We ARE the Machine! | Machine Cult FULL Playthrough! | Modded Stellaris Playthrough

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greetings sir ansarette and welcome back to stellaris with neolathrix and of course welcome to our newest full playthrough and the first full modded full playthrough in a very long time welcome to the church of the broken world now of course this is a reference to the church of the broken god which is a whole thing in the scp universe and we are following a lot of very similar themes so i thought why not just make a really bad joke out of it so we are of course starting on the ring world and we are going to be the machine cult we played in the previous episode in which i outlined the mods we're using themselves these mods are of course the extra civics and ethics classic in addition to this over here the machine ships the links will be in the description along with a link to the video which outlined these mods a little bit more in detail after looking at all the different civics we could choose from there were multiple empires i wanted to play but i really really want to play a full play through with this empire first we're almost certainly going to end up spawning in the contingency because we're going to go synth heavy very very quickly and i think this is an empire which has the potential especially in the light game to just become such a broken powerhouse i think it's just gonna be insanely fun so why exactly do i think this is the best empire for me to play all the way through first why do i think it's gonna be the most fun especially in the light game well it's because of the combination of machine cult and things like divine council over here or more accurately it's the combination of the machine cult and high priests high priests are already a very powerful job in the normal game they produce unity and they produce society research they may produce amenities i can't remember either way though they are very very powerful jobs lots of unity lots of society research a very good job indeed but when you combine it with machine cults they are now also increasing the machines output on your planets that means all of your robots or synthetic jobs by five percent and increasing the amount of engineering research you get from jobs also by five percent on the world and these things do stack and it is very very easy to get a lot of high priests in the high population worlds especially when combined with divine council which means by the end your worlds are producing in the little test i did up to 200 extra of all resources and that goes doubly for engineering research so once you can get that rolling the amount of modifiers stacking with each other just completely breaks and you end up with just absurd levels of everything once you can get the world started now one thing i have changed since the test play through is first of all we are now the geckos so we match the artwork which is done by my fiance but also we have this i have changed over theocracy for divine counsel so divine counsel is just a way more powerful version it will give us one extra high priest job per 33 populations which doesn't seem that extreme but considering we are going to be rushing the arcology project and we are going to become synthetics which means a lot of population growth we want our ring worlds up and running we are going to have a few worlds which are going to be stacking a lot of populations so having those extra handful of high priest jobs incredibly good on top of that we also get the plus 10 stability which itself is incredibly powerful all of our world's giving that little bit of extra resource in the early game very very welcome this does however come at the cost of our physics research we get minus five percent which does stack with the minus ten percent over here from fnatic spiritualist so we're gonna be suffering a bit with things like shields and a lot of the targeting stuff which isn't great but i think the extra output from this will more than make up for it we then of course have machine cult which is the whole point of the empire we then have the ruthless industrialism which gives us the extra districts as i mentioned earlier so i do think early game we're not going to be the most powerful empire out there light game i think we can scale better than most of their empires now honestly speaking after looking at a lot of the other civics with me stammering there and reading a lot of comments it does seem like there are far more powerful ways of going with this mod there are some really insane interactions especially with the materialist things like industrial mechanization and just loads of other things far too much for me to get into which would just break the game and be incredibly powerful but i do think this is one of the more fun options which doesn't seem as broken as some of the other options i feel like i'm playing an a normal empire not balanced but more normal i would also like to say this will probably be my only run where i only run these mods i will be adding things like the gigastructural engineering and stuff like that probably later on as well i might do one more run after this with just this mod because i really really love how much stuff is here but we'll see how people feel after i've applied through at least this time now the geckos themselves the lovely little tech gex are traditional natural engineers and they are intelligence they are sedentary and they are fleeting hence why they want to become cyborgs and machines only living very short lives on their little broken world which they've realized is just made out of tech the machines were already there the last few survivors of whatever race was here before and well they worship and revere them as the future of their species i am going to change the voice over though to materialists because the spiritualist doesn't quite work in my opinion and that is pretty much it that's the empire in a nutshell it gets loads of extra alloys and consumer goods it gets extra districts its habitability suffers a lot on planets it has extra influence it has loads of extra unity and everything else so early game it's all going to be about expanding finding planets and getting them set up as fast as possible trying to be diplomatic and nice and not show everyone that we want to assimilate and destroy them later on and then the second we are strong enough and we are going to rush fleets a lot faster than i normally do normally i'm very pacifist in the early game we are going to become aggressive we need worlds we need all of these things stacking up and honestly the more worlds we have the more mecca monasteries we can build and the mecca monasteries are one of the most powerful buildings we can have but we can only have one per planet so more planets more mecha monasteries and you don't even need many populations on the planet to put this down you could have it as your very first building so of course naturally you want that at least very first you can actually build so with that let's get going i am going to put the end game start here a little bit lighter than i've been doing recently which has been the minimum instead i'm going to set it back 25 years still incredibly early but a little bit later just so we can really mess around with the arcology project and stuff and to be perfectly honest we're almost certainly going to end up facing the contingency you know what now i've said that i'm actually going to put the end game even slightly later this will almost guarantee the contingency the contingency the chance of it spawning is increased the more synths you have and by this point we are going to be almost a completely synthetic empire and almost certainly guarantee the spawning in of the contingency i will also be likely adding mods later on which will allow me to force certain endgame crises because i've seen the scourge way too much but for now this just allows us to be a little bit more insane and that's the whole point in this run we begin future lathrix here as usual with these full playthroughs just to say that this full playthrough was an insanely fun one but as seems to be the trend as i do more and more of these this one has broke a lot of records this took a full seven days to get all the footage for and i have almost 70 hours worth of raw footage so i'm now just finishing the editing down process off so if you do enjoy these videos it really helps out so much if you leave a like and a comment just interacting with the video because these videos are algorithm poison for youtube but they are the type of videos i love making i love these long form videos because that's personally how i enjoy watching the content and ultimately that's what i strive for to make content which i personally would like watching in the last these four playthroughs for the first few days a whopping 50 percent of viewers liked or commented on the video which is i think the highest i have ever seen on any of my videos and i can't thank you enough for that so i really do hope you enjoy this full playthrough i had a blast recording it and with the shilling out of the lie which i hate doing so much into the video itself there's a lot of machines in this one so here we are beginning in the bottom left of the galaxy i always seem to start here recently so straight away of course we can build our machines we have our first mecha monastery already up and of course the ability to build machines and if we take a look here we are with the techno priests the techno priests producing engineering research a lot of unity and reducing the upkeep of any machines on our planet which already is really good they only cost 0.7 energy per month rather than i think it's normally just i pure one per month we currently only have one high priest but that will change fairly soon this is increasing the robot output by five percent and increasing the engineering research from jobs by five percent and i was correct they do also produce amenities so yeah the high priests just by themselves even without the robot stuff are incredibly powerful loads and loads of unity good amenities production and even a decent bit of society research so stacking those as fast as possible very very important oh yeah one negative is that because of our choices our districts cost more than they usually do so it's going to be a bit of a slow start since we do also have to buy all of our rare resources for our ring world whereas normally we wouldn't have to do that this early on now though let's just go explore let's try and find some worlds food is so far being the stabilizing force for our economy which is kind of funny considering we are going to try and move into synthetics as soon as possible so food isn't the most important now sadly we ended up with in my opinion the worst of the precursors the ute now these will allow us to get extra populations when we colonize a world so if we find any worlds with very low habitability we can use them just keep on sending colony ships getting extra populations back and that does help with that but that's pretty much all the precursor does it has a really not particularly useful relic so not the happiest of that that's fine we are getting loads of unity so almost finished expansion already and as soon as we have one more population we'll have our second high priest so we'll be getting even more food there we are just finish off the commercial segments so now our economy is going to be a bit more balanced anyway and one thing i want to do quickly is you there production focus mixed since we are going to be producing so many consumer goods i don't want to lean into that in fact there's actually loads of things we need to do i keep forgetting there's so many options here so mass media i don't really know but some of them yeah this one here telecommunications go with civic this way we get extra admin cap and everything else we don't have to worry about that personal weapons i'll leave as it is civilian transport giving us extra trade value and increasing how fast we get colonies there we go there's a tropical world there which i'll be using for populations so that's good for us education private for the specialist output healthcare will be public for the population growth i've seen these now quite a few times in the tests there's just so many options here i am tempted to do a video just going into detail of every last every last detail this mod but suffice to say it's just there is so much added it's just insane economic stance we can't do yet same with authority stance i'll get into that when we can refugees i'll leave as it is trade policy there's loads more options here which i keep forgetting so we could turn tried value into food and minerals which also increases our colony development speed so once again more population from that we could turn it into unity consumer goods and science no energy there's just so many options to choose from think i'll leave everything else until we have our factions because our factions will want some of these to be specific so i might need to change them later anyway yeah which one of these is better maybe this one the extra governing ethic extraction and the authoritarian extra bonus there but no you get minus influence gain from your factions i think i'll leave it unless one of my factions really wants one or the other production project here we are our second high priest so now we're getting plus 10 research output from our populations and our robots are giving plus temps and output for everything so currently that's just more food since they're not droids they can't take a clerk job so yeah just more food to sell and soon i'll be able to afford the research segment once again selling food to speed up a bit it's very expensive because of all my civic choices but there we go expansion is finished and i'm very tempted to grab interstellar dominion which is useless later on actually no it's not because we are going to do so much climbing that is going to continue to be useful we'll probably go for the colossus project as well we definitely want future society because that's amazing in this so we want arcology we want galactic wonders we want master builders so that's three yeah it's three so then future society for four we want the tech one you want both of these so that would be six seven for the tech one and that is everything already accounted for so no space for the colossus project what would i sacrifice don't know because this is really powerful future society is a mod