Pops. 'Budding' Pop Growth Empire! | Full Playthrough | Stellaris 3.1.1

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greetings sir anserat and welcome back to stellaris with me alathrix and of course welcome to our newest full playthrough which could easily be one of the most boring empires to play of all time but should hopefully make a pretty fun video if this full playthrough is less than like an hour and a half you will know that this will be the most afk run of all time these are the grand recyclers created to test out two of the new things added in the more recent patch this is the catalytic processing turning food into alloys and also one of the species traits budding the idea of this empire is that they are the grand recyclers they take food from their lovely syncretic species which are going to be livestock and turn them into absolutely everything they are efficient with everything they do and we're going to really focus on a huge population using the budding trades along with utopian abundance with egalitarian to have loads of unemployed populations all producing research and unity feeding off their livestock so the worlds are most likely going to undergo the arcology project and then just sit there growing populations over and over again i'll also be going into masterful crafters so that we need less people on the consumer good jobs because we are going to be using a lot of consumer goods as we go so let's get into the details this empire a little bit more they are inwards perfection meaning that yes they are going down the pacifist roots of doing absolutely nothing to anyone this gives them extra unity extra population growth speed and extra happiness at the cost of pretty much you simply can't do anything with anyone ever and they have catalytic processing which turns food into alloys rather than minerals now at the moment and apparently this is being patched soon there is a really broken combination with catalytic processing and machine empires essentially they don't have any negative from having minus food and they can still produce alloys from their jobs so they're producing alloys from nothing now that is being fixed soon apparently i think they're making it so if they are out of food it also means they're producing less alloys or something like that but i know at the moment that is still broken with the species then let's talk about the next right which is budding this species is capable of reproduction by budding in addition to the more usual fertilization of seeds or spores each pop working as a owned population or better produces 0.02 monthly organic pop assembly this will stack with clone vats and will also be affected by the i think it's a 10 increase from the gene clinics which increases when you upgrade that building so the idea is to have loads of unemployed populations on one world which will keep on increasing population growth speed so they get more of them which then increases how fast they can get more of them the idea is to have hundreds of populations on a single world all producing science all producing unity will this be meta will this be good i honestly don't think so i think this is actually going to be a weaker empire but it's also a good opportunity to test out unyielding one of the new tradition trees i just want to see if the idea of a turtle empire is now better because of these ideas you don't necessarily need a large empire just a large population and that could be possible going down this route is it going to be good again i really don't think so especially since we're also going with livestock and everything else so the secondary species is a lovely tree they also have budding because it turns out if you have two sets of populations both with budding it doesn't matter which one you're growing all of the budding populations will contribute to their growth so that's really good this empire is going to be completely devoid of robots though since that will be taking up the assembly slot for the worlds the secondary species is also going with agrarian to give us extra food because livestock does count as a job sadly being unemployed oddly enough doesn't count as a job so all of these bonuses are completely useless to them that's another reason why i'm not sure if this will be particularly powerful because a lot of modifiers like stability and everything else don't apply to utopian abundance populations who are unemployed now there are some ways of really abusing this mechanic i've seen in the past but we're going to be playing this more as a standard empire trying to keep everyone happy and trying to keep the consumer goods going just relying on the unemployed for a good chunk of all of our resources so plan toy chips let's go we're going all the standard stuff uh maximum crisis strength we're gonna have it a full actually yeah a full 100 years early since the standard i believe is there we're going to take it all the way down to here mid game early as possible difficulty on max scaling is off which makes it a bit more difficult for us that's fine and i am going to do this growth required scaling is on zero this is not the default it's not much higher than this because i don't like growth requiring scaling all that much and it goes against the theme of this empire this simply means that as we get more populations we don't need more points for more populations i've never really liked this all that much and this will make our empire a bit more powerful i'm not going to sugarcoat it this is probably what's going to enable the whole concept to even work if you have the standard i don't think it'd work as well but this also does apply to other empires so it's not like it's just me getting the bonus everyone gets more populations i think everything else is okay we are going with just a medium galaxy because we are going to have loads of populations the lag might be real so again for medium rather than large so let's go hey everyone as always future lathrox here as is tradition on these playthroughs i'm just here to say these play-throughs take a very long time to put together i absolutely adore recording them and they are potentially terrible for the channel unless the interaction is high so i am here to chill to ask for a like to ask for a comment it really helps me out and lets me continue to produce content like this which i personally want to produce now this playthrough was really weird there was a lot of downtime and honestly it got boring at some points for me thankfully i can edit all those moments out but it was a very different way of playing and i played very inefficiently in this way and it turned out bizarre so with that let's get into the play through itself and see if the shrooms can survive the crisis whilst everyone else fades away you know like good guys and so we begin in the galaxy we are kind of no we're right in the galactic center okay then so we begin the main goal right now is just to get as much space as possible i know that's always the main goal with these things but it is really important for us since we are pacifists we're not going to be climbing territory unless it's a defensive war so we can trick the enemy into attacking us and then build up an attack back and climb some territory that way but for the most part what we get at the start is what we're going to be stuck with going to focus on tech and unity to begin with as well and the very first thing we need to do is this our lovely people here you are now livestock and the hungi shrooms i forgot i called you that you are now utopian abundance which means you are nice and happy and the unemployed will give us some resources which of course is always fantastic get some minerals down so we can start everything else right until the end of the month then we can see how we're going to set up our world okay everything's applied getting loads of food obviously since we are now eating some of our population oddly enough rather than happy about this thankfully doesn't matter all that much for the world stability so i think i'll do is i'll set up some auto trades since