THE GOLDEN WALL Inside The High Limit Coin Pusher Jackpot WON MONEY ASMR

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and then a lot of people say jeremy how in the hails do you guys film we have lots of ways look at this here on another treasure hunt looking for the very rare very elusive egyptian named george not an easy thing to find always treasure hunting and every treasure hunter should have a treasure-hunting headlamp it's the like this one yeah like george has uh i think you're hunting for elvis though aren't you we're twinning right now wait are we twinning oh light has a huge sale we'd like to teach you how to make money but we also love to teach you how to save money up to 45 off of the new headlamp all other kinds as well this is the brightest headlamp there is this is the pre-run two are you ready george these things are before we go inside here we go on the count of three and one two three [Music] starting off with the magic number of 25 in quarters wait 25 is magic now it's magical i'm not thinking 25 is magic thinking there are other things that are magic straight strategy this is going to be just a strategy strategy this is going to be a tough one because we really need to think of a good strategy uh i'm going to think think hard and long and elvis is helping me oh okay that seems to be new going to the left it was a tough decision but i'm gonna go to the left [Music] okay i got a question for you i might have an answer for you riddle me this what are you most thankful for most thankful for before you answer that remember we did our live stream last thanksgiving and we did our least thankful tour live stream where we talked about everything that people were thankful for like mosquitoes doing the dishes after dinner yeah stuff like that it was hail's lair it was pretty fun it was a very fun thanksgiving hanging out with our viewers everybody else was doing thankfulness and we decided let's do the opposite let's do the opposite tell us what you're least thankful for because we like we like to uh we like randomness yeah so we did the least thankful that was awesome that was fun we should probably do that again what do you want to do that on thanksgiving yeah we'll be with your family you want to do a live stream with your entire family and show the world your family yeah you do you want them to see papa george and mama george and all the baby georges yeah i think they love that you think so okay george george will be there won't he yeah okay meerkat will be there yes with their mere babies the mirror babies will all be there [Music] we'll mirror the new mirror baby said his first word today really yeah this is new i didn't know about that he's seven months old he must have said jeremy no didn't say jeremy i would have thought i would have thought the other boys would have taught him that word right now [Music] [Music] what you talking about george if that was a big if um that was a giant hypothetical okay so back to the original thing that i was saying anyways anyways anyways george so what are you thankful for though i was diagnosed with cancer okay okay wait hold a second side caviar okay do you have any funny thanksgiving stories [Music] nothing come to mind right now not a single one not a one i have one of the funniest ones ever did it include me um okay so this will be one of the funny ones after the funny stuff happens with you someday you don't have a single memory to share that's funny on a thanksgiving uh-huh um well one year i bought a bunch of board games to play with my family and speak out was one of them you know the game where you put that dental mouthpiece in your mouth and you should try and read a card and your team has to guess what it is yeah so that was our first time ever playing it we were all laughing everyone was drooling that had the mouthpiece in it if you don't know what speak out is you'll have to look on youtube and find a video of a family playing speak out so in other words basically the same as always you're drooling and laughing that is correct [Music] i was able to push up 28 did you just do a llama how was my turkey that's your turkey that was my job you're talking turkey drive now okay so what are you most thankful for before you answer i have to tell you i have to tell you my story okay okay i'm doing this on purpose it's like when we sing the mail song all right so tell me your funniest story so um growing up with four boys one girl uh the youngest of us boys was um how shall we say um when he bought his pants they all said husky on the inside the is that the best way to say it yeah or big bone it was thick yeah big bone he looks like me only balder bigger and um he looks like if somebody ate me that's [Music] so basically um he was so amped about thanksgiving that he literally drew up blueprints of how he was going to eat and what he was going to eat in his meal i am not joking he brought that blueprints to grandma hale's grandpa hale's house and this was for real 100 for real this is my childhood just wasn't him joking to be blue funny he had to be in grade school still this is where his blueprints for thanksgiving do you think it's seven or eight seven or eight maybe a little bit a little bit older than that okay a little bit older than that so he had blueprints