BONUS WIN BitCoin Towers Inside The High Limit Coin Pusher Jackpot WON MONEY ASMR

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come here you come here who me no not you you come here she's gonna do it again she's gonna do it again somehow someway she's gonna justify it not being a tower somehow some way last time it was a bridge i know i know she's gonna do it she always does you do realize i'm sitting right here right you're talking about me as if i'm not here what let's get ready to play don't forget to hit the subscribe just don't hit me i just snotted yeah yeah it did that felt good in my ear [Music] would you like to explain what's going on here because you may see towers but what i see is an egyptian pyramid in the center i see that with two egyptian abilities on the side excuse me what you just justified it how with a what two egyptian obelisk obelisk i can't even pronounce obelisk they had five times fast was that five that was like six or seven well then i'm an over fantastic so that's how we're justifying it today ladies and gentlemen they are obelisk so what i was thinking of doing to keep them guessing is go to the lives okay that's probably a good idea there is a blue bag in the back as well mystery bag which is a bonus always a bonus we love our mystery bags we've got nobody to the right it doesn't just play down it doesn't look too husky looks just right are you talking about my dad bot again no the mystery bag i don't know how you're even gonna get anything to push here like everything is trapped with the pyramid and things are moving things are moving i'm getting things to move [Music] wait you're timing them for what so that i don't lose you lose what lose my marbles you lost those a long time ago you want to help me find them do you recall the last place you put them [Music] oh did you see that i just got the left one to rotate i see all things at all times i don't think you've dropped a single quarter yes i have every time i've dropped quarters you blinked i never blinked i'd never take my eyes off of this thing did you remember to tape your eyes open [Music] um with duct tape yeah layer of duct tape layer of gorilla tape [Music] i see the pyramid is starting to move oh i think i got a quarter to fall i got a quarter of the pyramid you hold the back you got the back to fall that'll actually be if that can go in and help push did you see the one on the left move it rotate it no i i still think you're seen i saw it i i saw nothing and it's not like i'm wearing an eye patch here well somehow you're managing to blink because it moves all right i'm not blinking i'm not blinking anymore don't blink anymore you rotated it or you pushed it it rotated to the right like everything went right to the right it snailed itself forward and then moved to the right i see did you see it nope nothing obelisk do not move well that one did dream on dreama [Music] but not so yes not so ugly just right mystery bag the dad bought history yes would you call that mystery bag the jeremy mystery bank sure we call it whatever you want no i didn't ask what i would call it i said what would you call it [Music] and then you threw in a suggestion and i said sure i know how you feel when somebody answers sure well how about i suppose that one works too [Music] do you see [Music] maybe maybe i'm seeing things i thought no it is it moved [Music] [Music] he likes his coats of carrots with ketchup and you like raw carrots with dirt from the ground in earth [Music] anything but yum [Music] definitely not young let's see the votes who prefers cooked carrots with ketchup or raw baby carrots dipped in ranch dressing or some type of veggie dip your pyramid just collapsed in the back all right i'm down to four quarters that was that was epic all right time to pull are you sure i don't want to look away you told me not to blink look at that you did actually get some points i was able to push off ten dollars and twenty-five cents that's not bad all right i think we were just talking about this we thought maybe the center is the better route because the pyramid's already knocking down in the back and she doesn't have enough ammo to really do any damage but if she can get that center to push with all the coins that already yeah exactly she can get all the the center to push because of the coins that fell backwards she may be able to actually stay in this game are you sure this pyramid isn't doesn't have the pharaohs first it probably is cringe did you just say crisp first all right all right so there you go oh it's working the plan is working the plan is actually working that's why i'm your manager spencer will be good to me oh my goodness this was actually a genius idea brilliant [Music] left left would not have been this kind left would have got those bonuses oh my gosh did i just found it oh my gosh [Music] yes [Music] his plan was it again yeah the colonels you know who the hurdle is right you're the colonel now who do you think it was do you even know who the first one is the guy from kfc right uh that was elvis manager i'm your manager yeah i'm your manager [Music] how many alter egos you need [Music] [Music] very very proud so proud how hot is it george it's pretty hot [Music] well it is egypt you are in a desert and apparently you did not get in the shade of the obelisk yeah but i'm not allowed to get excited elvis is singing he's like he's off too i'm not allowed to get excited [Music] all right down to the last quarter i'm gonna go straight