we're going to have a lot of food by the end doing this is really important normally i'm a bit lazy with this but this is super important so let's see how much energy that gives us so with that we could do this so stay with no clerks no farmers no miners no technicians so we have five unemployed is that too greedy it gives us ten of all researchers and seven units they were getting two of each research each from the unemployed and one point three uh 1.3 unity and then we can focus on just building the specialists maybe i can have a hollow theater for the immunities and if i'm going to clerks but then we don't get enough consumer goods i'll figure out how to balance it as we go for now though it's going to chill with that oh a tomb world two mods always so pretty in their own horrible way we get our first tradition let's take a quick look see then at unyielding so this is the main reason i wanted to go with the inward perfection just ignore the endgame crisis build because of the finisher effect right here adopting all unyielding traditions will grant the following additional effect plus 50 to your defense platform capacity 50 more defense platforms and i believe that does also scale with things like the coordination center which gives you even more defense platforms we're gonna have a lot and hopefully maybe we can steal someone else's defense platform somehow i doubt it's into a pacifist but either way unyielding is lovely this will also go along with eternal vigilance as one of our ascension perks we're definitely going to get and i think that's going to be really good we'll also go for supremacy since we do want war doctrines and we want defense in depth um though a lot of these things aren't particularly useful to us anymore the great game has changed to damage versus star bases so that's not the best but no more fire rate so that's nice for our ship's defending but for now we are going to go with expansion since we are pacifists we need as much territory as possible so expansion adaptability maybe then vigilance annealing something like that okay because i found out there's some neighbors here in neighbours here i've ended up going with interstellar dominion i didn't really want to do that but yeah that's the reason why our influence is hardly moving because we are also xenophobes we can start grabbing a lot of space very very quickly so i'm trying to just survey everything and grab everything i'm not even going for choke points we just need a mount of space uh there's definitely an alien empire here i think i saw one of them so this is gonna be a really good choke point it also just cuts off everything this is a relic world a big one obviously we really want that it's shiny a bloody love shiny not a bad start at all lots of worlds we can't use right now but we'll be able to use in the future especially since i'm rushing down the genetic route there are some enemies over here in the form of the federation and there are the absorbers over here as well so we're just kind of trying to appease the fellows over here about to send the envoy i'm kind of balancing the envoy from one to the other just to stop them from going to war with me as i upgrade our stations once the stations are there well they can certainly try and well we can see if we can get some of their populations in the process because we could always go down the route of nihilistic acquisition don't worry all your sadness and sorrow when i eventually do that will simply be eaten away new technology i don't know why they like us so much when non-aggression packs has been formed with the absorbers i'm struggling to get the same over here uh because of course they're part of the federation they don't have that the closest i can get is association uh i got a couple of free favors with them thankfully because of the events but online i don't really have enough money to buy more of them just need to try my best just to keep on improving relations just to keep them from attacking me over here there is the robot empire but it's being destroyed by the fellows are like us which is great which means they're not expanding which means don't grab this system this gives us a lot of the core of the galaxy to play with also unique world over here so i'm building up a tiny fleet so we can actually deal with it so obviously i want that as well a very good start nothing really super stand out just a really good strong starting position there's narcoleges like over here i've never seen before the broken gates so we are heading towards the broken gates over here there's a fallen empire which is great that's blocking off this whole section i don't that's attached anywhere so this so this whole side here is safe so good choke point there secondary choke point over there the wormhole have to be defended depending where it goes unless i'm really looking but for these wormholes connected should be glorious and then choke point there chokepoint there chokepoint there that is very few honestly that's very very doable and there's enough worlds in this territory i'm happy so even if we get stuck after this very happy we now have the omnicode oh actually that is a better than i was about to say that's why i stopped myself there the omnicodex first of all one plus g modification points lovely but then you can spawn pups on of extinct species on one of your planets so if i go to let's say the desert world then use that on the desert world i'll get a species which love the desert and then suddenly all of these arid worlds and such become possible or perhaps the tomb world to have the tomb world actually have two will be best so send one over to two world then hope every time we do that one of the selections is the tomb world then we can have a livestock which just golly gosh do they love radiation okay so you want this one zmas yes first one thank you very much lovely two-mole preference means they'll be happy pretty much everywhere you however will be livestock migration controls just like everyone and that's pretty much it well done who won your plants as well so we can eventually give you budding just like everything else that is the perfect outcome thank you thank you very much so with that we're gonna grab every single world and these are all eventually going to come through worlds to produce all of our lovely food i'll just transplant some of the plants there once i get there at the moment our economy is looking a bit dire to be perfectly honest but our research is not great but okay considering we've been very aggressive on expansion that's what all of our out of our resources have gone or our raw sources i was about to say so you know i'm happy enough we have all of our star holes being created as well bell just about afford that we have our fleet getting together to take out this so i can continue to expand down here though i think that's probably going to be it so this is likely to look pretty much like the final product looks like a weird goat i'm okay with that i guess now normally i'm not the biggest fan of the gene clinics they're okay but i tend to go to other things especially as the light game approaches but since we are focused on budding so much this does produce an extra 10 from all our populations so although we're only getting 1.21 per month at the moment that's going to increase every single population and that's giving an extra 10 percent obviously we want that yes gene tailoring sadly a little bit too light i just finished off um discovery and didn't want to white so i grabbed technological ascendancy but next time we can have some extra gene tailoring okay so if anyone wants to read this i will go through them all in a second it looks like after all the prodding and probing of this temple we have found the final layer of the gate the elder one okay what are you as i start tinkering with the machine they are suddenly a beset by a shared auditory hallucination a screaming command by something to be unearthed unshackled visions of a creature ripping apart the system plays over and over in their heads as this creature's demands grow