LUCKIEST WIN EVER Inside The High Limit Coin Pusher Jackpot WON MONEY ASMR

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[Applause] here we go um and we officially are not at a tower correct this is definitely not a tower she says not a tower this reminded me of the inside of a tornado all right so now we played tornadoes maybe even a hurricane oh so you're gonna go hurricane hails on them all right so george is about to open up a can of hurricane hails here we go [Music] what's the strategy hurricane strategy hurricane will probably go to the right i feel like i need to go to the right it looks like the left is completely and totally blocked this structure is almost too beautiful to destroy gorgeous it's like a dyson vacuum i love it the tunnel it's too gorgeous to even do anything to it it hurts it almost hurts but not not so bad that you're not going after the two golden bars that you saw behind it right oh i got a land should drop already you got all ready yep there's so bars the only gap is to the right [Music] oh i'm making things moving there is a there's a little there's a mystery bag back there there is a mystery bag [Music] this is going to be a tough one this is going to be a really tough one because all your drops are going well i might lose that 100 on the far right which one over there yeah where do you think it's going to go oh you just got right in the middle in the landing field oh stuff is moving stuff is moving you oh my goodness i knew it you called it oh no i can't believe it oh you just gotta drop it no you just gotta hunt you just got 100 to drop in the hopper i saw that how the hails did you know look look at the gold part wait wait wait look at the gold bar on the gold bar to your right you just waited it down oh nice so that should come that should come off how the hails did you know that thing was going to jump over nobody's playing that side over there either the height of the hurricane nice over to the right that's where her hunter went and there is there's more oh that's getting ready to fall and you're gonna get it yeah if i time my drops correctly that gold bar the mystery bag it literally just did i can't believe you did that i cannot believe you just did it's all about timing that was there's no way there is no way inhaled you could have done that four months ago no we have learned so much we have learned so far [Applause] no here's the goal where's the goal where'd the 100 go [Music] okay so it's still there you oh my goodness oh my elbow wow look at the mystery bag holding up for dear life holy cow oh my goodness should i go left right or center all right i have no idea where's the gold bar it's just the other gold mark it disappears your other gold just fell off you didn't even have to do it just fell in you didn't even have to do anything there goes the mystery bag it just came off if this isn't the easiest you've ever played i don't know what it is things are just falling on its own you have got to be kidding me oh my gosh you're not in there you don't even have to put quarters in right now everything is pushing itself i'm savoring my quarters i'm savoring them that hundred to the far right is getting squashed maybe i should go for the hundred that'd be the path of this resistance all right i'm gonna keep the way your mystery bag just came off i think it untied itself too can anything else go your way i guess going to the right was the right decision you have got to be kidding me wow um no i'm gonna go with you wow wow this is splendid uh splendid this is absolutely insane this is a fantastic treat are you thinking what i'm thinking what are you thinking you see that bundle 100 bills to your right yeah you get enough ammo and i'll try and trick shot it i'll give you a shot at it you serious yeah i wish i knew how to get it off with a good old trick shot you know grasshopper you know my look the goodness bag is actually untied all the way to the corners i can't see what's in it though i cannot believe how many quarters do you have i thought we were going to have to do two buy-ins and here you are you've got to be kidding me i'm starting to get sad though do you think this is your luckiest start now this might be a lucky start but it saddens me because once we move down south i won't be able to play this we won't be able to well honestly i think it's going to be good for you and elvis have a little bit of separation do you think we need to be separated now i think i know now i'm gonna have nightmares about what an elvis withdrawals i think you'll survive there all that hundreds moving [Music] it just slid back a little bit all right so you're going to the right you started with the right that mr back looking a little thin wow what pushes [Music] you know what i'm thinking we go for that bundle to the right we try and trick shot it and then and then we uh we go no no benny's left behind no benjamin's left we go to the right and we save the one and there's i can see there's more money in the field over there it looks like origami origami animals over there that were famous yeah it does and who are we to who are we to abandon orphan animals we can't we can't abandon bennies and we can't abandon orphan animals absolutely not it's not who we are where's the first