UNBELIEVABLE COMEBACK Inside The High Limit Coin Pusher Jackpot WON MONEY ASMR

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interesting philosophy here george let me see if my luck that was crazy so crazy have you ever seen anything like that before in all the months that we've been coming to the casino and playing the elvis coin pusher never have i ever seen anything like this one i'll love me some sandwiches but that sandwich that was crazy make sure you watch the end make sure you subscribe and hit that bell icon so you get notified every single time we release a new video see what the hills we find see what the hills we win you never know unless you watch then you do [Music] here we go again starting off with 25 this is so crazy i have never seen anything like this it's almost too pretty to destroy how the hails did they get all that money and change on top of all that money with cash it reminds me of my breakfast when i have i have no idea where you're going with that the round part of the point is my rice cake okay and then there's the inner goodness and then another rice cake and then more goodness on top we got here a little later than anticipated but uh this playing field was open you ready yes what's your plan right now she's just staring at me i'm just staring at it like do i really want to destroy this masterpiece i think you should probably go with old faithful let's do it all right going off to the left bouncing quarters already bouncing borders wow now does this officially oh i saw a wiggle i saw a wiggle is this officially a tower or is this i wouldn't call this a tower with our tower boycott oh my goodness no it's not technically a tower because it's not all coinage it's it's layers [Music] like a sandwich yeah definitely a sandwich oh [Music] okay what kind of sandwich would you call this my breakfast sandwich oh look at the look at the look at the cube the 100 cube oh it's a full it's a full box that 20 the couple 20s those aren't full but the 100 is a full box come on be a prize it reminds me of my breakfast sandwich a rice cake is the outer layer the inner goodness another rice cake topped with i think it's more of a sandwich you got a couple buns with the uh with the coinage and then inside is the juicy goodness the real meat of it the rolls and because i'm a meat lover i threw another stack of juicy meat right on top that's the ketchup on your burger that would be that would be the ketchup on the burger you're right you're right you're right for me the inner the inner goodness is an inner creamy goodness of cookie butter [Music] cookie butter is my rice cake so what's even better pancakes tops pumpkin pie ice cream i've had toss we're getting some we tried three different flavors but never pumpkins never pumpkin pie pumpkin pie and i'm dying i've been dying to try it because we're in pumpkin everything season where everything is pumpkin and tis the season to have pumpkins we haven't gotten pumpkin uh whoopie pies yeah we gotta run down to amish country and get [ __ ] whoopee pies too we've we've attempted to go a couple times but we've gone towards the end of the day where it's closing time they don't have anything they're completely got to get there you got to get there bright and early [Music] you'd be lucky if you find pumpkin whoopie pie before noon or by noon around noon you have to go in before way before noon coins are dropping i do love my pumpkins george is okay too [Music] i'm trying to give up coffee even though i don't drink a whole lot of coffee um i don't put sugar in my coffee i just put flavored creamer but there's already sugar enough sugar in the creamer that i don't need extra sugar but i'm trying to give up gummy bears pumpkin i got pumpkin creamer you did you got pumpkin creamer yeah i'm trying to give up food you're trying to give up food well yeah we're going to the devil's pinch without like an air sandwich zero calories i mean i'm sorry i got a i got a i got an illness dad [Music] it's not terminal but i'm trying to treat it the only way to treat it is you have to give up food how about eating vegetables yeah i'm gonna go with giving up food on that one you're just gonna give up food all together yeah i mean if the alternatives are eating vegetables you like sweet porn give up food i'm just gonna give up you like green beans i do like green beans sweet corn love corn on the cob oh my goodness the most i've ever said it's like carrots i've eaten two dozen cobs in one city tore up the roof of your mouth yeah the inside of your lips [Music] well the crazy part is when you eat corn on the cob with my goatee since you like me to have facial hair the stubble pokes the lower part of the chin because you got cobb in the lip and you literally rub your chin completely and totally raw and then salt and butter gets in it is bad it sounds like you were [Music] [Music] it was me versus my three-year-old daughter i won i bet poppy would win that kid's a tank he loves to eat poppy can't take me out on the corn i got the corn i do love a good corn on the top street corn when we went to mexico we ordered some corn on the cob and the way they make it there it has like some type of like a salsa almost no kind of like a buttery mixture with some type of cheese oh it's so good they put cheese on their corn it was kind of like our version of parmesan cheese it was their their version okay i've never had cheese