a shriller several of the scientists fall unconscious unable to deal with the unabiting torrents of psionic pain that rack their bodies yes let it out hello um whoo i'm gonna call you jeffrey hello jeffrey finally bow down mortals grovel before me and i shall grant you protection and wisdom oppose me and i shall be your end that's a pretty good deal with the protection and the wisdom thing oh great one embrace your wayward flock the grand recyclers will rebuild their starbucks in the system eldritch knowledge modifier ad giving the following effects plus six percent research speed minus ten percent growth okay now isn't a flat minus ten it's minus ten like all the other modifiers add to the base so that's not actually that much um we're looking at just the xenophobe bonus being removed there six percent research speed isn't much but it's not bad though i mean we are gonna really struggle for tech as it is and it would be interesting to see what else comes of this so what's the other option it was a mistake to release you becomes hostile with the eldritch horror oh it's an eldritch horror of course i'm gonna bloody well worship it glory to chaos i've always wanted eldritch knowledge there it is knowledge given to the empire by an eldritch being in return it only asks for a small fraction of our population oh we just feed it the livestock it even fits ah lovely bit of unthemed genocide oh yeah i was gonna read the thing wasn't i okay let's have a look at the guy oh did you destroy the well it looks like i'll never see what it's actually made okay wrong one are you the wrong dimensional horror we have of course we have two horrors in our territory so if anyone like to read these feel free to pause and simply read them i won't be reading it because there are lots of new events and such and i don't want this to be a particularly long full play through on the channel and there we are hopefully your paws and skills are better than my patients i kind of wish he was friendly i'd like him as a minion to play around with you know no schnookums oh that is beautiful so this world over here has delicious titans which increases all food output by 30 percent that will also include our livestock i can't wait to get the throwball tech so we can really start getting some food together well the war down here was very very short-lived they couldn't really get through our bastions though they did take this system multiple times that was pretty much it eventually we just had status quo and all is done now i'm really tempted to activate nutritional plenitude we don't really have the food for it but the happiness is great an extra population growth i think i'll wait a little while but that's the current goal we've got loads of stuff currently on the way construction and we are going to start stacking up influence soon so really looking into building some habitats especially in systems like this where it can build fortress habitats which are going to be fantastic versus crisis like the scourge and just general enemies since they can have their own planetary inhibitors so good luck getting through uh planetary inhibitors fdl inhibitors it stops them from bouncing around like took a while but there we go we have the home world now sorted uh we just got adaptability finished so we have engineered evolution so we start messing around with that so next up it's either harmony or unyielding i was gonna go for unyielding earlier but honestly we're only surrounded by one enemy and we've outteched them we're now at 1k tech and honestly yeah the unemployed pups are better than i thought they'd be we're getting a lot of tech just passively constantly so i think really we should go harmony first so that we can get the extra stability then unyielding this also reduces our food upkeep which is lovely so let's go with that for now then i'm going to activate nutritional plenitude and peace festivals expensive it means everyone's happier now and they get more food which makes them even happier after that so everyone believe it or not is rather joyous new technology what's someone doing again oh from uh i've always tried value oh well it's not gonna hurt so grab that then we need to start doing is bring down some trade stations to grab a wood trade value we're currently ignoring and i'm actually going to bother this time to correctly do this so i'm going to upgrade everyone into this version of the shroom situation then after that i'm going to make them have different preferences depending on the worlds they're on there's a lot on for instance the arctic worlds and such helping these grow and i'm going to swap them to arctic preference because although i do want mostly livestock there it'd be nice if they are happy actually that might be a problem because i can't select growth and i wouldn't want to because it slows down the growth speed and if they're both equal it will start growing both of them equally i don't really want that on these worlds as long as there's enough here to keep up the amenities maybe i won't do that when it's a thrall world that won't be a problem because it literally can't grow non-owned pops new technology discovered so i don't know maybe i'll just wait then till later oh still already battleship already though is fantastic and let's just keep on grabbing everything we need so once again here's an event which uh is a new archaeological site i won't go into it too much but it's all about the plague there's a plague there made themselves so once again if you wish to pause feel free to then the sad thing is it looks like there's a good bonus there if we aren't pacifist which obviously we are i don't know why but i've tried to record this one little clip for like 10 times one of the only worlds we're currently building everything on is this special world which gives us the plus 20 to culture worker output and then the plus 40 also to culture worker output giving us a grand total of that's right sixty percent there we go i got there in the end culture worker apparently culture worker is something i can't say properly without lots of practice leading up to it anyway we now have an extra civic slot and i instantly know what we're doing with that we are going down the route of masterful crafters because consumer goods always gonna be an issue for this empire if we don't want to cheese it and just have no consumer goods and this also produces some engineering and some trade value makes one of our few jobs a lot more worth it though i could go down the route of meritocracy this gives us 10 to all specialist output that would be well all of our main jobs so alloys as well but i just really like masterful crafters i find it a really fun civic so there we are construction we now have artificers rather than our regular um consumer goods producers and now oneplus 52. they don't produce much ending um engineering research each but enough new technology wow i think i need to get some sleep for once so we have now hit that point i was talking about where we're kind of just ifking there is very little else to do now outside of just coming back to the screen occasionally sorting out a few of the worlds then going away since a lot of our resources is now being produced by the unemployed populations our food is now in the positive and we have multiple worlds which which are dedicated purely to food production these will come through worlds um good looking through our citadel yeah you don't stand a chance so i don't really care also you're also gonna have to fight one of mine ooh okay so fighting both of these enemies but thankfully they can't stack up their forces against us so yeah asset adele should be fine though just in case i will produce a few cruisers so yeah good time for me to say oh i'm going afk and instantly no you're at war instead well that's pretty useless war for the enemy and they're actually being destroyed by our allies yeah this group over here the absorbers are still defending us so that's not really being useful there now we could actually make some climbs is the funny thing because our claims are quite