THIS MEANS WAR Inside The High Limit Coin Pusher Jackpot WON MONEY ASMR

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what are you thinking i am an addict we have never seen anything like this feast your eyeballs on this playing field usually she's going for the bonus um that's all there is it's nothing but bonus there is nothing but cash on the sides i don't know how the heels you're gonna do this i don't know how i'm gonna do it either but i like a good challenge a good point pusher challenge [Music] do you have a strategy i do see a mystery bag on the left i don't think going to the left is a wise idea because you're going to go straight up against a wall and lose all your ammo which is what they want you to do it is what they want you to do so so whatever it is they want you to do don't do it do the opposite the opposite of what they think what do they should be doing what do they want you to do they want you to go for the for the hundred dollar bills so so they want you to go either directly left or directly right but you already know that you'll lose if you do that so i'm gonna go center that's gonna hurt like crazy it does because she tried to drop it to the center it bounced over to the left the center isn't always clever [Music] the center isn't clever [Music] new t-shirt idea right there the center isn't always clever it only rhymes if you're speaking in an arabic accent [Music] yeah in my mind i was speaking in an arabic accent look at that part of the pillar just fell boom that's kind of nice look at that you're going to get some pushups [Music] we haven't had chip chopped hammond i don't think we've ever had chip chop camp have we what is chip champion are you being serious right now yeah it's like getting turkey deli meat you get chips [Music] yeah turkeys usually our go-to deli meat you know it's all processed so it's bad for you so the the processed meat in the deli for ham is everything everything is bad for you now you can't even breathe everything is the filtered water that i drink out of the bottle the plastic that the bottle's made of is bad for me uh the air is polluted everything's gonna kill you let me let me shock you with a little uh a little tidbit you start dying the day you're born literally yeah as well you might as well live it up while you're going oh those fillers just fell we're all dying just at a different ratio right you better you better get some ammo i mean the center wasn't clever well i don't think any quarters have fallen yet in the shoot they've all fallen backwards so far you did something i didn't even realize you just move the wall should i go right i you don't have any quarters if you go right you're not gonna get any of that money you have to get ammo so stick to the center do not go right if you go right you're going to be out and this is going to be part of the question will be tight this is going to be part of the christmas fail videos an entire month of december fail videos a compilation of all the george fails it will be all month so what do you think is in the black bag um i saw squish there i'm gonna guess nothing to be honest with you i'm thinking hopes and dreams well there has to be something they would never just put it in there with nothing oh i'm trying to drop to the center and quarters are falling to the right little plinko action going on you got one quarter to fall oh you actually got a couple more here we go that's not bad you got a couple more i think all the hopes in the bag just released no that was me sorry [Music] [Music] how much more do you have i have this many just if you can get you're gonna have to stick like look at the wall to the right see how it pushed out and then some of the hundreds fell oh yeah if that thing swings all the way out you're going to have everything blocked you won't get any cash so you've got to play smart you get to play smart it's like it literally swung out like a door hinge like another block game for you so what does that mean with the hundreds on the ledge i don't know you're the one playing i guess i don't understand what your question is well now all the hundreds are just lingering on the ledge but you're gonna have to see what you can do oh elvis is singing i'm gonna have to just focus stop focusing on the hundreds and don't worry about that get quarters ammo ammo ammo i'm just gonna have to pray that some of the hope out of that bag releases again time to pull excuse me that was me again oh nice that's that's more than i was able to push up 18.75 definitely more than that this is giving me that look like you get it george you get it um i've seen that look before and i'm thrilled with it the look from elvis or from me i saw both of them elvis is my side cheerleader [Music] well i guess i can throw these pom-poms away look he's singing he's singing borders are dropping it's a good start so far how did you even come up with 18 i didn't thought that's all 18 i got a really good push towards the end did one of the towers go forward all right so the goal is still to get quarters right yep middle middle middle center center i'm going to time my quarter drops center [Music] yeah good idea get that ammo man that scares me the way that that wall is moving it's gonna trap everything [Music] oh there goes another pillar [Music] and the other two they fell backwards but it's my duty to get them pushing forward that's your duty i smell my duty i thought i smelled something i figured it was you no that was you releasing that was my kraken earlier but now you got the duty thing [Music] going drop drop drop they're falling like when you fell in love with me day three head over heels do you remember when i fell in love with you these george heads don't have heels just heads do you remember when when i fell in love with you yeah day four details please oh my goodness here we go here we go something's happening things are rolling yeah things were rolling