specific ascension perk which just gives you plus one civic slots and considering how powerful some of these are like these two here and there's loads of other options that is really really nice but i would like a colossus because i want to see the machine colossus with the ships system survey concluded without it look at that little machine ships all based on the juggernaut one of the leviathans was it dreadnought i can't remember what it's called big shiplap oh i didn't even see these before look at the little constructor bots oh that is so much attention to detail can't zoom in and see them there yeah oh they're so cute i want ten it's so bizarre to see a minus number here yep we have negative research b that is so weird okay so we have our factions and unsurprisingly our two fanatic ethics both have the strongest factions and they're both mostly happy the only thing we can actually do right now to make them happier is changing our trade policy from wealth creation over to consumer benefits we would lose a lot of energy for this but i do want the extra influence quite badly so i am going to do that so that's increased how much influence we're getting from them that will happen naturally eventually and if we get lucky we'll get one of these two types of worlds thankfully the spiritualists are the special specialists specialists spiritualists from having machine cult which means they don't care about us having robots in fact eventually they'll be happy about that so they're all good and happy giving us loads of influence and can't change that that makes them happy that makes them happy that might happen later so yeah there's nothing we can really do our neighbours thankfully are spiritualists and have this true i didn't even see before the private militaries which means you can have mercenaries which give you trade value ship and army starting experience is increased by 200 that's actually really good for ships that basically levels them up i think they get the moguls okay that's gonna be a really powerful starting empire they are xenophilic that's why i like us and they are spiritualists so again they're wary about us but they will end up being our friends wonderful the bunker bars which will give us plus 200 influence that's what i wanted to see no use for another building just yet we still have loads of jobs which aren't being taken receiving transmission you know what sure let's make sure you're happy of us especially since we just stole one of your guaranteed habitable worlds oh wait no it's not because you're from a desert oh just a random world very close to your homeworld then we found another empire over here which thankfully yep still neutral to us yeah completely neutral there's no positive or negative feelings here so all is good in this little bit of the galactic neighborhood the first of our worlds which we're using purely for populations was just settled i already sent one population back so there we go we now send two back which is good because again we have so many jobs to fill which are all specialists so it doesn't really matter if these populations are specialists that are sending back normally that are to sit around waiting for a job but yeah so many specialist jobs it's instant i've just realized as well we only have six d oh no no we do have up to eight districts just because we have three of them already taken for a second that i thought i was wrong about everything but nope this planet currently has three out of eight districts so yeah the ring worlds are going to be so insanely powerful would it max happiness from amenities yep don't need that then might build a temple just to keep everyone spiritualist not really worth the upkeep just leave it as is keep on sending populations over and hopefully soon we'll finish off our precursor again as much as it isn't a particularly useful relic it's useful for this one thing getting extra populations from these colonies this is probably the empire which is going to make the most use however a lovely primitive world for us to enlighten receiving transmission they're in the machine age they have a population 24 which is actually really good for us and they are conformists so they'll soon conform to our ways it's just a shame they fought back and had to lose so many of their own and apparently hurt a few of ours which honestly is just incredibly rude assembly plans a shrine a mecca monastery and let's go the temple as well let's go fully into the whole spiritualist thing since i think they were materialists another scientific break ooh and militarists but hopefully since they can form mr will change at least some of them are authoritarian we've just finished the infinity equation and got really lucky we got the best possible outcome and now as the orbo metal hits the event horizon oh would you rather get influence from that as well research concluded oh i thought that chinese was something smaller so did i not get the best for oh so it wasn't the best version well obsidian i thought we got the really really best version where that actually transforms as well we get a uh i think it's just a research speed modifier as well oh well at least we have some extra influence honestly i've mostly just been sitting here in silence now for a while because all i've been doing is micromanaging the worlds and slowly expanding our empire well actually fairly quickly expanding our empire but looks at things we're one of if not the biggest empire and we are ahead on tech competitive everyone else now our economy is actually looking really good outside of crystals we have loads of rare resources which we've been selling for loads we have loads of excess food loads of excess minerals which i've been settling as well so we have a tiny little fleet already and we already are including cruisers which so far i haven't seen anyone else with so our fleets are now getting stronger so soon enough we will start to become far far more aggressive just continuing to expand though right now so there's no real need to be super aggressive yet as all of our influence can still be spent elsewhere and that's pretty much it our mind world our home world i have been funneling populations and soon now has 78 which means we don't have a grand total of four high priests so our machines are producing plus 20 outputs and we are getting plus 20 engineering i have gone for a second commercial segment just so we can rush more economy and just expand faster and faster and soon what i'll need to do is change telecommunications from civilian just to neutral because right now it's really costing us all of that navy capacity which we're gonna need if we're gonna become aggressive eventually we're definitely going to become aggressive against this empire though because it has a ruined dyson sphere obviously we want that we finally have the use home world and yep so here is the ute cryo core on the upside the passive effect like i say actually is quite useful for us an extra one pop every time you get a new habitat a new uh colony that is which is about to say is going to be good since we might end up spamming habitats this will be whatever population each time but also since we are sending colony ships to worlds they're sending populations back all the time that does mean we get one extra population so rather than two we're getting three that's good the active effect though is just not worth the 150 influence it's minus 20 ship upkeep for 10 years it's just not good enough for the influence the influence is just why why too valuable for so many other things it's not terrible and i'm sure in some circumstances it can be really useful especially when you have a very large fleet that's only energy neutral when they're all docked and not costing too much then you send them out and they cost a fortune this could be useful just so many other precursors i'd rather have we've finally got droid tech so now the flesh is weak increasing our population assembly speed by 10 decreasing our robot upkeep by 10 and most importantly we can now turn into cyborgs we now have five holy priests on the homeworld now originally i wanted to be a bit more aggressive a bit earlier than this but here's the thing i got droid tech so light i had all my droids just sitting making food whereas i normally could have had them on the alloy foundry jobs i'm now converting them hence why my alloys are about to hit why over a hundred per month i am converting some of the other worlds for them as well that was the original plan i was just so so light there is no strength in flesh only weakness there is no certainty in flesh only death a cybernetic revolution also i missed out like three of those and i think otherwise the important thing is our people are now cyborgs they are augmented and in most ways far far more powerful look they've engaged a research speed of their leaders our grand leader though doesn't really care too much about being cyborg but everyone else does bonuses everywhere the species itself also is getting a nice decent amount of bonuses with extra habitability army damage and leader lifespan a lovely improvement overall so now i'm probably am i going to keep on sending colony ships with the extra habitability even the worst ones aren't going to be as bad in this one's case it's almost perfect 93 but yeah even the really bad ones no they're still on 23 habitability why is that so low oh yeah of course because we're destroying the world to run i forgot minus seven percent there and um minus five percent there so yeah we will continue to get the colony ships to try and funnel populations into the ring world this is now the 13th attempt of explaining where i might not pick welfare nights originally this was my intention to have this straight away it gives us one extra housing from our city districts it gives two amenities from our administrators and our mining farming and generator districts have plus one job and plus one housing each at the cost of plus 15 upkeep which is nothing considering they're giving 50 extra output essentially so that's nothing but the big problem here is this we have to not have private healthcare and private education the healthcare part isn't too bad i want it public anyway so that's fine but private education gives plus 15 specialist output now public education is nice too we get extra governing ethics traction more unity less crime it's all good a bit less energy per month that's fine really but that's just 15 output is just an insane amount now on top of this we'd also have to give all of our population social welfare or better in terms of their living standards which would cost us more consumer goods but i'm fine with that because it also increases our happiness by a lot so it's not really a true negative there everything else is fine it's just changing from private education is so nasty there we could have mining guilds which is interesting it also gives you extra mining jobs over time so that would be very similar to that it also means our mining districts have plus one housing and plus one jobs as well so maybe i'll go with that instead go with mining guilds rather than well first i really i really do like welfare state it makes our world so much better maybe later on we'll swap it for that but for now i'm thinking either mining guilds or maybe republican ideals because we get the extra influence from our factions and extra happiness our workers and specialists are both incredibly happy as well so that would make our worlds happier with their political power well dude do nothing really no i think for now we'll go mining girls for once i really want welfare state beer that'll be later on once our worlds are more established so i think this might demonstrate just how obsessed our species is with turning everything into cyborg studying everything into machines this is a pre-sapient species it's a cockroach it's not quite sapien yet it's smart but not too smart we've turned them into cyborgs i don't know when we've done this but we have which means a large population of our scientists have spent time possibly months tracking these things down sedating them and probably giving them robot faces arms and just general cybernetic implants [Music] yep now thankfully we are uplifting these so it is nice they are already cyborg since we don't have to assimilate them afterwards and that will give us loads of extra influence which is good because very very soon we are going to war with the shrooms next to us we have cruisers we have corvettes and our tech is doing really well right now we are much further ahead than them we have far less ships but our ships are far stronger and so we're going to climb this area and hopefully after we uplift just give loads of influence and grab all of this and end here then the next time we attack we can go after their capital the uplift has been a success so with that claim claim claim we of course want soul so we can grab some humans now we want that we want that as well for the world that for the world uh we can get those lighter that's all the important stuff then we start saving up influence so we start making some claims here as well you know i've only just realized something from earlier mining guilds plus welfare state would mean that our mining districts are giving plus two housing and plus two jobs they're doubled that's insane i like it you so yeah we'll definitely get welfare statilizer well the enemy are being a bit dumb they're attacking over here but they have no climbs or anything their victory is just humiliation just isn't going to happen uh we're attacking over here we've got uh grabbed the main system the main station that is we're about to destroy this them being over there means we're gonna get a stranglehold here and just sit tight and yeah they can't possibly win we're gonna status quo once who grabbed everything if they defended and they defended on a station they actually would have had a decent chance of winning but they didn't so they weren't so despite the enemy over here grabbing all these systems of course we ended up winning they'll get nothing from this and we will get all of this we only missed one season uh one system because i just wanted to get this out of the way nice and quickly gonna return these back to base and we do now have soul gonna just call it a random name here um earth yeah that sounds good weird creatures though at least we can make them better by making them cyborgs research concluded we are now building battleships as well there they are fleet enhancements and they look awesome