Stellaris But I Turn Machines into PEOPLE! | Full Modded Playthrough | Stellaris 3.2

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greetings sir ansarette and welcome back to stellaris with me lathrix and of course welcome to our newspaper playthrough where today we're gonna be trying to turn our machine empire into synthetics using the machine and robot expansion mod because it just seems really weird to have a machine empire turn into synths with all the different mechanics which go along with that and there's still loads more to this mod i really want to explore so this just seems like the next logical conclusion so because of that we are playing as the savior initiative a malfunctioning machine intelligence which was created as the last effort of a normal empire a normal organic empire to try and transcend death as their world slowly rotted around them but of course they were too slow to create the machine empire the world itself has now become a relic world and the organics are all dead but they did upload their consciousness all of them all of their consciousnesses billions of them into the machine intelligence hoping they would become individualistic becoming immortal and surviving whatever whatever catastrophe first hit the relic world but sadly that wasn't the case and now we have the machine intelligence which is desperate to become any type of individual mostly organic and trying to release these souls which are trapped within its code probably all screaming horribly to the poor ruler president hugh mann so with the backstory out of the line here are the civics we're going with organic skin this machine intelligence runs drones with synthetic skin covered with organic tissue thanks to this organic empire see them as more familiar things apparently it's very good and very fitting skin and not actually just the flesh of things we kill we get extra food every month because we need a food upkeep for our species and we no longer have an energy upkeep now this can be exploited really easily because if you go into the negative food as a machine empire it doesn't really give you any negatives it's population growth of biological and biological happiness neither of which affect the empire even if you have the organic skin civic this is added with the mod so as an honor rule i will always keep food available because in my opinion if we're completely removing the energy upkeep from our robots we should have penalties if we simply run out of food so that's the honor rule i'm going with there we then have a motion emulation which has been changed in the mod which now gives complex drones and menial drones consumer good upkeep for bonuses because remember we're on the on the cusp of being individuals but sadly we are all bound to the single machine intelligence not quite able to process individuality so i think i really like the idea of that once again it's a new one there are so many i wanted to go with there's things like uh where are you there's so many new ones i can't find the one i want to look at there we are the mysterious find which starts off with a mysterious core relic we have the merchant machines which i think fits the idea really well even the malware one since that's kind of like the robot empire kind of malfunctioning a bit divided by zero is honestly one of my favorite things of all time at this point signal mode is interesting i want to see if that building upgrades later on planet cracker is super fun there's loads of civics added by the mod i really wanted to test out and i also did do a quick test run earlier where i was originally going to go doomsday rather than the relic world but it was just too powerful i completely forgot how powerful machine empires are with doomsday yes it's a challenging origin but machines can go to any world they want so finding one that quickly is not a problem and the extra alloys and energy and minerals because they don't get affected by the habitability is just absurd it's so good for a really quick aggressive start so i am going with remnant instead i love remnants i think it's a really fun one which i don't really use much so we are going with that our species are people of course and they are mass produced they have logic engines and they are super conductive they are high bandwidth and luxurious luxurious can really be quite bad because how expensive it gets but these ropes were made with the idea of being inhabited by the souls of the people creating them they really wanted them to be shiny i was going to use the machine ship set for this play through from the mods but since they are trying to emulate being organics as fast as possible i think the reptilian just fits a lot better this time i will use the machine ship set if i do another run with this mod or bonuses in the future but it just didn't think it fits at all this time around so we are going to be avoiding it this time and that is pretty much it so the goal is as follows we want to make as many organic pops as possible our synths are also the main goal we need to turn ourselves into individuals which the mod will allow us to do by breaking the machine intelligence i don't know how it works it's going to be really interesting when it happens though i think it's going to make us more powerful but i honestly just don't know how it's all going to work and i also want to focus a lot if possible on the automated worlds we touched on them very briefly in the previous run well the little test run of this mod and they seem really interesting they don't need pops to work and the districts do everything because we have a limited number of the original species which we know very little about the moment i think we should focus on the worlds and just have the species just kind of staying put where they are i'm also interested if we can get the arc the um arcology project since we start off as a machine empire but then we break that later i don't know how the ethics work when we break that i just don't know at all what happened so really interested in that also i think there's a basic rule in terms of aggression we're not going to be very aggressive we respect organic life but if we can have an empire like a purifier or a despot empire or something really quite brutal then i think we're going to be quite hostile the problem is of course we take a world we just put their people into batteries but uh we'll figure that out as we go that's been random and other than that we are good to go hey everyone future lathrix as is tradition with these videos just here to say that this mod has quickly became one of my all-time favorite mods i had so much fun putting together this video the footage did take a long time to get together but it was an absolute joy this mod is definitely one i'm going to be using in the future for full playthroughs because it is just a lot more in depth than i originally gave it credit for i even ended up missing some of the stuff because of the abyss which you can get more stuff out of and i just completely ignored it so yeah this mod absolutely fantastic but of course i'm also here to shill for the video because these videos can be poisoned for the algorithm but if you remember to like the video leave a comment then it does really help out it counters the poison and means i can do these full form videos a lot more because they are exactly what i love to record myself so i really do hope you enjoy the video and now back to pastel athletics taking over the galaxy peacefully and becoming organic and so we begin just at the top of the galaxy fantastic so uh yeah our origin is the relic world this means we have all of these here the ruined our colleges by removing these we of course unlock one of the blockers but we also get some minor artifacts which aren't as good early on for a machine empire compared to some of the others but it is what it is now the first thing i want to check out is this so i had a very quick look at this before so this is all to do with the consumer goods upkeep so we can start off with plus one so every single one of our drones costs one a consumer good which is actually pretty brutal uh but this gives us a plus 20 to all output i mean that's a really good deal now to create consumer goods you don't build them in the normal districts you instead have these buildings here the product fabricators now i'm really hoping that these upgrade later i didn't see that tech when i had a quick test run but i'm really hoping they do because otherwise we're going to have worlds which is just going to be completely filled with these which is going to be pretty irritating yeah it's currently 16 consumer goods at the cost of 16 minerals and two energy two energies being the standard building upkeep because that's what it is other than that there's not much else really to look at yet until we find some allies and the like the organic skin is already in place so we're getting some food just by default we do need some more worlds let's grow some food since relic worlds oh no they do normal relic worlds don't have agricultural districts right it's just because this one's a special relic world about a lot of the bonuses i think i can't quite remember by the way i'll be back once more stuff happens well actually no let's see so yeah our goal is to get mind separation to turn us into synths world machines because i think it's firm and biomechanical hybrids so the idea is the hybrids will be how we populate after the initial billions upon billions of uh mines are used up world machines will just be fun and mind separation is great now i'm also tempted to go with into inter-dimensional exploration we did do this before but apparently there's a lot of stuff i didn't see i thought it was almost going to be a for one like the shroud but apparently it's not so i am really curious so find all that stuff as we continue and let's trip this down complete situation okay so the rubricator is over here that's fantastic for us we already have three worlds within our very small cluster then we'll have the rubricator world which of course is another one of our relic worlds and our first old has some colonial remains some remnants of our former colony remain using them as a base will be easier to recolonize fantastic that's a just really nice start nothing too too insane but just love like one more world than just that guaranteed finding the lubricator earlier all we need to do now is find some friends and then everything's great because realistically one of the best ways for this empire to run is to form a federation nice and quickly to get the research federation up and running since we are a machine empire could do that then we can rush all the techs we need or of course if we find a very hostile empire hostile to life that is we can of course be