INCONCEIVABLE WIN Inside The High Limit Coin Pusher Jackpot WON MONEY ASMR

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but you can't claim the whole victory for itself oh my gosh here comes the tower he's clapping as they're clapping for me already 25 in quarters says if they know you're back george you said no more uh big long tall structures i didn't say that the the items that must not be named the the word that must never be spoken the game that can never be played what are these i don't know what are they they don't look like towers to me that's for sure they look like the triplets are you ready for the triplets i'm ready you got a plan definitely have to play strategically because the triplets seem very strong uh not only that they seem to be guarding a ton of cash they are guarding a ton of benjamins i think uh when in doubt go to the left huh i actually thought she was going to change it up a little bit i thought she would change it up a little bit so she's going left but she is going to need the paper moneys are moving already i didn't see anything move i saw it what did you see move did you see that did you see it that time how about that i saw that that i saw so the challenge here on this one obviously there is a giant wall and the temptation look at see the see the paper money right behind us the temptation is go straight for the paper fall backwards that is just gonna fall backwards and be trapped back there by this wall otherwise known as the triplets so that's how you lose the money go for the cash triplets they hold it all back that wouldn't be the first time most of us would be tricked by triplets they're gonna fall back again i think so yeah yeah you got to be careful around triplets my ears are ringing did you just [Music] has even a single quarter dropped yet i think one or two did that's it definitely a couple bundles all backwards yeah she got the bundles to move that's for sure oh there goes some [Music] this is not gonna be an easy task i'm trying to drop three quarters at once but time them [Music] one quarter for each triplet oh that's that's the that's the goal in quarter percent that's part of my strategy elvis is singing maybe something's going to happen or maybe not maybe not maybe not oh you just got something there you got something to fall got some more to fall [Music] go again dropping three quarters while the pusher's out [Music] yeah i see what you're doing there you're dropping a quarter for each triplet but you're only taking the triplet to the left yes i would say that the middle and the right triplet are pretty jealous right now they're getting the least amount of quarters are those the uglier of the three triplets the least amount of attention middle child middle child always gets the most amount right middle child's usually the spoiled uh middle child syndrome isn't called syndrome because of spoiling the youngest get spoiled which one of the children in your family was spoiled that's a good question probably george george all right down to three quarters oh looks like money's gonna fall back again nope nope just pushed it right back up wow i thought you had three quarters i dropped it dropping it like it's hot already i was able to push off twenty dollars and twenty-five cents really wow all right i think i'm gonna go strategy lux you're still going strategy left yeah i'm gonna drop three quarters every time the pusher you think you can get more ammo to the left or to the right you know what the twin to the left is definitely getting closer to the to the edge can you tell uh yeah i could see a difference i mean it's not gonna it's not gonna jump inside or anything but i think it's definitely gotten closer don't you think it's moved just a tidbit got another bundle to drop back did anything push the the twins move yes the one to the right the one to the right just bought it all three of them just shifted it's amazing that the paper money's actually moving them a little bit i'm curious to see how good your skills are to see if you can push the paper money around the twins i mean triplets triplets that would be awesome i think i have enough room to get them do you have the snail to make it around i think i do feeling pretty good nice drop feeling pretty confident that was an awesome quarter lamp from the upper trade just like 20 quarters just fell i thought it was going to do a little bit more damage on the on the triplets but that bundle she's got bundles right now behind the right triglet and if she can adjust them it'd be it'd be amazing to see if she could get them to swing around the triplets yeah i gotta get them there's like [Music] there's quite a few back there actually [Music] they wanna they wanna swing around but a lot of quarters they haven't made it they're trying to make it around that right trip you just got money on the right to fall in and have you ever known any triplets in your life just on tv but not in real life what about you well they do have they do have twin stay in twinsburg ohio every year but i don't know anywhere that's called tripletsburg all right down to three quarters any cities that you know of called tripletsburg [Music] i was able to push off 23 and 25 cents in quarters wow i'm gonna switch up my strategy all right what are you switching it to i'm gonna go to the right i'm gonna drop three quarters at a time she's going to the right see if i can get that bundle to come on over are you getting hungry for that bundle uh-huh i see i see it peeking around i think i have enough room to get it around really you're going to get it the right triplet yeah it's moving it's moving it's already moving actually over there everything is moving over there look at that she's got a bunch of bundles there yeah you gotta you're gonna have to push push the triplets forward and the bundles around this would be a work of [Music] manipulate this stuff you're almost home without my mind control and yeah here she is