especially since i've gone for the double carrier which adds all these um all these docking bays and they just look amazing so i've decided we're probably going to go to war with the council before we go to war with the regime again the reason is their capital is so close so i've already made claims here and here so we can grab their capital which will be just an insane amount of population the problem is though we did have a non-aggression pact so it's gonna be a while but honestly i need to to finish off expanding anyway and finish off all these worlds so i think it's in 10 years we can go to war is that correct yep in 10 years we go to war with the other geckos showing that we are the superior geckos i've just unlocked federalized authority now this will annoy some of my factions but i'm gonna keep it for the extra admin cap since we're about to hit it again and i don't want to build any more admin buildings as soon as i unlock centralized authority i will be moving over this will be giving us plus one monthly influence which of course is the biggest thing there influence makes me very happy now here is something beautiful two things are being researched i was really looking forward to first of all we have synthetics which means of course that's one step for us to all become synthetic on top of that we have the sacred nexus now the sacred nexus is unique in the temples in that it also gives high priests normally don't give one but because of our civic it'll give two instead so we can have loads and loads of high priests on the ring world which means our machines can be incredibly powerful and because they're synthetic they'll also be able to do any job now every time i start a new habitat a new colony that is i am sending over the synths so we're getting loads and loads of loads of them and you once you're done with that please go and fix this and that that'd be great athletes are ready to attack the empire next to us the geckos and the next time we go to war with the regime instead of claiming anything we're just going to turn them into our vassal and eventually absorb them after that the imperium will fall then the consumer products then the commonality and eventually all will be us and all will be made perfect on our home world we now have a grand total of 18 high priests which means our robot output is increased by 90 and our engineering research by 90 as well so as for example if we take a look at our machines here they're almost producing 20 consumer goods per job so for reference the default amount if we go over to civilian industries would be six each they're producing almost 20. that's just fantastic synthetic evolution is on its way immortality is without grasp and this is also what's gonna pretty much trigger the contingency already our population is very good in comparison to all the other empires and it's gonna increase drastically as we take over the empires around us and by having so many synths in the galaxy the contingency is almost guaranteed to try and destroy us it will be glorious soon we will be synths in only a couple of years if i think less than a year now but let's start destroying these geckos well not destroying improving construction project concluded would have been better a few more ground forces but i think it'll be enough oh no it won't wow they have really defended themselves oh yeah the whole mercenary thing they're gonna be really annoying aren't they i completely forgot you had the whole mercenary thing ah that's a lot of ground forces oh no it could just be this one cause you have the hall of judgment either way though let's keep on making ground forces and eventually we'll have enough to just overwhelm until then we continue to move forward they're swarms of little angry robots they've last told me to buy food for a while special project from food there we go all machines which means they're all going to get bonuses from the high priest and the high priest themselves are getting bonuses from the high priests that's fantastic oh our energy is a bit uh worryingly bad but still flesh is weak and so we have made ourselves stronger okay can the weaker flick go this way please and take out that that'd be great look at that little angry robots all swarming lovely planetary incursion initiative successful hostile i need to start using this market as well i just grabbed loads of populations which are now being converted but we do need is at least one species which we can keep growing normally alongside our main species these are about to be converted because there's no other way i can affect the in fact no um i'm wrong there okay i need to cancel something cancel you we can just keep the original geckos not every single gecko has agreed to become pure machine some have nobody sacrificed to stay back to tend to the machine's needs so give that second to cancel which will take a few more seconds okay so now i can do is apply template only to the robots so only those we're not affecting the geckos themselves that way the geckos can start growing yet through migration at least onto worlds where they have some habitability and especially on the main world so we have 11.9 on growth rates for our synths and then 4.49 for our geckos as well so that's a really good amount of growth rate victory almost all the territory of the councils now ours at least all their major worlds including their homeworld only the superior geckos will be allowed to survive in this galaxy now of course that doesn't mean we're killing you we're just improving you by force all of you will soon become synthetics okay you need to get back and upgrade i actually lost one of my fleets during this fight um so i had to remake most of it and after that we're going to go toward you and we're going to turn you uh we could turn you into a tributary but instead i'm going to turn you into my protectorate because i am kind and eventually i will then assimilate your entire civilization oh apparently the geckos did this and i didn't realize that's kind of annoying split up my um my empire a little bit i did not realize they had climbs here i should have paid attention to that well it's not really too much of an issue no world's lost yeah just two really boring systems yeah sure i don't really care about that honestly so what we'll do is eventually we'll come back and turn you into prosecutors anyway so first of all we take over the regime then we choose between the empire and the imperium now the imperium might actually be a federation candidate for the future though so it's hard to say what about you oh you do not mind at all that would not be difficult to get you to join us or i could just break this system here in fact i'm gonna do so break this system here thus isolating this system and then i'll turn that sector into its own little thing and i'll turn that into my federation member that way it's the exact same as me that's the important thing there really what's it called again okay let's see if we can actually find him in more than two seconds that one there create vassal randomize name sure initial colonization phase you don't want wars of aggression that's interesting but still wouldn't be difficult [Music] just make sure they really like us then we'll release them and turn them into a federation member so actually that is problematic seeing that the fact that they don't want wars of aggression on the upside though keeping them as our protectorate which is what you are right fleet enhancement supply that counts as a vassal it's actually a protector that gives us influence doesn't it i thought protectors gave us a little bit of influence i can't remember either way i'll work it out so the reason why i wasn't rushing to make a federation anyway is because i couldn't have the technological version i could only have either the hegemony or the galactic union both of which are not all that interesting to say the least so i've heard of hegemonics eventually that means i can have this join or die which means i can just grab any empires left and force them into the federation until then i can just take over an empire and i will allow subjects to join which means they will all join the federation if they want to or not either way and that's it i'll either take over whole sections of an empire or i will put them into the federation or perhaps even consume them later depending on how i feel why is my energy looking so bad oh is it because of all these worlds yes all these worlds are suddenly costing me and they're not giving me anything back okay that'll fix itself later overwhelming strike craft okay that was its main fleet guess it'd be easier to deal with this area first take out these stations then go back on ourselves really is just gonna be a matter of war exhaustion with the influence gain we have it's almost at eight now all by itself even before will to power because of things like changing the authority stance i have been building a lot of habitats which is going to be really useful considering they also benefit from the extra districts just like the ring worlds i don't know if this is really intentional but it means that it begins with seven districts and we can upgrade it twice just like usual so we'll end up with habitats with i think it's plus two each time am i right either way then it'll be 11 districts which is really good so i am gonna have to start building some on mining um areas and everything else just so we get loads of minerals and energy though saying that energy isn't really going to be a concern soon we'll have the dyson sphere and because of that i have went with the archaeology project first that way we can start upgrading our world since all that alloy is going to be sunk into the dyson sphere along with building the megastructures we have loads of other mega structures we need first anyway before the galactic understuff i want the interstellar assembly and lots of other things as well so very annoyingly our neighbours here the empire has also gone to war with the same enemy we're currently facing and has uh conquered a number of worlds well are currently um occupying a number of worlds i can't attack them without declaring war of the empire but if i'm at war i can't start asking for other empires to become my tributaries or protectorates which i really want to do as soon as possible so i'm going to do now is just accept status quo this will give me every world i was able to conquer which is most of them to be fair oh my god that border gore it's going to annoy a lot of people but there we go that's all i could really do um then i'll go back to war with the regime in the future but for now we do now have a new empire the conclive it's called hello the conclave and you are loyal to us in fact because you have followed our exact ways we've even turned them into a cult because we've done this so i can still even though you're part of the federation i can still absorb you right yeah excellent so i can choose when to um make you leave the federation also there's a seagull right now i don't know it don't i don't know if it's picking up on the microphone but there's a baby seagull right outside my window it's adorable and very loud and very annoying but also adorable also the border core oh my god the border core this is probably some of the worst i've ever had it okay so i guess next will be the imperium oh no they're at war as well can we have one empire not currently okay the council is currently under the control of someone else so how do i grab them from that then yeah i don't get how i actually grab them from um from their current control i guess i could go after the empire which is controlling them since they're not particularly powerful themselves well they got a decent fleet but that's it so we could go after the main empire here and just go through them the human ancients over here hey humans don't know it's all got very messy very fast i can't do this with this empire since they're at war maybe that's what i'll do i'll wait until they finally win because they own everything they need to then i'll go after the empire next they're friends with which empire this game really mess it's all over the place oh that empire okay so i'm going toward both of them anyway in that case i need more fleet power which is very easy to do i haven't been spending anything on my fleets recently after tens of years of war with the consumer products the weird name for the empire which of course is a uh mega corporation this poor weary soul this poor weary empire has pledged their loyalty to us to protect them and thus our dominance of the galaxy increases why when did they take over the el gate conclive when did you do this yeah i'm talking to you you adorable cactus people who like us you almost accept protectors wow yeah if you were a smaller empire you would actually accept and protect a protectorate status from us protectoris it's like protect us and protector combined into one interesting very interesting indeed i didn't even realize the lk was opened how odd can't any worlds though what was even in the l gate it must have been the dragons i must have just missed the event yeah the dragons have been released which means i don't think you can actually turn these into normal worlds because of that unless you do something to that system lies within wasari bloodborne bloodborne bloodborne space how do you own one system ooh fanatical purify ooh we could take over everything you have uh is there a way for empire our fleet to actually get there yeah through the l gates um i mean we may as well you currently with anyone yes oh i see you've taken over that and that was theirs originally uh we probably won't get there fast enough never mind stay put there's other things we need to do namely we need to get ready to take over the holy guardians over here i really do want the fallen empire territory as soon as possible and we still have empires over here to make into protectorates our first world has been encased in the arcology project which is wonderful since all resources on that planet has increased by 20 and population growth of the organics is increased by 50. on top of all that you have these really powerful districts now so we are going to be able to create so so many of absolutely everything we want so to begin with let's do two of those one of those upgrade that and this is just one of quite a few which are being created the dyson sphere also just got finished and so we have loads of energy now something really annoying happened i was moments away from getting the empire