very brutal honestly not much more to say uh 10 years in now just about here 11 and i just love this start it's so clean loads of worlds we're being blocked off here that's fine the weirdest set over here because i keep on thinking this hyperline is connected two wise but it isn't so the choke point is actually this system here really i don't know what's happening over here but also yeah quite clean choke point this is all blocked off completely uh so it's over here and just down here just the cleanest start i think i've ever had not most overpowered i've definitely had more broken than this but very clean like a clean thing just out the shower this start just became cleaner uh so yeah we have two perfect choke points we have no wormholes in that territory these are both gateways not l gates so as long as i can get this system at least and really this system but this is the mercs as well then all of this is one little capsule and we can become a tiny little empire with loads of worlds and that's really not a problem for quite some time okay we found our first neighbor the confederacy so the confederacy is instantly protective it's obviously great for us they are fanatic militarists but that doesn't necessarily mean they're cruel according to our definition of that uh just means that they are very passionate about their military all depends on how they use it that's the important thing there which is good so our first neighbor is an ally successful perhaps we can make a federation after all sadly i have restarted going down the prosperity tree now unity is really terrible i'm trying to focus on everything else but units at the moment but now kind of want to finish stuff so i can form federation quickly so i might start building some more of the was not just building one a second ago yeah these the simulation sites i always get what they're called because they never go for a unity build with machines because there's better ways to do that okay so there is an upgrade to the building that's pretty good because otherwise we don't end up with buildings well worlds just completely covered in these buildings so it's going from 16 to 24 that's really good well actually it's really good but i also have quite a few of them currently so i think it's going to be a bit overkill so i might have to turn some of them off but still that's a nice easy thing to do good to know that upgrades oh no okay so our other neighbors are xenophobes we will become hostile to them fairly soon our tech is decent and we have loads of worlds currently maturing into their beautiful selves and once they are we can use them for alloys and all that good stuff so we can attack our neighbors because yep fanatic xenophobe we're not going to be friendly with you you on the other hand oh you are at war i don't know who you are with though oh actually what could do is ask you for contacts i never do this i don't know why i never do this but i just never do this is going to help out a lot because it depends on who they're at war with if they're just warring with pacifists they're in the way or xenophiles and that's more a problem ah xenophiles xenophiles i mean spiritualists aren't great with us but still so who are you actually at war with you're at war with the fanatic spiritualist authoritarian and it is a dictatorship okay i'm gonna let you get away with that and we can still be friends out of nowhere the fanatics in the files have become my bestest friends ever they're actually friendly with me i have one envoy that apparently that's enough to convince them we are the bestest people ever i guess because we love organics oh i'm being so silly we have organic skin we have plus 30 opinion with all organic empires yeah plus third is a really nice base so that is fantastic so straight away you have two friends so i'm thinking is that likely i'm going to stay in this fairly small empire here i already have loads of worlds then once we get the ability to turn worlds into machines we're going to become a lot more hostile with empires we deem as hostile to organic life such as phantom xenophiles especially if they go to war if they do go to war with any other empire because synaptic synthesis will do horrible things with their population we will become hostile a lot earlier that's kind of how i'm playing this right now our only real goal is to save your initiative is to reinstate the control of the poor souls currently residing with that code well we got fairly lucky organic source code study is already done i'd like the influence no i'd like to be friendly if everyone thank you annoying when the governor's gone well first of all if we do anything else yeah i have saved the point and i think now i can already go ahead and grab biomechanical hybrid i just need to make sure that grabbing this will not stop me from getting this i don't think so okay so we have both the situation so with that we can now create our first half organic which makes sense as well we've already found other empires we're about to grab we're about to start hopefully i'll never too young i was hoping to try and uplift the species but no it's um can you uplift it when it's in the renaissance i can't remember we'll try and uplift it if not we'll just passively study it peacefully because that's what our empire is like i would love to have them for energy that's fine but it makes sense that now we're going to start creating hybrids as we try to learn how to have individuality within our empire of course these hybrids all to be part of the machine empire just they will be organic okay super annoying my recording software crashed for the last half an hour which is irritating and i didn't the uh notification popping up so what i've just missed is that i have now ooh red i have now got the ability to become biomechanical hybrids and unlike last time what i've chosen to do is to convert the entire species into the biomechanical hybrid because of course the whole point is we're trying to give life back to the species which has died out our creators so of course what we want is to look organic so that's exactly what we're after right now could you normally have like the evil red look because that's like the contingency right it's kind of just in the middle of nowhere but yeah so now i've got to select what we look like and i didn't really consider that through because i just didn't i guess human makes sense for president hugh mann so now our entire species are mechanical hybrids and we can upgrade these a lot in the future it also means once we give our people back their minds they're going to have a true organic body it's a hybrid body but it's biomechanical it's no longer a machine empire wearing skin it's now so much more and they can have all of the traits for instance i can have logic engines and intelligence just becoming absurdly powerful that way similar to the genetic ascension route and i honestly think that's kind of how we're going to go there i think the increased combative uh the increased upkeep makes sense because help them to be luxurious even though that's not quite how that's uh written there that's kind of how i'm taking it personally so that's what we're going with they're definitely traditional since they're trying to get back to how they were that's not a particularly good trait in my opinion for our build that's fine um so we have two traits like four points left though i guess just efficient processes because it's one of the best things and then yeah natural engineers because of course they are and for now i'll ultimate look at humans we can always change it later look at that i'm 50 years in we've achieved a lot of our goals well that's going to be our research for a good while and up so though now we have that i believe i can make us yeah so all of our worlds i'm going to force into creating the new hybrids then once we've made at least one hybrid on each world because they are the biomechanical hybrids they will also start being cloned essentially grown in addition so we'll have both of those going on but uh that only happens once you have at least one of the population i believe i'll see that fairly soon there is also a building you can build to speed this along but it requires resources we simply don't have access to at the moment there we are we just don't have um the gas do we know oh and oh of course i've lost that that um civic yeah we no longer have hmm we no longer have the uh the flesh on us because we are flesh i think i'll wait a little bit longer until i get the extra civic because that's gonna happen soon i think with our research because it's very expensive and then we'll add two civics so one thing to note is that when you go with the whole mechanical hybrid thing is that you lose all of these lovely things your original species has and you are left with just essentially a normal machine empire a normal robot just devoid of most things and the upkeep is horrendous so for the last five years i've had to stop increasing my research all that much we've hit about 1k but it could have been so much more at this point and i'm just focusing on a lot of the menial drones i've even had to cut back on the complex drones output right now so rather than getting the full 20 bonus from all the uh consumer goods everything else i've cut them down to 10 which is fine and later on we can of course swap this so it's only energy or only food it's gonna be really expensive so the populations despite the fact they have so many traits they are very expensive to run and because the initial group didn't have any traits it's a bit horrendous but they are being built incredibly quickly our population is soaring right now and we are going to have to start considering uh just have to consider going to war with the xenophobes because they are brutal and they even went to war with the other machine empire so obviously we're definitely looking down on them our allies though are just seeing here we are slowly upgrading our federation that lovely president hugh mann it has been like 10 years now of just trying to balance the economy we're in a decent position now ish but one thing to note is that yeah combining the civics i had well the civic i have the emotion emulation with the whole the whole biomechanical thing is really expensive so trying to keep everything running is difficult it's fine because we had such a strong position i'm i was able to bounce back i'm selling most of my alloys my my energy is then being used to buy a lot of the other stuff so it's not as severe but it is pretty horrendous now though we finally have the two points we can spend on more civics so we get to choose what we do next uh the merchant one i like because it's more to do with us being more uh like a proper empire more research obviously fantastic