gold bar where's the first gold bar it disappeared but i'm waiting for it to resurface so you don't think it actually pushed yet i don't think so but i could be wrong during them down to two quarters not a bad first not a bad first start pretty epic round that's for sure wow wow you all out wowed up time to pull ready to pull wow 400 [Music] our first push for the first round my goodness it has to be it's not her it's not her top record for the most quarters no but uh she got that one usually i'm knocked that one out within my second wow elvis is loving me today i mean i would say it's a miracle but i'm not sure this one was a miracle this one was just like down right he heard [Music] you are fine stay back i'm going enjoy the snow do you want to build a snowman make sure you text everyone in a while let me know how elvis is [Music] all right you know i'm really with 300 plus dollars oh oh i see the gold bar the one from the the first one right there on the oh there it is on the right look there you can see the case you see it closes the edge it's close to the edge the gold bar is about to fall well i mean it's on the edge but about she i'd say three inches in from the right post there and you see the case peeking out oh it's getting there now you guys you got a share with me or with elvis can i split it three ways no no you cannot would you let me split it three ways lies why you're grown you can do whatever you want that's right that's why i'm going south [Music] i hope you and elvis have an incredible life [Music] well if elvis did this for you did he did he open up that mystery bag for you too you never know because that's a little ridiculous right there that gold bar is so close i can't believe you don't even have oh man you don't even have to open up your own mystery bag that's how lucky you were this time this is insane would you call this luck or skill a little bit of both [Music] maybe a little manifestation oh really we're going there are we all right okay you know what i am manifesting going to florida [Music] wrestling alligators wrestling alligators crocodiles oh sure there are i don't doubt that one bit the first thing i got to do i got to get that bag of quarters from you rapido that bundle of hundreds [Music] definitely prairie dog that 100 was prairie dogging like more than i've ever seen all right now i'm going to try and go right so i'll tell you what i got a hundred dollar bill from for you out of my own pocket if you can spill out what's in that mystery bag on the playing field not in the chute on the playing field with your pushes i'll give you a hundred dollars if you can spill out what's in there elvis already opened it for you you gotta spill it out with your pushes can't make any promises but we'll see what happens well i mean this is your luckiest day ever do you think you can do it no why not i have faith i have faith in you even when you lose faith in you you're always going to be my cheerleader i have faith in you i'm just saying i'm throwing that out there i mean oh look at you you're already dropping a quarter on it so that one end can go up and one end could hold down and you can pour it it out like a rectangle to me it looks like another gold bar that other gold bar hasn't moved at all wow wow can you be any more lucky it's been a it's been a good round so far it's not the bag i'm wearing looking drawers don't tell her yeah you are so lucky [Music] i'm just curious have you ever been this lucky by yourself [Music] never so by yourself no luck like this whatsoever never ever ever so solo [Music] what's the difference when you're lucky who's around when you're lucky nice nice and you no no no you could have your way with elvis you and elvis live in graceland happily ever after keep it real or not when i get jealous have you met yourself all right there's still a hundred dollars on the table to empty out that mystery bag which may empty out anyway [Music] so the mold part hasn't moved forward but it's moving towards it's gravitating towards the center that's a good thing right lucky bag is inching its way forward as it should uh lucky bag is in your arms i think you mean mystery [Music] mystery bag is getting close i can't see inside i'm looking man that that looks rectangular to me you see the fold in the middle there like you drop the quarter on it doesn't that look like another gold bar rectangle no yeah well i guess we're gonna find out here real soon your what inch away very close [Music] inch away from the edge pushing gold bar [Music] i'm on a trick shot oh my goodness it's so cool you should when once you get through this bag let me try and trick shot that bundle [Music] we can switch places once i can get the logo no no just go go through your bag you're going to have a lot more quarters and i'll try and trick shop oh my goodness you might look oh 100 stays in my pocket george did not get it to dump out on the plane i didn't think that would happen i thought for sure you had it the luck you had so far oh my goodness [Music] [Music] yes not sure how that works fine i'll just take a soda i'll just settle for a soda what what flavor cream soda i can hook you up with that [Music] all right all right i'm getting antsy let's switch let's see if i can pull with me rapido and