or lucky it's peeking around the right she's actually getting it to go around wow [Music] wow you're doing it you are actually doing you are doing it here she's getting one of these bundles how many bundles are coming so far just one i can't believe it i cannot believe it here comes another one you're getting another one right now there's two how is it that you manipulate these things with quarters look at the wrist yes you did what grade did you get in physics i want to say like eighth grade you have eighth grade physics it was pretty early on do you remember anything from eighth grade physics you might want to go back and teach it with quarters no way oh man there's another one coming yeah i see it dropping three quarters at a time that's so stinking close to the edge though all right down to two quarters two quarters is it uh oh [Music] oh wait wait you got another quarter though another quarter fell that's not bad i was able to push off thirty dollars and fifty seconds no stinking way i guess right is right right was the right time to go right and it looks like you're somehow going to definitely get that bundle it's going to drizzy drop i'm going to do what my ears are ringing what does that mean when my ears are ringing that's what it means am i going deaf because it's so loud here well i know you you struggle with listening so maybe probably deafness or complete total you like to ignore as well that could be it look at that bundle coming around look at it coming around the corner coming around the corner they'll be coming round the corner and then drop how are you doing that look at it it's like a train it's like a car she's got another one following it [Music] some kind of egyptian magic this is this is why it's like charming the bundles oh that's what you're doing i'm charming the bundles right now that's how you did you learn this why you were in snake charming that's that's what i'd like to think yes how long how many how many semesters were you in snake charming it may not make sense to you or anyone at home but it makes sense to me that you're charming the bundles yes so just to be clear this has nothing to do with my mind control power correct that is correct sir oh there was another bundle just came off the pusher i guess it felt awful we've got the train on the back coming along around around the bend you know the funny part is they wanted they wanted the triplets to block all of that cash and here you are you're like triplets what let's get right around it triplet woody woody what yes you've done one bundle catching up to the other bundle you know you'd like to steal my thunder that's for sure now you have bundle control [Music] just remember when you go to the bathroom where there's thunder there will always be lightning what does the bathroom have to do with this you'll understand one day young grasshopper oh look at that the bundle caught up to the other one you think it's a race do you think they're racing it's pushing it along it's helping it push along i think their nascar racing around [Music] that's right my quarters are stuck in the corner of the bag they're hiding from me they're like stop dropping me on my head they're like stomp drop and roll george is on fire on fire oh man that bundle is ready that bundle is ready kind of getting caught on the edge there but it looks like it's ready i hope it doesn't get stuck it might get stuck sometimes they get stuck right in there they kind of get crammed in all right those were my last four oh do you see that last push that was an awesome push now it's time i can't believe it didn't fall yet wow got a 700 bundle of joy and i was able to push off 34 dollars in quarters you're going up right going up up what do you think right yes stay to the right staying to the right probably a good idea that that bundle looks like it's so ready to fall triplets ain't doing no damage here today the edge yeah the triplets ain't having their way not touchday hey another bundle wow if i wasn't seeing this with my own eyes i would never ever ever ever believe this never ever them to malefic manipulate the pathway of paper money through a huge wall barrier it just it boggles my simple man mind you know what a man mind is right it definitely ain't simple do you know what a man of mine is what's a man mind a man mine yeah it's the opposite of a woman here comes that bundle [Music] okay what's a woman in mind a woman mine has all kinds of buttons and turn knobs and then the man mine has like 10 buttons what kind of buttons i think it's just man mines are just trying to tune in tokyo that's all their two buttons what are you all right i'm gonna switch to the left to get the bundles on the left what do you think did you get everything to the right i did wow i'm not sure how i'm making it happen baby are you taking mental notes um no i have a man mind i'm thinking about tuning in start taking notes mental notes what kind of notes mental notes man mind mental notes you're trying to say the man mind is mental no that's not what i'm saying at all that's what i heard okay now you're just twisting the words mister what's the biggest difference between the man mine and the wool man mine the buttons and the the twisty turning gadgets the flip switches the crane there's a crank there's a throttle and a crank yes really there it is there it is it's coming around the corner the throttle is on on the wool man mine what's the throttle up to on the wool man mine right now you're on full throttle the woman mind is on full throttle wow this man mind is still on choke thinking this man mine is a little a is rotating while the other bundle's getting real close to the edge definitely coming around the corner doing as it's told being obedient wanting to join the team my hands are shaking and my knees are weak that's because you have a woman in mind all right i'm down to four quarters [Music] come on wow i'm amazed i am literally man mind amazed and it takes