center today is your day you can play as many obelisk as you want they told you they're not towers that's what i've been talking about it is [Music] everybody type in the comments don't quit your day job what nothing just i was just encouraging them to do what they do to me [Music] tell them nice nice voice i already know my voice is for it that's what i have to say but you know i'm in a good mood when i'm singing or humming i wouldn't quit my day job if i had one i hug more than i think [Music] that was a joke i worked 24 7 around the clock i want more of them i work more than most people would ever even fathom you have no work-life balance i don't want one i love working did you see a part of the pyramid went boom i see you've been knocking that pyramid down like [Music] um [Music] [Music] this chapter is all about george talking pyramids knocking pyramids over and taking names with their manager the colonel behind her the whole way going it's finger licking good holy george that was a good drop oh man is it getting hot up in here or is that my drop it might be getting hot all i know oh i'm on fire right now i am on fire my drops are fire i feel like you're working with seven herbs and spices on fire i feel like this is the famous recipe go to the middle go to the middle don't fiddle go to the middle don't little [Music] that out she wow has the whole pyramid she was like feral what pharaoh what who's your pharaoh now who's your mummy who's your mummy are you gonna dress up as a mummy for halloween oh man she definitely has sparrow's gold now did you bring your bottle of awesome sauce because i want to sprinkle some of it on that drop no i didn't but i can i can crop dust it if you want me to i'll take care [Music] can you believe that there wasn't enough time i forgot i was so excited i forgot all right i'm getting low on quarters george won the battle of the pier here amidst the pyramids georgia's winning the battle of the pyramids because the pyramids came tumbling down yes yes yes that looks fantastical 122.75 i honestly thought you were gonna be out from the moment you started because everything was blocked and well once you go left you can't go wrong really it was the middle what are you talking about and then i switched it up and went to center yeah [Music] our viewers always tell us if we don't want to drop the house how should i say this the uh obelisk right george the egyptian yeah we don't want to drop the egyptian obelisk [Music] they equate it to falling a tree but if you ask me the one on the left already looks like it's leaning to the left and the one on the right looks like it's leaning to the right so she's gonna have to chip away at the base both center itself to drop directly into she's gonna try and get him thank you i dare you i triple dog beard was that a triple dog threat yeah that was to get them both the fall at the same time wow elvis is singing that would be awesome that would require a lot of mind control which i didn't have any brains that's my signature move yours is going to the left mine is mind control nice try though let's try it i'm not helping you i'm not helping you you have to do it on your own all right if you can do all right i'm gonna need your help with this one if you can do this i'll take you to florida for the winter you can't if you can't you have to take me to florida [Music] [Music] if you can't do it you have to take me to florida either way we end up in florida there is a loser oh my goodness oh my goodness i just got an amazing mega push do you want me to take you to florida or not for the winter for the winter yes yes i do then i guess do you want me to take you to winter do you want me to take you to winter or out of winter out of winter preferably then i guess the best put your money to the test and be better than the rest and go left why would you that doesn't rhyme at all you are getting some serious [Music] serious pushes and my mystery bag is trucking along mystery bag is getting close i can't believe you still have you still have that cash up on the uh the upper trade the two hundreds on the lady to the left of us is gone she cleared out her field well we spent so much time counting the money to tell everybody how much money we got yeah it takes us longer did you see look to look to your right can you see what's on the top of that mini pyramid a shiny gold corner how epic would it be i'll tell you what oh oh oh that 100 is getting ready to drop look at it look at it if you can do a trick shot and get that shiny gold quarter to your right i'll take you back to ohio after the winter in florida it gets too hot in florida and you can do summer in ohio [Music] pretty sure you belong i'm pretty sure you're in denial right now which is where you belong in denial man i even got geographical bad jokes that's how [Music] [Music] [Music] still got one 100 bill [Music] didn't you hear her screaming somebody did something drop something this this machine is so big i'm guessing i don't know two ton about ten foot tall about seven eight foot wide [Music] and i've tried to get george to play monopoly but she will not play the monopoly that's a hard negative she refuses [Music] that depends on if you have daddy issues or not somebody with a daddy issue might like the old guy with a monocle [Applause] it's not all the way yet it's on the it's on the dispenser the uh there's a there's a there's a piece in there that disperses the chute it takes everything to the left and to the right and it's