cheap the problem is i just don't have the force to break in anyway but i will make these claims because it means the next time i go to war i believe these claims will stay and i really want their home world and honestly i'm not using influence for anything else at the moment so sure i'm grabbing this system over here that's pretty much it cheaper cruisers more things we can remove and i'll just keep on slowly making cruisers with the limited alloys i'm producing maybe i'll attack sadly can't really make any claims here since our allies claimed almost everything they could make some little actually we could claim this little bit of territory or at least this world yeah let's do that so we do get a free world out of this at least sadly um they are robots and they're kind of useless uh yeah they are robots i don't really care and i already like my um [Music] defense points i'm not gonna bother nope i'm gonna bother i'll just keep on having climbs over here because at least then we get some food out of it investing into the future now and all of our worlds do have clone vats we are going a little bit low on food because of that but it is going to really speed along that pop growth majorly so also now getting genetic resequencing we have got evolutionary mastery we just finished up harmony so in a second our food stocks are gonna go really high because we're gonna make everything delicious so quite a while later and things are pretty much as they were just better we are now producing a true excess of food here we're selling 671 and yet we're now at plus 200 again so i'm just gonna change that so there we are and that's because i've now modified our feeder species we now have nerves dipole so they're no longer affecting the stability of the worlds they're on they are still producing crime annoyingly but that's pretty much it they are agrarian delicious giving plus two to their base food income which is fantastic um income output whatever you want to call it they still have budding and they have serviles and that's the thing i really wanted to give them fertile as well plus 30 growth speed but the problem is we just don't have enough points of that if we also want budding as well along with all the other actual um increases to that output so it kind of stuck with that for now now it's time to grade our shrooms so we thought budding just like before if i can find it that would be fantastic we want fertile now we do want this although we don't have that many researchers in the empire i think we have like 20 total uh this does give the the leaders bonuses as well i would love to give them robust that means on all the worlds where they're currently controlling the the food pops they would be able to have a decent amount of habitability on everything including the tomb worlds that's the big one but i don't think yeah how we're gonna do that with fertile as well budding is just very expensive what it is in my opinion uh so for now we're just gonna stick with that go with conservation is still for less upkeep and that's gonna be the shroom's final form for now i do still have at least one tech first some extra genetic points then we'll see what we'll do later but for now i just want more of them on the world we're actually growing them just finished off on yielding which means now we get a point we could put it into eternal vigilance but honestly right now i'm still feeling fairly safe against all the enemies we've been at war with like three separate empires one i did have to surrender to because i didn't realize this wormhole goes directly into their territory so i was like yep i'll surrender they only want to do humiliate us anyway so it's just a minus influence for a while uh but yeah so i could get eternal vigilance right now which is the extra hole points extra damage more defense platforms i will be getting this because i need this for what i want to do but our culture project some of our worlds are close to being eligible to be converted and i want as many to be converted as possible so our culture project master builders uh galactic wonders and oh wait no and then of course i do need defender of the galaxy it's going to be difficult enough to defend against the endgame crisis mostly with defensive structures rather than ships already so i need that plus 50 i can't even get into a federation because of inwards perfection to get some other bonuses i could become um custodian though that's gonna be difficult because i'm an isolationist so as you can see i have very little diplomatic white in comparison to other empires now i don't know what to get uh maybe i could get galactic wonders without master builders but master builders is really good it means we can build the gateways faster the habitats i believe are affected by this and i do want loads of load later on um it also means our science nexus and our coordination center all faster but galactic wonders means we can have basically unlimited minerals which is a big thing for us because we are going to start to struggle with that as we make the arcology worlds starting to wish i didn't grab interstellar dominion but honestly i wouldn't have got all these fantastic choke points if i didn't have that i can't see what i could have oh it's a really annoying position when you just don't have enough points to spend okay we need defender of the galaxy we need the televisions to do our whole thing so then we have one point to spare so it's either going to be galactic wonders or master builders and both of them are fantastic and i like having them both together obviously normally so i don't really know what to do there i keep forgetting that um overwhelming force does actually apply to stations it's weird okay it says ship this ain't a ship it's a station like but it makes sense and it upgrades i mean you're creating that weapons in general so there oh my god how much food am i how am i producing so much food they truly are delicious okay so outside of us sorting out our rare resources which wow we need to do it's about time we start putting down some of the habitats we are literally capped on influence i am now actually cleaning up my territories are grabbing all of the different systems but yeah we need the habitat so these are going to be the force habitats these will be particularly useful against things like the scourge less so against i think both the unbidden and the contingency use the armageddon bombardments so it's more important just to have a high population on your worlds but i think the contingency also lands forces so yeah having these habitats here having them fully stocked to all the fortresses will i produce unity because of our i think it's this one here where is it this one here yep it'll produce a little bit of unity and our defense army will be very very strong so that's our plan at the moment we have one more construction vessel fantastic uh i guess i'll just set up over it no actually i'll set up over at the wormholes there we go so all these are gonna be fortress based i'm really hoping it's the scourge as well just because of how you can do your techs you can have energy weapon damage repeatable going on constantly and then you can down here have the defense platform damage so you can double stack damage a lot easier than the others unless you go with cloud lightning but then the range is a bit of a problem either way i'm probably going to build as if we're versus the scourge but i don't know i do have jump drives so it could be the unbidden earlier i really don't know the drums of war well hopefully we don't have a wormhole into our into our territory because then we'll be completely safe we'll have to go through the federation first or the fallen empire to get to us that's pretty nice it was like a hundred percent of its damage like missiles or something so i didn't see any damage being taken by us what really okay there we are ascension theory but also i've noticed this wormhole is going really close to horde territory i'm not quite sure if they have that but if not they're super close so i'm a little bit worried there a