BEATING THE HOUSE On The High Limit Coin Pusher Jackpot WON MONEY / ASMR

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everybody deserves a second chance George and I'm ready I'm ready for battle you ready for what now I think you know oh I got the luck right here lucky homemade Franken stitch I'm ready guess he's ready [Music] [Music] okay-y this one are you playing to the left or the right right now what if you play middle and then it pushes the orders for the left or the right [Music] if you just knocked his quarters down and almost drunk those dollar bills on the playing field well I wanted to favor the left wait you said hit the center and see what that goes that could be wrong it's pushing everything else aside so maybe that's the best thing to do just to see what happens well it already not a little bit off there was the guy to your right lips it will be played $100 bills because quarters fell under the $100 bill amazing this is not them in the play [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm sure was Elvis if you can get how many more she's down the three quarters if you can get enough to throng oh come on come on so my number you sing a new singing with your three no no no here you go I got you I got you [Music] lucky bags loading seven dollars and seventy five cents but more importantly I got food and that's a no one to hold them on oh let me show him and I'll never walk away that's true you got 775 we got about a quarter [Music] [Music] [Music] that one just fell back a little bit nice looking fell for it keep you in the game I think you should use the actual song next time I couldn't it's yours you use everything - oh are you feel betrayed you use absolutely everything else with money now you don't want my song just because I used her toothbrush one time between the toilet those you asked for this oh my goodness you need a lucky song or borrow some [Music] seven dollars and twenty five so you went down okay do you think you can get that tower to fall for well you got to do something to stay in this game heard you say that before there's a pillar right there on the edge and you're certain you're starting up stumps that in whatever you did yeah yeah just what more keep doing it keep doing it keep you're doing it you're doing it this is falling in forward keep it up keep it up keep it up whatever yeah it's more it's going yes whatever doing keep doing it you're gonna be in the game you're gonna get it back you're getting more than you're putting in right now I promise you if you can get that other pillar of the diamond to fall forward three quarters to [Music] [Music] $9.75 come back to once again bounce has not won yet we won for the hundreds are you gonna show us you need to get them towers do and get more quarters than then just once you get all the quarters then you can go for the hungry whatever you're gonna land I mean perfect you win it yeah yeah just like that it's doing it again instead of getting caught up on the edge it's just like slide them right off the leaning tower of president it moved it wiggled it wobbled there we go there we go there we go there we go you doing it for the man the plan was to get it to fall forward sideways it can't be too long today there's people everywhere I don't know what it is about today everybody we've done before all right better making pillow Elvis yes sing please and come on Elvis yet you got $1 you ready for salt no I mean you just said you were brother you ready in a plane no you said you were ready for some turkey everybody else heard you do what I really meant I'm ready to play but that bags won't ever ever be ready for that that song is ready for you okay maybe maybe just play to one side like you usually do you got a coin Oh it's not only jazz stop it's big-time you're down to two Porter come on come on wiggle and shake I was wiggling shake I think your lucky bag is doing some rinks for your neighborhood like your powers have shifted no one just walk away we did $3.25 and let me play why don't we just shift here why don't we shift here everybody's deserves a second chance you saved me last time let me save you this time I never go okay so what are you doing you're going little because I want to get that money that thing is wrong what if it's lodging up all your that thing could be okay that thing could be lodging up your portraits it looks like it actually is just the same I thought maybe it was watching your quarter how many you have two quarters all those you have is two quarters weld with the right not bad not bad to go 925 you're going up going up that's not bad those one of our bills all right left or right or middle center left don't send her love she still has a box trap no no you need to rapid fire you need to rest the fire [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no more [Music] 16:15 it's not bad okay you go in the middle they're dropping in the middle you don't want to go left all the way I mean you got three boxes over there one is on the edge keep hitting left left that's the chance not your chance come on of us don't do a 30 Elvis don't do us dirty come on we need the hundred dollar boss come on in the South in the wolven that's it you know how was that thing he's been covering and hanging on it's getting so close it's twisted it's turned its got jammed up by quarters javi shot you taking it out right now Porter lounge go go left this whole time and if it doesn't if it doesn't move it then go to the right like you do sometimes and then everything to the left moves so there are none next pool then go to the right and see if that dislodges it [Music] get in reporter 3 more all right three more if you can just launch it if not we'll go right next push it lucky badges back in the game with 17.25 but you were a little while ago but I know I'm impressed all right all right all right remember your thumb all right you just won right all right you finally go right [Music] [Music] one quarter at a time get some more quarters playing a game [Music] yeah that was a really pretty push like those ones were all just waiting of knowing they were waiting the entire time [Music] big money look at this Porter hook falling like crazy finally so shifting to the right actually did not all the course to the right you want to hit the left no you go already and then pull and they go all up again maybe it will just launch [Music] [Music] that's all you got [Music] yeah because once you go right you finally went wrong okay so you're going all around nine dollars 25 cents 4995 dumped in that one that was like the smartest decision we've made I'm the cheerleader so she's gonna plan now as we go all up and get them hundred down the bills on the dollar to make haha I mean this machine is hot today hot rapid fire into mode get caught oh there goes there goes one hundred dollar bills moans OH man this is because it's relaxing and intense at the same time it's orderly it's very very relaxing it's very very satisfying if you want to have a heart attack my blood pressure is so far up it's ridiculous not only are my armpits soaked my elbow hits or so my knee pits or so that goatee patch of hair on my back let's just say daddy gonna need some baby powder around for those some talc powder I need some talc powder some monkey butt [Music] we've got box of still stock instead of ice cream when we go get monkey monkey buck a lifetime supply of talcum powder baby powder the one is stuff those are pretty cool with your plan you put the plan Oh I can't believe they didn't all fall backwards this time a lot of them actually fell forward which was a huge blessing it's not typical that's for sure oh do you think I should try and move it with my mind again yeah everyone everybody everybody on three shake one deep breath - - deep breath shakedown now shake no no no no do it now shake your device at home should you device whatever you're doing shake it shake it don't break it if if your mum and dad nine months to make it I said shake it don't break it it's working thumbs washing all that when it's so thick enclose something is working [Music] [Music] actually get a better view here [Music] that other ones doing really good - that's the last one okay if she can get them all the first one we pulled out that was two $100 bills you're down the four quarters I think you got enough to get that other box or do you want to walk away you want to walk see what you got and nobody else walking away babe I'm thinking you better go for it you stress balls if there's anything in them you never start Bert wait wait how many did you get in points $75 in that time that is HUGE that was that's crazy nice so you're going for it no matter well right yeah all right 7:05 our last month to get 200 bucks that's a pretty good deal I'm gonna play this bagging if I don't get it done then you're quitting after this round you got a no one to hold them when the phone with them when they told them like I told her I told them I swear and you got to know when to scold them you're good at that they already know here you'll suppose the real quick do not know who she is that's the infamous joy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] lucky bang wasn't it yo are you gonna let me play now and then let's see if there's anything in this box it does not answer me are you gonna let me play now [Music] [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 289,360
Rating: 4.8954077 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, coin pusher jackpot, playing high stakes coin pusher, won money in high stakes coin pusher, coin pusher machine, coin pusher big win, coin pusher game, coin pusher money, high risk coin pusher jackpot, high risk coin pusher big win, won bitcoin, high risk coin pusher videos, progressive jackpots
Id: BH-0tnGrKEM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 1sec (1801 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2020
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