see if i can hit that bundle yeah all right let's switch and let's trick shot and let's see if we can actually get that bundle you ready let's do it do you have faith in me rapid fire faith in you here we go you're sure absolutely all right what do i get if i knock it in a green soda why would i want that i'm already giving that to you if i wanted that i would just take i would take a sip of what you give me and then give it back to you [Music] it's the best i can do all right there was rapido okay i gotta get warmed up if we're gonna play the bundle if you can get it up oh really yeah i have your permission pretty fair that's fair and you get to keep the two gold bars well if you can get the one gold bar to fall off it's all yours [Music] okay i'm already screwed the gold bar just moved forward [Music] that's the key is getting a fistful [Music] oh my goodness one of your quarters just bouncing kind of raised it it grazed yeah okay this is the one this is it right here i'm feeling it remember all your luck it wasn't your luck it was my luck dang it i jammed it [Music] again did the same thing it raised it and then landed right at the foot of the of the bundle okay my rapido is way off today you might want to blow up here blow blow [Music] do you need some wd-40 i don't mind my for your fingers they're not lining up as i put them in the slot did you remember to stretch no that makes a huge difference [Music] oh my god you know all athletes you know what i'm doing i'm trying to put too many in at a time i gotta go with smaller bundles all right so go go go george size now george size would be too small all right here we go [Music] you can't you're getting the gold bar to move okay i got gold bargain move one [Music] so i am i'm i am getting it yes okay here we go again [Music] no i have to look at the slot you have to tell me what it's doing the quarter bounce knocks it over slightly to the right and then bounce back so all right give me some guidance what's happening what do i need to do i don't know i can't tell you how to do that i don't even know how to do that put in as many coordinates as possible and it jams it my advice is to do george size or you're like no no no that doesn't happen doesn't work [Music] you might get a 500.00 okay we can't get it all right i'm getting another big handful do you think there's hope of getting it no not at all i didn't think i would get it i would have been shocked if you got it all right here we go [Music] watch you just hit the top of it again and it moved more to the right not what we were planning but we kind of it's moving but not in your favor [Music] i can get a good handful that was george size george size doesn't do anything to spit them out george size yeah i wish i had control of it maybe i should maybe we should ask for bigger hands for christmas probably you just did it again okay here's what we need to do all right all right we're gonna go we're gonna go we're pausing and we're buying in on that one for sure we're all set we've got the side to the right i see what you were meaning now with the i didn't even see that with the chips to the left do you want me to try do you want to now well i'm feeling kind of confident now that we got the i mean the bundle didn't go where we wanted it but we're going to go play anyway all right let me try and get this gold bar off and then you can try and get a chip with the remainder of my quarters do you think i don't know let's just see what happens oh that was a good question do you think you can holy cow that thing is ready to fall in isn't it can you get some weight on it jam over to the jam over to the right really quick and see what it does to the left i mean to the left i'm thinking i'm thinking of the i'm thinking of the bundle again just see what happens if it pushes oh i just got the gold bar to move that's gonna you're gonna get that no matter what just see if that chip will even push if it's worth it for us to even try oh i got the quarters to move it looks like it's moving oh i got the quarter to jump off you got the gold bar you got it okay oh they're applauding for me they must know just see if you can you can't go george size you got to get put some more in your hand it's you got to get it you got to get it enough to where it spins try a jeremy size you know size matters sizes absolutely all right she's going jeremy size but i don't know if that's fast enough to jam it through the slot i'm trying here trying that was you got a couple to spit oh my goodness i got it i got it now you got it now you got it what did you say about size oh i said size matters you got it i can't believe it i got that with the george science fizz luckiest day ever luckiest just keep playing we got the buy-in this is ridiculous or how do you say redonkulous it's so ridiculous this has to be this is pretty amazing ever now if i can just get the chip to fall off [Music] [Music] but i'm pretty i'm pretty impressed the faster you place them in the slot up top it spits it out because it clogs it the fact if you put them in too fast it shoots it out the top you know what my problem was the opening up there on the plexiglas you see the opening on the plexiglas yeah yeah the faster it goes and it can't handle it and spits it out the top