little bit worried so with our defense habitats then what we're going to want is the planetary shield generator strongholds and the clone vats then we'll just go for habitation districts maybe one try it all leisure district that will give us enough immunities everyone's gonna be happy or we could wait until we upgrade it and just have a gene clinic and that will produce quite a few amenities actually not sure the first stage i'll just go with those and we'll see how we go we desperately need more minerals oh lovely there we go our homeworld is now encased lovely finally finished off this which means now we can upgrade our home world zeno squish brains the hungry shroom will perfect this memorex so with that our homeworld now has a beautiful bonus of plus 20 resources from jobs and plus 10 stability maybe that wasn't worth it for the influence now i think about it but oh well that's what i wanted to go with either way so that's what we've gone with okay let's start to repeat the energy weapon damage definitely on the coordination center and i'll just grab all the different texts eventually i'll actually you know what if i'm gonna see that i'll grab that because that's the one which is generically good against all enemies so if it does turn out to be the ambition we still have the extra damage this one is purely against the scourge and maybe also a little bit against the contingency mostly against the scourge i'm basically pretending the scourge is going to be the guaranteed enemy which to be honest the last few times applied has been the case it's been a while since i've seen the unbidden or anything else i think if it is the scourge of this time next time around i will change it from random to something else so i will force a different endgame crisis the problem is then you know which one it's going to be and that makes it easier in a lot of ways but still that's the current plan also we really need more minerals that is a horrifyingly beautiful system it must be mine so what happens when you destroy one of the great khan's ships currently the great khan is under attack from the other empires in fact he just fell sadly not ending the war but new still okay there we go we got very lucky losing very little at the moment either way that's you've gone i was hoping that perhaps you'd actually gain that bit that piece of territory as our own straight away but it makes more sense it's like that oh it's a nebula there's no way we can see anything plus we just need our science vessel anyway well that's annoying but still i want to clear out some space from the great kong so i'd like to try and claim some of that as my own so wait for the fleet to get there construction vessel go over there please and let's see if we can take some of this space while we still can before it gets fully defeated okay now we're out of the nebula it's gonna be a lot easier see just how much of this we can get new technology discovered so these two empires have just declared war on me i'm not particularly scared if they all stacked up i think they could take out one of my citadels maybe but my weakest citadel is sitting at over 50k now so we should be okay i am actually looking at the date now and i'm a little bit worried about the end game crisis because we're gonna need something like 500k plus realistically even with defender of the galaxy and everything else so a little bit concerned there over here the hordes have all kind of got together as well very doing much but they are all kind of clumped so i am worried to say the least so i'm going to move all my flicks together as one group now rather than splitting now one final thing is that i can now make a thrall world so which is one of the newest ones we've just claimed okay there we go so this one has no buildings it has no districts which is the two requirements we need to have at least one owned population on here so i mean loads of these have own population so there we go then we go over here and create throttle world this is now through our world population growth has increased by 50 percent however we can only grow our food stock here from now on but we're gonna have loads of them very quickly look all the strike craft like super stacked up that is really weird to watch they got way closer than i'd like i'm actually going to shift away from strike craft anyway i think there's not a lot of point defense oh that's so annoying my computer actually overheated my own fault since i was sorting some of the stuff out and i just yeah messed up but it actually managed to knock out all my microphone settings when the computer restarted no damage done or anything but uh yeah so i've been speaking in silence for the last 15 years or so so as a recap the war has been going on i'm really worried about the in-game crisis i had a whole speech about how i think where i went wrong is i've focused too much on the food production right now we're selling over 10 000 food per month it's insane but we don't have enough of the regular shrooms to produce our research and everything else and it's a bit light we do have the science nexus now i'm going on to its final stage we have the coordination center about being built so we have a lot of the big things but we just don't have the repeatables done i don't know if we're going to be able to win this one i've said that before but this is by far the most worried i've been for the end game crisis by far and it's because i really wanted the idea of having thousands of these food producing livestock and it was silly should have been more balanced with it because once you get to a certain point as well when you're selling all the food well you kinda plateau heavily because you're always selling at the minimum and then you're not really selling for more as if you were selling for less it's my own fault i've played that particularly badly that aspect but it is playing the empire as the empire is i am now forcing the shrooms to be built on almost every single world now even on the thrall worlds the assembly is the mushrooms because they will produce research i'm still not going to make proper research worlds though i have a couple but that's it i could swap a lot of them into pure tech now that'll be the smart thing to do but that's not the point of this run the point of this run is unlimited or unemployed populations growing as fast as i can using the budding mechanic will it work at the moment no but it could just be how i applied it i'm so scared i have never seen the ai do this so yeah apparently this is now considered a crisis so we're all at war with them [Music] cool even get their own background because of that i mean obviously i'm not going to help but very cool yeah i've never seen the ai actually declare an enemy the crisis [Music] okay it's now 2341 this is actually incredibly good because it means the unbidden is still not here as an early spawn so it's getting more likely we will have either the scourge or the contingency the contingency is likely to wipe me out the scourge we have a very good chance against now so i was all doom and gloom in the last clip it's been like almost 20 years in game now i'm not confident but i think we have a chance my strongest citadels are now on 210k we are still grinding them we are still upgrading the coordination center so we're going to have more defensive platforms if the scourge doesn't spawn right here and even if it does as long as it splits defenses should hold and every year we get stronger we get more populations producing more science and of course the science gets done for the people who are still alive and that means we have bigger shinier weapons what oh they are the crisis as in literally they are the crisis they they've gone down the route of the crisis event well then i just thought they were declared the crisis because you can do that to protect everyone i didn't realize i'd actually gone down the route of the ascension tree for that now that really isn't something i've seen before okay in that case we do need to start causing some damage to them we don't want that to go off obviously