for eating when he was gonna eat how he was gonna eat what he was gonna eat he brought them to grandma and grandpa's and and literally followed them and shortly after no joke had to go up to the bathroom what do you think he had to do in the bathroom i don't know take a wild guess you had to empty his bowels to make room for food all right he had to empty but it wasn't his pals what happened he puked so he went and vomited he chucked everywhere came back down the stairs looked at us all because all of us brothers knew he made blueprints and he went round two he literally yeah he vomited everywhere yeah and then he went for it again round two on the blueprints [Music] [Music] i mean aren't we gonna do that this year do you want to make some blueprints i would never think to do that we should make blueprints when if we go live with your family um you're serious you want to do that do you really want to introduce the entire george family together i think the world would love it well don't you think we should have some thanksgiving blueprints the show i'll create some blueprints you should create some blueprints what you're going to show [Music] brining the turkey and deep frying it isn't that illegal to do to poultry in like 48 states i thought they outlawed that not that i know i'm already down to five quarters what's he going to do to it it's another word for like marinated the night before time to pull that's illegal 22 25 quarters so back to my original question um what are you most thankful for what i'm least thankful for oh whoa look at you you didn't see that coming you didn't see that trying to throw me trying to throw me for the loopy loop and i did nice open it up a little bit huh when uh my family would always get together with uh we'd always typically go over to the hale's grandparents did they host every year yeah yeah my my mom's side of the family they were never ever close with anything but but that side of the family the hillside they were always close with everything posted all the time but inevitably every single whether it was thanksgiving whether it's thanksgiving christmas whatever it was uh grandpa hails would generally so what they did is they finished the basement because they didn't want all their grandkids in the rest of the house you know like normal um grandparents you know they you weren't even really allowed to go upstairs and go to the bathroom the whole deal so inevitably grandpa would end up grabbing one of the kids and pulling them out of the basement for something i always remember the younger brothers getting yanked out by grandpa by their ankles drug across the basement floor for something for doing something stupid and him yelling at him and i don't know if you guys were in trouble oh my goodness yeah yeah yeah put all those boys together i get why they didn't want you up in the main part of the house well we weren't in the main park grandpa would end up pulling whether we would all start wrestling or and then the other cousins were there but the other cousins were mild-mannered and then they would always be like why can't you be like a roll just fell off oh did you just notice do you see what color that quarter is at the top the border oh yeah it's shiny what color is it the color shiny all right i guess we're going for that loopy loop then too [Music] did you ever get drug out of your grandparents basement or did you just get shift shifts thrown at you [Music] so my never met my parents my dad's parents they were in egypt when i was born and my mom's father died when she was two from a massive heart attack back in egypt so i've only met my mom's mom and she lived with us to help my mom raise all five of us so my mom was the one who always did all the cooking and the cleaning and hosting it for our family because we don't have family it's just our immediate family how many ships did you get thrown at you zero [Music] so far i've done quarter after quarter and uh you dropped the big point 100 bundle came off the pusher and i said where was the big point it was up on top to the right you got that too so no special thanksgiving memories no we were well-behaved we weren't you wild hooligans like you and your siblings well-behaved yeah that is remember i told you i didn't come out of my shell until i graduated high school so after high school that's when you went crazy and non-well-behaved that's when i was less shy when you were non-well-behaved no i'm so well-behaved i'm very reserved excuse me is this opposite day what's going on here are you being serious right now because you know if we go live with your entire family i'm gonna have your family tell exactly and you know your sister's gonna be like she's always embarrassing us always always embarrassing i do love to embarrass my family because you're so well behaved right yeah that's what it is we've been in classy i embarrass them in a classy way so let's see how many of your family members have been introduced on the channel already your sister beer cat she was the first one so she's a george as well and her two boys were introduced yeah they cranked it like a chainsaw that was the uh that was the video the ten commandments of buying storage units yeah it was that was two winters ago wow yeah that was exactly two years ago winters ago very