stuck on the disperser [Music] be free be free mystery bag you won't regret it [Music] do you want to tell the story about no regards i think we already did i don't think so i think you need to tell it that's a funny one where did that hole we were on our way home okay mo we're on our way back to your place from a weekend trip two years ago yeah and it was starting the sun was starting to set so it was getting dark and a big husky raccoon ran out in front of the uh the blue truck at the time and i've never hit an animal ever but i felt that thumb for the very first time i ever felt and there was nothing we could do [Music] and i screamed and then we made a joke out of it like i wonder what that raccoon's last spot or when he was running to the to the truck he seemed suicidal because he ran straight he literally ran to the truck he was suicidal so he started making jokes saying suicidal he just found out that his wife was pregnant with seven more kids poor little guy we had a million different things that were running through his head but mostly the thing that was running most through his head tire of my truck look i i even have i even have driving jokes those are dad to jokes and i wanted to cry because i've never had an animal before but jeremy made me laugh by cracking suicidal refuge and it made me forget about it and now for two years later she always says i have to regress [Music] and it's all in reference to the raccoon that ran out suicidally in front of the truck he was he wanted to be dead [Music] [Music] which is 99.999 percent of the things that we say in every single video isn't it between us [Music] did you say is that dad joke too much no i said is that a bad thing that we joke around see i even have a joke about bad jokes [Music] i want to try and get that hundred off so i switched it up and went to the left that'd be nice you know the other thing that would actually that would kick it off if that tower came down they would splash and probably kick that thing up in the air get good pushes in the center closer to the edge [Music] have you seen the towers move at all [Music] they're not towers i mean the obelisk she justifies everything this way [Music] everything all right so is chipping at the base even helping i think so because it looks like it's getting weak that left one looks like it's going straight left it worked on the pyramid in the center if you hit if you hit that left one too far to the left i feel like it's going to fall in the playing field but i'm chipping away at the right corner even though it doesn't have a corner the back the back end of the structure everybody always asks what is bitcoin you see the the bitcoin up there on the top of it yeah they always ask what it's worth all right bitcoin number one is cryptocurrency if you don't know what bitcoin is you can google it it's cryptocurrency yes an actual form of currency online digital currency and everybody goes how much does bitcoin work well it trades differently every single day just like gold silver anything else so when people ask what's at work on any given day it's worth something different so you have to actually figure out what day what it's worth that's what bitcoin is and that's what bitcoin how you figure out the value [Music] you see what it's trading for just like just like anything else 100 in the center is going to fall anywhere gold values change silver values change bitcoin values change [Music] any silver gold cryptocurrency anything along those lines we find when all of that stuff that stuff gets locked up [Music] you take it three quarters let's see if she can knock a tower down oh baby do something rotate and do something you got some coins back that's not bad [Music] money money ain't that pretty that is kind of pretty 200 bonus dollars plus the mystery bag not too fat not too thin not too husky mystery bag how did it feel did it feel like a dad bob it felt like a dead bod that's for sure it was medium just right and then 141.25 quarters it just keeps going up up up all right what are you thinking left or right i think i'm gonna continue going to the left she's going to the left do you think i should go to the right no i think go for the left see what happens okay so she tried middle dipping away at the base and that unfortunately did not work as a matter of fact going to the left may do better to dip away at the base because it's so far over to the left the only danger is it's really really leaning to the left it'll do as it should do as you're told that's gonna take some mind control so i better get things fired up and ready well i'm gonna talk to it you're gonna do what i'm gonna talk to it i'll verbally coach it and that's gonna do what i will verbally coach it and it'll fall it or coach it okay like you did to me coaxed me into date number two day number three no that was you really it was like a business meeting you wanted to make sure that it was confirmed before the end of the day that was all you you're the aggressor and now you want my business i've not even seen i've not seen that obelisk even move no it's not moving at all and the money the bonus hundreds are stuck to the far left but i am getting the one in the center to move closer to the edge yeah not gonna be not gonna be an easy [Music] one sing it elvis now i'm gonna drop left left center center i'm not even sure if rapid fire will do anything [Music] that thing is not moving it's like that pushed did you do you say you rotated it over to the side i saw it