a lot to amaze a man wait wait wait oh i thought it was going to go i thought it was going to go do you think it was going to go what happens they just drop that's what we always end up missing some of the greatest epic falls because this happens because you never know what's gonna happen choo-choo got that bundle train fourteen hundred dollars in paper money this round so do you consider yourself the engineer then and thirty four dollars and seventy five cents in quarters nice going up up up i assume you're gonna go left again yes definitely gonna go to the left there's two bundles heading our way well one is the victory you got another one behind the left triplet yes and it looks like you're getting it to move again and then i got the last bundle that's just hanging out on the pusher she literally look at that in the back oh my goodness you are actually getting this move around why is it not going straight why is it going around how are you defying all laws of physics [Music] it's what maybe you say easy oh my gosh here comes a tower [Music] if nobody's playing and it pushes we did find out a while ago we didn't know until we actually asked if it's in the shoot in the in its free free game so we will pull those quarters is that all that was there for is there anything hidden inside there right now it's covering the bundle the quarters are on top of my bundle suffocating my benjamins i think this looks like it was gonna go what pushed it i saw it slowly coming down i didn't see anything that thing didn't even look like it was angled it wasn't on the glass it wasn't on anything what pushed it over [Music] [Music] i mean these pushes are pretty aggressive right now i think george washington's getting upset that i'm dropping him on his head no i didn't even see that i thought it didn't look to me like it was going down but then again i kind of missed the shot you probably blinked 50 of the time you saw it starting to go yeah i saw it slowly creeping that's the worst the worst is when you're counting all these quarters and then you look up yeah and then it just falls that we can't even count how many times that's happened to us countless that's just everything's unpredictable just as like you could not predict that 100 bundles were going to go around these twins because they were triplets now they're twins now we're down to twins all right last quarter come on give me a good yeah i'd say that was pretty epic [Music] [Music] got another 700 bundle and eighty four dollars and seventy five cents in quarters wow okay i you got ammo now i've got an ammo and i'm ready to rapid fire to the left you got more ammo than you know what to do with actually i think you probably do know what to do with that ammo at this point in the game yeah yeah you've learned a lot what do you think the biggest thing you learned since the beginning when you started the play to where the level of play you are now [Music] what were the things you learned most the thing that we tell you all the time don't go straight for the prize work on getting more quarters so you have to play for the long game not the short game play the long game not the short game what would be the second thing um figure out your strategy based on the structure inside the point wisher so for me i want to say 8 out of 10 times going to the left is always best and that's for me and then when the time is right go right but i thought right is always right because then when you go to the range money ain't tight ain't that right [Music] definitely another thing that i've learned with this machine is that once elvis starts singing if you have enough ammo just start rapping we don't know that the singing does anything we don't know if there's a trigger we don't know if there's something it's like a vibration in his world we don't know but it seems like every time he starts singing something is going to happen yeah good things usually happen maybe there's a sensor that counts how many quarters are on the edge maybe they're we don't know about when we're oldest things well and that bears to the fact that you have to know your machine you have to know your machine there are basic machines like we've seen some of the basic machines it's just one tray and it's a basic machine and they put lots of things you know that are all the same in those basic machines they may have a skill stop and they have a bonus hole that's a another feature that some of those machines come out with but every machine is not built that way so you have to know your machine [Music] and these more these more these huge uh right on the edge right on the edge it's gonna fall it's gonna huge commercialized machine bundle to rotate look at it rotating [Music] these huge commercialized machines seem to play extremely different all night [Applause] so what's the goal now are you going to try and get it around the right yeah i'm trying to go center we also we've noticed from seeing some of the uh the more basic rectangle machines we've noticed that the playing fields are bigger on those machines than these machines [Music] so know your machine know what it does how it works i mean once you know it it's pretty simple it's like a basketball court you shoot you score three pointer go to the foul line throw the ball and keep throwing the ball and eventually you're gonna have muscle memory it'll go in you'll have a flick of the wrist memory yeah yep yep yep look at that thing hiding back there it's definitely moving to the right like i want it to looks to me like it's posting up for a fight it's posting up on you we got a really good push to the right i'm dropping it to the left to see if it'll push it more to the right is that more physics 101 yes left left center drop them quarters keep dropping them on their head here we go here we go he's singing usually something's going to happen when he sings he's definitely moving [Music] it's like the flick of his of his his hips that's what does