barely anybody ever saw that video but george's sister is actually in the video with her two boys it is the ten commandments of buying storage units and then remember how much snow was on the ground oh i remember how cold it was so far we've had a mild winter no snow that's stuck to the ground then who was next was it your son or was it then it was my son or was he first because he was helping me with the dolomite dolomite unit wasn't that the following summer yeah probably yeah it was probably the following summer so yeah so then your son so he was helping me with the goal of my unit so there are videos of george's son there's actually a couple i think yeah and then oh i see i see the gold quarter it's actually to the left you're doing really good just make sure nothing falls into the other fields i think i should be okay so then who was next it was george george and it was my brother george george when we got a unit out in uh columbus in the columbus area we invited him to come back with us so then it was george george wait no actually didn't we buy him a unit yeah we bought it for him we gave it to him we were restoring the love without telling people below yeah that's right we bought it because of the swords and george and george george had a sword fight off there was like a brand new ryobi in there uh an electric one of those electric electric mowers i remember for 300 and i think you got the unit for like 200. i forget what they cost but i wouldn't doubt it and then who else in your family has been in the videos oh his kids have haven't they been in there probably not all right 26.75 in quarters is that the most you've had so far no i think i got to 28. i dare you to go for part of this blockade what would you even call it blockade wall great wall of egypt coin wall i would call the great wall of egypt because there were pyramid pops okay that's what i would call it i'm going left center you're going to go for it i'm going to oh and get a part of it okay i'm just i'm i'm seeing that bitcoin on top of that wall starting to move to the [Music] you can see a part of it the thing is hanging halfway over on your leg it's hanging halfway over yeah i was looking at the other stuff i don't know what's going on over there but [Music] yeah but how about that one bubble that's making its way to the hopper come on you get all the bundles in the hopper that's my goal that's the goal leave no monies behind leave no trace behind you just still didn't answer the question because every time you asked me you cut me off that's why it's a funny [Music] that joke fell was there anything on top of the center wall i don't know but it fell back and it fell back this time who cut you off this time fell back forward cut you off this time you hit the wall you hit the wall what are you most thankful for this year whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa this ain't my question this is your question well i'm allowed to ask the question too you can ask anything you want to ask but that was awesome oh you kept most of it didn't look you only know that point on the far left is getting ready to drop look you only have one quarterfall to the left oh my goodness the bitcoin on the far left is getting ready to drop i don't know what happened to the one that was in the center i don't know if it fell or if it's buried under the quarters the shiny quarter is missing it's mia it's got to be there somewhere oh they're going oh my goodness you just did it again i'm crushing it brushing it dog is this is this what you're going to do with your thanksgiving blueprints crush them i can't wait i can't wait to get started on my thanksgiving blueprints oh there goes the bitcoin it just fell okay george did you bring the thanksgiving blueprints yes i'm gonna take a bite yeah i think you're gonna have some ammo to work with now what do you think oh yeah all right i'm down to two quarters [Music] i crushed it this round i can't believe you counted bitcoin's bell two 100 bundles still fourteen hundred dollars in paper we've got more bundles in there you want to know how many shiny quarters yeah look at the look at the bundle that was halfway over your trade now it's actually shifted 127.50 i have a feeling i know what you're going to do i think you're going for the upper trade bundle to the right yes and thing i'm gonna try and get the one on the right as well so that's what what i meant once you go right you go well i'm guessing you're going for all the borders yes i'm gonna do it all i want to try and do it all at the same time that would be george that would be the curious george are you gonna answer what you're most thankful for yet okay what [Music] i need cpr and if i was certified my certification would have expired [Music] are you gonna answer the question of what you're most thankful for yeah i'm thankful for shovels so i can dig my way out of all this mess that you just dropped in here why are you guys rotating why you got to steal my punches it's rotating i thought she was going to say elvis i had a funny comeback but now [Music] is not what i'm most thankful for secretly it is no secretly it's not i'm very open though elvis is not what i'm most thankful for very very open about that buddy in the wholesale blog um do you want to guess what i'm most