to just allow me to offer them protectorate status and they were going to accept it but then at the last second they formed the federation over here with the kingdom so we're going to war with the empire to force them to be our protectorate they don't know it but it's for their own good so we have two major fleets i'm actually gonna split you a little bit since we could be attacked over there uh actually no both you can go that way the new fleet i'm making i'll move over here to protect this area since this is part of it all three of these are going to protect each other we are most likely going to have to have status quo it's very unlikely i'll have the entire empire but likely a lot of it will join us hopefully in a bit more of a uh well less of a messy form like over here with the regime and the conclusion research concluded look how loyal you are yay it's gonna take a long time before we can fully integrate you well about a year but it's gonna take a long time after that once it's activated now you is gonna be a long time yeah so i need to get this done now i completely forgot how good synths are with habitats because you get basically full speed production in only a few populations so normally you'd only be growing a few organics now but for instance this one here is already growing plus nine for its robots you will quickly get out of hand with population if you do this and that's exactly my intention because i can always send all the extra populations over to things like the city planets and then we get loads and loads of extra high priests 31 over here it's just wonderful i love how this empire works i love it mechanically if they could balance it to make it a little bit weaker honestly i think it would be my favorite empire of all time of course it's modded so i mean modded ones are always going to be a bit fun now the reason why the machine growth is faster on habitats in a synth empire that is an empire which has undergone the synthetic ascension rather than a normal empire who is building machines is because some of the natural buildings in the main building here so the natural jobs are replaced by the robot jobs instead whereas in a normal emperor of course that wouldn't be the case so you're getting additional robot growth from the very very very start which again makes latvik's either happy turns out we have wormholes all the way into the enemy's territory so say hello to strikecraft which have been upgraded multiple times now through our repeatables also a titan because i like titans absolutely crushing everything right now so you can deal with the rest of this in a second you can do all that you can deal with all this yeah it looks like we'll end up staying as quoting once we grab all of their worlds i want to grab the ones down here like i say gonna move up grab that and then do a sweep and move back currently i have a fleet over here defending this section there was a fleet here but i've just jumped through it seems like they can also go through this wormhole which is also attached to their territory the wormholes are very annoying for some reason they won't let me zoom in on this but yeah there we are just look at the sheer number of strikecraft i know strikecraft aren't the meta or anything but i just adore them so much we have successfully assimilated the conclave ooh lithoids of course this means now is there's a lot of populations turning into synths for a while down there we're also getting very close to true victory as well which is not what i expected very happy with that indeed where's that ground force has got there you are you go over there please next and you can take back all of this well this bug this out change the size to six i'm hoping no yes it'll change the planet size to six so it will definitely still just add two districts it won't bug out and remove things i hope i am successful uplifted another species which means now we get to do even more habitats and pretty much anything else we want as well we need more alloys been neglecting alloys for a while and it's kinda caught up with me now so very close will this be the last system not quite but so insanely close now and there we go achieve war goals the empire has joined the winning side so are you weak enough to simply submit rather than me attacking you you're still in the federation with who oh is it these fellows oh because they're the subject that's annoying i was really hoping we could get away without fighting you you're not too far off you're just too far away actually no you're not huh i might be able to get you to join willingly that might be a bit of effort as well still for now though that's one more empire a very large empire now under our dominion and so the machines go to war with the phase spiritualists initial colonization phase commencing and the game lags at the severity civil so we should yeah we're definitely gonna be able to dominate this this will be absolutely fine now we will have to bombard their worlds for a bit because our ground craft are a bit rubbish oh there we go finally getting the xenomorph army i think i actually passed upon this by mistake earlier but now we finally have that we can start making proper good units since at the moment i'm just spamming the basic ones which is why i have such a weak ground force loads of clones loads of just machine assault groups nothing particularly powerful their fleet just vanished oh we went through the wormhole where does that wormhole go then why would they need to go there i was gonna remove these these are the fleets i took from the other empire they were just going here okay we need to find out where on earth this wormhole goes it leads to over here why would you go there i am really confused about the roots the enemy is taking goes this way there's a l gate there is that where you're heading towards the l gate but you're leaving your home world completely exposed the celestial throne and the sky temple will be mine now initializing hostile engagement protocols yeah we really do need a better army because these things just don't do enough damage each and just get absolutely pummeled against anything fairly elite so now i am building up some xenomorphs despite the machines feeling so much greater than the organics eventually pride did affect them and any organic still living on the worlds happily serving them became less and less of a citizen and more and more of a servant they owed the machines so much the machines gave them everything an empire of sprawling utopia it's only right that they owe them and give back to the machines basically what i'm saying is all of my organics are now being transferred from full citizenship to indentured servitude my empire has got a lot more efficient and a lot more brutal the celestial throne has fallen sky temple is already weakened the xenomorphs have won although there is no strength in flesh only weakness it can still be corrupted and still has some uses but all of you are gonna be converted and these sky domes will be made in something a bit more useful yeah i kind of forgot how bad celestial throne is quite of some of the other the other fallen empire mine um oh that's bad i was gonna say main worlds and then of course it is paired with sky temple but still maybe we'll go after the other fallen empire over here as well since they are literally right there if we can get both the fallen empire stuff yeah definitely we'll go after them straight away afterwards oh that's where their fleet is i don't even know how you got there that doesn't matter now you're pretty much done for the last of your stations is about to be assaulted but only one fleet someone done but still goodbye and the last of your worlds are also being devoured praise be the xenomorphs i appreciate the world that they are bombardment and then they're dead i'm getting party tired now what just happened to my speech then i appreciate the world of the daba the baba about retreats bad boom many explosions this their world silly fallen empire lothric's been recording for 10 hours shouldn't do that breaks needed smarts lavrix does healthy work latrick's good example of smartsmart so let's try that one more time so we have the enemy here bombarding the world i appreciate their bombarding profits retreat considering that's one of their own holy worlds and here they are just sitting there bombarding it from orbit utterly obliterating its pristine beauty i just find that kind of amusing considering that's normally what they defend at all cost although i guess maybe that's their plan if i surrender do i lose that world no so yeah there is no reason for what they're doing they're just doing the dum-dum and i'm okay with that so with athletes i've now gone with full shields with the new shields generously donated by the fallen empire we are of course still the spamming the strike craft because i like spamming the strike craft i think they're fun and again this is really silly what i really should do is at least give them one of the excise weapons that would be a lot more balanced but we're gonna see if we can win just using strikecraft so here's melodic strikecraft which i can't show right now but strikecraft are unique with the repeatables in that they don't give a five percent bonus they're the only things which don't get that they get a 10 bonus and the reason is strike crafts are difficult to use especially as a main weapon so if they only got the five percent upgrade i don't think anyone would ever give it that so since we're getting so much engineering research can we just rely pure purely on strike craft versus a times 25 crisis for once maybe maybe potentially probably not but we're gonna give it our best try and if we fail and die because of it well then we fail and die and it'll be amusing all the way fear not our glorious overlord we are here to help say he's one of our protectorates at last second yeah these are the last of the fellows and i think that's it am i right glory be to the voice in the machine so that's going to be a lot of populations being assimilated and a lot of very pretty worlds indeed okay so we're gonna do with these um we could turn them into city planets we could we could just leave them as they are it's a lot of food a lot of minerals being generated there sky temple it would be a lot of effort to get all of these city districts oh it's a size 30 i forgot yeah that's what my celestial throne special it's um it's brokenly big you know what then just for the fun of it why i'm going to try my darndest to turn it into a city world making undergo the arcology project there's already enough jobs to go around right yeah there's loads of clerk jobs and everything else okay so that's absolutely fine we'll leave this if that's what we'll do it'll turn this into a trade station what i need to do is start to build our gateways they're the last thing i was going to build anyway but it's getting to the point where our trade routes are just really annoying and i have bastions defending them and it's just a waste of starports of um starbases okay so i'm going to remove all but one which will be the one on the old capital which is this one this one that one okay so let's remove all of you oh i didn't realize downgrade was just delete that's helpful i'm slowly learning hot keys very very slowly like way too slowly and you can be the new sector okay this one we actually do want a decent governor because it's gonna be a lot of resources science would be good maybe experience gain would be okay but anything useful here please nope just gonna keep on giving you the exact same governor over and over again actually the extra food might not be bad i might end up using this as a food there we go there's the science one that's what i wanted receiving transmission is your name retina no well to me you will always be known as retina so apparently the mega shipyard framework is similar to the science nexus having this in the center that is blindingly bright concluded i approve also building a ring world down since we've already built our um where are you the science nexus is oh no the size nexus is finishing off that's why we're building the room world okay i'm keeping up with what i'm doing we could build another dyson sphere i would like some more energy we are already running out it's almost like our entire populations are built finally the galactic stock exchange okay i have been after this for ages i've only just got it that's gonna help out a lot never mind energy will be fine we now have the ability to have decent train value more worlds are of course being converted into the archaeology project as well the more than we have the better i mean the population growth of the organics is just insane with this with our first arcology which is you we have 6.9 so about seven population growth for the organics and then we have almost 12 for the machine that is insane yeah our population is just skyrocketing we're at three thousand now only a few years ago or at two thousand it's just gonna keep on increasing and increasing oh look the humans have woke up yeah just try lads peace in the galaxy is our foremost concern have you come to sign the treaty no you're fleshy and weak if you're a robot who might listen to you but no you're not you're humans of all things i won't trust humans of anything i don't trust humans in anything certainly don't trust myself free market energy industry is privatized and governmental control and regulations over economy is generally reduced buildings energy grid and engine x's produce additional trade value only wealth creation and consumer benefits trade policy are available that's fine can't be combined with social equality or utopian living standards get one mogul job per 30 pops 20 uh one merchant per 25 one clerk per 16. then we get less tried for okay i'm going to do that almost purely because i want their mobile jobs if the mogul's as powerful as i remember them being hey moguls can someone jump on their second so a mogul is it just trying to value yes essentially it's the more powerful version of a merchant that's actually pretty nice especially for free jobs that's going to help out a lot with our tried value generation yeah a merchant produces five they produce eight now if you have certain civics you can actually make moguls do other things like increase energy and mineral production on the world but sadly we don't have any of those civics also i keep on trying to say muggle when i say mogul these are our non-magic machines they just make money magically wait our ships