this flick of his elves hips flicker flicker flicker flick of his head i gotta knock the bundle down and then it'll move quicker it looks like it's getting hit by the upper trade it's getting pushed it's getting bullied around that's why i gotta save it you do realize if you find another machine that you like in florida you're going to have a whole new learning curve you're going to have to figure everything out again you're going to be starting at zero yeah and that's okay because i know i'm not i'm not going to like all of them [Music] don't force me to play a monopoly one either i've asked you to play the monopoly one you refuse to i'm a fortune when have i ever forced you to do anything i'm just telling you to force another person to do something i'm just telling you now don't ask me except you forcing me right now to not ask you to play you're the one doing the forcing i'm telling you right now do not knock me back i will not play the monopoly coin pusher machine i will work your good pushes down to the right oh my goodness it's actually moving the train has left the station yet again come on ride the train run it [Music] how are you getting quarters to do that [Music] somebody's on a roll not asking me for it one two three drop that's the formula right now one two three drop that's the secret formula one two three drops it's like she's making coke one two three drops one two three drop coca-cola coca-cola that was my last order that was your last quarter i really thought you were going to get it to get around the bend got another 700 bundle and 142.75 cents in quarters that was a good push that was pretty amazing that was a good push uh i assume you're going right again i'm gonna go right because i need to rescue that bundle rescue mission it wants to be a part of the team the for those that don't know george has been certified as a bundle rescuer now this is a certification that is not easy to achieve many many hours of training and stretching [Music] so now george has been certified as an official rescue rescue ranger of bundles rescue ranger of bundles she has her looks amazing on my resume uh she hung it above my toilet actually so this is a little little plaque above my toilet she just likes to rub it in when i'm sitting there and contemplating like a constant reminder constant reminder that um that i'm [Music] huge accomplishments that should be shared every day well so here's the thing she also made photocopies of it there's one on my shower curtain there is one on my windshield in my front there's one on my ceiling above my bed she wanted to make sure that i would never ever ever forget that she and she alone got certified as a bundled rescue ranger i thought they both moved bundle's definitely moving moving right along as it should i thought both bundles were both twins i mean i mean i meant yeah twins [Music] no that bundle just moved how did that happen the earth is quaking [Music] this is fantastic i just got a bundle dream man bundles are us over here [Music] wow wow and it rolled all the way back wow i'm in amazement oh you think that bundle is stuck on the far right [Music] when they're laying on their side i've seen them get stuck like the the side was that the first bundle i got to drop standing up towards the entire name i don't know i've just been amazed the entire time i can't even remember that's gotta be a record for me [Music] another record you know i'm going to call guinness book of records is it guinness or janice do you think they could have picked an easier name that everybody knows how to actually pronounce like why isn't it just frank frank's book world records everybody knows how to pronounce frank guinness must be what's what's the history behind guinness uh i know it's a beer someone's last name i know it's a beer and i guess when people got drunk they decided to write a book okay that makes sense that's my guess i mean that's my guinness i actually received it but don't you agree i mean if they just called it like frank's world records or tom the world's record tom's book of world records we're just the epic world's records can we go by a first name of a normal person that would have been so much easier hey have you checked out adam's world records yeah you mean adam no i mean adam no no no okay you know let's give me something everybody know about frank i mean out of town have you have you seen horray's world records you mean georgia's no jorge no georgia all right let's just go with frank or gary something simple like gary [Music] somebody still pronounced it wrong have you seen harry's world book of records do you mean uh gary's no no harry's you mean larry's no it's coming around the corner i'll believe it when i see it berries no berries why are there so many first names that have harry in it i never realized that till now gary barry harry larry terry [Music] quite contrary can you think of any others did you say larry already cherry there's this chick that works at this establishment downtown cleveland who goes by cherry yeah sherry and then fairy cherry berry [Music] i know this business called a dairy do you know i grew up in o'leary yes yes but no one pronounces it that way how do people pronounce illyrio just the way you said it oh i thought it was [Music] do you larry it coming around the corner now yeah i see it [Music] okay good keep your eye on it don't look away i'm keeping my eye on it [Music] all right man brain is watching and brain is watching middle twin i guess which would be the left twin now was just twitching i think i have a feeling that once the twin on the right falls i'm gonna lose that 500 chip you think so yeah what makes you think so just look at it it is leaning rather to the right it is leaning quite a bit to the right it's not gonna fall in my favor that's another thing that i've just learned from experiences the height of sickness [Music] i was gonna lose it oh my goodness it [Music] and then my my last