through the plexiglas oh i figured out what the issue was what that's preventing me from dropping them quickly [Music] yeah that that ring i gave you yeah [Music] the promise ring i promised to annoy you for the rest of my life and lord only knows you've already drug that dud and you've promised a shallow grave for me and you promised to haunt me after your life yeah i did i told you if i ever if i ain't no shame in your game before you did be prepared to be haunted ain't no shame [Music] what you're talking about you haunt me as of this already i hurt you in your dreams i haunt you when you're awake you won't notice the difference when i'm gone [Music] that's what it is making sure oh [Music] i still can't get over how i got that chip to fall the teacher has become the student i have taught you the skill of the trick shot remember the more it clogs if it if you put in quarters too fast it has to spit them out that plexiglass and that's what causes it to bounce so your small your small handfuls isn't enough to overflow it you have to do the big handfuls that's what overflows it and causes it to spit out and then trick shot [Music] handful got the bounce off so well then that just has to do with your lucky bag [Music] i was just commenting on how good you have mastered the skill of the trick shot [Music] i i for one am absolutely amazed yeah i'm pretty impressed uh impressed is an understatement yeah impressed is the understatement pretty incredible what you've been able to accomplish here [Music] and not only that we get to play the one to the right can i get a you're playing that one right really you're gonna let me [Music] no just let's just agree to disagree the best part though is the weird voice is attributed to somebody in every voice we do you know why because we're crazy crazy we're just some crazy kids why don't i feel like a kid anymore because you always say that you're a fan i am a fat old and bald and now i'm bruised up [Music] but i still gossip going on bob's came back it's a bad box [Music] man if i would have known that dad bots were going to be in i would have started this a long time ago [Music] because i was going straight center and if i wasn't making the moves that i wanted to i'm pretty sure i'm pretty sure every ob gyn has said that at one point let me go to the left and see what happens oh look that's working it's pushing better [Music] you thought that was weird have you heard some of the things that have come out of your mouth [Music] and you thought that's not weird at all nice you trick-shotted it's working you're getting this just remember more faster equals trick shot you just have to overwhelm overflow so more and faster [Music] oh my goodness i just got a quarter to bounce [Music] that quarter just did a ballerina twirl on the chip and then fell off have you ever seen that video clip from sesame street that uh elmo elmo did the whole bouncy thing i don't think so oh it's amazing oh no it's not elmo it's telly telling it the bounce thing you don't know who telling us do you want me you want me to rapid fire for you i'm gonna try and get another bonus let me see what i can do all right ready that's what she left me with right there and guess who is singing my bff oh my boy elvis [Music] big handful this time are you ready yep all right ready freddy now that may fall right in so be ready okay get another handful anything uh the chip in the center it's moving forward all right i gotta keep my eyes up here on the swap eye on the prize oh you're just gonna bounce i'm jamming it though [Music] to the balance on that other point all about it's all about size all about size i mean i'm pretty satisfied with the size of my hands i mean did you not see what i was able to score i witnessed it i witnessed it there's no doubt about it all right here we go here we go bring it on bring it on you're old [Music] all right i don't have much can't get it then i don't have much left i got like three handfuls left okay well now two and a half i just dropped a bunch we'll get those we'll get those in a second we'll get those in a second we'll get em i promise [Music] did i get it not yet not yet all right here we go again i've got two more hands two more handfuls oh my goodness you're getting quarters this is it last and then we go to the right that's it that's all oh i got one more quarter [Music] bust it ain't gonna happen all right you ready to move to the right good effort though let's do this let's go save all that money to the right this is one amazing handful yeah i'd say so amazingness 100 bill the 500 chip the two gold bars the mystery bag that's halfway open all right how many quarters you got to know before we start this 403 what does 403 look like we can't show you we actually have to set them aside because we're on another machine on a new client so it looks like a hails of a lot of quarters all right what's the plan am i playing or plan of attack strategy in jeremy i'm playing yes all right here we go another twenty-five dollars thankfully there was cash over here we put the bundle in on accident and the other house here we go here we go we're going with your old favorite face here we go [Music] the bundle has moved yeah rolling around that's not all that good some type of movement