are once more in position now to war with the other fallen empire yeah we need gateways desperately it took way too long to get there currently though my influence isn't doing so great because i am integrating the empire soon all of this shall be ours it's like we're giving the rest of the empire rest of the empire the rest of the galaxy a hug did i mention i really need to take a break but i'm having a wind in which one because that's what's happening right now who needs to talk when you talk for a living hey i'm sorry you don't have enough point defense for that make pretty shapes okay all ground forces please merge lots of you are now xenomorphs so you're nice and powerful compared to what you were i've got claims on all of this sadly i couldn't afford everything this time around though finally an actual fight with the fallen empire i forgot just how much point defense they actually have also not all of my fleets were here yet which is a little bit annoying research concluded construction can the rest please get here as well yeah we've won this one but not as handily as i'd hoped yeah just spamming point defense the problem is as well normally not sorry point defense uh strike craft normally it's better when you have other ships as well to take the brunt of the damage but here we are being dumb still defeated the fallen empire somewhat handily if you do go there that'd be great and this is pretty much it as well we're inviting this world over here planetary incursion initiative success and now we can go on over and probably just wait a couple of seconds and then we can take over this as well imagine being on the font of knowledge right now and you look up into the sky and it's just this that would be terrifying oops keep on canceling the order there we go why are those unique as well the little transport ships going down i don't know yeah that's a definite victory there on a side note here is the finished science nexus which i have to say looks really cool very cool machine stuff so this is the fully upgraded habitat i was waiting until we saw the fully upgraded version to showcase this it's a little mini ring world i love this mod so much kind of bizarre it goes from this into that and honestly i think this is good as well the mega shipyard is now also finished lovely enhancement supplied and here we go we've got all the stuff we wanted from this fallen empire we'll leave it now even if it wakes up it's going to be a threat to us so quite a few useless worlds and of course we have the main world the font of knowledge a size 20 world which has already undergone the arcology project and look at that loads of alloys loads of rare resources minerals a plethora of energy loads of food that's the wrong use of the plethora by the way the affluent center and the fortresses being the only thing i'm gonna quickly swap out and that is where i call this recording session finally and go and get some sleep i think i've got like 30 plus hours of footage already but today is about 11 hours of that don't do what i do when it comes to work because i get unhealthily obsessed sometimes but i was having a lot of fun i like how the synths and the robots which were here originally have just basically taken over and all the organics are now becoming them just make sure you only make us it's a pretty big deal to make sure all of the new worlds only produce the correct type of machine okay i can't do that just yet because since i was building them but they only build the correct machine type and it's purely because all these synthetics will be affected by the ghost signal and produce less resource whereas our species even though it is technically a synth isn't affected by them some reason i can't change that is actually devastation or something i'm not quite sure what's going on with that world by the way yeah just make sure i always lock that and thankfully unlike organics there's no negative growth right from this you simply lose 10 of what's already built if you're swapping them in that case i wasn't actually swapping i was just locking them in so i didn't even lose that just need to make sure i only produce the main species well now that we've completely obliterated one fallen empire we have completely crippled the second i think it's about time we attack the human fallen empire which is actually now the awoken empire so let's have a quick look see then what their ships are actually like and why we're taking so much damage that could be it um if they're using a lot of strike craft no they're not saying that i think all the different fallen empires have different weapon loadouts i'm just wondering where i took so much damage so easily of our ship since we have such good shields now you are actually pretty good versus shields yourself but you still shouldn't be breaking through them so quickly are we strong enough to attack the viking empire just yet yeah i think we would be able to but i'm gonna reinforce anyway so everyone go back we'll attack the human peacekeepers later one day i'll actually do this fast enough but i need to remember to make sure all of the worlds are only producing our main synth species like i said before these species here the robots will be affected by the contingency's effects whereas our synths will not and apparently i've been slacking with that for a while probably since we've just been going to war for so long production project concluded wow so there we are with the machine gateway several of these are now up and running and my empire is becoming a bit more cohesive now that is a site of pure music concluded through the gates where we go towards the human awakened empire let's show them what geckos can do oh humans we are here to end your threat oh benevolent are interventionists clearly you are the problem in this galaxy and i am simply here to help initializing hostile engagement protocols apparently one of the other empires has done psychic you see i do love strike craft but they do derp up a lot for instance these kind of went to the station then turned around and they've just done nothing whereas they could have been fighting the entire time yeah strikecraft are pretty awful in this game i've got to be honest the ioi needs to be improved it did actually get improved at one point they were worse than this a while ago but uh yeah they they do a lot of damage when they're all out but also takes a long time for them to all be sent out from the ship it's just it's just there are better options out there let's just say that okay you just stay well might want to set some of them to carrier as well also might want to swap out these weapons the um don't know i've got a large version of that here oh because this one needs to be upgraded and changed okay but i might just change them all to disrupters that way we're completely ignoring shields with every single weapon [Music] though disrupters are quite weak and we're not adding any energy um damage all we're doing is shields essentially the reason why i'm going with this is because i love the concept of every single time i have an engineering research i always go with strike crafts i'm always increasing the damage the physics is always increasing the shield and that's where all of the damage and all of the defense is coming from so i'm always perfectly upgrading the craft at least that's the idea you could do the same with kinetic though as well and that would probably work out better versus a lot of enemies but i like strike craft this is the one chance i have though i am tempted to swap out to kinetic because kinetic is good versus both the contingency and the unbidden dance colossus dance oh i know what this lag is i think i've just finished assimilating my name but dance boarders dance oh no what oh timing oh this is gonna be bad it's gonna be so many populations now which are all gonna be assimilated uh yep they're all being assimilated oh look at all these new worlds look at all of these oh lord that is terrible on the upside though now the conclave over here will yeah will definitely join us in our federation willingly as soon as it's finished with its current war so the conclave is about to become one with us though not a protectorate annoyingly it seems like we're kind of at that stage where getting protectorates is really difficult purely because of empire population and also they don't see multiple um multiple of the same repeatable as extra research benefits so that's slowly going away as they finish off all the normal texts so unless i go to war i can't really get any more protectors which is a shame i like them joining willingly there's something fun about that oh there's so many rubbish little ships okay i'm gonna spend the next far too long sorting out all of this so firstly all of these worlds are going to need to have robo assembly plants and they're also going to need the mecca monasteries this way they get the most powerful jobs which give us loads of them engineering research but most importantly decrease the upkeep of all machines on the world which of course will be the bulk of the world very soon then later on once they're actually building techs again i'll go around and make sure they're all producing only the synths so starting off at the queen or cream sector and going down yep there's going to be a lot of very upset worlds whoa whoa that is a world you even got that is that your like did you have the okay apparently this empire had the origin of having the perfect gyro world which is now ours thank you i'm pressing all the wrong buttons right now but there we are okay we do not need more civilian fabricators because we have the city plans for that on top of the fact our trade value is also giving us loads and loads of consumer goods so i am going to be replacing all those i need to also specialize these worlds that's something i haven't been doing very well with the other worlds i've got because i've been trying to keep up with so many things uh one thing which i would say for people trying to learn from what i'm doing is don't skimp on making sure that worlds are specialized correctly it is a serious bonus if you can get that all done correctly now i'll probably have to come back to these worlds anyway later just because i don't know exactly how many jobs can be taken and such since everyone now is being assimilated so all the numbers are messed up but if i can just do this at least then i can leave them all i go to war and yet this is how long it takes and this is why i'm probably gonna add the mod which makes all this a lot more compact i've got very good at dealing with this ui but it is very it's a bit on the cumbersome side let's say and this is all the stuff you normally don't see in the video hours upon hours of this another thing i need to do is all these gateways now thankfully the fallen empire have been lovely sorry the awakened empire and started to build gateways in their own territory anyway that means we can connect all our trade value nice and easily and let's grab those off i forget again so how this works is that if you have a station with trade hubs that trade um that trade reach the collection range will actually go through the gateways which means this gateway here which is now being repaired will go one two three four five six in every direction which means grabbing most of this area i'm going to build another gateway here on heaven's gate and collect that dark matter this gateway is being fixed as well so is that which means all of this territory can be collected without a single star base which is good because i am way over my max right now so i'm going to start downgrading these starbucks random i want to build them in specific places anyway so it doesn't matter what strength these are and will be collected later on okay leave that for now oh and we've pretty much destroyed all the humans forces as well i wasn't paying attention thanks i was doing all the micro management as we bombard mother cradle and brother sorry mother the last of the fallen empires empire is pretty much done with the xeno wards yep welcome to the preserve trying to make sure at least one of each species will survive you may notice they haven't ghost because we never allow that to happen so the preserve will be as well which is a lovely size 20 gaia world and apparently they were just building a habitat there as well cradle has already fallen mother has just fallen as well and now for brother which has a only weak amount of defense left commencing planetary incursion initiative and that is pretty much it the awakened researchers will fall forever they actually managed to go over here and attack us as well thankfully we had some defense forces so it wasn't really a big deal it's a very annoying fight but not particularly difficult there we are cradle a brother and a mother or ours and they are going to be future arcology projects oh we really hurt the populations didn't we maybe bombarded a little bit too much actually speaking about the arcology project over here at the celestial throne which is still class the fortress world i'll change that in a second we've almost finished i've almost got all these city districts and it will be a size 30 arcology project which is just going to be weird honestly you can't just get trade can you for these i guess for now you don't really count as anything i'll swap you over to tech world since that's on building that's going to take a while now i'm getting back my normal influence now that uh this empire doesn't exist anymore lovely my fleets are reclaiming this area as well which was also taken by the very very annoying humans but it seems like they they withdrew to try and defend and kind of failed obviously i didn't even realize this but we have a ruined shipyard over here which means we're going to have two mega shipyards i think the effect will actually stack basically meaning our battleships are going to be built near instantaneously over here the ring world is finally being finished off these tanks so long i love ring worlds i really do but i am starting to lose five in them just because how long they take to build and even with this run uh the end game crisis is a hundred years early sometimes now i have it earlier than this it's just difficult to get enough time to build them and look how powerful we've become with only the base ring world okay so once this is done with the humans the drones take long now we're about to invite the worlds over here and over here since they're done i'm gonna go to war with the regime to finally take back all