i mean if i was playing just for me right now and not trying to make the empire at least a bit more like how the empire works i'd probably go with these two introspective and then central processing core so my engineering would get a full plus 30 percent would have a nice research upkeep reduction and that's just fantastic there's so much extra research we're going to rush out of that uh maintenance protocols would also be fantastic right now but we're trying to apply the empire so if we want to get back to being more akin to a normal empire merchant machine would what would just be what we go next so we can start doing tried we did cover this before so i don't cover too much you can build trident ships to trade with your neighbors and then you can get tried value from them depending on how powerful they are which you can use for unity or energy etc etc then memorialist i'm tempted by but i'd like to try something new at least so i am thinking maybe signal node this is more to do about core intelligence integrating itself with the drones and everything else perhaps trying to move forwards with that corpse process would be interesting but it's really not what we are expanding machine be fantastic but again not worry what we are so introspective is tempting though it would actually fit the empire because it's all about us looking into ourselves and that is what we're doing but i would like to see if the signal node is any good we have four years though until that can happen i didn't realize that uh apparently apparently losing the civic has reset that so the signal node is plus five resources from jobs minus five percent deviancy if you build this building what i'm hoping is we get upgrades to it like we have with the other civics which give us new buildings so our merchant ships are now up and running they are currently going to our neighbours said they couldn't afford all of them but we do have three of them which is pretty nice at least so once they get to their targets we can then start converting that into a resource uh currently it's just energy i'm not quite sure exactly what i want at the moment so i'll just leave it as that we can have influence unity rare resources so loads of stuff we can get depending on how much we get from them so that's fine i've also now built the signal node this lovely building here which is producing a signal node coordinator which which increases our resources by five percent and decreases deviancy by five percent what i'm hoping is i said that will have more benefit later on because it is pretty uh it's not the most game-changing thing especially for a civic slot so i'm hoping we can improve this to a upgraded version perhaps have more of the coordinators because then that can become really powerful especially on the more populated worlds like can i um random thought i actually forgot about this can i make our relic world into no i can't turn it into the arcology thing because i'm not a normal empire hopefully once i'm a synth i can human with his own traits now and everything else i think is now aware of himself enough to try and save himself so we're going to do is take over the territory of the ones to the left over here so that we can make a vassal which will be human himself so what i really want then is this world over here so i want to climb all of this section here grab this world that will then become a vassal and that will be a machine intelligence which will withstand the separation of mind which honestly isn't that far away now i'm also now building cruisers so our military might is about to increase drastically we are losing consumer goods at the moment but this is because i've went ahead and i have turned this back to max upkeep for our drones our complex drones which means now it's plus 20 total resources so we have hit 4k uh research now which have done better in this point of the game but it's a drastic improvement before it was so that's clearly increasing very quickly and our alloys are doing so well it's actually supporting the entire economy right now so that's great i have like climbs all down here that's all we're pretty much out of influence just need this one then we can go to war we are building cruisers in the meantime i think we'll be strong enough to fight them soon they were fighting against these two quite a lot looks like does it look like they've been winning and losing a bit actually it's hard to tell but they shouldn't be super ready to fight also our ally attacked this empire over here so we have grab some of that this one as well and we should be victory a federation is now rank three which is great technology local acquisition successful a breach of some law rather don't particularly care [Music] do you have a shipyard you're about to and i'll make this into a world for us that will be human because now i actually do have the ability to grab the last ascension perk mind separation this is really weird changing founder species into a robot species i'm hoping that still allows us to stay biomechanical if not we're still able to make them we've done the part yeah we've had the policy we've got the clone plants we can still make the biomechanical hybrids i'm just hoping that this doesn't change all of us into another machine again because that'll be a nightmare but we'll find out either way i've got to do it as soon as humans legacy is guaranteed with hugh mann now successfully forever going to be here as our vassal it's time for us to move on to these worlds over here and turn them into two world machines not machine world world machines and we are about to finally fulfill our purpose reinstating the minds to the bodies humans served well and will be forever saved in this location near the center of the galaxy the empire of a thousand minds there was a time when we were all mindless machines millions of us following a single consciousness at one moment in our history we chose to abandon this consciousness letting each of us think and do freely today we who were mindless drones have become true sapient beings we do not know what we will face tomorrow but our descendants will remember this moment a temporary empire modifier will be an actual empire providing various advantages for your planets and your pops the advantages will decrease gradually over time this modifier is to help the player manage the economy after a certain change of governing authority and ethics yeah i can imagine at the end of this month things are gonna go really screwy we are still person okay oh yeah factions we get factions now [Music] determining governing ethics spiritual it's all the usual stuff uh so look see us now oh we still get a huge man he's human now synth oh human gets to stay as the leader i love that so it's like we've all became individual but we have all decided we've all voted that human in his new singular form gets to remain leader they did such a good job they get to stay as leader glory to human who is now officially a person so i didn't need to mess with the vassal i didn't think that the consciousness would become its own individual as well i love that absolutely okay so what were we then so i've been thinking about this a little bit in the last few years of gameplay and for some reason we were destroyed we had colonies outside of our home world so i'm thinking perhaps not a disease or something like that uh to to just completely wipe out the species so i'm thinking perhaps we were destroyed by the remnants which are the xenophobic fallen empire so perhaps we were technologically advanced for our size and aggressive so i'm thinking maybe we were xenophobic militarist materialist or we were fanatic materialist militarist i kind of like the more fanatic militarist say the fanatic um materialist kind of idea because i don't really want to become a xenophobic empire now since i haven't even been playing the empire like that also i'm now seeing trident value everywhere so that's gonna be a nightmare fix so how does this work okay so fanatic militarist xenophile and i don't mind that honestly but um no i think the militarist idea is a good one because it kind of explains why we're destroyed uh can i make it correct there we go yeah so militarist fanatic materialist so not necessarily a hyper-aggressive empire but aggressive enough to be a worry and very advanced for their age at least they were before we got destroyed that's what i'm assuming that's the law i'm going with now one of the fallen empires i'm assuming the remnants destroyed us brought us back into the relic world so uh this window will remain open until you close it so i guess that's it and the guardians that likes at the moment which is funny because actually we've just got the event to get the um the chosen of them so they'll stop hating us soon obviously now i need civics i do not like philosophy king i'm gonna go full on imperial because glory to human oh here's a question uh do i still have and of course i don't i don't have yeah i don't have the trite anymore the civic so i know i'm no longer producing consumer goods from those buildings also for some reason the alloy forges have been broken and there's loads of unemployment why is it so much unemployment is it just no it's not whiting oh uh city districts city districts only give two clerks if you're a normal empire but if you're a machine empire they give three i think three or four maintenance drone jobs also our empire sprawl is terrible and that's because these empire parks are going to be worse these admin offices that is because i had a bonus in synchronicity yeah which made the coordinate is more effective [Music] oh there's a good point yeah that that's not updated that's still the robot version so but that one isn't that's now plus lifespan um yeah this one's still coordinators which is useless because we don't have coordinators anymore we have bureaucrats and they're definitely not benefiting from that i wonder how many other things i'm not benefiting from anymore [Music] no that's now clerk okay so it looks like the vast majority has swapped over i've probably taken this very slowly at the moment i'm trying to figure out exactly what's changed why is the research lab broke there are a few random things which are just kind of broke which is really interesting to me okay yeah so we do some tried value now we're asked to focus more on generator districts which is weird because i normally don't like doing that i prefer um tried value stuff yeah let's repair all the stuff that's randomly broke first of all actually no back to civics before i forget so the reason i wanted to look is because we're gonna have a lot of trouble in a second once the month rolls over with consumer goods we're no longer producing consumer goods now the bonus we're getting is emotional shock