on corn this is something i have to experience yeah i don't know if you'd like it i was just singing was that my last board i just dropped i was able to push off 10.75 in quarters good push well thanks to lucky bag you know what we haven't sang in a while what good vibrations we can sing that when i get a really really good push one of those super deluxe mega bridges well with ten dollars you got to get something very there's something just fell that wasn't too bad there that was good did you see that tower move i did you know do you remember when i buried you in corn you love corn so much that you let me bury you in corn nice we've got a um we've got a farm probably what five minutes from my house not even so it's a potato farm ramsar potato farm it's four and a half minutes away and they have this huge what they call a corn crib and they build up the sides and they fill this thing with corn kernels and it's probably two two and a half feet deep corn kernels and you can bury all your your friends family it's basically an adult ball pit but of course yeah and the corn kernels everything so it gets in every crevice yeah and you take it home and have a snack on it popcorn later oh my goodness i have so many in my booth so i i would take george's nephews and then barry oh they would we would do it for hours they loved it oh they go crazy we would take turns bearing one another oh yes you are and then there would be random children coming up to us like they're trying to help mary yeah they were begging me to bury them to bury them yeah all right down to one quarter yeah all the random strange kids would come up and ask me to bury hey mister do me next not bad got nine dollars even you know what i was just went down a little bit you know how cool it feels to actually get buried in the corn yes i bet it feels the same as getting buried in coins show me the money can you can you win enough quarters yeah we can make a huge quarter bin quarter bath crib whatever you want to call it remember you got to be you got to be careful with that you don't want is there a way to get that tower to move towards the middle yeah i'm trying to attack it to the car you're just trying to move it in yeah i got you i got you because so far it's been rotating closer closer to me we should go bury ourselves into porn again [Music] it would have to be uh not this week maybe sometime next week [Music] yeah i think i think there's some kids out there that want to bury their auntie yeah i'll invite my sister [Music] auntie let me bury you i never want to see you again they would never don't worry i always get them back i bury them i bury them you never can find them [Music] nice it's moving how low are you i've got about five or six this isn't going to be part of the losing compilation is it i didn't i wasn't paying attention i don't know how many actually dropped that time i was looking to the left the guy's getting the golden ticket oh yeah it is very time to pull that's not gonna get a very good down down down three fitting quarters that's not gonna get a very big sandwich and i'm getting hungry looking at these big monster sandwiches i'm gonna switch it up and go center center center whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa where's george and what have you done with her is this patricia who's that oh you know who she is don't you be playing you don't know who patricia is i don't know 350. [Music] well you just got like 50 cents a drop i counted 75. baby i'm getting hungry from a sandwich looking at all these sandwiches what's your what's your favorite your favorite sandwich [Music] i do like a good turkey sandwich on a bagel she finally didn't say i don't have any paper i really don't there center was the way to go are you out of quarters already already elvis isn't [Music] i made a small come up i've got six dollars and fifty cents in quarters not bad she's coming back what were you happy for three i was down at 375. all right so you're doing it middle seems to actually do it middle middle play your fiddle i'm gonna crush it middle middle right down the center answer that riddle where to play the game george would knock him down she'll get the crown it'll never be the same look at you rap master rhyme yeah i just pulled that out of thin air actually the air is kind of thick in here right now did you did you do a massive push [Music] that is not a look of concentration that is a look of guilt if i've ever seen one [Music] i was waiting for you to say that's the look of constipation that would have been smarter that would have been yeah oh you almost have you almost got a brick on the edge there oh nice you got one you got one not yo all she actually she made it she made the uh the decoration on the side wobble too ouch that one looks like it kind of hurts i'm back down at 3.75 bucks still in the game you are still in the game i'll tell you what if you lose let's make a deal this one doesn't go in the lost compilation if you lose august all right i'm gonna keep going center i guess to play just to make it today [Music] you could play all day if you wanted to really yeah oh now i'm grown you always trying to be my mom i'm like you ain't my mom stop telling me what to do well when you're acting nice push we need to get some ammo so we can take that tower out that was like a five dollar push i'm down to three quarters you want me to try and move the tower with