thankful for me yeah that's why i said you wanted yeah your answer is me yeah do you want to guess you're most thankful for your george i'm one most thankful for your george [Music] well that's not much of a guess is it you're pretty confident there aren't you because i'm right extremely confident there what makes you think you're so right yeah because that's your answer every year is that what i said last year did i say that the year before [Music] did you ask me both those years yes why don't video or it never happened and i'm the one with the bad memory so every year you said jeremy what are you most thankful for and i didn't say ketchup no are you sure i didn't say jesus he definitely wasn't ketchup you're positive not storage unit auctions nope i didn't say storage options what about what about gold and silver precious gems and diamonds nope what did i say did i look you straight in the eye yes like straighten the eye like deep down into your ears did i look into your soul and that i saved you wow i need two shovels wow isn't that what you told me are you sure that's not what your answer was to me i'm pretty positive oh nice one [Music] nice one are you going to ask me again this year would you like for me to ask now i think you already did that's why you were guessing what the answer was what are you waiting for jeremy would it be okay if i said chickens the chicken your baby chickens yeah my baby chicks because that's not the answer i still think it's elvis would it be okay if i said your mom i guess that's not a good time for a comeback with your mom um inappropriately timed say something mean and then i'll go your mom but i can't do that [Music] [Music] i already answered it for you elvis just interrupted me i was gonna answer [Music] i was gonna answer [Music] look at you repeat i bet you you can't get all of those quarters to the left off before you get the bundle to the right off you want to take the bed all right if you get all the quarters off all those fish scale quarters i'll tell you i'll tell you what i'm most thankful for okay but you have to get all those off before the bundle you think you can do it [Music] are you sure you can do it i'm gonna try [Music] i don't know that bundle is close and it is moving oh it just moved some more it's rocking back and forth my goodness oh there's the gold corner you pulled it now i really have to attack the left to get the shiny yeah you have to get the shiny quarterback oh it just went under now it's buried i'm keeping my eyes on it i can't oh man just put the goalkeeper for sure i thought it was buried under the scales of borders when we count we usually just balk in them you know you put a whole bundle in your hand and then chunk count i i count four at a time as a dollar so i go one dollar two dollar three dollar just as fast as possible if you can get a stack of five then you can just put a another stack up against it go that was five that was ten that was 15. i don't know which one of us missed it it's still on the upper tree it's on the edge of the upper tray it's on the edge of the upper tray here oh she just dropped it she just dropped oh you know what i'll tell you anyway even though you just lost i'll tell you anyway but i still have to save the quarter the shiny quarter all right i'll tell you if you can save the shiny quarter i'll tell you [Music] do you think you can save it yeah are you sure it's missing no i know where it is i know where it is i mean i can't see it right now it was dead center it'll come up you're gonna have to just keep pushing i can see it i see just the edge just the edge it's so difficult to see but it's in there it's in there and you got plenty of ammo to get it back i don't see it at all you can do this it's in there right in the middle right in the middle it'll turn back up okay how much more quarters do you have i got quite a bit play them out see if you can get the gold quarterback we're gonna have to i forgot all about the gold porter didn't you [Music] i see it i see the gold corner it's right in the middle do you see it it's like it's literally right in the middle dab in the middle of the lower tray smack dab in the middle completely and [Music] totally [Music] definitely getting closer it's a it's it's tucked under some quarters now i'm keeping my eye on it for you i won't look at anything else i'll just look for the gold quarter vision it's about an inch and a half away from the edge under a silver corner i saw the quarter it snuck under so i'm watching and it's still it's still about inch and a half two inches away from the edge dead center middle you just got closer just push closer just got closer just got closer again it's moving it is moving you're gonna get it if you keep going you can get it back oh man there's quarters falling [Music] there are definitely quarters falling okay i see it i see the edge of it you're about an inch and a quarter away from the edge you're gonna get it it's starting to resurface to the right of the quarter that it's under it's starting to resurface i can see it right on the there's one quarter on the edge the quarter behind the one quarter on the edge that's the quarter that it's under smack that the quarter on the edge just fell it is it's an inch away definitely an inch oh it just fell yes