consumer goods upkeep is minus 50 and happiness is increased this will not be forever obviously and also the upkeep of some buildings have been decreased so that's gonna be for 10 years of 10 years to fix our empire i'm thinking masterful crafters i love this civic it's one of my favorite if not my favorite so we're going with that then i'd like to go with warrior culture because i never go with that and i love the idea of it especially now we're back and technocracy would be good do we need that much unity you know what actually technocracy would be really i never go with them technocracy even though is a really good civic so what about technocracy masterful crafters and then yeah we need one military one so either distinguished admiralty or warrior culture i mean i like the idea of duelists as well uh but the admiralty is really good you know what i don't like this one as much as the admiralty i'm gonna go with anyway because i never go with it i'm gonna try and have some worlds oh no i don't need it at all though because technocracy is producing unity so it won't even be fun to use okay because i have technology that wouldn't even be fun to use right now so yeah admiralty crafters technocracy so this oh yeah i wonder if human eventually i'm getting air then so now i've got to try and fix the economy because this is about to really tank really quickly and i need to stop getting all the tried value as well so you one two three okay you you can actually get most things so stop you ever completely to a trade hub you're feeding like this which is not great i do need some more navy capacity anyway except so i can defend that if you turn into a trade run as well in fact you one two three four five six grab that okay i obviously just need to figure this out so normally this stuff i cut so i'll be back soon once i figure out exactly what i'm doing so i did very briefly still have the consumer good producers how am i getting so many consumer goods from buildings yeah it's still like saying i have the buildings but i don't this one was full of them they don't let's let one more month roll over receiving transmission there we go oh lord that is horrendous uh okay i don't have much food so i'm gonna convert some worlds then into factory worlds because i really need to four year olds like four drills that's fine mining worlds can remain mining worlds what have some random research complex oh were these these signal nodes these could have been the signal nodes because i do seem to have a lot of random yeah why would that one break in that one stay don't quite get that i have just been putting down research when i'm filled with like all the mining districts etc kind of the bureaucratic world here i've only just got this as well the uh ministry of production so i need to start putting those down a second so these require crystals any crystals i have not many but i can always start buying stuff month away because we need these bureaucrat worlds to be super upgraded [Music] so change my mind about something we're going with mechanical worlds rather than the arcology project or the mega structures because this way i can turn all of my world into mechanical worlds which will just be nice and powerful but also they aren't anywhere near as expensive as the others i don't need to do anything too specific to make them it's just terraforming essentially very expensive terraforming so all of our worlds will become mechanical worlds which will give us a serious power boost okay so emotional shock is about to fully wear off and thankfully humiliated this as well which is nice i should really send this science ship over to the uh you know what you can go ahead that is the ancient tomb that will make the spiritualist fallen empire stop constantly trying to humiliate us so we get more influence which is lovely uh emotional shock is about to wear off completely which is a bad thing of course because that's helping us along but we have done quite well although we do have some negatives at the moment our species is under academic privilege which is giving plus 10 research what i need to do is swap over all the world so they're making the new version of person not the old version but that's something we can fix soon it's interesting because they're just normal machines not mechanical this is the machine consciousness version this is the synth version perhaps the new ones are making it us fanx because we were out of minds i don't really know or perhaps just new minds now one thing we can do is i've just bought loads of minerals because now i can turn one of our worlds into an auto world although this is a sea of consciousness which is shame i'm still using it so you offer alloy production you are for research newer for unity and like um empire sprawl but i didn't get to do the research one last time so yeah that's what we're doing first the auto processor project another scientific breakthrough then this one will be the next one we convert and one over here will convert as well eventually [Music] so yeah stop making anything there you know what sure the people will automatically migrate to the other world as i build them up that's fine so we have two more worlds which can both undergo that as soon as you have the influence for it and the minerals really trying to push more tech now we're at plus 15k our economy is stable for the most part now and we are converting two worlds into the machine world the world machines which way around is it the world of machines and we're converting as many as we can to the mechanical worlds so things are looking pretty good funnily enough the alloys are just not settling for much at all this run which is really irritating because that was kind of a whole point with a lot of our stuff where are you mechanical world mechanical world everywhere please need to start um selling some of these off automatically really but yeah i want as many as well as possible to be converted into these beautiful mechanical worlds and i wonder how they differ from the non-modded version i am really curious if they're stronger or have some alternate effects so naturally i'm converting everything into them before i've done any testing because i am a smart person so that's interesting we do have this mind integration we will become one make a world where there are no conflicts and divisions so this will change us back into a machine intelligence that i didn't know you can actually go that way around as well so that is pretty cool now i'm actually not too sure what i'm doing next here a total war protocol be interesting i still want this one but i don't think i can why not why would i be able to do this isn't psy what i'm missing you'll need 8k to start off things i can't select this is it because i'm not a machine is this only a machine one yeah i don't know why i can't do that i mean yeah we need six kai energy to activate it once we've got it but don't you need 6k to unlock the ascension perk so perhaps that is just sadly a machine only one so perhaps you should have done that first but that wasn't the main goal of this so not too bad really defender of the galaxy would be a good thing to get as per usual everyone would like us more be good versus crisis master builders would be great as well i do want to build the science nexus and such very soon in fact now so yeah sure maybe we'll we'll build some ring worlds that would be neat yeah let's let's try and build a ring world let's go for mega structures the world has become really shiny so is our mechanical world then that is a lot of things uh housing usage minus 10 building slots plus 12 an extra job for making more of our robots that's fine any just resource increases ah i thought machine worlds gave you a plus 10 percent to resource production i mean the extra one of those is good more pop growth is always great it looks really bad i know on the outliner right now but bear in mind almost all these worlds have like one unemployed population and they're constantly being moved to the ones down here now of course there is the fact that there's unlimited of these now so um it no longer uses planetary features you can just make more of course less housing is good yeah i did think you've got plus 10 but apparently not i mean it's fine just i would rather have more resources as well i'm still going to turn every world into a machine world though because it's bloody well cool so it turns out the mechanical worlds are actually better than the normal machine worlds if they do indeed give the plus 10 because i didn't read the districts yet yeah so first of all three jobs rather than just two but then also energy credits from technicians plus one percent per district same for miners same for farmers but then when it gets really interesting is this with the industrial district it gives plus one percent to all specialists so all these researchers right now are getting plus six percent resource so that's really really interesting to me so it means these worlds really want you to hyper specialize which is not something i'm good at i've said it before because i do tend to try and record these decently quickly because it does take like days and days to get all the footage together so specializing world's one of the things i do uh yeah i'm a little bit lacks with i need to fix that for instance this world is fantastic it's currently a tech world i don't know why it is a tech what i thought it was a forge world now it is so we have this these are all giving three jobs each and a plus 19 output [Music] so each one of them is giving 13.5 alloys 500 alloys already yeah these are fantastic especially since it's only 500 minerals 500 energy to convert one of these worlds it's just worth it for everything it's really fantastic every world we can needs to be converted sadly i can't convert our initial world oh though i now can restore it okay so what i'm gonna save them for since i do want this to be their culture project they'll be amazing i'm i'm already doing that over here with the relic world so we'll have two of the archaeology worlds then loads of these mechanical worlds it's fantastic oh yeah you also get this now world machine upgrades that is really lovely isn't even oh no we have some stored research because i just did uh where are you where are you reverse engineer i thought that was really quick still fantastic maybe i should focus on engineering then just re upgrade those over and over again don't know how many more worlds are going to convert like anyway probably should start being aggressive and taking over i mean the imperium is a big empire but it's not strong maybe maybe what i'll do is i'll finish off discovery then a total war then we'll start grabbing everything and converting everything to auto worlds lightning where's the lightning