on day four too [Music] what happened the way it was like which date was day four day four was on a friday night yeah which was after day three which was the day after day three day three fell on a thursday day three is when she said she fell in love with me day three is when i realized that i loved you yes in love no too soon all right we already had this conversation so you're saying i fell in love with you on day four yes because after that we've been inseparable after day four well we were separated that's where that's when you're like you know what you just never you just never left you're like pretty much told me you're like i'll see you on weekends and then you never left you pretty much told me i'm clearing my roster for you you're the one that's i knew all right well we better clear the roster and pull impressive yeah boy i was able to push off 24 50 in quarters yeah she's almost got the original 25 back that seat see middle was actually the route to go somehow got that wall off in this case yes i'm gonna continue to go center and time my drops do you remember when we started seeing each other and you were like well if you're lucky you'll see me on weekends and maybe an hour away and i work after you were so addicted you were like well i work an hour away but i'll i'll drive come see you after work so every day the plan was for me to come see you every friday saturday and sunday when i didn't have to work and didn't have to commute two hours a day that's a lot of driving after day four i saw her every day afterwards i'm not sure how true that is because i went on three vacations after that they were pre-scheduled before i even met you with my friends [Music] and you definitely have some ammo working up on that edge oh the hundreds are moving on the right you got hundreds moving oh man that was epic they're all applauding for me you tell elvis the same thing i'll see you on weekends and then you end up here during the weekdays yeah when we first found actually it's a week night right now yeah [Music] when we first found him he was lonely and now he's gained two bffs it was so low [Music] how many hundreds are over there oh my goodness i didn't realize it was multi-layered it is it is multi-layered [Music] let's see i see one two three four five six seven eight nine ten 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18. so there's roughly anywhere from 18 to 20 hundreds on the right alone i can live with that yeah this is giving this is giving new meaning to the bonuses on the side yeah this is all the cash is on the side literally on the side we have got to meet the person nice we have got to meet the geniuses this is she thought i was joking it's it's almost it's art it is literally is art how cool would that be it definitely requires a lot of skill there's an asmr video for our what the asmr channel watching somebody build yeah that would be cool like how long do you think it takes a day a day to build those towers well once once i meet that person i'd like to ask these are all unanswered questions that i have [Music] oh my goodness oh oh she's got four hundreds rolling to the right she's been going to the center the entire time she's got more hundreds rolling out to the right rolling rolling rolling come to mama mama [Music] this is crazy oh she's getting more ammo that ammo is going to be nice if you got a rabido [Applause] so maybe it wasn't me that released the mccracken maybe you heard the swimming kraken when you moved that wall look how that wall is just it's still a wall i'm gonna knock it down though i'm going to give it that domino effect once i have enough ammo you guys said joshua in the battle of jericho it's uh george and the battle of georgia georgia [Music] [Music] elvis is don't you might have another push second wave wow lucky bag 4.0 is holding 34. 34 are you going to go for the right wall now should i go center or right i would that right wall looks like it's ready to roll all right so i'm gonna you got some ammo now i'm gonna go to the right you know why you've been doing so well on this right because i've got elvis on my side i did my finger exercises i've got lucky bag more like here hold a second i got my new lucky sock that's why don't worry lucky drawers are staying where they're at yeah don't take those off please you'll get us kicked out for sure i don't want to get back this time you've gotten kicked out of the place with me i don't want to get banned remember when you got us kicked out of the museum oh do you remember when you got us kicked out of the park you're a bad influence you remember when you got us kicked out of florida do you remember when you got us kicked out of west virginia no you remember when you got us kicked off on kelly's island no how soon you forget young grasshopper i guess it's a blessing that i have short-term memory [Music] she's definitely got memory like dory like who not that bad like who [Music] all the hope has been released the only thing left i think are dreams in there i can't believe that whole wall pushed look at it it was hinging out and now it's just the whole beard going forward open sesame [Music] yeah ep doesn't always open either though it only opens when it wants to that doesn't work how about you use your son's name for all your passwords right and even if i did i wouldn't share that with you that's why it's a password [Music] oh that bag's gonna drop my password you're over there whispering don't tell her but i can hear everything what did i say i'm not sure oh but i did hear everything i heard don't tell her [Music] oh it's stuck on the edge just a little bit more one more portion one more push and it'll go for sure there's a there's a uh disbursement piece in the chute there it makes things go to the left and to the right it's stuck right on the middle and it's stuck right on the middle teeter-tottering so sometimes bills will get caught on there and they'll