it just fell in all right let me finish playing the rest of my bag you probably should go all the way to the left hand if you can get hot really hard all right she's going all the way left got the quarter now that now that uh you got that quarter in are you ready for me to tell you what i'm most thankful for yes are you sure you're ready [Music] yes you i knew it i knew it you bring joy to my life you healed me i knew it you think you're so clever and so smart i bring laughter to your life i'm your little ray of sunshine all right down to one handful of quarters we talking about patricia here which which personality are we talking about all right down to one quarter and ooh you're going to get a good push well she got one quarter rescue mission complete there he is nice job i'm so glad both in the field twins who doesn't dream about twins look at all these money wow 2 800. somehow you got that wall that egyptian pyramid down the great wall of egypt got it all 247 even in shiny borders that's that's something to be thankful about definitely is yeah that's a pretty big bonus right there for all of those who have stuck around some bonus behind the scenes material for you today just for you for being a faithful fan and follower a lot of people say jeremy how in the hails do you guys film we have lots of ways look at this here this is actually a hidden camera so this is one that i built this is a camera right here and i love george button and the entire setup is here and there's the back right there this is an entire setup that can actually go on hoodie right here and this actually goes inside on another hoodie i'm not wearing that one right now that slides inside and everything is filmed in here that's not the only way we have lots of different ways that we actually do it if you look right here this is a hidden camera as well can you see the hole right there so this is a hidden camera we can film anywhere we actually have a remote for this one we actually i can have it in my pocket and the remote you can see there will play pause record you name it all kinds of things in regards to that we also have we actually have two sets of hidden glasses that we film with as well and it's as easy as george always pretends to wear glasses but and then all you do is there is your filming right there so that's not our preferred method though when we're actually doing the elvis coin pusher our preferred method because of stabilization and because of tracking is harness this is what's called a chest harness that goes underneath your clothing you hide things we we can put anything and everything on there we do have a beautiful hero9 it is amazing the stabilization in this in this camera is out of this world and the tracking and what tracking means is you point on one thing and it'll stay centered on it the entire time this isn't sponsored by the way not sponsored whatsoever most amazing thing ever but here's the deal as much as lengths that we go through as far as filming undercover uh the reality is sometimes we just screw it completely and totally up we can't always see what we're doing and what we're doing whether it's right or not a lot of times it's dark flashing lights loud noises and so we're gonna give you a little bit of behind the scenes of one that i completely and totally screwed up which isn't the first time won't be the last time and then we realized that we were screwing it up and so after that we were just like all right let's just have fun made lucky bad 5.0 rest in peace this is my new london bag by one of our super fans but check out the background i see one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13. you know what i see a whole lot of hundred dollar bills in there how many are you going for all of them i'm going to rescue every single benjamin and that bag in the bag you saw the mystery bag yes all right let's see how much skill you have put me in coach i'm ready to play okay uh george you're gonna sit on the bench and patricia you're in all right gonna go to the left patricia just begged to be [Music] gonna go [Music] very very careful because if you knock hundreds over they're going to the right in the line i need to slow down a little bit yeah i would say slow down or you're going to lose some off on the edge oh man here we go [Music] not bad not bad you go for the mystery bag already no my quarters are bouncing i'm 10 left and then they bounce careful careful careful those hundreds are jiggling all over you're going to lose them off to the side time your time your drops better oh here we go just be careful careful on the ones on the left you don't want them to drop all the way over to the left oh nice went right in the hopper that was pretty impressive here you go making 100 bills jump again making hundreds range it's rained in hundreds it's hallelujah boy you're getting you're getting one two three you've not 500 down i haven't lost any yet there is a possibility that i could lose the ones on the far left and the far right onto the ledge but have you ever lost anything before in your life yes what did you lose a lot like what a lot of things i'd rather not talk about it right now really i'm trying to concentrate i thought it made me would take your mind off of the anticipation of no you're bringing back bad