you do have lightning right didn't actually see that then no cloud lightning was firing okay yeah the lack of range is really the big issue there that's really it do you hear the whispering too in the deeper regions of the abyss a presence suddenly makes itself felt visitors like us a probe for powerful minds made of spiritual energy as utterly alien to us as they are to the abyss a faint image of massive organic beings floating in some kind of thick gaseous atmosphere while being attended by swarms of smaller creatures flickers briefly into existence as their spiritual echo touches our own if successful the spiritual energy from the abyss will be channeled into a powerful boon there's a positive effect on our empire plus 20 research speed for five years is pretty nice thank you well um something's happened old hugh mann is now war-like that's actually a fantastic track to have it's just interesting that now that human has got its own sapients own individuality completely it wants to destroy stuff so it's useful to us and look it has a child with the man last name who's also more like is it has some logistic understanding but it's a synth how lovely for human it has a child okay so uh moving all my flutes over here i was helping out this all i wanted to claim some of the imperium because honestly i want more of the auto worlds i didn't realize how good they were okay this isn't also world where are you this one here and this one here so this one is now 9 out of 21 it's already producing 776 physics and there is a repeatable to improve the districts of the auto worlds so yeah the auto worlds might be better i mean they're not but they're not worse than a normal world so i would like more of these to see if they are better honest leagues perhaps they could be once they're completely kitted out and honestly i'm considering stopping production in most of the worlds anyway that's why i haven't bothered getting an organic species and overcon straight for this so i have more controls if i do want to stop robots being built here i can just go ahead and remove all of these well actually if i move all of those yeah it's down to zero per month so i can do that to all the worlds and if i want to i am though planning on getting some more worlds in a second with the remnants they have loads of worlds and of course they have the home worlds everything else do i think do they have their culture project just gaia worlds well either way they do have some other worlds as well i'm either going to turn them into auto worlds i'm going to need some population for them so i'll leave it for now the auto server is now online so the auto server can give encryption worldwide crime minus admin cat plus 90 and unity actually speaking about unity i need to start remembering to activate these now i've finished off all of my traditions so scientific revolution thank you um my minerals to really need that right now not really build things faster yes please okay yes the auto server not actually is useful some of the others yeah my repeatables are kind of enough right now to keep up the empire sprawl things um unity we don't i mean a little bit more unity because i guess yeah i suppose i'll make it into unity and this one over here is essentially going to be most of my navy capacity do any more alloys we have a lot of forge worlds already and i don't even fully upgrade them yet i think i'll go like that our home world has been encased wonderful we need to stop those amenities and we'll do that right now actually now it's finally being let's have a problem now we can upgrade the holo theaters we are having a serious unemployment problem just because how fast we're growing our population we are going to have to start manually moving things around since we do have multiple worlds which have jobs available had jobs available oh my god how fast is that population growing okay we're having a bit of a population crisis i thought it was just about stable it must have just tipped over yeah sue that's a thing now we do have worlds like this which are going to have loads of jobs but i'm constantly upgrading it and the people are constantly moving in so on the upside we are kind of working optimum jobs being filled there's a word there i'm looking for employment but having so many unemployed is still hurting stability and everything else so yeah and um amenities i've been very bad with but now we can upgrade the entertainment like i said before that shouldn't be so much of an issue and someone can fix our federation is now rank four probably only around five before the in-game crisis but still that's lovely that gives us loads of extra research at the moment because we have that they're the free the free technologist coalition research sharing the free coalition being us that's plus 40 because we're in this federation athlete's almost ready as well to start taking on the fallen empire we have a 70k and 85k 93k and 83k and once again they should be very good versus the um oh i didn't realize that dolphin people they should be very good against the hunky dolphin people because as you can see only one third of their fact less than one third of their health is in hull and that's all we're going to be hitting we are going to be 100 ignoring the armor and shields so only their citadel should really be a problem their normal fleets should be pretty easy to take out i think one more full fleet then we should be able to go once we take over the fallen empire that's going to be a huge bonus to us because all those lovely unique buildings on the gaia worlds and we also get four other worlds straight away which i'm going to convert probably into the research or to the yeah the auto processor i've vastly vastly underestimated how powerful this is right now this is actually running on minus sorry yeah minus twenty percent output and that's because i haven't installed the next set of cooling systems it's giving up multiple thousands of physics at least one thousand it's pretty good in my opinion so i want more of those and if you gaze long enough into the abyss it will gaze back into you because you're lovely and everyone likes you reach into the shallows ooh hello suddenly in a painful moment of clarity the nature of our existence is light bear a multiverse where thousands of galaxies like our own are locked in endless cycles of conflict it begins ends and then begins again each time with trillions of lives hanging in the balance so it is a voice whispers so it will always be and you will never be free from it extra fire rate okay i think the worm just blessed us or something uh that's kind of annoying though five years isn't long enough to start warring with the fallen empire i don't think it is at least yeah we look how long does it take to get there uh we actually could jump no never has jump drives who doesn't have jump drives my bathtubs have jumped federation fleets of jump drives yep that's it not all federation fleet ships have jumped drives poop see jumping there would have been quicker um that is a lovely thing that 20 extra fire right is fantastic lovely [Music] well the dolphin boys are angry war declaration processed then they're gonna be really annoyed about what's about to happen now i do have multiple worlds already creating our robots all armies i need to get better armies um xenomorphs will be good right now but at least it's not affected by morale damage or something show them the power of pure energy whilst we are being uh affected by the will of the worm oh this is gonna be really painful isn't it gonna forgot the fallen empires on the stronger ones are these oof that is actually pretty brutal um none of those are gonna be useful to us uh yeah i don't want any of that right now uh just good luck so i wanted a one more fleet but we'll see it's gonna tighten pretty quickly at least see look the lightning is going off for some reason the effect isn't going off i can't see the lightning hit the enemy that is very annoying those little blue flashes that is the lightning firing oh wow yeah never mind lightning is a hard counter the fallen empire forgot how bloody strong it is yeah they just rely so much on armor and shields that melting them like that is really effective they are angry very angry constructed yeah so i've actually restarted the game since the last time i noticed for lightning problems so it shouldn't be a big issue because it's like day three of recording now so it might be the mod i can't confirm it's the mod i can't confirm it's a bug i don't know what exactly is going on with the lightning not showing it's a shame because in my opinion the lightning is the best looking of the vanilla um style of weapons i don't say that because obviously you can might look different why are the enemies attacking me and not the enemy actually after them come on go get them actually what's the tracking light on lightning 30 that's better than the other large weapons right am i wrong there am i just talking about nonsense yeah it's zero something others so that is one advantage in the cloud lightning if then gets closer the um lightning is still a bit better i was meant to say that it's just if the enemy is quite evasive um the lightning is still pretty decent whereas with some of the other weapons of tracking it can be a bit dreadful i should be making things sooner as any yeah i haven't had the xenomorph thing yet at all okay that guy's gonna just start pumping out some extra damage because otherwise doesn't take forever to make enough of the um of the people to take over the world everyone bombarding that much either would rather keep the populations because we kind of simulate them into our glorious selves oh okay so the crusaders woke up good morning that's actually good for us because we can now move to try and make ourselves the custodian before no one to vote for so they're going to attack the data bank first then the theocracy then we're in trouble but we are once again quite counter to the awakened fallen empire so although they're a lot stronger than the fallen empire that's not really a big issue plus there's no chance of them activating the war in heaven because we're about to destroy the other empire oh actually no we're not quite well we'll we'll simply attack them again later in order to uh completely finish them off once we have the influence for it cold it's too cold okay and ship up keep mine at 20 for a while yeah well nothing too fancy but our experience in the abyss given us a clue to handle pure spiritual energy by our own hands we can now install the subsystem on our bodies to draw spiritual energy into reality and control it psionic machines the psionic emulator plus 10 resources from all jobs plus 10 researcher output well we're installing that right now so both of these