my mind yes please all right here we go it'd be rude of me to say no i feel like i'm i'm pushing too hard time to pull got that 20 half box and 450 and quarters 450 she didn't go up the 20 ain't gonna do much more though i made a small small increase in quarters aka ammo you know i think maybe you should just let me do a little rapido my rapido can make that whole tower fall down you think so don't you think it'd be too soon i don't have enough borders uh would you call that premature yeah too soon like when you fell in love with me on day three too soon which is why i didn't fall in love i mean how many times we got to go over this um few more [Music] all right last quarter [Music] last quarter i think you might be out of it did any fall that time i don't know you might be out of it that ain't what george pulled that's what i'm playing george has officially lost the game which happens most of the time when we're here and instead of going on the compilation of fails [Music] let's see what kind of damage i can do now i'm gonna go with her old trusty method go to the left and i'm gonna see if i can actually get this power to fall i feel like elvis played me how's it feel it hurts it hurts deep inside not only does it hurt in my mind but it hurts in my soul that deep mom that knee how could you elvis you played me i'm pretty sure it was you playing him first doing a little bit of rapid fire to the left i feel like if i do some rapid fire to the right stuff going too yeah but you might get that tower on the right to fall in the wrong direction as well that's what i'm scared of we got to keep it in play we definitely have to keep it in play but the left doesn't look like the the left one is almost touching the glass the left is positioned to where when it does finally fall look at that push look at that push nice baby you like that i give you the assist for that the tower will definitely fall in the playing field and you're good you think so yes the left one will definitely fall yeah the more i'm standing it looks like it'll fall in the right direction okay oh that 100 full box is getting ready to fall it's right on the edge [Music] you think it's going to go yes yes sometimes it takes a little jeremy this reminds me of the time when i i won the corn cob eating contest okay in and slobber on my chin same as right now okay i'm gonna keep going left that that that sandwich is almost touching the glass you see it if you can get another good push on the tower i think that bundle on top is all right i'm gonna rapid fire everything else i have okay here we go come on second wave nice come on just a little bit more yo there goes another one and time to pull wait it always does that when we're gonna pull something always happens look at this 3425 george look there's definitely something in there you have definitely something in there 34 25 i want to get this tower down before i open the box though okay all right here we go what do you think should i go left or go to the right i think you should do left like left and left center point confusion all right she's she's saying point combo you know what that means that means i'm going straight left nine more quarters to fall it's working it's definitely working come on come on come on come on oh i might have got some jammed here we go you're closing up the machine and the first time i've clogged up a machine it won't be the last either jinx okay do a little work to the right here maybe it'll help there we go there we go i'm just gonna use a little to the right to help move things okay just my meat might be dangerous but go for it greasing up the machine is what i'm doing all right i'm going back to the left you ready yes bring home the bacon baby i am the baby [Music] fight forever you can't fight forever you're getting some good pushes i i have to admit you set me up which is typically the way the machines work you the first person yeah the first person typically is going to fail and the next person if they're lucky will come in and win and casino doesn't lose any money here we go so usually it takes three or four people to get to the point of a win yeah i wish every time i played it was the winner but the reality is i don't always win here's a good push yeah oh look the hundred the hundreds are getting pushed on the glass it's tilting to the right do you see it it's definitely gonna fall it's getting pushed on the glass oh did you see that i saw it okay here we go [Music] the 100 can't go anywhere it's up against the glass it's definitely gonna fall off the closer the base of this is going to fall backwards yes absolutely for sure it's going to fall okay let's see what happens right in the center it's going to fall from are you using your mind magic to make it happen no but i can i'd appreciate that if you would here we go here it is here it is here we go oh man oh i thought that was gonna be it that thing is ready to fall another 20 box 36.75 we're going up but that that tower there to the left it's a coming down george i'm going rapido okay go for it here we go i think i can take it down with rugby you've got enough to do so at least i'm hoping i can take it down with rapido it's right there come on baby definitely gonna fall yeah that's gonna go what's that hundred bundle of joy at the top it's ready to go in there it's ready the power of rapido right here right now before your very own 20 20. come on bundle