memories bad memories you lost that many things makes me want to cry would you that's a much better question now you're back in the game would you win here at the casino no what did you win in your life in my life i once went out in a bit with a big group of girls high school friends and girls that worked at my son's daycare and they were doing a giveaway at one of the restaurants and i won what did you win [Music] it was a hat you want a hat yeah i thought she was gonna say she won me this was way before i met you oh that hunter just fell off and leaned to the left okay so you want a hat you've won at the casino have you won anything else in your life i may have won a dollar to here and there on a scratch off before i started playing at the casino [Music] wait so you're telling me you actually do know how to do scratch-offs remember i said the only time i've ever done a scratch-off was for holiday parties when my boss would give away scratch off tickets as like stock and stoppers to all the employees [Music] and then i did go to casino with a bunch of co-workers it was the uh wheel of fortune i put in two dollars and i ended up winning ninety dollars and some change back and that's when you knew you had the lucky touch or the lucky bag was there a bag involved at all lucky bag didn't arrive until we started playing coin pushers was i there because if i was there you know it was my other my lucky drawers my lucky drawers were there see no bag lucky drawers therefore it's all about the drawers what about you whatever you want um let me think this one time i won nothing i've never won anything anything in my life nothing you want me isn't that enough like i said i've never won anything you know how hard i had to work for that that wasn't winning all right i'm down to six quarters that was compensation for hard work six quarter jobs you know how much hard work i had to put in it three weeks to win you over [Music] he kept those two in yeah look you kept a bit good all right let's pull 100 roll and nine dollars in quarters i don't know only a few thousand more for you to rescue there how much in quarters nine nine dollars even i think you can do better than that i think i can too but this is only the beginning that sounds like the title of a good song this is only the beginning here comes the good thing oh my oh [Music] and that fell on the right when i was dropping to the left that's crazy isn't it weird how that happened isn't it weird so weird did you see that one like dribbling in like yes can you still kept them all in the field that's good there is still a possibility that i could lose one over there but i think i think i'm in the clear [Music] you're doing really good timing your drops thank you thank you for noticing oh my goodness i knew that was careful i knew that was gonna happen be careful yeah you gotta be careful on this one all right i think i think you're going to be safe how many more down to six quarters six [Music] quarters oh man i thought for sure it would push more off wow you ready to pull another 100 roll and 20. oh wow quarters 20 dollars that's pretty good was it dollars or doll hairs dollars usually you're getting that voodoo doll i'm making of you is just about complete all the hair that's shedding off your lower back yes maybe i am maybe i'm not oh really no there's a maybe in there tell you what i had no idea you were making a back hair here's what i'll do for you i will trade the massive hair baby oh my goodness i just i think i saw the inside wow i'll trade you the dial that i'm making out of your hair if you give me the dial that you're making out of my back hair it's not complete yours is complete i mean i'm standing three foot tall right now because you lose so much hair [Music] i i'm pretty sure unless i'm going to make it life-size it's complete well the cancer hormone the beds that i'm on i can't help that careful to your right oh now you're playing that card really you're playing that card what scientific fact okay well all i'm saying is that's your excuse for all the bacteria because of the cancer hormones that you're on stressing me out can you hear my eyeballs crunching right now um actually it's loud in here but yeah i can i can hear them do you think i can save that 100 that's hanging partially off the ledge can you hear my back hair falling out right now yes i can okay you've got great hearing yes i think you can save it if you play safe if you don't get crazy of course you still gotta save that hundred from the back [Music] how epic would it be if you got those bonus the oh wow oh my goodness it shifted it [Music] so far so good so oh man you are getting some good pushes today look at you wait i don't think it's time to pull yet stuff's still falling keep falling what do you think pull or time to fall you sure yes i guarantee you something's gonna fall as soon as we start pulling two more 100 rolls and 82.75 you got 82 that time 82 baby that was a good year 82 what happened in 82 that's when 80s little me was born oh oh god didn't you you forgot my birthday only that year is only second to 2020. 