teeter-totter to the left and to the right and oh points took it here we go there he goes [Music] it's all the quarters are crushing the dreams in the bag one two three four five six seven eight nine you got a thousand dollars laying on the field right now out of that uh right uh what would you call it holding thing even if i push all of those monies off the playing field that doesn't put us in the profit i wouldn't be in the profit zone [Music] yes i do she just played she'll play a player what's up player player last quarter oh nice job all right let's pull player player time for coin confusion 44.25 you going for coin confusion should i this feels so weird you're going to the right instead of the left should i go to the left and switch it up no i would not uh just do whatever you want you got coins now okay and i'm gonna go to the left and see what happens left is my favorite probably miracles look you are here pushing them out [Music] things are moving things are moving look at you does everything feel right in the world again yes does it feel like oh yes this feels so natural what's the egyptian word for natural [Music] i don't think it gets any more natural than food oh nice push should i call uh mr george and ask them um yeah you can tell them i changed my clothes and ask them what the egyptian word for food is [Music] well no doubt there's a z in front of it did i ever tell you the dentist that i that i've been taking my son to since he was three is called z dentist you have to get that wall out get that wall out before anything else falls look at he's pushing for your hundreds now you have to get push that wall as fast as possible no way this is like this is like a nightmare i don't know what that was oh no it's like when you see sasquatch you weren't looking for it so you can't remember just get that wall out of there as fast as possible so everything rolls to you [Music] i'm on a mission things [Music] [Music] and roll everything to you [Music] you're gonna lose a thousand you're gonna lose a thousand if you don't get that wall out of there [Music] i think half of them are still rolling the other way [Music] hundreds are going to the left that is heart-wrenching that hurts it hurts in my mind and my heart [Music] the impossible just happened all right [Music] [Music] i don't think i'll be able to save all the ones i don't know you need to hurry up and get that wall [Music] recorded there was another all right down to two quarters oh my goodness you gotta get it before that [Music] window plus that lucky dude he is going after your hundreds fifty dollars and twenty five cents oh man they're like a race now for my own there are eight total sides on this machine the just this machine and we always happen to give a little gift to our neighbors don't we we have a little bit a couple times where our neighbors give it to us [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] she doesn't know him by name apparently she's giving him the egyptian sting can you just like elbow him in the face for me i'm not moving a muscle right now then i'll do it [Music] are you repeating another one [Music] today [Music] what is that loss [Music] i think this is going in the fail file arch nemesis george one merch nemesis he had the golden ticket for the iphone too yeah he was playing it oh he just thought he just knocked he just knocked the couple in your field [Music] oh man your arch nemesis i mean i always knew you were the type to have an arch nemesis what you definitely are the type to have an artist [Music] so if i can get i'm pretty sure i can get at least three more from like the other two i doubt i'll be able to save but you never know what the hell will happen so maybe i should open up the black bag now and release some more hope and dreams [Music] or you can just say the word and i'll open up mccracken [Music] i want that ball to just fall down [Music] [Music] uh i'm running low on quarters [Music] george [Music] not bad if you start pushing them walls [Music] [Music] you like that one how many songs have i written about you [Music] we've known each other for over two years two years two years [Music] still waiting [Music] so if you're not an artist are you an athlete [Music] that's what you told me when you mentioned you like i want to annoy you for the rest of my life no you asked me will you annoy me for the rest of your life and i said yes yes i will i did ask that didn't i [Music] she's not joking i actually asked her that yeah i thought it was funny like you would join me for the rest of your life and then and then you asked me if you could annoy me for the rest of my life i was like well you've already done an early grade for me a shallow one [Music] here comes a good question and i'm not talking about the push and i'm talking about annoying you a witty white boy oh nice you just got another one to drop you just got another one to drop in your field you're winning the battle with the arch nemesis [Music] you know what i'm not even mad [Music] bonus money for him [Music] [Music] is this your favorite song for your arch [Music] nemesis [Music] i'm surprised that wall hasn't done neither of your walls are actually from tumbling down it's like pink voids that was a good there's a chance you think there's a chance that those two hundred dollar rolls closer to me on the left i would think so i don't know what oh i'm sure once you start playing pretty sure two of the four he's just left another one in his field he did it again he learned that he dude [Music] this is getting crazy [Music] congratulations [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you're in such a hurry the last time i didn't show my my paper winnings i got 700 more 100 rolls you're still trying to save save the money plus 64. even in quarters [Music] yeah it's a race i'm gonna try and rescue as many hundreds as i can and then i'll switch it up [Music] i needed some