bundle got squashed he became a franklin sandwich okay benjamin the good news is there's not a big crowd so we can pull we'll pull from that one we pulled from the other one when the other when the other quarters came there was a good handful but that was it it was only somebody else played earlier and the 500 chip was up up on the upper tray is on the lower trade it's on the lower trade now but we weren't gonna do anything to get it unless i mean we could always record for what the asmr again it's worth it it's worth the abandonment if we can get another bundle if we recorded for what the asmr again but last time i did that everybody complained that we don't talk yeah it's not the same and then we have people who don't listen and they said they started trying to report the videos saying that we stole it from ourselves oh realizing that like you stole it from what the hails when we said over and over and over and over and over and over and over again we have a second channel so yeah but at the same time to be fair we get new subscribers all the time so they may be newbies that don't realize that we have a second channel and kudos for them for being protective and at least trying to look out for us yes kudos for them getting our uh video recorded constantly but it hasn't been removed constantly as stolen from books asmr channel is not about talking you won't find you won't find any talking on our what the asmr channel it is like a visual stuff and visuals yes that is all it's about you'll never hear us talking on that channel that is not the that's not the purpose that is not the goal oh yes you are and we get that it's not for everyone [Music] well you might you might have lost there's a there's a huge niche out there that enjoys just the visual stimulation and the noise like the little noises you might have lost two 500 chips but you gained if you can get that bundle you gained another 700 in actual cash correct so so it's easy to walk away from that first ship that yeah because i made up for it with the bonus bundle look at all those fish scale quarters look like snake skin fish scales alligator hide of course all i see now is alligator i definitely have a great chance of winning that last chip are you still going to the right because you've got to get that bundle i'm doing right better trying to get some of the quarters to move around it's like the quarters are jamming the bundle it just moved a little bit the bundle is jammed the quarters are jamming it up as well it looks like [Music] to my untrained eye i just saw the bundle move a little bit did it like to move it move it it did bump again [Music] i just saw it move at that time all right here we go down to three quarters i guess it's a single individual now is probably gonna fall [Music] [Music] there's that bundle another 700 bundle and 197.50 in quarters wow almost 200 in quarters if you can't get that 700 bottle with 200 something's wrong something's wrong so you're just going to go to the right i'm going to go to the right and try and save them and get them unlodged there's a lot of quarters over there too yeah so yeah there you go by getting the border to drop around it more ammo because right now it's just surrounded by quarters that's blocking kind of blocking it well that's what that that triplet was doing in the first place it was trying to hide all them bundles it did just move again it wants it wants to jump in it's those quarters trapping it in those fish scales that alligator hide is that what that looks like to you isn't that what it looks like to you there's skills yeah everything looks like alligator tied to me now you got your mind on gators [Music] gators games on my mind on gators [Music] [Music] they all just moved again [Music] it wants to it wants to you got quarters dropping out of the way that's good it's slowly making its way it's right on the edge but it's also getting lodged on the edge so the quarters are putting pressure behind it [Applause] it just budged a little bit again [Music] it budged a little again [Music] it's teeter-tottering now it's all so close hop on in buddy help yourself come on in you don't even have to take your shoes off just come on in there it's oh man that is [Music] you unlocked it wow okay now what now we go for that last 500 chip for that triplet and if if i drop my quarters right which i think i will be able to that chip will fall in to my neighbor i don't think i'll lose this one [Music] i might have to do coin confusion with this one you think so yes [Music] hit it on all angles [Music] i suppose point confusion wouldn't hurt but really what i'm thinking is you should let me wrap it up and see if i can trick shot that extra bundle in you wanna switch well let's see what your coin confusion does first and then when you're ready to call up the big leagues i'll be in the bull pen wait under one one condition what's the condition that you actually remember that i let you play remember what never mind [Music] all right do more handfuls and then we'll switch oh one of my quarters is found you think i can knock it in for you i think you can [Music] point confusion i said one more handful and then we could switch here's my last quarter of the handful and all right you ready yeah time to push it up switch it up get a bundle let me see if i can get a good fun though rack them and stack them what let's not rack them and stack them what was your name oh grab them and jam them right in jail ram them and jam them i suppose [Music] that was a little nino [Music] that was a good push oh my goodness it worked oh all right you want to trade them broke now trying to rack them and stack [Music] okay here she goes yet again oh it just rolled back the bundle just rolled back so now i don't feel bad that i lost that second 500 chip why don't you feel bad because we just got some bonus money baby thanks to you i was going to say we did you meet chair we no you didn't you kept it in it came