7 TOWERS IN SLOW MO Inside The High Limit Coin Pusher Jackpot WON MONEY ASMR

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what's happening something's happening oh my gosh i only lost two corners are you ready for this george i have a fever a fever for what a fever and the only thing to cure it is the bieber is more elvis take me to elvis please the original bieber would elvis be the original bieber fever the pelvis of elvis created the original bieber fever the king all right i guess we're on the road again who the hell's knows what's going to happen this time make sure you subscribe [Music] swung to the other side used our chips and 25 to starting order nice okay this is a little intense it is it reminds me of a flower field but you only have so much to choose from when other things have already been played out strategy is going to be difficult on this one i feel like i'm going to lose whether i go to the right that's why nobody has played it obviously i'm totally blocked i might have a chance going to the left you're going to try to the left yeah okay she's going to the left because elvis is saying i might have a chance this is why this one is [Music] nobody's fighting because nobody has been crazy enough the whole thing is blocked it felt abandoned didn't it uh we do like abandoned things so what's your gut instinct this is going in the compilation of fails this might be yeah it might be i i'd be impressed if you can even get anything to budge or to move [Music] let's see what happens if anything even moves oh the one to the the one to the left oh i saw at that time there was a little bunch i saw a little budge not a big budge that was a little bug there it goes again a little bunch of moving wrong way did you just see that moving it rotated and moved forward i don't know that that rotated but hey if you see it rotated it rotated rotator is going to take hand heater's going to hate rotator is going to rotate gator's going to gate maters are going to mate all righty that and baiters are gonna bake did you just see that no i was um three of the flowers moved forward i was rhyming oh my goodness that flower on the way is gonna totally drop right into the hopper with my lemons and alignment one whole piece not petal by petal what are you talking about loves me he loves me not it's just gonna dive right in oh my gosh oh wow wow okay euron he loves me not he loves me he loves me oh my goodness i am shocked it's moving my fever's getting high do you want me to um is there a doctor in the like house you have any idea what's going on in this world back to jay to the rescue [Music] did you just see that no i'm scared to death now [Music] should i ask them if they have an eye problem i think you should just stop embarrassing us and drop orders but you already know i love to embarrass you i do know that oh my goodness they are actually moving he really does love me this is actually pretty oh impressive it's a good thing i went to the left it was it was not cheap this is this is an expensive one nobody played it oh wow it looks like a 100 pure losing game but somehow i don't know i don't recall any quarters falling and i'm down to three quarters no you've had quarters fall okay a few here and there all right down on my last quarter okay oh my goodness i need a little push here oh right on the edge i am and yet here we are you ready yes do you think you can make something happen the next round for chisel let's do it oh wow this is more than i expected i was able to push off 13.25 that's more than i anticipated the entire game but somehow someone i saw him dropping i found dropping you were more focused on the on the structures look elvis is singing do you think something's gonna happen remember there are eight sides this is a huge machine probably ten foot tall foot wide um i'm gonna lose a part of that flower we were previously on the other side we flipped over here to where nobody played so we don't know if elvis just sings we don't know we don't know why elvis thinks but we know when elvis thinks something usually happens but that doesn't mean it's just for us because a lot of times this thing is packed it's a light crowd but we think that's because of the actual holidays people are with their families yeah and elvis has become family right so george said well we have to go see elvis because we don't want him to be alone don't want him alone during the holidays this woman is crazy nothing i got the elvis fever [Music] look at that that thing is hanging over the edge i'm going to lose it you might lose it you got to be careful halfway hanging over the edge did you even drop five quarters i wasn't watching this time i don't know i didn't think i dropped any quarters last time but i just was able to push up there you've got some oh my goodness look at that thing the thing is split on the side plastic half of it is going to go half of it is on the side but there's money in it you can't lose that money you got to play smart ready to pull yes i don't want to look away [Music] surprisingly four dollars even yeah you've had it much worse than that before that's not bad i've seen you do down to one quarter much more and then down zero what are you thinking fail compilation probably that thing is right on the edge right on the edge that is insane wow look at coal mines [Music] the thing is halfway split on the plastic side down to two quarters plastic side is splitting it like slicing bread in a sandwich it's literally raining on the left she's she's got to try not to lose the money though the money is in there still you ready to pull i yes believe it twelve dollars even in quarters that's