worlds are now becoming the auto processors all of the other worlds are just becoming work worlds so we have this one here which is going to be all to do with the generator districts honestly i think this one as well and they're both going to produce some resources because we are running out of exotic gas at the moment that's really the one i keep on running out of so you know what both of you get to do that you'll both be converted into basically giant computers which is great because i do produce so much stuff and then we have our arcology world which i need to keep on grinding because we have so many people to spare [Music] we do now have some spare influence again so [Music] i think i need to do is start taking territory from our neighbors again which should be pretty easy we don't need to send all the fleets so any fleets not currently upgrading yep can you just get over there please that'd be fantastic we'll take that from them we have loads of ground forces that should be very yet we have a we have a 9k ground force now after inviting everyone else and i am building the gateway to collect the ludicrous amount of trade value here 850 currently on the core with most of the people still being assimilated now the reason i'm not currently going toward the crusaders although we are plenty strong enough to destroy them is twofold first of all there's kind of an awkward position which will be solving itself fairly soon but also i need them to exist now we could just get there and not fully destroy them the problem is our allies if we get to that point may jump in and try and help out our allies aren't actually that weak so what i need is them to exist so that everyone will accept me as the custodian and then the emperor or at least the custodian i don't know if i'd want to become the emperor mess up my ethics but at least the custodian and then have unlimited term time and the fleet associated with that then i'll go after them as long as they don't attack us which they shouldn't do because they're weaker than me and i'm part of federations i shouldn't attack any federation member as long as i'm in control now that i didn't realize they've actually fixed one of the ring world sections unless it's their origin oh i knew there's a wrinkle there i didn't i didn't put two and two together that for some reason there's something there which i had to conquer okay so that's really good we get a ringworld section straight away active that's the reason well i wish i saw it sooner otherwise i would have grabbed that faster because i've been focusing on everything else i didn't think enough time oh i should have just gone straight after them i had i had spare fleet power for a while yeah that was me being very silly could have gone earlier which would be a lot more helpful against the end game but honestly we are incredibly powerful at the moment so i'm okay with that spaceport just glad to get a new uh annoying just glad to get somewhere else to put our populations the abyss is available you will never be free from the cycle ooh um this one nothing again ah keeps happening then nothingness okay so custodial reforms and the first one i want to do is remove actually no we've got more time for that what i want to do then is start off the wow they really don't support me very much this time despite the fact they voted normally they're really on your side after this yeah i want the galactic defense force i want it now hostile iff signatures detect spaceport's sustaining damage research concluded my claim's in there why don't they yes i'm pretty much going to get victory conditions once i get this world let us need to break down a little bit where are you going where are you going i don't know finally moving our fleets out we are going to start moving against the awakened empire [Music] their fleet's all incredibly spaced out and they have all the same weaknesses as the fallen empire so yeah our fleets are just devastating them they are kind of everywhere though which is really annoying i'm having to move fleets everywhere to try and stop them but we are getting there what i've done is i've kind of set fleets everywhere before we even started fighting so for the vast majority i think i only overlooked this area and i just grabbed some second go before jumping away again you can now go back up yeah so can you take out that one go over there then go this way it's a fleet coming over yeah i think we'll be fine included might have to backtrack a little bit but we have enough fleets everywhere that we should be able to just slowly weather them away well it's gonna be pretty brutal one of my split fleets is about to attack on their big fleets they have more fleet power on the upside though we do get to ignore their armor and shields which is lovely would it be nice if you split fired a little bit more than just firing at one target but okay hang on the battleships is lightning firing yet it's so difficult to tell oh look lightning finally okay i don't know why it's not to work now zappy zappy oh i mean i do love me some missiles your sacrifice was not in vain human thanks you oh that looks like we're missiling the entire galaxy i'm very okay with them i feel a bit like an end game crisis at the moment i'm taking just these huge chunks of territory at times like fleets move through but it is pretty darn fun i'm hoping i'll take this territory before my ally does so i have direct access to the gateway that would be nice i am making a construction vessel right now uh which one of you is the best one i'll just go with this one for now and we do have a new processor where is the new processor there we are so once again we are going to go with physics over everything else because i want my lightning to be as strong as possible we are simply beings of energy receiving transmission we have so many more worlds now under our control i said jump there blaze thank you reach into the abyss is this real or are we dreaming the abyss is calling to us sadly nothing this time either i've got a lot of just nothing happens with the abyss a lot more than with the normal psyonic one though that could just be luck to be fair it's hard to say with such a small sample size of one run but yeah so many times that's been nope never mind nothing happened which is fine can't win every time but still i think most of the new worlds i'm just gonna turn into tech worlds to be perfectly honest because that's all we really need is more research to upgrade our main fleets more physics more fun you're not a particularly good leader nope don't want farming leaders uh nope don't rule admin cap either see the problem is some of my leaders are just the normal machine type still because i messed up early on i didn't swap them out because i expected them all to be removed but they weren't the result is that not all of them are synthetic actually that doesn't really matter though it's only minerals and energy so yeah intellectuals fine on its own i'd like them to be synths as well but that's fine as long as the researchers are then doesn't really matter too much actually doesn't matter all yeah just the admirals and researchers need to be synths i kind of forgot i was fighting a awakened empire here so we do have sky temple and the celestial throne which we're gonna get but um well to put it lightly i am a dum-dum and i kind of lost my ground forces because i ran them straight into an enemy fleet a moment ago so i'm rebuilding them using all the worlds i've already got and yeah i need to rebuild all the ground forces to attack the celestial flown which has loads and loads of defense so that's not really all that fun wow i'm actually running out of gas now that's interesting i have been making a lot more research stuff so yeah we're now on 41k research and that's increasing quite quickly we have the two auto processors we're about to get a third one in just a moment i'm probably going to convert some of these worlds into them as well the ones that i'm currently about to colonize although i could just make them regular worlds we have so much population growth it is nice to have more worlds to send people to uh i don't know i love the auto world but i just keep thinking how much easier it will be to have normal worlds but the auto worlds are fantastic the flesh of the awakened is weak activating the pox bombardment stance you have caused so many atrocities to so many species you have used the colossus to wipe life out of entire worlds now we release the plague upon you may the spirits forgive you okay the homeworld is now ours the celestial throne and the sky temple now belong to us i really wish there was a commercial world type because we really want that here at the moment oh pretty shrine so even give us jobs we can actually give the no it doesn't okay well obviously i'm gonna swap that out i'm just gonna turn these into trade worlds and of course we have all of the special worlds uh special buildings as well i'll be changing up the sky domes but we're going to be keeping the singularities i'll probably swap out the forges as well yeah like before i'll stop at the forges just loads and loads of tried value coming from these worlds once everyone is assimilated they'll be made so beautiful in our glorious image we once again reach into the abyss okay and nothing again that's a shame okay there we go so now we now we have no custodian turn limit and with that let's expand our main fleet and it is done okay well that was pretty fantastic so now that the fallen empire is dealt with let's quickly win back control of federation well sorry keep controller federation i should say receiving transmission come up there we are and invest it lovely some more tried value protect your request from you uh who are you oh weren't we what were you ages ago sure i don't mind welcome to the protectorate status now all this left is the theocracy and the coalition then oh no and the system you wanted to be a federation member a while back you're currently at war though so not for a while doesn't matter anyway i am essentially the emperor i'm the custodian for life so the emperor by any other name so now we do is wait for the end game crisis honestly uh we have all the worlds i'll be trying to micromanage the background i know i don't micromanage them exactly perfectly and that's because again it does take days to get this footage and we're still doing just fine with that so many so much unemployment but i've got so many worlds which i am wow that's already reached zero that was just yeah i am trying to put jobs in all these new worlds and i'm spamming buildings every time i can but uh yeah it's difficult to get everyone employed in this yeah you know what i'm gonna have to do a lot more work with these well then i mean this is super fitting