come on come on just take a leap of faith bundle jump oh man come on come on i thought i would have a good push there all right all right i for sure thought you'd [Music] oh come on [Music] i got something like it's never seen before oh the tower on the right well why am i calling it a tower the sandwich on the right just moved oh come on [Music] okay let's see what we can do here i definitely jammed up the left the jams always work themselves out we're not really concerned about that yeah and eventually they just work themselves [Music] come on come on all right we're going to pull and hopefully that jam works itself out another building block 20 right there 55 50. you're doing a major 55 no i haven't taken the tower down yet luckily we feel like elvis is favoring you today what if i go to the right i got 55.50 what if i just play right i think going to the right might be risky but don't worry i'm just curious to see because once you go right you finally went right right yeah but curiosity also killed the cat well last time i checked i ain't no cat [Music] i've never been called a cat you're a pool cat [Music] do you prefer me to go to the left i just wanted to see is there anything moving all right i mean you got a bunch of quarters to drop all right the boxes are moving closer definitely going left going right just makes me nervous right now all right i'm back to the left don't get too nervous i'm back i'm back look at all them pushes but we ain't getting nothing to fall [Music] borders are dropping well i mean as far as sandwiches and i'm hungry it moved a little bit let's see if we can get a lot of it if we get that bundled with [Music] more cold i really don't care about temperatures [Music] you do like it chilly yeah i like it a little cooler all right [Music] i wasn't gonna say it but belong somewhere jeremy's my he's always hot and i'm always cold the thing is [Music] that was a good borderlands right there i'd like to get a power lynch do you think you can uh all right i'm gonna i'm gonna attempt to do some mind moving movement [Music] but the tower or the sandwich the sample the sandwich the sandwich oh my goodness what just happened you're one of your porter's mouths and not a hundred no it was the other way okay well that's the way it goes the other way that's the way the cookie sandwich crumbles now we got a cookie sandwich [Music] the left doesn't seem to be doing [Music] [Music] anything but is center going to take the tower down no center will probably just have quarters moving around it [Music] are you out of corners i'm out of quarters and it still did not fall down i can't believe this [Music] i got kicked out thank you for the 57 in ammo i apparently elvis says i'm gonna go to the left and see if i can tackle it okay she's going to the left completely and totally to the left to knock the tower down she i i jumped around too much she was like left right center i mean really she was just trying to get the bike back here she's the one tommy live right right she's trying to take it down well i'm gonna see if my uh if my touch can do something what is it you think your touch is gonna do i don't know i'm not sure what the hell is to happen interesting philosophy here george let me see if my luck [Applause] [Music] you said the oh luck say it again the other tower is moving now oh man oh my goodness that was perfection right oh man that thing dropped right where you wanted it to do oh you said something like that i don't remember sometimes you say something i just don't listen wow and you guys that was that was amazing that was right where it was supposed to be good thing i stretched i just i just wanted to say that you're welcome thank you i set that baby up for in the fall but i did thank you in the beginning i said thank you for the 57 yeah that's true and i thank you for setting me up for getting all those corner recorders so it's a good it's a good idea if you're ever going to play these then one person is gonna lose to always be there with a second person that's on your team that can win it sometimes you gotta call in the relief pitcher you know what i'm saying the relief point pusher wow wow that was pretty awesome that was exciting it's like the leaning tower together the other tower pizza or the sandwich to do the other thing there's any power there was ever a pizza sandwich that was it nice so awesome pretty epic oh you're gonna get another one of them stop stuck on the glass and there's so many quarters holding it up right now it's gonna dance all over [Music] oh it'll rotate you got so many quarters if you can keep all the left quarters going down nail rota and she still has the roll of hundreds that's behind the second tower it's exciting it definitely is hiding and we gotta figure out what's in the uh 20 bucks just about 100 box too look at all these quarters look at all the bushes oh there it goes there it goes it's rotating it's rotating quarters are going down it's rotating this is on people good job buddy good job keep doing what you're doing we're going to rotate rotate what did you do apparently it likes to be sunk too all right you going for quarters where are you going for that second tower um i'm gonna go i don't know what you think left right center how much more ammo you got i have this many i've hit this many hit the right get that tower going we can't we can come back for more ammo if we need it but