a pretty good comeback wow for sure thought i was gonna lose you actually i'm gonna keep playing this again you've done more damage with much less wasn't there one time you were down to like 50 cents 50 cents yeah and the structure actually fell and i was saved by the belt i don't know what's gonna happen here but oh now you're the rhymer oh that was that was not intentional throwing your quarters instead of dimers i'm an unintentional rhymer really but you're so silly that thing is hanging halfway over yeah there's no way i'm gonna be able to save that whole thing the cash is gonna start getting did you see the little flower in the front [Music] do you think you can get the other one to fall i mean that would give you some ammo yeah i need more ammo must get oh oh oh you might be getting some ammo it's right up against the glass it's split on the plastic side it's on the glass it's starting to go oh wow it's starting to go george you gotta hit it you gotta hit it come on baby come on elbows guide me it's it's it's oh my goodness i don't know what's going on three quarters i honestly don't know what's going on to the left we're down to three quarters yes yes yes we got a little bit of order oh wait wait wait keep watching keep watching keep watching this is too intense i don't know what's going to happen do you think it's going to fall in probably all right let's pull you pull i'm going to keep my eye on it oh but just started seeing 19 and 50 cents a year you are doing incredible you're doing incredible apparently elvis is telling her the same thing because he just starts singing out of nowhere remember he doesn't always just sing for us he sings for the world well there's eight sides and um i don't think anybody is i can't see on the complete total other side i see someone right there i see a shoulder i see five sides so there's three sides i can't see wow they both shifted at the same time something's happening something's happening something is happening to the left the cash the cash is getting squashed like an awesome push i i was waiting for it i didn't see anything george it moved everything moves the cash is getting squashed like a pancake it is not dropping it is hanging a good two maybe even two and a half inches over what the it's all pressing against the glass now now it's gonna cause a barrier trap she's gonna have a huge trap on the glass hanging over i don't even know how she's still in it it was halfway [Music] how i can't believe it that was awesome i cannot believe it dude what about me how can't believe it all right i'm down to three quarters how how do you take a structure that's halfway up on a piece of plastic and pull it all into the hopper how wow [Music] i did awesome this round three hundred dollars cash money sixty one dollars even in i cannot believe it if i recall your lowest point was four dollars i was down to four this just proves yet again you never thought i'd be kicking rocks by now you never know what the hell is gonna happen on this channel i have seen things that i do not believe we have found things that harley-davidson selling that and the list goes on and on i would have never thought is it gonna go look at this this thing is hanging another two inches off as well and pressed up against the glass just crazy this is just fantastic fantastic treats it's just crazy i just don't even we love it when it's crazy i just don't even know what to think most of the time i don't think you're going to save this one you're going to lose it you're going to lose oh my goodness do you see what i see do you see it [Music] oh man i'm gonna have a heart attack okay here it comes it's slowly falling here we go oh there's another one oh my goodness i wonder if there's anything hiding wow wow wow wow [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh i should go to the right or should i get more ammo i think you always need to get more ammo you don't want to get too excited because if i go to the right or the center i'll be down to four dollars again in quarters i'll go [Music] look i see fish eye fishtail through the process of playing we have written rules which number one is always always always go for ammo not prizes [Music] [Music] it's like that story the turtle and the rabbit don't be a rabbit be a turtle because jeremy likes turtles i like turtles no matter what the haters say about gators you gotta play the long game and the long game gets the ammo so that you don't just win the battle you can win the entire war get that ammunition george [Music] holy cow [Music] this is intense [Music] so intense [Music] what are you calling these things flowers [Music] are you being serious yeah okay if you don't see it as long as i'm not seeing it but then again you saw an owl in one and i didn't see that either so the angry owl with the unibrow [Music] [Music] yeah if i ever needed some unibrow consulting i know exactly who i would go to [Music] without hello i'm clearing it out i'm almost time to make i think i'm gonna play the rest of the bag i'm getting low on quarters and then we could pull enough switch and come up with the new strategy so you're gonna get as much ammo right now yeah i'm getting low on order so i'm just gonna play out the game lay out the bag [Music] pull and then come up with a new strategy you got that shoe jammed wow jam on it jam on it jam on it [Music] what that was pretty awesome see i for sure thought part of the flower would fall on the ledge just like how this one did but the whole thing called minus the two quarters that was just insane yeah that first one we only lost two quarters that's one of the craziest things i think i've ever