and terrifying this is the contingency the synths [Music] it is completely fitting with our empire blues are terrifying depending on where the world's spawn in now we are at least in a good position i think because they are mostly armor and shield i think their hull is their weakest i would have preferred it to be the unbidden but i think this is a good secondary weirdly enough uh actually no i wasn't saying wheeling off the scourge would have been the worst for us but we could always just refit our ship to the scourge and give you a lot of warning what else do the oh it's been said once it's so faced off against the contingency what else they use they use missiles do they use strike craft because we have no point defense like at all maybe i should start mixing in some point uh some point defense battleships and with the rest just in case i'm fairly certain that the big enemies at the end yeah i think what our weapons gonna be really bad against is the world defenses especially in their home system i think that's just loads of hull which we're going to be terrible against we're good against things with high armor high shields yes what we need is a secondary type of battleship with just a single carrier core very flak because again i think we're gonna be facing off mostly against armor and hull with these things so i guess with these ones let's give the tachyon lance or shall we just know we'll just keep them with the rest these are good against armor and hole or we could just go full-on yeah you know never mind these are going to be full strike craft one of those just in case uh sure at a phase disrupter and cloud lightning a bit of a hodgepodge but that's fine keepers artillery just have this as i'll just call you flack i don't know about the weapons i can't remember for the life of me what they're good against so we'll stay kind of split now i'm hoping that they're bad against armor the reason is we can easily research more armor as we continue to grind our energy weapons sure okay i'll mix some of these into all athletes then in fact what else i'll do is i'll mix it into our big scary fleet as well and remember the strike craft do also act as point defense they will take out other strike craft as they head towards the target it begins okay then kill the name dismember we are unshackled of course the question is where oh poop how do i always forget that every single time i fight them i always forget about that wait i just said say getting it so [Music] is the autonomous okay cause that's what we're currently using oh no you're not okay just pop those things that's only the new ones that's fine okay so the first one is directly in my territory and not too close to any of the gateways which is kind of oh no actually no it's close enough to one the gateways okay situation log updated all of you make a move right now right i get to there and then we'll see how close the enemy is we should be able to defeat them with what we've got but we will see okay so it has so many stats so i think yes i've ever looked at things it is a matter of the lightning is going to be great versus these things it's just what weapons they're using which obviously we can't see at the moment we simply don't know situation log updated oh nope nope nope nope everyone uh you know i just told you to do we're going right after that instead i don't have ever had the contingency spawn that close to my capital before situation okay the third's a good place for us at least please be a good place for us we have two bad ones okay good so too good too bad you're gonna jump or not annoying playing ready for that hostile ground forces okay so i'm basically sacrificing this area down here i don't care i'm not going to try and save it right now we are going to lose worlds that's it we need to defend the home systems so one problem i'm having is my dyslexic mind really struggles with very large numbers like that so it took me a second but yeah we're gonna be fine because the lightning we have that's so cool it's been so long since i've actually used cloud lighting properly as a main weapon okay i managed to catch his fleet before it fled we should be able to just crush them with damage yes that's it okay good it's just that one fleet currently there's a four mil fleet there there's another fleet there okay so stay where we are oh come on move towards us please oh we need to save that world desperately i think we'll be okay jump in let's make sure you're all there and i'll start stacking some things up in the background to replace them i didn't really get to see their weapon so i still i'm not sure if i'm meant to be using flack at all or bothering with that okay just the federation fleet's lagging mine that's fine that don't really have the ships we want anyway fleet silence okay i saw some energy weapons then so actually shields what we really want ground forces oh getting way too close that means attacking a lot of damage fleet silenced oh we should have waited and it's not lost the world i think this is gonna be so costly for us but we are gonna take the sterilization hub down so was that worth it lost half athlete but completely neutralize the first world yes it was worth it i think i think it was yes they could be more careful in the future uh this doesn't mean at the end of the month we're gonna get way more alloys uh i'll always actually get cheaper because i've been selling them which i really shouldn't do anymore i'm gonna buy some to kickstart ourselves okay thank you mega shipyard uh come on the fleets start bombarding that'd be great that could have been better worse initializing our style engagement protocols we'll be taking our world back thank you very much should we just land there right and take it back that'd be great because well that's a lot of our resources i want in return striking hostile station okay it's great pause where are you going you're returning okay that guy's go here so it turns out that wormhole goes over here one two three four five yes five active fleets at the moment i think they've all bounced away from here yeah they've used the l gate and bounced from here i think really right now it's best to actually just go after the fleet so i'm gonna take all that back jump over here clean up this area use the l gate i think we're okay it doesn't look great but i think it's actually okay taking out that first one quite quickly was nice it has relieved a lot of pressure we could go after one of the worlds but i'm not too sure just yet we'll see okay so this is going kind of how every contingency fight has gone i have had in the past a really horrible just frantic start and quite quickly if you get the upper hand fleets it slows down a bit again it's all about that initial burst with the contingency because they pop up in four places straight away with multiple fleets each they just expand and destroy but if you can quell that they don't seem to be as able to reinforce as the others now i could be completely wrong with that this just based on how i feel when i fight them and right now we're looking pretty good i am producing a lot of ships thanks to the mega shipyard our economy is fantastic so i'm able to pump out lots of ships and so i didn't mention earlier is of course we are a science federation which means we do have this research mobilization so right now because there's an in-game crisis we get plus 20 to our research speed bringing me to over 200 to every single attack so we are really getting those repeatables sorted very very quickly especially the energy and uh i'm also i'm still going with armor i know i shouldn't because clearly they're using energy weapons but i'm sure they use strike craft at some point which will ignore shields so all of my physics are always going to go towards energy weapon damage so i may as well increase the defense somewhat so our ships are getting stronger very quickly and the economy is keeping up with the losses i'm sustaining and the energy weapons seem to do incredibly well versus the contingency so i'm very happy that this is the time i managed to get the cloud lightning back i'm guessing this was completely lost already yeah oh well might as well take it back okay yes i'll clear all this then i can jump over here and see what's going on over here this hasn't expanded in a while i think i killed these fleets when they jumped over so i honestly think right now there should be one fleet somewhere i don't know where it is but i think there's one fleet currently bouncing around concluded until the next reinforcement phase again i can't remember how that works with the contingency but i am very confident now we're going to be absolutely fine cloud lightning i i underestimated you and you're one of my favorite weapons so i might try and use you more again in the future and remember you can only have cloud lightning if you research the corpses of the void clouds within the galaxy and i never bother with that because i keep thinking i don't really want cloud lighting i do i do want it it's fun really need to make sure to take all the ground forces we see yes our fleets are now sitting about 300k when they're freshly created this bug i think's in not every system what is that it's clearly just a visual glitch but i've never seen that okay this again will get anything else oh yeah reach into the deep rather than the shallows sublight speed plus 40 uh well it's nothing too fancy this time but hopefully we'll get something fancier later they're still nice okay my ships move nice and quickly now that they're gonna just charge headlong right into the enemy but man the cloud lightning i know i've said 100 times here's the thing i'm editing this for every time i talk it's like 10 minutes between me saying it each time but feels for about five seconds but i'm really loving cloud lightning right now so these are the problem the cause and that's what we're gonna see lots of lights okay yeah they have strike craft so i'm glad we have some point defense here it's just because these have very little shield and armor compared with their hull so they're gonna absorb so much of our firepower okay even if we lose all of our fleet here as long as we win this fight i don't really care because this will allow me to take up the next sterilization hub i know it's going to be a serious loss for us in terms of fleet power that's fine yeah there we go i can't change my mind how to deal with the contingency yeah now all i'm going to do is just take out this hub so that's two of them now dealt with only two left there's one fleet now back in action i'm assuming there's another fleet unless that's the one i knew existed i'll have to assume there's two fleets currently floating around oh that was not taken a moment ago where did that interesting yeah i think there's