my borders here and make this look way nicer still a bit mixed with some of the other empires but at least the border gore will be reduced a little bit look at all these science ships i have i'm finally sorting out um our worlds and assisting research it's something which is very very annoying for me i don't particularly like doing it i don't find it fun but there we are now sorting on that because it could potentially give me up to 20 extra research across the board as the scientists level up so finally we are bothering with it how have i still got some worlds which haven't been converted yet there is just so much to do yeah i'll definitely be adding the mod next which will um condense the ui a bit okay at least i've fixed this yeah be careful so now almost all of our population of robots are indeed there since as you can see i allowed two to spawn here but that was it all the rest of us so if we do get the contingency which i'm hoping we do we won't be completely destroyed and this should be an absolute pushover they have 15 000 fleet power that is nothing oh wait they have another 20 or 30 000 over there what are we going to do so i'll quickly take over these i'm making them my tributaries since i'm not going to bother to integrate them and they'll just give us a little bit of minerals and energy at the end of each month as soon as i messed up and thought the marauders here are part of the enemy empire but i also messed up and didn't realize that the conclave over here were actually defending them well i don't particularly care the conclave are weak and they're not even particularly annoyed us for going to war with them we're at war with them hello old chap good seeing you on the battlefield enjoy the plasma round to your face friend oh look it's a little el gate drake what are you doing here bird do you want to be my friend commencing planetarium yeah friend look at the shiny look at it oh we're just gonna shine it up here i totally just said but then i didn't have to cut the video i'm sure oddly enough the old oddly enough the l drake responds well to transmissions broadcaster wavelengths usually reserved for iff systems science officer tetran has developed a fairly sophisticated set of commands that the l drag is able to interpret and will happily execute in exchange for occasional friendly wrestling matches with one of our science ships yes you're a pet yes you were i'm never gonna send you anywhere dangerous no unbeatably serious there they're going home and they're never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever going to go anywhere near combat because they're bloody adorable you're gonna be so spoiled yeah you are what just happened the chroniclers have gone to war to humiliate us bear in mind they only have 60 000 fleet power what are you doing i was gonna leave you alone no i'm not now i'm taking everything you've got left but i was i swear i was gonna be really nice like well i'll say really nice i am also responsible for taking everything before but you get the point okay uh this is the last world anyway in this war after this i can do status quo and i've taken everything don't need more than one fleets or descend yeah that one fleet over it'll deal with these and that is truly bizarre oh it's attacking the foundation not me that's why but he should know i'm the one who's gonna defend i am so confused with that choice aye aye that is one of the stupidest things i've seen in a while and i've seen some stupid things commencing planetary incursion so it turns out no i was actually wrong and it was dumb of my even thought they have in fact declared war on me i just hadn't set my war goal yet so yeah a unique choice i have to say we also now have both of the mega shipyards online and that is producing an insane amount of extra builds pete yeah when you're building um battleships like you're building corvettes then you know things are going pretty well for your empire does it take over the last of the full empire also it turns out you can't take the capital when you do status quo i double checked to make sure i was on this planet i was we still didn't get it it doesn't matter too much but now all this is ours and it slowed down this again but on the episode we now have this as well so we're not losing our navy capacity to our federation fleet which currently only we're building because we still have that lovely bug where everyone here doesn't count as everyone until you go to only leader and then back because things just aren't working correctly at the moment they literally can't make them not that they really would be able to make too many anyway but they just can't happened in my last full playthrough in my last the normal episodic play through theirs and our xenomorphs are destroying the last of the defenses and that should be that oh it seems like they are attacking their own station and losing or are they oh it's actually quite close can we capture this yes we did which means we win and the end of the chroniclers so that's it all of the fallen empires have gone it's kind of weird yeah so the only mid-game crisis which happened was just the humans woke up but then the humans weren't strong enough to deal with us so we dealt with them all nice and simple so let's just quickly sort out these two worlds they special in any way nope they are really basic okay well in that case it's gonna be robot assembly plans the mecca monasteries which i always fit where they are they're there again i know i need a better ui than this but i'm just so used to it at this point you you and the mecca monasteries and just make sure we're only creating the true synths and done okay so we have five years until the end game crisis can spawn we have i'm multi wealthy there's millions of fleet power already that's increasing we're now at 52 000 tech and that's increasing quite quickly as well since that's the main thing i'm focusing on we're getting so much tried value at this point that's where almost all of our consumer goods is coming from uh yep 2630 consumer goods is purely from trade value almost well then the rest is made up of the city worlds but honestly they're not producing anywhere near as much i'm also trying to get more of my city worlds to have more high priests as well it's a lot easier on the ring world i have to say we've just managed to grab the conclave so next what i'm going to quickly do is change my polit my policies the conclave is now part of our federation what we're going to quickly do is change our war philosophy to liberation only for a while we'll change it back as soon as we can i think it's in 10 years this way we can also invite these fellows into our federation there we go so only two three empires now are not part of the federation and honestly i don't much care for them oh no we left the system over here as well a mistake oh well at some point i'll just climb this final world so is it really worth having all the extra effort of grabbing these no i think rather than making them into federation members or anything most likely we'll just try and make them into our protectorates and then absorb them later so as soon as i can change this those are five years good honestly though we have way too much to deal with already and i think just leaving it as it is is fine plus we're never gonna have our federation particularly high level it's just nice to have everything all in one the empire is reaching new heights at 57 000 tech we are now completing our strike craft tech in only four months this is with no stored research so i haven't been waiting around for a month and then i pressed it this is instant and yep four months at this stage i know strike craft are awful i know they're probably going to be the death of me i know everything will probably go wrong because of it but look 300 bonus damage 240 bonus attack speed everything is so very glorious now one question i have apparently the artillery stance will transfer its extra fire rate and everything to the strike craft themselves but i'm still tempted to swap them over to carrier since that's exactly what they're doing they are purely here to send in the strike craft and starting the fight earlier means they have more time to send out the strike craft for the strikecraft to get to the enemy before they reach you all sorts of other things but i still think artillery is better but either way this is the finalized version of the craft somehow i didn't get the dark matter thrusters so i'm sending some craft over right now some science ships to try and grab some of these bits of debris i don't quite know what happened so i'm setting a second sign ship as well and you know what a third let's get that done nice and quickly afterwards you can go back to where you're currently helping out research um as many worlds as possible currently have scientists helping out although i'm not showing that very well right now there we go there's one how do i have so few worlds look how many scientists i have all of these are helping out science i just have so many worlds it's becoming almost impossible to keep up and we are getting more and more worlds as time goes by okay you can help out this world over here i just want every single world to be helped out even worlds aren't necessarily science worlds are producing some science of course because of the mecca monasteries and i occasionally build research labs because i like building research labs this empire honestly is probably the most powerful empire i've ever had though i've got to be honest in terms of tech because of the lack of bonus modifiers we're not doing that much better than than my previous best empire run even with the mod so i do think that this mod could potentially turn the fanatic materialists into gods because this is the spiritualist and um research rush i kinda want to play through one more time just as materialist to see how broken that can be or kind of go with the whole concept of having 75 of your species completely owned which is a bit on the brutal side but it's very possible with the new civics there's a lot of stuff we can do and i am very very tempted by all of them honestly though i do also want to play with gigastructural stuff so maybe i'll mix both of them together i don't know right now all i know is we are looking really good especially if it's the unbidden if it's the umbidum the ambition are just going to die if it's the contingency it'll be difficult but i'm feeling good so one problem i am having currently is that the game is lagging something awful um it is getting to the point now when i am concerned about how long the game can continue and it's almost completely because well we have over 6 000 population at this point in the previous run i think i hit maybe 5k at the very end we're already at 6k and we are growing very very very very very very very quickly that is somewhat of a concern on the upside we're just about to hit that so one concern i currently have is the game is chugging to a halt it is really difficult to keep this thing running now which is a problem but it is what it is i'm really hoping that it doesn't cause a problem by the end of the video and i'm hoping i still have the in-game crisis do all that kind of stuff but expect some laggy fights that is a bit of a problem with our current state we have over 6600 population and we are increasing that number very very quickly even the habitats for instance um we have the combined power of 3.5 and almost nine here so yeah we have lots of habitats and then more worryingly we have these worlds which can have just an insane amount of populations on without any issue and they're growing them even faster almost 12 for the synths and over eight for the organics it is a bit concerning the year is now 2350 which means after this point the end game crisis can spawn this is a full 100 years earlier than the default since the default is 2400 for the end game start year which means after 50 years after that you can have the in-game crisis 100 years early times 25 we are just insanely powerful though i am fairly confident weirdly the scourge themselves are actually going to be the worst of the endgame crisis because all of our stuff isn't particularly good versus them the strike craft are good but that's it our shields are terrible they literally bypass shields so the scourge would be annoying but they are in my opinion the weakest of the three uh the unbidden would be incredibly easy purely because we counted them so strongly the contingency which i am pushing for will be by far the most difficult though i do think we should do well versus them if i'm correct and i might be wrong here the contingency are not very good versus shields and we well we are just bundles of angry shields at this point auto how are you saying this is a factory station now i have actually went along and changed a lot of our habitats because habitats are producing a lot of science each and that increases it by a full 10 so similar to a minimum level scientist assisting research again most of my worlds have that as well just not all of them because there's two bloody many the celestial throne is only one month away from becoming the largest archaeology project i've ever had a size 30. this will be able to hold a ludicrous amount of population three two one and there we go look at that already it has 84 free jobs and 277 housing it's only using up half of its districts we could use this to make just a ridiculous amount of alloys in fact i am going to do just that or we could have consumer goods extra unity not that we need that obviously but extra society research is nice there's lots of stuff we can do with this and i'm going to swap it over instantly to the foundry just because we are going to go with so many foundry archaeologists normally i stick with tech until we've had um enough of these on top of that over with the other fallen empire which were the humans areas we now have the greyhound which is also arcology but only a size 20. though brother he's not far behind a world of cement and beauty avoid superiority the construction of the impressive juggernaut has been completed this mobile behemoth changes the paradigm of offensive warfare entirely it can construct and repair ships on the front line and is equipped with devastating firepower in this case lots and lots and lots of strike craft allowing for a ceaseless assault to those who dare stand against us only fools will oppose the church of the broken world now i can't see it because there's too many things where are you would you mind