rotate at least three times [Music] well you know i don't think the ancient egyptians built the obelisk to be taken down [Music] but then again they didn't build these pyramids to come down either but i got that one down [Music] that thing is not budging but your right one is budging look at the right one the bitcoin gap look at it that thing has moved yeah that thing has moved it's not a perfect circle anymore that thing has definitely moved what do you think about playing to the right you want me to switch it off well what if we attack it what if what if you don't you just you just attack it and then it falls and it knocks the one to the left down i mean it obviously i think it's look at the gap the gap is getting bigger george that gap is getting bigger that gap definitely is bigger i know my gaps and that one is getting bigger sure do know your gaps that one look how big it's getting george i think it's ready to go do you think so keep [Music] don't let your kernel down keep attacking it you gotta keep the onslaught on oh my goodness i think it's ready i think that gap is getting bigger look between the quarters and the big points [Music] you're gonna rescue it though right yes leave no bitcoin have we ever left any bitcoins tonight i know we put a lot of money behind but i don't remember [Music] that thing is ready to go [Music] i don't see it but if you say so how can you not see it look at the gap the gap keeps getting bigger i can see i can see that elvis is singing get it get it [Music] don't mess around just get it get it come on everybody's shake with us [Music] take that tower down take it down take it down [Music] that's not what i'm looking at i got my eye on [Music] that thing is so close oh man look at it it's like it's like an earthquake [Music] oh come on this has got to be it oh it's moving it's moving it definitely just moved [Music] it definitely just moved it's gonna go [Music] i think so i think it's gonna fall [Music] it's gonna fall to the left [Music] look at that thing how is that thing even still standing right now look at it would you just look at it [Music] i don't know how it's even standing oh it just moved again it budge i didn't see it i missed it i did i did i saw it i looked down to grab quarters [Music] [Music] part of it how many quarters do you have left i have this quite a bit quite a bit well at least part of it fell yeah i thought the whole thing was gonna go it tricked me it coaxed me like you it coaxed me just like you did what did i do again coach to me oh coached me yeah you coached me that's exactly what i meant yes coach like the handbag like yeah poached like a poached egg yeah but like the handbag a coach fake coach can't verify it [Music] i got fake coach coach like a handbag i thought for sure that thing was gonna fall i don't know you didn't think so and i was writing i kept saying [Music] i don't know i thought for sure that thing was spinning obviously part of it fell yeah the top started which is a good sign better or nothing right these obelisks these are tough the egyptians built them well a little too well probably because they thought the obelisks were there protecting them that'd be my guess [Music] how many more corners you got one down to maybe ten ten quarters see if she can knock it down with ten it wants to fall and he still wants to fall if i can get it to fall this round i'll be shocked [Music] all right here goes my last quarter last quarter and do your damage right here definitely gonna have to use mind control [Music] that was so crazy oh man on top of that 100 bonus rolls 201. that was insane as she was counting the thing actually fell i knew it was gonna happen but i didn't see it i knew it happened i knew it i couldn't take my eyes out you did you down to me just like when i told you go middle but who's your colonel wait are you going to go to the left are you going to get the rescue the bitcoin i'm going to rescue the bitcoin let's do the bitcoin to the right that was crazy rescue mission [Music] it's already moving it is already moving yeah i wouldn't say that to your pharaoh it would not say that to does egypt have a prime minister or a pharaoh do they still have pharaohs well just remember i'm your alibaba i mean i'm your colonel i'm your colonel yeah i would not go um sharing that publicly over there you got so much ammo to get there and remember there's still a bonus if uh if you can drop somehow with a trick shot that shiny gold porter remember you get to come back home to ohio in the summer if you can get that shiny gold corner what if i don't want to come back to ohio well then you're never ever we're going to be too far away to play the elvis machine so once we go to florida i don't think people realize once we go to florida there's no more elvis all right we'll be too far away what if so if we're not going to be playing it we could probably share probably share with the viewers those who don't know where it is oh the smart ones have figured out yeah the smart ones have already figured it out but remember that one time yeah i remember no more needs to be seen i remember i remember there was another time no regards but yeah that's gonna be but one of our viewers in florida actually messaged us and said they just found coin toy shirts in florida so they're getting they're they're letting us know where they're not they're not the high stakes but they found them and um i don't even think i showed you the message yet no you haven't which i thought i thought