there's plenty in there so you can get that power movement because there's a 100 roll behind it too sweet man that thing fell so perfect so perfect [Music] it was pure perfection that was intense oh your tower's moving [Music] i mean your sandwich is moving it's damaged that's a sweet little money sandwich because we don't play towers we despise towers we have boycotted all towers but we still love sandwiches turkey swiss cheese i do love a good grilled cheese sandwich grilled cheese cheeseburger sandwich jumbo dog a good chick-fil-a sandwich let's just stop right now go get chick-fil-a yeah let's walk away the chick-fil-a is better than any money [Music] especially especially since i gotta lose weight so i can go through the devil's pitch in west virginia i need some chick-fil-a pizza motivation [Music] [Music] she spun the 100 roll i don't know how she manages to spin things like all right done down to two quarters no three three quarters left three quarters left here we go dropping it take that tower [Music] oh [Music] oh yeah all right take that tower down i know i can't do it but you can come on take it take it take it take it appreciate the confidence if jeremy can't do it george can give me a g g give me an e oh my god what's that spell i don't know i can't spell i can't read horseman come on george come on there's a lot of money on the line right now she's got all the ammunition she needs once you go right you finally went right there's one two three four five six there's seven hundred dollars in that hundred dollar bundle which means there's seven hundred dollars that's fourteen hundred dollars right there fourteen hundred dollars there's another one 160 wow then you add all the quarters there's easily you got this you got this i'm not good at math there's usually some money in there i'm not good at math or reading look at all the money come on you got this [Music] definitely was difficult but first of all oh whoa the top hundred the top hundred it's on the glass [Music] oh man remember that one time when you fell for me in the right direction on day three [Music] you're so funny you're very funny george why do you know carl why do you know carl is that power is that power being stubborn i love it just a little bit [Music] it's weeble wobbling it's weird wobbling just remember weebles always wobble but they don't fall down good good words to live by [Music] it looks like it's 50 50. it could either fall to the left to the right [Music] well the hundreds are definitely on to oh no the hundreds are rolling the wrong way this hurts this hurts what's it doing it's teasing you same taco bell [Music] you do like cinnamon twists [Music] oh what about the tower the tower is being very stubborn right now that's why i call it don't you name all your powers [Music] i mean the sandwich i meant the sandwich yeah yeah [Music] now we're talking something magical is happening [Applause] yes oh my goodness that was epic that was perfect that was that's so nervous oh man how amazing was that we have to play every sandwich we ever find you have to play every sandwich sandwiches are where it's at george sandwiches man that was awesome that was so cool i would love to see it in slow motion you do love my slow motion slow motion that was amazing [Music] nice job thank you for losing this game you're doing okay now i'm making a comeback call me come back to work not bad not bad [Music] although there are a lot of hundred bills waiting to be claimed [Music] do you see anything was there anything hidden in the sandwich uh let me there's quarters falling i don't [Music] see anything sticking i'm scanning i'm scanning and i don't see i don't know there's a big lump to the right there could be something could be something hiding under there they're so close there is a big lump to the right oh nice nice miracles are happening now oh yeah double whammy that was awesome [Music] man when there was no hope out of the darkness out of the silence hope emerged i didn't have any hope in the beginning and then i came back [Music] russian russian sandwiches left and [Music] right nice nice are you running out of quarters yet i'm getting low nope all right i'm down to three she's down to three she's taking two towers out she's taking bundles out and she's taking me out for ice cream after this and a sandwich [Music] there it is i never thought i would see it in your hands wow and 178 and 25 cents and quarters i think you got some ammo to work with so much ammo i don't get those two rolls down by the end of this bag uh something's wrong what's the goal then i'm gonna go to the left you're going all left yep even to get the rolls to the right well i'm hoping that the roll on the right will move along with it with the pushing to the left yes oh yes [Music] nice nice knife i don't think why but i'm sandwiching [Music] don't that's not good you got to get it roll forward there you go there's a good push forward there's a good push forward are your fingers warmer now it helps a little bit thank you that's because i got nasty dragon bro were you eating meatballs no but you were [Music] i was eating weight watcher soup that's even worse gotta fit through devil's pinch baby or are you gonna try and get me stuck in there and leave me no i would never do that i have to go back and find our american flag oh light oh my goodness if we can find it i i'll be shocked if we find it but i'd