is better than no movement don't you think that depends on what kind of movement we're talking about we're talking about the coin pusher volcanic movement earthquake movement the vortex of jeremy just the bundle of joy man come on yeah i'm getting some quarters yeah you get some quarters get it get it get it get it taught you the trick shot let's see how well you taught me go to the left and recovery to the left look it's time we're getting him to rotate get it to rotate and move come on come on come on right now got it where you need it i'm gonna get it i'm gonna get it just watch just watch i'm gonna get it here we go here we go i got it i got it i got it i got it yes yes yes yes oh man yeah baby yeah that was a good kind of movement right there some good movement and i'm getting two minutes getting quarters which helped because somebody else already played this field and then ran out yeah they did okay you could tell they played as long [Music] i bet this was really cool when it was set up we've seen a couple like this [Music] it's still cool yeah it is it's beautiful it's definitely beautiful but you know what's even that money in the prettier 100 bill or 100 roll just fell over okay i'm gonna go to the left again [Music] that's that's my 25. see what we got anything else going once going twice help me elvis elvis it's me that's right i can't believe i'm doing this one of my lucky signs i'm so sorry lucky bag really you're apologizing quarters can't be all that sorry you do have 13.50 to work with and there's what one two three four five six seven eight nine nine what's nine plus seven nine plus seven at least eleven at least eleven hundred dollar bills out there i'm not good with math or reading but come on there's a thousand plus dollars out there you know you love lucky sock admit it that's not the original the original is on my foot i have to definitely uh adjust the lucky side oh now you have to adjust for the luck yes [Music] it's messing up my flow not having a monkey bag [Music] it's messing up my flick of the wrist bow i don't like it interesting don't come on [Music] something's gotta happen here i thought your luck would get all the hundred dollar bills just jumping into the show really lucky because to the left it's stuck you gotta keep pushing to all right i'm getting low on borders that's okay you were pushing quite a few all right i think i'm down to one one quarter i didn't drop that hundred dollar come on come on oh my goodness it just went mind control baby i did that with my mind control bringing home the money honey 200 there's that 100 roll and what is that a penguin that looks like a penguin 14 quarters nice all right let's see what you can do it doesn't feel right i got that roll for her i did that with mind control i'm not helping her anymore all right left right or center you gotta you gotta go where the money is and it's everywhere all right i'm gonna go to the center i think i would too because that's where the main role is if that roll that's like a log roll nothing could push the other 100 bills in front of it into the shoe things are moving now is that the only thing moving are you was that secret coach or something it just means that it's moving you need a break is that a secret code for break time i'm having too much fun to take a break you got your depends on [Music] or does that depend check [Music] the things you got to do just to have fun right there's no limitations to having fun are you doing coin confusion oh you just got one you weren't even playing to the left and you got 100 okay i thought you were playing to the middle i'm doing center right oh so close look at that so close i don't think the roll's gonna go all right i'm down to [Music] four quarters four quarters you got an elephant jammed up in the in the right i wanna drop him drop him like that's why why gets hot come on come on come on come on no you got another one you did you got another one it looks like there's some kind of cat on the edge maybe lucky sunk isn't that bad after all got two more hundred dollar figures and then back to 14 again so i don't know if you guys know uh we bought a zoo so wait wait wait we want a zoo we want to zoom [Music] it's being stubborn i thought elvis was going to help you here come on elvis oh that elephant is stuck oh the elephant just went that was an elephant yeah that's no that was an elephant i'm pretty sure i thought i saw it there's either a trunk or a really weird tail one or the other could have been both i guess that guy is right on the edge which guy see him yeah but i don't know what he is me neither all i see is 100. i do see the 100. you know what i think that is i think that's super ben the 100 is the cake for superman he's a superhero he helps people in financial crisis he's superman you know what i think i should probably write a commercial and make superman 100 cake i think i'm on to something where does one submit a commercial well i think i just did just throwing that out there [Music] i think i just submitted it oh man super ben is on the edge is holding four more quarters all right one dollar left okay you think you can drop super ben i think i can damn no holy second one socks not bad all right bear get that hundred dollar superman you drop here