seen she has the shoe jam packed right now with quarters we're gonna have to poke it with a stick did you bring your uh your plumbing stick never leave home without it you literally have that thing jam-packed from the bottom up to the top all right i'm down to seven quarters let's see what she can do with seven down to three two and one i don't know i pretty much cleared it pretty good push pretty good push metamucil would sponsor you on that one for sure there's that fine fine gold and hundred dollar roll and 212 dollars in quarters looks a little heavy there george i can't believe it that hundred must have been hiding in that other shower you think i don't know great strategy you know it makes me wonder what else is hiding like what's in the middle one should i go center because that center one is like that one looks like it wants to go out i have enough to go [Music] you're gonna need a bigger bag yeah i would go center because that middle one looks like it's ready now it's on the edge and there's paper money inside oh look it just moved are those 20s i can't tell i can't tell either i'm looking at the right one i see the one on the on one of the ones on the right too i can see a one okay they're definitely hundreds so that's you got one two three four five six there's six at least that we can see if they're all hundreds i can't see every single top of the bill but i can see the one that thing is hanging over the edge it's getting ready to drop get ready to drop it wants its mama [Music] it's getting ready to hit puberty it wants to come home it wants to be adopted this is when all pope was gone four dollars and some flour half chopped in half by a side and boom totally didn't see that coming did not see that coming at all that was beyond intense yeah that was intense that was crazy yeah i like moments like that maybe you know you know what you maybe should do maybe you should actually go to the right so that the center keeps the momentum and the pressure try going try going to the right all right i'm just so i'm just thinking because if you don't you know how you always have a problem with the right after the field is clear maybe you won't have a problem with the right side keep the center and then go back to the center and that way you shouldn't have a problem with the right let's see if our philosophy works all right let's see if your strategy will work i'm taking your lead on this one what's the worst that could happen all the money go on another field yeah i lose it yeah that would be the worst thing yeah you're right you're right [Music] they're all moving but remember the right side is always your most difficult side afternoon you can always drop straight in the middle and see what happens but if that middle helps keep the pressure on the right side then those things won't get caught in that border rip tide oh and it looks like the middle's going anyway anyway it makes it you might get two for one money that would be awesome [Music] and elvis is singing elvis is singing is there such a thing as a logo in the elvis machine probably i wonder if everybody at home is shaking because i'm shaking out of anticipation anxiety fear i don't know what it is but i'm shaking i need to oh man that middle wants to fall it's stuck on the glass it's hanging two inches over like the others did they stuck on the glass which really should give her pressure to knock them right down oh my goodness wow the whole thing that just happened wow wow wow [Music] [Music] so so apparently going to the right pushes the middle it's pushing [Music] i guess it got all tight to the right and then pushed the middle with all its mighty i would say it's a bonus uh knocked it over it looks like there's a bunch of kind of a bunch of flowers out there kind of like kind of like the playing field was set up wow oh it's getting ready to fall rotated that bonus [Music] but is the right side getting ready to fall oh it just moved it just moved wiggles it did a little shimmy shimmy you like that shake there it goes again did you see it oh i'm seeing it i'm seeing it [Music] the right side is your most difficult side watch you'll probably you'll probably knock the middle one down anyway you see the middle one's all going to the left i'm gonna lose i'll probably lose that one too well don't say that yet you don't know don't jinx myself well i don't think there is such thing as jinxing yourself [Music] to the right we didn't even think we would be this far we thought that was going in the fail competition oh yeah for sure [Music] you got plenty of ammo all the way back from four dollars over 200 making things drop like they are hot california nobody's business is it california reaper is that what the uh pepper is the hottest pepper yeah carolina reaper dropping it like it's a carolina reaper okay she's going ghost on it remember when you wanted to go see me remember when i did ghost you but you wouldn't like me it was the same day we both wanted to go see each other it was day two oh wow look at all those uh hundreds i see them shaking dancing they're all dancing on the platform go benjamin [Music] [Music] for sure definitely going in just fudged a little bit more look at you going ghost on these things it's what i do for all of our viewers oh wow for all of our viewers that don't know what ghosting somebody is in the dating world you talk to somebody and then you just completely totally ignore them you stop talking although it doesn't really make much sense because ghosts are supposed to appear on you and haunt you but in the dating world it's when you disappear which again we don't believe in ghost anyway you know