be so happy if we did find it it's definitely not in the crevice area where i freaked out and panicked i know i had it long past that area you're sure you had it then yes [Music] i don't know why you didn't keep it out in your hand because it was hard to army crawl in the tight spots with it in my hands well if it makes you feel any better i just got four new extra backup o-light batteries oh nice any other headlamps no i just got batteries i didn't think you would need a headlamp i just got batteries i figured if if we had batteries we'd be okay well they had [Music] we're all good we'll be fine just with a head i mean a battery okay two batteries for you two batteries for me no flashlights we're gonna do a blind cape adventure [Music] we have to find our way into the cave blind by touch and then we have to find our way out blind by touch you know i don't do well in pitch black all i'm saying is whatever happens in the cave stays in the face this time around will be different i wonder how many people we've gotten how many people have said that they're for sure coming so none so far i think they're all scared nobody said they're for sure coming we just we've had a couple people we've had people say that they're [Music] there's a wedding [Music] wow [Music] nothing's for sure except that we're doing a blind cave we're going in blind we're coming out what's this we business we you mean you and if i come out crying i never agreed to that i don't recall ever agreeing to that do you see how the bundle's inching closer to the edge my plan is working [Music] i see that time you had a plan when you started this yeah i was going to attack the left with hopes that you did better than the person on the left that they gave on the right [Music] the guy playing nexus didn't [Music] never came back oh yeah come on [Music] oh yeah nice nice nice [Music] oh that hundred dollar roll is so close [Music] you're getting it you're getting [Music] ice cream sandwich that's what i want big old fat ice cream sandwich you got it with extra cream creamy goodness in the middle i love me some creamy goodness what kind of sandwich do you want i don't know a chicken pesto sandwich sounds good well i have no idea what she just said on that second word but [Music] you know it sounds really good good old amish buffet fried chicken is on point we gotta go back home to ohio for that though yeah do they not have amish country in the state that we're in not to my knowledge i mean i've never heard of an area like that here but i could be wrong [Music] i don't know i don't know of an amish community here that's probably better said that way i don't know of an amish community and i'm sure that's because with the land and how are you supposed to farm in that house [Music] it's moving the bundle's moving come on baby come this way you better not be saying come on baby to elvis no it's talking the bundle sure if i was talking almost you know excuse me do you want to stay here for two months sure i could live here don't threaten me with a good time [Music] i tell you what i go home to amish country i get me some buffet i'll pick you back up on my way down when i go caving deal you're gonna go eat at a buffet by yourself no you wouldn't yeah i wouldn't without hesitation hey don't worry you got elvis oh my goodness oh my goodness it was so close to falling you and elvis can live it up by me and the amish is living up we [Music] time to cut that thread with your coin [Music] oh nice nice [Music] that was a sweet push nice job oh my goodness how the hell did you just do that i just got a bonus how the hell did you do that we got all this thing for that i don't know how she does it are you questioning my abilities and my skills questioning no yeah i guess i am [Music] i for sure thought i would have both rolls down in the hopper before the end of my bag and i'm getting close and getting really low on borders [Music] that's all right jams are working themselves out like they always do and come on [Music] what a pull and a push wow love me some bonus please all right i'm down to six quarters six quarters let's see if she can push it all look at that bonus i can't believe she did that rescue mission time you got a rapido yes all right i can rescue all the monies in the blink you're going to the right to the right there she goes to the right to the right to the right to the right to the right not to the left or not to the left a few inches later he's singing now's your chance [Music] rapido [Music] [Applause] rapido [Music] [Applause] so amazing two thousand eighty dollars in paper money [Music] wow two hundred thirteen dollars and fifty cents in quarters all right let's see what's in that hundred dollar box mystery box oh nice another golden quarter for the collection i love it [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 43,366
Rating: 4.9490142 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, coin pusher jackpot, playing high stakes coin pusher, won money in high stakes coin pusher, coin pusher machine, coin pusher big win, coin pusher game, coin pusher money, high risk coin pusher jackpot, high risk coin pusher big win, won bitcoin, high risk coin pusher videos, progressive jackpots
Id: dD26CtXiuYM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 32sec (3572 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 06 2020
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