build in 30. uh although it might take a little bit of luck like uh obviously if we didn't get lucky uh we could have had to pick every single other tier 3 tech that was available before picking cruisers uh but generally if you beeline and know your technology tears you should be able to get cruisers pretty darn early uh yeah akusa can you play necrophage without slavery you can but it's not gonna be efficient i would highly highly recommend that if you're playing uh necrophage you're playing with slavery that is the way to play necrophage optimally [Music] a sub cake uh the name of the top bar i think it's called the extended top bar uh you can find it on the steam workshop so yeah that's the build recap and uh yeah hope you guys enjoyed it this is this has been a rather short stream uh partly because this is i mean i don't really want to continue on i've already done crisis and partly because i mean pdx con is going on you guys can tune in and uh watch the two segments i have uh at pdx con i think one of them already aired and the second one i don't know when that's gonna air but yeah uh anyways this has been a necrophage and i hope you guys uh learned something today if you did please do leave a like anyways thank you guys so much for watching and i'll see you guys next week and or i'm planning to make a video this week as well not sure what's going to be about but it's going to be interesting for sure so make sure to subscribe and stay tuned anyways all for today see you guys
Channel: Stefan Anon
Views: 97,530
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stellaris, stellaris guide, stefan anon, stefan stellaris, stellaris gameplay, patch, stellaris update, stellaris 3.0, stellaris 3.0 gameplay, stellaris nemesis, stellaris 3.0.1, stellaris 3.0 guide, stellaris changes, stellaris necrophage, stellaris necroids, necrophage, necrophage stellaris, stellaris necrophage build, necrophage guide, stellaris 3.0 necrophage, stellaris 3.0.3, necrophage nerf, necrophage origin, stellaris necrophage origin, stellaris rush build
Id: npetekft3G8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 215min 27sec (12927 seconds)
Published: Sun May 23 2021
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