I WON $10,000 JACKPOT GOLD TICKET Inside The High Limit Coin Pusher WON MONEY ASMR

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leave one more good push and it will fall yeah one more good push in the 2 is going to fall too what the hells are you i thinking it was a no-brainer ten thousand dollars this is not a no-brainer this is not a no-brainer you're gonna only get the two hundred dollar payout but i want that ten thousand dollar payout this one is this is crazy whichever gold money you get off first so the two dollar bill you add two zeros to it two hundred for the two dollars explained to us is two thousand for the twenty ticket balls ten thousand for the one hundred what the heels are you thinking i want the 100. [Music] starting off with twenty-five dollars in my lucky bag twenty-five dollars there's that lookout this gives me every time you are gonna have to get it so strategic this has gotten back this has got to be the hardest one this is why nobody has played it all right so the plan is left the plan is you better get every one of those to drop perfectly if she the goal is to get the 100 billion okay so whichever bill whichever gold bill goes in first add two zeros to it that's your payout that's the payout yeah there's no way you're getting a hundred dollar bill around that wall look at the wall in the back not only that george look there's a wall have you no confidence no i don't look the two dollar bill is already getting closer has my lucky bag failed me [Music] oh baby god things are moving things are moving look that that pillar is falling back on the two all right no but the 20 just the no the 20 just literally went forward the 20 went forward how are you gonna get around the bath wall and then even if you do get the oh the back wall look at the wall on the side not only that you got to get the 100 build to slide off and those things serve oh okay i'm starting to believe a little bit now wait wait look at this look at this okay do you see how it fell back yeah if you can get the 100 i didn't even see the bag up there look there's a black bag too okay i just saw right now okay if you can push the hundred dollar bill and look it's higher than the 20 bill right now if you can get it to jump over that you might actually have a chance i gotta time it [Music] i don't know but that wall just went down oh my god that two dollars just went forward george don't move two dollars [Music] whatever stay still whatever you're doing whatever you're doing well maybe those coins will hold it back there is no way she's gonna oh the hundred dollar bill was just moving did you see that look the back the mystery bag was on it did you see that it moved it almost came off the tray everything's moving with the 20 that would be perfect i don't know i don't know i think oh it just moved together oh my goodness did you see it moving the corners at the same time my heart is about to stop we don't want that don't you die no no no no your two dollars is getting too close you need to live look at that your two [Music] somehow some ways you're still in it i don't know how in the hails but you are [Music] 23.25 and lucky bags you're going to have to be very strategically with your drops did you just say i did i said is that a word do you think there's any way to get any weight no that two dollar bill just slid this is a 10 you're looking at either 200 payout or a ten thousand dollar payout which one do you want more go big well you better somehow get that two dollar bill to stay isn't that the same go big or go home are we going home after this we ain't never going home yes we are going home it moved it moved the hundred dollar bill oh it's actually coming off a little bit it's coming off it's moving oh no you are bouncing to the middle you gotta stop bouncing to the middle you're killing yourself that hundred dollar bill was just almost off that's a ten thousand dollar payout oh my goodness you had it almost off and then the two dollar bill tried to jump out oh man [Music] that two dollar bill is hanging over the edge i can't take it i cannot take it [Music] yes yes i am this has to be the hardest one you've ever seen in your life [Music] i don't know how in the world you're gonna keep i just it's all about the flick of the wrist and my aim right now you got a quarter on top of it to weigh it down but i don't know if there's any way you can keep that two dollar bill up from falling [Music] i'm trying to i'm trying to do a good job of timing it this is too much i can't take it the two dollar bill is being held on the pillars are putting it down push she's got one quarter weighted above the hundred dollar bill the hundred dollar bill is definitely higher it's higher than the 20 bill so it can definitely surf over the top of it come on elvis please elvis everybody help everybody knock that hundred dollar bill off come on [ __ ] at home oh that was a nice shape guys that was a nice shake well done guys it's a good push i'm just scared to death about that two dollar bill remember how we get upset when something gets hung up and it doesn't fall in the shoe yeah wouldn't that be epic if she got hung up on the shoes is [Music] is your heart not racing right now oh it is i can feel my heart in my throat that's that's your heart i thought that's where your thyroid was that was where my surgery was all right i'm down to three quarters [Music] still hitting the left because the left is the best [Music] that was it she's somehow in some way still in the game miraculously still in this oh i got 106 in quarters to drop which means mama's still in the game i'm coming [Music] a little preoccupied right now i'm gonna continue going to the left right if you can get i'll believe in miracles you such things oh my goodness oh my goodness i honestly i think if i go to the center that'll be too dangerous don't go anywhere if i go to the right [Music] that'll definitely be not right don't go anywhere there won't be anything right about going right so going to the right is off limits [Music] oh man i feel like you have me scared to death right now with that two dollars so close [Music] that's a big difference [Music] don't blame me benjamin don't play me like that [Music] benny don't you worry george plays me like that all the time all the time he's giving me that look again george loves to play games him and elvis should have a staring contest [Music] on my lucky bag you do don't go anywhere but left [Music] oh my goodness this is just too intense right now how's your heart feel my heart i naturally have heart palpitations and you're not having any right now you're literally it's double how's your how's your throat that two dollars stopped moving really but you gotta keep it completely oh no you just dropped it on accident to the or the right falling in and they're old they're pinning it down for me because i told them to did you not know i'm a coin whisperer i know you're an egyptian threat [Music] [Music] and i will cut you off at the kidneys that 20 just moved what that 20 just moved a little bit i've got tunnel vision right now you you keep your eye on the hundred don't look at anything else with 100 i'll let you know what's going on the rest of the playing field that would be fun just just stay completely left completely left okay so it looks like the 20 is pinned down too quarters underneath borders underneath the 20 are moving forward [Music] whatever you're doing keep doing [Music] [Music] this is crazy this is still not moving [Music] it's being stubborn i mean i would normally in a situation like this oh okay you got a good drop there no the two dollars just moved a little bit no whatever you did don't do it again i i didn't do anything differently i just stayed to the left normally in a situation like this i would say repeat but i would not dare you would not dare do a rapido right now [Music] you had that quarter weighted down on the 400 it's moving back that ain't a hot flash that's nervous dude you can get bubble guns no it's a hot flash come on elvis come on [Music] do us right out let's do this right knock it off right now wait just give it a second don't let anything move all right now can i go only to the left don't force anything to fall that two dollar bill was like a diving board [Music] on the playing field we don't want to rescue you you're not our dad we're not gonna rescue you two dollar bill you stay put you're not our dad oh it's just pointing again like a diving board [Music] oh man [Music] oh it's moving a little bit maybe maybe's moving a little bit [Music] you need to take a breather i do need to take a breather oh i'm getting lightheaded from excitement you need a plan you need a plan the edge is on the 20. i'm gonna continue playing okay so if you play how are you going to get the 100 you keep going over the you just want it yeah hopefully it'll rotate you have to keep it on the 20. it's going in the right direction follow my voice benjamin follow my voice it's working it's working captain this is too much don't don't say anything this is you have to keep that thing on top of the 20 to get it to float into the shoe oh my goodness this is insane come on is stinking insane it's following my voice [Music] oh my god i'm telling you my lucky bag there's just something about my lucky bag [Music] all like five of them right now what number are you on i don't know i don't know it actually pushed off of the 20. don't get it caught under the 20 don't get it caught under the 20. all right okay come follow my board come on elvis it is i would not believe that happened when elvis was singing i think it had everything to do with elvis if you somehow divert this crisis of that two dollar bill i would be the champion of all coin pusher champions if i could pull this off it looks like it's actually going around it's [Music] yes got to be kidding me continue to follow my boy i cannot believe it i promise betty not to spend you all in one place if i win you i can definitely promise that you did just get another car you should probably put that towards the car payment [Music] yeah yeah [Music] but we're talking a little prematurely right now don't you think oh i bet you couldn't wait to tell me that it just got jammed up on the 20. continued moving [Music] good job guys continue doing what you're doing this is in this is epically insane i don't think you would have ever done it without the guy next to us if i win this we [Music] [Music] it you're making me a little bit of a believer but that two dollar bill is right there on the edge still the 100 is under the 20. the 2 bill is still pinned with a couple columns this is just insanity i told her absolutely not i did not think this was a good idea at all this was a guaranteed [Music] loss come on benny continue steering your way this way you're doing so good what does she actually have you're doing so good the bottom corner is over make me proud benny boy make me round opposite [Music] there is no way [Music] really you can't be jelly i want to see your phone i want to see what you two been texting i thought you said you can get into my phone with your face recognition i can all i got to do is that egyptian looked at me it just moved again not much that just moved again oh my goodness it just moved again if i get this do we still go after the mystery bag if you get this are you kidding of course you go for the mystery bag oh my goodness come on betty continue to follow mama's voice you're doing so good no way no way this is not happening it's happening and you doubted my lucky bag and you doubted my skill this is not happening [Music] go away come on baby go it just budged again there is no way this is happening oh i hope it doesn't get stuck well you wanted the two dollars to get stuck yeah this is this is too much i can't take this my heart is do you realize you're like one inch away from 10 000 payout that'll make up for all the losses since you started coming here yeah the house has won quite a bit you have got to be kidding me how the hails did you get that thing oh my goodness [Music] something just fell in the middle be careful be careful slow down slow down slow down there was stuff don't the two dollars just moved you need to slow down all right no the stuff in the middle is falling just take a deep breath all right only to the left only to the left breathe breathe in and breathe out with the tray [Music] come on benny continue to follow my voice you're so close to being free [Music] so close to being free i can't take this day [Music] this is insanity [Music] all the quarters are moving underneath the hundred the two dollar bill is moving you have to be really careful yeah i gotta be patient too it's so hard not to [Music] the two dollars just moved again don't you dare move on me [Music] doesn't the two dollar bill know that we're not friends [Music] can you tell it [Music] i don't want to rescue you not today [Music] oh yes i just i can't believe it wait refresh my memory again if i get this hundred dollar golden ticket to fall do we walk away from the mystery bag no we definitely go for them we're gonna rescue it you have to at that point okay that 100 bill is moving [Music] i just need one amazing beautiful push [Music] i'm getting low on quarters oh we might have to draw how much more do you have all of the two dollars in the 100 quarters i gotta make this count [Music] this is insanity why hello ladies i got two of the 20 bonus boxes to fall and then 158 dollars and 25 cents in quarters that's not bad i'm so confident that i can get are you so exhausted we need to get a chair or something [Music] all right baby continue to follow my voice benny all right so you're flirting with elvis and now ben franklin too yeah i'd say it is got that neglected two dollar bill over there in a little love too that two dollar bill knows that it's not my friend [Music] oh my gosh yes it's so close i just need one more good push and it'll fall it's all good yeah one more good push in the 2 is going to fall too oh my god oh my god oh my god i can't even i can't even oh my [Applause] i can't believe it oh my goodness i can't believe it i cannot believe it oh my god i can't believe it let's see if i can do still we'll do my warrior cry with after my [Music] you need to go cash it in this is crazy you gotta show them this is crazy check it out i didn't like him earlier the way you two been flirting they let me keep this and bam thousands absolutely insane i doubted her i completely and totally doubted her i was like don't do this this is wrong this machine is a guaranteed loss and yet again what do you know lucky bag and elvis came through for me actually i'm starting to believe in the one now i'm going for she's going to mystery bag mystery bag i'm starting to actually the other two golden uh certificates in there those don't those mean nothing now those mean nothing at all they came over yeah and we're good to go i just get to keep them as a souvenir the lucky the lucky bag is now going after the mystery bag usually i think that there's nothing in the bag this but definitely there's something definitely in there this has just been this has been crazy now it's okay to rapid fire who cares now i can't believe it i'm sorry i just cannot believe it you doubted me grasp there was no way that was ever gonna work there were walls everywhere there is just no way no you made me you doubted me so much that i started to doubt myself there's no way there is no way that should have worked the wall if that wall didn't fall forward trap the 20 down and then the front didn't fall backwards and trapped the two down yeah i would have gotten if the person next to us didn't knock a 20 box on it and give it weight i mean there are so many factors it never ever should have happened the house should have won that's for sure it my lucky drawers no my lucky bag my lucky drawers i'll give i'll give one percent credit to your lucky driver [Music] you know what chicken bun do you want to do you want to play for the mystery bag or do you want me to continue with my winning streak do you think i'm gonna touch this thing after you just won all right i'll keep playing with my lucky streak then [Music] i don't care what you did just keep doing it all right got my profit streak [Music] sense yes it can fell off it just fell off thank you thank you i do not want to be here i want to go home what did you call him again my bff [Music] if he's your bff what am i you're my super deluxe dfs nothing that sounds like a fat joke no i don't think so i don't know we'll have to check them might be like the gold [Music] [Music] you know what i just realized the 20 fell before the two dollar bill how much [ __ ] lucky are you so if i got the 21st that would have been the payout would have been two grand right how stinking lucky are you yeah it would have been two grand the bill that should have fallen first for everybody else enough hanging on for dear life anybody else playing that bill would have fell first you got both of them before that one who's bad [Music] and now i'm gonna get the mystery bag to fall before the two dollar bill that i think the mystery bag is probably like the consolation prize we usually say leave no hopefully leave no uh money behind but we're willing to leave this two dollar bill behind right [Music] this is just me crazy it's been incredible [Music] it's been so incredible oh this is singing where we are at home no matter how big [Music] let's see if we can push it oh nice pushes in the two dollars [Music] look how far she got the mystery bag before the two dollar bills i can't believe it [Music] i caused a quarter jam well do you know what the rules are go left okay i'm gonna go left lastly what won it for you it did and left is where i always start off [Music] [Music] [Music] the mystery bag or the two dollar bill [Music] oh man [Music] oh one more push i think you're buying ice cream ice cream [Music] uh root beer float oh yeah of yeah so forty dollars there the twenty dollar golden ticket which means nothing the one hundred dollars look there's that two dollar just floating there so lonely where are you gonna spend it i'm gonna spend it all i won't and i told him i wouldn't spend him all in one place in other words you're going to invest it all in one place what are you gonna do with those sell them back to the bank 238.25 in quarters in my lucky bag the one that you doubted are you gonna buy bitcoin or gold bars finally what's inside my guess is a gold quarter what's yours it's definitely round oh nice [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 467,770
Rating: 4.8982491 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, coin pusher jackpot, playing high stakes coin pusher, won money in high stakes coin pusher, coin pusher machine, coin pusher big win, coin pusher game, coin pusher money, high risk coin pusher jackpot, high risk coin pusher big win, won bitcoin, high risk coin pusher videos, progressive jackpots
Id: Yq1Qh5dLYks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 24sec (2364 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 20 2020
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