we go i got him nice got it yeah you going to the right or to the middle i'm gonna go to the right i want to get the two guys off to the right [Music] so are you going actual right or are you going right middle right right hard right you're going right right yes like that is right like a ron you're going right back that is right we're right we're riding okay i see what you're doing there i do see what you're doing it's definitely harder to get the quarters out of lucky socks it's a tight squeeze that's what lucky sock makes sure you don't burn a hole in your pocket or your socks oh you got it you got two [Music] you've got some uh you got some spectators up on the edge too do you think we should rescue them uh i'm not sure how you're going to do it but [Music] nice all right 100 roll 100 rolls give me your best roll give me your [Music] dude that bundle it keeps rolling back hey buddy you're going the wrong way doesn't know how to follow directions very well does it no you gotta say a lot of people that's the main reason were you just went from your luckiest place ever no you need to go to the middle this went from your luckiest play ever that this thing keeps rolling back are you trying to do coin confusion yeah it worked it worked it's time to pull i'm not sure if i would call that working but we can pull if i ever get lost i'm definitely calling you to rescue me three more animal figures so three hundred dollars in paper money and lucky sock again not not too shabby 25 50. absolutely incredible that's how lucky the sock is do you think you can get that bundle i'm gonna go to the left and see if i can get it to rotate well how's the left gonna rotate it wouldn't that kick it the other way like you just did i thought you would have wanted to kick it the other way oh it's moving it's definitely go wrong oh i got the quarter to bounce by what look it's moving forward it's not rolling back you have a time given time [Music] it looks like going to the middle is your best bet you don't have a bunch of coins to mess around with you can't keep jumping all over the place but it's working no it's not going to the center just kept making it i saw it with my own eyes [Music] this was your luckiest day now i don't know you must be calcium deficient or something i don't know what you're doing now you had something low on that vitamin d power you had such a strong start now you're going crazy [Music] all right kicked up go right center and kick the kick the bottom of it out so you get it straight instead of it rolling you need to kick the lower part out right center you don't have enough money to screw around with [Music] come on bundle let's be friends you need to kick that bottom straight [Music] [Music] come on benny get low on quarters i have about a handful left [Music] i think you're basically in the same spot where we started come on baby oh that was halfway all right we'll call that luck still talking big switch roo 3450 george said if you're so good jeremy do it yourself put the coach but you know what you can do it just put your back into it i'll put something into it quarters here we go [Music] you think i can do something i'm a little confused i wasn't allowed to do point confusion but now you're doing it i'm not doing coin confusion i'm trying to kick the base of it out and then push it into the actual trough into the chute this is [Music] i still got a good solid bag of quarters if it doesn't roll back [Music] come on come on baby no point [Music] [Music] oh you will i guarantee you'll steal that [Music] you think i'll get it llama [Music] it is trucking [Music] it's trucking it's growing i like that it's not rolling backwards anymore it might you just never know it might pull a twisty turny on us twisty turnies are bad come on come on come on oh so close you got it to move forward and rotate a little bit elvis is singing this is the chance just gotta keep it going just gotta keep beating it you gotta feed the beast gotta feed the beast beat the beast george beat the beast the beast come on shake with elvis shake with alphas everybody's sick don't stop getting get it come on come back up come on so close yes nice that's a hails of a lot of benjamins and dough 2100 in cash money that's combination of both games played together with the rescue missions 2100 pretty sweet 500 chip couple gold bars what i really want to know what's in the mystery bag how many total quarters and that's what 437 dollars and 25 cents in quarters looks like and now for the moment we've been waiting for elvis had it already undone for you gold bar gold bar lucky shiny quarter man this has got to be your luckiest one ever played [Music] you
Channel: undefined
Views: 771,122
Rating: 4.8505111 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, coin pusher jackpot, playing high stakes coin pusher, won money in high stakes coin pusher, coin pusher machine, coin pusher big win, coin pusher game, coin pusher money, high risk coin pusher jackpot, high risk coin pusher big win, won bitcoin, high risk coin pusher videos, progressive jackpots
Id: 8YJjtuT_kis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 53sec (3533 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 28 2020
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