1620 george's nephew wrote a song the most crazy i don't even know how to describe it what word did you use to describe it it was definitely creative it was a realistic creative it was not sarcastic he met every bit of it when he was singing 20 20. i love you and what kid wouldn't when they got out of school he said he loved 2019 because he did a lot of stuff i love you all he's only seven does he still have that video up i think he accidentally deleted it accidentally deleted best video ever george if you were gonna write a song to 2020 what would the lyrics be it would definitely be sarcastic about how much i loved it babe you're sarcastic about everything i am off camera you what i'm more sarcastic off camera [Music] you're sarcastic about everything on camera or off camera [Music] you're a better songwriter than i am i just sung it what's your version you stole my nephew's lyrics i stole some of his lyrics what would your own lyrics be oh my goodness got another hundred baby this is family channel i don't know what rhymes with unit unless it's unique and that doesn't really rhyme anyway i'll sit here hey [Music] the applause was for me the applause was definitely for me without a doubt yeah [Music] do you want to be my backup singer for 2020 absolutely not do you want to be my front ups in 2020 all right what what do we need to do to seal this deal [Music] i'll just do the hand movements and the dancing in the back oh you're gonna do the artistic dance interpretation with your hands okay [Music] to the right but i can see what you're thinking with the jazz hands see where i'm going with it i can i can see where you're going with the jazz hands but um i think i would i would prefer a little bit different artistic variation okay what are you thinking well you're the arts of the singer you are the artiste i i don't want to put you in a box we could go with snaps with the fingers do you have any other classic mop loops i could do the uh the sprinkler the what the sprinkler the what the sprinkler dance move you're gonna be spitting on everybody no it's just the dancing um do you know wrinkler do you think you can throw in the classic lawn mower definitely can crank up the lawn mower what about pushing the switch [Applause] and your 100 to the right stayed in so really i think you're going to be able to keep them all uh i like the way that you're going now let's drop the jazz hands and let's see what we can do to enhance that sprinkling can you do a double sprinkler [Music] is there such a thing oh my goodness you're an artiste dancer and you don't even know about the double sprinkler no never hurt that must be like a vanilla basic grandpa well somebody's gonna have to teach you something i do love learning new things every day [Music] what's the last new thing [Music] that was the last thing i just learned you trying to be the lightning to my thunder i all i heard you whispering i heard you whispering something but i didn't hear what it was [Music] yeah do you call mr mumbles no but maybe i should start oh there goes another 100 82 82 you think it's just because of the year you were born do you have any other lucky numbers besides 82 [Music] 20 20 it is because 2020 how much she loves you she took 38 and now she thinks your number is great baby how much do you love 20 20 20 20 has been a very bizarre year but it's also been a very blessed year [Music] that made absolutely no sense it makes sense in my head can you give me a little clarification let's see bizarre because of everything going on with the pandemic [Music] but at the same time it's been a bless a blessing because because you got to work from home i am working from home and elvis is now my bff yeah so what we are saying it was a weird year because of that and george is fun and ploy business is good i'll tell you what meet a lot of new friends yeah yeah we did our community is growing every day we're in so many different youtube milestones in 2020. [Music] what's going to happen in 2021 hopefully bigger and better things here we have no idea what's gonna happen but george is gonna leave the king maybe [Music] no sugar but you didn't give me a hard time when i was kissing the straight manatee i called it a walrus a manatee oh my goodness 300's are about to fall on left [Music] three [Music] [Music] if i'm all kissing on them mermaids you better not say a word not one word what mermaids the abandoned mermaids i'm gonna find in florida abandoned or strange both cold i don't want to hear one bird you definitely you're saving them you're saving them [Music] do you think if i find a mermaid that we will become famous um maybe if you find a more man guess i'm not going to tell anybody if i find one [Music] we we ain't doing it for the fame we do it for the lols we do this for the lows we're not doing it for the cloud oh my goodness look at that hundred [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 240,015
Rating: 4.9046865 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, coin pusher jackpot, playing high stakes coin pusher, won money in high stakes coin pusher, coin pusher machine, coin pusher big win, coin pusher game, coin pusher money, high risk coin pusher jackpot, high risk coin pusher big win, won bitcoin, high risk coin pusher videos, progressive jackpots
Id: 7tx4w2MHYus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 42sec (3582 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 26 2020
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