because then we'll lose let's just send one of our battleship fleets out these have strike craft and a few other weapons are quite versatile just cause some damage go after some of their worlds there it is on the star eaters we are the defenders of this galaxy we are cruel and generally heartless but we are not going to lose everything to your stupidity at least not today i hope maybe um you've got some weird hyperlines around here okay now i'll get there so let's go down this route i don't know where their other star eater is they should have two of them maybe it's been taken down already they are being attacked by every single empire after all oh there it is the big bad engine that's definitely gonna be claimed these guys are doing almost all the work honestly i have done very little so well done to the geckos of course how overwhelming i mean i know i'm not particularly strong fleet power wise but you are really powerful oh cause you're the federation aren't you you have the federation fleet we have taken control of wait we is it me why did i get this no i couldn't claim the system i tried it didn't let me claim the system these claims are for a defensible but because i was in a okay look i can actually show you now claims our war philosophy does not permit claiming this system except in our defense of war this is not a defensive war then that's all war allies is it just because i attacked the system taking control of the system with it the engine that was being built around the star the loss of this megastructure puts an end to the deranged scheme of the confederacy to invade the shroud and destroy the galaxy ah what a shame so we just also destroy it but we keep the system then yeah there we go the ruined frame forevermore do we get the world okay i still don't get why i got it though i didn't have any ground forces i didn't make it i couldn't make a claim was it just because i controlled the station because i was definitely the first one here with my fleet i just moved on yeah i don't really get that honestly i am a little bit confused there so these are the people who were so insane you know what uh i'm gonna just make this easy on everyone residents migration controls enabled you know what you can have utopian abundance and there you go this world is now going to be just one of our normal worlds yeah i'll start fixing in a second now if i was planning on actually beating the crisis rather than just defending against it having this little outpost here is pretty fantastic i am going to defend it as if it is one of my actual pieces of territory i'm gonna put a gateway there and try and upgrade the citadel but its protection comes secondary to everything else after all there's no shrooms here we are growing our food stuck just that's all we do apparently is grow our food stock oh not even the proper one oh did you just happen to have some here or something if not then why are you able to grow that and not the shroomy shrooms i'm very confused about that but either way no just grow the native inhabitants [Music] do we actually have some of those which have 63 of them how did that happen well so there's anything we can do with that extra one point i mean not really maybe we could turn them into being phototrophic or something for fun but uh no i think we'll just keep them as they are apply to all sure attack of a month i'd imagine good the sleepers have awoken the xenophiles are apparently very angry peace in the galaxy is our foremost concern have you come to sign the treaty no but if you really want peace you better not fight me i'll do horrible things to your people that's a bit dark unexpected on my head but it's true so there's a couple of fleet upgrades happening i'm just upgrading one really small thing on the defense structures but we have loads of them fleets enhanced fleets that's how it is right now oh my god i'm so happy okay so it's a little bit earlier than i'd like but it is the one we want this is the scourge so worst case scenario they spawn here and honestly we're probably gonna be dead but that's a small bit of the galaxy so the odds are very much in my favor they spawn anywhere else our weapons and everything are already pretty much ready to counter the scourge and let's just see how we do this empire is terrible to be perfectly honest how i've played it going with certain ideals and everything else just for the fun of it it is for this position in the game awful and i will now openly admit if this was the unbidden we would be dead simple as that we don't have enough tech and everything else if it was the contingency weirdly enough because of how they spread their forces and because we're no longer the ai empire which spawned them because of the randomization i think we would have stood just at a chance because they're so balanced the scourge is the one we can win so we got incredibly lucky but yeah this could have easily just been a loss here situation it's pointing pretty early actually since it's 2350 the earliest they could arrive it's only been 16 years after that now you may be wondering why i'm currently just letting this war go on because the enemy are obviously no match for me right now it's because it's a defensive war and i get bonuses for it simple as that i want to stay in this defensive war for as long as possible they feed me power now still waiting for the endgame crisis where are you going to pop up scourge we've had your echoes now pop up somewhere look at that perfect line of just destroyed ships why would you do that i mean it was like a hundred k fleet power that's through me but it's a hundred k fleet powers 192 okay where yes okay we are fine there is a wormhole nearby and the l gate but it's gonna take a little while and the main thing is as long as it's not in my territory it means it has to come into the territory and to do that it needs to fight through one of our bastions literally they could have spawned right here and i'll have been fine with it as long as i don't spawn in a section of territory that's it so realistically that's not really the best place for them to spawn because they get um elgate access almost instantly but it's fine i guess the best place for them would be over here yeah there's no l gate or gateway access for a while just more time but that's like that is absolutely fine not great not ideal but fine i think i should be custodian all of you should agree okay the second wave is here already they've kind of yeah they've already got to the algae that was really quick they went straight for it they can use the l gate can't they yeah they must be able to otherwise you could literally just hide from the scourge in the l cluster and then with technology discovered so i don't know where these gateways sorry these wormholes go but obviously not to my territory i'm just trying to look for wormholes near my territory because i've had closed borders with everyone this whole time i have no idea where any of them go this one is the only concern so ah man you really hate us well i'm like when i'm the custodian do you have to open your borders to me i'm hoping so cause i really want to find out where that goes okay the scourge are rapidly expanding and getting very close to our little outpost here so i am upgrading as fast as i can i also have my fleets getting ready so i can jump over soon yay but now i am the galactic custodian so we can now go through here lovely let's find out where this wormhole even goes there's that worm hole there this wormhole here and i'm sure there was a third i was concerned about but for now yeah let's just focus on those two since you're close can you please go and check that'll be great why do i not ah why have i not gave you jump drives yes there we go once i finish making these anyway i'll do that so fleet power is about 500 kard oh i don't like my odds of defending directly well defending with a bastion i think is going to be very possible because all the upgrades the bastion gives including slowing down the enemy and increasing our fire rate but yeah my fleet's on the road at the moment probably