george i've always been wondering why don't ghosts only speak english i mean why isn't there when you watch shows like ghost hunter and all that why haven't they ever recorded a ghost speaking any other language like just once don't you want to hear like amigo amigo and yes they all seem to speak english interesting interesting fun facts ghosts don't speak any other languages but english apparently apparently they don't speak anything but english so but ghosting in the dating world is you just stop talking you disappear you don't answer texts phone calls emails any other way that the person is stalking you to get you to talk again you go stump cat fishing cat fishing is when you go out with a fishing pole and you put a worm on the end of it and then you see if you can get a fish to bite and you hope it's a catfish catfishing in the dating world is when you put your pole out and you see if the fish will bite i think you're way off catfishing is you pretend to be somebody that you're not in other words you're posting pictures posting pictures of somebody not you so let's say let's say i was pretending i was claiming i was fabio no you're claiming you're nickel shane okay let's say i claimed i was nick lachey and i posted pictures of nicolas and everybody thought they were talking to nick lachey but then i show up and i'm here i'm this old fat balding guy and they're like um [Music] did i ever tell you or if i post pictures of myself as cleopatra and then you show up like hey hey hey i'm cleopatra hey did i ever tell you the cat how i got catfished before i met you so there's this one chick that i met we were talking i don't remember her name i don't remember anything but did she have that that's important that's not important at all but it's a funny story so she she messaged me she said hey i'm dropping my daughter off for uh for some kind of i don't know whether it was gymnastics but i don't remember she was driving around she's like you want to be at mcdonald's so i meet at mcdonald's with a woman that was definitely 20 years older and about well we'll just oh wow oh man it just stood it straight out it couldn't wait and i would say a good uh 100 pounds heavier than the pictures that she posted so me being the polite person that i am i was like yeah let's get an ice cream and so we get an ice cream and she starts this crazy thing in the middle-aged dating world is every date starts the same let me tell you how bad my other dates were and she starts talking about how she met some dude and she got catfished and she's like she's like this guy used her his son's pictures to lure her in and then met her at a bar and i went oh you mean like you catfished me and then i dropped the mic and i was out did you drop your ice cream cone and walk out yeah i was talking into it like it was a microphone and i dropped it i was like dropping the mic i'm out i couldn't believe it she was complaining about being catfished when she catfished me was not what she was claiming to be 20 years ago she was probably that but no more that never happened to you well it did when i met you i can't fish you oh yeah that's right you thought i was nicola haye you thought i was tatum what just happened you made elvis think that's what happened i got more bonus you thought i wore glasses yeah oh because i had the picture from the wedding with [Music] i do dress nice i have the best grape hoodies out on the market oh man that was epic holy cow [Music] [Music] okay well this method seems to be working was that the flower with the bunnies in it yeah there was three of them in it the method seems to be working it is working actually you know what did you notice the flower in the center is kind of shifting over to the left which is the side that you favor anyway it is but the closer goes to the left the higher chance i'll lose the point on time i think so oh yeah oh i think something's gonna happen i think something's gonna happen look in the middle oh there's another there's another one there's another piece of money in there just money is hiding everywhere what do you think's in the big one uh i know probably nothing because it's got the coin on top but i could be wrong if you had lasik surgery you should be able to see right through it you tell me what do you think is inside well i see silver that's definitely a silver piece [Music] my guess is gold you think it's gold was in the other one yeah oh there goes that hundred man i just rolled stop drop and dropped how many more coins do you have i probably have several handfuls left this theory or strategy the strategic theory on strategy has actually worked instead of going to the middle going to the right it's alive we have to remember this from the future [Music] keep the pressure in the middle [Music] for the winds on the right to make it drop like it's not remember your strategy is always has to be based on the machine that you're playing it took it took a couple months for us to really learn the machine right what did you say it's like a game of basketball well the more you more you play you play the better you get right you learn something with every game we get tons of people going oh i knew it oh you lost the silver let's see if there's anything under in there oh my goodness yeah there could be something in there [Music] [Music] keep checking keep scanning all right oh wait wait i see i see a hundred to the to the left do you see it is that one of those yeah that's one of the bonuses that oh those are the bonus okay i got it i got it now there's just one on the ledge and then there's three in the other plane so there's money cash money to the left crushed we don't know