they were illegal in florida like they are in ohio but well and then i suppose i mean they're illegal [Music] ohio they are illegal most states they are illegal there's a handful of states we happen to be surrounded by a couple that are they're still legal yeah we got fortunate that way but i thought they were illegal in florida but she messaged she found some [Music] instead of playing with the elvis machine we're going to be playing with gators you're gonna get to watch gator wrestling wrestling what if they have a turtle [Music] a turtle and a gator more like more like a snapping turtle take your finger off you'll have no flick of the wrist anymore one good question that big wind is mine [Music] there goes whoa that's pretty epic yeah i'm usually really good at calling it but i definitely didn't see the tower get ready to fall but then again all right so are you going for the money where are you going for the [Music] it's an egyptian thing you've got to respect these how much money is so high behind that obelisk there's 300. i was gonna say four but that's a mirror and there's 300 bonus dollars moving a little bit i'm not blinking i can actually see it move a little bit they've been hanging out for way too long come on boys tell them it's time [Music] in the bathroom every day it's really paying off right now you think this skill happened by accident [Music] how many other people have admitted that they hide in the bathroom for me time uh everybody a lot i told you that's where i got the idea from somebody else that's odd because every time i try and hide in there i don't have any me time no privacy no privacy [Music] [Music] flushes needed because i'm not really using the bathroom [Music] i'm not sure that thing wants to fall is definitely moving and moved [Music] yeah they look beyond stock [Music] oh no that thing doesn't even look like it's budging you got this let's do it rapid fire here we go stay focused stay focused why don't you sing [Music] i don't even see a crack in the top for me like the other one well it's no longer a perfect circle now it's a square which is a good sign because that's what the other one did those are the fault lines yeah [Music] whether it's getting you that tower or not it looks like the angle that i'm standing at it looks like i was able to chip away part of the maze no it's all about the base so i won't give up [Music] there's definitely [Music] [Music] what if you play to the right maybe that'll take the base out remember you're old you're [Music] i could certainly try [Music] oh it's getting closer you're definitely getting closer on the 100 but those 200s behind it [Music] oh to be a scared dog [Music] you almost got that hundred [Music] it isn't the only thing that's always freezing what are you trying to say you always are creeping on me [Music] [Music] [Music] i just need to keep chipping away [Music] it must be your coin confusion it's gonna work its way around the basement don't be scared [Music] all right running low on ammo you definitely had a ton to start with [Music] i cannot believe that thing has not fallen wow no we just missed it we just missed it i can't believe it it actually fell look where the bitcoin the big everything's [Music] there are a ton of orders boom bag 5.0 is holding 358 dollars and 75 cents let's get at it let's see what you got you going right and save the other bitcoin i think you should go to the right first and then you should get your hundred dollars that are hiding behind here rescue the two bonuses your rangers [Music] [Applause] not bad ready to go for the hundreds there's one two time to rescue you're opening two time to rescue do benny dudes hundreds got this come on just keep at it i know you're tired i know the wrist hurts i know the carpal tunnel is setting in but you got this a few inches later get it get it wouldn't be complete without it you almost haven't almost happened behind never well i guess you actually have before haven't i yes i did yeah oh that was so close right there right right there oh what a fight what a battle what a battle you're gonna need some energy it's ready it's ready to drop i've heard that before oh a few inches later but i need one more round out of you cam don't give up now one more round i'm tired i know you're exhausted dehydrated energy you filled your depends you can do this you can do this don't give up on me don't talk about my defense like that all right you didn't feel it depends on if you just filled your depends or not don't give up well there it goes yes nice i knew you could do it nice 600 bonus dollars never even anticipated it never anticipated it thank you thank you very much nice and shiny two beautiful shiny bitcoins wow it pays to destroy egypt it's so crazy bag 5.0 is holding 458.75 in corners all right what's in the mystery bag that is [Applause] nice i love it i absolutely love it [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 268,540
Rating: 4.9123216 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, coin pusher jackpot, playing high stakes coin pusher, won money in high stakes coin pusher, coin pusher machine, coin pusher big win, coin pusher game, coin pusher money, high risk coin pusher jackpot, high risk coin pusher big win, won bitcoin, high risk coin pusher videos, progressive jackpots
Id: VdUj5_gFJ0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 8sec (3488 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 20 2020
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