couldn't even take up their scout groups so this wormhole is right there so that's likely to be the first breach point then over here so let's make sure we're definitely ready i mean strikecraft are great because they take out the enemy strike craft but i still want to go just overwhelming damage to see if we can kill them before they can get in range of firing uh i need to make sure that the i mean we do have a gateway close but i'd actually like one closer so put it here at the secondary point and get this one up to scratch as well so get me there yeah you are nowhere near done as you can retell intel only recently i was not doing that well with alloys um i've got all the archaeology world's now up and running in the economy is looking great but it was just it's a heavily fluctuating economy i've built because it's not very good this empire is pretending to be a good empire but it's just not so we don't care about the disruption field we definitely want the communication jam we definitely want the command center and then we just want to spam defense platforms our battleships have strike craft and point defense that's why they're going to be so good in combination with all these citadels and everything else but yes that's almost certainly going to be the first breach points uh do i already care about scum and villainy not really oh no i have loads of crime and four criminals out of 302. wow that is truly dreadful where are they look where are they expanding exactly well i want them to attack it oh no i just saw what happened yep there we go they are heading this way oh receiving transmission a united front is now going up to the senate if this passes we get plus 20 damage against the endgame crisis oh those are 2.2 million aren't they yep okay so we are almost certainly gonna lose this but hopefully we can take out a couple of their fleets in the process honestly the battleships here are being sacrificed trying to build gateways in better positions as well although we do have a good amount of gateway coverage only is enough to be perfectly honest yeah i want one here as well i don't want one directly in the system we're gonna fight but i want one right next to it so these three this the fact these four so this one this one this one and this one over here are likely to be the first attacked well one of them can be first obviously but then the rest will follow suit soonish because of where the gateways are this one will probably be next after that uh these can actually be honestly kind of forgotten the scourge literally can't get behind me over here so the inquirers and everything that's pretty safe oh the el cluster's going down but yeah so the inquirers are pretty safe so i'm tempted to swap out all these habitats there's no need for them to be strongholds anymore that can be tech or just loads of stuff tech energy anything we really need oh we melt them that was actually kind of beautiful you know what i don't get what that's talking about there honestly because this one it seems like it's correct on the right um i'm probably just reading it wrong but yeah i don't think i did lose any stations there good to know we can overwhelm them with superior firepower our biggest advantage is just range the range of our weapons massively outdoes the range of their weapons especially when i'm in a system with a citadel okay here comes the next group this will actually be a little bit more difficult essentially we're going to be a lot stronger versus their larger craft that larger swarms whatever you want to call them the larger they are the better we are fighting the smaller ones we're a lot worse against just still got overwhelming damage okay let's go a little bit further back okay i want everything to engage at once i don't want the battleships moving towards oh is it because we're losing these stages i don't know research station lost yeah they haven't been able to attack our fleets or defense stations yet lovely and remember the strike craft also take out a lot of their weapons their missiles and their strike craft are countered by ours so asked two cruisers that time lovely this outpost is actually being fantastic just taking out a few fleets is gonna slow them down massively and every year we get the stronger we are the more tech we get our population is still growing almost at 5000 now the more repeatables for our tech we've got done everything is better the longer we wait ending session early the united front is now in effect giving us plus 20 damage versus the in-game crisis uh so next then we probably want to try and put into place the galactic defense force or we could start pushing towards becoming the emperor i don't really have the tech the influence for that since i want to do other stuff for now let's just get the defense force up and running i love how did the defense structures turn to face the enemy it just looks so silly to me you'd think there'd be more stationary enhanced so our secondary group over here is already getting in place i am now feeling a lot more confident if we can just get a few groups of battleships on each of these points i think we're okay we have the habitats in case this that the station briefly falls because it does take them a long time it seems to take a world uh although they do use armageddon bombardment which i can't remember them using but apparently they can that's going to do massive damage to populations our habitats have ridiculously high populations and then a good defense force so it's going to be very difficult for them to break through and they have to break through all of them to get to the next stage so that should keep me safe long enough to get a fleet power to attack them when they eventually leave that area because they don't seem to like to stick in an area either even if they are trying to take a world i think we're safe i really do i think we we are going to achieve what i wanted i am so happy it was the scourge if it was anything else it wouldn't have worked oh poop okay can you guys stay away from me that'd be great uh you know what just in case they don't stay away from me every new finished fleet please go over here we are the recyclers these worlds are our mulch not yours new technology discovered go away [Music] that one ship at the end just sliding through them i honestly thought that was a regular gateway uh remember when i said you could do whatever you wanted guess what nope you're going back to being strongholds sorry lads it's been really relaxing for a while now they haven't attacked over here oh is this group going to attack nope but it's expanding into these uh territories they've almost destroyed three separate empires now they haven't used the gateway at all which i thought they would do much earlier over here it seems like they've kind of went back to finish off over here it's been very very chilled well here comes a rather horrible looking fleet [Music] okay there's the defense platform stacking as well we're gonna lose some ships here but not many beautiful a larger fleet this time you see this is why i should have had the fleet further back the defense platform is only just now attacking if they'll attack together would have had less losses still not as many as i expected though um that was a much larger fleet again that's a four mil fleet and we lost four five six seven eight nine battleships that really isn't much all these fights and i hadn't had the command center up giving us plus 10 fire rates whoops i thought it was there but nope that's just crew quarters it makes our ships cheaper but i would much rather than be stronger you know building some more shipyards again the main goal is to focus mostly on our defense platforms everything else so the amount of shipyards isn't really as necessary some other fleets some other empires rather but still having just one fleet station is the current goal which is very very recent oh that's interesting i don't think i've ever had this one before so we're being given a fleet by the sentinels i was really hoping they'd also give us one of their leaders because i