if anything is hidden under there nothing certainly still going to the right to see if she can get that last flower plucked from the field what woman doesn't want her daisies [Music] and hopefully we see if there's anything in that middle i can't believe that middle fell like that so what is it i figured i would lose i definitely knew i would lose the silver coin that was on top especially since it kept shifting to the left so has this been a good strategy or a bad strategy i mean i think i made up for it by getting some bonus paper money don't you think yeah i honestly think if you would have went for the middle and tried to push those straight forward i think you would have been stuck trying to fight the first right yeah because you always get stuck over the struggle the struggle would have been real because look right now even oh i guess it just budged a little bit [Music] so practice at anything gets you better now we get a lot of people messaging us going i'm on a limited income i want to go play we will never ever ever ever ever encourage anyone to do such a foolish thing when you're on a limited income if you're on a limited income you need to spend your money on things that pay your bills don't ever ask us anything in regards to that we will never ever encourage it ever if you can't lose money if it's not played if you can't afford it you don't do foolish things you don't go out and go well i'm gonna practice until i'm perfect and then you don't go anywhere near this type of stuff you work within your limited income all right i'm down to three quarters [Music] this was an awesome round 700 in paper money what a push and this is where things get have to the e and an insane amount of quarters 431 dollars even she's got 431 dollars that's what going for ammo first does for you if she went for structures first in the beginning i would have had zero quarters she would have lost the entire game she got down to four stayed focused on ammo and now look where she's at the last flower is leaning back and to the right i'll probably lose a part of that too you think so yeah [Music] well every beautiful flower has to die at some point whether whether a little boy picks it and gives it to his little girlfriend or that flower will be a lovely night if it just turns into fall and it withers away you know what they say you're right what are they saying every rose has a phone my mom's name is [Music] every rose has its throne do you think me and elvis would have gotten along i think so was we had had jam sessions yeah i could see that happening you think so oh it moved george did it it moved i thought it was going to fall i thought it was going to fall right then and there it moved again parts of the fish scale is dropping something's happening something's happening something is happening moving it's going it's going it's going it's going it's going [Music] oh my gosh [Music] [Music] we still don't know something's hidden on the right you got super money's on the left or the left all right well let me see if i can try and get something to surface by hitting the left my guess is there's got to be something on the left we already know well i just thought maybe there was something just like everything else but yeah you definitely did lose that piece of silver it went above isis not that not that i'm complaining it went adios amigo i mean you're an amazing thing when you can keep it all in your own playing field that's obviously the goal but um i'm curious if there's something else hidden in there those things are fish scaling everywhere at that i see one is there 200 hidden to the left or is there just 100. all i see is one now but i saw two earlier [Music] there's another roll she hit those bonuses in and then they got covered by the middle uh flower away crumbling down [Music] now you see flowers no i never saw a flower from the get-go but [Music] whatever makes you happy you know my philosophy if you ain't happy there ain't nobody in this world ever gonna be happy [Music] our country usa usa usa us [Music] definitely getting close 200 rolls to the left all right we got two benjamin franklin spooning underneath the blanket one might be pushing him away like get away from me like i do to you like i do you like get out of my grill get out of my personal bubble why do you keep sticking your fingers up my nose and in my ears [Music] remember that one time where you kept trying to stick your fingers in both of my ears and both of my nostrils at the same time and so i literally had to grab both of your hands and just hold them down for an hour so you stop sticking your fingers in my orifices was it an hour no it was two hours i was gonna say it's not like three oh there's another one there's another one and then oh wow you promised if i would let go that you would stop sticking your fingers in my orifices and what did you do as soon as i let go [Music] i don't remember really all right down to three quarters ready 400. oh one just dropped one just dropped you missed it you missed it her bag is so heavy she has it on the floor their hide is the bag is in between my ankles right now protecting it she can't it's too heavy for her to pick up i have a bad back all right come on so close she's got one there's two more hundred dollar bills that we can see that's just what we can there could be another one down there it could be anything it could be more to the left more to the right be a bunch of who knows what [Music] this has been a huge prize one this has been awesome [Music] that reminds me when i took um i took my kids to sanibel island here comes another just grab more money when you're not looking