assistance it might be elvis in disguise [Music] [Music] do you really think anybody could mind control this thing [Music] really i think so i think my lucky bag can i think you're ready to rapido aren't you i'm trying your finger exercises just taking a look a little bit starting to cramp up a little bit [Music] well you're pushing some on the on the right now too [Music] good pushes [Music] remember what they taught us in class breathe ready for some breathing exercises inhale exhale breathe exercise now push push george push now breathing exercises [Music] yes [Music] whatever's happening i'll take it something is definitely strange very strange [Music] yeah i'm not even mad not even mad [Music] your rapido is pretty slow [Music] oh nice push [Music] here comes another [Music] is when she goes left middle right left middle right left middle right right middle right she tries to confuse the machine where she's gonna push next honestly i'm not sure if it works but i can tell you over 50 of the time it does not [Music] it was like one week [Music] she was like me with storage unifying [Music] i was like [Music] but it was it was because she actually hot mexican food why didn't you have breakfast [Music] you did or you did if you had three wishes what would you wish for um i would wish for the genie to have short-term memory i wish that the hundreds would fall in and you just jam that machine up again [Music] for you that's not bad for a rapid fire right 500. i like it i like me how many quarters we got we were able to push off a hundred dollars [Music] [Music] [Music] got another 100 roll quarter count is going up it's at 108 and time to take that wall down come on jordy like humpty dumpty maybe if we just let elvis pump [Music] or we could ask everyone at home to shake it up [Music] [Music] there's still a lot of benji boys to rescue i counted 500 on the left and 800 on the range you know how many and we're still not in the profit still [Music] i'm gonna be building bunk beds for the rest of my life also oh here comes the wall where are the walls coming down are you sure part of it did part of it coin confusion 10.0 you know what we should probably just do what samsung did jump it up to 20. [Music] [Music] i'm actually looking forward for this year to be over too you're looking forward to what we're here to be over with [Music] george wow that was an awesome push you almost have the right side cleared [Music] out [Music] [Music] i think i can get the two hundreds on the right to fall at the same time knowing you you probably can [Music] maybe maybe you and i actually fell at the same time maybe we did you know when i knew that i liked you when when i was playing a youtube video on the by the fire on the blanket that was day three that was day three and you just eyes yeah [Music] what song was it pearl jam yellow ledbetter we were listening oh we're trying to figure [Music] that's when we made pizza over the fire for the first time no no no that was another date right [Music] was that pizza night or shrimp definitely was not a nasty shrimp night [Music] old bay sauce seasoning you don't like it [Music] your taste buds didn't enjoy the bait do you think that was horrible [Music] that was wrong [Music] too much flavor flavor too [Music] a lot of people love old bay you're just your palette's just not used to it growing up i don't bla i mean i can't blame you because growing up that's what 900. [Music] and 113 and 25 cents in quarters i think you're going left yeah rapid fire on the left you don't mess around do you [Music] well you knock the wall down how many hundreds are under there the last time i counted there was four or five five maybe so you're going to get the 100 up to the right if it happens it happens if not that sounds like your attitude when we went on our first date yeah i mean i think that's anyone's attitude on the first date with anyone that they don't know stranger [Music] big time scary that ball [Music] the wall just and then there were two take that wall out take it george take it now it should be smooth sailing from here you don't know how to sail here on out smooth sailing in the coin pusher world jailing is my expertise now you're a sailor too is there anything this woman doesn't do [Music] oh [Music] yeah that'd be nice [Music] stretch in between [Music] how long do you think you're standing at this machine [Music] when you're having fun [Music] [Music] [Music] i just need two two really good bushes and that hundred is boom in it [Music] coin confusion 3 30.0 you're up to 30 now you jump from 10. you're up to 30 to 20 to 30. i don't have anything to do [Music] that's that's your math your cheerleading is up to 30. [Music] uh elvis is your bff cheerleader [Music] you got ammo that's all right you got this give me a g i asked for a g elvis just gave me the devil in disguise what's up with that i bet i bet there was 3 500 no maybe there's still one in there and then others fell aside yeah not bad not bad there you go 16.75 in quarters let's see what's in that mystery bag move that bag feels like something's in there come on come on big money big money big money and gold quarter nice i think i'm gonna use that gold quarter and see if i can actually rapido trick shot and get that other hundred dollar bill to jump into the playing field [Music] you
Channel: undefined
Views: 418,046
Rating: 4.8837347 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, coin pusher jackpot, playing high stakes coin pusher, won money in high stakes coin pusher, coin pusher machine, coin pusher big win, coin pusher game, coin pusher money, high risk coin pusher jackpot, high risk coin pusher big win, won bitcoin, high risk coin pusher videos, progressive jackpots
Id: lYSQNmBv6jc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 36sec (3516 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 01 2020
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