moving out someone should see you properly i want to see the machine juggernaut thank you it also has an aura which increases strike craft damage oh that is really cool it's less flashy than a lot of the other juggernauts that's kind of what you'd expect very nice very very nice indeed how much shielding does this thing have i honestly thought you'd have a slightly higher um fire right uh firepower um yeah this is all i can afford it's just like a really powerful battleship but yep it has a defensive horror effect on allied ships plus 20 strike craft damage plus 20 strike craft speed now that speed is the main thing it's not fire rate it's how fast they actually move within the system which can sometimes be the main problem strikecraft so i will be taking along the shining wherever i send my ships my god we have millions upon millions each two fleets is 1.2 mil that's insane oh the problem is the game is really breaking right now i don't want to stop until the end game crisis spawns but we're also at the point where i think i could just crush any end game crisis including the contingency especially if strikecraft optically good versus them i don't know if they are but yeah please spawn in soon i beg of the i may need to look up the console commands on how to spawn them and i think in the next room if i'm gonna be using mods i'm 100 i promise going to use the crisis management mod because i need to be able to have a backup and i do apologize i haven't used it this time i will do it next time but i don't really have time now this video has already taken a week to record yeah to be fair i have been a little bit off and on with how much i could record per dicks of real life stuff but yeah this is like a weekend now and i just need the crisis already we have 73k tech i ended up getting bored of just waiting around and we are going to try and make the kingdom our protectorate now honestly the main reason for this is because this empire over here keeps on asking to go to war with them anyway to change their ideology and claim a few worlds so i figure they're probably gonna do most of the work for us anyway so our fleets don't have to be our position not that really the enemy pose any threat to us we are essentially using endgame crisis level fleets at this point and yeah it's not really too much to be concerned about it's just gonna take a while absolutely fantastic now this may be a little bit of a masochist thing to say but i am so glad this is here the ghost signal itself so this heralds the beginning of the end this heralds the contingency so now that we have this what's going to start happening is that our synthetics are going to start leaving our planets they're going to start going haywire there's going to be all sorts of negative events and eventually they're going to have a serious debuff and have just thought of something i've done very dumb i need to remove this um the sapient computers will also become weaker so i'm gonna do is i'm gonna check out carrier let's see what carriers like if you're only using carriers i think it's a terrible idea but i just kind of want to see what happens if everything is using this now that we have to swap them anyway so i'm going to do is just upgrade each and every fleet which is still hanging back at our main base which is most of them except for i think four so i'll move those fleets back as well as soon as i've secured the borders i've almost completely stopped the council here from being able to fight back all we need to do is take the last of their stations and then they are completely nulled and that won't take too long i'll leave my allies to keep trying to deal with the kingdom as i start preparing for the end so yeah back to the whole you know end of everything so what's going to happen with the go signal is that eventually there's going to be a diva for the cypriot computers as i just mentioned but also for any of our machines which are not our synths that is to say not our founding species so 673 robots there are going to have a huge debuff i think it's for tech and a few other things but thankfully this doesn't count even though they are synthetic the founding species doesn't count towards that debuff and as you can see i've been very careful and the bulk of our empire's machines are our lovely single-eyed cyclop cyclocyclopean cyclopean yes it's currently 4am and i shouldn't be recording and that word was very difficult for me to load you know i don't even know if cyclopean is right don't really care the point is the ghost signal is happening so this war is becoming a lot less important for us thankfully the upgrades are incredibly quick and we do have the double mega shipyard so it will take moments to change all of our ships over and they are going to be ready to see if we can win versus the machine we really should be able to however we are stacking strike craft which i've had some terrible luck within the past just the strikecraft ai messing up just all sorts of problems with them that's just one of the problems i have with strikecraft so here's hoping the overwhelming bonuses to how strong they are will overcome that 390 extra damage and 350 extra attack speed and then i plus 20 if we have the juggernaut available okay you just continue grabbing all of those and then when you're done come back and get upgraded fleet enhancements ah strikecraft initial colonization at this point i think our strikecraft about as strong as enemy corvettes one for one well that is pretty much it for the council yeah our allies are dealing with that area so that's fine so now you can all return and get your upgrades once again essentially a downgrade which isn't going to be affected by the contingency's effects which is good so you are a random group what are you oh i think you're a group i got from one of the people i assimilated um you can continue then yep rogue synthetics the negatives begin our synths are now building ships which are what we're gonna send to activate the machine worlds the war goes well as you would imagine considering we are broken levels of strong now to be completely honest if we take a look at the galactic community my diplomatic weight is 1.1 million my uh other council member is 42 000. all members of the council are equal some more so than others also over here i have finally been building up my federation fleet and it's now at one mil at this point we are the times 25 end game crisis fear us more of our synths are vanishing the best possible outcome you might join us once the endgame crisis starts because you become way more pliable that stage who are you ah the bloodborne have one system left and yet they're still so arrogant and angry ah who's an adorable little fanatic purifier yes you are oh yeah there's this empire as i forgot i was gonna take you over you know what you get to stay independent because i can't be bothered honestly oh can we send some more envoys over someone please that'd be really helpful because i have no more left well i guess i could make some try to sacrifice some of these oh no i'm finally below 100 stability so the the housing crisis here wasn't really a problem it's only just now started to be an issue so i'll start sending some populations away and i'll also go ahead and make myself the embassy complex get myself another envoy okay can all fleets please return initial colonization affairs commencing how long does it take until i can integrate you way too long that's never gonna happen okay the arrival hello synthetic killers the contingency so very very soon we're gonna see where the machine worlds are i am really curious if we're lucky there'll be one right there just right in the middle of their territory yeah thankfully we changed these over we don't have any ships currently with the sapient ship controllers except form which is currently returning which is going to be upgrading when it returns all of these have already been changed over research concluded so no negatives there what okay first machine world right on top of us oh that's not good wow okay um we need to get rid of that now everyone move together including the juggernauts we're gonna have a fight how are we gonna see how well we do also okay let's have a quick look see then at the contingency themselves what are they good against what they're bad against perfect yet they are terrible versus shield that's what i thought they should be utterly crushed purely because of that they're also equal armor and shield so um strikecraft are okay here in fact they're pretty good since they also do bonus damage to armor so ignoring all of that shield doing extra damage to armor but the same amount damage the whole yeah i think we'll be okay it's a shame that they are not using strike craft purely because we have so much point defense fed missiles and strike craft that'll be perfect oh my god though what a positioning for the first of the machine worlds i have a habitat above that look there is a habitat okay so this at least uses strike craft our habitat has merged with it scientific status oh that's weird now i don't have defender of the galaxy because i decided to go for just extreme tech and extreme everything else but um we should do well it's a shame we didn't get the federation up to here at least oh wait no the bonuses that max yeah we never would have got that second machine world is oh hello okay right there nice and far away good in belgium darn you belgium i always knew you were a machine empire and in case anyone's wondering at that fight we have plus 400 damage from the strike craft research and plus 410 attack speed energy weapons have plus 5 damage the enemy already have access to the l-gate so they're already kind of everywhere at this point so what i think we need to do rather than keep on defending is well plus i keep on defending government defended yet but rather than defending we just go on all out offense we can lose some systems we can lose some groups that's fine honestly at this point we just need to keep on striking out and taking out their worlds once all the worlds are offline and everything we win so it doesn't matter as much as they take as long as we rush them and we essentially act in a bit of a base rush here the core so this area is the only area which really needs to be defended since it has so much of everything we produce areas like this as much as i love them i don't care as much about so who do we go for first then whichever one we can get to the fastest any um gateways near here not really over here there's a gateway definitely here so probably and there's that wormhole as well which is next one of our gateways yes i'll probably go to this one first and they are now splitting up as well a little bit so we did have a kind of worst case scenario in that first fight fighting everything they had so if we can just fight a couple of them at a time it should be okay converting a few worlds now into fortresses lots of strongholds and stuff thankfully we have loads and loads of habitats which we can use to do all of this just as a latch a last ditch effort to slow down the enemy now the thing is i really should have been doing this a lot earlier but i wanted to focus almost completely on power this time around not just the usual habitat span to keep the enemy away i also don't know how effective it is versus the contingency all of our forces though now moving over to this gateway they're going to jump over here because the enemy are kind of bouncing around so we can move in and take out this second world or world number three so i'll be too dealt with nice and quickly then we rush the last two this one's the least threatening oh wait no that's the l gate on the upside though that means a little bit easier to get to so attack this one go for the elgato one this one then will be last okay i am losing a lot of systems don't know where their ground forces are though gotta be honest i have not seen a single oh wait no i did kill two ground forces on the way here so i've knocked out one of the worlds but yeah i'm not quite sure what their ground forces are doing that looks pretty weak did you lose something saying that it does seem like in this mod um the average world has better ground forces than i'm used to seeing so maybe they're just struggling with them okay there's one of them so they're yeah their ground forces are actually incredibly weak to begin with did not know that about the contingency i think we're going to be just fine um the first world now is above 50 devastation i am still making fleets over here which i'm going to send over there just in case i can't remember if they can create new fleets for me i know they can create new ground forces that did happen and i killed them but like twenty nine percent oh yes i sent some of the fleets away less um bombardment per day doesn't matter anyway i'm sending these over and i'm gonna keep on making more except for you you just return home please okay oh not a good time game pirates really i thought pretty much solved that problem oh just these worlds here okay so yeah pirates aren't really a big problem my empire is all gateways i've spawned in oh they are returning probably to defend can you please i'll get there nice and quickly probably don't need the juggernaut for this fight but it would be nice we begin our assault on the next of the machine hubs i like how when the ship gets destroyed it gets flung forwards ooh the game is ah as i say really slowing down oh where are you all going oh you're going over there for that no would much prefer you to deal with this there we go no i oh stellaris paradox could you please deal with this i love strikecraft but their i is the worst thing now they're over here for a bit but wait there's an enemy over there but wait even if you ordered them to attack what it still is just all over the place no it looked like you all going the correct way then no you're doing nothing oh they're gonna have so many shields another day another scientific breakthrough this is painful to watch this much fleet power could have dealt with something much much larger than this but i want to record all this just to showcase why i have problems with strike craft despite them being easily my favorite of the weapon types it's just horrendous they just focused on one they'd be done with so quickly we massively just massively had the strength advantage there finally i am legitimately upset with how badly the i just dealt with that and and this is after the i was made better with the strike craft bear in mind and there goes the