do bonus damage versus the scourge uh yes they're pretty much set up for anti-scourge all energy weapons a few of the uh huh looks like just ships from every single empire or something it's all mixed together well they're not great they're not fantastic but at least they're pretty they're going to stay here yeah i would replace the disruptors but other than that they're fine okay sadly i did kind of miss that fight it was huge i think it was like a five plus mil attack i lost quite a few battleships it wasn't that bad i mean there's only two fleets here originally did we lose oh that is nothing again yeah we're doing just fine considering we're still very early in on a lot of the repeatables because of our poor tech i'm not really worried anymore we definitely have enough fleet power now we can bounce around and defend pretty much anything we want to spaceport lost spaceport lost so that was a station on its own and we lost 10 defense platforms not bad honestly i do need to start moving my fleets in there to defend it which is fine i can always move them from here as long as there's no one ready which there isn't and we can use our lovely gateways to get there so this is another recording session now and apparently the scourge have changed color to gray i don't like it as much honestly it looked way better before why are you grey now our stations can pretty much hold off any of the enemy fleets now i've seen quite a few times but they always take a couple of losses not many but a few so because of that what we're gonna do is mix in some of these literally just called defense platforms for now and these will have the strike craft which will act as point defense so mix in a few of those with each of the groups as they lose their platforms this should prevent the losses because the losses are always coming from the enemy strike craft which hits first so their strike craft hits us we then kill the enemy before they get in range of their other weapons but by then the strike craft have taken off a couple of our defense fleets so that is the next goal another one i've never seen before is this based on the percentage the scourge owns so now we do plus 20 damage versus scourge is that permanent yes if i ski another plus 20 against endgame crisis we're doing just fine so to make things easier on myself i am actually putting gateways directly where we're fighting the enemies that way we can very quickly go from one to the other i'm putting one in every single section where we are likely to have to defend ever so over here is the last place to build a megastructure being the gateway as you can probably tell i'm starting to fall asleep now and that is it i think we have more than the fleet power to take on pretty much anything we want and now we can jump between all of our defensive areas very quickly who actually know there as well technically i mean there's a gateway right next to it and there's a gateway literally there and there but you know what i want one on every single one of these bits just because i think it will look neat and nice and stuff one battleship so close to it being exactly zero so this is the first fight without sorry with the strike craft on our side and yep they didn't actually get in range to even hit us so that shows we can now fully defend against the end game crisis with only the bastions though if you don't have strike craft like in this case we're going to end up losing some ships that and the fact that the battleships just ran right in there did it lose any good good why am i building an ion cannon that was obviously a misclick but i'm building an iron cannon here so that's nice it's happily bombarding cradle oh only 14 pops left not many left now at all okay once again this is what this looks like it's about the same size as before maybe a little bit larger oh they are gonna just about reach two we lost two [Music] incoming new technology brilliant now the scourge is here we can take this system then that means we can permanently defend this empire which is attacking us funnily enough forever from the scourge which means we're always going to have the galactic community no matter what so we'll keep the inquirers here just to make sure we always have the custodianship and all the bonuses which comes with that we need to start fixing up some of these habitats on some of the worlds like my main world i've kind of just gave up on immunities and crime because it's not affecting the stability we have so many other things affecting these stability it's still 100 which means the unhappiness is doing nothing and the crime is nine criminals out of almost 400. construction online and there was a large fleet we did still take some casualties there sadly it looks like we had too many of the defense platforms i'm still trying to figure out how many we need honestly it seems like not that many to completely negate the enemy strike craft i've also been upgrading the strike craft damage so now they're not actually hindrance to us the last few of the worlds which are not under our control are now being purged everything will either be scourge or us and everything will be grey except for this one area over here which i've accidentally super protected yep i didn't realize this wasn't connected to the galaxy at large and thus the scourge are never going to get here and these people here who are friendly because i just liberated them that's right i went to war to make a new empire which likes us they're just gonna be there but everything else will be great except for this pimple great pimple so that was a four mil fleet being removed new technologies and zero damage taken again still does whitening now annoyingly they never seemed oh that's about to say they never seem to go to this world but uh thank you for proving me wrong i actually really want you to destroy this once that's down this one habitat and these two worlds that's it it's all under my protection or the scourge and that is it so if we take a look see now everything is gray except for this blue pimple up here the scourge has pretty much one except they'll never be able to get through into our territory we're getting stronger every year we now have over 8 000 populations almost all of our tech is coming from the unemployed all of our food is coming from livestock we are self-perpetuating forever and even in worlds like this where there's no housing left amenities are a ridiculous level it doesn't matter 100 stability and we're still making populations very quickly crime hardly affects anything so with that i just want to say this was a really weird life through it definitely fulfilled one of the uh things i said at start this was one of the more boring playthroughs just because there's so little to do a lot of the time it was just sit there and white um next time i think i'll be playing a modded play through and i probably won't allow the scourge to be the end game crisis maybe i'll do my unmodded not too sure at the moment i'm very tired right now but definitely not going to allow the scourge to be the endgame crisis again because i am sick of seeing them so the unbidden or the contingency tell me which one you want to see and i can set it up in the settings that they always spawn in as opposed to the scourge though the scourge was perfect for this run very weak empire in the way that i applied it again not the most effective way to do this but it was interesting and really different at least to play hopefully it came across in the video so with that thank you so much for watching if you have enjoyed today's video then of course likes favorite shares comments all that good stuff helps out me helps out the channel and most importantly shows that stellar race is a series you wish to see continued in the future thank you so much for watching and goodbye
Channel: Lathland
Views: 97,510
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: BjTBISzaIi8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 10sec (4390 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 29 2021
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