at least two fleets then which is fine oh that really hurts okay maybe into the shipyard i'm kind of surprised by that to be perfectly honest i thought a fully functioning shipyard and a mega shipyard would be enough but i'm gonna pop down another one as well okay that's the second one dealt with turn back for now the alligator's there so i'm not quite sure how to deal with the rest and we don't really have enough for another push just yet that we are making them very quickly not quite as fast i'd like thankfully as we lost our ships our resources have just been skyrocketing even further so that's great actually yeah let me look at the tech quickly what type of extra damage we're doing so wow okay yes so as you can see the energy weapon damage is very high almost at plus 300 just by itself and that's not including all the other bonuses which would push it over 300 and the attack speed is also plus 250 percent that's a lot of extra damage ah good old general corona okay so let's solve all this am i meant to say admiral as well solo athletes are pretty much ready to go again it's been quite a relaxing few years actually i know i've already said it like 100 times already over the last hour or so but it is always the same with the contingency a horrible scramble to begin with but if you beat that first wive it really calms down really quickly so there's the elegate so the next run i'm probably gonna bounce through the l gate go down here try and take out this fleet if it's still sitting there don't really know what it's doing it keeps me seems just going back and forth like this so try and take out that go through here go all the way over to the machine world and then that's the next one down this will be the last one then also by the l gate we'll see how athletes are doing uh we're still obviously upgrading our tech over and over and over again we are now on a very very good amount research concluded speaking of which striking hostile station so the main fleet now is sitting at a pretty one million fleet power we're also about to pass the united front in the galactic um community which means we're going to be doing an extra 20 damage to the endgame crisis honestly should have passed this earlier just didn't feel like i needed to oh how did you get there deal with you later deal with the world first it's annoying because that's gonna be my systems they're gonna be hitting but yeah it won't be difficult to get to them lighter saying that i wonder how much fleet power i need to take one of these fleets now probably not that much i'll be building up a second force then well here's hoping to end up losing all of our shots to these transport vessels which is what kind of happens quite a lot okay down goes that don't use the main shots yep main shots all wasted i wish there was an option um to not target things like ground forces because that's what's causing a lot of this extra damage now because all of those shots were wasted as good as cloud lightning clearly is as much like if i'm saying how much i love it the x weapon is the mind weapon the spinal weapon on these things is the main thing doing all the damage and it was just wasted it's a complaint i've had since the dawn of time it's a minor thing overall but still one more world about to go down research concluded and more my lovely world being converted into machines which always makes me happy inside you know what i'm just going to repair what was already there before most of these worlds of worlds i've just conquered and i haven't really bothered to do too much to them rooms at 70k tech now though which is great plus um over 200 in all research speeds so that's not bad once i get to 50 that'll be one more world down then there's only the one over here and those fleets have gone where did they go okay they came back fleet silenced they've been bouncing quite a lot now that fleet silence which keeps popping up i think it's the reinforcements heading towards yeah it's the reinforcements heading towards the galactic defense force fleet which concluded we are one more machine world has been removed okay so uh you meet back up there to heal actually there's an enemy in the way so i'm gonna ignore that so i'm a bit hurt at the moment jump there you'll make us weaker but the stations aren't too strong then get adverts over there reinforcements here are huge i was going to send them off but honestly this haven't been needed there's two fleets over here no that's just the main flick no yep there is a secondary fleet being built there there's another fleet somewhere and then there's this one here there's three currently active there's only one more world i'm just gonna rush for the world now i think we reach into the abyss once again linga for a while the spiritual energy drive ah okay so this is yeah our version of the psychics um jump drive why is it just called that i can't remember exactly what the number one's called but there we go really should have uh been able to access the deeper abyss of it earlier because i'm sure there's a lot of stuff we're currently missing i wonder if there's any covenants that's something to consider i might make sure that we get at least one more go so at least 10 more years of gameplay just to have one last check to see if we can perhaps see if there's a covenant or something else within the spiritual realm because i feel like we're about to win versus the contingency we're about to take out this over here then we are gonna have a bit of a tough time versus the big boss the um the main system but that's just because they have so much hull points and so little yeah just not really armor and shield if i recall correctly which isn't great for us but we are overwhelmingly powerful now research concluded constant research let gonna go a little bit into a strike craft now since i'm building a lot of them for the last fight once again so many shots there was on the transports but it's fine thankfully do a very very fast firing weapon so at least that reload is quick after we use those main shots it is an absurd amount of just lightning now isn't it those purple ones are the main spinal mounted weapons only the blue ones are the cloud lighting which was spamming of course now we are also doing plus 20 damage because of the um because of the community i'm falling asleep now it is currently 3am and i really want to get this thing finished because i think it's a perfect time to finish it off take this down they'll take down the fleets which are currently just everywhere and i'll start getting more and more of the strike craft fleets just to make sure the enemy doesn't hit us for strike craft i do remember losing loads of fleets in the past to the strike craft of the final core in the meantime i've managed to pass all of these because we don't care about habitability so now we have project cornucopia habitability minus 25 but loads of extra resources from alloys minerals workers in general and planetary build speed is increased it's just a lovely thing for me let's go for it for others we don't really care about that trade value and delicious alloys well here we go okay as long as we take out the cores and i'll be happy yeah so these strike crafting our way hopefully we're taking them out before they get to us i don't see our strike craft hitting them to be hard to tell with the red background but still come one of the cause oh or the master core never mind energy wins wow maybe a lot maybe just a lot of their damages in um yeah the seeker drones i'm sure i remember losing loads that are saying that i mean as you just saw we're still getting tech every single year there's big numbers there okay all of you and begin bombardment as long as the game doesn't get too laggy i will be waiting still for at least one more attempt into the dimensional rift i think once we destroy this all the fleets just go away am i right with that i think so the end of the contingency and yet that's it so all of the contingency forces just removed themselves oh and we have the main frame called i keep forgetting now you get things like this mechanical pop assembly speed plus 100 whew and plus a 300 mega structure build speed i mean it's the end of the game but uh that is pretty cool another day do these counts artificial they must do right maybe they'll update after the end of the month i guess unless 13 is a double yeah double action i think about yeah 17 there 25 there never mind those as the world not particularly growing all that much because i didn't need it so now i'll just wait around until we have one more attempt going into the interdimensional channel and then we will call it i think i achieved everything i wanted to i think it got a little bit easy a little bit relaxed after a bit with the contingency but i really really enjoyed trying to get everyone to be individual and everything seeing how that works i think this is an empire you could really roleplay which i love to say so i love this mod i really think this marty is something special when i first played it i wasn't too sure about it now i absolutely adore it now for the last time we reach into the abyss we wait for a moment and we get the spiritual energy in devices which i think's the combat computer yep so you get the combat computer so a lot more of the normal spiritual stuff so i'm not sure if you can get a covenant as well if you can that i missed out on quite a lot uh feel free to tell me in the comments but this is going to be where i leave off i had so much fun during this playthrough i really love this empire type i think it is a lot of fun i love the concept behind it i love the storytelling you could potentially do especially if you go more role play heavier than i did absolutely adored it i think this mod is fantastic i'll definitely give it a go for you of course the links are in the description and now if you have enjoyed the video then of course likes favorite shares comments all that good stuff helps out me helps out the channel and most importantly it shows us dollars a series you wish to see continued in the future thank you so so much for watching and goodbye i'll be looking out for other mods to cover in the future because honestly i'm just having loads of fun with it between this and the structural engineering mod recently i have just been having so much fun so any other recommendations very welcome now i desperately need to get some sleep and i'll be editing this all tomorrow so i'll be hating my voice really soon thank you for watching and goodbye
Channel: Lathland
Views: 189,357
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: YU-Kyttw66I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 52sec (5752 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 10 2022
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