that's when it will fall i took my kids to sanibel island and when we were flying back my oldest chels she had a full backpack filled with shells in the whole deal and this is the time where airport security was a huge issue after everything happened and she looks at the security guard and says the words that no parent ever ever wants to hear their kids say during those times she looks at the security guard she's like she goes it's not like i have a mom in here oh my goodness and i'm like sean how would she even know to save such things because she knew everything that was going on in the world with the airports and everything i was like oh my goodness so obviously they checked and i was sitting there thinking you know what maybe she just detained my daughter that made me teach her a lesson she is young security guard just laughed it off but i was not laughing on the inside i was like oh my goodness i'm getting detained but it was all of the shows it was all of the shelves from the sanibel trip and i i couldn't believe what i was hearing coming out of her mouth i was like look at all the things this is what you should never say at this moment in time or ever ever in an airport kids they say the darndest things they really do there's like sponges but george would do the same thing to me now she'd be like this will be funny watch this [Music] and then your sister would be like stop embarrassing us stop embarrassing george i don't see anything else buried to the left you want to move over to the right and see if there's anything buried there's a mound of corners [Music] is tucked in there pretty good [Music] where [Music] and so out of oyster shells from from the ocean and then they would build on top of those mountains so what we think of as like a landfill is basically their oyster shell landfill and then they would build on them there's a pretty cool area a giant giant area of oyster cells and shells and indian artifacts and things like that they were still doing they're still doing digs and learning all kinds of things about the native americans there yeah that was a neat piece of history that we learned maybe you and i should build a oyster shell mountain what do you think you don't like oysters i've never eaten one nor do i think i ever would they're not good clean you have to doctor it up well i would assume it's slimy and it probably fights back going down like most sushi i don't know i don't think i would do it you wouldn't like it you might like it fried they do serve fried oysters i've tried you definitely wouldn't like you wouldn't like it wrong i did eat some fried squids when i was in italy yeah calamari so squid tentacles that calamari is good depending on how it's prepared and what type of dipping sauce it comes with ketchup i can't do marinara i did it with ketchup i feel like it was like a sweet chicken i'm not dumb it was 100 to the up [Music] [Music] there's gotta be something [Music] where did you have calamari different restaurants whether it's italian restaurants or sushi steak houses restaurants when you're out there getting catfished before you met me no i go out to dinner with like my friends and family you and elvis is [Music] look at these drops look at these fish i'm scales [Music] nothing nothing spectacular nothing's creeping through the quarters well i can't i don't know i'm still looking it's definitely not gonna hurt to get all the extra quarters we're gonna need those for laundry in florida that's right we don't have a washer and dryer down there yet yeah we don't even have a house to live in we're going to be living in the cage campers [Music] oh yeah so that should give you a clue on which property we put an offer on since there's no structure to live in which property could it be [Music] do you think that gives them a clue [Music] we also didn't show them all the properties so this could be this is the other thing we did not show all the properties one of the reasons being is because we didn't want people coming alongside and then putting in offers on properties that we did show we're stalking [Music] that's why i have a secret house with secret drawers with supposed secret candy look at that look at that is it pizza flavored candy pizza flavor ketchup flavor [Music] any kind of flavor you desire it's in there [Music] i think give it another handful just to spread it out because there's a mount there's definitely a mound there there could be something in there give it another handful spread it out so i can tell i wish i was wearing wearing my old light i'd be able to see a little bit better [Music] i'll be able to see a lot better everybody all right i'm down to three quarters all right put them in handful all right let's just i'm not seeing anything we'll just assume there's nothing hiding well assuming's never good but let's pull let's figure out what our total is check that out hundred dollars in paper money what a haul what a haul [Music] gorgeous that's what made it worth it right there wow wow and 500 561.75 in shiny orders [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 270,999
Rating: 4.9019542 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, coin pusher jackpot, playing high stakes coin pusher, won money in high stakes coin pusher, coin pusher machine, coin pusher big win, coin pusher game, coin pusher money, high risk coin pusher jackpot, high risk coin pusher big win, won bitcoin, high risk coin pusher videos, progressive jackpots
Id: rBXkrnelFxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 49sec (3529 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 01 2020
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