first of the machine worlds fantastic okay you two can gather up over there next to the gateway currently the bulk of my fleet is just sitting here because i need to be able to defend against the fleet if i arrive honestly now that there's nothing else to distract the strike craft we're gonna do much better if some arrive so once that one's dealt with there's only two left this one will likely be the next one would it be better to enter from a specific why i'm really not sure that's interesting oh it looks like their defenders are leaving very interesting yeah we are losing a lot of territory but i still think we're gonna be okay oh hello so that was one of the four mil fleets look at how fast they get crushed when the strike craft do what they're meant to do this is such a smaller group i lost so fewer ships i'm not annoyed i'm happy it's fine the next machine world has been destroyed oh it must be 50 when they explode not 100 okay there's a bit surprised by that so have the guardians left no they're still there there's no chance of taking out this with the strike craft being as dumb as they are so how do i get back that's a good question me ah i could jump over there then return and regroup with the new fleets being created so two out of four are now removed the next one will still likely be this one i think there are some wormholes around here not too sure which actually but yeah that's the current plan so i was just rewatching that little bit of footage then where the strikecraft were pretty awful versus the sterilization hub and its original defenders and i think the main problem is not so much they split up honestly i don't mind that if the ships are engaged with multiple enemy fleets i don't see a problem with some of their strike craft going after one target some going after the other that's not a problem but the strike craft which go towards a target need to stick on that target until the target is eliminated if that's a fleet of ships it needs to stay with that fleet until the entire fleet is destroyed then move on but what's happening often the strikecraft will get there do one attack and even if the specific ship isn't um destroyed it then swaps targets and goes after something else this ends up with a load of time where the striker after just flying between targets not actually doing damage the most amazing example of that was versus the sterilization hub itself the defensive core whatever it's actually called the uh the station above it this thing because that has a lot of health the ai core and they were going to it maybe orbiting once or twice then changing target then coming back and obviously that target hadn't yet been eliminated if they just stuck until destruction then i think most of the problems would go away i mean as we saw versus a four mil fleet with less than half of my original fleet i lost very little whereas the original attack i had i think over double the fleet power of somewhere near there and all they had extra was one of these stations and i lost so much yeah what i'm gonna want is the enemies to group up more so like with this one to get around the ai we want to attack from this system here which is a bit of a problem actually but if we attacked from there these would move this way it'd all be clumped up in this little square here whereas before i attacked from here and that's where the problems lie because my strike graphs are going all the way like this if it's just this one a small area rather than all of this maybe that'll be less of an issue yeah you're a bit stuck there aren't you okay we're ready again to make our next assault we are going through the l gate which is going to be a bit of a problem we'll have to fight the system here we go through the el gates we're going here and we're attacking from this angle so once again hopefully they're all clumped together far less of an issue more like when we fought the first of the machine worlds now i'm sure well i'm not sure but perhaps what would make the strikecraft work better as well would be to have corvettes destroy his cruisers the other ships which will change how the ai actually fights but i have seen the strike craft have the exact same problem even when you have a mixed proper fleet rather than just spamming battleships like i'm doing mostly for fun so maybe that would help but again i'm not a hundred percent convinced on that this will be the fourth world i've lost and this is one of the first worlds which are actually a pretty decently important world lots of tech and lots of empire sprawl are about to be removed no sorry admin capra about to be removed concluded the assault on belgium has begun they were doing so well yeah being a bit silly again i wonder if it's when they do actually reach the carriers maybe would be better to have some corvettes and stuff if that is the case but just look at that all this time it's just damage going to waste thankfully we do outnumber them significantly in fleet power here so we will win this regardless of how done the striker after being research concluded almost all the armor is removed from the station trying to buff up my ground forces right now since another world is now under attack was that the same one i can't remember by the way another world is also under attack just can't spare the time right now to find him just going all over the place oh if i just stayed here and defended this this fleet would have been obliterated by now very glad that my battleships have um forty thousand armor now is it yeah just over forty thousand armor so shields the derpiness can't stop me i was born in derp raised in it i didn't have a logical thought before of course naturally when i was struggling to get a quote out then the phone goes off but i think you got the point initial colonization phase complete you know i'm going to keep you all here actually next to the el gate and i need to use the alligator afterwards i'll send reinforcements uh to meet you afterwards that was never over here wasn't it yeah there it is so i'm thinking is jump to this l gate and move over here we jump to here so we're close to having less problems again we jump through their attack and i'll send the reinforcements to meet them rather than bringing all these fellows back they can also heal at the juggernaut so any damage done to their holes they can repair not that really matters too much considering their hole is only 4 000 their shields are 10 times stronger so i can confirm is 50 or at least near that before the sterilization hubs do this and pop i would already kind of broke just had the extra animation at the end okay get your butts moving uh get over here oh enemies are nearby okay still get there we'll jump to here so we're a little bit further away from them in case they decide to just run and move over there i'm hoping these will go to invade other territory they're not either way get to there we can always decide and change our minds later if needs be we have over 3 million fleet val here athletes and have 1.1 mil and that's without a leader that's pretty impressive that'll update when they move systems okay so you three who already finished could you all please ever so kindly oh i have loads of spare leaders at the moment saw the fleets we lost didn't need to do that but could you have so kindly get over there and get ready to jump with the others this will be the last of the machine worlds before the prime world with uh reveals itself i'm getting really tired but i'm determined to finish this today the final machine world is now under attack i'm gonna avoid saying the obvious about the swarm go go disrupters maybe i should spend some time actually upgrading those destructors are getting so much more use than i really should be having the swarm being a little bit everywhere oh it seems like yet the fleet has been destroyed regardless just because of shia oh no no hasn't there's still some left but just sheer number here gonna win the day look at all those hits going from all of the point defense just the enemy's shield just constantly being triggered by all the hits there we go okay begin bombardment of the final world before the big boss is revealed and now we really need to reinforce i've shifted a lot of my stuff now over to alloy since i'm producing so much so we are able to produce large quantities of ships fairly quickly remember we do have two of the mega shipyards so we are producing loads and loads of ships very quickly only takes 148 days per one and we can produce up to 20 per shipyard at the same time that is and it's time for the final fight i may have been incorrect about them being able to spawn units they didn't though saying that we also made it here quite quickly so a little bit hard to tell station not great that the juggernaut went first but there we go all the enemy strike graph will be taken down by ash strike craft that they got really scarily close to our juggernauts please don't hit the juggernaut anymore yeah the image strikecraft's being completely neutralized there but i think we did lose our juggernauts whoops yeah don't actually know how that went first they're all lined up together then i gave the order but it doesn't really matter too much let's see how dumb the strike craft are today yeah you can see them kind of bouncing between these five and the main station bouncing between these though is fine so close there to each other there's not much travel time oh look at that that is bizarre to watch okay one of the side causes gone so that's some of the damage reduced we are losing ships i'm just watching my uh navy capacity there okay second cool gun third court wow that is amazing when you actually see the stroke of deal damage remember how much health these things have yeah that's kind of insane and then you just see like a third of it or a quarter of it when they're all focusing just vanish every attack run okay maybe a bit less maybe i over exaggerate a tiny bit but the damage is good i just want to draw craft to be good there we go just the master left that's all kind of inside oh that's rough that's a rough buddy the core has been destroyed now we need to do is bombard the world we have pretty much guaranteed victory now if only we had a colossus we can make it a bit more dramatic there we go the end of the contingency the contingency has failed with the destruction of the last machine world the galaxy no longer faces the threat of systematic mass extinction well i mean we're a machine empire as well at this point we've become bored with the rest of the m but the rest of the galaxy in fact i feel like we have the potential of turning either into a contingency sort of thing or perhaps a really really really powerful fallen empire we have reached technological enlightenment in pretty much every way we have reached oneness with our god there's very little else for us to do all surviving continuously war forms are either powered down or self-destructed and the ghost signal is no longer being transmitted as for the assay as with the other machine worlds the main nexus detonated itself in a massive anti-matter explosion when it became apparent that it could no longer resist its attackers traveling outwards at light speed the intense light from the energy discharge will be visible to future generations for millennia to come as a bright short-lived star across the galaxy sapiens beings are united in their celebration of this great victory for the moment at least the future looks bright in other words we win there we are the contingency have been removed the consumer products actually somewhat like us now and the galaxy is pretty much now in in eternal peace unless we go absolutely insane ourselves everyone is under our rule and we are actually fairly benevolent despite the fact this is one of the least benevolent of the federation types so with that i'm going to be calling it here i still was micromanaging near the end but nowhere near as much as i was at the early slash mid game we managed to get to 117 000 research a month and if you have a quick look at our ships our shields are at plus 460 percent and our strikecraft are doing plus 530 damage with plus 460 attack speed which is kind of crazy honestly i think i have that however proven that strike craft should really not be used on their own um perhaps used in a more mixed fleet or perhaps uses a good side weapon that's fine but on their own it becomes infuriating because of how the ai deals with that situation though it was still insanely fun being able to win using them and of course the fact that we were using a fairly powerful mod with a very powerful empire certainly helped out that a lot although saying that even though we do have a lot of tech we still don't have very much in the way of modifiers only plus a 116 here we managed to get almost 200 percent with a materialist empire before so it does kind of show that although yeah we have loads of research if we had plus 200 we could have significantly less research and still be getting the same amount of speed same amount of tech done so i don't think this empire is insanely overpowered i do think it's overpowered especially in the early games you can just stack whatever you want but i think it was really fun this whole recording was incredibly fun it took over a week at this point which is i think the longest running i've ever done any of these stellaris let's plays at least the full playthroughs that is but now we must call it an end so with that thank you so much for watching if you have enjoyed today's video then of course likes favorite shares comments all that good stuff helps out me helps out the channel and most importantly shows that stellaris is a series you wish to see continued in the future what mod should i test out in the future please give me suggestions i have been reading all of them and maybe i'll do another run using this mod but perhaps making the end game crisis significantly earlier this was insanely fun i think i underestimated how powerful this empire was and it could have easily had the contingency earlier and just not focused on strike craft so next time it won't take quite as long to record i think i have like 70 hours of footage at the moment which is yeah definitely records being broken thank you so much for watching and goodbye
Channel: Lathland
Views: 146,469
Rating: 4.9754572 out of 5
Id: y7pHybx2Ryg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 134min 4sec (8044 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 28 2020
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