so close to going on the ledge rotating the bundle oh it rolled back all right forget the bundle go for it go for what just fell and then go for the bundle later okay holy cow that was awesome i didn't even see it was ready to fall did you see it i thought i did before we switched and then i was like oh it's just my imagination the crazy thing is is you absolutely never ever ever know it didn't even look like it was thinking to me was it on the glass i don't think so i don't think it was even on the glass nice push that looks pretty awesome [Music] yeah i don't think it was even on the glass actually all three of the triplets i didn't think any of them were going to fall when they fell yeah i didn't definitely didn't see them coming right [Music] i lost i didn't even get to see it i was watching the upper bundle i had no idea [Music] what do you see in your tunnel it's whatever i'm focusing on like right now it's the 500 chip i'm not even looking at that bundle or the quarters in front of the ship you're only looking at the chip chipping chip chip chop chip shop now and where the quarters are dropping is that bad no how's your flick of the wrist it's on point [Music] so nice it's on point this round compared to the last one when i lost [Music] come on [Music] oh it's sliding to the right i saw it that may be a good thing look at you with some we're dodging all the quarters coming to the flat side i saw your trick shot you are learning you're learning how to ram it and cram it you're learning the right jacket and cram it i like racking and stack it all right racket and stack it i like ceramic brands you're learning you're learning trick shots regardless of what you say you're finally learning i'm trying trying my hardest [Music] i wish i had more control over it i could just draft quarters like bam there goes elvis elvis is singing [Music] do you see anything extra in the field is just the 500 [Music] uh i don't see anything hiding [Music] nothing yet look it's right in the center it is it's like dead center dead center now i'm not sure why you were worried you weren't gonna get that one i came very close to losing it it literally hit the edge of the leg yeah and bounced back in yeah so it kind of ricocheted back in yeah if it was maybe a hair taller it would have landed right by that bitcoin so it kind of rim shot it it was like [Music] i didn't even see it happen i was looking at the bundle blame it on the man brain looking at your muscles yes don't you look at my bundle like that that chip is moving forward isn't it yeah it's definitely don't you look at my chip like that oh it's your chip now oh it's your bundle now all right you got me there stealing my thunder yet again you got me you need some lightning bring on the lightning all right it's moving its way forward [Music] come on chippy chip chip chip follow my voice get into hapa chippity chop chop chippity chop chop it chop chop chip chip what do you think about going for the other chips and left this in the ring no i don't feel bad why would you think you would feel about that i got bonus buckles yeah so now i don't feel bad now i really don't feel bad do you think we should try and rescue the chips i think they would be good for practice practice for me i'm certified now yeah i'm not i still need to be certified you told me you would bring me to the range so i could get certified do you know how many hours i still have to do to get certified how many hours are you missing all of them all of them but too bad you forget that i even let you play so technically you're still there let me play technically you're there so you force all the hours are there so you force me to not do things and then you let me play i see how this is well i'm not sure where you're going right now where are you going where are you going with this where are you going [Music] she almost has the chip the bundle is still hiding for the chip to fall before i finish this bag of quarters how many more do you have in your bag i'm getting low low low really yeah i thought for sure you would have dropped it by now oh i'm gonna drop it you're gonna drop it like it's hot it's gonna you'll get it with the bag of quarters yeah i think so you're close now the corners over the edge the corners over the edge you're really close now oh my goodness i've got like two or three handfuls left for quarters let's see if you can get it drop [Music] this was gonna be interesting she may get oh oh man how many more do you got i've got like one more handful one more handful to see if she can drop the chip oh oh man i'm gonna get it hanging over the edge with three four four quarters left four quarters left might as well drop them right all right drop them try and get this bundle then it's time for you to do what you do being certified rescue mission time [Music] [Music] [Music] there's that 700 bonus bundle and the 500 casino chip that i almost lost how much in quarters i've got a ton of borders [Music] 410.50 all right let's go at it [Music] [Music] look at autumn rolls wow that's fifty six hundred dollars i always have that many rolls love rolls 500 casino chip that we were able to save i guess i'll be using that next dibs [Music] 414.50 in angry george quarters what makes them angry because i keep dropping them on their head that would make anybody angry [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 237,829
Rating: 4.9176955 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, coin pusher jackpot, playing high stakes coin pusher, won money in high stakes coin pusher, coin pusher machine, coin pusher big win, coin pusher game, coin pusher money, high risk coin pusher jackpot, high risk coin pusher big win, won bitcoin, high risk coin pusher videos, progressive jackpots
Id: Vq_mjEIn6-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 58sec (3598 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 28 2020
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